Greek Orthodox Church of Saint George & The Shrine of Saint Nectarios Clifton, NJ Fall Issue: September 2014— November 2014 Wishing everyone a Blessed Ecclesiastical New Year Fr. Peter’s Message: New Church Year; Become A Force For Good ----------------------------------------------Save The Dates: Details Inside Ministry Sunday September 7 Pancake Breakfast September 28 Beefsteak Dinner October 4 Indoor Greek Festival November 1 & 2 Tricky Tray November 14 Celebration for Married Couples married 50 years + November 16 Dear friends and parishioners of St. George, By the time you read this writing the new ecclesiastical year will be in full swing. Between the schools, the various organizational activities, the Divine Services, the church will be buzzing and we all will find ourselves trying to keep all the balls up in the air. There lies the danger, deceived by the “busy-ness”, immersed in doing good works, thoroughly convinced that we are doing it all for the glory of God, sometimes we may find that we are involved in just enough things that we crowd God out of our lives. It is not a conscious decision that we make to leave Him out; rather it is our indecision about keeping him in. You know how the story goes, we walk out of meetings with lists of action items, and more items are generated in the next meeting before we are done with the first ones. The family and the home life have their own lists and next thing you know there is no time to pray. Day after day we go without praying. Without making the time to strengthen the special relationship that God wants to have with us. Thinking of it in a different way, we lose the spiritual battle. The Lord warned us about this. He said it is a characteristic of pagans, to worry about everything and leave God out. God knows what is needed in our life and He delights in giving it to us, but He wants to see us looking to do His will first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of itself”. (Matthew 6:33-34). Continued on Page 3 Please note new Sunday Liturgy hours posted on page 2 Some Highlights In This Issue: Fr. Peter’s Message………….Page 1 & 3 Fr. John’s Message…………..Page 6 President’s Message…………Page 4 Stewardship Update………....Page 11 - 13 Treasurer’s Corner…………..Page 5 Recipe…………………….....Page 21 Church Sacraments…………Page 28 Support our Sponsors………Pages 34 - 43 Ministry Updates throughout THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Church Ministries & Church Information The Orthodox Light The Official Publication of St. George Greek Orthodox Church 818 Valley Road Clifton, NJ 07013 Phone: 973-779-2626 Fax: 973-777-6946 Emails: Elaine / Office: S t G e o r g e A d m n @ g m a i l . c o m Fr. Peter: S t G e o r g e R e v @ g m a i l . c o m Treasurer: S t G e o r g e Tr s r @ g m a i l . c o m Website: Facebook: Shutterfly Picture Sharing Site: REVEREND PETER G. SOURITZIDIS, PROISTAMENOS REVEREND JOHN P. ORFANAKOS, PASTOR EMERITUS PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS President Nicholas Marcopulos 1st Vice President John Foukas 2nd Vice President Spyro Demetropoulos Secretary Nickitas Alexiades Assistant Secretary Efrosine Sullivan Treasurer Angela Delaney Assistant Treasurer Christothea Pavlou-Pandazis PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Alec Alexiades Sean Mish Anthoula Bozios William G. Nicholas Dr. Panos Diamandopoulos Nicholas Poulis Steve Drimones Dr. George Scordilis Peter Koukounas Kostas Tsanakos Dr. John Malindretos Emmanuel Tzavlakis Steven Manis George Zachos We extend to you a warm and heartfelt Christian welcome! Our parish is dedicated to imitating the love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel with our words and living it with our lives. We seek to strengthen and encourage one another in the faith so that we may be equipped to welcome many more into our family as fellow disciples of Jesus Christ. 2 Church Office Hours Daily 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Church Liturgical Schedule Sunday Divine Liturgy Schedule Orthros 8:30am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Weekday Divine Liturgy Schedule Orthros & Divine Liturgy: 8:30am PARISH MINISTRIES Fr. Peter Souritzidis & Dr. Peter Salierno Helga Diamandopoulos Yannis Magiros & Angelo Duvlaris Barbara Pepe, Alicia Pepe & Presvytera Margaret Greek School Chairman Anastasios Koularmanis Greek School Director Joyce Logothetis GOYA Advisors Sophie Logothetis, Popi Pelidis, Phyllis Lambridis, Angela Delaney GOYA Coaches Michael Halkias, Kalliope Vergis, Spyro Katechis & Nick Mariolis GOYA President Kalliopi Logothetis Hope/Joy Advisors Elaine Manoliadis & Angela Delaney Hellenic Music Society Yannis Magiros Orthodox Life Institute Dr. Peter Salierno Kali Parea Tina Stames Chanters Moschos Scoullis, Ross Halkias & Anastasia Pagonis Daughters of Penelope Athens Zambelis Church Secretary Elaine Catsicas Orthodox Light Anthoula Bozios Orthodox Light Sponsor Ads Christothea Pavlou-Pandazis Religious Book Store Gordon Condos, Irene Houlis Bible Study Philoptochos President Choir Directors Church School Directors THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Fr. Peter’s Message continued from page 1 The work of the church first and foremost is to save our soul, to distribute to us God’s Holiness and sanctification. To pave the way for us to walk on, to go to heaven. Unless the church provides this for us she is falling short on her mission. She needs to be our greatest supporter in our struggle against evil. When functioning correctly and doing her work, the church needs to be there for her people, from day one to the very end when we triumphantly enter the kingdom of God. She needs to lead the way in our effort to defeat Satan and his evil. In an effort to do this, on behalf of the church I ask you my dear friends in Christ to take part in a 4R, four-part campaign. The four parts are: Refocus-Reveal-Resist and Realize. Refocus your way of life to seek and serve the Lord. Reveal the parts of your life that Satan has you thinking are so bad and unique to you and you can not/should not reveal them to anyone. Deceived by him we lose out on the love and support that the prayer of a righteous friend would provide for us. Allow at least one other person to pray for you, to support you. Resist the devil and his temptations. Realize that you are fragile, vulnerable and you need the power of God’s Holy Spirit to help you carry this campaign for spiritual victory in your life. We will discuss the first part in this issue, and the other three in future church publications. Refocus: There is always a way out. When it feels like temptation is too much to bear, God will never leave us alone to drown in it. He will provide protection. He has given us the guidelines. Here is a verse that explains what “Refocus” means. “Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts that young men often have, but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right. Have faith and love, and enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord and have pure hearts. (II Timothy 2:22).. When we are being tested or tempted, struggling to chose between right and wrong, the best thing to do is to walk away from the wrong, the evil thing that does not agree with God’s ways. Another way to think of it is like this. When Satan calls and gives you his tempting but ungodly option, do not sit there and have a conversation with him, hang up the phone. If you stay on the phone long enough, he will convince you, he will outsmart you. You see, he has been at this for thousands of years; he has every excuse and every lie in his bag of tricks. Just hang up and walk away. 3 “But remember this—the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it” (1 Corinthians 10:13 Living Bible, TLB). In other words, God promised that he would not test us in a way greater than we can handle. So my beloved friends, as we begin this new church year, let us make it our top priority to engage in the spiritual struggle. The Church is here to help with the power of God and the holy Sacraments, come and partake, and do not let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. Have a blessed new church year, With Love in Christ the Lord, +Fr. Peter Philippians 4:8 - And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. II Timothy 2:8 - Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach. Hebrews 2:16 - We also know that the Son did not come to help angels; he came to help the descendants of Abraham. 17 Therefore, it was necessary for him to be made in every respect like us, his brothers and sisters, so that he could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Then he could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people. 18 Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. Hebrews 3:1-2 - And so, dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest. 2 For he was faithful to God, who appointed him, just as Moses served faithfully when he was entrusted with God’s entire house. THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Parish President’s Message by Nick Marcopulos Dear Parishioners of St. George: I pray that all is well with you and your families and that you had an enjoyable summer. As we approach the end of the season, I look forward to the new Church year beginning in September and continuing to grow our parish. As president, I can state that our community is strong and thriving. During my short term so far this year, I’ve had the pleasure to greet and meet the various ministry heads in order to gain a better understanding of the needs of our parish and ministries. Our parish is blessed to have so many talented and dedicated individuals. I encourage that you all attend the displays on Ministry Sunday (to be held this September) and actively enroll and volunteer. The Parish Council will also roll-out several committees this day which will help us function efficiently. This will also afford our parishioners the opportunity to take a leadership role in our Church outside of the Parish Council. The Parish Council has worked diligently during the summer months to deliver the following: Fundraising Plans are underway for a Beefsteak to be held in October with profits to help meet operational expenses. Plans are also underway for a Fall Greek Food Festival – further details to be announced. Finances The 2015 budget along with a 5-year financial plan are being developed and finalized. This will serve as a blue-print for our parish to meet our operational expenses moving forward and will be presented during the General Assembly meeting in November. In June, the Saint George Endowment fund was approved by the parish with a starting amount of $400,000 and the Aspasia Smith Capital Improvement Matching Grant Fund in the amount of $76,000. The by-laws are being drafted and an Endowment Committee is being established for approval by the parish in September. The Parish Council is continuing to look at ways to eliminate waste and reduce costs. Capital Improvements A plan (i.e. outdoor lighting, gym floor, kitchen renovations) is being developed and will also be presented to the General Assembly in November. As you can see, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but also have much to be thankful for. I look forward to seeing you all soon and working together as a Community of Faith. God bless you, Nicholas Marcopulos LIKE US on 4 The official page name is: St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Clifton, NJ THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Treasurer’s Corner by Angela Delaney (Parish Treasurer) ST. GEORGE'S 2014 FIRST & SECOND QUARTER INCOME AND EXPENSE REPORT Jan - Mar 14 Income less income due to snow plowing costs collection of income varies throughout year Priest, Secretary, Caretaker, Chanter, Choir Director Increase due to snow plowing costs Thanks to the Polar Vortex Purchases vary throughout the year Mortgage Paid in Full Fr. John Total Expense $262 $48,459 $500 $1,050 $2,350 $15,380 $6,580 $6,488 $6,715 $135,658 $7,675 $659 $19,289 $850 $2,900 $91,556 $1,894 $18,640 $550 $1,590 $292 $1,505 $370,842 $567 $45,555 $550 $750 $3,750 $15,760 $2,960 $1,550 $9,820 $140,018 $4,800 $1,347 $19,911 $4,745 $4,700 $66,644 $270 $3,430 $950 $4,105 $0 $2,357 $334,539 -$305 $2,904 -$50 $300 -$1,400 -$380 $15 $4,938 -$3,105 -$4,360 $2,875 -$688 -$622 -$3,895 -$1,800 $24,912 $1,624 $15,210 -$400 -$2,515 $292 -$852 $36,303 Archdioceses Fair Share Metropolis Miscallaneous Salaries Payroll Taxes Health Insurance Flowers Liability Insurance Workerk's Comp Insurance Building Repairs 818 Valley Rd. Maintenance 810 Valley Rd. Maintenance 818 Valley Rd Utilities 810 Valley Rd Utilities 818 Valley Rd Property Taxes 810 Valley Rd Candle Purchases Office Supplies Professional Fees Printing Expense Miscellaneous Expense Greek School Salaries Greek School Miscellaneous Church School Exp Bookstore Exp Summer Camp Exp. Scholarship Awards Special/Miscellaneous Festival Exp Annual Raffle Hall Rental Exp Soup Sales Exp Seasonal/Social Events Mortgage 810 Valley Rd Visiting Clergy $38,500 $6,420 $91,590 $7,975 $13,809 $4,726 $6,872 $1,214 $0 $0 $20,375 $252 $32,751 $11,093 $10,165 $5,528 $330 $1,579 $8,038 $18,125 $224 $1,088 $311 $529 $2,272 $6,082 $40,645 $9,465 $600 $103 $3,500 $0 $7,700 $351,861 $39,130 $2,645 $90,990 $7,440 $12,528 $3,059 $7,631 $2,402 $116 $380 $15,359 $249 $22,142 $10,924 $6,345 $3,791 $1,214 $1,131 $905 $18,025 $2,376 $1,593 $1,261 $1,087 $2,000 $528 $34,577 $1,540 $750 $1,162 $3,930 $14,947 $11,150 $323,307 -$630 $3,775 $600 $535 $1,281 $1,667 -$759 -$1,188 -$116 -$380 $5,016 $3 $10,609 $169 $3,820 $1,737 -$884 $448 $7,133 $100 -$2,152 -$505 -$950 -$558 $272 $5,554 $6,068 $7,925 -$150 -$1,059 -$430 -$14,947 -$3,450 $28,554 2014 1st & 2nd Quarter +/- 5 $ Change Bookstore Candles Flower Donations Greek School Hall Rental House Rental (810 Valley Rd.) In Memory Miscellaneous Seasonal/Holy Day Stewardship Summer Camp Church School Tray Collections Ad Journal Orthodox Light Ads Festival Festival Donation Grand Raffle Festival Vendor Social Events Scholarship Donations Soup Sales Total Income Expense Jan - Mar 13 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT 18,981 NET INCOME WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Σύμβολον Αγάπης Και Λυτρώσεως υπó Πατρóς Ιωáννου Κάθε τι μεγάλο στη ζωή στηρίζεται στη θυσία. Καί το γεγονός της σωτηρίας τού ανθρωπίνου γένους στηρίχθηκε στη σταυρική θυσία τού Θεανθρώπου Ιησού. Αυτό το γεγονός της σωτηρίας μας προβάλεται με την ύψωσι του Τιμίου Σταυρού πού εορτάζει η Εκκλησία μας την δεκάτην τετάρτην Σεπτεμβρίου. Ο Σταυρός του Χριστού είναι το ορατό όργανο της σωτηρίας μας. Απόδειξις της αγάπης τού Θεού γιά τον άνθρωπο δεν ήτο δυνατόν να υπάρξη μεγαλύτερη. «Μείζον ταύτης αγάπην ουδείς έχει, ίνα τις την ψυχήν αυτού θή υπέρ των φίλων αυτού.» Ο μαρτυρικός θάνατος τού Σταυρού μας το βεβαιώνει αυτό. Πως να μπορέση ο άνθρωπος να μετρήση αυτό το πέλαγος της θείας αγάπης; Ολη η ζωή τού Κυρίου, από την θείαν του ενσάρκωσι μέχρις της Αναστάσεως καί της Αναλήψεώς του, είναι μιά κίνησις αγάπης. Ενα ανείπωτο έργο θυσίας. Θυσίας πού σώζει. Θυσίας πού προσφέρει τη ζωή τού Θεανθρώπου υπέρ της τού κόσμου σωτηρίας. Γι’αυτό καί ο Σταυρός δεν είναι μόνο σύμβολον αγάπης, αλλά είναι καί σύμβολο σωτηρίας καί λυτρώσεως. 6 Εκείνος πού στρέφεται προς τον Σταυρό δεν πεθαίνει από το κεντρί της αμαρτίας. Διότι επί τού Σταυρού έχυσε το Πανάγαιον Αίμα Του ο Κύριος ημών Ιησού Χριστός, έσχισε το χειρόγραφο των πταισμάτων μας, καί μας συμφιλίωσε με τον πατέρα μας το Θεόν. Εξέλειψε η έχθρα τού προπατορικού αμαρτήματος. Ο Σταυρός τού Χριστού είναι το αιώνιο σύμβολο της Θείας αγάπης καί της σωτηρίας μας. Είναι απόδειξις μοναδικής αγάπης καί σύμβολο της λυτρώσεως μας. Επάνω σε δύο γεγονότα στηρίζεται η χριστιανική πίστις. Στο Σταυρό τού Χριστού πρώτα καί στην ένδοξο Ανάστασι Tου ύστερα. Οπλο κατά τού διαβόλου χαρακτηρίζει τον τίμιο Σταυρό ο υμνογράφος της Εκκλησίας μας. «Εν τούτω έθνη βαρβάρα ήττηνται.» Καί οί πιστοί, πού τον προσκυνούν με πόθο καί ψυχική λαχτάρα λαμβάνουν τα ιάματα της ψυχής των καί τού σώματος των. Από το ένα μέρος λοιπόν, το «ζωηφόρον φυτόν» τού Σταυρού έχει δύναμι προστατευτική, μας προστατεύει, καί από το άλλο έχει δύναμι αγιαστική, μας αγιάζει καί μας σώζει. «Σταυρός ο φύλαξ πάσης της οικουμένης. Σταυρός, η ωραιότης της Εκκλησίας. Σταυρός, βασιλέων το κραταίωμα. Σταυρός, πιστών το στήριγμα. Σταυρός, αγγέλων η δόξα καί των δαιμόνων το τραύμα.» THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Orthodox Life Institute by Dr. Peter Salierno The Orthodox Life Institute of St. George Greek Orthodox Church will be offering a two semester course entitled: “The Roots of Faith; The Law, The Prophets and the Gospels” beginning Sept. 16, 2014 and ending May 19, 2015. The course will include a biblical approach in scriptural studies both in prophecy and application. All who attend should prepare to open their hearts and minds in applying the Scriptures to the creeds, ritual expressions and faith of the Greek Orthodox Church. Come lift up your minds and hearts to the Lord and walk before Him in the path of the Patriarchs and Prophets. The course is given at NO TUITION and all you need to bring is your notebook, your Bible and your faith! Please come join us every Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM in the lower hall. As St. Paul urges us to study the scriptures and work out our salvation before the Lord, so it is counted unto us as righteousness when we study the Word of God. Come and be blessed, have your life enriched, and find a community of like-minded people who are zealous for the Word of God and the Orthodox Faith. We hope to see you there on Sept. 16! FALL SEMESTER Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. C H R I S T T H E T E A C H E R 7 16, 23 7, 14, 21, 28 4, 11, 18 2, 9, 16 SPRING SEMESTER Jan. 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24 Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 HOLY WEEK - NO CLASS Apr. 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12, 19 Knitting & Crocheting for Charity Free lessons! Beginners welcome! Tuesdays at St. George 4:00-6:00 pm Calling all knitters and crocheters! We need you! Help us help others by sharing your God -given talents to make knitted and crocheted items for various charities. Stop by our table on Registration Sunday to see what we do. For more information, please call Diane Peppes at 201-704-8524. THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Greek School by Joyce Logothetis Our St. George Greek School completed another successful year providing a learning environment enriched by dedicated teachers instilling the love of the Greek language, history, culture, and faith to our youth. Following this year’s events – OXI Day Celebration, Thanksgiving celebration, Harvest Party, Christmas Brunch, Three Hierarchs/Cultural Exhibit- our dedicated teachers and students collaboratively worked diligently for a wonderful Greek Independence Day program in March. All of the student performances were filled with great ethnic pride as they demonstrated their talents with songs, poems, narrations, and skits paying tribute to the heroes of the Greek Revolution of 1821. The Greek School hosted the annual Easter Egg Hunt for all the children in our community following the AGAPE Easter Sunday Service. Thereafter in May, our little Greek School stars in Grades Pre K, 1st, and 2nd shared their loving wishes to all of our Mothers and Grandmothers in our parish with heartfelt Mother’s Day poems. To mark the end of our Greek School year, a pizza party for all of the students sponsored by the Lekas Family took place. Following, the Greek School hosted an ice cream truck for our Greek School families to enjoy. Soon after, the Greek School honored all of its students at our annual 6th Grade Graduation and Promotions Ceremony in the Fellowship Hall. Each grade level from Pre K to 5th performed a brief end of the year poem/song; received their Archdiocese Promotion Certificates; and were awarded academic Achievement medals. Our evening started with our talented 6th Grade students’ humorous performance as they reminisced on their years of Greek School. An outstanding job was done by all of the students that day. Congratulations to our St. George Greek School Graduating Class of 2014: Alexa Alexiades, Megan Fitzpatrick, Efthymia Koleros, Alexandra Lekas, Harry Mastrogiannis, Athina Pramagioulis, and Yianni Soumilas. Ms. Stacy Mentzelopoulou touched the audience and her 6th grade students with her moving thoughts and inspirational words. Along with Ms. Mentzolopoulou, Mr. Nick Marcopoulos, Parish Council President, and Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis, School Board Chairman, assisted in distributing the graduates’ diplomas, plaques, and Greek School gifts sponsored by our Greek School. This year, special recognition is extended to Efthymia Koleros, 6th Grade Valedictorian of the Class of 2014 and recipient of The Holy Three Hierarchs Award of Excellence by the Archdiocese. Additionally, special recognition is extended to Harry Mastrogiannis, recipient of the St. George Award 2014. This year, the graduating class and their families had a celebratory dinner at Stamna following the graduation ceremony. Lastly, extra special appreciation and acknowledgement goes to our dedicated teaching staff again this year for their patience and commitment to our language program: Ms. Georgia Kantsoulis, Mrs. Bessie Batalas-Long, Mrs. Rita Evangelou, Mrs. Marietta Frangou, Mrs. Zoe Batemits, Mrs. Maria Amanezis, Mrs. Helen Foukas, and Ms. Anastasia Mentzelopoulou. On behalf of our entire Greek School Board and Teaching Staff, we applaud all of our Greek School graduates and students on another year of learning our valuable Hellenic language, culture, and faith. United together, we can all maintain the legacy of our ancestors and continue to keep our Greek language and culture alive today - and for many generations to come. Greek School registration for the 2014-2015 school year is in progress. Registration forms can be found in the church office for everyone’s convenience. The first day of Greek School will be on September 9, 2014, and we look forward to seeing all of our returning and any new families. 8 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Greek School by Joyce Logothetis Our Greek School 2013—2014 School Year & Graduation Ceremony 9 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG 10 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Stewardship 2014 by Angela Delaney The Stewardship Committee would like to offer a very special THANK YOU to all of you who have submitted a stewardship pledge for 2014! We are making good progress! Our updated Stewardship totals as of 7/11/14 are 293 stewards with pledges totaling $166,645. $133,438 has been collected and $33,207 remains outstanding. Our goal is to reach 400 Stewards and to attain our budgeted amount of $220,000 for 2014. We ask that those who have not yet submitted a pledge card or made an offering for this year, to please give prayerful consideration to make a commitment at this time. Please complete a 2014 Stewardship card (printed below) and mail it back to the Church office at your earliest convenience. If you are making your best efforts in supporting the church, thank you. If you feel you can do better, we thank you for your present stewardship and hope you will consider extending your commitment and support for our church for the remainder of the year. The Parish Council Treasurers would like to update you and let you know how we have progressed financially in the second quarter of 2014. Remember that during the 1st quarter of 2014, St. George had incurred expenses that were exceeding our budgeted monthly expenses. Nevertheless, we had a fruitful Holy Week and a successful Spring Greek Festival which allowed us to “catch up” to our expenses. We are cautiously optimistic about the 3rd quarter of the year. During the summer months the revenue we receive decreases, however, our expenses also lessen for a short time. The 4th quarter is where we will all, once again, have to work together to meet the final Operating Expenses of our Parish for the remainder of the year. 11 Our community will be hosting 2 major fundraisers in the Fall. Our Beefsteak will be held on October 4th and our Fall Festival will take place on November 1st & 2nd. If we put our best efforts into making them a success by volunteering our time and talents, and arranging to bring family and friends to these events, we surely can surpass our budgeted income goals. May St. George the Great Martyr and St. Nectarios the Wonderworker be with you and your loved ones always. THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Stewardship List 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Alec & Frances Alexiades Mr. & Mrs. Nickitas & Maria Alexiades Ms. Sophia Alexiades Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios & Rallou Amolochitis Mr. & Mrs. William & Patricia Anagnostos Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Helen Anastasia Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Matina Anastos Mrs. Carole Andreou Mr. & Mrs. Efstathios & Linda Andriopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Brennian & Stephanie Antell Mrs. Vivian Antonakis Mr. Bobby Antoniades Mr. & Mrs. Adam & Andrea Antoniou Mr. & Mrs. Antonis & Angeliki Antoniou Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. & Alexandra P. Argiris Mr. Peter Argitis Ms. Nikki Astipalitis Mr. & Mrs. George & Konstantina Avramidis Mr. & Mrs. Manos & Marianne Avramidis Ms. Felicetta Babieri Mrs. Suzanne Bauer Ms. Anca Irina Bejan Ms. Georgia Bellias Ms. Maria Elena Botei Ms. Anthoula Bozios Mr. & Mrs. Christos & Lia Bozios Mr. Evangelos Bozios Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Jennifer Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Debbie Cammarata Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Andrea Cartwright Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Linda Chelius Ms. Theodora Chichi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chilimintirs Mr.& Mrs. Angelo & Eva Chrisafinis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine & Dorothy Christakos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Christakos Mr. Peter J. Christakos Ms. Kalliopi Chryssos Ms. Cleo Coloritis Mr. Gordon J Condos Ms. Sophia Constandinou Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Eleni Corbosiero Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Evanthia Corrado Ms. Maria D'Accampo Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Mary Dakos 12 Mr. & Mrs. George & Eleni Dakos Mr. & Mrs. Forrest & Jamie De Visser Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Angela Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Spyros & Athena Demetropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Nick & Maria Dessipris Mr. & Mrs. Panos & Helga Diamandopoulos Ms. Vasiliki Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Franco & Irina DiMaio Mr. Dimitrios S Doris Mr. & Mrs. Antonios & Christina Drakas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios & Angela Drakas Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Olga Drimones Mr. & Mrs. Maios & Alice Eliades Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Esther Exarchos Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos & Maria Fasilis Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Irene Ferrolho Mr. & Mrs. James & Katherine Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Kiriakos & Theodora Floris Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Alexia Folsom Dr. & Mrs. Dimitrios & Kassandra Fotiadis Mr. & Mrs. John & Helen Foukas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Christina Foukas Mr. & Mrs. John & Alexia Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Nikos & Nikoletta Galiatsis Mr. & Mrs. James & Kelly Gardner Mr. & Mrs. James & Kathy Genakos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Mary Georgaros Mr. & Mrs. Perry & Camille Georgison Mr. & Mrs. Angelo & Hope Gergatsoulis Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Rita Gerhold Ms. Angeliki Giannoglou Ms. Potoula Gieger Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Paraskevi Golematis Mr. Harry A Golematis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Irene Gregoriou Mr. & Mrs. Petros & Carrie Gregory Mr. & Mrs. David J. & Katerina M. Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Pete & Angela Gyftopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Demetris & Margarita Hailos Mr. & Mrs. Stylianos & Katerina Hailos Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Jeanette Halkias Mr. & Mrs. Ross & Antionette Halkias Ms. Fotini Haniotis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Vaia Haralam Mr. Gus Haritos THE ORTHODOX LIGHT Ms. Helen Haritos Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios & Nadia Hatzinas Ms. Maria Hatzipetros Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Anna Hios Mr. & Mrs. John & Kathleen Hiras Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Konstantina Holevas Ms. Irene Houlis Ms. Cecelia J. Iberer Mr. & Mrs. John & Maria Ikonomidis Mr. & Mrs. John & Susan Ioannou Ms. Fotini Joannidis Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas & Judith Joannidis Ms. Mary Kalazan Ms. Lucinda Kallimanis Mr. & Mrs. George & Ellen Kaloroumakis Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Christine Kamakaris Ms. Stella Kamakaris Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Effie Kambourakis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Christine Kanellos Mr. & Mrs. Dino & Alexandra Kaousias Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Maria Karagiorgis Mr. George Karkanias Mr. & Mrs. George & Maria Karoullas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. & Cathy Ann Kartanos Ms. Chrisanti Kasimos Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Elizabeth Kastrunis Mr. Emmanuel Kavalos Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis & Stella Kavalos Mr. & Mrs. Martin & Shirley Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Artemis Kinzer Ms. Anna Kitsos Mrs. Alexandra Kleiner Ms. Christina Kliener Mr. & Mrs. Spiro & Helen Klimentos Ms. Eugenia Kofitsas Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos & Nora Kokozos Ms. Kallie Kolyvas Ms. Stella Konstantinou Mr. & Mrs. Kostas & Eleni Koufidis Ms. Eleni Koukoularis-Mainkar Ms. Maria Koukoularis Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis & Vasiliki Koukounas Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios & Mary Koularmanis Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Helen Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kyriacou WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Stewardship List 2014 Mr. & Mrs. George & Tina Lambridis Ms. Afrodite Lewnes Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Christina Kyriazis Loeser Mr. & Mrs. George & Mary Logothetis PhD Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Antoinette Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. Phillip & Clarissa Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. Pothetos & Sophhie Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. James & Barbara Loizides Mr. & Mrs. Shannon & Zoe Luke Mr. & Mrs. Yannis & Phyllis Magiros Mr. & Mrs. John & Matina Malindretos Mr. Manuel Mamonas Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Patricia Manis Mr. & Mrs. Nick & Lisa Marcopulos Mrs. Ljijana R. Markanovic Mr. & Mrs. Hercoules & Katina Marmaras Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Liz Marzulli Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Maria Mastrogiannis Ms. Darla Matsakis Dr. & Mrs. Chris & Sophie Mattheou Ms. Vasiliki Menegakis Ms. Anastasia Mentzelopoulou Dr. John Merianos Ms. Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou Mr. & Mrs. Sean F. & Panagiota Mish Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Rica Missbrenner Mr. & Mrs. Elio & Angela Fae Ms. Katherine Mitas Mr. & Mrs. Gerard & Christina Mosiello Mr. & Mrs. Teddy & Jeaneen Moustakis Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Paraskevi Muller Ms. Pope Nicholaides Mr. & Mrs. Nicky & Sophie Nicholaides Ms. Irene G. Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. William & Irene Angelides Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris & Maria Nissirios Mr.& Mrs. Themistoklis & Maria Nissirios Fr. John & Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos & Anastasia Pagonis Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos & Zoe Pagonis Mr. & Mrs. George & Elefteria Pagoulatos Mr. Harry Pagoulatos Mr. & Mrs. Spyro & Harriet Panagakis Ms. Stella Panagakis Mr. & Mrs. Angelo & Christothea Pandazis Mr. & Mrs. Arpad & Alina Pap Mr. & Mrs. Alkis & Kalliope Papadakos Ms. Konstandina Papadakos Mr. & Mrs. Cleovoulos & Lu Papadatos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Helen Papadatos Mr. Charles E. Papadelis Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Carla Papasavas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Katherine Papastavrinouidis Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis & Ekaterine Papatherapontos Mrs. Olga Parks Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Eleni Paslis Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Athena Patrikios Ms. Alicia Pepe Mr. & Mrs. Dominick & Barbara Pepe Ms. Melissa Pepe Ms. Dionnysia Peppes Ms. Antonia Periclou Ms. Catherine Perrdick Mrs. Militsa Phillips Ms. Stella Phillips 13 Mrs. Diana E. Pitsikoulis Ms. Mary Pologeorgis Ms. Anca Popa Mr. & Mrs. Ivan & Alexandra Popov Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Joanna Portela Mr. & Mrs. George & Efrosini Potamoussis Mr. & Mrs. Nick & Helen Poulis Mr. & Mrs. Christos & Gina Pramagioulis Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Sandy Prassakos Mr. & Mrs. Anna P. Protopapas Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Maria Protopapas Mr. & Mrs. John & Kalliroy Protopsaltis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Jasmine Psomas Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Karen ReCasino Mr. John Reier Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Dorothea Rentzis Ms. Katerina Richardson Ms. Frosini Rigas Mr. & Mrs. William & Eleanore Rigoppoulos Mr. & Mrs Kostika & Entela Rixha Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Katherine Romanoff Ms. Gurgina Romanos Mr. & Mrs. Andreas & Xenia Ropas Mr. & Mrs. Eli & Alexia Sakellakis Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Anna Sakellakis Mr. & Mrs. George & Sophia Sakellaris Mr. & Mrs. Ardian & Olga Sako Dr. Peter Salierno Mr. Zachary Savvides Dr. & Mrs. George & Joanne Scordilis Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Kristin Scordilis Mr. & Mrs. John & Mary Sergentanis Ms. Dina Shavelli Ms. Constantina Simotas Mr. & Mrs. Konstandinos & Catherine Siskas Mr. Manny Skounakis Mrs. Morfia Sokolic Mr. James Soteriou Ms. Mary Sotiro Fr. Peter & Presvytera Gigi Souritzidis Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos & Odalis Spiratos Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios & Anna Stamos Mrs. Effie Standler Mr. & Mrs. George & Rosemary Stathis Mr.& Mrs. Peter& Marisa Stavrinou Mr. & Mrs. Spiro & Panagiota Stillianesis Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Zinovia Stone Ms. Julia Stoumbos Mr. & Mrs. John & Evangelia Stoupakis Mrs. Katherine Stratos Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Efrosine Sullivan Mrs. Helen V. Therianos Mr. & Mrs. Angelo & Marilyn Triantafilos Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Dimitra Tsakonas Mr. & Mrs. John & Julie Tsanakos Mr. & Mrs. Kostas & Athena Tsanakos Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios & Maria Elena Tsatsaros Mr. & Mrs. George & Catina Tsiamtsouris Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tsimpedes Ms. Joanna Tsimpedes Mr. & Mrs. Theodore & Maria Tsimpedes Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Antigone Tsipas Mr. & Mrs John & Diana Tsividakis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Sophia A. Tzavaras Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel & Alyssa Tzavlakis THE ORTHODOX LIGHT Mr. & Mrs. John & Maria Tzortzinis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore & Frances Vagias Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Georgia Vangelas Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Roxanne Vasilopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Dimetrio & Irene Vasilopoulos Ms. Joanna Vasilopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Carmela Vazopolos Mr. George Verdis Mr. & Mrs Michael & Jamie Verdis Mr. & Mrs. Miquel & Carrie Vieira Ms. Angie Visvardi Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Valerie Vittas Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vlachakis Mr. & Mrs. George & Panagioula Vlachos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Monica Vlantes Mrs. Voula P. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Darren & Angelique White Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Barbara Woolis Mr. & Mrs. George & Elaine Xanthos Ms. Kathy Xanthos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Frageska Xanthos Mr. & Mr. Stratis & Maria Xanthos Ms. Cathy M. Youlios Mr. & Mrs. John & Catherine Zacharias Mr.& Mrs. George & Irene Zachos Mr. & Mrs. John & Athens Zambalis Mr. Evan Zaros Mr. & Mrs. John & Alexandra Zazanis Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Labia Zoulia WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Το Γενέθλιο της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου (8 Σεπτεμβρίου) Δεν προλάβαμε να σταματήσουμε τις δοξολογίες για την Υπεραγία Θεοτόκο του μηνός Αυγούστου – μήνας που καταγαύζεται, όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε, από την Κοίμησή της, αλλά και την κατάθεση της τιμίας ζώνης της – και ξεκινάμε νέους πανηγυρισμούς, επί τη εορτή των Γενεθλίων της. Αλλά η Εκκλησία μας δεν παύει ποτέ να εορτάζει την Μητέρα του Κυρίου, σε καθημερινή μάλιστα βάση, αφού όλοι οι ύμνοι της επιστεγάζονται από τα τροπάρια γι’ αυτήν, τα γνωστά «Θεοτοκία», όπως και όλες οι μεγάλες εορτές των αγίων μας έχουν ως σημαιοφόρο τους κανόνες γι’ αυτήν. Και ευλόγως: η Παναγία αποτελεί τύπο της Εκκλησίας, διότι όπως Εκείνη γέννησε τον Υιό του Θεού ως άνθρωπο, έτσι και η Εκκλησία γεννά τον Χριστό στις καρδιές των ανθρώπων. Όχι μόνο λοιπόν στις Θεομητορικές εορτές, αλλά σε όλες τις εορτές και πάντα, η Παναγία έχει την πρώτη θέση. Τι συγκεκριμένα προβάλλει όμως η σημερινή εορτή, ώστε να διαφοροποιείται αυτή από τις άλλες της Παναγίας; 1. Καταρχάς, θα πρέπει να εξηγήσουμε κάτι που φαίνεται ως αντίφαση και που έχει τονιστεί βεβαίως πολλές φορές: η χριστιανική ορθόδοξη πίστη δεν προβάλλει τα γενέθλια ενός ανθρώπου ως ημέρα εορτής, αλλά την ημέρα που εορτάζει ο άγιός του. Πώς λοιπόν εδώ έχουμε εορτή Γενεθλίων, όπως το ίδιο συμβαίνει και με τον άγιο Ιωάννη τον Πρόδρομο; Η εξήγηση δεν είναι δύσκολη. Τα γενέθλια ενός ανθρώπου, η ημέρα του ερχομού του στον κόσμο λειτουργεί στο επίπεδο μίας οριζόντιας πορείας απλώς του ανθρώπου, η οποία στην πραγματικότητα τροφοδοτεί τον θάνατο. Ο άνθρωπος έρχεται στον κόσμο μέσα σε πλαίσια φθοράς και γνωρίζει ότι το τέλος του είναι ο θάνατος. Τι να γιορτάσει λοιπόν; Η ημέρα όμως που εορτάζει ο άγιος ενός ανθρώπου, αυτός του οποίου φέρει το όνομα, ή έστω η ημέρα της βαπτίσεώς του, ως ημέρα εντάξεώς του στο ζωντανό σώμα του Χριστού, την Εκκλησία, ως μέλος αυτού, αυτό συνιστά την ανάμνηση της χάρης εκ Θεού που δέχτηκε, συνεπώς την απαρχή της σωτηρίας του. Αν κάτι εορτάζεται στην Εκκλησία είναι γιατί έχει πάντοτε σωτηριολογικό χαρακτήρα. Από την άποψη αυτή, είναι ηλίου φαεινότερο γιατί η Εκκλησία μας εορτάζει τα Γενέθλια της Παναγίας ή του αγίου Ιωάννου του Προδρόμου: τότε έρχονται στον κόσμο εκείνοι που κατεξοχήν συνεργούν στον ερχομό του Χριστού και συνεπώς στη σωτηρία του κόσμου. «Η Γέννησίς σου, Θεοτόκε, χαράν εμήνυσε πάση τη οικουμένη. Εκ σου γαρ ανέτειλεν ο ήλιος της δικαιοσύνης, Χριστός ο Θεός ημών». 2. Κι ακριβώς το γεγονός αυτό, δηλαδή η σύνδεση της Γεννήσεως της Παναγίας με τον Ιησού Χριστό, είναι εκείνο που κατεξοχήν εξαγγέλλει η εορτή. Δεν προβάλλεται η Παναγία μας καθεαυτήν ως άνθρωπος. Ποτέ κανείς άνθρωπος από μόνος του, όσο σπουδαίος κι αν είναι, δεν μπορεί να βοηθήσει ουσιαστικά τους ανθρώπους: όλοι ενεργούν και υπάρχουν μέσα στα πλαίσια της φθοράς, όπως είπαμε, και του θανάτου. Η Παναγία έρχεται στον κόσμο μέσα στο θείο σχέδιο σωτηρίας του κόσμου από την αμαρτία και τον θάνατο: είναι η προορισθείσα εκ πασών των γενεών να γίνει Μητέρα του Θεού, παραμένοντας Παρθένος κόρη, όπως διαλαλούν οι ύμνοι της εορτής της. Είναι εκείνη που ο ερχομός της, ως προαναγγελία του Σωτήρα του κόσμου στάμνος και μάννα είτε ως ράβδος του Ααρών είτε πολύ 14 περισσότερο ως «η κεκλεισμένη πύλη, η κατά ανατολάς βλέπουσα», την οποία έδειξε στον προφήτη Ιεζεκιήλ ο Θεός, αποκαλύπτοντάς του ότι δεν θα την διέλθει άλλος, παρά μόνον ο Ίδιος, και γι’ αυτό θα την κρατήσει έπειτα και πάλι κεκλεισμένη. Η Γέννηση της Παναγίας λοιπόν τονίζεται και υμνολογείται τόσο εξαίσια, διότι ακριβώς παραπέμπει στον Ιησού Χριστό. Ο Χριστός είναι Εκείνος που δίνει την αξία στη Μητέρα Του, χωρίς την οποία όμως δεν θα ήταν Αυτός που είναι: εκτός από τέλειος Θεός και τέλειος άνθρωπος. Γι’ αυτό και η μοναδικότητα του Ιησού Χριστού αποκαλύπτει και τη μοναδικότητα της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου. Κανείς ποτέ δεν υπήρξε ούτε πρόκειται να υπάρξει παρόμοιος με την Παναγία. Το ύψος της αγιότητάς της είναι υπέρμετρο και πάντοτε θα παραμένει, κατά την πατερική ποιητική υπερβολή ίσως, «Θεός μετά Θεόν». Κατά συνέπεια κατανοείται και το γιατί υπάρχει τόσο μεγάλη χαρά στη σύμπασα οικουμένη. Διότι με τη Γέννηση της Παναγίας ξεκινά η διαδικασία Γεννήσεως και της Χαράς του κόσμου, του Χριστού. Στον κόσμο πια θα υπάρχει η δυνατότητα υπέρβασης της αμαρτίας, κατάργησης του διαβόλου, καταπάτησης του θανάτου. Στον κόσμο θα υπάρχει η αληθινή Ζωή. Είναι δυνατόν να μη χαίρει ο κόσμος γι’ αυτό; «Σήμερον της παγκοσμίου χαράς τα προοίμια∙ σήμερον έπνευσαν αύραι, σωτηρίας προάγγελοι». 3. Ένα σημείο, στο οποίο πρέπει κανείς να σταθεί, από εκείνα που μαρτυρεί για την εορτή η Εκκλησία, είναι η συχνή επίκληση του προορισμού της για το ρόλο της στη θεία οικονομία. Η Παναγία προορίστηκε να γίνει Μητέρα του Θεού ως ανθρώπου. Το θέμα του προορισμού έχει προκαλέσει πολλές συζητήσεις, και μάλιστα στο παρελθόν. Είναι δε από εκείνα που οριοθετούν την αλήθεια από την πλάνη της αίρεσης. Υπάρχει προορισμός του ανθρώπου; Κι αν ναι, τότε πού βρίσκεται η ελευθερία του ανθρώπου, η οποία καταγράφεται στην Αγία Γραφή ως το βασικότερο στοιχείο του εικονισμού του Θεού στον άνθρωπο; Δεν θα μακρηγορήσουμε σ’ αυτό. Παρ’ όλη τη σοβαρότητα και τη δυσκολία ίσως που έχει η διαπραγμάτευσή του – μη ξεχνάμε ότι ο ιερός Αυγουστίνος, ο μεγαλύτερος θεολόγος του Δυτικού χριστιανισμού, αλλά και άγιος της δικής μας Εκκλησίας, δίδαξε τον λεγόμενο «απόλυτο προορισμό», δηλαδή τον εξαρχής χωρισμό των ανθρώπων από πλευράς του Θεού, των σωσμένων και των χαμένων, γεγονός που επηρέασε πάρα πολύ έπειτα και τους Προτεστάντες – μπορούμε να κάνουμε μερικές απλές επισημάνσεις: ο Θεός βεβαίως δημιουργεί ελεύθερο τον άνθρωπο, αλλά δεν καταργείται με αυτό η δική Του παγγνωσία και προόραση. Για τον Θεό τα πάντα είναι «γυμνά και τετραχηλισμένα» ενώπιόν Του, συνεπώς γνωρίζει εκ των προτέρων οτιδήποτε κι αν συμβεί, οτιδήποτε κι αν σκεφτεί ως λογισμό ο άνθρωπος. Άλλωστε στον Θεό χρόνος δεν υπάρχει, τα πάντα δηλαδή γι’ Αυτόν είναι παρόντα. Το γεγονός λοιπόν ότι ο Θεός προγνωρίζει τα πάντα δεν σημαίνει ότι καθορίζει και τα πάντα, σαν να είναι Αυτός ο απολύτως υπεύθυνος. Ο άνθρωπος κινείται και σκέφτεται ελεύθερα, αλλά ο Θεός μπορεί απλώς να επέμβει για να τροποποιήσει αυτό που η ελευθερία του ανθρώπου αποφάσισε και ενήργησε. Την πραγματικότητα αυτήν τη βλέπουμε και στα αρνητικά, αλλά και στα θετικά. Και στα θετικά είναι η Γέννηση και της Παναγίας: ο THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Το Γενέθλιο της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου (8 Σεπτεμβρίου) προγνωρίζοντας τη θετική κλίση της ψυχής της στο πανάγιο θέλημά Του, την προετοιμάζει να γίνει ό,τι και έγινε. Η Παναγία θέλησε να είναι με τον Θεό. Ο Θεός προετοίμασε να γίνει η Μητέρα Του, προβλέποντας τη στροφή της θελήσεώς της σ’ Εκείνον. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, όσο είναι δυνατόν να εκφραστεί απλά, κατανοούμε και τον προορισμό της Παναγίας, ίσως ένα είδος σχετικού προορισμού, για το οποίο μιλούν οι ύμνοι της Εκκλησίας μας. 4. Και βεβαίως η Εκκλησία μας δεν παύει, προβάλλοντας με ποιητικότατο και θεολογικότατο τρόπο την εορτή, να καλεί και εμάς τους πιστούς όλων των αιώνων στην πρακτική διάσταση αυτής: δηλαδή αφενός να κινηθούμε σε δοξολογία του Θεού μας για την ευεργεσία Του να αναδείξει την Παναγία κατοικητήριό Του, αφετέρου να κατανοήσουμε ότι «ταις πρεσβείαις της Θεοτόκου» ο Κύριος θα μας σώζει, και τρίτον, να διδαχθούμε από την Παναγία στον τρόπο της ζωής της, ακολουθώντας αυτό που την ανέδειξε σε τόσο μεγάλη αγιότητα: το «ιδού η δούλη Κυρίου, γένοιτό μοι κατά το ρήμά Σου». Η Εκκλησία αδιάκοπα μας υπενθυμίζει ότι είμαστε κλημένοι για τη θέωση, δηλαδή να γινόμαστε κι εμείς Παναγίες, σαρκώνοντας τον Χριστό μέσα μας. Κι ο λόγος για την προοπτική αυτή που ξεπερνά οποιαδήποτε φαντασία είναι η ένταξή μας στο σώμα του Χριστού διά του αγίου βαπτίσματός μας. Είμαστε μέλη Χριστού, είμαστε ενδεδυμένοι Εκείνον, συνεπώς μπορούμε να ζούμε σαν την Παναγία. Αρκεί βεβαίως να το θέλουμε και να το επιτηζούμε. παπα Γιώργης Δορμπαράκης 9 Great Ways to Be Extremely Strange Love: Joy: Peace: Patience: Kindness: Goodness: Loving others even when others may seem unlovable. Being joyful, in spite of the circumstances around you. Providing a calming peace to those around you. Demonstrating patience even in chaos Being kind to one another, even when others aren’t so kind. Not advocating perfection, but genuinely striving to be a better person and serving as a witness to that endeavor for others. Faithfulness: Standing firm with loyalty and commitment to Christ, even when others are rejecting what’s true Gentleness: Not wimpy, but carefully balancing strength and truth with grace and love. Self-Control: Disciplining self to live out a strange kind of life, often sacrificing what’s temporary for what is eternal. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23) 15 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG 16 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Incense BRINGING INCENSE TO THE CHURCH IS A DELIGHTFUL PRACTICE, PLEASING TO THE LORD ῾Προσέφεραν εις Αυτόν δώρα, χρυσόν, λιβάνι και σμὐρναν᾽ Theotokos, who received in her the Divine Body of the Lord, which is an “all consuming fire”, without suffering corruption or change. With the incense we offer at the hour of prayer, we aid the uplifting of the soul towards spiritual heights, "let us lift up our hearts”. Offering incense in the Old To θυμίαμα κατ’ αρχήν συμβολίζει την προσευχή, Testament was God's requirement. Incense was to be που ανεβαίνει προς τον Θεό. Είναι η ορμή της ψυχής προς offered at the beginning of the day in the morning and in τα άνω. Και ταυτόχρονα συμβολίζει και τη ζέουσα επιθυμία the evening at the time of lighting lamps. “Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning μας να γίνει η προσευχή μας δεκτή «εις όσμήν ευωδίας when he tends the lamps. 8 He must burn incense πνευματικής». Συμβολίζει ακόμη τις γλώσσες πυρός της again when he lights the lamps at twilight so Αγίας Πεντηκοστής, όταν ο Κύριος εξαπέστειλε στους ‘incense will burn regularly before the Lord for the Μαθητές Του το Πανάγιό Του Πνεύμα «εν είδει πυρίνων γλωσσών». Το ευώδες θυμίαμα συμβολίζει εξ άλλου και τον generations to come”. (Exodus 30: 7-8). This good practice was transferred to the αίνο, που απευθύνεται προς τον Θεό. Η καύση του θυμιάματος σημαίνει τη λατρεία και τον εξιλασμό. Το δε Christian worship. This devotional instrument creates an θυμιατήριο, όπου καίγονται τα κάρβουνα και τοποθετείται environment of devout prayer and attracts the sanctifying το θυμίαμα, συμβολίζει την κοιλία της Υπεραγίας grace of God. Θεοτόκου, η οποία δέχθηκε στα σπλάχνα της σωματικώς την Θεότητα, που είναι «πύρ καταναλίσκον», χωρίς να If you wish to bring an offering of incense to υποστεί φθορά ή αλλοίωση. Με το θυμίαμα που be used during the Services, please see προσφέρουμε την ώρα της προσευχής υποβοηθείται η Fr. Peter for specific information on what ανάταση της ψυχής προς τα υψηλά «άνω σχώμεν τάς type is preferable. καρδίας». Η προσφορά θυμιάματος στην Παλαιά Διαθήκη αποτελούσε εντολή του Θεού. Έπρεπε να προσφερθεί θυμίαμα στην αρχή της ημέρας το πρωί και το βράδυ με το άναμμα των λύχνων καὶ θυμιάσει ἀπ᾿ αὐτοῦ ᾿Ααρὼν θυμίαμα σύνθετον λεπτόν· τὸ πρωΐ πρωΐ, ὅταν ἐπισκευάζῃ τοὺς λύχνους, θυμιάσει ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ, 8 καὶ ὅταν ἐξάπτῃ ᾿Ααρὼν τοὺς λύχνους ὀψέ, θυμιάσει ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ· θυμίαμα ἐνδελεχισμοῦ διὰ παντὸς ἔναντι Κυρίου εἰς γενεὰς αὐτῶν. (Έξοδ. 30: 7-8).Αυτή η καλή συνήθεια μεταφέρθηκε και στη χριστιανική λατρεία. Το λατρευτικό αυτό μέσο δημιουργεί κατανυκτικό κλίμα προσευχής και ελκύει την αγιαστική χάρη του Θεού. TRANSLATION In principle, incense symbolizes the prayer, which ascends to God. It is the momentum of the soul upward. And at the same time it symbolizes our fervent desire for our prayer to become accepted by the Lord as a "spiritual aromatic offering”. Also, it symbolizes the tongues of fire of the Holy Pentecost, when the Lord sent to his disciples the Holy Spirit “in the form of tongues of fire”. Moreover the fragrant incense symbolizes a praise that is directed towards God. The burning of incense means worship and Atonement. And the “thymiatirio” (sensor), where the coals burn and the incense is placed, symbolizes the most Holy 17 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG New Jersey Metropolis Clergy Laity Assembly 2014 CLERGY LAITY ASSEMBLY & PHILOPTOCHOS CONVENTION On May 12th members of the Orthodox community gathered together at the Venetian in Garfield to attend the annual awards banquet of the Clergy-Laity Assembly and Philoptochos Convention of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey. His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey presented awards to parishioners from our Church and other Churches in our Holy Metropolis. Awards were presented to the following parishioners in the following categories: Most Senior Steward Honoree Diane Peppes Philoptochos Honoree Shirley Kemp Community Honoree Yannis Magiros Goya Honoree Christina Panagakis 18 Parish Council Honoree Dominick Pepe Honoree Presbytera Georgia Souritzidis Church Caretaker Honoree Efthimia Triantafylou THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Sunday School by Alicia Pepe So much has happened in our Sunday School over the past few months! We said some goodbyes but also welcomed some new changes into our program. Our graduates ended their Sunday School journey on June 14 this year. We had six graduates: Heleena Anastos, Melissa Haag, James Kinzer, Maria Matsakis, Alexandros Pandazis, and Fotis Tsambounieris. We are so proud of all our graduates and know that they will continue to serve and make a difference in our church. In fact, many of our graduates will be joining the staff of our Sunday School to help shape the minds of the future generation of Orthodox Christians! JUNIOR STEWARDSHIP Along with graduation also comes the beginning of a new year for Sunday School. Last year, we began a new Junior Stewardship program, which encourages our Sunday School students to donate their time, talent, and treasure to the church. Children were given the opportunity to assist in the altar, sing in the choir, and help out with various church activities such as the festival. In addition, a new Stewardship bank was purchased to collect donations from the children every Sunday. The program was started in January and by the end of Sunday School, we had collected just over $250 from our children. This is an incredible amount and we are so proud of our children for understanding the importance of giving back to our church and to God. Since the program will be running for a full school year this year we have increased our pledge amount to $500. We have no doubt that with the dedication and support of our wonderful children we will reach this goal. We hope that the parents and other parishioners in our community take note of these children’s dedication and fill out their own pledge to the church as well. JUNIOR CHOIR Another program that we changed this year is our Junior Choir. We have devised a schedule that allows each class to participate in a Junior Choir lesson twice a month. The children are divided into two groups – K-4 and 5-8 – and each group attends Junior Choir for the last twenty minutes of their regular Sunday School lesson during their scheduled Sunday. We are so lucky to have Diana Pitsikoulis as our Junior Choir instructor and are so grateful for all that she has done with the program. We are looking forward to this program continuing this September. NEW ECCLESIASTICAL YEAR Speaking of September, Sunday School registration will be held during St. George’s annual Registration Sunday which will be held Sunday, September 7. 19 Children as young as three years old, by October 1, can register for Sunday School with the Little Angels. Little Angels, Pre-School, and Kindergarten classes meet from 10:00 to 12:00 and all other classes meet right after Communion around 10:30. Children are encouraged to sit in the reserved front pews during the Liturgy and then proceed to their Sunday School classes after Holy Communion. A simple snack will be provided in our lower Church hall and parents are encouraged to sign up to assist us in providing this snack. The first day of Sunday School this year is September 28, where we will have a short Parent Orientation in the church upon completion of the Divine Liturgy. Class pictures for Sunday School will be October 26. As the holiday season approaches, our Sunday School will organize a Thanksgiving Food Collection, to be held from November 2-16. And as always, we will have our Angel Tree gift collection during the Christmas season, from November 30 through December 14. Our annual Christmas Pageant, a touching reenactment of our Savior’s birth, will be on December 21 this year. As another summer ends and a new school year begins we must remember that endings are just another way for God to open up another path for us. It is important to follow that path to a new beginning, one filled with love, charity, and faith. Sunday School is an important way to teach your children how to follow that path. We know that everyone’s lives get so busy during the school year but it is so important to make Sunday School a priority. We have seen an increase in attendance over the last year and are hoping that this trend will continue. Don’t forget – we offer awards and certificates for students who earn Excellent Attendance (absent 3-5 times) and Perfect Attendance (absent 0-2 times). While these awards are certainly incentives to attend church and Sunday School, remember that the biggest incentive is the reward you will earn with God. SUNDAY SCHOOL SOWING SEEDS FOR CHRIST THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Philoptochos by Denise Cecchini Greetings and welcome back from your summer vacations both near and far. Hope you had a relaxing time and are revitalized to continue the mission of our Philoptochos. As we prepare for the beginning of a new Ecclesiastical year we will attempt to initiate new and creative ways to fundraise and give to those who are in most need. It is our mission: To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through fundraising efforts; To promote the charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, through instructional programs, presentations, lectures, seminars and other educational resources; To preserve and perpetuate Orthodox Christian concepts and the Orthodox Christian Family, and through them, to promote the Greek Orthodox Faith and traditions, in accordance with its doctrines, canons, discipline, divine worship, usages and customs; To promote participation in the activities of the Greek Orthodox community, with the cooperation of the Parish Priest and the Parish Council. The charitable work of the Society is to perform with discretion, courtesy and kindness. CLERGY-LAITY Several of us were fortunate to attend the 42nd Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress & the National Philoptochos Convention in Philadelphia, PA this past July along with 450 ladies from as far as Hawaii. All 9 metropolises from across the United States were represented and although the days were packed from early morning to late into the evenings with discussions, presentations and voting we listened with pride as our National President Aphrodite Skeadas presented donations to organizations of good causes. From a moving video tribute to veterans created from the personal archives of Philoptochos stewards, to a panel discussion on mental health issues in the Greek Orthodox community, to an interactive discourse on the traditional Greek diet, "family" was front and center in the program, bolstered by the Orthodox faith. Under the leadership of National Philoptochos President Aphrodite Skeadas and Convention Tri-Chairs Anastasia Michals, Martha Stefanidakis and Evellyn Tsiadis, the program included guest speakers, 20 professional training, and award presentations, in a framework of spiritual growth. Key speakers included Michael Emanuel, Chief Congressional Correspondent for FOX News who delivered presentations on “The Ecumenical Patriarchate and Religious Freedom” and a personal reflection titled, “Serving on the Front Line,” presented in conjunction with a tribute to veterans. A representative from the archdiocese traced the timeline and fundraising plan to rebuild the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at Ground Zero. President Skeadas read the personal appeal of Archbishop Demetrios asking the delegates for unified Philoptochos support to which there was a resounding, “Yes!” There were times when we laughed and there were moments when we cried as we listened to the presentation made by representatives of SNAP, a Special Needs Athletic Program in the Metropolis of New Jersey, to a 13 year old young girl who attends St. Basil’s Academy. Speaking on human trafficking was Rachel Lloyd, Founder of Girls Education and Mentoring Services (GEMS), who escaped exploitation as a teenager with the help of a missionary group. The humanitarian work borne of her struggles brought tears to the eyes of the audience. Bishop Sevastianos of Zela, Spiritual Advisor to Philoptochos, added that Archbishop Demetrios was appointed to a White House advisory council that seeks to end human trafficking. Several weeks prior to the convention chapter presidents were asked to bring a donation for Philabundance, an organization that feeds the homeless and less fortunate in the Philadelphia area. At the back of the auditorium was a mailbox designated for the donations. Every day you would see the ladies slipping their envelopes into the box. On the last day of the convention President Skeadas presented Philabundance a check for $11,500. By the end of the convention we, the Ladies of Philoptochos, had donated $212,000 to various charities throughout the United States of America. In 2013, we the ladies of Philoptochos, donated over $2,382,000.00. What astounding numbers! And….we, the ladies of St. Paraskevi Philoptochos, are a part of this wonderful ministry who are making a difference. Philoptochos is the largest Christian women’s organization in the United States and we should all be proud of the hard work that we do. So as you can see, the Philoptochos is about making a difference in our local community. as well as the community at large. Please join us in September, become a member and make a difference!! THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Recipe Seared Halibut With Greens & Chickpeas (serves 4) 4 fillets of fresh halibut (6oz. each) 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 bunches of scallions, thinly sliced 4-6 cloves of garlic, minced 3 Tbsp. tomato paste 2 bunches of greens (kale, swiss chard or amaranth) 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 2 cups hot water 3 cups of cooked (or canned) chickpeas salt and pepper to taste extra-virgin olive oil 2 tsp. dried Greek oregano Rinse your fish fillets and pat-dry. Drizzle olive oil on them and run all over the Prayer Before Meals fish. Sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper and Christ our God, bless us Your servants, place in the fridge. Trim/ our home, the food and drink before remove the thick stalks of us for You are the Source of all your greens and rinse well blessings, now and forever and ever. or soak in a basin of water Amen. Lord Jesus Christ our God, You (repeat 2-3 times if blessed the five loaves in the wilderness necessary to remove dirt). and fed the multitudes of men, women Reserve. and children. Bless also these Your In the meantime, place a large pot on your stovetop over medium heat gifts and increase them for the hungry and add the olive oil, onions and garlic and sweat for 5-6 minutes or until people in the world. You are the One translucent. Add the tomato paste and stir for 2 minutes (to cook). who blesses and sanctifies all things Now roughly chop the greens and add into the pot with some sea salt and to You we give glory forever. and cover. Allow the steam to wilt the greens for about 6-7 minutes and Amen. then add the wine vinegar, chickpeas and hot water and bring up to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook with the lid ajar for another 15-20 Prayer After Meals minutes. Remove the lid and simmer uncovered until most of the liquid has Glory to You, Lord and King! You evaporated. Season with salt, pepper and add the dried Greek oregano. have gladdened our hearts through Keep warm. Your earthly gifts. Fill us also with the Take your fish out of the fridge and allow about 5 minutes to return to gift of Your Holy Spirit, that we may room temperature. Place a large skillet on your stovetop over mediumabound in every good work to the high heat. Once the pan is hot, add a good drizzle of olive oil and place glory of Your name. Amen the fillets skin side down and sauté for 4 minutes then flip and sauté for another 2-3 minutes or until the fillets are just opaque. We thank You Lord, Giver of all good Turn the heat off and remove from pan from the heat source. Allow to things, for these Your gifts and all rest. Divide and plate the chickpeas and greens as your base then place a Your mercies, and we bless Your holy fillet on top. Pour some of the liquid from the greens over the fish, name forever. Amen. garnish with some scallion greens (or chives) and Greek oregano. 21 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our GOYA by Alex Argiris As the autumn months rapidly approach and our St. George Clifton GOYA year commences, below is an update of the GOYA’s recent activities and accomplishments and events that the GOYAns are looking forward to in the fall. Our GOYA participated in the Indoor Soccer tournament in Wall Township, NJ on May 3. Both the girls and boys teams played three games and enjoyed a spirited competition filled with fun and fellowship. The next event was the Indoor Olympics at St. Demetrios in Perth Amboy on May 11. This event was a prelude to the Outdoor Olympics and it gave our GOYAns an opportunity to partake in various indoor activities. Alex Argiris received 1st place in junior boys ping pong, Panayoti Logothetis was awarded 2nd place for junior boys ping pong, Maria Pandazis won 1st place ping pong for junior girls, Antonia Zanakis received 3rd place for senior girls ping pong, Fotis Tsambouneris obtained 2nd place for FIFA Soccer, and Alexandros Pandazis received 2nd place for backgammon and 3rd place for checkers. On May 24-25, the GOYA attended the Outdoor Olympics at Monmouth University. Our GOYAns competed in track and field events and volleyball. Congratulations to Panayioti Logothetis for winning 1st place in the junior boys 400 meter run and 3rd place in the junior boys 100 meter run and to Andriana Andreou for receiving 2nd place in the senior girls’ softball throw. We would like to extend a very special thank you to Mr. Michael Halkias for all his invaluable help and commitment to coaching the volleyball team for the Olympics. At our last meeting on June 3, elections were held for the 2014-2015 Executive Board. Congratulations to Kalliopi Logothetis-President, Sophia Logothetis-VicePresident, Alex Argiris-Recording Secretary, Eva Pelidis-Corresponding Secretary, and Sofia PramagioulisTreasurer. In addition, we would like to congratulate all of our seniors who graduated this year. We wish them much success and happiness in all their future endeavors. Also, we would like to thank all the parents for their help and support of our St. George GOYA throughout the year. 22 Our St. George GOYA has several exciting events and activities planned in the fall. The Diving for the Cross is in Asbury Park on September 21. This is a memorable day which begins with Divine Liturgy at the Paramount Theater followed by the Diving for the Cross Ceremony. Matthew Delaney, Stella Spyropoulos, Sofia Pramagioulis, and Fotis Tsambounieris will be representing our GOYA as divers. GOYAns and their families are welcomed to attend the Divine Liturgy and support our divers afterwards. The Mr. and Miss GOYA Pageant is at the Pines Manor in Edison, NJ on Sunday, October 12 at 4:00pm. We are very proud to have Alexandros Pandazis and Kalliopi Logothetis representing our Clifton GOYA as Mr. and Miss contestants. As another GOYA year is about to begin, we are looking forward to another gratifying and rewarding year with many unforgettable experiences and everlasting memories. Join GOYA!!… addition to so many fun-filled events, you will build lifetime friendships as well as learn valuable religious and social lessons that will guide you into your adulthood years! Worship, Fellowship, Witness, and Service! THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our GOYA Are you entering 7th Grade? Then you’re invited! Our St. George GOYA registration for the 2014-2015 will begin Sunday, September 7 with an October 31, 2014 deadline. Registration fee is $40.00. GOYA is a youth organization for children between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. Our calendar is full of activities including religious, charitable, athletic and social events that are either on the local or state level. SAVE THE DATE! St. George GOYA will be holding a Tricky Tray Auction, on Friday, November 14th at 6:00pm. The proceeds from this event will benefit our youth ministry group. Please help us make this event a success. We ask you kindly to donate gifts of merchandise, gift certificates, or make monetary contributions that can be used to purchase prizes. Please bring your donations to the church office. Your thoughtful contributions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration. For any questions please contact The GOYA Advisors: Sophie Logothetis, Popi Pelidis, Phyllis Lambridis, Angela Delaney 23 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG 24 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG 25 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Hope and Joy by Elaine Manoliadis Once again we had our summer camp with tremendous success. We had about 80 campers and over 30 counselors and advisors. Our children spent their days learning the importance of our religion and different parts of our church. In the mornings, they created various crafts, such as painting with marbles, creating their own kites and bandanas, using sea shells to create a cross and much more. Each day the children had a lesson from our teachers, Mrs. Christothea Pandazis and Mrs. Kathy Fitzpatrick, and we truly appreciate all their hard work they gave the kids. We also introduced for the first time “Greek Dancing.” The children received lessons from the dance instructor Angelo Gergatsoulis and by the end of the week they all performed various Greek dances at the talent show. We hope the children continue with their Greek dancing throughout the fall and winter with Angelo. Please look for him on Registration Sunday. Every day we had our Yiayias and Papous help with lunch. Without them, the food & snacks that was generously donated by many families and restaurants wouldn’t have been prepared. We are truly blessed to have such support from all our families. 26 The afternoons were filled with tie dyed shirt making, and they all turned out amazing!! We also had “Water Day” where children played outside on dunk tanks and large water slides. Father Peter taught the children the importance of Holy Water and why and when we use it. We also had our annual “St. George Got Talent Show.” Performances included singing, hip-pop dancing, magic, gymnastics, hula hooping, joke telling, tap dancing, violin and guitar playing. We give all the children who participated in the talent show, much credit and applaud them for their efforts. On our last day of camp, we had a 80’s theme Hip Hop party where the children wore neon colors and had hair as high as possible… Once again, we thank everyone who made this week a success. We also want to thank Father Peter for his guidance throughout the week. See you next year!! Elaine Manoliadis & Angela Delaney THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG 27 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Our Church Sacraments 09/01/13 Nicholas Kwan-Shen Dukas Sponsors: Eleni and Vasili Kaltsis 09/08/13 Michael Augustine Stone Sponsor: Kaliopi Hatzipetros 10/26/13 Alexander James Gregory Sponsor: John Nicholas Gregory 10/27/13 KennethEmmanuel Tzavlakis Sponsor: Christina Haag 11/10/13 Elias Vasiliou Chrisafinis Sponsor: Anastasia Anagnostopoulos 11/16/13 Ren Alexia Jenkins Sponsor: Steve Michael Gemma 11/16/13 Panayiotis Anthony Sifonios Sponsors: Peter and Maria Venetes 11/16/13 Themistoklis Anthony Sifonios Sponsors: Themistoklis and Maria Nissirios 12/01/13 SophiaAlexis Duchinsky Sponsor: Christina Stathis 12/08/13 Nicholas Peter Bakas Sponsor: Janet Tasigianis 12/15/13 Vasilia Maria Nicholaides Sponsors: Eleni Chryssos and Fotini Irene Hiras 12/28/13 Alexander Konstantinos Mahles Sponsor: Sylvia Kapsis Baptisms 2013 / 2014 Ecclesiastical Year 01/05/14 George Anastasios Tzavaras Sponsors: Jennifer Tzavaras and Sima Sciopu 01/05/14 Gianna Angelina Papamarkos Sponsor: Anna Kitsos 02/22/14 Liliana Vincenza Logothetis Sponsor: Nicholas John Papageorge and Jennifer Furnari 02/23/14 Marianna Koufidis Sponsors: Nicholas Xagorarakis and Zoe Nangle 03/01/14 Lucas Dominico DiMaio Sponsor: Evangelia Demeter 03/02/14 William Elias Gerhold Sponsor: Louis G. Koroneos 03/16/14 James Angelo Kamakaris Sponsor: Stella Kamakaris 03/29/14 Elias Paslis Sponsor: Stamatis Zapantiotis 04/06/14 Alexander Kyriacou Sponsor: Nicholas Kalas 04/06/14 Amela Christina Murray Sponsor: Irene Baloubis 04/06/14 Manolis Dimitris Fostinis Sponsors: Konstantinos and Maria Fasilis Weddings 2013 / 2014 Ecclesiastical Year 09/01/13 Michael Chilimintris and Elvia Munoz 09/22/13 Adam Ronald Duchinsky and Zena Paraskevi Stathis 11/10/13 Alejandro J. Dominguez and Miranda L. Kakoullis 11/17/13 Vagelis John Sophias and Olympia M. Potaris 01/04/14 Daniel Lleonart and Maria Hadginikitas 01/26/14 Kyriakos Mangafas and Elefteria Georgallis 02/16/14 George Diakos and Kelly Fillipidis 03/01/14 Nicholas L. Vlantes and Monica B. Palao 05/17/14 John Tsividakis and Diana Maria Arteaga 05/18/14 Aristotelis Leontopoulos and Fatima Cristina Matos 05/26/14 Philip Rentzis and Cara Greco 06/21/14 Carmine Santarella and Kallie Kolyvas 07/20/14 Emmanuel Skounakis and Leisys Mercedes Huhn 07/26/14 Shannon Luke and Zoe Scoullos The Sacraments of The Church Baptism; Chrismation; The Eucharist; Penance; Marriage; The Annointing of The Sick (Euchelaion); And The Priesthood 04/27/14 Haralambos Stone Sponsor: Maria Hatzipetros Angelina Portela Sponsors: Chris and Eleni Christofides 06/01/14 Christos Francis Antipatis Sponsor: Stergios Zembilis 06/14/14 George Panagiotis Pilarinos Sponsor: Sofia Lignos Ellie Julia Avramidis Sponsor: Theodora Avramidis 06/15/14 Liam Theodore O'Dell Karagas Sponsor: Presyvtera Gigi Souritzidis 06/22/14 Anthony Demetrios Mish Sponsors: Dean and Adriana Kyriacou Andrea Patrikios Sponsor: Aphrodite Vickie Rokkos 06/29/14 Steven Thoamas Papadatos Sponsors: Gerard and Christina Mosiello Julia Neko Papadatos Sponsors: Anthony and Faye Gemmellaro 07/13/14 Alexis Reagan Verdis Sponsor: George Verdis Deaths 2013 / 2014 Ecclesiastical Year 09/13/13 Helen Davatelis 09/18/13 GeorgiosK. Sevdalis 09/20/13 Pavlos Giannoglou 10/02/13 Mary Hariton 10/22/13 Elizabeth Kastrunis 10/28/13 Mary Routsis 01/24/14 Helen Zacharias 02/03/14 Mary Sifonios 02/02/14 Dimitrios Anastasopoulos 02/06/14 Mary G. Kanellos 02/08/14 Lorianne Eleni Anna Stamatiou 02/13/14 Angelos T. Panagos 02/20/14 Christakis A. Mikellidis 03/16/14 Vangelica Romanos (Zogas) 03/27/14 George Croneos 04/05/14 Dimitrios G. Georgeles 04/30/14 Sophia H. Petritsis 05/23/14 Joanna E. Zanetakos 05/27/14 Michael Demetroules 06/29/14 Petar Hristov Stanev 07/18/14 Konstantinos Ingilis 07/21/14 Constantine J. Christakos 28 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Endowment Fund / Aspasia Tassos-Smith Estate Gift At the June 2014 Parish Council meeting, it was decided that we should proceed with finalizing the Bylaws for the Endowment Fund using preliminary bylaws that were developed a while ago. It was decided that an Endowment Fund Committee would be setup. This committee will include the 3 Parish Council Members (Nick Marcopulos - President, Spyros Demetropoulos - 2nd Vice President, and Christothea Pandazis - 2nd Treasurer), and 4 Parish Members. 7 members from the Parish were nominated and they accepted the nomination. The 7 members are (Chris Bozios, Harry Prassakos, Marios Eliades, Ross Halkias, Artemis Kinzer, Olga Drimones, and Joanne Scordilis). The committee will also include legal advisor James Fitzpatrick. The goal of this committee will be to present at a Special General Assembly meeting the final Bylaws to be voted on by the Parish. The Endowment Committee has been meeting to review and update the final Bylaws. Since we have 7 members nominated for 4 open positions, elections will be held to determine the 4 people who will be on the committee. A Special General meeting will be held and proper notice will be sent out according to the UPR (Uniform Parish Regulations). In order to have some continuity, the committee has decided that the 2 members who receive the greatest votes will serve for 3 years and the other 2 members will serve for 2 years. If you have any questions or would like to send any feedback for the Endowment Fund Committee, please contact Spyros Demetropoulos, 2nd Vice President, at [email protected]. Please think of our church as you make your long-term plans. The voting for the Distribution of Funds from the Aspasia Tassos - Smith Estate gift was completed on June 1st and June 8th. The results were as follows: Option 1: 6 votes $476k in endowment Option 2: 24 votes $100k capital improvements $100k emergency fund $276 endowment Option 3: 56 votes $76K capital improvements $400k endowment Based on the outcome, the church will have 2 accounts; One for the Aspasia Smith Capital Improvement Matching Grant Fund and one for the Endowment Fund. Committees will be formed to manage the funds. 29 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life -Giving Cross The Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross is celebrated each year on September 14. The Feast commemorates the finding of the True Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by Saint Helen, the mother of the Emperor Constantine. In the twentieth year of his reign (326), the Emperor Constantine sent his mother Saint Helen to Jerusalem to venerate the holy places and to find the site of the Holy Sepulcher and of the Cross. Relying upon the oral tradition of the faithful, Saint Helen found the precious Cross together with the crosses of the two thieves crucified with our Lord. However, Helen had no way of determining which was the Cross of Christ. With the healing of a dying woman who touched one of the crosses, Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem identified the True Cross of Christ. Saint Helen and her court venerated the Precious and LifeGiving Cross along with many others who came to see this great instrument of Redemption. The Patriarch mounted the ambo (pulpit) and lifted the Cross with both hands so that all of the people gathered could see it. The crowed responded with "Lord have mercy". This became the occasion of the institution in all of the Churches of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross, not only in memory of the event of the finding of the Cross, but also to celebrate how an instrument of shame was used to overcome death and bring salvation and eternal life. The Feast is an opportunity outside of the observances of Holy Week to celebrate the full significance of the victory of the Cross over the powers of the world, and the triumph of the wisdom of God through the Cross over the wisdom of this world. This Feast also gives the Church an opportunity to relish the full glory of the Cross as a source of light, hope and victory for Christ's people. It is also a time to celebrate the universality of the work of redemption accomplished through the Cross: the entire universe is seen through the light of the Cross, the new Tree of Life which provides nourishment for those who have been redeemed in Christ. This Feast of our Lord is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which is conducted on the day of the feast and preceded by the Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on the evening before the day of the feast. 30 On the day of the Feast at the conclusion of the Matins or of the Divine Liturgy, a special service is held. The Cross is placed on a tray surrounded by branches of basil and is taken in solemn procession through the church to the chanting of the Hymn of the Feast. The tray is placed on a table, and the priest takes the Cross and offers petitions from each side of the table, the four directions of the compass. This represents the universal nature of the offering of Christ upon the Cross. As the people respond by chanting "Lord have mercy", the priest raises and lowers the cross, a commemoration of its finding and exaltation. At the conclusion of the service, the people come and venerate the cross and receive the basil from the priest. The basil is used and offered, as it was the fragrant flower growing where the Cross was found. Scripture readings for the Feast of the Cross are the following: At Vespers:Exodus 15:22-16:1; Proverbs 3:11-18; Isaiah 60:11-16. At the Orthros (Matins): John 12:28-36. At the Divine Liturgy: I Corinthians 1:1824; John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35. THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG A New Ecclesiastical Year - Growing in Christ Growing in Christ Easy ways to grow in faith this new ecclesiastical year Pray! – We all pray. But do we have regular prayer New Year’s resolutions are so hard to keep! We set goals with the best of intentions… truly wanting to make positive changes and grow. But, there is too much pressure to achieve our sometimes impossibly high goals. Some people do achieve their lofty New Year’s Resolutions. However, success can be found where people have made simple goals, helping build confidence and encourage further growth. The same thing can happen when making goals for our spiritual lives. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed, thinking of all the ways we could improve our spiritual lives. Ultimately, we get frustrated and pass off growth and change until the next year. On September 1st, we celebrated the beginning of a new ecclesiastical year. By the month of September, we find ourselves back in our normal routine…work, school, activities, and parish ministries. This year, let’s avoid the stress of making overwhelming goals. Instead, let’s make a few simple goals for growing in Christ that we can easily achieve. Below you will find a few examples of small, achievable goals. Pick one spiritual discipline to focus on. You could also choose to work on more than one. The main goal is to GROW IN CHRIST! Sunday, September 7 is Ministry Sunday BE THERE!! The parish council would like to invite everyone to come to Ministry Sunday scheduled for September 7th to talk to all the new committees that have been formed. To the right is a list of all the new committees and the Parish Council Chairperson presiding over that committee.. Please review the list to see where you would like to help. Based on your conversations with the various chairpersons, determine where your talents could be used and join a committee in order to help the church. 31 discipline? If you already pray in the mornings and at night, make sure to pray at dinnertime or make your prayer time a little longer. Serve! - If you already participate in service projects or philanthropic activities, consider organizing a project or offering more of your time and talent to these efforts. Worship! - If you already attend Divine Liturgy and other services pretty frequently, make a more focused attempt to be on time or make it even earlier for the Orthros (Matins) service. In addition, make it a point to participate regularly in the Sacramental life of the Church. Prepare to receive Holy Communion (Eucharist) and Confession more regularly. Read/Learn! – You might be bogged down with school and work. But take an hour out of your video game or Facebook time to read something that is relevant to your Orthodox Christian faith. Love! – Love is not just a noun, it is also a verb… an action! Make an effort to love your neighbor by respecting rather than judging. Make an effort to love your family by learning how to be patient and understanding, even when they get on your nerves! Make an effort to love those who might be different than you because they, too, were created in God’s image. Committees Beautification By Laws Capital Improvement Communication Endowment Facility Rental Finance Fund Raiser Maintenance Safety Scholarship Social and Cultural Events Stewardship Technology Welcome / Outreach THE ORTHODOX LIGHT Parish Council Chairperson Christothea Pandazis Dr. John Malindretos Steve Manis Anthoula Bozios Nick Marcopulos Nick Poulis Angela Delaney Dr. George Scordilis John Foukas Dr. Panos Diamandopoulos Nickitas Alexiades Efrosine Sullivan Angela Delaney Spyros Demetropoulos Steve Drimones WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG May 2014 Greek Festival We thank everyone who volunteered their time and efforts to make our annual Greek Festival a success!! Thank you to all who donated goods and / or made donations! We appreciate it!! We thank everyone who came out and supported our parish!! God Bless Everyone! 32 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG May 2014 Greek Festival For more delicious Greek food; Mark your calendars! November 1st & November 2nd Fall Greek Food Festival!!! 33 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors Consider Renting our Community Hall or our Downstairs Hall for your next Family Celebration! For Information and Prices contact Nick Poulis at 201-407-4906 or Church Office: Phone: 973-779-2626 Fax: 973-777-6946 Or Email: [email protected] 34 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 35 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors Phone: 201-939-9233 Fax: 201-939-6118 Email: [email protected] 122 Moonachie Ave, Moonachie,NJ 07074 36 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 811 Clifton Ave.., Ste. 2 Clifton, NJ 07013 Phone: 973-778-1900 37 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors Avenue Pediatrics Sophia Gigos—Costeas, MD, FAAP 526 Bloomfield Avenue Suite 102 Caldwell, NJ 07006 (973) 228-6302 Fax: (973) 228-6305 For Advertising in the Orthodox Light Please contact Christothea Pandazis at 973-202-7745 or Email at [email protected] 38 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 39 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 40 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors For Advertising in the Orthodox Light Please contact Christothea Pandazis at 973-202-7745 or Email at [email protected] 41 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 42 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Please Support Our Sponsors 43 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Greek Orthodox Church of Saint George and The Shrine of Saint Nectarios 818 Valley Road Clifton, NJ 07013 VIEW THIS NEWSLETTER IN COLOR ON THE WEB WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Paterson, NJ Permit #509 TO Visit our St. George Book Store in the downstairs hall! Bibles, Books on prayer life, our Orthodox Faith, Lives of Saints, fasting, and many more topics. Many Icons available as well. Religious books and items for children! 44 THE ORTHODOX LIGHT WWW.STGEORGECLIFTON.ORG
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