Editorial Team Vicky Nash Jean Vinten Maria Baka Sarah Yu Foteini Bakarou Sofia Simeonidou Eleni Tsismetzi Maria Ioannou ISBN 978-9963-9998-1-1 978-9963-9998-0-4 Πληροφορίες - Παραγγελίες Τηλ. Κέντρο: 23310 73777 e-mail: [email protected] www.supercourse.gr All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. Contents LESSONS pp. Remember 1a Indefinite article a/an Remember 1b More about the definite article Remember 1c Countries and their adjectives 7 Remember 2a The Imperative / Let’s 8 Remember 2b The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) 9 Remember 2c The Verb Have Got 10 Remember 3a Question words 11 Remember 3b Possessive Adjectives & Possessive Pronouns 12 Remember 3c Possessive Case 13 Lesson 1 Present Simple 14-15 Lesson 2 Present Continuous 16-17 Lesson 3 Present Simple vs Present Continuous Lesson 4 Plurals (Un)Countable Nouns 20-21 Lesson 5 Prepositions of Place & Movement 22-23 Lesson 6 Past Simple (Regular Verbs) 24-25 Writing 1a What is your life like? 26 Writing 1b Describing pictures 27 REVISION 1 Definite article the Subject / Object Pronouns Non Continuous Verbs (Lessons 1-6 & Fun Break 1) 5 6 18-19 28-33 Lesson 7 Past Simple (Irregular Verbs) 34-35 Lesson 8 Past Continuous 36-37 Lesson 9 Used to 38-39 Lesson 10 Degrees of Adjectives 40-41 Lesson 11 Degrees of Adverbs 42-43 Lesson 12 Future Simple 44-45 Writing 2a Stories about the past 46 Writing 2b A day I will never forget! 47 REVISION 2 (Lessons 7-12 & Fun Break 2) 48-53 Lesson 13 Be Going To + Verb 54-55 Lesson 14 Future Tenses 56-57 Lesson 15 Prepositions of Time 58-59 Lesson 16 (Full / Bare) Infinitive 60-61 Lesson 17 Gerund 62-63 Lesson 18 Be / Get Used To 64-65 Writing 3a What are you going to do when you grow up? (informal e-mails) 66 Writing 3b Going to the ballet 67 REVISION 3 2 GRAMMAR twice the fun 2 (Lessons 13-18 & Fun Break 3) 68-73 LESSONS GRAMMAR pp. Lesson 19 Present Perfect Simple - Affirmative (Regular Verbs) 74-75 Lesson 20 Present Perfect Simple - Interrogative & Negative (Regular Verbs) 76-77 Lesson 21 Present Perfect Simple (Irregular Verbs) 78-79 Lesson 22 Have Been In / To, Have Gone To 80-81 Lesson 23 Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple 82-83 Lesson 24 Time Clauses (Present - Future) 84-85 Writing 4a Have you ever …? 86 Writing 4b My end-of-year report 87 REVISION 4 (Lessons 19-24 & Fun Break 4) 88-93 Lesson 25 Present Perfect Continuous 94-95 Lesson 26 MODALS (1): must / have to - can - be able to / could 96-97 Lesson 27 MODALS (2): may / might / shall / should / ought to 98-99 Lesson 28 Too & Enough 100-101 Lesson 29 Zero & First Conditional 102-103 Lesson 30 Second Conditional 104-105 Writing 5a What should I do? (asking for and giving advice) 106 Writing 5b Apologising 107 REVISION 5 (Lessons 25-30 & Fun Break 5) 108-113 Lesson 31 Question Tags 114-115 Lesson 32 Relative Pronouns 116-117 Lesson 33 Relative Clauses 118-119 Lesson 34 Passive Voice - Present Simple (Affirmative) 120-121 Lesson 35 Passive Voice - Past Simple (Affirmative) 122-123 Lesson 36 Passive Voice - Interrogative & Negative 124-125 Writing 6a It was a film which I really enjoyed 126 Writing 6b The Three Little Pigs 127 REVISION 6 (Lessons 31-36 & Fun Break 6) Word List 128-133 134-141 Verbs & Tenses 142 Irregular Verbs 143 Yearly Lesson Plan 4 twice the fun 2 3 YEARLY LESSON PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remember lessons 1a, b & c (AB) Remember lessons 2a, b & c (AB) Remember lessons 3a, b & c (AB) Lesson 1 Welcome back! (CB) - Present Simple (AB) Lesson 2 Internet Chat - Present Continuous (AB) Lesson 3 Joining the gym (CB) Present Simple vs. Present Continuous (AB) 7 Lesson 4 Happy birthday grandma! (CB) Plurals - (Un)countable Nouns (AB) 8 Lesson 5 Edinburgh Castle (CB) Prepositions of Place & Movement (AB) 9 Lesson 6 Haunted Castles (CB) Past Simple (Regular) (AB) 10 Fun break 1 (CB) - Writing project 1a (AB) 11 Writing project 1b (AB) Revision 1: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) 12 Revision 1: Grammar exercises (AB) 13 TEST 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Lesson 7 A Canadian thanksgiving (CB) Past Simple (Irregular) (AB) Lesson 8 A birthday surprise (CB) - Past Continuous (AB) Lesson 9 An old-fashioned love story (CB) - Used to (AB) Lesson 10 How self-confident are you? (CB) Degrees of Adjectives (AB) Lesson 11 A big brother’s advice (CB) Degrees of Adverbs (AB) Lesson 12 Exotic pets (CB) - Future Simple (AB) Fun break 2 (CB) - Writing project 2a (AB) Writing project 2b - Revision 2: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) Revision 2: Grammar exercises (AB) TEST 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Lesson 13 Who’s going to be Juliet? (CB) Be going to (AB) Lesson 14 World Vision (CB) - Future Tenses (AB) Lesson 15 The story of Monopoly (CB) Prepositions of Time (AB) Lesson 16 Social networking (CB) Full & Bare Infinitive (AB) Lesson 17 African Safari Park (CB) - Gerund (AB) Lesson 18 Strange English stuff (CB) Be / Get used to (AB) Fun break 3 (CB) - Writing project 3a (AB) Writing project 3b - Revision 3: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) Revision 3: Grammar exercises (AB) TEST 3 * CB = Coursebook AB = Activity Book 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Lesson 19 Computer trouble (CB) Present Perfect Simple Affirmative (Regular) (AB) Lesson 20 The “Have you ever?” game (CB) Present Perfect Simple Interrogative - Negative (AB) Lesson 21 A ride on Rotten Row (CB) Present Perfect Simple (Irregular) (AB) Lesson 22 Have you ever been to China? (CB) Have been in / to, Have gone to (AB) Lesson 23 The world’s richest people (CB) Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple (AB) Lesson 24 Extreme sports for kids (CB) Time clauses (Present - Future) (AB) Fun break 4 (CB) - Writing project 4a (AB) Writing project 4b - Revision 4: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) Revision 4: Grammar exercises (AB) TEST 4 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Lesson 25 Chinese New Year (CB) Present Perfect Continuous (AB) Lesson 26 Can we go to Paris? (CB) - Modals (1) (AB) Lesson 27 Pick a card, any card (CB) Modals (2) (AB) Lesson 28 Jimmy’s bright ideas (CB) Too & Enough (AB) Lesson 29 An amazing world of wax (CB) Zero & First Conditional (AB) Lesson 30 World Wide Fund for Nature (CB) Second Conditional (AB) Fun break 5 (CB) - Writing project 5a (AB) Writing project 5b - Revision 5: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) Revision 5: Grammar exercises (AB) TEST 5 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Lesson 31 Save our planet (CB) - Question Tags (AB) Lesson 32 A cautionary tale - Relative Pronouns (AB) Lesson 33 The world of martial arts (CB) Relative Clauses (AB) Lesson 34 Strange food from around the world (CB) Passive Voice (Present Simple Affirmative) (AB) Lesson 35 A haunted theme park (CB) Passive Voice (Past Simple Affirmative) (AB) Lesson 36 End-of-year fund raiser (CB) Passive Voice (Interrogative - Negative) (AB) Fun break 6 (CB) - Writing project 6a (AB) Writing project 6b - Revision 6: Fill in & revise, Vocabulary exercises (AB) Revision 6: Grammar exercises (AB) TEST 6 1a Remember! • Indefinite article a / an • Definite article the The indefinite article (a / an) (Το αόριστο άρθρο (α / an)) • Το αόριστο άρθρο a / an (= ένας, μία, ένα) χρησιμοποιείται πριν από ουσιαστικά ενικού αριθμού όταν μιλάμε γενικά γι’αυτά. • Βάζουμε το a πριν από ουσιαστικά που αρχίζουν από σύμφωνο (a number, a letter, a knife, a party), ενώ το an μπροστά από ουσιαστικά που αρχίζουν από φωνήεν (an ant, an egg, an idea, an omelette). Σύγκριση: an elephant BUT a big elephant Προσοχή στo u και το h: • a university BUT an umbrella • a hamburger BUT an hour The definite article (the) (Το αόριστο άρθρο (the)) • Γνωρίζεις, ήδη, ότι το οριστικό άρθρο the (= ο, η, το, οι, τα) μπαίνει πριν από ουσιαστικά (ενικού και πληθυντικού αριθμού) όταν μιλάμε συγκεκριμένα γι’ αυτά. The boy in your garden is my son. • Μάθε, όμως, και μερικές άλλες χρήσεις του οριστικού άρθρου, όπως οι παρακάτω: 1. πριν από οποιοδήποτε ουσιαστικό που είναι μοναδικό (the sun, the sea, the sky). 2. πριν από ποταμούς (the River Amazon), ωκεανούς (the Pacific Ocean), θάλασσες (the Mediterranean Sea), οροσειρές (the Himalayas), ερήμους (the Gobi Desert), ενωμένα κράτη (the United Kingdom), ομάδες νησιών (the Bermudas), etc. 3. πριν από εφημερίδες (the Times), μουσικά όργανα (the piano), ξενοδοχεία (the Carlton Hotel), πλοία (the Titanic). 4. πριν από εθνικότητες (the French, the Greeks) και ονόματα οικογενειών στον πληθυντικό (the Nortons). 5. πριν από ουσιαστικά ενικού αριθμού που δηλώνουν ένα είδος. The dolphin is a mammal. 6. πριν από επίθετα υπερθετικού βαθμού (the tallest), ή επίθετα που χαρακτηρίζουν μια ομάδα (the elderly). 1. Fill in with a or an. an 1. We have idea. It’s 2. A a hippo is a good idea. big animal. 3. a an This is history book. It’s 4. He has an a old house in apple and a 5. an There’s old book. small village. cake in the fridge. 6. an a Can I have ice cream and sandwich? 7. a an He wears uniform. He’s 8. an an I need egg to make 9. an an - Is it Indian or a - Actually, it’s electrician. omelette. Irish song? Spanish dance! a 10. an Look! It’s owl. It’s baby owl. 2. Fill in with a, an or the. 1. Meg is an 3. The a the helicopter in sky. the Beckhams are on holiday in fox is a clever animal. 5. the the You’re best dad in 6. The a Times is world! daily newspaper. 7. The the Sahara Desert isn’t in 8. an We must be there in a hour and musical instrument. 10. The the book on 11. the I want to see the UK. half. 9. The a cello is table is Gerry’s. Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty. a the 12. He works in big city in 13. Big Ben a a is tower with UK. big clock. 14. The / A a dog is very friendly pet. 15. The the Greeks are very proud of USA. 4. The / Α actor. 2. There’s a teacher and Ian is Parthenon. twice the fun 2 5 1b Remember! • More about the definite article • Subject / Object Pronouns More about the definite article Αφού έμαθες πότε χρησιμοποιείται το οριστικό άρθρο the, μάθε και πότε ΔΕ χρησιμοποιείται: 1. πριν από ουσιαστικά στα οποία αναφερόμαστε γενικώς: I like fish. (BUT: The fish we ate was tasty.) 2. μπροστά από τις δεικτικές αντωνυμίες (this / that / these / those), τα κτητικά επίθετα (my, your, …) και τις κτητικές αντωνυμίες (mine, yours, ...). 3. μπροστά από κύρια ονόματα (Ben), πόλεις (London), χώρες (Denmark), ηπείρους (Asia), γλώσσες (English). 4. με μαθήματα (history), αθλήματα (basketball), γεύματα (lunch), παιχνίδια (chess). 5. πριν από ημέρες (Friday), μήνες (March), και γιορτές (Easter). Προσοχή: I play tennis. BUT: I play the piano. 1. Fill in with “the”, where necessary. 2. Fill in with a / an, the or -. 1. The/Fruit / fruit in that shop is very fresh. - 2. London the is on river Thames. 3. Wendy really loves ice cream. 4. - France is famous for its wine. 5. The the Alps are in continent of Europe. 6. The Acropolis is in Athens. 7. Ian likes - golf but Tom likes tennis. - 8. Are his trainers in that box? the the 9. Pam plays violin and Jo plays piano. - 10. I always send cards at Christmas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Do you know - Mr Cole? My house has a garden and a garage. - English. I live in the UK. I speak The Star Hotel is very big and luxurious. a There’s T-shirt on your bed. Is it yours? Sunday is my favourite day. - I don’t like chicken but I love pizza! - the - Where’s my shirt? - In wardrobe. The the the Nile is longest river in world. The - Lees are going to Paris at Easter. Subject & Object Pronouns Subject Pronouns I (εγώ) you (εσύ) he (αυτός) she (αυτή) it (αυτό) we (εμείς) you (εσείς) they (αυτοί, -ές, -ά) • Οι προσωπικές αντωνυμίες (ονομαστικής πτώσης) μπαίνουν μπροστά από τα ρήματα, ως υποκείμενά τους και λέγονται subject pronouns. Δείχνουν ποιος κάνει την ενέργεια του ρήματος. I wake up at 7:00. / She meets Tom every day. • Αντίστοιχα, οι προσωπικές αντωνυμίες (αιτιατικής πτώσης) μπαίνουν μετά από τα ρήματα, ως αντικείμενά τους και λέγονται object pronouns. Δείχνουν σε ποιον / τι πηγαίνει η ενέργεια του ρήματος. Wake me up at 7:00. / Tom meets her every day. Object Pronouns me (εμένα, με) you (εσένα, σε) him (αυτόν, τον) her (αυτήν, την) it (αυτό, το) us (εμάς, μας) you (εσάς, σας) them (αυτούς, -ές, -ά / τους, τις, τα) 3. Fill in with subject or object pronouns. 4. Rewrite the sentences using 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 6 me Give it back to This is my pen. , please. The kids are in their room now. They are studying. likes him . Ted’s a very nice guy. Everyone make us We’re hungry. Can you some pizza? coming with us. She My sister is not is busy. them Where are my keys? I can’t find . isn’t American. He Mr Kent is from Sydney. Jonathan. go and There’s Let’s talk to him . looks thirsty. Let’s give it Our cat some water. her Where’s Linda? We’ve got a present for . friends. We Steve and I are often go out together. Mrs Smith. you Good morning, How are today? twice the fun 2 subject and object pronouns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. My brothers never tidy their room. They never tidy it. Sally is playing chess with Jason. She is playing it with him. Alan and I will help Tina. We will help her. Eric didn’t feed the dogs. He didn’t feed them. Betty broke the vase. She broke it. My friends are talking to Max. They are talking to him. 1c Remember! • Countries and their adjectives Countries and their Adjectives Οι χώρες και τα επίθετά τους Θυμήσου ότι οι χώρες στα αγγλικά δεν παίρνουν άρθρο. Δηλαδή λέμε: Greece / France is a European country και όχι The Greece / The France. Σε κάθε χώρα αντιστοιχεί ένα επίθετο, που γράφεται πάντα με κεφαλαίο το πρώτο γράμμα και έχει τρεις χρήσεις: 1. Εθνικότητα (προέλευση προσώπων) He / She is Greek. (Έλληνας, -ίδα) He / She is French. (Γάλλος, -ίδα) 2. Επίθετο προέλευσης πραγμάτων Α Greek / French school (ελληνικός, -ή, -ό / γαλλικός, -ή, -ό) 3. Γλώσσα I can speak Greek / French (ελληνικά / γαλλικά). Οι γλώσσες δεν παίρνουν άρθρο και είναι πάντα ενικού αριθμού. Greek is a European language. (= Τα ελληνικά είναι μία ευρωπαϊκή γλώσσα.) Δε λέμε: The Greek are ... 1. Choose and circle. 1. Steve’s parents are a. England 2. Choose and fill in. . b. English 2. Ross is on holiday in a. France b. French 3. Is there a now. school here? a. Greece b. Greek 4. Rome is the capital of a. Italy b. Swedish 6. Pablo can speak . a. Spain . . (Europe / European) (Spain / Spanish) (Italy / Italian) (Germany / German) b. Germany a. European b. Europe city. a. Greece a. Turkey ? (Sweden / Swedish) language is difficult. a. German 10. Let’s visit 7. My mum’s best friend is German ? b. Spanish 9. Volos is a Italian (Greece / Greek) . 8. Greece and Italy are in 6. Can you and Tim speak (France / French) . a. Sweden 7. The Europe 4. There are a lot of countries in 5. They have got a house in Spain . . b. Italian 5. Sven’s mother is French 1. Christine’s from Paris. She is Greece 2. Athens is the capital of . Swedish 3. Can you write your name in b. Greek . . 3. Answer the questions. 1. Are you English? Students’ own answers. 2. Is Paris the capital of Germany? 3. Is your dad Greek? 4. Are there a lot of countries in Europe? 5. Is your mum’s best friend French? b. Turkish 6. Can you speak Italian? twice the fun 2 7 2a Remember! • The Imperative / Let’s 1. Fill in with the imperative. The Imperative (Προστακτική) • Για να σχηματίσουμε την προστακτική, βάζουμε μόνο το βασικό ρήμα χωρίς υποκείμενο πριν από αυτό. Be careful! Go away! • Στην άρνηση προσθέτουμε μόνο το don’t πριν από το ρήμα. Don’t open her purse! Don’t be late again! • Μαζί με την προστακτική, μπορούμε να βάλουμε τη λέξη please (= παρακαλώ), στην αρχή ή στο τέλος της πρότασης, όταν θέλουμε να είμαστε πιο ευγενικοί. Give it to Mr Stevenson, please. Please don’t call Peter after 10. brush - give - tell - open - don’t worry - help - be - put don’t park - don’t open - don’t talk - take - don’t drive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Put the words in the correct order. Please the window. It’s cold. Take an umbrella with you. Brush your teeth, children! Don’t talk now. I’m listening to the news. Give me my glasses, please. Please be quiet, Kelly! Don’t park your car in front of my house. don’t drive Please so fast along this street. Help me with these bags, please. Open your books on page 10, please. Don’t worry about me. I’m OK. Tell What’s wrong? me all about it. don’t open Let’s (not) + ρήμα Όταν θέλουμε να προτείνουμε σε κάποιους να κάνουμε κάτι μαζί χρησιμοποιούμε το let’s με κάποιο ρήμα. Στην άρνηση λέμε let’s not + ρήμα. Let’s go! = Ας πάμε / Πάμε! Let’s play! = Ας παίξουμε! Let’s speak English now! = Ας μιλήσουμε αγγλικά τώρα! Let’s not do this! = Ας μην το κάνουμε αυτό! 2. Choose and fill in with: Let’s - Let’s not 1. We’re hungry. Let’s eat some pizza. 2. I’m not well. Let’s not go out tonight please. Let’s not stay in the 3. It’s beautiful outside. house. + make 1.It’s very cold today. b a. Speak English to her. 2.I can’t do this exercise. d b. Don’t swim in the sea. 3.Jenny is Australian. a c. Let’s drink some water. 4.The teacher is here. f d. Help me please. 5.We are very thirsty. c e. Let’s play tennis then. 6.I can’t play basketball. e f. Don’t talk now. twice the fun 2 go watch buy eat Let’s make 4. It’s mum’s birthday today. a cake. 5. There is nothing on TV. Let’s watch a DVD. Let’s buy 6. Grandma’s not well. her some flowers. 3. Find and match. 8 stay • The Verb BE (Present - Past - Future) 2b Remember! The verb BE (Present - Past - Future) Θυμήσου πώς σχηματίζεται το βοηθητικό ρήμα BE στον Ενεστώτα, τον Αόριστο και το Μέλλοντα. Μελέτησε τους παρακάτω πίνακες: AFFIRMATIVE PRESENT (είμαι) I am / I’m you are / you’re he is / he’s she is / she’s it is / it’s we are / we’re you are / you’re they are / they’re PAST (ήμουν) I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were FUTURE (θα είμαι) I will / I’ll be you will / you’ll be he will / he’ll be she will / she’ll be it will / it’ll be we will / we’ll be you will / you’ll be they will / they’ll be NEGATIVE - INTERROGATIVE - SHORT ANSWERS • • • I’m not, you aren’t, he isn’t, we aren’t… am I, are you, is she? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. • • • I wasn’t, you weren’t, he wasn’t, we weren’t… was I, were you, was she? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. 1. Fill in with the verb be in Present, Past or Future. teacher 1. Our 2. Is will be ill yesterday. back in two hours. is 4. Look! The cat 5. Were 7. They on the roof. they in Athens last week? 6. I will be eleven next Friday. were wasn’t 8. He late yesterday morning. (not) in his office an hour ago. parents aren’t 9. My (not) here right now. 10. Will be you 11. Are here on Sunday? 2. - Is your mother Chinese?- No, I was. she isn’t. he will. 3. - Will dad be at home on Sunday? - Yes, I 4. - Were you at Sam’s party last night? - No, wasn’t / we weren’t. 5. - Is my book on the desk? - Yes, it is. I / we will. 6. - Will you be at the cinema tonight? - Yes, he was. 7. - Was the baby ill yesterday? - Yes, 8. - Are you a good student? - No, I’m not. - No, she won’t. 9. - Will mum be at work tomorrow? 10. - Were the children quiet? - Yes, they were. class? we are. 11. - Are you and Tim in Mrs Cooper’s - Yes, he won’t. 12. - Will Ron be here tomorrow? - No, 13. - Was I the last to arrive? - Yes, you were. at home last night. is 14. Wow! Tony’s father 15. I will be at work tomorrow? the tourists at the museum? be 12. Will your aunt 13. I wasn’t 2. Give short answers to the questions. 1. - Were you at school yesterday? - Yes, was she on the phone now? 3. Dennis • I won’t be, you won’t be he won’t be, we won’t be… • will I be, will you be, will she be? • Yes, I will. No, I won’t. a pilot. in Paris next month. isn’t. 14. - Is he the new maths teacher? - he No, I / we will. 15. - Will you be in London next week? - Yes, twice the fun 2 9 2c Remember! • The Verb Have Got The verb HAVE GOT (=έχω) Affirmative I have/’ve got you have/’ve got he has/’s got she has/’s got it has/’s got we have/’ve got you have/’ve got they have/’ve got Interrogative have I got...? have you got...? has he got...? has she got...? has it got...? have we got...? have you got...? have they got...? Negative I haven’t got you haven’t got he hasn’t got she hasn’t got it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got Short Answers Για να δώσουμε μια σύντομη απάντηση σε ερώτηση με have got, βάζουμε Yes / No, την προσωπική αντωνυμία και το have(n’t) / has(n’t) χωρίς το got. - Have you got a red pen? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 1. Fill in with the correct form of have got. 2. Rewrite with the short forms of have got. 1. Paul hasn’t got (not) a new CD player. have got a small flat. 2. Meg and I Has got 3. she a sports car? got (not) a laptop. 4. Rex and haven’t Ken 5. Have got we any apple juice? got (not) four bedrooms. 6. hasn’t Our house got (not) a black jacket. 7. hasn’t He 8. Have got you a swimming pool? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I’ve got an old piano. I have got an old piano. Phil hasn’t got a bike. Phil has not got a bike. We’ve got six dogs! We have got six dogs! Anna has got a good job. Anna’s got a good job. They haven’t got a car. They have not got a car. She has got two black cats. She’s got two black cats. You have not got a radio. You haven’t got a radio. My dad has got blue eyes. My dad’s got blue eyes. 3. Answer as in the example. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - Have you got a motorbike? - Has she got a dog? - Have they got a new house? - Has Alan got blue eyes? - Has your house got a garden? - Have you got a sister? (car) (cat) (old house) (green eyes) (balcony) (brother) - No I haven’t. I’ve got a car. No, she hasn’t. She’s got a cat. No, they haven’t. They’ve got an old house. No, he hasn’t. He’s got green eyes. No, it hasn’t. It’s got a balcony. No, I haven’t. I’ve got a brother. BE or HAVE GOT? Προσοχή στο τρίτο ενικό (he, she, it) των ρημάτων BE και HAVE GOT, γιατί οι τύποι μοιάζουν. Παρατήρησε τα παρακάτω παραδείγματα: He’s an architect. (= He is...) BUT He’s got a son. (= He has got...) She’s here now. (= She is…) BUT She’s got a new dress. (= She has got…) 4. Write the sentences in full form using is or has. 5. Find and write. (‘s = is or ‘s = has) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 He’s twelve years old. It’s got four legs. She’s got long hair. She’s afraid of mice. It’s nice here in the winter. He’s got a red suitcase. She’s really hungry. He’s got two dogs. twice the fun 2 He is twelve years old. It has got four legs. She has got long hair. She is afraid of mice. It is nice here in the winter. He has got a red suitcase. She is really hungry. He has got two dogs. 1. My dad’s got brown hair. 2. Tom’s a good student. 3. This cat’s got green eyes. 4. Maria’s a good friend. 5. Her mother’s a teacher. 6. Ben’s got a new CD player. 7. My mum’s got an old car. 8. Christine’s from France. ‘s = has ‘s = is ‘s = has ‘s = is ‘s = is ‘s = has ‘s = has ‘s = is 3a Remember! • Question words Question Words (Ερωτηματικές Λέξεις) Οι question words (ερωτηματικές λέξεις) μπαίνουν στην αρχή των ερωτήσεων και τις χρησιμοποιούμε για να μάθουμε πληροφορίες σχετικές με: πρόσωπα ή πράγματα (who - whom - whose - what), χώρο (where), χρόνο (when), αιτία (why), τρόπο (how). • Who (= Ποιος, -α, -οι, -ες) Who(m) (= Ποιον, -α, -ους, -ες) Whose (= Τίνος, Ποιανού) Χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο για πρόσωπα και είναι ονομαστικής, αιτιατικής και γενικής πτώσης αντίστοιχα. - Who is this man? - It’s the maths teacher. - Who(m) do you like? - Patricia. - Whose is this suitcase? - It’s Kate’s. 1. Choose and circle. 1. 2. weekend? a. What 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. c. Why are you planning for the 3. b. Where b. Who c. Whose are those blue boots? a. When b. Whose c. Why b. When b. Why c. When didn’t she cook dinner? a. How b. Who c. Why will you go on holiday? a. Who b. Where c. What c. When did you invite to the party? a. Whose b. What c. Who is the capital of Scotland? a. What b. How • Why (= Γιατί) - Why is he sleeping? - Because he’s tired. • How (= Πώς) - How are you? - I’m fine, thanks. - Who called you? - When did he leave? - Why are you here? - Whose laptop is this? - Where is the milk? - Who(m) did he see? - How was the party? - What’s in the box? d c h e a g f b a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. - In the fridge. - It’s a toy. - On Friday. - Samuel. - It’s Mona’s. - It was fantastic. - Roberta. - I want to talk to you. why - how - what - whose - who - where - when 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who Where Why Whose What How When is Liz talking to? did you go yesterday? are you asking? car is this? are you doing tomorrow? many apples do you want? are they coming? 4. Write the questions for these answers, using is this motorbike? a. Whose b. Who 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. c. How is their new English teacher? a. Who • When (= Πότε) - When is he coming back? - On Monday. 3. Fill in with the correct question word. old are her parents? a. What • Where (= Πού) - Where are my glasses? - They’re on the table. 2. Match the answers to the questions. is his mother from? a. When • What (= Τί) - Χρησιμοποιείται για ζώα ή πράγματα. - What’s this / that? - It’s a rabbit. c. When the word given. 1. - What’s your name? 2. - How do you feel? 3. - Who is this woman? 4. - Where is the post office? 5. - Whose are these / those jeans? (name) - My name is Jill. (feel) - I feel sick. (woman) - It’s my sister. (post office) - It’s opposite the bank. (jeans) - They’re mine. twice the fun 2 11 3b Remember! • Possessive Adjectives & Possessive Pronouns Possessive Adjectives - Possessive Pronouns (Κτητικά Επίθετα - Κτητικές Αντωνυμίες) • Για να δηλώσουμε σε ποιον ανήκει κάτι βάζουμε ένα κτητικό επίθετο (possessive adjective) πριν από το ουσιαστικό. Προσέχουμε ότι δε χρησιμοποιούμε άρθρο μαζί με τα κτητικά επίθετα. The Her daughter is very tall. The His name is David. • Οι κτητικές αντωνυμίες (possessive pronouns) δείχνουν και αυτές σε ποιον ανήκει κάτι, αλλά χρησιμοποιούνται στη θέση του ουσιαστικού, έτσι ώστε αυτό να μην επαναληφθεί. Πρόσεξε τα παρακάτω παραδείγματα: - Is this her notebook? - Yes, it’s hers. (Ναι, είναι δικό της.) - Are these your boots? - Yes, they’re mine. (Ναι, είναι δικές μου.) Possessive Adjectives my (μου) your (σου) his (του) her (της) its (του) our (μας) your (σας) their (τους) Possessive Pronouns mine (δικός μου) yours (δικός σου) his (δικός του) hers (δικός της) ours (δικός μας) yours (δικός σας) theirs (δικός τους) • Βλέπουμε, λοιπόν, ότι όταν χρησιμοποιούμε τις κτητικές αντωνυμίες δεν ακολουθεί ποτέ κάποιο ουσιαστικό, γιατί αυτό εννοείται. Ενώ, μετά από τα κτητικά επίθετα πάντα υπάρχει και κάποιο ουσιαστικό που προσδιορίζεται από αυτά. This is my hat. It’s mine. 3. Choose and circle. 1. Fill in with the possessive adjectives or pronouns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - Is this your jacket? - No, it isn’t mine. his . - Are these his sisters? - Yes, they’re theirs - Are those their children? - Yes, they’re I have got a pet. ours Molly and It’s . my This isn’t bag. Mine is the blue one. your - Are these hamburgers? - No, they aren’t ours. - Is this hers Sally’s bike? - Yes, it’s . their car. Theirs is the black one. This isn’t Ours This isn’t our laptop. is pink. Her That is my aunt. name is Helen. 1. What are those people saying? I can’t hear . a. they b. their c. them . 2. Choose and circle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12 They’ve got a cat. Their / Theirs cat is cute. He’s got a green pen. My / Mine pen is red. - Is this her pencil? - Yes, it’s her / hers. Are they yours / your parents? His book is great. Hers / Her isn’t so interesting. They’ve got a new flat. Their / Theirs flat is big. - Are these your boots? - Yes, they’re my / mine. Is Robert ours / our new classmate? - Are these glasses your / yours? - No, they’re dad’s. - Is this the baby’s toy? - No mum, it’s my / mine. twice the fun 2 2. My brother is sick. He isn’t coming with a. us b. we c. ours 3. Your house is next to a. mine b. my ! c. me 4. This laptop belongs to Eva.The TV is also . a. her b. hers c. she 5. Ben is leaving. Is he taking a. he b. him c. his car? 6. Some of these books are mine and some are . a. yours b. your c. you 7. Why doesn’t anyone here want to play with ? a. I b. mine c. me 8. This can’t be Mary’s diary. it open. a. She b. Hers c. Her never leaves 9. Our parrot can’t talk but can sing! a. its b. it c. our 10. There goes Sarah. Can’t you see a. hers b. she c. her ? . 3c Remember! • Possessive Case Possessive Case (Γενική Κτητική) Γενική κτητική 1. Όταν βάζουμε ‘s στα κύρια ονόματα και ακολουθεί ουσιαστικό, λέμε σε ποιον ανήκει το ουσιαστικό. This is Tom’s room (= αυτό είναι του Tom το δωμάτιο). Το ίδιο γίνεται και με ουσιαστικά που περιγράφουν πρόσωπα ή ζώα. π.χ. the boy’s bike (= του αγοριού το ποδήλατο), my dog’s toys (= του σκύλου μου τα παιχνίδια), κτλ. 2. Αν όμως έχουμε ουσιαστικό σε πληθυντικό με κατάληξη -s, (π.χ. boys, dogs) και θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε για κάτι που τους ανήκει, βάζουμε ΜΟΝΟ την απόστροφο ΧΩΡΙΣ το s. π.χ. the boys’ bikes = των αγοριών τα ποδήλατα, my dogs’ toys = των σκύλων μου τα παιχνίδια, κτλ. ΑΛΛΑ: σε ανώμαλους πληθυντικούς χωρίς κατάληξη -s, ισχύει ο πρώτος κανόνας, π.χ. the children’s books. 3. Όταν θέλουμε να πούμε ότι κάτι ανήκει σε ΔΥΟ πρόσωπα, βάζουμε ‘s στο ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ πρόσωπο. This is Mary and John’s house = σημαίνει ότι το σπίτι ανήκει και στους ΔΥΟ (και στη Mary, και στον John). 4. Όταν όμως μιλάμε για πράγματα που ανήκουν σε δύο πρόσωπα και όπου το ΚΑΘΕ πρόσωπο έχει το ΔΙΚΟ ΤΟΥ, βάζουμε ‘s ΚΑΙ ΣΤΑ ΔΥΟ πρόσωπα. These are Mary’s and John’s cars = σημαίνει ότι ο καθένας έχει από ένα αυτοκίνητο. ΠΡΟΣΕΞΕ να μη μπερδεύεις το ‘s της Γενικής Κτητικής με το ‘s = is ή το ‘s = has. This is John’s room. ≠ John’s ten years old. (‘s = is) ≠ John’s got a cat. (‘s = has) 1. Find and match. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - Are these your jackets? - Are the red shoes Mary’s? - Is this notebook mine? - Is it Tom’s ball? - Is that Jim and Ted’s cat? - Is it Julie’s car? - Are these George’s clothes? - Are these your parents’ coats? d g e b c a h f a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. - Yes, it’s hers. - Yes, it’s his. - Yes, it’s theirs. - No, they’re not ours. - No, it isn’t yours. - Yes, they are theirs. - Yes, they’re hers. - No, they aren’t his. 2. Fill in with the possessive case of the nouns with one or two ‘s or ‘. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. is Dave and Ned’s Dave and Ned have got a big sister. This big sister. dad’s and mum’s Dad has got a brother and mum has got a brother, too. These are brothers. my brothers and sisters’ My brothers and sisters live on the same farm together. This is farm. are Bob’s and Tony’s Bob has got a cat and Tony has got a dog. Those pets. Mr Black and his wife’s Mr Black and his wife have got a flower shop. This is flower shop. my uncle and aunt’s My uncle and aunt have got horses and sheep. Look at animals. the boys’ and girls’ The boys have got great toys. The girls have got great toys, too. I really like toys. 3. Fill in with ‘s = is, ‘s = has or P.C. (possessive case). 1. The cat’s drinking some milk. 2. This is John’s house. 3. Mum’s got a new hat. 4. Tim’s got a new bike. 5. Amy’s doll is new. ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = ‘s = is P.C. has has P.C. 6. My mother’s cooking a delicious meal. ‘s = 7. These are Julie’s trainers. ‘s = 8. Andrew’s got a difficult problem. ‘s = 9. Mark’s motorcycle is orange. ‘s = 10. My brother’s playing with the dog. ‘s = is P.C. has P.C. is twice the fun 2 13 Lesson 1 Present Simple Read and learn. Grammar Theory Present Simple (Απλός Ενεστώτας) Affirmative I travel you travel he travels she travels it travels we travel you travel they travel Interrogative do I travel? do you travel? does he travel? does she travel? does it travel? do we travel? do you travel? do they travel? Negative I don’t travel you don’t travel he doesn’t travel she doesn’t travel it doesn’t travel we don’t travel you don’t travel they don’t travel Spelling Rules 1. Στην κατάφαση του 3 ενικού (he, she, it), το ρήμα έχει κατάληξη -s. come > comes, cook > cooks, stop > stops 2. Τα ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, στο 3ο ενικό, παίρνουν την κατάληξη -es. kiss > kisses, brush > brushes, watch > watches, fax > faxes, go > goes 3. Στα ρήματα που λήγουν σε σύμφωνο και -y, το y γίνεται i και μπαίνει η κατάληξη -es. cry > cries, try > tries, fly > flies BUT: play > plays, say > says USE O Present Simple χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως: 1. για συνήθειες ή πράξεις που επαναλαμβάνονται συχνά I usually walk to school. 2. για γενικές αλήθειες ή φυσικά φαινόμενα It never snows in Cairo. 3. για μόνιμες καταστάσεις They live in Toronto. 4. για δρομολόγια και προγράμματα The school bus leaves at 8.00. twice the fun 2 Οι σύντομες απαντήσεις του Present Simple σχηματίζονται με Yes / No, την αντίστοιχη προσωπική αντωνυμία και τα do(n’t) / does(n’t). - Do they play tennis? - Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. - Does she wake up early? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Time Adverbs / Expressions ου 14 Short Answers every day / night / evening / week / year in the morning / (the) summer at 12.00 / (mid)night / dinnertime / weekends / Christmas on Sunday evening(s) / weekdays / 16th July after / before school / breakfast / our lesson once / twice a day, three times a week Adverbs of Frequency usually, sometimes, often, always, never, rarely Tα επιρρήματα συχνότητας μπαίνουν: • πριν από το κύριο ρήμα. We usually go to the gym at 4.00. She sometimes eats fish. I often wake up early in the morning. They rarely visit her. • μετά από τα βοηθητικά ρήματα. John is sometimes late for school. I don’t often eat fish. John has never got time to talk to me. 1. Fill in with the Present Simple. (-s, -es or -ies?) comes 1. Samantha usually goes 2. Andrew My sister 3. always studies 5. Fay brushes (study) hard for her exams. (return) from work at 5 o’clock. (watch) reality shows. tidies (tidy) his bedroom on Saturdays. cries 9. Mary’s baby 10. Joe faxes (cry) a lot. (fax) a lot of letters at work. 2. Diana’s son move takes No, it doesn’t. It arrives at 6:00. London? - fly No, I don’t. I fly to London. They play golf. (speak) good German and Spanish. (go) skiing in the (wash) their father’s car on (drive) to (play) football? you (write) to her cousins every week. drink (drink) juice with your breakfast? doesn’t rise (not rise) in the west. works (work) as a secretary here. 4. Does teach Mr Palmer ride 5. doesn’t Sharon (teach) maths? (not ride) her old bike any more. watch 6. We always (watch) the 8 o’ clock news all together. take you often read 8. don’t They (take) the bus? read) a newspaper every day. (not never plays 9. My sister (play) computer games. usually drink 10. The kids (drink) milk for breakfast. houses? - fix cars No, he doesn’t. He fixes cars. 6. Does work she (leave) at 10.00. 3. Fill in with the Present Simple. (P - ? - O) 7. Do (leave) 5. Does paint your uncle writes 8. Sarah at 6.00? - arrive No, they don’t. 7. The leaves bus to London 3. Gina Sundays. 2. The sun No, she doesn’t. She runs very fast. - play golf winter. Do summer. 6. The wash twins 1. fast? - run (take) karate lessons on go 5. Jason and Liam often (swim) very 4. Do play they (spend) our holidays in Spain every speaks 4. Fiona swim (move) house every three years. Mondays. 3. We spend Dora 3. Do you drive 2. Fill in with the Present Simple of the verbs. 1. The Parkers Does 2. Does leave the train (brush) her teeth twice a day. watches 7. She never 8. He often 1. (spend) her money on clothes. 6. Dad returns answers as in the example. (come) home late at night. (go) to work by train. spends 4. Brenda 4. Fill in the questions and give - go to college No, she doesn’t. She goes to college. (paint) (work)? 5. Rewrite the sentences as in the example. 1. We go to the theatre. (often - on Saturdays) We often go to the theatre on Saturdays. 2. She goes camping. (sometimes - at weekends) She sometimes goes camping at weekends. 3. Alan has a big breakfast. (always - in the morning) Alan always has a big breakfast in the morning. 4. We are sleepy. (always - in the morning) We are always sleepy in the morning. 5. Ned plays on his computer. (never - after school) Ned never plays on his computer after school. 6. They visit their aunt Ann. (usually - twice a week) They usually visit their aunt Ann twice a week. twice the fun 2 15 Lesson 2 Present Continuous Read and learn. Grammar Theory Present Continuous (Ενεστώτας Διαρκείας) Affirmative I am / ‘m leaving you are / ‘re leaving he is / ‘s leaving she is / ‘s leaving it is / ‘s leaving we are / ‘re leaving you are / ‘re leaving they are / ‘re leaving Interrogative am I leaving? are you leaving? is he leaving? is she leaving? is it leaving? are we leaving? are you leaving? are they leaving? Negative I am not / ‘m not leaving you are not / aren’t leaving he is not / isn’t leaving she is not / isn’t leaving it is not / isn’t leaving we are not / aren’t leaving you are not / aren’t leaving they are not / aren’t leaving Spelling Rules Short Answers Βλέπουμε ότι για να σχηματίσουμε τον Present Continuous χρησιμοποιούμε το βοηθητικό ρήμα be (am / is / are) και το ρήμα με την κατάληξη -ing. Πρόσεξε τους παρακάτω κανόνες ορθογραφίας: Σχηματίζουμε τις σύντομες απαντήσεις του Present Continuous με Yes / No, την αντίστοιχη προσωπική αντωνυμία και με τα am (not) / is(n’t) / are(n’t). - Is Jess playing with his toy cars? - Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 1. Τα μονοσύλλαβα ρήματα που τελειώνουν σε σύμφωνο - φωνήεν - σύμφωνο διπλασιάζουν το τελευταίο σύμφωνο και παίρνουν την κατάληξη -ing. jog + -ing > jogging, stop + -ing > stopping Εξαίρεση: travel + -ing > travelling, begin + -ing > beginning ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Τα χ, y, w δε διπλασιάζονται fax + -ing > faxing, play+ -ing > playing, chew + -ing > chewing 2. Όταν το ρήμα λήγει σε -e και πριν απ’ αυτό υπάρχει σύμφωνο, τότε φεύγει το -e και μπαίνει η κατάληξη -ing. make + -ing > making BUT: see + -ing > seeing 3. Αν το ρήμα τελειώνει σε -ie, τότε φεύγει το -ie, στη θέση του μπαίνει y και ακολουθεί η κατάληξη -ing. lie + -ing > lying 16 twice the fun 2 - Are the children eating lunch? - Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. USE Ο Present Continuous χρησιμοποιείται: • για πράξεις που γίνονται τη στιγμή που μιλάμε. Mum is cooking dinner now. The children are watching TV. • για πράξεις που γίνονται προσωρινά για αυτή τη χρονική περίοδο. I am learning to play the guitar. Toby is staying with his grandparents. Time Adverbs / Expressions (right) now, at the moment, this week / year, today, etc. He’s working at the moment. Be quiet, she’s resting now. They’re staying with Ken this week. 1. Fill in with the Present Continuous. are 1. The children waiting (watch) an adventure film. (swim) in the pool. is dancing 4. My cousin (dance) with Carol’s brother. are fixing 5. Look! The kids (fix) their bikes. are standing 6. Be careful! You (stand) on my foot. (lie) on the floor. am studying 8. I can’t go out with him. I (study) for my exams. are travelling 9. Mum and dad (travel) to Paris. 10. Gemma is sewing is sending (send) an e-mail to her friend. Anna P Is Anna sending an e-mail to her friend? ? Anna isn’t sending an e-mail to her friend. O Fred are jogging 2. P Alison and (jog) in the park. Are Alison and Fred jogging in the park? ? O Alison and Fred aren’t jogging in the park. is making 3. P Your mother (make) a fruit cake. Is your mother making a fruit cake? ? O Your mother isn’t making a fruit cake. is shining 4. P The sun (shine) again. Is the sun shining again? ? O The sun isn’t shining again. is staying 5. P Mr Watkins (stay) at a small hotel. Is Mr Watkins staying at a small hotel? ? O Mr Watkins isn’t staying at a small hotel. 1. watching 2. Thelma are and Alex is lying 7. Your son Continuous. (P - ? - O) (wait) for their school bus. 3. Dennis is swimming 2. Form sentences with Present (sew) a new dress for her party. 3. Rewrite in the correct order. 1. watching / good / Are / film / now/ you / a / ? Are you watching a good film now? 4. Ask questions and give answers as in the example. skating 1. Is Nelson (skate) right now? swim 2. hard / is / this / working / not / week / He / very / . He is not working very hard this week. No, he isn’t. He’s swimming. play 3. salad / She / the / is / moment / making / a / at / . She is making a salad at the moment. No, they aren’t. They’re playing. draw 4. they / Are / afternoon / a / this / meeting / having / ? Are they having a meeting this afternoon? No, she isn’t. She’s drawing. relax 5. the / not / the / is / rabbit / He / feeding / moment / No, I’m not. I’m relaxing. at / . He is not feeding the rabbit at the moment. studying 2. Are your schoolmates 3. Is painting Erica 4. Are cooking you 5. Is talking Mark (study)? (paint) a picture? (cooking) dinner? (talk) on the phone? watch TV No, he isn’t. He’s watching TV. 6. a / today / Am / lesson / I / piano / having / ? Am I having a piano lesson today? 6. Are playing they listen to a CD No, they aren’t. They’re listening to a CD. (play) chess? twice the fun 2 17
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