60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New Organizing Committee Anna Condoulis, Chair George Almiroudis Amalia Bournias Stelios Gerazounis Dimitris Gonias Stavros Haviaras Stella Kafkis Koula Kalogera Dimitris Kontolios John Kontolios Evangelia Venetis Kouroupakis Nikolas Kouroupakis Mary Kojes Simone Moraitis-Lago George Malafis Markos Marinakis Stanley Neamonitis Nikos Papagianakis Peter Papagianakis Finance Committee Kostas Almiroudis Armodios Papagianakis Youth Committee Angeliki Agas Sophia Axiotis Stavroula Kafkis Event Coordinators Victoria Dandaki Elisavet Tzoumaka York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 Dear Fellow Chians and Friends, It gives us great pleasure to invite you to join us for the Chios Societies of the Americas and Canada 60th Convention organized by the Chian Federation and the Panchiaki “Korais” Society, in New York. The Convention will begin on Thursday, July 3, and will conclude on Sunday, July 6, 2014. As the included schedule indicates, the organizing committee has planned activities that will allow us to spend time with old friends, and make new ones; experience some of the best New York City has to offer, including a guided tour of the Ground Zero Memorial, a Mets baseball game in Citi Field, with fireworks celebrating the 4th of July Independence Day. Working directly with the Chios business community and local government, the committee is also organizing a Chian Products and Tourism Expo, an Expo that will allow us to promote Chian products and Chios to the US market. This Expo will be held at the Hellenic American Cultural Center of the Chian Federation (44-01 Broadway, Astoria). We will also enjoy video and photo exhibits, a panel discussion where we will present our heritage and our future as Chian-Americans; as well as a Saturday Gala at Terrace on the Park, overlooking the Manhattan skyline. To allow Chians from around the globe to share their favorite memories of time spent in our beloved Chios, we are launching the Memories of Chios Photo Contest. Our “Neolaia”, the young adults group of the Chian Federation, are participating on the planning committee to ensure there are activities that are of interest to young adults. They are also organizing a young adult Greek night at a local establishment for Friday night. Check out their Facebook page and look for details on this event (https://www.facebook.com/#!/nyacf). Included in this package, you will find details for all events taking place during the 60th Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada. We encourage you to book early as ticketed events have limited availability. For those needing to book hotel rooms, we have made accommodations at two hotels by LaGuardia Airport: The New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott, 102-05 Ditmars Blvd, Flushing, NY 11369, (718) 565-8900; and the LaGuardia Plaza Hotel, 104-04 Ditmars Boulevard, East Elmhurst, New York 11369, (718)457-6300. For additional information and reservations call (718) 204-2550, or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you, your families and friends in New York for a memorable 4th of July weekend! Sincerely, The Organizing Committee 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New Organizing Committee Anna Condoulis, Chair George Almiroudis Amalia Bournias Stelios Gerazounis Dimitris Gonias Stavros Haviaras Stella Kafkis Koula Kalogera Dimitris Kontolios John Kontolios Evangelia Venetis Kouroupakis Nikolas Kouroupakis Mary Kojes Simone Moraitis-Lago George Malafis Markos Marinakis Stanley Neamonitis Nikos Papagianakis Peter Papagianakis Finance Committee Kostas Almiroudis Armodios Papagianakis Youth Committee Angeliki Agas Sophia Axiotis Stavroula Kafkis Event Coordinators Victoria Dandaki Elisavet Tzoumaka York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 Αγαπητοί συμπατριώτες, αγαπητοί φίλοι, Με μεγάλη χαρά σας προσκαλούμε να συμμετάσχετε στο 60ο Συνέδριο των Χιακών Σωματείων Αμερικής και Καναδά το οποίο διοργανώνουν από κοινού η Χιακή Ομοσπονδία και ο Παγχιακός Σύλλογος «Κοραής», στη Νέα Υόρκη από την Πέμπτη 3η Ιουλίου μέχρι την Κυριακή 6η Ιουλίου 2014. Όπως βλέπετε στο συνημμένο πρόγραμμα, η οργανωτική επιτροπή έχει προγραμματίσει δραστηριότητες που θα επιτρέψουν στους συμμετέχοντες να περάσουν χρόνο με παλιούς φίλους και συγγενείς από όλα τα σημεία της Αμερικής και Καναδά. Το Συνέδριο διοργανώνεται την περίοδο των εορτών της Αμερικανικής Ανεξαρτησίας στη Νέα Υόρκη, για να δοθεί η ευκαιρία στους Συνέδρους και τις οικογένειες τους να απολαύσουν ότι καλύτερο έχει να προσφέρει η Μητρόπολη του κόσμου. Το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει ξενάγηση του Ground Zero Memorial, παιχνίδι μπέιζμπολ με την ομάδα Mets στο Citi Field το οποίο συμπεριλαμβάνει πυροτεχνήματα για τον εορτασμό της Ημέρας της Ανεξαρτησίας. Η διοργανωτική Επιτροπή συνεργάζεται με την επιχειρηματική κοινότητα της Χίου και την τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση, για τη διοργάνωση έκθεσης Χιακών προϊόντων και Τουρισμού. Η έκθεση θα μας επιτρέψει να προωθήσουμε τα προϊόντα και το αγαπημένο μας νησί, τη Χίο, στην αγορά των ΗΠΑ. Η έκθεση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Ελληνοαμερικανικό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο της Χιακής Ομοσπονδίας, στην καρδιά της Ελληνικής Αστόριας. Επίσης, διοργανώνουμε εκθέσεις με βίντεο και φωτογραφίες, συζήτηση στρογγυλής τραπέζης σχετικά με την κληρονομιά μας ως μετανάστες και το μέλλον μας ως Χιωτοαμερικάνοι καθώς και την καθιερωμένη μεγάλη χοροεσπερίδα στο Terrace on the Park, με θέα το μαγευτικό Μανχάταν. Για να καταστεί δυνατή και η νοερή συμμετοχή Χιωτών από όλο τον κόσμο στο Συνέδριο και να μοιραστούν αγαπημένες τους αναμνήσεις από διακοπές στην αγαπημένη μας Χίο, διοργανώνουμε φωτογραφικό διαγωνισμό με θέμα, τη Χίο. Η «Νεολαία», η ομάδα των νεαρών ενηλίκων της Χιακής Ομοσπονδίας , συμμετέχουν ενεργά στη διοργάνωση προγραμματίζοντας δραστηριότητες ειδικά για τους νέους ενήλικες. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά εκδηλώσεις για τη νεολαία μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε από τη σελίδα τους στο Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/#!/Nyacf). Σε αυτό το πακέτο, θα βρείτε τις λεπτομέρειες για όλες τις εκδηλώσεις που θα λάβουν χώρα κατά τη διάρκεια του 60ου Συνέδριου των Χιακών Σωματείων Αμερικής και Καναδά. Σας ενθαρρύνουμε να κλείσετε νωρίς διότι τα εισιτήρια για τις διάφορες εκδηλώσεις είναι περιορισμένα. Για εκείνους που χρειάζονται να κλείσουν δωμάτια ξενοδοχείου, υπάρχουν ειδικές τιμές για το Συνέδριο σε δύο ξενοδοχεία κοντά στο αεροδρόμιο LaGuardia: The New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott, 102-05 Ditmars Blvd, Flushing, NY 11369, (718) 565-8900 και το LaGuardia Plaza Hotel, 104-04 Ditmars Boulevard, East Elmhurst, ΝY 11369, (718) 4576300. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και κρατήσεις για όλες τις εκδηλώσεις σας παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνήστε στο (718) 204-2550, ή μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου [email protected]. Ανυπομονούμε να σας δούμε με τις οικογένειες και τους φίλους σας στη Νέα Υόρκη για ένα αξέχαστο Συνέδριο το Σαββατοκύριακο της 4ης Ιουλίου! Με εκτίμηση, Η Οργανωτική Επιτροπή 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 ITINERARY WEDNESDAY, July 2, 2014 Pre-Convention Chian Products & Tourism Expo Chian Federation 4:00-8:00pm THURSDAY, July 3, 2014 Chian Products Expo Historical Multimedia Exhibit Virtual Chios Photo Contest Registration, Meet & Greet Reception Chian Federation Chian Federation Chian Federation Chian Federation Noon to 9:00pm All Day All Day 7:00pm FRIDAY, July 4th Sightseeing excursion to Manhattan; guided visit to Ground Zero 9am to 4:00pm Bus service to and from hotel …………………………………………………………………………….…….. Cost pp: $30.00 Mets Game at Citi Field; special seats reserved for the Convention group 6:00pm Bus service to and from hotel …………………………………………………………………………………… Cost pp: $70.00 Youth Greek Night at local establishment 11:00pm SATURDAY, July 5, 2014 Visit our exhibits and Chian Product and Tourism Expo Chian Federation All Day Chian Societies of America and Canada delegates: o Registration and Breakfast Chian Federation 8:30am o Meeting & Elections Chian Federation 9:30am o Delegates Luncheon Chian Federation 12:00pm Panel Discussion on our History as Greek-Americans Chian Federation 2:30pm Grand Banquet Terrace on the Park Cocktail reception at 8:30pm; Dinner at 9:30pm Tickets: $100.00 per person; $75.00 for students; Free for children 4 and under SUNDAY, July 6, 2014 Church Service Lunch Kimisis Theotokou 10:00am 224 18 Street, Brooklyn After church service at local establishment Cost: $30.00 per person PACKAGE REGISTRATION: Includes excursions to Manhattan and Ground Zero, Mets game ticket, Gala ticket and Sunday lunch: $200.00 CONTACT US: For information and Reservations contact (718) 208-2550, or [email protected]. 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 ACTIVITIES/OUTINGS DETAILS Chios Product and Tourism Expo: Our island is rich in culture and products, products that are unique the world over, as well as historical and picturesque sites (http://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g189476-Chios_Northeast_Aegean_IslandsVacations.html). This convention presents an opportunity for us to showcase what our island has to offer. We have invited business leaders, as well as tourism officials to join us. With this expo we hope to help our beloved island by promoting their businesses and products to the New York and US market. The Expo will begin on Wednesday, July 2nd and will conclude on Saturday, July 5th and the Expo will be held at the Hellenic American Cultural Center of the Chian Federation (44-01 Broadway, Astoria, NY 11103.) New York City Excursion and Guided Tour of Ground Zero (http://911memorialtour.com/): Visit New York, the City that never sleeps, with its amazing skyline, wide avenues and parks. Enjoy Times Square, and the shops on 5th Avenue. Join us for a visit to Ground Zero so that we can pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the 9/11 attacks. An organized, guided tour of the grounds and museum has been arranged. Cost per ticket (includes transportation to and from hotel): $30.00 per person Mets Baseball Game at Citi Field (http://newyork.mets.mlb.com/nym/ballpark/citifield_overview.jsp): The Convention organizers have secured tickets, (premium seats in section 109—between first base and right field!) on July 4th, for a game in Citi Field. Be prepared to see our Convention and the island of Chios displayed on the large screen. Show your Chios pride by wearing our Chios Convention T-shirts. Enjoy July 4th fireworks during the 7th inning stretch under the open-air ballpark connecting the Mets National League heritage to the future and to the City through a number of unique design elements. Tickets are $70.00 per person. Reserve now—seats are limited. T-shirts will be on sale at the Convention Registration Table. Grand Banquet: Overseeing the Manhattan Skyline, in the grounds of the 1964 World’s Fair (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_New_York_World's_Fair) —celebrating its 50th anniversary, rises Terrace on the Park (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrace_on_the_Park). It is a symbol of exuberant 1960s optimism about a space-age future. This is the venue the committee has chosen for our Saturday evening Gala. A wonderful traditional Chian evening awaits you with food and drinks and excellent service. We will dance to the music of Panagiotis Gianniris on clarinet, Mike Stoupakis on Bouzouki and Thomas Vrettos and Rena Tsapelas on vocals. Cost is: $100.00 per person; $75.00 for students; $50.00 for children 4 to 12; Free for children 4 and under New York City Attractions: If you would like to extend your trip, check http://www.nycgo.com/ for everything the City has to offer. 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 Memories of Chios Photo Contest Enter Our Online Contest Today! Contest Website Opens May 5th The mission of this photo contest is to allow Chians and friends of Chios from around the globe to share their favorite memories of time spent in Chios. Instructions: Submit photos which fall within the following categories: o Chios Nature o People of Chios o Chios Culture o Having Fun in Chios Each contestant can submit up to three (3) photos per category. The photos should clearly be about the topic. Judges will be asked to consider the relevance of the topic when selecting winners. Minimum size: 1200 pixels on the shorter side – all entries must be in one of the following formats: jpg, png, gif or bmp files. The contest is open to all; but the photos need to represent Chios. Entries can be submitted beginning Monday, May 5th. Entries can be submitted until Wednesday, July 2 nd 11:59pm EDT. Awards and Selection Criteria: Popular Award: These winning photos (one per category) will be selected via the web, by popular vote. Best of Show: A committee of experts will review submissions and choose the winning photos based on technical quality, composition and relevance to each category. Prizes will be awarded. Prize list will be posted on the Contest website once finalized. To submit your photos or view and vote on entries, visit our Photo Contest website: www.chianfed.org/2014convention/photocontest.php 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 REGISTRATION FORM Name: _________________________________________________ Number of Guests: ______________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ____________________ Phone: ________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________ Names: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Registering for: Manhattan/Ground Zero Visit: Number of Tickets (@ $30 each): ______ Total $ __________ Mets Game: Number of Tickets (@ $70 each): ______ Total $ __________ Gala: Number of Tickets: Adult @ $100 each: Student @ $75 each: Ages 5-12 @ $50 each: ______ ______ ______ Number of Tickets (@ $30 each): ______ Sunday Lunch: Total $ __________ Total $ __________ PACKAGE REGISTRATION: Includes excursions to Manhattan and Ground Zero, Mets game ticket, Gala ticket and Sunday lunch: $200.00 per person. Total Enclosed: $_________ FOR GRAND GALA Please select for dinner: Château Brian____, Filet Mignon ____, Tilapia____, Chicken Francoise ____, Veggie Lasagna ___ HOTEL RESERVATIONS Two hotels are holding rooms for our Convention guests: 1. New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott, 102-05 Ditmars Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11369, (718) 565-8900. Discounted rate: 159.00 USD per night (tax not included). Go to http://bit.ly/1iM1QNY to book your room. This rate is valid till June 5, 2014. 2. LaGuardia Plaza Hotel, 104-04 Ditmars Boulevard, East Elmhurst, New York 11369, (718)457-6300. Discounted room rate including tax: $151.54. Use Event Number 11020 when booking rooms to receive this discounted rate. This rate is valid till June 19, 2014. NOTE: Bus transportation will be provided from the hotels to the various events and activities. 44-01 BROADWAY • ASTORIA NY 11103 • USA - Telephone: 718.204.2550 • Fax: 718.278.6199 Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention • Email: [email protected] 60th Chios Convention of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada Organized By The Chian Federation & Panchiaki “Korais” Society New York City • July 3 – July 6, 2014 JOURNAL CONTRACT The undersigned agrees to support the Chios Societies of the Americas and Canada 60th National Convention by contributing the amount of $__________ for__________ page in the Souvenir Journal. Submissions due by June 16, 2014 NAME: ____________________________ COMPANY: ___________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________________ STATE: _______________ TELEPHONE: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________ ZIP: ________________ DATE: ____________________________ SOLICITED BY: ____________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX PLATINUM PAGE: $2,500 SILVER PAGE: $500 GOLD PAGE: $1,000 WHITE PAGE: $250 PAID CASH PAID BY CHECK HALF PAGE: NOT PAID Please Type, Print Clearly or Attach Business Card Make checks payable to: Federation of Chians Cultural Educational Fund, Inc. (Memo: “Chios Convention 2014”) Mail to: The Chian Federation 44-01 Broadway, Astoria NY 11103 Tel: 718-204-2550 -- Fax: 718-278-6199 Email: [email protected] Web: www.chianfed.org/2014convention $150 Chios Societies of the Americas and Canada 75th Anniversary 1939-2014 Supreme Lodge Dimitrios B. Kontolios Supreme President 912 Linden Ave Ridgefield, NJ 07657 201-960-9260 Stelios Tsagris 1st Supreme Vice President 1332 High St, Apt. D Alameda, CA 94501 510-390-0727 Tom Lambros 2nd Supreme Vice President 9 Pine Hill Road Closter, NJ 07654 201-913-2277 Antonia Fikaris Supreme Secretary 15367 Elvina Drive San Leandro, CA 94579 510-895-9877 Anna Condoulis Assistant Supreme Secretary 332 Marine Ave Brooklyn, NY 11209 917-363-7786 Stefanos Bouboulis Supreme Treasurer 131 Johnson Road Winchester, MA 01890 781-721-1267 John Vavilis Assistant Supreme Treasurer 35 Oxford Drive Lincolnshire, IL 60069 847-317-9248 Supreme Governors CALIFORNIA George Mihalas 415-410-6039 ILLINOIS Elias Zografos 630-986-9580 LOUISIANA Mark Kountouroudas 504-455-0063 MARYLAND-WASHINGTON D.C. John Frangos 410-461-2100 NEW ENGLAND Michael Bouboulis 781-721-1267 NEW JERSEY Yiannis M. Kontolios 201-767-6267 NEW YORK Amalia Bournias 917-545-7256 OHIO – W. VIRGINIA George Parikakis 304-527-4578 PENNSYLVANIA Isidoros Zannikos 215-464-2849 ONTARIO Steve Vavoulas 416-498-5578 QUEBEC Evangelos B. Mardas 514-839-2696 Board of Directors John Papandreas John Kellis Markos Marinakis John Frangos Kostas Sevastos Stefanos Bouboulis Yiannis M. Kontolios Dr. Constantine Stroumbakis Dr. Argyro Stroumbakis-Elliker Effie Sikoutris Tsengas Legal Advisor Steven S. Poulathas, Esq. 856-382-2255 This scholarship application must be received at the address below two weeks before the Chian Convention. APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP PART I Student: ______________________________________________________________ Applicant Last Name First Name Middle Address: ______________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Date of Birth: _______________________ E-mail: ____________________________ Month/Day/Year Name of present school: __________________________________________________ School Address: ________________________________________________________ ( ) a. I have been accepted to…/already attend… ( ) b. I have applied to… ( ) c. I intend to apply… to the following colleges or universities: 1.______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. ___________________ I plan to pursue a course of study leading to a _______________ Degree in the field of: ______________________________________________________________________ I am the ( ) son ( ) daughter of Mr. & Mrs. ___________________________________ who is an active member of the Chapter of ____________________________________ in the Chios Societies of America and Canada. PART II At the 51st National Convention of the Chios Societies of America and Canada, the Delegates unanimously agreed that our young adults are the future of the societies. At the 52nd National Convention, streamlined requirements were drafted, by resolution, for prospective applicants of the CSA&C Dimitrios Bouboulis Memorial Scholarship Awards. The applicants (High School Seniors, College Undergraduate, or Graduate) must submit the following: • High School or College transcript with at least one year’s GPA; • list of academic achievements; • letter of recommendation from a teacher or a community leader/priest, etc; • list of extra-curricular activities having to do with school, Chian society involvement, church or Greek school; • a 500 word essay that shall provide: a brief description about his/herself, a statement of participation of extracurricular Chian or Greek-American activities, and an explanation of how will the Award help the applicant achieve his/her goal. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 912 LINDEN AVE, RIDGEFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07657, TEL: 201-960-9260, E-MAIL: [email protected] www.chiossocieties.org
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