r imaldi GNEWS68 QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE GRIMALDI GROUP OCTOBER/DECEMBER 2014 • INVESTMENT IN LIVORNO TERMINAL Tariffa Regime Libero: Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - 70% - DCB Napoli • CRUISE FERRIES SAFEST IN EUROPE XXXXXXXXXXX edItoRIAl Grimaldi Group winners will emerge from these volatile, uncertain times Contents 3 Grande Lagos delivered 4 The Grimaldi Group further invests in the port of Livorno 6 The Group’s Cruise Ferries among the safest in Europe 7 Brilliant students awarded by the Group RTM Carrier Quality Award for ACL 8 Italian Ambassador visits the port of Esbjerg 9 News 10 Agents List 11 Schedules - Mediterranean Short Sea Network - Finnlines (Baltic & North Sea) - Atlantic Network - ACL - Euro Med Network Grimaldi NE WS Direttore Responsabile / Editor in Chief Luciano Bosso Progetto grafico /Graphic design Marco Di Lorenzo Pubblicazione trimestrale Quarterly publication Reg. Trib. Napoli n. 5150 del 26/9/2000 Stampa / Print: ROSSI srl - Nola (Napoli) Circulation 35,000 copies Printed on 29th September 2014 GRIMALDI GROUP 2 Via Marchese Campodisola, 13 GNEWS80133 NAPOLI (Italy) Grimaldi News can be seen on line on www.grimaldi.napoli.it T his year’s Grimaldi Euro-Med convention – larger ro/ro and ro/pax vessels. We have asin Crete falls at a crucial juncture for the signed the right vessels to the right routes, axed shortsea markets we serve. Not since their unprofitable calls and adjusted rotations. When invention in the 1950s have the ro/ro and ro/ combined with slow steaming and propulsion pax industries faced such momentous change. system retrofits, we have been able to reduce Technology continues to transform the way we do fuel consumption every year since 2008 by at business. High performance batteries, automisaleast 10%. This process is far from over; Finntion and low-consumption techniques nudge our lines is now investing another Euro 50 million in industry towards sustainable development models. emissions scrubbers for 14 of its 20 operated Complexity and uncertainty, meanwhile, are on ships. the rise - triggered by political instability in the Other action, such as the sale of five non-core Middle East, Russia and Africa. vessels and a substantial headcount reduction, In our domestic European markets, divergent have allowed the company to claw back all the forces are at play. On one hand, economic ground lost during the crisis. Finnlines is now stagnation weighs on the outlook; on the other, back in the black, and its share price has inlow interest rates have helped ease the cost of creased by over 100% over the last year. investment for trustworthy companies like ours. In Greece, meanwhile, the crisis is in many ways As a Group focused on long-term, non-speculafar from over. Over-tonnage and a slump in both tive investment, these have proven to by condicargo and passenger volumes have plunged tions in which the Grimaldi Group can thrive. operators deep into the red. Before the crisis, Just look at our fleet: over the last five years we around three million passengers travelled by sea have grown from 85 units to 103, with another every year between Greece and Italy. Today, the 11 set for delivery. Our vessels are on average 11 years old, commarket is half that size. pared to the industry average of between 20 and The sensible reaction to this shrinkage would be 25. We are this year investing Euro 100 million to reduce capacity. Our group company Minoan in green technologies such as hydrodynamic Lines has already contributed to the much-needcoatings, re-blading and scrubbers. ed rebalance of the market by withdrawing from This has all taken place alongside a series of the Venice/ Greece route and chartering out or excellent financial results. Since the depths of the selling six ships. Minoan Lines today deploys no crisis we have managed to increase turnover by more than five ships on Greek seas, of which 30% in what are mostly stable markets. three are the largest ro/pax vessels in operation Since 2011 we have on average enjoyed a 40% in the Mediterranean. increase in our consolidated net result every year. With support from its mother company, Minoan Cashflow has been healthy, and equity is up. Lines is now lean and mean. We are expecting a Looking forward, the next 12 months are likely breakeven result, or better, for 2014. to see more radical change in two of our key Other inefficient players have on the other hand markets: northern Europe and Greece. refused to consolidate and are still stubbornly The 0.1% sulphur emissions control areas clinging on – operating ships that are up to 40 rules that will apply in the North Sea, Baltic and years old. Just think of the potential risks for the English channel from January are set to split the environment, passengers and employees. shortsea industry into two classes: operators that Finnlines in the Baltic and Minoan in Greece are can still compete, and those that will struggle. laying down the benchmark for their respective Finnlines, our Helsinki-listed flagship, is sure to sectors. In the turbulent years that are sure to fall into the former category thanks in part to a Euro 1 billion investment in economies of scale come, we expect them to emerge as winners. Fleet development Grande Lagos delivered O n the 1st of September the Grimaldi Group took delivery of the m/vessel “Grande Lagos” from the South Korean dockyards of Hyundai Mipo, in the city of Ulsan. Launched on the 10 th of March, it is the first in a series of six ro/ro multipurpose vessels ordered by the Group to Hyundai Mipo. With a gross tonnage of 31,600 tonnes and a length of 236 metres, the “Grande Lagos” has a loading capacity of 5,700 linear metres and cargo types which include cars, vans, trucks and earth moving equipment. Furthermore, the new vessel has 1,800 TEUs and is equipped with two cranes on the weather deck with an outreach of 43 metres, each with the ability to load cargo up to 40 tonnes. This new series of vessels has a close to 50% increased loading capacity com- pared to the previous generation of ves- gramme to focus on reducing the envi- sels built by the Group, at the same yard. ronmental footprint. As from mid Octo- These vessels are designed to achieve ber, the m/vessel “Grande Lagos” will significant fuel efficiency and operational be deployed on the North Europe/West flexibility, in line with the Group’s pro- Africa service. GNE WS 3 Investments The Grimaldi Group further invests in the port of Livorno The Group joins forces with the Fremura family and enters the share capital of the terminal operator Sintermar, managed together with the Neri Group T he Grimaldi Group, in partnership with the Fremura family, which has a long experience in terminal operations and shipping agency activities, has announced a joint investment in the port of Livorno, with an aim of strengthening terminal facilities, including those for ro/ ro traffic. Particularly, Atlantica S.p.A. di Navi- 4 GNE WS gazione, a company part of the Group, recently entered the capital of CO.I.FI. srl., a company of the Fremura Group, through a subscription of a capital increase. Among its various investments, the company CO.I.FI. Srl has a 50% participation in the share capital of Sintermar S.p.A. (a same percentage is held by the Neri Group), a terminal operator active PORTBURY SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG EMDEN FLUSHING ANTWERP FOS LIVORNO SAVONA CIVITAVECCHIA SALERNO BARCELONA YENIKOY DERINCE GEMLIK VALENCIA SETUBAL TUNIS TANGIER PALERMO CATANIA MERSIN LATTAKIA & TARTOUS MALTA BEIRUT & TRIPOLI TRIPOLI / AL KHOMS ALEXANDRIA Short Sea Services in the port of Livorno. “The alliance with a leading company such as the Grimaldi Group, is a pride for us and confirms the constant commitment of our family on the development of the port of Livorno,” says Marcello Fremura, Chairman of the Fremura Group. “The port of Livorno is a strategic hub for our Group, both for our traffic flows of new vehicles and for the network of Motorways of the Sea that we have developed in recent years,” states Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Director of the Grimaldi Group, together with his brother Gianluca. “Through this new investment, we confirm our willingness to put down roots in the port of Livorno, thus helping Euro Med Network to develop more traffic flows and generate new jobs,” concludes Emanuele Grimaldi. The Grimaldi Group has been present in the port of Livorno since 1968 and is represented by the shipping agency L.V. Ghianda srl, of which it is the majority shareholder. Currently, the Grimaldi Group serves Livorno with ro/ro vessels and traditional ferries, connecting it, directly or indirectly, to more than 120 ports served by the Neapolitan Group worldwide. Last year, the Grimaldi Group handled in the port of Livorno 238,000 units between cars, vans, trucks and trailers, an increase of 6% compared to the previ- ous year. Besides freight, about 60,000 passengers were also transported to and from Livorno. In 2014, the number of calls in the port of Livorno are expected to be approximately 770 and about 34,000 shift / man are due to be reached. Moreover, about 300,000 units (between cars, vans, trucks and trailers) are estimated to be handled, an increase of 27% compared to 2013. In particular, the volume of trailers is expected to increase by 120% compared to 2011. These data are particularly relevant, bearing in mind the current economic situation and the crisis in the automotive sector. GNE WS 5 Achievements The Group’s Cruise Ferries among the safest in Europe According to a recent survey conducted by ADAC, Germany’s largest automobile club A s a result of a recent survey conducted by ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club), the largest automobile club in Germany and the Adriatic Sea. tively, by Grimaldi Lines on the route As part of the EuroTest consumer pro- between Civitavecchia and Barcelona tection programme in which ADAC ad- and by Minoan Lines, a Grimaldi Group heres along with 17 other partner clubs Company, on the Trieste-Ancona-Igou- in Europe, last May independent and in- menitsa-Patras route. By receiving this ternationally recognised experts in the “Very Good” rating, they distinguished maritime sector boarded the vessels as themselves from other ferries for their normal tourists to observe the condition modern safety, life-saving, firefighting of the ferries as well as safety equipment and fire prevention procedures. The accessible to passengers. After this in- crew was judged on professionalism cognito exercise, the experts identified and emergency situations, in particular, Europe, the cruise ferries “Cruise Bar- themselves to the Master and crew. An simulated fires in the disco and on the celona” and “Cruise Europa” ranked inspection of the vessels’ documentation car decks of the “Cruise Barcelona” and among the top six ferries with state-of-art safety standards in Europe. The survey and further fire drills were performed. “Cruise Europa” were promptly dealt with The EuroTest consumer protection pro- by the crew. was made in cooperation with EuroTest gramme and ADAC adheres along with and focused on the safety facilities of 18 17 other partner clubs in Europe. loss of lives, is a priority for our Group,” passenger ferries operating in the North The vessels “Cruise Barcelona” and declared Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Sea, the Baltic, the Mediterranean and “Cruise Europa” are deployed, respec- Director of the Grimaldi Group., together “Ensuring safety at sea, and preventing a with his brother Gianluca.“We are very pleased with the positive evaluation of the ADAC experts which recognises the commitment and continuous investments of the Grimaldi Group in staff training and technological advanced equipments”. Built between 2008 and 2010 at the Fincantieri shipyard of Castellammare di Stabia, the cruise ferries of the Grimaldi Group have been designed with environmental and energy saving requirements. To underline their environmental friendliness, the vessels are “Green Star” certified by the Italian Naval Registry (RINA) which identifies ships designed, build and run to ensure the maximum respect for the environment. The annotations “Clean Air” and “Clean Sea”, in fact, confirm that such vessels do not release any liquid or solid residual in sea waters. 6 GNE WS Achievements Brilliant students awarded by the Group O n the 4th of September, in a short ceremony held at the headquarters of the Grimaldi Group, two students of the nautical institute “Duca Degli Abruzzi”, located in Pozzuoli near Naples, were awarded by the Grimaldi Group for being the best graduates of the year. Donna Paola Grimaldi, wife of late founder of the Group Guido Grimaldi, handed over the award to the winners Gaetano D’Ambra and Raffaele Caucci, respectively the best student for the deck and engine sectors. Together with the award, each student received a € 1.000 scholarship, dedicated to Guido Grimaldi, as well as the possibility to embark on the Group’s vessels. Late Guido Grimaldi has been himself a brilliant student of the nautical institute “Duca degli Abruzzi” where the aula magna is dedicated to the founder of the Grimaldi Group. Rtm Carrier Quality Award for Acl A tlantic Container Line (ACL) recently received the 2013 Ryder Transportation Management (RTM) Carrier Quality Award for International Maritime Commerce. The award reflects quantitative metrics of on-time service, claims performance, customer service, technology, economic value and innovation. The RTM carrier process measures transportation provider performance for the selection and growth of carriers who can best deliver superior service and value to Ryder. ACL is honored to be recognized by Ryder Corporation. It is one of the only carriers that chronicles its quality performance yearly, with a 12-month recap brochure, “Focus on Performance”. GNE WS 7 events Italian Ambassador visits the port of esbjerg O n the 16th September the Ambassador of Italy to Denmark Mr Stefano Queirolo Palmas and his wife Ornella Cuppone visited Esbjerg. On this occasion the Ambassador met Henrik Otto Jensen, Managing Director of Niels Winther, the agency representing the Grimaldi Group in the port, and visited the m/vessel “Grande Scandinavia”. The Ambassador and his wife were welcomed on board by Master Gian Paolo Rossini and eight Italian training officers. They were given a guided vessel tour, a port tour and a visit to the Maritime Museum. The ro/ro multipurpose vessel “Grande Scandinavia” is deployed on the Euromed route linking, on a weekly basis and at fixed-day departures, Northern Europe to the Mediterranean. One of the ports served is Esbjerg, on the western coast of Jutland, where Scandinavian Autologistics (SAL), a joint venture between the Grimaldi Group and Niels Winther, operates a ro/ro terminal fully equipped with a PDI centre and a storage area for rolling cargo and containers. Come and visit Grimaldi Group in the next Fairs around Europe… FRUIT ATTRACTION MADRID 15 / 17 October 2014 Hall 5 stand 5e06e LOGITRANS ISTANBUL 19 / 21 November 2014 Hall 9 stand 412 W CONECTA BARCELONA 14 / 15 November 2014 FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015 BERLIN 4 / 6 February 2015 GRIMALDI GROUP NEWS Facebook’s Newest Data Center shipped by ACL A CL transported the first components of Facebook’s newest Data Center. The first of ten shipments, the multiple modules and parts, recently sailed from Norfolk, Virginia to Goteborg on board the m/vessel Atlantic Concert. The server farm modules, 13.36 metres long, 2.74 metres wide and 3.45 metres high, were lashed and secured onto 60’ mafi trailers. Upon arrival, the first phase of the project was quickly processed and discharged for installation at Facebook’s Lulea, Sweden server farm. The first plant outside the United States will be located 100 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle in Lulea, Sweden. The data center will consist of three 28,000-square meter server buildings. The site will utilize 120 MW of energy, fully derived from hydropower. Many server farms rely on chiller systems, Facebook’s will use an advanced cooling system powered by evaporating water. For around eight months of the year, the plant will cool itself using the icy outside air. Yacht on board m/v Eurocargo Livorno O n the 24th of May a yacht embarked on board the m/vessel “Eurocargo Livorno”, on the short sea route linking Genoa with Patras. The yacht’s length was 15.20 metres, 4.51 metres wide with a height of 5,15 metres. The shipper was Jas Project SPA. Three trains from Valencia to Cagliari O n the 15th of July three trains were loaded on board m/vessel “Eurocargo Alexandria”. They were shipped from Valencia on the short sea route linking the Spanish port to Cagliari (Sardinia). One convoy measured 37 metres in length, with a weight of 110 tonnes. The other two 100-tonne trains were each 33 metres long, with a height of 4.8 meters. A Lamborghini Huracan opts for Minoan Lines A Huracan Lamborghini car was shipped on the 2nd of July by Minoan Lines, a Grimaldi Group company, from Ancona to Patras. This Lamborghini is the last of its model year to be transported. Off-shore motorboats on board “Cruise Barcelona” O n the 11th of September ten offshore motorboats were shipped on board the m/vessel “Cruise Barcelona” from Barcelona to Civitavecchia. Each motorboat mesured 12 metres in length and was loaded together with its support vehicle. GNEWS 9 VITORIA OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 27 3225 5663 [email protected] SANTOS OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 13 3202 2000 [email protected] SALVADOR OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 71 3241 4990 [email protected] RIO GRANDE OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 53 3231 1355 [email protected] RIO DE JANEIRO & SEPETIBA OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 21 3849 5858 [email protected] PARANAGUA OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 41 3423 1066 [email protected] BRAZIL ITAJAI OCEANUS AG. MARITIMAS Tel +55 47 348 5222 [email protected] CONGO POINTE NOIRE SDV/SAGA Tel: +242 05 7750704 CONGO (EX ZAIRE) KINSHASA FULL TRANSIT Tel +243 88 40113 [email protected] COTE D’IVOIRE ABIDJAN Tel: +225 20 30 59 48 [email protected] MATADI FULL TRANSIT Tel +243 88 74171 [email protected] CYPRUS LIMASSOL MANDA NAVIGATION CO Tel +357 25- 567070 [email protected] HULL BLYTH ARAOUZOS Tel +357 25 362223 DENMARK COPENHAGEN MOTORSHIPS AGENCIES Tel +45 39 296800 [email protected] ESBJERG NIELS WINTHER & CO. Tel +45 75 128355 [email protected] ITALY ANCONA MINOAN AGENCIES SRL Tel +39 071 201708 [email protected] TRIESTE AGEMAR SRL Tel +39 040 363737/ 3229793 [email protected] INTERSEA S.R.L.- DEEP SEA LINES Tel: +39 010 5361890 [email protected] LIVORNO L.V. GHIANDA Tel +39 0586 82681 [email protected] MONFALCONE CETAL Tel +39 0481 40624 [email protected] PORTO TORRES MEC SHIPPING Tel +39 079 523688 [email protected] RAVENNA INTERMARINE SHIPPING Tel +39 0544 600211 [email protected] FINNLINK NAANTALI Tel +358 (0)10 436 7620 [email protected] FINLAND HELSINKI (HEADQUARTERS) Tel +358 (0)10 343 50 [email protected] Finnlines LÜBECK MALTA SULLIVAN MARITIME Tel +356 21226873 [email protected] MONTENEGRO BAR INTERLOG TEL +382 30 313 932 e-mail: [email protected] NETHERLANDS ROTTERDAM BROEKMAN MOTORSHIPS Tel +31 10 487 3911 [email protected] PARAGUAY ASUNCION S.M.I. Tel + 595 21 497 933 [email protected] SIERRA LEONE FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE SHIPPING AGENCIES Tel + 232 22 223453 [email protected] SINGAPORE RICHFIELD MARINE AGENCIES Tel +65 6880 2900 [email protected] SIRIA LATTAKIA BAHHAR Tel +963 41470171 [email protected] Tel +49 (0)451 1507 0 [email protected] HARBOUR SOUTH AMERICA Tel + 598 2917 0056 [email protected] URUGUAY MONTEVIDEO GRIMALDI AGENCIES UK Tel +44 1375 844 305 [email protected] TILBURY GRIMALDI AGENCIES UK Tel +44 2380 210 250 grimaldi.southampton@ grimaldi.co.uk SOUTHAMPTON SHEERNESS See Tilbury Office OSPREY SHIPPING Tel +44 1275 374636 [email protected] PORTBURY - BRISTOL ACL/GRIMALDI DEPT Tel +44 151 472 8113 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM LIVERPOOL FINNLINK AB GRÄDDÖ Tel +46 (0)176 207 600 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM HULL Tel +44 (0)1482 377 655 [email protected] www.finnlines.com TOGO LOMÉ Tel +228 22 273 23132 [email protected] TUNISIA TUNIS Tel +216 71469070 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM LONDON Tel +44 20 79305683 www.grimaldi.co.uk USA WESTFIELD, NJ Tel +1 908 518 5300 [email protected] TARTOUS BAHHAR Tel +963 43325000 [email protected] SLOVENIA KOPER AGEMAR Tel +386 5 6641 897/748 [email protected] SPAIN BILBAO AGENCIA MARITIMA CONDEMINAS NORTE Tel +34 94 4232619 linearegular.bio@ amcondeminas.com SWITZERLAND BASEL OZEAN BROKERAGE & SHIPPING Tel +41 61 319 00 00 [email protected] TURKEY IZMIR AND GEMLIK EGEKONT Tel +90 232 4777722 [email protected] UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DUBAI RAIS HASSAN SAADI GROUP Tel +971 4 3521515 [email protected] POLAND GDYNIA Tel +48 (0)58 627 4239 [email protected] SPAIN MADRID Tel +34 917500707 [email protected] SWEDEN REDERI AB NORDÖ-LINK MALMÖ Tel +46 (0)40 176 800 [email protected] SPAIN MADRID Tel +34 91 2044220 [email protected] VALENCIA Tel +34 96 3061300 [email protected] BARCELONA Tel +34 93 5020400 grimaldibarcelona@grimaldilogistica. com SWEDEN GOTHENBURG Tel +46 31 607280 [email protected] BELGIUM BEVEREN Tel +32 (0)3 570 9530 [email protected] DENMARK AARHUS Tel +45 86 206 650 [email protected] GERMANY TANGERI Tel +212 531 111111 sales.tng@ grimaldimaroc.com NIGERIA LAGOS Tel +234 1 279 08802 [email protected] PORTUGAL LISBOA Tel +351 21 3216300 [email protected] SENEGAL DAKAR Tel +221 33889 0490 [email protected] SALERNO AG. MAR. MICHELE AUTUORI Tel +39 089 230311 [email protected] SAVONA MARITTIMA SPEDIZIONI Tel +39 019 821375 agenzia.sv@ marittimaspedizioni.it TRIESTE AGEMAR Tel +39 040 363737 [email protected] VENICE TEAM SHIPPING AGENCY Tel + 39 041 2609011 [email protected] LEBANON BEIRUT ABOURJEILY SHIP MANAGEMENT SARL Tel +961.1.449010 [email protected] LIBERIA MONROVIA UMARCO CORPORATION Tel: +231 77 05 96 35 [email protected] LIBYA TRIPOLI LIBYA SHIPPING AGENCY Tel: +218 21 340 2528 [email protected] www.minoan.gr MARSEILLE Tel +33491399320 [email protected] GERMANY HAMBURG Tel +49 40 789 7070 [email protected] GHANA TEMA Tel +233 303 214091 [email protected] MOROCCO CASABLANCA Tel +212 522 408 408 [email protected] Tel +39 081 496111 • [email protected] • www.grimaldi.napoli.it CAGLIARI CARIMAR Tel + 39 070 684441 [email protected] CIVITAVECCHIA ATLANTICA CIVITAVECCHIA Tel +39 0766 21621 [email protected] GENOVA MARITTIMA SPEDIZIONI Tel +39 019 821375 [email protected] IGOUMENITSA MINOAN IGOUMENITSA PORT AGENCY Tel +30 26650 24404 / 23077 [email protected] CORFU PATRAS TRAVEL CORFU Tel +30 26610 39112 / 38712 [email protected] FRANCE LE HAVRE Tel +33 2 3525 9010 [email protected] VITORIA Tel +55 27 3235 1401 CAMEROON DOUALA SOCOMAR Tel +237 3424550 [email protected] SÃO PAULO Tel +55 11 3046 9844 [email protected] GUINEA CONAKRY GETMA GUINEE Tel +224 413205 [email protected] IRELAND DUBLIN OCEAN & GENERAL MARITIME AGENCIES Tel +353 1 278 1188 [email protected] CORK DUNKERQUE OCEAN & GENERAL SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE DE MARITIME AGENCIES CONSIGNATION Tel +353 21 4370000 [email protected] Tel +33 3 2858 0531 [email protected] ISRAEL TEL AVIV GABON ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING LIBREVILLE Tel +972 3 5640202 GETMA [email protected] Tel +241 702 814 ASHDOD [email protected] ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING GAMBIA Tel +972 8 8513333 [email protected] BANJUL GAMBIA SHIPPING AGENCY HAIFA ALLALOUF AND CO. SHIPPING Tel +220 4 227518 Tel +972 4 8611811 [email protected] [email protected] GREECE ITALY PATRAS/CORINTH BRINDISI PATRAS SHIPPING AGENCIES DISCOVERY SHIPPING SRL Tel +30 2610 426000 Tel +39 0831 527667 [email protected] [email protected] GREECE HERAKLION (HEADQUARTERS) Tel +30 2810 399 800 [email protected] PIRAEUS Tel + 30 210 414 5700 [email protected] PATRAS/CORINTH PATRAS SHIPPING Tel +30 2610 426000 [email protected] EGYPT ALEXANDRIA MARINA SHIPPING AGENCY Tel +20 3 486 3647/485 6972 [email protected] FRANCE MARSEILLE AMARSUD Tel +33 4 9115 4400 [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM LIVERPOOL Tel +44 151 472 8000 [email protected] SWEDEN GOTHENBURG Tel +46 31 64 5500 [email protected] Minoan Lines BENIN COTONOU Tel +229 21 316728 [email protected] BRAZIL BELO HORIZONTE Tel +55 31 3427 5767 [email protected] CURITIBA Tel +55 41 3343 1352 [email protected] RIO DE JANEIRO Tel +55 21 2516 9005 [email protected] www.aclcargo.com ROME Tel +39 06 4208 3567 [email protected] ANGOLA LUANDA Tel +244 222 310 500 [email protected] ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES Tel + 54 11 5353 0940 [email protected] BELGIUM ANTWERP Tel +32 3 5459430 [email protected] BELGIUM ANTWERP Tel +323 221 2050 dtlelemans@aclcargo. com GERMANY HAMBURG Tel +49 40 361 303 0 [email protected] Grimaldi Agents USA WESTFIELD, NJ (HEADQUARTERS) Tel +1 908-518-5300 [email protected] VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Tel +1 757 518 8561 [email protected] CANADA HALIFAX Tel +1 902 420 9259 [email protected] ACL MILAN Tel +39 02 89093917 PALERMO Tel +39 091 6113564 [email protected] GENOA Tel +39 010 8567291 [email protected] ITALY CATANIA Tel: +39 095 5862230 [email protected] Headquarters: Via Marchese Campodisola, 13 • 80133 NAPOLI (Italy) Worldwide Branches Own e rs ’ R e pre s e n t a t i ve s a n d A g e n t s Schedules subject to changes without notice ITALY>SPAIN CAGLIARI>VALENCIA CAGLIARI>VALENCIA CAGLIARI>VALENCIA CIVITAVECCHIA>BARCELONA LIVORNO>BARCELONA LIVORNO>BARCELONA LIVORNO>VALENCIA PORTO TORRES>BARCELONA SALERNO>VALENCIA SALERNO>VALENCIA SALERNO>VALENCIA SAVONA>BARCELONA SAVONA>VALENCIA SPAIN>ITALY BARCELONA>CIVITAVECCHIA BARCELONA>LIVORNO BARCELONA>LIVORNO BARCELONA>LIVORNO BARCELONA>PORTO TORRES BARCELONA>SAVONA BARCELONA>SAVONA VALENCIA>CAGLIARI VALENCIA>CAGLIARI VALENCIA>CAGLIARI VALENCIA>LIVORNO VALENCIA>LIVORNO VALENCIA>LIVORNO VALENCIA>SALERNO VALENCIA>SALERNO VALENCIA>SALERNO VALENCIA>SAVONA VALENCIA>SAVONA VALENCIA>SAVONA ITALY>GREECE BRINDISI>IGOUMENITSA BRINDISI>IGOUMENITSA BRINDISI>IGOUMENITSA BRINDISI>PATRAS BRINDISI>PATRAS CATANIA>PATRAS GENOA>PATRAS LIVORNO>PATRAS RAVENNA>PATRAS RAVENNA>PATRAS RAVENNA>PATRAS RAVENNA>IGOUMENITSA RAVENNA>IGOUMENITSA RAVENNA>IGOUMENITSA RAVENNA>IGOUMENITSA GREECE>ITALY IGOUMENITSA>BRINDISI IGOUMENITSA>BRINDISI IGOUMENITSA>BRINDISI IGOUMENITSA>RAVENNA IGOUMENITSA>RAVENNA IGOUMENITSA>RAVENNA IGOUMENITSA>RAVENNA PATRAS>BRINDISI PATRAS>CATANIA PATRAS>GENOA PATRAS>LIVORNO PATRAS>RAVENNA PATRAS>RAVENNA PATRAS>RAVENNA PATRAS>RAVENNA PATRAS>RAVENNA ITALY>TUNISIA CIVITAVECCHIA>TUNIS GENOA>TUNIS GENOA>TUNIS LIVORNO>TUNIS LIVORNO>TUNIS Loading>Discharging ports M M M M/P M M/P M M/P M M M M M M/P M M/P M M/P M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M M M M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M M M M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P M M M M Departure Arrival Time 20:00 16:30 13:00 20:00 13:00 13:00 19:30 06:00 19:30 12:00 18:00 19:30 12:00 18:00 19:30 23:59 01:30 23:30 06:00 01:00 01:00 09:30 17:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 22:00 17:00 17:00 23:59 17:00 17:00 22:00 20:00 01:00 06:00 13:00 22:30 13:00 22:30 13:00 09:30 09:30 08:00 07:00 11:00 12:30 12:00 08:30 13:00 08:30 01:30 07:00 11:00 12:30 12:00 11:00 04:30 01:00 22:30 13:00 08:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 12:30 22:30 05:00 04:00 15:00 21:30 03:00 22:15 18:45 08:00 08:00 23:59 20:00 08:00 17:00 22:15 10:30 08:00 23:00 08:00 08:00 20:00 22:00 02:00 07:00 14:00 16:00 23:59 08:00 20:00 08:00 20:00 17:00 20:00 20:30 02:00 06:00 14:00 11:30 23:59 23:00 20:00 23:00 20:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 15:30 19:00 02:00 07:00 22:15 18:15 18:00 22:00 23:30 20:00 18:00 08:00 06:30 18:15 20:00 19:00 04:30 07:00 14:00 13:00 03:00 22:00 03:00 08:00 Time 10:30 19:30 10:30 20:00 18:00 16:00 23:30 17:00 23:59 17:00 17:30 17:30 13:30 13:30 19:30 03:00 13:00 19:30 12:00 02:00 M M M M M M M M M M M M Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MP= Freight-Passengers; M= Freight only 20:30 13:00 18:00 M M M M/P M/P M/P M/P 18:00 07:00 17:00 23:59 M M M M M M M M M M M/P M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M/P M/P M/P M M M M M M M M/P M/P Departure Time Arrival Time 17:00 08:30 22:30 07:00 22:00 07:00 02:00 01:30 17:00 01:30 22:00 01:30 22:30 10:30 19:30 08:30 19:30 09:00 12:00 08:30 22:15 05:30 20:00 09:00 20:00 10:00 19:30 09:00 17:00 20:30 23:00 23:59 22:00 23:59 20:00 03:00 20:00 03:00 04:00 09:00 05:00 10:00 06:00 09:00 01:00 23:59 06:00 03:00 06:00 03:00 21:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 06:00 07:00 14:00 07:00 21:00 19:00 09:00 23:59 06:00 23:59 14:00 13:00 09:00 19:30 19:00 07:00 11:30 18:45 19:30 16:00 19:30 09:30 19:30 10:30 19:30 08:30 20:00 13:00 04:30 22:00 14:00 07:30 12:00 21:30 23:00 09:30 Palermo Catania Malta TTripoli ripoli / Al Khoms TTunis unis Porto TTorres orres Cagliari Salerno Brindisi Heraklionn Heraklio Patras Pa tras Piraeus Igoumenitsaa Igoumenits Benghazi Bar M e di t e rra n e a n Sh ort Se a Ne t work TTangier angier Valencia Barcelona Genoa Ravenna Savona Ancona Livorno Civitavecchiaa Civitavecchi TTrieste rieste (**) Minoan Lines, a Grimaldi Group Company, operates ro/ro passenger services between Trieste, Ancona, Igoumenitsa, Patras and between Piraeus and Heraklion. For further information: www.minoan.gr CATANIA>GENOA CATANIA>GENOA CATANIA>GENOA CATANIA>LIVORNO CATANIA>LIVORNO CATANIA>LIVORNO CATANIA>SALERNO CATANIA>SALERNO CATANIA>RAVENNA CATANIA>RAVENNA CIVITAVECCHIA>PORTO TORRES GENOA>CATANIA GENOA>CATANIA GENOA>CATANIA GENOA>CATANIA GENOA>PALERMO GENOA>PALERMO GENOA>PALERMO GENOA>PALERMO LIVORNO>CATANIA LIVORNO>CATANIA LIVORNO>CATANIA LIVORNO>PALERMO LIVORNO>PALERMO LIVORNO>PALERMO PALERMO>GENOA PALERMO>GENOA PALERMO>GENOA PALERMO>GENOA PALERMO>LIVORNO PALERMO>LIVORNO PALERMO>LIVORNO PALERMO>LIVORNO PALERMO>SALERNO PALERMO>SALERNO PORTO TORRES>CIVITAVECCHIA RAVENNA>BRINDISI RAVENNA>CATANIA RAVENNA>CATANIA SALERNO>CATANIA SALERNO>CAGLIARI SALERNO>CAGLIARI SALERNO>CAGLIARI SALERNO>PALERMO SALERNO>PALERMO Loading>Discharging ports Freight-Passengers Freight only Minoan Lines 09:30 10:30 08:30 09:00 11:30 20:30 06:00 12:00 09:30 07:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 21:00 22:00 18:15 18:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 01:30 01:30 14:30 M M M 12:00 16:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 12:00 12:00 04:00 06:00 06:00 04:00 04:00 06:00 05:00 04:00 06:00 06:00 04:00 20:00 22:00 23:59 17:45 04:00 05:00 07:00 20:00 20:00 17:00 19:30 07:00 07:00 13:00 19:00 13:00 15:00 07:00 19:30 07:00 M M M M M M M M M M 17:00 01:30 17:00 01:30 16:00 01:30 17:00 17:00 01:30 Time 13:00 22:30 13:00 22:30 M M M M M/P M/P M/P M/P M/P Arrival Time 01:00 11:30 12:00 23:00 M M M M M M M M M M M Departure M/P M/P M/P M/P (via Cat)=via Catania; (via Civ)=via Civitavecchia; (via M)=via Malta; (via Pmo)=via Palermo; PALERMO>TUNIS PALERMO>TUNIS SALERNO>TUNIS (VIA PMO) SALERNO>TUNIS (VIA PMO) TUNISIA>ITALY TUNIS>GENOA TUNIS>GENOA TUNIS>LIVORNO TUNIS>LIVORNO TUNIS>CIVITAVECCHIA TUNIS>PALERMO TUNIS>PALERMO TUNIS>SALERNO (VIA PMO) TUNIS>SALERNO (VIA PMO) ITALY>MALTA CATANIA>MALTA CATANIA>MALTA CATANIA>MALTA CATANIA>MALTA LIVORNO>MALTA LIVORNO>MALTA LIVORNO>MALTA GENOA>MALTA GENOA>MALTA GENOA>MALTA SALERNO>MALTA MALTA>ITALY MALTA>CATANIA MALTA>CATANIA MALTA>CATANIA MALTA>CATANIA MALTA>GENOA MALTA>GENOA MALTA>GENOA MALTA>LIVORNO MALTA>LIVORNO MALTA>SALERNO ITALY>LIBYA LIVORNO>TRIPOLI/Al Khoms GENOA>TRIPOLI/Al Khoms SALERNO>TRIPOLI/Al Khoms LIBYA>ITALY TRIPOLI/Al Khoms>LIVORNO TRIPOLI/Al Khoms>GENOA TRIPOLI/Al Khoms>SALERNO LIBYA>MALTA TRIPOLI/Al Khoms>MALTA MALTA>TRIPOLI MOROCCO LINES LIVORNO>TANGIER TANGIER>LIVORNO BARCELONA>TANGIER TANGIER>BARCELONA ITALIAN DOMESTIC SERVICES BRINDISI>CATANIA BRINDISI>CATANIA BRINDISI>RAVENNA BRINDISI>RAVENNA CAGLIARI>SALERNO CAGLIARI>SALERNO CAGLIARI>SALERNO CATANIA>BRINDISI CATANIA>BRINDISI CATANIA>GENOA Loading>Discharging ports Schedules subject to changes without notice ANTWERP ANTWERP ANTWERP ANTWERP ANTWERP ANTWERP ZEEBRUGGE AARHUS AARHUS AARHUS AARHUS AARHUS HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI**** HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI HELSINKI KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA KOTKA RAUMA RAUMA RAUMA RAUMA RAUMA** RAUMA**** RAUMA** TURKU UUSIKAUPUNKI LÜBECK LÜBECK ROSTOCK ROSTOCK ROSTOCK ROSTOCK ROSTOCK ROSTOCK TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE HULL HULL HULL HULL HULL HULL IMMINGHAM IMMINGHAM IMMINGHAM IMMINGHAM TILBURY TILBURY TILBURY TILBURY BELGIUM GREAT BRITAIN GERMANY FINLAND DENMARK Loading Port Loading country THU THU THU THU FRI FRI WED TUE TUE TUE FRI FRI MON TUE TUE TUE WED THU THU FRI FRI FRI SAT SAT SAT SAT SAT SAT SUN THU THU WED WED THU FRI FRI FRI FRI TUE WED FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI MON WED FRI MON WED THU SAT SUN SUN WED SUN SUN SUN SAT WED WED WED WED SUN SUN SUN TUE TUE TUE TUE WED WED WED WED Discharging country FINLAND FINLAND POLAND RUSSIA FINLAND FINLAND SPAIN FINLAND GERMANY RUSSIA FINLAND GERMANY GREAT BRITAIN DENMARK GERMANY POLAND RUSSIA SPAIN SPAIN DENMARK GERMANY POLAND BELGIUM GERMANY GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIN 15:00 THE NETHERLANDS 14:00 RUSSIA 20:00 GERMANY 20:00 GERMANY 20:00 BELGIUM 14:00 GERMANY 15:30 SPAIN 22:00 GREAT BRITAIN 22:00 GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIN 22:00 THE NETHERLANDS 15:00 GERMANY 15:30 GREAT BRITAIN 23:00 GERMANY 23:00 GERMANY 15:30 SPAIN 15:30 SPAIN 15:30 SPAIN 24:00 GERMANY 19:00 GERMANY 15:00 FINLAND 20:00 FINLAND 21:00 FINLAND 08:00 FINLAND 08:00 DENMARK 20:00 FINLAND 19:00 DENMARK 04:00 FINLAND 17:00 FINLAND 18:00 FINLAND 18:00 FINLAND 18:00 FINLAND 18:00 FINLAND 17:00 FINLAND 14:00 BELGIUM 14:00 FINLAND 14:00 THE NETHERLANDS 18:00 FINLAND 18:00 FINLAND 18:00 RUSSIA 23:00 BELGIUM 23:00 FINLAND 14:00 FINLAND 23:00 THE NETHERLANDS BELGIUM FINLAND THE NETHERLANDS Via Helsinki RUSSIA 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30 18:00 18:00 14:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 22:00 22:00 20:00 19:00 19:00 21:30 16:00 15:30 15:30 22:00 22:00 21:30 15:30 12:00 15:30 15:30 Departure hrs dep HELSINKI KOTKA GDYNIA ST. PETERSBURG HELSINKI RAUMA BILBAO HELSINKI ROSTOCK ST. PETERSBURG HELSINKI ROSTOCK HULL AARHUS ROSTOCK GDYNIA ST. PETERSBURG EL FERROL SANTANDER AARHUS ROSTOCK GDYNIA ANTWERP ROSTOCK HULL IMMINGHAM TILBURY AMSTERDAM ST. PETERSBURG LÜBECK ROSTOCK ZEEBRUGGE LÜBECK BILBAO HULL IMMINGHAM TILBURY AMSTERDAM LÜBECK HULL LÜBECK ROSTOCK BILBAO EL FERROL SANTANDER TRAVEMÜNDE TRAVEMÜNDE UUSIKAUPUNKI UUSIKAUPUNKI HELSINKI HELSINKI AARHUS HELSINKI AARHUS HELSINKI UUSIKAUPUNKI TURKU RAUMA UUSIKAUPUNKI UUSIKAUPUNKI TURKU ANTWERP HELSINKI AMSTERDAM HELSINKI HELSINKI ST. PETERSBURG ANTWERP HELSINKI RAUMA AMSTERDAM ANTWERP HELSINKI AMSTERDAM ST. PETERSBURG Discharging port THU WED SAT TUE MON TUE MON THU WED MON MON SAT SUN THU THU WED THU SAT SAT/SUN MON SUN SAT FRI SUN WED TUE WED THU MON SAT SAT WED FRI MON WED TUE WED THU THU SUN MON MON MON SAT SAT/SUN SUN WED FRI MON WED THU THU MON MON TUE FRI TUE TUE TUE MON FRI FRI MON THU WED WED THU FRI MON TUE THU FRI MON THU THU Arrival 08:00 12:00 15:00 22:00 09:00 08:00 14:00 14:00 08:00 07:00 05:00 06:00 09:00 18:00 18:30 04:00 07:00 06:45 05:00 05:00 15:30 12:00 06:00 20:00 14:00 15:30 07:30 15:30 15:30 07:00 14:00 15:30 12:00 07:30 08:00 07:00 16:00 06:00 06:00 06:30 08:00 02:00 20:00 07:00 06:00 23:00 07:00 15:30 15:30 08:00 18:00 05:00 07:00 04:00 12:00 15:00 18:30 05:00 23:00 07:00 14:00 14:00 07:00 15:00 23:00 14:00 21:00 02:00 14:00 hrs arr Loading Port Travemünde MON 03:00 22:00 TUE 02:30 10:00 22:00 WED 02:30 10:00 22:00 THU 02:30 10:00 22:00 FRI 02:30 10:00 22:00 SAT 03:00 11:00 22:00 SUN 01:00 22:00 Departure Travemünde TUE 03:00 WED 03:00 THU 03:00 FRI 03:00 SAT 04:00 SUN 03:00 SUN 18:00 Departure Malmö 11:45 MON 07:00 TUE 11:15 TUE 19:00 TUE 07:00 WED 11:15 WED 19:00 WED 07:00 THU 11:15 THU 19:00 THU 07:00 FRI 11:15 FRI 19:00 FRI 07:00 SAT 11:45 SAT 20:00 SAT 07:00 SUN 10:15 SUN 07:00 MON Arrival Malmö MON 16:00 22:00 TUE 10:00 16:00 22:00 WED 10:00 16:00 22:00 THU 10:00 16:00 22:00 FRI 10:00 16:00 22:00 SAT 10:00 13:30 23:00 SUN 16:00 22:00 Departure Arrival Travemünde 00:45 TUE 07:00 TUE 19:00 TUE 00:45 WED 07:00 WED 19:00 WED 00:45 THU 07:00 THU 19:00 THU 00:45 FRI 07:00 FRI 19:00 FRI 00:45 SAT 07:00 SAT 19:00 SAT 23:00 SAT 08:30 SUN 01:15 MON 07:00 MON Långnäs Naantali MON 09:30 22:30 TUE 09:30 16:30 22:30 WED 09:30 16:30 22:30 THU 09:30 16:30 22:30 FRI 11:00 22:30 SAT 09:30 22:30 SUN 09:30 22:30 GERMANY RUSSIA Arrival Discharging port Arrival * BIWEEKLY - ** NEXT WEEK - *** WEEK AFTER NEXT - **** EVERY SECOND WEEK Arrival TUE 08:00 FRI 17:00 SAT 19:00 WED 20:00 Naantali 19:00 MON 07:15 TUE 10:00 TUE 19:00 TUE 07:15 WED 10:00 WED 19:00 WED 07:15 THU 10:00 THU 19:00 THU 07:15 FRI 10:00 FRI 19:00 FRI 07:15 SAT 19:00 SAT 07:15 SUN 19:00 SUN 07:15 MON Departure 02:10 02:25 02:10 02:25 13:45 14:00 02:10 02:25 02:10 02:25 02:10 02:25 02:10 02:25 02:10 02:25 Långnäs Arrival Depart. SWEDEN > FINLAND Kapellskär MON 09:15 21:45 TUE 01:00 09:15 21:45 WED 01:00 09:15 21:45 THU 01:00 09:15 21:45 FRI 01:00 09:15 21:45 SAT 09:15 21:45 SUN 09:15 21:45 Departure 09:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 07:00 18:30 09:00 07:00 06:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 14:00 07:00 06:00 02:00 20:00 07:30 06:00 07:00 06:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:00 15:00 06:00 15:30 07:00 hrs arr RUSSIA LÜBECK ST. PETERSBURG GERMANY ST. PETERSBURG LÜBECK Loading port Kapellskär 16:45 MON 06:00 TUE 16:45 TUE 23:15 TUE 06:00 WED 16:45 WED 23:15 WED 06:00 THU 16:45 THU 23:15 THU 06:00 FRI 18:15 FRI 06:00 SAT 16:45 SAT 06:00 SUN 16:45 SUN 06:00 MON TransRussiaExpress 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 03:35 03:50 Arrival Depart. FRI MON SUN MON THU THU TUE THU WED MON SAT SAT/SUN FRI SAT FRI WED TUE THU THU THU WED FRI TUE THU THU FRI TUE THU THU FRI TUE MON THU TUE THU Arrival FinnLink HELSINKI ST. PETERSBURG HULL HELSINKI ST. PETERSBURG AARHUS HELSINKI HELSINKI KOTKA BILBAO EL FERROL SANTANDER ANTWERP HELSINKI KOTKA HULL IMMINGHAM AMSTERDAM ANTWERP HELSINKI KOTKA RAUMA ST. PETERSBURG ANTWERP HELSINKI RAUMA ST. PETERSBURG ANTWERP HELSINKI RAUMA ST. PETERSBURG HELSINKI KOTKA RAUMA ST. PETERSBURG Discharging port FINLAND > SWEDEN FINLAND RUSSIA GREAT BRITAIN FINLAND RUSSIA DENMARK FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN BELGIUM FINLAND FINLAND GREAT BRITAIN GREAT BRITAIN THE NETHERLANDS BELGIUM FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND RUSSIA BELGIUM FINLAND FINLAND RUSSIA BELGIUM FINLAND FINLAND RUSSIA FINLAND FINLAND FINLAND RUSSIA Discharging country Departure 06:00 06:00 02:00 06:00 06:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 Helsinki WED 08:00 THU 08:00 FRI 08:00 SAT 08:00 SUN 09:00 MON 08:00 TUE 06:45 Arrival SWEDEN > GERMANY NordöLink Travemünde TUE 21:00 WED 21:00 THU 21:00 FRI 21:00 SAT 21:00 SUN 21:30 Arrival GERMANY > SWEDEN Helsinki MON 17:30 TUE 17:30 WED 17:30 THU 17:30 FRI 17:30 SAT 17:00 Departure THU THU FRI SUN SUN MON MON TUE TUE TUE TUE TUE THU THU THU THU THU THU MON MON MON MON MON SAT SAT SAT SAT SAT/SUN SAT/SUN SAT/SUN SAT/SUN THU THU THU THU Departure hrs dep GERMANY>FINLAND HansaLink FINLAND>GERMANY GDYNIA GDYNIA GDYNIA GDYNIA GDYNIA RUSSIA ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG*** ST.PETERSBURG** ST.PETERSBURG*** ST.PETERSBURG** ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG ST.PETERSBURG** SPAIN BILBAO BILBAO*** BILBAO(*)(**) BILBAO** BILBAO*** EL FERROL EL FERROL**** EL FERROL** EL FERROL**** SANTANDER SANTANDER** SANTANDER** SANTANDER** THE NETHERLANDS AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM POLAND Loading country Nort h Se a & B a l t i c R o-R o Schedules subject to changes without notice * BY TRANSHIPMENT PORTS OF CALL JACKSONVILLE SAVANNAH BALTIMORE NEW YORK (NYCT) NEW YORK (BAT) DAKAR BANJUL CONAKRY FREETOWN DOUALA PORT GENTIL LIBREVILLE POINT NOIRE LUANDA TAKORADI COTONOU LAGOS LOME TEMA MONROVIA ABIDJAN VESSEL GGU0714 14/Oct 15/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 01/Nov 20/Nov(*) 14/Nov(*) 12/Nov(*) 20/Nov(*) 18/Nov(*) 15/Nov(*) 11/Nov(*) 06/Nov 07/Nov 09/Nov 10/Nov 14/Nov 09/Nov(*) 04/Oct 05/Oct 08/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 22/Oct 20/Nov(*) 14/Nov(*) 12/Nov(*) 11/Nov(*) 18/Nov(*) 08/Nov(*) 04/Nov(*) 28/Oct 28/Oct 31/Oct(*) 31/Oct 03/Nov 09/Nov(*) GRANDE GUINEA GMA0714 GRANDE MAROCCO North America / West Africa Service Atlantic Network 18/Nov 19/Nov 30/Nov(*) 21/Nov 25/Nov 24/Nov(*) 16/Dec(*) 29/Nov(*) 25/Nov(*) 26/Oct 27/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 03/Nov 13/Nov 09/Dec(*) 01/Dec(*) 24/Nov(*) 02/Dec(*) GBN0814 GRANDE BENIN 30/Nov 01/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 08/Dec 07/Dec(*) 16/Dec(*) 06/Dec(*) 02/Dec(*) 07/Nov 08/Nov 11/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 25/Nov 09/Dec(*) 18/Dec(*) 06/Dec(*) 09/Dec(*) GCG0714 GRANDE CONGO 05/Oct 07/Oct 09/Oct 12/Oct 16/Oct 21/Oct 26/Oct 28/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 02/Nov(*) RBR0714 16/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov 23/Nov 27/Nov 02/Dec 07/Dec 09/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 12/Dec(*) RBR0814 24/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 28/Dec 01/Jan 05/Jan(*) 05/Jan 06/Jan 11/Jan(*) 08/Jan 12/Jan 05/Jan(*) 20/Jan(*) 17/Jan(*) 13/Jan(*) 11/Jan(*) 22/Jan(*) 30/Dec(*) 06/Jan(*) 20/Jan(*) 03/Jan(*) 30/Dec(*) 13/Dec 14/Dec 17/Dec 20/Dec 21/Dec 31/Dec 14/Jan(*) GBN0914 GRANDE BENIN 03/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 09/Nov 13/Nov 18/Nov 23/Nov 25/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 30/Nov(*) GRC0814 01/Dec 02/Dec 05/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 19/Dec 14/Jan(*) GGU0814 GRANDE GUINEA 20/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 26/Oct 30/Oct 04/Nov 09/Nov 11/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 14/Nov(*) RAG0814 15/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 21/Dec 25/Dec 30/Dec 04/Jan 06/Jan 08/Jan 09/Jan 08/Jan(*) GRC0914 17/Jan 18/Jan 20/Jan 21/Jan 25/Jan 18/Jan(*) 24/Jan(*) 20/Jan(*) 06/Feb(*) 27/Jan(*) 25/Dec 26/Dec 29/Dec 01/Jan 02/Jan 12/Jan GCG0814 12/Jan 14/Jan 15/Jan 18/Jan 22/Jan 27/Jan 01/Feb 03/Feb 05/Feb 06/Feb 14/Feb(*) RAG0115 29/Jan 30/Jan 06/Feb(*) 01/Feb 05/Feb 01/Feb(*) 06/Feb(*) 06/Jan 07/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 24/Jan GMA0115 GRANDE MAROCCO 28/Dec 30/Dec 01/Jan 04/Jan 08/Jan 13/Jan 18/Jan 20/Jan 22/Jan 23/Jan 25/Jan(*) RBR0914 GRANDE COSTA REPUBBLICA DEL REPUBBLICA DAVORIO BRASILE ARGENTINA GRANDE CONGO 01/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 07/Dec 11/Dec 16/Dec 21/Dec 23/Dec 25/Dec 26/Dec 28/Dec(*) RAG0914 GRANDE COSTA REPUBBLICA DEL REPUBBLICA DAVORIO BRASILE ARGENTINA Atlantic Network Quarterly Schedule 12/Dec 13/Dec 26/Dec(*) 15/Dec 19/Dec 21/Dec(*) 20/Jan(*) 20/Dec(*) 16/Dec(*) 19/Nov 20/Nov 23/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 07/Dec 19/Dec(*) 18/Dec(*) 18/Dec(*) 23/Dec(*) GMA0814 GRANDE MAROCCO VALENCIA MARSEILLE GENOA SALERNO CASABLANCA DAKAR ABIDJAN LAGOS COTONOU LOME TEMA PORTS OF CALL VESSEL REPUBBLICA DEL REPUBBLICA BRASILE ARGENTINA Mex Service North America / North Europe Service North Europe / South America Service North America / West Africa Service North Europe / West Africa Southern Express Service North Europe / West Africa Central Express Service North Europe / West Africa Northern Express Service Mex Service Schedules subject to changes without notice PORTS OF CALL 04/Nov 28/Oct GGH0614 30/Sep (*) 06/Oct 3/Oct (*) 08/Oct 10/Oct 30/09(*) 13/Oct 15/Oct 17/Oct 21/Oct 28/Oct 01/Nov GRA0614 18/Sep (*) 29/Sep 22/Sep (*) 01/Oct 03/Oct 23/09(*) 06/Oct 08/Oct 10/Oct 14/Oct 21/Oct 25/Oct GRANDE GHANA GRANDE ANGOLA 11/Nov 30/Sep (*) 13/Oct 3/Oct (*) 15/Oct 17/Oct 7/Oct(*) 20/Oct 22/Oct 24/Oct 28/Oct 04/Nov 08/Nov GSE0614 GRANDE SENEGAL 12/Oct(*) 20/Oct 3/Oct (*) 22/Oct 24/Oct 14/Oct(*) 27/Oct 29/Oct 31/Oct 04/Nov 11/Nov 15/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov GRT0714 GRANDE TOGO 25/Nov 12/Oct*) 27/Oct 3/Oct (*) 29/Oct 31/Oct 21/Oct(*) 03/Nov 05/Nov 07/Nov 11/Nov 18/Nov 22/Nov GLG0114 GRANDE LAGOS 16/Oct 09/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 12/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 20/Oct 24/Oct 29/Sep 30/Sep 02/Oct 04/Oct 23/Sep(*) 16/Oct 25/Sep 27/Sep 16/Sep(*) GAF0814 GAT0714 GNI0714 23/Sep 01/Nov 29/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 25/Oct 07/Oct 09/Oct 30/Sep(*) 05/Oct GRANDE AFRICA GRANDE ATLANTICO GRANDE NIGERIA 29/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 11/Oct 12/Oct 14/Oct 16/Oct 07/Oct(*) 27/Oct GAR0814 GRANDE ARGENTINA 10/Nov 12/Nov 02/Nov 02/Nov 03/Nov 04/Nov 06/Nov 19/Oct 21/Oct 14`/Oct(*) 17/Oct GSL0814 18/Nov 10/Nov 11/Nov 14/Nov * BY TRANSHIPMENT PORTS OF CALL TILBURY ANTWERP HAMBURG BILBAO LISBON DAKAR BANJUL CONAKRY FREETOWN VITORIA RIO DE JANEIRO SANTOS PARANAGUA PARANAGUA MONTEVIDEO ZARATE SANTOS RIO DE JANEIRO VITORIA DAKAR TILBURY ANTWERP HAMBURG VESSEL 14/Oct 03/Sep 07/Sep 10/Sep 01/Nov 10/Nov 22/Sep 24/Sep 27/Sep 22/Oct 24/Oct 30/Oct 13/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 19/Oct 22/Sep 24/Sep 27/Sep 16/09 (*) 16/9 (*) 05/Oct 06/Oct 07/Oct 03/Sep 07/Sep 10/Sep 26/08(*) 5/9 (*) 20/Sep 16/Oct 18/Sep 28/Sep 01/Oct 03/Oct 04/Oct GHA0614 GRANDE AMBURGO GBR0614 GRANDE BRASILE 22/Nov 03/Oct 05/Oct 08/Oct 11/Nov 13/Nov 03/Oct 05/Oct 08/Oct 23/09 (*) 8/10 (*) 16/Oct 16/Oct 18/Oct 12/Oct 26/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 01/Nov 10/Nov GAM0714 GRANDE AMERICA 22/Nov 14/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 16/Nov 18/Nov 31/Oct 02/Nov 28/Oct(*) 29/Oct GBR0714 GRANDE BRASILE 25/Nov 03/Dec 16/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 15/Nov 17/Nov 23/Nov 06/Nov 09/Nov 10/Nov 12/Nov 16/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 14/10(*) 22/10(*) 29/Oct 26/Oct GFR0814 GAF0914 07/Dec 04/Dec 26/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 30/Nov 17/Dec 28/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 06/Dec 08/Dec 20/Nov 23/Nov 24/Nov 26/Nov 05/Dec 12/Nov 28/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 21/10 (*) 29/10(*) 10/Nov GNI0814 11/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 08/Dec 16/Nov 17/Nov 19/Nov 21/Nov 11/Nov(*) 02/Dec GAR0914 GRANDE ARGENTINA 5/Nov (*) 17/Nov 9/Nov (*) 19/Nov 21/Nov 11/Nov(*) 24/Nov 26/Nov 28/Nov 02/Dec 09/Dec 13/Dec 16/Dec 18/Dec GRA0714 GRANDE ANGOLA 20/Dec 28/Dec 09/Nov 11/Nov 14/Nov 09/Dec 11/Dec 17/Dec 30/Nov 03/Dec 05/Dec 06/Dec 09/Nov 11/Nov 14/Nov 04/11 (*) 12/11(*) 22/Nov GRS0714 GRANDE SAN PAOLO 12/Nov 14/Nov 04/Nov(*) 10/Nov GRANDE NIGERIA 30/Nov 22/Nov 23/Nov 26/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 07/Nov 09/Nov 04/Nov(*) 20/Nov GAT0814 GRANDE AFRICA 09/Dec 5/Nov (*) 10/Nov 9/Nov (*) 12/Nov 14/Nov 4/Nov(*) 17/Nov 19/Nov 21/Nov 25/Nov 02/Dec 06/Dec GCA0714 GRANDE CAMEROON GRANDE ATLANTICO 02/Dec 12/Oct(*) 03/Nov 3/Oct (*) 05/Nov 07/Nov 28/Oct(*) 10/Nov 12/Nov 14/Nov 18/Nov 25/Nov 29/Nov GGA0614 GRANDE GABON GRANDE FRANCIA 23/Oct 24/Oct 26/Oct 28/Oct 21/Oct(*) 08/Nov GBA0714 GRANDE GRANDE SIERRA LEONE BUENOS AIRES North Europe/West Africa/South America Line PORTS OF CALL HAMBURG AMSTERDAM TILBURY ANTWERP BILBAO ABIDJAN LOME COTONOU LAGOS TEMA MONROVIA FREETOWN CONAKRY BANJUL VESSEL North Europe / West Africa Central Express Service AMSTERDAM HAMBURG TILBURY ANTWERP LEHAVRE BILBAO LEIXOES LISBON CASABLANCA DAKAR LUANDA POINT NOIRE LIBREVILLE DOUALA VESSEL North Europe / West Africa Southern Express Service 30/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 20/Dec 28/Nov 29/Nov 01/Dec 03/Dec 25/Nov(*) 14/Dec GBA0814 10/Jan 21/Nov 23/Nov 26/Nov 30/Dec 01/Jan 14/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 20/Dec 29/Dec 06/Dec 21/Nov 23/Nov 26/Nov 18/11 (*) 26/11(*) 04/Dec GHA0714 GRANDE AMBURGO 16/Dec 19/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 12/Dec 24/Nov 26/Nov 18/Nov(*) 22/Nov GSL0914 20/Dec 21/Dec 22/Dec 24/Dec 06/Dec 08/Dec 02/Dec(*) 04/Dec GBR0814 GRANDE BRASILE 06/Jan 17/Nov(*) 08/Dec 3/Dec (*) 10/Dec 12/Dec 02/Dec(*) 15/Dec 17/Dec 19/Dec 23/Dec 30/Dec 03/Jan GRT0814 GRANDE TOGO 12/Jan 20/Jan 03/Dec 05/Dec 08/Dec 02/Jan 04/Jan 10/Jan 23/Dec 26/Dec 28/Dec 30/Dec 03/Dec 05/Dec 08/Dec 25/11 (*) 10/12(*) 16/Dec GAM0814 GRANDE AMERICA 17/Nov(*) 01/Dec 21/Nov(*) 03/Dec 05/Dec 25/Nov(*) 08/Dec 10/Dec 12/Dec 16/Dec 23/Dec 27/Dec GSE0714 GRANDE SENEGAL GRANDE GRANDE SIERRA LEONE BUENOS AIRES 23/Dec 17/Nov(*) 24/Nov 21/Nov(*) 26/Nov 28/Nov 18/Nov(*) 01/Dec 03/Dec 05/Dec 09/Dec 16/Dec 20/Dec GGH0714 GRANDE GHANA GGA0115 01/Jan 02/Jan 03/Jan 05/Jan 18/Dec 20/Dec 09/Dec(*) 16/Dec 03/Feb 15/Dec 17/Dec 20/Dec 23/Jan 25/Jan 07/Jan 10/Jan 11/Jan 13/Jan 22/Jan 30/Dec 15/Dec 17/Dec 20/Dec 09/12 (*) 17/12(*) 28/Dec GFR0115 GRANDE GABON 05/Feb 14/Feb 27/Dec 29/Dec 01/Jan 26/Jan 28/Jan 03/Feb 16/Jan 19/Jan 21/Jan 23/Jan 27/Dec 29/Dec 01/Jan 23/12 (*) 31/12(*) 09/Jan GNI0115 03/Feb 23/Dec(*) 05/Jan 31/Dec(*) 07/Jan 09/Jan 30/Dec(*) 12/Jan 14/Jan 16/Jan 20/Jan 27/Jan 31/Jan GRA0115 GRANDE ANGOLA 21/Jan 22/Jan 25/Jan 03/Jan 04/Jan 06/Jan 08/Jan 30/Dec(*) 19/Jan GBA0115 27/Feb 08/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 16/Feb 18/Feb 31/Jan 03/Feb 05/Feb 06/Feb 15/Feb 24/Jan 08/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 30/12 (*) 14/1 (*) 21/Jan GRS0115 GRANDE SAN PAOLO 14/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan 19/Jan 30/Dec 01/Jan 23/Dec(*) 28/Dec GSL0115 GRANDE GRANDE SIERRA LEONE BUENOS AIRES 27/Jan 23/Dec(*) 29/Dec 27/Dec(*) 31/Dec 02/Jan 23/Dec(*) 05/Jan 07/Jan 09/Jan 13/Jan 20/Jan 24/Jan GCA0115 GRANDE CAMEROON GRANDE NIGERIA 09/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 22/Dec 23/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 23/Dec(*) 07/Jan GAR0115 GRANDE ARGENTINA 11/Dec(*) 22/Dec 14/Dec(*) 24/Dec 26/Dec 16/Dec(*) 29/Dec 31/Dec 02/Jan 06/Jan 13/Jan 17/Jan 20/Jan 22/Jan GAF0115 GRANDE AFRICA GRANDE FRANCIA 28/Dec 29/Dec 01/Jan 10/Dec 11/Dec 13/Dec 15/Dec 09/Dec(*) 26/Dec GAT0914 GRANDE ATLANTICO 13/Jan 11/Dec(*) 15/Dec 14/Dec(*) 17/Dec 19/Dec 09/Dec(*) 22/Dec 24/Dec 26/Dec 30/Dec 06/Jan 10/Jan GLG0214 GRANDE LAGOS Atlantic Network Quarterly Schedule Schedules subject to changes without notice Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Fixed Day VESSEL 08/14 VESSEL PORT OF CALL SPES EUROC. EUROC. FIDES ISTAN. VALENCIA RAVENNA 22/Sep 22/Sep 29/Sep 29/Sep VENICE 30/Sep KOPER 23/Sep 23/Sep 30/Sep 01/Oct MONFALCONE 24/Sep 24/Sep 01/Oct 02/Oct PIRAEUS 27/Sep 05/Oct IZMIR 28/Sep 05/Oct DERINCE GEMLIK 30/Sep 07/Oct LIMASSOL 29/Sep 07/Oct HAIFA 30/Sep 08/Oct ASHDOD 01/Oct 09/Oct ALEXANDRIA 02/Oct 10/Oct BAR 04/Oct 11/Oct 08/14 09/14 18/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 25/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 24/Oct 19/Oct 21/Oct 12/Oct 14/Oct 23/Oct 25/Oct 28/Oct 31/Oct 01/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 07/Nov 08/Nov 13/Nov 15/Nov 17/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov 21/Nov 23/Nov EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 13/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 19/Oct 16/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 24/Oct 25/Oct 28/Oct 29/Oct 31/Oct 01/Nov 06/Nov 08/Nov 10/Nov 11/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 16/Nov GRAN BRETAGNA EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 06/Oct 06/Oct 07/Oct 07/Oct 08/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 12/Oct 09/Oct 11/Oct 14/Oct 17/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 24/Oct 25/Oct 30/Oct 01/Nov 03/Nov 04/Nov 06/Nov 07/Nov 09/Nov 09/14 02/Oct 04/Oct 07/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 17/Oct 18/Oct 23/Oct 25/Oct 27/Oct 28/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 02/Nov GRANDE EUROPA 30/Oct 01/Nov 04/Nov 07/Nov 08/Nov 11/Nov 12/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 20/Nov 22/Nov 24/Nov 25/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 30/Nov 09/14 GRANDE ELLADE 01/Nov 26/Oct 28/Oct 28/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 09/14 08/Nov 02/Nov 04/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 07/Nov 09/14 20/Nov 22/Nov 25/Nov 28/Nov 29/Nov 02/Dec 03/Dec 05/Dec 06/Dec 11/Dec 13/Dec 15/Dec 16/Dec 18/Dec 19/Dec 21/Dec 15/Nov 09/Nov 11/Nov 11/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 03/Nov 03/Nov 04/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 09/Nov 13/Nov 15/Nov 18/Nov 21/Nov 22/Nov 25/Nov 26/Nov 28/Nov 29/Nov 04/Dec 06/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 14/Dec GRANDE EUROPA 25/Oct 27/Oct 29/Oct 31/Oct 09/Nov 11/Nov 11/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 17/Nov 25/Nov 27/Nov 29/Nov 01/Dec 4246/4346 ATLANTIC COMPANION GRANDE SCANDIN. EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 27/Oct 27/Oct 28/Oct 28/Oct 29/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 06/Nov 08/Nov 11/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 18/Nov 19/Nov 21/Nov 22/Nov 27/Nov 29/Nov 01/Dec 02/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 07/Dec 10/14 GRANDE MEDITERRANEO 18/Oct 20/Oct 22/Oct 24/Oct 02/Nov 04/Nov 04/Nov 06/Nov 07/Nov 08/Nov 10/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov 22/Nov 24/Nov 4245/4345 ATLANTIC CONVEYOR EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 20/Oct 20/Oct 21/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 26/Oct 11/Oct 13/Oct 15/Oct 17/Oct 26/Oct 28/Oct 28/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 01/Nov 03/Nov 11/Nov 13/Nov 15/Nov 17/Nov 4244/4344 4243/4343 04/Oct 06/Oct 08/Oct 10/Oct 19/Oct 21/Oct 21/Oct 23/Oct 24/Oct 25/Oct 27/Oct 04/Nov 06/Nov 08/Nov 10/Nov ATLANTIC CONCERT ATLANTIC COMPASS GRANDE SCANDIN. VESSEL GRANDE MEDITERRANEO Adriatic Service SALERNO SAVONA SETUBAL BRISTOL ( PRBY) CORK ESBJERG WALLHAMN ANTWERP SOUTHAMPTON VALENCIA SALERNO PIRAEUS IZMIR ALEXANDRIA LIMASSOL ASHDOD PORT OF CALL Euro-Med Service HAMBURG GOTHENBURG ANTWERP LIVERPOOL HALIFAX NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK FAPS BALTIMORE NORFOLK NEW YORK CITY HALIFAX LIVERPOOL ANTWERP HAMBURG GOTHENBURG PORTS OF CALL North America / North Europe Service 08/Nov 10/Nov 12/Nov 14/Nov 23/Nov 25/Nov 25/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 29/Nov 01/Dec 09/Dec 11/Dec 13/Dec 15/Dec 4248/4348 ATLANTIC COMPASS 15/Nov 17/Nov 19/Nov 21/Nov 30/Nov 02/Dec 02/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 06/Dec 08/Dec 16/Dec 18/Dec 20/Dec 22/Dec 4249/4349 ATLANTIC CONCERT 22/Nov 24/Nov 26/Nov 28/Nov 07/Dec 09/Dec 09/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 13/Dec 15/Dec 23/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 29/Dec 4250/4350 ATLANTIC CONVEYOR 29/Nov 01/Dec 03/Dec 05/Dec 14/Dec 16/Dec 16/Dec 18/Dec 19/Dec 4251/4351 ATLANTIC COMPANION 18/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 21/Nov 29/Nov 23/Nov 25/Nov 25/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 06/Dec 30/Nov 02/Dec 02/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 30/Dec 02/Jan 03/Jan 06/Jan 07/Jan 09/Jan 10/Jan 15/Jan 17/Jan 19/Jan 20/Jan 22/Jan 23/Jan 25/Jan 01/15 GRANDE EUROPA 13/Dec 07/Dec 09/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 01/Dec 01/Dec 02/Dec 02/Dec 03/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 07/Dec 18/Dec 20/Dec 23/Dec 26/Dec 27/Dec 30/Dec 31/Dec 02/Jan 03/Jan 08/Jan 10/Jan 12/Jan 13/Jan 15/Jan 16/Jan 18/Jan 11/14 GRANDE SCANDIN. EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 24/Nov 24/Nov 25/Nov 25/Nov 26/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 30/Nov 11/Dec 13/Dec 16/Dec 19/Dec 20/Dec 23/Dec 24/Dec 26/Dec 27/Dec 01/Jan 03/Jan 05/Jan 06/Jan 08/Jan 09/Jan 11/Jan 11/14 GRANDE MEDITERRANEO EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 17/Nov 17/Nov 18/Nov 18/Nov 19/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 23/Nov 04/Dec 06/Dec 09/Dec 12/Dec 13/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 19/Dec 20/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 29/Dec 30/Dec 01/Jan 02/Jan 04/Jan 10/14 GRANDE ELLADE 20/Dec 14/Dec 16/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 19/Dec EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 08/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 14/Dec 01/Jan 03/Jan 06/Jan 09/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan 22/Jan 24/Jan 26/Jan 27/Jan 29/Jan 30/Jan 01/Feb 01/15 GRAN BRETAGNA 27/Dec 21/Dec 23/Dec 23/Dec 24/Dec 25/Dec 26/Dec 22/Jan 24/Jan 27/Jan 30/Jan 31/Jan 03/Feb 04/Feb 06/Feb 07/Feb 12/Feb 14/Feb 16/Feb 17/Feb 19/Feb 20/Feb 22/Feb 01/15 GRANDE SCANDIN. 03/Jan 28/Dec 30/Dec 30/Dec 31/Dec 01/Jan 02/Jan EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 22/Dec 22/Dec 23/Dec 23/Dec 24/Dec 24/Dec 25/Dec 28/Dec 15/Jan 17/Jan 20/Jan 23/Jan 24/Jan 27/Jan 28/Jan 30/Jan 31/Jan 05/Feb 07/Feb 09/Feb 10/Feb 12/Feb 13/Feb 15/Feb 01/15 GRANDE MEDITERRANEO EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 15/Dec 15/Dec 16/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 21/Dec 08/Jan 10/Jan 13/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan 20/Jan 21/Jan 23/Jan 24/Jan 29/Jan 31/Jan 02/Feb 03/Feb 05/Feb 06/Feb 08/Feb 01/15 GRANDE ELLADE 10/Jan 04/Jan 06/Jan 06/Jan 07/Jan 08/Jan 09/Jan EUROC. SPES ISTAN. 29/Dec 29/Dec 30/Dec 30/Dec 31/Dec 31/Dec 01/Jan 04/Jan 29/Jan 31/Jan 03/Feb 06/Feb 07/Feb 10/Feb 11/Feb 13/Feb 14/Feb 19/Feb 21/Feb 23/Feb 24/Feb 26/Feb 27/Feb 01/Mar 02/15 GRANDE EUROPA 06/Dec 08/Dec 10/Dec 12/Dec 21/Dec 23/Dec 23/Dec 25/Dec 26/Dec 4252/4352 ATLANTIC CARTIER Euro-Med Network Fixed-day Schedule 22/Nov 16/Nov 18/Nov EUROC. VALENCIA FIDES 10/Nov 10/Nov 11/Nov 11/Nov 12/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 16/Nov 27/Nov 29/Nov 02/Dec 05/Dec 06/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 12/Dec 13/Dec 18/Dec 20/Dec 22/Dec 23/Dec 25/Dec 26/Dec 28/Dec 10/14 GRAN BRETAGNA ACL Weekly Fixed-day Schedule 01/Nov 03/Nov 05/Nov 07/Nov 16/Nov 18/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov 21/Nov 22/Nov 24/Nov 02/Dec 04/Dec 06/Dec 08/Dec 4247/4347 ATLANTIC CARTIER Schedules subject to changes without notice ANTWERP PORTBURY SETUBAL VALENCIA FOS LIVORNO CIVITAVECC. SALERNO ALEXANDRIA BEIRUT TRIPOLI MISURATA/KHOMS BENGHAZI TOBRUK MERSIN LATTAKIA DERINCE GEMLIK YENIKOY SALERNO LIVORNO SAVONA FOS BARCELONA VALENCIA SOUTHAMPT FLUSHING EMDEN HAMBURG PORTS OF CALL HAMBURG ANTWERP PORTBURY SETUBAL VALENCIA FOS LIVORNO CIVITAVECC. SALERNO ALEXANDRIA BEIRUT TRIPOLI MISURATA/KHOMS BENGHAZI TOBRUK MERSIN LATTAKIA DERINCE GEMLIK YENIKOY SALERNO LIVORNO SAVONA FOS BARCELONA VALENCIA SOUTHAMPT FLUSHING EMDEN PORTS OF CALL VESSEL VESSEL Wed Mon Wed Fri Sat Tue Sun Thu Sat Tue Sat Sun Mon Wed Tue Fri Thu Sun Mon Sun Sat Mon Thu Tue Fri Wed Wed Sat Thu Sat Tue Sun Wed Thu Fri Sat Mon Sun Tue Sat Fri Sun Sun Sat Mon Mon FIXED DAY Wed Mon Wed Fri Sat Tue Sun Thu Sat Tue Sat Sun Mon Wed Tue Fri Thu Sun Mon Sun Sat Mon Thu Tue Fri Wed Wed Sat Thu Sat Tue Sun Wed Thu Fri Sat Mon Sun Tue Sat Fri Sun Sun Sat Mon Mon FIXED DAY Euro Aegean Service 18/Sep 19/Sep 20/Sep - 23/Sep 24/Sep 25/Sep 28/Sep 29/Sep 30/Sep 01/Oct 02/Oct 03/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 18/Sep 19/Sep 19/Sep 20/Sep 21/Sep 23/Sep 24/Sep 10/Nov 13/Nov 16/Nov 18/Nov 20/Nov 21/Nov 22/Nov - 25/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 30/Nov 01/Dec 02/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 13/Dec 30/Oct 01/Nov 04/Nov 09/Nov 16/Nov 17/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 22/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 15/Nov GRANDE NAPOLI GRAND BENELUX 26/Sep 01/Oct 02/Oct 13/Sep 08/Sep 11/Sep 14/Sep 16/Sep GRANDE ANVERSA 04/Sep 06/Sep 08/Sep GRANDE ITALIA 02/Dec 07/Dec 13/Dec 27/Nov 30/Nov 21/Nov 09/Jan 24/Nov 12/Nov 09/Dec 14/Dec 15/Dec - 02/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 07/Dec - 23/Nov - GRANDE COLONIA 28/Sep 03/Oct 04/Oct - EUROCARGO BARI 01/Oct 06/Oct 07/Oct - 26/Sep 25/Sep 29/Sep - 18/Sep 21/Sep 23/Sep 21/Sep 22/Sep 23/Sep 26/Sep 12/Sep - GRANDE NAPOLI 10/Sep - GRANDE SPAGNA 06/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 30/Nov 01/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 28/Nov 29/Nov 29/Nov 13/Nov 15/Nov 18/Nov 23/Nov GRANDE SPAGNA 30/Sep 01/Oct 02/Oct 05/Oct 06/Oct 07/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 18/Oct 15/Sep 18/Sep 21/Sep 23/Sep 24/Sep 25/Sep 26/Sep 27/Sep - GRANDE COLONIA 02/Dec 03/Dec 04/Dec 07/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 20/Dec 27/Nov 28/Nov 29/Nov - 17/Nov 20/Nov 23/Nov 25/Nov 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 19/Oct 20/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 24/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 01/Nov 29/Sep 02/Oct 05/Oct 07/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct - GRANDE SICILIA 09/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 14/Dec 15/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 19/Dec 24/Dec 25/Dec 27/Dec 04/Dec 05/Dec 06/Dec - 24/Nov 27/Nov 30/Nov 02/Dec 14/Dec 19/Dec 20/Dec - 07/Dec 08/Dec 09/Dec 12/Dec - 28/Nov - 16/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 21/Dec 22/Dec 23/Dec 24/Dec 25/Dec 26/Dec 31/Dec 01/Jan 03/Jan 01/Dec 04/Dec 07/Dec 09/Dec 10/Dec 11/Dec 12/Dec 13/Dec - 22/Dec 27/Dec 28/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 19/Dec 20/Dec 14/Dec 15/Dec 15/Dec 29/Nov 01/Dec 04/Dec 09/Dec GRANDE SICILIA 23/Dec 24/Dec 25/Dec 28/Dec 29/Dec 30/Dec 31/Dec 01/Jan 02/Jan 07/Jan 08/Jan 10/Jan 28/Oct 02/Nov 03/Nov - 21/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 26/Oct - 12/Oct - GRANDE ANVERSA 01/Jan 06/Jan 12/Jan 27/Dec 30/Dec 09/Jan 24/Dec 21/Dec 12/Dec EUROCARGO BARI 31/Oct 05/Nov 11/Nov 26/Oct 29/Oct 20/Oct 21/Oct 23/Oct 11/Oct EUROCARGO BARI 08/Dec 11/Dec 14/Dec 16/Dec 17/Dec 18/Dec 19/Dec 20/Dec - 21/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 26/Oct 27/Oct 28/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 05/Nov 06/Nov 08/Nov 06/Oct 09/Oct 12/Oct 14/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 18/Oct - GRANDE NAPOLI GRAND BENELUX 21/Oct 26/Oct 27/Oct - 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 19/Oct - 05/Oct - SILVERSTONE EXPRESS GRANDE ROMA 24/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 18/Oct 19/Oct 21/Oct 22/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 17/Oct 02/Oct 04/Oct 06/Oct 11/Oct GRAND BENELUX GRANDE SILVERSTONE PORTOGALLO EXPRESS 11/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 05/Oct 06/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 03/Oct 04/Oct 04/Oct 18/Sep 20/Sep 23/Sep 28/Sep GRANDE PORTOGALLO GRANDE ITALIA 07/Oct 08/Oct 09/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 17/Oct 22/Oct 23/Oct 25/Oct 22/Sep 25/Sep 28/Sep 30/Sep 01/Oct 02/Oct 03/Oct 04/Oct - GRANDE DETROIT 01/Jan 06/Jan 07/Jan - 25/Dec 26/Dec 27/Dec 30/Dec - 16/Dec - GRANDE COLONIA 28/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 03/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 07/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 15/Nov 23/Oct 24/Oct 25/Oct - 13/Oct 16/Oct 19/Oct 21/Oct GRANDE ITALIA 05/Jan 10/Jan 11/Jan 30/Dec 31/Dec 02/Jan 03/Jan 28/Dec 29/Dec 29/Dec 13/Dec 15/Dec 18/Dec 23/Dec GRANDE SPAGNA 08/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 02/Nov 03/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 31/Oct 01/Nov 01/Nov 16/Oct 18/Oct 21/Oct 26/Oct GRANDE SPAGNA 30/Dec 31/Dec 01/Jan 04/Jan 05/Jan 06/Jan 07/Jan 08/Jan 09/Jan 14/Jan 15/Jan 17/Jan 25/Dec 26/Dec 27/Dec - 15/Dec 18/Dec 21/Dec 23/Dec GRANDE ITALIA 04/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 09/Nov 10/Nov 11/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 22/Nov 20/Oct 23/Oct 26/Oct 28/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 31/Oct 01/Nov - GRANDE COLONIA 11/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 16/Nov 17/Nov 18/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 21/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 29/Nov 27/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov 04/Nov 05/Nov 06/Nov 07/Nov 08/Nov - GRANDE ROMA 06/Jan 07/Jan 08/Jan 11/Jan 12/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 15/Jan 16/Jan 21/Jan 22/Jan 24/Jan 01/Jan 02/Jan 03/Jan - 22/Dec 25/Dec 28/Dec 30/Dec 11/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan - 04/Jan 05/Jan 06/Jan 09/Jan - 26/Dec - GRANDE SILVERSTONE PORTOGALLO EXPRESS 04/Nov 09/Nov 10/Nov - 28/Oct 29/Oct 30/Oct 02/Nov - 19/Oct - GRANDE PORTOGALLO 21/Jan 26/Jan 27/Jan 15/Jan 16/Jan 18/Jan 19/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 14/Jan 29/Dec 31/Dec 03/Jan 08/Jan GRAND BENELUX 20/Nov 25/Nov 26/Nov - 13/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov 18/Nov - 04/Nov - GRANDE ANVERSA Euro-Med Network Fixed-day Schedule 20/Jan 21/Jan 22/Jan 25/Jan 26/Jan 27/Jan 28/Jan 29/Jan 30/Jan 04/Feb 05/Feb 07/Feb 05/Jan 08/Jan 11/Jan 13/Jan 14/Jan 15/Jan 16/Jan 17/Jan - GRANDE ROMA 18/Nov 19/Nov 20/Nov 23/Nov 24/Nov 25/Nov 26/Nov 27/Nov 28/Nov 03/Dec 04/Dec 06/Dec 03/Nov 06/Nov 09/Nov 11/Nov 12/Nov 13/Nov 14/Nov 15/Nov - GRANDE SICILIA
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