ΣΟ ΒΔΛ ΤΥΗ Recognized in Rome as one of the best publications of philanthropic organizations ΜΔΓΑΛΟΣΑΤΡΟ ΣΟΤ ΩΣΖΡΟ * ΜΔΣΑΛΛΗΟ ΑΓΗΟΤ ΠΑΤΛΟΤ * ΒΡΑΒΔΗΟ ΑΚΑΓΖΜΗΑ ΑΘΖΝΩΝ * ΓΗΠΛΩΜΑ ΚΟΗΝΩΝΗΚΖ ΠΡΟΝΟΗΑ ΓΗΓΛΩΖ ΔKΓΟΖ ΣΖ ΔΝΩΖ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΩΝ ΑΜΔΡΗΚΖ «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» ΑΠΟ ΣΟ 1947 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY * Volume #69 * Issue #292 * JANUARY-MARCH 2014 * e-mail: [email protected] * www.velouchiusa.org Φριστός Ανέστη! Christ Is Risen! «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» Σξηκεληαία Έθδνζε ηεο Έλσζεο Δπξπηάλσλ Ακεξηθήο 121 Greenwich Road #212 * Charlotte, NC 28211 Tel.: (704) 366-6571 * Fax: (704) 366-6678 E-mail: [email protected] * WWW.velouchiusa.org ΔΚΓΟΣΖ/ΤΝΣΑΚΣΖ Διεπζέξηνο Κ. Πεξνύιαο * ΤΜΒΟΤΛΔΤΣΗΚΖ ΔΠΗΣΡΟΠΖ Ησάλλεο Γ. Πεζιήο νθία Καδάθνπ * Όιγα Κνληνλίθα * ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP Chapter Members: $50.00 Members at-large: $45.00 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2013-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD President: John G. Peslis 1st Vice President: Ted Kazakos 2nd Vice President: Tom Skenteris 1st Secretary: Bobby Tsiabassis 2nd Secretary: Sophia Kazakos 1st Treasurer: James Kastriches 2nd Treasurer: Peter Spero BOARD MEMBERS Andrew Kampiziones Chapter # 1 “Panagia Prousiotissa* Florence, SC Stella Anagnostopoulos Chapter # 2 “Markos Botsaris” Fayetteville, NC John Kortesis Chapter # 3 “O Platanos”Winston Salem, NC Nick Apostolopoulos Chapter # 4 “O Elatos”Charlotte, NC Jim Paliouras Chapter # 5 “To Kleithi” Bur/GBO/Chapel Hill Gus Barlas Chapter # 6 “Athanasios Karpenisiotis” Asheville, NC James F. Kotsianas Chapter # 7 “Sotira” Knoxville, TN Dr. Paul Dallas Chapter # 8 “Megdova” Roanoke, VA George Giannopoulos Chapter # 9 “Kefalovriso”Greenville, SC Chriss Poulos Chapter # 10 “Itia” Washington, DC Constantinos Kalevas Chapter # 11 “Liontari”Hampton Roads, VA Evangelos Moutogiannis Chapter # 12 “Roumeli” New Haven, CT Thomas Skordas Chapter # 14 “Agia Triatha Richmond, VA George Serpanos Chapter # 15 “To Psilo Nero” Seattle, WA Spiros Kardambikis Chapter # 16 “O Katsantonis” New Castle, PA James Caras Chapter # 17 “O Aetos” Atlanta, GA Paul L. Kokos Chapter #18 “O Agios Taxiarhis” Camp Hill, PA Dr. Mary Ann Contogiannis Daughters of Evrytania “VELOUCHI” COMMITTEES 2013-2015 STANDING COMMITTEES IN U.S.A SCHOLARSHIP: Vicki Kappas-Keriazes (Chair), Jimmy N. Kontos, Dr. Bill Kortesis, Dr. Jimmy L. Kontos, Andrew Kampiziones, Tom Skenteris, Larry Peroulas, Jim Lloyd, Dr. James Kotsianas, Dr. Steve Hodges, Bobby Tsiabassis. CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS: Bobby Ziogas (Chair), Sam Ballas (Vice Chair), Jerry Kontos, Sam Nikopoulos, Stavros Trastelis. ADVISORY TO THE BOARD: Tom Skenteris (Chair), All “Velouchi” Past Presidents. CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Tom Nixon (Chair), Tasos Hasapis (Vice Chair), John Poulos, George Dais, Velouchi Board of Trustees. GRIEVANCES AND DISPUTES: Menas Dascalakis (Chair), Tom Nixon (Vice Chair), Bill Skenteris, John Poulos, Dr. James Kotsianas. PROPERTY: James Cavalaris (Chair), Jimmie Pourlos (Vice Chair), Tom Skenteris, James Kastriches, Nick Bakatsias (Charlotte). YOUTH: Council members will be elected at a later date. FINANCIAL ADVISORY: Dr. Steve Hodges, Spiro Pappas, John Kortesis. MEMBERSHIP-SUBSCRIPTION: Ted Kazakos (Chair), all Chapter Presidents. MUTUAL INTEREST AND ALTRUISM: The Executive Board Members. PRESS & INFORMATION: Bobby Tsiabassis (Chair), Nick Apostolopoulos (Vice Chair) all Chapter Correspondents. EDITORIAL BOARD: Larry Peroulas (Chair/Editor), John G. Peslis, Jimmy N. Kontos, Olga Kleto, Sophia Kazakos. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Nick Apostolopoulos (Chair), Stavros Trastelis (Vice Chair), James Caras, John G. Peslis, Andrew Kampiziones, Larry Peroulas, Jim Tasios, John Fragakis, Bessie Dimos. AUDITING COMMITTEE: Tommy Pappas (Chair), Arthur Pappas, Tom Nixon, Evangelos Stassinos, George Retsios. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Stavros Trastelis (Chair), Tom Skenteris, Nick Apostolopoulos, James Caras, Jim Tasios, Gus Hodges. AD HOC COMMITTEES IN U.S.A SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND: Demos Tsiakos (Chair), Chris Karageorge, Stelios Bousios, Dr. Bill Skenderis. NAMED SCHOLARSHIPS: Jim Tasios (Chair), Larry Peroulas (Vice Chair), Kostas Kazakos, Tom Skenteris, Helen Paliouras, John Peslis, James N. Chulkas. EDUCATION & CULTURE: Larry Peroulas (Chair), Dr. Ioannis Yfantopoulos (Vice Chair), Paulina Vastakis, Spiro Pappas, Andrew Kampiziones, Dr. Steve Hodges, Sylvia Nikopoulos. RAFFLE: George Katergaris (Chair), Denny Ziozios (Vice Chair), James Kastriches (Treasurer), Tom Skenteris, John Peslis, Mike Pistiolis, Chapter Presidents. REPRESENTATIVES TO GREEK/AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS IN THE US: Velouchi’s Executive Board Members. INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION: Panagiotis Steele (Chair), Jimmy Georgiou (Vice Chair), Jimmy Kontos, George J. Peslis, Larry Peroulas, Alexandra Dais, Dr. Ioannis Yfantopoulos (Athens-Greece). LEGAL ADVISORS TO THE BOARD: Bobby Ziogas (Chair), Nick J. Bakatsias. CHAPTER VISITATIONS: The Executive Board Members and all “Velouchi” Past Presidents. GREECE REPRESENTATIVES TO GREECE: Dr. Ioannis Yfantopoulos (President), Kostas Avrambos (Vice President), Vasilios Trihias (Secretary), Ioannis Zoumbos, Pantelis Vlahos. SCHOLARSHIPS IN ATHENS: Dr. Ioannis Yfantopoulos (Chair), Panagiotis K. Vlahos (Vice Chair), Vasilios Trihias (Secretary), Christos Giannakopoulos, Epamenontas Tsiampokalos, Ioannis Zoumbos, Evangelos Niavis, Theofanis Saxonis, Pantelis Vlahos, Kostas Abrambos, Thanassis Bacogeorge. SCHOLARSHIPS IN KARPENISSI: Vasilios Trihias (Chair), Lambros Karanikas (Vice Chair), Ioannis Economides (Secretary), the Current Director of Koinoniki Pronoia, Kosmas Papadimas, Pantelis Vlahos. BOARD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GEROKOMEIO: Panagiotis Katsoudas (Chair), Pantelis Vlahos. EVRYTANIAN FOUNDATION BOARD Nick Apostolopoulos, Chairman (2013-2017) * Chris Karageorge (2011-2015) Gus Barlas (2011-2015) * Spiros Pappas (2010-2014) * Jim Tasios (2010-2014) James Caras (2013-2017) * Tommy Pappas (2013-2017) ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» CHARLOTTE, NC The 3nd Velouchi Board of Trustees Meeting Was a Success The Velouchi Board of Trustees met for the 3rd quarterly meeting of the 2013-2014 fiscal year on Sunday, February 2, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. The Velouchi members of “Elatos”, Chapter 4, in Charlotte hosted a very fruitful and wellattended meeting. 30 members of the Boards of Velouchi and the Daughters enjoyed a delicious luncheon and the warm hospitality of our Charlotte compatriots. Dear Velouchi members, Kali Anastasi & Kalo Pascha! 3 the new technology system that has been lately installed in our headquarter offices. The next Velouchi Board meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 18, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. We remind all that the teleconference-audio-visual equipment is up and running and all Board members should be able to participate in the meeting even if they are unable to come to the Association’s headquarter offices. However, a Skype account will be necessary beforehand. Assistant District Attorney TED KAZAKOS Is Running for District Court Judge in Winston Salem, NC I send you my best regards and want to urge you to keep thinking those who are suffering during the days that some of us others celebrate. Also, since the magazine will come out by the end of March I would like to scream from the bottom of my lungs, “Zito to Ethnos”, in commemoration of the Greek Independence Day. Our Association has been invited to participate in the Philadelphia Independence Day Parade this year on March 23; I will represent by marching in it. I welcome anyone else to participate and march with me as well. Easter, the biggest Orthodox celebration is coming; many of our own in Evrytania are lacking basics. I would appreciate it if you would contact any of your known Board of Trustee members or Chapter Officers and ask them how you can help one or more families during this time. After all, the Gospel clearly states that God will judge us on how we treat/ed the person nears us… I would also like to urge all the chapter officers to attempt to help the Knoxville Chapter’s effort to do an add book; those forms have been disbursed and are available through Dr. James Kotsianas or through the Association’s office. I would also like to remind everyone that most of the things that we do, are done through the money collected from dues; if they are not timely, we will need to be good stewards and either cut back on mailings or other services, so please be timely with your payments. God be with us and always guard our Association. John G. Peslis The Velouchi Executive Board. Frm left: Bobby Tsiabassi, James Kastriches, John G. Peslis and Ted Kazakos. We are ready! Our meetings are reachable through Skype now. T It was also the first time that some members had the opportunity from far away to participate in the meeting through Skype, ed Kazakos, national vice president of the Evrytanian Association “Velouchi”, and a lifetime member of Chapter 3, is running for District Court Judge in Winston Salem, NC. Ted currently serves as an Assistant District Attorney in Forsyth County and is running for a vacant judicial position recently allotted to the district. He has been working diligently in preparation for the May 6th primary. The Kazakos family would like to express their gratitude to all of the members of the association who have shown their support of Ted's endeavor over the last several months. You can find out more about his accomplishments and the campaign at www.tedkazakosforjudge.com. Καλή Επιτυχία! JANUARY – MARCH 2014 ΜΖΝΤΜΑ ΠΡΟΔΓΡΟΤ Αγαπεηά Μέιε θαη Φίινη, αο ζηέιλσ ηνπο ζεξκόηαηνπο ραηξεηηζκνύο κνπ θαη ζέισ λα ζαο παξνηξύλσ λα ζπλερίζεηε λα ζθέθηεζηε εθείλνπο πνπ ππνθέξνπλ θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ησλ εκεξώλ πνπ νξηζκέλνη από εκάο ηνπο άιινπο γηνξηάδνπκε. Δπίζεο, δεδνκέλνπ όηη ην πεξηνδηθό ζα εθδνζεί πξνο ην ηέινο ηνπ Μαξηίνπ, ζα ήζεια λα «νπξιηάμσ» από ηα βάζε ησλ πλεπκόλσλ κνπ “Εήησ ην Έζλνο” γηα ηελ 25ε Μαξηίνπ 1821, εκέξα ηεο Διιεληθήο καο Αλεμαξηεζίαο. Ο ύιινγόο καο έρεη πξνζθιεζεί λα ζπκκεηάζρεη ζηελ Παξέιαζε γηα ηελ Δζληθή καο Αλεμαξηεζία, ε νπνία ζα γίλεη ζηε Φηιαδέιθεηα ζηηο 23 Μαξηίνπ. Θα εθπξνζσπήζσ επάμηα ην ύιινγό καο κε ηε ζπκκεηνρή κνπ. Θα ραξώ όκσο ηδηαίηεξα αλ θη άιια κέιε καο παξειάζνπλ καδί κνπ.. Σν Πάζρα, ε κεγαιύηεξε γηνξηή ηεο Οξζνδνμίαο, πιεζηάδεη. Πνιινί από ηνπο δηθνύο καο αλζξώπνπο ζηελ Δπξπηαλία ζηεξνύληαη ηα βαζηθά. Θα ην εθηηκνύζα αλ επηθνηλσλνύζαηε κε νπνηνδήπνηε γλσζηό κέινο ηνπ Γηνηθεηηθνύ καο πκβνπιίνπ ή αμησκαηνύρν ηνπ ηνπηθνύ ζαο ηκήκαηνο θαη ηνπο ξσηνύζαηε πσο ζα κπνξνύζαηε λα βνεζήζεηε κηα ή πεξηζζόηεξεο νηθνγέλεηεο θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα απηήο ηεο πεξηόδνπ. Πάλσ απ’ όια, ην Δπαγγέιην καο ιέεη μεθάζαξα όηη ν Θεόο ζα καο θξίλεη από ην πσο θεξόκαζηε ή θεξζήθακε ζηνπο ζπλαλζξώπνπο καο. Θα ήζεια επίζεο λα θαιέζσ θαη λα παξνηξύλσ όινπο ηνπο αμησκαηνύρνπο ησλ ηκεκάησλ καο λα πξνζπαζήζνπλ λα ζπκβάινπλ ελεξγά κε δηαθεκίζεηο ζηελ πξνζπάζεηα ηνπ ηκήκαηόο καο ζην Νάμβηι λα παξνπζηάζεη έλα αμηόινγν βηβιίν ηνπ πλεδξίνπ καο. Σα ελ ιόγσ δηαθεκηζηηθά έληππα είλαη ζηε δηάζεζή ζαο, είηε κέζσ ηνπ Γξ. Γεκ. Κνηζηαλά είηε κέζσ ησλ Κεληξηθώλ Γξαθείσλ καο ζηε άξινη. Θα ήζεια επίζεο λα ππελζπκίζσ ζε όινπο όηη ηα πεξηζζόηεξα από ηα έξγα πνπ θάλνπκε, ηα θάλνπκε από ηα ρξήκαηα/ζπλδξνκέο πνπ καο ζηέλεηε θάζε ρξόλν γηα λα είζηε ηακεηαθώο εληάμεη σο κέιε ηνπ ζπιιόγνπ καο. αο παξαθαιώ λα ζηέιλεηε ηηο ζπλδξνκέο ζαο έγθαηξα δηόηη ζ’ απηέο ζηεξίδνπκε ηα έμνδα έθδνζεο ηνπ πεξηνδηθνύ θαη ηεο ελ γέλεη “VELOUCHI” 4 αιιεινγξαθίαο καο αιιά θαη ηόζσλ άιισλ πξνζθεξνκέλσλ από ηελ Έλσζή καο ππεξεζηώλ. Ο Θεόο λα είλαη καδί καο θαη πάληα λα πξνζηαηεύεη ην ύιινγό καο. Ησάλλεο Γ. Πεζιήο The Ad Hoc Velouchi Life Insurance Committee met at our headquarters in Charlotte February 2, 2014. The Committee was formed to study the prospects of the Association setting up a life insurance program for members to fund life insurance policies for the benefit of the Association. The Committee will meet again prior to the Convention and make recommendations to the Board for its consideration and potential presentation to the General Assembly for adoption of such program. Among the options being considered are ways for members or the Association to fund whole life insurance policies, including through financing of premiums, so as to make policies affordable to put in place and allow a way for the Association to generate funds for its short and long term philanthropic endeavors. ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 5 ==ΘΤΓΑΣΔΡΔ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ== President’s Message scholarship presentations. In an effort to combine some fun with the business that we must conduct at our meeting, after lunch on Saturday we are free to enjoy the area. I have asked the Host committee to help us look into different fun activities for the rest of Saturday and we will let you know what is available. The plans will be solidified over the next two months so stay tuned for the details. The Host committee is working hard to make it a great weekend for us! If anyone has ideas or would like to help plan the activity, please feel free to contact me. In any event, I look forward to seeing all of you in June! Καιό Πάζρα! Happy Easter! Happy Springtime! Sincerely, Mary Ann Contogiannis, M.D. DAUGHTERS OF EVRYTANIA 3RDBOARD MEETING Dear Fellow Evrytanians: This year has gotten off to a great start. Our meetings have been productive. I feel that our organization is truly committed to maintaining our ethnic ties to Evrytania and continuing the philanthropy for those in need. As William J. Bennett said, “When we help each other, we often learn all sorts of things about our world and ourselves. Practicing compassion brings wisdom.” As we look at strengthening our organization, the sharing of ideas between chapters can be very helpful in approaching how to engage new members as well as those that have “fallen off the wagon” so to speak. As we look to our future your Executive Committee is looking at a revision of the By-laws we operate under to update and better facilitate our organization. It is our goal to have them ready for review by the membership prior to our General Assembly in June. June is just around the corner and that brings the convention in Knoxville/Pidgeon Forge, so I hope all of you are excited. It is a great time to renew friendships, make new acquaintances and network. And I should add, have a little bit of fun along the way! I hope all of you plan to attend this year. Our business meeting will be on Saturday morning then we will join the Velouchi for a joint lunch. This year we will not be having the Sunday night banquet, offering the joint lunch on Saturday. There is an excellent buffet planned along with a few speakers and The Daughters of Evrytania had their 3rd quarterly meeting of the 2013-2014 fiscal year on Sunday, February 2, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. Their key line items on their agenda were the planning of the upcoming 70th Convention activities in Gatlinburg, TN and philanthropy. Their decision to support financially Families in Need and schools in Evrytania is very much appreciated by all. From left: Eula Kampizionis (Florence, SC), Loula Kastriches (Charlotte, NC), Elizabeth Contogiannis (Greensboro, NC), Olga Kleto (Charlotte, NC), Mary Ann Contogiannis (Daughters President - Greensboro, NC), Helen Clonaris (Charlotte, NC), Rena Georgiou (Charlotte, NC) and Eleni Contogiannis (Greensboro, NC) JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 6 ==DAUGHTERS OF EVRYTANIA== ΔΤΥΑΡΗΣΖΡΗΑ ΔΠΗΣΟΛΖ ΣΩΝ ΥΟΛΔΗΩΝ ΓΤΣ. ΦΡΑΓΚΗΣΑ ΠΡΟ: Σηο ΘΤΓΑΣΔΡΔ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ Σνλ θ. Γεγόξην Εαραξόπνπιν Ω ο εθπαηδεπηηθνί θαη δηεπζπληέο ησλ ζρνιείσλ ηεο Γπηηθήο Φξαγθίζηαο, αηζζαλόκαζηε ηελ αλάγθε θαη ηελ ππνρξέσζε λα επραξηζηήζνπκε νιόςπρα εθ κέξνπο νιόθιεξεο ηεο ζρνιηθήο θνηλόηεηαο ηεο Φξαγθίζηαο ηνπο εμ Ακεξηθήο νκνγελείο ρνξεγνύο ηεο ηνπηθήο καο Δθπαίδεπζεο ΘΤΓΑΣΔΡΔ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ θαη ηνλ θ. Γξεγόξην Εαραξόπνπιν, θαηαμησκέλν κέινο ηεο Έλσζεο Δπξπηάλσλ Ακεξηθήο «Σν Βεινύρη» γηα ηε λέα γελλαηόδσξε ρεηξνλνκία ηνπο, κε ην πνζό ησλ $2.000 ($1.500 από ηηο Θπγαηέξεο Δπξπηαλίαο θαη $500 από ηνλ θ. Εαραξόπνπιν), θαζώο θαη ηνλ πξόεδξν ηνπ πιιόγνπ Γπηηθνθξαγθηζηηαλώλ Αζελώλ θαη Γηεπζπληή ηεο εθεκεξίδαο «Γπηηθή Φξαγθίζηα», Γηώξγν Αλησλίνπ γηα ηελ εύζηνρε θαη επηηπρεκέλε πξσηνβνπιία θαη κεζνιάβεζή ηνπ, δηαβεβαηώλνληάο ηνπο όηη ε πξνζθνξά ηνπο απνηειεί πνιύηηκν εξγαιείν γηα ηε ζπλέρηζε παξνρήο πνηνηηθήο Δθπαίδεπζεο ζηα παηδηά καο, νη δηαθξίζεηο ησλ νπνίσλ ζε όινπο ηνπο ηνκείο, θάπνηε θαη πέξαλ ησλ νξίσλ ηνπ Ννκνύ, ε κεηέπεηηα αμηόινγε εμέιημή ηνπο θαη νη ζεκαληηθέο ηνπο επηηπρίεο γεληθόηεξα, δηθαηώλνπλ ζύλνιε ηελ παηδαγσγηθή καο πξνζπάζεηα, αιιά θαη ηελ εθ κέξνπο ησλ αγαζνεξγώλ ρνξεγώλ θαη αθνζησκέλσλ θίισλ καο ζηήξημε πξνο όθεινο ησλ ηνπηθώλ θνηλσληώλ. Σνπο ρξεηαδόκαζηε όινπο αδηάθνπα ζην πιεπξό καο γηα λα κπνξνύκε λα ζπλερίδνπκε κε δήιν θαη έκπλεπζε, θαη ηνπο επρόκαζηε κε όιε καο ηελ θαξδηά πγεία, δύλακε θαη καθξνεκέξεπζε, ώζηε λα κπνξνύκε λα ηνπο ληώζνπκε δίπια καο θαη λα αμηνπνηνύκε ηελ παξνπζία ηνπο γηα ην θαιό ησλ νξεηλώλ Δπξπηαλόπνπισλ. Μαθάξη ην παξάδεηγκα ηεο αγάπεο ηνπο γηα ηελ ηδηαίηεξε παηξίδα ηνπο λα βξεη κηκεηέο ζηνπο θξίζηκνπο θαηξνύο καο θαη ζηελ άγνλε, αιιά ηζηνξηθή απηή πεξηνρή. Δίλαη ηηκή γηα ηηο Δπξπηαληθέο θνηλσλίεο θαη ηελ εμ Ακεξηθήο Οκνγέλεηα λα ζηεξίδεηε ηα ζρνιεία καο, πξαθηηθή ε νπνία θαλεξώλεη θαη ζπλάκα εγγπάηαη επίπεδν πνιηηηζκνύ, πνηόηεηα δσήο θαη ηζηνξηθή ζπλέρεηα ηεο επξπηαληθήο ηαπηόηεηαο θαη παξάδνζεο! Έλα κεγάιν ΜΠΡΑΒΟ θαη έλα νιόζεξκν ΔΤΥΑΡΗΣΩ από όινπο καο! Με ηηκή, ΟΗ Γ/ΝΣΔ ΣΩΝ ΥΟΛΗΚΩΝ ΜΟΝΑΓΩΝ ΓΤΣΗΚΖ ΦΡΑΓΚΗΣΑ Νεπηαγσγείν: αβίδνπ Π. ( Νεπηαγσγόο) Γεκνηηθό ρνιείν: Καςάιεο Γ. (Γάζθαινο) Γπκλάζην: βεξώλε Δ. (Θενιόγνο) ΔΠΑ.Λ: Καθίδα Γ. (Φηιόινγνο) Γ ελ βξίζθσ ιόγηα λα εθθξάζσ ην ζεάξεζην έξγν πνπ επηηειείηαη από ηελ ΔΝΩΖ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΩΝ ΑΜΔΡΗΚΖ «Σν Βεινύρη» θαη ηηο «Θπγαηέξεο Δπξπηαλίαο». Έλα ΔΤΥΑΡΗΣΩ είλαη ην ειάρηζην γηα ην Γ.. θαη ηα πνιππιεζή κέιε ησλ Θπγαηέξσλ Δπξπηαλίαο θαζώο θαη γηα ην θαηαμησκέλν κέινο ηεο Έλσζεο Δπξπηάλσλ «Σν Βεινύρη» θ. Γξεγόξε Εαραξόπνπιν γηα ηελ άκεζε αληαπόθξηζή ηνπο κε ην ζπλνιηθό πνζό ησλ $2.000 γηα ηελ άκεζε θάιπςε βαζηθώλ αλαγθώλ ησλ ζρνιείσλ καο ($1.500 από ηηο Θπγαηέξεο Δπξπηαλίαο θαη $500 από ηνλ θ. Γξεγόξε Εαραξόπνπιν). Γπζηπρώο ε παηξίδα καο πεξλάεη θαηνρηθέο εκέξεο θαη ε θάζε βνήζεηά ζαο είλαη γηα εκάο κηα λόηα αηζηνδνμίαο. Καιό Πάζρα, Γηώξγνο Αλησλίνπ Πρόεδρος σλλόγοσ Γσηικοθραγκιζηιανών Δσρσηανίας ===Προσφορά Αγάπης=== WHITESTONE, NY 2-9-14 Αγαπεηέ θ. Πεξνύια, Καιή Υξνληά θαη θαιή πξόνδν ζηνλ ηζηνξηθό καο ζύιινγν «Σν Βεινύρη». Πξόζθαηα πιεξνθνξήζεθα όηη ηα ζρνιεία ζηε Γπη. Φξαγθίζηα έρνπλ κεγάιε νηθνλνκηθή αλάγθε. Σνλ πεξαζκέλν Αύγνπζην είρα ηελ ηηκή λα γλσξίζσ από θνληά ηελ κνλαρή Φεβξσλία, κηα άμηα εθπαηδεπηηθό θαη θαιή Υξηζηηαλή. Με όιε κνπ ηελ θαξδηά θαη αγάπε ζαο εζσθιείσ επηηαγή $500 θαη ζε παξαθαιώ πνιύ λα ζηείιεηο ηα ρξήκαηα απηά κέζσ ηνπ Βεινπρηνύ ζηα ζρνιεία απηά πνπ ηόζν ιαηξεύσ. Με παηξησηηθή αγάπε θαη εθηίκεζε, Γξεγόξεο Εαραξόπνπινο ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 7 ==ΘΤΓΑΣΔΡΔ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ== The Daughters of Evrytania Chapter #4 - Charlotte, NC From the Charlotte Daughters of Evrytania Annual Mother/Daughter Bingo Night, held February 17, 2014. Charlotte Chapter members filled the room for a covered dish, a brief meeting and then the fun began with fabulous prizes and great fellowship. One of our ladies, Mrs. Eleni Tsiabasis was joined by her daughter, Mrs. Voula Pappas, her granddaughter-in-law, Mrs. Maria Pappas, and her great granddaughter, Miss Evi pappas. Four generations! ==Scholarship Applications== Our Association’s website is temporarily down for maintenance and upgrades. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. We would be more than happy to assist the Velouchi scholarship applicants by contacting our central offices at 704-366-6571 (fax: 704-366-6678) or e-mail us at [email protected]. JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 8 ===CHAPTER NEWS=== CHAPTER #3 «Ο Πιάηαλνο» WINSTON-SALEM, NC ==Σεο Αιεμάλδξαο θπινδήκνπ== ΓΔΝΝΖΔΗ πγραξεηήξηα ζηελ ηέιια θαη πύξν ηξαβνκύηε γηα ηελ γέλλεζε ηνπ γηνύ ηνπο Παύινπ-Αλδξέα. Πεξήθαλνη παππνύδεο θαη γηαγηάδεο είλαη νη Παύινο & Γέζπνηλα ηξαβνκύηε θαη νη Γεκήηξεο & Διέλε Υόλδξνπ από ην Φέηηβηι ηεο Β. θαξνιίλαο. Να ζαο μήζεη! πγραξεηήξηα ζηελ Διηζάβεη θαη Δπζύκην Ρνύζε γηα ηελ γέλλεζε ηεο θόξεο ηνπο Διέλεο. Πεξήθαλνη παππνύδεο θαη γηαγηάδεο είλαη νη Κσλζηαληίλνο & Δπαγγειία Καδάθνπ θαη νη Γξ. Πεξηθιήο & Διέλε Ρνύζε από ην Knoxville TN. Να ζαο δήζνπλ ηα λενγέλλεηα. ΒΑΠΣΗΔΗ ηηο 23 Ννεκβξίνπ ηειέζζεθε ε βάπηηζε ηνπ γηνύ ηνπ Φώηε θαη Διέλεο Κόληνπ. Αλάδνρνο παξέζηε ν Κσλζηαληίλνο Καξαγηάλλεο, ν νπνίνο ράξηζε ζην λενθώηηζην ην όλνκα Διεπζέξηνο. ηηο 14 Γεθεκβξίνπ ηειέζζεθε ε βάπηηζε ηεο θόξεο ηνπ Κσλζηαληίλνπ θαη Διηζάβεη ηώθε. Αλάδνρνο παξέζηε ε Μαξία Μπαιαηζηά, ε νπνία ράξηζε ζην λενθώηηζην ην όλνκα Βαζηιηθή. Να ζαο δήζνπλ ηα λενθώηηζηα θαη θάζε επινγία από ηνλ Κύξηνλ. ΑΡΡΑΒΩΝΔ πγραξεηήξηα ζηε Νηθνιέηηα Μάγεηξα θαη Βαζίιεην Μηραήι γηα ηνλ αξξαβώλα ηνπο. Ζ Νηθνιέηηα είλαη θόξε ηεο Νηίλαο ηαζνπνύινπ θαη εγγνλή ηεο ίαο θαη ηνπ αεηκλήζηνπ Αζαλαζίνπ Λεινύδε. Ο Βαζίιεο είλαη γηόο ηνπ Υξεζηάθε θαη ηεο Εσήο Μηραήι θαη εγγνλόο ηεο Γαθλνύιαο θαη ηνπ αείκλεζηνπ Εήλσλα Μηραήι θαζώο θαη ησλ αεηκλήζησλ Βαζηιείνπ θαη Διέλεο Ρίδνπ. Δπρόκαζηε Καιά ηέθαλα! ΘΔΡΜΔ ΔΤΥΑΡΗΣΗΔ Υίιηα ΔΤΥΑΡΗΣΩ ζηηο θνηλόηεηεο ηνπ Winston Salem, Burlington, θαη Fayetteville γηα όιεο ηηο γελαηόδσξεο δσξεέο πνπ θάλαλε γηα ηελ ζθεπή ηνπ ζπηηηνύ καο. αο επρόκαζηε πγεία θαη επηπρία γηα ην Νέν Δηνο. Με αγάπε νθία Καηζνύδα θαη παηδηά (Καλεζμένο Δσρσηανίας) CHAPTER #4 «Ο Έιαηνο», CHARLOTTE, NC ===Σεο θ. Ησάλλαο Καηεξγάξε=== ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 9 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΑ ΣΜΖΜΑΣΑ=== CHAPTER #4 «Ο Έιαηνο», CHARLOTTE, NC ENGAGEMENT Mr. & Mrs. James and Angie Kastriches announce the engagement of their son Dennis to the Elizabeth Clark from Locust, NC. Congratulations θαη Καιά ηέθαλα! Judge Theo Xenophon Nixon Is Running for Re-election ΚΟΠΖ ΒΑΗΛΟΠΗΣΑ ηηο 11 Ηαλνπαξίνπ 2014 πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε κε επηηπρία ε πξσηνρξνληάηηθε εθδήισζε ηνπ Σκήκαηνο ηεο άξινη θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο νπνίαο έγηλε ε θνπή ηεο βαζηιόπηηαο θαη ηα κέιε γηόξηαζαλ ηελ απνπιεξσκή ηνπ δαλείνπ. Ζ σξαία απηή εθδήισζε άξρηζε κε Δζπεξηλό ζηηο 4.30 κκ., ζην εθθιεζάθη καο «Παλαγία Πξνπζηώηηζζα». ηε ζπλέρεηα, έγηλε ε θνπή ηεο βαζηιόπηηαο θαη πξνζθέξζεθαλ λνζηηκόηαηα νξεθηηθά θαη θαγεηά πνπ ήηαλ θαη πάιη πξνζθνξά ησλ αγαπεηώλ θαη θαηαμησκέλσλ κειώλ καο Κώζηα θαη ίληπ Υνιέβα, ηνπο νπνίνπο επραξηζηνύκε ζεξκά θη επρόκαζηε ε Παλαγία καο λα ραξίδεη ζηελ νηθνγέλεηά ηνπο πγεία θαη επεκεξία. Θεξκά ζπγραξεηήξηα θαη ζηηο άνθλεο Θπγαηέξεο Δπξπηαλίαο ηνπ ηνπηθνύ καο Σκήκαηνο γηα ηα γεπζηηθόηαηα γιπθά θαη πίηεο αιιά θαη ηηο αληδηνηειείο ππεξεζίεο ηνπο πνπ πξνζθέξνπλ. Ζ εθδήισζε ζπλερίζζεθε κε δσληαλή κνπζηθή, ηξαγνύδηα θαη ρνξό από ηνπηθό κνπζηθό ζπγθξόηεκα. Καη ηνπ ρξόλνπ! Σ heofanis X. Nixon, son of the late Xenophon F. Nixon and Anna Koutroulias Nixon, has served as a District Court Judge in Mecklenburg County since April of 2008. He was the first Greek judge in North Carolina and has worked hard to serve his community. He brings 37 years of daily courtroom experience to this position and has effectively saved thousands of dollars for the taxpayers of North Carolina with the creation of two specialized courtrooms and promoting and presiding over Drug Treatment Courts. Judge Nixon has a thorough working knowledge of the complexities of the Judicial System, has devoted his career to it, and wants to continue his service in this capacity. Many of you remember his father Xenophon, who volunteered diligently for the Velouchi, the Evrytanian Association, and Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Judge Theo Nixon is running for re-election in the November 4th General Election and asks for your support. Correspondence or contributions may be sent to: Committee To Re-Elect Judge Theo Nixon, P.O. Box 33037, Charlotte, NC 28233. Καλή Επιτυχία! JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 10 ===CHAPTER NEWS=== CHAPTER #4 «Ο Έιαηνο» CHARLOTTE, NC ==Obituary== Constandinos A. Panou 1933-2014 Constandinos A. Panou, 80, of Charlotte, NC, passed away Thursday, the 16th of January 2014 at Novant Medical Center. He was born the 5th of March 1933 in Viniani, Evrytania, Greece to the late Antonios Panou and Spydrydoula Tsolias. Costa served in the Greek Air Force as an airplane electrician. In 1956 he came to the United States and worked for the Presto Grill in Charlotte and eventually became a partner and owner. After a visit back to his beloved Greece in 1962 he returned with his bride Katerini. He then became a partner with Tom Nixon in the old Fish Net fish camp which was in Matthews, NC. His last restaurant he worked was The Union Station in Monroe, NC on the old Charlotte highway. Costas was a member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral for over 50 years and had formerly served as a board member. Because of his love and passion for the church, he was one of the best chanters with an exceptional voice that the church was honored with. He was also a member of the Evrytanian Association of America “Velouchi”. Ironically after 50 years of marriage to a most special and loving wife Katerini who God took from us much too soon, and exactly three months ago. Costas wanted to be with her so he left us on January 16, 2014. Costas leaves his two sons: Tony (Antonios) Panou and Sam (Serafim) Panou who will mourn both parents in such a short time; his mother-inlaw, Eleni Nikopoulos of Greece and many loving and caring nieces and nephews here and also in Greece. In addition to his parents and wife, he was preceded in death by sisters: Fotini, Sophia, Maria, Vasiliki and Panagiota all of Greece. ΚΩΣΑ ΠΑΝΟΤ Μεηά από πνιύρξνλε ηαιαηπσξία κε ηελ πγεία ηνπ, καο άθεζε ν πνιπαγαπεκέλνο καο Κώζηαο ελώ πξν ηξηώλ κελώλ καο έθπγε θαη ε ζύδπγόο ηνπ Αηθαηεξίλε. Γηα ηελ Αηθαηεξίλε γξάθηεθαλ πνιιά γηα ηα ραξίζκαηά ηεο θαη πνηα ήηαλ απηή σο πξνο ηνλ ζύδπγό ηεο, ηα παηδηά ηεο θαη γεληθά ε ζρέζε ηεο κε ηελ θνηλσλία. Με ηνλ Κώζηα κεγαιώζακε καδί. Φύγακε από ην ρσξηό καδί. Μαδί θαη ζην Καξπελήζη σο πξόζθπγεο αιιά θαη ζπγθάηνηθνη θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηνπ ζρνιείνπ. Μαδί θάλακε ηα ραξηηά γηα λα έιζνπκε ζηελ Ακεξηθή θαζ’ όηη ζα εξρόκαζηε λα δνπιέςνπκε ζην ίδην καγαδί, ην νπνίνλ ήηαλ επηρείξεζε ησλ αδειθώλ Νηθνπνύινπ. Ο Κώζηαο έθζαζε ζηελ Ακεξηθή ηνλ Ηνύιην ηνπ 1956. Δδώ σο παηδηά κέλακε καδί θαη από ην 1960 έσο ην 1994 ήκαζηαλ ζπλέηαηξνη ζε δπν δηαθνξεηηθέο επηρεηξήζεηο. Δίρα ηελ ηύρε λα γλσξίζσ ηνλ Κώζηα πνιύ θαιά. Ήηαλ άλζξσπνο ηεο εθθιεζίαο, ηίκηνο, δίθαηνο, θαιόο ζύδπγνο θαη παηέξαο. Ο Κώζηαο ππέθεξε κε αλαπεξία δέθα ρξόληα, αιιά πνηέ δελ έθαλε παξόπνλα θαη δελ αηζζαλόηαλ κεηνλεθηηθά. Ζ ζύδπγόο ηνπ Αηθαηεξίλε ηνπ ζπκπαξαζηάζεθε πνιύ θαιά όια απηά ηα ρξόληα θαη ήηαλ πάληα ζην πιεπξό ηνπ.Ο Κώζηαο ήηαλ θαιόο ςάιηεο όπσο θαη ν αείκλεζηνο παηέξαο ηνπ. Δπί πιένλ, κέζσ ηεο Αδειθόηεηαο Βηληαληηώλ ππνζηήξημε πνηθίια θνηλσθειή έξγα πνπ έγηλαλ ζην ρσξηό καο ηε Βίληαλε. Πάληα ήηαλ πξόζπκνο λα δώζεη ρέξη βνήζεηαο ζε όζνπο είραλ αλάγθε. Γηεηέιεζε κέινο ηεο Έλσζεο Δπξπηάλσλ Ακεξηθήο «Σν Βεινύρη» επί δεθαεηίεο θαη όηαλ ηδξύζεθε ην ηνπηθό Σκήκα ηεο Έλσζεο ζην άξινη «Ο Έιαηνο» αλέιαβε, καδί κε άιινπο Δπξπηάλεο, πξσηαγσληζηηθό ξόιν ζηελ αλέγεξζε ηνπ παξεθθιεζίνπ «Παλαγία Πξνπζηώηηζα» θαη ζηελ δηακόξθσζε ηνπ εθεί πεξηβάιινληνο ρώξνπ. Ωο πνιπκήραλνο, ηίπνηε δελ ήηαλ αδύλαηνλ λα επηρεηξήζεη θαη λα κελ ην θαηνξζώζεη. Όηαλ έραζε ηε ζύδπγό ηνπ θαηάιαβε όηη θαλείο άιινο δελ ζα κπνξνύζε λα πάξεη ηε ζέζε ηεο. Έραζε ην ζηήξηγκά ηνπ, καδί κ’ απηό ην ζάξξνο λα ειπίδεη θαη έζβεζε θη απηόο. Να είλαη ειαθξύ ην ρώκα πνπ ηνλ ζθεπάδεη θαη αησλία ε κλήκε ηνπ. Αζαλάζηνο Νηθόπνπινο ==Obituary== Evangelos Stassinos (1936-2014) Evangelos Stavros Stassinos, "Angelo", age 78, died Sunday, March 23, 2014. He was born in West Fragista, Greece, on Jan. 21, 1936, and came to the United States in 1946. His family settled in Charlotte. After graduating from Central High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Angelo served in the U.S. Army Reserves. He then went into the restaurant business with his father and uncle at George's Grill. Later he built his own restaurant in the Elizabeth neighborhood and named it Stassinos Restaurant. After selling the restaurant, he was involved in the real estate business. For a number of years, he enjoyed a hobby in beekeeping and also traveling back to his native Greece and his place at Myrtle Beach, S.C. He was a member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral and the Evritanian Association of America “Velouchi”. He was preceded in death by his parents, Stavros and Aleki Stassinos; his two sisters, Mary Brown, Catherine Triantis; brother-in-law, Tryphon Triantis; nephew, Philip Triantis and a brother-in-law, Pete Kythas. He is survived by his wife, Dina Goulas Stassinos and his daughter, Aleki Stassinos; brother-in-law, Bill Goulas of Greece; sister- in-law, Nicki Kythas of Greenville, S.C. and a sister-in-law, Antonia Mousios and her husband, Dimitrios of Greece, and a brother-in-law, Richard Brown of Boone and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 11 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΑ ΣΜΖΜΑΣΑ=== CHAPTER #4 «Ο Έιαηνο» ηνλ αδειθό θαη θίιν ΔΤΑΓΓΔΛΟ ΣΑΗΝΟ Βηώλνληαο απηή ηε δσή, ν θαζέλαο καο αθήλεη πίζσ ην απνηύπσκα ησλ πξάμεώλ ηνπ, θαιό ή θαθό. Απηό θξίλεηαη απ’ απηνύο πνπ έδεζαλ καδί ηνπ ζηελ θνηλσλία. Καη ν Βαγγέιεο ηαζηλόο ηνπ ηαύξνπ ήηαλ, θαηά θνηλή νκνινγία, έλαο ΚΑΛΟ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟ αιιά θαη ΥΡΖΗΜΟ κε όιε ηε ζεκαζία ησλ ιέμεσλ. Λίγν κεηά ηελ πεξηπέηεηα θαη ηε δίλε ηνπ Β’ Παγθνζκίνπ Πνιέκνπ θαη θαηά ην ηξαγηθό μεθίλεκα ηνπ εκθπιίνπ αιιεινζπαξαγκνύ, ν Βαγγέιεο κεηαλάζηεπζε ζηελ Ακεξηθή κε ηελ νηθνγέλεηά ηνπ, ηνπο γνλείο ηνπ ηαύξν θαη Αιίθε θαη ηηο αδειθέο ηνπ Αηθαηεξίλε θαη Μαξίθα όπνπ θαη εγθαηαζηάζεθαλ ζηε άξινη ηεο Β. Καξνιίλαο. Γύζθνια ηόηε ηα ρξόληα θη εθεί, αιιά ηνπιάρηζηνλ ππήξρε εζπρία θαη εξγαζία. Μεηά ηελ απνθνίηεζή ηνπ από ην παλεπηζηήκην, ν Βαγγέιεο, σο ζηαζώηεο ηεο ειεύζεξεο νηθνλνκίαο, επέιεμε λα εξγαζζεί θαη λα θαηαμησζεί σο ειεύζεξνο επαγγεικαηίαο, αξρηθά ζην γλσζηό εζηηαηόξην George’s Grill θαη θαηόπηλ ζην Stassinos Restaurant. Έλσζε γηα πάληα ηε δσή ηνπ κε ηελ Κσλζηαληίλα Γνύια ηνπ Γεκεηξίνπ από ηε Γπη. Φξαγθίζηα Δπξπηαλίαο, από ην ίδην ρσξηό πνπ θαηαγόηαλ ν ίδηνο θαη ε νηθνγέλεηά ηνπ θαη ιίγν κεηά έθεξαλ ζηνλ θόζκν ηελ αμηνιάηξεπηε θόξε ηνπο Αιίθε. Ο Βαγγέιεο ηαζηλόο γαινπρήζεθε θαη πίζηεπε ζηηο ζεκειηώδεηο αξρέο θαη αμίεο κηαο δεκνθξαηηθήο θνηλσλίαο. Πίζηεπε ζηελ νηθνγέλεηα, θύηηαξν δηακόξθσζεο ραξαθηήξα θαη παηδείαο. Πίζηεπε ζηελ Οξζόδνμε Πίζηε ηνπ Υξηζηηαληζκνύ σο ζεκέιην πίζηεο αιιά θαη ζηε δεκνθξαηία σο ζύζηεκα δηαθπβέξλεζεο (ηζνπνιηηεία, ηζνλνκία, δηθαηνζύλε, ειεπζεξία ζθέςεο, έθθξαζεο, δξάζεο θαη εληηκόηεηαο). Μ’ απηά ινηπόλ ηα ζεκειηώδε ζπζηαηηθά δηακόξθσζε ην δηθό ηνπ ραξαθηήξα θαη ζηνλ βίν ηνπ παγίσζε ηνλ άλζξσπν ηνπ ΜΔΣΡΟΤ ηεο εληηκόηεηαο, ηεο πίζηεο θαη ηεο θνηλσληθήο θαηαμίσζεο. Πίζηεπε ζηνλ θαιό ραξαθηήξα ηνπ αλζξώπνπ θαη γη’ απηό βνεζνύζε ηνλ ζπλάλζξσπν. Ήηαλ απηόο πνπ κπνξνύζεο λα εκπηζηεπζείο απόιπηα ρσξίο λα ζε «πνπιήζεη». Ζ πξνζθνξά βνήζεηαο ζε άηνκα θαη νξγαληζκνύο κε θνηλσληθό θαη παηξησηηθό ζθνπό θαηεπζύλνληαλ θαη πξνο ηηο δπν παηξίδεο ηνπ ρσξίο ηπκπαλνθξνπζίεο. Πίζηεπε ζηελ νηθνλνκηθή αλεμαξηεζία ηνπ αηόκνπ πνπ ηνλ έθαλε ειεύζεξν θαη αζθαιή. Ζ ζεβαζηή ηνπ πεξηνπζία ηνλ θαηέζηεζε απηό αθξηβώο θαη γη’ απηόλ αιιά θαη γηα ηελ αγαπεκέλε ηνπ ζύδπγν Νηίλα θαη ηελ αμηνιάηξεπηε θόξε ηνπ Αιίθε. Ο ρακόο ζνπ αδειθέ-θίιε Βαγγέιε καο άθεζε έλα δηζαλεπιήξσην θελό ζηηο θαξδηέο καο θαη άθεζε πην ΦΣΩΥΖ ηελ ειιεληθή θνηλόηεηα ηνπ Καζεδξηθνύ Νανύ Αγίαο Σξηάδνο αιιά θαη ηελ επξύηεξε ειιελνακεξηθαληθή θνηλσλία ηεο άξινη. Έθπγε γηα πάληα έλαο GOOD MAN αιιά θαη πνιύ ρξήζηκνο. Θέισ λα πηζηεύσ όηη ν Θεόο ζα δηθαηώζεη απόιπηα ηηο πξάμεηο ζνπ. Αησλία ζνπ ε κλήκε θαη ειαθξύ ην ρώκα πνπ ζε ζθεπάδεη! Βαζίιεο Γνύιαο Αζήλα CHAPTER #7 “Sotira” KNOXVILLE, TN ==Obituary== ELENI (NITSA) CAVALARIS 1918-2013 Eleni (Nitsa) Cavalaris age 95 of Knoxville passed away on Friday December 27, 2013. She was born in Ditiki Fragista, Greece. Nitsa was a member of Saint George Greek Orthodox Church, the Philoptochos Society, St George Senior Citizens and the Evrytanian Association. She was preceded in death by her parents George and Ourania Peroulas, her beloved husband George, brothers Paul and Arthur Peroulas and sister Martha Chakos. She is survived by her loving and devoted daughter Maria (Peter) Couladis and son James (Mayona) Cavalaris, sister Marika Nassios, sister-in-law Catherine Peroulas and several nieces and nephews. ==Obituary== CONNIE STASSINOS KLETO 1929-2014 Connie Stassinos Kleto - March 26, 1929 - February 17, 2014. Connie passed away unexpectedly following a brief illness. Connie was a fixture in the Knoxville community for over sixty five years. She was truly an example of the “tireless worker” for her St. George Church. Connie was a long time member of the Philoptochos Society and the Senior Citizens Club of St. George. For many years she was the chairperson of Greek Salads at the Greek Fest in Knoxville. She was preceded in death by her husband Spiro (Pete) Kleto, with whom she operated The Quarterback Restaurant in Knoxville. Connie was born in Frangista, Greece, the daughter of Odysseus and Eleni Stassinos. As did many Greeks, Connie also endured much hardship during World War II as a child. While suffering from Typhoid Fever, she was unable to flee from her village home into the mountains as the Italian and German troops were coming through. At age 17, she came to Charlotte with her family in 1946. Preceded in death also was her brother, James Stassinos. She is survived by her daughter Sophia Kleto, son Dr. Dean and Marcia Kleto, granddaughters Alexandra and Ellen Kleto, sisters Bess and Jake Gurley of Charlotte, and Mary Chamis and the late John Chamis of Winston-Salem, sister in law Helen Stassinos of Washington, DC, nephew Dr. Sam and Diane Pappas, and many nieces and nephews. JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 12 ===CHAPTER NEWS=== CHAPTER #10 “Itia” WASHINGTON, DC Our membership met on January 26th to celebrate and bring in the New Year with a potluck dinner meeting WEDDING Elaina Olga Papanastasiou and Spiros Themis Avgeropoulos were married on August 31, 2013, at St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Bethesda, Maryland. Elaina is the daughter of John and Mary Papanastasiou, granddaughter of Kostas and Olga Tzaferis, Helen and the late Emilios Papanastasiou. Spiros is the son of Themis and Pat Avgeropoulos, grandson of Giannoula and the late Dimitrios Mitrothanasis, and Spiros and the late Androniki Avgeropoulos. Elaina and Spiros now reside in Chantilly, VA. CHAPTER #17 “O Aetos” ATLANTA, GA (By Mrs. Golfo Vastakis) A successful event In December, our ladies gathered once again to prepare and sell various baked goods – another successful event! 2014 started with a busy schedule for our chapter. Our organization served the coffee after Liturgy at the Cathedral for the entire month of January. Our chapter also continued its annual sponsorship of the Annunciation Golden Group luncheon on January 9th. We cooked and served a delicious meal. which included cutting of our Vasilopita. In the recent past we have supported various ministries of the Cathedral including the dance group and the College Outreach program. Our chapter donated a beautiful Vasilopita for the Philoptochos St. Basil’s Auction. We also donated two easels to the Cathedral to be used for icons. Our next bake sale will be held on Sunday, March 30, 2014 and our next chapter meeting will be in the Spring. Alexious at the Archangel Michael awards held on Nov 9,1913. This award is given to many members of our Atlanta Metropolis for their dedication and work for the growth of our Orthodox faith. ==Obituary== Gus John Caras 1929-2014 Membership News Nikolaos Vastakis Odenwelder, son of Jerry and Golfo Odenwelder and grandson of Nikolaos and Georgia Vastakis, participated in the Annunciation Cathedral Oratorical Festival – Junior Division, on February 23, 2014. He received an Honorable Mention for his participation. Chrysa Zacharopoulos, daughter of Tom and Aphrodite Zacharopoulos, who is a sophomore at the University of Georgia, was elected as the Risk Management Chairperson for her sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, for the year 2013 and 2014, as well as serving on the philanthropy committee. She was also chosen to be a part of the Freshmen Greek Leaders Organization on campus, and she served as one of Zeta’s two delegates represented in this organization. Chrysa's maternal grandparents, Sam and Iro Koskinas from Charlotte N. C. were both born in Karpenisi. Congratulations to Frances Katapodis, member of our Atlanta Chapter #17 (o aetos) for her recognition and award given by Metropolitan Gus John Caras, 85, died on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Mr. Caras was born in the village of Karitsa in Evrytania Greece on January 20, 1929. He came to the United States in 1947 at the age of 18, living with his aunt and uncle in Gainesville Georgia, where he attended Riverside Military Academy. He served in the United States Army for two years at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Following his military service, he attended The Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 1958 and a master’s degree in Information and Computer Science in 1967. He began his career as a chemist with Thiokol Corporation in Huntsville, Alabama, and also worked for the Army Missile Command designing rocket propellants. He moved to Atlanta with his family in 1966 and worked as a statistician for many years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, retiring in 1992. He ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 13 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΑ ΣΜΖΜΑΣΑ=== CHAPTER #17 “O Aetos” also taught courses in mathematics, statistics, and computer science for many years at Georgia State University and Dekalb College. Gus was very proud of his Greek heritage, and he raised his family in the Greek tradition. He made frequent visits to Greece and maintained homes in his childhood village and in Athens. He was a lifelong member of the Greek Orthodox Church and a member of the Evrytanian Association of America. He enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren, traveling, and watching Georgia Tech football. Gus was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, friend, and teacher. He touched many lives and will be missed by so many people. Gus is survived by his wife of 56 years, Dorothy Beam Caras; their son John Caras and his wife Deborah of Dunwoody, GA, their daughter Vicki Caras Bitzis of Sandy Springs, GA, and their daughter Lisa Caras Taylor and her husband Kevin of Greenville, SC; six grandchildren: Constantine (Charles) Caras, Maria Caras, Nicholas Bitzis, Benjamin Taylor, Lily Taylor, and Cate Taylor; his sister Marianthi Contos of Columbia, SC; his brother James Caras of Atlanta, GA; many nieces and nephews. Κσλ/λνο Ησ. Καξαδεκήηξεο Με ιύπε αλαθέξνπκε όηη ηελ 28ε Ηαλνπαξίνπ 2014 απεβίσζε έλα αθόκε επίιεθην κέινο ηεο Δλσζεώο καο, ν Κσλζηαληίλνο Ησάλλνπ Καξαδεκήηξεο, αδειθόο ηνπ θηιηάηνπ καο Γεκεηξίνπ Καξαδεκήηξε απ’ ηελ Αηιάληα θαη ηεο αδειθήο Μαξηάλζεο Κνληνύ απ’ ηελ Κνινύκπηα ηεο Ννηίνπ Καξνιίλαο. Ο Κσλζηαληίλνο Καξαδεκήηξεο ήιζε ζηελ Ακεξηθή ην 1947 ζε ειηθία 18 ρξνλώλ παξακέλσλ κε ηνπο Θείνπο ηνπ ζην Gainesville, ηεο Πνιηηείαο Γεσξγίαο, όπνπ εθνίηεζε θαη ζηε ηξαηησηηθή ρνιή Riverside Military Academy. Ζ ζηξαηησηηθή θαη επηζηεκνληθή θαξξηέξα ηνπ κεηεζηάληνο πεξηιακβάλεη, κεηαμύ άιισλ επηδόζεσλ, δηεηἠ ππεξεζία ζην Fort Bragg ηεο Ννηίνπ Καξνιίλαο, ζπνπδέο θαη δηπιώκαηα Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering θαη Master’s in Information and Computer Science από ηo θεκηζκέλo Georgia TECH. Δξγάζζεθε σο ρεκηθόο ζηε θεκηζκέλε Δηαηξεία Thiokol Corporation ζην Huntsville, Alabama θαζώο θαη ζην Army Missile Command Designing Rocket Propellants. Δπηζηξέςαο ζηελ Αηιάληα ην 1966 κε ηελ νηθνγέλεηά ηνπ, εξγάζηεθε γηα πνιιά ρξόληα σο ππεύζπλνο ζην Centers for Disease Control and Prevention κέρξη ην 19992, νπόηε θαη ζπληαμηνδνηήζεθε , έρνληαο επίζεο δηδάμεη Μαζεκαηθθαά, ηαηηζηηθή θαη Τπνινγηζηέο ζην θεκηζκέλν Κνιιέγην Georgia Tech. Πεξήθαλνο γηα ηελ Δπξπηαληθή ηνπ θαηαγσγή, εμαίξεηνο ζύδπγνο επη 56 έηε ηεο Dorothy Beam Caras κε γηνύο θαη ζπγαηέξεο θαη 6 εγγόληα, κέινο ηεο Οξζνδόμνπ Δθθιεζίαο Αηιάληαο θαη εκπλεπζκέλνο θαζεγεηήο αθήλεη πίζσ ηνπ κηα ζπνπδαία παξαθαηαζήθε άμηα επαίλνπ θαη κηκήζεσο Αο είλαη ε κλήκε ηνπ αηώληα! Αλδξέαο Κακπηδηώλεο JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 14 ===CHAPTER NEWS=== CHAPTER #18 “Άγηνο Σαμηάξρεο” CAMP HILL, PA We appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to helping with future challenges. Ο ΥΑΕΟΠΑΠΠΟΤ Ησάλλεο Γ. Πεζιήο ==By Mr. Paul Kokos== VALENTINE’S DANCE On a nice and snowy night on February 16, 2014 the Chapter Agios Taxiarhis held its annual Valentine’s dance; the purpose was for any surplus monies to support our scholarship fund. About 125 of our members and local parishioners honored us and heeded the call. A great time was had by all by DJ Makis; Mrs. Mallios was the lucky raffle winner of the beautiful icon of the Theotokos. We danced until midnight and called it a night, until the next time! έρεη πξαγκαηηθά μεηξειαζεί κε ην πξώην εγγνλάθη ηνπ, ηνλ Γηάλλε Γ. Πεζιή. Ο ίδηνο θαη ε ζπδπγόο ηνπ Μαξία ραίξνληαη ηδηαίηεξα γηα ηε ραξά θαη επηπρία πνπ έθεξε ζην ζπηηηθό ηνπο. Να ζαο δήζεη! ΓΑΜΟ Special thanks go to Mr. and Mrs. Gus and Ntina Giannaris who prepared the delicious meal, to Mr. John Kontos who always helps in the kitchen but lights up people’s hearts, president and Mrs. James Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kokos, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Paparoidamis and the chapter Secretary Mrs. Maria J. Peslis. ηηο 2 επηεκβξίνπ 2013, ζηνλ Ηεξό Ναό ηνπ Αγίνπ Γεσξγίνπ ζηε Φηιαδέιθεηα ηεο Παλζηιβάληαο, έγηλαλ νη γάκνη ηνπ ηαηξνύ Λάδαξνπ Μαγηόγινπ από ηελ πόιε Erie, PA κε ηελ δηθεγόξν Κσλ/λα Υαξκπίιηα από Harrisburg, PA. Κνπκπάξνη ηνπο είλαη ν θ. θαη ε θπξία ηέθαλνο θαη Νίλα Παιηνύξα από ην Erie, PA. Σν δεπγάξη δηακέλεη ζην Κιήβειαλη ηνπ Οράην. Ο γηαηξόο εξγάδεηαη ζην λνζνθνκείν “Clevelant Clinic” ε δε ζύδπγόο ηνπ πεξηκέλεη ην πξώην ηνπο παηδί. Σνπο επρόκαζηε «Βίνλ Αλζόζπαξηνλ» θαη επινγεκέλν κέιινλ γηα όιε ηελ νηθνγέλεηα. ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 15 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΑ ΣΜΖΜΑΣΑ=== MEMBERS AT LARGE AUSTRALIA WEDDING Evrytanian Foundation Board Meeting ηηο 9 Ηαλνπαξίνπ 2014 ηειέζζεθε ζηελ εθθιεζία ηνπ Αγίνπ Νηθνιάνπ ζην Μάξηθβηι ηεο Απζηξαιίαο, ν γάκνο ηνπ Αξηζηείδε Νηάλα θαη ηεο Κάξα ηεξλ. Ο Αξηζηείδεο είλαη γηόο ησλ επί πνιιά ρξόληα κειώλ θαη ζεκαληηθώλ ππνζηεξηθηώλ ηνπ Βεινπρηνύ Γεκήηξε θαη Αγαζήο Νηάλα. Μεηά ηελ ηειεηή αθνινύζεζε κηα ζαπκάζηα δεμίσζε ζην Doltone House ζην Darling Island. Σνπο επρόκαζηε «Βίνλ Αλζόζπαξηνλ» The Board of Trustees of the Evrytanian Foundation had a productive meeting on Sunday, February 16 aη our Headquarters in Charlotte. From left: Tommy Pappas, James Caras, financial advisor, Jim Tasios, Nick Apostolopoulos and Gus Barlas. Αριστερά οι νεόνυμφοι και δεξιά οι γονείς του Αριστείδη Ντάνα JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 16 REMEMBERING...THE 25TH OF MARCH 1821 ΓΙΠΛΗ ΣΡΑΝΗ ΓΙΟΡΣΗ ΓΙΟΡΣΑΔ ΣΟ ΔΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΥΟΛΔΙΟ ΣΟΤ ΚΑΘΔΓΡΙΚΟΤ ΝΑΟΤ ΑΓΙΑ ΣΡΙΑΓΑ ήκεξα γηνξηάδεη πάιη ε Παλαγηά... ήκεξα γηνξηάδεη πάιη ε Λεπηεξηά! LONG LIVE THE 25TH OF MARCH 1821 Μ ε ηδηαίηεξε ππεξεθάλεηα θαη ιακπξόηεηα γηόξηαζε ην Διιεληθό καο ρνιείν ζηηο 23 Μαξηίνπ 2014 ηε δηπιή ηξαλή ειιελνρξηζηηαληθή γηνξηή ηνπ Δπαγγειηζκνύ ηεο Θενηόθνπ θαη ηεο εζληθήο καο παιιηγγελεζίαο. Αζθπθηηθά γεκάηε ε αίζνπζα ησλ εθδειώζεσλ ηνπ Καζεδξηθνύ καο Νανύ Αγίαο Σξηάδνο. Ο π. Μηραήι θαη όινη καδί ύκλεζαλ ηε Θενηόθν θαη απόηηζαλ θόξν ηηκήο θαη επγλσκνζύλεο ζηνπο ήξσεο ηνπ 1821 πνπ έθαλαλ πξάμε ην όλεηξν θαη ηηο ειπίδεο όισλ ησλ πξνεγνύκελσλ γελεώλ. Οη καζεηέο ηνπ ρνιείνπ θαηαρεηξνθξνηήζεθαλ γηα ηα πνηήκαηά ηνπο, ηα ηξαγνύδηα θαη ηνπο παξαδνζηαθνύο ρνξνύο πνπ παξνπζίαζαλ. ην δηαγσληζκό πξώηεπζαλ νη παξαθάησ καζεηέο: ΝΖΠΗΑΓΩΓΔΗΟ: Παξαζθεπή Παπαδνπνύινπ ΠΡΩΣΖ ΚΑΗ ΣΑΞΖ: Αλδξέαο Καξύγηαλλεο ΓΔΤΣΔΡΑ ΣΑΞΖ: Εσή Κνηξώλε ΣΡΗΣΖ ΣΑΞΖ: Έιελα Βξεηηνύ ΣΔΣΑΡΣΖ ΣΑΞΖ: ηαπξνύια Απνζηνινπνύινπ ΠΔΜΠΣΖ ΣΑΞΖ: νθία Πίηκαλ ΔΚΣΖ ΣΑΞΖ: Μαξία Καζηαλά ΔΚΦΡΑΕΟΤΜΔ ΣΑ ΘΔΡΜΟΣΑΣΑ ΤΓΥΑΡΖΣΖΡΗΑ ΜΑ ζηνπο πξσηεύζαληεο αιιά θαη ζε όινπο ηνπο καζεηέο πνπ πήξαλ κέξνο ζην δηαγσληζκό θαη είραλ ηελ επθαηξία λα επαηζζεηνπνηεζνύλ θαη λα κάζνπλ πεξηζζόηεξα γηα ην εξσηθό έπνο ηνπ ’21 θαη λα αλαπηύμνπλ κεηαμύ ηνπο ηελ επγελή άκηιια πξνο δηάθξηζε. Σα βξαβεία πνπ απνλεκήζεθαλ ζηνπο πξσηεύζαληεο καζεηέο ζπλνδεπόηαλ θαη από δσξνεπηηαγέο ησλ 50 δνιαξίσλ, πξνζθνξά ησλ θαηαμησκέλσλ κειώλ ηεο θνηλόηεηάο καο θαη ππνζηεξηθηώλ ηνπ Διιεληθνύ καο ρνιείνπ Κνπ & Καο Αζαλαζίνπ θαη Διεπζεξίαο Νηθνπνύινπ. Υίιηα επραξηζηώ! Δλεσθέριος Περούλας Socrates Academy Students & Parents Are Celebrating the Greek Independence Day… The Greek and American Democracy Ξερσξηζηή ήηαλ ε ζηηγκή θαηά ηελ νπνίαλ απνλεκήζεθαλ ηα βξαβεία ζηνπο πξσηεύζαληεο καζεηέο ηνπ δηαγσληζκνύ δσγξαθηθήο «25ε ΜΑΡΣΗΟΤ 1821 - Πριν και Μεηά», ηνλ νπνίνλ νξγάλσζαλ δπν εβδνκάδεο πξηλ ηελ εθδήισζε ε Γηεύζπλζε θαη νη εθπαηδεπηηθνί ηνπ ζρνιείνπ. Εεηήζεθε από ηνπο καζεηέο όισλ ησλ ηάμεσλ λ’ απεηθνλίζνπλ ζε ραξηί, κε δεκηνπξγηθή θαληαζία θαη δσγξαθηθή επηδεμηόηεηα, ηα αλάκεηθηα ζπλαηζζήκαηά ηνπο γηα ηα 400 ρξόληα ζθιαβηάο θαη θπιαθήο θαζώο θαη γηα ηα αγαζά ηεο ειεπζεξίαο πνπ ράξηζε ζηνπο Έιιελεο πξνγόλνπο ηνπο ε εξσηθή επαλάζηαζε ηνπ 1821. ηηγκηόηππν από ηε γηνξηή ησλ 800 καζεηώλ θαη γνλέσλ ζην ειιελνακεξηθαληθό ζρνιείν ηζάξηεξ «Αθαδεκία σθξάηε». Ζ πνιπγισζζηθή ρνξσδία ηεο Αθαδεκίαο ηνπ ζρνιείνπ, ππό ηε δηεύζπλζε ηνπ Έιιελα θαζεγεηή κνπζηθήο, θ. Γεκ. Εατκάθε, ηξαγνπδάεη παξαδνζηαθά εζληθά ηξαγνύδηα. ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 17 REMEMBERING...THE 25TH OF MARCH 1821 THE NOBLE FIGHT FOR ESTABLISHING FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE CONTINUES, SAID ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS AT WHITE HOUSE ANNUAL GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION T he Velouchi President, Mr. John G. Peslis, representing our Association, celebrated with thousands of other Hellenes the Greek Independence "For one day, we are all Greek," said President Obama. He then joined VP Biden in highlighting the deep bonds that connect the people of Greece and the United States. P Day, the 193rd anniversary of liberation of Greece from the Ottoman Empire. Mr. Peslis participated in the annual march in Philadelphia, PA, hosted by the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Philadelphia and the Greater Delaware Valley on Sunday, March 23, 2014. The Ben Franklin parkway was a sea of blue and white that day. resident Barack Obama welcomed on Friday, April 4, 2014, at the White House His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America and the Greek-American community for the Annual Greek Independence Day Celebration. This was the 28th consecutive celebration at the White House honoring the 193rd Anniversary of the start of the Greek War for Independence of March 25th, 1821. President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden met in private with Archbishop Demetrios in the Green Room, just prior to the public event, which started in the East Room of the White House a little before 6:00 p.m. “My home of Massachusetts is host to one of the largest Greek-American communities in the United States” said the Vice-President, Joe Biden. “During my time in statewide political office, I served beside a proud Greek-American, former Governor Michael S. Dukakis. When I joined the United States Senate, I succeeded another equally proud Greek-American, Paul Tsongas.” He then introduced the President and Archbishop Demetrios. Archbishop Demetrios, first expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the President for the sixth consecutive celebration of Greek Independence Day in the White House during President Obama’s presidency. “The noble fight for establishing freedom and independence internationally did not end with 1776 or 1821, but continued. It continued through the 19th century, and through today,” said the Archbishop and he later added: “There are still, for us Greek American Orthodox, areas of serious concern, areas which need the fullness of freedom, both religious and political. We are sure that you are aware of and care for these areas as you do for other places where liberty is absent,” added the Archbishop. JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 18 REMEMBERING...THE 25TH OF MARCH 1821 ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS AT WHITE HOUSE ANNUAL GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION President Obama welcomed everyone with the greeting Kalispera (good evening). He thanked the Archbishop for his enlightening words and his dedication in leading the Greek Orthodox people in the United States. The President spoke of the inspiration provided to all nations by the Greek Revolution of 1821 for freedom and independence. He also noted that over the years Greek Americans had a profound impact on this nation and recounted the many times in history when Greece and America stood together to protect the democracy they both cherish. President Obama said that the two countries continue to stand shoulder to shoulder for security and in the many challenges facing our world. He said that the United States appreciates Greece’ s leadership as it holds the presidency of the European Union and referred to his recent trip to Europe as a way to reaffirm the bonds between the United States and all of Europe, noting that Greece is at the heart of that partnership. He said that as Greece continues to work to return to prosperity, the US will continue to stand by the Greek people and that Greece will always have an unwavering friend and an ally in the United States of America. Present among the many guests at the White House were the Greek Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni, the Greek Minister of Culture and Sport Panos Panagiotopoulos, the Ambassadors of Greece to the United States Christos Panagopoulos and of Cyprus George Chacalli, Ο Πρόεδρος και τα Μέλη του Δ.. του Βελουχιού εύχονται σ’ όλα τα μέλη και τους απανταχού Ευρυτάνες Καλό Πάσχα & Φρόνια Πολλά Happy Easter TAXI * ΔΓΡΑ ΑΘΖΝΑ Δπάγγεινο Παπαδόπνπινο (από ην Παπαξνύζη Δπξπηαλίαο) Γηαζέζηκνο γηα όιε ηελ Διιάδα * Λνγηθέο ηηκέο 01130-697-472-5535 ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 19 REMEMBERING...THE 25TH OF MARCH 1821 Αποφασιστική Ήταν η υμβολή των Ελλήνων της Διασποράς στην Ελληνική Επανάσταση «Σεο θ. Μαξίαο Γαθαιηά-Μαζζαξά» ηηο 29 Ματνπ 1453, εθεί ζηελ πόιε ηνπ Βνζπόξνπ, έπεζε βαξηά ε απιαία. Σα πλεύκαηα πνπ πξνζηάηεπαλ ηελ Διιάδα, ζα λα εηηήζεθαλ ζε πάιε, θάλεθε πσο εγθαηέιεηςαλ ηνλ ηεξό εθείλν ρώξν θαη επέηξεςαλ ζηα καύξα ζύλλεθα ηεο δνπιείαο λα απιώζνπλ ηα πινθάκηα ηνπο ζηε ρώξα καο, ηελ παηξίδα ησλ πςειόηεξσλ θαη επγελέζηεξσλ ηεο αλζξσπόηεηαο ηδεώλ. Με ηελ άισζε ηεο πόιεο έλα κεγάιν θνκκάηη απηνύ ηνπ θόζκνπ μαλακπήθε ζην ζθνηάδη θαη ηε ζηαζηκόηεηα θάζε πνιηηηζηηθήο πξνόδνπ ζηα γξάκκαηα, ζηηο ηέρλεο, ζηνπο πνιηηηθνύο θαη θνηλσληθνύο ζεζκνύο, ζηηο επηζηήκεο. ηε ζπλαξπαζηηθή απηή πεξηπέηεηα πνπ απιώλεηαη ζε 368 ρξόληα, ελόο ιανύ πνπ δε ζηακάηεζε νύηε ζηηγκή λα πνιεκάεη γηα ηελ αλάθηεζε ηεο ειεπζεξίαο ηνπ, πξέπεη λα ζηαζνύκε κε ζεβαζκό θαη δένο ζηηο εξστθέο απηέο κνξθέο, κέζα θαη έμσ από ην ζεκεξηλό Διιαδηθό ρώξν. ηιγμιόησπο από ηη θεηινή παρέλαζη ζηη Φιλαδέλθειa, ζηην οποία ζσμμεηείτε και ο πρόεδρος ηοσ Βελοστιού Ιφάννης Γ. Πεζλής. Δπάνφ: ο πρόεδρος ηοσ Ιδρύμαηος «Φύηευε ηις Ρίζες ζοσ ζηην Δλλάδα»,και πρώην Πρόεδρος ηοσ ΑΔ Αμερικής, κ. Θεόδ. πσρόποσλος. Δίλαη αδηακθηζβήηεην όηη ε Οξζνδνμία θαη ε Γιώζζα απεηέιεζαλ ηα ηζρπξά εξείζκαηα ηνπ Διιεληζκνύ θαζ’ όιε ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο ηνπξθνθξαηίαο θαη ζπλέβαιαλ ζηελ εζληθή καο αθύπληζε. Ζ αθύπλεζε απηή εθθξάζηεθε κε πάκπνιεο επαλαζηαηηθέο εμεγέξζεηο, ηηο νπνίεο ζρεδόλ πάληνηε πιήξσλαλ κε πνηάκηα αίκαηνο. Όκσο, ηα παζήκαηα ησλ ππνδνύισλ Διιήλσλ είραλ θαη αγαζά απνηειέζκαηα. Κξάηεζαλ αθνληζκέλε ηε καρεηηθόηεηά ηνπο, δεκηνύξγεζαλ ηεξάζηηα πξνβιήκαηα ζηελ Οζσκαληθή Απηνθξαηνξία, ζπληήξεζαλ ην εζληθό θξόλεκα θαη δηαηήξεζαλ δσληαλή ζηνπο μέλνπο ιανύο ηε κλήκε ηνπ Διιεληζκνύ, αλαγθάδνληαο θαη ηνπο εγεκόλεο ηνπο λα ινγαξηάδνπλ ηελ ύπαξμή ηνπ. Δίλαη γλσζηό όηη θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο ηνπξθνθξαηίαο νη Έιιελεο γηα λα απνθεύγνπλ ηηο ηνπξθηθέο ζεξησδίεο αθνινύζεζαλ ην δξόκν ηεο μελεηεηάο, κεηαθέξνληαο ην Διιεληθό Πλεύκα θαη ηελ Διιεληθή Παηδεία ζ’ όινλ ηνλ θόζκν, δεκηνπξγώληαο έηζη ηηο Διιεληθέο Κνηλόηεηεο ηεο δηαζπνξάο. Οη θνηλόηεηεο απηέο απεηέιεζαλ εζηίεο ζπζπείξσζεο θαη εζληθήο απηνγλσζίαο. Βηέλλε, Παξίζη, Βνπθνπξέζηη, Ηάζην, Οδεζζόο, Βνπδαπέζηε, Σεξγέζηε, Κσλζηαληηλνύπνιε, Βελεηία είλαη κεξηθά από ηα θέληξα ηνπ παξνηθηαθνύ Διιεληζκνύ, ζηα νπνία θαιιηεξγήζεθε ν πνιπδύλακνο πόζνο ηνπ δνπιεύνληνο Γέλνπο, λα δηεθδηθήζεη θαη λα θαηαιάβεη ζέζε κεηαμύ ησλ πνιηηηζκέλσλ εζλώλ ηεο Δπξώπεο. Από πνιύ λσξίο, νη Έιιελεο ηεο δηαζπνξάο ζπλαηζζάλζεθαλ όηη ε απειεπζέξσζε ηεο Παηξίδαο ηνπο δελ ήηαλ ππόζεζε κόλν ησλ νκνεζλώλ ηνπο πνπ δνύζαλ ππό ηνλ ηνπξθηθό δπγό, αιιά δηθή ηνπο επζύλε θαη θαζ’ όιε ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο ηνπξθνθξαηίαο ε ζπκβνιή ηνπο ππήξμε ζεκαληηθή θαη πνιύπιεπξε, νη αιιεπάιιειεο θαη δηαξθείο εθδόζεηο ηεο Αξραηνειιεληθήο Γξακκαηείαο έπαηδαλ ζνβαξό ξόιν ζηελ απηνζπλείδεζε θαη απηνγλσζία ηεο καθξάο αλά ηνπο αηώλεο δηαδξνκήο ηνπ Διιεληζκνύ θαη ηεο επζύλεο γηα ηελ αλαγέλλεζή ηνπ. ηε Ρσζία ηδηαίηεξα όινο εθείλνο ν απιόο ειιεληθόο ιαόο, νη αλώηεξνη θαη αλώηαηνη Έιιελεο ππάιιεινη, δηπισκάηεο θαη πξέζβεηο, ππνπξγνί, ζηξαηησηηθνί, ιόγηνη, κνλαρνί, Μεηξνπνιίηεο, έκπνξνη θαη κεγαιέκπνξνη, όινη νη πξσηεύνληεο ζηηο εθδειώζεηο ηεο ξσζηθήο δσήο Έιιελεο, πινύηηδαλ ηελ θαζεκεξηλή, ιόγηα θαη επηζηεκνληθή γιώζζα ησλ Ρώζσλ κε ειιεληθέο ιέμεηο. Έηζη εκβνιηάδνπλ ην ξσζηθό ιαό κε ηα λάκαηα ηεο ειιεληθήο ζθέςεο θαη πνιηηηζκνύ. ηηγκηόηππν από ηε γηνξηή ηεο Διιεληθήο Παιηγγελεζίαο ησλ 800 καζεηώλ θαη γνλέσλ ζην ειιελνακεξηθαληθό ζρνιείν ηζάξηεξ “Αθαδεκία σθξάηε”. Οη Έιιελεο ησλ παξνηθηώλ ηεο Ρσζηθήο Απηνθξαηνξίαο θξαηνύζαλ άζβεζηα ηα ειιεληθά ήζε θη έζηκα – ηέρλεο, πνιηηηζκό, λόκνπο, δεκνθξαηία, όια ειιεληθά. ’ απηό ζπλεηέιεζε ην πιήζνο ησλ ειιεληθώλ ζρνιείσλ θαη ησλ εθθιεζηώλ πνπ είραλ ηδξπζεί ζ’ όιεο ηηο πόιεηο πνπ δνύζαλ Έιιελεο. Αμίδεη λα ηνλίζνπκε κε ζπγθίλεζε ηελ ηδηαίηεξε πξνζθνξά ηεο Οδεζζνύ (Αθξόπνιε ηεο Αλαηνιήο), ε νπνία ήηαλ ε πιένλ αθκάδνπζα ειιεληθή πόιε ησλ 2.500 Διιήλσλ θαηνίθσλ θαη 650 Ρώζσλ ην 1794. Σν εκπόξην ηεο Οδεζζνύ ήηαλ ζηα ρέξηα ησλ Διιήλσλ θαη νη κεγαιύηεξνη εκπνξηθνί νίθνη αλήθαλ ζ’ απηνύο. Οη ηζηνξηθνί αλαθέξνπλ όηη ν Διιεληζκόο ηεο Οδεζζνύ θαη θπξίσο νη έκπνξνη γίλνληαη κεηαλάζηεο ηνπ πινύηνπ θαη βνεζνύλ ηε ζθιαβσκέλε παηξίδα ηνπο παληνηνηξόπσο. ηέιλνπλ πνιεκνθόδηα θαη ρξήκαηα γηα ηνλ αγώλα ηνπ 1821, πιεξώλνπλ γηα ηελ απειεπζέξσζε Διιήλσλ αηρκαιώησλ, ρηίδνπλ ζρνιεία θαη εθθιεζίεο, δαπαλνύλ γηα θησρνθνκεία θαη λνζνθνκεία, ρξεκαηνδνηνύλ ηε Φηιηθή Δηαηξεία, γίλνληαη εζληθνί επεξγέηεο (Βαξβάθεο, Ρηδάξεο, Τςειάληεο, Εσζηκάδεο, Καπιάλεο θ.ά.). Ζ επαλάζηαζε ηνπ ’21 δελ ήηαλ έλα γεγνλόο πνπ αηθληδίαζε, αιιά απνηέιεζκα καθξάο θπνθνξίαο ησλ ππνδνύισλ, όηη είραλ ην δηθαίσκα λα δήζνπλ ειεύζεξνη. Ζ ζπλεηδεηνπνίεζε απηή έγηλε πην ζπγθεθξηκέλε ηα ηειεπηαία πξνεπαλαζηαηηθά ρξόληα θαη νθείιεηαη εμ’ νινθιήξνπ ζηνλ Διιεληζκό ηεο δηαζπνξάο. Οη Έιιελεο, εληόο θαη εθηόο, άξρηζαλ λα δηαλννύληαη θαη λα πξνεηνηκάδνπλ κηα λέα αλεμάξηεηε παηξίδα. Ζ εζλεγεξηηθή απηή δηαδηθαζία ζηεξίρηεθε ζηελ αξραηνγλσζία θαη ηελ νξζόδνμε παξάδνζε. Οη Έιιελεο πξακαηεπηάδεο ηεο δηαζπνξάο δηέζσζαλ έλα κεγάιν κέξνο ηεο πλεπκαηηθήο καο παξάδνζεο ζηελ πεξίνδν ηεο ηνπξθνθξαηίαο πνπ ήηαλ σθέιηκε γηα ην γέλνο. Υσξίο ηε δηθή ηνπο ζπκβνιή έλα κεγάιν κέξνο ηεο πλεπκαηηθήο καο θιεξνλνκηάο ζα είρε ραζεί, δελ ζα είρε εθδνζεί θαη δελ ζα επεξέαδε ηελ σξίκαλζε ηεο ειιεληθήο ζπλείδεζεο θαη ηνλ αγώλα πξνο ηελ ειεπζεξία. 25 ΜΑΡΣΗΟΤ 2014 Γηνξηάδνπκε θαη θέηνο ηελ εζληθή καο παιηγγελεζία, απνηίνπκε θόξν ηηκήο ζ’ όινπο ηνπο αγσληζηέο ηνπ ’21, επώλπκνπο θαη αλώλπκνπο ζε ζηεξηά θαη ζάιαζζα. ηεθόκαζηε όκσο κε ζεβαζκό γηα ηελ πξνζθνξά θαη ζπκκεηνρή ησλ αδειθώλ Διιήλσλ ηεο δηαζπνξάο ζην κεγάιν μεζεθσκό ηνπ γέλνπο ησλ Διιήλσλ. Αο είλαη ε κλήκε ηνπο αηώληα! εκείσζε: Ζ θηιάλζξσπνο θπξία Μαξία Γαθαιηά-Μαζζαξα θαηάγεηαη από ηζηνξηθή νηθνγέλεηα ηνπ έπνπο ηνπ 1821, Eίλαη Γξακκαηέαο ηεο Παγθόζκηαο Έλσζεο Καιαβξπηηαλώλ, ηδξύηξηα θαη Πξόεδξνο ηνπ Ηδξύκαηνο ηήξημεο Ογθνινγηθώλ Αζζελώλ (ΔΛΠΗΓΑ) θαη πξώελ Αληηλνκάξρεο Αραταο. JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” The AHEPA Marathon Chapter No.2 of Charlotte Ηs off to a Great Start T he Marathon Chapter No.2 of Charlotte is off to a great start for the 2014 calendar year. The chapter has been responsible for funding needs at both the local and national level for several years. Most recently was recognized by the Boy Scouts of Mecklenburg County as a sponsor of their programs. The chapter welcomed Supreme Vice President Philip Frangos in February, as he visited with members of the Charlotte chapter. In March, an initiation of new members was held with AHEPA District No. 3 Lt. Governor – Jim Stasios in attendance. Applications for scholarships are now available to the children of chapter members. Scholarships will be awarded in mid-May and the application deadline is April 15th. The chapter meets on a monthly basis and continues to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. A majority of the meetings are held at the Charlotte Evrytanian building where the chapter also occupies office space. If you have an interest in joining the Charlotte chapter of AHEPA, please contact the chapter president, George Kokalis. ADELPHOTIS ARAHOVITON “KARYAE” 20 ---ΠΩΛΕΙΤΑΙ--γηα Aπόιπηα Aπαηηεηηθνύο Aγνξαζηέο Πσιείηαη κνλνθαηνηθία 145 η.κ. εληόο θηήκαηνο 4.300 η.κ. ζην Μηθξνρώξη ηνπ Καπαλδξηηίνπ Αηηηθήο απνηεινύκελε από 2 ππλνδσκάηηα, 2 κπάληα, μελώλα θαη ζαινηξαπεδαξία. Γηαζέηεη απηόκαηε ζέξκαλζε, κεγάιν ηδάθη, γθαξάδ ελζσκαησκέλν ζηελ θαηνηθία θαη εκηππαίζξηνπο ρώξνπο κε απεξηόξηζηε ζέα πνπ πεξηβάιινληαη από κεγάιε έθηαζε γθαδόλ πνπ πνηίδεηαη απηόκαηα κε ππνινγηζηέο θαζώο θαη θεπνηερληθά δηακνξθσκέλνπο ρώξνπο, κε πνιύρξσκα δηαθνζκεηηθά θπηά θαη νπσξνθόξα δέληξα, όπσο κειηέο, ζπθηέο, ειηέο, ακπγδαιηέο θαη ξνδαθηληέο. Ζ πεξηνρή γεηηληάδεη κε αξραηνινγηθνύο ρώξνπο θαη βξίζθεηαη ζε απόζηαζε 15-20 ιεπηώλ από ηα βόξεηα πξνάζηεηα ηεο Αζήλαο θαη ηελ όκνξθε παξαιία ησλ Αγίσλ Απνζηόισλ. 011 30210 7216064 ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 21 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΖΝ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ=== Σηκήζεθαλ από ηελ Δθθιεζία ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ ζην Καξπελήζη, γηα ηελ αγάπε θαη ηε ζεάξεζηε πξνζθνξά ηνπο. Σ ν θαινθαίξη ηνπ 2013, ζηε γηνξηή ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ ζηνλ Ηεξό Ναό ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ ζην Καξπελήζη θαη κεηά ην ηέινο ηεο Αξρηεξαηηθήο Θείαο Λεηηνπξγίαο, ν εβαζκηώηαηνο Μεηξνπνιίηεο Καξπελεζίνπ θ. Νηθόιανο θαη ν πξντζηάκελνο ηνπ Νανύ π. Γεώξγηνο ηίκεζαλ, σο ειάρηζην δείγκα αλαγλώξηζεο ηεο αγάπεο θαη πξνζθνξάο ηνπο ζην ζεάξεζην έξγν ηεο Δθθιεζίαο ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ, ηνλ εβ. Μεηξνπνιίηε Αηιάληαο θ. Αιέμην, ηνπο Δπηηξόπνπο ηνπ Ηεξνύ Νανύ θαζώο θαη ην κέινο ηνπ Βεινπρηνύ θ. Θεόδ. Σξηαληαθύιινπ. Ο θ. Σξηαληαθύιινπ παξέιαβε επίζεο από ηνλ εβαζκηώηαην θ. Νηθόιαν θαη ηελ εηθόλα ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ γηα ηνλ εβαζκηώηαην θ. Αιέμην κε ηελ παξάθιεζε λα ζπλαληήζεη ην θ. Αιέμην ζηελ Ακεξηθή, λα ηνπ δώζεη ηελ εηθόλα θαζώο θαη έγγξαθε πξόζθιεζε λα επηζθεθζεί ην Καξπελήζη ην θαινθαίξη 2014 γηα λα ζπλαληεζνύλ θαη λα ζπιεηηνπξγήζνπλ ζηε γηνξηή ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ. Ο θ. Σξηαληαθύιινπ, κέζσ ηνπ θνπληάδνπ θ. ηέθαλνπ Σζεξπέιε, ν νπνίνο είλαη Άξρσλ ηνπ Παηξηαξρείνπ θαη Αληηπξόεδξνο ηνπ Καζεδξηθνύ Νανύ Αγίαο Σξηάδνο ζηε Νέα Τόξθε, ζπλαληήζεθε κε ηνλ εβαζκηώηαην θ. Αιέμην θαη ηνπ εμέθξαζε ηελ επηζπκία ηνπ εβαζκηώηαηνπ θ. Νηθνιάνπ λα ζπλαληεζνύλ ζην Καξπελήζη. O πεξηθαιιήο Ναόο ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ βξίζθεηαη ζην δξόκν καο γηα ηνλ Πξνπζό θαη πξηλ αθόκα βγνύκε από ην Καξπελήζη. Σνπ Ηεξνύ απηνύ Νανύ πξντζηαηαη ν π. Γεώξγηνο Υξπζαθνγηώξγνο. Πξόθεηηαη γηα έλα αιεζηλό αξηζηνύξγεκα ζύγρξνλεο αξρηηεθηνληθήο ηέρλεο θαη αγηνγξαθίαο. εκείσζε: Ο θ. Θεόδσξνο Σξηαληαθύιινπ θαη ν αείκλεζηνο αδειθόο ηνπ Νηθόιανο δώξηζαλ εδώ θαη αξθεηά ρξόληα ηξεηο κεγάιεο σξαηόηαηεο εηθόλεο ζηνπο Ηεξνύο Νανύο Άγην Νηθόιαν (Φιάζηλγθ, ΝΤ), Αγία Σξηάδα (άξινη, Β. Καξνιίλα) θαη Άγην Γεώξγην (Γθξίλβηι, Ν. Καξνιίλα). Σα δπν ηειεπηαία ρξόληα, ν θ. Σξηαληαθύιινπ θαη ε ζύδπγόο ηνπ σηεξία δώξηζαλ επίζεο σξαηόηαηεο εηθόλεο ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ ζε όιεο ζρεδόλ ηηο εθθιεζίεο ησλ εδξώλ ησλ Σκεκάησλ ηεο Έλσζεο Δπξπηάλσλ Ακεξηθήο «Σν Βεινύρη». Δπρόκαζηε ε αθηηλνβνιία ησλ ιόγσλ θαη ησλ αξεηώλ ησλ Δπξπηάλσλ Αγίσλ λα θσηίδνπλ ηελ ςπρή ηνπο θαη λα θαζνδεγνύλ ηηο ζθέςεηο θαη ηηο πξάμεηο ηνπο. JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 22 ===ΝΔΑ ΑΠΟ ΣΖΝ ΔΤΡΤΣΑΝΗΑ=== ΟΜΟΠΟΝΔΙΑ ΕΤΡΤΣΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΤΛΛΟΓΩΝ Κλεισθένους 17 - 105 52 - ΑΘΗΝΑ Προς: Σους κ.κ. Πρόεδρους και Μέλη των Διοικητικών υμβουλίων των Ευρυτανικών υλλόγων. Κυρίες και Κύριοι, Εν’ όψει των επερχόμενων Εορτών, ευχόμαστε σε σας και στις οικογένειές σας Φρόνια Πολλά & Καλό Πάσχα! Μ ε υγεία και πίστη να βιώσουμε - για μια ακόμη χρονιά - τα πάθη του Φριστού μας και με κατάνυξη να δεχθούμε και να αποδεχθούμε την Ανάσταση. Σην Aνάσταση-ανάταση της ψυχής μας, της πατρίδας μας, την αναγέννηση της Υύσης. Παράλληλα η Ομοσπονδία, σας προσκαλεί στις 3 Μαΐου, ημέρα άββατο και ώρα 11.00 π.μ. στην οδό Μαυροκορδάτου 6, Αθήνα 5ος όροφος, στην αίθουσα του υνδέσμου των Μεγαλοχωριτών, τους οποίους και ευχαριστούμε, σε συνάντηση συζήτηση με τους προέδρους και τα μέλη των Δ.. των Ευρυτανικών υλλόγων, τους φορείς της Ευρυτανίας, για να ακουστούν και καταγραφούν τα προβλήματα που αφορούν την λειτουργία των συλλόγων. Να ακουσθούν ιδέες, απόψεις, προτάσεις για την πιο ευέλικτη επικοινωνία μεταξύ μας. Έτσι από κοινού, θα συζητήσουμε φλέγοντα θέματα που μας απασχολούν, όπως π.χ. τα φορολογικά, οικονομικά κ.ά. Επίσης, εάν επιθυμείτε, μπορείτε να μας καταθέσετε εγγράφως τις προτάσεις σας. Ένα άλλο θέμα που θα συζητήσουμε είναι η διοργάνωση του φετινού ανταμώματος. ας γνωρίζουμε ότι μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε με το e-mail της ΟΕ [email protected], να ενημερώνεστε από την Ιστοσελίδα μας www.oes.gr, απ’ ευθείας από την Πρόεδρο (6980764652), τη Γεν. Γραμματέα (6944137364) και το γραφείο της Ομοσπονδίας, το οποίο θα είναι ανοιχτό κάθε Πέμπτη από τις 10.30 π.μ. - 14.30. μ. μ. Επίσης, οι σύλλογοι που δεν έχουν δικά τους γραφεία στην Αθήνα θα έχουν την δυνατότητα να πραγματοποιούν τις συνεδριάσεις των Διοικητικών τους υμβουλίων στα γραφεία της Ομοσπονδίας. Με πατριωτικούς χαιρετισμούς Η Πρόεδρος Η Γεν. Γραμματέας Αγγελική κοτίδα Νίκη Ρέκκα-Σζανάκου Thank you Letter Αμηόηηκνη θύξηνη, πξόεδξε Γ.. θαη κέιε ηνπ ζπιιόγνπ «Σν Βεινύρη», Βξίζθνκαη εμαηξεηηθά ζπγθηλεκέλνο ζηε ζέζε λα ζαο γξάςσ απηή ηελ επραξηζηήξηα επηζηνιή γηα ην ρξεκαηηθό βξαβείν πνπ κνπ απέλεκε ν ζύιινγόο καο θαη λα εθθξάζσ ζπλαηζζήκαηα βαζεηάο εθηίκεζεο θαζώο θαη ηελ επγλσκνζύλε θαη ηελ ηθαλνπνίεζε κνπ γηα απηό ηνλ ζεζκό πνπ έρεηε ζεζπίζεη θαη πινπνηείηε ηόζα ρξόληα. Γεδνκέλνπ όηη δνύκε ζε κηα ρώξα πνπ έρεη εγθαηαιείςεη εκάο ηνπο λένπο ζηε ηύρε καο θαη αδηαθνξεί πιήξσο γηα ην κέιινλ καο, ηηο ζπνπδέο καο θαη ηελ επαγγεικαηηθή καο απνθαηάζηαζε ελώ παξάιιεια θνξνινγεί αηκαηεξά ηνπο γνλείο καο κεηώλνληαο ηα εηζνδήκαηά ηνπο κε θάζε ηξόπν, δπζθνιεύνληαο εθηόο ησλ άιισλ ηελ πξνζπάζεηά ηνπο πξνο εκάο θαη θάλνληαο ηελ κεηαλάζηεπζε λα κνηάδεη ε εύθνιε ιύζε, αηζζάλνκαη επγλσκνζύλε πνπ είζηε εθεί ,πνπ καο ζθέπηεζηε, πνπ καο βνεζάηε, πνπ πηζηεύεηε αθόκε ζε καο θαη καο αληακνίβεηε. Δδώ θιείλσ ηελ επηζηνιή κνπ απηή δεηώληαο λα δερηείηε ηελ θηιία κνπ θαη ην επραξηζηώ κνπ. Γηθόο ζαο, Κσλζηαληίλνο Παλαγηώηε Σξηρηάο Φνηηεηήο Σκήκαηνο Αξρηηεθηόλσλ Μεραληθώλ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Θεζζαιίαο ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» 69th ANNUAL CONVENTION Roanoke, VA * June 21-23, 2013 Minutes of the General Assembly Quorum: Quorum observer – 43 at count time. Prayer: by Mr. Tom Nixon. Minute of Silence: One minute of silence in memory of the Association’s members who have passed away. Welcome Remarks: Bobby Ziogas and John Peslis welcomed all Association members to the conventions on behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Executive Board respectively. General Assembly Officers: CHAIRMAN – BOBBY ZIOGAS VICE CHAIRMAN – NICK APOSTOLOPOULOS SECRETARY – JIM LLOYD ASSISTANT SECRETARY – LAURA NIXON PARLIAMENTARIAN – GEORGE DAIS Executive Board Position Nominations: A brief update on the current candidates was given. Nominations would remain open until Sunday afternoon prior to the election. Recognition of Invited Guests and Guests’ Greetings: A poem from Mr. Zaharakis was sent to the Association. Greetings from several individuals were read. 2012 General Assembly Minutes: There was a short discussion about the status of Executive Board term limits. There were voted down at the last General Assembly (GA). Motion was made and seconded, approved without revision by the General Assembly. Reading of Correspondence and Greetings: This item was dispensed because the greetings had already been read. President’s Report: A copy of the written report was not supplied. John Peslis talked about the need to improve the audio visual capabilities of the headquarters’ conference room. Action would be requested later. The process for scrutinizing and approving requests for assistance has been streamlined. Evrytanian members in Greece will be paying annual dues and are full members of the Association. Financial Report: James Kastriches presented the financial report for the year, 6/1/2012-5/31/2013. It was noted that expenses were higher than expected because the 2011 raffle winner was paid in 2012. Proposed Budget 2013-2014: James Kastriches presented the budget. John Peslis made a motion to include an expense of $15,000 for AV (audio visual) upgrade, seconded by Dr. Jim Kastrenas; motion passed. It was suggested and agreed that $55,000 was incorrectly aligned with Raffle 2012 instead of Raffle 2013. Tom Nixon made a motion to increase the Payroll and Federal/State Taxes amount from $28,420 to $30,000. Seconded by George Dais and motion passed. A motion to approve the amended budget was made by Dr. Kotsiamos and seconded by Mr. Karras. Motion passed. It was also suggested the budget should be available to members of the association prior to the Convention in future years. Auditing Committee Report: Tom Nixon reported that the committee met on June 14, 2013. No financial errors were found. Evrytanian Foundation Report: Nick Apostolopoulos provided a letter about the foundation’s non-profit status. Until the non-profit status is resolved, the foundation cannot operate properly. Nick Apostolopoulos made a motion for $1,000 to pay the CPA to resolve 23 the situation. Seconded by John Peslis and approved. Tom Skenteris made a motion to allow the Executive Board to spend reasonable additional funds to correct the situation. Seconded by Mr. Karras and approved. Financial Advisory Committee: The committee is recommended moving Association funds from Fidelity and Vanguard to Wilshire Funds into more conservative investments. A motion was made by Tom Skenteris to include scholarship and life membership funds in the Wilshire Funds. The motion was seconded by John Peslis and approved by the GA. The Financial Advisory Committee, with Dr. James Kotsianas as chairman, will be focused on purchasing no load funds and will go to the Executive Board for guidance if there are any issues. COMMITTEE REPORTS Scholarships in Greece: A report will be coming in August. Scholarships in U.S.A.: 15 scholarships will be awarded ($22,400) at Sunday evenings banquet. Children with Special Needs: Chris Poulos resigned as chairperson. The Executive Board will find a replacement. The GA decided that a letter of thanks should be sent to Mr. Poulos. Constitution and Bylaws: The committee recommends a by-law change on Executive Board terms from 2-years, unlimited terms to 1 year terms with a maximum of 4 consecutive terms. Bobby Ziogas made a motion to approve the recommendation. After a brief discuss, the motion did not pass by the required ¾ of votes required. A motion was made to have the Nomination Committee review the information form for all Executive Board position candidates. It is for information only and does not eliminate floor nominations. The motion passed. A motion was also made to amend the bylaws that nominations for the Executive Board need to close the day before the election. The motion passed by majority vote. Convention 2014: The 2014 Convention will be held from June 2022, 2014 in Gatlinburg, TN. Chapter Retirement Home: 5 ½ acres have been purchased for the home. The original HUD request was rejected and the program was eliminated before we could reapply. The committee needs to find a different way to fund the project. Public Relations: Nick Apostolopoulos reported that work on the Association’s DVD continued. The project is taking longer than anticipated, but is still expected to be completed by the end of 2013. Scholarship Endowment Fund: Status of the funds was discussed with the financial reports. Past Presidents’ Advisory Board: Tom Skenteris reported the association should consider member communication changes because younger people use more electronic methods to communicate. 2013 Raffle: Tom Nixon had received almost 500 tickets from the chapters. Chapter 4, Charlotte, NC had sold the most tickets with Chapter 18, Camp Hill, PA second. With additional sales on Saturday and Sunday during the convention, the final total was 530. Charlotte Property: A long-term tenant recently left the building. The building bathrooms will be fixed. Mr Barlas made a motion to obtain a building report by a leasing company. The motion was seconded by Dr Paul Dallas. The motion passed. TAXI ΕΔΡΑ ΚΑΡΠΕΝΗΙ ΝΗΚΟ ΚΑΡΑΓΔΩΡΓΟ Γηαέζηκνο ζε όιε ηελ Διιάδα Από ή πξνο Δπξπηαλία ΣΖΛ.: 01130-22370.21000 JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 69th ANNUAL CONVENTION Minutes of the General Assembly Named Scholarships: No donations were received this year except $370 for Gianos memorial and $500 from Chapter 7, Knoxville, TN Information and New Technology: The chairman was not present, but Mr. Larry Peroulas reported that no additional equipment has been added to the office. Press and Information: The Board of Trustees has directed that quarterly magazines will be produced and mailed. The staff needs to be informed about address changes in a timely manner to avoid additional mailing costs. Larry Peroulas also asked each chapter to meet the quarterly submission deadlines to ensure timely publication and mailing. The deadline is the 10th day of the last month of each quarter. Producing the magazine takes a lot of work and everyone can help by being timely. There was a recommendation to have all articles in Greek and English. The magazine can be profitable if each chapter tried to include additional advertisements on a quarterly basis. Advertisements cost $75 or $150 for a half page. Membership: The chairman was not present. It was reported by President John Peslis that the Association has 1131 registered members in 2012 and 1137 in 2013. However, only 587 members paid their dues in 2013. Each chapter needs to focus on increasing their membership while also having each member pay their annual dues. A report of the current membership lists was provided. Blue Ribbon Committee: The committee report had been provided to all GA participants when they registered. The report included several motions and recommendations. The motions were voted on, but the recommendations did not require a vote by the GA. There was no order for completing the motions or deadlines for their completion. The Board of Trustees is expected to provide a progress report at the 2014 convention. After a brief discussion, the GA passed the Committee’s motions. Convention 2015: According to the guidelines established at a previous convention, the next chapter to host a convention was Chapter 10, Washington, DC. The president of the chapter said they could not do it. A motion was made to accept the invitation of the mayor of Karpenissi and have the 2013 convention there. The motion was made by James Kara and seconded. After a short discussion, the motion failed. It was decided that the Board of Trustees would contact the Washington chapter again and offer assistance in sponsoring the 2015 convention. A final decision will be made at the next Board of Trustees meeting. Young/Adults Advisory: A report was given by Kostas Kazakos. The youth feel they are not listened to or asked to provide support or input to processes and committees. This is a continuing issue that does not seem to have an answer. At the Roanoke convention, the organizers tried to sponsor a basketball tournament for the youth, but it was cancelled for lack of interest. CHAPTER REPORTS Chapter 1, Florence, SC: No Report Chapter 2, Fayetteville, NC: The chapter has 69 members who are all paid. Their Holiday Dinner was well attended and included the Daughters’ President. They have donated $15,720 to philanthropic causes. Chapter 3, Winston Salem, NC: No Report Chapter 4, Charlotte, NC: The chapter is doing OK and is very strong. They have been hosting activities at their park and their outstanding loans are being paid off. 24 Chapter 5, Chapel Hill, NC: No Report, the chapter is inactive. Chapter 6, Ashville, NC: Apathy is a typical problem at the chapter. Chapter 7, Knoxville, TN: No Report Chapter 8, Roanoke, VA: They are the current host of the convention. Chapter 9, Greenville, SC: No Report Chapter 10, Washington, DC: No official report was given, but it was reported they had their annual picnic and awarded a scholarship this year. Chapter 11, Hampton Roads, VA: No Report Chapter 12, New Haven, CT: No Report Chapter 14, Richmond, VA: No Report Chapter 15, Seattle, WA: No Report Chapter 16, New Castle, PA: No Report Chapter 17, Atlanta, GA: The chapter had a good year. They had their annual meeting and election. They have 48 paid members. They conducted 4 successful meetings and also had a successful fundraiser to support their philanthropic activities. Chapter 18, Camp Hill, PA: The chapter is focused on membership and paying members. The chapter awarded two scholarships this year. Additional membership meetings are being held throughout the year. OLD BUSINESS Tom Nixon had a question about lifetime members concerning their affiliation with chapters. The discussion also included a question about lifetime members providing the local chapter with some form of compensation for membership. A motion was made by Theodore Kazakos to have the By-laws Committee review the question and report to the Board of Trustees and disseminate the information to the chapters. The motion was seconded by Tom Skenteris and approved. Subsequent to the vote, Bobby Ziogas reported to the GA the individual chapters have lifetime members as full members. Individual chapters can charge them something for membership, but probably should not do that. Board of Auditors: A motion as made by Mr. Dais to keep the same members on the committee. The motion was seconded by Jimmy Caras. The committee members are Arthur Pappas, Tom Nixon, Tom Pappas, Evangelos Stassinos and George Retsios. The members were unanimously confirmed by the GA. NEW BUSINESS There was discussion on several items regarding the 2015 convention and the completion of the Association’s DVD, but there were no motion or action taken. ELECTIONS The following nominations were made for the Executive Board. President: John Peslis 1st Vice President: Theodore Kazakos 2nd Vice President: Tommy Skenteris 1st Secretary: Bobby Tsiabasis 2nd Secretary: Sophia Kazakos 1st Treasurer: Jim Kastriches 2nd Treasurer: Pete Spero A motion to close the nominations was made by Mr. Dais and seconded by Pete Apostolopoulos. The nominees were elected by the GA. The following nominations were made for the Evrytanian Foundation Committee. George Retsios Spero Pappas Jim Tassios Gus Barlas Nick Apostolopoulos Jimmy Caras Tom Pappas A motion to close the nominations was made by John Peslis and seconded by Eleni Skenteris. The nominees were elected by the GA. The meeting ended with the reading of a poem. The new Executive Board or Evrytanian Foundation Committee members were sworn in. Respectfully submitted by: Jim Lloyd Secretary of the 2013 Convention General Assembly ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ - ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 ===Open Letter=== With our abundance of natural beauty and attractions, we urge you to make the convention part of your summer family vacation plans. T he 70th Annual Evrytanian Convention will take place on June 20-22, 2014. Sotira Chapter #7 in Knoxville, Tennessee, is honored to host this landmark gathering. The convention was last held in Knoxville in 1972. 42 years later, “the next generation” welcomes you back to beautiful East Tennessee. With our abundance of natural beauty and attractions, we urge «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» you to make the convention part of your summer family vacation plans. From lakes and streams for fishing, to mountain trails and waterfalls for nature walks and hikes, there is something for everyone to enjoy. We have chosen the nearby resort town of Gatlinburg for our convention headquarters. The Park Vista Hotel, a Doubletree by Hilton, is a first class hotel which was completely renovated over the past two years. Don’t forget to mention our discount room rate code “EVA” when making your reservations. Gatlinburg is adjacent to the entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Smokies are the country’s most visited national park. Miles of trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding are available for you. The park has plentiful camp sites and picnic shelters for nature enthusiasts. Nothing will come closer to the feeling of being back in the old country than a visit to the top of the Smoky Mountains! Just a few miles from Gatlinburg are the attraction towns of Pigeon Forge and Sevierville, our version of “Myrtle Beach in the mountains”. Dollywood theme park is the headline attraction in Pigeon Forge with its abundance of rollercoaster rides. Musical shows are top notch at Dollywood, and sometimes Dolly Parton will surprise visitors with an impromptu visit herself! I encourage you to go online and check the internet for individual websites to the dozens and dozens of attractions in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Sevierville. And don’t miss Gatlinburg’s feature 25 attraction, Ripley’s Aquarium, an amazing collection of water life for the entire family to enjoy. Arrive on time for the weekend of events. We are dancing from Day 1. The Park Vista Grand Ballroom will be the site of dances on Friday and Saturday nights. Nick Trivelas and the Night in Athens Trio will be playing popular dance music. George Antonopoulos on the bouzouki and the beautiful voice of Joanna will join Nick in providing great entertaining sound for your dancing pleasure for Friday and Saturday nights. Saturday we plan to have a Luncheon Banquet when the General Assembly and the Daughters break from morning meetings. All attendees are invited to hear our featured speaker, the Greek Ambassador to the United States. Sunday events are not finalized as of this printing, but we plan to offer you a fine send off on closing day. Finally, and with all sincerity, we ask you to consider placing an ad in the convention program book. Our convention will not be a complete success without a successful, well-supported program book. Look for the ad form and hotel reservation information in this issue of the Velouchi. On behalf of all the members working to make this convention one like no other, thank you. See you in Gatlinburg in June! James F. Kotsianas Velouchi Chapter 7 President and Convention 2014 Chairman JANUARY – MARCH 2014 “VELOUCHI” 26 We Need Your Support… th 70 Annual Evrytanian Association National Convention Gatlinburg, Tennessee June 20-22, 2014 Hosted by Knoxville “Sotira” Chapter 7 Program Book Ad Order Form Ad Book Prices Outside Back Cover $500 Inside Front Cover $350 Inside Back Cover $350 Full Page $200 Half Page $125 Quarter Page $100 Advertiser’s Name: Advertiser’s Address: City: State: Phone: Email: Ad Size: Amount Paid: Zip: Signed: Terms and Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Payment must be received at the time ad is placed. All ad work must be camera ready art and no copies. All photos must be glossy and cannot be returned. Photos are available for full and half page ads only. Checks should be made payable to Evrytanian Association. 6. Deadline for all copy and ads is April 1, 2014. Ad Copy and Correspondence for Program Book should be forwarded to: John Peroulas 331 Graves Hollow Road Maynardville, TN 37807 (865)776-3935 E-mail: [email protected] ΗΑΝΟΤΑΡΗΟ – ΜΑΡΣΗΟ 2014 «ΣΟ ΒΔΛΟΤΥΗ» VELOUCHI’S 70th Annual Convention Schedule June 20-22, 2014 Park Vista Hotel - Gatlinburg, TN Friday June 20 Registration: Noon - 9:00 pm * Park Vista Hotel President’s Dinner: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Saturday (continued) General Assembly (continued): 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Mountainview Rooms A & B Daughters Excursion: 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm Place to be announced Velouchi Night Dance: 9:30 pm – 1:30 am Tennessee Ballroom Featuring Nick Trivelas and A Night in Athens Trio Gardenview Room (Must RSVP, $40/person) Sunday June 22 Evrytanian Night Dance: 9:30 pm - 1:30 am Divine Liturgy: Tennessee Ballroom Featuring Nick Trivelas and Orthros: 9:00 – Liturgy: 10:00 Gardenview Rooms C-E Picnic Luncheon: Noon – 1:30 pm The Lawn * Park Vista Hotel VELOUCHI 70TH CONVENTION Saturday June 21 Registration: 9:00am – 5:00pm Golf on own at Area courses General Assembly: 9:30 am – 12 pm Mountainview Rooms A & B Daughters Meeting: 10:00 am – 12 pm Mountainview Rooms C & D Luncheon Banquet for All: 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm Exhibit Hall Guest Speaker: Mr. Christos Panagopoulos Ambassador of Greece to the United States ($30/person) 27 Call now and reserve your room! EVRYTANIAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA “VELOUCHI” 121 Greenwich Road * Suite #212 Charlotte, NC 28211 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
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