Winner of the Creative writing competition of Cyprus! Imagine a World without Technology I attempted once more to push myself off the cold, hard ground. It was futile. My head pounded hard and I was experiencing a pain like no other I had felt before. My vision was blurred, but I could just make out the immense vegetation enveloping me; oppressing me. I felt like nothing in comparison to the vast plant life engulfing the land around me. The minimal sunlight glistened through the gaps between the overgrown trees giving my surroundings an entrancing feel. The intense beauty of the scenery was interrupted by the blanket of shattered glass and scraps of metal around me. The delicate flowers contrasted with the sharp-edged chaos neighbouring them and the dense, black smoke stood out amongst the infinite, rich green of the rainforest behind it. I reached wearily for the searing pain on my head that was taking over my whole body. My hair felt damp. It left my hand stained a vivid red. I gave up on trying to move and I just lay there, facing the disarray spread out in front of me. The pain didn’t subside; the agony grew stronger and stronger. I wanted to scream, but something stopped me from disturbing the serenity, the silence of the rainforest. All I had now were my thoughts. No phone to call for help, no medicine to treat my throbbing, fresh wound, no one to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright; nothing. Things I took for granted, things I used for leisure became the only things that could keep me alive, the only things standing between me and death. I almost felt remorseful. All my life I had taken advantage of technology and not once did I ever imagine a world without it. And now I was in one. I was in my own little world. A world without technology. However hard I tried I couldn’t recall how I had got there. It felt like one of those peculiar mornings when you wake up from a terrible dream and you can’t seem to remember anything about it. I soon came to the realisation that I couldn’t just lie there and give in. I had to get up, no matter how exhausting the thought of it was. I had to try to survive, even if it meant I had to depend on only myself. I tried again, this time more determined than ever. I pushed onto my weak, trembling hands just managing to get off the ground. The pain got dramatically worse and I found it extremely challenging to stay up. My face tightened as I leaned onto a tree for support and waited for the dizziness to fade. Using only the trees and my inadequate strength to keep me up I advanced into the unknown. I had no clue where I was headed or what I was hoping to find but something urged me to keep walking. The rainforest seemed to be getting even more harmonious the further into it I walked. The significant smell of wild flowers and plants followed me wherever I went. The astonishing colours of the flowers gleamed as the light from the sun reflected off them creating an almost rainbow effect. The exceptionally large leaves danced around freely as the peaceful, paradise breeze blew past them and whistled through the never-ending branches and vines of the trees towering over me. I picked up a ripe plum that had fallen from a branch. I was hesitant at first, but my intense desire and temptation took over before I had time to think about it. I hurriedly cleaned it with the inside of my jacket and sunk my teeth in the orangey-goodness hiding beneath the lustrous, polished burgundy of the skin around it. It was mouth-wateringly good, like nothing I had ever tasted before, like my own little bundle of delicious hope. I searched around for more and gathered together all I could, and shoved as many as possible into my disappointingly small pockets. As I did I realised a faint sound in the distance. I stood still and breathed as quietly as I possibly could. My eyes widened in disbelief. I moved frantically, pushing through the leaves in my path as I followed the faint, lyrical whisper that gradually got louder and louder. It pulled me towards it, like a magnet, like an angel beckoning me, manipulating me. The aroma of fresh water blew across my face as the feeling of excitement rushed through my veins. There it was. The water glistened like a thousand jewels as it cascaded over the rough, eroded rocks into the whirlpool beneath. The white, frothy cloud that formed below rippled out into a clear blue creating a delightful ombre effect. The mild sound had now developed into a powerful ringing in my ears. Tears formed in my eyes and I smiled for the first time since the crash. It felt wrong to smile but I couldn’t help it, the happiness was too overwhelming. I rushed into the water and allowed it to flow into my cupped hands, into my dry, parched mouth and down my throat to relieve my progressing thirst that even the juicy plum didn’t satisfy. I splashed it onto my face, letting the cool, refreshing water drip off my chin as I closed my eyes in relief. For one short moment I had forgotten that I had no idea how I would survive, or if I would survive at all. I had forgotten about all the problems I had to solve like where I was going next and the severe scar on my head that I would have to treat with no medicine or that I would need to find a way to cook something with no matches. I had forgotten that I would have to manage without technology and rely on myself for however long it takes for someone to realise I was gone. I just forgot everything and enjoyed the heavenly moment while it lasted. Haya Zeinalabidin year 9 Our first year at Silverline Bonjour! Nous sommes Teya et Haya, nous sommes sœurs. Nous avons également un petit frère, Marwan, qui est en quatrième année. Cette année scolaire fut notre première à Silverline. Voici notre expérience : Le premier jour, nous étions assez timides mais tous les étudiants ont été très accueillants. Ils ont répondu à toutes nos questions et nos craintes. Les élèves nous ont aidés à avoir plus confiance en nous. Le bâtiment est très moderne et il y a trois étages. Les salles de classes sont de taille moyenne, ce qui est plus pratique. A l’école, il y a une variété de classes, par exemple, un laboratoire, une salle informatique, un terrain de sport et une salle de danse. Les professeurs à Silverline sont uniques. Nous aimons chaque professeur pour différentes raisons. Mlle Martyna, le professeur d’histoire-géo, est travailleuse. Mlle Jil, le professeur de français, est très agréable. Mme Margarita, le professeur d’anglais, est très attentionnée. Mme Katerina, le professeur de mathématiques, est très passionnée. Mlle Jennifer, le professeur de sciences, est très intelligente. Mlle Elena, le professeur de dessin, est créative. Mme Maria, le professeur de musique, est très sympathique. Mme Calypso, le professeur d’informatique, est digne de confiance. Mme Yiota et Mme Savvoula, les professeurs de grec, sont aimables et gentilles. Mme Sharon, le professeur de sport et la sous-directrice est encourageante. Mr Ray, le professeur de théâtre est très drôle. Nous n’avons pas la chance d’avoir cours avec Mlle Gabriella. Elle parait très sociable. Nous nous sommes beaucoup amusées pendant cette année scolaire et nous sommes impatientes de recommencer une autre année en septembre. Haya, Year 9 Teya, Year 10 A Greek magazine is doing a survey about computers. Write a response mentioning how important computers are to you. Αγαπεηέ θύξηε ή θπξία, Οη ειεθηξνληθνί ππνινγηζηέο παίδνπλ πνιύ ζεκαληηθό ξόιν ζηηο δωέο καο. Τνπο ρξεζηκνπνηνύκε γηα λα καζαίλνπκε, λα πεξλάκε θαιά θαη λα επηθνηλωλνύκε κε άιινπο αλζξώπνπο πνπ δε βξίζθνληαη θνληά καο. Γηα παξάδεηγκα, κπνξνύκε λα κηινύκε ζε ζπγγελείο θαη θίινπο πνπ κέλνπλ ζην εμωηεξηθό. Επίζεο κπνξνύκε λα παίδνπκε παηρλίδηα, λα παξαθνινπζνύκε ηαηλίεο ή ηειενπηηθέο ζεηξέο θαη λα κπαίλνπκε ζε ζειίδεο θνηλωληθήο δηθηύωζεο. Χξεζηκνπνηώ ηνλ ειεθηξνληθό κνπ ππνινγηζηή θαζεκεξηλά. Μνπ είλαη πνιύ ρξήζηκνο, δηόηη έξρνκαη ζε θαζεκεξηλή επηθνηλωλία κε ηνπο θίινπο κνπ πνιύ θηελά θαη γξήγνξα, κε ην πάηεκα ελόο θνπκπηνύ. Όπνηε έρω ειεύζεξν ρξόλν ηνλ ρξεζηκνπνηώ γηα λα θάλω όια απηά ηα πξάγκαηα πνπ αλέθεξα πην πάλω. Η ηειεπηαία θνξά πνπ ρξεζηκνπνίεζα ηνλ ππνινγηζηή κνπ ήηαλ ρηεο ην βξάδη γηα λα κηιήζω ζε έλα πνιύ θαιό κνπ θίιν πνπ βξίζθεηαη ζην Λνλδίλν. Αθόκε, ζέξθαξα ζην δηαδίθηπν. Τελ επόκελε θνξά πνπ ζα ρξεζηκνπνηήζω ηνλ ππνινγηζηή κνπ ζα είλαη γηα λα παίμω παηρλίδηα ζην δηαδίθηπν. Με εθηίκεζε, Κιεάλζεο Tζηάηηαινο. Kleanthis Tsiattalos – Year 10 Write a new entry in your blog about a new TV show that you like. Γεηα ζαο, Θα ήζεια λα ζαο ελεκεξώζω όηη άξρηζε λα παίδεηαη κηα λέα ηειενπηηθή ζεηξά πνπ έρεη πνιύ ελδηαθέξνλ θαη όινη πξέπεη λα δείηε. Παίδεηαη θαζεκεξηλά από ηηο επηά θαη κηζή κέρξη ηηο ελλέα. Απηή ε ζεηξά είλαη ην «Γθόζηπ Γθεξιο». Πξόθεηηαη γηα κηα ζεηξά πνπ κνπ αξέζεη πνιύ θαη ηελ παξαθνινπζώ θάζε κέξα. Η ππόζεζε ηεο ζεηξάο είλαη γηα δύν θνπέιεο πνπ δνπλ έληνλα ηε δωή ηνπο, αιιά δελ θαηαθέξλνπλ λα κείλνπλ καθξηά από ηηο παξαλνκίεο. Η ππόζεζε είλαη πνιύ ελδηαθέξνπζα θαη όινη πξέπεη λα ηελ δείηε. Πξνζωπηθά πηζηεύω όηη ηέηνηεο ζεηξέο ελδηαθέξνπλ πνιύ ηνπο λένπο. Είλαη πνιύ θνληά ζην ζηπι κνπ θαη ζην γνύζην κνπ γη’ απηό επέιεμα λα παξαθνινπζώ απηή ηελ ηειενπηηθή ζεηξά θάζε κέξα. Φηιηά, Σάξα. Sara Morati - Year 10 E5 International / Duke of Edinburgh's Award Bronze Practice Expedition in collaboration with Aspire School Paphos Duke of Edinburgh's students camped in Troodos Mountains and completed 20 km hike. The expedition was held last month in collaboration with Aspire school from Paphos. On the first day students walked from Troodos square to Prodromos where they set their camp and stayed overnight. The second day they made it to Kato Platres. Students had to carry all their equipment, mobile phones were not allowed and they had to use maps and compasses to find their way around. Although not so overwhelmingly joyful while the experience lasted, they certainly felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of the journey. Now they are preparing for the final Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award expedition which will take place in October. Year 8 and 9 Geography Fair Trade project Year 8 and 9 students were educating the school about the importance of Fair Trade. Working in teams they created posters and give away flyers around the school to reach to as many people as they could. Students presented at the school assembly showing a movie they have created about fair trade and made special presentations for juniors. Fair trade hot chocolate was served at Wednesday breakfast. Science Projects Year 10 Biology Students were given a project to produce a labelled model of the digestive system, and encouraged to be as creative as possible. The results were extremely creative, using a wide range of materials from salt dough to cloth, wax, sponge, clay and many other substances. The best 2 Projects were produced by Megan (pictured) and Teya, and will be on display in reception. Year 7 science students also produced outstanding projects based on the Lunar Cycle: Outstanding Project Award: Elin Lager & Maria Antoniou Highly Commended: Qamarina McCann & Teodora Trifunovic Pay a visit to the Science lab to see the models in more detail! Prize giving Award Winners 2012 - 2013 Key Stage 3 - Most Improved Student: Key Stage 3 – Highest Achiever: Haya Zeinalabidin Maria Antoniou Key Stage 4 - Most Improved Student: Teya Zeinalabidin Key Stage 4 – Highest Achiever: Philipp Shitarev Secondary School Silverline Scholars 2013 - 2014 We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our students who entered Silverline Private School’s Scholarship examinations. We were extremely impressed with the exceptionally high standard of entries this year. The scores achieved by our top students were incredibly high. We are delighted to announce that the recipients of the Silverline Private School 2013 – 2014 Scholarship prizes are as follows: Full Scholar: Half Scholar: Haya Zeinalabidin Anatoly Rytov Staffing for Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Name Mrs Nicola Mace Mrs Pauline Duffield Mrs Louise Antoniou To be announced Miss Nina Lawlor Mrs Jenny Walkley Mrs Christina Miller Mrs Clare Georgiou Mrs Nicola Mace Mrs Anna Ioannou Mrs Hedda Brownless Mr Ray Woods Mr Tony Miller Mrs Anna Tapaccos Mrs Jemma Woods Mr Ray Woods Mrs Barbara Knowles Mrs Linda coombs Mrs Yvonne Bulmer Mrs Sharon Cronin-Hallas Miss Jennifer Gardner Miss Gabriella Georgieva To be announced Mr Eoin Govers Mrs Calypso Papatheodorou Miss Martyna Kolodziej Mrs Sharon Cronin-Hallas Miss Jil Seys Miss Elena Koulla Mrs Maria Aresti Mrs Lynne Bartley Mrs Yiota Josephides Mrs Savvoula Athinodorou Mrs Skevi Vasileiou Miss Elena Neophytou Mrs Julie Karachristou Mrs Donna McCann Anna Kotikyan Mr Lucas Anastassiou Mrs Renata Trzensisko To be announced Mr Kevin Mace Job Title Head of EYFS & Infants Kindergarten Teacher Teaching assistant Teaching Assistant Reception Teacher HLTA (Higher level teaching assistant) Year 1 Teacher HLTA (Higher level teaching assistant) Year 2 Teacher Year 2 Teacher/Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Head of Juniors Year 3 Teacher Year 4 Teacher Year 5 Teacher Year 6 Teacher Year 6 Teacher / EAL support teacher Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Head of Seniors Science Teacher English Teacher English Teacher Mathematics & Physics Teacher ICT & Business Studies Teacher Geography & History Teacher Physical Education French Art Music Higher Level Teaching Assistant Head of Greek / Teacher Greek Teacher Greek Teacher Greek Teacher Head of finance School Adminstrator School Nurse School Caretaker School Cleaner Kitchen Supervisor Principal Department EYFS & Infants EYFS EYFS EYFS EYFS EYFS Infants Infants Infants Infants Infants Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Juniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Juniors/Seniors Juniors/Seniors Infants/Juniors Infants/Juniors Whole School Whole School Whole School Whole School Whole School Whole School Whole School
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