The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS · 60714 — PHONE (847) 647-8880 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) PASCHA 2010 O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and dominion unto ages of ages. Amen.” (Paschal Sermon of St, John Chrysostom) WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR APRIL/MAY 2010 SACRAMENTS AND BLESSINGS BLESSINGS OF INFANTS—Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, imitating Christ who was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call the church office to arrange this blessing. Friday, April 23—St. George 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Sunday, April 25—Sunday of the Paralytic, Feastday of Mark the Evangelist 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy BAPTISMS—Please call the church office to schedule Baptisms. Plan ahead!—there are some days when Baptisms are not performed. Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent and that a child is supposed to be given but one name when he or she is baptized. Wednesday, April 28—Feastday of Mid-Pentecost 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Sunday, May 2—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy WEDDINGS—Please arrange an appointment with Fr. Dean at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. Sunday, May 9—Sunday of the Blind Man 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy CONFESSION—Confessions are arranged by appointment. Please call the church office to schedule Confession. Thursday, May 13—The Ascension of our Lord 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy MINISTRY TO PERSONS WHO ARE SICK— Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) should contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. Please inform the church office if your loved one is hospitalized! Most hospitals no longer inform us when they receive patients from our parish. Sunday, May 16—Sunday of the Holy Fathers 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 10:00 am—Divine Liturgy Friday, May 21—Ss. Constantine and Helen 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Saturday, May 22—Saturday of the Souls 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy OUR SISTER COMMUNITY of St. George in Chicago invites you to Vespers on Thurssday evening, April 22nd, and Divine Liturgy on Friday, April 23, in honor of the Feastday of St. George. (Liturgy WILL be celebrated at St. Haralambos on April 23.) 2010 STEWARDSHIP & TITHING MEMORIAL SERVICES—Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Customarily, these services are offered at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and at 3 years. When three years have passed, the departed are more properly remembered on the Saturdays of the Souls. DID YOU KNOW?... FIGHTING the GOOD FIGHT of the FAITH As of March 30, 308 stewards have committed $172,913.00 Have you become a 2010 Steward yet? OUR 2010 BIG GREEK FOOD FeSt will take place July 16-18 this summer. Mark your calendar! Please consider planning your vacation before or after our Fest; we need everyone's help! 2 OUR CHURCH’S TEACHING ABOUT CREMATION The New Testament teaches that the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The body is further sanctified by the incarnation of Christ—God becoming Man in the body. Consistent with this teaching, the body is an integral part of the whole person, and the Church teaches and expects the resurrection from the dead of the body and the soul, when God’s Kingdom comes in its fullness. The Church considers cremation to be the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made, and insists that the body be buried for the natural process to take place. As the denial of the resurrection, in cases where there is intention for the body of a deceased person to be cremated, a church funeral is not allowed, either in the church, or the Funeral home or any other place. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva are not allowed, since the significance between the “kernel of wheat” and the “body” has been intentionally destroyed. HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 PHONE: 847/647-8880 From Father Dean April 2010 Dear Stewards and Friends of St. Haralambos, CHRIST IS RISEN! ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! The joyful proclamation, “Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen!” is the first Creed of Christianity. In spite of all the differences that exist within Christianity, all Christians agree that Christ is risen from the dead. This is the source of life, of hope and of all joy in the world! It is the proof of God’s love; and it is the single most important event in the history of the world. God’s love for us empowers us to love and to forgive one another all things—no matter what! We continue this greeting until the celebration of our Lord’s Ascension on May 13. On March 14th, our Sunday School held its Oratorical Festival. What a treat! Our young people presented skits, songs and readings about their favorite Bible stories, the 23rd Psalm, the Ten Commandments, and other aspects of their spiritual formation. They did a marvelous job, and we thank and congratulate the teachers and the staff of our Sunday School Department! We also commend Leia Mantanes, Jimmy Loomos, Matthew Tabrizi, Valerie Mantanes, Maggie Ruggerio and Anna Maris for their Oratorical Fest entries. Our Lenten and Holy Week commemorations were beautiful! We are grateful to many, many people who worked to make it so wonderful: Deacon John and our chanters, Nick Harisiadis, Loukas Pergantas, Dino Houpis, Myron Chornomay, Antonios Antonopoulos and Kostas Maris; our Philoptochos Ladies, our PTA, our Sunday School Department, our Altar Boys, our Myrofores and our custodians, Juan and Carolina. In April, we will have the annual IOCC Banquet on April 29 at the Rosewood; please consider attending! There will also be a special opportunity on Sunday, May 2 to hear the acclaimed Konevets Quartet, from Russia. They will be giving a concert at the Holy Resurrection Serbian Cathedral to benefit the building program of the Protection of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Des Plaines. As we look ahead to the next school year, we are saddened to report that Mrs. Stacey Chiampas is resigning as director of our morning preschool. She has been a part of this program since 1995, and we thank her for her many years of service to our children. We will miss her. We are happy to inform you that Mrs. Rita Petratos will be our new director. Rita has been teaching in this program since 2006. She is a lifelong member of St. Haralambos, and we wish her great success! Before we know it, all our energy will be turning to the events surrounding the end of the school year. Our GOYA Dinner Dance will take place on May 2nd; please give our GOYANS your support! Graduations, parties, cookouts, Junior Olympics and our Memorial Day Picnic give us so much to be grateful for! The Junior Olympics will take place May 29-30 at Ss. Constantine and Helen in Palos Hills, and we expect to have a huge participation from the young people of St. Haralambos! Make sure your child has registered. Let us be grateful to God, and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities that lay ahead! Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen! Fr. Dean 3 HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NILES, ILLINOIS Proistamenos……….…….Fr. Constantine P. Botsis Synefimerios...…......……Fr. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Pastoral Assistant.......….. Deacon John G. Suhayda Chanter……………...........…….…..Nick Harisiadis Parish Council Officers President……………......….... George Anastasiadis Vice President……..........………..… Nick Andrews Treasurer……………...........……… George Houpis Secretary…………..........…Evangelos Anastasiadis Budget Committee Chairman.....George Conopeotis Building & Grounds Chairman……. …...….Michael Pontikes and Theodoros Karabatsos Decor Committee Chairma.….....Stephan Aliferakis Finance Committee Chairman.......George Kotsionis Phase III Chairman………….................Pete Zouras School Board Chairman..........…........…John Pierce Stewardship Com Chairman...Dr. Thomas Bournias Philoptochos President...……............Ritsa Bazianos PTA Co-Presidents (Afternoon School)…. ..Linda Politis and Pauline Sarantopoulos PTA President (Preschool)….....…Joanne Kereakes Greek School Principal........... Mrs. Anastasia Liapi GSL Director….......Mrs. Evangelia Vlahou-Khouri Preschool Director…...…......Mrs. Stacey Chiampas Sunday School Director...Presvytera Georgia Botsis Athletic Director……...….…...…… David Loomos Scoutmasters….. ….John Melonides and George Alpogianis YAL President……........…………...Patricia Grivas GOYA President…........................... George Adams Book Store Manager…...........……Jolynn Ruggerio Web Page …….....…………...……John Melonides Office Staff……… ….Barbara Skaouris and Alexandra Grivas IN THIS ISSUE: Letter from our Priest (pg 3) Parish Announcements (pg 4) Ανακοινώσεις (pg 5) Youth News (pg 7) Community Life in pictures (pg 8-9) Calendar (pg 10) DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ORTHODOX CHURCH? The Orthodox Church traces its origin to the Day of Pentecost, 50 days after Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Holy Disciples. If you are interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith, feel free to call the church office. Ongoing classes are offered! A program for adults who are not baptized or baptized but not Orthodox is also offered. Please call Fr. Chris Kerkeres (847-647-8880) if you have questions or would like to attend! COMMUNITY NEWS AND ACTIVITIES 2010 STEWARDSHIP & TITHING: “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT OF OUR FAITH” STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING IN 2010— This year, we have chosen the image of David slaying Goliath for our 2010 Stewardship Program, to remind us that Christian life is a struggle. As David fought for the faith, we recognize that pursuing excellence, morality, virtue and sanctification is a struggle, and that conscientious, sacrificial Stewardship is a part of our spiritual quest for salvation. We are grateful that more and more stewards understand that our stewardship giving should be proportional giving as we gradually begin the path to tithing. Tithing is the Biblical standard of 10% for supporting God’s work, and reminds us that the stewardship of our material goods is linked to our Christian struggle. God considers us worthy of the many blessings we receive from Him; let us be not only worthy receivers, but worthy givers! GOYA DINNER DANCE--The St. Haralambos GOYA will be holding its annual Dinner Dance on Sunday, May 2nd in the St. Haralambos Community Center, and they are asking your support! Ad contracts for their annual ad book are now available in the church office—would you consider buying an ad and supporting our GOYA? Your generosity is highly appreciated! GOYA DINNER DANCE 5:30 PM Sunday, May 2, 2010 St. Haralambos Community Center 7373 Caldwell Avenue, Niles Your support is appreciated! OUR BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES will take place July 16-18 this summer, and planning has already begun. Of course, we will need much help; new ideas and new people are always welcomed! OUR FOOD FEST RAFFLE—Win a luxurious new 2011 AUDI A4 SEDAN, a new Harley Davidson or $20,000! Get your Book of Tickets and qualify for a $1000 drawing on Father’s Day, June 20th! IOCC ANNUAL BANQUET 6:00 pm Thursday, April 29 Rosewood Banquets 9421 W. Higgins Road in Rosemont KONEVETS QUARTET—The internationally prestigious KONEVETS QUARTET from St. Petersburg, Russia, will perform a concert of Russian Orthodox Hymns and Russian Folk Songs and Marches on SUNDAY, MAY 2nd at 6:00 pm, at HOLY RESURRECTION SERBIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL, 5701 N. Redwood Drive & Serbian Road, in Chicago. IOCC provides desperately needed food and medical supplies worth millions of dollars to people in need and to disaster victims around the world in the name of our Orthodox Church. They truly deserve our support! The KONEVETS QUARTET,, was founded in 1992 by Konevets Monastery musicians and graduates of the St. Petersburg Music Conservatory and Glinka Choral Academy. The ensemble has performed in leading music festivals throughout Europe, Canada and the US and, are acclaimed by critics and the music press as being dedicated to creating a perfect harmonious sound. Donation: $125 Please call the St. Haralambos Church Office (847-647-8880) to make your reservations! This exclusive Chicago concert will benefit the Church School Building Fund of HOLY VIRGIN PROTECTION RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL in Des Plaines. It will includes an Art Exhibition by local Orthodox artists and a traditional Russian Tea Reception. Free and ample parking is available. STEWARDSHIP NEWS! It is said that people are more generous to the Church in difficult times, and it seems to be true! Average stewardship giving (as of March 30) to St. Haralambos in 2010 is $561.40, compared to $548.91 in 2009! Thank you for your good and generous stewardship! Tickets are $25 for adults or $15 for ages 18 & under. For Ticket Reservations call Masha at (847) 730-5678. LOOKING AHEAD…. VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL will take place this summer during the week of June 21-25. This is one of our very popular programs, and everyone has a great experience. Moms and Dads are needed to help! Please mark your calendar and reserve the dates! OUR BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES will take place July 16-18 this summer, and planning has already begun. Of course, we will need much help, and we are always looking for new ideas and new people to get involved! Please talk to our chairpersons, George Anastasiadis, AngeloAnastasiadis, Bill Bozikis, Tom Andrews, Niki Tziavaras, Demetra Lamprinakos, or Father Dean if you would like to offer your help. 4 ΕΝΟΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ STEWARDSHIP AND TITHING — ΤΟΝ ΑΓΩΝΑ ΤΟΝ ΚΑΛΟΝ ΔΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΙΣΤΙΝ ΜΑΣ Δια το πρόγραμμα του 2010 Stewardship διαλέξαμε την εικόνα του Δαβίβ να πολεμάει τον Γολιάθ, δια να μας υπενθυμίζει ότι η Χριστιανική ζωή είναι ένας αγώνας. Βλέποντας τον αγώνα του Δαβίδ δια την πίστην του στον Έναν Θεόν, αναγνωρίζουμε ότι είναι αγώνας το να επιδιώκουμε την καλλιτέρευση, την αρετή, την ηθική, και τον καθαγιασμό, και ότι το Ευσυνείδητο Stewardship είναι μέρος της πνευματικής μας αναζήτησης δια την σωτηρία. Είμεθα ευγνώμονες που όλο και περισσότεροι stewards αντιλαμβάνονται ότι η προσφορά μας προς το Stewardship πρέπει να είναι ανάλογη με τα αγαθά που μας έχει δώσει ο Θεός, καθώς ξεκινάμε βαθμιαία το μονοπάτι του “Δέκατου”. Το “Δέκατο” (10%) είναι η κανονική προσφορά του καθενός ανθρώπου, όπως περιγράγει η Παλαιά Διαθήκη, δια την υποστήριξη του έργου του Θεού, και μας θυμίζει ότι το Stewardship των υλικών αγαθών μας συνδέεται με τον Χριστιανικό μας αγώνα. Ο Θεός μας θεωρεί άξιους των άφθονων ευλογιών που μας δίνει¨ ας γίνουμε άξιοι όχι μόνον να λαμβάνουμε αλλά άξιοι και να δίνουμε! ΕΤΗΣIΟΣ ΧΟΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ «GOYA» Ο ετήσιoς χoρός της GOYA του Αγίου Χαραλάμπους θα λάβει χώραv τηv Κυριακή, 2 Μαίoυ εις την Κοινοτική Αίθουσα του Αγ. Χαραλάμπους. Χρειάζονται την βοήθειά σας! Διατίθενται συμβόλαια για διαφημίσεις στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. Σχεδιάζετε να υποστηρίξετε το διαφημιστικό βιβλίο της GOYA; Η γενναιδωρία σας θα εκτιμηθεί τα μέγιστα. The Hellenic American Policemen’s Association invites you to H.A.P.A. DINNER DANCE 6:00 pm Sunday, May 16 ΕΤΗΣΙΑ ΦΙΛΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ «IOCC» θα λάβει χώραν την Πέμπτη, 29 Απριλίου εις το Rosewood εις Rosemont. Αυτή η ετήσια φιλανθρωπική εκδήλωση του Διεθνούς Χριστιανορθόδοξου Φιλανθρωπικού Οργανισμού καθιστά εφικτή την δυνατότητα παροχής τροφής και φαρμάκων στους έχοντας ανάγκη ανά τον κόσμον. Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας (847-647-8880). Σας παρακαλούμε όπως υποστηρίξετε την εκδήλωσιν αυτή! Chateau Ritz 9100 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, Illinois This event will benefit young 4 year old Yano Pournaras who suffers from Neuroblastoma, and other worthy causes. Please show your support! The donation is $60. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΤΟΥ 2010--Το Φεστιβάλ της Κοινότητάς μας για το 2010 θα λάβει χώραν εις τις 16-18 Ιουλίου, και οι ετοιμασίες άρχισαν. Θα χρειαστούμε βοήθεια εις τον προγραμματισμόν, και πάντα ενδιαφερόμαστε για νέες ιδέες και καινούργιους εθελοντές! Εαν έχετε την ευχαρίστησιν να βοηθήσετε, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε εις τους υπεύθυνους George Anastasiadis, Angelo Anastasiadis, Bill Bozikis, Tom Andrews, Niki Tziavaras, Demetria Lamprinakos, Αντώνιον Μπριλλάκη, Αντώνιον Ρίζο ή στον π. Κωνσταντίνο. MEMORIAL DAY FAMILY PICNIC 11:00 am Monday, May 31, 2010 New location!! This year, our Picnic will take place at Crowley Park 700 Huber Lane, Glenview Ο ΠΡΩΤΟΣ ΛΑΧΝΟΣ θα είναι ένα καινούργιο αυτοκίνητο 2011 AUDI A4 ή ένα καινούργιο HARLEY DAVIDSON! Και χρειαζόμεθα την βοήθειά σας δια την πώληση των λαχείων. Οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια είναι πολύ, πολύ εκτιμητέα! A great family day! Pack up your family and your Picnic Basket and we’ll see you there! ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΟ ΚΑΤΗΧΗΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ--Το Καλοκαιρινό Κατηχητικό μας Πρόγραμμα θα λάβει χώραν την 21-25 Ιουνίου. Είναι ένα από τα πιο δημοφιλή μας προγράμματα και χρειάζονται εθελοντές γονείς! Παρακαλούμε σημειώστε τις ημερομηνίες! 5 GLORY BE TO GOD Glory be to God for everything! Glory be to God for having created me in His image and likeness. Glory be to God for having redeemed me, the fallen. Glory be to God for having extended His solicitude to me, the unworthy. Glory be to God for having led me, the sinner, to repentance. Glory be to God for having offered me His holy words, like a lamp in a dark place, thus setting me on the path to righteousness. Glory be to God for having illumined the eyes of my heart. Glory be to God for having made known to me His holy name. Glory be to God for having washed away my sins through the bath of baptism. Glory be to God for having shown me the way to eternal bliss. The way is Jesus Christ, Son of God, Who says of Himself, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Glory be to God, that He has not brought me to perdition through my sins, but suffered them because of His kindness. Glory be to God for showing me the vanity and emptiness of the world. Glory be to God for helping me in various temptations, misfortunes, and calamities. Glory be to God for protecting me in accidents and mortal dangers. Glory be to God for defending me against the devil, who is the enemy. Glory be to God for raising up me when I was prostrate. Glory be to God for comforting me in my sorrow. Glory be to God for converting me when I was erring. Glory be to God for punishing me as a loving father. Glory be to God for announcing to me His last Judgment, that I might fear it and repent my sins. Glory be to God for revealing to me eternal torment and eternal bliss, that I might flee the one and seek the other. Glory be to God for offering to me, the unworthy one, food, clothing and shelter. From St. Tikhon of Zadonsk’s Will. B#26, p. 240 6 DESIGN A T-SHIRT! JR OLYMPICS will take place May 29, and we are looking for a new T-shirt design for our St. Haralambos Olympians! Children of St. Haralambos between 8 and 12 years old are invited to design and submit their pattern, and the best design will be chosen for this year’s Olympians! The designs should be black-and-white, and must be submitted by April 30, 2010! Metropolis of Chicago JUNIOR OLYMPICS MAY 29-30, 2010 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND EVENTS: VOLLEYBALL, SOFTBALL, SOCCER, BASKETBALL, TRACK, FIELD, SWIMMING, 10K RUN, TENNIS, BOWLING, CHESS & CHECKERS, TABLE TENNIS and MORE! Register by April 27th!! CAMP FANARI!! Our Metropolis of Chicago Summer Camp Fanari will take place this summer during the week of June 20-26 at Green Lake, Wisconsin, and APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Capacity is limited; first come, first served. Send in your application early! APPLICATIONS are now also being accepted for Fanari Camp Counselors! See church office! VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL! “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” PLAN TO SIGN UP FOR THIS YEAR'S VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon during the week of June 21-25, from ages 4 years old to 6th grade at St Haralambos. There will be interesting crafts, Bible stories, activities, snacks and lots of fun! Teachers and a director are needed! To volunteer, please call the church office (847/647-8880). This summer program is immensely popular! Watch for more information. Don’t let your children miss out! 7 March 25th Programs of our Aristotle Greek Schools ST. HARALAMBOS ORATORICAL FESTIVAL 8 THE SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY OUR SPECIAL VISITOR: BISHOP SAVAS OF TROAS PHILOPTOCHOS EASTER BAKE SALE 9 APRIL 2010 Sun 18 SUNDAY Mon 19 Tue Wed 20 21 Thu 22 OF THE MYROFORES 4:30 pm—Greek School 6:00-ParentTeacher Conference 7:30 pm—Bible Study 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 25 SUNDAY 26 27 OF THE PARALYTIC 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 2:30 5:30 pm—Family Night 7:30 pm—GOYA GREEK PARADE 4:30 pm—Greek School 6:30 PM—School Board Meeting 7:30 pm—Bible Study 7:30 pm—Parish Council Mtg 2:00 pm— Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences 28 29 MIDPENTECOST 8:30 am— Orthros and Liturgy 7:30 pmSYNERGY monthly meeting Fri 23 ST. GEORGE 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Sat 24 9:00 am—GSL 4:30 pm—Greek School 30 6:00 pm—Annual 4:30 pm—Greek School IOCC Banquet (Rosewood) MAY 2010 1 9:00 am—GSL 2 THE SAMARITAN WOMAN 3 6:00 pm—GOYA Dinner Dance THE BLIND MAN 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 5 6 7 8 9:00 am—GSL 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 9 4 10 5:30—Family Night 7:30 pm—GOYA Scavenger Hunt 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm—Bible Study 7:30 pm— Philoptochos Monthly Mtg 11 12 4:30 pm—Greek School 6:30 pm—Teachers Mtg 13 ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 8:30 -Orthros and Liturgy 4:30 pm—Greek School 4:30—PTA Mtg 7:30 pm—Bible Study 10 14 15 9:00 am—GSL 4:30 pm—Greek School For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0194 4c mss ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! PRSRT STD HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE NILES, IL 60714-4503 US POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT #5654 Address Service Requested INTERNATIONAL ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHARITIES \invites you IOCC ANNUAL BANQUET 6:00 pm Thursday, April 29, 2010 Rosewood Banquets Through your generosity, the IOCC provides food and medicine to persons in need and to victims of disasters around the world! Your support is appreciated! Call St. Haralambos Church Office for reservations! 847-647-8880 12
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