Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans Podrška infrastrukturnim projektima u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana EIB Water and Sanitation Project in Republika Srpska Projekat vodovodne i kanalizacione infrastrukture u Republici Srpskoj Prijedor Water and Wastewater Project Projekat razvoja vodovodnog i kanalizacionog sistema Opštine Prijedor Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina Project Preparation Feasibility Study Studija izvodljivosti za finansiranje projekata Croatia FYRo Macedonia Kosovo 05 March 2013 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Montenegro Serbia Municipality of Prijedor 1 Opening Remarks Uvodne napomene Marko Pavić Mayor of Prijedor Gradonačelnik Prijedora Sohail Hassan Environment Sector Key Expert – WYG-IPF1 Ključni ekspert za sektor zaštite životne sredine – WYG-IPF1 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 2 Structure of presentation Sadržaj prezentacije Introduction Uvod Water supply – Vodosnabdijevanje – findings/recommendations Wastewater collection findings/recommendations Wastewater treatment and sludge management findings/recommendations Evaluation of development options Environment analysis Financial analysis and appraisal Implementation strategy Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG nalazi/preporuke Prikupljanje otpadnih voda – nalazi i preporuke Tretman otpadnih voda i upravljanje muljem – nalazi i preporuke Analiza razvojnih projekata Analiza životne sredine Finansijska analiza Strategija implementacije Municipality of Prijedor 3 Water supply and wastewater collection and treatment Vodosnabdevanje, kanalisanje i tretman otpadnih voda Dejan Andjelkovic Senior Engineer – Water and Wastewater Odgovorni Inženjer – Komunalna Hidrotehnika WYG-IPF1 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 4 Input data Ulazni podaci Demographics (RS Statistics Institute, estimates from Municipality and local communities) Valid planning documentation Demografski podaci (RZS i procene po lokalnim zajednicama) Postojeća planska (urban, spatial, regulation) dokumentacija (urbanistički, prostorni, regulacioni...) Areal photos, cadastral maps Aero snimci i katastarske mape Vodovod billing and maintenance Baza potrošača i održavanja iz database Existing and proposed design / planning documentation from Municipality and Vodovod Industrial flow and load data Other relevant environmental and water/sanitation documentation and strategic plans Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Vodovoda Postojeća i planirana projektna i planska dokumentacija iz Opštine i Vodovoda Podaci o kvantitetu i kvalitetu industrijskih otpadnih voda Druga relevantna dokumentacija vezana za životnu sredinu, vodovod i kanalizaciju Municipality of Prijedor 5 Overall population trends from 1948-2011 Promene ukupnog stanovništva od 1948-2011 120000 110000 100000 90000 Population 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 Last census Poslednji popis 20000 10000 0 1948 1953 1961 1971 1981 1991 1993 2006 2011 Year Municipality Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Urban Rural Municipality of Prijedor 6 Long term population projections (2011-2040) Dugoročne demografske projekcije (2011-2040) 110,000 100,000 Population / Populacija 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Prijedor town / Grad Prijedor Rural areas / Ruralna područja Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 - Urban area / Urbano područje Municipality / Opština Municipality of Prijedor 7 Long term water demand projections (all sub-systems) Dugoročne projekcije potreba za vodom (svi podsistemi) Prijedor - Water demand projections - Long term (all sub-systems) 30,000 Water demand / Potrebe za vodom [m3/day] 27,500 25,000 22,500 20,000 17,500 15,000 12,500 10,000 7,500 5,000 2,500 Household sales / domacinstva fakturisano , m3/d Commercial sales / Industrija fakturisano, m3/d Social institutions sales / Javna preduzeca fakturisano, m3/d Total NRW / Ukupna neobracunata voda, m3/d Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 - 8 16,000 85,000 15,000 80,000 14,000 75,000 13,000 70,000 12,000 65,000 60,000 11,000 55,000 10,000 50,000 9,000 45,000 8,000 40,000 7,000 35,000 6,000 30,000 5,000 25,000 4,000 20,000 3,000 15,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 5,000 Household WW / Domacinstva, m3/d Commercial WW / Industrija, m3/d Social institutions WW / Javna preduzeca, m3/d Infiltration / Infiltracija, m3/d 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 - 2012 - Population connected / Prikljucena populacija WW production / Produkcija otpadnih voda [ m3/d] Long term WW production projections (all sub-systems) Dugoročne projekcije otpadnih voda (svi podsistemi) Population connected / Prikljucena populacija Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 9 Key Water Supply Issues - 1 Ključna pitanja vodosnabdevanja - 1 Advantages: Good urban coverage Availability and capacity of water sources Good raw water quality requiring minimal water treatment Upgraded and rehabilitated water intake and transmission components of the system Developed SCADA and telemetry On-going development and extension of service coverage Awareness of system shortcomings and requirements Competent and skilled Water Utility personnel Prednosti: Dobra urbana pokrivenost Dostupnost i kapacitet izvorišta Dobar kvalitet sirove vode koji zahteva minimalan tretman Unapređeni i rekonstruisani vodozahvatni i transportni objekti u sistemu Uvedena SCADA i telemetrija Kontinuirano širenje sistema za snabdevanje vodom i pokrivenosti Svest o nedostacima i potrebama sistema Kompetentno i obučeno osoblje Vodovoda Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 10 Key Water Supply Issues - 2 Ključna pitanja vodosnabdevanja - 2 Disadvantages: Over aged water distribution pipelines Undersized water mains / bottlenecks Extremely high NRW (around 80%) High rate (30%) of unmetered customers/service connections Problems related to customer meter accuracy, calibration and replacement Limited service coverage of Prijedor water supply system (around 80% urban, 55% rural). 55% on Municipality level Frequent pipe breaks, insufficient network hydraulic capacity, lack of network zoning Decreasing trend of high energy consumption Lack of GIS and asset management database Lack of calibrated hydraulic model Nedostaci: Starost distributivnih cevovoda Postojanje „uskih grla“ i pod dimenzionisanih distributivnih cevovoda Visoka stopa neobračunate vode (oko 80%) Visok stepen (30%) nemerenih (paušalnih) kućnih priključaka / potrošača Nedostaci vezani za tačnost kućnih vodomera, njihovu kalibraciju i zamenu Ograničena pokrivenost sistemom (oko 80% gradski, 55% seoski). 55% na nivou Opštine Česti kvarovi, nedovoljni hidraulički kapacitet mreže, nedostatak zona u mreži Trend smanjenja utroška el. energije Nedostatak GIS-a i baze podataka o objektima Nedostatak kalibrisanog matematičkog modela Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 11 Prijedor Prijedor Water Water Supply Supply Systems System Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Vodovodni sistem Prijedora Municipality of Prijedor 12 Existing water sources Postojeća izvorišta Reference Wells Pripadajući bunari Maximum Capacity Maksimalni kapacitet (l/s) Operational Capacity Radni kapacitet (l/s) B-1, B-2 20.0 - Matarusko polje I B-3, B-3/2, B-4, B-5 342.0 235.0 Matarusko polje II EB-1, EB-2, EB-3 235.0 150.0 PB-1, PB-3 115.0 75.0 712.0 460.0 Water Source Izvorište Tukovi Prijedorcanka TOTAL Main Water Treatment / Disinfection Locations in the System Glavne lokacije uređaja za tretman / hlorisanje vode u sistemu Well EB-3 Bunar EB-3 Well B-5 Bunar B-5 Well B-3/2 Bunar B-3/2 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG WT Barakovac R Barakovac Prijedorcanka Prijedorcanka Municipality of Prijedor 13 Overview of existing water distribution network Pregled postojeće vodovodne mreže Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 14 Basic water production and consumption data Osnovni podaci o proizvodnji i potrošnji vode Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 15 Water Balance for Prijedor Water Supply System Bilans proizvodnje i potrošnje vode u vodovodnom sistemu Prijedor Water Balance Component Komponenta bilansa 2009 2010 2011 2012 (6 months) Water produced – Prijedor Service Area Proizvedena voda m3 10,589,559 11,228,309 10,405,794 5,718,421 Billed Water Consumption Fakturisana potrošnja m3 2,316,877 2,183,292 2,136,498 1,090,789 Non-Revenue Water Neobračunata voda NRW m3 8,272,682 9,045,017 8,269,296 4,627,632 Non-Revenue Water Contribution Zastupljenost NRW % 78.12 80.56 79.47 80.92 Water produced - Prijedor Service Area (l/s) Proizvedena voda – vodovodni sistem Prijedor Water invoiced - population (l/s) Fakturisana potrošnja - domaćinstva Water invoiced - industry (l/s) Fakturisana potrošnja - privreda Water invoiced - public services/institutions (l/s) Fakturisana potrošnja - institucije Water invoiced - total (l/s) Ukupna fakturisana potrošnja Non-Revenue water (l/s) Neobračunata voda NRW NRW contribution (%) NRW zastupljenost Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 2009 2010 2011 2012 (6 months) 335.8 356.0 330.0 367.7 63.1 59.3 57.9 60.5 7.6 6.5 6.9 6.3 2.8 3.5 2.9 3.3 73.5 69.2 67.7 70.1 262.3 286.8 262.2 297.6 78.12% 80.56% 79.47% 80.92% Municipality of Prijedor 16 Water and Wastewater Development Project in Prijedor Municipality Projekat Vodosnabdevanja i Kanalisanja u Opštini Prijedor Overview of Technical Performance Indicators Prikaz tehničkih indikatora vodovodnog sistema Prijedor 2009 2010 2011 2012 (6 months) 70,385 73,037 75,828 75,881 48,198 50,005 51,890 51,942 22,188 23,032 23,938 23,939 Number of service connections Broj kućnih priključaka 13,144 13,748 14,599 16,582 Metered Connections Sa vodomerom 8,136 9,350 10,570 11,660 5,008 4,398 4,029 4,922 Total Population in Prijedor Water Supply Service Area Broj stanovnika u Prijedorskom vodovodnom sistemu Urban Urbano Rural Seosko Non metered Connections Bez vodomera Contribution (%) Zastupljenost Metered Consumption Merena potrošnja 62% 68% 72% 70% Non metered Consumption Paušalna potrošnja 38% 32% 28% 30% 41,587 48,252 50,580 54,518 33,262 38,562 40,231 41,282 8,325 9,690 10,349 13,235 59.08% 66.06% 66.70% 71.85% Connection Rate Urban (%) Stepen priključenosti Urbani 69.01% 77.12% 77.53% 79.48% Connection Rate Rural (%) Stepen priključenosti Seoski 37.52% 42.07% 43.23% 55.29% Population connected in Prijedor Water Supply Service Area Broj priključenih stanovnika na Prijedorski vodovodni sistem Urban Urbano Rural Seosko Connection Rate Total (%) Stepen priključenosti Ukupno Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 2009 2010 Length of network per connected capita (m/capita)* Dužina distributivne mreže po potrošaču 3.8 Number of consumers per km of network* Broj potrošača po km distributivne mreže 265 Number of service connections per km Broj kućnih priključaka po km 2011 2012 (6 months) 64.0 67.0 71.0 80.0 Water produced - Prijedor Service Area (m3) Proizvedena voda (m3/god) 10,589,559 11,228,309 10,405,794 5,718,421 Energy Consumption-Water Production (kWh) Utrošena el. Energija proizvodnja vode (kWh/god.) 6,667,693 6,544,456 5,505,183 2,302,848 0.63 0.58 0.53 0.40 Specific Energy Consumption - Water Production (kWh/m3) Specificna potrošnja energije - Proizvodnja vode * Note: Based on length of water distribution mains as per 2008 (205,377 m) and connected population as per 2012. Vrednosti na osnovu podataka o dužini distributivne mreže iz 2008. i priključenom stanovništvu iz 2012. godine. Municipality of Prijedor 17 Unit Consumption Rates Vrednosti specifične potrošnje 2009 2010 2011 2012 (6 months) Unit consumption rate - gross (l/cap/day) Ukupna bruto specifična potrošnja (l/stan/dan) 697.6 637.5 563.6 582.7 Unit consumption rate - total (l/cap/day) Ukupna specifična potrošnja (l/stan/dan) 152.6 124.0 115.7 111.2 Unit consumption rate - population total (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja stanovništva - ukupna (l/stan/dan) 131.1 106.1 99.0 101.3 Unit consumption rate - population urban (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja stanovništva - urban (l/stan/dan) 132.2 109.7 103.3 101.8 Unit consumption rate - population rural (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja stanovništva - rural (l/stan/dan) 113.3 95.7 88.9 99.6 Unit consumption rate - industrial (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja privrede (l/stan/dan) 15.8 11.6 11.9 10.0 Unit consumption rate - institutional (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja institucija (l/stan/dan) 5.8 6.3 4.9 5.3 545.0 513.6 447.9 471.6 Unit rate - Non-Revenue water (l/cap/day) Specifična potrošnja NRW (l/stan/dan) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 18 Proposed water supply improvements Predlozi za unapređenje vodosnabdevanja Improvement of Water Utility’s operational efficiency. Rehabilitation and replacement of existing water distribution network. Extension of water distribution network in the service area of existing water supply system. Construction of water distribution network in the settlements of “Crno Vrelo” subsystem. Development of “Tomasica lakes” water supply subsystem. Development of water sources. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Unapređenje operativne efikasnosti vodovodog sistema Prijedor Rehabilitacija i rekonstrukcija postojeće vodovodne distributivne mreže Proširenje distributivne mreže u okviru postojećeg vodovodnog sistema. Izgradnja distributivne mreže u naseljima vodovodnog podsistema “Crno Vrelo” Razvoj vodovodnog podsistema „Tomašička jezera“ Dodatna istraživanja i razvoj izvorišta vode Municipality of Prijedor 19 Proposed water supply improvements Predlozi za unapređenje vodosnabdevanja Prijedor Prijedor Water Water Supply Supply Systems System Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Vodovodni sistem Prijedora Municipality of Prijedor 20 Summary of Water Supply Development Options (Priority Investment Programme) Pregled razvojnih opcija za vodosnabdevanje (Prioritetni Investicioni Program) Minimum Case for Financial Appraisal Minimalni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu Crno Vrelo – primary networks in settlements Crno Vrelo – primarna mreža u naseljima Rehabilitation of Prijedor central water supply system Rehabilitacija mreže – Prijedorski sistem Total for Minimum Case Ukupno za Minimalni Slučaj KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 4,280,110 5,007,730 3,296,690 3,857,130 7,576,800 8,864,860 Base Case for Financial Appraisal Osnovni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu Total Investments - Minimum Case Ukupne Investicije – Minimalni Slučaj Tomasica Lakes project (new source, primary and secondary networks) Tomašička jezera (novo izvorište, primarne i sekundarne mreže) Total for Base Case Ukupno za Osnovni Slučaj KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 7,576,800 8,864,860 7,354,700 8,605,000 14,931,500 17,469,860 KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 14,931,500 17,469,860 High Case for Financial Appraisal Viši Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu Same as Base Case Isto kao za Osnovni Slučaj Total for High Case Ukupno za Viši Slučaj Cases used in financial appraisal Razvojne opcije korišćene za finansijsku ocjenu Total costs include escalation throughout implementation period (2013-2016) Ukupne cene korigovane za inflaciju tokom perioda implementacije (2013-2016) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 21 Existing wastewater systems within 1) urban and 2) Municipality areas Postojeći kanalizacioni sistemi u 1) urbanom 2) opštinskom području Municipality border – Granica Opštine Urban area border – Granica urbanog područja Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 22 Prijedor - Existing collection system Prijedor – Postojeći kanalizacioni sistem 1590 ha currently sewered (22% of wider urban area, and 2% of municipal area) Total existing population connected = 34,030 (62% of urban population, 34% of municipal population) Existing system comprises Prijedor centre, and urban areas of Urije, Cirkin Polje, Orlovaca, Raskovac Combined system (250 km, mostly concrete, AC and some recent PVC extensions) Single main outfall to open channel tributary to Sana River, no existing wastewater treatment Direct discharges to Puharska and other streams, and Sana and Gomjenica rivers 1590 ha pokriveno kanalizacionim sistemom (22% površine šireg urbanog područja, i 2% površine Opštine) Ukupno priključeno 34,030 stanovnika (62% urbane populacije, i 34% opštinske populacije) Postojeći sistem pokriva Prijedor centar, Urije, Čirkin Polje, Orlovača, Raskovac... Opšti sistem (250 km, uglavnom betonske i AC cevi, noviji projekti od plastičnih cevi) Jedan glavni ispust u otvoreni kanal koji se uliva u Sanu, nema tretmana otpadnih voda Direktni ispusti u Puharsku i druge potoke, kao i u Sanu i Gomjenicu Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 23 Existing wastewater system within Prijedor urban area Postojeći kanalizacioni sistem u urbanom području Prijedora Existing service area Obuhvat postojećeg sistema Urban area border – Granica urbanog područja Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 24 Main collector, open wastewater channel, Puharska stream Glavni kolektor, otvoreni kanal, Puharska Open wastewater channel Outfall of open channel to Sana river Outfall of main collector to open channel Sana River Novi GradPrijedor- Banja Luka Road Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 25 Main collector, open wastewater channel, Puharska stream Glavni kolektor, otvoreni kanal, Puharska Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 26 Prijedor subsystem (long term expansions) Prijedorski podsistem (dugoročna proširenja) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 27 Prijedor – Hydraulic model and analysis Prijedor – Hidraulički model i analiza 2009 flow data available for limited model calibration, best available population and water usage data used Podaci merenja iz 2009 god. korišćeni za grubu kalibraciju modela, kao i realne procene populacije i potrošnje vode Primary and main collectors are not more than 75% full during peak flows per section, in 2040 scenario Stepen ispunjenosti kolektora do 75% za maksimalne proticaje po deonici, na kraju projektnog perioda (2040) Self-cleaning velocities achieved for proposed diamaters even with existing average DWF Samočišćenje se postiže za predložene prečnike i sa trenutnim srednjim dnevnim proticajima u suvom periodu Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 28 Alternative options for conveyance system to WWTP Alternative transporta otpadnih voda ka PPOV Option 1 Required main collector length L= 5 km Option 2 Required main collector length L= 2.45km (cost saving cca Eur 1 Million) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 29 Proposed option for conveyance system to WWTP Predložena opcija transporta otpadnih voda ka PPOV Overflow structure Existing main collector and outfall Siphon under Puharska stream Main collector to WWTP Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 30 Alternative options for Gomjenica (least cost analysis) Alternativne opcije za Gomjenicu OPTION 1 Unit INVESTMENTS - KEY DATA WWTP Capacity (long term) - Prijedor + Gomjenica Capacity (long term) - Prijedor Capacity (long term) - Gomjenica Pumping stations Gomjenica main pumping station (H = 4m) PE PE PE OPTION 2 Pump Gomjenica Separate flows to single Gomjenica and Prijedor WWTPs Prijedor WWTP 57,000 5,000 l/s 62,000 25 INVESTMENT COSTS Prijedor WWTP (long term, including land costs) € x 1000 Gomjenica WWTP (long term, including land costs) € x 1000 Gomjenica main pumping station and pressure main (incl. land) € x 1000 6,406 925 - 6,784 95 INVESTMENT COST TOTAL Land cost Civil cost M&E cost OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COSTS (Annual) Maintenance Energy costs Prijedor WWTP (long term) Gomjenica WWTP (long term) Gomjenica main pumping station € € € € x x x x 1000 1000 1000 1000 7,331 248 2,834 4,250 6,879 237 2,669 3,973 € € € € € x x x x x 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 91 86 48 21 51 2 Staff costs Chemical/sludge disposal ANNUAL O&M COSTS TOTAL NET PRESENT VALUES (20 years, discounted @ 8%) LONG-TERM AVERAGE INCREMENTAL COST € x 1000 € x 1000 € x 1000 € x 1000 €/m3 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 112 149 421 11,022 0.38 88 145 371 10,117 0.34 Municipality of Prijedor 31 Conveyance schematic for Prijedor subsystem Šematski prikaz Prijedorskog podsistema Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 32 Population connected - Prijedor subsystem Priključeno stanovništvo – Prijedorski podsistem Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 33 WWTP Prijedor – Designated area for proposed site PPOV Prijedor – Šire područje za predviđenu lokaciju Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 34 WWTP Prijedor – Incoming flows and loads PPOV Prijedor – Ulazna hidraulička i organska opterećenja Unit Jedinica Phase 1 (2030) Faza 1 (2030) Phase 2 (2040+) Faza 2 (2040+) - 43,500 52,000 PE ES 51,000 62,000 l/s 123 140 l/s 480 565 l/s 240 282 kg/d 3,110 3,745 SS Ukupne rastvorene materije kg/d 3,565 4,300 BOD BPK mg/l 287 305 Nitrogen Azot mg/l 53 56 Phosphorus Fosfor mg/l 8.6 9.2 SS Ukupne rastvorene materije mg/l 336 357 Parameter Parametar Population connected Priključeni stanovnici Population equivalent Ekvivalentni stanovnici Average dry weather flow (total, including infiltration) Prosecni proticaj u suvom periodu (ukupni, sa infiltracijom) Peak flow to preliminary treatment Maksimalni proticaj ka preliminarnom tretmanu Peak flow to full treatment Maksimalni proticaj ka punom tretmanu BOD BPK Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 35 Prijedor Phase 1 WWTP – Process alternatives and cost summaries PPOV Prijedor Faza 1 – Procesne alternative i pregled troškova Option - Opcija Investment Cost Inv. Troškovi 000 Eur Annual Running Cost per PE Costs Trošak po ES Godišnji Op. Troškovi Eur 000 Eur Average Incremental Cost Srednji inkrementni trosak Eur/m3 Conventional Activated Sludge with anaerobic sludge digestion Konvencionalni aktivni mulj sa anaerobnom digestijom mulja 5,054 229 98 0.27 Activated Sludge (no primary settlement) with anaerobic sludge digestion Aktivni mulj (bez primarnog taloženja) sa anaerobnom digestijom mulja 4,878 270 94 0.28 Oxidation ditch (extended aeration) Oksidacioni jarak (produžena aeracija) 5,298 442 102 0.35 Activated Sludge (no primary settlement) with aerobic sludge stabilisation Aktivni mulj (bez primarnog taloženja) sa aerobnom stabilizacijom mulja 5,340 390 103 0.34 SBR (extended aeration) SBR (produžena aeracija) 5,316 464 103 0.36 SBR (primary settlement) with anaerobic sludge digestion SBR (sa primarnim taloženjem) sa anaerobnom digestijom mulja 4,765 232 92 0.26 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 36 Prijedor Phase 1 WWTP – Process alternatives and cost summaries PPOV Prijedor Faza 1 – Procesne alternative i pregled troškova Option - Opcija Investment Cost Inv. Troškovi 000 Eur Annual Running Cost per PE Costs Trošak po ES Godišnji Op. Troškovi Eur 000 Eur Average Incremental Cost Srednji inkrementni trosak Eur/m3 SBR (no primary settlement) with anaerobic sludge digestion SBR (bez primarnog taloženja) sa anaerobnom digestijom mulja 4,603 258 89 0.27 Conventional Activated Sludge with lime sludge stabilisation Konvencionalni aktivni mulj sa stabilizacijom mulja krečom 4,263 424 82 0.31 Biological filter with stone media and anaerobic digestion Biološki filter sa kamenom ispunom i anaerobnom digestijom 5,578 215 108 0.29 Biological filter with plastic media and lime stabilisation Biološki filter sa plastičnom ispunom i stabilizacijom krečom 4,938 366 95 0.31 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Membranski bioreaktor (MBR) 6,042 482 117 0.40 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 37 WWTP Prijedor – Proposed layout PPOV Prijedor – Predložena dispozicija Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 38 WWTP Prijedor – Process flow diagram PPOV Prijedor – Procesni dijagram Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 39 WWTP Prijedor – Main process units PPOV Prijedor – Glavne procesne jedinice Unit Jedinica Inlet pumping station Ulazna pumpna stanica Preliminary treatment Preliminarni tretman Primary settling tanks Primarni taložnici Biological treatment Biološki tretman Phase 1 (51,000 PE) Faza 1 (51,000 ES) Phase 2 (62,000 PE) Faza 2 (62,000 ES) (2 duty + 1 standby) pumps, each @ Q=1017 m3/h Screening, Grit Removal and Odour Control Fine rešetke, aerisani peskolov, kontrola mirisa 2 x D=23m 2 x D=23m 4 SBR tanks (V tot=4,150 m³) 8 SBR tanks (V tot=8,300 m³) Secondary settlement Sekundarno taloženje Not required with SBR process Nije potrebno sa SBR procesom Sludge thickening Ugušćivanje mulja Primary thickener / Primarni ugušćivač (1 x D=7m) Primary thickener / Primarni ugušćivač (1 x D=7m) Sludge treatment Tretman mulja 2 x Anaerobic digestor (D=12m) 2 x Anaerobic digestor (D=12m) Dewatering Dehidracija mulja 1 x belt thickener / trakasti ugušćivač 1 x belt thickener / trakasti ugušćivač Sludge storage Skladištenje mulja 1 x sludge tank / tank za mulj (D=8 m) 1 x sludge tank / tank za mulj (D=8 m) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 40 Rehabilitation – Prijedor subsystem Rehabilitacija – Prijedorski podsistem Component Komponenta Amount excl VAT / Iznos bez PDV Amount inc VAT / Iznos sa PDV [€] [KM] [€] [KM] Survey of existing Prijedor wastewater system (Flows and loads, CCTV) Snimanje postojećeg sistema, merenje količina i sastava otpadnih voda 30,000 58,500 35,100 68,450 Immediate rehabilitation measures (estimate, actual needs defined following system survey) Hitne mere za rehabilitaciju (stvarne potrebe će biti definisane nakon detaljnog snimanja) 800,000 1,560,000 936,000 1,825,200 Long term replacement programme for combined system Prijedor (20 year programme) Dugoročni program rehabilitacije za kombinovan sistem (20 godina) 12,000,000 23,400,000 14,040,000 27,378,000 TOTAL Rehabilitation - Prijedor sub-system UKUPNO Rehabilitacija – Prijedorski podsistem 12,830,000 25,018,500 15,011,100 29,271,650 Design horizon up to 2030, costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Vremenski horizont do 2030, cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 41 Sewage extensions – Prijedor subsystem Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Prijedorski podsistem Component Amount excl VAT Amount inc VAT [€] [KM] [€] [KM] Primary collectors from Brezicani to WWTP site 505,890 986,490 591,900 1,154,190 Primary collector along Puharska stream right bank 592,900 1,156,160 693,700 1,352,710 Primary collector along Puharska stream left bank (Gornja Puharska, Gasica naselje) 399,300 778,640 467,190 911,010 Primary collector Donja Puharska / Cejreci 405,900 791,510 474,910 926,070 Tukovi secondary network and house connections 1,782,000 3,474,900 2,084,940 4,065,640 Gomjenica primary, secondary networks and house connections 4,895,000 9,545,250 5,727,150 11,167,950 Brezicani secondary network and house connections 436,590 851,360 510,820 996,090 Cejreci secondary network and house connections 630,630 1,229,730 737,840 1,438,790 Donja Puharska secondary network and house connections 49,500 96,530 57,920 112,940 Donji Orlovci secondary network and house connections 207,900 405,410 243,250 474,330 Orlovaca secondary network and house connections 353,430 689,190 413,520 806,360 Raskovac secondary network and house connections 457,380 891,900 535,140 1,043,520 Gornja Puharska secondary network and house connections 436,590 851,360 510,820 996,090 Remaining Prijedor secondary network and house connections 665,280 1,297,300 778,380 1,517,840 11,818,290 23,045,730 13,827,480 26,963,530 TOTAL Sewage extensions – Prijedor sub-system Design horizon up to 2030, costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Vremenski horizont do 2030, cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 42 Conveyance and treatment – Prijedor subsystem Transport i tretman otpadnih voda – Prijedorski podsistem Component Komponenta Amount excl VAT / Iznos bez PDV Amount inc VAT / Iznos sa PDV [€] [KM] [€] [KM] Overflow structure upstream of existing main outfall / Prelivna građevina uzvodno od postojećeg ispusta 15,000 29,250 17,550 34,230 Crossing under Puharska stream (dual inverted siphon)/ Prolaz ispod Puharske (sifon) 33,000 64,350 38,610 75,290 Main collector to WWTP site / Glavni kolektor do PPOV 646,800 1,261,260 756,760 1,475,680 WWTP bypass pipeline to river / Obilazni vod oko PPOV 79,200 154,440 92,670 180,700 Prijedor WWTP - Phase 1 (51,000 PE) / PPOV Prijedor - Faza 1 (51,000 ES) 4,828,000 9,414,600 5,648,760 11,015,090 Prijedor WWTP - upgrade to Phase 2 (62,000 PE total ) / PPOV Prijedor - Faza 2 (ukupno 62,000 ES) 2,249,400 4,386,330 2,631,800 5,132,010 15,310,230 9,186,150 17,913,000 TOTAL Conveyance and treatment - Prijedor subsystem / UKUPNO Transport I tretman - Prijedorski podsistem 7,851,400 Design horizon up to 2030, costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Vremenski horizont do 2030, cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 43 Sewage extensions – Kozarac subsystem Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Podsistem Kozarac Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 44 Sewage extensions – Kozarac subsystem Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Podsistem Kozarac Component Amount excl VAT Amount inc VAT [€] [KM] [€] [KM] 1,702,250 3,319,390 1,991,640 3,883,690 Kozarac WWTP (7000 PE) 847,000 1,651,650 990,990 1,932,440 Kevljani-Petrov Gaj primary, secondary networks and house connections 574,200 1,119,690 671,820 1,310,040 Kevljani-Petrov Gaj WWTP (2000 PE) 396,000 772,200 463,320 903,480 2,371,880 4,625,160 2,775,100 5,411,440 451,000 879,450 527,670 1,028,960 3,510,100 6,844,700 4,106,820 8,008,300 610,500 1,190,480 714,290 1,392,860 2,013,970 3,927,230 2,356,340 4,594,860 676,500 1,319,180 791,510 1,543,440 13,153,400 25,649,130 15,389,500 30,009,510 Kozarac primary, secondary networks and house connections Kamicani primary, secondary networks and house connections Kamicani WWTP (1500 PE) Trnopolje primary, secondary networks and house connections Trnopolje WWTP (2400 PE) Kozarusa primary, secondary networks and house connections Kozarusa WWTP (2850 PE) TOTAL Sewage extensions - Kozarac sub-system Costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 45 Sewage extensions – Omarska subsystem Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Podsistem Omarska Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 46 Sewage extensions – Omarska subsystem Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Podsistem Omarska Component Amount excl VAT Amount inc VAT [€] [KM] [€] [KM] Omarska primary, secondary networks and house connections 2,125,750 4,145,220 2,487,130 4,849,900 Donja Omarska primary, secondary networks and house connections 1,174,250 2,289,790 1,373,880 2,679,060 Srednja Omarska primary, secondary networks and house connections 1,212,750 2,364,870 1,418,920 2,766,890 Srednja Lamovita primary, secondary networks and house connections 1,418,730 2,766,520 1,659,910 3,236,830 Donja Lamovita primary, secondary networks and house connections 1,330,730 2,594,920 1,556,950 3,036,050 Nisevici primary, secondary networks and house connections 1,844,700 3,597,170 2,158,300 4,208,690 Omarska WWTP (7600 PE) 1,045,000 2,037,750 1,222,650 2,384,170 TOTAL Sewage extensions – Omarska sub-system 10,151,910 19,796,240 11,877,740 23,161,590 Costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 47 Sewage extensions – Rural systems Proširenje kanalizacione mreže – Ruralni sistemi Component Amount excl VAT Amount inc VAT [€] [KM] [€] [KM] Ljubija primary network 875,880 1,707,960 1,024,780 1,998,310 Ljubija secondary network and house connections 317,630 619,370 371,630 724,670 Ljubija WWTP (2500 PE) 632,500 1,233,380 740,030 1,443,050 Zecovi sewage network and house connections 272,250 530,890 318,540 621,140 Zecovi WWTP (600 PE) 206,910 403,480 242,090 472,070 Carakovo sewage network and house connections 272,250 530,890 318,540 621,140 Carakovo WWTP (600 PE) 206,910 403,480 242,090 472,070 Hambarine sewage network and house connections 474,380 925,040 555,020 1,082,290 Hambarine WWTP (1200 PE) 347,880 678,360 407,020 793,680 Biscani sewage network and house connections 148,500 289,580 173,750 338,810 Biscani WWTP (400 PE) 112,860 220,080 132,050 257,500 Rizvanovici sewage network and house connections 107,250 209,140 125,490 244,700 Rizvanovici WWTP (300 PE) 81,510 158,950 95,370 185,970 Rakovcani sewage network and house connections 123,750 241,320 144,790 282,340 Rakovcani WWTP (300 PE) 94,050 183,400 110,040 214,580 4,274,510 8,335,320 5,001,230 9,752,320 TOTAL Sewage extensions and treatment systems Rural sub- Costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 48 Proposed wastewater systems (Long term) Predviđeni kanalizacioni sistemi (Dugoročno) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 49 Municipality of Prijedor – Long term strategic WW investment programme Opština Prijedor – Dugoročni investicioni program za otpadne vode Component Komponenta Amount excl VAT / Iznos bez PDV Amount inc VAT / Iznos sa PDV [€] [KM] [€] [KM] TOTAL Conveyance and treatment – Prijedor sub-system UKUPNO Glavni kolektor i tretman – Prijedorski podsistem 7,851,400 15,310,230 9,186,150 17,913,000 TOTAL Rehabilitation - Prijedor sub-system UKUPNO Rehabilitacija – Prijedorski podsistem 12,830,000 25,018,500 15,011,100 29,271,650 TOTAL Sewage extensions - Prijedor sub-system UKUPNO Proširenja – Prijedorski podsistem 11,818,290 23,045,730 13,827,480 26,963,530 TOTAL Collection and treatment - Kozarac sub-system UKUPNO Prikupljanje i tretman – Podsistem Kozarac 13,153,400 25,649,130 15,389,500 30,009,510 TOTAL Collection and treatment - Omarska sub-system UKUPNO Prikupljanje i tretman – Podsistem Omarska 10,151,910 19,796,240 11,877,740 23,161,590 TOTAL Collection and treatment – Rural sub-systems UKUPNO Prikupljanje i tretman – Ruralni podsistemi 4,274,510 8,335,320 5,001,230 9,752,320 TOTAL Long Term Strategic Investment Programme UKUPNO Dugoročni Strateški Investicioni Program 60,079,510 117,155,150 70,293,200 137,071,600 Costs include design and physical contingency (10%) Cene uključuju projektovanje i rezervu za nepredviđene troškove (10%) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 50 Wastewater - Priority Investment Programme (EIB project) Otpadne vode - Prioritetni Investicioni Program (Projekat EIB) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 51 Wastewater - Priority Investment Programme Otpadne vode - Prioritetni Investicioni Program Minimum Case for Financial Appraisal (from approved Project Fiche) Minimalni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu (po odobrenom Projektnom Fišeu) KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om Tukovi - secondary network and house connections (Phase 2) Tukovi – sekundarna mreža i kućni priključci (Faza 2) 3,518,340 4,116,460 Gomjenica - wastewater network (Phase 1) Gomjenica – kanalizacija (Faza 1) Total for Minimum Case Ukupno za Minimalni Slučaj 3,577,230 4,185,360 7,095,570 8,301,820 KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 7,095,570 8,301,820 Kozarac primary and secondary sewage and stormwater networks Kozarac – primarna i sekundarna fekalna kanalizacija, kišna kanalizacija 3,422,135 4,003,900 Omarska and Donja Omarska - primary and secondary sewage and stormwater networks Omarska i Donja Omarska – primarna i sekundarna fekalna kanalizacija, kišna kanalizacija 7,674,000 8,978,580 Total for Base Case Ukupno za Osnovni Slučaj 18,191,705 21,284,300 KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 18,191,705 21,284,300 1,551,050 1,814,725 9,845,360 11,519,075 29,588,115 34,618,095 Base Case for Financial Appraisal (from approved Project Fiche) Osnovni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu (po odobrenom Projektnom Fišeu) Total Investments - Minimum Case Ukupne Investicije – Minimalni Slučaj High Case for Financial Appraisal Viši Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu Total Investments – Minimum and Base Cases Ukupne Investicije – Osnovni Slučaj Conveyance system to Prijedor WWTP (overflow, main collector, bypass pipeline) Transportni sistem do PPOV Prijedor (preliv, glavni kolektor, obilazni vod) Prijedor WWTP (Phase 1 = 51000 PE) PPOV Prijedor (Faza 1 = 51000 ES) Total for High Case Ukupno za Viši Slučaj Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 52 Summary of Priority Investment Programme for Financial Appraisal Pregled razvojnih opcija za finansijsku ocjenu Minimum Case for Financial Appraisal (from approved Project Fiche) Minimalni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu (po odobrenom Projektnom Fišeu) KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om Investments - Water supply Investicije – Vodosnabdevanje 7,576,800 8,864,860 Investments - Wastewater Investicije – Otpadne vode 7,095,570 8,301,820 Total for Minimum Case Ukupno za Minimalni Slučaj 14,672,370 17,166,680 Base Case for Financial Appraisal (from approved Project Fiche) Osnovni Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu (po odobrenom Projektnom Fišeu) Total Investments (water and wastewater) - Minimum Case Ukupne Investicije (vodovod i kanalizacija) – Minimalni Slučaj KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 14,672,370 17,166,680 7,354,700 8,605,000 11,096,135 12,982,480 Total for Base Case Ukupno za Osnovni Slučaj 33,123,205 38,754,160 High Case for Financial Appraisal Viši Slučaj za Finansijsku Ocjenu Total Investments (water and wastewater) - Base Case Ukupne Investicije (vodovod i kanalizacija) – Osnovni Slučaj Investments - Water supply Investicije – Vodosnabdevanje Investments - Wastewater Investicije – Otpadne vode Total for High Case Ukupno za Viši Slučaj KM exc VAT KM bez PDV-a KM inc VAT KM sa PDV-om 33,123,205 38,754,160 0 0 11,396,410 13,333,800 44,519,615 52,087,960 Investments - Water supply Investicije – Vodosnabdevanje Investments - Wastewater Investicije – Otpadne vode Cases used in financial appraisal Razvojne opcije korišćene za finansijsku ocjenu Total costs include escalation throughout implementation period (2013-2016) Ukupne cene korigovane za inflaciju tokom perioda implementacije (2013-2016) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 53 Environmental Zaštita životne sredine Findings and recommendations in respect to proposed development project Nalazi i preporuke predloženog razvojnog projekta Karina Zachodni Senior Environmentalist – WYG-IPF1 Ekspert za zaštitu životne sredine – WYG-IPF1 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 54 Environmental Considerations – Pitanja životne sredine Environmental review – content Legal Review •Impact of developments: Water quality, health •Benefits & Wastewater • Summary Impact Assessment WWTP location Water Pregled životne sredine - sadržaj Pravni aspekti Kvalitet vode i zdravlje Zagađenje otpadnim vodama Alternativne lokacije za PPOV Koristi i uticaj razvoja Kratka procjena uticaja Vode Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 55 Key differences – Osnovne razlike Existing legislative Environment protection (EU Postojeća regulativa Zaštita životne sredine Directive 85/337/EEC) Water (WFD) Nature (92/45/EEC and 79/409/EEC) Waste (WFD 2006/12/EC) Spatial Planning Cultural heritage Drinking water Discharges to surface waters Discharges to sewage Waste Sewage sludge disposal Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG (Direktiva EU 85/337/EEC) Voda (ODV) Priroda (92/45/EEC i 79/409/EEC) Otpad (WFD 2006/12/EC) Prostorno uređenje Kulturno naslijeđe Voda za piće Ispuštanje u površinske vode Ispuštanje u kanalizaciju Otpad Odlaganje kanalizacionog mulja Municipality of Prijedor 56 EIA - PUŽS Environmental Impact Assessment in • Law on Protection of Environment (OGRS, no. 53/02) EIA contents (OGRS, 118/05), projects • with obligatory EIA, criteria for obligation and scope of EIA (OGRS, 07/06) Procedure (up to 285 days): • Screening Deciding on need for EIA Scope and contents of EIA study Public discussion Revision of EIA study Decision on request for EIA consent Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Procjena uticaja na životnu sredinu u Zakonu o zaštiti životne sredine (SGRS; br, 53/02) Sadržaj PUŽS (SGRS, 118/05), projekti za koje se sprovodi PUŽS, obaveza sprovođenja i obim PUŽS (SGRS, 07/06) Procedura (do 285 dana): – – – – – – Prethodna PUŽS Odluka o potrebi za PUŽS Sadržaj studije o PUŽS Javna rasprava Revizija studije o PUŽS Odobravanje PUŽS Municipality of Prijedor 57 Pre-treatment of Industrial WW – Predtretman industrijskih otpadnih voda Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 58 Local level – Lokalni nivo The Decision on Water Supply and Sewage (OG no. 05/07) Decision on Approval of Draft Version of Programme for Sanitary Protection of Water (OG no. 05/05) ) Decision on Approval of Final Version of Programme for Sanitary Protection of Water (OG no. 01/06) Decision on Protection of Water Intakes Matarusko polje – Tukovi, Matarusko polje II and Prijedorcanka (OG no. 09/06) Decision on Rural Public Drinking Water Supply Structures (OG no. 01/04) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 59 Existing Situation – Postojeće stanje Wastewater Producers Proizvođači otpadnih voda Septic Tanks – Septičke jame Wastewater collection system – Sistem za prikupljanje otpadnih voda untreated wastewater / solids / sludge netretirane otpadne vode / čvrste materije / mulj Downstream Users - Nizvodni korisnici Sana Rive r and Stre ams – Rije polluted ka Sana i infiltratio pritoke n – zaga đenje inf iltracijom Groundw ater – po dzemne v ode Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 60 Sana River Water Quality Kvalitet vode reke Sane 1000000 Ukupni fosfor 100000 Ortofosfati 10000 NO2‐N Kadmijum Value at Novi Grad 1000 koliformnih fekalnih bakterija 100 Uk. br. koliformnih bakterija 10 Uk. br. fekalnih streptokoka 1 Uk. br. aerobnih organotrofa 26oC 0.1 Uk. br. aerobnih organotrofa 36 oC No change 0.01 Novi Grad = Prijedor x 2 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 1000000 100000 1000 10000 Value at Prijedor 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.001 Novi Grad = Prijedor x 5 Novi Grad = Prijedor x 20 Municipality of Prijedor 61 Water Quality and Flooding Kvalitet vode i poplave Town supplied with chlorinated groundwater Normally good quality Rising trend of failed samples as a percentage of the total taken for both raw water and, to a lesser degree, treated water Flooding also a construction risk Snabdjevanje hlorisanom vodom Pretežno dobar kvalitet vode Povećan stepen neadekvatnih uzoraka za sirovu vode, i manjim delom za tretiranu vodu Poplave predstavljaju rizik za izgradnju Failed Raw Water Samples by Supply System Failed Treated Water Samples by Distribution System 25% 10% 6% Cumulative % of all Samples Failing Cumulative % of all samples failing 8% % Treated (failed) 20% % Raw (failed) % Donja Dragotinja (failed) 15% % Ljubija – Hambarine subsystem (failed) 4% % Urban subsystem (failed) % Kozarac – Kamicani subsystem (failed) 10% % Ljubija – Hambarine subsystem (failed) % Urban subsystem (failed) 2% 5% 0% Jul‐10 Aug‐10 Oct‐10 Dec‐10 Mar‐11 May‐11 Jul‐11 Sep‐11 Nov‐11 Jan‐12 Mar‐12 May‐12 Jul‐12 0% Jul‐10 Aug‐10 Oct‐10 Dec‐10 Mar‐11 May‐11 Jul‐11 Sep‐11 Nov‐11 Jan‐12 Mar‐12 May‐12 Jul‐12 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 62 Wastewater - Otpadne vode Only 34 % of municipality is sewered, 62% of urban population Percolating septic tanks in use Discharges to Sana river Oko 34% opštinskog stanovništva spojeno na kanalizaciju, 62% gradskog Propusne septičke jame Ispusti u Sanu i pritoke Tretman ne postoji Treatment –none Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor Municipality of Teslic 63 Tomasica Lake and Catchment Tomašička jezera Leisure Complex al i t n nt e id me s Re elop v de Alluvial deposits Fish ponds Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 64 20 km from Tomasica to Prijedor 20km of Tomašica do Prijedora Pipel in Cevo e will cros vod p s rive relazi r and reku i poto multiple s tream ke s Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 65 WWTP Site 1 Too Close to Houses Lokacija 1 – blizu kuća Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 66 No houses within 500m radius of WWTP 2 Nema kuća do 500m od PPOV lokacije 2 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 67 Proposed WWTP Touches Protection Zone Lokacija na samoj granici šire zone zaštite Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 68 Benefits of the Project - Koristi projekta More reliable drinking water supply Removes groundwater pollution risk Removes wastewater discharges to surface water Reduces health risks Poboljšani nivo i pouzdanost vodosnabdevanja Zaštita vrednih vodnih resursa od zagadjivanja Poboljšanje kvaliteta povrsinskih voda Smanjenje rizika po zdravlje stanovništva Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 69 Summary of impacts – PIP Kratak pregled uticaja projekta Summary of impacts – PIP - Kratak pregled uticaja projekta PIP components Prijedor WWTP Treatment Capacity (pe) Gravity sewers (m) Tukovi secondary network and house connections (Phase 2) Gomjenica primary network (Phase 1) Kozarac primary and secondary sewage and stormwater networks Omarska primary and secondary sewage and stormwater networks (Omarska and Donja Omarska) Conveyance system to Prijedor WWTP (overflow, main collector, bypass Sewage pumping Gomjenica pumping station (l/s) Water supply investments Network extensions (m) Crno Vrelo water supply project ‐ primary network in settlements Tomasica Lakes water supply project (new source, primary and secondary networks) Network rehabilitation (replacement of existing pipes) Rehabilitation of Prijedor central water supply system Sludge Disposal To landfill or Non‐agricultural use of sludge for soil conditioning and fertilisation Minimum C Base C O 0 19200 13500 O 0 ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ N 19200 13500 51,000 ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ 1800 ‐‐ ++ 19200 13500 1800 ‐‐ ++ N 17650 17650 N N 2800.0 High C O ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ 25 ‐‐ ++ 25 ‐‐ ++ 25 ‐‐ ++ 61200 ‐‐ ++ 61200 ‐‐ ++ 61200 ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ ‐‐ ++ 61200 61200 61200 N 86800 86800 0 0 0 N N Y ‐‐ ‐‐ N N Y ‐‐ +++ Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 70 Conclusions - Zaključci Significant beneficial impact No potential risks to public health Good design and construction practice = no unacceptable environmental impact Koristan učinak je znacajan Bez projekta = veliki nepovoljni uticaji na zdravlje ljudi Dobro projektovanje i izvođenje – nema neprihvatljiv ekološki utjecaj Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 71 Sludge Management Strategic Approach Strateški pristup upravljanju muljem Best Practicable Environmental Option – integrated evaluation of sludge treatment and use / disposal options Priority is to identify sludge outlets that: Recycle nutrients and organic matter on land (agriculture, forestry, land reclamation) Recover energy (incineration, cocombustion) Najbolja izvodljiva ekološka opcija – integrisana evaluacija opcija za tretman mulja i njegovo korišćenje/odlaganje Priorit predstavlja identifikovanje upotrebe mulja kojom se postiže: Recikliranje nutrienata I organskih materija na zemljištu (poljoprivreda, šumarstvo, obnavljanje zemljišta) Obnavljanje energije (spaljivanje, koinsineracija) Landfill disposal is the option of last resort Odlaganje na deponiju je najmanje poželjna opcija Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 72 Sludge Use in Agriculture Upotreba mulja u poljoprivredi Sludge production at WWTP design capacity: 1080 t ds/y 135 ha/y required (at 8 t ds/ha) 2.5% of actually cultivated land Most farms too small for sludge spreading to be practicable 19 farms have 644 ha Marketing programme crucial Storage necessary (6 months) Proizvodnja mulja pri projektovanom kapacitetu PPOV: 1080 t SM/god Potrebno je 135 ha/god (za 8t SM/ha) 2,5% realno obradivog zemljišta Većina farmi je previše mala da bi upotreba mulja bila prakticna 19 farmi ima 644 ha Marketinški program je od suštinske važnosti Potrebno je skladište mulja (6 mjeseci) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 73 Sludge Use in Land Reclamation Upotreba mulja u obnovi zemljišta Large and long-term potential at Omarska mine 250 ha currently planned to be rehabilitated Potential demand 12,700 t ds 10 years of sludge production Long-term storage on mine Other periodic opportunities Značajan i dugoročni potencijal na rudniku Omarska Trenutno se planira da 250 ha bude sanirano Potencijalna potražnja je12.700 t SM 10 godina proizvodnje mulja Dugoročno skladištenje u rudniku Druge periodične prilike Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 74 Sludge Disposal Odlaganje mulja Regional sanitary landfill ‘Stara Pruga’ Kurevo 10 year waste capacity Gate fee (currently only 5 KM/t) Composting facility may be installed in the future Disposal of sludge only if no other option available Regionalna sanitarna deponija “Stara Pruga' Kurevo Kapacitet za odlaganje otpada je 10 godina Naknada za odlaganje otpada (trenutno samo 5 KM/t) Objekat za kompostiranje se može instalirati u budućnosti Odlaganje mulja samo ako nijedna druga opcija nije dostupna Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 75 Other Options for Sludge Use Upotreba mulja za obnavljanje energije Forestry Small area afforested annually No potential for sludge use Energy recovery Possible future potential Cement factory (proposed) Toplana (biomass project) Šumarstvo Godišnje se pošumi mala površina Nema potencijala za upotrebu mulja Dobijanje energije Mogući budući potencijal Cementara (predlozena) Toplana (projekat biomase) Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 76 Evaluation of Sludge Outlets in Prijedor Opcije za upotrebu/odlaganje mulja u Prijedoru Outlet Practicability Capacity Overall Feasibility Opcija Prakticnost Kapacitet Ukupna izvodljivost Kvalitet mulja Agriculture High Large High Stabilised, cake Poljoprivreda Visoka Visok Visoka Stabilizovan, kolac Land reclamation High Large High Stabilised, cake Obnavljanje zemljista Visoka Visok Visoka Stabilizovan, kolac Forestry Low Small Low Stabilised, dry Sumarstvo Niska Male Niska Stabilizovan, suv Nil - currently Nil Nil - Energy recovery Nula – trenutno Nula Nula - Obnovljiva energija High – future Large High Cake or dry Visoka - buduć nost Visok Visoka Kolac ili suv Landfill High Large High Stabilised, >35% ds Deponija Visoka Visok Visoka Stabilizovan, >35% SU Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Sludge Quality Municipality of Prijedor 77 Priorities for Sludge Strategy Development Prioriteti za razvoj strategije za mulj Maksimalno korišćenje mulja u Maximise use of sludge in land obnovi zemljišta kroz dugoročni rehabilitation by long-term sporazum sa ArcelorMittal-om agreement with ArcelorMittal Uvesti mulj na tržište za velike Market sludge to large farms and farme i obezbijediti sporazum secure agreement Uspostaviti lokalne smjernice o korišćenju mulja jer još uvijek ne Establish local guidelines on postoji nacionalni zakon sludge use as no national law yet Minimalno odlaganje na deponiju Minimise disposal to landfill Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 78 Financial Appraisal Finansijska Ocena Results of Financial Appraisal in respect to proposed development project Rezultati finansijske ocene predloženog razvojnog projekta Sohail Hassan Environment Sector Expert – WYG-IPF1 Ključni ekspert za zaštitu životne okoline – WYG-IPF1 Vladimir Surla Senior Financial Analyst – WYG-IPF1 Finansijski analitičar – WYG-IPF1 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 79 Operating financial result Operativni finansijski rezultat 3,300,000 2,800,000 2,300,000 1,800,000 1,300,000 800,000 300,000 -200,000 2009 2010 2011 1H2011 1H2012 -700,000 Operating revenues after estimated bad debt costs Operating costs Operativni prihodi nakon procenjenih troškova rezervisanja Operativni troškovi Adjusted operating loss Korigovani operativni gubitak • In order to assess operating profitability of the company, bad debt costs have been estimated as difference between reported revenues and collected related amounts. •Kako bi utvrdili operativnu profitabilnost kompanije, izvršena je procena troškova rezervisanja na potraživanjima kao razlika između generisanih prihoda i odgovarajućih uporedivih iznosa naplate. •It can be concluded that adjusted annual operating loss of the company is currently around KM 300-400 thousand. This is the additional amount needed in order for Vodovod to be able to cover all of its operating costs. •Može se zaključiti da korigovani operativni gubitak kompanije trenutno iznosi između KM 300-400 hiljada na godišnjem nivou. To predstavlja neophodan dodatni iznos sredstava kako bi Vodovod bio u mogućnosti da pokrije sve svoje tekuće operativne troškove. •Vodovod is not able to finance significant CAPEX, while these activities are financed primarily by Municipality. •Vodovod nije u mogućnosti da finansira značajnija kapitalna ulaganja, pri čemu se finansiranje ovih aktivnosti vrši pre svega od strane Grada. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 80 Operating prihodi Operativni prihodi 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2009 Other operating revenues Ostali operativni prihodi 2010 2011 Waste water services Usluge kanalizacije 1H2011 1H2012 Water services Usluge vodosnabdevanja • Main operating revenues are generated through water-supply activities, which account for around 81% of total operating revenues. Wastewater segment generates only around 13% of operating revenues, due to lower tariffs and lower number of customers. •Ključni operativni prihodi se generišu od vodosnabdevanja koje predstavlja 81% ukupnih operativnih prihoda. Usluge kanalizacije generišu svega 13% operativnih prihoda, usled nižih cena i manjeg broja potrošača. •Increase in operating revenues in 2011 and 1H2012 are mainly caused by increase in tariffs, and also by extension of water-supply network which increased number of customers. •Povećanje operativnih prihoda u 2011 i prvoj polovini 2012 godine je uglavnom uzrokovano povećanjem cena, kao i proširenjem sistema vodosnabdevanja što je dovelo do povećanja broja potrošača. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 81 Present Tariff Levels Trenutni tarifni nivo Water Voda Wastewater Otpadne vode Combined Kombinovano From Jul 2011 in KM/m3 Od Jula 2011 u KM/m3 Domestic Domaćinstva 0.88 0.21 1.09 Commercial Privreda 2.20 0.55 2.75 Institutional Budžetski potrošači 1.52 0.49 2.01 • Based on 2011 data, additional overall tariff increase of 20% would enable Vodovod to cover all current operating costs of the company. This is assuming all other things remain equal, including collection rate of 83%. •Na osnovu podataka iz 2011 godine, dodatno povećanje cena od 20% bi omogućilo Vodovodu da pokrije sve tekuće operativne troškove, pod pretpostavkom da svi ostali parametri ostanu nepromenjeni, uključujući stopu naplate od oko 83%. •Future tariff levels should be used to cover OPEX, as well as to finance CAPEX maintenance and urgently needed investments in water and wastewater services. •Budući nivoi cena treba da se koriste za pokrivanje operativnih troškova, održavanje osnovnih sredstava, kao i za finansiranje hitno potrebnih investicija u oblasti vodosnabdevanja i otpadnih voda. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 82 Operating costs Operativni rashodi 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2009 Other OPEX Ostali operativni troškovi 2010 2011 Depreciation Amortizacija 6m2011 Wages Zarade 6m2012 Material costs Troškovi materijala • Main company expenses are wages which represent around 63% of total operating costs. •Glavni trošak kompanije su zarade zaposlenih koje predstavljaju 63% ukupnih operativnih troškova. •Net wages remained practically the same in past three years, while increase in total wages expense is due to increase in related taxes and contributions. •Neto zarade se praktično nisu menjale u zadnje tri godine, dok je porast ukupnih troškova zarada uzrokovan porastom poreza i doprinosa. •Material costs are also significant company expense and represent 22% of total operating costs. This is mainly caused by high electricity costs since water is pumped into the network. •Troškovi materijala su takođe značajni i predstavljaju 22% ukupnih operativnih troškova. Ovo je pre svega usled visokih troškova električne energije koji nastaju pumpanjem vode u distributivnu mrežu. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 83 Obaveze Liabilities 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2009 Other long-term liabilities Ostale dugoročne obaveze 2010 2011 1H2012 Wages liabilities Taxes and fees Financial liabilities Accounts payable Obaveze za zarade Porezi i naknade Finansijske obaveze Dobavljači • Inability to cover total operating costs leads to constant increase in liabilities of the company. Vodovod is not settling electricity bills in adequate manner which is the main reason for overall increase in liabilities. • Nemogućnost pokrivanja ukupnih operativnih troškova rezultira u konstantnom povećanju obaveza. Vodovod ne izmiruje adekvatno svoje obaveze po računima za struju što je osnovni razlog ukupnog povećanja obaveza. •Key risk of the company is accumulated liabilities for electricity bills in total amount of KM 8.9 million. Vodovod and Municipality should immediately explore any possibilities for settling these liabilities in satisfactory manner or arranging repayment schedule. •Ključni rizik za kompaniju predstavljaju nagomilane obaveze za električnu energiju u ukupnom iznosu od KM 8.9 miliona. Vodovod i Grad bi trebalo da odmah istraže sve mogućnosti za regulisanje i/ili reprogramiranje ovih obaveza na zadovoljavajući način. •Other long-term liabilities represent debt for wages related taxes and contributions accumulated prior to 2007. Vodovod agreed with Tax Authorities to repay this debt over next 15 years, starting from 2013. •Ostale dugoročne obaveze predstavljaju dug za poreze i doprinose na zarade akumuliran u periodu pre 2007. Vodovod je sa Poreskom Upravom ugovorio otplatu ovog duga u narednih 15 godina počevši od 2013 godine. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 84 Municipality borrowing capacity Mogućnost zaduživanja Grada 000 KM Current revenues from the previous year Redovni prihodi iz prethodne godine Debt service Servisiranje duga Debt service as % of current revenues Servisiranje duga kao % od redovnih prihoda Max allowed debt service (18% of current revenues) Max za servisiranje duga (18% od redovnih prihoda) Max capacity for additional debt service Max kapacitet za dodatno servisiranje duga 2010 23,212 2011 24,591 2012 28,668 1,945 2,644 N/A 8.4% 10.8% N/A 4,178 4,426 5,160 2,232 1,782 N/A Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality is servicing all of its financial liabilities in timely manner, and has no overdue liabilities. Grad servisira sve svoje finansijske obaveze na vreme, i nema dospelih neplaćenih finansijskih obaveza. Municipality has low level of debt and significant capacity for raising additional financial loans. Grad ima nizak nivo zaduženosti i značajan kapacitet za dodatno finansijsko zaduživanje. In 2011, debt service represented 10.8% of current revenues generated in the previous year, which is significantly below legally allowed amount of 18%. U 2011, servisiranje duga je predstavljalo svega 10.8% redovnih prihoda iz prethodne godine, što je daleko ispod zakonski dozvoljenog iznosa od 18%. Municipality of Prijedor 85 Municipality borrowing capacity Mogućnost zaduživanja Grada Debt service schedule in KM – Raspored otplate duga u KM 6,000,000 5,000,000 18% of current revenues in 2011 - 18% redovnih prihoda u 2011 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Potential EIB loan Nova BL bank UniCredit bank Potencijalni kredit Potencijalni EIB EIB kredit Investiciono-Razvojna Banka RS Nova BL banka UniCredit banka 2022 2023 2024 2025 NLB bank Hypo banka NLB banka • If potential EIB loan in the amount of KM 15.75 million is included, debt service would be highest in 2021 when it would represent 11.2% of current revenues generated in 2011. • Uključujući potencijalni EIB kredit od KM 15.75 miliona, servisiranje duga bi bilo najviše u 2021 godini kada bi iznosilo 11.2% redovnih prihoda iz 2011 godine. • Municipality originally estimated that EIB loan for the project would be KM 15.75 million. However, Municipality has significant capacity for raising additional debt above that level, and there would be no legal constraints if final financing structure includes higher EIB loan then initially estimated. Maximum borrowing capacity, assuming EIB loan terms, is KM 34 million. • Prvobitna procena Grada je bila da će za ovaj projekat biti potreban EIB kredit u iznosu od KM 15.75 miliona. Međutim, Grad poseduje značajan kapacitet za dodatno zaduživanje iznad tog nivoa, tako da neće biti zakonskih prepreka ukoliko konačna finansijska struktura bude uključivala veći iznos EIB kredita nego što je prvobitno procenjeno. Maksimalni zakonski kapacitet zaduživanja Grada, pretpostavljajući uslove kreditiranja EIB-a, iznosi KM 34 miliona. Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 86 Alternative Development Options Alternativne opcije razvoja • Investment Costs: • Investicioni troškovi: • Prices including VAT and local inflation • Cijene uključuju PDV i lokalnu inflaciju • Min Base High Min Osnovni Max KM 000 KM 000 KM 000 KM 000 KM 000 KM 000 17,167 38,754 52,088 17,167 38,754 52,088 • Financing Plan: Finansijski plan: Min Osnovni Max 50% 50% 50% Doprinos korisnika 50% 50% 50% Min Base High Loan 50% 50% 50% Kredit Equity Contribution 50% 50% 50% • Good prospects for grant contributions • Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Dobri izgledi za doprinose u vidu donacija Municipality of Prijedor 87 Assumed Terms and Conditions of EIB Loan Pretpostavljeni uslovi kredita od EIB Assumed conditions • 25 Loan maturity period • 8 years grace period • 4.5% fixed interest rate Pretpostavljeni uslovi • period dospijeća zajma 25 godina • grejs period 8 godina • fiksna kamatna stopa od 4.5% Min Case: Loan 8.583 KM m Equity Contribution 8.583 KM m Minim. projekat: Kredit 8.583 KM m Doprinos korisnika 8.583 KM m Base Case: Loan 19.377 KM m Equity Contribution 19.377 KM m Osnovni projekat:Kredit 19.377 KM m Doprinos korisnika 19.377 KM m High Case: Loan 26.044 KM m Equity Contribution 26.044 KM m Maksim. Projekat:Kredit 26.044 KM m Doprinos korisnika 26.044 KM m • • Met from Vodovod Revenues Debt Service Coverage Ratio of over 1.2 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG • • Pokrivaju se iz prihoda Vodovoda Koeficijent pokrivenosti servisiranja duga preko 1.2 Municipality of Prijedor 88 Debt Service Implications for Vodovod Implikacije servisiranja duga po Vodovod Godišnje servisiranje kredita u KM Annual Repayments in KM Min Case - Max 891,152 in 2020 Minimalni projekat - Max 891,152 u 2020 Base Case - Max 2,011,796 in 2020 Osnovni projekat - Max 2,011,796 u 2020 High Case - Max 2,703,977 in 2020 Max projekat - 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 ‐ Min Case ‐ Minimalni projekat Loan repayment 2,500,000 Max 2,703,977 u 2020 Base Case ‐ Osnovni projekat 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 ‐ Interest Total financial fees Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Loan repayment Interest Total financial fees Municipality of Prijedor 89 Summary of Financial Projections for Vodovod – Base Case Prikaz finansijskih projekcija za Vodovod – Osnovni slučaj 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 Operating cash Total including fees, interest and principal Discretionary Capex Cash after Discretionary Capex Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 -500,000 2011 - Municipality of Prijedor 90 Future Tariff Levels Budući tarifni nivoi Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 91 Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) – Base Case Finansijska interna stopa povraćaja – Osnovni slučaj Calculation criteria Kriterijumi kalkulacije Incremental investments and operating costs Inkrementalni investicioni i operativni troškovi • Water supply investments • Investicije u vodosnabdevanje • Waste water investments • Investicije u otpadne vode Incremental revenues • Inkrementalni prihodi • Based on projected tariffs and volumes for water supply and wastewater Results of the analysis Bazirano na projektovanim tarifama i količinama za vodosnabdevanje i otpadne vode Rezultati analize • FIRR: -1% • FIRR: -1% • Benefit costs ratio: 0.55 • Racio koristi/troškovi: 0.55 • Financing gap: 45% • Manjak finansiranja: 45% Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 92 Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) – Base Case Ekonomska interna stopa povraćaja – Osnovni slučaj Incremental project costs: Inkrementalni troškovi projekta: • Water supply and wastewater • Investicije u vodosnabdevanje i investment costs otpadne vode • Water supply and wastewater • Inkrementalni operativni troškovi incremental operating costs vodosnabdevanja i otpadnih voda • Cost of removal of septic tanks Incremental project benefits: • Troškovi uklanjanja septičkih jama Inkrementalne koristi projekta: • Secured water supply services • Pouzdano vodosnabdevanje • Health benefits • Zdravstvene koristi • Increased development potential • Povećanje razvojnog potencijala • Resource cost saving • Ušteda troškova resursa Results of the analysis: Rezultati analize: • EIRR: 7% • EIRR: 7% • Benefit costs ratio: 1.15 • Racio koristi/troškovi: 1.15 Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 93 Affordability for Households Priuštivost za domaćinstva • Affordability Criteria – 3% to 4% of average household income for water and sewerage • Kriterijum priuštivosti – 3% do 4% prosečnih prihoda domaćinstava za vodu i kanalizaciju • Current tariffs - account for about 1.5% of average household income • Trenutne tarife – iznose oko 1.5% prosečnih prihoda domaćinstava • Projected tariffs: • Predviđene tarife: • Base Case would be 2.0% of household income in 2015 • Osnovni projekat - 2.0% od prihoda domaćinstava u 2015. godini • Reducing to 1.6% of household income in 2025 • Smanjenje na 1.6% od prihoda domaćinstava u 2025. godini Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 94 Financial Analysis – Key Findings and Issues Finansijska analiza – Ključni zaključci i pitanja • Real and inflation linked tariff increases are needed and services remain affordable • Potrebna su određena realna povećanja tarifa (iznad stope inflacije) ali da pri tome usluge ostanu priuštive • Vodovod is financially sustainable, meeting all debt financing needs and operating costs • Vodovod je finansijski održiv, ispunjava sve obaveze otplaćivanja duga i pokriva operativne troškove • Funding issues – availability of local and international finance • Sporna pitanja finansiranja – dostupnost investicija na lokalnom i međunarodnom nivou Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 95 Indicative implementation plan – Base Case Indikativni plan implementacije – Osnovni Slučaj Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 96 Indicative implementation plan – Base Case Indikativni plan implementacije – Osnovni Slučaj Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 97 Thank you for your attention! Hvala na pažnji! Infrastructure Projects Facility in the Western Balkans – Implemented by WYG Municipality of Prijedor 98
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