UBI FINANCE CB 2 COVERED BOND - INVESTOR REPORT Report at 31/08/2014 Counterparties Issuer Sellers Unione di Banche Italiane S.c.p.a. Guarantor Servicer Calculation Agent Liability Swap Provider Asset Swap Provider: Italian Account Provider Luxembourg Account Provider UBI Finance CB 2 S.r.l. Unione di Banche Italiane S.c.p.a. Unione di Banche Italiane S.c.p.a. n.a n.a. Unione di Banche Italiane S.c.p.a. UBI Banca International S.A. Banco di Brescia S.p.A., Banca Regionale Europea S.p.A. , Banca Popolare di Bergamo S.p.A, Banca Popolare di Ancona S.p.A., UBI Banca Private Investment S.p.A. (*), Banca di Valle Camonica S.p.A., Banca Carime S.p.A., Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria S.p.A, and Unione di Banche Italiane S.c.p.a (*) (*) At the date of this report both Ubi Banca Private Investment and Unione di Banche Italiane have signed the Master Purchase Agreement, but haven't sold any loans yet Denomination UBI BANCA TV CB2 due 28/05/2018 UBI BANCA TV CB2 due 29/10/2022 UBI BANCA TV CB2 due 05/03/2019 ISIN IT0004818701 IT0004864663 IT0005002842 Series 1st (private placement) 2nd (private placement) 3rd (private placement) Issue Date 28/05/2012 29/10/2012 05/03/2014 Maturity Date 28/05/2018 29/10/2022 05/03/2019 Nominal Value Test A= B= C= Y W € € € € € 2.788.687.794,09 452.680.745,30 0,00 - Z= € 144.514.334,25 F= €,00 Total A*P+B+C-Y-W-Z>=F P= Asset Percentage Amount of Credit Support Pass € 100,00% 956.854.205,15 Adjusted Outstanding Principal Balance Principal Account plus Top-Up Assets Adjusted Outstanding Principal Balance of other eligible assets Potential Set-off Amount Commingling Amount The weighted average remaining maturity of all Covered Bonds (expressed in years) then outstanding multiplied by the Euro Equivalent of the aggregate Principal Amount Outstanding of the Covered Bonds multiplied by the Negative Carry Factor Principal Amount Outstanding of all Series of Covered Bonds Pass / Fail Result of the overcollateralisation in the Nominal Value Test 1 Principal 1.440.000.000,00 500.000.000,00 200.000.000,00 Coupon 8.033.472,00 3.460.200,00 565.800,00 UBI FINANCE CB 2 COVERED BOND - INVESTOR REPORT Report at 31/08/2014 NPV Test NPV Cover Pool = A + B A B € € € 2.852.466.040,56 2.852.466.040,56 0 NPV Cover Bond € 2.275.597.499,62 Pass TEST NPV Cover Pool > NPV Cover Bond NPV Assets plus Top Up Asset NPV Asset Swap and Liability Swap Pass / Fail Interest Cover Test A= B= C= D= E= F= € € € € € € 19.168.632,39 0,00 57.518.743,52 42.792.676,84 2.456.585,77 0,00 A+B+C>=D+E+F Pass Interest on Interest Account Asset Swap Differential Interest due in the next 12 months Interest Payments due under all outstanding Series of Covered Bonds Senior Liabilities Payments due by the Guarantor under any Swap Agreement Pass/ Fail Top Up Asset Test Top-up Assets Collections Recoveries Other TOTAL Top-up Assets Are the Total Top-up Assets >15% (*) If Yes, Excess Top-up Amount € € € 471.849.377,69 471.849.377,69 YES 50.552.322,77 (Amount to be Transferred to Guarantor in the next Calculation Period if not cured via repayment of Term Loan) (*) Please be informed that, as repayment of the subordinated loan, the amount of 151 mln euros has been transferred to the sellers on the 29th of september UBI Finance Accounts at 31/08/2014 (opened with Luxembourg Account Bank) PrincipalAccount Interest Account Reserve fund Total Credit Ratings at 31/08/2014 UBI Banca UBI Banca Event of Default UBI Finance Srl Event of Default € € € € 451.514.508,02 4.882.516,80 14.154.123,29 470.551.148,11 Short Term (Moody's) P-3 NO NO Short Term (S&P) A-3 NO NO Short Term (Fitch) F2 NO NO 2 Long Term (Moody's) Baa3 NO NO Long Term (S&P) BBBNO NO Long Term (Fitch) BBB+ NO NO UBI FINANCE CB 2 COVERED BOND - INVESTOR REPORT Report at 31/08/2014 Pool assets Analysis Provisional Pool Summary Aggregate current Principal Outstanding Balance Aggregate original Principal Outstanding Balance Average current Principal Outstanding Balance Average original Principal Outstanding Balance Maximum current Principal Outstanding Balance Maximum original Principal Outstanding Balance Total number of Loans Weighted average seasoning (months) Weighted average remaining maturity (months) Weighted average original term (months) Weighted average Current LTV (%) - indexed Weighted average Original LTV (%) Weighted average interest rate (%) % of Floating Rate Assets (By Outstanding Balance) % of Fixed Rate Assets (By Outstanding Balance) Collateral Currency Current Loan Amount / Current Market Value (indexed) 0% - 20% 20% - 30% 30% - 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60% - 70% 70% - 80% >80% Outstanding Loan Amount 0 - 37,500 37,501 - 75,000 75,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 150,000 150,001 - 200,000 200,001 - 250,000 250,001 - 500,000 > 500,000 EUR €,85 5.198.549.626,63 € 119.250,94 € 199.445,60 € 11.564.896,67 € 38.000.000,00 26.065 69,48 142,96 212,44 38,24% 57,99% 2,27% 87,62% 12,38% eur Number of Loans 8.856 4.464 4.306 3.721 2.659 1.130 785 144 26.065 % 33,98% 17,13% 16,52% 14,28% 10,20% 4,34% 3,01% 0,55% 100,00% Current Balance 579.973.888,32 530.009.044,43 626.651.795,32 580.572.898,33 465.422.975,78 155.261.640,56 103.646.081,04 66.737.487,07,85 % 18,66% 17,05% 20,16% 18,68% 14,97% 5,00% 3,33% 2,15% 100,00% Number of Loans 7.902 6.756 3.350 3.971 1.428 789 1.101 768 26.065 % 30,32% 25,92% 12,85% 15,23% 5,48% 3,03% 4,22% 2,95% 100,00% Current Balance 147.718.838,05 374.180.448,52 290.250.582,11 485.585.444,14 245.584.333,91 175.621.347,92 379.855.156,34 1.009.479.659,86,85 % 4,75% 12,04% 9,34% 15,62% 7,90% 5,65% 12,22% 32,48% 100,00% 3 UBI FINANCE CB 2 COVERED BOND - INVESTOR REPORT Report at 31/08/2014 Interest Type (*) Fixed rate Floating rate Number of Loans 4.099 21.966 26.065 % 15,73% 84,27% 100,00% Current Balance 384.845.293,69 2.723.430.517,16,85 % 12,38% 87,62% 100,00% (*) "Fixed rate" loans are loans that have a fixed rate for life, all other interest types are included in the "Floating rate" loans. Originator Banca Carime Banca della Valle Camonica Banco di Brescia Banca Pop. Comm. e Industria Banca Pop. di Ancona Banca Regionale Europea Banca Pop. di Bergamo Maturity Date 2009 - 2012 2013 - 2017 2018 - 2022 2023 - 2027 2028 - 2032 2033 - 2037 2038 - 2042 2043 - 2047 > 2047 Original Loan Amount / Original Market Value (*) 0% - 20% 20% - 30% 30% - 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60% - 70% 70% - 80% > 80% (*) It refers to the LTV at the time of granting the loan Seasoning (months) 0 - 12 12 - 24 24 - 48 48 - 72 72 - 96 96 - 170 > 170 Number of Loans 3.446 704 4.034 2.874 4.327 4.666 6.014 26.065 % 13,22% 2,70% 15,48% 11,03% 16,60% 17,90% 23,07% 100,00% Current Balance 321.395.274,88 112.507.469,16 550.438.741,50 322.665.582,90 541.444.267,17 612.077.726,89 647.746.748,35,85 % 10,34% 3,62% 17,71% 10,38% 17,42% 19,69% 20,84% 100,00% Number of Loans 4 4.501 7.650 7.004 3.508 1.782 1.506 91 19 26.065 % 0,02% 17,27% 29,35% 26,87% 13,46% 6,84% 5,78% 0,35% 0,07% 100,00% Current Balance 82.320,62 170.842.287,15 894.051.902,16 982.977.950,14 563.700.917,60 259.460.058,57 214.121.137,02 16.879.810,96 6.159.426,63,85 % 0,003% 5,50% 28,76% 31,62% 18,14% 8,35% 6,89% 0,54% 0,20% 100,00% Number of Loans 2.761 2.866 3.626 4.306 3.999 3.131 2.570 2.806 26.065 % 10,59% 11,00% 13,91% 16,52% 15,34% 12,01% 9,86% 10,77% 100,00% Current Balance 288.457.188,19 305.147.154,97 436.192.420,59 592.395.321,88 548.104.361,87 421.568.104,00 281.153.408,77 235.257.850,58,85 % 9,28% 9,82% 14,03% 19,06% 17,63% 13,56% 9,05% 7,57% 100,00% Number of Loans % 0,45% 3,19% 17,75% 20,82% 18,76% 34,66% 4,37% 100,00% Current Balance 16.684.506,51 120.607.656,54 795.896.725,39 882.713.173,64 660.955.772,65 610.652.214,38 20.765.761,74,85 % 0,54% 3,88% 25,61% 28,40% 21,26% 19,65% 0,67% 100,00% 117 831 4.627 5.427 4.890 9.033 1.140 26.065 4 UBI FINANCE CB 2 COVERED BOND - INVESTOR REPORT Report at 31/08/2014 Payment Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual Other Geographical Distribution Piemonte Valle D'Aosta Lombardia Trentino Alto Adige Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia Liguria Emilia Romagna Toscana Umbria Marche Lazio Abruzzo Molise Campania Puglia Basilicata Calabria Sicilia Sardegna Current and delays Current <= 1m 1<=2m 2<=3m 3<=6m 6<=12m >=12 Number of Loans 21.789 765 3.201 32 278 26.065 % 83,59% 2,93% 12,28% 0,12% 1,07% 100,00% Current Balance 2.302.822.276,74 298.485.794,39 484.946.129,91 3.789.708,03 18.231.901,78,85 % 74,09% 9,60% 15,60% 0,12% 0,59% 100,00% Number of Loans 3.113 33 11.376 11 348 73 1.420 548 90 409 1.959 1.627 369 161 1.258 1.262 278 1.651 17 62 26.065 % 11,94% 0,13% 43,64% 0,04% 1,34% 0,28% 5,45% 2,10% 0,35% 1,57% 7,52% 6,24% 1,42% 0,62% 4,83% 4,84% 1,07% 6,33% 0,07% 0,24% 100,00% Current Balance 407.292.308,55 3.974.900,64 1.321.638.447,97 2.164.026,42 49.532.691,97 6.712.472,49 194.952.709,80 110.104.171,78 23.653.297,28 47.656.180,95 228.109.065,88 199.805.563,42 40.187.892,31 13.099.887,62 168.745.382,48 132.766.024,98 25.507.812,57 125.718.555,20 1.938.715,20 4.715.703,34,85 % 13,10% 0,13% 42,52% 0,07% 1,59% 0,22% 6,27% 3,54% 0,76% 1,53% 7,34% 6,43% 1,29% 0,42% 5,43% 4,27% 0,82% 4,04% 0,06% 0,15% 100,00% Number of Loans 24.885 247 172 207 191 363 26.065 % 95,47% 0,95% 0,66% 0,79% 0,73% 1,39% 100,00% Current Balance 2.872.395.543,04 32.926.700,39 42.705.135,67 26.394.287,82 43.450.740,48 90.403.403,45,85 % 92,41% 1,06% 1,37% 0,85% 1,40% 2,91% 100,00% Contact If you have any queries regarding this report please contact: UBI Banca - Funzione Amm.ne Società Veicolo [email protected] UBI Banca - Investor Relations [email protected] phone +39 035 3922217 or +39 035 3923535 5
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