Overview of ENEA role and activities Pietro Tarquini/Walter Gaggioli Renewable Energy Technical Unit [email protected] [email protected] Piombino 7 marzo 2014 Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Substainable Economic Development ENEA is a public organization operating in the fields of energy, sustainable economic development and new technologies in order to support competitiveness and sustainable development policies at the national level MISSION: supporting Italian energy policy through the promotion and innovation of sustainable technologies Facts and Figures Human Resources: (30 June 2010) 2863 permanent staff 71 temporary staff Master and PhD students International Fellows Headquarters located in Rome 9 Research Centres 5 Research Laboratories 12 Local Offices Brussels Liason Office ENEA’s Technologies ENEA FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Renewable Energy Sources are important part of the energy mix and beneficial for energy security and the reduction of emission of GHG In the wider framework of RES, ENEA is carrying out RD&D activities on: Concentrating Solar Power Photovoltaic Biomass gasification Bio Fuel Wind Energy (Offshore and small scale) Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 1 litro di gasolio fornisce circa 10 kWh 100 m2 → 50 l al giorno Potenzialità del solare termodinamico Area ~2400kWh/m2/a (km2) DNI kWh/m2/a 9000 2400 L = 95 km Energia disponibile con Energia disponibile il 10% di efficienza di con il 10% di conversione (kWh) efficienza di conversione (MTEP) 2.16x1012 185 (consumo medio annuo dell’Italia) ENEA technology innovations Solar collector design (easy manufacture and assembly) Heat storage (low volume and cost) Heat transfer fluid (low cost, low envir. impact) 290 °C 550 °C Steam generator Power block Receiver tube (high efficiency) Direct Mollten Salts CSP system (i.e. Archimede plant) 10 ENEA roadmap on concentrating solar power (CSP) Industrial Demonstration plant 2010 2009 2008 Demo design and construction Industrial role ENEL Archimede 5 MWe 2007 2006 Components test and qualification 2005 2004 Lab R&D Prototype Operation start-up 2003 Prototype Design 2002 2001 Project Start-up Government role Test facility PCS Energy Technologies ENEA Casaccia Solar Trough Test facility Pump Storage Up side of the Storage Schematic of the PCS experimental facility Test facility for solar collectors Pump Up side of the Storage ENEA Casaccia labs (Rome) - Started-up April 2004 Storage Tube receiver Below Steel tube with coating Glass tube with vacuum Manufacturing process of the glass tube Glass coating Tube receiver manufacture Glass tube Patent ENEA POLO SAESGETTER STEROGLASS Max temp. 600 °C Coating stable in air Solar absorbance >= 95% Thermal emittance at 400 °C ~ 10% Belo w New coating Junction Measure of thermal losses in the tube receiver Glass Tube Angelantoni factory view Sputtering machine Demonstration Facility: “Archimede” project Owner: ENEL (electrical utility) Technology and design: ENEA Power: 5 MWe Placed in: Priolo G. (SR) (Sicily) Storage 7 hours ENEL Archimede Solar Power Plant Archimede project is the integration of solar plant with gas combined plant ENEL 760 MWe 5 MWe Energy Technologies Archimede solar field - Priolo - Sicily Concentrated Solar Power Archimede solar power plant Solar field Energy Technologies Concentrated Solar Power Molten salt storage tanks and steam generator of Archimede solar plant Steam Generator Cold Storage Hot Storage New ENEA’s Technology for small & medium modular CSP Direct MS CSP system with stratifying TES with integrated SG 30 TR.E.BIO.S. project Small/medium size modular Combined Heat and Power plants, for energy supplying in residential and industrial sectors, Based on a single storage tank integrated with a "once-through" steam generator (expected more 50% cost reduction); a molten salts backup auxiliary heater, fed by biomass (or other renewable/fossil fuels), that allows operation all over the year also in average sunny climates, optional special unit for: • desalination of sea water, • hydrogen production from natural gas or bio- ethanol in steam reforming unit fed by molten salts New uses of ENEA’s solar technology for small & medium modular plant Biomass hydrothermal treatment for H2 and biofuels production Solar field (CSP) Thermal storage & Steam generation District heating/cooling Electricity production Biomass back-up molten salt heater molten salt steam H2 production by reforming of natural gas, bioethanol, glycerol Sea water desalination Contribution to energy production by solar source and biomass (rif. Central Italiy) 120% 80% 60% 40% 20% O tt ob re N ov em br e D ic em br e e Se tt em br A go st o ug lio L M ag gi o G iu gn o A pr ile zo M ar o Fe bb ra io 0% G en na i Tasso di copertura soalre/biomassa [%] 100% [mesi] % .Media Mese Solare % .Media Mese Biomassa Scheme of storage tank with integrated steam generator . TRE.BIO.S Project __MWt => total thermal power (*) __Mwe => electric power (*) ___ ha => solar field extension (*) rated annual average (total MWh per year / 8,760 hr per year) 1 MWt, 0.25 MWe, 1.5 ha TRE.BIO.S Project __MWt => total thermal power (*) __Mwe => electric power (*) ___ ha => solar field extension (*) rated annual average (total MWh per year / 8,760 hr per year) 4 MWt, 1.00 MWe, 6.0 ha TRE.BIO.S Project __MWt => total thermal power (*) __Mwe => electric power (*) ___ ha => solar field extension (*) rated annual average (total MWh per year / 8,760 hr per year) 16 MWt, 4.00 MWe, 24.0 ha TRE.BIO.S Project Learning curves for early industrial CSP plants of various sizes Surface assigned to each source: solar radiation and biomass 1 MWth for 24 hours 40 ha 1,5 ha Solar fuels Process heat Steam explosion Fermentation Bio ethanol Biomass Pyrolisis gasification Bio – Syngas Chemical synthesis Gas to liquid Bio diesel DME Bio ethanol Glycerol Natural/bio gas Steam reforming Hydrogen Corrosion test program In our program we have been carrying out corrosion tests on different steels exposed to the molten salts We have defined three conditions ISOTHERMAL AND STAGNANT CONDITIONS DYNAMIC CONDITIONS OLIGOCLYC FATIGUE CONDITIONS ISOTHERMAL AND STAGNANT CONDITIONS Up to now we carried out corrosion tests in isothermal and stagnant conditions on three stainless steels: AISI 316L; AISI 321; AISI 347 at 290°C, 550°C and 590°C up to 8000 h and on carbon steel ASTM 106B at 290°C up to 8000 h Corrosion test device A B Shape of the specimens un-welded (A) and welded (B) Line Scanning analysis of specimens of AISI 316L exposed for 1000 h (A) and 6000 h (B) at 550° °C MOSE Plant Dynamic corrosion facility Dynamic conditions - Testing device Sezione di Prova MOSE Sezione S4 Tempo di prova 2000 h Condizioni di prova Temperatura 550 C ° Velocità nom. 0,25m/ s Facility for LCF testing in stagnant molten salts OLIGOCLYC FATIGUE CONDITIONS Overall description • A classic INSTRON servo-mechanical load frame provided the hardware (max capacity ± 50 kN) • A reversed layout is used (extensometer on the upper loading bar) • Ridged plain-cylindrical specimens are used (gauge section ø 7.5-mm, 11-mm lenght) • A pair of high sensitivity LVDTs (0.5-mm max stroke) are fitted to the ends of the extensometer’s arms • materials: molten salts vessel, screws, nuts and unloading valve AISI 316L, loading bars Nimonic 80A, extensometer’s arms PM 2000, sealing O-rings AISI 321 (valve and main vessel) • max temperature 600°C (1112°F) Study on chemical-physical properties of nitrate/nitrite mixtures Effect of nitrite formation (3% wt%) on binary phase diagram Ternary with lithium nitrate Study on chemical-physical properties of mixtures ENEA LABORATORY Casaccia Research Centre - Rome ENEA’s Activities on thermal Energy Storage Application of molten salts as heat transfer fluid and storage medium for concentrating solar power plants application of molten salts for heat recovery in industrial plants Application of molten salts for medium-high temperature heat recovery in industrial plants Innovative concepts for thermal energy storage systems TES using Phase Change Materials New uses of ENEA’s solar technology for small & medium modular plant Heat recovery from steel production Solar field (CSP) Thermal storage & Steam generation District heating/cooling Electricity production Biomass/waste back-up molten salt heater molten salt steam Sea water desalination Schema di principio di impianto di recupero termico a sali fusi con accumulo termico integrato da un impianto solare Forno elettrico ad arco Recupero termico a sali fusi Campo solare (CSP) Accumulo termico a sali fusi & Generazione di vapore sali fusi vapore Produzione di Energia elettrica Scheme of a hybrid solar power plant for hydrogen production by mean of high temperature electrolyzer Waste, Biomass CO2 Solar Field CO2 Molten salt storage system H2O Steam generator Steam turbine Alternator Other renewable electricity source Backup heater CO2,O2 Steam Electric energy Electric energy Electrolyser H2 Study on chemical-physical properties of nitrate/nitrite mixtures On going activities: •Thermal stability of the ternary mixture containing lithium nitrate in a quartz vessel at 550 °C, in order to separate corrosion effects from thermal instability properties •Chemical-physical properties and thermal stability ternary mixtures containing Calcium nitrate of •Setting-up, in collaboration with Tor-Vergata University, of an experimental apparatus for thermal conducibility and thermal volumetric expansion studies •Setting up of an apparatus for the determination of the kinetics laws concerned with molten nitrates decomposition, in particular, will be investigated the reactions over 600° °C: Future activities of ENEA in CSP Technologies Research areas High efficiency concentrators and tracking systems System components performances improvement High thermal efficiency tube receiver Thermal storage system Heat transfer fluids Levelized energy cost (LEC) reduction ENEA CSP research facilities Main experimental existing facilities and laboratories: PCS, facility and support labs MOSE, facility and support labs Applied optics lab Meteo-climatic data storage lab Selective coatings labs Thermo-chemistry labs Archimede solar power plant (ENEL) ENEA CSP research facilities Under design and/or construction: Solar furnace and HT receiver Demonstration plants: TREBIOS - Small/medium Combined Heat and Power plant Desalination Plant Solar Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production Final remarks ENEA started 9 years ago with a vigorous research, development and demonstration program on CSP and introduced many innovations. ENEA has several patents concerning solar components. ENEA has many R&D activities on the components, and can design the whole solar plant. The experience in the molten salt fluid is very interesting and can be utilized in other field (nuclear, petrochemical industry). The main objective is the reduction of electricity cost. Technology is at industrial level (ENEL solar power plant “Archimede” has been working since July 2010). The strengths of ENEA technologies are: 1.high conversion efficiency; 2.high temperature and low pressure due to the fluid; 3.efficiency storage and supply energy constant; 4.no environmental risk; 5.combined cycle power integration; 6.low electricity cost. Thanks for your Attention !
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