UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI GENOVA Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, energetica, gestionale e dei trasporti (DIME) D.D .n. 637 IL DIRETTORE - Vista la L. 15.5.1997, n. 127, pubblicata nel supplemento ordinario alla G.U. n. 113 del 17.5.1997 e successive modifiche, in merito alle misure urgenti per lo snellimento dell’attività amministrativa e dei procedimenti di decisione e di controllo; - Visto il Decreto del Ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica del 22 ottobre 2004 n° 270 “Modifiche al regolamento recante norme concernenti l'autonomia didattica degli atenei, approvato con decreto del Ministro dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 3 novembre 1999, n. 509” ed in particolare l’art. 3, comma 9; - Vista la nota del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca prot. n. 602 del 18 maggio 2011 relativa alle norme per l’accesso degli studenti stranieri ai corsi per il triennio 2011/2014; - Visto il Regolamento recante la disciplina dei contratti di ricerca e di consulenza, delle convenzioni di ricerca per conto terzi nonché del procedimento di conferimento di incarichi interni retribuiti ai docenti emanato con D.R. n. 417 del 3.10.2011; - Visto il Regolamento dei Corsi di Perfezionamento, di aggiornamento professionale e di formazione permanente e dei corsi per Master Universitari di primo e secondo livello dell’Università degli Studi di Genova emanato con D.R. n 1250 del 27.12.2013; - Vista la Convenzione Quadro stipulata tra la Scuola Politecnica dell’Università degli Studi di Genova e l’Istituto Italiano della Saldatura – Ente Morale in data 14.02.2014; - Vista la Convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, energetica, gestionale e dei trasporti (DIME) dell’Università degli Studi di Genova, Istituto Italiano Saldatura Progress S.r.l. Socio Unico, Tecnologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile Scrl (TICASS) e l’Associazione Italiana di Robotica e Automazione (SIRI) in data 28.02.2014; - Vista la delibera del Consiglio di Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, energetica, gestionale e dei trasporti (DIME) dell’Università degli Studi di Genova in data 28.02.2014 con la quale è stata proposta l’attivazione del Master Universitario di II livello in “Advanced Welding Engineering (MAWE)”; - Visto il decreto d’urgenza del Preside della Scuola Politecnica dell’Università degli Studi di Genova n.5 del 14.02.2014 con il quale è stata proposta l’attivazione del Master Universitario di II livello in “Advanced Welding Engineering (MAWE)”; - Visto il parere favorevole della Commissione Scientifica di Ateneo per i Master Universitari in data 20.03.2014; - Visto il parere favorevole del Senato Accademico in data 15.04.2014; - Visto il parere favorevole del Consiglio di Amministrazione in data 16.04.2014; DECRETA Art. 1 General Norms For academic year 2014/2015 at University of Genova is instituted the Master in Advanced Welding Engineering” in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano Saldatura Progress Srl, Tecnologie innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Ticass) S.c.r.l, Associazione Italiana di Robotica e Automazione (SIRI), ABB S.p.a., ANASTA Associazione Nazionale Aziende Saldatura Taglio e Tecniche Affini, Arroweld Italia spa, ASA Azienda Servizi ANIMA Associazione Italiana di Caldareria, ASG Superconductors S.p.A., Bombardier Transportation (Holdings) Italy S.p.A., Centro ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A., Comau Robotics S.p.a., ESAB Saldatura S.p.a., EWF European Federation for Welding Joining and Cutting, ITW Welding Products Italy S.r.l., Kuka Roboter Italia S.p.a., Prima Industrie S.p.a., Roboteco S.p.a., Tiesse Robot S.p.a., UCIMU Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine Utensili, Robot e Automazione. Art. 2 Master’s Objectives MAWE Master’s course covers areas such as automation, metallurgy and materials science, welding processes, design and quality control. It provides students with a fundamental understanding of welding technologies and an awareness of recent technical developments, such as Laser and Friction Stir welding. Students benefit from dedicated state-of-the-art welding facilities, including the latest robotic, laser, and arc welding equipment, and also have access to modern metallographic and testing facilities. Students that attend MAWE course and successfully pass the evaluation process will receive the Master Diploma and, at the same time, the title of International Welding Engineer . The title of International Welding Engineer is the highest qualification recognized by European Welding Federation and International Institute of Welding; therefore it is the only worldwide recognized diploma which satisfies the technical knowledge requisites for the Comprehensive level in Welding Coordination as specified by ISO 14731:2006. In addition the personnel qualification system provides a simple means by which job capability can be assessed and recognized. It defines the profile of education, knowledge, experience and responsibility required for a range of conventional and non-conventional welding tasks and provides a professional assessment procedure. The program of the course has been developed to educate and train participants to cover the complete management of all the welding fabrication aspects, including risk assessment, health and safety, sustainability, entrepreneurship and legal implications for faulty products. Successful students develop diverse and rewarding careers in engineering management in a wide-range of organizations deploying welding technologies. Roles include the management of welding manufacturing operations, and management of design and fabrication of welded structures. The international nature of such activities means that career opportunities are international oriented. Art. 3 Didactic organization Master duration is of 12 months, starting from November 2014 to October 2015 . Educational process for a total of 1.500 hours, is articulated as follow: hours of lectures; hours of personal training and to the thesis preparation; hours of stage / project work; hours of monitoring and work orientation activities; Mawe is a full time master, 32 hours per week (from Monday afternoon to Friday morning). Class schedule could be modified to comply eventual didactic requirements. Class will take place at Scuola Politecnica di Genova and IIS Progress srl. To the Master are assigned 60 CFU. The lectures are articulated as shown in the following table. 1) Basics of welding technology and materials 2) Advanced welding processes and robotics 3) Advanced weldability of materials 4) Construction and design 5) Fabrication, application and engineering 6) Energy efficiency in welding 7) Welding safety and environmental monitoring 8) Risk management in welding fabrication Monitoring and assessment Stage / porject work Personal training and thesis preparation 94 hours 83 hours 64 hours 62 hours 100 hours 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours 47 hours 300 hours 690 hours 10 CFU 10 CFU 10 CFU 5 CFU 10 CFU 2 CFU 2 CFU 3 CFU 8 CFU Modulo/argomento Modulo 1 Ore docenza Basics of welding technology and materials Crediti formativi Settore Scientifico complessivi Modulo Disciplinare 10 Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie e Sistemi di Lavorazione; IngInd/21 Metallurgia Ing-Ind/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica General introduction to welding technology Oxy-gas welding and related processes Electrotechnics review 3 The arc 3 Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica Power sources for arc welding 4 Ing-Ind/31 Elettrotecnica Introduction to gas shielded arc welding TIG welding 2 MIG/MAG & flux cored arc welding MMA welding 8 Submerged arc welding 5 Cutting drilling and other edge preparation processes Structure and properties of metal 4 4 Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Phase diagrams and alloys 4 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Iron-carbon alloys 5 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Manufacture and classification of steels Behavior of structural steels in fusion welding Cracking phenomena in welded joints Fractures and different kinds of fractures Heat treatment of base materials and welded joints Destructive testing of materials and welded joints 4 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 4 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 8 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 4 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 4 Ing-Ind/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Metallurgia; Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Prova di modulo Modulo 2 2 1 5 6 14 e e e e e e e e 4 Advanced welding processes and robotics Resistance welding 6 Other welding processes (laser; electron beam; plasma) & other welding processes 14 10 Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine; IngInd/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Ing-Ind/16 - Tecnologie Sistemi di Lavorazione e Surfacing and Spraying 2 Brazing and soldering 4 Joining processes for plastics 2 Joining processes for ceramics and composites Welding laboratory 1 Introduction to robotics artificial intelligence Robotic welding processes and Ing-Ind/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Ing-Ind/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Ing-Ind/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine Ing-Ind/13 meccanica applicata alle macchine 10 4 4 Sensors and process monitoring and control Fully mechanized processes and robotics Mobile robotics in welding 4 Adaptive fictures 4 Intelligent welding & intuitive interfaces Robotic welding laboratory 8 8 4 8 8 Advanced weldability of materials Prova di modulo Modulo 3 Strctural steels 4 High strength steels 10 Application of structural and high stength steels 2 Creep and creep resistent steels 4 Ing-Ind/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione; Ing-Ind/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Steels for cryogenic applications 4 Ing-Ind/21 Introduction to corrosion 4 Stainless and heat resistant steels 12 Introduction to wear protective layers Cast irons and steels 5 Chim/07 Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia; Chim/07 Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 2 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Copper and copper alloys 2 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Nickel and nickel alloys 2 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Aluminium and aluminium alloys 6 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Titanium and other metals and alloys 3 Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia and 10 Metallurgia Joining dissimilar materials 4 8 Construction and design Prova di modulo Modulo 4 Basic theory of structural systems 4 Fundamentals of the strength of materials Joint design for welding and brazing 6 Basics of weld design 6 Behavior of welded structures under different types of loading 4 Design of welded structures with predominantly static loading 8 Behavior of welded structures under cyclic loading 8 Design of cyclic loaded welded structures 8 Design of equipment welded pressure 6 Design of structures aluminum alloys 4 fracture 4 Introdutction to mechanics Prova di modulo Ing-Ind/22 Scienza tecnologia dei materiali e 5 Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/22 Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia 4 8 Modulo 5 Fabrication applications engineering Introduction to quality assurance 6 in welded fabrication Quality control during 12 manufacture Residual stresses and distortion 6 Plant facilities welding jigs and fixtures Measurement control and recording in welding Imperfections and acceptance criteria Non destructive testing 4 16 Economics and productivity 4 Repair welding 2 Reinforcing-steel welded joints 2 4 4 10 Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/21 Metallurgia Ing-Ind/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/35 Ingegneria economico-industriale Ing-Ind/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Case studies 40 Ing-Ind/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche Ing-Ind/14 Progettazione meccanica costruzione di macchine e 8 Prova di modulo Modulo 6 Energy welding Thermodynamic analysis production processes Material and energy balances of efficiency in 2 8 Ing-Ind/09 Sistemi per l'energia e l'ambiente Ing-Ind/24 Principi di ingegneria chimica Ing-Ind/09 Sistemi per l'energia e l'ambiente 6 Advantages of energy recovery 6 quantification Modulo 7 Welding safety and environmental monitoring National legislation 8 Tools for the management 6 of Health and Safety in welding and the compliance to national rules Sampling methods /measures / 6 sensors Modulo 8 Risk management welding fabrication Risks identification assessment 8 and treatment Insurance covering and legal 8 implications Company organization and 4 responsability 4 Prova di modulo Modulo 9 2 Med/44 Medicina del lavoro Med/44 Medicina del lavoro Chim/03 Chimica generale e inorganica in 3 Ius/05 Diritto dell'economia Ius/05 Diritto dell'economia Secs/Po10 Organizzazione aziendale In itinere Monitoring 7 Modulo 10 Modulo 11 students) Modulo 12 students) Stage e project work (60 ore nell’ambito del Modulo 1 - 240 ore al termine dell’attività didattica di aula) 300 (reaching 24 (reaching 24 8 Job orienteering (not compulsory) Business Plan (not compulsory) Stage and project work: at the end of classroom training activities will be organized stage periods at partner companies of the project for participants who are not already employed (including self-employment). The internship will represent for students a first entry into the work world through targeted projects works shared with the host organizations. For participants already employee it will be prepared a formative internship at their company. A monitoring system of educational activities will be realised during the Maser period, taking into account, on one hand, the learning evaluation trough tests at the end of each modules and, on the other hand, the quality perception by the trainees. At the end of the 11 months there will be a final evaluation of the outcomes perceived trough tests, whose modalities will be defined by Collegio dei docenti (Professor’s Committee). Attending specific training modules: admitted applicants who already has the title of International Welding Engineer, issued by the Italian Institute of Welding, could be exempted by the Professor’s Committee from the attendance to the modules 1, 3, 4 and 5. The application may be made together with the application for admission (in the manner indicated in art. 6) and depth in the selection. In this case there is only the payment of the first installment (Art. 7). Supplementary training activities: reaching the maximum number of students (24) supplementary training modules will be activated related to "Work Orientation" and "Business Plan and Company setting up" Attendance is voluntary and free of charge Art. 4 Professor’s Commitee and chief Chief of the master is Matteo Zoppi. Professors, who take part of the committee are: Armanda Barbangelo, Carla Gambaro, Rezia Molfino, Gustavo Capannelli. To maximize the collaboration between Mawe partners, professor’s committee will be assisted by a Steering Committee, with advisory functions, composed of representatives of companies and organizations partners in organizing the Master. Are members of the Steering committee: Luca Costa, Alberto Lauro, Sara Cepolina. Technical secretariat, financial and administration services are managed by: Department of Mechanical, Energetics, Industrial and Transport Engineering (DIME) of University of Genoa, via Montallegro 1, Cap 16145, CF e PI 00754150100 – Tel. +390103532964 – e-mail: [email protected], in strict collaboration with IIS progress S.r.l., . Art. 5 Admission Requirements Admission is open to a maximum of 24 people. The minimum number of students to activate the master is 12; under this number professor’s Committee should consider to activate or not the Master. Educational qualifications requirements: • for Italian student: to be eligible for admission to the Master program, a student must hold an Italian Laurea Magistrale, former 5-year Laurea, or equivalent degree at MSc level in Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica (LM-33), Ingegneria Chimica (LM-22), Ingegneria Civile (LM-23), Ingegneria Elettrica (LM-28), Ingegneria Gestionale (LM-31), Ingegneria Energetica e Nucleare (LM-30), Ingegneria Elettronica (LM-29), Ingegneria Informatica (LM-32), Ingegneria Civile (LM-23), Ingegneria per l’ambiente e il territorio (LM-35), ingegneria navale (LM-34), Ingegneria dei sistemi edilizi (LM-24), Ingegneria dell’automazione (LM-25), Ingegneria della sicurezza (LM-26), Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni (LM27) conseguita secondo il previgente ordinamento; Laurea magistrale Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali (LM-53 ), Scienze e tecnologie della chimica industriale (LM-71), Fisica (LM-17), Scienze chimiche (LM-54) o Architettura e ingegneria edile-architettura (LM-4) o titoli equipollenti. • for foreign students: applicants must possess a former 5 years laurea or equivalent degree or Bachelor Degree (from at least a five-year Program) or an equivalent academic and professional activity in the following fields: engineering; material’s science, chemistry, physics. Equivalency to the Italian 5 years master program is required and can be processed through the Italian embassy in your country. Other requirements: Advanced knowledge of English language At the aim of the admission will be evaluated the following aspects, for a total of 60 points: • Training background 10 points • Work experience 10 points • Personal interview 40 points The evaluation process will take place on 18 and 19 of September 2014 and it will be based on documentation attached to the admission form and on personnel interview (conducted by skype or telephone). Professor’s Committee, to support educational period of Master students, could assign tuition waivers for (4 waivers of 3.000€ and 6 waivers of 6.000€). Tuition waivers will be awarded at the end of the enrollment process based on the number of students who have completed the entry: reached the 15 entries will be assigned the first scholarship, thus gradually until reaching the maximum number of students expected (24) will be assigned all tuition waivers (10). Students who reached the International Welding Engineer title, issued by the Italian Institute of Welding, will have direct access to individual training modules of the Master in accordance with article 4.. Art. 6 Admission procedure Applicants are required to use the on-line Admission procedure, available at the following address: https://servizionline.unige.it/studenti/post-laurea/master, the application deadline is on 12:00 a.m. of 12 September 2014. The date of the application submission is certified by the computer system that, at the expiry of the deadline for the submission, will no longer allow access and sending of the request. In the application, the applicant must self-certify under his own responsibility, under penalty of exclusion from the competition, the following information: a. the surname and first name, social security number, date and place of birth, residence, telephone number and address for the evaluation. With regard to foreign applicants, it requires disclosure of an Italian address or that of their Embassy in Italy, as domicile. Tax code can be omitted if the foreign applicants haven’t it, clearly stated; b. citizenship; c. type of degree held, indicating the date of the vote and the University at which it was granted, or the equivalent degree from a foreign university together with details of any action which has been declared equivalence or an instance of a request for equivalence for the sole purpose of the competition in art. 5; undergraduates who apply for conditional admission pursuant to art. 5 must state the type and name of the degree and the University which will be awarded the degree; d. knowledge of the English language. Applicants are required to attach the following documents to their on-line application: 1. identity document; 2. curriculum vitae; 3. certificate of "international welding engineer" issued by the Italian Institute of Welding (if owned); 4. declaration attesting to the truthfulness of the statements made and authenticity of the documents attached to the application. Such declaration shall be made using the form available on the website of the online procedure, which must be printed, filled out and signed by the person concerned and attached through the online procedure. All attachments must be uploaded in PDF format. In the case of qualification obtained abroad, if the title has not already been deemed equivalent, the candidate shall require the equivalence only for the contest, attaching the following documents: degree translated and legalized by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representation of the country in which it was awarded the title; “Declaration of Value”, an official document, issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representation in the country in which the qualification was issued. The measure of equivalence shall be solely for the purpose of admission to and enrollment in the course. In the event that the competent Italian diplomatic or consular office does not provide the documentation in time for the submission of the application for admission, you must enclose all the documentation available. The eventual measure of equivalence shall be under the condition that the legal translation and the "declaration of value" to be submitted by the deadline for enrollment in the part of the applicants admitted. The release of the above mentioned documentation and any permit for participation in testing and the frequency of the ongoing foreign applicants is governed by the note from the Ministry of University and Research prot. n. 602 of 18 May 2011 (Rules for the foreign students' access to courses for the three years 2011/2014), available at http://www.studiarein-italia.it/studentistranieri/5.html. Administration reserves the right to carry out inspections and investigations under the provisions in force. Applicants who make false declarations will automatically lapse of enrollment, but without prejudice to the application the additional administrative and / or criminal penalties provided for by law. The administration reserves the right to adopt, even after the completion of the competition, measures to exclude candidates who do not meet the requirements. The data time and place of the admission tests will be communicated to the applicants by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, energy, and transportation management (DIME) as of September 4, 2014 by e-mail and publication on the website of the Master (http://mawe.iis.it/). The list of admitted students will be posted at the secretariat of the Master, on the website of the Master (http://mawe.iis.it/) no later than September 24, 2014. Applicants missing some of the requested information in the application form will be exclude from the evaluation procedure. The University may, even after the publication of the admission list, exclusionary measures against candidates without the necessary requirements. Art. 7 Registration The registration to the Master in Advanced Welding Engineering has to be finalized by the 15.10.2014 through the presentation to the Univeristy of Genova (Dipartimento formazione post lauream - Servizio alta formazione – sett. II – Via Bensa, 1 – 16124 Genova (monday – wednesday – thursday - friday 9.00 - 12.00 a.m. and thusday 9.00 – 11.00 a.m. and 2.30 - 4.00 p.m.) of the following documents: o application form master's degree (1); o educational contract; o Magnetic card request form (1); o Photocopy of the front / back of the identity card; o N. 1 passport-size photograph; o proof of payment of the first installment of the tuition fees equal to € 3,400.00. Payment should be done online through the banking service (servizionline.unige.it / students / Postgraduate / Masters) using a credit card belonging to the Visa, Visa Electron, CartaSi, MasterCard, Maestro, prepaid cards riUnige / riCarige or through "payment notice" paper. The payment of the second installment amounting to € 3,000.00, will be paid in the manner mentioned above by January 15, 2015 if it is not covered by a scholarship from a training vouchers or student is exempt. The payment of the third installment in the amount of € 3,000.00 must be paid in the manner mentioned above by May 15, 2015 if it is not covered by a scholarship from a training vouchers or student is exempt. The application form and the above documents may be sent in advance by fax to 0039 010 2099539. Sending by fax does not exempt from the submission of application form and original documentation. Applicants, who have not taken steps to enroll within the period specified above, are considered to have withdrawn. Art. 8 Master diploma At the end of the master, students with a final positive evaluation by the professor’s Committee, will be assigned the Master diploma by University of Genoa. Italian Welding Institute will assign the title of “International Welding Engineering”, the top level qualification foreseen by the European Welding Federation and the International Institute of Welding). A Diploma Supplement will be issued. Art. 9 Privacy policy and personal data treatment Personal data of applicants collected by University of Genoa - Dipartimento formazione post-lauream - Servizio alta formazione – will be used for the selection procedure, according to Italian laws (D.L.vo 30.06.2003 n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”). Genova, 23/04/2014 IL RETTORE F.to G. Deferrari 1 Available at the following address: http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/master/
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