Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Simone Luigi Marasso Lungo piazza d’armi n. 6, 10034 Chivasso (Italia) 39 0119114899 +39 0119136490 [email protected] Gender Male | Date of birth 06/01/1981 | Nationality Italiana DESIRED EMPLOYMENT / OCCUPATIONAL FIELD Researcher , R&D engineer WORK EXPERIENCE 02/01/2014 à CNR Researcher CNR-IMEM Parco - Area delle Scienze, 37a Parma, 43124, Italy @ Politecnico di Torino – DISAT dep. - ChiLab lab. - Lungo piazza d’armi n. 6, 10034 Chivasso Research activities in the field of Micro and Nano technologies. Design and fabrication of MEMS, Lab on Chip and microfluidic devices. Development of innovative technology processes. 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2013 Post Doc fellow Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 IT-10129 Torino (Italia) Research activities in the field of Micro and Nano technologies. Design and fabrication of MEMS, Lab on Chip and microfluidic devices. Development of innovative technology processes. 01/08/2011 - 31/12/2012 R&D engineer Trustech SRL Re Umberto, 30 IT-10128 Torino (Italia) Research and development in the Micro and Nano Technology field. 01/01/2010 - 31/07/2011 Post Doc fellow Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 IT-10129 Torino (Italia) Research activities in the field of Micro and Nano technologies. Design and fabrication of MEMS, Lab on Chip and microfluidic devices. Development of innovative technology processes. 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009 PhD student Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 IT-10129 Torino (Italia) Design and fabrication of MEMS, genetic Lab on Chip and microfluidic devices. Development of innovative technology processes. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009 PhD doctorate in “Electronic Devices” ISCED 6 Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italia) © Unione europea, 2002-2013 | Pagina 1 / 3 Curriculum Vitae 01/10/2003 - 01/10/2005 Simone Luigi Marasso Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering, mark 110/110 cum laude ISCED 5 Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italia) Ingegneria meccanica, elettronica. Matematica, fisica, chimica e informatica. 01/09/2000 - 01/09/2003 Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering, mark 110/110 cum laude ISCED 4 Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italia) COMPETENCES AND SKILS Clean room facilities Process and technological experience over 8 years in clean room facilities: - Microlithography; - SU-8 and liga like processes - Dry etching: - Deep Reactive Ion Etching; - Electro-deposition; - Wet etching. Software - Os: Windows, Mac OS, Linux. programming language: C, MatLab script. CAD and finite elements software: Ansys, Rinoceros, Matlab & Simulink, Hipermesh, COMSOL; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access; Others: Matlab, Origin, photoshop, adobe illustrator. Characterization facilities - Microprofilometry; - optical microscopy; - FTIR and micro FTIR spectroscopy PUBLICATION AND PATENT 1. G. Canavese, S.L. Marasso, M. Quaglio, M. Cocuzza, C. Ricciardi and C.F. Pirri, "Polymeric mask protection for alternative KOH silicon wet etching", J. Micromech. Microeng., 17, 1387-1393 (2007). Impact Factor: 1,790 2. S.L. Marasso, G. Canavese, M. Cocuzza, A. Ferrarini, E. Giuria, S. Lo Bartolo, G. Mantero, D. Perrone, M. Quaglio and I. Vallini, “APEX protocol implementation on a lab-on-a-chip for SNPs detection”, Microelectron. Eng. , 85, 1326-1329 (2008). Impact Factor: 1,224 3. M Quaglio, G Canavese, E Giuri, S L Marasso, D Perrone, M Cocuzza and C F Pirri “Evaluation of different PDMS interconnection solutions for silicon, Pyrex and COC microfluidic chips”,18, J. Micromech. Microeng. (2008). Impact Factor: 1,790 4. Giulio Oliviero, Paolo Bergese, Giancarlo Canavese, Marcella Chiari, Paolo Colombi, Marina Cretich, Francesco Damin, Sonia Fiorilli, Simone L. Marasso, Carlo Ricciardi, Paola Rivolo and Laura E. Depero “A biofunctional polymeric coating for microcantilever molecular recognition”, Analytica-chimica-acta, 630 161–167 (2008) Impact Factor: 4,387 5. C. Ricciardi; S. Fiorilli; S. Bianco; G. Canavese; R. Castagna; I. Ferrante; G. Digregorio; Marasso S.L.; l. Napione; F. Bussolino, ,“Development of microcantilever based biosensor array to detect angiopoietin 1, a marker of tumor angiogenesis”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 25 (2010) 1193–1198 Impact Factor: 5,437 6. Ricciardi C., Canavese G., Castagna R., Ferrante I., Ricci A., Marasso S. L., Napione L., Bussolino F. “Integration of microfluidic and cantilever technology for biosensing application in liquid environment”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 26 © Unione europea, 2002-2013 | Pagina 2 / 3 Curriculum Vitae 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Simone Luigi Marasso (2010) 1565–1570. Impact Factor: 5,437 Ricciardi C.; G. Canavese; R. Castagna; G. Digregorio; I. Ferrante; S. L. Marasso; A. Ricci; V. Alessandria; K. Rantsiou; L. S. Cocolin “Online Portable Microcantilever Biosensors for Salmonella enterica Serotype Enteritidis Detection”, Food And Bioprocess Technology, 3 (2010) 956-960. Impact Factor: 4,115 S.L. Marasso, G. Canavese, M. Cocuzza, E. Giuri, D. Perrone, R. Castagna; I. Ferrante “A Multilevel Lab On Chip platform for DNA analysis”, Biomed. Microdev, Volume 13, Issue 1 (2011), Page 19. Impact Factor: 2,718 S.L. Marasso, G. Canavese, M. Cocuzza “cost efficient master fabrication process on copper substrates”, Microelectron. Eng. 88 (2011) pp 2322-2324. Impact Factor: 1,224 D. Balma, A. Lamberti, S. L. Marasso, D. Perrone, M. Quaglio, G. Canavese, S. Bianco, M. Cocuzza, “piezoelectrically actuated mems microswitches for high current applications”, Microelectron. Eng. 88 (2011) pp 2208-2210. Impact Factor: 1,224 Carlo Ricciardi, Riccardo Castagna, Ivan Ferrante, Francesca Frascella, Simone Luigi Marasso, Alessandro Ricci, Giancarlo Canavese, Alessia Lore, Ambra Prelle, Maria Lodovica Gullino, Davide Spadaro, “Development of a microcantilever-based immunosensing method for mycotoxin detection”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics Volume 40, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 233– 239. Impact Factor: 5,437 Stefano Stassi, Giancarlo Canavese, Valentina Cauda, Simone L Marasso and Candido Fabrizio Pirri, “Evaluation of different conductive nanostructured particles as filler in smart piezoresistive composites”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012, 7:327. Impact Factor: 2,524 Alessandro Chiolerio, Ivan Ferrante, Alessandro Ricci, Simone Marasso, Paola Tiberto, Giancarlo Canavese, Carlo Ricciardi and Paolo Allia “Toward mechano-spintronics: Nanostructured magnetic multilayers for the realization of microcantilever sensors featuring wireless actuation for liquid environments” (2012), Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 6 May, 2012, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X12445031Impact Factor: 1,523 Carlo Ricciardi, Ivan Ferrante, Riccardo Castagna, Francesca Frascella, Simone Luigi Marasso, Karin Santoro, Marilena Gili, Danilo Pitardi, Marzia Pezzolato, Elena Bozzetta, “Immunodetection of 17b-estradiol in serum at ppt level by microcantilever resonators”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2012) 2013 Feb 15;40 (1):407-11 Impact Factor: 5,437 G. Canavese, S. Stassi, V. Cauda, A. Verna, A. Chiodoni, S. Marasso, M. Cocuzza, “Different scale confinements of PVDFTrFE as functional material of piezoelectric sensor devices”, Sensors,2012 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411330 Impact Factor: 1,475 Giuseppe Tarabella, Anna Giulia Balducci, Nicola Coppedè, Simone Marasso, Pasquale D'Angelo, Stefano Barbieri, Matteo Cocuzza, Paolo Colombo, Fabio Sonvico, Roberto Mosca, Salvatore Iannotta. “Liposome sensing and monitoring by organic electrochemical transistors integrated in microfluidics”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1830 (2013) 4374–4380. Impact Factor: 4,808 Alessandro Ricci, Giancarlo Canavese, Ivan Ferrante, Simone Luigi Marasso, Carlo Ricciardi, “A finite element model for the frequency spectrum estimation of a resonating microplate in a chamber”, Microfluid. Nanofluid. (2013) 15:275–284. Impact Factor: 3,218 Matteo Cocuzza, Simone Luigi Marasso, Denis Perrone, Domenico Mombello, Alessio Tommasi, Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Zappettini, Roberto Mosca, Davide Calestani, “integration of zno nano-tetrapods onto a micro hot plate structure for h2s sensing”, 38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Toulouse, 16-20 September 2012. S. L. Marasso a, G. Canavese b, M. Cocuzza, “Cost efficient master fabrication process on copper substrates”, 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE), Genoa, Italy from 19 to 22 September 2010. S. Marasso, G. Canavese, S. Lobartolo, M. Cocuzza, A. Ferrarini, E. Giuri, D. Perrone, M. Quaglio, A. Ricci, I. Vallini, "Apex protocol implementation on a Lab-on-a-chip for SNPs detection", 33rd International Conference on Micro and NanoEngineering, 23-26 September 2007, Copenhagen (Denmark) Italian patent deposited (25/11/2009): n. TO2007A00085 (Assignee: Polytechnic of Turin) PROCEDIMENTO PER LA PRODUZIONE DI UN DISPOSITIVO MICRO/NANO-FLUIDICO PRESENTANTE ALMENO UN CANALE DI SEZIONE MICRO/NANO-METRICHE. Canavese G; Giuri E; Marasso S.L. Italian patent deposited (25/11/2009): n. TO2009A000915. (Assignee: Polytechnic of Turin and CNR-INFM and Biodiversity S.P.A. Universita' Degli Studi Di Trieste) "DISPOSITIVO MICROFLUIDICO, PARTICOLARMETE PER LA RIVELAZIONE DI VARIANTI GENICHE”. Marasso, G. Canavese, M. Cocuzza, Gasparini, E. Giuri, G. Mantero, I. Vallini, M. Quaglio Italian patent deposited (28/09/2009): n. TO2009A000735 (Assignee: Polytechnic of Turin and CNR-INFM) "SISTEMA A VENTOSA PER SIGILLATURA REVERSIBILE DI DISPOSITIVI MICROFLUIDICI POLIMERICI ELASTOMERICI" (Suction cap system for the reversible sealing of elastomeric microfluidic devices). A. Lamberti M Quaglio, G Canavese, E Giuri, S L Marasso, D Perrone, M Cocuzza and C F Pirri. TEACHING EXPERIENCE • • Practice of laboratory of the Physical course “2” with University professor Carla Buzano of the Physical department of the Polytechnic of Turin: 8 of esericitazione in laboratory year 2009-2010; Physical practices “1” with University professor Rita Claudia Iotti of the Physical department of the Polytechnic of Turin: 16 hours of frontal Didactics and 24 of esericitazione in laboratory year 2009-2010. © Unione europea, 2002-2013 | Pagina 3 / 3
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