The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS · 60714 — PHONE (847) 647-8880 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) MAY 2011 ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHRIST IS RISEN! Albanian: Khrishti unjal! Vertet unjal! Arabic: Al Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm! Finnish: Kristus nousi Kuolleista! French: Le Christ est ressuscite! En verite il est ressuscite! Georgian: Kriste ahzdkhah! Chezdmaridet! German: Christus ist erstanden! Wahrlicit ist er erstanden! Japanese: Harisutosu Siochatsu! Makoto-ni Siochatsu! Latin: Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit! Polish: Khristus zmartvikstau! Zaiste smartvikstau! Romanian: Hristos a inviat! Adevarat a inviat! Russian: Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese! Serbian: Christos vaskres! Vaistinu vaskres! Spanish: Christos ha resucitado! En verdad ha resucitado! Ukrainian: Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres! SACRAMENTS AND BLESSINGS WORSHIP SCHEDULE MAY 2011 BLESSINGS OF INFANTS—Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, imitating Christ who was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call the church office to arrange this blessing. Sunday, May 1—Sunday of Thomas 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Sunday, May 8—The Holy Myrrh-Bearers 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy BAPTISMS—Please call the church office to schedule Baptisms. Plan ahead!—there are some days when Baptisms are not performed. Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent and that a child is supposed to be given but one name when he or she is baptized. Sunday, May 15— 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School (Last Day of Sunday School) 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy WEDDINGS—Please arrange an appointment with Fr. Dean at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. Wednesday, May 18—Mid-Pentecost 8:30 am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy CONFESSION—Confessions are arranged by appointment. Please call the church office to schedule Confession. Saturday, May 21—Ss. Constantine and Helen 8:30 am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy MINISTRY TO PERSONS WHO ARE SICK—Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) should contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. Sunday, May 22 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Sunday, May 29 8:15 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Please inform the church office if your loved one is hospitalized! Most hospitals no longer inform us when they receive patients from our parish. OUR SISTER COMMUNITIES of Ss. Constantine and Helen (Palos Hills, Rockford, Milwaukee, and Merrillville) invite you to Vespers on Friday evening, May 20th, and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, May 21st, in honor of the Feastday of Ss. Constantine and Helen. (Liturgy WILL BE celebrated at St. Haralambos on May 21st.) MEMORIAL SERVICES—Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Customarily, these services are offered at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and at 3 years. When three years have passed, the departed are more properly remembered on the Saturdays of the Souls. 2011 STEWARDSHIP DID YOU KNOW?... As of April 12, 338 Stewards have committed $196,870 For Stewardship in 2011! OUR CHURCH’S TEACHING ABOUT CREMATION The New Testament teaches that the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The body is further sanctified by the incarnation of Christ—God becoming Man in the body. Consistent with this teaching, the body is an integral part of the whole person, and the Church teaches and expects the resurrection from the dead of the body and the soul, when God’s Kingdom comes in its fullness. The Church considers cremation to be the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made, and insists that the body be buried for the natural process to take place. As the denial of the resurrection, in cases where there is intention for the body of a deceased person to be cremated, a church funeral is not allowed, either in the church, or the Funeral home or any other place. Additionally, memorial services with kolyva are not allowed, since the significance between the “kernel of wheat” and the “body” has been willfully destroyed. Have you become a 2011 Steward yet? OUR 2011 BIG GREEK FOOD FeSt will take place July 15-17 this summer. Mark your calendar! Please consider planning your vacation before or after our Fest; we need everyone's help! 2 HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NILES, ILLINOIS Proistamenos……….…….Fr. Constantine P. Botsis Synefimerios...…......……Fr. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Pastoral Assistant.......….. Deacon John G. Suhayda Chanter……………...........…….…..Nick Harisiadis Parish Council Officers President……………….……. George Anastasiadis Vice President……..........………..… Nick Andrews Treasurer…………….............. Perry Giannopoulos Secretary………………...…..........…Niki Tziavaras Budget Committee Chairman.....George Conopeotis Building & Grounds Chairman……. …...….Michael Pontikes and Theodoros Karabatsos Decor Committee Chairman........Stephan Aliferakis Finance Committee Chairman.......George Kotsionis Phase III Chairman………….................Pete Zouras School Board Chairman..........…........… Stewardship Com Chairman...Dr. Thomas Bournias Philoptochos President...……............Ritsa Bazianos PTA Co-Presidents (Afternoon School)…. ..Linda Politis and Pauline Sarantopoulos PTA Co-Presidents (Preschool)…..... Vicky Mazur and Kathy Ioannides Greek School Principal........... Mrs. Anastasia Liapi GSL Director….......Mrs. Evangelia Vlahou-Khouri Preschool Director…...……….....Mrs. Rita Petratos Sunday School Director...Presvytera Georgia Botsis Athletic Director……...….…...…… David Loomos Scoutmasters….. ….John Melonides and George Alpogianis Little Angels…………………......Christine Papadis YAL President……...........… Kyriakos Anastasiadis GOYA Co-Presidents…....... ….......Evangeline Alpogianis and Nicolette Grivas Bookstore Manager…….........……Jolynn Ruggerio Web Page …….....…………...……. George Houpis Office Staff……… ….Barbara Skaouris and Alexandra Grivas IN THIS ISSUE: Letter from our Priest (pg 3) Parish Announcements (pg 4) Ανακοινώσεις (pg 5) Memorial Day Picnic (pg 6) Food Fest 2011 (pg 7) Proportional Giving (pg 8) Community Life in Pictures (pg 9) Calendar (pg 10) HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 PHONE: 847/647-8880 From Father Dean May 2011 Dear Friends and Fellow Stewards, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHRIST IS RISEN! We are so grateful to everyone who helped with all our Lenten services, the services of Holy Week and Pascha! So many people are needed; helpers, chanters, donors, custodians and stewards, and we thank you all! It is our prayer that our Lord’s Resurrection will be a personal resurrection for all of us, In body and in spirit! Ah! The month of May! Springtime, graduations, picnics and Jr. Olympics! Our GSL will have its End of the Year Program on Saturday, May 21. Our Preschool’s Graduation Program will take place on Friday, June 3, and our Afternoon Greek School Graduation and Party will take place on June 5. Mark your calendar! Our GOYA Dinner Dance will take place on the evening of May 22 in our community center. GOYA is the official name for the youth of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, and we are so proud of them individually and collectively. They will be sponsoring an ad book; please give our GOYANS your support! The Annual Junior Olympics will take place May 28-29 at Ss. Constantine and Helen in Palos Hills, and registrations will be ending soon! We expect to have a huge participation from the young people of St. Haralambos! Plan to be there and to cheer for our young athletes! We are also happy to announce that Fr. Stanley Harakas will be giving a lecture on “Orthodoxy and Bioethics: Abortion, Stem-Cell Research and Euthanasia,” at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 7 at St. Andrew Church in Chicago. Fr. Harakas is a weel-kn own speaker and author, and a specialist in the field of Christian ethics. This will be a very interesting and informative presentation; all are welcome and urged to attend. We all look forward to our annual Memorial Day Picnic, taking place on Monday, May 30. Pack your family and your picnic basket and join us for a great day in the park! PLEASE NOTE: this year, our picnic will take place at CROWLEY PARK in Glenview! Before we know it, it will be time for our annual Big Greek Food Fest. Plenty of help will be needed. We are so grateful to those parishioners who schedule their summer vacation around the Festival so that they can be able to help. This is greatly appreciated! Chairmanships are being created; if you would like to offer your help, please let me know! Let us be grateful to God, and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities that lay ahead! CHRIST IS RISEN! Fr. Dean 3 COMMUNITY NEWS AND ACTIVITIES OUR NEW PANTOCRATOR OLD FASHIONED PICNIC! On Memorial Day, May 30th, the families of the Saint Haralambos Sunday School, Greek Schools, Youth Night, Junior GOYA, GOYA, YAL, PTA and Philoptochos will be having an Old Fashioned Picnic at Crowley Park in Glenview. There will be old-fashioned games, sports, fun, and fellowship! Bring your Picnic Baskets – barbecue grills will be provided! Let’s all get together this Memorial Day and have fun as one big family! PLEASE NOTE—OUR PICNIC WILL BE AT CROWLEY PARK THIS YEAR! PRE-REGISTRATION has begun for the 2011-12 Greek School and GSL year! Register early to guarantee that your children will have a place in Greek School. Registration forms are available in the church office. OUTSTANDING GREEK SCHOOL TUITIONS— All tuitions should be paid in full by now! If you still have an out standing balance, it must be paid before graduation! After 6 months of scaffolding, analysis of water damage, installation of a new copper roof on the dome exterior and replastering the interior of the dome, our new icon of the Pantocrator was finally installed! The Pantocrator was written by Haralambos Fotiadis from Thessaloniki. He is pictured here with some of the members of our Decor Committee. GREEK SCHOOL GRADUATION AND DINNER DANCE Our Annual Afternoon School End of the Year Program will take place on Sunday, June 5th at 5:00 pm at ROSEWOOD BANQUETS in Rosemont. Everyone is invited to attend both the Graduation and the School Dinner Dance which follows. The donation is only $25 for adults, and $15 for children ages 5-11. Please call the church office to make your reservations! EARLY BIRD DRAWING JUNE 19!!! – Raffle tickets for our Greek Food Fest are now available, and our First Prize will be a new 2011 AUDI A4 Sedan or a new Harley Davidson or $20,000 cash! There will be a special "Early Bird Drawing" from the $100 Raffle Books that have been turned in on Sunday, June 19; the prize is $1,000 cash! Purchase your Raffle Book today, so you can qualify for the Early Bird Drawing! ATTENTION GRADUATES! We would like to compile a list of all our 2011 High School and College graduates. CONGRATULATIONS TO…. ...Evangelos Letsos on the opening of the new Aegean Isles Restaurant at 7201 Caldwell in Niles. Καλές Δουλειές! OUR PHASE III COMMITTEE HAS BEEN REACTIVATED and is considering options for future development, to present to the parish General Assembly! The Committee is revisiting previous concepts and budgets, and exploring other avenues as related to adjacent properties. Watch for more news! ….Leia Asimacopoulos, Valerie Asimacopoulos and Matthew Tabrizi for their excellent presentations in this year’s Oratorical Festival! Σ’ανώτερα! 4 ΕΝΟΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ STEWARDSHIP 2011— EΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΙΔΕ! ΜΙΑ ΝΕΑ ΑΠΟΨΗ — Με την Αποστολική πρόσκληση «Έρχου και ίδε», ανακαλύψαμε μία νέα άποψη όσον αφορά την πίστη μας, την Εκκλησία μας, την αγάπη, την σωτηρία και το Stewardship! Αντιλαμβανόμενοι αυτή την νέα άποψη εκ βάθους καρδίας, θα δούμε τον κόσμο ως δώρο Θεού, και θα θέλουμε να ανταποκριθούμε με ένα νέο τρόπο στην εντολή Του «να αγαπάς τον Κύριο με όλη την καρδιά σου, την ψυχή, διάνοια και δύναμη». Η νέα αυτή αντίληψη του Stewardship θα δώσει στην εκκλησία μας την δύναμη και τα μέσα να προσκαλέσουμε κι άλλους «Να Έλθουν και να Ίδουν»-- να ίδουν τι μπορεί η εκκλησία μας να καταφέρει, όχι μόνον επιβιώνοντας, αλλά επεκτείνοντας, υπηρετώντας και ανακαλύπτοντας τον Θεό--να ίδωμεν που μπορούμε να φτάσουμε, ανυψούμενοι με την χάριν και τις ευλογίες του Κυρίου-να ίδωμεν τι μπορούμε να προσφέρουμε στον πονεμένο κόσμο που ζούμε! Εκ βάθους καρδίας, ας προσφέρουμε από το χρόνο, ταλέντο και ταμείο μας στον Θεό. Έρχου και ίδε! ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΟ ΠΙΚ-ΝΙΚ! Οι οικογένειες του Αγίου Χαραλάμπους: Κατηχητικού, Ελληνικού Σχολείου, Youth Night, Jr. GOYA, GOYA, YAL, PTA και Φιλοπτώχου θα έχουν ένα παραδοσιακό πικ-νικ εις το Crowley Park εις Glenview τo Memorial Day, 30 Μαίου. Θα διασκεδάσουμε με παιχνίδια, διάφορα σπορτς και καλή παρέα! Φέρτε μαζί σας τα φαγητά σαςδιατίθενται ψησταριές! Aς συναντηθούμε όλοι το Memorial Day δια να έχουμε την ευκαιρία να διασκεδάσουμε σαν μια μεγάλη οικογένεια! ΝΕΑ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΣΙΑ! ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΥΜΕ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΤΕ-ΤΟ ΕΦΕΤΕΙΝΟ ΠΙΚΝΙΚ ΜΑΣ ΘΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΤΟ CROWLEY PARK ! ΟΙ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΕΣ ΔΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 2011 -12 έχουν αρχίσει δια τα σχολεία του Απογευματινού και GSL. Γράψτε εγκαίρως τα παιδιά σας δια να έχουν μια θέση στο Ελληνικό Σχολείο. Έντυπα εγγραφής διατίθενται στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. 19 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ Η ΠΡΟΚΛΗΡΩΣΗ!!-Διατίθενται λαχεία προς πώλησιν και ο πρώτος λαχνός είναι ένα καινούργιο 2011 Audi A4 Sedan ή μία μηχανή καινούργια Harley Davidson ή 20.000 μετρητά! Θα γίνη μία «Προκλήρωση» την 19η Ιουνίου όλων των λαχείων αξίας $100 που θα έχουν πωληθεί μέχρι την Κυριακή αυτή. Ο πρώτος λαχνός γιά την προκλήρωση είναι $1,000! Αγοράστε τα λαχεία σας σήμερα, δια να μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στην προκλήρωση! ΑΠΛΗΡΩΤΑ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΡΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟΥ Ολα τα δίδακτρα έπρεπε να έχουν εξοφληθεί μέχρι τώρα! Εαν χρωστάτε ακόμη κάποι υπόλοιπο, πρέπει να εξοφληθεί πριν την αποφοίτηση των μαθητών. ΑΠΟΦΟΙΤΗΣΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟΥ--Το ετήσιο πρόγραμμα Αποφοίτησης του Απογευματινού Σχολείου μας θα λάβει χώραν την Κυριακή, 5 Ιουνίου, στίς 5:00 μ.μ. εις ROSEWOOD BANQUETS in Rosemont. Προσκαλούνται όλοι να παρακολουθήσουν την Αποφοίτηση και να συμμετέχουν στον Ετήσιο Χορό που θα ακολουθήσει. Η δωρεά είναι μόνον $25 δια τους μεγάλους και $15 δια τα παιδιά 5-11 ετών. Δια κρατήσεις θέσεων παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας! ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΤΟΥ 2011 JUNIOR OLYMPICS-θα λάβουν χώραν την 28-29 Mαίου! Περιμένουμε με μεγάλη ανυπομονησία το συναρπαστικό σαββατοκύριακο των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων! Σχεδιάστε να παρευρεθείτε και να χειροκροτήσετε τους αθλητές του Αγίου Χαραλάμπους! 5 --Το Φεστιβάλ της Κοινότητάς μας για το 2011 θα λάβει χώραν εις τις 15-17 Ιουλίου, και οι ετοιμασίες άρχισαν. Θα χρειαστούμε βοήθεια εις τον προγραμματισμόν, και πάντα ενδιαφερόμαστε για νέες ιδέες και καινούργιους εθελοντές! Εαν έχετε την ευχαρίστησιν να βοηθήσετε, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε εις τους υπεύθυνους George Anastasiadis, Bill Bozikis, Tom Andrews, Niki Tziavaras, Antonios Brillakis, Anthony Rizos, π. Χρύσανθο ή στον π. Κωνσταντίνο. 2011 STEWARDSHIP —A NEW PERSPECTIVE With the Apostolic invitation “Come and See,” we are discovering a new perspective about faith, about Church, about love, about salvation and about Stewardship! This new perspective, coming from the heart, helps us see the world as God’s gift, and helps us respond in a new way to His command to “love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” Our Stewardship from this new perspective can give our Church the power and means to invite others to “Come and See;” to see what our Church can become, not just surviving, but expanding, serving and witnessing for God; to see what we can become, lifted up to new heights by God’s grace and blessings; to see what we can offer and share in the broken world where we live, with God working through us! Come and See! Coming from the heart, this new perspective calls us to commit our time, talents and treasure to God. In so doing, we see how proper it is to determine a fair, level of giving that is proportionate to our household income. So far, we are happy to report that 10% of our stewards have indicated that they are, in fact, setting their stewardship level in proportion to their income! We are grateful to ALL our Stewards for your love and support! THE 2011 STEWARDS OF ST HARALAMBOS Mr. & Mrs. John Harty Mrs. Loula Hasapis Ms. Maria Hasapis Mr. & Mrs. George Haskos Mr. & Mrs. Evan Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Dino Houpis Mr. George D. Houpis Mrs. Eleftheria Izvinko Ms. Maria P. Jeoffre Mr. & Mrs. John Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Christ Kakaletris Mr. Dean J. Kakes Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kalodimos Mrs. Thalia Kalodimos Mrs. Potoula Kalogeras Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kalogeros Ms. Vicky Kalogris Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kalogris Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios Kalotihos Mr. & Dr. Konstantinos Kanaloupitis Mrs. Kiki Kanavoutsis Mr. Angelo Kanellopoulos Mrs. Peter Kanellopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Kanellos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kanelos Mrs. Ioanna Karagiannis Mr. & Mrs. George Karahalios Mrs. Martha Karakitsos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Karellas Mrs. Lee Karnezis Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kartsistaris Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kastanes Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katris Mrs. Helen Katris Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katsikas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kereakes Fr. & Presv. Chrysanthos Kerkeres Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Kerkeres Mr. & Mrs. Norman Khouri Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Kikes Mr. & Mrs. George Kokkines Mrs. Demetra Kokinis Mrs. Maryann Koliopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gary Koliopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Kolovos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kondilis Mrs. Dia Konstantaras Mrs. Ange Konstantine Mrs. Afrodite H. Konstantos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Kopsian Mr. & Mrs. George Koronios Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kotis Mr. & Mrs. John Kotsanis Mr. Steve Kotsarelis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kougias Mr. & Mrs. John Koularmanis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Koumarelas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koupas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koutsovitis Mrs. Irene Kovatchis (as of April 11) Ms. Theodora Aleck Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Aliferakis Mr. & Mrs. Konst. Anagnostopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Analitis Mr. George Anastasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Stratis Anastasiadis Mr. Evangelos Anastasiadis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Andrews Mr. Andy Andrews Mr. Telly Andrews Ms. Mary Andria Mr. & Mrs. Bill Andros Mr. & Mrs. John Anton Mrs. Ourania Antoniades Mr. Petros Antonopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Antonopoulos Mrs. Voula Apithis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Apostolakides Mr. & Mrs. Frank Apostolakides Mr. & Mrs. George Argionis Ms. Cindy D. Arhos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arvanitis Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Asimacopoulos Dr. Voula Asimacopoulos Mrs. Dina Asimakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tony Athans Dr. & Dr. Chris Baboulas Mrs. Sophy Bairaktaris Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Bakas Mr. & Mrs. Timoleon Bakir Mr. & Mrs. Chris Balabanos Dr. & Mrs. Spiro Barlas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Baziotes Mr. & Mrs. Christ Becharas Ms. Joann Bellos Ms. Debbie Benes Mr. Aristotelis Benetatos Ms. Maria Benetatos Mr. & Mrs. John Bentevis Mr. & Mrs. Jose Berrios Mrs. Katherine Bestolarides Mrs. Aliki Bezanis Mr. & Mr5s. John Bierwaczonek Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Bildires Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bilissis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Blase Ms. Eugenia Bliamblias Fr. & Presv. Dean Botsis Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Botsis Mr. Hrisovalandis Bouikidis Mrs. Anastasia Bourkas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Bournas Dr. & Mrs. Tom Bournias Mr. & Mrs. William Bozikis Mr. & Mrs. William Brahos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Brotsos Mrs. Dina Bulyaki Mrs. Vicky Callas Mr. & Mrs. George Callas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Castellucci Mr. & Mrs. Chris Chatzis Mr. Chris Christides Mr. & Mrs. George Conopeotis Mr. & Mrs. Sam Conis Mr. & Mrs. Andy Costas Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Couris Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Couris Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Couris Mr. & Mrs. John Dagres Ms. Maria Dakomas Ms. Mary Dalakas Mr. Nick Deamantopulos Mr. & Mrs. John Deligiannis Mr. & Mrs. John Demakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Demeropulos Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Demertzis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Demopoulos Mr. Peter C. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Const. Diamantopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Dimas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dimitriou Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Dimitropoulos Mrs. V. Dimoulas Mrs. Gloria Dimoutsikos Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dobbs Mrs. Athina Dossas Mrs. Fanny Drivalas Mr. & Mrs. Aristomenis Drivas Mr. & Mrs. Marko Duni Mr. Christ Eb Mr. & Mrs. George Eliopoulos Mr. & Mrs. James Farmakis Mrs. Kula Farsalas Mr. & Mrs. Christos Fokas Mr. & Mrs. John Frake Mrs. Trisevgeni Frentzas Dr. & Mrs. George Futris Mr. & Mrs. George Gamilis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Ganas Mr. & Mrs. John Georgatsos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Georgiopoulos Mrs. Athena Gerros Mrs. Anastasia Gevrekis Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Gevrekis Mr. & Mrs. Panos Giannakopoulos Dr. & Mrs. Spiros Giannoulias Dr. & Mrs. Chris Giannoulias Mr. & Mrs. John Giannopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Gloria Mrs. Olga Goumas Mr. & Mrs. James Govis Mr. & Mrs. George Halkias Dr. & Mrs. Dimitri Haralampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Haralampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Harisiadis Ms. Dimitra Harisis 6 Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Langis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanzourakis Ms. Lori Lappas Mr. & Dr. Angelo Laskaris Mr. & Mrs. Yianni Lelis Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lemperis Mrs. Christina Liakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Prokopios Liapis Mr. & Mrs. Stratos Litsogiannis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Livaditis Mr. & Mrs. David Loomos Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lygiros Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Lygiros Mr. & Mrs. Marc Lynge Mrs. Niki Maglaras Mr. Αthanasios Magoulas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Makula Mr. & Mrs. George Malkos Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mallidis Mr. & Mrs. Louis Manis Mr. William Manolis Dr. & Dr. Dino Mantis Mrs. Stamatia Mantzos Mrs. Helen Mariano Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Maris Mr. & Mrs. John Markos Ms. Roula Mareskes Mr. & Mrs. Spero Margaris Mr. & Mrs. Gus Maskaleris Mr. & Mrs. Ted Matsoukas Mrs. Barbara Matthopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mazur Mr. & Mrs. Nick Megremis Mr. & Mrs. John Megremis Mr. Constantine Megremis Mr. & Mrs. William Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Milissis Ms. Christine N. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mitsakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Moutzouros Mr. & Mrs. William Nakulski Mrs. Maria Nezis Dr. Arthur G. Nikelly Ms. Eva Nikellys Mr. Demosthenes Nikolopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Marc Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Palivos Mr. George Paniotte Mr. & Mrs. Elias Panomitros Mr. & Mrs. James Panos Mr. & Mrs. William Panos Mr. & Mrs. George Papagiannis Mr. Demetrios Papaioannou Ms. Angie Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pappas Mr. John Victor Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William G. Pappas Mr. Steve Parashos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Parmakis Mrs. Helen Parrish THE 2011 STEWARDS OF ST HARALAMBOS 2011 PROPORTIONAL GIVERS (as of April 11 — continued from previous page) Mr. & Mrs. William Patsilivas Mrs. Helen D. Paulos Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Petratos Mr. & Mrs. Loukas Pergantas Mrs. Katherine Philis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Piraino Mr. & Mrs. Percy C. Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Andy Politis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Pontikes Mr. & Mrs. Mike Poulakos Ms. Margarita Poulakos Mr. Dino Poulakos Mrs. Venetia Poulakos Mr. & Mrs. John Poulopoulos Mrs. Antonia Poulos Mr. & Mrs. Sam Prassinos Mr. & Mrs. George Printzis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. John Prodromos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Provis Mr. Peter Remos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rentas Mr. & Mrs. Telly Rentzelos Mr. & Mrs. George Rizos Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rosenzweig Mr. & Mrs. George Roumeliotis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roumeliotis Ms. Marianna Ruggerio Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ruggerio Mr. & Mrs. Lefteris Santos Mr. Stratis Sapuntzakis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sarantopoulos Mr. & Mrs.George Sarolas Mr. & Mrs. Mike Savidis Mr. & Mrs. Dale Senensky Mr. & Mrs. Dan Shanahan Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Siarris Mr. & Mrs. Petros Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sikaras Mrs. Kathy Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sikoral Mrs. Betty Simos Ms. Afrodite Skaouris Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Skaouris Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Skordalos Mr. & Mrs. George Skoubis Mr. & Mrs. Dan Skoubis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Skoufis Mr. & Mrs. Sam Souleles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spanos We also would like to acknowledge the following stewards who indicated that they have set their level of giving in relation to their household income. (They represent about 10% of our stewards.) We are, of course, grateful to all our Stewards! Mr. & Mrs. Gus Spears Ms. Ethel Spyratos Ms. Stavroula Spyropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Demetre Stamatakos Mrs. Angeliki Stephenson Mrs. Mia Stompanato Deacon & Diaconissa John Suhayda Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tabrizi Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Talaganis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tasiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Thanos Dr. & Mrs. Const. Theodoropoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Theoharis Ms. Anastasia Tirovolas Ms. Sofia Tirovolas Mr. & Mrs. Hristos Tirovolas Dr. & Dr. Mike Toto Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tourlis Mrs. Eleni Touzios Mr. Dimitrios Tragas Mr. Angelo J. Tsagalis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsaganos Mr. & Mrs. John Tsapas Mr. Kostas Tsonis Mrs. Eleni Tsirbas Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tziavaras Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tziavaras Mr. & Mrs. Gus Tzotzolis Mrs. Kathy Vamvakos Dr. & Mrs. Peter Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Vaselopulos Mrs. Popi Vaselopulos Mr. Philip Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Vasilarakis Dr. & Mrs. Dean Velis Mrs. Sophia Venetsanakos Mr. Michael N. Vettes Mrs. Vivian Vickas Mr. & Mrs. John Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Vorrias Mr. & Mrs. Nick Voules Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vranas Mr. & Mrs. John Xamplas Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Xourias Mr. & Mrs. George Yutakis Mrs. Angeline Yutakis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Zavos Fr. & Presv. Dean Botsis Dr. & Mrs. Tom Bournias Mr. Peter C. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Ganas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Georgiopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Dino Houpis Mrs. Eleftheria Izvinko Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kereakes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanzourakis Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lygiros Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Lygiros Mr. Athanasios Magoulas Mr. & Mrs. Spero Margaris Mrs. Barbara Matthopoulos Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Andy Politis Ms. Margarita Poulakos Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Provis Mr. & Mrs. Telly Rentzelos Ms. Marianna Ruggerio Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Skoufis Mr. & Mrs. Sam Souleles Mr. & Mrs. George Theoharis Mrs. Eleni Touzios Mrs. Kathy Vamvakos Mr. & Mrs. George Yutakis Mrs. Angeline Yutakis the BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES will take place July 15-17 this Summer and planning has already begun. Of course, we will need much help, and we are always looking for new ideas and new people to get involved! Please talk to our chairpersons, George Anastasiadis, Tom Andrews, Bill Bozikis, Angelo Anastasiadis, Anthony Rizos, Antonios Brillakis, Father Chrysanthos or Father Dean if you would like to offer your help. CAMPFANARI!! Our Metropolis of Chicago Summer Camp Fanari will take place this summer during the week of June 19-25 at Green Lake, Wisconsin, and APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Capacity is limited; first come, first served. Send in your application early! 7 SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH I N V I T E S Y O U T O THE BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES JULY 15, 16 AND 17, 2011 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS - PHONE (847) 647-8880 AUTHENTIC GREEK FOOD LOUKOUMATHES IMPORTED GREEK WINES ROASTED LAMB GREEK TAVERNA FESTIVAL DANCERS GREEK PASTRIES COOKING CLASSES GRAND RAFFLE COME TO THE PANEGYRI! YOU ARE INVITED TO THE SAINT HARALAMBOS “OLD FASHIONED FAMILY PICNIC” Monday, May 30th– 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm CROWLEY PARK 700 Huber Lane in Glenview Bring your food to cook on the grill. We’ll supply the grill! We can play: Bocci, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, and much more! SEE YOU THERE! 8 OUR COMMUNITY LIFE IN PICTURES Sunday School Craft Sale Apokreatiko Party St. Haralambos Cub Scouts Family Night at Jump Zone Celebrating Greek Independence Day Saturday of Lazaros Family Retreat VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL! PLAN TO SIGN UP FOR THIS YEAR'S VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon during the week of June 20-24, from ages 4 years old to 6th grade at St Haralambos. There will be interesting crafts, Bible stories, activities, snacks and lots of fun! Teachers are needed! To volunteer, please call the church office (847/647-8880). This summer program is immensely popular! Watch for more information. Don’t let your children miss out! 9 May 2011 Sun 1 THOMAS 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 5 5:30 pm—Family Night 7:30 pm—GOYA 7:30—Fest Mtg MYRRHBEARERS 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! 9 10 11 15 16 THE PARALYTIC 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy Last day of Sunday School 22 THE SAMARITAN WOMAN 8:30 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy BLIND MAN 8:30 am—Orthros 9:45 am—Divine Liturgy 7:30 Phase III Mtg 12 13 11:30—-Little Angels 5:30 pm—Family Night 7:30 pm—GOYA ELECTIONS! 23 18 MIDPENTECOST 8:30 am--Orthros and Liturgy 6:00 pm—IOCC Annual Banquet 4:30 pm—Greek School 19 20 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm— Orthodoxy 102 24 14 9:00 am—GSL 4:30 pm—Greek School 4:30—PTA Mtg 7:30 pm— Orthodoxy 102 17 7 4:30 pm—Greek School 11:30—-Little Angels 4:30 pm—Greek School 25 26 27 21 SAINTS CONSTANTINE AND HELEN 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy 11:30—GSL End of Year Program 28 11:30—-Little Angels 7:30 pm—Fest Meeting 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm— Orthodoxy 102 30 31 5:30—GOYA DINNER DANCE 29 6 Sat 9:00 am—GSL 7:30 pm— Philoptochos mtg 8 Fri 11:30—-Little Angels 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30 pm— Orthodoxy 102 GREEK PARADE Thu MEMORIAL DAY FAMILY PICNIC DAY 7:30 pm—Parish Council Mtg 11:30—-Little Angels 4:30 pm—Greek School 6:30-End of Year Cookout 7:30 pm— Orthodoxy 102 10 4:30 pm—Greek School JUNIOR OLYMPICS g For information about ad sponsorship, please call St. George Publishing at 262-650-0030 or 1-800-447-0030. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0194 4c LP PRSRT STD HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE NILES, IL 60714-4503 US POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT #5654 Address Service Requested THE BIG GREEK FOOD FEST OF NILES JULY 15-17, 2011 OR A NEW HARLEY DAVIDSON OR $20,000! Win a 2011 Audi A4 SECOND PRIZE: $ 2000 FOURTH PRIZE: $ 500 THIRD PRIZE: $ 1000 FIFTH PRIZE: $ 500 EarlY BIRD DRAWING -- SUNDAY, JUNE 19 -- WIN $1000! (Only Books of Five Tickets are eligible for the Early Bird Drawing.) Book of Five Tickets--$100 Single ticket $25 Do you have your tickets yet? 12
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