YAŞAR UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE FACULTY INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE and ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT COURSE SYLLABUS Course Code Course Title HOUSING, CULTURE AND DESIGN INAR 562 Semester SPRING Course Hour/Week Theory 3 Practice 0 Yaşar Credit ECTS 3 7 Course Type 1. Compulsory Courses 1.1. Programme Compulsory Courses 1.2. University Compulsory Courses (UFND) 1.3. YÖK (Higher Education Council) Compulsory Courses 2. Elective Courses 2.1. Program Elective Courses X 2.2. University Elective Courses Language of Instruction Associate Degree (Short Cycle) Level of Course Undergraduate (First Cycle) Graduate (Second Cycle) X Doctoral Course (Third Cycle) Prerequisites Course(s) (compulsory) Special Pre-Conditions of the Course (recommended) Course Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülnur Ballice [email protected] Course Instructor(s) Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülnur Ballice [email protected] Course Assistant(s)/Tutor (s) Course Web Page Aim(s) of the Course Understand housing and modern design concepts from different perspectives. Indicate the relationship between culture and modern life. Provide modern design approaches both in Turkey and abroad. Stress the transformation of upper-class domestic culture and family life along European models. Underline modern house concept from the interior point of view and meanings of vernacular traditions. 1. To facilitate the learning and/or improvement of the role of natural, technological and Learning Outcomes of the Course social factors in the formation of housing. 2. To tackle the most important theoretical and methodological issues in current interior design-culture-house-product design discussions. 3. To locate the design-culture-house settlement discussions within the context of culture and modern life. 4. To develop ability to apply and understand the architectural scale of the appropriate research study in the field of housing and modern interior. Course Content This course will introduce the relationship between the cultural change and everyday life in terms of modernity and representation in design discourse. Observing the primary concepts of culture, modern life, modern interior, contemporary design and cultural representation students will have an opportunity to read and discuss significant writings and designers of the period. COURSE OUTLINE/SCHEDULE (Weekly) Week Topics 1 (23.02.15) 2 (02.03.15) 3 (09.03.15) 4 (16.03.15) 5 (23.03.15) Preliminary Preparation Introduction and overview with students identifying their own fields of interest. Methodol ogy and Implemen tation (theory, practice, assignmen t etc) Theory Culture and Modern Life -Chaney, D. (2002). “Introduction: Culture and Modern Life”, in the Cultural Change and Everyday Life, Gordonsville, VA, USA: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-15.-Bozdoğan, S. (2001). “Living Modern-Cubic Houses and Apartments”, in Modernism and Nation Building (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2001), pp.193-216. Modern House -Talu, N. (2009). “Modern Konut ve Ev(sellik)”, Arredamento Mimarlık, Haziran , sayı: 225, 92-99.-Bozdoğan, S. (2001). “Building the Modern House”, in Modernism and Nation Building, Theory Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, pp.216-239.- Bilgin, İ. (1999). “Serbest Plan, Serbest Cephe, Serbest Ev...” Cogito Bir Anatomi dersi: Ev, sayı: 18, Bahar, s.144157. Ottoman Housing Culture -Göyünç, N. (2006). “Osmanlı belgelerinde Konut Terminolojisi” in Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme, İstanbul:Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, pp.264-268.-Tanyeli, U. (2006). Theory “Osmanlı Barınma Kültüründe Batılılaşma-Modernleşme: Yeni Bir Simgeler Dizisinin Oluşumu” in Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme, İstanbul:Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, pp.284-297. Placing Home in Context -Baydar, G. (2002). “Tenuous boundaries: women, domesticity and nationhood in 1930s Turkey”. The Journal of Architecture, 7:3, pp.229244.-Moore, J. (2000). “Placing Home in Context”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20, pp.207-217.-Walker, L. (Spring 2002). “Home Making: An Theory Theory Architectural Perspective”. Signs, Vol.27, No.3, pp. 823-835. 6 (30.03.15) The Modern Interior -Sparke, P. (2008). “Introduction” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.7-18.-Sparke, P. (2008). “The Private Interior” in The Modern Theory Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.21-36.Sparke, P. (2008). “The New Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.37-54. 7 (06.04.15) The Modern Interior -Sparke, P. (2008). “The Massconsumed Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.55-72. 8 (13.04.15) MIDTERM Theory Midterm exam The Modern Interior -Sparke, P. (2008). “The Fashionable Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., 2008, pp.73-90.-Sparke, Penny. “The Decorative Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.91-112. The Modern Interior -Sparke, P. (2008). “The Public Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.113128.-Sparke, P. (2008). “The Theory Rational Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.129146 The Modern Interior -Sparke, P. (2008). “The Massproduced Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., 2008, pp.147-166.-Sparke, P. (2008). “The Abstract Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.167184. Theory 12 (11.05.15) The Modern Interior and Cultural Representation -Sparke, P. (2008). “The Designed Interior” in The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd., pp.185203.-Emgin, B. “Framing the East: Cultural Representation in Contemporary Turkish Product Design”. Theory 13 (18.05.15) Student presentations Theory 14 (25.05.15) Student presentations Theory 15 (01.06.15) Student presentations Theory 9 (20.04.15) 10 (27.04.15) 11 (04.05.15) (08.06.15) Theory FINAL SUBMISSION Required Course Material (s) /Reading(s)/Text Book (s) Sparke, P. (2008). The Modern Interior, Great Britain: Reaktion Books Ltd. Recommended Course Material(s)/Reading(s)/Other: Akcan, E. (2006). Çeviride Modern Olan-Şehir ve Konutta Türk-Alman İlişkileri, YKY, İstanbul. Bozdoğan, S. (2001). Modernism and Nation Building Turkish Architectural Culture in the Early Republic, University of Washington Press, USA. Chaney, D. (2002) Cultural Change and Everyday Life, Gordonsville, VA, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. Gür, Ş.Ö. (2000). Doğu Karadeniz Örneğinde Konut Kültürü, Yem Yayınları, İstanbul. Bachman, M. & Tanman. M.B. (2008). Ahşap İstanbul, Konut Mimarisinden Örnekler, İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Batur, A. (Ed.) (2005). Doğu Karadeniz’de Kırsal Mimari, Milli Reasürans T.A.Ş, 2. Baskı, İstanbul. Sey, Y. (Ed.).(1996). Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme, Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul. Sey, Y. (Ed.).(1999). Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme, Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul. ASSESSMENT Semester Activities/ Studies NUMBER WEIGHT in % 1 50 1 50 Mid- Term Attendance Quiz Assignment (s) Project Laboratory Field Studies (Technical Visits) Presentation/ Seminar Practice (Laboratory, Virtual Court, Studio Studies etc.) Other (Placement/Internship etc.) TOTAL 100 Contribution of Semester Activities/Studies to the Final Grade 60 Contribution of Final Examination/Final Project/ Dissertation to the Final Grade TOTAL 40 . 100 CONTRIBUTION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES TO PROGRAMME OUTCOMES No Programme Outcomes Level of Contribution (1lowest/ 5- highest) 1 2 3 To develop the qualifications acquired at the undergraduate education in a chosen area of 1 specialization; in interior architecture and the skills of rational thinking and producing unique works 4 5 x To understand the interdisciplinary nature of interior architecture and to contribute to the growth 2 of interdisciplinary knowledge while implementing the acquired knowledge in interdisciplinary x media 3 To apply specialized knowledge in interior architecture in theory and/or practice x To diagnose and evaluate a specific problem in interior architecture and to develop a method 4 towards its solution while working with professional and non-professional environments, taking responsibility, producing solutions and showing leadership when required x 5 To use computation and communication technologies as required by a chosen area of specialization 6 To present critical evaluation of knowledge in interior architecture, directing self-education at an interdisciplinary level and independent conduct of advanced work x x 7 To communicate contemporary developments in interior architecture and her/his own work in professional and interdisciplinary contexts in written, oral or visual forms x 8 To recognize the significance of lifelong learning and use learning skills developed through this program in other segments of life x 9 To demonstrate oral and written communication in at least one foreign language 10 x To understand and communicate social, scientific and ethical values in the accumulation, interpretation and/or application of data related to interior architecture x ECTS /STUDENT WORKLOAD NUMBER UNIT HOUR TOTAL (WORKLOAD) Course Teaching Hour (17 weeks* total course hours) 14 Week 3 42 Preliminary Preparation and finalizing of course notes, further self- study 14 3 42 Assignment (s) 1 Number 25 25 Presentation/ Seminars 1 Number 25 25 40 40 ACTIVITIES Week Quiz and Preparation for the Quiz Mid- Term(s) Number Project (s) Number Field Studies (Technical Visits, Investigate Visit etc.) Number Practice (Laboratory, Virtual Court, Studio Studies etc.) Number Final Examination/ Final Project/ Dissertation and Preparation Other (Placement/Internship etc.) Total Workload 1 Number Number 174 Total Workload/ 25 7 ECTS 7 ETHICAL RULES WITH REGARD TO THE COURSE (IF AVAILABLE) Attendance is MANDATORY. The attendance will be taken twice (in the first 15 minutes and at the end of the class). Students must attend a minimum of 80% of the class time. It is assumed that the project you submit for this course is your own. If you submit someone else's work as your own or allow your work to be used by others, it will be considered academic dishonesty. Any example of academic dishonesty will be graded as zero. ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION METHODS: Final Grades will be determined according to the Yaşar University Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Graduate Degree Education and Examination Regulation PREPARED BY Assist.Prof.Dr.Gülnur Ballice UPDATED APPROVED 07.11.2014
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