MISSOC – www.missoc.org Greece Organisation of social protection 1/1/2014 Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare Ministry of Finance ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ General Secretariat for Social Security (GGKA) Main insurance Supplementary insurance Sickness benefits in cash Labour Employment Office (OAED) Unemployment Family benefits General Secretariat for Welfare Family protection Social solidarity Protection of people with disabilities General Accounting Office (GLK) Main insurance for civil servants Social Insurance Institute for employees in the private sector and civil servants entering the public sector from 1/1/2011 (IKA-ETAM) Social Security Organisation for the Self-Employed (OAEE) Agricultural Insurance Organisation (OGA) Clinics for chronic diseases Insurance Fund for Independent Professionals (ETAA) Insurance Fund for the Mass Media Personnel (ETAP-MME) Mariners’ Insurance Fund (NAT) Centres for recovery and rehabilitation of children with disabilities National Organisation for Health Care Services Provision (EOPYY) United Supplementary Insurance Fund (ETEA) 9 Supplementary Insurance Branches within Main Insurance Funds Welfare Funds (TPDY, TAPIT) & welfare branches within Main Insurance Funds Providing contributory lump-sum benefits Centres for children’s protection Sickness benefits in kind United Fund for Supplementary Insurance of Journalists (EDOEAP) Supplementary Insurance Fund for Certain Employees Categories in the Banking Sector (ETAT) Supplementary Fund for Civil Servants (MTPY) National Centre of Social Solidarity (EKKA) Ministry of Health Provides dividend Pre retirement benefits 9 Occupational Funds of Voluntary Supplementary Insurance (TEA-YPOIK, ETAO, TEA-ELTA, TEAGE, TEA Casino Personnel, TEA-EEKE, TEA-ETDEA, TEA-J&J/JC, TEA-Interamerican) 4 Occupational Funds of Mandatory Supplementary Insurance (TEAYFE, TEAYET, ETEAPEP, TEAEAPAE) National Institute for Deaf People (EIK) Centre of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind People (KEAT) Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection Supplementary and Welfare Insurance for People Employed in Public Safety Forces (TEAPASA) MISSOC – www.missoc.org Greece The Greek Constitution of 1975, revised in 2001, established the principle of the "Social State" by means of provisions guaranteeing to a large extent social protection. In particular, Article 22 § 5 concerning social security lays down the obligation of the State to provide social security for all working population. The social security system operates through self-governed social security organisations and covers the working population throughout the country. It is divided into 3 pillars: the system of main and supplementary / auxiliary insurance (1st pillar), the occupational-supplementary nd systems (2 pillar – optional and mandatory) and the private insurance policies (3rd pillar – optional). The first pillar is typically based on the pay-as-you-go system, while the second one is a funded scheme. Most insurance funds are within the competence of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare (ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ). The system covers the risks of sickness (in cash and kind), maternity-paternity, old-age, invalidity, death and unemployment. Affiliation to a scheme depends on the nature and the type of work performed. The funds providing main insurance are presented in some more detail below: The main insurance institution is the Social Insurance Institute (IKA-ETAM, ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ-ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΜΙΣΘΩΤΩΝ) to which the majority of salaried workers and other categories of employees are affiliated. Farmers, agricultural employees and certain categories of self-employed persons are affiliated to the Agricultural Insurance Organisation (ΟΓΑ, ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ). The fund for the self-employed is the Social Security Organisation for the Self-Employed (OAEE, ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΝ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΩΝ) for craftsmen, businessmen, hotel owners and professional drivers. Medical professionals, lawyers and engineers are insured with the Insurance Fund for Independent Professionals (ETAA, ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΑ ΑΠΑΣΧΟΛΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ). People employed in the mass media (i.e. people dealing with the circulation of the Press, photo-reporters, editors, journalists and other persons employed in the mass media) are insured with the Insurance Fund for the Mass Media (ETAP-MME, ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟΥ ΜΕΣΩΝ ΜΑΖΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗΣ). Mariners are affiliated with the Mariners’ Insurance Fund (NAT, ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟ ΑΠΟΜΑΧΙΚΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ). Civil servants are insured with the General Accounting Office (GLK, ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΟΓΙΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ), which operates under the Ministry of Finance. However, persons who enter the public sector from 1/1/2011 onwards are insured with IKA-ETAM. There are also sectors and branches for supplementary insurance (supplementary pension and lump sum allowance) on a compulsory and contributory basis, which operate either within the funds which provide main insurance or as independent funds. The different supplementary funds are incorporated into the United Supplementary Insurance Fund (ETEA, ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ), which provides supplementary pension and operates since 1 July 2012. nd Moreover, there is a 2 pillar supplementary pension system, on a voluntary basis, which includes nine occupational insurance funds on a voluntary basis and four on a mandatory basis. The National Organisation for Healthcare Services Provision (EOPYY, ΕΝΙΑΙΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΑΡΟΧΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ - ΕΟΠΥΥ) provides sickness benefits in kind and operates since 1/1/2012 under the Ministry of Health. For sickness benefits in cash the insured persons are covered by their main insurance funds. OAED (Labour Employment Office) is a special institution in charge of the risk of unemployment; it is also in charge of family benefits. Each insurance institution is subject to a different legislation. In some cases the benefits, the conditions for granting these benefits and the corresponding formalities differ from one institution to the other. Such differences have been significantly reduced after the reform laws Nos. 2084/1992, 3655/2008, 3863/2010, 3996/2011, 4093/2012 etc. which have introduced pension provisions harmonising pension conditions for all. The overall objective of above laws is to introduce a reform that, focusing on preserving the public, universal, compulsory and redistributive nature of social security, will ensure the system’s social fairness and its long-term sustainability. The foundation of the new system, that rationalises the pension system of the country, is the separation between the basic pension (ΒΑΣΙΚΗ) and the proportional pension (ΑΝΑΛΟΓΙΚΗ). The basic changes introduced by the new social security law No. 3863/2010 are the following: a unified system to manage resources of the health branch of the social security organisations (EOPΥY), the establishment of Service Centres for the Insured Persons (ΚΕΝΤΡΑ ΕΞΥΠΗΡΕΤΗΣΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΜΕΝΩΝ - KEA), a unified pension system with common terms and conditions, a unified system for pensioners who undertake a job after their retirement, a unified institution for the determination of incapacity (Κέντρα Πιστοποίησης Αναπηρίας ΚΕΠΑ – Centres for Certifying Incapacity KEPA) and a unified regulation determining the rates of incapacity (Κανονισμός Εκτίμησης Βαθμού Αναπηρίας ΚΕΒΑ – Regulation for Determination of level of Incapacity), a unified and permanent list of heavy and unhealthy professions (Κανονισμός Βαρέων και Ανθυγιεινών Επαγγελμάτων ΚΒΑΕ – Regulation of Heavy and Unhealthy Professions), new processes of insurance for workers who are occupied occasionally (for example at home) and are paid per hour or per day (ΕΡΓΟΣΗΜΟ – Work Stamp), incentives for employees to extend their working life and disincentives to retire early, a unified method via banking system for all transactions in the field of labour relations, a unified mechanism to control the payment of social security contributions (ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΕΙΣΠΡΑΞΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΙΣΦΟΡΩΝ (ΚΕΑΟ) of Law No. 4172/13), a unified centre of control and payment of pensions (HELIOS- ΗΛΙΟΣ – Ενιαίο Σύστημα Ελέγχου και Πληρωμών Συντάξεων), an online information system linking registers, the General Secretariat of Information Systems (Γενική Γραμματεία Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων), social security institutions, the E-Government Centre for Social Security SA (ΗΔΙΚΑ- Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης ΑΕ) and notaries, aimed at fighting fraud and error in social security benefits, the socalled ARIADNE System (Σύστημα ΑΡΙΑΔΝΗ) (Law No. 4144/13), a unified system to regulate debts to the institutions of social security (Laws Nos. 4152/13, 4158/13 and 4180/13), a better regulation of the system of successive insurance, separation of the health branch and services from the pension system, the age of retirement is associated with the increase of the life expectancy (valid from 1/1/2019). In order to ensure the future (from 2019 onwards) financing of the pension branches of the social security bodies and in the context of inter-generational solidarity, the Generational Solidarity Insurance Fund (ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΎΗΣ ΓΕΝΕΏΝ AKAGE) is established, with resources paid into it from 1/1/2009. The public authorities intervene against possible fraud in order to preserve the general interest and see to the correct application of legislation and provisions by the social security organisations (Insurance Funds). All the above-mentioned social security institutions are administered by administrative boards in which the representatives of the insured, the pensioners, the employers and the State participate. Important addresses ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΔΙΑΚΡΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΣΤΑΔΙΟΥ 29 10110 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΕΕ ΣΤΑΔΙΟΥ 29 10110 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΜΙΣΘΩΤΩΝ (IKA-ETAM) ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΧΑΛΚΟΚΟΝΔΥΛΗ 17 10241 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΝ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΩΝ (OAEE) ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΧΩΝ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΕΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΟΥ 5 104 31 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΑ ΑΠΑΣΧΟΛΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ (ETAA) ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΣΜΕΔΕ – ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΟΛΟΚΟΤΡΩΝΗ 4 10561 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΣΑΥ-ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΑΧΑΡΝΩΝ 27, 104 39 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΑΝ – ΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΣΩΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ 53, 104 31 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΠΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ (ΟΓΑ) ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΕΕ ΠΑΤΗΣΙΩΝ 30 10170 ΑΘΗΝΑ ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟ ΑΠΟΜΑΧΙΚΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ (ΝΑΤ) ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗΣ 1 185 31 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΠΑΣΧΟΛΗΣΕΩΣ ΕΡΓΑΤΙΚΟΥ ΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΟΥ (ΟΑΕΔ) ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΙΜΕΡΩΝ ΣΥΜΒΑΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗΣ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΝΟΝΙΣΜΩΝ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗΣ 8 17342 ΑΝΩ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΚΙ ΕΝΙΑΙΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΑΡΟΧΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ (ΕΟΠΥΥ) ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΛΕΩΦΟΡΟΣ ΚΗΦΙΣΙΑΣ 39 15123 ΜΑΡΟΥΣΙ, ΑΘΗΝΑ ΕΝΙΑΙΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ (ΕΤΕΑ) ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ 13-15 ΑΘΗΝΑ MINISTRY OF LABOUR, SOCIAL SECURITY AND W ELFARE General Secretariat for Social Security Directorate for International Relations Stadiou Street 29 10110 ATHENS www.ggka.gr MINISTRY OF LABOUR, SOCIAL SECURITY AND W ELFARE Directorate International Relations Section E.U. Stadiou Street 29 10110 ATHENS C.P. www.ypakp.gr SOCIAL INSURANCE INSTITUTE (IKA-ETAM) Directorate for International Relations Chalkokondili 17 10241 ATHENS www.ika.gr SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATION FOR THE SELF-EMPLOYED (OAEΕ) DIRECTORATE FOR PENSIONS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SECTION Agiou Konstantinou Street 5 104 31 ATHENS www.oaee.gr INSURANCE FUND FOR INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONALS (ETAA) www.etaa.gr Section for Engineers – TSMEDE Kolokotroni Street 4 1 10561 ATHENS www.tsmede.gr Section for Medicals – TSAY Aharnon Street 27 10439 ATHENS www.tsay.gr Section for Lawyers – TAN Socratous Street 53 10431 ATHENS www.tnomik.gr AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANISATION (OGA) Service for public and international relations Section E.U. Patission Street 30 10170 ATHENS C.P. www.oga.gr MARINERS’ INSURANCE FUND (ΝΑΤ) Ethnikis Antistaseos Street 1 185 31 PIRAEUS www.nat.gr LABOUR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE (OAED) Directorate Insurance Section bilateral relations and implementation of EU directives Ethnikis Antistassis Street 8 17342 ANO KALAMAKI C.P. www.oaed.gr NATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR HEALTHCARE SERVICES PROVISION (EOPYY) DIRECTORATE OF INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE RELATIONS (EOPYY) Kifissias Avenue 39 151 23 MAROUSSI ATHENS http://www.eopyy.gov.gr UNITED SUPPLEMENTARY INSURANCE FUND (ETEA) Filellinon Street 13-15 ATHENS
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