Editorial Team Jean Vinten Vicky Nash Sofia Simeonidou Foteini Bakarou Maria Ioannou ISBN 978-9963-9998-5-9 978-9963-9998-4-2 Πληροφορίες - Παραγγελίες Τηλ. Κέντρο: 23310 73777 e-mail: [email protected] www.supercourse.gr All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. Contents LESSONS GRAMMAR Remember 1a Indefinite Article a / an Definite Article the 5 Remember 1b Zero Article Subject / Object Pronouns 6 Remember 1c Countries and Their Adjectives 7 Remember 2a The Imperative / Let’s 8 Remember 2b The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) 9 Remember 2c The Verb HAVE GOT BE or HAVE GOT 10 Remember 3a Question Words 11 Remember 3b Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns 12 Remember 3c Possessive Case 13 1 Everyday life in Switzerland Present Simple 14-18 2 A letter from Finland Prepositions of Place, Movement & Time 19-23 3 Nessie’s timeline Present Continuous Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Non-Continuous Verbs 24-28 4 Katie’s strange dream Future Simple be going to 29-33 5 An e-mail from Toronto Plurals Uncountable Nouns Much, many, a lot of / plenty of Very How much? - How many? 34-38 REVISION 1 39-42 (Lessons 1-5) 6 A visit to Alton Towers Past Simple (Regular & Irregular Verbs) 43-47 7 My aunt’s childhood Past Continuous Past Continuous vs. Past Simple Used to 48-52 8 The Dinosaur hall of fame Comparative & Superlative Degrees 53-57 9 Jasmin moves to Scotland Present Perfect Simple (1) (Regular & Irregular Verbs) 58-62 Present Perfect Simple (2) (Irregular Verbs) Have been to - Have gone to - Have been in Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple 63-67 10 A holiday in Hawaii REVISION 2 2 pp. quick steps 2 (Lessons 6-10) 68-71 LESSONS GRAMMAR Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous vs. Present Perfect Simple pp. 11 “Billy Elliot” the musical 12 Flying is fun Mustn’t / Don’t Have To Can / Be Able To / Could 13 Sydney sights Should / Ought To Shall 82-86 14 The Grey Whale Relative Pronouns 87-91 15 Real life monsters Relative Clauses 92-96 72-76 Must / Have To 77-81 May / Might REVISION 3 16 97-100 (Lessons 11-15) Up Helly Aa Time Clauses Conditionals: Zero Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional 101-105 17 Socotra Island 18 Rookin House Activity Centre 19 A day out with a difference 20 Who’s your favourite celebrity? Gerund Be / Get Used To 121-125 21 Great train journeys Passive Voice 126-130 REVISION 4 106-110 Too & Enough Question Tags 111-115 Infinitives: Full Infinitive Bare Infinitive 116-120 (Lessons 16-21) 131-135 Optional Listening Tasks 136-141 Optional Writing Tasks 142-145 Glossary 146-150 Verbs & Tenses 151 Irregular Verbs 152 Lesson Plan Transcripts 4 153-156 quick steps 2 3 LESSON PLAN 1 Remember Lessons 1a, b & c Indefinite / Definite Article - Zero Article - Subject / Object Pronouns Countries and Their Adjectives 2 Remember Lessons 2a, b & c The Imperative / Let’s - The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) The Verb HAVE GOT - BE or HAVE GOT? 3 Remember Lessons 3a, b & c Question Words - Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns - Possessive Case 4 Lesson 1 Everyday life in Switzerland Present Simple 5 Lesson 2 A letter from Finland Prepositions of Place, Movement & Time 6 Lesson 3 Nessie’s timeline Present Continuous - Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Non-Continuous Verbs 7 Lesson 4 Katie’s strange dream Future Simple - be going to 8 Lesson 5 An e-mail from Toronto Plurals - Uncountable Nouns - Much, many, a lot of / plenty of Very - How much? / How many? 9 REVISION 1 (Lessons 1-5) 10 Lesson 6 A visit to Alton Towers Past Simple (Regular & Irregular Verbs) 11 Lesson 7 My aunt’s childhood Past Continuous - Past Continuous vs. Past Simple - Used to 12 Lesson 8 The Dinosaur Hall of Fame Comparative & Superlative Degrees 13 Lesson 9 Jasmin moves to Scotland Present Perfect Simple (1) (Regular & Irregular Verbs) 14 Lesson 10 A holiday in Hawaii Present Perfect Simple (2) (Irregular Verbs) - Have been to - Have gone to Have been in - Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple 15 REVISION 2 (Lessons 6-10) 16 Lesson 11 “Billy Elliot” the musical Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous vs. Present Perfect Simple 17 Lesson 12 Flying is fun Must / Have To - Mustn’t / Don’t Have To - Can / Be Able To - Could 18 Lesson 13 Sydney sights May / Might - Should / Ought To - Shall 19 Lesson 14 The Grey Whale Relative Pronouns 20 Lesson 15 Real life monsters Relative Clauses 21 REVISION 3 (Lessons 11-15) 22 Lesson 16 Up Helly Aa Time Clauses 23 Lesson 17 Socotra Island Conditionals: Zero Conditional - First Conditional - Second Conditional 24 Lesson 18 Rookin House Activity Centre Too & Enough - Question Tags 25 Lesson 19 A day out with a difference Infinitive: Full Infinitive - Bare Infinitive 26 Lesson 20 Who’s your favourite celebrity? Gerund - Be / Get Used To 27 Lesson 21 Great train journeys Passive Voice 28 REVISION 4 (Lessons 16-21) For those wishing to complete the course in 24 sessions, the Revision Lessons can be set as homework. Optional Listening & Writing Tasks (cf. Appendix) can be set at teacher’s discretion) Remember • Indefinite Article a / an • Definite Article the The Indefinite Article a / an • Το αόριστο άρθρο a / an (ένας, μία, ένα) χρησιμοποιείται πριν από ουσιαστικά ενικού αριθμού όταν μιλάμε γενικά γι’αυτά. • Βάζουμε το a πριν από ουσιαστικά που αρχίζουν από σύμφωνο (a number, a letter, a knife, a party) και το an μπροστά από ουσιαστικά που αρχίζουν από φωνήεν (an ant, an egg, an idea, an omelette). Σύγκριση: an elephant BUT a big elephant Προσοχή στo u και το h: • a university BUT an umbrella • a hamburger BUT an hour The Definite Article the • Το οριστικό άρθρο the (ο, η, το, οι, τα) μπαίνει πριν από ουσιαστικά ενικού και πληθυντικού αριθμού όταν μιλάμε συγκεκριμένα γι’ αυτά. The boy in your garden is my son. • Μάθε και μερικές άλλες χρήσεις του οριστικού άρθρου, όπως οι παρακάτω: Πριν από: οποιοδήποτε ουσιαστικό που είναι μοναδικό (the sun, the sea, the sky) ποταμούς (the River Amazon), ωκεανούς (the Pacific Ocean), θάλασσες (the Mediterranean Sea), οροσειρές (the Himalayas), ερήμους (the Gobi Desert), ενωμένα κράτη (the United Kingdom), ομάδες νησιών (the Bermudas) εφημερίδες (the Times), μουσικά όργανα (the piano), ξενοδοχεία (the Carlton Hotel), πλοία (the Titanic) εθνικότητες (the French, the Greeks) και ονόματα οικογενειών στον πληθυντικό (the Nortons) ουσιαστικά ενικού αριθμού που δηλώνουν ένα είδος The dolphin is a mammal. επίθετα υπερθετικού βαθμού (the tallest), ή επίθετα που χαρακτηρίζουν μια ομάδα (the elderly) 1a 1. Fill in with a or an. an idea. It’s 1. We have 2. A hippo is 3. This is a 4. He has an an history book. It’s a old house in 6. Can I have an 7. He wears a an 8. I need good idea. big animal. anapple and 5.There’s 9. - Is it a a an a cake in the fridge. a an an - Actually, it’s a sandwich? an uniform. He’s Indian or electrician. omelette. Irish song? Spanish dance! an owl. It’s 10. Look! It’s small village. ice cream and egg to make old book. a baby owl. 2. Fill in with a, an or the. a teacher and Ian is 1. Meg is an actor. a 2.There’s 3. the helicopter in sky. The Beckhams are on holiday in the USA. 4. The / Α fox is 5.You’re a the clever animal. the best dad in 6. The Times is a 7. The Sahara Desert isn’t in a The the hour and table is Gerry’s. Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty. 13. Big Ben is a a big city in tower with the UK. a big clock. 14. The / A 15. The UK. guitar. the the 12. He works in the book on 11. I want to see the half. 9. My brother plays 10. daily newspaper. an 8. We must be there in world! dog is a very friendly pet. Greeks are very proud of the Parthenon. quick steps 2 5 Remember 1b • Zero Article • Subject / Object Pronouns Zero Article Αφού μάθαμε πότε χρησιμοποιείται το οριστικό άρθρο the, ας δούμε και πότε ΔΕ χρησιμοποιείται. Πριν από ουσιαστικά στα οποία αναφερόμαστε γενικώς: (I like fish. BUT: The fish we ate was tasty.) Μπροστά από τις δεικτικές αντωνυμίες (this / that / these / those), τα κτητικά επίθετα (my, your, …) και τις κτητικές αντωνυμίες (mine, yours, ...). Μπροστά από κύρια ονόματα (Ben), πόλεις (London), χώρες (Denmark), ηπείρους (Asia), γλώσσες (English). Με μαθήματα (history), αθλήματα (basketball), γεύματα (lunch), παιχνίδια (chess). Πριν από ημέρες (Friday), μήνες (March) και γιορτές (Easter). Προσοχή: I play tennis. BUT: I play the piano. 1. Fill in with the, where necessary. 2. Fill in with a / an, the or -. 1. The fruit in my uncle’s shop is always fresh. -London is on the river Thames. 2. - ice cream. 3. Wendy really loves - - its wine. 4. France is famous for 5. The Alps are in the continent of Europe. 6. The Acropolis is in Athens. - - tennis. 7. Ian likes golf but Tom likes - 8.Are his trainers in that box? 9. Pam plays the violin and Jo plays the piano. - 10. I always send cards at Christmas. 1. Do you know - Mr Cole? has a garden and a garage. 2. My house 3. I speak English. I live in the UK. The 4. Star Hotel is very big and luxurious. a 5.There’s T-shirt on my bed. Is it yours? 6. Sunday is my favourite day. - pizza! 7. I don’t like chicken but I love the 8. - Where’s my shirt? - In wardrobe. 9. The Nile is the longest river in the world. 10. The Lees are going to Paris at Easter. Subject & Object Pronouns • Οι προσωπικές αντωνυμίες ονομαστικής πτώσης μπαίνουν μπροστά από τα ρήματα ως υποκείμενά τους και λέγονται subject pronouns. Δείχνουν ποιος κάνει την ενέργεια του ρήματος. I wake up at 7:00. / She meets Tom every day. • Αντίστοιχα, οι προσωπικές αντωνυμίες αιτιατικής πτώσης μπαίνουν μετά από τα ρήματα ως αντικείμενά τους και λέγονται object pronouns. Δείχνουν σε ποιον / τι πηγαίνει η ενέργεια του ρήματος. Wake me up at 7:00. / Tom meets her every day. Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns I (εγώ) me (εμένα, με) you (εσύ) you (εσένα, σε) he (αυτός) him (αυτόν, τον) she (αυτή)her (αυτήν, την) it (αυτό) it (αυτό, το) we (εμείς) us (εμάς, μας) you (εσείς) you (εσάς, σας) they (αυτοί, -ές, -ά)them (αυτούς, -ές, -ά / τους, τις, τα) 3. Fill in with subject or object pronouns. 4. Rewrite the sentences using 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 me , please. This is my pen. Give it back to The kids are in their room now. They are studying. him . Ted’s a very nice guy. Everyone likes us We’re hungry. Can you make some pizza? She is busy. My sister is not coming with us. Where are my keys? I can’t find them . He Mr Kent isn’t American. is from Sydney. him . There’s Jonathan. Let’s go and talk to it Our cat looks thirsty. Let’s give some water. her . Where’s Linda? We’ve got a present for We Steve and I are friends. often go out together. you Good morning, Mrs Smith. How are today? quick steps 2 subject and object pronouns. My brothers never tidy their room. They never tidy it. Sally is playing chess with Jason. She is playing it with him. Alan and I will help Tina. We will help her. Eric didn’t feed the dogs. He didn’t feed them. Betty broke the vase. She broke it. My friends are talking to Max. They are talking to him. Remember • Countries and Their Adjectives 1c Countries and Their Adjectives Θυμήσου ότι οι χώρες στα αγγλικά δεν παίρνουν άρθρο. Δηλαδή λέμε: Greece / France is a European country και όχι The Greece / The France. Σε κάθε χώρα αντιστοιχεί ένα επίθετο, που γράφεται πάντα με κεφαλαίο το πρώτο γράμμα και έχει τρεις χρήσεις: 1. Εθνικότητα (προέλευση προσώπων) He / She is Greek. = Αυτός / Αυτή είναι Έλληνας / Ελληνίδα. He / She is French. = Αυτός / Αυτή είναι Γάλλος / Γαλλίδα. 2. Επίθετο προέλευσης πραγμάτων Α Greek / French school = Ένα ελληνικό / γαλλικό σχολείο 3. Γλώσσα I can speak Greek / French. = Μπορώ να μιλήσω ελληνικά / γαλλικά. Οι γλώσσες δεν παίρνουν άρθρο και είναι πάντα ενικού αριθμού. Greek is a European language. = Τα ελληνικά είναι μία ευρωπαϊκή γλώσσα. Δε λέμε: The Greek are ... 1. Choose and circle. 1. Steve’s parents are a. England 2. Choose and fill in. b. English 2. Ross is on holiday in a. France now. a. Greece b. Greek a. Italy . a. Sweden b. Swedish 6. Pablo can speak . a. Spain Spain . ? (Sweden / Swedish) . (Europe / European) (Spain / Spanish) 6. Can you and Tim speak Italian ? (Italy / Italian) 7. My mum’s best friend is German . (Germany / German) b. Germany a. European b. Europe city. a. Greece a. Turkey 3. Can you write your name in Europe 4. There are a lot of countries in language is difficult. a. German 10. Let’s visit (Greece / Greek) b. Spanish 9. Volos is a . Swedish b. Italian 8. Greece and Italy are in (France / French) . 5. Sven’s mother is 7. The . Greece 5. They have got a house in school here? 4. Rome is the capital of 2. Athens is the capital of b. French 3. Is there a French 1. Christine’s from Paris. She is . b. Greek . . 3. Answer the questions. 1. Are you English? Students’ own answers. 2. Is Paris the capital of Germany? 3. Is your dad Greek? 4. Are there a lot of countries in Europe? 5. Is your mum’s best friend French? b. Turkish 6. Can you speak Italian? quick steps 2 7 Remember 2a • The Imperative / Let’s 1. Fill in with the imperative. The Imperative • Για να σχηματίσουμε την προστακτική, βάζουμε μόνο το βασικό ρήμα χωρίς υποκείμενο πριν από αυτό. Be careful! Go away! • Στην άρνηση προσθέτουμε μόνο το don’t πριν από το ρήμα. Don’t open her purse! Don’t be late again! • Μαζί με την προστακτική, μπορούμε να βάλουμε τη λέξη please (παρακαλώ), στην αρχή ή στο τέλος της πρότασης, όταν θέλουμε να είμαστε πιο ευγενικοί. Give it to Mr Stevenson, please. Please don’t call Peter after 10:00. brush - give - tell - open - don’t worry - help - be - put don’t park - don’t open - don’t talk - take - don’t drive Put 1. the words in the correct order. don’t open 2.Please the window. It’s cold. Take 3. an umbrella with you. Brush 4. your teeth, children! Don’t talk 5. now. I’m listening to the news. Give 6. me my glasses, please. be 7.Please quiet, Kelly! Don’t park 8. your car in front of my house. don’t drive 9. Please so fast along this street. Help 10. me with these bags, please. Open 11. your books on page 10, please. Don’t worry 12. about me. I’m OK. Tell 13. What’s wrong? me all about it. Let’s (not) + verb Όταν θέλουμε να προτείνουμε σε κάποιους να κάνουμε κάτι μαζί χρησιμοποιούμε το let’s με κάποιο ρήμα. Στην άρνηση λέμε let’s not + verb. Let’s go! = Ας πάμε / Πάμε! Let’s play! = Ας παίξουμε! Let’s speak English now! = Ας μιλήσουμε αγγλικά τώρα! Let’s not do this! = Ας μην το κάνουμε αυτό! 2. Choose and fill in with: + Let’s - Let’s not Let’s eat some pizza. 1. We’re hungry. Let’s not go out tonight. 2. I’m not well. Let’s not stay in the house. 3. It’s beautiful outside. 4. It’s mum’s birthday today. Let’s make a cake. make 1. It’s very cold today. b a. Speak English to her. 2. I can’t do this exercise. d b. Don’t swim in the sea. 3. Jenny is Australian. a c. Let’s drink some water. 4. The teacher is here. f d. Help me please. 5. We are very thirsty. c e. Let’s play tennis then. 6. I can’t play basketball. e f. Don’t talk now. quick steps 2 go watch buy eat Let’s watch a DVD. 5. There is nothing on TV. Let’s buy 6. Grandma’s not well. her some flowers. 3. Find and match. 8 stay • The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) 2b Remember The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) Θυμήσου πώς σχηματίζεται το βοηθητικό ρήμα be (είμαι) στον Ενεστώτα, τον Αόριστο και το Μέλλοντα. Μελέτησε τους παρακάτω πίνακες: PRESENT (Ενεστώτας) PAST (Αόριστος) FUTURE (Μέλλοντας) I am / I’m you are / you’re he is / he’s she is / she’s it is / it’s we are / we’re you are / you’re they are / they’re I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were I will / I’ll be you will / you’ll be he will / he’ll be she will / she’ll be it will / it’ll be we will / we’ll be you will / you’ll be they will / they’ll be am I, are you, is she? was I, were you, was she? will I be, will you be, will she be? NEGATIVE I’m not, you aren’t, he isn’t … I wasn’t, you weren’t, he wasn’t … I won’t be, you won’t be he won’t be … SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. AFFIRMATIVE INTEROGATIVE 1. Fill in with the verb be in Present, Past or Future. teacher 1. Our 2. Is 3.Dennis was (not) back in two hours. 4. Look! The cat 5. 6.I Were is eleven years old next Friday. were 7.They 8.He on the roof. they in Athens last week? will be wasn’t late yesterday morning. (not) in his office an hour ago. parents 9. My aren’t (not) here right now. 10. Will you 11. Are the tourists at the museum? 12. Will your aunt 13.I wasn’t be 15.I will be at work tomorrow? be here on Sunday? (not) at home last night. 14. Wow! Tony’s father I was. 1. - Were you at school yesterday? - Yes, ill yesterday. she on the phone now? won’t be 2. Give short answers to the questions. is a pilot. in Paris next month. she isn’t. 2. - Is your mother Chinese? - No, he will. 3. - Will dad be at home on Sunday? - Yes, 4. - Were you at Sam’s party last night? - No, I wasn’t / we weren’t. it is. 5. - Is my book on the desk? - Yes, 6. - Will you be at the cinema tonight? - Yes, I / we will. 7. - Was the baby ill yesterday? - Yes, he / she was. I’m not. 8. - Are you a good student? - No, - No, 9. - Will mum be at work tomorrow? she won’t. they were. 10. - Were the children quiet? - Yes, class? - Yes, 11. - Are you and Tim in Mrs Cooper’s 12. - Will Ron be here tomorrow? - No, 13. - Was I the last to arrive? - Yes, we are. he won’t. you were. 14. - Is he the new maths teacher? - No, he isn’t. 15. - Will you be in London next week? - Yes, I / we will. quick steps 2 9 Remember 2c • The Verb HAVE GOT • BE or HAVE GOT The Verb HAVE GOT (= έχω) Θυμήσου πώς σχηματίζεται το βοηθητικό ρήμα have got (έχω) στον Ενεστώτα. Affirmative I have / I’ve got you have / you’ve got he has / he’s got she has / she’s got it has / it’s got we have / we’ve got you have / you’ve got they have / they’ve got Interrogative have I got? have you got? has he got? has she got? has it got? have we got? have you got? have they got? Negative I haven’t got you haven’t got he hasn’t got she hasn’t got it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got 2. Rewrite with the short forms of have got. 1. Fill in with the correct form of have got. 1.Paul hasn’t got (not) a new CD player. 2. Meg and I have got a small flat. Has got 3. she a sports car? 4. Rex and Ken haven’t got (not) a laptop. got 5. Have we any apple juice? 6. Our house hasn’t got (not) four bedrooms. 7.He hasn’t got (not) a black jacket. got 8. Have you a swimming pool? Short Answers Για να δώσουμε μια σύντομη απάντηση σε ερώτηση με have got, βάζουμε Yes / No, την αντίστοιχη προσωπική αντωνυμία και το have(n’t) / has(n’t) χωρίς το got. - Have you got a red pen? - Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I have got an old piano. Phil has not got a bike. We have got six dogs! Anna has got a good job. They have not got a car. She has got two black cats. You have not got a radio. My dad has got blue eyes. I’ve got an old piano. Phil hasn’t got a bike. We’ve got six dogs! Anna’s got a good job. They haven’t got a car. She’s got two black cats. You haven’t got a radio. My dad’s got blue eyes. 3. Answer as in the example. 1.- Have you got a motorbike? 2. - Has she got a dog? 3. - Have they got a new house? 4. - Has Alan got blue eyes? 5. - Has your house got a garden? 6. - Have you got a sister? (car) (cat) (old house) (green eyes) (balcony) (brother)- No I haven’t. I’ve got a car. No, she hasn’t. She’s got a cat. No, they haven’t. They’ve got an old house. No, he hasn’t. He’s got green eyes. No, it hasn’t. It’s got a balcony. No, I haven’t. I’ve got a brother. BE or HAVE GOT? Προσοχή στο τρίτο ενικό (he, she, it) των ρημάτων BE και HAVE GOT, γιατί οι τύποι μοιάζουν. Παρατήρησε τα παρακάτω παραδείγματα: He’s an architect. (= He is...) BUT He’s got a son. (= He has got...) She’s here now. (= She is…) BUT She’s got a new dress. (= She has got…) 4. Write the sentences in full form using is or has. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 He’s twelve years old. It’s got four legs. She’s got long hair. She’s afraid of mice. It’s nice here in the winter. He’s got a red suitcase. She’s really hungry. He’s got two dogs. quick steps 2 He is twelve years old. It has got four legs. She has got long hair. She is afraid of mice. It is nice here in the winter. He has got a red suitcase. She is really hungry. He has got two dogs. 5. Find and write. (‘s = is or ‘s = has) 1. My dad’s got brown hair. 2. Tom’s a good student. 3. This cat’s got green eyes. 4. Maria’s a good friend. 5. Her mother’s a teacher. 6. Ben’s got a new CD player. 7. My mum’s got an old car. 8. Christine’s from France. ‘s = has ‘s = is ‘s = has ‘s = is ‘s = is ‘s = has ‘s = has ‘s = is Remember • Question Words 3a Question Words Οι question words (ερωτηματικές λέξεις) μπαίνουν στην αρχή των ερωτήσεων και τις χρησιμοποιούμε για να μάθουμε πληροφορίες σχετικές με: πρόσωπα ή πράγματα (who - whom - whose - what), τόπο (where), χρόνο (when), αιτία (why), τρόπο (how). • What? (Τί;) Χρησιμοποιείται για ζώα ή πράγματα. - What’s this / that? - It’s a rabbit. • Who? (Ποιος, -α, -οι, -ες;) Who(m)? (Ποιον, -α, -ους, -ες;) Whose? (Τίνος, Ποιανού;) • Where? (Πού;) - Where are my glasses? - On the table. Χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο για πρόσωπα και είναι ονομαστικής, αιτιατικής και γενικής πτώσης αντίστοιχα. - Who is this man? - It’s the maths teacher. - Who(m) do you like? - Patricia. - Whose is this suitcase? - It’s Kate’s. 1. Choose and circle. 1. 2. b.Where c.Why are you planning for the weekend? a. What 3. b.Why b.Who b.Where c.Why c.What c.When did you invite to the party? a. Whose b.What 10. c.When is this motorbike? a. Whose b.Who 9. c.How will you go on holiday? a. Who 8. b.When didn’t mum cook dinner? a. How 7. c.Why is their new English teacher? a. Who 6. b.Whose old are Jill’s parents? a. What 5. c.Whose are those blue boots? a. When 4. b.Who c.Who is the capital of Scotland? a. What b.How • Why? (Γιατί;) - Why is he sleeping? - Because he’s tired. • How? (Πώς;) - How are you? - I’m fine, thanks. 2. Match the answers to the questions. is his mother from? a.When • When? (Πότε;) - When is he coming back? - On Monday. c.When 1. - Who called you? 2. - When did he leave? 3. - Why are you here? 4. - Whose laptop is this? 5. - Where is the milk? 6.- Who(m) did he see? 7. - How was the party? 8. - What’s in the box? d c h e a g f b a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. - In the fridge. - A toy. - On Friday. - Samuel. - It’s Mona’s. - It was fantastic. - Roberta. - I want to talk to you. 3. Fill in with the correct question word. why - how - what - whose - who - where - when 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who Where Why Whose What How When is Liz talking to? did you go yesterday? are you asking me about this? car is this? are you doing tomorrow? many apples do you want? are they coming? 4. Write the questions for these answers, using the word given. 1.- What’s your name? 2. - How do you feel? 3. - Who is that woman? 4.- Where is the post office? 5. - Whose are these / those jeans? (name) - My name is Jill. (feel) - I feel sick. (woman) - She’s my sister. (post office) - Opposite the bank. (jeans) - They’re mine. quick steps 2 11 Remember 3b • Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns • Για να δηλώσουμε σε ποιον ανήκει κάτι βάζουμε ένα possessive adjective (κτητικό επίθετο) πριν από το ουσιαστικό. Προσέχουμε ότι δε χρησιμοποιούμε άρθρο μαζί με τα κτητικά επίθετα. The Her daughter is very tall. The His name is David. • Οι possessive pronouns (κτητικές αντωνυμίες) δείχνουν και αυτές σε ποιον ανήκει κάτι, αλλά χρησιμοποιούνται στη θέση του κτητικού επιθέτου και του ουσιαστικού, έτσι ώστε αυτό να μην επαναληφθεί. Πρόσεξε τα παρακάτω παραδείγματα: - Is this her notebook? - Yes, it’s hers. - Are these your boots? - Yes, they’re mine. Possessive Adjectives my (μου) your (σου) his (του) her (της) its (του) our (μας) your (σας) their (τους) Possessive Pronouns mine (δικός μου) yours (δικός σου) his (δικός του) hers (δικός της) ours (δικός μας) yours (δικός σας) theirs (δικός τους) • Βλέπουμε, λοιπόν, ότι δεν ακολουθεί ποτέ κάποιο ουσιαστικό, όταν χρησιμοποιούμε τις possessive pronouns γιατί αυτό εννοείται. Αντίθετα, μετά από τα possessive adjectives πάντα υπάρχει και κάποιο ουσιαστικό που προσδιορίζεται από αυτά. This is my hat. It’s mine. 1. Fill in with the possessive adjectives or pronouns. your jacket? - No, it isn’t mine. 1. - Is this his . 2. - Are these his sisters? - Yes, they’re theirs . 3. - Are those their children? - Yes, they’re ours . 4. Molly and I have got a pet. It’s my bag. Mine is the blue one. 5. This isn’t your hamburgers? 6.- Are these - No, they aren’t ours. hers . 7. - Is this Sally’s bike? - Yes, it’s 8. This isn’t their car. Theirs is the black one. Ours is pink. 9. This isn’t our laptop. Her 10. That is my aunt. name is Helen. 2. Choose and circle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12 They’ve got a cat. Their / Theirs cat is cute. He’s got a green pen. My / Mine pen is red. - Is this her pencil? - Yes, it’s her / hers. Are they yours / your parents? His book is great. Hers / Her isn’t so interesting. They’ve got a new flat. Their / Theirs flat is big. - Are these your boots? - Yes, they’re my / mine. Is Robert ours / our new classmate? - Are these glasses your / yours? - No, they’re dad’s. - Is this the baby’s toy? - No mum, it’s my / mine. quick steps 2 3. Choose and circle. 1.What are those people saying? I can’t hear . a.they b.their c. them 2. My brother is sick. He isn’t coming with a. us b. we c. ours 3. Your house is next to a. mine b. my . ! c. me 4. This laptop belongs to Eva. The TV is also . a. her b. hers c. she 5. Ben is leaving. Is he taking a. he b. him c. his car? 6. Some of these books are mine and some are . a. yours b. your c. you 7. Why doesn’t anyone here want to play with ? a. I b. mine c. me 8. This can’t be Mary’s diary. never leaves it open. a. She b. Hers c. Her 9. Our parrot can’t talk but can sing! a. its b. it c. our 10. There goes Sarah. Can’t you see a. hers b. she c. her ? Remember • Possessive Case 3c Possessive Case 1. Όταν βάζουμε ‘s στα κύρια ονόματα και ακολουθεί ουσιαστικό, δηλώνουμε σε ποιον ανήκει το ουσιαστικό. This is Tom’s room. = Αυτό είναι του Tom το δωμάτιο. Το ίδιο γίνεται και με ουσιαστικά που περιγράφουν πρόσωπα ή ζώα. π.χ. the boy’s bike = του αγοριού το ποδήλατο, my dog’s toys = του σκύλου μου τα παιχνίδια, κτλ. 2. Αν όμως έχουμε ουσιαστικό σε πληθυντικό με κατάληξη -s, (π.χ. boys, dogs) και θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που τους ανήκει, βάζουμε ΜΟΝΟ την απόστροφο ΧΩΡΙΣ το s. π.χ. the boys’ bikes = των αγοριών τα ποδήλατα, my dogs’ toys = των σκύλων μου τα παιχνίδια, κτλ. ΑΛΛΑ: σε ανώμαλους πληθυντικούς χωρίς κατάληξη -s, ισχύει ο πρώτος κανόνας, π.χ. the children’s books. 3. Όταν θέλουμε να πούμε ότι κάτι ανήκει σε ΔΥΟ πρόσωπα, βάζουμε ‘s μόνο στο ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ πρόσωπο. This is Mary and John’s house. = Αυτό είναι το σπίτι της Mary και του John. (το σπίτι ανήκει και στους ΔΥΟ) 4. Όταν όμως μιλάμε για πράγματα που ανήκουν σε δύο πρόσωπα και όπου το ΚΑΘΕ πρόσωπο έχει το ΔΙΚΟ ΤΟΥ, βάζουμε ‘s ΚΑΙ ΣΤΑ ΔΥΟ πρόσωπα. These are Mary’s and John’s cars. = Αυτά είναι τα αυτοκίνητα της Mary και του John. (ο καθένας έχει από ένα αυτοκίνητο) ΠΡΟΣΕΞΕ να μη μπερδεύεις το ‘s της Γενικής Κτητικής με το ‘s = is ή το ‘s = has. This is John’s room. ≠ John’s ten years old. (‘s = is) ≠ John’s got a cat. (‘s = has) 1. Find and match. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - Are these your jackets? - Are the red shoes Mary’s? - Is this notebook mine? - Is it Tom’s ball? - Is that Jim and Ted’s cat? - Is it Julie’s car? - Are these George’s clothes? - Are these your parents’ coats? d g e b c a h f a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. - Yes, it’s hers. - Yes, it’s his. - Yes, it’s theirs. - No, they’re not ours. - No, it isn’t yours. - Yes, they are theirs. - Yes, they’re hers. - No, they aren’t his. 2. Fill in with the possessive case of the nouns with one or two ‘s or ‘. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dave and Ned have got a big sister. Dad has got a brother and mum has got a brother too. My brothers and sisters live on the same farm together. Bob has got a dog and Tony has got a dog. Mr Black and his wife have got a flower shop. My uncle and aunt have got horses and sheep. The boys have got great toys. The girls have got great toys too. Dave and Ned’s is This big sister. dad’s and mum’s These are brothers. my brothers and sisters’ This is farm. are Bob’s and Tony’s Those dogs. This is Mr Black and his wife’s flower shop. my uncle and aunt’s Look at animals. the boys’ and girls’ I really like toys. 3. Fill in with ‘s = is, ‘s = has or P.C. (possessive case). 1. The cat’s drinking some milk. 2. This is John’s house. 3. Mum’s got a new hat. 4. Tim’s got a new bike. 5. Amy’s doll is new. ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = is P.C. has has P.C. 6. My mother’s cooking a delicious meal. 7. These are Julie’s trainers. 8. Andrew’s got a difficult problem. 9. Mark’s motorcycle is orange. 10. My brother’s playing with the dog. ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = is P.C. has P.C. is quick steps 2 13 1 Lesson Everyday life in Switzerland 1. Listen, repeat and learn. (CD 1, track 1) (CD 1, track 1) 1. SwitzerlandΕλβετία 14.wild άγριος 2. Swiss ελβετικός / Ελβετός 15.everywhere παντού 3. come from κατάγομαι, προέρχομαι από 16.lake λίμνη 4. villageχωριό 17. climb κάνω ορειβασία / σκαρφαλώνω 5. chalet σαλέ, ξύλινο σπίτι σε ύπαιθρο 18.shine λάμπω 6. outside έξω από 19. the Swiss οι Ελβετοί 7. walk down κατηφορίζω, κατεβαίνω περπατώντας 20.famous διάσημος 8.mountain βουνό 21. write back απαντώ (σε γράμμα) 9.cow αγελάδα PHRASES 10.sleigh έλκηθρο • let me tell you επίτρεψέ μου να σου πω 11.favourite αγαπημένος • from all over the world από όλο τον κόσμο 12. around γύρω από • e-mail friend φίλος μέσω e-mail 13.scenery τοπίο 2. Choose and fill in. around lake a. 3. Choose and circle. 1. Let’s go and sit by the hot day. 2.Please 1.My pop singer is Sakis Rouvas. He is amazing! a.outside b.favourite c. wild write back walk down outside come from write back lake . It’s a beautiful, soon and tell me about your trip. outside 3. Listen to that noise. There is someone our house. 4. We jog around the park every evening. come from 5. Liz and Philip Greek very well. 6. Heidi and her brothers go to school. b. France but they speak walk down the mountain to climbing Swiss chalet scenery shining mountains 1. Where do you want to go on holiday? Τhe mountains or the sea? 2. It’s cold outside but the sun is 3. The scenery 4. Look! Your cat is 14 Swiss quick steps 2 . climbing the tall tree next door. chalet the world. c. everywhere 3. Bears and wolves live in the forest. They are animals. a.Swiss b. outside c. wild . 4. Chris comes from a. Swiss b. the Swiss c. Switzerland 5. We drink fresh milk from our a. mountains b. cows every day. c. scenery 6. Santa Claus comes on his presents. a. chalet b. sleigh and gives us c. cow 7. My sister is a her. a. wild c. shine singer. A lot of people know b. famous you the news before we start. 8. a. Let me tell b. Walk down c. Come from around my house is beautiful. 5. My grandparents live in a beautiful Sweden. 6.The shining 2. People visit my country from a. all over b. outside in are very warm and friendly people. outside the city. 9. Gary lives in a small a. village b. sleigh c. Switzerland . 10. Look! There is snow a. everywhere b. chalet c. mountain 4a. Listen and read. (CD 1, track 2) (CD 1, track 2) Heidi’s e-mail to Jonathan is about her family and her life in a beautiful village in the Swiss mountains. Heidi Jonathan Hi Jonathan! a small village in the mountains in My name’s Heidi and I come from I live with my mum and dad and my Switzerland. I’m 12 years old and side my village, Verzine. two brothers in a big old chalet out ryday life and my country. Let me tell you a little about my eve and I have a lot of friends Every day, I go to school in Verzine ntain. It’s wonderful then. there. In spring, I walk down the mou and sheep. In winter, I ski or There are lots of flowers and cows g. It’s my favourite hobby. take my sleigh! It’s great! I love skiin n walk in the mountains The summer is beautiful too. I ofte ery is fantastic with all the around my home then. The scen animals around. beautiful flowers and the little wild small country My country, Switzerland, is a mountains in the centre of Europe. There are . People come everywhere and a lot of lakes too climb and, of from all over the world to walk, winter, but in course, to ski. It snows a lot in and the sky is summer, the sun usually shines very blue. too! We are The Swiss make great chocolate famous for it! e back soon! Please be my e-mail friend and writ 4b.Read and tick (P) or cross (O). 1. Heidi comes from a big village. 2. Her home is in Switzerland. 3. Heidi has got three brothers. 4. She lives in a big old apartment. 5. In winter, she takes her sleigh. 6. Switzerland is in northern Europe. 7. It has a lot of lakes and mountains. 8. People come to swim and relax. O P O O P O P O 4c. Read and circle. 1. Heidi lives with her outside Verzine. a. sisters b. grandparents c. family 2. Heidi walks down the mountain in a. winter b. spring 3. Heidi’s favourite hobby is a. skiing 4. Switzerland is a a. country . b. walking c. climbing in the centre of Europe. b. mountain c. lake 5. The Swiss are famous for their a. sleighs . c. summer b. chocolate . c. skis quick steps 2 15 Grammar Theory • Present Simple: Affirmative, Interrogative & Negative Present Simple (Ενεστώτας Απλός) - Κατάφαση Ο Present Simple σχηματίζεται στην κατάφαση βάζοντας το βασικό τύπο του ρήματος μετά από κάθε πρόσωπο. Πρόσεξε ότι στα πρόσωπα he / she / it προσθέτουμε ένα -s στην κατάληξη του ρήματος. Spelling Rules (Κανόνες Ορθογραφίας) AFFIRMATIVE • Στα ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε: -ss /-sh /-ch /-x /-o βάζουμε την κατάληξη -es στα πρόσωπα he, she, it. I watch he / she / it watches - I dress he / she / (it) dresses I go he / she / it goes - I do he / she / it does • Όταν το ρήμα τελειώνει σε σύμφωνο + y, τότε βγάζουμε το -y και στη θέση του βάζουμε την κατάληξη -ies. I study he / she / (it) studies - you cry he / she / it cries we carry he / she / it carries - they tidy he / she / (it) tidies • Αν όμως υπάρχει φωνήεν πριν το -y, τότε ακολουθούμε τον πρώτο κανόνα και βάζουμε την κατάληξη -s. I play he / she / it plays (και όχι plaies) Προσοχή: Στο ρήμα have (= έχω ή τρώω ή πίνω) όπου στα he / she / it βάζουμε has και όχι haves. I play you play he plays she plays it plays we play you play they play I watch you watch he watches she watches it watches we watch you watch they watch I study you study he studies she studies it studies we study you study they study Present Simple (Ενεστώτας Απλός) - Ερώτηση & Άρνηση Ο χρόνος αυτός σχηματίζεται στην ερώτηση και την άρνηση με το βοηθητικό ρήμα do, το οποίο εδώ δε σημαίνει “κάνω” και δε μεταφράζεται. Πρόσεξε ότι τόσο στην ερώτηση, όσο και στην άρνηση δε βάζουμε πλέον στο ρήμα τις καταλήξεις -s, -es και -ies της κατάφασης στα πρόσωπα he / she / it. - Does he wash? (και όχι does he washes?) - He doesn’t carry. (και όχι he doesn’t carries) INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE Στον ολόκληρο τύπο της άρνησης, βάζουμε: do not (= don’t) και do I play? I don’t play does not (= doesn’t). do you play? you don’t play Short Answers does he play? he doesn’t play Σχηματίζουμε τις σύντομες απαντήσεις του Present Simple με Yes does she play? she doesn’t play / No, την αντίστοιχη προσωπική αντωνυμία και do / don’t ή does does it play? it doesn’t play / doesn’t. do we play? we don’t play - Do you like milk? - Yes, I do. / - No, I don’t. do you play? you don’t play - Does Tim play tennis? - Yes, he does. / - No, he doesn’t. do they play? they don’t play Use Ο Present Simple χρησιμοποιείται για συνήθειες που έχουμε και δείχνει ότι κάνουμε κάτι που επαναλαμβάνεται. Adverbs of Frequency Key Words / Phrases Τα λεγόμενα adverbs of frequency (επιρρήματα συχνότητας) δείχνουν πόσο συχνά κάνουμε κάτι και συνοδεύουν τον Present Simple: Οι παρακάτω χρονικές εκφράσεις δείχνουν κάθε πότε κάνουμε κάτι και συνοδεύουν τον Present Simple. every day / week / month / year once / twice / three times a week / a month / a year in the morning / afternoon / evening, in (the) summer in January / March / August, on Mondays / Tuesdays on Wednesday afternoons / on Friday evenings at night / Christmas / Easter, at noon / midnight / ten o’clock at the weekend / at weekends Τέτοιες εκφράσεις μπαίνουν είτε στην αρχή, είτε στο τέλος των προτάσεων, π.χ. I go to school every day. At weekends we meet our friends in the park. Ρωτάμε πόσο συχνά γίνεται κάτι χρησιμοποιώντας το How often? How often do you travel abroad? sometimes = μερικές φορές, usually = συνήθως, often = συχνά, always = πάντα, never = ποτέ Τα επιρρήματα συχνότητας μπαίνουν ΠΡΙΝ το κύριο ρήμα στον Present Simple. I sometimes wake up early. He often plays tennis. / She never watches TV. Εξαίρεση: Τα επιρρήματα συχνότητας μπαίνουν ΜΕΤΑ τα βοηθητικά ρήματα. He is often late. You must always brush your teeth twice a day. 16 quick steps 2 1. Choose and fill in. 2. Fill in with the Present Simple. drives 1. My brother always (drive / drives) very fast. 4. Ron and I never sleeps lives watches 3. Jane Fridays. pizza for breakfast. 4. He never evening. home very late. 5. Poppy often morning. for 12 - 15 years. (live / lives) The teachers P (arrive) at school at 8:00. arrive ? Do the teachers arrive The teachers don’t arrive O 2. M um always P (tidy) the kitchen after lunch. ? tidies at school at 8:00? at school at 8:00. (watch) DVDs with her friends on takes (take) his dog to the park in the washes (wash) her car on Sunday studies 1. Jim to England in the winter. a.never travels O Y ou and your cousin 3. P the kitchen after lunch. a.usually is ? Do you and your cousin play (play) tennis in summer. tennis in summer? You and your cousin don’t play tennis in summer. O starts T im’s father (start) work at 9:00 every day. 4. P ? O Does Tim’s father start Tim’s father doesn’t start work at 9:00 every day? work at 9:00 every day. DVDs at weekends. a.often watch 3. Sandra play b. travels never 2. Mum and dad the kitchen after lunch? (study) in his room 4. Choose and circle. Does mum always tidy Mum doesn’t always tidy (cry) at night. (play) computer games at son always 6. Mr Fox’s at night. 3. Fill in with the Present Simple. (P - ? - O) 1. cries plays 2. My cousin weekends. in the afternoon. (eat / eats) come 5. You sometimes (comes / come) 6. A cat usually at weekends. (sleeps / sleep) eat (-s, - es or - ies?) sister often 1. Our little baby work 2. Maria and Lisa often (works / work) 3. My dad usually sleepy in the morning. 4. Fred b. is usually his garage on Sundays. a.tidies sometimes 5. Robert and Kaitlin a.are never 6. I b. watch often b. sometimes tidies late for the bus. b. never are very hungry in the morning. a.sometimes am b. am sometimes 5. Choose and circle. I’ve got a lovely big white dog. His name’s Zack. One of his eyes is blue and one is brown! He 1 loves / love me a lot and I 2 loves / love him too. He 3 live / lives with us in our village but he 4 doesn’t / don’t come inside the house. He always 5 sleep / sleeps outside my front door and he only 6 wakes up / wake up when I 7 gives / give him his breakfast. He’s lazy but very cute too. He 8 like / doesn’t like to run so I 9 doesn’t / don’t often take him to the park with me. I usually 10 play / plays with him in the garden. In the winter, every time it 11 snows / snow, he 12 sit / sits outside in his little house with my four cats! They are very good friends! Isn’t that funny? quick steps 2 17 6. Rewrite with the adverbs of frequency. 1. I go to school by bus. (always) I always go to school by bus. 2. My parents sleep late. My parents often sleep late. (often) 7. Fill in with the Present Simple. (P - ? - O) 1.Dad 2. 4. Jill swims in summer. Jill usually swims in summer. (sometimes) (usually) 5. Sam is bored with maths. Sam is never bored with maths. (never) 2. Does 3. Do 5. Do 6. Does 7. Do 8. Do (Mary / jog) every day? live (live) in Australia. do you do (you / do) at weekends? 5.Sheep don’t eat (not eat) meat. 6.It 7.Why snows (snow) a lot in Canada. does Ned speak 8. Kim and I don’t see 9. My baby brother No, I/we don’t. O Yes, she does. your mum drink a lot of coffee? P No, they don’t. they often go to the cinema? O Yes, she does. Helen travel to Greece in winter? P Yes, I / we do. you go to school on Mondays? P No, he doesn’t. your brother ride a motorbike? O Tim and Sam like history? PYes, they do. No, they don’t. Bill’s brothers speak German? O you always get up at 7:00? 4. Does (not have) much free time. 4.What 8. Fill in with Do / Does and give short answers. Do Does Mary jog 3. My cousins 3. Our neighbours are noisy. Our neighbours are sometimes noisy. 1. doesn’t have (Ned / speak) so loudly? (not see) each other often. cries (cry) all the time. 9. Choose and circle. 1. My parents don’t / doesn’t work on Saturdays. 2. Kevin usually studys / studies hard. 3. Do / Does the kids like vegetables? 4. My sister and I often go / goes out together. 5. Our neighbours has / have a brand-new car. 6. Mrs White teach / teaches geography. 7. Sue doesn’t fly / flies to Paris every week. 10. Fill in Heidi’s diary with the Present Simple. Dear diary, life here in my village. Today, I would like to write about my everyday 2 (make) makes e up) early. My mum 1 up e (wak wak morning I Every (walk) to school. My mum walk 3 we then and s her brot my and t for me breakfas 5 (stay) at home and stays lly usua She us. with e) com 4 e (not com sn’t doe the housework most of the day. 8 (stay) at school and stay 7 go) home at noon. I always go (not ’t don I 10 play n, we sometimes The tes. sma clas my with h lunc 9 e) e (hav hav 11 (ski) at weekends and in summer ski lly usua we er, wint In . games together (play) 13 doesn’t like the mountains. He in s walk for me ) 12 s (take take often my dad ing the day and neither do I. (not like) to stay in the house dur (love) my life here! love I real ly 14 6 18 quick steps 2 does (do) 2 Lesson A letter from Finland 1. Listen, repeat and learn. (CD 1, track 3) (CD 1, track 4) 1. FinlandΦινλανδία 2.wooden ξύλινος 3. beside δίπλα, πλάι σε 4.forest δάσος 5.exciting συναρπαστικός 6.special ειδικός / ιδιαίτερος 7.reindeer τάρανδος 8.Lapland Λαπωνία 9.huge τεράστιος 10. post office ταχυδρομείο 11.sauna σάουνα 12.Finn Φινλανδός 13.ice-cold παγωμένος 14.bright λαμπερός, φωτεινός 15.kind είδος 16.fantastic φανταστικός 17.north βοράς 18. colourfulπολύχρωμος 19. thousandsχιλιάδες 20.millions εκατομμύρια PHRASES • have fun • save the best thing for last • the Northern Lights • I can’t wait 2. Choose and fill in. 3. Choose and circle. a. special wooden post office ice-cold colourful north 1.This wooden 1. Jan comes from Finland. He’s a colourful 2. of people live in Athens. a. Millionsb. Reindeer 3. That’s a special of Europe. post office 5. Can you take my letter to the film. You must watch it. a. fantasticb. wooden day. 4. Finland is north a country in the 4. Let’s go out and have some a. forest ! b.func. kind 5. We had a very ice-cold c. bright , please? 6. This lake is c. Saunas flowers in the spring. 3. Your birthday is a very . a. Finnb. kindc. north armchair is my grandfather’s. 2. Our garden is full of περνάω καλά φυλάω το καλύτερο για το τέλος το Βόρειο Σέλας ανυπομονώ ! You can’t swim in it. weekend in New York. a. hugeb. exciting c. wooden 6. There are a lot of wild animals in this huge sauna bright kind reindeer thousands b. 1. What is that 2. bright Thousands light in the sky? of tourists visit our country every is a 3. The elephant 4. I have a a. forestb. kindc. north 7. Santa Claus lives in sauna 5. Santa Claus and his huge animal. every week. It’s very relaxing. reindeer 6. Whatkind is your favourite bring us presents. of holiday? . a. post b. the Northernc. Lapland officeLights 8. Tina’s house is summer. . the sea. a. besideb. ice-coldc. sauna 9. We’re going to Paris next month. I can’t ! a. haveb. savec. wait 10. is a country with a lot of lakes and forests. a. Northernb. Finlandc. Finn quick steps 2 19 4a. Listen and read. (CD 1, track 4) (CD 1, track 5) Maria is having a wonderful time in Finland and is writing to her friend Lisa about it. Dear Lisa, Finland. I’m spending a week m fro ter let s thi u yo ing nd I’m se with London. I always have fun m fro ds en fri my h wit re he e in wooden chalet beside a big lak them! We’re staying in a lovely es, you know. It’s amazing! lak of ds dre hun has d lan Fin a forest. ’s and exciting things to do. It ng sti ere int ny ma so are There d his the home of Santa Claus an ’s It . try un co l cia spe y ver a nd. w, we are visiting them in Lapla reindeer, of course. Tomorro and nta has his post office there There is a huge park and Sa lots of reindeer. this. na. All the Finns love to do sau a r fo ing go o als are We an and then they go and swim in First, they sit in the hot sauna u believe it? ice-cold lake! Brrrr! Can yo last! Do you know about the r fo ng thi st be the ing sav But I am e erful bright lights you can se nd wo are ey Th ? hts Lig n er North up tastic colours. We are driving in the sky with all kinds of fan day. I can’t wait. north to see them on Thurs you when I come home. w sho to s oto ph of nty ple I’m taking t. ay and I’m a little sad about tha nd Su on me ho k bac ing fly I’m See you soon! Love, Maria. 4b.Read and tick (P) or cross (O). O 2. She’s with her cousins from London. O 3. They’re staying by a big lake. P 4. Lapland is the home of Santa Claus. P 5. Santa has got a lot of deer. O 6. The Finns don’t like saunas very much. O 7. The Northern Lights are very colourful. P 8. Maria is driving to see them on Tuesday. O 9. She is taking plenty of pictures. P 1. Maria’s spending a weekend in Finland. 20 quick steps 2 4c. Read and circle. 1. Maria is staying in a chalet in the . a. mountainsb. forestc. city of lakes in Finland. 2. There are a. hundredsb. thousandsc. millions in Lapland. 3. Santa has his own a. parkb. post officec. sauna in ice-cold lakes. 4. The Finns love to a. fishb. sitc. swim . 5. The Northern lights are very a. ice-coldb. hotc. bright back home on Sunday. 6. Maria is a. flyingb. swimmingc. driving Grammar Theory • Prepositions of Place (Τοπικές Προθέσεις) Τοπικές προθέσεις λέγονται όσες δείχνουν πού βρίσκεται κάποιος ή κάτι. Πιο συχνά χρησιμοποιούνται τα on, in, at για να δείξουν τη θέση κάποιου προσώπου ή πράγματος. ON πάνω (σε ένα αντικείμενο ή χώρο) Your black cap is on the top shelf. IN μέσα (σε ένα αντικείμενο ή χώρο) There are six glasses in the cupboard. AT σε (ένα χώρο ή σημείο) Jake is at his desk. Χρησιμοποιούμε τις προθέσεις αυτές μέσα σε εκφράσεις, όπως οι παρακάτω: on the chair / table on the shelf / wall on the floor / balcony on the third floor on holiday / the phone on a business trip, etc. on the beach / farm, etc. Πρόσεξε τις παρακάτω διαφορές: at home - in the house in a car - on a plane / train / bus in the box / bag in the house / kitchen in class / bed in Portugal / Europe / Paris in the UK / the USA in the centre of the city in a picture / painting, etc. at her desk / the door at the bus stop / train station at home / work / school at a party / the traffic lights at the dentist’s / my cousin’s at the end / top / bottom, etc. at the zoo / cinema / supermarket, etc. in an armchair - on a chair in Lake Street - at 23 Lake Street Άλλες προθέσεις που δείχνουν τόπο / θέση είναι οι εξής: next to - beside - by (δίπλα σε) His wardrobe is next to / beside / by the bed. near (κοντά σε) The baker’s is near the florist’s. over (πάνω από) The plane is over Crete. under (κάτω από) His boot is under his bed. between (ανάμεσα σε δύο) Roger is sitting between Don and Fay. among (ανάμεσα σε πολλούς) Τhere’s a button among these coins. around (γύρω από) Τhe children are sitting around the fire. behind (πίσω από) Hide behind the tree. opposite (απέναντι από) The bank is opposite their school. in front of (μπροστά από) Don’t stand in front of me. • Prepositions of Movement (Προθέσεις Κίνησης) Η πιο γνωστή πρόθεση που δείχνει κίνηση είναι το to (προς). He’s going to the gym. Εξαίρεση (χωρίς to): I’m going home. ΑΛΛΑ I’m going to my house. Άλλες τέτοιες προθέσεις είναι οι εξής: into (προς τα μέσα) - out of (προς τα έξω) - up (προς τα πάνω) down (προς τα κάτω) - across (κατά πλάτος) - along (κατά μήκος) - onto (πάνω σε) Look! A cat is walking into our house. Οι προθέσεις κίνησης συντάσσονται με ρήματα που δείχνουν κι αυτά κίνηση: go, come, walk, drive, fly, travel, etc. • Prepositions of Time (Χρονικές Προθέσεις) Οι προθέσεις on, in, at εκτός από τόπο, μπορεί να εκφράζουν και χρόνο. Πρόσεξε πώς χρησιμοποιούνται σε καθημερινές εκφράσεις, όπως οι παρακάτω: at + ώρες on + μέρες on + ημερομηνίες in + μέρη της ημέρας in + μήνες in + εποχές at 7 o’clock on Monday(s), on Friday(s) on Tuesday morning(s) on 3rd May, on 15th June in the morning, in the evening in March, in July, in September in (the) summer, in (the) winter Ειδικές περιπτώσεις: at the weekend / at weekends at night (τη νύχτα) at noon (στις 12 το μεσημέρι) at midnight (τα μεσάνυχτα) Οι παρακάτω λέξεις μας βοηθούν να απαντήσουμε σε ερωτήσεις με το How often. - once a week / a year = μία φορά την εβδομάδα / το χρόνο - twice a month = δύο φορές το μήνα - three times a day = τρεις φορές την ημέρα - every day / week / weekend / month = κάθε μέρα / εβδομάδα / σαββατοκύριακο / μήνα - every 2 hours, every 3 minutes = κάθε 2 ώρες, κάθε 3 λεπτά quick steps 2 21 1. Choose and fill in. 4. Circle the correct preposition of movement. between - near - next to - around in front of - behind - under next to 1. Let’s sit in a circle, one is very 2. My school there on foot. the other. near is 5. Our shop supermarket. in front of behind between the bank and the under 2. Fill in with: in 5. Their flat is on 6. Jennifer isn’t at 9. I work that tree over there. at 4. Be careful when you walk out of / across the street. 5.Get into / along the car quickly. We’re late again. 6. Let’s climb out of / up the mountain. 7. Look! The cat is jumping onto / into the table. 9. There’s a plane up / along in the sky. this party. the chair. in class. 10. Tom goes across / to his office on foot. the third floor. home right now. in 5. Choose and fill in. the kitchen. to London now. 1. We’re driving (in - at - to) a business trip. in the centre of the city. great in 10. You look this picture. 11. There’s someone at the door. 12. David is talking 3. Look! Those men are running up / out of the bank. 8. Donald drives to / along work every morning. Portugal. 3. My cat is sleeping on 4. We do all the exercises 7. There’s a bird 8.Robert is on around in - on - at 1. Donna and Fay live 2. I’m having great fun us. that door. Come are dancing in a circle 6. Those campers the fire! 7. Let’s go and sit 2.We’re flying down / to Paris next Friday. my house, so I go drive fast. There’s a lorry 3. We can’t you’re hiding 4. I know out now! 1.Let’s walk along / out of King Street and see the shops. on at 2. Let’s stay the party until 11:00. (at - to - on) to 3. I go the beach in summer. (on - at - to) the phone now. in 4. Rob doesn’t live Scotland. (in - to - on) 3. Choose and fill in. at - up - down - behind between - on - to - next to at 5. My friends are the theatre. (on - at - to) on 1. The children are playing the beach. at 2. Tom is the cinema with his friends. 6. Is James on the plane now? (on - to - at) to 3. Dan is walking 4. There is a lovely painting to 7. Let’s fly the UK next week. (in - to - at) the bus-stop. next to the window. 5. I can’t see Anna. She is hiding down 6. The ball is falling 7. Tom is the boy between 8. I can’t climb up 22 quick steps 2 behind the tree. the stairs. Sarah and Pete. that ladder. any sheep 8. Are there at the zoo? (on - to - at) in 9. Please, don’t eat the car! (on - in - at) 6. Choose and fill in. 9. Choose and circle. over 1.We’re flying Barcelona right now. 2. Alex and Nick are playing under centre is 3. The new shopping opposite (over - between) the tree. (among - under) the National Museum. Tony, sits 4. My best friend, in front of behind 5. There’s a big car park between 6. Carl is sitting 9. There’s a big red couch 12. My bedroom is (in front of - over) our hotel. by (among - behind) (in front - between) the lake. 8. Sharon lives in a small town near beside next 11. There’s a lemon tree me in class. his two brothers. 7. Their country house is is 10. Keith’s house (next - opposite) Liverpool. (near - next) Diana’s piano. (over - beside) to the post office. among between the orange trees. along 14. The students are coming 7. Fill in with: (opposite - next) (in front - among) the kitchen and the living room. 13. A lot of people walk (by - under) (over - between) the river. into (on - along) the classroom. 1. Jim and Bob sometimes go out in 2. Alexandra never goes out on Monday night. the evening. noon on Thursday. 4. Mr and Mrs Bratt go on holiday in the spring. 5. Elizabeth has an English lesson at 6. I always get nice presents at 5 o’clock. Christmas. 7. Saint Valentine’s day is on the 14 of February. 8. Ted’s got guitar lessons on Friday evenings. th 9. My family and I always eat out at weekends. 8. Choose and fill in. Tuesday 1. We are having a meeting on 2. It snows a lot in 3. Be ready at winter 7 o’clock . . (7 o’clock / the afternoon) 4. They’re coming back on 14 of May . 5. I always sleep at noon . . (Tuesday / March) (night / winter) th . 2. Mr Jones is walking into his . a. bed b. office 3. They are playing among the . a. street b. trees 4. Look! There’s a mouse under the . a. table b. lake 5. The Browns are on a. Italy b. holiday . 6. A bee is flying over my a. head b. wall . 10. Choose and circle. in - on - at 3. We don’t finish school at (down - into) 1. Brian is working in the a. garden b. London (April / 14th of May) (noon / the afternoon) 6. He’s very busy on Monday evenings.(evenings / Monday evenings) 1. We eat lunch together a. at b. in noon. c. on 2. There are a lot of flowers spring. a. at b. in c. on 3. John’s birthday is a. at b. in 4. What do you usually do a. at b. in 11th July. c. on weekends? c. on 5. I sometimes go camping the summer. a. at b. in c. on 6. He’s got karate lessons a. at b. in Friday evenings. c. on 7. My dad gets up early a. at b. in the morning. c. on 8. Sally is coming here a. at b. in 10 o’clock. c. on 9. We are going on a trip a. at b. in December. c. on 10. Sam visits his grandparents a. at b. in c. on Sundays. quick steps 2 23
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