Università degli Studi di TORINO Ricerca scientifica finanziata dell'Università Ricerca Anno presentazione richiesta 2011 Project Id: ORTO11Y7HR 1 Project general informations 1.1 Starting date (year) 2011 1.2 Duration 36 months 1.3 Type of request Track B 1.4 Scientific Field (MacroArea) I. Formal and Experimental Sciences and Technologies 3 Title PROactive management of GEOlogical heritage in the PIEMONTE region: innovative methods and functional guidelines for promoting geodiversity knowledge and supporting geoconservation activities (PROGEO-Piemonte) 3 Titolo Gestione fattiva del patrimonio geologico piemontese: metodi innovativi e linee guida per promuovere la conoscenza della geodiversità e le iniziative di geoconservazione (PROGEOPiemonte) 4 ERC codes PE Physical Sciences and Engineering PE10 Earth system science: physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climatology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management PE10_5 Geology, tectonics, volcanology PE10_12 Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution PE10_13 Physical geography PE10_10 Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology SH Social Sciences and Humanities SH3 Environment, space and population: environmental studies, demography, social geography, urban and regional studies SH3_1 Environment, resources and sustainability 5 Key words geoheritage geodiversity geoconservation geosites Piemonte (NW Italy) geotourism Territorial Integrated Analysis environmental management 3D virtual environments geoeducation 6 Abstract for dissemination activities The term “Geoheritage” apply to sites or areas of geologic features with significant scientific, educational, cultural, or aesthetic value. The multidisciplinary research project “PROGEOPiemonte” aims to achieve a new conceptual and operational discipline in the management of the geological heritage of the Piemonte Region by means of the development of techniques for recognizing and managing its rich geodiversity at the local and regional scale. Our assumption is that Geoheritage sites (“geosites”) can serve both the public and private interests. After a systematic review of inventoried geosites, 9 strategic geothematic areas will be investigated to represent the geodiversity of Piemonte, each characterized by high potential for scientific studies, enhancement of public understanding of science, recreation activities and for economic support to local communities. Specialized research teams will analyze critical aspects to advancing knowledge about the geological history of the Piemonte Region, climate and environmental changes, natural hazards, soil processes and georesources. Scientific concepts and techniques will be coupled with geodiffusion interests and products: not only geosites but also museum collections, evidences of mining activity and quarrying, science exhibits and nature trails. Action plans will be developed with local partners to determine management requirements. A series of experiments will be carried out to evaluate best solutions for visual representation of geological processes and evolutionary scenarios. Outcomes of the project will include didactic tools for educators, schools and public in general. The recognition of the economic value of geodiversity will lead to the production of regional guidelines for Geoconservation and Geosites integrated quality management system, suitable for tourism and sustainable development strategies. An international advisory board will evaluate yearly project advancements, proposed strategies and products. 6 Riassunto del progetto per scopi divulgativi Il termine “geoheritage” (patrimonio geologico) si riferisce a siti o aree ove sono conservati elementi geologici di valore scientifico, educativo, estetico e culturale. Il progetto multidisciplinare “PROGEO-Piemonte” ha lo scopo di proporre un approccio concettuale e operativo innovativo per la gestione del patrimonio geologico piemontese. La premessa è che i siti in cui tale patrimonio è conservato (“geositi”) abbiano un interesse sia pubblico che privato. Dopo la revisione dei geositi già censiti, saranno analizzate 9 aree geotematiche, ritenute strategiche per la loro ricaduta sull’avanzamento delle conoscenze scientifiche, sulla consapevolezza della popolazione e sull’economia locale. Gruppi di ricerca specializzati incrementeranno le conoscenze scientifiche sull’evoluzione geologica del Piemonte, sui passati cambiamenti climatici ed ambientali, sui rischi naturali, sui processi pedogenetici e sulle georisorse. Le conoscenze acquisite saranno divulgate al pubblico non specialistico; tale attività si concentrerà non solo sui geositi, ma anche su collezioni museali e sull’attività mineraria e sarà implementata dalla progettazione di mostre e di percorsi naturalistici. L’attività verrà svolta in collaborazione con partners territoriali qualificati (ecomusei ecc..) al fine di esplicitare le esigenze di gestione del patrimonio. Il progetto prevede lo sviluppo di tecniche per la rappresentazione visiva dei processi geologici e predisporrà strumenti didattici utili per la divulgazione della conoscenza geologica, che verranno utilizzati da insegnanti delle scuole e, più in generale, dal pubblico non specialistico. Il valore economico della geodiversità, valutata a livello locale e regionale, sfocerà nella produzione di linee guida per la Geoconservazione e la gestione integrata dei geositi. Un comitato scientifico internazionale valuterà ogni anno lo stato di avanzamento del progetto, la validità delle strategie proposte e dei relativi prodotti. 7 Principal investigator (PI) GIARDINO Marco (Surname) (Name) Associate professor GEO/04 (Settore scient. Discipl.) (Tipology) 03/07/1961 GRDMRC61L03L219W (Date of birth) (Personal identification code) SCIENZE DELLA TERRA (Department) 011 6705164 011 [email protected] 6708394 (Email) (Telephone) (Fax) 8 Principal investigator curriculum Marco Giardino, born in Torino, Italy, on July 3rd 1961, is Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Torino, where he teaches Geomorphology and Applied Geomorphology in the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Torino. 1) Education, fellowships/grants and training 1987: Applied Audiovisual Techniques to scientific documentation and communication, (resp. J. Boswall, BBC, UK). 1990: M.Sc. thesis in Geological Sciences, Univ. Torino 1995: PhD in Earth Sciences; University Consortium Cagliari-Genoa-Turin. 1997: CNR Fellowship “Short Term Mobility”. USGS, Denver, Colorado, 2008: World Wide Style program of international researcher exchanges, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. Canada. 2009: Faculty Enrichment Program of the International Council for Canadian Studies. 2) Research activities Dr. Giardino is a geomorphologist whose research activities focus on: • earth surface processes, particularly those of mountain regions, including glacial and fluvial environments; • the “static” (lithostructural) and “dynamic” (tectonic and climatic) factors conditioning the evolution of mountainous relief and hydrographic networks; • natural hazards and risks, particularly those related to instability phenomena of the abovementioned environments; • techniques and applications for geoheritage management. These activities were mainly conducted in the European Alps, in addition to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (USA), the Coast Belt and the Cordillera of British Columbia (Canada) and the Darjeeling Himalayas (India) through national and international research programs and agreements. Research is interdisciplinary in character and includes traditional field surveys, digital terrain mapping and remote sensing studies. Positions held 1993-1994 Geomorphology Researcher at the USGS - BELH (Branch of Earthquake and Landslide Hazard) Golden, Colorado, USA. 1995-1997 Geomorphology Researcher (art. 23/171/91), C.N.R - Centro di Studi sulla Geodinamica, Torino. 1997 Visiting Scientist, USGS-Geological Hazards Section, Denver, Colorado, USA. 1999–2010 Researcher, permanent position, Sector of Physical Geography and Geomorphology, University of Torino. 2008-2009 Visiting Scientist, Centre for Natural Hazard Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. Canada. Research Programs and Activities 1999 – 2008 Participant and coordinator in Physical Geography and Applied Geomorphology projects financed by University of Torino (ex 60% funds) 2001-2006 Author of monographs on the natural history and the Geoheritage of valleys (Arve, Sangone, Susa, Aosta) in the Western Alps. The volume on the territory of the Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games won the FIST-Geoitalia Contest for the best geosite publication. 2002-2004 local coordinator of MIUR PRIN-Cofin 2002 National Project: "Landslide activity and climate changes” Since 2002 IFFI Project (National Inventory of Landslides in Italy): scientific coordinator for the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region. 2003-2005 EU INTERREG III (Italy-France) Project “Mountains born for the sea – Geotourism activities in the Montgenevre area”. Scientific coordinator and author of field trip books and videos. 2004-2006 MIUR PRIN-Cofin 2004 National Project "The Geomorphological heritage as a resource for a sustainable tourism”: Scientific coordinator for the Univ. of Torino Research Group (National Coordinator: M. Panizza). Since 2007 Participant to the research projects: “Geosites of the Langhe-Monferrato Hills” (Regione Piemonte and Ente Parch Astigiani) and “Geotouristic map of the Middle Tanaro Valley” (Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali). Since 2007 Participant in the activity of ITHACA, an ONU-WFP (World Food Program) research unit to support humanitarian intervention during natural disaster. 2008-2009 Visiting Scientist, Centre for Natural Hazard Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. Canada. Research included the study of large, deep-seated slope instabilities in Western Canada and comparison to situations in the Italian Alps. (Collaborative project with Drs. J. Clague and D. Stead). 2009 - to date Responsible researcher for the Centro Funzionale of Aosta Valley Region in the B.1.3 work-package (“Regional analysis of slope instabilities of high mountains”) of the Interreg Alcotra strategic project “NatRisk” (2009-2012). Service to the Academic Community 2001 Dr. Giardino established the GeoSITlab (GIS and Geomatics Laboratory) in the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Torino. 2005 Organization of the AFEQ (Association Francaise pour l’Etude di Quaternarie) Annual field trip “Le Quaternaire des vallées alpines. Fronts glaciaires, mouvements de versant et comblements alluviaux dans la vallèes de l’Arve et de Suse”. 2005 Secretary of MAEGS14 (Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies; held in Torino, Italy): "Natural hazards related to the recent geological evolution". 2006 Organization of the AIGEO (Associazione Italiana di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia) National Congress in honor of Prof. Augusto Biancotti (Torino): (Geomorphological environment and human activities: resources, risks, impacts). 2007 Session Convener at the EGU General Assembly 2007 (Vienna); Session GM24 on “GEOMATICS application in GEOMORPHOLOGY: new technologies for the improvement of an “old” science”. 2007 “ImaGeo” a spin-off company was established by the University of Torino and the Academic Senate appointed Dr. Giardino as its Scientific coordinator. 2007-2008 Coordinator of the project “Innovative research methods and technologies for the multispatial/multitemporal analysis of landslides in mountain regions, the prevention and awareness of related natural hazards and risks”, (MIUR note n.179 - A.F.2007), International agreement between Tripura University (Responsible Prof. Kumar Sunil De, Department of Geography and Disaster Management India) and University of Torino. Memberships and Activities in Scientific Societies AIGEO (Associazione Italiana di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia) AIQUA (Associazione Italiana per lo studio del Quaternario) Associazione Italiana di Geologia e Turismo AIT (Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento) EGU (European Geoscience Union) SGI (Società Geologica Italiana) Invited member of the Italian Glaciological Committee (2003 – to date) Member of the Executive Committee of the Association of European Geological Societies, AEGS, (2003 – to date). AEGS secretary. (2008 – to date) 3) Teaching Activities University of Torino At the Faculty of Science M.F.N., Degrees on: B.Sc. Geological Sciences (Applied Geomorphology, 1999-2001; Geomorphology, 2002 – to date; Applied Geomorphology I, 2007 – to date), M.Sc Geological Sciences (Geodynamics and Morphogenesis , 2004-2008), M.Sc. Environmental and Applied Geology (Geomorphological Analysis and Representation, 2003-2008; Applied Geomorphology and Geothematic mapping, 2009 – to date), M.Sc. Analysis and Management of the Environment, Geomorphology (2005-2008). Other classes taught as part of Interfaculty Programs include Science of Alpine Tourism: Slope dynamics in the Physical Geography Course (2001). Scientific Communication: Earth Sciences (2005 and 2008). Hign School for Secondary School Teacher (SIS/Piemonte): Environmental Dynamics and Risks in the Earth Sciences (2000-2008). Member of student thesis committees, participating in supervision and tutorship. Acted as the principal thesis tutor for 62 students (1999 – to date). Outreach activities Other related teaching activities within the scientific discipline of Physical Geography and Geomorphology have contributed to: Master of Scientific Communication (2003); Master COREP in Local development and valorization of the cultural alpine heritage (2005); Management of Environment and Territory (Verbania: 2003-2005) Chieri: (2006); ESF Course in Mountain safety at the Fondazione Montagna Sicura di Courmayeur (2007). Invited lectures have been presented at the Universities of Genua, Milan, and Cagliari (Italy), Chambery and Reims (France), Colorado School of Mines (USA) and Simon Fraser University (Canada). International activities and Doctoral Schools As part of a Socrates/Erasmus Project, Dr. Giardino is a coordinator of student and faculty exchanges with the French Universities of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne, de Savoie (Chambery), des Antilles et de la Guyane (Guadalupe); and also with Valladolid (Spain) and Athens (Greece). Dr. Giardino is the European Coordinator in the a EU-Canada “geoNatHaz” project “Enhancing International Earth Science Competence in Natural Hazards Research” (web: www.geonathaz.unito.it ) a Transatlantic Exchange Partnerships, jointly established by EACEA and HRSDC agencies, for a consortium of 4 european universities (Torino Bologna, Chambery, Athens), 3 Canadian ones (Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, Queen’s University), and 22 “supporting organizations” (industry, research and other academic institutions, including IGAR-University of Lausanne). Member of the Teaching Committee for the Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, leader of the International Workshop on “Glacier- and Permafrost-related Hazards, Courmayeur 2002); Summer schools on geomorphological mapping in the alpine environment (VINCI 2002 program). At the University of Torino Dr. Giardino has been the tutor for nine Ph.D. theses in the Earth Sciences doctoral program and for one Ph.D. thesis on Environmental Protection and Land Planning He has also acted a tutor for one student in “Earth System Science: Environmental, Resources and Cultural Heritage” at the Modena and Reggio Emilia University. 9.1 Tenured professors nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for Age the project (Hours/year) 1. AJASSA Roberto SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 220 56 2. BALESTRO Gianni SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 175 42 3. BELLUSO Elena SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Associate professor 175 50 4. BELTRAMO Riccardo SCIENZE MERCEOLOGICHE Full professor 175 50 5. BENNA Piera SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Associate professor 175 56 6. BONETTO Sabrina Maria Rita SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 60 33 7. BORGHI Alessandro SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Associate professor 220 53 8. CADOPPI Paola SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 220 51 9. CAMARA ARTIGAS Fernando SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Full professor 160 43 10. CASTELLI Daniele Carlo Cesare SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Full professor 150 54 11. CIGOLINI Corrado SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Assistant professor 45 57 12. CLARI Pierangelo SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Full professor 130 63 13. COSTA Emanuele SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Assistant professor 245 48 14. D'ATRI Anna SCIENZE DELLA Assistant 220 52 Raffaella TERRA professor 15. DELA PIERRE Francesco SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 220 49 16. DUGLIO Stefano SCIENZE MERCEOLOGICHE Assistant professor 80 35 17. FERRANDO Simona SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Assistant professor 200 37 18. FERRERO Elena SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 200 69 19. FESTA Andrea SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 90 40 20. FORNARO Mauro SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Full professor 90 62 21. FORNO Maria Gabriella SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 245 56 22. FRATIANNI Simona SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 175 37 23. GATTIGLIO Marco SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 220 56 24. GIANOTTI Franco SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 245 45 25. GIARDINO Marco SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 360 49 26. GROPPO Chiara Teresa SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Assistant professor 175 32 27. LOMBARDO Vincenzo INFORMATICA Associate professor 175 46 28. LOZAR Francesca SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 245 47 29. MANDRONE Giuseppe SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 60 45 30. MARTINETTO Edoardo SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 70 44 31. MARTIRE Luca SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 245 51 32. MASCIOCCO Luciano SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 245 53 33. MOTTA Luigi SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 90 47 34. MOTTA Michele SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Associate professor 90 45 35. PIERVITTORI Rosanna BIOLOGIA VEGETALE Associate professor 175 57 36. ROLFO Franco SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Assistant professor 245 42 37. ROSSETTI Piergiorgio SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Associate professor 245 53 38. RUBBO Marco SCIENZE MINERALOGICHE E PETROLOGICHE Associate professor 120 65 39. VESCE Enrica SCIENZE MERCEOLOGICHE Assistant professor 80 43 40. VIOLANTI Donata SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Full professor 70 62 41. ZANELLA Elena SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assistant professor 45 45 9.2 Research fellows nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age 1. BERTOK Carlo Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assegnista 175 34 2. GIULIANI Andrea Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assegnista 45 32 3. NATALICCHIO Marcello Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Assegnista 175 31 9.3 PhD students nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project Age (Hours/year) Luca Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Dottorando 175 24 2. BERNARDI Elisa Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Dottorando 175 26 1. BARALE 9.4 Technical staff nº Surname Name Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age 1. CAVAGNA Simona Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Posizione 130 economica D2 42 2. DESTEFANIS Enrico Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Posizione 45 economica D2 38 3. DINO Giovanna Antonella Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA Posizione 90 economica D1 35 4. FAVERO LONGO Sergio Enrico Dip. BIOLOGIA VEGETALE Posizione 175 economica D2 32 5. PEROTTI Luigi Dip. SCIENZE DELLA TERRA 90 Posizione economica D3 38 9.5 Post doctoral fellows to be hired for project Description nº Total cost 1. A fellow researcher in Natural Sciences specifically devoted to: geosite valorization, analysis of recent environmental changes and multidisciplinary enhancement of public understanding of Earth Sciences. Duration (months) 45634 24 2. A PhD researcher in sedimentary geology to be hired for field and 45634 laboratory studies and for proposing solutions for the popularisation of the obtained results. 24 3. PhD researcher in Economics to verify the conditions of TIQMS applications to geosites and contribute to guidelines structuring of the territorial integrated quality of geosites. 12 TOTAL 22817 114085 9.6 Investigators from other Italian Universities Surname Name University Department Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age VIGNA Bartolomeo Politecnico Dip. INGEGNERIA di DEL TERRITORIO, TORINO DELL'AMBIENTE E DELLE GEOTECNOLOGIE Professore Associato confermato 50 57 9.7 Investigators from foreign Universities nº Surname Name University Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age 9.8 Investigators from Italian research institutions nº Surname Name Institution Title Time spent for the project (Hours/year) Age 1. Piana Fabrizio CNR - IGG Dr. 120 53 2. Ghiraldi Luca Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Dr. 175 40 3. Vaggelli Gloria CNR - IGG Dr. 45 48 4. Mosca Pietro CNR - IGG Dr. 90 39 5. Mortara Giovanni Comitato Glaciologico Italiano Dr. 90 67 10 Project team UniTO publications 1. BALESTRO G., PIANA F., DE DONATIS M., BRUCIATELLI L. (2010). Representation and transfer of geological knowledge in IT-supported projects. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES. vol. 129, pp. 335-343 ISSN: 2038-1719. doi:10.3301/IJG.2009.14. 2. BALESTRO G., PAOLA CADOPPI, GIANLUIGI PERRONE, SERGIO TALLONE. (2009). Tectonic evolution along the Col del Lis-Trana Deformation Zone (internal Western Alps). BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA. vol. 128, pp. 331-339 ISSN: 0037-8763. doi:10.3301/IJG.2009.128.2.331. 3. BALESTRO G., F PIANA. (2007). The representation of knowledge and uncertainty in databases of GIS geological maps. BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA. vol. 126, pp. 487-495 ISSN: 0037-8763. 4. BERTOK C., MARTIRE L. (2009). Sedimentation, fracturing, and sliding on a pelagic plateau margin: the Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous succession of Rocca Busambra (Western Sicily, Italy). SEDIMENTOLOGY. vol. 56, pp. 1016-1040 ISSN: 0037-0746. doi:.01015.x. 5. CLARI P., DELA PIERRE F., MARTIRE L., CAVAGNA S. (2009). The Cenozoic CH4derived carbonates of Monferrato (NW Italy): a solid evidence of fluid circulation in the sedimentary column. MARINE GEOLOGY. vol. 265, pp. 167-184 ISSN: 0025-3227. 6. GASCO I., BORGHI A., GATTIGLIO M. (2010). Metamorphic evolution of the Gran Paradiso Massif: A case study of an eclogitic metagabbro and a polymetamorphic glaucophane-garnet micaschist. LITHOS. vol. 115, pp. 101-120 ISSN: 0024-4937. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.11.009. 7. SERRA M., BORGHI A., D’, AMICONE E., FIORA L., MASHALI O., VAGGELLI G., VIGNA L. (2010). Black and red granites in the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin: A minero-petrographic and provenance study. ARCHAEOMETRY. vol. 52, pp. 962-986 ISSN: 0003-813X. 8. BORGHI A., VAGGELLI G., MARCON C., FIORA L. (2009). The Piedmont white marbles used in Antiquity: an archaeometric distinction inferred by a minero-petrographic and C-O stable isotope study. ARCHAEOMETRY. vol. 51 (6), pp. 913-931 ISSN: 0003-813X. doi:DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2008.00447. 9. S.E. FAVERO-LONGO, BORGHI A., M. TRETIACH, R. PIERVITTORI. (2009). In vitro receptivity of carbonate rocks to endolithic lichen-forming aposymbionts. MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH. vol. 113(10), pp. 1216-1227 ISSN: 0953-7562. doi:10.1016/j.mycres.2009.08.006. 10. MARTINETTO E., VASSIO E. (2010). Reconstructing “Plant Community Scenarios” by means of palaeocarpological data from the CENOFITA database, with an example from the Ca’ Viettone site (Pliocene, Northern Italy). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL. vol. 225, pp. 25-36 ISSN: 1040-6182. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2009.08.020. 11. MARTINETTO E., UHL D., TARABRA E. (2007). Leaf physiognomic indications for a moist warm-temperate climate in NW Italy during the Messinian (Late Miocene). PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY. vol. 253, pp. 4155 ISSN: 0031-0182. 12. MARTINETTO E., SCARDIA G, VARRONE D. (2007). Magnetobiostratigraphy of the Stura di Lanzo Fossil Forest succession (Piedmont, Italy). RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA. vol. 113, pp. 109-125 ISSN: 0035-6883. 13. BERTINI A., MARTINETTO E. (2008). Messinian to Zanclean vegetation and climate of Northern and Central Italy. BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETÀ PALEONTOLOGICA ITALIANA. vol. 47 (2), pp. 105-121 ISSN: 0375-7633. 14. PERRONE G., EVA E., SOLARINO S., CADOPPI P., BALESTRO G., FIORASO G., TALLONE S. (2010). Seismotectoni investigations in the inner Cottian Alps (Italian Western Alps): An integrated approach. TECTONOPHYSICS. vol. 496, pp. 1-16 ISSN: 0040-1951. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.009. 15. BAIETTO A., PERELLO P., CADOPPI P., MARTINOTTI G. (2009). Alpine tectonic evolution and thermal water circulations of the Argentera Massif (South-Western Alps). SWISS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES. vol. 102, pp. 223-245 ISSN: 1661-8726. doi:10.1007/s00015-009-1313-5. 16. CADOPPI P., GIARDINO M, PERRONE G, TALLONE S. (2007). Litho-structural control, morphotectonics, and deep-seated gravitational deformations in the evolution of Alpine relief: A case study in the lower Susa Valley (Italian Western Alps). QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL. vol. 171-172, pp. 143-159 ISSN: 1040-6182. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.015. 17. BAIETTO A., CADOPPI P., MARTINOTTI G., PERELLO P., PERROCHET P., VUATAZ F.-D. (2008). Assessment of thermal circulations in strike-slip fault system: the terme di Valdieri case (Italian Western Alps). In: WIBBERLEY C.A.J., KURTZ W., IMBER J., HOLDSWORTH R.E., COLLETTINI C. The internal structures of fault zones: Implications for mechanical and fluid-flow properties. (vol. 299, pp. 317-339). doi:10.1144/SP299.18Londra: Geological Society of London (UNITED KINGDOM). 18. COMPAGNONI R, ROLFO F., MANAVELLA F., SALUSSO F. (2007). Jadeitite in the Monviso meta-ophiolite, Piemonte Zone, Italian Western Alps. PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA. vol. 76, pp. 79-89 ISSN: 0369-8963. 19. COMPAGNONI R, ROLFO F., GROPPO C, HIRAJIMA T, TURELLO R. (2006). Mapping of Alpine rocks characterized by “HP” to “UHP” metamorphic overprint in the Southern DoraMaira Massif (Western Alps). In: G. PASQUARE', C. VENTURINI, G. GROPPELLI. Mapping Geology in Italy. (vol. 34, pp. 287-294). ISBN: 88-448-0189-2. FIRENZE: APAT Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo Servizio Geo (ITALY). 20. COMPAGNONI R., ROLFO F., CASTELLI D. (2010). Jadeitite from the Monviso metaophiolite, western Alps: occurrence and genesis. In: ACTA MINERALOGICAPETROGRAPHICA ABSTRACT SERIES - IMA2010. IMA2010 - 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association. 21-27/8/2010. (vol. 6, pp. 599-599). Szeged: Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrolo (HUNGARY). ISSN 1589-4835. 21. BLOISE A., BELLUSO E., BARRESE E., MIRIELLO D., APOLLARO C. (2009). Synthesis of Fe-doped chrysotile and characterization of the resulting chrysotile fibers. CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY. vol. 44, pp. 1-7 ISSN: 0232-1300. doi:DOI 10.1002/crat.200900135. 22. FORNERO E., BELLUSO E., CAPELLA S., BELLIS D. (2009). Environmental exposure to asbestos and other inorganic fibres by animal lung investigation. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. vol. 407, pp. 1010-1018 ISSN: 0048-9697. 23. BELLUSO E., FORNERO E., CAIRO S., ALBERTAZZI G., RINAUDO C. (2007). The application of micro-Raman spectroscopy to distinguish carlosturanite from serpentine-group minerals. CANADIAN MINERALOGIST. vol. 45, pp. 1495-1500 ISSN: 0008-4476. doi:10.3749/canmin.45.6.1495. 24. GUNTER M.E., BELLUSO E., MOTTANA A. (2007). Amphiboles: Environmental and Health Concerns. 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BAZZINI, G. CERRATO, FERRERO E., M.D. TONON, C. COGGI, P. RICCHIARDI. (2009). The FENIX project: empowerment strategies and cognitive development for children living in depressed contexts. In: CHEAH Ui Hock, WAHYUDI, DEVADASON Robert Peter, NG Khar Thoe, PREECHAPORN Warabhorn, ALIGAEN Julito C. Proceedings 3rd CoSMED "Improving Science and Mathematics Literacy: Theory, Innovation and Practice". (pp. 62-69). ISBN: 967-930-017-8. Penang: SEAMEO RECSAM (MALAYSIA). 147. FERRERO E., MAGAGNA A., MORANDO M., RANZENIGO A.C., RUGGIERO A., MORTARA G. (2010). Developing intercultural consciousness in school children: interaction between schools and Museums. In: Congress Proceedings. CULTURAL HERITAGE. 4th International Congress "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural . 6-8.12.2009. (vol. 1, pp. 601-607). Roma: AIC – EACH Project (ITALY). 10.1 Italian investigators' publications 1. GALLEANI L., VIGNA B., BANZATO C., LO RUSSO S. (2011). Validation of a Vulnerability Estimator for Spring Protection Areas: The VESPA index. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY. vol. 396, pp. 233-245 ISSN: 0022-1694. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.11.012. 2. VIGNA B., FIORUCCI A, BANZATO C, FORTI P, DE WAELE J. (2010). Hypogene gypsum karst and sinkhole formation at Moncalvo (Asti, Italy). ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GEOMORPHOLOGIE. vol. 54(2), pp. 285-306 ISSN: 0372-8854. 3. VIGNA B. (2007). Schematizzazione e funzionamento degli acquiferi in rocce carbonatiche. MEMORIE DELL'ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI SPELEOLOGIA. SERIE GEOLOGICA E GEOFISICA. vol. 19, pp. 21-26. 10.2 Foreign investigators' publications Surname Name Attachment PDF 11 Project background (rationale and preliminary findings) “Geoheritage” is a generic but descriptive term applied to sites or areas of geologic features with significant scientific, educational, cultural, or aesthetic value (O’Halloran et Al., 1994). The geoheritage concept is based on an advanced consideration of Earth’s processes and materials: not only geologic features such as distinctive rocks or mineral types, unique or rare fossils, but other attractive Earth characteristics or distinctive geological “objects” that bear value for better understanding the history of our planet, such as a form of the landscape with peculiar and significant geomorphologic attributes, which qualifies it as a component of the cultural patrimony of a territory. For these reasons many geoheritage sites can be tourist destinations and provide local and regional economic benefits (Knudsen et Al., 2008). Geoheritage is part of the landscape whose meaning encompasses an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors (from the European landscape convention of Firenze 2000). For correctly addressing a geoheritage study, researchers need to break down landscape into its main parts and to detect the variables and mechanisms that controlled its evolution; in particular, among physical variables of the landscape system, geology rules and influences both superficial and underground features and also affects the natural and artificial components of a territory. From the scientific point of view, all varieties of rocks, minerals and landforms that characterize a landscape and the processes which have formed these features throughout geological time are indicated as “geodiversity”, and are considered the basis for the biological biodiversity on Earth (Panizza & Piacente, 2003). In the scientific literature several papers concern the development of different techniques for identifying and managing geodiversity at the national, international and global scale (Serrano & Ruiz Flano, 1995; Ellis et Al., 1996; Erikstad, 1999; Wimbledon, 1999). Since management of any natural heritage requires a balance between the need to protect and enhance the natural heritage and the legitimate needs of local populations or visitors, a European Working Group for Earth Sciences Conservation was created on 1988, then (1993) transformed in the ProGEO association, devoted to geodiffusion activities and to the establishment of an international network for geosite inventory and conservation. A similar working group was created within the International Union of Geoscience (IUGS), whose outreach activities were the “Geosites” (global inventory of sites of geological interest) and “Geoparks” (a UNESCO partnership for promoting territories containing geosites). The site-based approach has worked extremely well for geoconservation (Wimbledon et Al., 1999) although geosites cannot by themselves maintain and enhance geodiversity. If complemented by a “geothematic area” approach, however, the benefits to geoconservation can be enormous through the protection of topographical character, restoration of geomorphological processes and the creation of new exposures in important geological units. Scientific site assessment and selection is therefore an essential part of geological conservation, yet it serves only to provide a framework around which to build. Truly successful geological conservation also requires strong legislation, conservation-friendly policies, practices, and action plans, an active geological/conservation community, and activities aimed to raising awareness of the importance of our geological heritage and the need to conserve it, amongst both decision makers and the public. In the case of the Piedmont region, the diversity of its geological heritage, that is known worldwide thanks to thousands of scientific publications produced by Italian and international research teams (e.g. Wezel, 2003), may serve to illustrate the concepts expressed above. This geological heritage that includes remnants of a typical collisional belt composed of stacked, deeply metamorphosed, continental and oceanic units, post collisional sedimentary basins developed in a highly mobile geodynamic setting, and Quaternary landforms and deposits related to recent exogenetic processes, represents a cultural and environmental wealth that must be diffused, preserved and valorized not only for education and scientific reasons but also for economic interests. An innovative “visual” approach can be proposed for the assessment and management of the geoheritage of the Piemonte Region (Fig. 1 a-e) by considering both its geographical/administrative components (a), and geological diversity (b). Earth scientists use different colors to highlight different geological units belonging to different geoenvironments, in term of distinctive processes, materials and position in the earth structure: a regional geodiversity whose analogue can be individualized in the disassembled Rubik cube (c). By operating selection (d) and re-assemblage (e) of geological and territorial components of the geodiversity, proper activities of geoheritage promotion and management can be developed, with a balance between natural heritage protection and the needs of local populations or visitors. The ingredients for developing a balanced framework of activity in the Piemonte Region are offered by: - a rich, multidisciplinary academic approach by several teams of investigators from the University of Torino. The interaction of different departments (Earth Sciences, Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Plant Biology, Economics Commodity Science, and Informatics) can boost either scientific knowledge and the achievement of a new conceptual and operational discipline in the management of the geological heritage of the Piemonte Region. - the Regional Geosite Inventory by the Documentation Centre for Geodiversity and Geoconservation (Regional Natural Sciences Museum, Turin) whose bibliographic research allowed to obtain 629 records of potential geosites scattered throughout the region. Just sligthly more than half have sufficient information to proceed with a structured inventory and assessment. The remaining still need documentation, potentially provided by the Academic community involved in the project. - A series of local partners (public administrations, natural parks and local museums, cultural institutions) that are already involved in projects aimed to promote geodiversity. Experiments could be carried out to evaluate best solutions for visual representation of geological landforms and processes, and new didactic tools for educators, schools and public in general. Action plans could be developed with local partners to determine management requirements. The recognition of the economic value of geodiversity could lead to the production of Geoconservation guidelines for the Regione Piemonte, including planning considerations, and tourism and sustainable development strategies. 12 Project description (specific aims, design, methods, time schedule of study/experiments) Natural heritage in the territory of Piemonte is already being protected in a broad sense by a network of parks and several actions have been developed for enhancing the regional biodiversity. Nevertheless, the concept of geodiversity is less well appreciated, and we aim to contribute to his dissemination, because we think that all the variety of rocks, minerals and landforms and the processes which have formed these features throughout geological time are the essential cornerstones for the development of biodiversity. In this perspective, our project aims to achieve a new comprehensive conceptual and operational discipline in the management of the geological heritage of the Piemonte Region by means of the development of techniques for recognizing and managing geodiversity at the local and regional scale. Our assumption is that geoheritage sites (“geosites”) can serve both the public and private interests, so we will sustain geosite contribution to the quality of life in the Piemonte region by: - identifying symbols of the Piemonte geoheritage, with large numbers of visitors attracted, in order to stimulate respect for nature; - conducting advanced scientific researches on geosites to enhance regional Earth Sciences knowledge; - enhancing the awareness on natural resources or hazards; - promoting geosites as valuable products – not only as commercial material resources, but also as cultural and geotouristic assets bringing enjoyment to individuals; - elaborating strategies for driving economical support to local communities responsible for geoheritage management. Our project is designed to operate through several steps of activity of a multidisciplinary research group: 1) review and improvements of the regional geosite inventory; 2) assessment of main thematic areas of Piemonte geodiversity; 3) specialized analysis on related critical issues of Earth Sciences knowledge; 4) experiments on visual representation of geological environments and processes; 5) development of geodiversity action plans including educational impacts; 6) promotion of a 'geodiversity economics'. 1) The foundations of our project are in the Regional Geosite Inventory by the Documentation Centre for Geodiversity and Geoconservation (Regional Natural Sciences Museum, Turin). Based on its recent cooperative researches with the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (University of Torino) and the Doctoral school of “Earth System Science for Environment, Natural Resource and Cultural Heritage” (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) a critical review of the inventoried geosites will be performed throughout the first year of the project. Further improvements will be then added, based on the contribution of researchers from the Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche. Methodologies for inventory and evaluation will be updated, and new available data will contribute both to a better homogeneous geographic distribution of geosites, and the recognition of new strategic areas to be studied in Piemonte (fig.2). 2) Since geodiversity is a complex matter with a disassembled character, either for its variegated geological contents or its disperse distribution due to landscape fragmentation, our concept here is to reassemble it by using key-themes. Based on preliminary findings from the Regional Geosite Inventory, nine (9) strategic “geothematic areas” have been individualized to offer a complete representation of the geodiversity of Piemonte (Fig. 3). Each “geothematic area” is characterized by high potential for scientific studies, enhancement of public understanding of science, recreation activities and for economic support to local communities. Assessment of geodiversity contents of each area will be conducted to extract useful contents to be re-organized for different possible points of view (accessibility, Earth Sciences contents, climato-touristic indexes) either within the same area or by criss-crossing different themes. 3) Specialized research teams of different scientific backgrounds (Structural Geology, Sedimentary Geology-Stratigraphy-Paleontology, Petrography, Mineralogy, Physical GeographyGeomorphology, Lichenology) will analyze critical aspects to advancing knowledge on the geological history of Piemonte, climate and environmental changes, natural hazards, soil processes and georesources. The research activities will be conducted preferably within the 2 first years of the project, based on the geodiversity contents of each geothematic area, as shown by fig. 4. The multidisciplinary character of the project offers a wide range of scientific methods and instruments to be applied in the research: - bibliographic and historical documentation (museums, technical archives); - chemical, physical and isotopic analysis of waters; - crystal chemical analyses; - digital techniques and Information Technologies (IT) applications (remote sensing, GIS, Geomatics); - fieldworks: geological, stratigraphic, structural, geomorphologic and hydrogeological surveys and mapping; logging and sampling; - geochemical and fluid inclusion studies; - integrated sedimentological, physical stratigraphic, biomagnetostratigraphic, cyclostratigraphic, and paleontologic studies; - meteorologic data analyses; - microanalyses by microXRF, XRD, µ-Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDS; - microscopical and molecular techniques to identify the rock-dwelling organisms; - petrographic and mineralogical studies (transmitted and reflected light optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence); - petrologic modeling; - photogrammetric analyses; - structural analyses; - structural and morphological micro-investigations by SEM and TEM-EDS; - TIQMS (Territorial Integrated Quality) analysis, supported by Scatol8TM system. A Geographical Information System will be structured by Geositlab (GIS and Geomatics Laboratory, University of Torino) for the PROGEO-Piemonte data collection and management. The integrated use of pictures, maps and field data from different sources will be enhanced by the use of GPS and palm-PCs with dedicated Mobile-GIS software SRG2 (Univ. of Torino), providing a customized interface for Earth Science data collection. Spatial analysis techniques such as remote sensing, digital and traditional photogrammetry, GPS and laser scanning, will be performed with the technical support of ImaGEO spin-off of the University of Torino, thereby offering multi-scale analysis through integration within a GIS framework. 4) A series of experiments will be carried out during the 3 years project to evaluate best solutions for visual representation of geological processes and present/past evolutionary scenarios of landscapes. With the support of Virtual Reality MultiMedia Park (VRMMP) we will focus on 3D virtual environments with interactive and immersive audiovisual interfaces, which can shed light over many issues concerning geodiversity and geoheritage. In particular, we will adopt the paradigm of real-time 3D computer graphics to re-create credible scenarios of the geothematic areas individuated in the project. For each area, we will create a virtual scene and design a few interactive environments for the exploration of the areas. The working pipeline we will follow is shown in Fig. 5, where we can find the name of the step on top, the result formats in the middle, and the relative software at bottom. From a scientifically authored height maps, i.e. images that map a light intensity representation to the data elevation of some area, we elaborate a scene that includes the appropriate color masks and light maps; then, we elaborate the real—time graphic materials to be associated with the scene surfaces, and, finally, we import the complete scene in the interactive environment MESH for designing the visualization application and capturing the introductory video. In this project phase, we will work in collaboration with the VRMMP Park, which maintains the MESH environment. VRMMP has already worked in partnership with some participants to this project on the Multi-vision project “Turin: history of a city”, sponsored by the Torino Musei Foundation and exposed at Palazzo Madama in Turin. In that project, VRMMP has produced a video on the pre-historic phases of the city (see a screenshot in Fig. 6). We will work involving Earth Scientists, graphic designers, and computer scientists, to devise virtual environments that represent the most relevant data about the phenomena at hand. The environment will address scientific as well as aesthetic interest, so interpreting the geo-heritage project in a wide sense. From such interactive environments, we will also conceive a linear video of a few minutes to synthesize the most relevant findings for promotional and learning purposes (Tufte, 1983). 5) For the development of geodiversity action plans during the second half of the project, a selection is needed within the studied geosites. Our preliminary choice has been devoted to sites being part of relevant geothematic areas: they offer a system of relationships between the environmental and human history, and can be easily understood by a broad public. Further selection will be done by applying an interpretative model of geosites based on their targeted fruition (Fig. 7) . Geological literacy of children, young persons and adults will have a deep impact on every day life and on our future. We will produce didactic materials for future science exhibits (e.g. European Researcher's Night; “ScopriAlpi” in the Alpi Cozie Geopark), where we will share PROGEOPiemonte projects results with visitors through interactive demonstrations, such as: plate tectonics experiments; models of slope instabilities; the fossil record and the reconstruction of past climate changes; explore the decorative stones of Torino's historical buildings; awareness of fibrous mineral (asbestos) and mineral particles impacts on health; classifying mineral collection by using the five senses. The produced material could be shared with teachers for local school projects and natural science museums of Piemonte. Moreover, outcomes of the project will include didactic tools for educators, schools and public in general, such as real and virtual geological tracks, interactive websites and training courses for geonaturalistic guides. Long-term objectives and short-term targets for geodiffusion actions will meet the requirements of local communities in the geothematic areas. Local partners will offer human and financial resources for the achievement of the geodiffusion objectives. 6) The economic value to society of environmental goods and services is now being recognised world-wide as a result of economic analysis. It underpins or overarches much geodiversity work because the economic dimension leads directly into a range of management issues including local/regional planning considerations, tourism and sustainable development strategies in general. The use of a large data set of climatic data can represent an important source of information for the influential fallout on the tourism economy. It allows in fact to analyze the climate as a resource, particularly where its variability is stronger for the differences in altitude and slope orientation, the existence of xerothermic areas and the variation of height and frequency of rainfall (Biancotti and Fratianni, 2005). In this regard, it will be necessary to identify the climatic-touristic indices (qualitative and numeric) that express values and ranges within which the meteorological variables and most appropriate weather types encouraging tourism outdoors should vary. So, after playing a climatic characterization of the sites chosen, it can be considered for example the number of “hiking favourable days” (combined index that takes into account insulation, thermal sensation, thermohygrometric complex, visibility, wind speed, precipitation, ...). The exploration of “climate fields” will allow to exploit the peculiarities of each locality examined, thus becoming useful for development. The TIQMS, Territorial Integrated Quality Management System (Beltramo & Duglio, 2010), by the Dipartimento di Scienze Merceologiche (DSM) will be tested in a geosite, and used in the project development: it will allow to analyze a territory management from different points of view, connected to quality, climate, environment, landscape, occupational health and safety, social responsibility (following the ISO standards) and the European Landscape Convention. Main steps: a) Territorial integrated analysis, expressed by indicators about aspects considered to check the relationships between human activities and environment (to manage data, it would be used Scatol8TM (Beltramo, 2010), a remote sensing system developed by DSM that would be updated for gathering, storing, representing and sending data for analysis of geoheritage components). b) Planning of the system. c) Documentary system. d) Evaluation about a possibility of certification. e) Possible extension to other geosites. f) Guidelines to the territorial integrated quality of geosites (as a guide for touristic operators). The recognition of the economic value of geodiversity will lead to the proposal of Geoconservation guidelines for the Regione Piemonte, including planning considerations, and tourism and sustainable development strategies in general. All the PROGEO-Piemonte activities will be included in the framework of the national network of the Italian Geosites Project by ISPRA. Scientific results will be discussed within the activities of the Working Group "Geomorphosites" of the International Association of Geomorphologists and the scientific committee of the Associazione Italiana di Geologia e Turismo and the Association of European Geological Societies. Field researches and dissemination activities will be strongly supported by public and private partners such as: IMAGEO spin off company of the University of Torino; LaTUNO society for the management of ScopriAlpi and ScopriMiniera initiatives; "Conferenza Alte Valli" C.H.A.V. association of Italian and French Mountain local communities, leader of the Alpi Cozie GeoPark ALCOTRA PIT project (2007-13) "Le Alti Valli: la montagna fa sistema". An international advisory board will operate in order to offer yearly evaluation of project advancement and to assess the effectiveness of the proposed management strategies and educational processes. Prof Emmanuel Reynard (Lausanne University; chair of Working Group "Geomorphosites" of the International Association of Geomorphologists), Dr. Cristina Giovagnoli (ISPRA-Dipartimento difesa della Natura, Tutela del Patrimonio geologico, project leader of Italian Geosites Project), Prof. Mario Panizza, University of Modena, past president of International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) and Associazione Italiana di Geologia e Turismo) accepted to be part of the PROGEO-Piemonte Advisory Board. 13 Role of investigators Investigators will be involved in both multidisciplinary studies of the geothematic areas (1-9) of Piemonte geodiversity and in interdisciplinary researches (A-D) devoted to dissemination and valorisation purposes. Each geothematic area will be investigated by a specialized research team. Since some topics are multidisciplinary, single researchers can offer their contribution to different research teams. Two research fellows will be hired for integrating specific scientific needs and as link among different teams. 1.The Monviso massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain Coordinator: Rolfo Castelli, Borghi, Ferrando, Groppo, Rolfo, Rossetti: fieldworks, petrology and fluid inclusions Balestro, Cadoppi, Festa, Gattiglio: geological and structural mapping, IT applications Belluso, Benna: mineralogy Giardino, Piervittori, Favero: geomorphology and lichenology Role: unravel the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Monviso ophiolites; clarify the evolution and geometry of relevant mineralisation in the Cottian Alps and perform new geomorphologic analyses of the area where Hannibal possibly stationed in the Po valley. 2.Pages of the Earth history book recorded in the successions of the Marguareis area Coordinator: d’Atri Barale, Bertok, d’Atri, Martire, Vigna: stratigraphy and petrography of carbonate facies Piana: structural analysis Role: better definition of the paleogeographic framework and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Marguareis Massif-Colle di Tenda area. 3.Climate variability and past environmental changes: lessons from the Messinian record of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin Coordinator: Dela Pierre Clari, Dela Pierre, Cavagna, Natalicchio: stratigraphy and petrography of carbonate and evaporite facies Bernardi, Lozar, Violanti: biostratigraphy and paleoecology Martinetto: paleontology Zanella: magnetostratigraphy Ferrando: fluid inclusion study Benna, Costa, Rubbo: mineralogy and minerochemistry Role: reconstruction of a coherent picture of the stratigraphic record of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, through integrated physical-stratigraphic, biomagnetostratigraphic, cyclostratigraphic, and paleontologic studies of sections located both in the Langhe and Monferrato areas. Petrographic and geochemical studies of the gypsum and carbonate lithofacies. 4.Interaction of geological processes and human activities in the Monferrato hills Coordinator: Masciocco Forno, Gattiglio, Piana: geological mapping; structural analysis Clari, Dela Pierre, Lozar, Martire: stratigraphy Bonetto: gypsum resource exploitation Destefanis, Masciocco: hydrogeological survey, water chemical and isotopic analyses Ajassa, Cigolini: geochemistry and petrography of soils Fratianni, Mandrone, Masciocco: geomorphologic hazards Role: investigation of the recent geologic evolution of the Asti hills, with special emphasis on: hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characterization of spring waters, climate and soil dynamics, geomorphologic hazards and accelerated erosion. The relationships with present day vineyard cultures will also be addressed. 5.Natural and artificial waters of NE Piemonte Coordinator: Ajassa Ajassa, Masciocco: pedologic mapping Forno, Gianotti, Giardino, Martinetto, Perotti: geological and geomorphological mapping; photointerpretation Role: reconstruction of pedological and geomorphological landscape evolution by analyses of interaction of glacial, fluvial and anthropic processes. 6.Glaciation and deglaciation: geomorphic signatures on Morainic Amphitheatres of Ivrea and Belvedere Coordinator: Forno Forno, Gianotti: geologic survey, photointerpretation Ajassa: pedologic survey Cigolini, Ferrando: petrography and geochemistry of soils Motta L., Motta M.: erratic blocks survey Cámara, Costa, Rossetti: mineralogy, SEM analyses and gold metallogeny Giardino, Mortara (Italian Glaciolagical Commitee), Perotti: geomorphology and glaciology Role: data implementation on the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre stratigraphy, sedimentology and geomorphology through integrated analyses of erosional and depositional landforms. An updated survey of the erratic blocks will be performed, together with analyses of the exploitation methods of the Ivrea Amphitheatre alluvial placer and their gold primary source. The recent evolution of the active moraines of the Belvedere glacier, will be investigated by the integration of field survey, multitemporal photointerpretation and historical data. 7.Geomaterials as a resource for mankind development: the Traversella and Brosso Mining areas Coordinator: Costa Costa, Benna: chemical and historical mineralogy Cámara, Rubbo: mineralogy and minerochemistry Rossetti: ore field characteristics, metallogeny Dino, Fornaro: geotechnics and georesource exploitation Role: reconstruction of the mineralogical features of the Traversella and Brosso mines, through mineralogical, petrological, giacimentologic and petrographical studies. Integrated analysis and representation of data from analytical and historical sources. 8.Geoenvironmental dynamics and risks: the Cassas landlsides and the large slope instabilities of the Middle Susa valley. Coordinator: Giardino Giardino: geomorphology Perotti: remote sensing Piana: structural geology Fratianni: climatology Piervittori, Favero: lichenology Role: definition of the static (litho-structural) and dynamic (climate, neotectonics) controls of slope instabilities in the Middle Susa Valley. Reconstruction of stages in the lichen colonization on rock surfaces aimed to reconstruct landslides chronology. 9.Turin: the foundation stones of geological culture in the Piemonte Region Coordinator: Borghi Borghi, Castelli, d’Atri, Ferrando, Groppo, Martire, Rolfo, Rossetti, Vaggelli: petrography, minerochemical analyses Costa: mineralogy Piervittori, Favero: biodeterioration effects on stoneworks Role: petrographic and mineralogical study of the ornamental stones in Turin, aimed to the identification of their parent geological units and quarrying sites. The main deterioration agents, such as biological degradation, will also be investigated. Four interdisciplinary research teams (A-D) will cover the aspects of IT applications for geoheritage data management, visual representation of geological processes and evolution, development of geodiversity action plans and “geodiversity economics”. A)Geomatic applications for evaluation and management of Piemonte geoheritage Coordinator: Ghiraldi Balestro, Cadoppi, Ghiraldi, Giardino, Perotti: GIS and Geomatics Role: to provide to ProGeo Piemonte investigators a customized interface for Earth Science data collection and management by applying mobile GIS and digital analysis techniques. B)Visual representation of geological environment and processes Coordinator: Lombardo Lombardo, Giardino, Perotti and one research staff of the Virtual Reality Multimedia park: project and realization of multimedia products Role: evaluation of the best solutions for visual representation of geological scenarios. To produce, with the support of Virtual Reality Multimedia park, 3D virtual environments and a linear video for promotional and learning purposes. C)Geodiversity action plans for dissemination activities Coordinator: Ferrero Belluso, Ferrero, Giardino, Lozar, Perotti, one part time research fellow: project of didactic tools, training courses Role: to produce didactic tools (laboratory activities and field trips, interactive models and posters) focused on the main results obtained by the scientific teams. D)Tool integrated management of a geosite: application of TIQ (Territorial Integrated Quality) Coordinator: Beltramo Beltramo, Duglio, Vesce, one part time Research fellow: TIQ analysis Role: to analyze indicators for an integrated management system of geosites (quality, environment, landscape, occupational health and safety, social responsibility), following the ISO standards and the European Landscape Convention. Regional guidelines will be derived. 14 References BELTRAMO R., DUGLIO S. 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Pendragon, Bologna pp. 52-63. 15 Budget Cost 15.1 Post Doctoral Fellows to be hired for project Description 114.085 15.2 Equipment and software 36.000 Personal computer and other hardware (tablet PC, pocket PC, A2 printer, notebook, digital cameras GNSS devices, etc.) Software for data and image processing 15.3 Direct costs 57.500 Field and laboratory activities expenses : Materials and chemical products for thin section manufacturing, mineralogical sample preparation, EDS, TEM and for identification of rock-dwelling organisms. Aerial and satellite images for photointerpretation and image analysis Plots of maps and posters Scientific books Organization of advisory board meetings 15.4 Travels 73.000 Travel and lodging expenses for fieldwork. Travel, lodging and registration fees for national and international congresses and partecipation to scientific meetings. 15.5 External services 80.000 Linear video (few minutes) to synthesize Geosites digital models Technical assistance in field data collection and laboratory analysis (Geochemical, Trace element and isotopic, MicroXRF, XRD, Pedological, Palinological, DNA sequencing, Radiocarbon dating, SEM-EDS maintenance, Laser Scanning, GNSS data collection) Web-based interactive audiovisual interface Publication costs, off reprints 15.6 General expenses TOTAL 39.000 Expenditures on operational functionality (Stationery, mail, phone, printer toners and ink jet cartridges, data storing devices) Registration fees for national and international congresses and courses Consumables 399.585 16 Animal Experiments Does the project require the use of experimental animals according to DL 116 of 27.01.1992? NO 17 Statement I authorize the use of the informations contained in the project for the purposes of scientific evaluation YES I authorize the dissemination of the outcome of scientific evaluation of the project YES Torino 15/04/2011 12:54 .
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