ANALYSIS OF HUMAN MOTION GLOSSARY OF MEDICAL TERMS This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or the National Agency, nor does it involve any responsibility on their part. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. 1 Project title Project acronym Project number Programme Reporting period Elaborated by Work package / Task Dissemination level WEB site A Web-based E-Training Platform for Extended Human Motion Investigation in Orthopedics ORTHO- eMAN LLP-LdV/ToI/2011/RO/008 Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation 30.05.2013 UCV/Taina Avramescu DUTH/Ioannis Pratikakis WP5/ Glossary of medical terms PU Introduction The present glossary was developed in the framework of ORTHO-eMAN LLPLdV/ToI/2011/RO/008 and has been made specifically for educational purposes and personal development. Introduction of this glossary in the structure of the present course was necessary not only to explain the terms used within the course, but also for the reformulation of the aspects known through the light of paper context. Thus, we tried to emphasize the notions that explain the body position in space, the descriptive anatomy of bone and joints, but also to explain terms of functional anatomy, biomechanics, movement analyze and math used in the paper, the explications sometimes exceed the simple definition of term and contain references of recent researches that have not permitted due to time reasons a reformulation of the definitions. The definitions used in this glossary of terminology either have been provided by the authors of the ORTHO e-man training module, or have been extracted wholly or in part, or paraphrased from different internet reliable sources. 2 I. Terms used to indicate the position and orientation of human body parts and structures In order to mark points and draw axis and orientation plans of human body parts, are used the following terms: Greek term Term Definition term used to indicate the perpendicular direction of a Καηαθφξπθνο Verticalis horizontal plan of an anatomic formation; term used to name an axis, a plane or to indicate the Οξηδφληηνο Horizontalis direction of an anatomic formation with a trajectory parallel with ground or more exactly with the surface of a liquid in repose; term used to name the median plan of body (exactly the Μέζνο Medianus mediosagittal plan), which divides the body in two half, right and left. It is also used to indicate the position of anatomic formations placed in the middle of a region or to name a line that divide a region in two equal parts; term used to indicate the trajectory of an anatomic ηεθαληαίνο Coronalis formation of crown shape; in case of development anatomy it means frontal; term used to name a plan which is parallel with the Οβειηαίνο Sagitalis median plan or to present anatomic formations localised in this plan (lat. = arrow shape); term used to name the frontal plan which is perpendicular Δκπξφζζηνο Frontalis on the median and horizontal ones; Γηακήθεο Transversalis term used to name the transversal or horizontal plan which is perpendicular on the median and frontal plans; for limbs region this plan is perpendicular on the longitudinal axis of the region; term used for anatomic descriptions to show the position Μεζαίνο Medialis of a formation much closer to the median plan; term used to indicate the position of an anatomic Πιεπξηθφο Lateralis formation much far away from the median plan; term used to indicate the middle position of a formation, Δλδηάκεζνο Intermedius to name some nerves (N. intermedius) or some bony prominent; term used to show that a formation is placed before Πξνγελέζηεξνο Anterior another; all formations placed before the frontal plan are anteriorly; term used to show that a formation is placed behind Μεηαγελέζηεξνο Posterior other; is considered that all formations placed behind the plan are posteriorly; term used for the posterior parts of trunk and neck, the Ραρηαίνο Dorsalis term is equally used for head (skull convexity), hand and 3 Κνηιηαθφο Δζσηεξηθφο Δμσηεξηθφο - δεμηφο, Αξηζηεξφο Γηακήθεο Δγθάξζηνο Οπξάο Αλψηεξα, θαηψηεξα Δπηθαλεηαθά, Δηο Βάζνο foot surfaces; term rarely used for human anatomy being replaces with Ventralis anterior term, exceptions exist for nervous system, radix ventralis nerves spinalis, anterior nucleus of thalamus; term synonymous with *profound*, pointing that a Internus formation is placed inside a structure, it must not be used for medial meaning; term synonymous with *superficial* and used to show Externus that a formation is placed in a more superficial layer than the one of other formation, must not be used for lateral meaning; terms used to indicate the position of a an anatomic - Dexter, formation localized to the right or left of the median plan; Sinister Longitudinalis term used to name the body length axis or the direction of a formation placed along a human body region; term used to indicate the direction of a formation placed Transversus across a region; term rarely used for human anatomy, means superior and Caudal inferior, is used more frequently for development anatomy where cranial term has a rostral meaning; terms used to indicate the position of some formations Superior, placed along body or limbs longitudinal axis or at sagittal Inferior plans; terms used to show the position and direction of an Superficiale, anatomic formation localized at the surface of a region Profundus (superficial) or in depth of a region (profound). For orientation and topographic description of limbs anatomic formations will be used the following terms: Greek term Term Definition for phalanges orientation (these terms will not be used as Πξνζεγγηζηηθνί, Proximalis superior and inferior meaning for limbs); Απνκαθξπζκέλνη et Distalis for description of anatomic formations localized at forearm Αθηηληθφ και Radialis et and hand, have lateral meaning and medial one, these σιέλεο Ulnaris terms have the advantage that not take into consideration the space orientation of hand when an anatomic formation is described; for anatomic formations description localized at shank and Κλεκηαίνπ θαη Tibialis et foot, have a double meaning of medial (tibialis) and πεξφλεο Fibularis lateral (fibularis); for formations description from anterior region of hand Παιάκεο Palmaris (Palma manus); for description of the formations situated at the region of Πεικαηηαία Plantaris the foot inferior face (Plantae). 4 II. Medical terms (descriptive and functional anatomy, pathology) A Greek term Δλεξγή ππνζηήξημε Αθηίλε Απαγσγή Αρίιιεηνο ηέλνληαο Κνηχιε ή ζφινο θνηχιεο Πξνζαγσγή Αγσληζηήο άιγνο ακθηάξζξσζε κπαζζέλεηα κπνηνλία Μπτθή αηξνθία Αλαηνκία Αλαιγεζία Αλαηνκηθή ζέζε Αζηξάγαινο αγθχισζε Γψληαζκα Term Active support Actin Definition contribution of muscle action to joint stability. contractile protein that forms the backbone of the thin filaments within a sarcomere movement in frontal plan that moves away a body Abduction region from the median line of the body Achilles (tendon) one of the longest tendons in the body, it attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone cotyloid cavity - articular cavity of coxal bone for Acetabulum the joint with femoral head movement in frontal plan that approaches a body Adduction region to the median line of the body muscle actively involved in producing or Agonist controlling a movement. Ex: thigh flexion, psoas muscle, flexor, is agonist; gluteus maximus, extensor, is antagonist pain Algia functional classification of a joint with limited Amphiarthrosis movement decrease of muscular strength Amyoshtenia decrease or disparition of muscle tone, Amyotonia synonymous: myotonia severe decrease of the volume of a striate muscle, Amyotrophy through quantity and quality diminishing of its fibers. Synonymous: muscle atrophy the study of the structure and parts of the body Anatomy the inability to feel pain Analgesia standard equilibrium position to which is reported Anatomical the description of the body movement. Body is in position orthostatic position with the inferior limbs attached, parallel and superior limbs along the body, palms looking outside. the joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg Ankle bones with the talus. The ankle connects the foot with the leg. partial or total limitation of movements at a joint Ankylosis due to an inflammation process of articular cavity exudates, capsule atrophy or welding of articular surfaces surgically excised deviation from a straight line, as in a badly set Angulation 5 Αλψκαινο Αλσκαιία Abnormal Anomaly Αληαγσληζηήο Antagonist Αλαιγεηηθφ πξφζπησζε Antalgic Antevertion Απνλεχξσζε Aponeurosis απφπησζε Apoptosis Θσξαθηθφ, ππειηθφ Appendicular ηκήκαηνπ ζθειεηνχ skeleton θαη θάησ άθξα άισο Areoles (Bone) bone deviating from the normal, average, or expected deviation from the normal, characteristic form, structure or position, resulting from an embryonary or exogenous develop disorder muscle that opposes or fights the action of another„ that prevents or calm down pain partially or totally anterior move of an organ; antevertion of femoral head – increase over 15 degrees of femoral neck inclination angle, meet at hip congenital dislocation sheets of tendon like material that cover a muscle surface or connect muscle to another muscle, or muscle to bone a normal series of events in a cell that leads to its death the bones of the limbs and supporting thoracic (pectoral) and pelvic girdles. cavities from spongy tissue structure, with different diameters, shape and contain (lat. areola – small surface). Obs. Areoles shape can be tubular-cylindrical, ovoid or spherical; diameters increase from surface to depth; the contain is represented by bone marrow or air (mastoid). ρφλδξνο Άξζξσζε/θιείδσζε ή ζχλδεζκνο smooth, shiny layer of hyaline cartilage covering Articular the joint surfaces of articulating bones. (cartilage) Articulation/joint The area where two bones are attached for the purpose of permitting body parts to move. Obs. A joint is usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage. Joints are grouped according to their type of motion: ball-and-socket joint; hinge joint; condyloid joint, which permits all forms of angular movement except axial rotation; pivot joint; gliding joint; or saddle joint. Joints can move in only four ways: gliding, in which one bony surface glides on another, without angular or rotatory movement; angular, a movement that occurs only between long bones, increasing or decreasing the angle between the bones; circumduction, which occurs in joints composed of the head of a bone and an articular cavity, with the long bone describing a series of circles and the whole forming a cone; and rotation, in which a bone moves about a central axis without moving from this axis. Αξζξνδεζία ή αξζξφδεζε Αξζξίηηδα Arthrodesis Arthritis surgical replacement of a joint by a rigid connection between two bones acute, subacute or chronic inflammatory processes 6 of component elements of a joint, with different etiology and common clinic panel represented by edema, inflammation and painful joint (arthralgia) Obs. Causes are incompletely known, include articular trauma, bacterial infections, tuberculosis, genetically causes, hormonal or metabolic disorders. From forms point of view can be dry, serous, infected; mono, oligo or poliarticular. Ρεπκαηνεηδήο αξζξίηηδα Arthritis (rheumatoid) Οπξηθή αξζξίηηδα ή Arthritis (gout) πνδάγξα Αξζξνγξχπσζε Arthrogryposis Αξζξνπάζεηα Αξζξνπιαζηηθή Arthropathy Arthroplasty αξζξνθέληεζε Arthrocentesis αξζξνζθφπεζε Arthroscopy Άξζξσζε(αζζέλεηα) Arthrosis consequence of an autoimmune attack at articular tissues, followed by thickness of synovial membrane, synovial liquid accumulation, articular cartilage destruction appears due to nucleoproteins metabolism disorders, increasing of sanguine uric acid and sodium urates crystals deposition at joint level, especially at small joints of hand and foot (hallux) arthrogryposis multiplex congenital- include nonprogresive pathological conditions characterized by multiple joint contractures in the entire body at birth the generic name of any articular affection surgical orthopedic technique of joint reconstruction for functional recovery, practiced especially for bone ankylosis surgical intervention through which are maintain in correct position the strained bone extremities, after previous reduction diagnostic and treatment method of articular affections that imply a limited incision at articular capsule, followed by the introduction of an apparatus named arthroscope that visualizes the articular cartilage, synovial membrane and other formations (meniscus, crossed ligament at knee joint) articular affection with chronic evolution, part of degenerative chronic rheumatism (of wear) Obs. Is characterized by deformed bone extremities, irregular articular outlines, narrowed articular space and osteophytes αζηάζεηα Astasia Αζζέλεηα ή αδπλακία Asthenia Αηαμία Ataxia impossibility to keep the orthostatic posture due to a motor deficit pathologic diminishing of physic and psychic effort capacity; myalgic – a form of asthenia characterized by general fatigue and muscular pains failure of active movements’ coordination Obs. Presents as clinic forms: 7 cerebellar ataxia ataxia due to disease of the cerebellum. Bruns' frontal ataxia a disturbance of equilibrium and gait due to a lesion in the frontal lobe, characterized by assumption of a broad-based gait with the feet flat on the ground and a tendency to retropulsion. Friedreich's ataxia hereditary sclerosis of the dorsal and lateral columns of the spine, usually beginning in childhood or youth; it is attended with ataxia, speech impairment, scoliosis, peculiar movements, paralysis, and often hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. locomotor ataxia tabes dorsalis. motor ataxia inability to control the coordinate movements of the muscles. sensory ataxia ataxia due to loss of proprioception (joint position sensation) between the motor cortex and peripheral nerves, resulting in poorly judged movements, the incoordination becoming aggravated when the eyes are closed. ataxia-telangiectasia a severe autosomal recessive progressive cerebellar ataxia, associated with oculocutaneous telangiectasia, abnormal eye movements, sinopulmonary disease, and immunodeficiency. Αζέησζε Athetosis Αηνλία Αηξνθία Atony Atrophy a constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements of flexion, extension, pronation, and supination of fingers and hands, and sometimes of toes and feet. loss of tonus progressive, acquired decrease in the size of a normally developed cell, tissue, or organ. Obs. Atrophy may result from a decrease in cell size, number of cells or both with serious consequences over their function. Can be limited to a certain organ, due to disease interference with the metabolism of the organ or can interested the entire limb, if its nutrition and innervation is affected. The natural aging of tissues and body organs leads to atrophy of senescentis or simple senescentis. The inactivity of a tissue or organ will lead in time to a local atrophy, for example muscular dystrophy that causes atrophy, decreasing of volume and muscular strength due to sarcoplasm loss Αηξνθία νζηψλ Atrophy (bone) 1. the bone resorption internally (in density) and externally (in form) (e.g., of residual ridges); 2. a loss of bone substance or volume. Obs. Atrophy of bone ordinarily occurs without a corresponding change in the volume or external dimensions of bone, but the mass of bone tissue may be reduced by as much as 75%. The internal architecture of the bone gradually becomes attenuated and finally disappears. Atrophied bone is brittle and has a more spongy consistency than normal bone. In cross-section the cortex is thin, and the periosteal surface is smooth and unchanged, but the intramedullary substance is composed of a yellow, fatty, 8 cancellous bone tissue. Bone atrophy may be systemic, regional, or local. Μπτθή αηξνθία Atrophy (muscular) a wasting of muscle tissue, especially resulting from lack of use. Obs. There are numerous causes for simple atrophy of muscle, such as chronic malnutrition, immobilization, and denervation. Αηξνθία ηζηψλ Atrophy (tissue) Αμνληθφο ζθειεηφο Axial skeleton Άμνλαο (αλαηνκηθά) Axis (anatomic) an atrophy resulting from a lack of function of a tissue, organ, or body part. the bones of the body axis, including the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. for the description of anatomic formations are used three orientation space axis, that pass through center of gravity (S1), intersect themselves under right angles and are named: longitudinal, sagittal and transversal. These axes define plans. Obs. Body length axis or longitudinal axis lies between a superior polar point, named vertex and an inferior polar point, situated in the center of sustain basis; is perpendicular on the ground horizontal. The depth body axis or the sagittal axis passes through the center of gravity and has an anterior-posterior direction. The width body axis or transversal one passes through weight center and is parallel with the ground horizontal. B Greek term ηζνξξνπία Term Balance Definition maintenance of postural stability or equilibrium. Also postural control. the lowest rate at which a person can possibly use energy and Βαζηθφο Basal κεηαβνιηθφο metabolic rate remain alive; at this rate, only absolutely necessary functions such as breathing are maintained ξπζκφο having action at two joints δπαξζξηθφ Biarticular the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is Οζηφ Bone composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. It also serves as a storage area for calcium, playing a large role in calcium balance in the blood Θξεπηηθέο Bone nutritive arteries that assure the bone nutrition Observation. Can be diaphysis, metaphysis or epiphysis ones, result from αξηεξίεο arteries periosteum or periarticular vascular arches νζηψλ all cell activities that will determine the increase of Αλάπηπμε Bone growth dimensions and/or mass of skeleton component. ησλ νζηψλ Observation. Increasing is a temporo-spacial phenomenon, that is why a special importance is given to kinetic increase, characterized by speed and growth acceleration. Οζηηθφο Bone flap a window created by the temporary surgical displacement of a 9 θξεκλφο Μπειφο ησλ Bone marrow νζηψλ section of bone, which remains attached along one edge to provide a blood-supply during the procedure reticular tissue that occupies the free spaces from inside bones (medullar canal of long bones shafts, areola cavities of spongy tissue. Observation. At birth the marrow bone has a hematopoietic character (red); after age of 7 years the marrow of long bones changes in adipose tissue (yellow marrow); at senescence important parts of hematopoietic marrow and adipose one transforms into connective tissue (fibrous marrow or gray). Θξεπηηθέο αξηεξίεο νζηψλ Πξνχζα Bone nutritive arteries that assure the bone nutrition Observation. Can be diaphysal, metaphysal or epiphysal ones, result from arteries Θπιαθίηηδα Bursitis periosteum or periarticular vascular arches. Bursa a bursa is a closed fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body inflammation of a bursa due to excessive pressure or friction, or from injury. C Greek term Βάδηζκα/πεξπάηεκα κε ξπζκφ Απνηηηάλσζε (θπζηνινγηθή) Απνηηηάλσζε (παζνινγηθή) Κάινο Term Cadence walking Calcification (physiological) Calcification (pathological) Callus ρφλδξνο Cartilage Definition gait tempo measured in steps per minute biologic process through which calcium salts deposit during ossification abnormal deposits of calcium and magnesium salts in tissue new osseous tissue that weld the ends resulted from a bone fracture; vicious – imperfect welding of a fracture medium hard conjunctive tissue formed of cells, fibers and fundamental substance, has no vascularization and its nutrition is assured by diffusion from surrounding tissues Obs. Fundamental substance contains proteoglycans in the structure of whom are proteins, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate. The chondrocytes contain enzymes implied in the synthesis and degradation of proteoglycans. This turnover usually lasts months or even years, increases moderately due to intern or extern trauma agents’ action. Even after cartilage turnover acceleration, the cartilage recovers slowly, due to the indirect supply of nutritive substances (diffusion). Depending on the fibers nature and arrangement there are three types of cartilage: hyaline, elastic and fibrous. Hyaline cartilage – cartilage with the lowest resistance, but biggest spreading in human body. It is found at costal, nasal, laryngeal, tracheal and bronchial cartilages. Articular cartilage – a particular type of hyaline cartilage 10 containing collagen fibers with high resistance Elastic cartilage – cartilage formed mostly of elastic fibers. It is found at ear auricle, Eustachian tube , epiglottis. Fibrous cartilage – the most resistant type of cartilage, contains many collagen fibers and a reduced amount of fundamental substance. It is found at areas subdued to some pressure solicitations, such as intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis. Κεληξηθφ λεπξηθφ ζχζηεκα Δγθεθαιηθή παξάιπζε (CP) Central nervous system Cerebral palsy (CP) ρνλδξνθχηηαξα Υνλδξνκαιάθπλζε ήρνλδξνκαιαθία Chondrocytes Chondromalacia brain, spinal cord and their nerve endings. Abbreviated CNS. term used for a group of nonprogressive disorders of movement and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control centers of the brain. CP is caused by events before, during, or after birth. The abnormalities of muscle control that define CP are often accompanied by other neurological and physical abnormalities. cartilage cells, structural components of cartilage abnormal softening or degeneration of cartilage of the joints, especially of the knee patellae Obs.It occurs in young adults after knee injury and is characterized by swelling, pain, and degenerative changes, which are revealed on x-ray examination. Υνλδξνκαιάθπλζε επηγνλαηίδαο Υνξεία Chondromalacia patellae Chorea pathological softening and thinning of the cartilage (gristle) lining the back of the kneecap. name given to some diseases or syndromes of central nervous system, of different etiology, of whom dominant syndrome is represented by involuntary moves, with segmental character, arrhythmic, rapidly unorganized, without finality; the ceaseless occurrence of rapid, jerky, dyskinetic, involuntary movements. Obs. As clinic forms present: acute chorea Sydenham's chorea a self-limited disorder, occurring between the ages of 5 and 15, or during pregnancy, linked with rheumatic fever, and marked by involuntary movements that gradually become severe, affecting all motor activities chronic chore , chronic progressive hereditary chorea Huntington's chorea.- hereditary disease marked by chronic progressive chorea and mental deterioration to dementia. Πεξηζηξνθηθή θίλεζε άθξνπ Circumduction special form of angular motion in which the distal end of a limb or segment moves in a circular pattern about a relatively fixed proximal end, tracing out a cone-shaped pattern; successive combination of many fundamental moves through which a segment passes (flexion, abduction, 11 Υσιφηεηα δηαιείπνπζα ρσιφηεηα Νεπξνγελήο ρσιφηεηα Κιηληθφο Κλονικός ζπαζμός κλώνος Ραηβντππνπνδία (CTEV) πλελεξγνπνίεζε θνιιαγφλν extension, adduction) and returns to flexion position; can be executed backwards leaving from any position temporal disorders that appear during an intense Claudication activity and disappear or diminish after repose temporal disorders that appear after intense Claudication (intermittent) solicitations of some organs and disappear or diminish after a certain repose; painful cramp of shank muscles, during effort, due to chronic arterial insufficiency, that disappear during repose, pain, tension, and weakness in the legs on walking, which intensifies to produce lameness and is relieved by rest; it is seen in occlusive arterial disease. disorder accompanied by pain and paresthesias in Claudication (neurogenic) the back, buttocks, and legs that is relieved by stooping, caused by mechanical disturbances due to posture or by ischemia of the cauda equine having to do with the examination and treatment Clinical of patients. 1. alternate involuntary muscular contraction and Clonus relaxation in rapid succession after forcible extension or flexion of a part; 2. a continuous rhythmic reflex tremor initiated by the spinal cord below an area of spinal cord injury, set in motion by reflex testing. Similar clonospasm. Clonus (ankle) a series of abnormal reflex movements of the foot, induced by sudden dorsiflexion, causing alternate or foot clonus contraction and relaxation of the triceps surae muscle. Clubfoot (talipes a genetic disorder in which the foot is twisted and misshapen equinovarus) simultaneous action of agonists and antagonists at Coactivation a given point protein of scleroproteins group that contain Collagen glycocol, proline, oxiproline; generic name that include a big variety of protein molecules that enter extracellular matrix structure, having as base structural unit three polypeptide chains with triple helix configuration. Observation. Till present were identified 19 collagen types, formed of minimum 33 distinct polypeptide chains. πκπαγήο νζηηθή νπζία Compact osseous substance variety of hard connective tissue (osseous), adapted at maximum to the sustain and resistance function, with homogenous macroscopic structure, 12 formed of attached osseous lamellas, without delimiting interior cavities. Synonymous cortical bone; lamellar bone. Observation. Microscopic is formed of osseous lamellas disposed concentric around Haversian canals (osteons), presenting thus cavities of reduced dimensions (Haversian canals, osseous gaps, Volkmann canals). Αμνληθή ηνκνγξαθία Computerized Axial Tomography scan CAT or CT scan Δθ γελεηήο Congenital Δθ γελεηήο ζηξαβφ Congenital πφδη crooked foot Δθ γελεηήο ξαηβφηεηα ηππνεηδνχο πνδηνχ Congenital varus equine foot ζπζηαιηηθή ζπληζηψζα Contractile component αληαγσληζκφο Contention ζπζηαιηηθφηεηα Contractility χζπαζε Contracture Οκφθεληξε ζπζηνιή (κπψλ) ή νκφθεληξε ζχζπαζε Contraction (concentric) pictures of structures within the body created by a computer that takes the data from multiple X-ray images and turns them into pictures on a screen. CT stands for computerized tomography term that refers to an apparent or latent disorder of new born, due to a pathologic process spent during intrauterine life corresponds to malformations that modified the foot orientation compared with the shank. There are four directions where the foot can be deviated compared with the shank: in extension, with support on the forefoot (equine); in dorsal flexion; in adduction (varus); in abduction (valgus). congenital deformation of one or both feet that associate equine and varus calcaneus, forefoot and middle foot adduction and inversion, atrophy of the shank affected muscles and a foot length smaller than the one of the healthy foot. structure within a muscle that can produce force. The fundamental contractile component of a skeletalmuscle is the sarcomere. in orthopedic means maintaining in contact the fragments of a fracture; is performed through immobilization orthopedic ways or surgically through osteosynthesis. muscular tissue propriety to answer to stimulation through form changing, usually shortening; a muscle’s ability to generate a pulling or tension force. permanent tonic contraction of a muscle or muscles group of pathological cause; can be antalgic, myogenic, neurogenic or ischemic contraction realized by the responsible muscle for this contraction. The muscular insertions approach and the muscle shorts. The torque produced by the muscle is greater than the external torque, and therefore, the muscle is able to shorten while 13 Έθθεληξε ζπζηνιή (κπψλ) ή έθθεληξε ζχζπαζε Contraction (eccentric) Μπτθή ζπζηνιή Contraction (muscular) πληνληζκφο Coordination Coxa plana Coxa plana Coxa Valga Coxa valga Coxa Vara Coxa vara Γεθαλίθηα Crutches D Greek term Απαζβέζησζε Term Decalcification δηάξζξσζε Γηάζηαζε Diarthrosis Diastasis Γηπιεγία Diplegia δηάζηξεκκα Γπζθηλεζία ή δπζιεηηνπξγία ζηελ θηλεηηθφηεηα δπζκεηξία Disjunction Dyskinesia (motor) Dysmetria overcoming the external load. Ex: trunk flexion from clinostatic represents a concentric contraction of rectus abdominis muscle contraction performed by a muscle through progressive decreasing of its contraction state; the muscular insertions move away. The torque produced by the muscle is less then external torque; the joint movement occurs more slowly than the external torque would tend to internal state in which a muscle actively exerts a force, regardless of whether it shortens or lenghtness. muscle working together with correct timing and intensity to produce or control a movement. flattening of the head of the femur resulting from osteochondrosis of its epiphysis deformity of the hip joint with increase in the angle of inclination between the neck and shaft of the femur, producing a straighter bone. deformity of the hip joint with decrease in the angle of inclination between the neck and shaft of the femur. help sustain the body during static position and walking by axillary and hands support Definition dystrophic process of osseous tissue, during which under the various influences (mechanic, chemical, nervous) calcium from the respective tissue decreases progressively till disappears. Synonymous osseous demineralization. functional classification of a freely movable joint. the equivalent of dislocation for fixed joints. Frequently occur at tibiofibular joints. paralysis of both sides of any body part or of like parts on the opposite sides of the body the equivalent of sprain for fixed joints an impairment in the ability to control movements, characterized by spasmodic or repetitive motions or lack of coordination. an aspect of ataxia, in which the ability to control the distance, power, and speed of an act is impaired; usually 14 used to describe abnormalities of movement caused by cerebellar disorders. displacement of parts that form a unit; of fragments – κεηαθίλεζε Dislocation radiologic sign that emphasize the displacement level of a fracture fragments. Ραρηαία Dorsal flexion joint motion at the ankle where the foot moves toward (dorsiflexion) the lower leg θάκςε Ράρε ηνπ Dorsum of foot an anatomical term referring to the upper surface of the foot. Similar dorsum pedis. πνδηνχ all moves performed between two successive leanings of Γηπιφ βήκα Double step the same foot; functional unit of locomotion during (δηαζθειηζκφο) (stride) walking; formed of 2 simple steps. Similarly contact with heel, attack with heel, contact with foot, attack with foot. period when the body s weight is supported by both legs Γηπιή Double support ππνζηήξημε E Term Greek term πκελνγελήο νζηέσζε Endoconnective ossification Υνλδξνγελήο νζηέσζε Enchondral ossification ελδνπξφζεζε Endoprosthesis ειεθηξνκπνγξάθεκα (EMG) Electromyography (EMG) Δπίθπζε Epiphysis επηκχην Epimysium Αλάζπαζε ρείινπο έμσ Eversion Definition ossification type characterized by direct metaplasia of connective tissue at osseous tissue. Synonymous - desmal; of membrane. type of ossification hold at the surface and inside a cartilaginous model that is destroyed and replaced with fibrous or spongy tissue. Endomysium – fibrous connective tissue sheath that surrounds each muscle fiber located within a fascicle in a skeletal muscle. Synonymous: endocartilage; of cartilage prosthesis introduced inside human body (gr. endon - inside; at interior graphic or optic recording method of muscular action potentials, in repose and during voluntary contraction Can diagnosis both muscular affections and peripheral neuron ones (motor units activity). long bones extremity formed by a compact osseous tissue layer at periphery and a spongy osseous tissue at interior (gr.epiphysis excrescent). fibrous connective tissue sheath that surrounds a whole skeletal muscle move through which the foot lateral edge lifts (dorsal flexion, abduction and pronation of foot) 15 Δπέθηαζε Γηεγεξζηκφηεηα Δπεθηαζηκφηεηα Έθηαζε Δμσηεξηθή πεξηζηξνθή (πιεπξηθή) Δμσθπηηαξηθφ πιέγκα (ECM) move in sagittal plan that moves away a body region posteriorly from the anatomic position describes the ability of muscle to respond to a Excitability stimulus. describes the ability of muscle to lengthen or Extensibility stretch and as a consequence to generate force over a range of lengths. therapeutic way used for fracture or dislocation Extent joint reduction or for the immobilization of a limb by applying a traction. Can be extemporaneous or continuous, manually or mechanic (pulleys, orthopedic mass, elongation apparatuses). External rotation movement in a transversal plan that moves outside a part of the body. (lateral) Extension a complex material formed of an organic component that include insoluble fibers, micro fibrils, soluble proteins and glycoproteins to which is attached an anorganic component represented by hydroxyapatite crystals and calcium-phosphate amorphous; is responsible for mechanic and physiochemical properties specific to each tissue and offers a support for cell attachment. Extracellular matrix Observation. The most frequent proteins from extracellular matrix structure are the ones of the collagen family (type I, II, III) and exists as fibers fascicules. Other are represented by proteoglycans, hyaluronan, elastin, fibronectin, thrombospondin, laminin, osseous sialoprotein, tenascin, etc. Δμσππξακηδηθφ ζχζηεκα Extrapyramidal system Δμσππξακηδηθή λφζνο (εμσππξακηδηθφ ζχλδξνκν) Extrapyramidal disease (extrapyramidal syndrome) ηππνπνδία Equines foot F Greek term Μεξηαίν νζηφ Term Femur system of nervous fibers that descend from motor cortex to effectors (muscles) and serve to involuntary motility and muscular tone. any of a group of clinical disorders marked by abnormal involuntary movements, alterations in muscle tone, and postural disturbances; the group includes PARKINSONISM, CHOREA, ATHETOSIS, and others. foot position in which the forefoot is lower than the heel. In gait, at initial contact, the foot is plantar flexed. Definition bone of the leg situated between the pelvis and knee in 16 Πιαηππνδία Flat foot Ιλνβιάζηεο Fibroblast Πεξφλε ηεο θλήκεο Fibula Λεπηή κεκβξάλε Αθηηλνγξαθηθή εηθφλα απφ πξφζζηανπίζζηα απφθιηζε Film Film of anteroposterior incidence Film of profile Αθηηλνγξαθηθή εηθφλα πιάγηα (πξνθίι) θαζήισζε Fixation Δζσηεξηθή θαζήισζε Fixation (internal) Δμσηεξηθή θαζήισζε Fixation (external) θάκςε Flexion Δπθακςία/επιπγπζία Flexibility άξζξσζεο (joint) humans. It is the largest and strongest bone in the body. Absence of an arch in the sole of the foot that causes the foot to lie flat when the person is standing a type of cell found in connective tissue throughout the body that produces collagen and other proteins found in the extracellular (between cells) spaces the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg, located externally. The end of the fibula forms the bony prominence of the outer ankle slang shortening of X-ray film an X-ray picture in which the beams pass from frontto-back (anteroposterior). As opposed to a PA (posteroanterior) film in which the rays pass through the body from back-to-front an X-ray picture taken from the side. the act or surgery of immobilization in a certain position a surgical procedure that stabilizes and joins the ends of fractured (broken) bones by mechanical devices such as metal plates, pins, rods, wires or screws. a procedure that stabilizes and joins the ends of fractured (broken) bones by a splint or cast. External fixation is as opposed to internal fixation in which the ends of the fractured bone are joined by mechanical devices such as metal plates, pins, rods, wires or screws. a move in sagittal plan that moves away a body region anteriorly from anatomic position. Other process of bending, or the state of being bent. the ability to move a joint smoothly through its complete range of motion. Flexibility is determined by the nature of the joint structure, the condition of the ligaments and fascia that surround the joint, and muscle extensibility. Flexibility may also be limited by the skin, connective tissue, and bones around the joint. Flexibility is one of the main components of physical fitness and is believed to be important for optimum health. Flexibility exercises have been prescribed for the relief of dysmenorrhea, general neuromuscular tension, and low back pain. However, an athlete who concentrates on flexibility exercises at 17 the expense of strength training may reduce joint stability and increase the risk of dislocations the range of motion that can be achieved by actively Γπλακηθή επθακςία Flexibility moving a body segment using muscle actions. (dynamic) Dynamic flexibility also refers to the relative ease of making rapid or repeated movements over any range, rather than the range itself. It is determined by the forces that oppose or resist the movements, and is affected by the ability of muscles to recover quickly. Dynamic flexibility is an important ability underlying many gross motor skills, and is important for developing speed and power. the maximum range of motion possible at a particular Βαζκφο επιπγπζίαο Flexibility joint or series of joints working together. Extent (extent) flexibility is largely joint-specific; good flexibility at one joint does not guarantee good flexibility elsewhere. Use of the term is sometimes restricted to the ability to flex and stretch the trunk and back muscles as far as possible in any direction. the range of motion of a joint when a body segment is ηαηηθή επθακςία Flexibility passively moved (e.g. by an exercise partner) and held (static) in position. It is measured using a dexometer or goniometer Φάζε αηψξεζεο Flight phase period of the running gait cycle when both feet are off the ground of walking the lower extremity of the human leg that is in direct πφδη Foot contact with the ground in standing or walking the forefoot consists of five metatarsals and phalanges, Μπξνζηηλφ ηκήκα Forefoot or toes. The big toe provides the most propulsion, πνδηνχ while the second through fourth toes provide stability while walking or standing. a term that includes a range of conditions that may Γπζκνξθία ζην πφδη Foot affect the bones, tendons, and muscles of the foot. deformity There are foot acquired deformations – affections that appear during life, others than the ones secondary to vicious consolidated fractures. Include hallux valgus, hammer fingers, supraductus and infraductus ones, hallux varus, flat foot, flat forefoot, round forefoot, complex deformed forefoot, metatarsus primus varus, etc. and foot congenital deformations (congenital crooked foot, calcaneus valgus, etc.) Obs. All babies have flat feet because their arches are not yet built up (and their feet tend to be plump). This condition may persist into adulthood, or an arch may form as the child grows. Flat feet can also be acquired, as in jobs that require a great 18 deal of walking and carrying of heavy objects. Also called pes planus Θξεπηηθφ ηξήκα (ζξεπηηθφο πφξνο) Μπξνζηηλφ ηκήκα πνδηνχ Κάηαγκα Διεπζεξία θίλεζεο G Greek term Βάδηζκα orifice placed at the surface of bone through which enter inside him 1-2 nutritive arteries, passing into nutritive canals. the portion of the foot that includes the metatarsus and Forefoot toes interruption of bone continuity. A fracture is a break Fracture in the bone or cartilage. Is named by the trauma event that caused the bone breakage. Although usually a result of trauma, a fracture can be the result of an acquired disease of bone, such as osteoporosis, or of abnormal formation of bone in a congenital disease of bone, such as osteogenesis imperfecta ('brittle bone disease'). Fractures are classified according to their character and location (for example, greenstick fracture of the radius). term referring to the distance and direction a joint can Freedom of move between the flexed position and the extended movement (biomedical)- position. The act of attempting to increase this distance through therapeutic exercises (range of motion therapy—stretching from flexion to extension for physiological gain) is also sometimes called range of motion. Each specific joint has a normal range of motion that is expressed in degrees. Devices to measure range of motion in the joints of the body include the goniometer and inclinometer which use a stationary arm, protractor, fulcrum, and movement arm to measure angle from axis of the joint. As measurement results will vary by the degree of resistance, two levels of range of motion results are recorded in most cases. Limited range of motion refers to a joint that has a reduction in its ability to move. The reduced motion may be a mechanical problem with the specific joint or it may be caused by injury or diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other types of arthritis. Pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with arthritis can limit the range of motion of a particular joint and impair function and the ability to perform usual daily activities. Similarly freedom of movement degree. Foramina nutrient Term Gait Definition all forms of bipedal locomotion where there is not a period of time in which both legs are in the air (flying 19 Κχθινο βαδίζκαηνο Gait cycle Γηαηαξαρή ζην βάδηζκα Gait disorder Τπεξεθηαζηκφηεηα Genu ηεο άξζξσζεο ηνπ recurvatum γφλαηνο ξαηβνζθειία Genu varum γιπθνπξσηεΐλε Glycoproteins phase): o cyclic locomotion move which is realized by successive move of a leg before the other. the period between foot initial contact with ground and the following initial contact of the same foot with ground an abnormality in the manner or style of walking, usually due to diseases or injuries to the legs, feet, brain, spinal cord, or inner ear; usually results from neuromuscular, arthritic, or other body changes. The body's center of gravity may change over the years, causing a change in the degree of knee flexion needed to maintain one's balance when walking. Some individuals with neuromuscular disorders walk with a shuffling gait or move with lurching actions. At times a gait disorder may be the result of a medication that causes confusion or loss of coordination or an eye or ear disturbance that affects the sense of balance. Similar Walking abnormalities hyperextensibility of the knee joint more then 180, due to exaggerated laxity of capsule and posterior ligaments. Sequel of poliomyelitis. Genu valgum - a childhood deformity in which shank axis deviates external from the femur one, thus the shanks form an obtuse angle open to exterior (if it is bilaterally result shank in X). Internal faces of the knee stick together during orthostatic position, the knees rub together or ―knock‖ in walking and the ankles are far apart; the most common causes are irregularity in growth of the long bones of the lower limb (sometimes from injury to the bone ends at the knee) and weak ligaments with no properly support of the weight of the body. an outward curvature of one or both lower limbs near the knee, in which shank axis deviates internal from the femur one, thus the shanks form an obtuse angle open to interior (if it is bilaterally result shank in O). The internal edges of ankles (malleolus) stick together during orthostatic position, while the knees are apart. conjugate proteins of mucoproteins type that contain carbohydrates into the molecule. Observation. The most representative glycoproteins are: osteonectin, osteocalcin, L 2HS-glycoprotein. κφζρεπκα Graft surgery transplant of an organ or tissue. Surgery transplant of an organ or tissue from one part 20 of the body to another part of the body at the same person is named autograft; to another person identically antigenetic – isograft; of the same species – home graft; of another species – heterograft. The best results were recorded in case of auto and isografts, the other grafts cause immune reactions that can determine the graft rejection. There are some immune depressive ways through which the rejection reaction can be delayed or reduced. Observation. In case of osseous pathology the grafts are used to remediate the effects of some trauma, for osseous tumors are used resections. «πφλνη ηεο αλάπηπμεο» H Greek term Μεγάιν δάρηπιν πνδηνχ σιήλαο ηνπ Havers αίκαζξν Ηκηπιεγία Growing pains mysterious pains in growing children, usually in the legs, likely occurring as a result of overuse. Growing pains are typically somewhat diffuse, and they are not associated with physical changes of the area, such as swelling or redness. The pains are usually easily relieved by massage, acetaminophen, or rest. Term Hallux Definition the first finger (big toe) of foot Haversian canal neurovascular canal from osseous structure, produced by collagen fibers, around which are disposed concentric lamellae; contains 1-2 sanguine capillaries, nervous fibers. blood accumulation in a joint. paralysis of one side of the body (flaccid or spastic) usually caused by a neurological, tumoral, inflammatory or traumatic lesion located in the brain or cervical segment of the spinal cord. The paralysis occurs on the side opposite the brain disorder Hemarthrosis Hemiplegia χδξαζξν Ιζρίν ζπγγελέο alternate hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the face and the opposite side of the body. crossed hemiplegia cerebral hemiplegia that due to a brain lesion. facial hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the face. spastic hemiplegia hemiplegia with spasticity of the affected muscles and increased tendon reflexes. spinal hemiplegia that due to a lesion of the spinal cord. serous accumulation in an articular cavity due to an inflammation or local trauma part of human body placed between trunk and hip; Hip anatomic region corresponding to the joint of inferior limbs with trunk (coxofemoral joint). Hip congenital congenital dislocation or subluxation of the hip Hidrathrosis 21 εμάξζξεκα ηνπ ηζρίνπ dislocation Τδξνμπαπαηίηεο Hydroxyapatite (congenital acetabula dysplasia) - a complete or partial displacement of the femoral head out of the acetabulum in newborns. anorganic component of extracellular matrix, disposed under crystals which are orientated with their long axis parallel with the one of collagen fibers. Observation. Exists under amorphous or crystalline form. By the association of hydroxyapatite complex with calcium and phosphate ions results the osseous crystalline unit. παινπξνληθφ νμχ Hyaluronic acid Τπεξθηλεηηθφηεηα Hyperkinesia Τπνπιαζία I Greek term Ιαηξνγελήο Ιδηνπαζήο Hypoplasia Term Iatrogenic Idiopathic Αθηλεηνπνίεζε Immobilization (Οξζνπεδηθή) (orthopedic) Δκθχηεπκα Implant Πξφζπησζε, απφθιηζε ή εθηξνπή Incidence (radiology) Κιίζε ιεθάλεο Inclination pelvis a viscous slippery substance that lubricates the joints, is a key component of connective tissue. On a more technical level, hyaluric acid is a glycosaminoglycan (formerly called a mucopolysaccharide), a long unbranched polysaccharide (complex sugar), composed of repeating dimeric units of glucuronic acid and N acetyl glucosamine. exaggerate motility caused by intense activity of striated or smooth muscles. insufficient development of a tissue or organ, often of congenital cause. Definition due to the activity of a physician or therapy. generic name given to normal or pathologic phenomena of unknown cause an action that cause a static position; can refer to one or more joints or to the entire body; is symptomatic (disease) or therapeutic, when is realized through conservatory ways (gypsum or orthopedic apparatus) or orthopedic, continuous extension or through surgical ways (arthrodesis). an object or material inserted or grafted into the body for prosthetic, therapeutic, diagnostic, or experimental purposes. The implant may be of tissue, such as in a bone graft, or of an artificial substance, such as in a hip prosthesis the position of a body part that needs to be irradiated from the irradiation source. Are described anteriorposterior, posterior-anterior, lateral, oblique, eccentric, cranial-caudal, caudal-cranial radiological incidences. ventral inclined position of pelvis from the axial skeleton; it is appreciated after its straits inclination from the horizontal ( with which the superior strait makes an angle of 60 degrees and with the inferior one 22 an angle of 10 degrees). first phase of gait cycle that starts from the moment the Πξψηε θάζε Initial contact forefoot reaches the ground, usually through the heel ηνπ θχθινπ and lasts till the vertical moment, when all plantae is βαδίζκαηνο placed on the ground. To end the swing phase and begin the stance phase harm or hurt. To harm, hurt, or wound. The word injure Βιάβε Injury may be in physical or emotional sense. From the Latin injuria meaning injury Αζηάζεηα Instability (joint) any motion occurring in a joint in response to the reactive force of gravity at a time when that joint should άξζξσζεο be stable under such a load Δζσηεξηθή Internal rotation movement in a transversal plan that moves inside a part of the body πεξηζηξνθή (medial) (έζσ) Αλάζπαζε έζσ Inversion (move) move through which the medial edge of foot lifts (plantar flexion, adduction and supination of foot) ρείινπο describes a contraction performed with a constant Ιζνθηλεηηθή Isokinetic angular velocity ζπζηνιή contraction literally means constant tension. This condition does not Ιζνηνληθή Isotonic occur in intact human subjects ( vivo) because the ζπζηνιή contraction level of muscle force varies continuously and rarely, if ever, is constant through a movement. position fixed through a muscle contraction: Ιζνκεηξηθή Isometric synonymous static contraction. Muscle insertions are ζπζηνιή contraction not moving away, length muscle remains constant and the locomotion is not produced. Torque produced by the muscle is equal and opposite to the external torque. J Greek term Άξζξσζε Δμάξζξεκα Term Joint Joint dislocation Υαιαξφηεηα ησλ Joint laxity αξζξψζεσλ Κιεηδσκέλε Joint locked άξζξσζε Definition see articulation articular lesion that refer to the dislocation of articular surfaces which are fixed in this vicious position through a muscle contraction slackness or displacement in the motion of a joint joint in which the elements joined are interlocked. Ex. "locked knee" is a term used to describe a patient's inability to either bend or straighten their knee. There are two general types of locked knees. The locked knee can either be caused by a mechanical block to knee motion, or a locked knee can be caused by pain that is too severe to allow knee motion. 23 K Greek term Γφλαην Term Knee Αζηαζέο γφλαην Knee (lax) (LAX) Κηλεζηνζεξαπεία Kinesitherapy L Greek term Labrum Definition the joint between the thigh and the lower leg, formed by the articulation of the femur and the tibia and covered anteriorly by the patella. unstable knee and unable of active moves, due to a musclecapsuleligament excessive laxity (congenital or due to strong trauma) or to all muscular groups (poliomyelitis) generic term used for treatment through locomotion. Uses active and passive movements in order to obtain a function recovery as complete as possible. Term Labrum Definition in medicine, a ring of fibrocartilage (fibrous cartilage) around the edge of the articular (joint) surface of a bone. The term labrum is used in anatomy to designate a lip, edge, or brim. Plural: labra. the part of the limb between the knee and foot in Πφδη Leg vertebrates. a tough band of connective tissue that connects two χλδεζκνο Ligament bones ζπλδεζκνπιαζηηθή Ligamentoplasty surgical procedure of repairing torn or relaxed ligaments of a joint, especially the knee ones. occurs during life or is congenital, when either one Αληζφηεηα άθξσλ Limbs of the superior limbs or the inferior limbs is shorter inequality than the other one. Causes can be congenital (hypoplasia of a limb, congenital pseudoarthrosis) or acquired (posttrauma: vicious consolidated fractures or after bacillary osteoarthritis with ankylosis, osteomyelitis with premature joined of growth cartilage, etc.). asymmetric walk with unequal support and trunk ραιαξφο Limp abnormal oscillations, due to an affection that interests the spine, pelvic belt, one inferior limb or both unequally. It usually results from pain, weakness, neuromuscular imbalance, or a skeletal deformity. A type of asymmetric abnormality of the gait backache affecting the lumbar region or lower back; Οζθπτθφο πφλνο Lumbar pain can be caused by muscle strain or arthritis or vascular insufficiency or a ruptured intervertebral 24 disc. Also lumbago. M θπξφ Term Malleolus Μεραληθή κνλάδα Mechanical unit Μελίζθνο (αξζξηθφο) κεηαηάξζην Meniscus (articular) Metatarsals Μπειψδεο απιφο ή Μπειηθή θνηιφηεηα ηαξζφο Medullary cavity Μεζαία θάζε ηνπ θχθινπ βαδίζκαηνο Midstance Αλφξγαλν πεξηερφκελν νζηψλ (BMC) Καθή επζπγξάκκηζε Κηλεηηθφηεηα άξζξσζεο θηλεηηθφηεηα Mineral bone content Δχξνο θίλεζεο Middle foot Definition osseous prominence of tibia and fibula, placed at the inferior part of ankle. all fascicles that form a distinct functional portion, acting in the same direction. The mechanic units of a muscle have opposite action. Decomposition in mechanic units is meet at voluminous and wide muscles composed of portions with different orientation. disc fibrocartilaginos located at the junction of two bones in a joint. The meniscus acts to absorb shock. five cylindrical bones that extend from the heel to the toes. The metatarsals are numbered from the inside out, so the first metatarsal extends to the big toe. central cavity of long bones shaft, contains the bone marrow. part of the foot located in the middle of the plantar surface, also known as the tarsus. Several interlocking tarsal bones, which are irregular in size and shape, form a stable yet flexible platform for locomotion. This platform is called the arch of the foot. first part of unilateral sustain from gait cycle. Obs. This phase starts when the opposite foot leaves the ground and continuousness while the body weight is progressively projected on the whole support limb plantar length till the forefoot. Is overlapped to the flat foot phase from traditional classification. Some authors distinguished a phase of precocious/initial flat foot and a late/final flat foot phase Misalignment Mobility (joint) Mobility (movement) Motion (range) the ratio between the weight of osseous anorganic component and the dehydrated osseous tissue one, per volume unit. vicious consolidation of a fracture that compromise the normal function axis of a limb ability of a joint to move through a range of motion ability to move readily. measure of joint mobility 25 formation process of body morphologic structures (gr. morphe - form + genos - origin); macro and microscopic study of body growth and formation, following the causes that determine its shape and structure and the laws that control the causes; study of shape changes appeared at live tissues during growth and develop processes, posttrauma recovery, regeneration or pathologic processes. κνξθνθπζηνινγία Morphophysiology science that study the structure and function of organs, tissues and body cells. study of the behavioral aspects of movement, Κηλεζηνινγία Motor (behavior) including development, learning and control (ζπκπεξηθνξά θίλεζεο) study of the neural, physical and behavioral aspects Κηλεηηθφο Motor (control) of movement. έιεγρνο study of changes in movement behavior throughout Αλάπηπμε Motor the life span θίλεζεο (development) study of how motor skills are learned Δθκάζεζε Motor (learning) θίλεζεο doubled α-motor neurons and all of the Κηλεηηθή κνλάδα Motor unit corresponding muscle fibers it innervates; all of these fibers will be of the same type (either fast twitch or slow twitch). Μνξθνγέλεζε Morphogenesis Obs. When a motor unit is activated, all of its fibers contract. Groups of motor units often work together to coordinate the contractions of a single muscle; all of the motor units that subserve a single muscle are considered a motor unit pool. he number of muscle fibers within each unit can vary: thigh muscles can have a thousand fibers in each unit, eye muscles might have ten. In general, the number of muscle fibers innervated by a motor unit is a function of a muscle's need for refined motion. The smaller the motor unit, the more precise the action of the muscle. Καηεχζπλζε ηεο Movement θίλεζεο direction sense (direction) of a move; it depends on the muscle settlement from the joint axis. Observation. Move plan is always perpendicular on move axis (biomechanical axis, articular axis). In the same plan and around the same axis can be performed always two moves of opposite direction by two different muscular groups. In sagittal plan, the movements are realized around a transversal axis and are flexion and extension (for some segments, are named ante and retroproiection, ex: the shoulder moves in sagittal plan). In frontal plan, the moves are realized around a sagittal axis; for limbs are named abduction and adduction and for trunk and neck, laterally inclination moves. The corresponding moves of the fingers are related to hand and foot axis. In transversal plan, moves realized around a longitudinal axis and are named internal and external rotation 26 moves. Pronation and supination are special rotation moves that occur at forearm and foot. κπτθή δπζηξνθία Muscular dystrophy a group of muscular progressive diseases, non inflammatory, without a central or peripheral nervous pathology; during final stages of affection, the muscular fibers are replaced with adipose tissue and conjunctive one; a group of inherited disorders in which strength and muscle bulk gradually decline. Nine types of muscular dystrophies are generally recognized. Obs. Present as clinic forms: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): the best-known form of muscular dystrophy, due to mutation in a gene on the X chromosome that prevents the production of dystrophin, a normal protein in muscle; DMD affects young boys, causing progressive muscle weakness in the pelvis and upper limbs, resulting in clumsiness, frequent falling, an unusual gait and general weakness. Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD): similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy but starts later in life and advances more slowly. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD): LGMD begins in late childhood to early adulthood and affects both men and women, causing weakness in the muscles around the hips and shoulders. It is the most variable of the muscular dystrophies, and there are several different forms of the disease now recognized. Myotonic dystrophy: also known as Steinert's disease, affects both men and women, causing generalized weakness first seen in the face, feet, and hands. It is accompanied by the inability to relax the affected muscles (myotonia). Symptoms may begin from birth through adulthood. Distal muscular dystrophy (DD): DD begins in middle age or later, causing weakness in the muscles of the feet and hands. Congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD): CMD is present from birth, results in generalized weakness, and usually progresses slowly. Μπτθφο πιενλαζκφο Μπτθή ζπλέξγεηα Μπνηελνληψδεο ηκήκα κπαζζέλεηα Μπαζζέλεηα Gravis situation in which more muscles are available to Muscular perform actions that are minimally necessary (redundancy) Muscular (synergy cooperative action of several muscles working together as a single unit Musculotendinous region where a muscle and a tendon connect. (junction) serious muscular fatigue. Myasthenia Myasthenia gravis a disease characterized by progressive fatigue and generalized weakness of the skeletal muscles, especially those of the face, neck, arms, and legs, caused by impaired transmission of nerve impulses 27 Μπνπάζεηα Myopathy Μπνζίλε Myosin Μπνζίηηδα Myositis N Greek term Νέθξσζε Term Necrosis caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions generic named for chronic affections of muscular system or of other muscles with progressive character. contractile protein that forms the thick filaments within a sarcomere Inflammation of muscle tissue. Many factors can lead to myositis, including injury and side effects of medication. It is also a key sign of autoimmune conditions as a rare disease in which the muscle fibers and skin are inflamed and damaged, resulting in muscle weakness. There are several types of myositis that affect different parts of the body. Definition destruction of tissue area that has no environmental conditions, nutrition and oxygen essential for life temporary suppression of conduction through Νεπξαπξαμία Neurapraxia peripheral nerve in some cases of injury, keeping nerve anatomical integrity newly created joint between two bone extremities λενάξζξσζε Neoarthrosis found in normal anatomical relations, joint arthroplasty created by a bony ankylosis. Νεπξνεθθπιηζηη- Neurodegenerative chronic progressive neuropathy characterized by selective and generally symmetrical loss of neurons θά λνζήκαηα diseases in motor, sensory, or cognitive systems Types by area: Cerebral cortex–Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, Lewy body dementia Basal ganglia– Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease Brainstem & cerebellum–dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, Freidreich's ataxia, multiple system atrophy, types 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 spinocerebellar ataxia Motor–amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, familial spastic paraparesis, spinal muscular atrophy, spinal & bulbar muscular atrophy. relating to a nerve fiber or impulse passing toward Νεπξνθηλεηηθή Neuromotor motor effectors; "neuromotor impulses" reference position for joints in anatomical position Οπδέηεξε ζέζε Neutral position canals from bone structure, crossed by the bone Θξεπηηθά Nutrient canals nutritive arteries, that made the connection between θαλάιηα nutrient foramen and medullary 28 O Greek term Όξζσζε Term Orthosis Οζηενζχλζεζε ή Orthosynthesis νξζνζχλζεζε Οζηενπνίεζε ή Ossification νζηέσζε Οζηεναξζξίηηδα Osteoarthritis Οζηενβιάζηεο Osteoblast Definition an orthopedic apparatus that controls a position or a movement surgical intervention through which are fixed the osseous fragments of a fracture formation process of osseous tissue. acute or subacute infectious process of articular bone extremities or of joint soft tissues with osseous extension; degradation of articular cartilage caused by mechanical action. young osseous cell with major role in ossification process, being responsible of synthesis, deposition and mineralization of matrix (gr. blastos - bud). Observation. Some osteoblasts participate at hematomatrix barrier, adjusting the ions transfer between blood and extracellular matrix; once the value of external mechanic stimulus increases, the osseous tissue increases its density due to osteoblasts activity; the adulterated response of osteoblasts at elder persons at mechanic stimulus is responsible for the diminishing of osseous tissue formation with implications in osteoporosis; under the action of a mechanic solicitation releases the growth factor with role in the initial stages of postfracture osseous differentiations. Οζηενθχηηαξν Osteocyte Οζηενθιάζηεο Osteoclast adult osseous cell, with many ramified extensions, placed in cavities named osteoplasts. giant osseous cell, multinucleated, with a rich enzymatic equipment and role for active erosion of bone (osseous reshuffling). Observation. In many studies is described the osteoclasts activation and osseous tissue resorption, under mechanic stimulus impulse νζηενρνλδξίηηο Osteochondritis Οζηενδπζηξνθία Osteodystrophy Οζηενγέλεζε Osteogenesis Αηειή νζηενγέλεζε Osteogenesis imperfecta inflammation of bones and cartilages; spinal juvenile deformation/dissect epiphysis – articular disease (knee, hip, elbow) consists of the necrosis of a portion of articular epiphysis which in some cases detaches and becomes an articular free corp. osseous dystrophy – generic term for osseous affections characterized by shape, dimension, consistence change or bone increasing; cystic juvenile – localized form of fibrocystic osteopathy observed at young, characterized by multiple cystic formations. all processes of bone growth and differentiation as organ (gr. osteon - bone + genesis - birth) a group of inherited connective tissue diseases, all of which result from mutations that affect collagen in 29 Οζηεφιπζε Osteolysis νζηεΐηεο Osteitis νζηεψλαο Osteon connective tissue in the body, and all of which result in fragile bones. The best known types of osteogenesis imperfecta are types I and II. 1. Mineral and organic resorption process of bone, produced through disabling activity of granulated tissue rich vascularized appeared as a result of an inflammatory reaction; the histologic aspect of the bone is characterized by the presence of some lacunar spaces in the bony walls of the canals from the haversian systems. 2. Radiographic image of central or marginal osseous transparency, with disappeared or smooth edges, expression of a pathologic osteoplazy resorption. generic term used for naming the osseous tissue inflammations. There are more forms of osteitis: chronic, fibrocystic, neuralgic, etc. morphofunctional unit of compact bone; ensemble formed of a Havers canal, osseous lamellas with concentric disposition around it and components placed in these formations ( gr. osteon - bone). Observation. Is named also haversian system. The correct name is secondary osteon to make the distinction from the primary osteon which organizes during bone formation. Οζηενκπειίηηδα Osteomyelitis Οζηενπαζεηηθή νζηενπιάζηεο Osteopathy Osteoplasts Οζηενπιαζηηθή Osteoplasty Οζηενπιαζηηθή Οζηενπφξσζε Osteoplasty Osteoporosis marrow bone inflammation is propagated through blood or from an articular inflammatory process. Mostly is produced by pyogenic germs (staphylococcus, streptococcus) or tuberculosis bacillus. Osteomyelitis caused by pyogenic germs produces abscesses of bone marrow, as of bone substance that necroses and removes under the form of fragments named seizures. generic term used to designate any osseous disease. stellate or fusiform cavities from osseous lamellae structure where there are the osteocytes; present many extensions (ducts) that represent the main path for sanguine gases and nutritive substances diffusion between vascular system and osteons. represents the replacement of a sick bone with a healthy one or with a synthetic material able to take the sustain function (gr. plastos - modeled). plasty through osseous graft. pathologic process characterized by an incorrect ratio between osteoformation and osteolysis, with predominance of the latter, osseous demineralization, apparition of some osseous cavities of big dimensions 30 Πξφγνλνο νζηετθψλ θπηηάξσλ Οζηενζχλζεζε and the decrease of osseous resistance at fractures (gr. phoros - pore, canal). Osteoprogenitors STEM cells (origin, precursor ones) that form the osseous cells cells Observation. From morphologic and kinetic point of view, were identified 2 types of osteoprogenitors cells: preosteoblasts and preosteoclasts; thus is suggesting that osteoblasts come from a stromal conjunctive cell and osteoclasts from monocytes. Osteosynthesis νζηενηελνληψδεο Osteotendinous ηκήκα junction Οζηενηνκία Osteotomy P Greek term Μεξηθή παξάιπζε ή πάξεζε Νφζνο ηνπ Parkinson surgical procedure through which are fixed the bony fragments of a fracture. region where a bone and tendon connect. surgical procedure which consists of a bone division into sections in order to obtain centering, derotation, elongation, shortening or its support. Term Paresis Definition motor deficiency with a degree smaller than the one caused by paralysis; slight or incomplete paralysis. Parkinson's disease a progressive nervous disease occurring most often after the age of 50, associated with the destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine and characterized by muscular tremor, slowing of movement, partial facial paralysis, peculiarity of gait and posture, and weakness. Also called paralysis agitans, shaking palsy. contribution of noncontractile tissues to joint stability. Παζεηηθή ππνζηήξημε Παξάιπζε Passive support Paralysis Πεξηφζηεν Periosteum Φάιαγγα Phalanges Λεθάλε Pelvis Πεξηνζηίηηδα Periostitis diminishing or loss of muscle motor force, due to central or peripheral nervous system lesions. Is accompanied by nonfunctional muscles rigidity, that can be painful or not and leads to a muscle atrophy connective vascular membrane that wraps on the bones, with role for nutrition and osseous tissue formation (growth increase). from anatomic point of view, represent the hand and foot fingers bones. There are 3 phalanges (proximal, intermediate, distal) for fingers 2-5 and two phalanges for thumb and hallux basin-shaped structure of the vertebrate skeleton, composed of the innominate bones on the sides, the pubis in front, and the sacrum and coccyx behind, that rests on the lower limbs and supports the spinal column. periosteum inflammation, usually occurred during an 31 πεξηκχην Πεξηθεξηθφ λεπξηθφ ζχζηεκα ρέδην (αλαηνκηθά) inflammatory or posttrauma process. fibrous connective tissue sheath that surrounds each Perimysium fascicle within a skeletal muscle the portion of the nervous system that is outside the Peripheral nervous system brain and spinal cord. Abbreviated PNS. The nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) to sensory organs, such as the eye and ear, and to other organs of the body, muscles, blood vessels, and glands. The peripheral nerves include the 12 cranial nerves, the spinal nerves and roots, and the autonomic nerves. surface that divides into sections/intersects imaginary Plan the human body under a certain incidence. Moves (anatomic) happens in these plans around an axis perpendicular on the respective plan Obs. Plans that divide the body in two half are named mediosagittal (right and left), medio-frontal (anterior and posterior) and medio-transversal (superior and inferior). At the intersection of the three plans there is the gravity center of the body ( S2 ). Sagittal plan is the one that divides the body in a left part and a right one. By extension we name the sagittal plan any plan parallel with the mentioned one. It is the plan where take place the moves visible from profile, around a transversal axis (frontal). Frontal plan is the one that divides the body into an anterior part and a posterior one. It is the plan where perform the moves visible from anterior, around a sagittal axis (antero-posterior). Transversal plan is the plan that divides the body into a superior part and an inferior one. Is the plan where are realized moves visible from up or from down, around a vertical axis (longitudinal). For distal joints the movements are performed in a single plan (pure moves). At proximal joints (shoulder, hip) are realized complex moves, simultaneously in more plans, while for intermediary articulations (elbow, knee) movements are made in two plans. Πεικαηηαία ππνζηήξημε Πεικαηηαία επηθάλεηα Πιαζηηθφηεηα Πεικαηηαία θάκςε Πνιηνκπειίηηο orthopedic apparatus composed usually of a hard aluminum lama, gridded after a gypsum molding, to sustain the flat foot arch. anatomical term for the bottom surface of the foot. Plantar When the foot is facing the floor, the part that contacts surface the floor is the plantar surface. ability to adapt to environmental stimuli and events. Plasticity Plantar flexion motion at the ankle where the foot moves away from the lower leg epidemic or contagious infectious disease caused by a Poliomyelitis specific virus, that produces anatomic lesions of gray substance of spinal marrow gray substance, attacking the motor nervous cells, manifests through fever, digestive disorders, somnolence and painful limbs Plantar support 32 Πνιπαξζξηθφο Πνιπαξζξίηηδα Polyarticular Polyarthritis Πνξψδεο (ηνπ νζηνχ) ηάζε(ζψκαηνο) ηάζε (ζηαηηθή) Έιεγρνο ηεο ζηάζεο Οξζνζηαηηθφο (πξνζαξκνζηηθφο έιεγρνο) Αληηδξαζηηθφο ή αληελεξγφο έιεγρνο Οξζνζηαηηθφο (ζηαηηθφ έιεγρνο) Κάπνηα Φάζε βαδίζκαηνο Porosity (bone) Posture Posture (static) Postural (control) Postural (adaptive control) Postural (reactive control) Postural (static control Preswing (phase) Πξεληζκφο Pronation Ιδηνδεθηηθφηεηα ή θηλαηζζεηηθή ηθαλφηεηα Proprioception Έιιεηκα ηδηνδεθηηθφηεηαο Proprioceptive deficit Σνπνζέηεζε ηδηνδεθηηθφηεηαο Αληαλαθιαζηηθή ηδηνδεθηηθφηεηα Proprioceptive positioning Proprioceptive reflex muscles, followed by localized paralysis, usually at inferior limb; infantile paralysis. with action at many joints level simultaneous inflammation of more joints; disease with chronic progressive rheumatoid evolution, with symmetric polyarticular determinations, of inflammatory type and serious alteration of general condition, leading in time to deformations and ankylosis. measure of the soft tissue in bone; inverse of density alignment or position of the body and its parts postures involving little or no movement. maintenance of postural stability or equilibrium. Also balance. strategy to maintain balance by modifying movement in response to situational changes strategy to maintain balance (e.g. to prevent a fall) using muscle action strategy to maintain as center of gravity projection kept within the base of suportstatic posture with the body final element of supporting phase (50-60% of gait cycle) and it is from functional point of view more related to the oscillation phase than the support one. Synonymous toes lifting from ground; terminal contact. to turn or rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm faces down or back; to turn or rotate (the foot) by abduction and eversion so that the inner edge of the sole bears the body's weight. the kinesthetic sense. The sense that deals with sensations of body position, posture, balance, and motion¸ sensation pertaining to stimuli originating from within the body related to spatial position, muscular activity and movement a defect of proprioception in which the animal acts as though it does not know where its feet are (in contrast to a cerebellar defect when the feet do not end up where the animal appears to intend that they should go). positioning of the limbs or head and neck in response to proprioceptive inputs. The basis of postural reflexes. a reflex that is initiated by stimuli arising from some function of the reflex mechanism itself. 33 Κάπνηα Φάζε βαδίζκαηνο Propulsion phase of walking Πξνζζεηηθή Prosthesis Πξνζζεηηθή Prosthetic Ππξακηδηθή νδφο Pyramidal tract dynamic or oscilation phase when foot leaves the ground and oscilates towards anteriorly without having any contact with the support surface. a device that replaces an organ, assuming its functions. procedure through which an organ is replaced two well-defined bands formed by motor axons from the cerebral cortex that enter the medulla oblongata and end in the spinal cord (anterior corticospinal tract and lateral corticospinal tract). Obs. The majority of the fibers in these tracts cross to the opposite side; therefore damage to the right cerebral HEMISPHERE affects motor control of the left half of the body. Ππξακηδηθφ ζχλδξνκν Pyramidal syndrome all the symptoms are caused by partial or complete damage of the pyramidal tract and is suggested by: spasticity, progressively weak muscle, wasted muscles, increased deep tendon reflexes, positive Babinski reflex R Term Greek term Πίζσ κέξνο Rearfoot πνδηνχ Definition the area in the back (rear) of the foot. The rearfoot includes the "talus" and "calcaneus" bones and surrounding soft tissues. Απνθαηάζηαζε Rehabilitation the process of helping a person who has suffered an illness or injury restore lost skills and so regain maximum self-sufficiency. For example, rehabilitation work after a stroke may help the patient walk and speak clearly again. restoring in anatomic position the fractures and Μείσζε Reduction dislocations, with or without opening the focus (θάηαγκα) (fracture) (nonbleeding or close reduction and orthopedic, bleeding reduction). represents a succession of alternative sequences of Αλαδηακφξθσζε Remodeling osseous resorption and formation, having as result (νζηηθή) (osseous) changes of shape and volume of the osseous tissue structure. Observation. This type of osseous activity occurs in the human skeleton from formation until death, interesting both the compact bone and the spongy one. From the factors implied in the phenomena genesis we draw attention over the mechanic factors. Οζηηθή αθαιάησζε S Greek term ζαξθνκέξην Resorption (osseous Term Sarcomere breakdown or demineralization of bone Definition the contractile unit of a skeletal muscle fiber. All structures contained between two successive Z membranes. Obs. Sarcomeres are divided into bands of filaments made of actin or 34 myosin. During muscle contraction, the filaments slide over each other to cause shortening of the sarcomere. ηζρηαιγία Sciatica pain that results from irritation of the sciatic nerve and typically radiates from the buttock to the back of the thigh. Obs. Although sciatica can result from a herniated disc pressing directly on the nerve, any cause of irritation or inflammation of this nerve can reproduce the painful symptoms of sciatica. Sequestrum δηάθπζε Sequestrum (Medicine/ Pathology) Shaft a fragment of dead bone separated from healthy bone as a result of injury or disease; a detached piece of necrotic bone that often migrates the body of long bones, formed by a cylinder of compact osseous tissue crossed by a central canal; (gr. diaphysis interstitium). Observation. There is a gradually transition between compact osseous tissue and spongy one as the central medullary cavity approaches, thus we can affirm that osseous shafts contain also spongy osseous substance at bone-marrow interface. παζηηθή δηπιεγία Spastic diplegia ζπαζηηθφηεηα Spasticity Νάξζεθαο Splint πνγγψδεο νζηηθή νπζία Spongy osseous substance pathological gait characterized by abnormally flexed, adducted, and internally rotated hips, hyperflexed knees and equinus of the foot and ankle. an increase in muscle tone due to hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex and is characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes. orthopedic way of immobilization of a body part. Can be flexible or rigid, made of metal, bandage or gypsum gauze, celluloid, plastic material. variety of hard connective tissue (osseous), with macroscopic structure like the texture of a sponge (porous), formed of osseous lamellas (trabeculae) orientated in different directions that delimits a series of cavities of different dimensions and shapes (areoles) where exist the hematopoietic osseous marrow. Synonymous trabecular tissue; osseous spongy. Observation. Microscopic the organization of this tissue class is basically lamellar, the osseous lamellas are disposed generally in the plan of mechanic forces that action over ground, identified itself with the isostatic lines. Γηάζηξεκκα Sprain ηαζεξφηεηα άξζξσζεο Stability (joint) articular trauma caused by a move that exceeds the articular mobility limits, without the articular surfaces moves from their normal position. resistance offered by various musculoskeletal tissues that surround a skeletal joint. Obs. Several subsystems ensure the stability of a joint. These are the passive, active and neural subsystems. The opposite of stability is instability. The bony components that may relate to the potential for joint instability can be measured by use of x-rays. Plain film lateral xrays can be used to evaluate for translations anteriorly (anterolisthesis) or posteriorly (retrolisthesis). Where plain films 35 indicate the likelihood of these translations being significant, flexionextension views can be utilized to determine the dynamic range of movement of joints. This allows for a more accurate view of any potential instability issues Κάπνηα Φάζε βαδίζκαηνο ηαηηθή θαηαθφξπθε επζπγξάκκηζε Stance phase of walking Static vertical alignment ηαζεξή θαηάζηαζε Βήκα Steady state Γηαηαξαρή ζην πεξπάηεκα Stepped walking Αθακςία Stiffness ηξεο καηάγμαηα Stress fractures Γνκή Structure πεξηζηξνθή Supination Τπνζηήξημε (ηαηξηθφο φξνο) ηήξημε θάησ άθξνπ Άθξν θίλεζεο Support (medical term) πλάξζξσζε πγρφλδξσζε πλδέζκσζε άξζξσζε Αξζξηθή Step Support limb (walking) Swing limb (walking) Synarthrosis Synchondrosis Syndesmosis Synovial (joint) Synovial static or amortization phase when foot reaches the support surface view of skeletal placement along a plumb line, viewed from the side, with the body segments stacked on the line of gravity in a non-locomotion stance, and with the weight evenly distributed between the feet. posture involving slight movement the period from initial contact of one leg to initial contact of the opposite/contralateral limb walking disorder due to the paralysis of the muscles innervated by the external popliteal nerve; during walking, the foot reaches first the ground with the toe and then with the heel. Synonymous stepped walking. articular stiffness, movements’ limitation at a joint, through intra and periarticular fibrous organization. microfractures that appear when the external solicitation level is lower than the static resistance of the osseous material. internal way of composing a system, characterized by the nature and proprieties of the component elements, through their space distribution and their connections and interactions to turn or rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm faces up or forward; to turn or rotate (the foot) by adduction and inversion so that the outer edge of the sole bears the body's weight. way of sustaining the weight body – total or partial- to carry the weight of; to bear or withstand (pressure, weight, etc.). inferior limb that sustains the body weight. inferior limb that performs the body forwarding functional classification of a joint with no movement joint bound by hyaline cartilage, variety of synarthrosis joint bound by ligaments structural classification of joint containing a fibrous joint capsule, synovial membrane, synovial cavity, synovial fluid and articular cartilage. space between the bones in a synovial joint 36 θνηιφηεηα Αξζξηθφ πγξφ Αξζξηθή κεκβξάλε T Greek term Νσηηάδα θζίζε (articular cavity) Synovial (liquid) Synovial (membrane) viscous fluid found in synovial joints that provides lubrification and reduces friction thin membrane,on the inner surface of the fibrous joint capsule of a synovial joint that produces synovial fluid. Term Tabes Definition a gradual, progressive wasting of the body in any chronic disease, progressive locomotor ataxia; ~dorsal - a slowly progressive nervous disorder, from degeneration of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord and sensory nerve trunks, resulting in disturbances of sensation and interference with reflexes and consequently with movements; called also locomotor ataxia. It is caused by syphilis and may appear 5 to 20 years after initial infection. first of the foot tarsus bones. Synonymous astragal Αζηξάγαινο Talus foot deviation directed outside Talus Valgus Talus Valgus foot deviation directed inside. Talus Varus Talus Varus χλδξνκν Tarsal tunnel a complex of symptoms resulting from compression of the posterior tibia nerve or of the plantar nerves in the ηαξζηθνχ syndrome tarsal tunnel, with pain, numbness, and tingling ζσιήλα paresthesia of the sole of the foot region composed by the seven bones (talus, calcaneus, Σαξζφο Tarsus navicular, medial, intermediate and lateral cuneiform, and cuboid) between the ankle and metatarsus. cordlike connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. Σέλνληαο Tendon Fibrous tissue band. inflammation of a tendon, usually due to overuse. Σελνληίηηδα Tendinitis first finger (big toe) of hand Αληίρεηξαο Thumb skank bone, placed on the medial part. Κλήκε Tibia Μεηαθχηεπζε Transplantation represents introduction of an organ or organ fragment through surgical method into a live body, in order to replace the organ that can be used or destroyed and to reestablish the vascular connections of transplanted organ with the receiver body. pathological gait characterized by pelvic drop during Tredelenberg Tredelenberg (Posture) early to midstance due to weakness or paralysis of the hip (posture) adductors. a physical examination finding associated with various Trendlenburg Trendlenburg hip abnormalities (those associated with abduction (ζεκάδη) (sign) muscle weakness or hip pain congenital dislocation, hip 37 ηξνπνκπνζίλε Tropomyosin Σξνπνλίλε Troponin U Greek term Μνλνκεξήο ππνζηήξημε (ζην πεξπάηεκα) V Greek term Δμσηεξηθή Απφθιηζε ηνπ άθξνπ απφ ηνλ θάζεην άμνλα Δζσηεξηθή Απφθιηζε ηνπ άθξνπ απφ ηνλ θάζεην άμνλα Αηζνπζαίεο δηαηαξαρέο θαλάιηα Volkmann rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis) in which the pelvis sags on the side opposite the affected side during single leg stance on the affected side; during gait, compensation occurs by leaning the torso toward the involved side during stance phase on the affected extremity. regulatory protein located on the actin filament. In the relaxed skeletal muscle it covers the myosin head binding sites on the actin molecules. regulatory protein that binds to both tropomyosin and actin, When combined with calcium, troponin influences tropomyosin to initiate muscle contraction. Term Definition period when the body’ s weight is supported by one Unilateral support (walking) leg Term Valgus Definition deviation of a limb or limb segment outside the normal longitudinal axis, thus the external angle of 180 degrees decreases. There is a certain degree of physiologic valgus (at elbow, knee, ankle); the overcome of this degree has a pathologic signification. deviation of a limb or limb segment inside the normal Varus longitudinal axis, thus the internal angle of 180 degrees decreases. There is a certain degree of physiologic varus (at shoulder, hand, hip); the overcome of this degree has a pathologic signification. Vestibular Disorders of the body's balance (vestibular) system in the inner ear due to a tremendous range of conditions including vertigo, disorders Meniere's disease, acoustic neuroma, multiple sclerosis, syphilis, trauma, ear infections, medications toxic to the ear (ototoxic drugs), epilepsy (seizure disorders) Volkmann canals with oblique or transversal direction in comparison with the osteons one, that are not surrounded by concentric canals lamellae, seem to be simple anastomotic canals Q Term Greek term Σεηξαθέθαιν Quadriceps (απνθπγή (avoidance) Definition gait strategy adopted by persons with ACL deficiency to avoid activation of muscles in the quadriceps group 38 Αναθορέs - The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine 39 ANALYSIS OF HUMAN MOTION GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS (BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TERMS) Project title Project acronym Project number Programme Reporting period Elaborated by Work package / Task Dissemination level WEB site A Web-based E-Training Platform for Extended Human Motion Investigation in Orthopedics ORTHO- eMAN LLP-LdV/ToI/2011/RO/008 Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation 31.05.2013 UCV/Dorin Popescu, Dan Selisteanu, Taina Avramescu DUTH/Ioannis Pratikakis WP5/ Glossary of biomedical engineering terms PU This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or the National Agency, nor does it involve any responsibility on their part. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. 40 Όξνη ηαηξηθήο θπζηθήο θαη εκβηνκεραληθήο A Αδξάλεηα – αληίζηαζε ζε κηα αιιαγή ηεο θαηά κήθνο θίλεζεο ελφο ζψκαηνο. Αεξνδπλακηθή δχλακε – ε δχλακε πνπ αζθείηαη ζε έλα ζψκα νπνηεδήπνηε ππάξρεη κηα θίλεζε ηνπ ζψκαηνο κέζσ ηνπ αέξα. Αθξαία ζηηγκή αδξάλεηαο – κέηξεζε ηεο αληίζηαζεο ελφο ζψκαηνο θαηά ηελ ζπζηξνθή ή πεξηζηξνθή. Αλαινγία – θάηη πνπ θαηά θάπνην ηξφπν είλαη παξφκνην κε θάηη άιιν. Αλάιπζε ηεο αλζξψπηλεο θίλεζεο – έξεπλα ζηελ αλζξψπηλε θίλεζε γηα λα γλσξίζνπκε ηελ θαηαζθεπή, ηελ ιεηηνπξγηθφηεηα θαη ηελ ηθαλφηεηά ηεο; ζηνπο ηνκείο ηεο ηαηξηθήο, ζπφξ θαη παξαηήξεζεο κε βίληεν ε αλάιπζε ηεο αλζξψπηλεο θίλεζεο έρεη γίλεη εξεπλεηηθφ θαη δηαγλσζηηθφ εξγαιείν. Η αλζξψπηλε θίλεζε κπνξεί λα δηαηξεζεί ζε ηξεηο θαηεγνξίεο: αλαγλψξηζε αλζξψπηλεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο, παξαθνινχζεζε αλζξψπηλεο θίλεζεο θαη αλάιπζε θηλήζεσλ ησλ ηκεκάησλ ηνπ ζψκαηνο. Αλαιπηηθφ κνληέιν – ζχλνιν παξαζηάζεσλ ζπκβφισλ ηα νπνία πεξηγξάθνπλ ην ππφ κειέηε θπζηθφ θαηλφκελν θαη ηελ ζπκπεξηθνξά ηνπ πιηθνχ ζε δξάζε ππφ ζπλζήθεο εμσηεξηθνχ ζηξέο (έληαζεο) κε πξφζζεηεο ζπλζήθεο πνπ ην πεξηβάιινπλ νη νπνίεο πεξηγξάθνπλ ηελ αιιεινεπίδξαζε ηνπ ππφ εμέηαζε ζπλφινπ θαη ησλ δπλάκεσλ πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη. Στόλιo: φηαλ ηα κεηαβιεηά ζηνηρεία πνηθίινπλ ζε ρξφλν ην πξνο αλάιπζε κνληέιν πξέπεη λα πεξηιακβάλεη ηηο αξρηθέο ζπλζήθεο. Απηφ ην κνληέιν είλαη ην νπζηαζηηθφ ζηνηρείν γηα ηελ αλάπηπμε ηνπ αξηζκεκέλνπ κνληέινπ κε πεξηνξηζκέλα ζηνηρεία θαη νη πξνγλσζηηθέο ηνπ ηθαλφηεηεο δεκηνπξγνχλ ηελ ιεηηνπξγία πξνζεκείσζεο ηνπ. Αλαθαηαζθεπή νζηνχ – ην ζχλνιν ηψλ δηαδηθαζηψλ πνπ νδεγνχλ ζηελ αλάπηπμε ηνπ ηζηνχ ηνπ νζηνχ ειέγρνληαο ζπγρξφλσο ηελ κνξθή ηνπ νζηνχ πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη ζηελ δηαδηθαζία αλάπηπμεο (φξνο κνξθν-θπζηνινγίαο) Αλάιπζε βεκαηηζκνχ – αμηνιφγεζε ηνπ ηξφπνπ ή ηνπ ζηπι βάδηζεο, ζπλήζσο πξαγκαηνπνηείηαη παξαηεξψληαο ην άηνκν ελψ πεξπαηάεη θπζηνινγηθά ζε κηα επζεία γξακκή. Αλάιπζε θίλεζεο – ην επηζηεκνληθφ πεδίν πνπ κειεηά ηηο κεζφδνπο θαη εθαξκνγέο ζηηο νπνίεο δχν ή πεξηζζφηεξα δηαδνρηθά ζηηγκηφηππα απφ κηα ζεηξά ζηηγκηνηχπσλ επεμεξγάδνληαη γηα λα παξάμνπλ πιεξνθνξίεο βαζηζκέλεο ζηελ θαηλφκελε θίλεζε ζηηο εηθφλεο. Αληζνηξνπηθφ (πιηθφ) – νη θπζηθνί ρξεζηκνπνηνχλ ηνλ φξν αληζνηξνπία γηα λα πεξηγξάςνπλ ηηο ηδηφηεηεο ησλ πιηθψλ πνπ εμαξηψληαη απφ ηελ θαηεχζπλζε. Ανιζοηροπία είλαη ε ηδηφηεο ηνπ λα εμαξηάζαη απφ ηελ θαηέπζπλζε, ελ αληηζέζεη κε ηελ ηζνηξνπία, ε νπνία ππνλνεί αθξηβψο φκνηεο ηδηφηεηεο ζε φιεο ηηο θαηεπζχλζεηο. Μπνξεί λα ραξαθηεξηζζεί ζαλ κία δηαθνξά φηαλ κεηξηέηαη θαηά κήθνο ζε δηάθνξνπο άμνλεο, ζηελ θπζηθή ηδηφηεηα ελφο πιηθνχ (απνξξφθεζε, δηαζιαζηηθφ δείθηε, ππθλφηεηα, θ.η.ι) Έλα παξάδεηγκα αληζνηξνπηθνχ πιηθνχ είλαη ην μχιν, ην νπνίν είλαη επθνιφηεξν λα ηεκαρηζηεί θαηά κήθνο ησλ θφθθσλ απφ ην λα ηεκαρηζηεί θφληξα ζε απηφ. Παρατήρηση. Το ανθρώπινο ον είναι ένα ανισοτροπικό σλικό. Αληνρή εθειθπζκνχ – κνληέιν ζην νπνίν ε αλάιπζε πιεξνθνξηψλ επηηπγράλεηαη ζε ηξείο δηαζηάζεηο. Αλχςσζε – ε θίλεζε κηαο θαηαζθεπήο ζε πςειφηεξε ή πξφο ηα επάλσ θίλεζε. Άμνλαο πεξηζηξνθήο – κηα θαληαζηηθή θάζεηε γξακκή ζην επίπεδν ηεο πεξηζηξνθήο ε νπνία πεξλάεη κέζα απν ην θέληξν ηεο πεξηζηξνθήο γχξσ απφ ην νπνίν ην ελ ιφγσ ζχζηεκα πεξηζηξέθεηαη. Απνγείσζε – ε ηειεπηαία επαθή ηνπ πνδηνχ κε ην έδαθνο γηα λα ζπκπιεξσζεί ην ζηάδην ηεο ζηάζεο θαη λα αξρίζεη ε ζηάδην ηεο ηαιάληεπζεο. Επίζεο ε απνκάθξπλζε ησλ δαθηχισλ. Απνδνηηθφηεηα – πνζφ ζπλνιηθήο απφδνζεο πνπ παξάγεηαη απφ έλα δεδνκέλν πνζφ κεηαβνιηθήο εηζαγσγήο (π.ρ. πφζε εξγαζία κπνξεί λα πξνθχςεη φηαλ ρξεζηκνπνηνχκε έλα δεδνκέλν φγθν ελέξγεηαο). Η αλαινγία ηεο σθέιηκεο εξγαζίαο πνπ πξνέθπςε απν κηα κεραλή, θηλεηήξα, ζπζθεπή θ.η.ι ζε ζρέζε κε ηελ ελέξγεηα πνπ δψζακε, ζπρλά εθθξάδεηαη ζαλ πνζνζηφ. Απφζηαζε – ε έθηαζε ηνπ ρψξνπ αλάκεζα ζε δχν αληηθείκελα ή κέξε; είλαη κηα αξηζκεηηθή πεξηγξαθή πνπ δείρλεη πφζν καθξπά βξίζθνληαη ηα αληηθείκελα ην έλα απφ ην άιιν. Μηα κέηξεζε ππφ θιίκαθα ηεο έθηαζεο ηεο θίλεζεο ελφο ζψκαηνο, άζρεηα κε ηελ θαηεχζπλζε πνπ πήξε. Έηζη φηαλ έλα ζψκα θηλείηαη απφ κηα ηνπνζεζία ζε κηα άιιε, ε απφζηαζε αλάκεζα ζηελ νπνία θηλείηαη είλαη ην κήθνο ηεο δηαδξνκήο πνπ αθνινπζεί. 41 Απνηπρία (δνκηθή) – αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ απψιεηα ηεο δπλαηφηεηαο κεηαθνξάο θνξηίνπ ελφο ζπζηαηηθνχ ή κέινπο κέζα ζε κηα δνκή ή ζ’απηήλ ηελ ίδηα ηελ δνκή. Η απνηπρία ζηελ δνκή δεκηνπξγείηαη φηαλ ην πιηθφ πηέδεηαη λα θηάζεη ην φξην αληνρήο ηνπ, πξνθαιψληαο έηζη θάηαγκα ή ππεξβνιηθέο παξακνξθψζεηο. Αξηζκεηηθφ κνληέιν – ηα απνηειέζκαηα ηεο κεηαιιαθηηθήο δηαδηθαζίαο ηνπ αλαιπηηθνχ κνληέινπ θαηαγξάθνληαο ηηο ζρέζεηο πνπ πεξηγξάθνπλ ηελ ζπκπεξηθνξά ηνπ κνληέινπ ππφ ζπλζήθεο δξάζεο ησλ δηάθνξσλ κεραληθψλ θνξηίσλ. Β Βαζκφο έληαζεο – ν βαζκφο αιιαγήο ηεο έληαζεο (παξακφξθσζε) ελφο πιηθνχ σο πξφο ηνλ ρξφλν. Βάξνο – ε δχλακε έιμεο πνπ αζθείηαη απφ έλα αληηθέηκελν απφ ηελ έιμε ηεο βαξχηεηαο ηεο γεο. Σν βάξνο ζπλήζσο εθθξάδεηαη ζε κνλάδεο φγθνπ αιιά απηφ δελ είλαη ζσζηφ επηζηεκνληθά. Η χπαξμε κηαο δχλακεο πξνππνζέηεη φηη ην βάξνο ζα πξέπεη λα κεηξεζεί ζε newtons (N), θαη φηη έλα ζψκα χιεο ζα έρεη έλα βάξνο mg, φπνπ g είλαη ε επηηάρπλζε ηεο ειεχζεξεο πηψζεο (9.80 665 ms−2). Βαξχηεηα – ε ακνηβαία έιμε αλάκεζα ζε φιεο ηηο κάδεο θαη κφξηα ηεο χιεο αλά ηελ πθήιην. Ο λφκνο ηνπ Νεχησλα γηα ηελ βαξχηεηα ζε φιε ηελ γε πξνζδηνξίδεη νηη αλά δχν κφξηα χιεο ζηελ πθήιην ππάξρεη κηα έιμε κεηαμχ ηνπο κε κηα δχλακε πνπ επελεξγεί ζηελ γξακκή έλσζήο ηνπο, ή ζε έληαζε πνηθίιιεη σο πξνο ην πξντφλ ησλ καδψλ ηνπο θαη αληίζηξνθα σο πξνο ην ηεηξάγσλν ηεο απφζηαζεο αλάκεζά ηνπο. Βαζηθφο ξπζκφο κεηαβνιηζκνχ (BMR) – ην BMR αλαθέξεηαη ζην πνζφλ ελέξγεηαο πνπ ρξεηάδεηαη ην ζψκα γηα λα δηαηεξήζεη ηελ ζηάζε ηνπ εθεί πνπ βξίζθεηαη θαη ππνινγίδεηαη ζην 50-80% ηνπ ζπλφινπ ηεο θαζεκεξηλήο ελέξγεηαο πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηεί. Σν BMR θπξίσο θαζνξίδεηαη απφ ηελ ζπλνιηθή ηζρλή κάδα, θπξίσο ηελ κάδα ησλ κπψλ, δηφηη ε ηζρλή κάδα απαηηεί πνιιή ελέξγεηα γηα λα δηαηεξεζεί. Έηζη, νηηδήπνηε κεηψλεη ηελ ηζρλή κάδα ζα ζαο κεηψλεη ην BMR. Βηνυιηθφ – έλα πιηθφ ζπκβαηφ βηνινγηθά πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη γηα ηελ θαηαζθεπή ηερλεηψλ νξγάλσλ, ζπζθεπψλ απνθαηάζηαζεο, ή γηα ηελ πξφζζεζε θαη αληηθαηάζηαζε θπζηθψλ ζσκαηηθψλ ηζηψλ. Βξαρίνλαο κνρινχ – καζεκαηηθά, ε ξνπή πξνζδηνξίδεηαη ζαλ ην εμσηεξηθφ (δηαλπζκαηηθφ) γηλφκελν ηεο απφζηαζεο ηνπ βρατίονα τοσ μοτλού θαη ηεο δχλακεο πνπ ηείλεη λα παξάγεη πεξηζηξνθή. Η αχμεζε ηεο πεξηζηξνθήο εμαξηάηαη απφ ηξείο πνζφηεηεο: ηελ δχλακε πνπ εθαξκφδνπκε, ην κήθνο ηνπ βρατίονα πνπ ζπλδέεη ηνλ άμνλα κε ην ζεκείν εθαξκνγήο ηεο δχλακεο θαη ε γσλία αλάκεζα ζην δηάλπζκα ηεο δχλακεο θαη ηνλ βξαρίνλα. Γ Γεσκεηξηθφ κνληέιν – κνληέιν ην νπνίν παξνπζηάδεηαη κε βάζε ην ζθεπηηθφ ηεο δηαθξηηηθήο αλάιπζεο. Γξακκή ηεο ελέξγεηαο ηεο δχλακεο – κηα γξακκή θαηά κήθνο ηεο νπνίαο επηδξά κηα δχλακε θαη ε νπνία εθηείλεηαη απεξηφξηζηα θαη ζηηο δπν θαηεπζχλζεηο θαηά κήθνο ηεο γξακκήο ελφο πεξηνξηζκέλεο νξίνπ δχλακεο ηαρχηεηαο. Γξακκηθή δπλακηθή θίλεζεο – πξντφλ κηαο ζσκαηηθήο κάδαο θαη ε ηαρχηεηά ηεο. Γξακκηθή θίλεζε – θίλεζε θαηά κεθφο κηάο ίζηαο ή θπξηήο γξακκήο. Γξακκηθή θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα – ½ x κάδα x γξακκηθή ηαρχηεηα. Γσληψδεο κεηαηφπηζε – γσληαθή κέηξεζε απν ηελ ζέζε εθθίλεζεο κέρξη ην ζεκείν πνπ ηειεηψλεη ε γσληψδεο θίλεζε. Η απφζηαζε κέζα ζηελ νπνία έλα αληηθείκελν θηλείηαη φηαλ αθνινπζεί έλα θπθιηθφ κνλνπάηη. Αληηπξνζσπεχεηαη απφ ην κήθνο ηνπ ηφμνπ ελφο θχθινπ ζρεδηαζκέλνπ λα αληηπξνζσπεχεη ηελ θίλεζε ηνπ αληηθεηκέλνπ γχξσ απφ έλα νξηζκέλν ζεκείν. Γσληψδεο θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα – ½ x (ζηηγκή αδξάλεηαο) x (γσληψδεο ηαρχηεηα)2 . Η πεξηζηξνθηθή ελέξγεηα ή ε γσληψδεο θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα είλαη ε θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα ιφγσ ηεο πεξηζηξνθήο ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ θαη είλαη κέξνο ηνπ ζπλφινπ ηεο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο. Γ Γηάξθεηα ζηηγκήο ηεο αδξάλεηαο – κέηξεζε ηεο αληίζηαζεο ελφο ζψκαηνο ζην ιχγηζκα. Η δεύηερη διάρκεια ηης ζηιγμής, επίζεο γλσζηή σο διάρκεια ζηιγμής ηης αδράνειας, ζηιγμή αδράνειας ηης επίπεδης περιοτής, ή δεύηερη ζηιγμή αδράνειας είλαη ε ηδηφηεηα κηαο εγθάξζηαο ηνκήο πνπ κπνξεί λα ρξεζηκνπνηεζεί γηα λα πξνιέγεη ηελ αληίζηαζε ησλ αθηίλσλ ζην ιχγηζκα θαη ζηελ εθηξνπή γχξσ απφ έλα άμνλα πνπ βξίζθεηαη ζην επίπεδν ηεο εγθάξζηαο ηνκήο. 42 Γηαηήξεζε ελέξγεηαο – έλαο θαλφλαο πνπ πξνζδηνξίδεη νηη ε ζπλνιηθή ελέξγεηα ελφο απνκνλσκέλνπ ζπζηήκαηνο παξακέλεη ζηαζεξή αζρέησο αιιαγψλ κέζα ζην ζχζηεκα. Η αξρή ηεο δηαηήξεζεο ελέξγεηαο πξνζδηνξίδεη νηη ε ελέξγεηα δελ κπνξεί νχηε λα δεκηνπξγεζεί ή θαηαζηξαθεί, παξ'φινλ νηη κπνξεί λα αιιάμεη απν ηνλ έλα ηχπν ζηνλ άιιν. Γηαηήξεζε νξκήο – ε αξρή ζχκθσλα κε ηελ νπνία φηαλ έλα ζχζηεκα καδψλ ππφθεηηαη κφλν ζηηο εζσηεξηθέο δπλάκεηο πνπ νη κάδεο ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο αζθνχλ αλακεηαμχ ηνπο, ε νξκή ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο παξακέλεη ζηαζεξή; δελ έρεη βξεζεί θακκία παξαβίαζε απηήο ηεο αξρήο. Γηαηκεηηθή ηάζε – ην ζπζηαηηθφ ηνπ ζηξεο ζε ίδην επίπεδν κε ηελ δηαηνκή πιηθνχ. Στόλιο: ε δηαηκεηηθή ηάζε πξνθχπηεη απφ ην ζηνηρείν ηνπ δηαλχζκαηνο ηεο δχλακεο ην νπνίν είλαη παξάιιειν κε ηελ εγθάξζηα ηνκή. Αθ’εηέξνπ ε θαλνληθή έληαζε (ζηξεο) πξνθχπηεη απφ ην ζηνηρείν ηνπ δηαλχζκαηνο ηεο δχλακεο ην νπνίν είλαη θαηαθφξπθν ή αληη-παξάιιειν πξνο ηελ εγθάξζηα ηνκή ηνπ πιηθνχ επάλσ ζην νπνίν επηδξά. Γχλακε – νπνηαδήπνηε επηξξνή πνπ θάλεη έλα αληηθείκελν λα ππνζηεί κηα νξηζκέλε αιιαγή, είηε φζν αθνξά ηελ θίλεζε ηνπ, θαηεχζπλζε ηνπ, ή ηελ γεσκεηξηθή ηνπ θαηαζθεπή. Άλλοι ταρακτηρισμοί : κεραληθή δξάζε ή ελέξγεηα πνπ εθαξκφδεηαη ζε έλα ζψκα ην νπνίν έρεη ηελ ηάζε λα παξάγεη επηηάρπλζε; φηη πξνθαιεί κηα κάδα λα επηηαρχλεη ηνλ ξπζκφ ηεο ή λα γίλεη δχζκνξθν. Γχλακε αληίδξαζεο εδάθνπο – κηα ηζνδχλακε θαη αληίζεηε δχλακε ε νπνία αζθείηαη απφ ην έδαθνο ελάληηα ζε έλα αληηθείκελν φηαλ έξζεη ζε επαθή κε απηφ. Άλλος ορισμός: ε δχλακε ε νπνία αζθείηαη απφ ην έδαθνο ζε έλα ζψκα φηαλ έξζεη ζε επαθή κε απηφ. Στόλιο: Γηα παξάδεηγκα, έλαο άλζξσπνο πνπ ζηέθεηαη αθίλεηνο ζην έδαθνο αζθεί κηα δχλακε επαθήο ζε απηφ (ε νπνία ηζνχηαη κε ην βάξνο ηνπ) θαη ζπγρξφλσο κηα ηζνδχλακε θαη αληίζεηε αληίδξαζε εδάθνπο αζθείηαη απφ απηφ ζηνλ άλζξσπν. Γχλακε (ελφο πιηθνχ) – ηθαλφηεηα λα αληηζηέθεηαη ζην ζηξεο πνπ εθαξκφδεηαη ρσξίο απνηπρία. Γχλακε – ηαρχηεηα (ζπγγεληθή ζρέζε) – ε ηδηφηεηα ελνο ζθειεηηθνχ κπ ε νπνία δείρλεη φηη ε ηθαλφηεηα παξαγσγήο δχλακήο ηνπ εμαξηάηαη απφ ηελ ηαρχηεηα ζπζηνιήο. Γπλακηθή – έρεη ζρέζε κε ηελ ελέξγεηα ή ηηο δπλάκεηο πνπ παξάγνπλ θίλεζε, ζε αληίζεζε κε ηελ ζηαηηθή θαηάζηαζε. Γπλακηθή αλαηνκίαο – κειέηε ηεο αλζξψπηλεο αλαηνκίαο ε νπνία επηθεληξψλεηαη ζηελ δπλακηθή ή ζηελ θίλεζε. Γπλακηθή ελέξγεηα βαξχηεηαο – ε ελέξγεηα ηελ νπνία θαηέρεη έλα ζψκα ζαλ απνηέιεζκα (εμαηηίαο) ηεο ζέζεο ηνπ. Η ελέξγεηα ελφο ηκήκαηνο ή ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο ηκεκάησλ ε νπνία κάιινλ πξνέξρεηαη απφ ηελ ζέζε, ή θαηάζηαζε παξά ηελ θίλεζε. Έλα αλπςσκέλν βάξνο, έλα ηπιηγκέλν ειαηήξην ή κηα θνξηηζκέλε κπαηαξία έρνπλ δπλακηθή ελέξγεηα. Γπλακηθή ηζνξξνπία – θαηάζηαζε ζηελ νπνία νη επηηαρχλζεηο εμηζνξξνπνχληαη ζχκθσλα κε ηελ δεχηεξε αξρή ηνπ Νεχησλα γηα ηελ θίλεζε (π.ρ. δχλακε = κάδα x επηηάρπλζε). Είλαη έλα ηδηαίηεξν παξάδεηγκα ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο ελψ βξίζθεηαη ζε ζηαζεξή θαηάζηαζε. Γπλακηθή ζηάζε – είλαη ε ζέζε ηεο θίλεζεο φπσο ηελ βιέπνπκε φηαλ βαδίδνπκε ή ηξέρνπκε. Γπλακηθή ζπκπεξηθνξά – κηα πεξηγξαθή πνπ δείρλεη πσο έλα ζχζηεκα ή κηα αηνκηθή κνλάδα ιεηηνπξγεί ζε ζρέζε κε ηνλ ρξφλν. Γπλακηθφ δξάζεο – ειεθηξηθφ ζήκα πνπ πεξλάεη θαηά κήθνο ηεο κεκβξάλεο ελφο λεχξνπ ή κηαο κπηθήο ίλαο. Μπνξνχκε επίζεο λα ην νλνκάζνπκε κηα λεπξηθή δηέγεξζε ζε ζρέζε κε ην λεχξν ή κηα πηζαλφηεηα κπηθήο δξάζεο θαζψο απηή ζρεηίδεηαη κε ηελ κπηθή ίλα. Γπζθακςία – ε αθακςία ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ – ην κέγεζνο αληίζηαζεο ζηελ παξακφξθσζε φηαλ εθαξκφδνπκε κηα δχλακε. Η ζπκπιεξσκαηηθή ηδέα είλαη επιπγηζία ή επθακςία: φζν πην επιχγηζην είλαη έλα αληηθείκελν ηφζν ιηγφηεξν δχζθακπην είλαη. Δ Δηθνλνζηνηρείν-Pixel – δηζδηάζηαηε κνλάδα γηα ηελ αμηνιφγεζε ηεο αλάιπζεο κηάο εηθφλαο. Έληαζε – Ύςνο (L) / Αξρηθφ Ύςνο (L0); ε έληαζε είλαη κηα πεξηγξαθή ηεο παξακφξθσζεο ζε ζρέζε κε ηα ζρεηηθά κέξε ηνπ ζψκαηνο πνπ κεηαηνπίδνληαη θάηη πνπ απνθιείεη ηηο ζηαζεξέο ζσκαηηθέο θηλήζεηο. ηηο θπζηθέο επηζηήκεο θαη ζηελ κεραληθή είλαη έλαο αξηζκφο πνπ πεξηγξάθεη ηελ ζρεηηθή αιινίσζε θφξκαο ηνπ ειαζηηθνχ, πιαζηηθνχ θαη πγξψλ πιηθψλ φηαλ αζθνχληαη δπλάκεηο ζ’απηά. Εκθαλίδεηαη ζε φιν ην πιηθφ θαζψο ηα κφξηα ηνπ πιηθνχ κεηαηνπίδνληαη απφ ηελ ζπλεζηζκέλε ηνπο ζέζε. Η θαλνληθή έληαζε πξνθαιείηαη απφ θάζεηεο πξφο ηα επίπεδα δπλάκεηο ή εγθάξζηεο ηνκέο ηνπ 43 πιηθνχ, φπσο ζε έλα φγθν ν νπνίνο βξίζθεηαη ππφ πίεζε ζε φιεο ηηο πιεπξέο. Αθξαία έληαζε πξνθαιείηαη απφ δπλάκεηο πνπ είλαη παξάιιειεο θαη απιψλνληαη ζηα επίπεδα ή ζηηο εγθάξζηεο ηνκέο, φπσο γηα παξάδεηγκα ζε έλα θνληφ κεηαιιηθφ ζσιήλα πνπ έρεη πεξηζηξαθεί γχξσ θαη θαηά κήθνο ηνπ άμνλα. 1. Η θαηάζηαζε ελφο πιηθνχ ην νπνίν παξακνξθψλεηαη απφ ηηο δπλάκεηο πνπ επηδξνχλ ζε απηφ. Η έληαζε κεηξηέηαη σο ε αλαινγία παξακφξθσζεο ηνπ πιηθνχ σο πξφο ηελ δηάζηαζε ηνπ πιηθνχ ζην νπνίν εθαξκφδνληαη νη δπλάκεηο. Επνκέλσο, ζπκπηεζηηθή έληαζε είλαη ε αλαινγία ζπζηνιήο ηνπ πιηθνχ σο πξνο ην αξρηθφ ηνπ κήθνο; ε έληαζε ζην ηξάβεγκα είλαη ε αλαινγία επηκήθπλζεο ηνπ πιηθνχ ζην αξρηθφ ηνπ κήθνο; ε δε αθξαία έληαζε είλαη ε αλαινγία εθηξνπήο ηνπ πιηθνχ πξφο ηελ θαηεχζπλζε ηεο αθξαίαο δχλακεο πξνο ηελ απφζηαζε αλάκεζα ζηηο αθξαίεο δπλάκεηο. 2. Σξαπκαηηζκφο ζε έλα κπ ή ηέλνληα ιφγσ ππεξβνιηθνχ κεραληθνχ ζηξεο. (Έλαο ηξαπκαηηζκφο ζηνλ νπνίν έλαο κπο θαηαζηξέθεηαη ιφγσ ηνπ ππεξβνιηθνχ ηεληψκαηνο ή ηεο ππεξβνιηθήο εξγαζίαο. Μπνξεί λα πξνθχπηεη απφ κηα θαη’επζείαλ ζχγθξνπζε ε νπνία ζπξψρλεη ηνλ κπ ελάληηα ζην νζηνχλ πνπ βξίζθεηαη απφ θάησ). Δκβηνκεραληθή κνληεινπνίεζε – κέζνδνο πνπ βαζίδεηαη ζηε ρξήζε ησλ εκβηνκεραληθψλ κνληέισλ; ζρεκαηηθή αλαπαξαγσγή ελφο ζχλζεηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο ζαλ έλα απινπνηεκέλν αλάινγν ζχζηεκα ην νπνίν επηηπγράλεηαη γηα λα κειεηεζεί ε ζπκπεξηθνξά ηνπ αξρηθνχ ζπζηήκαηνο ζε νξηζκέλεο ζπλζήθεο. Στόλιο: πρλά ην αξρηθφ ζχζηεκα ζρεδηάδεηαη θαη μεθηλάεη απν κηα βαζηθά επαλαιακβαλφκελε ελφηεηα. Δκβηνκεραληθή – ε κειέηε ησλ κεραληθψλ ζεκείσλ ελφο δσληαλνχ ζψκαηνο, ηδηαίηεξα ησλ δπλάκεσλ πνπ αζθνχληαη απν ηνπο κχεο θαη ηελ βαξχηεηα επάλσ ζηελ θαηαζθεπή ηνπ ζθειεηνχ; ε κειέηε ηήο θαηαζθεπήο θαη ε ιεηηνπξγία ησλ βηνινγηθψλ ζπζηεκάησλ φπσο ησλ αλζξψπσλ, δψσλ, θπηψλ, νξγάλσλ θαη θπηηάξσλ κέζσ ησλ κεζφδσλ ηεο κεραληθήο. (gr. Bios – δσή + lat. Mechanicus – κεραληθή). Δκβηνκεραληθή ελέξγεηα – ην ζχλνιν ηήο κεηαβνιηθήο ελέξγεηαο πνπ απαηηείηαη γηα λα δηεθπεξαηψζεη έλα νξηζκέλν θνκκάηη εξγαζίαο; Ελέξγεηα πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα κηάο ζσκαηηθήο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο. Καηά ηελ δηάξθεηα κηάο βαξηάο ζσκαηηθήο άζθεζεο, νη κχεο κπνξνχλ λα θαηαλαιψζνπλ κέρξη 3,000 ζεξκίδεο αλά ψξα. Η ελέξγεηα πνπ ρξεηάδεηαη θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο άζθεζεο είλαη ν κφλνο ηξφπνο θαηαλάισζεο ελέξγεηαο πνπ κπνξεί θαλείο λα ειέγμεη. Η θαηαλάισζε ελέξγεηαο ησλ κπψλ απνηειεί κφλν ην 20% ή πεξίπνπ ηήο νιηθήο ελέξγεηαο πνπ θαηαλαιψλνπκε φηαλ αλαπαπφκεζα, αιιά θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα κηάο θνπηαζηηθήο άζθεζεο κπνξεί λα απμεζεί 50 θνξέο ή πεξηζζφηεξν. Δηάθνξεο ηππηθέο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο θαη ηα πνζά ελέξγεηαο (ζε kJ αλά θηιφ θαηά ψξα) αλάκεζά ηνπο είλαη : Σν ήζπρν θάζηζκα – 1.7 Σν γξάςηκν – 1.7 Να ζηέθεζαη ζε αλάπαπια – 2.1 Η νδεγεζε ελφο απηνθηλήηνπ – 3.8 θνχπηζκα κε ειεθηξηθή ζθνχπα – 11.3 Γξήγνξν βάδηζκα – 14.2 Σξέμηκν – 29.3 Κνιχκπη (ζηα 4 ρηι. αλά ψξα) – 33 Κσπειαζία ζε αγψλα – 67. Δλέξγεηα (κεραληθή) – ηθαλφηεηα ή δπλαηφηεηα λα πξαγκαηνπνηείηαη κεραληθή εξγαζία. ηελ θπζηθή, ν φξνο μητανική ενέργεια πεξηγξάθεη ην άζξνηζκα ηεο δπλακηθήο ελέξγεηαο θαη ηεο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο πνπ παξνπζηάδεηαη ζηα ζπζηαηηθά κέξε ελφο μητανικού σσστήματος. Μεραληθή ελέξγεηα είλαη ε ελέξγεηα πνπ ζρεηίδεηαη κε ηελ θίλεζε ή ηελ ζέζε ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ. Δλέξγεηα πνπ δεκηνπξγεί δπζκνξθίεο (ενέργεια σε ένταση) – ε εμσηεξηθή εξγαζία πνπ δεκηνπξγείηαη επάλσ ζε έλα ειαζηηθφ κέινο πξνθαιψληαο ην λα αιινησζεί. Απν ηελ ήξεκή ηνπ θαηάζηαζε κεηακνξθψλεηαη ζε ελέξγεηα ππφ έληαζε ε νπνία είλαη κηα κνξθή αλακελφκελεο ελέξγεηαο. Η ελέξγεηα ππφ έληαζε ππφ κνξθή κηαο ειαζηηθήο δπζκνξθίαο είλαη σο επη ην πιείζηνλ ζεξαπεχζηκε ππφ κνξθή κεραληθήο εξγαζίαο. Δμαξηψκελνο ξπζκφο έληαζεο – ε ηδηφηεηα ελφο ηζηνχ πνπ απνθαζίδεη φηη ε κεραληθή ηνπ αληαπφθξηζε ζην θνξηίν εμαξηάηαη απφ ηνλ βαζκφ παξακφξθσζεο ηνπ ηζηνχ. 44 Δπηθχξσζε ηεο αμίαο ηνπ κνληέινπ – επηηπγράλεηαη κε ηελ παξνπζίαζε απνδείμεσλ γηα ηελ αθξίβεηα ηνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνχκελνπ κνληέινπ ζε ζχγθξηζε κε ηελ πξαγκαηηθή δνκή. Στόλιο: έλαο άιινο ζρεκαηηζκφο: αμηνιφγεζε κνληέινπ. Δπηκήθπλζε – ε δηαδηθαζία αχμεζεο ηνπ κήθνπο. Δπθακςία – ε ηθαλφηεηα ελφο πιηθνχ λα ράζεη ηελ θφξκα ηνπ κε ειαζηηθφηεηα θαη λα επηζηξέςεη ζην αξρηθφ ηνπ ζρήκα φηαλ ζηακαηήζεη ε πίεζε ζηελ νπνία ην ππνβάιιακε. Ι Ιδηφηεηεο πιηθψλ – νη γεληθέο ηδηφηεηεο πνπ ραξαθηεξίδνπλ ην πιηθφ. Ιζνξξνπία – ε θαηάζηαζε ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο ζην νπνίν φιεο νη αληαγσληζηηθέο επηξξνέο εμηζνξξνπνχληαη, ζε κηα επξεία πνηθηιία πεξηπηψζεσλ. Έλα κε εχθακπην ζψκα είλαη ζε κεραληθή ηζνξξνπία φηαλ ην ζχλνιν φισλ ησλ δπλάκεσλ ζε φια ηα ηκήκαηα ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο είλαη κεδέλ θαη επίζεο ην ζχλνιν φισλ ησλ πεξηζηξνθηθψλ δπλάκεσλ ζε φια ηα κφξηα ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο είλαη κεδέλ. Ιζνζηαηηθέο γξακκέο αληηπξνζσπεχνπλ ηηο δηεπζχλζεηο κεηάδνζεο κέζα ζηηο δνκέο ησλ νζηψλ ησλ κεραληθψλ δπλάκεσλ πνπ επηδξνχλ ζηελ επηθάλεηα ησλ νζηψλ. Ιζνηξνπηθφ (πιηθφ) – έρεη φκνηεο ηηκέο κηαο ηδηφηεηαο ζε φιεο ηηο θαηεπζχλζεηο. Στόλιο: Γηα ιφγνπο απινπνίεζεο, ζε πνιπάξηζκεο κειέηεο, ην νζηνχλ ζεσξείηαη έλα ηζνηξνπηθφ πιηθφ. Ιζηνκνξθνκεηξία – ε κέζνδνο κέηξεζεο ηνπ κεγέζνπο θαη ηχπνπ ησλ θπηηάξσλ ηνπνζεηψληαο έλα δίρηπ παξάιιεισλ γξακκψλ πάλσ απφ ηηο ηζηνινγηθέο εηθφλεο ελφο ηζηνχ (gr. histos – ηζηφο + morphe – κνξθή + metron – κέηξεζε). Κ Καζαξή ηάζε θίλεζεο – ην ζχλνιν φισλ ησλ θηλήζεσλ (πεξηζηξνθψλ) πνπ επελεξγνχλ ζε έλα ζψκα. Κακππινεηδήο θίλεζε – θίλεζε θαηά κήθνο κηάο γξακκήο κε θακπχιεο (κνλνπάηη) Κέληξν βαξχηεηαο – ην ζεκείν κέζα ή θνληά ζε έλα ζψκα ζην νπνίν ε δπλακηθή ελέξγεηα βαξχηεηαο ηνπ ζψκαηνο είλαη ίζε κε εθείλε ελφο κφλν ζσκαηηδίνπ ηεο ίδηαο κάδαο πνπ βξίζθεηαη ζε εθείλν ην ζεκείν κέζσ ηνπ νπνίνπ ελεξγνχλ νη πξνθχπηνπζεο δπλάκεηο βαξχηεηαο επάλσ ζηα ζσκαηίδηα ηνπ ζψκαηνο πνπ ην απνηεινχλ. ε έλα νκνηφκνξθν πεδίν βαξχηεηαο απηφ ζπκπίπηεη κε ηελ κάδα ηνπ θέληξνπ βάξνπο ηνπ ζψκαηνο. Σν ζεκείν ζην νπνίν κπνξεί λα ζεσξεζεί φηη επελεξγεί ην ζχλνιν ηνπ βάξνπο ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ θαη επνκέλσο δείρλεη φηη φια ηα κέξε βξίζθνληαη ζε ηζνδχγην. Η ζέζε ηνπ θέληξνπ βαξχηεηαο πνηθίιιεη αλάινγα κε ην ζρήκα ηνπ αληηθεηκέλνπ. ε αληηθείκελα κε έλα θαλνληθφ ζρήκα, ην θέληξν βαξχηεηαο ζπκπίπηεη κε ην γεσκεηξηθφ θέληξν. ε αληηθείκελα κε έλα κε θαλνληθφ θαη επκεηάβιεην ζρήκα (φπσο ζηελ πεξίπησζε ηνπ αλζξψπηλνπ ζψκαηνο), ην θέληξν βαξχηεηαο δελ κπνξεί λα πξνζδηνξηζζεί εχθνια θαη αιιάδεη κε θάζε αιιαγή ζηελ ζέζε ηνπ ζψκαηνο; κπνξεί αθφκε θαη λα κελ βξίζθεηαη κέζα ζηελ θπζηθή νπζία ηνπ ζψκαηνο. Σν θέληξν βαξχηεηαο ελφο ζψκαηνο ίζσο ζπκπίπηεη κε ην γεσκεηξηθφ ηνπ θέληξν, ηδηαίηεξα εάλ ην ζψκα είλαη ζπκκεηξηθφ θαη απνηειείηαη απφ νκνγελέο πιηθφ. ε αζχκκεηξα, αλνκνηνγελή ή θνίια αληηθείκελα, ην θέληξν ηεο βαξχηεηαο κπνξεί λα επξίζθεηαη ζε θάπνηα απφζηαζε απν ην γεσκεηξηθφ θέληξν ή αθφκε ζ’ελα ζεκείν εμσηεξηθά ηνπ αληηθεηκέλνπ, φπσο αλάκεζα ζηα πφδηα κηαο θαξέθιαο. Κνληά ζηελ επηθάλεηα ηεο γεο, φπνπ ε βαξχηεηα επελεξγεί πξφο ηα θάησ ζαλ έλα παξάιιειν πεδίν δχλακεο, ην θέληξν βαξχηεηαο θαη ην θέληξν ηεο χιεο είλαη ηα ίδηα. Απφ ηελ κειέηε ηεο δπλακηθήο ησλ αεξνζθαθψλ, νρεκάησλ θαη πινίσλ ζπκπεξαίλεηαη νηη ην ζχζηεκα θηλείηαη ζηελ πιεζίνλ ζηελ γε βαξχηεηα θαη επνκέλσο νη φξνη ηνπ θέληξνπ βαξχηεηαο θαη ηνπ θέληξνπ ηεο κάδαο ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη ελαιιάμ. Κέληξν ηεο κάδαο – ην ζεκείν ζ’ελα ζχζηεκα ζσκάησλ ή έλα εθηεηακέλν ζψκα ζην νπνίν ε κάδα ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο κπνξεί λα ζεσξεζεί νηη ζπκππθλψλεηαη θαη ζηελ νπνία νη εμσηεξηθέο δπλάκεηο κπνξνχλ λα ζεσξεζνχλ εθαξκφζηκεο. Κηλεκαηηθή – ε πεξηγξαθή ηεο θίλεζεο ζε ζρέζε κε ηφπν θαη ρξφλν, ρσξίο λα ιακβάλνληαη ππ’φςηλ νη δπλάκεηο πνπ κεζνιαβνχλ. Η θηλεκαηηθή είλαη ν θιάδνο ηεο θιαζζηθήο κεραληθήο πνπ πεξηιακβάλεη ηελ θίλεζε ησλ ζεκείσλ, ζσκάησλ (αληηθεηκέλσλ) θαη ζπζηεκάησλ ζσκάησλ (ζχλνια αληηθεηκέλσλ) ρσξίο λα ιακβάλνληαη ππ’φςηλ νη ιφγνη ηεο θίλεζεο. Κηλεκαηηθή αλάιπζε – ε δηαδηθαζία κέηξεζεο ησλ θηλεκαηηθψλ πνζνηήησλ πνπ ρξεηάδνληαη γηα λα πεξηγξαθεί ε θίλεζε. ηελ κεραληθή, γηα παξάδεηγκα, ε θηλεκαηηθή αλάιπζε κπνξεί λα ρξεζηκνπνηεζεί γηα λα βξεζεί ε έθηαζε ηεο θίλεζεο ζε έλα δεδνκέλν κεραληζκφ θαη εξγαδφκελε 45 αληίζηξνθα ε θηλεκαηηθή ζχλζεζε ζρεδηάδεη έλα κεραληζκφ γηα κηα επηζπκεηή έθηαζε θίλεζεο. Δελ αζρνιείηαη κε ηελ κάδα ή ηηο δπλάκεηο πνπ πξνθαινχλ ηελ θίλεζε. Κίλεζε (επζχγξακκε) – θίλεζε θαηά κήθνο κηάο επζείαο γξακκήο. Κίλεζε (πεξηζηξνθηθή) – θίλεζε ζηελ νπνία έλα ζψκα πεξηζηέθεηαη γχξσ απφ έλα άμνλα. Επίζεο γσληαθή θίλεζε. Κηλεηηθή – ε κειέηε ηεο θίλεζεο θαη νη αηηίεο ηεο; απηφ ην ηκήκα ηεο θιαζζηθήο κεραληθήο πξαγκαηεχεηαη ηελ ζπγγέλεηα αλάκεζα ζηηο θηλήζεηο ησλ πιηθψλ ζσκάησλ θαη ηηο δπλάκεηο πνπ επηδξνχλ πάλσ ηνπο. Κηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα – ε ελέξγεηα ηεο θίλεζεο, ε νπνία ηζνχηαη κε ην ήκηζπ ηεο κάδαο ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ πνιιαπιαζηαδφκελε κε ην ηεηξάγσλν ηεο ηαρχηεηάο ηεο. Έλα ζχζηεκα ζσκάησλ κπνξεί λα έρεη εζσηεξηθή θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα ιφγσ ηεο ζρεηηθήο θίλεζεο ησλ ζσκάησλ ζην ζχζηεκα. Μεξηθέο θνξέο εμππεξεηεί λα κνηξάζνπκε ηελ θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα ελφο ζψκαηνο ζην άζξνηζκα ηεο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο κεηαηφπηζεο θαη ηεο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο πεξηζηξνθήο γχξσ απν ην θέληξν κάδαο (πεξηζηξνθηθή ελέξγεηα): Ek = Et + Er φπνπ: Ek είλαη ε ζπλνιηθή θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα Et είλαη ε θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα κεηαηφπηζεο Er είλαη ε περιστρουική ενέργεια ή η γφνιακή κινητική ελέξγεηα Κφπσζε – ζσκαηηθή ή ςπρηθή εμάληιεζε ιφγσ πίεζεο; ε ζπλερήο ζξαχζε ελφο πιηθνχ ην νπνίν ππφθεηηαη ζε εληάζεηο πνπ αθνινπζνχλ ε κηα θαηφπηλ ηεο άιιεο; θαηαζηξνθή δνκήο ιφγσ επαλαιακβαλφκελσλ θνξηψζεσλ. Λ Λεηηνπξγία (βηνινγία) – ε δξαζηεξηφηεηα πνπ επηηπγράλεηαη ζην επίπεδν ησλ δσληαλψλ νξγαληζκψλ απν θχηηαξα, ηζηνχο, φξγαλα, ζπζηήκαηα νξγάλσλ ή απφ νιφθιεξν ην ζψκα. Στόλιο: ε ιεηηνπξγία ζρεηίδεηαη θαη θαζνξίδεηαη απφ κεξηθέο αλαηνκηθέο ή εκβηνκεραληθέο δνκέο θαη δελ κπνξεί λα ππάξμεη ρσξίο απηέο. Μ Μέγηζην θνξηίν – ε κεγαιχηεξε ηηκή θνξηίνπ ζηεξηδφκελνπ απφ έλα ηζηφ πξίλ απφ ηελ ηειηθή θαηάξξεπζε. Μεηαβίβαζε (δπλακηθή, ελέξγεηα) – αληαιιαγή δπλακηθήο ή ελέξγεηαο απφ έλα ζψκα ζε άιιν. Μεραληθέο ηδηφηεηεο – νη ηδηφηεηεο πνπ ραξαθηεξίδνπλ ηελ κεραληθή ζπκπεξηθνξά ελφο πιηθνχ. Μεραληθφ ζηξεο – ε δχλακε αλά κνλάδα επηθάλεηαο. Στόλιο: ππάξρεη ζπκπηεζηηθφ ζηξεο, ζηεξεηηθφ ζηξεο, ζηξεο ιφγσ έληαζεο, ην αθξαίν ζηξεο. Μεραληθφ θνξηίν – ε δηαδηθαζία ζηαζεξψλ δνκηθψλ αιιαγψλ ελφο πιηθνχ ην νπνίν ππφθεηηαη ζε θπθιηθφ κεραληθφ ζηξεο; Εθθξάδεηαη ζαλ ην ζχλνιν φισλ ησλ δπλάκεσλ φπσο εθαξκφδνληαη αλά πάζα ζηηγκή. Μνληέιν – έλα ζχζηεκα ην νπνίν αληηπξνζσπεχεη ην ζχλνιν ησλ αληηπξνζσπεπηηθψλ ηδηνηήησλ ελφο πνιχ πνιπζχλζεηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο κε ην νπνίν έρεη δνκηθέο θαη ιεηηνπξγηθέο αλαινγίεο, απηέο έρνπλ επηηεπρζεί γηα λα απινπνηεζεί ε κειέηε ηνπ ζχλζεηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο. Μνληέιν δχν δηαζηάζεσλ – έλα κνληέιν ζην νπνίν ε αλάιπζε πιεξνθνξηψλ επηηπγράλεηαη ζε δχν δηαζηάζεηο. Μνριφο – ζπζθεπή ζηαζεξά ηνπνζεηεκέλε ζε έλα κφλν ζεκείν ζην νπνίν δχν δπλάκεηο κπαίλνπλ ζε εθαξκνγή ζε δχν δηαθνξεηηθά ζεκεία. Μπειφο – ε εζσηεξηθή ηνπ φςε – έλα ζηξψκα ζπνγγψδνπο ηζηνχ ηνπ νζηνχ ην νπνίν ζπλδέεη ηνλ ζπκπαγή ηζηφ ηεο δηάθπζεο ηψλ καθξηλψλ νζηψλ κε ην κεδνχιη απφ ην θεληξηθφ κπειηθφ θαλάιη (θνηιφηεηα). Ο Οξζνηξνπηθφ (πιηθφ) – απηφ πνπ έρεη δηάθνξεο πιηθέο ηδηφηεηεο ή δπλάκεηο ζε δηάθνξεο νξζφγσλεο θαηεπζχλζεηο ( π.ρ. πιαζηηθφ εληζρπκέλν κε γπαιί, ή μχιν). Στόλιο: ε πξνζαξκνγή ηνπ νζηνχ κε απηφλ ηνλ ηχπν πιηθνχ πξνζθέξεη κηα κέζε παξαπιήζηα ιχζε. 46 Οξκή – ε ηδηφηεηα ελφο θηλνχκελνπ ζψκαηνο ε νπνία θαζνξίδεηαη απφ ην γηλφκελν ηεο ζσκαηηθήο κάδαο θαη ηεο ηαρχηεηάο ηεο. Π Παζνκεραληθή – έλαο θιάδνο ηεο θπζηθήο επηζηήκεο πνπ αζρνιείηαη κε ηηο ζηαηηθέο θαη δπλακηθέο δπλάκεηο θαη ε αθχζηθε δηαθνξεηηθή επίδξαζε ζε έλα αλζξψπηλν ζψκα ην νπνίν επεξεάδεηαη απφ λεπξνινγηθέο κπηθέο θαη ζθειεηηθέο αλσκαιίεο. Επεηδή απηφ έρεη ζρέζε κε θιηληθή παξάηεξεζε βάδηζεο, κηα πηζαλή κηθξφηεξε παζνκεραληθή παξακφξθσζε ησλ άθξσλ παξαηεξείηαη φηαλ ν κνριφο ηνπ βξαρίνλα έρεη αιιάμεη απφ ην ―θαλνληθφ‖ πξνθίι ησλ θαηψηεξσλ άθξσλ. Σέηνηα αιιαγή ζπλήζσο πξνθαιείηαη απφ ηνπο κπο ησλ λεχξσλ ή παξάγνληεο ηζνξξνπίαο θαη δεκηνπξγεί ζαλ απνηέιεζκα κηα ππεξβνιηθή θάζεηε ή νξηδφληηα κεηαηφπηζε ηνπ COM. Παξάκεηξνο κνληέινπ – αξηζκεηηθέο ηηκέο πνπ ραξαθηεξίδνπλ κεξηθέο κεραληθέο ηδηφηεηεο ηνπ κνληέινπ ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο. Πεξηζηξνθηθή δχλακε – ην απνηέιεζκα κηαο δχλακεο πνπ ηείλεη λα πξνθαιέζεη έλα ζηξίςηκν ή ζπζηξνθή γχξσ απφ έλα άμνλα. Επίζεο ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη ζαλ ζπλψλπκν γηα ηελ ζηηγκή ζαλ απνηέιεζκα κηαο δχλακεο πνπ ηείλεη λα πξνθαιέζεη πεξηζηξνθή ελφο ζψκαηνο γχξσ απφ ηνλ άμνλα πεξηζηξνθήο. Πξνβνιή – (θέληξν βαξχηεηαο) - κηα γξακκή πνπ ηελ ζχξνπκε απφ ην θέληξν ηεο βαξχηεηαο θαηαθφξπθα πξνο ηελ βάζε ηνπ ζεκείνπ ζηήξημεο. Πξνζνκνίσζε – ε κίκεζε ηεο ιεηηνπξγίαο κηάο δηαδηθαζίαο ππφ ζπλζήθεο πξαγκαηηθνχ θφζκνπ ή ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο αλά ηνλ ρξφλν. Η πξάμε φηαλ πξνζνκνηψλνπκε θάηη θαηά πξψηνλ ηελ αλάπηπμε ελφο κνληέινπ; απηφ ην κνληέιν αλαπαξηζηά ηα θαίξηα ραξαθηεξηζηηθά ιεηηνπξγίαο ηνπ επηιεγκέλνπ θπζηθνχ ή αθεξεκέλνπ ζπζηήκαηνο ή δηαδηθαζίαο. Σν κνληέιν αληηπξνζσπεχεη απηφ ην ίδην ην ζχζηεκα, ελψ ε πξνζνκνίσζε αλαπαξηζηά ηελ ιεηηνπξγία ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο αλά ηνλ ρξφλν. Πξνζσξηλή αλάιπζε – ππνινγηζκφο βάζεη ηεο δηάξθεηαο ηνπ ρξφλνπ. Ππθλφηεηα νζηνχ – κηα κέηξεζε πνπ αληηζηνηρεί ζηελ νξπθηή ππθλφηεηα ηνπ νζηνχ θαη ε νπνία εθθξάδεηαη ζαλ νξπθηή κάδα αλά κνλάδα φγθνπ νζηνχ θαη ζπλήζσο ππνινγίδεηαη κε ηελ ρξήζε κηάο ξαδηνινγηθήο ζάξσζεο ηνπ θαηψηεξνπ ηκήκαηνο ηεο ζπνλδπιηθήο ζηήιεο ή γνθνχ. Οη κεηξήζεηο ηεο ππθλφηεηαο ηνπ νζηνχ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη γηα λα δηαγλψζνπλ θαη λα γίλνπλ παξαηεξήζεηο γηα ηελ νζηενπφξσζε θαη άιιεο αζζέλεηεο. Επίζεο νλνκάδεηαη θαη ορσκτή πσκνότητα οστού. Σν αληίζεην ηεο πφξσζεο. Ρ Ρνπή αδξάλεηαο ηεο κάδαο – κέηξεζε ηεο αληίζηαζεο ελφο ζψκαηνο ζηελ πεξηζηξνθή γχξσ απφ έλα άμνλα. ηαηηθή ηζνξξνπία – θαηάζηαζε ηζνξξνπίαο ζηελ νπνία δελ ππάξρεη θακκηά θαζαξή επηηάρπλζε. πλήζσο αλαθέξεηαη ζε ζηαηηθή ή κε θηλεηηθή ηζνξξνπία. Έλα ζπζηεκα κνξίσλ βξίζθεηαη ζε ζηαηηθή ηζνξξνπία φηαλ φια ηα κφξηα ηνπ ζπζηήκαηνο βξίζθνληαη αδξαλή θαη ε ζπλνιηθή δχλακε θάζε κνξίνπ βξίζθεηαη ζηαζεξά ζην κεδέλ. ηηγκή – ε επίδξαζε κηάο δχλακεο πνπ ηείλεη λα πξνθαιέζεη πεξηζηξνθή γχξσ απφ έλα άμνλα. ηηγκή ηεο δξάζεο ηνπ βξαρίνλα – ε θάζεηε απφζηαζε απφ ηνλ άμνλα ηεο πεξηζηξνθήο κέρξη ηελ γξακκή δξάζεο επίζεο πεξηζηξνθηθφο βξαρίνλαο. ηνηρεηαθφο φγθνο – ηξηζδηάζηαηε κνλάδα γηα ηελ εθηίκεζε ηεο αλάιπζεο εηθφλαο. ηξνθνξκή είλαη κηα δηαηεξνχκελε πνζφηεηα πνπ κπνξεί λα ρξεζηκνπνηεζεί γηα λα πεξηγξάςεη ηελ ζπλνιηθή θαηάζηαζε ελφο θπζηθνχ ζπζηήκαηνο. Η ζηξνθνξκή ελφο ζπζηήκαηνο κνξίσλ (π.ρ. έλα άθακπην ζψκα) είλαη ην άζξνηζκα ησλ ζηξνθνξκψλ ησλ αηνκηθψλ κνξίσλ. Γηα έλα άθακπην ζψκα πνπ πεξηζηξέθεηαη γχξσ απφ έλα ζπκκεηξηθφ άμνλα ε ζηξνθνξκή κπνξεί λα εθθξαζζεί ζαλ ην πξνηφλ ηεο ζηηγκήο ηνπ ζψκαηνο ζε αδξάλεηα I θαη ηεο γσληψδνπο ηαρχηεηαο ω. πκπίεζε – ε εθαξκνγή ηζνδπγηζκέλσλ εζσηεξηθψλ (―πξνσζεηηθψλ‖) δπλάκεσλ ζε δηαθνξεηηθά ζεκεία, έλα πιηθφ ή θαηαζθεπή, δειαδή, δπλάκεηο κε θαζφινπ θαζαξφ ζχλνιν ή δχλακε πεξηζηξνθήο θαηεπζπλφκελεο κε ηνλ ζθνπφ λα κεηψζνπλ ην κέγεζνο πξνο κηα ή πεξηζζφηεξεο θαηεπζχλζεηο (κεραληθή). Άλλος ορισμός: ην απνηέιεζκα ηεο ππνηαγήο ελφο πιηθνχ ζην ζηξέο ζπκπίεζεο. 47 πκπηεζηηθή δχλακε – ηθαλφηεηα αληνρήο ζε δπλάκεηο πνπ θαηεπζχλνληαη απφ ηνλ άμνλα θαη ζπξψρλνπλ. πκθσλία – κέηξεζε ηεο ζρέζεο αλάκεζα ζηελ έληαζε θαη ην ζηξέο. Σν αληίζηξνθν ηνπ άθακπηνπ. ηελ ηαηξηθή, ζσμθωνία (επίζεο σπακοή ή ικανόηηηα). Πεξηγξάθεη ηνλ βαζκφ ζηνλ νπνίν έλαο αζζελήο αθνινπζεί ηηο ηαηξηθέο ζπκβνπιέο. πλνιηθή κεραληθή ελέξγεηα – ην ζχλνιν ηεο γξακκηθήο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο ελφο ζψκαηνο, ηεο γσληαθήο θηλεηηθήο ελέξγεηαο θαη ηεο πηζαλήο ελέξγεηαο ηεο ζέζεο πνπ θαηέρεη. πληειεζηήο ειαζηηθφηεηαο – ε αμία ηεο κεραληθήο έληαζεο απφ ηελ νπνία νη ζσκαηηθέο δπζκνξθίεο είλαη αλαζηξέςηκεο. πζηξνθή – ζηελ κεραληθή ησλ ζηεξεψλ, ζπζηξνθή είλαη ην ζηξίςηκν ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ εμ’αηηίαο κηαο πεξηζηξνθηθήο δχλακεο, επνκέλσο εθθξάδεηαη ζε N·m. ε πεξηνρέο θάζεηεο ζηνλ άμνλα ηεο πεξηζηξνθηθήο δχλακεο, ην αθξαίν ζηξεο πνπ πξνθχπηεη ζ’απηφ ην ηκήκα είλαη θάζεην ζηελ αθηίλα. ρέζε έληαζεο – κήθνπο – ε ηδηφηεο ελφο ζθειεηηθνχ κπφο πνπ δείρλεη νηη ε ηθαλφηεηά ηνπ παξαγσγήο εμαξηάηαη απφ ην κήθνο ηνπ κπφο είηε απηφο αλήθεη ζε ζπξξηθλνχκελεο θαη κε ζπξξηθλνχκελεο δνκέο. Σ Σαιάληεπζε (ζηάδην) – ε πεξίνδνο θαηά ηελ νπνία ην πφδη δελ είλαη ζε επαθή κε ην έδαθνο θαηά ηνλ βεκαηηζκφ. Σαιάλησζε – ελαιιαζζφκελεο πεξηνδηθέο θηλήζεηο γχξσ απφ κηα ζέζε ηζνξξνπίαο; έρεη ηξία κεηαβιεηά ραξαθηεξηζηηθά: ζπρλφηεηα, κέγεζνο θαη θάζε. Σάζε (έληαζε) – ην κεγαιχηεξν ζηξεο θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ ηεληψκαηνο ή ηξαβήγκαηνο πξηλ απφ ηελ ζηέλσζε. Σξηβή – ε δχλακε πνπ αληηζηέθεηαη ζηελ ζρεηηθή θίλεζε ησλ ζηεξεψλ, πγξψλ επηθαλεηψλ θαη ζηνηρείσλ πιηθψλ ηα νπνία γιπζηξνχλ ην έλα επάλσ ζην άιιν. Άλλος ορισμός: ε αληίζηαζε πνπ αλαπηχζζεηαη ζηελ εζσηεξηθή πιεπξά ησλ δχν επηθαλεηψλ θαη ε νπνία επελεξγεί αληίζεηα κε ηελ θαηεχζπλζε ηεο ππάξρνπζαο θίλεζεο ή ηεο επηθείκελεο θίλεζεο. Φ Φνξηίν – ε δχλακε πνπ εθαξκφδεηαη εμσηεξηθά ζε έλα ζψκα. Φ Φεθηνπνίεζε – ε παξνπζίαζε ελφο αληηθεηκέλνπ, εηθφλαο, ήρνπ, εγγξάθνπ ή ζήκαηνο (ζπλήζσο έλα αλαινγηθφ ζήκα) κε κηα δηαθξηηή ζεηξά ζεκείσλ ή δεηγκάησλ. Σν απνηέιεζκα νλνκάδεηαη υηυιακή παροσσίαση ή πην εηδηθά κηα υηυιακή εικόνα, γηα ην αληηθείκελν, θαη έλαο υηυιακός τύπος γηα ην ζήκα. Γηα ηελ αθξίβεηα, ςεθηνπνίεζε ζεκαίλεη απιψο ε ζχιιεςε ελφο αλαινγηθνχ ζήκαηνο ζε ςεθηαθή κνξθή. Η ςεθηνπνίεζε είλαη ν θχξηνο ηξφπνο γηα λα απνζεθεχνληαη εηθφλεο ζε κηα κνξθή θαηάιιειε γηα κεηάδνζε θαη επεμεξγαζία ζε ππνινγηζηή είηε κε ηελ ζάξσζε απφ δχν-δηαζηάζεσλ αλαινγηθά πξσηφηππα ή φηαλ έρνπλ ιεθζεί ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο κηα ζπζθεπή επηιεγκέλσλ εηθφλσλ φπσο ε ςεθηαθή θσηνγξαθηθή κεραλή, ηνκνγξαθηθφ φξγαλν φπσο ν ζαξσηήο CAT, ή απνθηψληαο ηηο αθξηβείο δηαζηάζεηο απφ έλα πξαγκαηηθφ αληηθείκελν ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο κηα ηξηζδηάζηαηε ζπζθεπή ζάξσζεο. 48 Όξνη πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη γηα ηελ βάζε ζάξσζεο πιάθαο πίεζεο Α Άμνλαο πνδηνχ – ν άμνλαο ηνπ πνδηνχ μεθηλάεη ζην θέληξν ηεο πηέξλαο αλάκεζα ζην κεζαίν ζεκείν ηεο πηέξλαο θαη ζην ζεκείν πξνο ην πιάη θαη πεξλάεη αλάκεζα ζηνπο κεηαηάξζηνπο 2 θαη 3 (βνεζάεη ζηνλ θαζνξηζκφ ηεο εμσηεξηθήο πεξηζηξνθήο). Γ Γσλία πνδηνχ – (γσλία απαγσγήο) δείρλεη ηελ παξέθιηζε απφ ηελ θαηεχζπλζε βαδίζκαηνο (θαηεχζπλζε πιάθαο) θαη πξνζδηνξίδεηαη πνζνηηθά απφ ηηκέο πνπ δείρλνπλ ηε έμσ ή ελδν-πεξηζηξνθή: κηα ζεηηθή γσλία ππνδεηθλχεη έμσ πεξηζηξνθή ηνπ πνδηνχ, νπνηεδήπνηε ε γσλία είλαη αξλεηηθή ππνδεηθλχεη ελδν-πεξηζηξνθή. Γ Γπλακηθή – έρεη ζρέζε κε ηελ κειέηε ηεο δπλακηθήο; ηεο ελέξγεηαο ή αζρνιείηαη κε ηελ ελέξγεηα ή κε δπλάκεηο πνπ παξάγνπλ θίλεζε, ζε αληίζεζε κε ηελ ζηαηηθή θαηάζηαζε. Δ Δλεξγή επηθάλεηα επαθήο [cm2] – ε επηθάλεηα επαθήο φπνπ ηνπνζεηείηαη ην θνξηίν. Η Hallux αθακςία – δείρλεη ηηο δηαθνξέο αλάκεζα ζηηο πηέζεηο πνπ αζθνχληαη επάλσ ζην hallux θαη ηνλ πξψην κεηαηάξζην. Ο ηχπνο είλαη (T1-M1). Ι Ιζνξξνπία πνδηνχ – κεηξηέηαη ε ζπλνιηθή ηζνξξνπία θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ βεκαηηζκνχ. Τπνινγίδεηαη απφ ηελ δηαθνξά αλάκεζα ζε δχν φξνπο: M1 + M2 + HM θαη M3 + M4 + M5 + HL. Σν πφδη βξίζθεηαη ζε πξεληζκφ φηαλ ε πίεζε είλαη πςειφηεξε θάησ απφ ηελ πιαηλή πιεπξά ηεο πηέξλαο. Ιζνξξνπία ηνπ κπξνζηηλνχ ηκήκαηνο ηνπ πνδηνχ – πεξηγξάθεη ηελ ηζνξξνπία ηνπ κπξνζηηλνχ κέξνπο ηνπ πνδηνχ, κε ηνλ ηχπν (M1+M2)-(M3+M4+M5). Κ Κέληξν πίεζεο – ζηελ εκβηνκεραληθή, ηο κένηρο ηης πίεζης (CoP) είλαη ν φξνο πνπ δίλεηαη ζην νινθιεξσκέλν πεδίν πίεζεο πνπ έλαο νξγαληζκφο αζθεί επάλσ ζε κηα ππνζηεξηδφκελε επηθάλεηα, ηππηθά κέζσ ελφο πνδηνχ ή άιινπ εμαξηεκαηνο. Σν CoP ζπλήζσο αιιάδεη θαζ’φιε ηελ δηάξθεηα καο θίλεζεο θαζψο δηαθνξεηηθά κέξε ηνπ πνδηνχ επηβξαδχλνληαη κε δηαθνξεηηθνχο ξπζκνχο. Γηα παξάδεηγκα, θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο αλζξψπηλεο βάδηζεο, ην θέληξν πίεζεο είλαη θνληά ζηελ πηέξλα ηελ ζηηγκή πνπ παηάεη ην ηαθνχλη θαη θηλείηαη πεξηζζφηεξν πξνο ηα εκπξφο ζε φιε ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ βεκαηηζκνχ θαη πξνζδηνξίδεηαη θνληά ζηα δάθηπια θαηά ην ζήθσκα. Μ Max αηζζεηήξαο αηρκήο – ε κέγηζηε δχλακε πνπ κεηξάεη έλαο αηζζεηήξαο κέζα ζε θάζε δψλε. Max F [N] – ε κέγηζηε δχλακε πνπ θαηαγξάθεηαη ζηελ ππφ κειέηε πεξηνρή. Max P [N/cm2] – ε κέγηζηε πίεζε πνπ θαηαγξάθεηαη ζηελ ππφ κειέηε πεξηνρή. Μέζε ηζνξξνπία κπξνζηηλνχ πνδηνχ – δείρλεη ηελ ηζνξξνπία αλάκεζα ζην M1 θαη ζην M2 θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο βάδηζεο; Ο ηχπνο ππνινγηζκνχ είλαη M2-M1. Meta θφξησζε – κεηξάεη ηελ δηαθνξά ηεο πίεζεο αλάκεζα ζηνπο κεηαηάξζηνπο M2 θαη M3 θαη ζηνπο κεηαηάξζηνπο M1, M4 M5. Ο ηχπνο είλαη (M2 + M3) - (M1 + M4 + M5). Μεηξήζεηο δπλακηθήο – ε κέηξεζε ηεο δπλακηθήο επηηξέπεη κηα πην ιεπηνκεξή αλάιπζε ησλ απφςεσλ γηα ηελ βάδηζε ή ηξέμηκν, θαηαγξάθνληαο ηηο πηέζεηο ηεο ζφιαο ηνπ παπνπηζηνχ ζε φιε ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ βαδίζκαηνο ή ηξεμίκαηνο. Μέηξεζε – είλαη ε δηαδηθαζία ή ην απνηέιεζκα γηα λα πξνζδηνξηζζεί ην εχξνο κηαο πνζφηεηαο, φπσο ην κήθνο ή ε κάδα ε νπνία έρεη ζρέζε κε κηα κνλάδα κέηξεζεο, φπσο έλα κέηξν ή έλα θηιφ. Π 49 Πεξηνρή επαθήο CA [cm2] – επηθάλεηα επαθήο ε νπνία εθθξάδεηαη ζε cm2 γηα θάζε πεξηνρή πνπ αμηνινγνχκε. Πεξηζηξνθή πηέξλαο – ππνινγίδεηαη ζπγθξηλνκελε κε ηελ πίεζε θάησ απφ ην κέζν ηεο πηέξλαο (HM) κε ηελ πίεζε θάησ απφ ην πιαηλφ ηεο πηέξλαο (HL). Πνζνζηφ επαθήο (%) ηεο ελεξγεηηθήο επηθάλεηαο θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο ζηάζεο % C – δίλεη πιεξνθνξίεο ζρεηηθά κε ην πνζνζηφ ηεο ζπλνιηθήο ελεξγεηηθήο επηθάλεηαο ε νπνία αληηζηνηρεί ζηελ ζηηγκή πνπ ιάβακε γηα εμέηαζε; ην πνζνζηφ ηνπ ρξφλνπ επαθήο ζπγθξηλφκελν κε ηνλ πιήξε θχθιν βεκαηηζκνχ. Πνζνζηφ θνξηίνπ LR [N/cm.s] – ε ηαρχηεηα επηβάξπλζεο ζηελ πξνζδηνξηζκέλε πεξηνρή. ηαηηθή κέηξεζε – ζηηγκηαία θαηαγξαθή; θπξηνιεθηηθά πξνιαβαίλεη κηα γξήγνξε θσηνγξάθεζε ζηηο ζφιεο ηνπ αζζελνχο. Σα απνηειέζκαηα κηάο ζηαηηθήο κέηξεζεο είλαη νη κέγηζηεο πηέζεηο ηεο επαθήο ηνπ πνδηνχ. ηαηηθφ – απηφ πνπ δελ έρεη θακκηά θίλεζε; θαζνξηζκέλε; ζηάζηκε ζηάζε; έρεη ζρέζε κε ζψκαηα ζε αλάπαπζε ή δπλάκεηο πνπ ηζνξξνπνχλ αλακεηαμχ ηνπο. Τ Τπνζηξαγαιηθή γσλία άξζξσζεο – είλαη ε γσλία αλάκεζα ζηνλ άμνλα ηνπ αζηξαγάινπ θαη ηνλ άμνλα ηεο πηέξλαο; δείρλεη ην κέγεζνο ηνπ πξεληζκνχ ζην πίζσ πφδη θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο ζχγθξνπζεο. Καηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ελφο βεκαηνο θαηαγξάθεη ηηο ειάρηζηεο θαη κέγηζηεο ηηκέο. Όζν πην κεγάιε είλαη ε ηηκή ηφζν πην πνιχο πξεληζκφο δεκηνπξγείηαη. Οη ειάρηζηεο θαη νη κέγηζηεο ηηκέο δίλνπλ επίζεο κηα έλδεημε γηα ηελ ζέζε ηνπ πίζσ πνδηνχ ζε ζρέζε κε ην έδαθνο. Τπνζηξαγαιηθή επθακςία αξζξψζεσλ – αλαθέξεηαη ζηελ πνηθηιία ηεο ππνζηξαγαιηθήο γσλίαο άξζξσζεο θαη εθθξάδεη ηελ θηλεηηθφηεηα ηνπ αζηξαγάινπ. Υ Υξφλνο Max F/P – ν ρξφλνο θαηά ηνλ νπνίν κεηξηέηαη ε κέγηζηε δχλακε/πίεζε ε νπνία εθθξάδεηαη ζε ρηιηνζηά ηνπ δεπηεξνιέπηνπ; ν ηξέρνλ ρξφλνο ελψ θαηαγξάθεηαη ε κέγηζηε δχλακε. Χ Ώζεζε I [Ns/cm] – ε θφξησζε ζε πίεζε θαη ρξφλν. Η ψζεζε (%) δείρλεη ηελ πξαγκαηηθή επηβάξπλζε ππφ ην βάξνο ηεο ππφ αμηνιφγεζε πεξηνρήο. Μαζεκαηηθνί φξνη πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη ζηελ πεξηγξαθηθή θαη ιεηηνπξγηθή αλαηνκία Α ANSYS, Inc. – είλαη ε κεραληθή πξνζνκνίσζε ελφο παξφρνπ ινγηζκηθνχ. Αλαπηχζεη γεληθήο ρξήζεο αλάιπζε πεξηνξηζκέλσλ ζηνηρείσλ θαη ππνινγηζηηθή ξεπζηή δπλακηθή. Ελψ ην ANSYS έρεη αλαπηχμεη κηα πνηθηιία κεραληθήο ππνβνεζνχκελεο απφ ηνλ ππνινγηζηή (CAE) πξνηφλησλ, ίζσο είλαη πην γλσζηφ γηα ηα ANSYS Μεραληθά ηα ANSYS πξνηφληα Πνιπθπζηθήο. APDL –ΠΑΡΑΜΕΣΡΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΑ ΥΕΔΙΑΜΟΤ ANSYS. Αλάιπζε πεπεξαζκέλσλ ζηνηρείσλ (FEA) – είλαη κηα ηερληθή πξνζνκνίσζεο κε ππνινγηζηή πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη ζηελ αλάιπζε ηεο κεραληθήο. Υξεζηκνπνηεί αξηζκεηηθή ηερληθή νλνκαδφκελε κέζνδνο πεπεξαζκέσλ ζηνηρείσλ (FEM). Τπάξρνπλ πνιιά παθέηα ινγηζκηθνχ πεπεξαζκέλσλ ζηνηρείσλ, πνπ είλαη θαη ειεχζεξα θαη ηδηφθηεηα. Η αλάπηπμε ηεο κεζφδνπ πεπεξαζκέλσλ ζηνηρείσλ ζηε δνκηθή κεραληθή ζπλήζσο βαζίδεηαη ζε κηα αξρή ελέξγεηαο φπσο απηή ηεο εηθνληθήο εξγαζίαο ή ζηελ αξρή ηεο ζπλνιηθήο ειάρηζηεο πηζαλήο ελέξγεηαο. Απαινηθή θαηά Gauss – είλαη έλαο αιγφξηζκνο γηα ηελ ιχζε ζπζηεκάησλ γξακκηθψλ εμηζψζεσλ. Απηή ε κέζνδνο κπνξεί επίζεο λα ρξεζηκνπνηεζεί γηα λα βξεζεί ε ηάμε ελφο πίλαθα, γηα λα ππνινγίζνπκε ηνλ αληίζηξνθν ελφο αληηζηξέςηκνπ πίλαθα. Απνδφκεζε Cholesky – ή ηο ηρίγωνο Cholesky είλαη ε απνδφκεζε ελφο Hermitian, ζεηηθά-νξηζκέλνπ πίλαθα ζε έλα γηλφκελν θαηψηεξνπ ηξηγσληθνχ πίλαθα θαη ηνπ αλάζηξνθνχ ηνπ. Η απνδφκεζε 50 Cholesky θπξίσο ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη γηα ηελ αξηζκεηηθή ρξήζε ησλ γξακκηθψλ εμηζψζεσλ Ax = b. Αξηζκεηηθή αλάιπζε – είλαη ε κειέηε ησλ αιγφξηζκσλ νη νπνίνη ρξεζηκνπνηνχλ αξηζκεηηθή πξνζέγγηζε γηα ηα πξνβιήκαηα ηεο καζεκαηηθήο αλάιπζεο. Γ Γξακκηθή εμίζσζε – είλαη κηα αιγεβξηθή εμίζσζε ζηελ νπνία θάζε φξνο είλαη ή ζηαζεξφο ή ην πξνηφλ ελφο ζηαζεξνχ θαη (ε πξψηε δχλακε) ελφο απινχ κεηαβιεηνχ. Οη γξακκηθέο εμηζψζεηο κπνξεί λα έρνπλ κία ή πεξηζζφηεξεο κεηαβιεηέο. Γ Γηαθνξηθή εμίζσζε – είλαη κηα ζπλαξηεζηαθή εμίζσζε ε νπνία πεξηιακβάλεη παξαγψγνπο ησλ κε γλσζηψλ ζπλαξηήζεσλ. Γπλακηθή – έλαο ηνκέαο ηεο κεραληθήο πνπ πξαγκαηεχεηαη ηελ θίλεζε ησλ ζσκάησλ θάησ απφ ηηο δξάζεηο ησλ δπλάκεσλ ή ε κειέηε ησλ επηδξάζεσλ ησλ δπλάκεσλ επάλσ ζην ζέκα ηεο θίλεζεο ησλ αληηθεηκέλσλ. Δ Δπαγσγή – ε δηαδηθαζία ησλ γεληθψλ αξρψλ πνπ πξνθχπηνπλ απφ εηδηθά γεγνλφηα θαη ζηηγκέο. Δπαλάιεςε – κηα ππνινγηζηηθή δηαδηθαζία ζηελ νπνία ν θχθινο ησλ ιεηηνπξγηψλ επαλαιακβάλεηαη, ζπρλά πεξίπνπ πιεζηάδεη πεξηζζφηεξν θνληά ην επηζπκεηφ απνηέιεζκα. Κάζε επαλάιεςε ηεο δηαδηθαζίαο νλνκάδεηαη επίζεο "επαλάιεςε," θαη ηα απνηειέζκαηά ηεο ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη ζαλ αθεηεξία γηα ηελ επφκελε επαλάιεςε. Κ Κφκβνη – ζεκεία πνπ ζπλδένπλ ηα πεπεξαζκέλα ζηνηρεία πνπ δελ έρνπλ ιεθζεί ππ’φςηλ ζην κνληέιν; πξνζδηνξίδνπλ ηελ ζπλδεζηκφηεηα ησλ πεπεξαζκέλσλ ζηνηρείσλ. Μ Macro – κηα νκάδα νδεγηψλ πνπ αληηπξνζσπεχεηαη απφ κία ζπληεηκεκέλε κνξθή. Με γξακκηθφ ζχζηεκα – είλαη απηφ πνπ δελ ηθαλνπνηεί ηελ αξρή ηεο ππέξζεζεο, ή έλα ηνπ νπνίνπ ε απφδνζε δελ είλαη επζέσο αλάινγε κε φηη έρνπκε εηζάγεη; έλα γξακκηθφ ζχζηεκα εθπιεξεί απηνχο ηνπο φξνπο. Με άιια ιφγηα, έλα κε γξακκηθφ ζχζηεκα είλαη νπνηφδεπνηε πξφβιεκα φπνπ ε εμίζσζε (εμηζψζεηο) γηα λα ιπζεί δελ κπνξεί λα θαηαγξαθεί ζαλ έλαο γξακκηθφο ζπλδηαζκφο ησλ άγλσζησλ κεηαβιεηψλ ή ιεηηνπξγηψλ πνπ εκθαλίδνληαη ζε απηήλ (απηέο). Μεραληθή ππνβνεζνχκελε απφ computers (CAE) – είλαη ε εθαξκνγή ηνπ ινγηζκηθνχ ησλ ππνινγηζηψλ ζηελ κεραληθή γηα λα αμηνινγεζνχλ ζηνηρεία θαη ζπκπιέγκαηα. Πεξηιακβάλεη ηελ πξνζνκνίσζε, αμηνιφγεζε, βειηηζηνπνίεζε ησλ πξνηφλησλ θαη θαηαζθεπαζηηθψλ εξγαιείσλ. Η θχξηα εθαξκνγή ηνπ CAE, ε νπνία ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη απφ πνιηηηθνχο κεραληθνχο, ζηελ κεραληθή, αεξνδηαζηεκηθή θαη ειεθηξνληθή κεραληθή, παίξλεη δε ηελ θφξκα ηνπ FEA παξάιιεια κε ζρέδηα ππνβνεζνχκελα απφ ηνλ ππνινγηζηή (CAD). Π Πεδίν νξηζκνχ ή απιά ην πεδίο κηαο ιεηηνπξγίαο – είλαη ην ζχλνιν "ησλ εηζαγσγψλ" ή νη αμίεο ησλ απφςεσλ γηα ηηο νπνίεο πξνζδηνξίδεηαη ε ιεηηνπξγία. Πίλαθαο – είλαη κηα νξζνγψληα ζεηξά αξηζκψλ, ζπκβφισλ, ή εθθξάζεσλ, δηαξξπζκηζκέλσλ ζε ζεηξέο θαη ζηήιεο. Πξνζέγγηζε – φηαλ παξνπζηάδνπκε θάηη πνπ δελ είλαη αθξηβέο, αιιά φκσο πιεζηάδεη αξθεηά γηα λα είλαη ρξήζηκν. Παξ’φινλ φηη ε πξνζέγγηζε ζπλήζσο εθαξκφδεηαη ζε αξηζκνχο, ζπρλά εθαξκφδεηαη θαη ζε ηέηνηεο πεξηπηψζεηο φπσο νη καζεκαηηθέο ιεηηνπξγίεο, ζρήκαηα θαη θπζηθνί λφκνη. 51 πκπέξαζκα – ε ζπκπεξαζκαηηθή δηαδηθαζία απφ ην γεληθφ ζην εηδηθφ απφ ηελ νπνία βγαίλεη έλα ζπκπέξαζκα θαη’αλάγθελ απφ ηηο ππνζέζεηο. Τ Τπν-ηνκέαο – έλα ζπζηαηηθφ ηκήκα ελφο πεδίνπ, ην νπνίν έρεη επηηεπρζεί απφ ηελ ππνδηαίξεζε ηνπ ππφ εμέηαζε πεδίνπ. 52 Λεμηιφγην Βηνυιηθψλ A Αηκνζπκβαηφηεηα – ην πξφβιεκα ηεο πήμεο ηνπ αίκαηνο φηαλ κεζνιαβήζεη ε παξνπζία μέλσλ ζσκάησλ. Στόλιο: ε κειέηε ηεο αηκνζπκβαηφηεηαο είλαη πνιχ πεξίπινθε θαη δελ πεξηνξίδεηαη ζηελ πήμε ηνπ αίκαηνο αιιά επίζεο αθνξά ηελ αληαπφθξηζε ηνπ αλνζνπνηεηηθνχ ζπζηήκαηνο (αληηζψκαηα θ.η.ι.) θαη ηελ αληίδξαζε ησλ ηζηψλ θαη θπηηάξσλ, ηδηαίηεξα ησλ ιεκθνθπηηάξσλ θαη ιεπθνθπηηάξσλ. Αινπκίλα (Al2O3) – έλα θεξακηθφ βηνυιηθφ κε κηα εμαηξεηηθή αληίζηαζε ζηελ ηξηβή, κε κηα θαιή βηνζπκβαηφηεηα, πςειήο δχλακεο θαη κε κηα κεγάιε αληίζηαζε ζηελ ηξηβή. Στόλιο: ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη γηα πάλσ απφ 20 ρξφληα ζηελ νξζνπεδηθή ρεηξνπξγηθή. Αινπκίλην ράιθηλν – θξάκα ραιθνχ θαη αινπκηλίνπ κε άιιεο κηθξέο πνζφηεηεο κεηάιισλ, φπσο ληθέιην, ζίδεξνο θαη καγγάλην. Στόλιο: Απηφ ην θξάκα αληηζηέθεηαη ζηνλ καιαθφ ράιπβα θαη έρεη θαιή αληίζηαζε ζηελ δηάβξσζε. Αληίζηαζε (εηδηθή ειεθηξηθή αληίζηαζε) – είλαη ε αληίζηαζε ζην ειεθηξηθφ ξεχκα ελφο κέξνο ηνπ κεηαιινπ κε έλα ηκήκα 1 cm2 θαη έλα κήθνο 1 cm (in cm). Αληνρή – ν ζπλεζηζκέλνο ηξφπνο κέηξεζεο κηαο ίλαο ή λήκαηνο. Μπνξεί λα πξνζδηνξηζζεί ζαλ ε ηειηθή δχλακε ηεο ίλαο (ζπάζηκν) ζε (κνλάδεο κέηξεζεο γξακκαξίσλ) πνπ δηαηξνχληαη κε ηα denier. B Βηναδξαλέο (βηνυιηθφ) – ρσξίο αληαπφθξηζε (ή κε ηελ ειάρηζηε αληαπφθξηζε) απφ ηνλ νξγαληζκφ πνπ βξίζθνληαη; Επνκέλσο ρσξίο αιιεινεπίδξαζε κε ηνλ δσληαλφ ηζηφ. Βην-αλεθηά (βηνυιηθφ) – δηαρσξίδεηαη απφ ηνλ δσληαλφ ηζηφ κε ηελ θαηάιιειε παρηά εζσηεξηθή πιεπξά ψζηε λα απνθεχγνληαη ζεκαληηθέο δηαηαξαρέο ζπκβαηφηεηαο. Βηναπνξξνθήζηκν (βηνυιηθφ) – εμαζθαιίδεη κηα επαλαξξνθεηηθή δηαιπηή δηαδηθαζία κεηά ηελ εηζαγσγή ζην αλζξψπηλν ζψκα, θαη κε κηα ζηαδηαθή αληηθαηάζηαζε κέζσ ηεο εμάπισζεο ηνπ δσληαλνχ ηζηνχ. Βηνελεξγεηηθφ (βηνυιηθφ) – πξνυπνζέηεη θπζηθν-ρεκηθέο αληηδξάζεηο κε ηνλ δσληαλφ ηζηφ δίλεη ρξήζηκεο απαληήζεηο, αλάθηεζε δπλάκεσλ ζηελ δψλε επαθήο θαη δηεγείξεη ηελ αχμεζε ησλ θπηηάξσλ ηνπ ελδνζειίνπ. Βηνζπκβαηφηεο – κηα ηδηφηεηα ελφο πιηθνχ. Έλα πιηθφ κε βέιηηζηε βηνζπκβαηφηεηα δελ πεξηιακβάλεη αλεπηζχκεηε αληίδξαζε. πγρξφλσο αλακέλεηαη φηη ην πιηθφ πνπ έρνπκε εκθπηεχζεη ζα αληηζηαζεί ζε νπνηαδήπνηε θπζηνινγηθή έληαζε ρσξίο νπζηψδεηο αιιαγέο δηαζηάζεσλ, αιινίσζε θφξκαο ή ζε θάπνην άιιν θαηαζηξνθηθφ πεξηζηαηηθφ. Βηνυιηθά – αλφξγαλα ή νξγαληθά πξντφληα κε πνηθίιεο εθαξκνγέο φπσο πξνζζεηηθά ή εκθπηεχκαηα ζε βηνινγηθνχο ηζηνχο, ζε αλζξψπνπο θαη δψα. Μπνξνχλ λα ρξεζηκνπνηεζνχλ δηάθνξα κέηαιια, θξάκαηα, θεξακηθά, γπαιί, νξγαληθά πνιπκεξή θαη άιια ηέηνηα, φπσο είλαη ηα ζχλζεηα πξντφληα. Δ Δθπνκπέο ηφλησλ (πνπ έρνπλ ζρέζε κε ηελ ηνμηθφηεηα) – νη θαθψζεηο πξνθαινχληαη απφ ηελ ρξήζε κεηαιιηθψλ θξακάησλ ιφγσ ηεο εθπνκπήο ηφλησλ ζαλ απνηέιεζκα ηεο δηάβξσζεο. Διαηφηεο – ε ηθαλφηεηα ηνπ κεηάιινπ λα κεηακνξθψλεηαη θάησ απφ ην ζηξεο ηεο ζπκπίεζεο; απηφ ζπρλά ραξαθηεξίδεηαη απφ ηελ ηθαλφηεηα ηνπ πιηθνχ λα ζρεκαηίδεη έλα ιεπηφ θχιιν ζθπξειαηψληαο ή δηπιψλνληαο ζε ρακειφηεξε ζεξκνθξαζία απφ ην ζεκείν ηεο ηήμεο. Δπαηζζεζία θαη αιιεξγίεο (πνπ έρνπλ ζρέζε κε ηελ ηνμηθφηεηα) – πξνζδηνξίδνληαη ζαλ δπλαηέο αληηδξάζεηο ησλ αηφκσλ ζηηο νπζίεο πνπ εηζέξρνληαη ζηνλ νξγαληζκφ. Δππιαζηφηεηα – κηα ζηαζεξή ηθαλφηεηα ηνπ πιηθνχ λα παξακνξθψλεηαη ππφ ζπλζήθεο έληαζεο φηαλ ηεληψλεηαη; απηφ ζπρλά ραξαθηεξίδεηαη απφ ηελ ηθαλφηεηα ηνπ πιηθνχ λα ηελησζεί κέζα ζ’έλα θαιψδην; εμαξηάηαη απφ ηελ πιαζηηθφηεηα θαη ειαηφηεηα. Θ Θεξκηθή αγσγηκφηεο – ε πνζφηεηα ζεξκφηεηαο πνιιαπιαζηάδνκελε ζε έλα δεπηεξφιεπην κέζσ ελφο θπβηθνχ εθαηνζηνκέηξνπ ηνπ κεηάιινπ (ζε J cm 1 s 1 grd 1 ). Στόλιο: κέηαιια κε πςειή 53 ζεξκηθή αγσγηκφηεηα είλαη: ν άξγπξνο, ν ραιθφο, ν ρξπζφο θαη ην αινπκίλην, θαη κε ρακειή αγσγηκφηεηα: ν κφιπβδνο θαη ν πδξάξγπξνο. Κ Κεξακηθά πιηθά – βηνυιηθά κε κεγάιε δχλακε ζε ζρέζε κε ηελ κάδα ηνπο, ηελ αθακςία, ηελ αληνρή ζε ζνθ, ηελ αληίζηαζε ζηελ δηάβξσζε (ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη ζηελ ζηνκαηνινγία & νδνληηαηξηθή, νθζαικνινγία, ζε ζπζθεπέο κέηξεζεο–ζεξκφκεηξα θ.η.ι.). Κξάκαηα αινπκηλίνπ – ηα θξάκαηα ηα νπνία δεκηνπξγνχκε απφ ηνλ ζπλδπαζκφ αινπκηλίνπ κε άιια πιηθά. Στόλιο: Σα θξάκαηα αινπκηλίνπ θαηάιιεια γηα ρπηήξηα πεξηέρνπλ max. 15% ζηιηθφλε, πιένλ ησλ άιισλ κηθξψλ πνζνηήησλ κεηάιισλ, φπσο ν ραιθφο, ην ζίδεξν, ην ληθέιην θαη ν ςεπδάξγπξνο. Σα θξάκαηα αινπκηλίνπ ηα νπνία είλαη θαηάιιεια γηα άιιεο δηαδηθαζίεο κνληεινπνίεζεο φπσο ε ζθπξειάηεζε, ε πιαζηηθνπνίεζε, θ.η.ι., πεξηέρνπλ πεξίπνπ 7% καγλήζην θαη 1% καγγάλην. Κξάκαηα βαζηζκέλα ζην θνβάιηην – θξάκαηα κε έλα πεξηερφκελν 25-30% ρξψκην-Cr, 5-7% κνιπβδαίληνMo θαη κηθξέο πνζφηεηεο άιισλ κεηάιισλ φπσο ην ληθέιην-Ni, καγγάλην-Mn, δηξθφλην-Zr θαη θαζζίηεξνο-Sn. Άιια θξάκαηα βαζηζκέλα ζην θνβάιηην είλαη εθείλα κε πεξίπνπ 20% ρξψκην-Cr, 10% ληθέιην-Ni and max. 15% wolfram-W. Κξάκαηα βαζηζκέλα ζην ηηηάλην – θξάκαηα κε 70-90% ηηηάλην-Ti, θαη κηθξέο πνζφηεηεο άιισλ κεηάιισλ: αινπκίλην-Al, βαλάδην-V, ληφβην-Nb, ηαληάιεην-Ta, καγγάλην-Mn, δηξθφλην-Zr θαη θαζζίηεξνο-Sn. Κξάκαηα ράιπβα – κηα κεγάιε πνηθηιία απφ θξάκαηα ηα νπνία βαζίδνληαη ζηνλ ράιπβα (θξάκα βαζηζκέλν ζηνλ ζίδεξν); κπνξνχλ λα παξαρζνχλ ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο δηαθνξεηηθνχο ζπλδπαζκνχο ζηνηρείσλ θαη κε ηελ θαηάιιειε ζεξκηθή κεηαρείξεζε. Ο ράιπβαο καγγαλίνπ πεξηέρεη πεξίπνπ 1% άλζξαθα θαη 11-14% καγγάλην. Υξεζηκνπνηείηαη γηα ηελ παξαγσγή ζπζηαηηθψλ πνπ κπνξνχλ λα αληηζηαζνχλ ζε κεγάιε ρξήζε. Ο αλνμείδσηνο ράιπβαο, γλσζηφο σο 18-8, είλαη έλα θξάκα ζηδήξνπ, κε 18% ρξψκην, 8% ληθέιην θαη 0.08% άλζξαθα. Κξάκαηα ραιθνχ – θξάκαηα βαζηζκέλα ζηνλ ραιθφ ζε ζπλδπαζκφ κε άιια πνηθίια κέηαιια. Παξαδείγκαηα: κπξνχληδνο, νξείραιθνο θαη θξάκαηα ραιθν-ληθειίνπ. Ο κπξνχληδνο πνπ είλαη ην παιαηφηεξν θξάκα απνηειείηαη απφ 75% ραιθφ θαη 25% θαζζίηεξν. Ο κπξνχληδνο είλαη έλαο γεληθφο ηίηινο γηα κηα κεγάιε πνηθηιία ζε θξάκαηα ραιθνχ. Μ Μέηαιιν – έλα ζηνηρείν, έλα ζχλζεην ζψκα ή θξάκα ην νπνίν είλαη θαιφο αγσγφο θαη ηνπ ειεθηξηζκνχ θαη ηεο ζεξκφηεηαο. Στόλιο: Σα κέηαιια είλαη ζπλήζσο ιακπεξά, έρνπλ ειαηφηεηα θαη είλαη εχπιαζηα. Πνιιά ζηνηρεία θαη ζχλζεηα ζψκαηα πνπ θαλνληθά δελ θαηαηάζζνληαη ζαλ κέηαιια γίλνληαη κεηαιιηθά ππφ πςειέο πηέζεηο. Ν Νηνπξαινπκίλην – έλα θξάκα αινπκηλίνπ ην νπνίν παίξλνπκε ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο ηελ επίδξαζε γλσζηή σο ζθιήξπλζε κε ηνλ ρξφλν. Η ζχλζεζε ησλ θξακάησλ ληνπξαινπκηλίνπ πνηθίιιεη, αιιά πεξηέρνπλ αινπκίλην, πιένλ 3.5%-4.5% ραιθφ, 0.4%-0.7% καγλήζην, 0.4%-0.7% καγγάλην, θαη πεξίπνπ 0.7% ζηιηθφλεο. Ο Οξείραιθνο – έλα θξάκα ραιθνχ-ςεπδαξγχξνπ, ζπρλά ελψλεηαη κε άιια πιηθά, φπσο ν θαζζίηεξνο, κφιπβδνο θαη ην αινπκίλην. Σν ληθέιην αξγχξνπ έρεη ζρέζε κε ηνλ κπξνχληδν θαη απνηειείηαη απφ ραιθφ ςεπδάξγπξν θαη ληθέιην. Οξζψζεηο – νξζνπεδηθέο εθαξκνγέο ή ζπζθεπέο νη νπνίεο ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη γηα λα επζπγξακκίδνπλ, εκπνδίδνπλ ή λα δηνξζψλνπλ παξακνξθψζεηο ή γηα λα βειηηψλνπλ ηελ ιεηηνπξγία ησλ θηλεηψλ ηκεκάησλ ηνπ ζψκαηνο. Π Πιαζηηθφηεηα – κηα κεραληθή ηδηφηεο ησλ κεηάιισλ θαη θξακάησλ λα κεηακνξθψλνληαη κνλίκσο φηαλ επεξξεάδνληαη απφ έλα εμσηεξηθφ ζηξεο. 54 Πνιπκεξή – πιηθά κε αδχλακε ειεθηξηθή θαη ζεξκηθή αγσγή, αδχλακε κεραληθή δχλακε; Πνιχ εχπιαζηα θαη κε αληίζηαζε ζε ζνθ (ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη γηα θαθνχο επαθήο, ζηηο κεκβξάλεο αηκνδηάιπζεο, ηερλεηφ δέξκα, ηέλνληεο θ.η.ι.). Πξφζζεζεο – έλα ηερλεηφ εχξεκα πνπ πξννξίδεηαη γηα ηελ αληηθαηάζηαζε ελφο νξγάλνπ ή κηαο άξζξσζεο (αληηθαζηζηά έλα ηκήκα ηνπ ζψκαηνο πνπ έρεη ραζεί ιφγσ ηξαχκαηνο, αξξψζηηαο ή ιφγσ ζπλζεθψλ εθ γελεηήο). χλζεηα πιηθά – πξνέξρνληαη απφ δπν ή πεξηζζφηεξα πιηθά, κε πνηθίιεο ηδηφηεηεο (κέηαιιν/κέηαιιν, κέηαιιν/πνιπκεξέο, πνιπκεξέο/πνιπκεξέο, πνιπκεξέο/θεξακηθά θ.η.ι.). σκαηίδηα πνπ πξνθχπηνπλ απφ ηελ ηξηβή (ζρεηίδνληαη κε ηελ ηνμηθφηεηα) – ζσκαηίδηα πνπ παξάγνληαη απφ πξνζζέζεηο ζηηο αξζξψζεηο θαη απφ θηλεηά εκθπηεχκαηα. T Σνμηθφηεο – ν βαζκφο ζηνλ νπνίν κηα νπζία κπνξεί λα θαηαζηξέςεη έλα νξγαληζκφ. Η ηνμηθφηεο κπνξεί λα ζπζρεηηζζεί κε ηελ επίδξαζε επάλσ ζε έλα νιφθιεξν νξγαληζκφ, φπσο δψν, βαθηήξην ή θπηφ, θαζψο επίζεο ε επίδξαζε επάλσ ζηελ ππνδνκή ελφο νξγαληζκνχ, φπσο έλα θχηηαξν (θπηηαξνηνμηθφηεηα) ή έλα φξγαλν φπσο ε επαηνμηθφηεηα ηνπ ήπαηνο. Τ Τδξνμπαπαηίηε (HAp) – έλα θεξακηθφ βηνυιηθφ βαζηζκέλν ζε θσζθνξηθφ αζβέζηην; ε εκπνξηθή πδξνμπαπαηίηεο είλαη βηνζπκβαηή θαη ε βην-ππνβάζκηζε είλαη απνχζα ή πεξηνξηζκέλε. 55
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