Modern Interior Architecture Case Studies and Historiography ATHENS Course 2014 Politecnico di Milano 17>21 March 2014 DRAIA PhD in Interior Architecture and Design PAUI PhD in Architectural, Urban and Interior Design Modern Interior Architecture Case Studies and Historiography Programme The course aims at introducing students to issues in interior architecture of the 20th century, focusing on home and on public interiors design & historiography through the work of masters and it is arranged in collaboration with relevant scholars in the field at international level. This gives the opportunity to gather together quite an unique group of specialist in Interiors studies all over Europe. Moreover the course pushes students to develop their own research and presentation skills, encouraging to reflect upon questions of body and senses, on domesticity and public space quality. The students will be required to edit and present a case study analysis among the ones assigned using the Pecha Kucha format (20 slides x 20’ each). Course assignment Part A: - uploading of the case studies documents on the Atlas of Interiors blog - writing of a presentation text for each assigned case study - making up of a specific bibliography for each assigned case study - making up of a specific bibliography on the author of each assigned case study Part B: - drafting of an individual presentation describing the work chosen among those uploaded, according the Pecha Kucha format ( 20 slides per 20 seconds each one), for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds for each group. Modern Interior Architecture Case Studies and Historiography Agenda Monday 17/02 | Aula Rogers Welcome 9.30 | Ilaria Valente, Politecnico di Milano (I) Dean of the School Architettura e Società 9.45 | Luca Basso Peressut, Politecnico di Milano (I) Coordinator of DRAIA and PAUI PhD Programs Lectures 10.00 | Hilde Heynen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (B) Modernity, Domesticity and Gender 10.45 | Graeme Brooker, Middlesex University London (UK) Key Interiors 11.30 | coffee break 12.00 | Fàtima Pombo, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (B) Phenomenological Approach to Adolf Loos’ Interiors 12.45 | Mark Pimlott, Delft University of Technology (NL) The Garden 13.30| lunch break 15.00 | Daniel Cid Moragas, ELISAVA Barcelona (E) The House of Life 15.40 | Gianni Ottolini, Politecnico di Milano (I) The Teaching of Beauty 16.20 |discussion 17.00 |closing remarks Tuesday 18/02 | Aula Gamma 9.30/13.30 | Guided visit to Fondazione Albini, Castiglioni house/museum and Sant’Ildefonso Church 15.00 | Gianni Ottolini, Politecnico di Milano (I) The Role of History in the Domestic Interiors Project 16.00 | Gennaro Postiglione, Politecnico di Milano (I) Modern Interior Architecture: Case Studies and Historiography. Exercise assignment 16.30 | Students will be divided in group and assigned to different tutors to start working 17.00 | coffee break 19.00 | Closing of the day Wednesday 19/02 | Aula Gamma 9.30/13.30 |Students work in the Campus Library or in the assigned room with Tutorials by professors in charge 13.30/14.30 | Lunch break 14.30/17.30 | Students work in the Campus Library or in the assigned room with Tutorials by professors in charge 17.30/18.00 | Collective discussion Thursday 20/02 | Aula Gamma 9.30/13.30 |Students work in the Campus Library or in the assigned room with Tutorials by professors in charge 13.30/14.30 | Lunch break 14.30/17.30 | Students work in the Campus Library or in the assigned room with Tutorials by professors in charge 17.30/18.00 | Collective discussion Friday 21/02 | Aula Gamma 9.30/13.30 |Students work in the Campus Library or in the assigned room with Tutorials by professors in charge 13.30/14.30 | Lunch break 14.30/17.30 | Students’ Pecha Kucha presentation (20 slides x 20’ each) 17.30/18.00 | Evaluation of the presented works and closing of the course 18.00 | Farewell party Course logistics and practicalities Dott.ssa Michela Gregori [email protected] Course content info Prof. Gennaro Postiglione +39 3357856394 [email protected] Arch. Jacopo Leveratto PhD Candidate [email protected] Modern Interior Architecture Case Studies and Historiography Lectures & Lecturers Graeme Brooker Key Interiors The history of the Interior is often outlined in parallel to the development of architecture. But the process of creating an interior is different to the process of creating architecture, a procedure where ‘new build’ is the primary form of spatial expression. The creation of an interior is generally based around the understanding of, and working with, the existing. Whether the existing component of this process is a real building, or merely the outline of a project drawn on a screen or page, the existing space will provide the impetus for the design and hence the creation of the inside space. Therefore the history of the interior, whilst intrinsically connected to the enclosure within which it is contained, cannot adequately be reflected solely by the history and development of its architectural host. This talk will outline a history of the interior as told through as told through the development of the discipline of re-using existing buildings and spaces. It will outline the history of the development of the subject through a selection of interiors that have been created as autonomous spaces contained within an existing building envelope. Whilst the architectural container is acknowledged, these interiors have been created in an historic and stylistically independent manner. Graeme Brooker is an academic, writer and designer based in the UK. He is the head of the department of Fashion and Interiors and the convener of I:F (Interiors: Fashion) at Middlesex University, London. He has held numerous senior positions in institutions in the UK, most notably at the Universities of Cardiff, Manchester and Brighton, where he taught both studio and theory in interior architecture and design. He has written numerous books on the design of interior space and in particular on the implications of reusing existing buildings, including co-authoring the highly acclaimed Rereadings (RIBA Enterprises 2004). Other coauthored publications include Form and Structure (AVA 2007), Context and Environment (AVA 2008), The Visual Dictionary of Interior Architecture (AVA 2008), Objects and Elements (AVA 2009), and What is Interior Design? (Rotovision 2010). He is the founder and Director of the charity Interior Educators (IE), the national subject association for interiors in the UK. He is a commissioning editor for the publisher Ashgate and is also a member of the editorial advisory board for the journals Interiors: Design: Architecture: Culture (BERG), Architecture: Media: Politics: Society: (AMPS) and the Australian/New Zealand based Journal I.D.E.A. His latest books are From Organisation to Decoration (with Sally Stone: Routledge 2013), The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design (with Lois Weinthal: BERG 2013) and Key Interiors Since 1900 (Laurence King 2013). The latter is a positioning of the narrative of the history of interior architecture and design communicated through the re-use of existing buildings. Daniel Cid Moragas The House of Life The House of Life by Mario Praz and the infinite space of literature as a place to re-live the traces left by the inhabitants in their inner universe. The pages of a book, much more than a stroll through spaces frozen by museums, as a place to search for a true approach to chronicling the architecture of private life. Interiors as they are related by the inhabitant showing the most intangible subtleties of the dream of living. Daniel Cid Moragas holds a PhD in Architecture History from University of Barcelona. He is the Scientific Director of ELISAVA developing the formalization of a new sphere of design research and the reinforcement of international relationships (Latin America, Europe and China schools). Previously he was the Academic Director at ELISAVA developing the construction of an educational project based on the new challenges of design, and the formalization of a new sphere of design research based on social innovation. He lectures at the same school on aesthetics and history in the fields of domestic space or public space. Between 2007 and 2010 he was an advisor to the mayor of Barcelona on architecture and town-planning projects for the city. Between 2005 and 2009 he was the Vice President of the association of designers of Barcelona, FAD (Fostering Arts and Design). He is visiting professor to Latin America, China and European universities. Recently he has been published, with Teresa Sala, Casas de la vida. Relatos habitados de la modernidad (Ariel) and, with Ed d’Souza, Barcelona Massala. Urban narratives in public space (Actar). Hilde Heynen Modernity, Domesticity and Gender There is a curious contradiction between the experience of modernity – “all that is solid melts into air” (Berman) – and the desire for dwelling as rootedness and anchoring (Heidegger). Modernism in architecture and interior architecture was facing this contradiction as one of its major challenges. Some have claimed that a certain sense of antidomesticity pervaded modernism in architecture and the arts (Reed). The Modern Movement however did make the house into a focal point of attention for (interior) architecture. In this course we will further investigate modernism’s dealings with these paradoxical themes, also analysing them from a gender perspective (domesticity being associated with women, and modernity arguably gendered rather masculine). Hilde Heynen is Full Professor and Chair of the department Architecture, Urbanism and Planning at the University of Leuven. Her research focuses on issues of modernity, modernism and gender in architecture. She is the author of Architecture and Modernity. A Critique (MIT Press, 1999) and the co-editor of Back from Utopia. The Challenge of the Modern Movement (with Hubert-Jan Henket, 010, 2001), Negotiating Domesticity. Spatial productions of gender in modern architecture (with Gulsum Baydar, Routledge, 2005) and The SAGE Handbook Architectural Theory (with Greig Crysler and Stephen Cairns, Sage, 2012). She regularly publishes in journals such as The Journal of Architecture and Home Cultures. Gianni Ottolini The Teaching of Beauty Despite a tradition as old as humanity, today the theoretical and practical topic of beauty is not usually faced within the different schools of architecture, as if it exclusively belonged to the personal dimension of taste. However, if beauty only depends on personal pleasure, how can be possible to base a school of architecture, a place that, like any other school of art, should be oriented towards the teaching of beauty? Tracing a distinction between aesthetics and perception, the lecture tries to highlight the diverse criteria which has been used, through the centuries, to recognise beauty, dealing with such concepts as “decoration”, “canon” or “functionalism”, to finally approach the task of architecture as a form of art. The fundamental question regards, in fact, what the form of architecture speaks about, in order to pleasure and move us. Because beauty is just an announcement or a promise of a concrete and integral life, with its need for happiness. Gianni Ottolini is an architect and Full Professor of Interior Architecture and Design at The Faculty of Architettura Civile. He was Coordinator of the PhD Course in Interior Architecture and Exibition Design, and, from 1996 to 2003, he was Director of the DPA (Department of Architectural Design) at Politecnico di Milano. He carried on theoretical, critical, historical and design studies about interior and furniture design, particulary regarding domestic dwelling. In 1994 he won the Silver Prize at the International Competition of Nagaoka (Japan) with the design of a Home in a room for the elderly. He was scientific director of national and international research projects and connected exibitions on “Spaces and furniture of Special Housing”, “Civilization of Living”, “Humantech. Design for Humanization of Technology”, “Artidesign Furniture”, “Peripheries and New Urbanism”, “Carlo De Carli. Lo spazio primario”. Main publications: Forma e significato in architettura (Cortina, 2012), Carlo De Carli e lo spazio primario, QA20 (Laterza, 1997), Civiltà dell’abitare (GDA, 1997), La casa attrezzata (Liguori, 2005), Il progetto delle residenze speciali (Unicopli, 2008), La Stanza (Silvana, 2011), Ambiente interno (Almanacco dell’Architetto, Proctor, 2012). Mark Pimlott The Garden In many public interiors, one is asked to imagine that one is not really inside at all, but in an environment that embodies attributes of nature. The nineteenth- and twentieth-century city, and the burgeoning metropolis in particular, embraced the theme of the Garden, in linear promenades, naturalistic parks or arcadian spaces where supremacy over nature could be imagined. The evocation of Eden or Arcadia–the original nature, the place of knowledge and the other–represented an ultimate mastery over nature and its denizens. This lecture describes representations of the Garden in the architecture of the interior, and how they have been used to effect public interior and urban environments that served to legitimate the western metropolitan project. Mark Pimlott is Assistant Professor of Architectural Design in the Chair of Interiors and leader of the course The Architecture of the Interior at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He has taught architecture and visual arts since 1986. He was appointed Professor in relation to practice in Architecture at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands (2002-2008). His articles and essays have been published in numerous journals of architecture. He is the author of Without and within: essays on territory and the interior (2007) and In passing: Mark Pimlott photographs (2010). He is currently writing a PhD dissertation The heart of Montréal’s ville intérieure: prototype for the very large, extensive, complex interior at Delft University of Technology. Mark Pimlott’s practice encompasses installation, photography, film, art for public spaces and interior design. He studied architecture at McGill University, Montréal and the Architectural Association, London, and visual arts at Goldsmiths’ College, University of London. Notable works include Neckinger Mills interiors, London (1988; 1994); Guinguette, Birmingham (2000); Red House interiors, London (2001; 2004; 2011; 2014) with Tony Fretton Architects; La scala, Aberystwyth (2003); restaurant Puck, The Hague (2007), with Zeinstra Van Gelderen architecten; and World, London (2013). Solo exhibitions include Studiolo and 1965 (Todd Gallery, London (1995; 1998); Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, (NAi, Rotterdam, 2005) and All things pass (Stroom, The Hague, 2008). The installation Piazzasalone (in collaboration with Tony Fretton) was shown in the section curated by Kazuyo Sejima at the 12th Biennale internazionale di Architettura di Venezia (2010). Fátima Pombo Phenomenological approach to Adolf Loos’ interiors Adolf Loos (1870-1933) contribution to a body of theory and criticism in architecture is inseparable of his creation of interiors. His planning of interiors, emphasizing the individuality of spaces through a personal interpretation of privacy is a source of significance for a contemporary thinking about interiors as individual living experiences. Comments on some texts of Loos (Ornament and Crime, Spoken into the Void) and attention focused on some of his charismatic interiors (Rufer House, Villa Moller, Villa Müller) offer the arguments to find evidence about Loos’ conception of space as a match of use, appropriation and mood. Stemming from the interpretation of “the theatre box argument” (Beatriz Colomina), a major reflection will be carried on from a phenomenological approach to Loos’ interiors inheritance, stressing the features that differentiate an interior of a non-interior. Fátima Pombo is Guest Professor at Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning at University of Leuven, Belgium and member of ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture at University of Aveiro, Portugal. Her research concentrates on phenomenology, interior architecture and aesthetics. Specifically Pombo’s research, publications and teaching focus on the tendencies of interior architecture from a close relation with history of architecture, architectural theories and practices proposals, materials and technologies, perception of interior space, dwelling culture. She participates in international research projects and conferences; publishes in anthologies and journals like among others, Idea Journal,, Journal of Interior Design, The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial and Environmental Design, Iconofacto (Arquitectura Y Diseño), Journal of British Society for Phenomenology. She spent the sabbatical of 2005/2006 at Department of Design at University of Barcelona (Spain); in 1999/2000 she was an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral fellow at the University of Munich (Germany) to research within Cultural Studies and during 1993/1995 she researched at University of Heidelberg (Germany) in the framework of her PhD in Phenomenology, Education and Aesthetics. POLITECNICO DI MILANO: School of Architecture The Politecnico di Milano was established in 1863 by scholars and entrepreneurs. Over the years, it has been the home institution to most prominent professors, including: mathematician Francesco Brioschi, the first President of Politecnico di Milano; Luigi Cremona and Giulio Natta, both of whom were Nobel Prize winners of Chemistry in 1963. As testament to these numerous achievements in its history, the Politecnico di Milano is now one of the most reknown European universities in Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. The school of Architecture offers undergraduate and graduate programmes in Architecture and Urban Planning. The school’s international policy has been targeting the Master of Science programmes since 2005 and the PhD programmes since 2008. Also, starting from 2009 the Bachelor of Science programmes have been offered in English and opened to an international audience. The I School of Architecture is hosted by the Leonardo Campus in Milan and by the Campuses in Mantova and Piacenza. The Leonardo Campus is the historical seat of Politecnico di Milano since 1927. Most academic activities take place inside this original core of the campus. At Mantova Campus, established in 1990, the courses pay attention to the issues of protecting, preserving and enhancing the value of the architectural and environmental heritage. The new Piacenza Campus represents one of the latest acquirements of the Politecnico di Milano, the courses are focused on the themes of environment and of the sustainability in different scales of interventions. The school offers Bachelor and Master of Science programmes taught entirely in English. In particular the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, the Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning, the Master of Science in Architecture and the Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design are welcoming candidates of different backgrounds. The educational programmes are conceived for an international audience and are aimed at developing abilities and knowledge in dealing with a variety of projects. PAUI Doctorate program in Architectural, Urban and Interior Design The Ph.D. programme promotes studies and research projects concerning the architectural design at different scales – urban space, building, and interior space– enhanced by the analysis and interpretation of the contexts, the investigation of history, theory and critical explorations of architectural design, and an open dialogue with the different disciplinary skills called to deal with the complex development of contemporary architecture. The aim of the Ph.D. programme is the definition of theoretical and operational tools to foster the development of a critical approach to the understanding of the complexity of buildings and spaces, as well as to acknowledge the concise and strategic values of design in constructing connections between formal structures, utilitarian contents and functional requirements of architectural works and their contexts.The main courses and workshops are focused on the following topics: 1. Architecture of public spaces and urban design: methods and tools for the design of the ground surfaces in all their articulation; detailed definition of open space morphology and equipment; architecture of public buildings: typology, composition, structure and interiors. 2. Regeneration and reuse of urban fabrics: architectural design tools and methods for a sustainable approach to built environments. 3. Design of living spaces and social housing: analysis of dwelling models; historical and current transformation processes; future models and structures of individual and collective living places, with a special focus on the relationship between interior space and furniture. 4. Environmental control and individual well-being: design criteria and tools; simulation and monitoring of the microclimate and environmental comfort (energy aspects, lighting, ergonomics, etc.). 5. Museography and exhibition design: architectural design of museums; DRAIA Doctorate program in Interior Architecture and Design The School of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, whose past lecturers include Gio Ponti, Franco Albini, Carlo De Carli and Vittoriano Viganò, has always stood out, at both national and international level, for its studies on living space, underpinned by a careful evaluation of interiors and by an awareness of the key role played by furniture within the complex system of relationships established with those who inhabit their spaces. The research focus is both on private and public space, with particular attention being paid, in recent times, to the organisation of space for social, cultural and communication purposes: museums, exhibitions, theatres etc. The Milan School of Architecture draws on the city’s highly productive and specialised background and on the strong commercial and entrepreneurial spirit that lies at the heart of several important events, first and foremost the Salone Internazionale del Mobile which, every year, brings Milan into the international spotlight, than La Triennale di Milano, one of the most important Italian institution devoted to promote design culture. The PhD in Interior Architecture and Design was established twenty years ago with the aim of providing students with a culturally qualified and critically based education. Throughout its activity, it has trained more than one hundred researchers and around half of them are currently teaching in national and international universities. POLIMI Architecture of Interiors Cluster Luca Basso Peressut is Full Professor and Coordinator of the PhD programs of Architecture of Interiors, and Design and Urban, Architectural and Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano. He is also director of the II level Master held by the Politecnico di Milano IDEA in Exhibition Design, Director and Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Architecture Workshop Villa Adriana since 2003, Member of the Scientific Committee for the National Conference of Interiors 2005, 2007 and 2010; Member of the Scientific Board of the Museum Tridentino di Storia Naturale, Trento; Member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine Exporre; member of the Scientific Board of Museography of Edifir Publisher, Florence and consultant for the magazine Area since 1997. Imma Forino is an architect and PhD, Associate Professor of Interior Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, School of Architettura e Società, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. She serves on the Board for the Politecnico’s PhD in Architecture of Interiors and Design, and Urban, Architectural and Interior Design, and the scientific and organizing committee for IFW Conferences at Politecnico di Milano (2008 & 2010). Gennaro Postiglione is Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. His researches focus mainly on reuse transformation and valorisation of abandoned neglected or minor heritage - among which also the one coming from conflicts - and on the relationship between collective memory and cultural identity, putting the resources of Interior Architecture in the public interest ( On going researches: Co-funder of WAHM (2014): an interdisciplinary and interprofessional consortium that explores creative heritage possibilities for public access, and rethinks problems of authenticity, competing memories, and identity politics from a critical heritage and memory perspective. Promoter of REcall-European Conflict Archaeological Landscape Re-appropriation: a research project funded by EC-Culture programme (2012-14) focused on the possible roles that design can play when dealing with Conflict Heritage. Copromoter of MeLa* European Museums in an age of migrations: a research funded by the EC-FP7 programme (2011-15) which reflects on the possible role museums can play in the contemporary context characterized by a continuous migration of people and ideas. Roberto Rizzi is an architect, PhD in Interior Architecture and Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. He is on the Board for the Politecnico’s PhD in Architecture of Interiors and Design, and Urban, Architectural and Interior Design. He was scientific curator of the Galleria del design e dell’Arredamento di Cantù and now the scientific director of the Albe e Lica Steiner Archive at the Politecnico di Milano. He has participated in national and international research projects studying the design and historic critical character of domestic and social housing, office spaces and furniture design, and he has edited the related exhibitions and publications. Michele Ugolini is an architect and PhD, Associate Professor of Interior Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. He is on the Board for the Politecnico’s PhD in Architecture of Interiors and Design, and Urban, Architectural and Interior Design, and he holds design studios about domestic interior and public spaces. Marco Borsotti is an architect, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. His main research topics are interior design and exhibition design for valorisation of the cultural heritage: in these specific field he has national and international experiences. Articles, essays and projects have been published by specialized review. He is Frate Sole Foundation–International Sacred and European Architecture Award guest referee and Editorial staff board member of Italian architectural and arts review Anfione e Zeto. Marriella Brenna is Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture and Society, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. She graduated in 1990 with a thesis on museum and building refurbishment (supervisor Prof. F. Drugman). From 1992 to 2000 she was post-doctoral fellow of the Chair of Exhibition Design and Museography and took part in researches carried out by MURST and the Faculty of Architecture. In 2000 she held a research scholarship for the project “Museum of Labour”. Between 2001 and 2005 she worked in the Department of Architectural Design, first as a temporary teacher of Museography, Museology and Criticism of Arts and Restoration, and later as a regular teacher of Architectonic Planning. She developed in association with Prof. L. Basso Peressut projects for museum exhibitions in Milan and Lodi. She has also taught courses for museum operators and conducted researches on museum standards on behalf of the IRER Lombardia. Pier Fedrico Caliari is architect since 1991. He graduated with honors at the Politecnico di Milano, where he actually teaches at the School of Architecture and Society. In twenty years of activity he has projected all sizes and areas of design, from the industrial designt, which has marked the start of his career, to urban design, with important experiences in the fields of museum design and yacht design. He is also General Director of the Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia and Director of the II level Master held by the Politecnico di Milano Museografia, Architettura e Archeologia, Progettazione Strategica e Gestione Innovativa delle Aree Archeologiche. Lola Ottolini graduated in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, is an architect and PhD in Interior architecture and Design, and is Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, School of Civil Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. Her professional and teaching activities, focused on interior architecture, exhibition design and scenography, follow the tradition of the Milan based masters of interior architecture, like Franco Albini and Carlo De Carli, founded on the value of the human person and the relationship between space and equipment. Pierluigi Salvadeo graduated in Architecture from the Department of Architecture of Polytechnic of Milan. PhD in Display and Interior Design. Tenured researcher in Stage and Interior Design at the School of Architecture and Society of Milan Polytechnic, where he teaches Architectural Design and Set Design and Spaces of Performance. Author of several publications and expert adviser to various international seminars of design and national and international conferences/congresses. Winner of many national and international architecture awards (with Stefano Guidarini), including: Special mention at the Luigi Cosenza National Architecture Award (1994) and (1996) First prize in the Opera Prima competition (1995) First prize Domus/InArch Award (1996). First prize in the competition for an ALER building at Pioltello (2005), Equal first prize in the competition of ideas for a library at Melzo (2006), Honorable mention in the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture Award (Milan Triennale, 2006). Shortlisted for the second phase of the Ugo Rivolta European Architecture Award (2007), First prize in the competition for the design of three subsidized apartment buildings at Monteluce (2007), Dedalo Minosse "Design for All" Special Award (2011) and Third prize in the competition by invitation for the design of a hotel on Piazza Duca d'Aosta in Milan (2012). ATHENS Course Tutors Barbara Calvi, graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, has also worked extensively with NGOs and youth organisations in Italy, Europe and around the world to design strategies either to support the survival of indigenous cultures in the built environment or to promote social inclusion and participation through the non-formal education approach. With a Master Degree in Equal Opportunities and gender studies, she is now a PhD Candidate in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at Politecnico researching the influence of tradition on the design of inhabitable space. Francesca Danesi, architect and Ph.D. candidate in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at DAStU (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano), graduated in Interior Architecture with the thesis Spazio, Tempo, Racconto. La dimensione narrative dell'Architettura, with Prof. Luca Basso Peressut. She is currently collaborating with him to various teaching and research activities on Museography and Exhibition design. For her studies (she also graduated at the Conservatory of Music) and professional experiences (worked as architect, scenographer and performer), her own research focuses mainly on the relationships between Architecture and other Arts. The theme of her PhD. thesis is the creative interaction between Exhibition Design and contemporary Art. Lavinia Dondi, architect, graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano in 2010, with a thesis proposing the renewal of the outdoor spaces of Politecnico di Milano Bovisa, which involves the introduction of a worship place dedicated to the three monotheistic religions and of a little library, both underground places. She has worked for a Spanish architectural studio in Barcelona, specialized in interior design, exhibitions and urban spaces design. After that she has collaborated with the Architectural Department of Politecnico di Milano, supporting research activities focused mainly on interior design, including the drafting of the materials for the exhibition about Carlo De Carli at Triennale di Milano in 2011. She is now a PhD candidate in Interior Architecture and Exhibitions Design at Politecnico di Milano. Elena Elgani is an architect, graduated at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis titled Il Museo del Razionalismo a Milano. She is currently a PhD candidate in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at Politenico di Milano. On September 2010 with her project team she won the second prize at the Costruire Green Life. Since 2010 she collaborates as teaching Assistant for the architectural interiors courses, project One ManLiving and Re-fill with Prof. Yuri Mastromattei. She’s currently developing her research in the field of Interior Architecture focusing on hospitality and temporary living solutions. Jacopo Leveratto, an architect graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano (2009), had his MA in Design and Requalification of the Built Environment. Since that date he has been collaborating with the Architectural Design Department, supporting research activities focused on the enhancement of the architectural and environmental heritage in Europe and in emerging countries. He is, as an assistant lecturer in Architectural Interior and Urban Design, attending the PhD program in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at Politecnico di Milano, focusing his research on the architectural relationships between personal space and public places. He is also associated editor of Iijournal_International Journal of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design and correspondent of Op Cit_Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea. ATHENS Course Students Ioulia Aslanidou Lucie Bílá Adela Bimova Katarzyna Burzyńska Rebecca Daum Zuzanna Dudzicka Aneta Dvorakova Lucia Gonzalez Ondrej Hamrsmid Petra Holasova Paulina Jachyra Ilgaz Kayaalp Florence Kocher Hui Lin Regina Manuelito Katarzyna Markowicz Nira Martín Vanessa Matos Vasco Mayer Farah Mechrek Pedro Meneses Vasiliki Papadimitriou Jan Pospichal Lisa Schubert Rudolf Süsser Natalia Vargova Vit Vondracek Korinna Weber Yunpeng Zhao Katarzyna Żyngiel
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