CURRICULUM VITAE FORMATO EUROPEO/EUROPEAN FORMAT INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI/ PERSONAL INFORMATION Nome, Cognome/Name, Surname Indirizzo/Address Via, numero civico, c.a.p., città, nazione/ House number, street name, postcode, city, country Telefono/Telephone Dean Cvetko Slomskova 33, SI-1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia +386 31 612460 Fax E-mail [email protected] Sito web/Website Nazionalità/Nationality Luogo e data di nascita/ Place and Date of birth Slovenian Ljubljana, 18/05/1966 ESPERIENZA PROFESSIONALE/ WORK EXPERIENCE Se dipendente CNR indicare: In ordine di data /Dates (from – to) [Iniziare con le più recenti ed elencare separatamente ciascun incarico ricoperto/ Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting with the most recent. ] Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro / Name and address of employer Tipo o settore di attività / Type of business or sector Funzione o posto occupato / Occupation or position held Principali mansion e responsabilità / Main activities and responsibilities Page 1 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] N. MATRICOLA QUALIFICA LIVELLO 2009- Associate Professor, Physics Dept. University of Ljubljana 2002-2007 Assistant professor, Physics Dept. University of Ljubljana 2003-2007 Scientific researcher - Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1996-2003 Postdoctoral researcher - Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia International grants : 2005-2007 EU INTERREG III A ITA-SLO programme 2001-2004 Research fellow, Lab. TASC, CNR IOM, Trieste 1997-2000 Post-doctoral fellowship at Elettra 1996 Post-doctoral fellowship, University of Trieste, Italy 1993-1995 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste 1990-1992 Area Di Ricerca fellowship, Trieste, Italy 1988 Institute for High Voltage Research, Uppsala, Sweden Physics Department, Faculty for mathematics and physics (FMF), University of Ljubljana (UL), Jadranska 19, SI/1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia High Education, Research Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory for experimental X-ray research. Current teaching activities Academic Courses: • • • • • • Surface physics, Faculty for mathematics and physics (FMF, UL); Experimental methods in Surface Physics, (FMF, UL); Introduction to Biophysics, Faculty for Biotechnology (BF, UL),: Laboratory III, (FMF, UL); Physics in natural sciences, Faculty of Education (PEF, UL); Measurement systems in physics (FMF, UL). Research activities • Laboratory for experimental X-ray physics, Faculty for mathematics and physics, Ljubljana University • He atom scattering – Laboratorio CNR-IO • ALOISA/HASPES beamline @ Elettra synchrotron, Lab. IOM-CN • Participation at »ANCHOR« project, Lab. TASC IOM-CNR ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE / EDUCATION AND TRAINING In ordine di data /Dates (from – to) [Iniziare con le più recenti ed elencare separatamente ciascun corso frequentato con successo/ Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting with the most recent. ] 1996 Ph.D in physics at Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana. Thesis title: "Self-ordering of low dimensional systems; growth and erosion at solid surfaces" under supervision of prof. Fernando Tommasini and prof. Peter Prelovsek. • Physics Department, Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, High Education and Research Organisation. • Laboratorio TASC/INFM, Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste Italy, Research Organisation. 1993-1994 Master’s degree in physics, post-graduate course at Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, Master's thesis title: Structure and Order of (110) f.c.c. surfaces studied by He Scattering (mark excellent; 10/10) under supervision of Prof. Fernando Tommasini and prof. Peter Prelovšek. • Physics Department, Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, High Education and Research Organisation. • Laboratorio TASC/INFM, Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste Italy, Research Organisation. 1990 Degree in Physics at Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, title: ”Hyper Rayleigh Scattering” under supervision of Prof.dr.M. Čopič in the Laboratory for Quantum Optics (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana). • Physics Department, Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, High Education and Research Organisation. • Institute Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, SI/1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Research Organisation Nome e tipo d’istituto di istruzione o formazione / Name and type of organisation providing education and training Principali materie e competenze professionali apprese / Principal subjects occupational skills covered Certificato o diploma ottenuto /Title of qualification awarded Livello nella classificazione nazionale o internazionale / Level in National classification ATTIVITA’ DI RICERCA / RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Page 2 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Attuali campi di ricerca / Research sectors Surfaces and Interfaces, electronic structure, order phenomena and surface phase transitions, organic films and interfaces, low dimensional systems, graphene layers, transport properties, synchrotron radiation, He atom scattering, X-ray absorption and photoemission. Recenti attività scientifiche/ Recent Scientific Activities. Research activities My research covers experimental studies of low dimensional systems such as solid surfaces, heterogeneous interfaces and molecular films/nanostructures using X-ray, He atom and electron scattering, as well as X-ray photoemission (XPS) and absorption spectroscopies (NEXAFS) available at the ALOISA/HASPES end station of the Elettra light source in Trieste. The simultaneous use of scattering methods combined with synchrotron based spectroscopy allows a very complete insight in structural as well as geometrical and electronic properties of organic/inorganic interfaces and thin films. As a member of the ALOISA/HAS research group I am also involved in the experimental upgrades of the ALOISA/HASPES beamline. I am also in charge of the surface science laboratory at the Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana. Main research topics: • He atom scattering from solids, structure of solid surfaces and adsorbates • He atom surface interaction, inelastic scattering and surface vibrations • 2D phase transitions and critical phenomena, thin film growth • Electronic structure at interfaces • Quantum size effects in low dimensional systems • Organic thin films, organic nanostructures and organic/inorganic interfaces. • Charge transfer and fast transport at hybrid interfaces • Graphene layers- morphological and electronic characterization Page 3 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Selected topics: My early research was mainly focussed on studies of He atom interaction with crystalline substrates, He elastic and inelastic scattering for structural and vibrational studies of selected crystalline surfaces (Au(110), Pt(110)Cu(110), InSb(110), etc), but also long range order and critical behaviour in surface and adsorbate phase transitions including surface roughening and scaling relations in crystal growth/erosion (group of Prof. F.Tommasini). My research was later on focused on characterizing the interplay between structural and electronic properties of thin films exploiting the characteristics of the ALOISA beamline at Elettra starting with the role of quantum confinement in ultrathin metallic film growth, and more recently to the study of organic thin film growth on solid substrates. Our studies of thin metallic films subject to quantum size effects due to electron confinement evidenced the existence of magical film thicknesses and an oscillatory relaxation and spill-out of surface electron density during layer by layer growth of Pb. In collaboration with the group of Prof. J.Osterwalder, we developed an experimental approach for atomic holography based on photoelectron diffraction with internal electron source. We’ve employed two complementary polarization geometries at the ALOISA to minimize the effects of non-isotropic scattering of electronic waves on neighbouring atoms and successfully constructed hologram revealing the atomic neighbourhood of the emitting source. This work has been highlighted in the News and Views section of the Nature journal. Self-recognition and ordering of complex organic and biomolecular films was one of the topics of my research activities with HAS and synchrotron radiation based techniques. Our studies of self-organization of chiral biomolecules (L-methionine, L-tyrosine) into extended architectures on metallic substrates evidenced a universal self recognition scheme based on amino-carboxyllic coupling between the zwitterionic molecules leading to the formation of biomolecular nanoarrays with tunable periodicities. (collaboration with the group of Prof.J.Barth of TUM, Muenchen). In collaboration with the Nanospectroscopy beamline at Elettra we employed a new method combining microprobe electron diffraction with angle-resolved photoemission (micro-ARPES) to access the band structure of corrugated 2-dimensional materials. Exfoliated graphene crystals are not perfectly flat but can deform out-of-plane by creating ripples and distortions that are graphene’s most important source of electron scattering and also seriously obstacle the ARPES experiments. We carried out independent measurements of the short range roughness of freestanding graphene flakes that enabled us distinguishing lifetime broadening from corrugation effects in ARPES, demonstrating that quasiparticle lifetime in free standing graphene scales inversely with energy. Our approach is expected to be useful for probing the band structure of a variety of corrugated 2D systems (collaboration with the groups of Prof. Philip Kim and Prof. R.Osgood Jr., Columbia University, NY). In our recent research we related the spectroscopical data in molecular monolayers to the transport properties in single molecule junctions and to the large-scale performances in real electronic devices. By resonant photoemission (RPES) and absorption measurements in 1,4benzenediammine (BDA) monolayers on Au, we have successfuly related energy level alignment at the molecule-substrate interface to the STM-break-junction conductance measurements in single molecules. We have further exploited the core-hole-clock method of the RPES to map out the pathways of ultrafast charge transfer from different orbitals/sites of the BDA molecule to the Au substrate. We have evidenced that non-covalent bonding of organic molecules promotes charge transport across molecular interfaces on the femtosecond timescale. Our studies of fast charge transport between pi-stacked aromatic rings in paracyclophanes quantified the timescale for through-space charge transport as a function of the interring distance (collaboration with the groups of Prof.L.Venkataraman, Columbia University, NY, and Prof. J.Neaton, Berkeley Lab., USA). Our studies of fast charge transport at molecular interfaces extends also to donor/acceptor (D/A) junctions in heterorganic molecular assemblies for organic photovoltaics. There, the timescale for exciton dissociation and charge transport was related to internal quantum efficiency in real photovoltaic devices. We have evidenced the role of molecular conformation and shape matching between hexabenzocoronene (HBC) and C60 assemblies in driving ultrafast break-up of core excitons at the D/A interfaces (collaboration with the group of Prof.I.Kymissis, Columbia University, NY). Research impact: Over 85 scientific publications and 1250 citations. H-index=21. Referee for the Journals Surface Science (Elsevier), Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS), Journal of Physics- Condensed Matter, Journal of vacuum science and technology B (JVST/B). Page 4 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Referee for external evaluation of scientific project appointed by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Italian Ministry of High Education and Research (MIUR). International reviewer and member of international scientific committee of Intl. Vacuum Congress IVC-19, Paris 2013. Selected publications: A.Crottini et al., Step height oscillations during layer-by-layer growth of Pb on Ge(001), Phys.Rev.Lett. 79, (1997) 1527. J.Wider et al., Atomically resolved images from near node photoelectron holography experiments on Al(111), Phys.Rev.Lett., 86 (2001) 2337. Comment in the News and Views section of Nature 410 (2001) 1037. A.Schiffrin et al., Zwitterionic self-assembly of L-methionine nanogratings on the Ag(111) surface, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 104, (2007), 5279-5284. S povabilom je bilo delo izbrano za izbor Elettra Highlights 2008-2009. M.Dell'Angela, et al., Relating Energy Level Alignment and Amine-Linked Single Molecule Junction Conductance, Nano Lett. 10 (2010) 2470. S povabilom je bilo delo izbrano za izbor Elettra Highlights 2010. J.Reichert et al., L-Tyrosine on Ag(111): universality of the amino acid 2D zwitterionic bonding scheme?, ACS Nano 4 (2010) 1218. W.Auwaerter et al., Site-specific geometric and electronic interface structure of Co-tetraphenylporphyrin layers on a Ag(111) surface, Phys.Rev. B 81 (2010) 245403, selected as Editors' Suggestion. K.R.Knox et al., “Making angle-resolved photoemission measurements on corrugated monolayer crystals: Suspended exfoliated single-crystal graphene”, Phys.Rev. B 84, 115401 (2011). [1 Sept 2011]. Selected as PRB Editor's suggestion in APS Physics Synopsis: Shining Light on Corrugated Graphene (2011). A.Batra et al., Quantifying Through-Space Charge Transfer Dynamics in π-Coupled Molecular Systems", Nat. Commun. 3 (2012) 1086. National Agency for Science of ASlovenian Ministry of Science has recognized this work as exceptional scientific achievement in 2012 with invitation for public presentation (2013). T.Schiros et al., Donor-acceptor shape matching drives performance in photovoltaics. Adv.Energy Mater. (Print), 3, 2013, 894-902. G.Kladnik et al., Ultrafast charge transfer through noncovalent AuN interactions in molecular systems, J.Phys.Chem. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 117, 2013, 16477-16484. Page 5 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Pubblicazioni/ Books and Articles Elenco delle pubblicazioni realizzate negli ultimi 5 anni: DEAN CVETKO [11546] 19.2.14 17:51 COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS DEAN CVETKO [11546] Personal bibliography for the period 2008-2013 ARTICLES AND OTHER COMPONENT PARTS 1.01 Original scientific article 1. SCHIROS, Theanne, KLADNIK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, et al. Donor-acceptor shape matching drives performance in photovoltaics. Advanced energy materials, ISSN 1614-6832, 2013, vol. 3, iss. 7, str. 894-902, doi: 10.1002/aenm.201201125. [COBISS.SI-ID 2547556] 2. KLADNIK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, BATRA, Arunabh, DELL'ANGELA, Martina, COSSARO, Albano, KAMENETSKA, Maria, VENKATARAMAN, Latha, MORGANTE, Alberto. Ultrafast charge transfer through noncovalent AuN interactions in molecular systems. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, 2013, vol. 117, issue 32, str. 16477-16484, doi: 10.1021/jp405229b. [COBISS.SI-ID 26934567] 3. BATRA, Arunabh, KLADNIK, Gregor, VÁZQUEZ, Héctor, MEISNER, Jeffrey S., FLOREANO, Luca, NUCKOLLS, Colin, CVETKO, Dean, MORGANTE, Alberto, VENKATARAMAN, Latha. Quantifying through-space charge transfer dynamics in TT-coupled molecular systems. Nature communications, ISSN 2041-1723, 2012, vol. 3, str. 1086-1-1086-7, doi: 10.1038/ncomms2083. [COBISS.SI-ID 26125351] 4. COSSARO, Albano, CVETKO, Dean, FLOREANO, Luca. Amino-carboxylic recognition on surfaces : from 2D to 2D + 1 nanoarchitectures. PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics, ISSN 1463-9076, 2012, vol. 14, issue 38, str. 13154-13162, doi: 10.1039/C2CP41790A. [COBISS.SI-ID 26052903] 5. COSSARO, Albano, PUPPIN, Michele, CVETKO, Dean, KLADNIK, Gregor, VERDINI, Alberto, CORENO, Marcello, SIMONE, Monica de, FLOREANO, Luca, MORGANTE, Alberto. Tailoring SAM-on-SAM formation. The journal of physical chemistry letters, ISSN 19487185, vol. 2, no. 24, str. 3124-3129, doi: 10.1021/jz201415k. [COBISS.SI-ID 25431335] 6. LANZILOTTO, Valeria, SANCHEZ-SANCHEZ, Carlos, BAVDEK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, LOPEZ, Maria F., MARTIN-GAGO, José A., FLOREANO, Luca. Planar growth of pentacene on the dielectric Ti)2(110 surface. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, 2011, vol. 115, str. 4664-4672, doi: 10.1021/jp111011z. [COBISS.SI-ID 2315620] 7. KAMENETSKA, M., DELL'ANGELA, M., WIDAWSKY, J. R., KLADNIK, Gregor, VERDINI, Alberto, COSSARO, Albano, CVETKO, Dean, MORGANTE, Alberto, VENKATARAMAN, L. Structure and energy level alignment of tetramethyl benzenediamine on Au(111). The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, 2011, vol. 115, issue 25, str. 12625-12630, doi: 10.1021/jp202555d. [COBISS.SI-ID 2337636] 8. STROJNIK, Martin, OMERZU, Ale!, MAJKI", Aleksej, MIHAILOVI", Peter M., LUKAN, Junos, BAVDEK, Gregor, BRATINA, Gvido, CVETKO, Dean, TOPOLOV#EK, Peter, MIHAILOVI", Dragan. Ionization energy and energy gap structure of MoSI molecular wires : Kelvin probe, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry measurements. Langmuir, ISSN 0743-7463, 2011, vol. 27, issue 8, str. 4296-4299, doi: 10.1021/la1050767. [COBISS.SI-ID 24550695] 9. KNOX, Kevin R., LOCATELLI, Andrea, YILMAZ, Mehmet Burak, CVETKO, Dean, MENTES, Tevik Onur, NINO, Miguel Angel, KIM, Philip, MORGANTE, Alberto, OSGOOD, Richard M. Making angle-resolved photoemission measurements on corrugated monolayer crystals : suspended exfoliated single-crystal graphene. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, ISSN 1098-0121, 2011, vol. 84, no. 11, str. 115401-1-115401-12, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.115401. [COBISS.SI-ID 25378599] 10. REICHERT, Joachim, SCHIFFRIN, Agustin, AUWÄRTER, Willi, WEBER-BARGIONI, Alex, MARSCHALL, Matthias, DELL'ANGELA, Martina, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor, COSSARO, Albano, MORGANTE, Alberto, BARTH, Johannes V. L-tyrosine on Ag(111) : universality of the amino acid 2D zwitterionic bonding scheme?. ACS nano, ISSN 1936-0851, 2010, vol. 4, no. 2, str. 1218-1226, doi: 10.102/nn901669p. [COBISS.SI-ID 2217572] Page 6 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Page 1 of 5 DEAN CVETKO [11546] 19.2.14 17:51 11. LOCATELLI, Andrea, KNOX, Kevin R., CVETKO, Dean, MENTES, Tevik Onur, NINO, Miguel Angel, WANG, Shancai, YILMAZ, Mehmet Burak, KIM, Philip, OSGOOD, Richard M., MORGANTE, Alberto. Corrugation in exfoliated graphene : an electron microscopy and diffraction study. ACS nano, ISSN 1936-0851, 2010, vol. 4, no. 4, str. 4879-4889. [COBISS.SI-ID 24005671] 12. COSSARO, Albano, KLADNIK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, et al. Amine functionalization of gold surfaces : ultra high vacuum deposition of cysteamine on Au(11). The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, 2010, vol. 114, issue 35, str. 15011-15014, doi: 10.1021/jp104824c. [COBISS.SI-ID 2261604] 13. DELL'ANGELA, Martina, KLADNIK, Gregor, COSSARO, Albano, KAMENETSKA, M., TAMBLYN, I., QUEK, S. Y., NEATON, J. B., CVETKO, Dean, MORGANTE, Alberto, VENKATARAMAN, L. Relating energy level alignment and amine-linked single molecule junction conductance. Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6984, 2010, vol. 10, str. 2470-2474, doi: 10.1021\nl10081h. [COBISS.SI-ID 2256484] 14. AUWÄRTER, Willi, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor, et al. Site-specific electronic and geometric interface structure of Cotetraphenyl-porphyrin layers on Ag(111). Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, ISSN 1098-0121, 2010, vol. 81, no. 24, str. 245403-1-245403-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 23733031] 15. SCHIFFRIN, Agustin, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor, et al. Self-assembly of l-Methionine on Cu(111) : steering chiral organization by substrate reactivity and thermal activation. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, 2009, issue 28, vol. 113, str. 12101-12108, doi: 10.1021/jp900593g. [COBISS.SI-ID 22809895] 16. VILMERCATI, Paolo, CVETKO, Dean, COSSARO, Albano, MORGANTE, Alberto. Heterostructured organic interfaces probed by resonant photoemission. Surface science, ISSN 0039-6028. [Print ed.], 2009, issues 10-12, vol. 603, str. 1542-1556, doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.11.050. [COBISS.SI-ID 22537511] 17. FLOREANO, Luca, COSSARO, Albano, GOTTER, Roberto, VERDINI, Alberto, BAVDEK, Gregor, EVANGELISTA, Fabrizio, RUOCCO, Alessandro, MORGANTE, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean. Periodic arrays of Cu-phthalocyanine on Au(110). The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, ISSN 1932-7447, jun. 2008, vol. 112, iss. 29, str. 10794-10802, ilustr., doi: 10.1021/jp711140e. [COBISS.SI-ID 2102372] 18. BAVDEK, Gregor, COSSARO, Albano, CVETKO, Dean, AFRICH, Cristina, BLASETTI, Cecilia, ESCH, Friderich, MORGANTE, Alberto, FLOREANO, Luca. Pentacene nanorails on Au(110). Langmuir, ISSN 0743-7463, 2008, 24, str. 767-772. [COBISS.SI-ID 2051940] 19. KNOX, Kevin R., WANG, Shancai, MORGANTE, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean, LOCATELLI, Andrea, MENTES, Tevik Onur, NIÑO, Miguel Angel, KIM, Philip, OSGOOD, Richard M. Spectromicroscopy of single and multilayer graphene supported by a weakly interacting substrate. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, ISSN 1098-0121, 2008, 78, str. 201408-1-201408-4, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.201408. [COBISS.SI-ID 2138724] 1.10 Published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture) 20. CVETKO, Dean. Pathways of fast charge transfer across a metal/molecule interface measured by resonant photoemission. V: ADDUCA, Silva (ur.). Frontiers of fundamental physics 12th edition : FFP 12 International Symposium, 21-23 November 2011, Udine, Italy, (Europhysics conference abstracts booklet). Udine: University of Udine, 2011, str. 69. [COBISS.SI-ID 25302823] 1.12 Published scientific conference contribution abstract 21. BAVDEK, Gregor, KOVA!, Janez, JAK"A, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean. Thermal stability of copper phthalocyanine films deposited on polycrystalline Au, Ag and Cu. V: JVC-14, 14th Joint Vacuum Conference, EVC-12, 12th European Vacuum Conference, AMDVG-11, 11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society, CroSloVM-19, 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting, [4-8 June 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia]. RADI#, Nikola (ur.), MILO"EVI#, Slobodan (ur.). Programme and book of abstracts. Zagreb: Croatian Vacuum Society, 2012, str. 159. [COBISS.SI-ID 25906215] 22. KLADNIK, Gregor, BATRA, Arunabh, VÁZQUEZ, Héctor, MEISNER, Jeffrey S., FLOREANO, Luca, NUCKOLLS, Colin, CVETKO, Dean, VENKATARAMAN, Latha, MORGANTE, Alberto. Through-space charge transfer in [pi]-coupled molecular systems studied with resonant photoemission and the core-hole clock method. V: Workshop on Surfaces, Interfaces and Functionalization Processes in Organic Compounds and Applications, Parma, Italy, June 20th-22nd, 2012. SINFO 2012 : book of abstracts. Parma: IMEM - CNR Institute, 2012, str. 13. [COBISS.SI-ID 2483812] 23. STROJNIK, Martin, OMERZU, Ale$, MAJKI#, Aleksej, MIHAILOVI#, Peter M., LUKAN, Junos, BAVDEK, Gregor, FILIPI!, Tatjana, BRATINA, Gvido, CVETKO, Dean, TOPOLOV"EK, Peter, KOPA!, Janez, MIHAILOVI#, Dragan. Valence band and energy gap of MoSI molecular wires. V: Transition metal chalcogenide and halide nanostructures 2011 : TMCN2011 : June 6-8, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne: École Polytechnique Fédérale, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 24825383] 24. KLADNIK, Gregor, DELL'ANGELA, Martina, COSSARO, Albano, VERDINI, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean, VENKATARAMAN, Latha, MORGANTE, Alberto. Dynamics of the electron transfer pathways at a gold-nitrogen donor-acceptor bond. V: MIHAILOVI#, Dragan (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts : SLONANO 2010, 20-22 October 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2010, str. 71. [COBISS.SI-ID 2483300] Page 7 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Page 2 of 5 DEAN CVETKO [11546] 19.2.14 17:51 25. STROJNIK, Martin, OMERZU, Ale!, MAJKI", Aleksej, BAVDEK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, MIHAILOVI", Dragan. Work function of Mo[sub]6S[sub]xI[sub](9-x). V: MIHAILOVI", Dragan (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts : SLONANO 2010, 20-22 October 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2010, str. 73. [COBISS.SI-ID 24090663] 26. KLADNIK, Gregor, DELL'ANGELA, Martina, AR#ON, Denis, BAVDEK, Gregor, UMEK, Polona, MORGANTE, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean. Ultrafast charge transport in nanotubular [alfa]-MnO2 self assembly studies by x-ray resonant photoemission. V: Book of abstracts. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2009, str. 46. [COBISS.SI-ID 2256996] 27. LOCATELLI, Andrea, KNOX, Kevin R., CVETKO, Dean, MENTES, Tevik Onur, NINO, Miguel Angel, WANG, Shancai, YILMAZ, Mehmet Burak, KIM, Philip, OSGOOD, Richard M., MORGANTE, Alberto. Surface corrugation, morphology and electronic structure of exfoliated graphene : a LEEM, micro-LEED and micro-ARPES study. V: 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Granada, September 22-25, 2009. Scientific programme and abstracts. [Granada: Universidad Autonoma], 2009, str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 2188388] 28. KLADNIK, Gregor, DELLANGELA, Martina, AR#ON, Denis, BAVDEK, Gregor, UMEK, Polona, MORGANTE, Alberto, VERDINI, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean. Ultra fast charge transport in nanotubular [alfa]-MnO2 self assembly studied by x-ray resonant photoemission. V: 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Granada, September 22-25, 2009. Scientific programme and abstracts. [Granada: Universidad Autonoma], 2009, str. 78. [COBISS.SI-ID 2186596] 29. DELL'ANGELA, Martina, COSSARO, Albano, CVETKO, Dean, FLOREANO, Luca, VERDINI, Alberto, MORGANTE, Alberto. A synchrotron photoemission investigation of L-methionine self-assemby on Au(111). V: 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Granada, September 22-25, 2009. Scientific programme and abstracts. [Granada: Universidad Autonoma], 2009, str. 104. [COBISS.SI-ID 2188644] 30. MORGANTE, Alberto, CVETKO, Dean, COSSARO, Albano, BAVDEK, Gregor, FLOREANO, Luca. Interface state formation and charge transfer in the PTCDA/Au(110) system. V: 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Granada, September 22-25, 2009. Scientific programme and abstracts. [Granada: Universidad Autonoma], 2009, str. 125. [COBISS.SI-ID 2186852] 31. AR#ON, Denis, UMEK, Polona, PREGELJ, Matej, DOMINKO, Robert, GLOTER, Alexandre, JAGLI#I", Zvonko, CVETKO, Dean, LAPPAS, Alexandros. [alpha]-K[sub]xMnO[sub]2 nanotubes : magnetic and transport properties study. V: ICSM-2008, International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-29 August 2008, Side, Antalya, Turkey. Abstract & program book. [S. l.: s. n.], 2008, str. 34. [COBISS.SI-ID 21934375] 32. AR#ON, Denis, UMEK, Polona, PREGELJ, Matej, DOMINKO, Robert, GLOTER, Alexandre, JAGLI#I", Zvonko, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor. The effect of hole doping of [alpha]-MnO[sub]2 nanotubes on their magnetic and transport properties. V: MIHAILOVI", Dragan (ur.), et al. Hot nano topics 2008 : incorporating SLONANO 2008, 3 overlapping workshops on current hot subjects in nanoscience, 2330 May, Portoro!, Slovenia : abstract book. Ljubljana: [s. n.], 2008, str. [142b]. [COBISS.SI-ID 3962138] 1.13 Published professional conference contribution abstract 33. BAVDEK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, FLOREANO, Luca, COSSARO, Albano, MORGANTE, Alberto. Nano-pregrade v tankem samourejenem organskem sloju pentacen/Au(110). V: 6. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Pod$etrtek, 7. november 2008. HUMAR, Matja% (ur.), &KARABOT, Miha (ur.), CONRADI, Marjetka (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov. Ljubljana: DMFA - zalo%ni!tvo, 2008, str. 8. [COBISS.SI-ID 22169895] 1.25 Other component parts 34. LOCATELLI, Andrea, KNOX, Kevin R., CVETKO, Dean, MENTES, Tevik Onur, NINO, Miguel Angel, WANG, Shancai, YILMAZ, Mehmet Burak, KIM, Philip, OSGOOD, Richard M., MORGANTE, Alberto. Corrugation in exfoliated graphene. V: ELETTRA highlights : 2009-2010. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2010, str. 36-37. [COBISS.SI-ID 2301284] 35. KLADNIK, Gregor, DELL'ANGELA, M., CVETKO, Dean, et al. Relating energy level alignment and amine-linked molecular junctin conductance. V: ELETTRA highlights : 2009-2010. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2010, str. 40-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 24405031] 36. REICHERT, Joachim, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor, et al. Universality of zwitterionic bonding scheme of amino-acids on surfaces. V: ELETTRA highlights : 2009-2010. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2010, str. 42-43. [COBISS.SI-ID 24404775] 37. SCHIFFRIN, Agustin, CVETKO, Dean, BAVDEK, Gregor, et al. Self-assembly of L-methionine nanogratings on the Ag[sub](111) and Cu[sub](111) surface. V: ELETTRA highlights : 2008-2009. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2009, str. 32-33. [COBISS.SI-ID 23372839] 38. FLOREANO, Luca, BAVDEK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, et al. Periodic arrays of Cu-phthalocyanine chains on Au(110). V: ELETTRA highlights : 2007-2008. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2008, str. 34-35. [COBISS.SI-ID 22348839] 39. BAVDEK, Gregor, CVETKO, Dean, et al. Pentacene nanorails on Au(110). V: ELETTRA highlights : 2007-2008. Basovizza (Trieste): Sincrotrone, 2008, str. 36-37. [COBISS.SI-ID 22349095] Page 8 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Page 3 of 5 DEAN CVETKO [11546] 19.2.14 17:51 MONOGRAPHS AND OTHER COMPLETED WORKS 2.03 Reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook 40. LIKAR, Andrej, CVETKO, Dean, PLANIN!I", Gorazd. Zgledi iz fizikalnih merjenj, (Zbirka izbranih poglavij iz fizike, 43). 2. izd. Ljubljana: DMFA - zalo#ni$tvo, 2011. 191 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-212-242-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 257846784] SECONDARY AUTHORSHIP Supervisor for Doctoral Dissertations 41. KLADNIK, Gregor. Electronic structure and charge transfer at nanostructures and hybrid interfaces : doctoral thesis. Ljubljana: [G. Kladnik], 2012. VIII, 248 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2481764] Supervisor for Undergraduate Theses 42. HOD%I&, Bor. Optimiziranje toplotnega stika v ploskovnem svetilu za uporabo v fasadnih elementih : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [B. Hod#i'], 2013. 26 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2564964] 43. !"ETINEC, Manja. Izvor in karakterizacija merilnih napak v tokovnem senzorju elektronskega !tevca elektri"ne energije : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [M. !(etinec], 2012. 36 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2430820] 44. PIRNAT, Tajda. Karakterizacija sistema za testiranje ventilov : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [T. Pirnat], 2012. VI, 40 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SIID 2477156] 45. MOHOROVI&, Angelo. Priprava vakuumske komore za nana!anje tankih plasti in priprava Ni, Ti in L-metionina : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [A. Mohorovi'], 2010. 55 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2270820] 46. LOVRI", Erik. #tudij ultratankega biomolekulskega filma : L-metionin/Au(110) : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [E. Lovri(], 2009. 68 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2159716] 47. KOVA"I", Nina. Meritev hitrosti jedkanja polimerov z ioni argona : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [N. Kova(i(], 2008. 50 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2123364] Co-Supervisor for Doctoral Dissertations 48. OLIVIERI, Giorgia. Organic electronic devices : investigation of the electronic transport properties at the molecular level : XXV ciclo del dottorato di ricerca in fizica. Trieste: [G. Olivieri], 2012. III, 120 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 26934823] Member of thesis defence committee 49. BELLOMO, Francesca. Biopolymer-based scaffolds for tissue engineering : PhD thesis. Trieste: [F. Bellomo], 2010. 92 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24655911] 50. ASTOLFO, Alberto. Development of an X-ray method for cell tracking using gold nanoparticles : doctoral thesis. Trieste: [A. Astolfo], 2010. 137 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24655655] 51. CHIODI, Mirco. Growth and characterization of epitaxial and cluster-assembled Cr-N doped TiO[sub]2 with enhanced visible-light photoactivity, (Dottorato de ricerca in fizica, astrofizica e fisica applicata, ciclo XXIII). Milano: [M. Chiodi], 2010. 158 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SIID 24432167] 52. SOVERNIGO, Enrico. Influence of nanostructured heterojunctions on the electrical properties of photovoltaic cells : doctoral thesis. Trieste: [E. Sovernigo], 2010. 1 zv. (lo(. pag.), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24655143] 53. RAMPINO, Antonio. Polysaccharide-based nanoparticles for drug delivery : doctoral thesis. Trieste: [A. Rampino], 2010. 161 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24655399] Page 9 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Page 4 of 5 DEAN CVETKO [11546] 19.2.14 17:51 54. BORGHETTI, Patrizia. Self-assembly and electronic properties of macromolecular systems : ordered ultrathin porphyrin layers vs hierarchically assembled eumelanin thin films, (Dottorato de ricerca in fizica, astrofizica e fisica applicata, ciclo XXIII). Milano: [M. Chiodi], 2010. 178 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24432423] 55. MALEGORI, Giovanna. Wavelet transform analysis in thermally excited force spectroscopy, (Dottorato de ricerca in fizica, astrofizica e fisica applicata, ciclo XXIII). Milano: [M. Chiodi], 2010. 131 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 24432935] Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690 Source of bibliographic records: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 19. 2. 2014 Page 10 - Curriculum vitae di [cognome] / of [surname] Page 5 of 5
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