Volume 40 Issue 7 October 201 Nestor Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221-‐0226, U.S.A. http://classics.uc.edu/nestor [email protected] Editor: Carol Hershenson Assistant Editor: Jeffrey L. Kramer COMMUNICATIONS Grants and Fellowships On 31 January 2014 applications for grants (not normally exceeding £2,000) to assist with the publication, excluding subventions, of archaeological excavation or fieldwork in the Mediterranean world, with possible priority to Bronze Age sites, are due to the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust. Applications comprising a description of the proposed work (maximum 1500 words), a detailed budget, and either 2 references in sealed envelopes or the names of the referees if the references are sent directly by the referees should be sent to Professor Sir John Boardman, Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford OX1 2PH, UK or to [email protected]. The importance of the site, your qualifications, other sources of support, and the present or planned status and place of publication should be indicated. Calls for Papers On 31 October 2013 abstracts (300-‐500 words, in English) are due for the international congress Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, to be held at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-‐Sorbonne -‐ Institut d’art et d’archéologie, Paris, from 22-‐ 25 April 2014. Further information is available at http://caa2014.sciencesconf.org/. Themes of the conference will include: Field and laboratory data recording Historiography Ontologies and standards Internet and archaeology 3D archaeology AIS (Archaeological Information Systems) GIS and spatial analysis Mathematics and statistics in archaeology Open source Computing in epigraphy and history Multi-‐agent systems and complex system modelling Virtual archaeology On 11 November 2013 proposals for sessions are due for the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2014), to be held in Istanbul from 10-‐14 September 2014. On 16 December 2013 -‐ 27 January 2014 paper and poster abstract Nestor 40.7 160 October 2013 submission is open. Further information and forms are available at http://www.e-‐a-‐a.org/ or https://www.eaa2014istanbul.org/site. The meeting will consist of sessions, round tables, and poster presentations focusing on the following main themes: Connecting seas -‐ across the borders Managing archaeological heritage: past and present Ancient technologies in social context Environment and subsistence: the geosphere, ecosphere and human interaction Times of change: collapse and transformative impulses Retrieving and interpreting the archaeological record On 15 October 2013 abstracts (100 words) are due for articles for the 4th volume (2014) of Chronika, a graduate student journal covering research in European and Mediterranean archaeology; Chronika encourages interdisciplinary dialogues and innovative approaches to the study of the past. On 1 December 2013 first drafts of full articles (3000-‐4000 words, with up to 10 images) will be due; on 1 March 2014 revised articles will be due. For the first three volumes (2011-‐2013), see http://www.chronikajournal.com/; abstracts and requests for further information should be sent to [email protected]. Future Lectures and Conferences Aegeus – Society for Aegean Prehistory has announced the following schedule of Aegean Lectures for autumn 2013, to take place in the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens. Aegean Lectures begin at 7:00 pm. Further information is available at http://www.aegeussociety.org/en/index.php/aegean-‐lectures/. 18 October 2013: M. Kosma, “Πρωτοελλαδικοί τάφοι στα Νέα Στύρα Ευβοίας” 22 November 2013: A. Van De Moortel, “The Middle Bronze Age boat from Mitrou and the origins of Aegean boat building” 6 December 2013: A. Philippa-‐Touchais and G. Touchais, “Το μεσοελλαδικό Άργος: μια πορεία προς την κοινωνική πολυπλοκότητα” The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars for 2013-‐2014, to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House South Block Ground Floor G22 / 26, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Unless otherwise stated, Mycenaean Seminars begin at 3:30 pm. Further information is available at http://www.icls.sas.ac.uk/events/diary-‐ events/seminar-‐lecture-‐series. 16 October 2013: J. Cutler, “The fabric of Minoanisation: textile production, the transmission of craft knowledge and social dynamics in the Bronze Age southern Aegean” 13 November 2013: P. Stockhammer, “Aegean-‐type pottery in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Southern Levant: a revaluation of functions and meanings” 4 December 2013: P. Sotirakopoulou, “The pottery from the Early Cycladic settlement at Dhaskalio, Keros and its wider implications for the later Early Bronze Age of the Cyclades” 15 January 2014: J. Bennet, “'Literacies' – 60+ years of 'reading' the Aegean Late Bronze Age” 12 February 2014: J. Driessen, “Excavations at Sissi -‐ Exploring Malia's hinterland” 12 March 2014: T. Whitelaw, “Political formations in Minoan Crete” 14 May 2014: B. Malloy, TBA Nestor 40.7 161 October 2013 The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the schedule for autumn 2013, to take place at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York at 6:30 pm. Interested guests are always welcome; please R.S.V.P. 212-‐992-‐5803 or [email protected]. 27 September 2013: R. Koehl, “It’s a Dog’s Life: The Canine in Minoan Culture” 25 October 2013: J. Crouwel, “Recent Excavations at Geraki, Laconia” 22 November 2013: N. Thomas, “A Lion’s Eye View of the Aegean Bronze Age” On 11 October 2013 the 10th year of the Minoan Seminar will begin with a lecture by A. Tzigounaki entitled “Η ‘σφραγιδοκρατία’ την εποχή των πρώτων ανακτόρων” at 6:30 pm at the Archaeological Society, 22 Panepistimiou, Athens. Further information is available at http://www.minoanseminar.gr/. On 12 October 2013 a colloquium entitled Που αρχίζει το παρελθόν μας; Η συγκρότηση της επιστήμης της Παλαιοανθρωπολογίας και της Παλαιολιθικής Αρχαιολογίας στην Ελλάδα will be held at the University of Athens, Ioannis Drakopoulos Conference Hall, 30 Panepistimiou St. Further information is available at http://www.aegeussociety.org/images/uploads/lectures/2013/Our-‐past-‐12-‐Oct-‐2013-‐ prog.pdf. The program will be: Γ. Κουρτέση-‐Φιλιππάκη, “Η προβληματική της ημερίδας ‘Που αρχίζει το παρελθόν μας;’” Β. Καραμανωλάκης, “Από τη σκοπιά του ιστορικού: εθνική ιστορία και προϊστορική αρχαιολογία” Θ. Τζαβάρας, “Πώς ορίζεται το χτές; Και πώς το πριν από χτές;” Α. Λιάκος, “Η παραγωγή του παρελθόντος και το σχίσμα ιστορίας – προϊστορίας” Ν. Ευστρατίου, “Η αναζήτηση και διαχείριση του παλαιολιθικού ιστορικού χρόνου στην Ελλάδα σήμερα” Ν. Γαλανίδου, “Η αναζήτηση των πρώτων κατοίκων της παλαιολιθικής Ελλάδας” Μ. Φωτιάδης, “Η εποχή του Λίθου στην Ελλάδα γύρω στο 1870” Π. Ελεφάντη, “‘Παλαιολιθικά εργαλεία προερχόμενα δήθεν εξ’ Ελλάδος’: η ανάπτυξη της Παλαιολιθικής Αρχαιολογίας στην Ελλάδα σε συνάρτηση με τις επιστημολογικές και κοινωνικές εξελίξεις κατά τον 19ο και τις αρχές του 20ού αιώνα” Γ. Κουρτέση-‐Φιλιππάκη, “Τα λίθινα τέχνεργα ως αρχαιολογικό εύρημα: πρόσληψη και διαχείριση” Γ. Παναγοπούλου, “Η έρευνα της παλαιολιθικής εποχής στον ελληνικό Τύπο κατά τη δεκαετία του ‘60” Γ. Πέτρου, “Η παλαιολιθική εποχή στα ελληνικά μουσεία” Β. Σχίζα, “Η παλαιολιθική εποχή στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια” Κ. Ψωμά, “Η παλαιολιθική εποχή στην Ελλάδα μέσα από τις δημοσιεύσεις” Δ. Καταπότη, “Άνθρωποι, τεχνικές και εργαλεία στο έργο του Bernard Stiegler” Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, “Ο Χρήστος Τσούντας και οι ιστορικές ρίζες του ερευνητικού χάσματος ανάμεσα σε Παλαιολιθική και Νεολιθική Αρχαιολογία στην Ελλάδα” Δ. Πλάντζος, “Οι ‘υλιστικές διδασκαλίες’ του Σωτηρίου Δάκαρη και το ίνδαλμα του νεοκλασικισμού” On 15-‐17 October 2013 an international conference entitled Implantations humaines en milieu littoral Méditerranéen : facteurs d’installation et processus d’appropriation de l’espace, de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge will be held at the Structure des Espaces du Fort Carré, Antibes. Further information is available at http://www.cepam.cnrs.fr/IMG/pdf/programme_rencontres-‐antibes_201web.pdf. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: Nestor 40.7 162 October 2013 T. Fragkopoulou, “Diachronic patterns of human occupation in the South-‐East coast of Crete” L. Karali, S. Lambropoulos, and M. Bardani, “The geographic area of Elis through the centuries” L. Karali and M. Bardani, “Prehistoric habitation in the coastal areas of Peloponnese” On 1-‐3 November 2013 the 13th annual Postgraduates in Cypriot Archaeology (POCA 2013) conference will be held by the University of East Anglia. Further information and registration forms are available at http://www.uea.ac.uk/art-‐history/news-‐and-‐ events/POCA2013. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include: C. Alexandrou and B. O’Neill, “Examining the chaine operatoire of the Late Cypriot II-‐IIIA (15th-‐12th century B.C.) female terracotta figurines: an experimental approach” C. Constantinou, “Identifying and comparing socio-‐economic developments in the Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean: a view from Cyprus and the northern Levant” M. Dalton, “Digitally rebuilding the Late Chalcolithic cultural heritage of Kissonerga village, Cyprus” E. Cory-‐Lopez, “The sculpting of picrolite during the Middle Chalcolithic period (4th and 5th Millennium BCE)” A. Markou, “Pouring like a Mycenaean? The ritual act of pouring libations in the Late Cypriot IIA-‐IIIA period” P. Mylona, “Geoarchaeological approach to the habitation system of the PPNA village of Klimonas at Ayios Tychonas: micromorphological characterization of the use of mud brick and its involvement in the stratigraphical formation” A. Paule, “The Development of Protohistoric Jewellery from Cyprus and the Aegean: an analysis with special reference to signs of cultural interconnections” E. Souter, “Back to the old ground stone: preliminary thoughts and future research on how ground stone artifact biographies can inform on everyday life in prehistoric Cyprus” B. Stärz, “Ivory Workshops in Late Bronze Age Cyprus?” P. Steele, “A linguistic approach to population movements to ancient Cyprus” N. Pezulla, “Children burials in Cyprus” On 7-‐8 November 2013 an international workshop entitled Damaged Goods: Contextualising Intentional Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus will be held at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-‐la-‐Neuve, Belgium, organized by AegIS (UCL-‐INCAL-‐CEMA) and the ARC ‘A World in Crisis’. Further information is available at http://www.uclouvain.be/450666.html. The program will be: J. Chapman, “Keynote address: Bits and Pieces: The Fragment as Transformation” K. Harrell, “Traumatology in the Mycenaean Period and Early Iron Age” S. Nanoglou, “Going the Other Way: Providing a Framework for the Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age” P. Tomkins, “Flattening Objects: Towards a More Fully Relational Understanding of ‘Intentional Destruction’” M. Boyd, “Destruction and Other Material Acts of Transformation in Mycenaean Funerary Practice” C. Knappett, “The Rough and the Smooth: Care and Carelessness in the Forgetting of Buildings” C. Renfrew, “The Special Deposit South at Kavos on Keros: Evidence for Ritual Breakage in the Cycladic Early Bronze Age” M. Denti, “Damaged Greek ‘Orientalising’ Goods in an Indigenous Western Mediterranean Context in the Iron Age” Nestor 40.7 163 October 2013 M. Pantelidou Gofa, “Damaged Pottery, Damaged Skulls at the Tsepi, Marathon Cemetery” G. Vavouranakis and C. Bourbou, “Breaking Up the Past: Patterns of Fragmentation in Early and Middle Bronze Age Tholos Tomb Contexts in Crete” E. Margaritis, “Acts of Destruction and Acts of Preservation? Plants in the Ritual Landscape of Prehistoric Greece” Past Lectures and Conferences On 18-‐20 September 2013 the International Ancient Warfare Conference 2013 was held in Aberystwyth. Further information is available at http://ancientwarfare2013.wordpress.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: J. Emmanuel, “Egyptian and Early Aegean Naval Warfare” H. Whittaker, “Symbolic Aspects of Warfare in the Bronze Age Aegean” M. Lloyd, “Death of a swordsman, death of a sword? The killing of swords in the Early Iron Age Aegean (ca. 1050 to ca. 650 B.C.E.)” BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviation used in this issue: Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου Demetriou, Andreas, ed. 2011. Πρακτικά του Δ’ §20131330 Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία, 29 Απριλίου -‐ 3 Μαΐου 2008. Proceedings of the IV. International Cyprological Congress, Lefkosia, 29 April -‐ 3 May 2008. Volumes I.1 and I.2: Ancient Section, Lefkosia: Society of Cypriot Studies. ISBN 978-‐9963-‐557-‐21-‐9. ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/): Aamodt, Christina 2012. “The Participation of Children in Mycenaean Cult.” Childhood in the Past: An International Journal 5.1: 35-‐50. §20131301 Anastasiadou, Maria and Maia Pomadère 2011. “Le sceau à ‘la figure féminine aux bras levés’ du secteur Pi de Malia.” BCH 135.1: 63-‐71. (French, Greek, and English abstracts, p. 63.) §20131302 Aprile, Jamie D. 2013. “The New Political Economy of Nichoria: Using Intrasite Distributional Data to Investigate Regional Institutions.” AJA 117.3: 429-‐436. (Abstract, p. 429.) §20131303 Artzy, Michal 2011. “Spatial considerations of the changes in Cypriote Late Bronze imports to the Southern Levant.” P. 355 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131304 Nestor 40.7 164 October 2013 Athanassas, Constantin, Yannis Bassiakos, Günther A. Wagner, and Michael E. Timpson 2012. “Exploring Paleogeographic Conditions at Two Paleolithic Sites in Navarino, Southwest Greece, Dated by Optically Stimulated Luminescence.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 27.3: 237–258. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21406/full (Abstract, p. 237.) §20131305 Athanassov, Bogdan, Raiko Krauß, and Vladimir Slavčev 2012. “A Bronze Sword of the Aegean-‐Anatolian Type in the Museum of Varna, Bulgaria.” Aegeo-‐Balkan Prehistory: http://www.aegeobalkanprehistory.net/art_list.php §20131306 Bakker, Johan, Etienne Paulissen, David Kaniewski, Véronique De Laet, Gert Verstraeten, and Marc Waelkens 2012. “Man, vegetation and climate during the Holocene in the territory of Sagalassos, Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey.” Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21.4-‐5: 249–266. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00334-‐011-‐0312-‐4 (Issue title: Human landscapes and climate change during the Holocene; abstract, p. 249.) §20131307 Barnes, John Tristan 2013. “Gift Exchange and Seaborne Contact in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt: The Case of Keftiu Artists at Tell el-‐Dab’a (Avaris).” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.1: 1-‐13. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/issue/view/1027 §20131308 Bartusewich, Rebecca 2012. “Pottery in the Landscape: Ceramic Analysis at the City-‐Kingdom of Idalion, Cyprus.” Chronika 2: 31-‐41. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Bartusewich.pdf (Abstract, p. 31.) §20131309 Bazemore, Georgia Bonny 2010. “The Syllabic Inscriptions of the Sanctuary at Lingrin tou Dhigeni: Part I Report of the Rantidi Forest Excavations.” RDAC: 249-‐272. (Greek abstract, p. 262.) §20131310 Belgiorno, Maria Rosaria 2011. “Pyrgos e il ruolo sociale delle donne nella preistoria cipriota.” Pp. 377-‐385 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “Pyrgos and the social role of the woman in the Prehistory of Cyprus,” p. 385; with plates 44-‐51.) §20131311 Bergoffen, Celia J. 2011. “Imports, Imitations and Status: Red Lustrous Wheelmade Spindle Bottles and their derivatives from Ashkelon.” P. 387 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131312 Bolger, Diane 2011. “Gender and social identity in prehistoric Cyprus: evidence of anthropomorphic figurines, vessels and pendants.” Pp. 389-‐396 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Κοινωνική ταυτότητα στην προϊστορική Κύπρο, μαρτυρίες από ανθρωπόμορφα αγγεία και ειδώλια,” p. 396; with plates 52-‐56.) §20131313 Nestor 40.7 165 October 2013 Bombardieri, Luca 2010. “Excavations at Erimi-‐Laonin tou Porakou: 2009 Preliminary Report.” RDAC: 139-‐167. (Greek abstract, p. 156; with an appendix: Jasink, Anna Margherita, “A new potmark from the Kouris river valley,” p. 152.) §20131314 Borgna, Elisabetta 2011. “Metallurgical Production and Long-‐distance Interaction: New Evidence from LM III Phaistos.” Creta Antica 12: 289-‐306. (Summary, p. 306.) §20131315 Boschloos, Vanessa 2012. “Late Bronze Age Cornelian and Red Jasper Scarabs with Cross Designs. Egyptian, Levantine or Minoan?” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 4.2: 5-‐16. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/issue/view/1015 (Abstract, p. 5.) §20131316 Cadogan, Gerald 2011. “Bronze Age Maroni-‐Vournes: a review.” Pp. 397-‐404 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Μαρώνι-‐ Βούρνες την εποχή του Χαλκού: μια ανασκόπηση,” p. 404; with plates 57-‐60.) §20131317 Caloi, Ilaria 2010. “The reception of the ‘Minoans’ in the modern art of Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo.” Creta Antica 11: 279-‐299. (Summary, p. 299.) §20131318 Carinci, Filippo Maria 2011. “Per una rilettura ‘funzionale’ dell’ala sud-‐occidentale del Palazzo di Festòs: il caso dei vani IL-‐XXVII/XXVIII.” Creta Antica 12: 17-‐125. (English summary, “Towards a New ‘Functional’ Interpretation of the South-‐ West Wing of the First Palace at Phaistos: the Case of Rooms IL-‐XXVII/XXVIII,” pp. 122-‐125.) §20131319 Cavillier, Giacomo 2010. “‘Shardana Project’: Perspectives and Researches on the Sherden in Egypt and Mediterranean.” Syria 87: 339-‐245. §20131320 Clarke, Christina 2012. “Minoan Metal Vessel Manufacturing: Techniques and Technology.” Chronika 2: 11-‐21. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Clarke.pdf (Abstract, p. 11.) §20131321 Conolly, James, Katie Manning, Sue Colledge, Keith Dobney, and Stephen Shennan 2012. “Species distribution modelling of ancient cattle from early Neolithic sites in SW Asia and Europe.” The Holocene 22.9: 997-‐1010. http://hol.sagepub.com/content/22/9/997.full.pdf+html (Abstract, p. 997.) §20131322 Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo, and Rocío Gordillo Hervás, eds. 2011. Grecia Ante Los Imperios. V Reunión de historiadores del mundo griego. Spal Monografías 15, Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN 978-‐84-‐472-‐1302-‐3. §20131323 Nestor 40.7 166 October 2013 Crewe, Lindy 2011. “Southeast Aegean connections with Enkomi in Late Cypriot I.” P. 405 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131324 Crielaard, Jan Paul, Filiz Songu, Maria Chidiroglou, and Maria Kosma 2011-‐2012. “The Plakari Archaeological Project. Project outline and preliminary report on the first field season (2010).” Pharos 18.2: 83-‐106. (Abstract, p. 83.) §20131325 Croft, Paul 2010. “Hunting and dining at Red Rock: animal remains from Chalcolithic Politiko-‐Kokkinorotsos.” RDAC: 113-‐137. (Greek abstract, p. 126.) §20131326 Crouwel, Joost, Mieke Prent, and Stuart MacVeagh Thorne 2011-‐2012. “Geraki. An acropolis site in Laconia. Preliminary report on the fifteenth season (2009).” Pharos 18.2: 1-‐33. (Abstract, p. 1.) §20131327 Daune Le Brun, Odile 2011. “Les techniques de construction au Neolithique pré-‐ céramique recent de Chypre.” P. 572 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131328 Del Freo, Maurizio and Julien Zurbach 2011. “La préparation d’un supplément au Recueil des inscriptions en linéaire A. Observations à partir d’un travail en cours.” BCH 135.1: 73-‐97. (French, Greek, and English abstracts, p. 73.) §20131329 Demetriou, Andreas, ed. 2011. Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία, 29 Απριλίου -‐ 3 Μαΐου 2008. Proceedings of the IV. International Cyprological Congress, Lefkosia, 29 April -‐ 3 May 2008. Volume I.1 and I.2: Ancient Section, Lefkosia: Society of Cypriot Studies. ISBN 978-‐9963-‐557-‐21-‐9. §20131330 Dysart, Matthew 2013. “Ovis/Capra, It’s What’s for Dinner; Preliminary Analysis of Faunal Material from a Minoan Settlement.” Chronika 3: 47-‐54. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Dysart.pdf (Abstract, p. 47.) §20131331 Efstratiou, Nikos, Carole McCartney, Panagiotis Karkanas, and Dimitris Kyriakou 2010. “An upland early site in the Troodos mountain.” RDAC: 1-‐26. (Greek abstract, p. 15.) §20131332 Egetmeyer, Markus, Artemis Karnava, and Massimo Perna 2011. “A corpus of Cypriot syllabic inscriptions of the first millennium BC.” Pp. 419-‐427 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Κόρπους κυπροσυλλαβικών επιγραφών της 1ης χιλιετίας π.Χ.,” p. 427; with plates 65-‐ 66.) §20131333 Emanuel, Jeffrey P. 2013. “‘Šrdn from the Sea’: The Arrival, Integration, and Acculturation of a ‘Sea People.’” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.1: 14-‐27. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/issue/view/1027 §20131334 Nestor 40.7 167 October 2013 Falconer, Steven E., Patricia L. Fall, John Hunt, and Mary C. Metzger 2010. “Agrarian Settlement at Politiko-‐Troullia, 2008.” RDAC: 183-‐198. (Greek abstract, p. 198.) §20131335 Feinman, Gary M. 2013. “Reenvisioning Ancient Economies: Beyond Typological Constructs.” AJA 117.3: 453-‐459. (Abstract, p. 453.) §20131336 Felten, Florens, Claus Reinholdt, Eduard Pollhammer, Walter Gauss, and Rudolfine Smetana 2011. “Ägina-‐Kolonna 2010. Vorbericht über die Grabungen des Fachbereichs Altertumswissenschaften/Klassische und Frühägäische Archäologie der Universität Salzburg.” ÖJh 80: 47-‐72. (English abstract, “Aegina-‐Kolonna 2010. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Department of Ancient Studies/Classical and Early Aegean Archaeology of the University of Salzburg,” p. 72.) §20131337 Ferrara, Silvia 2011. “The Archaeology of the Cypro-‐Minoan Script: Views from Enkomi and Ugarit.” Pp. 429-‐437 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Italian summary, “Il contesto archeologico del sillabario Cipro-‐ Minoico: La prospettiva da Enkomi e Ugarit,” pp. 436-‐437; with plates 67-‐68.) §20131338 Fourrier, Sabine 2010. “Un cratère à anses animales de Kition-‐Pampoula.” RDAC: 325-‐337. (Greek abstract, p. 332.) §20131339 Frankel, David 2011. “Understanding the Bronze Age Cemeteries at Deneia.” Pp. 439-‐447 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Κατανοώντας τα νεκροταφεία της εποχής του Χαλκού στη Δένεια,” p. 447; with plates 69-‐72.) §20131340 Frankel, David, Jennifer M. Webb, and Colin Pardoe 2010. “A note on human remains from Lefkosia-‐Agia Paraskevi.” RDAC: 177-‐182. (Greek abstract, p. 180.) §20131341 Fulcher, Lindsay, ed. 2013. “The martial arts of the Minoans.” Minerva 24.2: 5. §20131342 Galoukas, Stylianos F. 2011. “Environmental Evolution of Cyprus during the prehistoric times.” Pp. 469-‐475 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Περιβαλλοντική εξέλιξη της Κύπρου κατά τους προϊστορικούς χρόνους,” p. 475; with plates 73-‐75.) §20131343 Georgiadis, Mercourios 2011. “Child Burials in Mesolithic and Neolithic Southern Greece: A Synthesis.” Childhood in the Past: An International Journal 4.1: 31-‐45. §20131344 Nestor 40.7 168 October 2013 Georgiou, Giorgos 2011. “The central part of Cyprus during Middle Cypriot III to Late Cypriot IA period.” Pp. 477-‐483 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Το κεντρικό μέρος της Κύπρου κατά τη Μεσοκυπριακή ΙΙΙ και την Υστεροκυπριακή ΙΑ περίοδο,” p. 483; with plates 4-‐ 5.) §20131345 Girella, Luca 2010. “A wall-‐bracket from Phaistos.” Creta Antica 11: 159-‐172. (Summary, p. 167.) §20131346 Guilbeau, Denis and Burçin Erdoğu 2011. “Des ‘lames de Karanovo’ dans le site néolithique d’Uğurlu (île de Gökçeada, Turquie).” BCH 135.1: 1-‐19. (French, Greek, and English abstracts, p. 1.) §20131347 Gurova, Маria 2012. “‘Balkan Flint’ − fiction and/or trajectory to Neolithization: Evidence from Bulgaria.” Bulgarian e-‐Journal of Archaeology 2.1: 15-‐49. http://be-‐ja.org/issues/2012-‐2-‐1/Be-‐JA_2-‐1_2012_15-‐49.pdf (Bulgarian abstract, “‘Балканският флинт’ − фикция и/или траектория към неолитизацията: данни от България,” pp. 48-‐49.) §20131348 Hadjisavvas, Sophocles 2011. “Cypriot Thalassocracy: Myth or reality?” Pp. 491-‐498 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Κυπριακή θαλασσοκρατία: Μύθος ή πραγματικότητα,” p. 498.) §20131349 Hajifanis, George 2011. “Town planning in ancient Cyprus.” Pp. 485-‐490 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Πολεοδομία στην αρχαία Κύπρο,” p. 490; with plates 76-‐77.) §20131350 Harrison, Laura 2012. “The Emergence of Sociopolitical Complexity at Gournia: Local and Regional Perspectives.” Chronika 2: 22-‐30. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Harrison.pdf (Abstract, p. 22.) §20131351 Hatzopoulos, M. B. 2011. “‘Factoides’ et la date du Bronze d’Idalion.” Pp. 499-‐507 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “Factoids and the dating of the Idalion tablet,” p. 507.) §20131352 Hein, Irmgard and Ragna Stidsing 2013. “Accumulations: Updating the Role of Cypriot Bichrome Ware in Egypt.” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.3: 44-‐60. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/article/view/17557 §20131353 Hilts, Carly 2013. “Birdmen of Koutroulou Magoula.” Current World Archaeology 5.9 (57): 14. §20131354 Nestor 40.7 169 October 2013 Hitchcock, Louise A. 2011. “Cypriot Rural Sanctuaries in their larger eastern Mediterranean context.” Pp. 509-‐520 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Αγροτικά Ιερά της Κύπρου στο Πλαίσιο του Ευρύτερου Χώρου της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου,” p. 520.) §20131355 Hruby, Julie 2013. “The Palace of Nestor, Craft Production, and Mechanisms for the Transfer of Goods.” AJA 117.3: 423-‐427. (Abstract, p. 423.) §20131356 Hsu, Florence Sheng-‐chieh 2012. “Ritual Significance in Mycenaean Hairstyles.” Chronika 2: 92-‐102. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Hsu.pdf (Abstract, p. 92.) §20131357 Ivanova, Stefanka, Maria Gurova, Nikolai Spassov, Vasil Popov, Jana Makedonska, Tsanko Tzankov, and David S. Strait 2012. “Preliminary Findings of the Balkan Paleo Project: Evidence of Human Activity at the ‘Gateway’ of Europe During the Late Pleistocene.” Bulgarian e-‐Journal of Archaeology 2.2: 1-‐24. http://be-‐ ja.org/issues/2012-‐2-‐2/Be-‐JA_2-‐2_2012_1-‐24.pdf (Bulgarian abstract, “Предварителни резултати на ‘Балканския Палео Проект’: свиделства за човешка дейност на ‘прага’ на Европа през късния плейстоцен,” p. 24.) §20131358 Kapera, Zdzislaw 2011. “Cypriot antiquities in the Goluchów Paradis Terrestre.” Pp. 523-‐538 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Summary, p. 538; with plates 78-‐82.) §20131359 Karageorghis, Vassos 2011. Cypriote and Other Antiquities in the Collection of Angelos and Emily Tsirides. Nicosia: En Tipis Publications. ISBN 978-‐9963-‐691-‐ 54-‐8. (In collaboration with Demetra Papanikola-‐Bakirtzi, Anthi Kaldeli, Vassiliki Kassianidou, Evangeline Markou, Mary B. Moore, Maria G. Parani, Elena Pyiadji-‐Richter, Maria Socratous, Jennifer M. Webb, and Christine Winkelmann.) §20131360 Karageorghis, Vassos and Artemis Georgiou 2010. “A Corpus of Late Minoan III Pottery from Pyla-‐Kokkinokremos.” RDAC: 301-‐324. (Greek abstract, p. 324.) §20131361 Kiely, Thomas 2010. “An unpublished glazed ceramic bottle of Late Bronze Age date from the British Museum excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke in 1898.” RDAC: 291-‐ 300. (Greek abstract, p. 300.) §20131362 Kiely, Thomas 2011. “Episkopi-‐Bamboula. The rise and fall of a Late Cypriot urban settlement.” Pp. 549-‐560 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία. (Greek summary, “Επισκοπή-‐Παμπούλα. Η ακμή και η παρακμή του Υστεροκυπριακού αστικού οικισμού,” p. 560; with plates 87-‐89.) §20131363 Nestor 40.7 170 October 2013 Kızıldağ, Nilhan, A. Harun Özdas, and Atilla Uluğ 2012. “Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sea Level Changes in the Hisarönü Gulf, Southeast Aegean Sea.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 27.3: 220–236. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21407/full (Abstract, p. 220.) §20131364 Knapp, A. Bernard 2011. “Identity and Ideology: The Protohistoric Bronze Age.” P. 571 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131365 Knapp, A. Bernard 2013. The Archaeology of Cyprus: From Earliest Prehistory through the Bronze Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐ 521-‐89782-‐2 (hardback) and ISBN 978-‐0-‐521-‐72347-‐3 (paperback). §20131366 Knapp, A. Bernard 2013. “Cyprus and Egypt in the Late Bronze Age.” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.3: 1-‐9. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/article/view/17512 §20131367 Kostov, Ruslan I., Christo Protochristov, Chavdar Stoyanov, László Csedreki, Alíz Simon, Zita Szikszai, Imre Uzonyi, Bisserka Gaydarska, and John Chapman 2012. “Micro-‐PIXE Geochemical Fingerprinting of Nephrite Neolithic Artifacts from Southwest Bulgaria.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 27.5: 457–469. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21417/full (Abstract, p. 457.) §20131368 Kouli, Katerina 2012. “Vegetation development and human activities in Attiki (SE Greece) during the last 5,000 years.” Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21.4-‐5: 267–278. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00334-‐ 011-‐0336-‐9 (Issue title: Human landscapes and climate change during the Holocene; abstract, p. 267.) §20131369 La Rosa, Vincenzo 2010. “Antonino Di Vita e Creta.” Creta Antica 11: 15-‐21. (English summary, “Antonino Di Vita and Crete,” p. 21.) §20131370 La Rosa, Vincenzo 2010. “‘Rhytoid’ digressions from the Mesara.” Creta Antica 11: 23-‐44. (Summary, p. 44.) §20131371 La Rosa, Vincenzo 2011. “La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Introduzione.” Creta Antica 12: 127-‐130. §20131372 Le Brun, Alaine 2011. “La vie d’une communauté villageoise au Néolithique pré-‐ céramique récent: le cas de Khirokitia.” P. 572 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131373 Lebegyev, Judit 2009. “Phases of Childhood in Early Mycenaean Greece.” Childhood in the Past: An International Journal 2.1: 15-‐32. §20131374 Nestor 40.7 171 October 2013 Lemos, Irene S. 2010. “Lefkandi: Out of the Dark.” Current World Archaeology 4.3 (39): 18-‐27. §20131375 Lentini, Alessandro and Maria Rosaria Belgiorno 2011. “Archaeobotanical investigations at Pyrgos-‐ Mavroraki (Cyprus), preliminary results.” Pp. 573-‐588 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Αρχαιοβοτανικές έρευνες στον Πύργο-‐Μαυροράχη (Κύπρος): Προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα,” p. 588; with plates 90-‐102.) §20131376 Leriou, Anastasia 2011. “Maintaining cultural identities in Early Iron Age Cyprus: a view from Kition.” Pp. 603-‐604 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131377 Letesson, Quentin 2013. “Minoan Halls: A Syntactical Genealogy.” AJA 117.3: 303-‐ 351. (Abstract, p. 303.) §20131378 Lightbody, David Ian 2013. “Overseers of an Entangled Island: Hybrid Cultural Identities of Early Iron Age Cyprus.” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.3: 61-‐70. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/article/view/17551 §20131379 Lorentz, Kirsi O. 2011. “Human bioarchaeology of the Cypriot Chalcolithic: Analyses at Souskiou-‐Laona cemetary.” Pp. 613-‐622 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Ανθρώπινη βιοαρχαιολογία της Κυπριακής Χαλκολιθικής Περιόδου: Αναλύσεις στο νεκροταφείο Σουσκιού-‐ Λαόνα,” p. 622; with plates 103-‐108.) §20131380 Magyari, Enikő, Bisserka Gaydarska, Paul Pettitt, and John Chapman 2013. “Palaeo-‐ environments of the Balkan Lateglacial and their potential – were humans absent from the Garden of Eden?” Bulgarian e-‐Journal of Archaeology 3.1: 1-‐30. http://be-‐ja.org/issues/2013-‐3-‐1/Be-‐JA_3-‐1_2013_1-‐30.pdf (Bulgarian abstract, “Палео-‐екологична среда през късноледниковия период на Балканите и възможностите, които тя предлага – отсъстват ли хората от ‘Райската градина?’” pp. 29-‐30.) §20131381 Maliszewski, Dariusz 2009. “Forgotten Collections of the Bronze Age Trojan Antiquities: Braniewo, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Warsaw.” ArcheologiaWar 60: 7-‐17. (Abstract, p. 7.) §20131382 Maliszewski, Dariusz 2009-‐2012. “Frank Calvert i Heinrich Schliemann: Suplement do katalogu wysawy ‘Troja’.” Meander 64-‐67: 246-‐253. (English summary, “Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann: A Supplement to the Catalogue of the Exhibition ‘Troy,’” p. 364.) §20131383 Nestor 40.7 172 October 2013 Maliszewski, Dariusz 2010. “Bronze Age Senet Gaming Boards from the PAP Field Survey and Their Occurrence in Iron Age Cyprus.” RDAC: 169-‐175. (Greek abstract, p. 175.) §20131384 Marinatos, Nanno 2012. “Recent and Ongoing Egyptian-‐Aegean Interconnections Research.” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 4.4: 19. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/issue/view/1022 §20131385 Marinova, Elena, Wiebke Kirleis, and Felix Bittmann 2012. “Human landscapes and climate change during the Holocene.” Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21.4-‐5: 245–248. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00334-‐ 012-‐0361-‐3 (Issue title: Human landscapes and climate change during the Holocene.) §20131386 Marinova, Elena, Spassimir Tonkov, Elissaveta Bozilova, and Ivan Vajsov 2012. “Holocene anthropogenic landscapes in the Balkans: the palaeobotanical evidence from southwestern Bulgaria.” Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21.4-‐5: 413–427. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00334-‐ 011-‐0345-‐8 (Issue title: Human landscapes and climate change during the Holocene; abstract, p. 413.) §20131387 Mazow, Laura 2011. “Weaving together the strands of evidence: ‘Bathtubs’ reconsidered.” P. 623 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131388 McCartney, Andrew P., Ben Blakeman, David Collard, Paul Croft, Lisa Graham, Carole McCartney, and Leigh Stork 2010. “The Prasteio-‐Mesorotsos Archaeological Expedition: Second Preliminary Report of the 2009 Excavations.” RDAC: 53-‐76. (Greek abstract, p. 66.) §20131389 McCartney, Carole, Sturt W. Manning, and Sarah T. Stewart 2010. “Agia Varvara-‐ Asprokremmos 2009: Excavations, Radio-‐carbon Dating and Geo-‐Chemical Analysis of Chert Sources.” RDAC: 77-‐94. (Greek abstract, p. 85.) §20131390 Milán Quiñones de León, Ma Soledad 2011. “Relaciones de Egipto con la Creta minoica.” Pp. 13-‐26 in Grecia Ante Los Imperios. V Reunión de historiadores del mundo griego, eds. Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo, and Rocío Gordillo Hervás. Spal Monografías 15, Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN 978-‐84-‐472-‐1302-‐3. §20131391 Militello, Pietro 2011. “La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Una riconsiderazione della tavoletta HT 31 “ Creta Antica 12: 273-‐287. (English summary, “Tablet HT 31 and the pottery kiln from Ayia Triada,” p. 285.) §20131392 Nestor 40.7 173 October 2013 Mina, Maria 2011. “Flesh and Bones: evidence for the construction of personal and social identity on Neolithic and Bronze Age Cyprus.” Pp. 635-‐644 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Σάρκα και οστά: ενδείξεις για τη σύνθεση της προσωπικής και κοινωνικής ταυτότητας στην Κήπρο της Νεολιθικής και Πρώιμης Εποχής του Χαλκού,” p. 644.) §20131393 Müller Celka, Sylvie, Tobias Krapf, and Samuel Verdan 2011. “La céramique helladique du sanctuaire d’Apollon Daphnéphoros à Érétrie (Eubée).” BCH 135.1: 21-‐61. (French, Greek, and English abstracts, p. 21.) §20131394 Muskett, Georgina 2009. “Rites of Passage for Young Children in Mycenaean Greece “ Childhood in the Past: An International Journal 1.1: 38-‐48. §20131395 Nazaroff, Adam Joseph, Adnan Baysal, and Yahya Çiftçi 2013. “The Importance of Chert in Central Anatolia: Lessons from the Neolithic Assemblage at Çatalhöyük, Turkey.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 28.4: 340–362. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21427/full (Abstract, p. 340.) §20131396 Nowicki, Krzysztof 2009. “Report on Investigations in Greece. XII. Studies in 2004-‐ 2010.” ArcheologiaWar 60: 81-‐101. (Abstract, p. 81; with plates 12-‐17.) §20131397 Obershaw, Tina 2011. “Stirrup jars findings and Mycenaean influence in Cyprus.” Pp. 655-‐656 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131398 Palio, Orazio 2010. “Osservazioni sulla cronologia del Secondo Palazzo di Festós.” Creta Antica 11: 131-‐145. (English summary, “Chronological Remarks on the Construction of the Second Palace at Phaistos,” p. 145.) §20131399 Papadatos, Yiannis and Peter Tomkins 2013. “Trading, the Longboat, and Cultural Interaction in the Aegean During the Late Fourth Millennium B.C.E.: The View from Kephala Petras, East Crete.” AJA 117.3: 353-‐381. (Abstract, p. 353.) §20131400 Papadopoulos, Angelos 2011. “So where’s the battle? The iconography of violence in Bronze Age Cyprus.” P. 657 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131401 Papadopoulos, Thanasis and Litsa Papadopoulou-‐Kontorli 2011. “Links between NW Peloponnese and Cyprus during Late Bronze Age: the evidence of imported or imitation objects.” Pp. 659-‐665 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Σχέσεις μεταξύ ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου και Κύπρου κατά την ΥΕΧ: Οι μαρτυρίες από εισαγμένα αγγεία ή απομιμήσεις τους,” p. 665; with plates 112-‐115.) §20131402 Nestor 40.7 174 October 2013 Papasavvas, George 2011. “A missing ingot deity?” Pp. 667-‐679 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Ένα χαμένο μεταλλικό ειδώλιο θεάς,” p. 679; with plates 112-‐115.) §20131403 Pappa, Eleftheria 2012. “Framing Some Aspects of the Early Iron Age ‘Chronological Mess’: Aegean Synchronisms with the West and Their Significance for the Greek Geometric Series.” Kubaba 3: 2-‐38. http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/~kubaba/KUBABA/k_3_2012_texts/PAPPA_2012.pdf (Abstract, pp. 2-‐3.) §20131404 Parkinson, William A., Dimitri Nakassis, and Michael L. Galaty 2013. “Crafts, Specialists, and Markets in Mycenaean Greece: Introduction.” AJA 117.3: 413-‐ 422. (Abstract, p. 413.) §20131405 Pavlopoulos, Kosmas, Vasilios Kapsimalis, Katerina Theodorakopoulou, and Ioannis P. Panagiotopoulos 2012. “Vertical displacement trends in the Aegean coastal zone (NE Mediterranean) during the Holocene assessed by geo-‐archaeological data.” The Holocene 22.6: 717–728. http://hol.sagepub.com/content/22/6/717.full.pdf+html (Abstract, p. 717.) §20131406 Peltenburg, Edgar 2011. “The prehistoric centre of Souskiou in southwest Cyprus.” Pp. 681-‐689 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία. (Greek summary, “Το προϊστορικό κέντρο της Σουσκιού στη ΝΔ Κύπρο,” p. 689; with plates 121-‐126.) §20131407 Privatera, Santo 2010. “Lineare B ki-‐ta-‐no e l’industria tessile a Knossos in etá micenea.” Creta Antica 11: 147-‐157. (English summary, “Linear B ki-‐ta-‐no and Textile Production at Knossos in the Mycenaean Period,” p. 157.) §20131408 Puglisi, Dario 2010. “Dal ‘vassoio tripodato’ al kernos un set di ceramiche da Haghia Triada e il suo contributo alla conoscenza del rituale minoico.” Creta Antica 11: 45-‐129. (English summary, “From the ‘Tripod Tray’ to the Kernos: A LM IA Pottery Set from Haghia Triada and Its Contribution to the Knowledge of Minoan Ritual,” pp. 125-‐129.) §20131409 Puglisi, Dario 2011. “La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. Le ceramiche e il sistema di produzione, distribuzione e consumo “ Creta Antica 12: 199-‐271. (English summary, “The LM IB ceramic kiln at Hagia Triada: the pottery and the system of production, distribution and consumption,” pp. 268-‐271.) §20131410 Pullen, Daniel J. 2013. “Exchanging the Mycenaean Economy.” AJA 117.3: 437-‐445. (Abstract, p. 437.) §20131411 Randsborg, Klavs 2010. “Bronze Age Chariots.” ActaArch 81: 251-‐269. §20131412 Nestor 40.7 175 October 2013 Robinson, Andrew 2013. “Shake, rattle and roll.” Minerva 24.2: 16-‐19. §20131413 Rodriguez Ten, Elena 2011. “La ciudad de Mileto en el Bronce Final.” Pp. 27-‐36 in Grecia Ante Los Imperios. V Reunión de historiadores del mundo griego, eds. Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo, and Rocío Gordillo Hervás. Spal Monografías 15, Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN 978-‐84-‐472-‐1302-‐3. §20131414 Ruzi, Eugen 2013. “Investigating Compositional Variability among Early Neolithic Ceramics from Korça Region, Albania.” Chronika 3: 1-‐15. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Ruzi.pdf (Abstract, p. 1.) §20131415 Samaes, Melissa and Karin Nys 2010. “T.1, MLA 1173: an Extra-‐Urban Tomb of the Late Bronze Age Site near Hala Sultan Tekke.” RDAC: 199-‐248. (Greek abstract, p. 222; with Appendices: Hirschfeld, Nicolle, “A Painted Mark on a Mycenaean Krater Base from Hala Sultan Tekke, T. 1, MLA 1173,” pp. 229-‐232; Baeten, Jan, Patrick Degryse, and Dirk De Vos, “Residue analysis of a Late Helladic Flask from Hala Sultan Tekke, T. 1, MLA 1173,” pp. 233-‐237; Gubel, Eric and Joanna S. Smith, “A Cylinder Seal from Hala Sultan Tekke, T. 1, MLA 1173,” pp. 238-‐244; Lorentz, Kirsi O., “The Human Remains Recovered from Hala Sultan Tekke, T. 1, MLA 1173,” pp. 245-‐247.) §20131416 Senn, Heidi 2013. “Warrior Burials and the Elevation of a Military Elite in LHIIIC Achaia.” Chronika 3: 67-‐77. http://www.chronikajournal.com/resources/Senn.pdf (Abstract, p. 67.) §20131417 Shelmerdine, Cynthia W. 2013. “Economic Interplay Among Households and States.” AJA 117.3: 447-‐452. (Abstract, p. 447.) §20131418 Shillito, Lisa-‐Marie and Wendy Matthews 2013. “Geoarchaeological Investigations of Midden-‐Formation Processes in the Early to Late Ceramic Neolithic Levels at Çatalhöyük, Turkey ca. 8550–8370 cal BP.” Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 28.1: 25–49. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gea.21427/full (Abstract, p. 25.) §20131419 Simmons, Alan H. 2010. “Ais Giorkis, An Upland Early Aceramic Neolithic Site in Western Cyprus: Progress Report of the 1997-‐2009 Investigations.” RDAC: 27-‐ 51. (Greek abstract, p. 41.) §20131420 Smith, David Michael 2011. “Reconciling Identities in Life and Death: The Social Child in the Early Helladic Peloponnese.” Childhood in the Past: An International Journal 4.1: 46-‐62. §20131421 Nestor 40.7 176 October 2013 Smith, Joanna S. 2013. “From Egyptian to Egyptianizing in Cypriot Glyptic of the Late Bronze Age.” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.3: 10-‐43. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/jaei/article/view/17549 §20131422 South, Alison 2011. “An ivory disc with pictorial decoration from Kalavasos.” P. 711 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131423 Spanou, Sorina 2011. “Domestic architecture and house cycles in Early Prehistoric Cyprus: a diachronic view.” P. 712 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131424 Steel, Louise 2013. Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean. Routledge Studies in Archaeology 7, New York and London: Routledge. ISBN 978-‐0-‐415-‐53734-‐6 (hardback) and ISBN 978-‐0-‐203-‐11049-‐2 (ebook). §20131425 Sulpizio, R., M. C. Alçiçek, G. Zanchetta, and L. Solari 2013. “Recognition of the Minoan tephra in the Acigöl Basin, western Turkey: implications for inter-‐ archive correlations and fine ash dispersal.” Journal of Quaternary Science 28.4: 329–335. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2630/full (Abstract, p. 329.) §20131426 Taracha, Piotr 2009. “New Light on Relations between the Mycenaean World and Hittite Anatolia.” ArcheologiaWar 60: 19-‐26. (Abstract, p. 19.) §20131427 Tomasello, Francesco 2011. “La fornace da vasaio TM IB di Haghia Triada. L’impianto “ Creta Antica 12: 131-‐198. (English summary, “The LM IB Ceramic Kiln at Hagia Triada. The Layout,” pp. 197-‐198.) §20131428 van Wijngaarden, Gert Jan, Andreas Sotiriou, Georgia Kourtessi-‐Philippakis, Bart Bogaard, Pim Bloemendaal, Nienke Pieters, and Anke Stoker 2011-‐2012. “The Zakynthos Archaeology Project. Preliminary report on the 2010 season.” Pharos 18.2: 35-‐56. (Abstract, p. 35.) §20131429 Vandenabeele, Frieda 2011. “Les supports des petites terres cuites anthropomorphes Chypriotes du premier millénaire avant notre ère: formes et chronologie.” Pp. 749-‐753 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Summary, p. 753.) §20131430 Verhasselt, Gertjan 2011. “The Pre-‐Greek Linguistic Substratum. A Critical Assessment of Recent Theories.” ÉtCl 79.3-‐4: 257-‐283. §20131431 Vetters, Melissa 2011. “A Clay Ball with a Cypro-‐Minoan Inscription from Tiryns.” AA 2011.2: 1-‐49. (Abstract, p. 44.) §20131432 Nestor 40.7 177 October 2013 Vlassopoulou-‐Karydi, Maria 2010. Οι Αρκάδες: Η καταγωγή, ο χαρακτήρας, η διασπορά τους στην αρχαιότητα και η συμβολή τους στον πολιτισμό. The Arcadians: Origins, Character, Their Diaspora in Ancient Times and Their Contribution to Civilisation. Αθήνα: Λίκνο Γραφικών Τεχνών. ISBN 978-‐960-‐93-‐ 1828-‐0. §20131433 von Stein, Ilona and Gert Jan van Wijngaarden 2011-‐2012. “Just in time… assessing Cape Kaloyeros on Zakynthos before it is gone.” Pharos 18.2: 57-‐82. (Abstract, p. 57.) §20131434 Watrous, L. Vance, Donald Haggis, Krzysztof Nowicki, Natalia Vogeikoff-‐Brogan, and Maryanne Schultz 2012. An Archaeological Survey of the Gournia Landscape: A Regional History of the Mirabello Bay, Crete, in Antiquity. Prehistory Monographs 37, Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press. ISBN 978-‐1-‐931534-‐67-‐3. (With contributions by John Hayes, Angeliki Kossyva, and Eberhard Zangger.) §20131435 Webb, Jennifer M. 2011. “Central Cyprus in the early third millennium BCE: problems and prospects.” Pp. 755-‐765 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (Greek summary, “Κεντρική Κύπρος την πρώιμη Τρίτη χιλιετηρίδα π.Χ.: Προβλήματα και προοπτικές,” pp. 764-‐765; with plates 153-‐158.) §20131436 Williams, John Ll. W. 2010. “Basaltic Glass Fabrics in Cypriot and East Mediterranean White Slip Pottery: a petrographic and archaeological contribution.” RDAC: 273-‐290. (Greek abstract, p. 281.) §20131437 Zanchetta, Giovanni, Aurelien Van Welden, Ilaria Baneschi, Russell Drysdale, Laura Sadori, Neil Roberts, Marco Giardini, Christian Beck, Vincenzo Pascucci, and Roberto Sulpizio 2012. “Multiproxy record for the last 4500 years from Lake Shkodra (Albania/Montenegro).” Journal of Quaternary Science 27.8: 780–789. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2563/full (Abstract, p. 780.) §20131438 Καραγιώργης, Βάσος 2011. “Η Κυπριακή αρχαιολογία σήμερα. Επιτεύγματα και προοπτικές.” Pp. 77-‐86 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία. §20131439 Καραλή, Λίλιαν 2011. “Κύπρος και Αιγαίο, σύντομη επισκόπηση της Προϊστορικής πανίδας.” P. 87 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131440 Κέντη, Χαραλαμπία 2011. “Η τεχνολογία της υφαντικής και η εκμετάλλευση του χαλκού στην Έγκωμη με βάση στατιστικά δεδομένα των οικιστικών δαπέδων.” Pp. 89-‐100 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “The technology of weaving and the exploitation of copper at Enkomi on the basis of statistical data,” p. 100; with plates 6-‐8.) §20131441 Nestor 40.7 178 October 2013 Μηνά, Μαρία 2010. “Η Μελέτη του σώματος ως μέσο ανάλυσης της Κοινωνικής ταυτότητας στη Χαλκολιθική και Πρωτοκυπριακή Κύπρο.” RDAC: 95-‐111. (English abstract, p. 106.) §20131442 Ξαγοράρη-‐Γκλάισνερ, Μαρία 2011. “Κύπριοι στή Μερέντα;” Pp. 171-‐179 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (German summary, “Waren die Zyprioten in Merenta?” p. 179; with plates 22-‐24.) §20131443 Πανταζής, Βαγγέλης Δ. 2011. “Από τους qa-‐si-‐re-‐we της Γραμμικής Β στους pa-‐si-‐le-‐ se της Κύπρου.” Pp. 181-‐205 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “From the qa-‐si-‐re-‐we of Linear B to the pa-‐si-‐le-‐ se of Cyprus,” pp. 204-‐205.) §20131444 Πετροπούλου, Αγγελική 2011. “Το λιβάνι και η σμύρνα στη λατρεία της Παφίας Αφροδίτης.” Pp. 233-‐250 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “Incense and myrrh in the worship of Paphian Afrodite,” p. 250; with plates 30-‐31.) §20131445 Ρεθεμιωτάκης, Γιώργος and Μαρία Εγγλέζου 2010. Το γεωμετρικό νεκροταφείο της Έλτυνας. Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Αρχαιολογικό Ινστιτούτο Κρητολογικών Σπουδών 4, Ηράκλειο: Αρχαιολογικό Ινστιτούτο Κρητολογικών Σπουδών. ISBN 978-‐960-‐89004-‐1-‐7. §20131446 Σταμπολίδης, Νικόλαος 2011. “Αποδεικνύοντας μεθοδικά τις σχέσεις -‐ Κυπριακά ευρήματα της ΠΕΣ στην νεκρόπολη της Ελεύθερνας.” P. 268 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. §20131447 Χατζηδημητρίου, Κάτια 2011. “Σκέψεις και προβληματισμοί για την κοινωνία στην αρχαία Κύπρο όπως προκύπτουν από τις πηγές και τις επιγραφές.” Pp. 313-‐ 322 in Πρακτικά του Δ’ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου. (English summary, “Thoughts and speculations for the society in ancient Cyprus as they are evident in sources and epigraphies,” p. 322.) §20131448 Гюрова, Мария 2011. “Етнографски и археологически дикани: трансрегионална перспектива.” Bulgarian e-‐Journal of Archaeology 1.1: 1-‐39. http://be-‐ja.org/issues/2011-‐1-‐1/Be-‐JA_1-‐1_2011_1-‐39.pdf (English abstract, “Ethnographic and archaeological tribula: trans-‐regional perspective,” pp. 38-‐ 39.) §20131449 Нехризов, Георги, Силвия Иванова, and Деян Лесигярски 2012. “Бронзова куха брадва от Хасковско.” Bulgarian e-‐Journal of Archaeology 2.1: 73-‐78. http://be-‐ja.org/issues/2012-‐2-‐1/Be-‐JA_2-‐1_2012_73-‐78.pdf (English abstract, “A Bronze Age socketed axe from the region of Haskovo,” pp. 77-‐78.) §20131450 179 Nestor 40.7 October 2013 BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADDENDA Abbreviations used in this section: Austausch von Gütern, Ideen Kyriatsoulis, Apostolos, ed. 2008. Tagung -‐ Austausch §20131486 und Technologien in der von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis Ägäis und im östlichen Mittelmeer von der prähistorischen bis zu der archaischen Zeit. 19.-‐21.05.2006 in Ohlstadt/Obb. Deutschland. Συνέδριο -‐ Εμπόριο: Διακίνηση και ανταλλαγή αγαθών, ιδεών και τεχνολογίας στο Αιγαίο και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο από την προϊστορική μέχρι την αρχαϊκή εποχή. Weilheim/Obb.: Verein zur Förderung der Aufarbeitung der Hellenischen Geschichte. Σύλλογος για την Μελέτη και Διάδοση της Ελληνικής Ιστορίας. ISBN 978-‐3-‐936300-‐47-‐5. Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Michaud, Jean-‐Marc, ed. 2007. Le royaume d’Ougarit de §20131495 Crète à l’Euphrate la Crète à l’Euphrate: Nouveaux axes de recherche. Actes du Congrès International de Sherbrooke 2005, Faculté de théologie, d’éthique et de philosophie, Université de Sherbrooke, 5-‐8 juillet 2005. Collection Proche-‐Orient et Littérature Ougaritique. Sherbrooke (Québec): Productions G.G.C. Itée. ISBN 978-‐2-‐89444-‐226-‐5. Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer – Neuvorlage, Volume 1 Wemhoff, Matthias, Dieter Hertel, and Alix Hänsel, eds. §20131516 2008. Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage. Volume 1: Forschungsgeschichte, keramische Funde der Schichten VII bis IX, Nadeln, Gewichte und durchlochte Tongeräte, Berliner Beiträge zur Vor-‐ und Frühgeschichte, Neue Folge 14, Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin -‐ Preussischer Kulturbesitz. ISBN 978-‐3-‐88609-‐626-‐8. Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες Λυριτζής, Ιωάννης, ed. 2008. Νέες τεχνολογίες στις §20131520 αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. Αθήνα: Gutenberg. ISBN 978-‐960-‐01-‐1211-‐5. ADDENDA Artzy, Michal 2008. “Die Küste des Karmelgebirges, Zypern und die Ägäis: Internationaler Handel in der Späten Bronzezeit (14. -‐ frühes 12. Jh. v.Chr.).” Pp. 131-‐144 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Έκθεση σχετικά με τρεις αποικίες: Εισαγωγές της Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού ΙΙ σε παράκτιες εγκαταστάσεις στις υπώρειες της οροσειράς Καρμέλ,” p. 141.) §20131451 Nestor 40.7 180 October 2013 Becks, Ralf 2006-‐2007. “Ein Kultbau der Spätbronzezeit in Troia.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 6-‐7: 61-‐72. (Abstract, p. 61; issue title: Cult and Sanctuary through the Ages (From the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Symposium, Častá-‐Papiernička, 16-‐19 November 2007: Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology and to the 15th anniversary of Trnava University.) §20131452 Beekes, R. S. P. 2003. The Origin of the Etruscans. Mededelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde 66.1, Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. ISBN 90-‐6984-‐369-‐2. §20131453 Bobokhyan, Arsen 2008. “Bronze Age Balance Weights in the Berlin Schliemann Collection: Their Identification and Reconstruction of the Archaeological Context.” Pp. 271-‐294 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131454 Boulotis, Christos 1987. “The Aegean Area in Prehistoric Times: Cults and Beliefs about the Sea.” Pp. 20-‐35 in Greece and the Sea: Catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Benaki Museum, and the National Foundation De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam in honour of Amsterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 1987, Amsterdam, De Nieuwe Kerk, 29 October -‐ 10 December 1987, ed. Delivorrias, Angelos. Athens: The Greek Ministry of Culture and the Benaki Museum, Athens. §20131455 Briggs, Daphne Nash 2007. “Home Truths from Travellers’ Tales: On the Transmission of Culture in the European Iron Age.” Pp. 15-‐29 in Communities and Connections: Essays in Honour of Barry Cunliffe, eds. Gosden, Chris, Helena Hamerow, Philip de Jersey, and Gary Lock. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐19-‐923034-‐1. §20131456 Brönner, Melitta 2008. “Zyprische Keramikimporte in der Berliner Sammlung.” Pp. 175-‐176 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131457 Buchholz, Hans-‐Günter 2008. “Ägyptische Fayenceperlen als mittelbronzezeitlicher Vasenschmuck auf Zypern.” Pp. 489-‐497 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Αιγυπτιακές χάνδρες από φαγεντιανή,” p. 497.) §20131458 Budin, Stephanie Lynn 2004. The Ancient Greeks: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐19-‐537984-‐6. §20131459 Caubet, Annie 2007. “À propos des arts de luxe à Ougarit.” Pp. 267-‐283 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131460 Nestor 40.7 181 October 2013 Ceserani, Giovanna 2008. “Wilamowitz and Stratigraphy in 1873: A Case Study in the History of Archaeology’s ‘Great Divide.’” Pp. 75-‐87 in Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of Its History, eds. Schlanger, Nathan and Jarl Nordbladh. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-‐1-‐84545-‐066-‐3. (Abstract, p. 75.) §20131461 Coldstream, J. N. 2008. Greek Geometric Pottery: A survey of ten local styles and their chronology. Updated second ed. Exeter, Devon: Bristol Phoenix Press. ISBN 978-‐ 1-‐904675-‐81-‐5. §20131462 Conolly, James and Matthew Campbell, eds. 2008. Comparative Island Archaeologies. BAR-‐IS 1829, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐0313-‐0. §20131463 Dawson, Helen 2008. “Unravelling ‘mystery’ and process from the prehistoric colonization and abandonment of the Mediterranean Islands.” Pp. 105-‐133 in Comparative Island Archaeologies, eds. Conolly, James and Matthew Campbell. BAR-‐IS 1829, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-‐1-‐4073-‐0313-‐0. §20131464 Delivorrias, Angelos, ed. 1987. Greece and the Sea: Catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Benaki Museum, and the National Foundation De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam in honour of Amsterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 1987, Amsterdam, De Nieuwe Kerk, 29 October -‐ 10 December 1987. Athens: The Greek Ministry of Culture and the Benaki Museum, Athens. §20131465 Devetzi, Tania 2008. “Το γόητρο της πέτρας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Οι μαρτυρίες από τον προϊστορικό οικισμό του Ακρωτηρίου.” Pp. 57-‐84 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Das Ansehen der Steine im östlichen Mittelmeer: Zeugnisse aus Akrotiri/Thera,” p. 83.) §20131466 Doumas, Christos 2008. “Τι έφεραν οι Αργοναύτες από την Κολχίδα; Οι ενδείξεις από το Ακρωτήρι Θήρας.” Pp. 39-‐56 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Was brachten die Argonauten aus Kolchis zurück? Hinweise aus Akrotiri/Thera,” p. 53.) §20131467 Duru, Refik and Gülsün Umurtak 2005. Höyücek: 1989-‐1992 Yılları Arasında Yapılan Kazıların Sonuçları. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. ISBN 975-‐16-‐1664-‐6. (English summary, “Höyücek: Results of the Excavations 1989-‐1992,” pp. 151-‐231.) §20131468 Flourentzos, Pavlos 2008. “Η Λεμεσός της Κύπρου: Νέα στοιχεία σχετικά με την προϊστορία της και οι σχέσεις της με το Αιγαίο.” Pp. 145-‐155 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. ISBN 978-‐3-‐936300-‐47-‐5. (German abstract, “Limassol auf Zypern: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Vorgeschichte der Stadt und deren Beziehungen zur Ägäis,” p. 154.) §20131469 Nestor 40.7 182 October 2013 Gaedtke-‐Eckardt, Dagmar-‐Beatrice 2008. “Die Funde aus den Schliemann-‐ Grabungen in der Sammlung des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität Göttingen.” Pp. 307-‐351 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131470 Gosden, Chris, Helena Hamerow, Philip de Jersey, and Gary Lock, eds. 2007. Communities and Connections: Essays in Honour of Barry Cunliffe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐19-‐923034-‐1. §20131471 Hadjisavvas, Sophokles 2008. “Υλικά και Τεχνική από την Ανατολή -‐ Τέχνη και Αρχιτεκτονική από το Αιγαίο.” Pp. 403-‐420 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Material und Technik aus dem Osten -‐ Kunst und Architektur aus dem Westen (Ägäis),” p. 416.) §20131472 Hänsel, Alix 2008. “Die handgemachte Keramik der VII. Ansiedlung in der Berliner Sammlung.” Pp. 57-‐92 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131473 Hertel, Dieter 2008. “Die Geschichte der Erforschung Trojas.” Pp. 19-‐27 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131474 Hertel, Dieter 2008. “Die frühe griechische Keramik in der Berliner Sammlung.” Pp. 93-‐173 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131475 Hiller, Stefan 2008. “Ägyptische Entlehnungen im Griechischen. Zeugnis für bronzezeitlichen Ideentransfer.” Pp. 185-‐203 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Ο δανεισμός αιγυπτιακών λέξεων στην ελληνική γλώσσα, έκφραση της μεταφοράς ιδεών κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού,” p. 202.) §20131476 Hirschfeld, Nicolle 2008. “The potmarks from Troy VI-‐VII in the Berlin Schliemann Collection.” Pp. 301-‐306 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131477 Höckmann, Olaf 2008. “Wadj-‐Wer, Yamm und Poseidon. Frühe Schiffahrt im östlichen Mittelmeer.” Pp. 85-‐100 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Βάντι-‐Βερ, Γιαμ και Ποσειδών,” pp. 97-‐98.) §20131478 Nestor 40.7 183 October 2013 Hoffman, Gail L. 2005. “Defining identities: Greek artistic interaction with the Near East.” Pp. 351-‐389 in Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies on Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE, eds. Suter, Claudia E. and Christoph Uehlinger. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 210, Fribourg and Göttingen: Academic Press and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 3-‐7278-‐1509-‐4 (Academic Press Fribourg) and ISBN 3-‐525-‐53004-‐8 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). (With plates 52-‐54.) §20131479 Hübner, Ulrich 2008. “Südjordanien in der Eisenzeit als Kontaktzone zwischen Mittelmeer, Arabien und Mesopotamien.” Pp. 205-‐220 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Η νότια Ιορδανία την εποχή του σιδήρου, ζώνη επαφών μεταξύ Μεσογείου, Αραβίας και Μεσοποταμίας,” p. 218.) §20131480 Husser, Jean-‐Marie 2007. “Adonis et le chasseur tué: chasse et érotisme dans les mythes ougaritiques.” Pp. 545-‐565 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131481 Joffe, Alexander H. 2006. “The Rise of Secondary States in the Iron Age Levant. Archaeological and Historical Considerations.” Pp. 67-‐112 in Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and History, eds. Yoffee, Norman and Bradley L. Crowell. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐8165-‐2418-‐1 and ISBN 0-‐8165-‐2418-‐1. §20131482 Kerschner, Michael, Ireen Kowalleck, and Martin Steskal 2008. Archäologische Forschungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Ephesos in geometrischer, archaischer und klassischer Zeit: Grabungsbefunde und Keramikfunde aus dem Bereich von Koressos. Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 9, Wien: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Wien. ISBN 978-‐3-‐900305-‐49-‐9. §20131483 Knauss, Jost 2008. “Prähistorische Grundwasserbrunnen rund um die Ägäis.” Pp. 471-‐487 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der. (Greek abstract “Προϊστορικές κρήνες (πηγάδια) στην περιοχή του Αιγαίου. Η οικοδόμηση τους,” p. 486.) §20131484 Kontorli-‐Papadopoulou, Litsa 2008. “Ανασκαφές του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων στη Βόρεια Ιθάκη 1994-‐2007.” Pp. 519-‐532 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der. (German abstract, “Ausgrabungen der Universität Ioannina auf Nord-‐Ithaka 1994-‐2007,” p. 531.) §20131485 Nestor 40.7 184 October 2013 Kyriatsoulis, Apostolos, ed. 2008. Tagung -‐ Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis und im östlichen Mittelmeer von der prähistorischen bis zu der archaischen Zeit. 19.-‐21.05.2006 in Ohlstadt/Obb. Deutschland. Συνέδριο -‐ Εμπόριο: Διακίνηση και ανταλλαγή αγαθών, ιδεών και τεχνολογίας στο Αιγαίο και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο από την προϊστορική μέχρι την αρχαϊκή εποχή. Weilheim/Obb.: Verein zur Förderung der Aufarbeitung der Hellenischen Geschichte. Σύλλογος για την Μελέτη και Διάδοση της Ελληνικής Ιστορίας. ISBN 978-‐3-‐936300-‐47-‐5. §20131486 Liverani, Mario 1988. Antico Oriente: Storia, Società, Economia. Roma-‐Bari: Editori Laterza. ISBN 88-‐420-‐3266-‐2. §20131487 Mani, Clément and Jean-‐Yves Monchambert 2007. “Les ateliers de production céramique à Ougarit: nouvelles recherches.” Pp. 175-‐199 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131488 Marchegay, Sophie 2007. “Les pratiques funéraires à Ougarit à l’Âge du Bronze.” Pp. 423-‐447 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131489 Mark, Samuel 2005. Homeric Seafaring. Ed Rachal Foundation Nautical Archaeology Series. College Station: Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 1-‐58544-‐391-‐3. §20131490 Masetti-‐Rouault, Maria-‐Grazia 2007. “La Route du Moyen-‐Euphrate à la fin de l’Âge du Bronze.” Pp. 141-‐161 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131491 Matoïan, Valérie 2007. “Un cachet conoïde en ‘faïence’: témoin inédit des derniers temps de l’histoire d’Ougarit ou artefact postérieur à la destruction de la cité?” Pp. 201-‐218 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131492 Matthäus, Hartmut 2005. “Toreutik und Vasenmalerei im früheisenzeitlichen Kreta: Minoisches Erbe, lokale Traditionen und Fremdeinflüsse.” Pp. 291-‐350 in Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies on Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE, eds. Suter, Claudia E. and Christoph Uehlinger. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 210, Fribourg and Göttingen: Academic Press and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 3-‐7278-‐1509-‐4 (Academic Press Fribourg) and ISBN 3-‐525-‐ 53004-‐8 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). (With plates 42-‐51.) §20131493 Mazar, Amihai and Robert A. Mullins, eds. 2007. Excavations at Tel Beth-‐Shean 1989-‐1996. Volume 2: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Strata in Area R, The Beth-‐Shean Valley Archaeological Project Publication 2, Jerusalem: The Beth-‐ Shean Valley Archaeological Project at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. ISBN 965-‐221-‐065-‐X. (With contributions by B. Brandl, C. Clamer, R. Bankirer, U. Baruch, A. Cohen-‐Weinberger, D. Collon, L. Gershuni, M. E. Kislev, A. M. Maeir, O. Marder, A. Mazar, R. A. Mullins, O. Simchoni, J. Yellin, Y. Melamed, S. Shalev, S. Shilstein, S. Wimmer, N. Yahalom-‐Mack, and A. Yasur-‐Landau.) §20131494 Nestor 40.7 185 October 2013 Michaud, Jean-‐Marc, ed. 2007. Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate: Nouveaux axes de recherche. Actes du Congrès International de Sherbrooke 2005, Faculté de théologie, d’éthique et de philosophie, Université de Sherbrooke, 5-‐8 juillet 2005. Collection Proche-‐Orient et Littérature Ougaritique. Sherbrooke (Québec): Productions G.G.C. Itée. ISBN 978-‐2-‐89444-‐226-‐5. §20131495 Mountjoy, Penelope A. 2008. “The Mycenaean Pottery from Troy in the Berlin Schliemann Collection.” Pp. 29-‐55 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131496 Neuss, Ottomar 2008. “Die neusten Forschungsergebnisse zum Diskos von Phaistos.” Pp. 285-‐292 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. §20131497 Otto, Brinna 2008. “Die Anfänge des Aphroditekults auf Zypern.” Pp. 333-‐361 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Η λατρεία της Αφροδίτης στην Κύπρο,” p. 356.) §20131498 Palyvou, Clairy 2008. “Η κοσμοπολίτικη Ουγκαρίτ και τα ‘Αιγαιακά’ στοιχεία της οικιστικής αρχιτεκτονικής της.” Pp. 453-‐469 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Der kosmopolitische Hafen von Ras Shamra-‐Ugarit und die ‘ägäischen’ Elemente seiner Hausarchitektur,” p. 469.) §20131499 Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis 2008. “Geschenk oder Handel? Zu den Gaben der Ägäischen Prozessionen in den Thebanischen Privatgräbern.” Pp. 167-‐183 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Δώρα ή εμπόριο; Σχετικά με τις προσφορές των αιγαιακών πομπών στους αιγυπτιακούς ιδιωτικούς τάφους των Θηβών,” p. 179.) §20131500 Platon, Levteris 2008. “Η υιοθέτηση στην Κρήτη της δεύτερης χιλιετίας π. Χ. θρησκευτικών ιδεών και πεποιθήσεων προερχομένων από τον ευρύτερο χώρο της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου.” Pp. 305-‐331 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Die Akzeptanz religiöser Ideen und Überzeugungen aus dem weiteren ostmediterranen Raum im Kreta des zweiten vorchristlichen Jahrtausends,” p. 325.) §20131501 Recke, Matthias 2008. “Die völkerverbindende Bedeutung der Südküste Kleinasiens.” Pp. 221-‐244 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Η σημασία της νότιας ακτής της Μικράς Ασίας στην επικοινωνία των λαών κατά την δεύτερη και αρχές της πρώτης χιλιετηρίδας,” p. 242.) §20131502 Nestor 40.7 186 October 2013 Riederer, Josef 1987. Archäologie und Chemie -‐ Einblicke in die Vergangenheit. Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Rathgen-‐ Forschungslabor. ISBN 3-‐88609-‐212-‐7. §20131503 Rousioti, Dimitra 2006-‐2007. “Aspects of Religion in Late Bronze Age Greece: Urban Shrines in the Peloponnese.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 6-‐7: 389-‐395. (Abstract, p. 389; issue title: Cult and Sanctuary through the Ages (From the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Symposium, Častá-‐Papiernička, 16-‐19 November 2007: Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology and to the 15th anniversary of Trnava University.) §20131504 Saherwala, Geraldine 2008. “Zur Geschichte der Heinrich-‐Schliemann-‐Sammlung im Berliner Museum für Vor-‐ und Frühgeschichte.” Pp. 11-‐17 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131505 Sakellariou, Michalis 1987. “Greece and the Sea: A Historical Outline.” Pp. 36-‐53 in Greece and the Sea: Catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Benaki Museum, and the National Foundation De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam in honour of Amsterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 1987, Amsterdam, De Nieuwe Kerk, 29 October -‐ 10 December 1987, ed. Delivorrias, Angelos. Athens: The Greek Ministry of Culture and the Benaki Museum, Athens. §20131506 Schalk, Emily 2008. “Die Bronzenadeln in der Berliner Sammlung.” Pp. 183-‐226 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131507 Schlanger, Nathan and Jarl Nordbladh, eds. 2008. Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of Its History. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-‐1-‐84545-‐066-‐3. §20131508 Sürenhagen, Dietrich 2008. “Schriftsysteme und Schriftgebrauch in der Ägäis, dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum und im Alten Orient während des 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr.” Pp. 245-‐283 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Η χρήση της γραφής και συστημάτων γραφής στο Ανατολικό Αιγαίο και τη δυτική Μικρά Ασία,” p. 283.) §20131509 Suter, Claudia E. and Christoph Uehlinger, eds. 2005. Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies on Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 210, Fribourg and Göttingen: Academic Press and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 3-‐7278-‐1509-‐4 (Academic Press Fribourg) and ISBN 3-‐525-‐ 53004-‐8 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). §20131510 Nestor 40.7 187 October 2013 Tremblay, François, ed. 1989. Turkey: Splendours of the Anatolian Civilizations. Québec: Musée de la civilisation. ISBN 2-‐551-‐12300-‐3. §20131511 Tzalas, Harry E. 2008. “Η πρώιμη θαλάσσια μεταφορά Οψιανού της Μήλου.” Pp. 157-‐165 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (German abstract, “Der Transfer von Obsidian aus Milos in der prähistorischen Zeit,” p. 162.) §20131512 Vita, Juan-‐Pablo 2007. “Les documents des archives est du Palais royal sur les textiles: une contribution à la connaissance de la procédure administrative à Ougarit.” Pp. 243-‐265 in Le royaume d’Ougarit de la Crète à l’Euphrate. §20131513 Völling, Elisabeth 2008. “Die durchlochten Tonobjekte in der Berliner Sammlung.” Pp. 227-‐270 in Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage, Volume 1. (Bibliography, pp. 353-‐377; color plates, pp. 379-‐384.) §20131514 Weisgerber, Gerd and Ünsal Yalçın 2008. “Das Schiff von Uluburun und der montanarchäologische Hintergrund seiner Fracht.” Pp. 101-‐129 in Austausch von Gütern, Ideen und Technologien in der Ägäis. (Greek abstract, “Το πλοίο της Ύστερης Χαλκοκρατίας από το Uluburun -‐ Προέλευση και προορισμός του σημαντικού φορτίου του,” p. 125.) §20131515 Wemhoff, Matthias, Dieter Hertel, and Alix Hänsel, eds. 2008. Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer -‐ Neuvorlage. Volume 1: Forschungsgeschichte, keramische Funde der Schichten VII bis IX, Nadeln, Gewichte und durchlochte Tongeräte, Berliner Beiträge zur Vor-‐ und Frühgeschichte, Neue Folge 14, Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin -‐ Preussischer Kulturbesitz. ISBN 978-‐3-‐88609-‐626-‐8. §20131516 West, M. L. 2007. Indo-‐European Poetry and Myth. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐19-‐928075-‐9. §20131517 Yoffee, Norman and Bradley L. Crowell, eds. 2006. Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and History. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. ISBN 978-‐0-‐8165-‐2418-‐1 and ISBN 0-‐8165-‐2418-‐1. §20131518 Zdravkova-‐Dimitrova, Yana 2006-‐2007. “From Late Bronze to Early Iron Age -‐ Thracian Sancturaries in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountain -‐ Bulgaria.” Anodos: Studies of the Ancient World 6-‐7: 493-‐507. (Abstract, p. 493; issue title: Cult and Sanctuary through the Ages (From the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity). Proceedings of the International Symposium, Častá-‐Papiernička, 16-‐19 November 2007: Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology and to the 15th anniversary of Trnava University.) §20131519 Nestor 40.7 188 October 2013 Λυριτζής, Ιωάννης, ed. 2008. Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. Αθήνα: Gutenberg. ISBN 978-‐960-‐01-‐1211-‐5. §20131520 Λυριτζής, Ι., Β. Ζαφειρόπουλος, and Κ. Φωτάκης 2008. “Αναλύσεις χρωστικών σε έργα τέχνης. Ειδική περίπτωση: Αρχαιομετρικές αναλύσεις αγιογραφιών του Σπύρου Παπαλουκά στην Ιερά Μητρόπολη.” Pp. 125-‐170 in Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. (Abstract, p. 125.) §20131521 Μπασιάκος, Ι. and Ν. Ζαχαρίας 2008. “Αρχαιομετρικές προσεγγίσεις για τη μελέτη της Πολιτισμικής Κληρονομιάς.” Pp. 295-‐336 in Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. (Abstract, p. 295.) §20131522 Παπαοδυσσέας, Κωνσταντίνος 2008. “Προσδιορισμός της Τεχνοτροπίας Φημισμένων Τοιχογραφιών Ακρωτηρίου Θήρας του 1650 π.Χ., με Χρήση Γενικής Μεθοδολογίας.” Pp. 483-‐516 in Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. (Abstract, p. 483.) §20131523 Σαρρής, Απόστολος 2008. “Επίγειες και Δορυφορικές Τεχνικές Τηλεπισκόπησης και Χαρτογράφησης Αρχαιολογικών Θέσεων.” Pp. 177-‐211 in Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. (Abstract, p. 177.) §20131524 Σπαντιδάκη, Γιούλη and Christophe Moulherat 2008. “Αρχαιολογία των υφασμάτων: Ένας νέος κλάδος στην υπηρεσία της γνώσης και της κατανόησης των ανθρώπινων κοινωνιών.” Pp. 53-‐64 in Νέες τεχνολογίες στις αρχαιογνωστικές επιστήμες. (Abstract, p. 53.) §20131525
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