The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS · 60714 — PHONE (847) 647-8880 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) FEBRUARY 2014 Celebrating…. The Feastday of our Patron Saint Haralambos Please join us at these special commemoration, as we celebrate together and honor the memory of the Holy Priest-martyr Saint Haralambos the Miracle-worker: Friday evening, February 7—PARACLESIS TO SAINT HARALAMBOS In honor of St. Haralambos, an evening Paraclesis to St. Haralambos will be be chanted on Friday evening, February 7,at 7:00 pm. All are invited. Many people are suffering and in need of our prayers. This is an opportunity to gather together and to pray for ourselves and the people around us. Let us pray together for the protection and intercession of Saint Haralambos! GREAT VESPERS FOR THE FEASTDAY OF ST. HARALAMBOS Sunday evening, February 9 at 7:00 pm ORTHROS AND HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY FOR THE FEASTDAY OF ST. HARALAMBOS Monday morning, February 10 8:30 am—Orthros 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy Thank You, Father Chris! Schedule of Services Sunday, February 2—The Presentation of our Lord Ἡ Ὑπαπαντὴ τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Friday, February 7—Paraclesis to St. Haralambos 7:00 pm—Paraclesis Sunday, February 9—The Publican and the Pharisee TRIODION BEGINS—No fasting this week 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Fr Chrysanthos and Presvytera Viki Kerkeres Sunday, February 9—Great Vespers for St. Haralambos 7:00 pm—Great Vespers Fr. Chrysanthos came to our community as a lay assistant/youth worker in 2003, and immediately embraced and was embraced by everyone. During all this time, he has been ministering to young and old alike, and especially empowering our youth as they have grown in faith and stature. At the same time, we have been able to watch his life change and grow as well. In 2006, he married his lovely wife, Presvyera Viki; he was ordained Deacon in January of 2008 and priest in March the same year. He has been a vital part of our community life for 11 years! On February 1, 2014, Fr. Chrysanthos will begin a new ministry as the “Proistamenos” of Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago. We congratulate him on his new assignment and wish him God’s every blessing for a wonderful, fruitful and inspired ministry at St. George! As for me, I will certainly miss him and Presvytera Viki. From all of us, “Father Chris, thank you!” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10—FEASTDAY OF SAINT HARALAMBOS the MIRACLE-WORKER 8:30 am—Orthros 10:00 am—HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY Sunday, February 16——The Prodigal Son 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Saturday, Feb 22— 1st Saturday of the Souls Ψυχοσάββατο 8:30 am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy Sunday, February 23—APOKREAS—MEAT FARE SUNDAY 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Saturday, Mar 1—2nd Saturday of the Souls Ψυχοσάββατο 8:30 am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy Sunday, March 2—Forgiveness Sunday 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm—Forgiveness Vespers MONDAY, MARCH 3—GREAT LENT BEGINS Fr. Dean LIKE THE THREE WISE MEN, WE OFFER OUR GIFTS TO THE LORD 2014 STEWARDSHIP As of January 22, 2014 154 Stewards have committed $94,140 Average giving is $611 per steward! Have you become a 2014 Steward yet? 2 HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NILES, ILLINOIS 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 PHONE: 847/647-8880 From Father Dean February 2014 Dear Stewards and Friends of St. Haralambos, February! What a busy and wonderful month it will be! The Feastday of our patron Saint Haralambos falls on Monday, February 10, and we will honor his memory with a Paraclesis to St. Haralambos on Friday, February 7, Great Vespers on the 9th, and Divine Liturgy on February 10th. Plan to join us in honoring our Patron Saint! We will continue the festivities with a Cocktail Party Celebration and Pick-Your-Basket Raffle on Friday evening, February 14 in our Community Center (see page 6). It falls on the first week of the Triodion, during which there is no fasting, and we will celebrate our parish’s 63rd anniversary with food and song! The Triodion (pre-lent) begins on Sunday, February 9th, and the first day of Great Lent will be Monday, March 3. We look forward to all the special observances that characterize this pre-Lenten season: our annual Tsiknopempti Dinner which our Philoptochos ladies will host on Thursday, February 20 and our annual Apokreatiko Glendi, which our PTA will host on Saturday, February 22. During the first weeks of Triodion, according to our Orthodox Christian tradition, we ease into Great Lent gradually. There is no fasting permitted in the first week of Triodion (Feb 59-15). The second week (Feb 16-22), we are to fast on Wednesday and Friday; the other days we are permitted all foods, but Sunday, February 23 is Meat-Fare (Απόκρεας) Sunday—the last day of eating meat until Pascha. The week of February 23-March 2 is Cheese-Fare week, and all manners of milk and cheese products are prescribed every day, with March 2 as Cheese-Fare Sunday, or the day we say good-bye to dairy products. On that evening we have the Vespers of Forgiveness, and the next day is Pure Monday (Καθαρά Δευτέρα), the first day of the Great Fast, which we observe with a modest Lenten community meal. Registration is closing for our pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Ephesos (one of the 7 cities of the Book of Revelation). The Pilgrimage will be from April 27 to May 9, 2014. (There is more information on page 4 of this newsletter.) If you are interested, contact the office before Feb 5! I would like to remind you of the importance of making your 2014 Stewardship Commitment. This commitment is an expression of our support for our church for one full year, whether we commit in January or in December. We ask everyone to make their commitment by February; payment can be spread out through the year. (We suggest monthly or quarterly payments so that we can be more generous.) As our personal and household expenses increase every year, so do the church’s. Stewardship works if we all increase our level of giving every year, even if it’s only a few dollars! If you have not yet made your 2014 commitment, please do so as soon as you can! I would like to thank our advertisers who make our monthly VISIONS Newsletter possible. Please read through our list of sponsors, and patronize them! Sometimes, we complain that we have too much to do, but we should count our blessings and be grateful; there are so many people who do not have much reason to celebrate. Let us seize every opportunity with fervor and enthusiasm, and thanks to God! Fr. Dean 3 Proistamenos………….….….Fr. Constantine P. Botsis Synefimerios………………...Fr. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Pastoral Assistant........…...... Deacon John G. Suhayda Chanter……………..........……..….…..Nick Harisiadis Parish Council Officers President……..……...…...……… George Anastasiadis Vice President…..….............………..… Nick Andrews Treasurer……………..…............. Perry Giannopoulos Secretary…………………....….......... Argy Koutsikos Strategic Planning………...………Perry Giannopoulos Consecration Committee…...……. Thomas N. Kanelos Stewardship………………….. Budget Committee Chairman …....Perry Giannopoulos Building & Grounds Chairman……. ……….... Michael Pontikes and Theodoros Karabatsos Decor Committee Chairman..............Stephan Aliferakis Finance Committee Chairman…........George Kotsionis Phase III Chairman………......................... School Board Chairman...........…................Tom Zavos Audit Committee Chairman…..………….Evan Houpis Philoptochos President...…..................Maria Dimitriou PTA Co-Presidents (Afternoon School)…. ...…....Anna Sikoral and Kathy Ioannidis PTA President (Preschool)……...... ...Marianna Memmos and Natasha Palmisano PTA Co-Presidents (Saturday School)……. .. ....Angelo Mihalopoulos and Georgia Pipikios Greek School Principal……........ Mrs. Anastasia Liapi Saturday School Director...Mrs. Andrianna Panayiotou Preschool Director…..…..……….....Mrs. Rita Petratos Sunday School Director…....Presvytera Georgia Botsis Athletic Director………..…..…....…… David Loomos Scoutmaster..……………….....….. George Alpogianis Asst Scoutmaster…………....…….…....Sam Parmakis Asst Cubmaster…………….....………....... John Frake Little Angels………….……....….... YAL President…….................….....Christina Pappadis GOYA Co-Presidents…......... ………........Yannis Karatasios and Kriztina Dagrizikos Bookstore Manager……..….........……Jolynn Ruggerio Web Master.….....……..….…...…..…. George Houpis Office Staff…… ...….....Barbara Skaouris and Alexandra Grivas .. IN THIS ISSUE: Letter from our Priest (pg 3) Announcements/Ανακοινώσεις (pg 4-5) Stewardship 2014 (pg 6) Cocktail Party (pg 6) Young Adult Super Bowl Party (pg 7) Missions Benefit Dinner (pg 8) Calendar (pg 10) COMMUNITY NEWS ΕΝΟΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ ST HARALAMBOS 63rd ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION--On Friday evening, February 14, we will commemorate our parish’s 63rd anniversary with a Cocktail Party Celebration in the St. Haralambos Community Center! Please mark the date and plan! ΝΕΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΥ-Θερμά συγχαρητήρια στις Κυρίες της Φιλοπτώχου μας δια την επιτυχία του γευστικότατου Γεύματος της Βασιλόπιτας της 12ης Ιανουαρίου! Άρχισαν οι προετοιμασίες δια τον εφετεινό εορτασμό της Τσικνοπέμπτης (20 Φεβρουαρίου) και το εφετεινό Σαρακοστιανό Δείπνο (Κούλουμα), το οποίο θα λάβει χώραν την 3 Μαρτίου! ΨΥΧΟΣΑΒΒΑΤΑ—Τα Σάββατα 22ας Φεβρουαρίου, 1ης Μαρτίου και 8ης Μαρτίου ονομάζονται Ψυχοσάββατα. Καθώς προετοιμαζόμεθα δια τον εορτασμό του Πάσχα, κατά τηv παράδoση της Ορθoδόξoυ Χριστιαvικής πίστης μας συvηθίζεται vα αφιερώvoυμε τα Σάββατα εις μvήμηv τωv ψυχώv, των οποίων προσδοκούμε την Ανάσταση εις το όνομα του Κυρίου. Είναι μεγάλη ευλογία που η Πίστη μας κατανοεί την αναγκαιότητα να μνημονεύονται οι απελθόντες γονείς μας, συγγενείς, δάσκαλοι και φίλοι. Σχεδιάστε να λάβετε μέρος και εσείς εις αυτή την παράδοση. ORTHODOX MISSIONS DINNER--To 17ο ετήσιο PanΟrthodox Missions Δείπνο θα λάβει χώραν την Πέμπτη, 27 Φεβρουαρίου, στις 6:30 μ.μ. εις τον St. John Church in Des Plaines. H δωρεά είναι μόνον $30 το άτομο. Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων τηλεφωνείτε εις 773/447-3335. ΔΕΙΠΝΟ ΤΣΙΚΝΟΠΕΜΠΤΗΣ--Η Φιλόπτωχός μας του Αγ. Χαραλάμπους διοργανώνει ένα Δείπνο προς εορτασμόν της Τσικνοπέμπτης, την Πέμπτη, 20 Φεβρουαρίου εις την Κοινοτικήν Αίθουσα. Σύμφωνα με την Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη παράδοση, είναι η τελευταία καθημερινή ημέρα που τρώμε κρέας πριν αρχίσει η Μεγάλη Σαρακοστή. Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων παρακαλούμε όπως τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. ΑΠΟΚΡΕΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΛΕΝΤΙ-Το “PTA” σας προσκαλεί να έλθετε με τους φίλους σας στο Αποκρεάτικο οικογενειακό πάρτυ, το οποίο θα λάβει χώρα το Σάββατο, 22 Φεβρουαρίου, στις 5:00 μ.μ. στην Κοινοτική μας Αίθουσα. Είναι μια οικογενειακή εκδήλωση κατά την οποία είναι η τελευταία φορά που τρώμε κρέας πριν το Πάσχα, και το «PTA» έχει σχεδιάσει ένα θαυμάσιο βράδυ! Η δωρεά είναι μόνον $15 δια τους μεγάλους και $10 δια τα παιδιά κάτω των 12. Σας περιμένουμε για ένα νοστιμότατο δείπνο, μουσική και διασκέδαση! Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. RAFFLE DONATIONS NEEDED! We are looking for sports events tickets, gift certificates, artwork, jewelry and other items for our Cocktail Party Raffle, which will take place on Friday evening, February 14. Please call Argy Koutsikos (312-403-2227) to donate items. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS--We congratulate our Philoptochos Ladies for a delicious and successful Vasilopita Luncheon that took place on January 12th! The ladies are now preparing for this year's Tsiknopempti (February 20), and the annual Lenten Dinner ("Koulouma") which will take place on March 3! SATURDAYS OF THE SOULS--The Saturdays February 22, March 1 and March 8 are called Saturdays of the Souls. As we prepare for the glorious celebration of Pascha, the Orthodox Church takes the opportunity on those days to remember those who have fallen asleep in the Lord, anticipating their and our general Resurrection in His Kingdom! It is a great blessing that our Faith understands the importance of remembering our deceased parents, relatives, teachers and friends. Plan to participate in this observation! “TSIKNOPEMPTI” DINNER—Plan to join us on Thursday, February 20—known as “Tsiknopempti”— for a delicious dinner hosted by our Philoptochos Ladies. According to our Greek Orthodox tradition, this is the last weekday on which meat is served before Great Lent begins, and it is a festive occasion. Please call the church office to make reservations! APOKREATIKO GLENDI—Our PTA invites you to our annual Apokreatiko Glendi at 5:00pm on Saturday afternoon, February 22. This is a family event marking the last days of eating meat until PASCHA, and the PTA is planning a wonderful evening! The donation is only $15 for adults, and $10 for children 12 and under. There will be delicious food and music, and everyone is encouraged to wear costumes! Please call the church office for reservations! ORATORICAL FESTIVAL—Our Sunday School will present their Oratorical Festival on Sunday, February 23, in our Community Center, following the Divine Liturgy. It is a real joy to see our children and watch them present some of the things they have learned about our faith. Plan to be there! ORTHODOX MISSIONS DINNER— Mission Team Chicago invites you to the 17th annual Missions Benefit Dinner, to take place at 6:30 pm on Thursday evening, February 27th at St. John the Baptist Church in Des Plaines. The featured speaker will be Fr. Andres Geron de Leon from Guatemala. The donation is only $30; for reservations, call 773-447-3335 or email before February 20. SUPPORT ORTHODOX MISSIONS! THANK YOU TO….. …Mr. John G. Adinamis, for again donating this year's church calendars. (If you have not yet received a calendar for 2014, please request one at the church office.) MANY THANKS! 4 2014 STEWARDSHIP The Gifts of the Magi icon presents the Wise Men offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ Child. Like the Three Wise Men, let us also offer gifts to the Lord through Stewardship. We thank the following Stewards for their 2014 Stewardship Commitment: Mr. & Mrs. Christos Agalliu Mr. & Mrs. Louis Alimissis Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Analitis Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Anastasiadis Mr. Evangelos Anastasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Andrews Mr. Telly Andrews Mr. & Mrs. John Anton Mrs. Ourania Antoniades Mr. Pete Antonopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Argionis Mr. James S. Argiris Mr. & Mrs. George Arvanitis Dr. Voula Asimacopoulos Mrs. Dina Asimakopoulos Ms. Alexandra Baboulas Dr. & Dr. Chris Baboulas Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Bakas Mr. Andrew Bakken Mr. & Mrs. Chris Balabanos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balourdos Dr. & Mrs. John Barron Ms. Joann Bellos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Berris Mrs. Katherine Bestolarides Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Bilissis Mrs. Christine Blackaby Fr. & Presv. Con. Botsis Dr. & Mrs. Tom Bournias Mr. & Mrs. John Brow Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Peter Caldes Mr. & Mrs. George Callas Mrs. Thalia Chresanthakes Mrs. Katherine Christides Mr. & Mrs. Markos Constantinou Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Conway Mr. Alexander Coologeorgen Mr. & Mrs. George Corfias Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Costas Mr. & Mrs. Antony Couris Ms. Maria Dakomas Mr. Peter C. Dennis Mrs. Virginia Dimoulas Mr. & Mrs. Evan Dimoutsikos Mrs. Gloria Dimoutsikos Mr. & Mrs. Markos Dounis Mr. & Mrs. Aris Drivas Mrs. Joann Farsalas Mrs. Trisevgeni Frentzas Mr. & Mrs. Dino Gavanes Mr. & Mrs. Em. Gdoutos Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas Georgiopoulos Mrs. Anastasia Gevrekis Mrs. Mamie Spyratos Gloria Mr. & Mrs. Peter Govis Mr. & Mrs. James Govis Mr. Mrs. Jim Grammas Mrs. Ourania Grapsas Mr. & Mrs. George Halkias Mr. & Mrs. Chris Haralampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Harisiadis Mr. & Mrs. Nich. G. Harris Mrs. Loula Hasapis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Jaramillo Mrs. Maria Palamidis Jeoffre Mr. & Mrs. Constantino Kalamaras Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kalodimos Ms. Koula Kalogeros Mr. & Mrs. Constantine P. Kanellos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kanelos Mrs. Martha Karakitsos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karampelas Mrs. Lee Karnezis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katsikas Fr. & Presv. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Mr. & Mrs. Norman Khouri Mrs. Angeliki Kikes Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kontos Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kostiuk Mr. Nick Kotis Mr. & Mrs. John Koularmanis Mrs. Irene Kovatchis Mr. & Mrs. James Knorr Ms. Katherine P. Kritikos Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Langis Ms. Lori Lappas Ms. Maria Lerner Mr. George Liakopoulos Mrs. Christine Liakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Liakos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Livaditis Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lygiros Mr. Athanasios Magoulas Mrs. Stamatia Mantzos Mr. & Mrs. Spero Margaris Mrs. Katerina Markadas Mr. & Mrs. John Markos Ms. Efstathia Maroulis Mr. & Mrs. Gus Maskaleris Mr. & Mrs. Nick Megremis Mr. Constantine Megremis Mrs. Elizabeth Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mitsakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Moutzouros Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Moutzouros Mr. Michael Nale Mr. Demosthenes Nikolopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Harry Panagopoulos Mr. & Mrs. William Panos Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Papadopoulos Ms. Christianna Papavasiliou Ms. Melia Pappas Ms. Angie Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paskalides Mr. Peter Phillos 5 Ms. Angelica Pollard Mr. & Mrs. George Poulopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Prassinos Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Priovolos Mr. Peter Prokopios Mr. & Mrs. Kon. Prokos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Provis Mr. & Mrs. Telly Rentzelos Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Rikos Mr. & Mrs. Lefteris Santos Mrs. Zoe Sideris Mrs. Kathy Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. John Skordalos Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Sotiropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spanos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Spears Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tabrizi Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Talaganis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tirovolas Mr. & Mrs. Edward Toliopoulos Mr. Chris P. Tomaras Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsaganos Mrs. Eleni Tzotzolis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Vaselopulos Mrs. Popi Vaselopulos Mr. Philip Vaselopulos Mr. Michael Vettes Mrs. Sophie Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Vorrias Mr. & Mrs. George Xamplas Mrs. Angeline Yutakis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zaris Mr. & Mrs. Tasso Ziamparas Mr. & Dr. Basil Zofakis Love bears all things……. Corinthians 13:7 Celebrating The 63rd Anniversary of the Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church We cordially invite you to a Cocktail Party Celebration! 7:00 pm Friday, February 14, 2014 St. Haralambos Community Center 7373 Caldwell Avenue, Niles Donation: $30 Enjoys Hors d’oeuvre, Cocktails and Desserts Entertainment provided by DJ Yianni Morikis Pick-Your-Basket Raffle! For reservations, please call the church office 847-647-8880 Before February 7, 2014 Ages 21 and older, please 6 3rd Annual YA SUPER BOWL PARTY! 5:00 pm Sunday, February 2 St. Haralambos Community Center Plenty of food and prizes! Admission: $20 with reservations; $25 at the door Join us for The Game! 7 PHASE 3: EXPANDING OUR COMMUNITY CENTER We are happy to announce that our Phase 3 Committee has sent Requests for Proposals to several area architects, and is now waiting for responses! The Committee is projecting to expand our facilities by adding a new gymnasium and kitchen, as well as additional rooms for the needs of our schools and community! We are excited! The time has come to move forward, and we are taking the first steps. Watch for progress reports! With everyone’s help, this will soon be a reality! 8 SACRAMENTS AND BLESSINGS BLESSINGS OF INFANTS—Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, as Christ Himself was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call the church office to arrange this blessing. BAPTISMS—Please call the church office to schedule Baptisms. Plan ahead!—there are some days when Baptisms are not performed. Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent and that a child is supposed to be given but one name when he or she is baptized. WEDDINGS—Please arrange an appointment with Fr. Dean at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. CONFESSION—Confessions are arranged by appointment. Please call the church office to schedule Confession. MINISTRY TO PERSONS WHO ARE SICK—Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) should contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. Please inform the church office if your loved one is hospitalized! Most hospitals no longer inform us when they receive patients from our parish. 2014 PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND and EPHESOS—We are excited to announce our 2014 pilgrimage to The Holy Lands and Ephesos for April 27-May 9, 2014, including visits to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, Jericho and Ephesos in Asia Minor! The cost will be $3800 per person, including air fare, hotels, and visitation of the shrines and sites! REGISTRATION IS CLOSING! If you are interested in this life-changing experience, please contact the church office before February 5! ΠΕΡΙ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΥΧΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΜΥΣΤΗΡΙΩΝ ΕΥΧΕΣ ΝΕΟΓΕΝΝΗΤΩΝ ΤΕΚΝΩΝ--Κάθε μάνα και το παιδί της, σαράντα ημέρες μετά την γέννησή του προσέρχονται στην εκκλησία για να λάβουν την Ευλογία των 40 Ημερών, κατά μίμησην του Ιησού Χριστού ο οποίος παρουσιάσθηκε στον Ιερόν Ναόν σαράντα ημέρες μετά την γέννησή του. Παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας για να κανονίσετε την ευλογία αυτή. ΒΑΠΤΙΣΕΙΣ—Παρακαλούμε όπως τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας δια να προγραμματίσετε Βαπτίσεις. Σχεδιάστε πολύ ενωρίτερα!-Υπάρχουν μερικές μέρες που δεν γίνονται βαπτίσεις. ΓΑΜΟΙ-Παρακαλούμε όπως κανονίζετε συνάντηση με τον π. Κωνσταντίνο τουλάχιστον οκτώ μήνες πριν την προτεινόμενη ημερομηνία του γάμου δια τις απαιτούμενες προετοιμασίες. ΕΞΟΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ—Οι Εξομολογήσεις κανονίζονται κατόπιν ραντεβού. Δια να προγραμματίσετε εξομολογήσεις, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΑΡΡΩΣΤΩΝ—Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί που θα ήθελαν να λάβουν τα Άγια Μυστήρια και δεν μπορούν να έλθουν στην εκκλησία (βρίσκονται εις νοσοκομεία ή ανήμποροι εις τα σπίτια τους) παρακαλούνται να επικοινωνούν με το γραφείο της εκκλησίας δια να μπορέσουν να τα λάβουν. Παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνείτε με το γραφείο της εκκλησίας εαν κάποιος συγγενής σας είναι στο νοσοκομείο! Τα νοσοκομεία πλέον δεν μας πληροφορούν όταν έχουν αρρώστους από την ενορία μας. ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΑ—Επιμνημόσυνες δεήσεις γίνονται για την αιώνιον ανάπαυση των τεθνεώντων. Συνήθως, αυτές οι δεήσεις γίνονται κατά τις 40 ημέρες , τους 6 μήνες, τον 1ον χρόνο και τον 3ον χρόνο. Όταν έχουν περάσει τρία χρόνια, είναι πιο αρμόζον να ενθυμούμεθα τους αποθανόντας κατά τα Ψυχοσάββατα. MEMORIAL SERVICES—Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. There are some days when Memorials are not permitted—please call the church office before planning! Customarily, Memorials take place at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and at 3 years. After three years have passed, the departed are more properly remembered on the Saturdays of the Souls. DID YOU KNOW?... OUR CHURCH’S TEACHING ABOUT CREMATION The New Testament teaches that the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The body is further sanctified by the incarnation of Christ—God becoming Man in the body. Consistent with this teaching, the body is an integral part of the whole person, and the Church teaches and expects the resurrection from the dead of the body and the soul, when God’s Kingdom comes in its fullness. The Church considers cremation to be the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made, and insists that the body be buried for the natural process to take place. As the denial of the resurrection, in cases where there is intention for the body of a deceased person to be cremated, a church funeral is not allowed, either in the church, or the Funeral home or any other place. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva are not allowed, since the significance between the “kernel of wheat” and the “body” has been intentionally destroyed. 9 February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:00 am-Saturday Greek School 2 Presentation of our Lord 3 4 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 4:30 pm—Greek School 5:00—Young Adults Super Bowl Party 9 Triodion begins Publican/Pharisee 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm-VESPERS ST HARALAMBOS 10 SAINT HARALAMBOS 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy 5:30 pm—Family Night 6:00pm-Jr Goya 7:30 pm—GOYA NO 11 7:30 pm— Philoptochos mtg 12 7:30 pm-Bible Study 8 9:00 am-Saturday Greek School 7:00 pm— PARACLESIS to St. 13 Presidents Day (no school) 11:30 am—Little Angels 14 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm-Bible Study FASTING THIS WEEK Prodigal Son 19 24 9:00 am-Saturday Greek School Celebration NO FASTING THIS WEEK 20 21 TSIKNOPEMPTI 22 Satuday of Souls 8:30 am-Orthros and Liturgy 4:30 pm—Greek School 4:30 pm—PTA 7:30 pm— Parish Council Meeting 25 26 6:30 pm— Tsiknopempti Dinner 27 4:30 pm—Greek School 28 11:30 am—Little Angels 5:30 pm—Family Night 6:00 pm—Jr Goya 7:30 pm—GOYA 15 63rd Anniversary Parish (No Bible Study) 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 3:30-Scouts Blue & Gold Dinner 4:30 pm—Greek School 4:30 pm—Greek School 18 Oratorical Festival 7 11:30 am—Little Angels 17 23 Meat-Fare 6 HARALAMBOS 16 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 5 11:30 am—Little Angels 6:30Team Chicago 4:30 pm—Greek School Missions Dinner 7:30 pm-Bible Study 10 4:30 pm—Greek School 9:00 am-Saturday Greek School 5:00Apokreatiko Glendi The St. Haralambos Philoptochos welcomes you! Thursday, February 20 is The St. Haralambos PTA invites you: Apokreatiko Glendi ! A Family Evening Saturday, February 22 “TSIKNOPEMPTI” 5:00 Appetizers 6:00 Dinner Annual Tsiknopempti Dinner 6:30 pm St. Haralambos Community Center Delicious Food – Good Music Donation: Adults: $15 12 and under: $10 St. Haralambos Community Center Have you made your reservations? Please call 847-647-8880! HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE NILES, IL 60714-4503 Address Service Requested Please call the church office to make reservations! 847-647-8880
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