Contents - Journal of Oriental and African Studies

The JOAS is an international academic organ, which claims to be an independent
and pluralist review for the promotion of Asian and African studies. Contributions
of scholars and scientists from all over the world are invited.
EDITOR: Athanasius Th. Photopoulos, Senior Professor of History at the University of
Patras, Greece.
CO-EDITOR: Alexandra Photopoulou
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 40103, Agia Barbara 123 10, Athens – Greece.
Phone/Fax: 00302105613643, mobile: 6934167113, E-mail: [email protected]
EDITORIAL BOARD: -Ηassan Badawy, University of Thessaloniki, Greece. -C.Ε.
Bosworth, University of Manchester, United Kingdom. -S.M. Ghazanfar, University of
Idaho, USA. -Carole Hillenbrand, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. –Muammer
İskenderoğlu, Sakarya University, Turkey. -Maria Mavroudi, University of California
Berkeley, USA. -Helen Nicholson, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. -Μ. Tahar Mansouri, University of Tunis-Μannouba, Tunisia. -John Sakkas, University of the Aegean,
Rhodes-Greece. -Amidu Sanni, Lagos State University, Nigeria. -Α. Savvides, University
of Peloponnesus, Kalamata-Greece. -Abdul-Qadir Zubair, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Deceased Members of the Editorial Board:
- Johannes Irmscher (1920-2000), Academy of Sciences, Berlin.
- Ahmed Etman (1945-2013), Professor of Classics, Cairo University, Egypt.
Contributions may be submitted in English, French, German, Italian and Greek. Α
summary of the article’s contents in English should be attached to the article.
The author should send a bio-bibliographical notice (in English), and his/her academic
οr professional status, and address of institution.
Οffprint as well as complimentary copies are not provided.
Books for review should be addressed to the editor.
Αll correspondence should be addressed to the editor in Athens.
Subscription: €100 (postage included).
ΙSSN 1105-3518
Copyright: Athanasius Th. Photopoulos. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, translated, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written
permission from the publisher.
Volume 1 (1989), 250 pp.
Mahmound Elsaadani: Egyptian and Egyptianizing objects from the Peloponnese
of the 1st Millennium B.C. Michael Breydy: La personne controversce de Leonce et
ses pseudepigraphes. Kizobo Ο’bweng Okwess: Le recrutement des soldats Negroafricains par les Musulmans de VIIIe au ΧΙΙe siècle. Alexis G. C. Savvides: The
Kleinchroniken on Byzantium’s Re1ations with the Seljuks and on the Oriental
Frankish Kingdom’s Relations with Saladin and the Mameluks (A.D. 1067-1291).
Paul Hidiroglou: Der Arabische Herrscher Ιqrit von Kreta. Αθανασίου Θ.
Φωτοπούλου: Οι δραγοµάνοι του Μορέως. Yamba Bandeja: Dynamique sociopolitique et contraintes économiques: Continuités et ruptures des identités
ethnopolitiques d’Afrique Centrale, XVI-XIXe siècles. Guy De Plaen - Kawende
Fina: Un collier de chef Luba. Ngila Bompeti: Le contexte de production de la
palabre chez les Bolia. George Kallistratos - Ursula Kallistratos: Fruit-trees against
hunger. Mukuri Melchior: Le rôle de I’église catholique et de I’état dans la
fabrication d’une identité dans le Burundi colonial. Michael Peyni Noku:
Domination and Alienation: Setting in some francophone African Novels.
Volume 2 (1990), 320 pp.
C. Lambrou - Phillipson: Cypriot and Levantine Pottery from House AD Center at
Pseira, Crete. Ahmed Etman: Isis in the Greco-roman World with a special
reference to Plutarch’s treatise «Περί ΄Ισιδος και Οσίριδος». Jobannes Irmscer: Die
Juden im Ostgotenreich. Κizobo O’bweng-Okwess: L’apρort ethnographique,
géographique et historique des voyages apostoliques de Julianus et de Longinus
dans la Haut-Nil au VIe siècle. Michael Breydy: Das Chronikon des Maroniten
Theophilos ibn Tuma. Alexis G. C. Savvides: Morea and Islam, 8th-15th centuries: a
Surνey. Φλορίν Μαρινέσκου: Νικόλαος «Μιλέσκου», ένας Ελληνο-ρουµάνος
λόγιος του l7oυ αι. και το ταξίδι του στην Κίνα. Anna Tabaki: L’édition arabogrecque de la Géographie d’Abulfeda par Dimitrios Alexandridis (1807) et sa
‘fortune’ au début du ΧΙΧe siècle. Κωνσταντίνου Θ. Κυριακοπούλου: O περιηγητής
Π. Ποταγός (1839-1903). Dimitri Κitsikis: La Grèce et 1a Turquie en 1971-1976
face au conflit Israe1o-arabe du temps de Κissinger. Cosmas Megalommatis:
L’Union Soνietique et les évènements en Chypre en juillet et août 1974. Haddad
Adnan - lpo-Abelela Μ.: L’arabe et Ιe swahili, propos sur le contact des langues en
Afrique. Guy de Plaen: Art et écriture, Les dessins graphiques.
Volumes 3-4 (1991-1992), 320 pp.
C. Edmund Bosworth: Byzantium and the Arabs: war and peace between two
wor1d civilisations. Θεοδώρου Χ. Σαρικάκη: Ή ίδρυσις ελληνικών πόλεων στην
Ανατολή από τον Μ. Αλέξανδρο. Michael Breydy: Christlich-orientalische
Handschriftenkataloge. Ahmed Etman: Classical studies and their influencc upon
creative literature in Egypt and the Arab World. Alexis G. C. Savvides: Seventh-fifteenth century Islamic history as portrayed in Greek Byzantine History manuals. Α
bibliographicaI surνey. Αθανασίου Θ. Φωτοπούλου: Συµπληρωµατικά στα περί
∆ραγοµάνων του Μορέως. L. Α. Ogunbiyi: Α record of a commentary sighting in a
19th century West African Arabic work by Muhammad Bello b. Uthman b. Fudi
(1779-1837 A.D.). Adnan Haddad: Les noirs d’Afrique dans les ’’Versets
Sataniques’’ de Salman Rushdie. Eronini Ε. Egbujor: Le couρΙe imaginaire negroafricain: mission dans la lutte pour un développement Soutenu de l’Afrique (une
approche sociologique). Kitengie Mulemba-a-Mwembo: La désignation de Dieu
chez les Songye. Lukenga Emundu: Les interνentions soviétiques dans les crises du
Zaίre. Cas de la première République (1960-1965). Κizobo O’bweng-Okwess: Les
differents acceptions des termes ‘Aithiopia’ et ‘Aithiopes’ dans la Topographie
Chretienne de Cosmas Indicopleustes. Κωνστ. Φ. Λουκέρη: Η ιµπεριαλιστική
πολιτική της Ιταλίας στην Αβησσυνία (1885-1914). Benjamin Hendrickx: The
ancien origin of the Lemba (Mwenye). Α criticaI overνiew of the existing theories.
George: I. Kalliistratos - Ioanna-Maria G. Kallistratos:The Kallidendron method
as a contribution to the 2nd Green Revolution.
Volume 5 (1993), 198 pp.
Θεοδώρου Χ. Σαρικάκη: Μικρασιατικές επιγραφές [= Theodore Chr. Sarikakis:
Inscriptions of Asia Μinor). Rashad Khouri Odetallah: Οι πολιορκίες και η άλωση
των Συρακουσών από τους ΄Αραβες [= The sieges and the capture of Syracusae by
the Arabs). Aλέξη Γ. Κ. Σαββίδη: Οµάρ Καγιάµ και Νιζάµ αλ-Μουλκ: από τις
υψηλότερες στιγµές του µουσουλµανικού πολιτιστικού µεσαίωνα [= Alexis G. C.
Savvides: Omar Khayyam and Nizam al-Mulk: Among the peak moments of the
Moslem cultural Middle Ages). David Nicolle: Wounds, military surgery and the
reality of Crusading warfare; the evidence of Usamah’s memoires. Μ. G.
Varvounis: Α contribution tο the study of influences of Christian upon Moslem
customs in popular worship. Aθαvασίου Θ. Φωτοπούλου: Ελληνική µετάφρασις της
Τουρκικής Γραµµατικής του Fr. Meninski κατά τον ΙΗ΄ αιώνα [= Athanasius Th.
Photopoulos: Α Modern Greek translation of Fr. Meninski’s Turkish Grammar). J.
Th. Mazis: The Armenian question: a challenge for geopolitical analysis. Bandeya
Yamba: Identités sociales et formation politique du Shaba (ex-Katanga), Zaϊre,
Volume 6 (1994), 208 pp.
Κοσµά Μεγαλοµµάτη: Η ευρύτερη περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου κατά τον
13ο και τον 12ο αιώνα και οι Λαοί της Θάλασσας [= Cosmas Megalommatis: La
Méditerranée Orientale pendant le 13eme et le 12eme siècles avant notre ère et les
Peuples de la Mer). Hamad Μ. Bin Seray: Alexander the Great in the Islamic
accounts and in the Classical sources: a comparative study. Amidu Sanni: Α general
survey of a philological tradition: patterns and models in Arabic lexicography.
Johannes Irmscher: Das byzantinische Pergamon. Μ. G. Varvounis: Α
contribution to folk songs research on Pomacs in the area of Xanthe
(Thrace/Greece). Buenzey Maluenga Zolua: Le marxisme et la philosophie
africaine: réflexions prospectives. Josias Semujanga: Chaka de Mofolo: naissance
d’une figure littéraire à double facette. Kalele-ka-Bila: Les Basongye face à la
législation coloniale belge sur 1a chasse et le commerce. Rose Folli: Jeremy Cronin
- Inside. Isolation, communication and fellowship.
Volume 7 (1995), 212 pp.
Maria Campagnolo-Pothitou: Les échanges des prisonniers entre Byzance et
I’Islam aux 1Χe et Χe siècles. Michel Dion - Wan Zawawi Ibrahim: Joint ventures
between Canadian companies and Malaysian business corporations; an ethical
outlook. Ioannis Th. Mazis: Α geopolitical analysis on the issue of the water
reserνes ίη Middle East. George Michalakopoulos: The succession of power in
Qatar presages new developments or was it another family dispute? Θεοδώρου Χ.
Σαρικάκη: Η Κίνα και ο λαός της κατά τους ‘Έλληνες και Λατίνους συγγραφείς [=
Theodore Chr. Sarikakis: China according to Greek and Latin authors). Michael
Breydy: Eine neue Methode, die Originalfassung syrischer Hymnen zu bestimmen.
Ergänzungen zum Problem der verschiedenen Ephraem-Versionen. Maduabuchi
Dukor: Rationality of an African science. Biyoya Makutu Kahandja: Les aspects
oublies de Ι’integration économique africaine. Musasa Kabobo: Réflexion sur la
prolifération des sectes religieuses a Lubumbashi.
Volume 8 (1996), 212 pp.
Rusen Esref Ünaydin: Sur la civilisation de 1a Grèce Antique. Christos Ρ.
Baloglou - Anestis C. Constantinidis: The treatise ‘Oecοnοmicus’ of the neopythagorean Bryson and its influence οn Arab-Islamic economic thought. Zakariyau
Ι. Oseni: Further light on Jarir’s encomia for Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf. Alexis G. C.
Savvides: Acropolites and Gregoras οn the Byzantine-Seljuk confrontation at
Antioch-on-the Maeander (A.D. 1211). English translation and commentary. Ν.
Nicoloudis: Byzantine historians on the wars of Timur (Tamer1ane) in Central Asia
and the Middle East. Η. Kandler: The meaning of the Seven Sleepers’ worship for
the Islamic popular belief, especially for the voluntary pilgrimage (ziyara). Kangitsi
Katembo: Les causes des conflits du pοuνοir politique traditionnel dans les
collectivités-chefferies des Wanande du Nord-Kivu. Ziba Maya: Bibliothèque
publique pour indigènes in Elisabethville 1946-1960. Rappel bibliographique et
réflexions. W. Ο. Wotogbe - Weneka: The fundamentals of indigenous African
religion of the Ιkwerre, Nigeria. F. Ν. Ndubuisi: Αn evaluation of socialism in
ancient Africa with emphasis on the works of Julius Nyerere and Kwame Nkrumah.
Rose Folli: Dennis Brutus: Α voice from Robben Island.
Volume 9 (1997-1998), 220 pp.
Anupa Pande:Aesthetic experience: a comparison of Greek and Indian theοries.
Kizobo O’bweng-Okwess: Les combattants "corbeaux" dans De bellis Lybicis de
Flaνius Cresconius Cοrippus. Zhang Xu-shan: China and the Graeco-Roman world:
their approaches to each other through the Silk Road before the 3rd century AD.
Ahmed Etman: Greek into Latin through Arabic. Μ. Tahar Mansouri: Vie
portuaire à Tunis au Bas Moyen-âge (XII-Xve siècle). M.G. Varvounis: Christian
and Islamic parallel cultural traditions in the popular culture of the Balkan people.
Michael Κnüppel: Zur Herkunft der Bezeichnung "Karamanen /Karamanier" für die
Turkophonen Orthodoxen Anatoliens. Η. Bambounis: Rapports sur les maghrébins
dans les Archiνes Ηistοriques d’Hydra (1778-1832). Michel Dion: Α typology of
value-οrientatiοns as applied in the business world. Mfumu-Ngoy Kadyambi: Du
proto-bantu au songye: analyse diachronique du système phonologique. J. Ι. Unah:
Bantu ontology and its implications for African socio-economic and political
institutions. Michael Peyni Noku: Du peuple messianique à l’armée salvatrice: Le
dernier de l’empire dans l’oeuvre d’Ousmane Sembene.
Volume 10 (1999), 220 pp.
Aθανασίου Θ. Φωτοπούλου, Ο Joseph vοn Hammer-Purgstall και η συµβολή του
στις ανατολικές σπουδές. [=Athanasius Th. Pbotopoulos, Joseph von HammerPurgstall and his contribution to Oriental studies]. Amidu Sanni: The authority of
tradition and the tradition of authority: Originality and imitation in Arabic and early
classical theoretical discourse. Dauda S. Garuba: Α historical examination of
Shaikh Salih Yahya’s Quasidah οn "Auchi Centre". Ο. Ε. Alana: Demons in the
first century Christian era and Υoruba society of today. F. Ν. Ndubuisi: The ethical
foundation of crime and punishment in Uzuakoli ancient community. Buenzey
Maluenga Zolua: Developpement en Afrique: ideologie οu postulat. Alexis
Karangira: Le français dans la politique linguistique du Ζaϊre. Ρ. Davarinos: Die
historische Theorie der Zwischenregion im Osten und Westen. Alexis G. C.
Savvides: Notes on Zaghanos Pasha’s career.
Volume 11 (2000-2002), 256 pp.
Αθανασίου Θ. Φωτοπούλου, Η συµβολή των Ελλήνων στις αραβικές και ισλαµικές
σπουδές από το 1453 έως σήµερα [=Athanasius Th. Photopoulos, The contribution
of the Greeks to Arabic and Islamic studies from 1453 to the present]. Anne
Regourd: Le jet de coquillages divinatoire en Islam arabe et en Afrique subsaharienne: Première contribution à une étude comparative. Michael Κnüppel: Zum
Problem der türkischen Bibelübersetzung des Hans Ungand vοn Sonnek (14931564). Μ. Tahar Mansouri: Les femmes d’origine byzantine /les Roumiyyat sous
les Abbassides: Une approche onomastique. Ralf ΜüΙΙer: Die Kunst, deη Geist
durch Reisen zu Bilden. Das rastlose Leben des Adam von Schlieben. Alexios G. C.
Savvides: Notes on the Ghazi warriors of the Muslim faith in the Middle Ages.
Volume 12 (2003), 293 pp.
Benjamin Hendrickx: The basileis of Axum: Lexicon of the Greek Axumite
epigraphic documents. Evangelos Venetis: Some notes on the Zoroastrian clergy’s
policy and the Sasanian – Roman struggle (3rd cent.). Amidu Sanni: Al-Tawhidi’s
“Epistle on the sciences”: An epistemological study of the section on balāgha
(rhetoric). M. G. Varvounis: Balkan dimensions and Moslem variations at the
custom of “Tzamala” in Thrace. Alexios G. C. Savvides: Notes on the Ionian
Islands and Islam in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods (Arab and Ottoman
raids). Christos P. Baloglou: The economic thought of Ibn Khaldoun (1332-1406)
and Georgios Gemistos Plethon (1355-1452): Some comparative parallels and links.
Amal Ali Mazher: Intertextual subversions and appropriations in Shakespeare’s
Antony and Cleopatra, Shawqi’s The death of Cleopatra and Etman’s Cleopatra
loves peace. Dimitris Michalopoulos: The European Union, Turkey and Greece: A
historical approach. Recep Boztemur: De-radicalization of political Islam in the
Middle East: The case of the Egyptian Brotherhood. Anna Akasoy: Aspects of
history, identity and gender in Nedim Gürsel’s Boğazkesen. George Michalopoulos: Tensions between Greece and Turkey during the 1840’s: An Ottoman
diplomat against a Greek premier. Anaclet Kitengie Mulemba-a-Muembo / Benj.
Ngongo M. Tchite: L’esclavage dans la société traditionnelle songye (des origines à
1870). Alexis Karangira: Shaba deux: Le christianisme en question. Jeanne
Nyirahabimana: «La fille dans l’impasse»: Étude socio-sémiotique d’un conte
rwandais. Christos P. Baloglou: Schumpeter’s “GAP”. Medieval Islamic and
Byzantine economic thought. Κωνσταντίνος Κουϊµάνης: Οι περιπέτειες του
Ουεναµούν [Konstantinos Kouimanis: Wenamoun’s adventures].
Volume 13 (2004). (Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Oriental
and African Studies), 378 pp.
Γρηγόριος Ζιάκας: Αραβικός και Ισλαµικός πολιτισµός και η σχέση του µε τον
Ελληνισµό [=Gregorios D. Ziakas: Arabic and Islamic civilization and its
relationship to Hellenism]. Χρίστος ∆ηµητρουλόπουλος: Κοινοί τόποι ανάµεσα
στα παραµύθια της Χαλιµάς και στα πρωτονεοελληνικά µυθιστορήµατα [=Christos
Dimitroulopoulos: The borrowing and adaptation of Arabic tales by the writers of
Byzantine - post-Byzantine romances and poems]. Hesham M. Hassan: Το ποίηµα
του Αµπού Ταµµάµ και η άλωση του Αµορίου το 838 µ.Χ. [=The poem of Abū
Tammām about the fall of Amorium in 838 A.D.]. Ali Mansour al-Shehab: The
Hijra and its effects of the social changes on the Arabs. Kizobo O’Bweng Okwess; Le témoignage d’Haroun ibn-Yahya sur les gardiens chrétiens noirs au
Palais Impérial à Constantinople au Xe siècle: Quelques réflexions critiques.
Eυθύµιος Άσσος: Η Βέροια της Συρίας [=Euthymios Assos: The Veroia of Syria].
P.G. Fougias: Perspectives for an interreligious dialogue between Christians and
Muslims. Dimitris Michalopoulos: L’Ιslam et Le Prince de Nicolas Machiavel.
Χρήστος Γ. Τόλιος: Γάµος και διαζύγιο κατά το µουσουλµανικό ∆ίκαιο [=Christos
G. Tolios: Marriage and divorce in the Islamic Law]. Γρηγόρης Μπαϊρακτάρης: Η
συναίρεση φιλοσοφίας, ψυχολογίας και µυστικισµού στο έργο του Τζελαλεντίν
Ρούµι (1207-1273) [=Gregory Baïractaris: The syneresis of philosophy, psychology and mysticism in the works of Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273)]. Θεοδόσης
Πυλαρινός: Ο «Μεβλανά ο εξαίσιος» του Ι. Μ. Παναγιωτόπουλου [=Theodossios
Pylarinos: Mevlana the Excellent by I. M. Panayotopoulos]. Anna Akasoy:
Interpretations of Seikh Badreddin’s rebellion in modern literature and historiography. Iωάννης A. Κάππος: Παρατηρήσεις στο έργο του Ερηµίτου (=µητρ. ∆έρκων Ιακώβου) περί του Μωάµεθ [=Ioannis A. Kappos: Observations based on the
study of religious reasoning by the Eremite (Jacob of Derkon), Mohammed: Mentor
or Prophet?”]. Γιώργος Φρέρης: Η αναζήτηση ταυτότητας στις χώρες του
Μαγκρέµπ [=George Freris, Searching for cultural identity in the countries of
Maghreb]. Γιάννης Σακκάς: Οι ελληνο-αραβικές σχέσεις στη νεότερη εποχή
[=John Sakkas: Greece and the Arab World in the Cold War Era. Strategy and
Diplomacy. Αlexandra Photopoulou: L’enseignement de la langue arabe aux
étudiants grecs. Ελένη Ψυχογιού: Η θρησκευτική και εθνοτική ετερότητα (Ασιάτες,
Αφρικανοί, Οθωµανοί) ως δήλωση µεταφυσικής επιφάνειας στα τελετουργικά
δηµοτικά τραγούδια [=Eleni Psychoyiou: Ethnic Otherness as a Metaphysical
Presence in Ritual Songs:Elmas Aga and Eleni]. Recep Boztemur: The state, nation
and the prospects for democracy in the Middle East. Περσεφόνη Γιαννέλου: Το
αραβικό στοιχείο στο έργο του Στρατή Τσίρκα [=Persephoni Yannelou: The Arabs
in the work of Stratis Tsirkas]. Μαρία Αρβανίτη - Σωτηροπούλου: Ισλάµ: Φορέας
ειρήνης ή κατακτητική δύναµη; [=Maria Arvaniti - Sotiropoulou: Islam: A force
for peace or a provocative power?]. Χρήστος Κ. Ρέππας: Αναφορές στο Ισλάµ και
ανατολικούς πολιτισµούς στο έργο του πολιτικού και διανοούµενου Σταύρου
Κωστόπουλου (1899-1968) [=Christos K. Reppas: References to Islam and
Oriental civilizations in the work of the politician and intellectual Stavros
Kostopoulos (1899-1968)]. Ρένα Σπανού: Ελληνο-αραβικές σχέσεις και Τύπος
[=Rhena Spanou: Current relations of Hellenism with the Arab and Islamic World].
Αθανάσιος Θ. Φωτόπουλος: Οι ΄Ελληνες στο Σουδάν κατά τον 19ο αιώνα
[=Athanasius Th. Photopoulos: Greeks in Sudan in the 19thcentury]. George
Delopoulos: The Byzantine diplomatic mission of Constantine (St. Cyril) to the
Arabs in the 9th century.
Volume 14 (2005), 316 pp.
Benjamin Hendrickx: The Nubian and Blemmyan rulers and their states: Lexicon
of terms used in their Greek royal, legal and socio-political inscriptions, graffiti and
papyri (1st century AD - ca 1323 AD). Spyros D. Syropoulos: Religious parameters
in the Orientalizing policies of Hellenistic rulers: the cases of Egypt and Judaea.
Mame Sow Diouf: Stylistic study of the prayers of the Hajj: the aesthetic encounter
between Arabs and Greeks. Michael Knüppel: Robert Paul Austerlitz (1923-1994)
und seine Bedeutung für die nivchischen Studien. Γρηγόρης Μπαϊρακτάρης: Ο
χορός των στροβιλιζόµενων δερβίσηδων και η σχέση του µε κατάλοιπα ορφικών και
διονυσιακών ιερουργιών στη Μικρά Ασία [=Grigoris Bairaktaris: The Whirling
Dervishes dance and its relation with Orphic and Dionysian rites in Asia Minor].
Evangelia N. Georgitsoyanni: Greek masons in Africa: the case of the Carpathian
masons in Morocco. Muammer İskenderoğlu: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzi on the
immateriality of the houman soul. Hessām M. Hāssan: Η αραβική γλώσσα:
προκλήσεις και λύσεις [=The Arabic language: challenges and solutions].
Παναγιώτης Κ. Κουτουβάλας: Α ραβοβυζαντινα σχέσεις ν τα ς πιστολα ς
Νικολάου το Μυστικο : µία κόµη προσέγγισις [=Panaghiotes K. Koutouvalas:The Arab-Byzantine relations through the letters of Nikolas Mystikos: one
more approach]. Faisal Abdulla Alkanderi: Khadim Sulaiman Pacha (d.
954h/1547). Mukadi Luaba Nkamba: Analyse critique des réactions des
populations du Kasaï face à la pénétration du christianisme au XIXème siècle: cas des
Luluwa et des Luba Lubilanji. John Osarumen Aghahowa - E.E.M. Ukpebor:
The British colonial economic policies and Nigeria’s underdevelopment. Oladosu
Afis. A.: “al-Sud” in African fiction: rethinking Ayi Armah and Ihsan Abdul
Quddus. Σάββας Παπαπέτρου - Μαρία Βλαχάδη: Η κοινωνική δοµή της Κύπρου
κατά την Οθωµανική περίοδο [Savvas Papapetrou & Maria Vlachadi: The social
structure of Cyprus in the period of the Turkish domination]. MISCELLANEA: 1)
Dimitris Michalopoulos: L’au delà dans la littérature slave et haïtienne: un survol.
2) Anastassios Koutsoukos: Didactique du grec ancien. 3) Anastassios Koutsoukos: Les idées psychologiques, pédagogiques et didactiques des philosophes de
l’Antiquité grecque.
Volume 15 (2006), 394 pp.
Ali Durusoy: Ibn Sīnā’s Contributions to Classical Logic. Animashaun Ma’ruf S.:
The Aspect of Philology in Al-Tawhidi’s Epistle on the Sciences. Sulayman
Adeniran Shittu: Translation and Appraisal of Themes and Styles of Mānzumāt alrijāl of ‘Ali b. Husayn Zaynul - ‘Ābidīn. Reuven Snir: “Do not they and I share a
Common Source?” Modern Arab-Jewish Culture, its Historical Background and
Current Demise. M. Oloyede Abdul-Rahmon: Arabic Writing on Religious
Tradition in Modern Society. Jeries Naim Khoury: Employment of Popular
Proverbs in Modern Arabic Poetry (1945-1961).Oladosu Afis Ayinde: Bint
Majdhūb and her “Sisters”: Identities and Paradoxes. Amidu Olelakan Sanni:
Challenges and Realities in the Healing and Power-Accession Custom of the Yoruba
Muslims of Nigeria. Manal Khedr: La Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie, symbole de
dialogue, dans Les noces de la Nymphe des Bibliothèques de Ahmed Etman.
Hessām M. Hāssan: Οι επιρροές του αρχαίου ελληνικού δράµατος στο σύγχρονο
αιγυπτιακό θέατρο [=The Influences of the Ancient Greek Drama on the Modern
Egyptian Theater]. Κangitsi Katembo - Piema Nikobi: Les représentations des
populations de la ville de Kananga sur les Banyamulenge de 1990 à 2005. Mukadi
Luaba Nkamba: La question historique de l’éthique chrétienne du travail en
République Démocratique du Congo. Matthew O. Iwuchukwu: Le français en
milieu multilingue africain: le cas de Nigéria. Mpamba Kamba Kamba: Aspects
sociolinguistiques et praxéologiques de la littérature negro-africaine écrite en
français. Βασίλειος ∆. Σιακωτός: Ο διδάσκαλος Κανέλλος Σπανός (1700 περ.1756) και το έργο του Γραµµατική της τουρκικής γλώσσης (1730) [=Vassileios D.
Siakotos: The Schoolmaster Canellos Spanos (circa 1700-1756) and his Work
Γραµµατική της τουρκικής γλώσσης (Grammar of the Turkish Language) 1730.
Dimitris Michalopoulos: Congrès au Japon. Dimitris Michalopoulos: Chistianity
and Islam: A misrepresented relationship. Desire Khasirikani Mbakwiravyo,
Kamondo Matata, Kakule Bayala: Contribution à l’indentification des espèces de
poissons larvivores pour la lutte biologique contre les moustiques aux environs des
étangs piscicoles en R.D. Congo. Tasos Oikonomou: Benedict XVI’s Reference to
the Words of Manuel II Palaiologos and his Accusations of Islam Michael
Knüppel: Robert Paul Austerlitz (1923-1994) und seine Bedeutung für die
nivchischen Studien (Corrigenda et Addenda). Christos P. Baloglou: The Metropolitan Methodios (Fouyas) (1924-2006) and his Contribution to Oriental and
Islamic Literature. Dimitris Michalopoulos: Rum Patrikhanesi: Some considerations on the writings of Kemal Karpat.
Volume 16 (2007), 420 pp.
Animashaun Ma’ruf S.: The Renaissance of Islam. An Aspect of Arabic Cultural
Heritage in the Medieval Period. Bouzid Aleya: Contribution à l’étude des tribus
berbères: les Sanhâja. Lotfi Aïssa: Tunis ville musulmane: Espaces sacrés et
mémoire spatiale. T. M. Yaqub: Data Collection and Elicitation: Trends in Arabic
Linguistics. Amidu Sanni: The Nigerian Muslim Youth and the Sharī’a
Controversy. Issues in Violence Engineering in the Public Sphere. Jeries N.
Khoury: Employment of the Popular Proverb in Modern Αrabic Poetry 1962-1987.
Abdul-Kabir Olawale Paramole: Menace of Cultism in Nigerian Educational
System and Islamic Strategies for its Eradication. Heshām M. yāssan: Yusif Idrīs...
Σπίτι από σάρκα. Emel Esin: Muyanlıq. (Translated by Gary Leiser). Michael
Knüppel: Drei Briefe Johannes Rahders an Gerhard Doerfer. Theophanis
Malkidis: Aspects of the Kurdish Question. Ruben Safrastyan: Patterns of
Ottoman Politics towards Christians during Tanzimat: From Equal Rights to
Ottomanization and to Genocidal Intent. Katsuva Ngitsi – Katungo Mukokoma:
Disruption of Society as viewed in some African Poems. Olatoye K. A.:
Admissibility of Computer Generated Evidence in Nigeria: Making a Case for
Reforms. Jovite Kamondo Matata – Désiré Khasirikani Mbakwiravyo: Contribution à l’indentification des plantes fourragères subspontanées du lapin exploitées
par les cuniculteurs à Butembo et ses environs(R.D. Congo). Joseph S. Gbenda:
Time and Space in Tiv Traditional Eschatology. Hitimana Justine: L’état des
connaissances sur l’histoire du peuplement du Rwanda: Les hypothèses d’hier. Rudi
Paret: Το Ισλάµ και η Ελληνική Παιδεία (µτφρ. Γ. ∆. Παναγόπουλος) [Islam und
das griechische Bildungswesen].
Volume 17 (2008), 304 pp.
Panayotis A. Yannopoulos: Deux toponymes d’étymologie arabe en Argolide. Saif Shaheen Almuraikhi: Trade Relations between the Gulf Area and the East
Coast of Africa from the 10th to the 15th Century AD / 4th to 9th Century AH. - Gary
and Patricia Leiser: Antoine Galland’s Declaration of Orientalism in 1697. Sotirios S. Livas: Blending Esotericism with Political Aspirations in a Global
Level: Tracing a Lineage to Fethullah Gülen’s Islamic Discourse. - Amidu Sanni:
Terror in the Name of God and the Society: The Nigerian Youth and the Economy
of Violence. - Kamil Koyejo Oloso: Medico-religious Terrain: Between Orthodox
and Popular Islam in Yorubaland (Nigeria). - Α. F. Ahmed: Political and Socioreligious Impact of the Qādiriyyah in Nigeria. - S.A. Shittu: A Study of Contents
and Styles of Shaykh Ibrahim al-Kawlakh’s Nurul-Bashar fi Mahdi Sayyidil-Bashar.
- Kazeem Adebayo Omofoyewa: A Contextual Study of Awdatu Majd al-Markaz
of ‘Abdul-Wāhid Jumu’ah Ariyibi. - Lateef Mobolaji Adetona: Islamic Paradigms
of Dialogue as Mechanism for Conflict’s Resolution. - K.A. Olatoye: Laying the
Proper Foundation for the Determination of Courts Jurisdiction on Land Matters:
Hints to the Supreme Court of Nigeria. - F.A.R. Adeleke: Critical Appraisal of the
Offence of Rape under the Codes and the New Child Right Act 2003. - Abdullah,
U.O. - Luqman Adedeji: Islamic Teacher Preparation in Nigeria: Challenges and
Prospects. - Désiré Khasirikani Mbakwiravyo - Charles Machomakali Kamate:
Contribution à l’inventaire des plantes consommées par le chimpanzé, Pan
troglodytes (Primate : Pongidae), à Kagheri au Nord-Kivu en République Démo-
cratique du Congo. - Heshām M. Ḥāssan: Yusif Idris, ∆ύο διηγήµατα. - BOOK
REVIEWS. - CHRONICLES: 1) Obituary: Samuel P. Huntington (1927-2008) - 2)
Edward Said: Τhe Clash of Ignorance. - 3) Remembering Edward Said (19352003). - 4) Dr. James Watson, Nobel laureate: Black people ‘less intelligent’.
Volume 18 (2009), 405 pp.
Alexandra Ath. Photopoulou: L’influence de l’esprit grec ancien sur la littérature
scientifique des arabes au moyen âge: al-Jāḥiẓ et les sources aristotéliciennes de son
œuvre «Kitāb al-hayawān». Alexios G.C. Savvides: Ottoman-dominated Morea in
the Periods c. 1460-1669 and 1715-1833. A Survey. Παναγιώτης Κουτουβάλας:
∆ύο δηµηγορίες τοῦ Κωνσταντίνου Ζ΄ Πορφυρογεννήτου πρὸς τὸν στρατὸ στὸ
πλαίσιο τῶν αραβοβυζαντινῶν συγκρούσεων [Panaghiotes Koutouvalas: Two
Orations against the Arabs attributed to Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus]. S. M.
Ghazanfar: Capitalist Tradition in the Early Arab-Islamic Civilization. Hakan
Aydemir: Bemerkungen zu den tocharisch-türkischen und tocharisch-uigurischen
Beziehungen (türkisch twqry, sogdisch twγr’k, persisch t(u)ġr(a)q). Στέφανος
Κορδώσης: Από την Ιστορία του Παντουρκισµού: Ο Arminius Vampéry, ο Ismail
Bey Gasprinski και ο αγγλο-ρωσικός πολιτικός ανταγωνισµός στην Εσώτερη Ασία
[Stefanos Kordoses: From the History of Pan Turkism: Arminius Vambéry, Ismail
Bey Gasprinski and the Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Inner Asia]. Ibrahim Olatunde
Uthman: Muslim Women in Nigeria. The Position of Fomwan and Lessons from
Islamic Malaysia. Kazeem Adebayo Omofoyewa: Markaz and the Development of
Arabic Language in South-Western Nigeria. Tijani A. Mogaji: Educational Technology and Arabic Studies: A Review. Abdul-Kabir Olawale Paramole: Islamic
Ethics in a Democrating Setting: Nigeria as a Case Study. Fuloso Okebukola &
Tunde Owolabi: Improving the Reading Ability of Science Students through Study
Groups and Multiple Intelligences. M. O. Raheemson: Islam and Corporate
Business Ethics. Adesina – Uthman Ganiyat A.: Financial Development and
Economic Growth: Evidence from Africa Cross-Sectional Data. CHRONICLES:1.
Mahmoud Darwish (13 March 1941–9 August 2008). 2. Claude Levi-Strauss (19082009). BOOK REVIEWS.
Volume 19 (2010), 426 pp.
Παναγιώτης Γιαννόπουλος, Η Πάτρα στον 9ο αιώνα [= Panayotis Yannopoulos:
Patras in 9th Century]. Michael Knüppel, Anmerkungen zum Duraljan – oder: ein
Beitrag zur Enfindung von Proto-Sprachen. Mehtap Ergenoğlu & Michael
Knüppel, Eine „Inthronisation-Bekanntgabe“ Sulṭān Maḥmūds II. an das
Königreich Westphalen in den Beständen der Kasseler Universitäts-bibliothek.
Hakan Aydemir, Neue Erkentnisse über die chinesische Vorlage der alttürkischen
Xuanzang-Biographie. Bouzid Aleya, Recherches sur les tribus berbères d’époque
médiévale : Encore sur les subdivisions des Sanhâja. Gary Leiser: A Figurative
Meeting of Minds between Seventeenth-Century Istanbul and Paris: The World
Views of Kâtib Çelebî and Barthélemi d’Herbelot. H. Babounis, Témoignages de
parole imprimée, symboles et représentations : L’«Égypte» (1862-1863), le premier
instrument journalistique de l’hellénisme égyptien. Lateef Mobolaji Adetona:
Da’wah (Islamic Propagation) in Yoruba Land: From the Advent of Islam to the
End of Colonial Period. O.J.K. Ogundele & A.R. Hassan: Ingredients for Global
Dominance in African Entrepreneurship. M.O. Adeniyi: Islamic Concept of
Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Kareem Muritala
Kewuyemi: The Development Finance Institutions in Nigeria and the Islamic
Finance since 1964. Danoye-Oguntola Laguda: “Pentecostalism” and African
Religious Movements in the 21th Century: A Case Study of Indigenous Faith of
Africa, Ijo Orunmila. F.A.R. Adeleke & Lateef Ogboye: Male Circumcision:
Sexual and Reproductive Health Perspectives. Ι. Α. Seriki: An Examination of the
Appointment of Chief Imam of Abeokuta Central Mosque and it’s Attendant Crises
(1890-1960). Mubarak Ademola Noibi: Political Corruption and the Nigerian
Democratic Environment: The Role of Religion. Evangelia Damouli: Les femmes
dans «Le champ des oliviers» et «Mémoire de l’absent» de Nabile Farès, écrivain
algérien d’expression française. Katsuva Ngitsi & Katsuva Kayisavira: The
African Ruler’s Policy of “Divide and Rule”: A Socio-political Criticism through
some Novels. Kazeem Adebayo Omofoyewa: Al-Qalqasandī and his Subh ala‛shā: Lessons for, and Challenges to Nigerian Arabic Prose Writers. Justine
Hitimana: La transition du Rwanda vers l’indépendence: les principales
revendications et exigences politiques des élites locales (1957-1962). Vicky
Muamba Mvita: Analyse du chiffre d’affaires critique dans la gestion commerciale
de la Bracongo / Kananga. Sébastien Mutanga Diboko: Utilisation des preservatifs
dans le planning familial chez les couples de la Zone de Santé de Kananga. Eduard
Bwatu Pero: Diagnostic paraclinique et fréquence des tuberculeux dans la ville de
Kananga. Olivier Roger Kabatuakuidi Bakajika: Décès dus au paludisme chez les
enfants de moins de 5 ans à Kananga. Adetola Οlujare Oye: The Limits of
Translation: Translating an African Writer. MISCELLANEA: 1. Michael Knüppel:
Ein neues Wörterbuch der Turzismen im Bulgarischen. 2. Michael Knüppel: Einige
Bemerkungen zu einem Privatdruck D. Schlingloffs („T III MQR - Eine ostturkistanische Klosterbibliothek und ihr Schicksal“). 3. Χρήστου Π. Μπαλόγλου:
Ὁ πατριάρχης Ἀλεξανδρείας Χριστοφόρος καὶ ὁ Νίκος Μπελογιάννης. Μία ἄγνωστη σελίδα τῆς ἱστορίας τοῦ Πατριαρχείου Ἀλεξανδρείας [= Christos Baloglou:
Pope and Patriarch of Alexandreia Christophoros and Nikos Beloyiannis. An
unknown page of the history of the Patriarchate of Alexandria]. 4. Dimitri Νikolay
Sargsyan: Architectural art of Urartu, the origination of its ethnic roots.
CHRONICLES: 1. President Obama’s Cairo Speech. 2. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
(1943-2010). BOOK REVIEWS.
Volume 20 (2011), 333 pp.
Areej Muhammad Rajhi: L’exploitation des mines et des carrières en Égypte sous
le règne de la XIIe dynastie (1991-1780 ? avant J.C.). Kizobo O’bweng-Okwess:
L’Afrique au sud de l’Égypte et du Sahara dans l’Oikoumène byzantin. Παναγιώτης Γιαννόπουλος: Τα ιστορικώς εξακριβωµένα στοιχεία για το βίο του Αγίου
Πέτρου Άργους. El-Fatih El-Zain Sheikh Idris: Pre-Islamic Arabian navigation
from the Seventh to the Tenth Century A.D. Maruf Suraqat Animashaun &
Mohd. Shamsuddin Salauddin: The Format Authority: Ibn Rashiq’s (d. 1064/456)
Exposition of Literary Criticism in al-’Umda. Michael Knüppel: Die Na-dénéSpachen im Lichte der Greenberg- Klassifikation?. Claude Otto: Etymologisches
und Grammatikalisches zu toch.B ṣārwai. Amidu Sanni: Arabic Studies in the
Nigerian University System: Retrospections, Introspections, and Projections. Mikail
Adebisi Folorunshο: Further Light on the Diffusion of Arabic Literary Scholarship
in Yorubaland, South-Nigeria. Abioye Abdulrauf: A Congratulatory Poem by
Harun Katibi. Αbdul Kabeer Tihamiyu Otunuyi: Translation Challenges in the
training of Teachers through Arabic Medium in Nigeria. S. A. Shittu: An Analytical
Study of Yoruba Proverbs of Islamic Origin. John Kambale Katimba: The Effects
of Cosmic Forces on Human Beings in Yira Society. Sulaiman Kamal-Deen
Olawale: The justifications for a Male’s Double Share of Female in Islamic Law of
Inheritance. Kabir Olawale Paramole: The Qur’anic Basis for a Crime – Free
Community in Contemporary Nigeria: An Inquiry into Qur’an 17 Verses 3-37.
Rosnani Bint Hashim & Saheed Ahmad Rufai: Traditional Islamic Education in
Asia and Africa: A Comparative Study of Malaysia’s pondok, Indonesia’s
pesantren, and Nigeria’s traditional madrasah. Hessah al Dossary: L’autre dans
l’expérience romanesque d’Amine Maalouf (L’exemple Des échelles du Levant).
Rhena Spanou: “...War... fought by Proxy”. The 1919-22 Greek Asia Minor
Campaign. ΜΙSCΕLLΑΝΕΑ: 1. Michael Knüppel: Addenda und Corrigenda zu
JOAS 19, 2010. 2. Michael Knüppel: Noch einmal zum „Proto-Nostratischen”? –
Oder: Über die Sprache des Homo Insipiensis. 3. Evangélie Damouli: «Entre Oui et
Non» dans L’envers et l’endroit d’Albert Camus. OBITUARIES: 1. Kamal
Suleiman Salibi (LMNOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPQR‫سن ا‬VPPPPPPWNR ‫ل‬VPWY) (2 May 1929 – 1 September 2011). 2.
G.H.A. Juynboll (1935-2010). 3. Oleg Grabar († January 8, 2011). 4. Νεοκλής
Σαρρής (Neokles Sarres) (1940-19.11.2011). CHRONICLES: Conference in
Thessaloniki (Greece). Balkan Worlds: Ottoman past and Balkan Nationalisms.
Volume 21 (2012), 314 pp.
Χρήστου Π. Μπαλόγλου: Η παραµονή και δραστηριότητα του Αποστόλου Παύλου
στην Αραβία. [=Christos P. Baloglou: Apostle Paul’s Travel and Activities in
Arabia.]. Dimitri Νikolay Sargsyan: The Worship and Religion of the Urartian
State, the Roots of its Ethnic Origin. Stephanos Kordoses: The Islamic Pre-history
of Pan Turkism: Muslim View of the World of the Steppe Nomads and the Turks.
Michael Knüppel: Zu Edward Sapirs „Comparative dictionary of Indo-Chinese and
Na-Dene”. Hakeem Salmon: The Princely Versesmith of the Umayyad: Walid b.
Yazid. Jeries Naim Khoury: Employment of Popular Proverbs in Modern Arabic
Poetry from 1988 – 2012. Sotirios S. Livas: Hizmet Revisited: A Critical Reassesment of Fethullah Gülen’s Global Vision and Network. Adejoro Raheem Mustapha: The Emmergence and Activities of Muslim Societies in Akokoland of Ondo
State, Nigeria. Muhammad Olatunde Yaqub: Learning Arabic Language in
Nigerian Universities and Beyond. Mikail Adebisi Folorunsho: Stylistic Features
in the Arabic Works of Yoruba (South-Western Nigeria) ‘Ulamā’. Amidu Olalekan
Sanni: Conversion and Reversion in the Power Accession Narrative: Muslim Prayer
Groups in Nigeria. S. A. Owoeye: Socio-Cultural and Religious Factors in Christian
and Muslim’s Dialogue in Comparison between Northern and South Western
Nigeria. Grégoire Ngalamulume Tshiebue: Les projets de développement agricole
en RD Congo : quel apport à la réalisation de la sécurité alimentaire et au renforcement des capacités locales? Étude comparative de deux cas dans la Province du
Kasaï Occidental. Albertine K’untu Ndjeka: La femme rurale de Luadanda face au
défi de l’autonomisation et du développement : nécessite d’un plaidoyer. Stavros
Nikolaïdis: Dialogue and Didacticism in the Teaching of History: Ibn Tufail,
Miltiades Vratsanos and developments in Educational Theory. ΜΙSCELLANEA: 1.
Michael Knüppel: Tocharische Substratfragen II: Die Frage des drāviḍischen
Substrats – aus dem Briefwechsel zwischen Karl Heinrich Menges und Wolfgang
Krause. 2. Michael Knüppel: The writings of Robert Shafer. 3. Michael Knüppel:
A. Yakup und der Niedergang der altturkologischen Forschung. 4. Dimitry Nikolay
Sargsyan: Applied art of Urartu, the roots of its ethnic rise. REVIEW ARTICLES.
BOOK REVIEWS. OBITUARIES:1. Metropolit of Leontopolis Dionysius (19292012), 2. Mohammed Arkoun (1928-2010), 3. Foulath Hadid (1937-2012), 4. David
Lewis James (1941-2012), 5. Albert Kenneth Cragg (1913-2012). CHRONICLES:
1. Université d’Athènes, Séminaire des 10, 11 & 12 décembre 2012, « Les
soulèvements dans le monde arabo-musulman : questions de sécurité et de stabilité
en Méditerranée ». 2. Literate & Learned. Brill: 330 Years of Typography in the
Service of Scholarship. Exhibition 10 November 2012 to 19 May 2013.
Volume 22 (2013), 314 pp.
Michael Knüppel: Über die Schutzgottheiten im Kolophon des manichäischen
Pothī-Buchs. Χρήστος Π. Μπαλόγλου: Η ιεραποστολική δραστηριότητα και η
διάδοση του Χριστιανισµού στη Μέση Ανατολή: Η περίπτωση της Κύπρου
[=Christos P. Baloglou: The Mission Activity and the Spread of Christianity in
Near East: The Case of Cyprus. Kineene wa Mutiso: The Stylistic Devices in the
Archetypal Kasida ya Burudai. Muritala Kewuyemi Kareem & Khalid Ishola
Bello: Market Practices in Islam. Amidu Sanni & Hakeem Salmon: Between
Sukaynah bint al-Ḥusayn (d. 117/735) and Fadwā Ṭūqān (d.1424/2003): Critical
Elements in Feminine Poetical and Critical Tradition. Mikail Adebisi Folorunsho:
The Portrait of Shaykh ‘Ādam ʽAbdullāh ‘Al-’Ilūrī (1917-1992) in an Arabic
Threnody of Nigerian Provenance. Yaseen Kittani: Thematic Structure in the
Novel Rama and the Dragon by al-Kharrāṭ. Sotiris S. Livas: From Erdoğanism to
“The Corruption of the Turkish Example”: AKP, Erdoğan and the Tahrir Square
Revolt in the Arab Press. Badibanga Kantshiama: Le profil sociolinguistique de
Kananga des origines à nos jours (1881-2010). Essai de reconstitution de faits
linguistiques par le biais de l’histoire. Muritala Kewuyemi Kareem & Khalid
Ishola Bello: Evaluation of Market Practices in South-Western Nigeria in the Light
of Kitābu-l-buyū’ in Al-Jazairi’s Minhājul-Muslim. Stany Vwima - Jean-Luc
Mastaki - Philippe Lebailly: L’impact du commerce frontalier des produits
alimentaires avec le Rwanda sur la réduction de la pauvreté des ménages de la ville
de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu). Kizobo O’bweng-Okwess: De la modernité écornée à la
modernité rêvée en République Démocratique du Congo : L’Odyssée d’une écriture
romanesque. Justine Hitimana & Aimable Kadafi: L’inculcation de l’idéologie du
génocide sous le régime de Grégoire Kayibanda au Rwanda (1961-1973). Justine
Hitimana: Le génocide perpètre contre les Tutsi au Rwanda en 1994 et la
communauté internationale. Justin Mukandila Matshimba: Esquisse d’une
réflexion sur la problématique de l’hygiène hospitalière à l’hôpital provincial du
Kasaï-Occidental en 2012. Étienne Lock: L’Art comme Écriture en Afrique noire.
ΜΙSCELLANEA: 1. Michael Knüppel: Überlegungen zu Lock- und Scheuchrufen
für Tiere in tungusischen Sprachen und Dialekten. 2. Kineene wa Mutiso: Enigmas
as a Mirror of Society: The Case of the Swahili. OBITUARIES: 1. Peter Garlake
(1934-2011). 2. Aziz Batran (1941-2011). 3. Martin Bernal (1937-2013). 4. Ahmed
AFRICANISTS: 1. A.F.L. Beeston (1911-1995). 2. Jamal-Eddine Bencheikh (19302005). 3. F. Clark Howell (1925-2007). 4. Harold G. Marcus (1933-1999). 5.
Richard B. Nunoo (-2007). CΟNGRESSES. BOOK REVIEWS.
Volume 23 (2014), 497 pp.
Michael Knüppel: Verwandtschaftstermini des Armanischen. Χρήστος Π.
Μπαλόγλου: Η ιεραποστολή στη Mέση Ανατολή: Ο ευαγγελιστής και απόστολος
Μάρκος βάσει των µαρτυριών της Καινής ∆ιαθήκης [Christos P. Baloglou: Die
Mission in Orient. Der Evangelist und Apostel Markus anhand der Zeugnisse des
Neuen Testaments]. Hassan Badawy: The four Arab Rashidun Caliphs were only
three! First Approach. Abjar Bahkou: Discerning the True Religion in the
Apologetical Discourses of Gerasimus. Michael Knüppel und Aloïs van
Tongerloo: Nachrichten aus den Anfängen der archäologischen und philologischen
Zentralasienforschung. 1) Nachtrag zur Edition der Briefe des Turkologen,
Archäologen und Ethnologen Albert von Le Coq an Willi Bang Kaup aus den Jahren
1909-1914. 2) Sieben Briefe C. Salemanns an F. C. Andreas (aus den Jahren 18951910). Dragana Amedoski & Gordana Garić Petrović: Zagrlata: from Serbian
Župa to Ottoman Nâhiye. Amidu Sanni: From Goldziher to al-Musawi: a
Reassessment of the Theoretical Discourse on the Ancients (Qudamā’) and the
Moderns (Muḥdathūn). Mubarak Ademola Noibi: The Institution of Waqf as an
Instrument of Peace and Security in Nigeria. Ganiyat Adejoke Adesina-Uthman:
Infrastructural Development Challenges in Emerging Nations: Sukuk (Islamic
Bonds) Solution. G.I.K. Tasie:Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Indigenous
Africa. Sotirios S. Livas: State Structuring, International Law and Interventions of
the International Community: the African Paradigm. Kizobo O’bweng-Okwess : Le
Paléo environnement de la ville de Lubumbashi : Une relecture de « Deux Ans au
Katanga » de Marc de Montpellier d’Annevoie. Justin Mukandila Matshimba :
Facteurs socio-économiques face aux problèmes d’accessibilité aux soins dans un
milieu rural. Ombeni Kikukama Monzat : L’énonciation à travers le roman Allah
n’est pas obligé d’Ahmadou Kourouma. S. C.-G. Assogba - R. C. Tossou - Ph.
Lebailly : Influence des représentations sociales de l’environnement sur l’adoption
des pratiques durables de production. Une contribution à partir du système de
production de coton biologique au Bénin. Etienne Lock : La problématique de
l’intellectuel en Afrique noire hier et aujourd’hui. Damien Muteba Kalala - Roger
Ntoto - Philippe Lebailly : Comporte-ments et pratiques alimentaires à Kinshasa.
Un rapprochement entre les conditions de vie et les modes de consommation
alimentaires des ménages. Fidèle Edhebhua Sojobho : Mythologie de la lutte
contre la corruption en République Démocratique du Congo. Adejoro Raheem
Mustapha: Exposition of the Importance of Salāt (Mus-lim Devotional Worship) as
an Advocate of Universal Unity. Justine Hitimana: Le génocide perpétré contre les
Tutsi en 1994 au Rwanda : une réalité politique des extrémistes Hutu. Marcel
Mahdila Wamona: Prévalence des parasitoses intestinales au Centre Hospitalier
Presbytérien de Moma (Luisa, Kasaï Occidental, R.D. du Congo). Vwima StanyJean-Luc Mastaki - Philippe Lebailly : La traversée : analyse des risques et
obstacles frontaliers à l’approvisionnement alimentaire des ménages de la ville de
Bukavu (Sud-Kivu) au District de Rusizi (Rwanda). Kineene wa Mutiso: Sexism in
Forbidden Language: The Case of Kiswahili and English.
ΜΙSCELLANEA: 1. Michael Knüppel: Eurasiatisch? 2. Michael Knüppel: Zu den
Corrigenda im uigurischen Insadi-Sūtra. 3. Hassan Badawy: Stations, forms and
means of diachronic communication between Greek and Arabic language. Cultural
dimension then and now. 4. Pascal Ally Hussein: Chinua Achebe: The Politics of
Re(re)ading the Canon, and the Ethics of Writing Back. 5. Kineene wa Mutiso:
Number Symbolism in World Religions: The Case of Number Seven.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Michael Knüppel: Eine Bibliographie zum „Runentürkischen”. BOOK REVIEWS.