The Word - February, 2012 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 the word Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church In Brief BIBLE STUDIES THIS MONTH “Pursuing our spiritual life” February 3- 9-10:30 am Women’s Faith & Fellowship February 8 - 10 - 11:30 am Morning Meditations February 29 - 7:30 pm Bread for Life Bible Study Valentine’s Day and Great Lent T his month is Valentine’s Day―the day on which the theme is love, intimacy, romance. It’s a very beautiful celebration and reminder of love. Also, this month Great Lent begins in the Orthodox Church on February 27th. I think that Valentine’s Day and Great Lent are very similar in that the focus is on Love. The Bible says in John 3:16, “that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Brothers and sisters, that’s just one quote from God’s love letter to us, the Bible. That quote is His little Valentine’s Day card to us! So how does all this connect to Lent? Because Great Lent―40 days of prayer, fasting, etc.―is a time to refocus on the love relationship God seeks to have with us. Perhaps we have been ignoring that relationship. Perhaps we have taken God for granted and we rarely think about Him and the personal love He has for us. Great Lent is the beautiful time during which we have the opportunity to refocus our priorities and concentrate on our love relationship with God. There are many additional Church services during Lent (Wednesdays and Fridays) which afford us more time to spend with Jesus, the One who loves us. IMPORTANT DATES The fasting that we undertake during Lent shows our lover, Jesus, that He is the most important affection in our life, not food. Therefore, a little sacrifice of our intake of food enhances our relationship with Christ and makes Him the priority. And in a physical way, fasting is simply healthy for our body. Don’t we want to look good and take care of our bodies for the ones who love us (our Lord who created us, our spouse, and ourselves)? Also, in a relationship we all make mistakes. We say things, and we can be hurtful to the ones February 4 - Parish Family Dance we love. But we must always say we are sorry and ask for forgiveness to reconcile the relationship. During Lent we have the opportunity to reflect on our sins and mistakes and ask February 27 – Lent Begins March 4 - New Families’ Welcome God for forgiveness―through participating in the prayers of the many services, and also Saturday of Souls is a day set aside for commemoration of the dead. These days are devoted to prayer for departed relatives and others among the faithful. You may give names of your departed loved ones to Fr. Chris for prayers on these days. February 18 & 25, March 3 through the Sacrament of Confession. And God shows His tender mercy, love and forgiveness every time. Finally, Great Lent is the perfect time to re-discover the Bible, God’s living love letter to humanity. When we read His Word we are entering into a deep and intimate relationship, and He speaks to us softly and gently through His loving and living Word. Commit to reading the Bible every day for the 40 days of Lent. It will change your life! A Blessed Lent to all. Kali Sarakosti (and Happy Valentine’s Day) Fr. Christopher Visit our web site for more information on our church. 1 The Word - February, 2012 PARISH DIRECTORY Clergy Fr. Christopher Makiej, Parish Priest Dn. Sal Fazio Parish Deacon Parish Council Ed George, President John Terzakis, Vice President Jim Panagas, Secretary Robert Trant, Treasurer Chris Alexandrou Leonard Banos Jim Demetroulakos Maria Gudinas Jean Koulouris Nicholas Miminos Valerie Murphy Steve Pithis Peter Souhleris Buzz Stapczynski George Tasiopoulos Philoptochos Sandra Spanos Johnson, President Chanter Telly Papanikolaou Choir John Fugarino, Director Organist David Harvey Altar Boy Captain Panos Coufos Sunday School Dorothy Hatzikonstantis, Director Greek School Voula Nikitas Christian Lending Library Rachel Pantely, Director GOYA Advisors Connie Vergados, Sue Terzakis, Gina LaFortune GOYA President Panos Coufos JOY Advisor Patty Trant Youth Choir Pres. Katerina Makiej Book Store Manager Elaine Demetroulakis Church Office Karen Davies Internet Ministry Nick Kalanzakos AHEPA Steven Pithis Daughters of Penelope Elaine Kevgas College Fellowship Telly Papanikolaou Young Professionals Ministry John Makiej Facilities George Perakis Archons James Lolos Telly Papanikolaou The Word Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor “Cookies for Charity” Bake Sale From left to right: Gina LaFortune, Joanne McArdle, Sue Terzakis, Lisa Primes, Elena Primes, Sandra Spanos Johnson Philoptochos Thank you to all the parishioners who either baked and/or bought cookies for our first “Cookies for Charity” bake sale. It was a great success. A special thank you to the event chairs, Lisa Primes, Sue Terzakis, and Presbytera Katerina. You can look forward to that again next year! Our Shoes for Orphan Souls drive has once again started under the guidance of Patty Trant. A collection box for new shoes, shoelaces, and socks for boys and girls of all ages will be in the Atrium from January 15th until March 25th. The shoes and socks will be distributed to orphans in the United States and seventy-three countries. Please see either Patty or me if you have any questions. Sunday, February 5th will be our annual “Go Red for Women” day. Please wear red to support the American Heart Association’s mission to increase awareness of the number one killer in women, heart disease. Stewardship is now due. Please send in your donation so that we can count you as a member of Philoptochos. Philoptochos is an amazing group of women who serve the church by aiding various worthwhile causes such as the Autism Assistance Fund, St. Basil’s Academy, and National Campus Ministry as well as our own parishioners who may have a need. If you are considering joining, please feel free to come to a meeting or to talk to one of the members. New Family Sunday is March 4th. We will be hosting the coffee hour to welcome the new families to the parish. There is no regular meeting in February. There will be a Board meeting on March 1st . The next regular monthly meeting will be on March 15th at 7:00 pm. With sisterly love, Sandra Spanos Johnson …to Christopher Primes, , our internet administrator, who received the coin at our Vasilopeta celebration this year. May he receive God’s blessings this year and always. 2 The Word - February, 2012 2012 Parish Council From left to right: Steve Pithis, Jean Koulouris, Leonard Banos, Chris Alexandrou, Peter Souhleris, John Terzakis (Vice President), Nicholas Miminos, Ed George (President), Robert Trant (Treasurer), Jim Panagas (Secretary), Jim Demetroulakos, George Tasiopoulos, Buzz Stapczynski, Maria Gudinas, Valerie Murphy Parish Council Notes Dear Parishioners, At our General Assembly last November, we reported on conversations that had begun with the Andover Country Day School (ACDS) administration. The School, which has been located at St. Robert’s Church in Andover for 43 years, was looking for a new home, and had expressed interest in our facility. Their interest involved leasing classroom space in the basement of our church initially from September 2012 to June 2013 and, we hope, into the future. We drafted a lease agreement which ACDS considered and agreed to sign. Now that we have a legal document in place, we will convene a working group made up of representatives from the Parish Council, the Sunday and Greek schools and GOYA. It will deal with the many details that must be addressed before the fall. Please know that this arrangement will not interfere with the operations of either the Sunday school or Greek school in any way as it meets Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am until 2 :00 pm. Neither does it involve use of our Community Center or its kitchen. In the coming weeks you are likely see newspaper ads and flyers which indicate the School’s relocation to our facility. The purpose of this letter is to let you know that the Parish Council, with the approval of the General Assembly, has thoroughly evaluated and endorsed this relationship. Not only will it enhance the parish’s visibility in the community, but it will also be a wise rental use of our classrooms during a non-use time. This relationship further demonstrates that Sts. Constantine and Helen is willing to support a valuable community resource that has served children for nearly 50 years. The program has a sterling reputation, and our church is proud to become affiliated with it. This will not be the last update on this subject. As the relationship progresses, we will keep the parish fully informed. In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to call or email us at anytime. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Fr. Christopher Makiej Parish Priest Ed George Parish Council President 3 The Word - February, 2012 Sunday School News GOYA Sunday School Updates It is great to see all the Sunday school students back in class after a busy holiday season. In January the students learned about the baptism of Jesus. It is wonderful to watch them actively participate and to hear their inquisitive questions. Hello everyone, I hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start! This past month, GOYA enjoyed an outing to the Amesbury Sports Park for some tubing, and Papa Gino’s for dinner. A tremendous thank you goes out to all the chaperones and to our advisors for helping make that day very fun. GOYA also had its monthly meeting with a discussion led by Father Chris, Deacon Sal, and pastoral assistant, Mr. Kent. Our gratitude is once again extended to them for their continuous involvement with the group. Furthermore, please keep an eye out for e-mails regarding upcoming meetings and GOYA events. If you would like to be on the GOYA contact list, e-mail me at [email protected] with your name and e-mail address. All children in grades 7―12 are invited to join our GOYA at any time. Charitable Events January through March the ladies of Philoptochos are collecting Shoes for Orphan Souls. Please consider bringing in some new children’s shoes to help those in need. Sunday School Calendar Ahead: February 19―Winter break, no classes March 18―Oratorical Festival~Our local parish festival St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival! Students have started preparing for the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival this year. Students from 7th through 12th grades can participate at the local, district and national levels. This year we are also opening it up to younger students who can participate in the local parish festival only and will not be formally judged. The purpose of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is to provide teenagers with an opportunity to learn, write, and speak about their Orthodox Faith, Church, and Heritage. This strengthens their understanding and appreciation of their identity as Greek Orthodox Christians, and cultivates spiritual growth and maturity. The overall Oratorical program is called an Oratorical Festival rather than a contest to minimize the competitive spirit and emphasize a joyful learning experience. You can find the Topics, the Topic Tips, and Bibliography at There is also information on how the presentations are judged and links to prior national festival winner speeches. Please encourage your children to participate in this worthy event and opportunity for them to enrich their spiritual walk. All my best, Panos Coufos G OYA President Sunday School Hat and Mittens Drive Results: Through your generous donations the Sunday School collected a total of 246 brand new hats, scarves, and mittens this December. Thank you to all the parishioners for your extreme generosity! Your very thoughtful and generous donations were in great need and very much appreciated by the Lazarus House. You helped many families in need this winter stay warm. Once again thank you! The Bookstore See you in Sunday school! Mrs. Hatzikonstantis John Andreadis, after many years of dedicated service fulfilling the needs of a grateful community by overseeing the bookstore, has decided to pass the reins on to others. The time and care he has put into his efforts have been greatly appreciated, and with his support I will attempt to continue the service he has so lovingly provided. Please remember that the bookstore is a place of enlightenment and enjoyment for all, so stop in and browse. We are planning, as one of our first efforts, to stock copies of Father Chris’s “Top Ten Books” from the list e-mailed to parish members, representing readings that should be part of every Orthodox Christian’s life. The Word Volume 14, Issue 1 Published monthly except August and January by Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 71 Chandler Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone 978-470-0919 vFax 978-470-0239 If you would like to assist in the bookstore on any given Sunday or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], or look for me in the bookstore. Periodicals postage paid at Andover, MA. Permit No. 022-997. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sts. Constantine & Helen Church. A happy and healthy new year to all! Sincerely, Elaine Demetroulakos Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor. [email protected] 4 The Word - February, 2012 Annual Golf Classic J O Y Scheduled Happy and healthy new year everyone! JOY kicked off the The Saints Constantine and Helen 13th Annual Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, June 4, 2012 at the fabulous Meadow Creek Golf Club in Dracut, MA. Remember that this is a major fund raiser that has earned our community nearly $200,000 in revenue over 12 years. So let’s continue our tradition by simply enjoying a beautiful day of golf, a delicious dinner banquet and wonderful prizes. Truly a day to remember. Sincerely, Steven Pithis, Golf Committee new year with our church meeting on Sunday, January 22nd. Deacon Sal continued the is discussion on how “Orthodoxy is Cool” and the children enjoyed a pizza lunch. The next JOY outing will take place on Saturday, February 11th, at Laser Craze in North Andover. We will meet at Laser Craze, 1600 Osgood Street, North Andover at 3:30 pm for a fun game of laser tag and pizza afterwards. The cost is $10 per person. Parents and siblings are more than welcomed to participate. Please RSVP to [email protected] by February 3rd with the number of people attending. Sunday, February 5th is Scout Sunday. Any JOY children who are members of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts are invited to wear their uniforms to church. The scouts participating in the awards program will be receiving their religious medals. All children ages 7―11 are welcomed to attend all of the JOY outings and church meetings. If your child would like to attend, please feel free to come to the next JOY event. In Christ, Patty Trant Ed George appointed to the Metropolis Council Our Parish Council President, Ed George has been appointed by His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios to serve on the Metropolis of Boston Council.. METROPOLIS OF BOSTON WINTER CAMPS IN FEBRUARY At the beautiful Camp and Retreat Center, Contookook, NH. Ed George was appointed to this position as he is known as one of the most dynamic Council Presidents in the Metropolis. He has taught and led Metropolis District Parish Council seminars together with Fr. Christopher, and his vision of stewardship and leadership as a professional and dedicated churchman is widely recognized by His Eminence and throughout the Metropolis. GOYA Winter Camp (grades 7-12) February 17–20 FAMILY CAMP (all ages) February 24-26 For more info, go to Congratulations Ed! The Philoptochos Society “Shoes for Orphan Souls” Shoe Drive: This winter the Ladies of Philoptochos Society have again chosen to support Shoes for Orphan Souls. Through this ministry, Shoes for Orphan Souls has collected and distributed more than 1.8 million pairs of new shoes to at-risk children in the United States and to orphans in 68 countries around the world. Although this has made a difference in many lives, there are still millions of children in need. For more information on the Shoes for Orphan Souls ministry you may visit their website at The Philoptochos Society is collecting brand new shoes, socks, and shoelaces for orphaned children now through April 3, 2011. We are accepting all types of children’s shoes and shoe sizes for both girls and boys. Please place all donated items in the “Shoes for Orphans” boxes, decorated by the Sunday school children, and located in the Atrium of the Church. We are also accepting monetary donations. If you cannot purchase shoes and wish to make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to The Philoptochos Society and write “Shoes for Orphans” on the check memo line and on the front of the envelope. Checks may be dropped off or mailed to the church office. There are millions of children living in poverty that we can reach this winter all through a pair of shoes. All donations are greatly appreciated. Your generosity will provide shoes for orphans who otherwise would remain barefooted. Thank you for your generosity! 5 The Word - February, 2012 Family Friday Night – ALONE WITH GOD Close to 400 people attended December’s special Family Night to hear guest speaker Fr. Maximos, a monk of Mt. Athos and former Harvard Professor. Fr. Maximos captivated the audience for almost two hours, as he elaborated beautifully and eloquently about the most important three things for Orthodox Christians: Personal Prayer life, Go to Church, Read the Bible and holy edifying books. Following the retreat, Fr. Maximos stayed late into the evening and greeted many parishioners and blessed them. 6 The Word - February, 2012 Parishioner PETER SOUHLERIS stars in new Reality TV Show, “Flipping Boston.” We are proud to announce that active parishioner and Parish Council member, Peter Souhleris is the main character on a new reality TV show called, "Flipping Boson" on the A&E Network. Peter is a committed and active Greek Orthodox Christian of our parish. He is an Usher, serves on the Parish Council and most recently was the designer of the new look of our Parish Grand Hall interior. Peter also operates the Christian Angel Foundation, which provides Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets to hundreds of families in need throughout the Merrimack Valley. We are very proud of Peter's accomplishments and we wish him every success with his new show!! Go to the A&E website to find out more about “Flipping Boston!” Ted and Rhonda Primes for once again generously donating the Epiphany water bottles. Elaine Kevgas for donating the Christmas wreaths, Christmas window lights, and for decorating the Church and Hall for Christmas. John Hagigeorges for all his work as head food preparer for the “Alone with God” Family Friday Night in December. Christine Pastore who prepared and donated the salad for Family Friday Night. Victor and Margo Vogis for their generous donation of our beautiful community calendar, in memory of their beloved son, Victor G. Vogis. Bob and Patty Trant for leading the HELP FOR THE HUNGRY ministry. 26 Turkeys were collected for the poor and hungry over the holidays. 7 The Word - February, 2012 8 The Word - February, 2012 χέρια του έπαρχου έφτυσε τον Άγιο στο πρόσωπο. Αμέσως γύρισε το κεφάλι του ηγεμόνα προς τα πίσω. ΑΓΙΟΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ Ο Άγιος Χαράλαμπος έζησε την εποχή που αυτοκράτορας ήταν ο Σέβηρος. Ο Άγιος Χαράλαμπος ήταν Ιερέας στην πόλη Μαγνησία της Μικράς Ασίας και δίδασκε την Χριστιανική πίστη. Ο Σέβηρος ξεκίνησε τον διωγμό κατά των Χριστιανών και ο έπαρχος Λουκιανός σύνελαβε και δίκασε τον Άγιο Χαράλαμπο επειδή ήταν Χριστιανός. Ο Λουκιανός ζήτησε από τον Άγιο να αρνηθεί τον Χριστό και να προσκυνήσει τα είδωλα. Τότε η πόλη της Μαγνησίας παρακάλεσε τον Άγιο να θεραπεύσει τους άρχοντες. Πράγματι ο Άγιος προσευχήθηκε και οι άρχοντες θεραπεύτηκαν. Ο ηγεμόνας μετά από αυτά τα θαύματα έπαψε τον διωγμό των Χριστιανών και άφησε τον Άγιο ελεύθερο. Ο Αυτοκράτορας Σέβηρος εξοργίσθηκε με αυτά τα νέα και διέταξε να οδηγήσουν τον Άγιο στην Ρώμη με καρφιά μπηγμένα στην πλάτη του. Για 15 στάδια τον έσερναν πίσω από ένα άλογο, μέχρι που το άλογο μίλησε και είπε¨ « Τρισκατάρατοι δεν βλέπετε ότι ο Θεός είναι μαζί με αυτόν τον άνθρωπο? Ο Άγιος απάντησε ότι τα είδωλα είναι άψυχα ενώ ο πραγματικός Θεός θαυματουργεί και θεραπεύει ανίατες ασθένειες. Η απάντησε του εξόργισε τον έπαρχο Λουκιανό. Αμέσως αφαίρεσαν την ιερατική σχολή του Αγίου και έγδαραν το σώμα του. Κατά την διάρκεια των βασανιστηρίων ο Άγιος προσευχόταν και ευχαριστούσε τους βασανιστές του. Οι υπηρέτες απορούσαν πως ο Άγιος συμπεριφερόταν έτσι. Δύο από τους Δήμιους ο Πορφύριος και Βάπτος πίστεψαν στον Χριστό και μαρτύρησαν δια αποκεφαλισμού. Μετά από αυτά ο Λουκιανός θύμωσε και αποπειράθηκε να χτυπήσει τον Άγιο. Τα χέρια του Λουκιανού κόπηκαν στο ύψος των αγκώνων και μείναν κρεμασμένα στο σώμα του Άγιου. Ο ηγεμόνας βλέποντας τα κομμένα Λύστε τον» και αμέσως αυτοί φοβήθηκαν και τον έλυσαν. Ο Αυτοκράτορας Σεβηρος έφερε ένα δαιμονιζόμενο μπροστά στον Άγιο και ο Άγιος αμέσως τον θεράπευσε. Ακόμη και η κόρη του αυτοκράτορα η Γαλήνη έγινε Χριστιανή. Παρ’ολα αυτά ο αυτοκράτορας έδωσε εντολή να τον αποκεφαλίσουν. Ο Άγιος όμως παρέδωσε την ψυχή του πριν προλάβει ο δήμιος να τον αποκεφαλίσει σε ηλικία 113 ετών. Η Γαλήνη διέσωσε το λείψανο του Άγιου , το έβαλε σε ένα χρυσό σεντούκι με μύρα και αρώματα και το ενταφίασε. Η μνήμη του τιμάται στις 10 Φεβρουαρίου. 9 The Word - February, 2012 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church 71 Chandler Road ♦ Andover, MA 01810 ♦ 9784700919 2012 Christian Stewardship Commitment Stewardship is returning to God a fair proportion of the resources He has given us. In gratitude for God’s blessings, I/We pledge to contribute to Christ’s work: TORCHBEARERS q $5,200 ($100 weekly) and up Total annual pledge $________________ GOOD SHEPHERDS q $2,600 to $5,100 ($50-$98 weekly) Total annual pledge $ —––––––––––––- PACESETTERS q $1,000 to $2,500 ($20-$48 weekly) Total annual pledge $_______________ CONTRIBUTORS q Other Total annual pledge $_______________ Please check box and enter the total annual pledge on the right. CONFIDENTIAL: May not be distributed or reproduced / For Authorized Parish Personnel Only Yes, we will support God’s work through our Church. Here is our Commitment of Faith for the year 2012. NAME: _____________________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________ STATE: ___________________________ ZIP: ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CHILDREN: NAME DOB _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ To make your giving easier, use the weekly stewardship envelopes that you receive in the mail to make your regular contributions. 10 The Word - February, 2012 February 2012 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Sunday 5 Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 Presentation of our Lord to the Temple Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 9:30 6 7 Greek School 4:30 pm 8 Morning Meditations 10:00 am 12 Prodigal Son Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 13 14 Greek School 4:30 pm 15 19 Judgement Sunday Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 20 Presidents' Day 21 Parish Council Mtg 7:15 pm 22 28 Greek School 4:30 pm 29 Pre-sanctified Liturgy 6:00 pm Friday Saturday 3 Women's Faith and Fellowship 9:00 - 10:30 am 9 4 Parish Family Dinner Dance 6:30 - 11:00 pm 10 11 JOY Outing Laser Craze 3:30 pm 16 17 GOYA Winter Camp MBC Feb. 17 to 20 Contoocook, NH 18 First Saturday of Souls Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 9:30 23 24 Family Winter Camp MBC Feb. 24 to 26 Contoocook, NH 25 Second Saturday of Souls Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 9:30 Scout Sunday School Vacation Week Meatfare GOYA 6:00 pm 26 Forgiveness Sunday Orthros 9:00 Liturgy 10:00 27 Lent Begins Clean Monday Presentation of our Lord to the Temple Cheesefare 11 The Word - February, 2012 Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 71 Chandler Road Andover MA 01810 Periodical 12
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