5IN1218 C NL ES TR MT SL RO LU SE BG PT GB NO DK GR LT FCC ID: JE4CSMDT FCC Warning: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference FDXVHG E\ XQDXWKRUL]HG PRGL¿FDWLRQV WR WKLV HTXLSPHQW 6XFK PRGL¿FDWLRQV could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. FCC Part 15 Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 5HRULHQW RU UHORFDWH WKH UHFHLYLQJ DQWHQQD ,QFUHDVH WKH VHSDUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH HTXLSPHQW DQG UHFHLYHU &onnect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. &RQVXOW WKH GHDOHU RU DQ H[SHULHQFHG UDGLR79 WHFKQLFLDQ iWISE 811DTPT FCC compliance Section (US version): iWISE 811DTPT applicable countries (German Version): AT, CZ, SL, DE, TR, RU, EE CZ DE LV PL SK CH CY FR IT BE FI IE AT EE HU iWISE 811DTPT applicable countries (European version): ETL UL639 Compliance: Connect the detector to a power source capable of supplying at connect to ,For bank vaults installation .least 4h of Standby powera power source capable of supplying at least 72h of standby power. CE Compliance Section (European and German versions): Risco Ltd. hereby declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. For the CE Declaration of Conformity please refer to our website: www.riscogroup.com U.S. Patent Number: This product is protected under Patent No. US 7,126,476 B2. Other patents pending. © RISCO Group 1/2011 Model: iWISE 811DTPT iWISETM 12VDC Input N.C. Relay N.C. Tamper switch - 12 + ALARM TAMPER Low sensitivity High sensitivity Used to determine the sensitivity of the PIR channel LEDs are disabled LEDs are enabled Used to determine the operation of the detector’s LEDs Function On On On Yellow Green Red All LEDs Flashing (consecutively) State LED LEDs Display MIN MAX $W SRZHUXS WKH /('V ZLOO ÀDVK consecutively until the end of the warm-up period (2-3 minutes). ALARM MW detection PIR detection Description B Corridor 2 Under power 3 Correct adjustment A Detector 1 Over power MW range adjustment (Figure 5) 7KH 0: UDQJH FDQ EH DGMXVWHG E\ XVLQJ WKH SRWHQWLRPHWHU ORFDWHG on the PCB. It is important to set the potentiometer to the lowest possible setting that will still provide enough coverage for the inner ERXQGDU\ SURWHFWHG DUHD VHH )LJXUH 7ZR PLQXWHV DIWHU DSSO\LQJ SRZHU ZDUPXS SHULRG ZDON WHVW WKH Detector over the entire protected area to verify proper operation RI WKH XQLW VHH )LJXUH Walk Test OFF (Default) ON SW1-2: Sens OFF ON (Default) SW1-1: LED Jumper DIP switch Settings Description Terminal Terminal Wiring (Figure 3) 3. Verity the vertical position of the PCB on “L” (on the bottom left side of the PCB). 6HW ',3 VZLWFK VHH ',3 VZLWFK VHWWLQJV ,QVWDOO WKH IURQW FRYHU EDFN WR LWV SODFH LQ D UHYHUVH VHTXHQFH RI the removal). 3HUIRUP D :DON WHVW VHH :DON 7HVW VHFWLRQ &KDQJLQJ /HQVHV VHH )LJXUH Note: %DFN WDPSHU ³%UHDNDEOH SODWH´ QRW DSSOLFDEOH LQ WKLV YHUVLRQ 0RXQWLQJ 7KH L:,6( '737 FDQ EH PRXQWHG HLWKHU RQ D ÀDW surface or on a wall corner (corner mounting). In order to optimize pet immunity the following guide lines are recommended: 0RXQW WKH GHWHFWRU YHUWLFDOO\ DW ULJKW DQJOHV WR WKH ÀRRU )RU RSWLPDO SHW LPPXQLW\ PRXQW WKH GHWHFWRU DW D KHLJKW RI P ¶ ZLWK WKH 5/+ /HQV DQG P ¶ ZLWK WKH 5/37+ /HQV 0DNH VXUH DQ DQLPDO FDQQRW JHW DERYH KHLJKW RI P E\ jumping on furniture or shelving. 'R QRW PRXQW XQLW RSSRVLWH VWDLUZD\V ZKHUH DQLPDOV KDYH DFFHVV 8VLQJ D VXLWDEOH WRRO RSHQ WKH IROORZLQJ NQRFNRXWV RQ WKH GHWHFWRU¶V EDVH VHH )LJXUH Installation / Maintenance The iWISE 811DPTP provides full pet immunity with no loss of catch performance. The iWISE 811DTPT model easily distinguishes between intruders and pets, allowing complete pet freedom of movement without false alarms. iWISE 811DTPT E N GLIS H Storage temperature 120 gr. (4.2 oz.) 127.6 x 64.2 x 46.6 mm (5 x 2.5 x 1.84 in.) Relais d'alarme N.F., 24VCC, 0,1A ALARM Les indicateurs LED sont activés. Les indicateurs LED sont désactivés. SW1-1: LED Marche (ON) (Défaut) Arrêt (OFF) Fonction 'p¿QLW OH IRQFWLRQQHPHQW GHV LQGLFDWHXUV /(' du détecteur. Cavalier Paramètres des DIP switch Relais d'AP N.F., 24VCC, 0,1A Entrée 12VCC - 12 + TAMPER Description Bornier Câblage du Bornier (cf. Figure 3) 9pUL¿HU TXH OD SRVLWLRQ YHUWLFDOH GX 3&% HVW VXU / VXU OH F{Wp gauche de la partie inférieure du PCB). 3DUDPpWUHU OHV ',3 VZLWFK YRLU 3DUDPqWUHV GHV ',3 VZLWFK 5HSODFH] OH FRXYHUFOH IURQWDO HQ LQYHUVDQW SRXU FHOD O RUGUH GHV étapes de la procédure de retrait). 6. Exécutez un test de passage (cf. Test de passage). 5HPDUTXH /D SDUWLH DPRYLEOH GX ERvWLHU DUULqUH SRXU O $3 j O DUUDFKHPHQW Q HVW SDV DSSOLFDEOH GDQV FHWWH YHUVLRQ 0RQWDJH ± O L:,6( '737 SHXW rWUH LQVWDOOp VRLW VXU XQH VXUIDFH plane soit en coin (gauche ou droit). $¿Q G RSWLPLVHU O LPPXQLWp DX[ DQLPDX[ GRPHVWLTXHV LO HVW recommandé de suivre les directives suivantes: ,QVWDOOH] OH GpWHFWHXU j OD YHUWLFDOH HW HQ DQJOH GURLW SDU UDSSRUW au sol. Pour une immunité aux animaux optimale, positionner le détecteur j XQH KDXWHXU GH P DYHF OD OHQWLOOH 5/+ HW P DYHF OD OHQWLOOH 5/37+ $VVXUH]YRXV TX DXFXQ DQLPDO QH SHXW GpSDVVHU XQH KDXWHXU GH P SDU H[HPSOH HQ VDXWDQW VXU XQ PHXEOH RX XQH pWDJqUH 1H SODFH] SDV YRWUH DSSDUHLO IDFH j GHV HVFDOLHUV DX[TXHOV GHV DQLPDX[ GRPHVWLTXHV DXUDLHQW DFFqV $ O¶DLGH G¶XQ RXWLO DGHTXDW RXYUH] OHV SDVWLOOHV SUé-percées FRUUHVSRQGDQWHV VXU OD EDVH GX GpWHFWHXU FI )LJXUH Installation Le détecteur iWISE 811DTPT procure une immunité totale aux DQLPDX[ GRPHVWLTXHV VDQV ULHQ SHUGUH GHV SHUIRUPDQFHV GH GpWHFWLRQ Le modèle iWISE 811DTPT fait très nettement la distinction entre les LQWUXV HW OHV DQLPDX[ GRPHVWLTXHV SHUPHWWDQW DLQVL j FHV GHUQLHUV XQH DEVROXH OLEHUWp GH PRXYHPHQWV VDQV SURYRTXHU GH IDXVVHV DODUPHV iWISE 811DTPT FRA NÇ AI S 3RZHU WR EH VXSSOLHG E\ $ PD[ 3RZHU 6RXUFH XVLQJ VDIHW\ DSSURYHG ZLUHV ZLWK D PLQ *DXJH RI $:* Weight Size Physical Filtering White Light Protection -10C to 55C (14F to 131F) -20C to 60C (-4F to 140F) Operating temperature Optical According to EN50130-4 24VDC, 0.1A RF immunity Environmental Tamper contacts 24VDC, 0.1A 9 -16VDC*** Voltage requirements Alarm contacts 16mA at 12VDC (Typical) 41mA at 12VDC (max.) Current consumption Electrical 7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ Fonction Sensibilité basse. Clignotante (les unes après les autres) Allumée (ON) Allumée (ON) Allumée (ON) Etat 24VCC, 0,1A Contacts d'alarme 24VCC, 0,1A Etat ouvert: plus de 10 ohms Etat fermé: moins de 18 ohm 120g 127.6 x 64.2 x 46.6 mm (5 x2.5 x 1.84 in.) Protection anti-lumière blanche El iWISE 811DTPT proporciona una inmunidad total frente a animales domésticos sin perder prestaciones de detección. (O PRGHOR L:,6( '737 GLVWLQJXH IiFLOPHQWH HQWUH LQWUXVRV y animales domésticos, permitiendo al animal completa libertad de movimiento, sin falsas alarmas. iWISE 811DTPT E S P A ÑO L Poids Dimensions 3K\VLTXHV Filtrage 2SWLTXHV Fil de diamétre au moins 0.5 mm pour une longueur ne dépassant pas 300 métres Taille du càble à utiliser: Température de stockage IP 31/IK 02 De -10ºC à 55ºC (14ºF à 131ºF) De -20ºC à 60ºC (-4ºF à 140ºF) Température de fonctionnement Indice de protection: Selon EN50130-4 Immunité RF Environnementales Ondulations résiduelles maximales 0.25 créte à créte admissibles: Résistance de la boucle de détection: Contacts d'autoprotection 2.2 seconds 9 -16VCC Tension requise Temps minimal de changement d'état 14.8 mA à 12VCC (en utilisation typique) 39.5 mA à 12VCC (max. avec tous les voyants LED allumés) A la mise sous tension, les LEDs clignotent les unes après les autres MXVTX j OD ¿Q GH OD VpTXHQFH d'initialisation (2 à 3 min). Indique une ALARME Consommation électrique (OHFWULTXHV MIN MAX Détection HF (hyperfréquence) Détection IRP Description A Détecteur B Couloir 6SpFL¿FDWLRQV WHFKQLTXHV Toutes les LEDs Rouge Verte Jaune LED $I¿FKDJH /(' 3 Réglage correct 1 Trop puissant 2 Pas assez puissant Réglage de la portée HF (cf. Figure 5) /H SRWHQWLRPqWUH VLWXp VXU OD FDUWH 3&% SHUPHW GH UpJOHU OD SRUWpH GH GpWHFWLRQ K\SHUIUpTXHQFH ,O HVW LPSRUWDQW GH UpJOHU OH SRWHQWLRPqWUH VXU OH QLYHDX OH SOXV EDV SRVVLEOH TXL IRXUQLUD FHSHQGDQW XQH FRXYHUWXUH VXI¿VDQWH VXU OD WRWDOLWp GH OD ]RQH j protéger. 'HX[ PLQXWHV DSUqV DYRLU UpDOLVp OD PLVH VRXV WHQVLRQ VpTXHQFH G LQLWLDOLVDWLRQ HIIHFWXH] XQ WHVW GH SDVVDJH SRXU YpUL¿HU O HI¿FDFLWp GX GpWHFWHXU VXU OD WRWDOLWp GH OD ]RQH j SURWpJHU FI )LJXUH Test de passage Sensibilité élevée. Arrêt (OFF) (Défaut) 8WLOLVp SRXU Gp¿QLU OD VHQVLELOLWp GX FDQDO ,53 Marche (ON) SW1-2: Sens Cavalier Descripción Interruptor Tamper N.C. Relé N.C. Entrada de 12VCC Función LEDs apagados LEDs encendidos Sensibilidad Alta Sensibilidad Baja ON OFF SUHGH¿QLGR 'H¿QH OD VHQVLELOLGDG GHO FDQDO 3,5 OFF ON SUHGH¿QLGR 'H¿QH HO IXQFLRQDPLHQWR GH ORV /('V B Pasillo Encendido Parpadeando (sucesivamente) Todos los LEDs Encendido Encendido Estado Rojo Verde Amarillo LED MIN MAX Al poner en marcha, los LEDs parpadearán consecutivamente KDVWD TXH ¿QDOLFH HO SHULRGR GH calentamiento (2-3 minutos). ALARMA Detección MW Detección PIR Descripción A Detector Visualización de los LEDs 1 Potencia excesiva 2 3RWHQFLD ,QVX¿FLHQWH 3 Ajuste correcto Ajuste del alcance del MW (ver Figura 5) (O DOFDQFH GHO 0: SXHGH DMXVWDUVH PHGLDQWH HO SRWHQFLyPHWUR situado en el PCB (placa de circuito impreso). Es importante DMXVWDU HO SRWHQFLyPHWUR D OD FRQ¿JXUDFLyQ PiV EDMD SRVLEOH TXH D~Q SXHGD SURSRUFLRQDU VX¿FLHQWH FREHUWXUD DO OtPLWH LQWHUQR GHO iUHD SURWHJLGD 1. Dos minutos después de la puesta en marcha (periodo de calentamiento), haga la prueba de movimiento al detector en WRGD HO iUHD SURWHJLGD SDUD YHUL¿FDU HO FRUUHFWR IXQFLRQDPLHQWR GH OD XQLGDG YpDVH )LJXUD Prueba de Movimiento 2 1 DIP &RQ¿JXUDFLyQ GH ORV LQWHUUXSWRUHV ',3 6: TAMPER ALARM - 12 + Terminal Cableado del Terminal (ver Figura 3) &DPELR GH ODV /HQWHV YHU )LJXUD 6. Realice una prueba de Movimiento (ver el apartado Prueba de Movimiento). &LHUUH HO GHWHFWRU FRORFDQGR GH QXHYR OD WDSD GHODQWHUD &RQ¿JXUDU ORV LQWHUUXSWRUHV ',3 YHU WDEOD PiV DEDMR 9HUL¿TXH TXH OD SRVLFLyQ YHUWLFDO GH OD 3&% HVWi SXHVWD HQ ³/´ HQ OD SDUWH LQIHULRU L]TXLHUGD GHO FLUFXLWR LPSUHVR. Nota: La “placa rompible” para el tamper trasero no es aplicable en este modelo. Usando una herramienta apropiada, abra los siguientes agujeros SUHPDUFDGRV HQ OD EDVH GHO GHWHFWRU YHU )LJXUD 1R PRQWDU HO GHWHFWRU DSXQWDQGR KDFLD HVFDOHUDV SRU GRQGH puedan subir los animales. $VHJ~UHVH GH TXH XQ DQLPDO QR SXHGH VXSHUDU OD DOWXUD GH P saltando sobre los muebles o estanterías. 3DUD XQD ySWLPD LQPXQLGDG D PDVFRWDV PRQWDU HO GHWHFWRU D XQD DOWXUD GH P ¶ FRQ OD OHQWH 5/+ \ D P ¶ FRQ OD OHQWH 5/37+ 0RQWDU HO GHWHFWRU YHUWLFDOPHQWH HQ iQJXOR UHFWR FRQ UHVSHFWR al suelo. 1. Montaje - El iWISE 811DTPT puede montarse HQ XQD VXSHU¿FLH plana o en un rincón de pared (montaje en rincón). $ ¿Q GH RSWLPL]DU OD LQPXQLGDG D DQLPDOHV GRPpVWLFRV VH recomiendan las siguientes normas: Instalación / Mantenimiento 9 -16VCC 24VCC, 0.1A 24VCC, 0.1A Requisitos de voltaje Contactos de Alarma Contactos de Tamper -20ºC a 60ºC (-4F a 140F) Temperatura de almacenamiento 120 gr. (4.2 oz.) Peso Ingresso di alimentazione 12V Relé N.C. Interruttore N.C. - 12 + ALARM TAMPER ON (Default) SW1-1: LEDS Microint./Pontic. I LED sono abilitati Usato per abilitare o disabilitare il funzionamento dei LED. Funzione Predisposizione Microinterruttori e Ponticelli Descrizione Morsetto Cablaggio Morsettiera (vedere Figura 3) 9HUL¿FDUH OD SRVL]LRQH YHUWLFDOH GHOOD VFKHGD HOHWWURQLFD VX / (sul lato sinistro in basso della scheda elettronica). ,PSRVWDUH L PLFURLQWHUUXWWRUL YHGL LPSRVWD]LRQH GHL microinterruttori). 5LPRQWDUH LO FRSHUFKLR IURQWDOH H VWULQJHUH OD YLWH GL EORFFR coperchio. 6. Effettuare una prova di copertura (Sezione Prova di movimento). 6RVWLWX]LRQH GHOOH /HQWL YHGHUH )LJXUD Nota: 1RQ q DSSOLFDELOH LQ TXHVWD YHUVLRQH LO WDPSHU DQWLULPR]LRQH WUDPLWH OD OLQJXHWWD SRVWD VXOOD EDVH GHO FRQWHQLWRUH 1. Installazione - iWISE 811DTPT può essere installato sia su di XQD VXSHU¿FLH SLDQD FKH DG DQJROR Per ottimizzare la discriminazione degli animali seguire rigorosamente le seguenti regole: ,QVWDOODUH LO ULYHODWRUH YHUWLFDOPHQWH DOOD FRUUHWWD angolazione riferita al pavimento. Per una corretta immunità agli animali montare il rivelatore DG XQ DOWH]]D GL P FRQ OD OHQWH 5/+ H P FRQ OD OHQWH 5/37+ $VVLFXUDUVL FKH O DQLPDOH QRQ SRVVD VXSHUDUH O DOWH]]D GL P VDOWDQGR VX PRELOL R PHQVROH 1RQ PRQWDUH O XQLWj GL IURQWH D VFDOH LQWHUQH DFFHVVLELOL GDOO DQLPDOH Utilizzando uno strumento appropriato aprire i fori a sfondare, di seguito elencati, della base del contenitore come illustrato in )LJXUD Installazione / Manutenzione iWISE 811DTPT è un rivelatore che discrimina gli animali domestici garantendo una ottima rilevazione degli intrusi. Tramite algoritmi proprietari e lenti appositamente progettate iWISE 811DTPT discrimina gli impulsi infrarossi generati dagli animali domestici LJQRUDQGR TXHVWL VHJQDOL H JHQHUDQGR O DOODUPH VROR LQ FDVR LQ FXL O DUHD SURWHWWD VLD VWDWD YLRODWD GD XQ LQWUXVR 4XHVWR ULYHODWRUH SHUPHWWH GL LQVHULUH O LPSLDQWR G DOODUPH SXU DYHQGR XQ DQLPDOH domestico in casa evitando di generare allarmi impropri. iWISE 811DTPT I TA LI A N O 127.6 x 64.2 x 46.6 mm (5 x 2.5 x 1.84 pul) Tamaño Físicas Filtrado Protección contra luz blanca -10ºC a 55ºC (14F a 131F) Temperatura de funcionamiento Óptica Según EN50130-4 Inmunidad a RF Ambientales 16mA a 12VCC (Típico) 41mA a 12VCC (Máx.) Consumo de corriente Eléctricas (VSHFL¿FDFLRQHV 7pFQLFDV Funzione Bassa sensibilità Alta sensibilità Utilizzati per determinare la sensibilità del Canale PIR I LED sono disabilitati. Non è possibile alcun controllo remoto. 24V−, 0.1A 24V−, 0.1A Secondo EN50130-4 da -10ºC a 55ºC da -20ºC a 60ºC Contatti Tamper Immunità RF Temp. funzionamento Temp. stoccaggio 120 gr. Peso 0RQWDJHP 2 L:,6( '737 &RP $&7 *UHHQ /LQH SRGH VHU montado numa superfície plana ou num canto da parede (montagem de canto). $ ¿P GH RSWLPL]DU D LPXQLGDGH D DQLPDLV GH SHTXHQR SRUWH DV VHJXLQWHV GLUHWLYDV VmR UHFRPHQGDGDV 0RQWH R GHWHFWRU YHUWLFDOPHQWH HP kQJXORV UHWRV HP UHODomR DR FKmR 3DUD RWLPL]DU D LPXQLGDGH D DQLPDLV GH SHTXHQR SRUWH PRQWH R VHQVRU D XPD DOWXUD GH P ¶´ FRP D OHQWH 5/+ H P FRP D OHQWH 5/37+ ,QVWDODomR 0DQXWHQomR 2 L:,6( '737 SURSRUFLRQD FRPSOHWD LPXQLGDGH D DQLPDLV GH SHTXHQR SRUWH VHP SUHMXt]R QR GHVHPSHQKR GH FDSWXUD 2 PRGHOR iWISE 811DTPT distingue facilmente entre intrusos e animais de SHTXHQR SRUWH SHUPLWLQGR DRV DQLPDLV FRPSOHWD OLEHUGDGH GH movimento, sem falsos alarmes. iWISE 811DTPT P ORTUG UÊ S 127.6 x 64.2 x 46.6 mm Dimensioni Fisiche Filtro Ottica Protezione contro le luci bianche da 9V− a 16V− Alimentazione richiesta Contatti di allarme Ambientali 16mA a 12V− (Nominale) 41mA at 12V− (Massimo) All’alimentazione tutti i LED ODPSHJJLDQR LQ VHTXHQ]D ¿QR DOOD ¿QH GHO SHULRGR GL preriscaldamento (2-3 minuti). ALLARME Rilevazione del canale MW Assorbimento di corrente Elettriche MIN MAX Rilevazione del canale PIR Descrizione A Rivelatore B Corridoio Lampeggiante (consecutivamente) Illuminato 6SHFL¿FKH 7HFQLFKH Tutti i LED Rosso Illuminato Illuminato Giallo Verde Stato LED LED Stato Descrizione 1 Regolazione Bassa 2 Regolazione corretta 3 Regolazione Alta Regolazione Portata MW (vedere Figura 5) /D SRUWDWD GHOOD PLFURRQGD YD UHJRODWD WUDPLWH O¶DSSRVLWR potenziometro situato sulla scheda elettronica. Regolare il potenziometro della microonda al minimo possibile riferito all’area da proteggere. 1. Due o tre minuti dopo aver alimentato il rivelatore (preriscaldamento) effettuare la prova di copertura dell’area da SURWHJJHUH YHUL¿FDQGR OD ULVSRVWD GHO ULYHODWRUH WUDPLWH O¶DFFHQVLRQH GHL /(' YHGHUH )LJXUD Prova di movimento (Walk Test) OFF (Default) ON SW1-2 sens OFF Microint./Pontic. LEDs estão desativados. LEDs estão habilitados, permitindo o controle do LED através do Terminal de Entrada do LED Usado para determinar a operação dos LEDs do detector. Baixa sensibilidade OFF (Predeterm.) Aceso Aceso Aceso Piscando (sucessivamente) Verde Vermelho Todos os LEDs 'HVFULomR 24VDC, 0.1A Contatos de alarme -10C a 55C (14F a 131F) -20C a 60C (-4F a 140F) Temperatura de operação Temperatura de armazenamento Filtragem Proteção contra luz branca De acordo com EN50130-4 Imunidade a RF Ótica 24VDC, 0.1A Contatos de Tamper Ambientais Consumo de Corrente 16mA a 12VDC (Típico) 41mA a 12VDC (Máx.) 9 -16VDC Ao conectar, os LEDs piscarão FRQVHFXWLYDPHQWH DWp R ¿QDO GR período de aquecimento (2-3 PLQXWRV $R ¿QDO GR SHUtRGR GH aquecimento, o LED VERMELHO FRQWLQXDUi SLVFDQGR DWp R ¿QDO da iniciação do AM. ALARME Detecção no Microondas Detecção de Infravermelho Passivo MIN MAX Requisitos de voltagem Elétricas (VSHFL¿FDo}HV 7pFQLFDV Estado Amarelo A Detector B Corredor LED 9LVXDOL]DomR GRV /('V 1 Energia em excesso 2 Energia fraca 3 Ajuste correto Ajuste do Alcance do Microondas (ver Figura 5) 120 gr. (4.2 oz.) Peso Figure 1. Back cover - Knockouts U.S.A Tel: +1-631-719-4400 E-mail: [email protected] BELGIUM Tel: +32-2522-7622 E-mail: [email protected] FRANCE Tel: +33-164-73-28-50 E-mail: [email protected] SPAIN Tel: +34-91-490-2133 E-mail: [email protected] ITALY Tel: +39-02-66590054 E-mail: [email protected] UK Tel: +44-161-655-5500 E-mail: [email protected] Range Adjustment Bolt Thread ISRAEL Tel: +972-3-963-7777 E-mail: [email protected] POLAND Tel: +48-22-500-28-40 E-mail: [email protected] SINGAPORE Tel: + 65-66222388 E-mail: [email protected] CHINA (Shenzhen) Tel: +86-755-82789285 E-mail: [email protected] CHINA (Shanghai) Tel: +86-21-52-39-0066 E-mail: [email protected] BRAZIL Tel: +55-11-3661-8767 E-mail: [email protected] RISCO Group is committed to customer service and product support. You can contact us through our website (www.riscogroup.com) or at the following telephone and fax numbers: RISCO Group Contacting Info CAUTION: risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteriess according to local regulations. WARNING: This product should be tested at least once a week. 5,6&2 *URXS DQG LWV VXEVLGLDULHV DQG DI¿OLDWHV ("Seller") warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 24 months from the date of production. Because Seller does not install or connect the product and because the product may be used in conjunction with products not manufactured by the Seller, Seller cannot guarantee the performance of the security system which uses this product. Seller's obligation and liability under this warranty is expressly limited to repairing and replacing, at Seller's option, within a reasonable time after the date of delivery, any product not meeting the VSHFL¿FDWLRQV 6HOOHU PDNHV QR RWKHU ZDUUDQW\ H[SUHVVHG RU LPSOLHG DQG PDNHV QR ZDUUDQW\ RI PHUFKDQWDELOLW\ RU RI ¿WQHVV IRU DQ\ SDUWLFXODU SXUSRVH ,Q QR FDVH shall seller be liable for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any other warranty, expressed or implied, or upon any other basis of liability whatsoever. Seller's obligation under this warranty shall not include any transportation charges or costs of installation or any liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages or delay. Seller does not represent that its product may not be compromised or circumvented; that the product will prevent any personal injury or property loss by EXUJODU\ UREEHU\ ¿UH RU RWKHUZLVH RU WKDW WKH SURGXFW ZLOO LQ DOO FDVHV SURYLGH adequate warning or protection. Seller, in no event shall be liable for any direct or indirect damages or any other losses occurred due to any type of tampering, whether intentional or unintentional such as masking, painting or spraying on the lenses, mirrors or any other part of the detector. Buyer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of burglary, UREEHU\ RU ¿UH ZLWKRXW ZDUQLQJ EXW LV QRW LQVXUDQFH RU D JXDUDQW\ WKDW VXFK HYHQW will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or property loss as a result thereof. Consequently seller shall have no liability for any personal injury, property damage or loss based on a claim that the product fails to give warning. However, if seller is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, seller's maximum liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the product, which shall be complete and exclusive remedy against seller. No employee or representative of Seller is authorized to change this warranty in any way or grant any other warranty. RISCO Group Limited Warranty 127.6 x 64.2 x 46.6 mm (5 x 2.5 x 1.84 pol.) Tamanho Físicas Back tamper “Breakable” plate Not applicable in this version 'RLV PLQXWRV GHSRLV GH DWLYDU SHUtRGR GH DTXHFLPHQWR FDPLQKH SDUD WHVWDU R 'HWHFWRU DWUDYpV GH WRGD D iUHD SURWHJLGD SDUD YHUL¿FDU D FRUUHWD RSHUDomR GD XQLGDGH YHU )LJXUD 2 DOFDQFH GH 0LFURRQGDV GHYH VHU DMXVWDGR XVDQGRVH R SRWHQFL{PHWUR TXH HVWi ORFDOL]DGR QR 3&% e LPSRUWDQWH FRORFDU R SRWHQFL{PHWUR QD FRQ¿JXUDomR PDLV EDL[D SRVVtYHO TXH DLQGD SRVVD SURSRUFLRQDU VX¿FLHQWH FREHUWXUD SDUD WRGD D iUHD SURWHJLGD Importante: $V GLVWkQFLDV SRGHP YDULDU GH DFRUGR FRP DV FRQGLo}HV WpUPLFDV DPELHQWDLV Prova de Movimento Alta sensibilidade ON SW1-2 'H¿QH D VHQVLELOLGDGH GR GHWHFWRU Sensibilidade Infravermelho Passivo OFF ON (Predeterm.) SW1-1: LED Jumper )XQomR Chave do tamper N.F. Relé N.F. Entrada de 12VDC 'HVFULomR Ajustes dos Dipswitch’s TAMPER ALARME - 12 + Terminal 7HUPLQDLV GH )LDomR YHU )LJXUD $VVHJXUH TXH D SRVLomR YHUWLFDO GD 3&% HVWi QD PDUFD ³/´ QD SDUWH LQIHULRU HVTXHUGR GD 3&% $MXVWH DV FKDYLQKDV GR ',3 VZLWFK REVHUYH R $MXVWH GRV ',3 VZLWFK 5HFRORTXH D WDPSD GLDQWHLUD HP VHX OXJDU QD VHTrQFLD FRQWUiULD j GD UHPRomR 5HDOL]H XPD SURYD GH &DPLQKDGD YHU D VHomR 3URYD GH &DPLQKDGD 7URFD GH /HQWHV YHU )LJXUD Nota: 9ROWDU DGXOWHUDU TXHEUiYHO FKDSD QmR VH DSOLFD D HVWD YHUVmR $VVHJXUH VH GH TXH XP DQLPDO QmR SRVVD FKHJDU DFLPD GD DOWXUD GH P ¶ VDOWDQGR HP PyYHLV RX SUDWHOHLUDV 1mR PRQWH R DSDUHOKR HP IUHQWH D GHJUDXV DRV TXDLV R DQLPDO pode ter acesso. Usando uma ferramenta apropriada, abra os seguintes furos SUpPDUFDGRV QD EDVH GR GHWHFWRU YHU )LJXUD TAMPER Cut Corners Lens 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 0 0 10 2 1 4 2 10 4 A 20 6 TOP VIEW 2 TOP VIEW Figure 5. MW range adjustment Meters 0 Feet 0 30 20 10 0 10 20 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 Meters Feet Fe e t 30 20 10 0 10 Fe e t 20 8 30 3 30 40 90° 8 10 11 20 6 90° 0 0 2 4 2 B 0 0 Meters Feet 0 0 10 4 Meters 0 Feet 0 Fe e t 20 10 Fe e t 20 10 4 2 10 4 20 6 SIDE VIEW 2 SIDE VIEW 8 20 6 30 10 11 8 Short Pin (Facing upwards) Figure 4. iWISE 811DTPT Lenses and Microwave Range + 12 - 12VDC ALARM Sleeve Figure 2. Lens Replacement Figure 3. Terminal Wiring RL 108PTH RL 111H 40 30
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