The Trofeo Accademia Navale and the City of Livorno The Trofeo Accademia Navale and the City of Livorno (T.A.N.) is held annually dating as far back as 1981, when the tradition was born as the “The Race of the Centennial” in commemoration of the 100th year of the foundation of the Naval Academy of Livorno. An initiative sprung from the passion of the Livorno Sailing Club in conjunction with the Naval Academy of Livorno and the local community, has given life to a sporting event which not only peaks national interest but is widely recognized on the international scale. From April 25th to May 4th 2014, the 31st Edition of T.A.N. will take place. Over the course of the years this event has attained an elevated level of technical sporting prestige, increased media attention and a growing popularity, in turn promoting the ever true image of the Italian Navy to be synonymous with an effective organization that holds in the highest regard sailing, the sea, the seafaring tradition and, in general, the maritime world. T.A.N. is an event historically followed and supported by national and regional institutions alike, that boasts a high media interest and is supported by many prestigious sponsors that believe in the fundamental message that the Naval Academy and the City of Livorno want to cultivate in the younger generation. T.A.N. is not exclusively a healthy sporting competition but rather a great coming together of all levels of interest in sailing. Whether a lifelong enthusiast or a casual follower, patrons can enjoy the facilities, events, conferences, exhibitions and the entertainment of the Villaggio TUTTOVELA set up near Molo Mediceo “Berth 74” in the Port of Livorno. During previous years, Villaggio TUTTOVELA reached over 100, 000 visitors that crowded 120 stands and frequented numerous shows and events. Thanks to the collaboration of the various sailing clubs of Livorno (including Club Nautico Versilia who has been a member of the Board of Directors since the 29 th Edition), the 13 classes of registered regattas comprising the 31st Edition of T.A.N. will be, in keeping with custom, hosted by a myriad of nearby basins, allowing for all participants to benefit from their expertise, professionalism, but most of all their hospitality, love for the sea and love for sailing. Board of Directors Accademia Navale Viale Italia, 72 - 57127 Livorno Centralino A.N. Tel. 0586 238900 - Fax 0586 238250 Direzione Marittima - Capitaneria di Porto - Livorno Pl. Della Sanità, 1 - 57100 Livorno Tel. 0586 826011 - Fax 0586/826090 Autorità Portuale di Livorno Scali Rosciano, 6 - 57100 Livorno Tel. 0586 249411 - fax 0586 249514 Comune di Livorno Piazza del Municipio, l - 57100 Livorno Tel. 0586 820111 - Fax 0586 820444 Provincia di Livorno Piazza del Municipio, 4 - 57100 Livorno Tel. 0586 257111 - Fax 0586 884057 Lega Navale Italiana Sez. Livorno (LNI) (fondata nel1897) Molo Mediceo 12 A - 57100 Livorno Tel./Fax 0586 896567 Club Nautico Versilia (CNV) (Fondato nel1957) P.zza Palombari dell’Artiglio 55049 Viareggio (LU)Tel. 0584 31444 - Fax 0584 31447 Circolo Nautico Quercianella (CNQ) (Fondatonel1969) Via G. Pascoli - 57128 Quercianella – Livorno-Tel./Fax 0586 491432 Circolo Velico Antignano(CVA) (fondato nel1947) Porticciolo Antignano - 57128 Livorno Tel. 0586 580295 /Fax 0586 589635 Gruppo Vela Assonautica Livorno (GVAL) (Fondatonel1992) Molo Mediceo 25 - 57100 Livorno Tel./fax: 0586 889100 Sezione Velica Marina Militare Riccardo Gorla (SE.VE.)(fondata nel1881) Presso Accademia Navale Viale Italia n° 72 - 57100 Livorno Tel./fax 0586 238148 Yacht Club Livorno Casella postale 250 57100 – Livorno Tel: 0586 896142 – 894123 Fax: 895355 Centro Windsurf 3 Ponti Livorno Sede operativa “ Punto Blu spiaggia 3 Ponti” Vile di Antignano 57128 Livorno [email protected] Gabbriellini David – 339 52567 Dario Guarducci - 3389142827 Circolo Nautico Livorno (CNL) (Fondatonel1948)Porticciolo Nazario Sauro V.le Italia - 57100 Livorno Tel./Fax 0586 807354 Useful Contacts President of the Board of Directors Capitano di Vascello Fabio CECCOLINI Cell. 335 7388542 – 0586 238636 [email protected] Director of Competitive Sports Capitano di Fregata Raffaele CERRETINI cell. 335 7527549 – 0586 - 238343 [email protected] Press Office The Press Office of the Trofeo Accademia Navale and City of Livorno, is located inside the Villaggio della Vela (TUTTOVELA), near the mooring berths. Director of Media and Communications Capitano di Corvetta Michele SANCRICCA cell. 334 6122421 – 0586 238685 e-mail: [email protected] Information Center A central information center will be located near the Villaggio della Vela that will provide information regarding the various activities and sequence of events throughout T.A.N. Notice of Race 1. ORGANIZATION The regatta is organized by a Board of Directors comprised of: the Naval Academy, the Province of Livorno, the Community of Livorno, the Port Authority of Livorno, the Port of Livorno Harbormaster, Club Nautico Versilia, Yacht Club Livorno, Windsurf Livorno, Circolo Nautico Livorno, Circolo Velico Antignano, Circolo Nautico Quercianella, the Italian Naval League Livorno, the Sailing Group Association of Livorno and the Livorno Sailing Division of the Italian Navy. 2. REGULATIONS The regatta will be governed by the regulations as defined in the Regatta Rules 2013-2016. The provisions and laws of the FIV are to be considered “the rules”. For the offshore of the competition, the following additional regulations apply: The Offshore Special Regulations for Regatta Category 4 A VHF transceiver, monitoring channels 16 and 72, must be maintained 3. ADVERTISING Advertising is permitted according to the regulations of the participating classes. ISAF Rule 20 will apply. The Board of Directors will provide decals and flags bearing the logo of respective sponsors. The decals will be displayed and flags will be flown both during races and while in port. 4. REGATTA PROGRAM & REGISTRATION CLASS TIMEFRAME REGISTRATION DEADLINE CNV - Club Nautico Versilia c/o Porto di Livorno NATIONAL REGATTA April 25th, 26th & 27th 1st Race: begins at 1100 IRC ORC ORC Club International POINT OF CONTACT 1800, April 24th P.zza Palombari dell’Artiglio 55049 VIAREGGIO (LU) Tel 0584 31444 Fax 0584 31447 [email protected] [email protected] REGISTRATION FEE € 200,00 (LFT >10.50 mt.) € 150,00 (LFT <10.50 mt.) The fee increases by 50% for vessels that enroll in both ORC and in IRC. Entries received after the specified expiration date may be accepted at the discretion of Club Nautico Versilia but with a late fee of an additional 50% of the entry fee. All entries not accompanied by the relevant fee will not be accepted. Notes With a valid certificate of tonnage IRC - ORC – ORC Club & International Registration fee includes: - Complimentary mooring from 1200 on April 24th to 1000 on April 29th - Pier services - Mooring assistance Maximum number of berths available: 70 Registration must be submitted online by the specified deadline date, along with the appropriate registration fee Maximum number of races per day: 3 Groupings will be determined on the basis of the recent regulations of the 2014 ed and based on the number of participating boats May 1st: Boat Arrival May 2nd, 3rd, 4th 1st Race: Begins at 1400 J-24 1800, May 1st (Mon-Fri: 1630-1830, Sat: 1000-12.00). Cell. 331.7078796 [email protected] 2.4 MR € 160,00 € 200,00: (Crane services included) Note The regatta is part of the National Circuit J24 Registration fee includes complimentary mooring from 0800 on April 29th to 1000 on May 5th There can be up to 9 races total. After the 5th race, the worst time can be discarded. There will be a maximum of 3 races per day Crane Services will be available on the pier at berth 75 in accordance with the following times: April 30th (1300-1800) May 1st (0800-1800) May 4th (as needed starting from the end of the regatta) During the course of the regatta the crane will be available upon request (Point of contact: Director of Competitive Sports, CF CERRETINI 335 5881629) Accomodation trucks: will be available in the dedicated spaces along the pier at berth 75 May 3rd & 4th MARTIN 16 LNI- Lega Navale Italiana – Sezione di Livorno Molo Mediceo 12A - 57123 Livorno Tel./Fax 0586.89.65.67 1st Race: Begins at 1400 for the 2.4 Class, followed by the Martin 16 Class 1600, May 2nd GVAL - Gruppo Vela Assonautica Livorno Molo Mediceo 55 57123 - Livorno Tel./Fax 0586.88.91.00 [email protected] Martin16: € 60,00 2.4 MR: € 35,00 Notes Race Classification: Zonal The maximum number of races: 7 The registration fee includes complimentary crane services. A minimum of three valid runs is required to be inconsideration for the trophy April 25th & 26th 1st Race: Begins at 1300 1600, April 25th FIREBALL CVA - Circolo Velico Antignano Porticciolo Antignano 57128 Livorno Tel./fax: 0586.58.02.95 [email protected] € 50,00 Maximum races per day: 3. Coaches, for accreditation, must complete registration forms available near the Secretary of Circolo Velico Antignano. In order to discard the worst race time, a minimum of 4 completed runs is required. April 26th & 27th 1st Race: Begins at 1300 SUNFISH 1600, April 24th CVA - Circolo Velico Antignano Porticciolo Antignano 57128 Livorno Tel./fax: 0586.58.02.95 [email protected] € 35,00 Notes The same race course as the Fireball Regatta will be used with differing start times. The race will be considered the first of the Circuito Nazionale Sunfish Coaches, for accreditation, must complete registration forms available near the Secretary of Circolo Velico Antignano. In order to discard the worst race time, a minimum of 4 completed runs is required. May 3rd & 4th BUG (Under 12 & Under 16) 1st Race: Begins at 1300 1100, May 3rd CNL - Circolo Nautico Livorno Viale Italia,12 - 57127 Livorno Tel/Fax 0586.80.73.54 [email protected] € 35,00 Notes 1st National Regatta There will be 5 regattas for races and 4 for the standard (maximum of 3 races per day). After the completion of the 4th race the worst race time can be discarded. April 26th & 27th 1st Race: Begins at 1300 OPTIMIST (Juniors & Midshipmen) 1100, April 26th CNL - Circolo Nautico Livorno Viale Italia,12 57127 - Livorno Tel/Fax: 0586.80.73.54 [email protected] € 35,00 Notes Maximum number of races: To be Determined There will be 3 races per day for Juniors and 2 for Midshipmen. With at least four valid races, the worst time can be discarded for the Junior category Nautical facilities at BAGNI NETTUNO. April 25th, 26th, 27th 1st Race: Begins at 2000, April 24th 1300 VAURIEN CNQ - Circolo Nautico Quercianella Via G. Pascoli - Porticciolo 57128 Quercianella (LI) Tel./Fax:0586.491432 [email protected] € 50,00 Notes This is a qualification race for the Regional Championship and for admission to the World Championship 2014. There may be up to 5 races. There will be a maximum of 3 races per day with a possible discard after the 4th valid race. Registration fee includes complimentary crane services. The race will take place on the same course as 555. April 25th, 26th & 27th 1st Race: Begins at 1300 555 2000, April 24th CNQ - Circolo Nautico Quercianella Via G. Pascoli - Porticciolo 57128 Quercianella (LI) Tel./Fax:0586.491432 [email protected] Notes There may be up to 5 races. There will be a maximum of 3 races per day, after the 4th race, the worst time can be discarded. Registration fee includes complimentary crane services. € 55,00 May 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 1st Race: Begins at 1330 2000, April 30th TRIDENTE CVA - Circolo Velico Antignano Porticciolo Antignano 57128 Livorno Tel./fax: 0586.58.02.95 [email protected] € 60,00 Notes National Championship There will be a maximum of 3 races per day. There will be a maximum of 10 races total, with two discards, one after the fourth and a second after the eight WINDSURF May 3rd & 4th 0900, May 3rd Centro Windsurf 3 Ponti Livorno Operation Headquarters “Punto Blu spiaggia 3 Ponti” Vile di Antignano 57128 Livorno € 40 [email protected] Gabbriellini David – 339 5256730 Dario Guarducci - 3389142827 Note: The system of minimum points will be applied. If there will from 1 to 3 races a discard will not be granted. If there will be from 4 to 6 races one discard will be granted. Boats of Group Minialtura are not permitted to race as defined in part II, paragraph 5 of the regulations for offshore sailboats, which can be found on the following website The schedule of events will be announced via press. In the absence of release, times annotated in this announcement will stand. On the last day of racing (see paragraph 4) warning signs will not be posted after 1530. Registration should be submitted online through the official website: Each participant must have in their possession a FIV card complete with the health requirements and in regulation with the membership class. Each boat must have the appropriate insurance coverage with a minimum coverage of €1,000,000.00 euro for RC class vessels as delineated by federal law. Foreign crews must abide by the regulations of their respective federations to which they belong. The registration forms may be completed by entering the required information. The system will confirm receipt of entry fees and add the boats to each class list. The confirmation page must be printed and given to the respective secretary of the regatta at the time of check-in together with the tonnage certificate, the class card, the FIV card, the insurance certification and the permission for use in public announcements and/or individual advertisements. Entrance fees are non-refundable. 5. TONNAGE Each boat must have in its possession a valid certification of tonnage that will be presented at registration. Tonnage verification checks will be performed at random. 8. REGATTA INSTRUCTIONS The Regatta Instructions will be made available by the respective Secretaries of the Regatta of the organizing clubs. 9. LOCATION Races will take place primarily in the waters surrounding the respective club/organization. 10. SCORING IRC-ORC– ORC Club - International Classifications in corrected time for each division and individual grouping. In regards to ORC and IRC certification, groupings are according to predetermined subdivisions delineated by the Sailing Laws 2014. Scoring will be based on correct times and the “System of Minimum Points”and discards: from the 4th race. Historical Ships Classifications in corrected time, according to regulation, for each division and individual grouping. Monotypes Classifications in real time, “minimum points.” Discard of races as delineated in paragraph 4 above. 11. Mooring Mooring will be near the logistic structures of the respective Association/Club organizers. Craft classes IRC/ORC, Sailing agreements, historical sailboats, J24, 2.4, Martin 16 will be moored in the stretch of water near berth 74 of the Mediceo of Livorno. There are 70 berths available. For crafts of a length greater than 45 ft there are berths available at the pier. All other crafts will moor at floating jetties. All berthing spots will be equipped with services (lights and water). Nearby there will be bath and shower facilities for use. During the mooring and unmooring process periods there will be guaranteed mooring assistance with one or two rubber boats (Channel 67 Mr. MEDORO Claudio). The assignment of mooring will be made by the Director of Competitive Sports (CF CERRETINI 335 7527549 - raffaele.cerretini @ taking into account the size and the time of enrollment of each boat. Berths will be occupied and subsequently vacated on the basis of dispositions listed in paragraph 4 of "ELIGIBILITY AND REGISTRATION". 12. AWARDS Award Class 1st Place All Classes of Participants at the Trofeo Accademia Navale and City of Livorno 2nd Place ORC A REGATTA,ORC A CLASS 1, ORC A CLASS 2, ORC B CLASS 3, ORC B CLASS 4, IRC A 1ST CLASS, IRC A 2ND CLASS, IRC B 3RD CLASS, IRC B 4TH CLASS, IRC GRAN CROCIERA, SUNFISH, LASER BUG RACE, LASER BUG STANDARD, 2.4mR, MARTIN 16, 29ER, 555, J24, , TRIDENTE 16, EUROPA, VAURIEN, OPTIMIST JUNIORS, OPTIMIST MIDSHIPMEN. 3rd Place ORC A REGATA,ORC A CLASS 1, ORC A CLASS 2, ORC B CLASS 3, ORC B CLASS 4, IRC A 1ST CLASS, IRC A 2ND CLASS, IRC B 3RD CLASS, IRC B 4TH CLASS, IRC GRAN CROCIERA, SUNFISH, LASER BUG RACE, LASER BUG STANDARD, DINGHY 12’, 2.4mR, MARTIN 16, 29ER, 555, J24, 420, TRIDENTE 16, EUROPA, VAURIEN, OPTIMIST JUNIORS, OPTIMIST MIDSHIPMEN. Up to 5th Place OPTIMIST JUNIORS & MIDSHIPMEN 1st Place Female LASER BUG RACE & STANDARD, VAURIEN, TRIDENTE 16,420,2.4MR, OPTIMIST JUNIORS 1st Place Juniors VAURIEN 1st Place Under 16 555 President of the Republic Cup 1st 555 Capo Stato Maggiore M.M. Cup 1st OPTIMIST MIDSHIPMEN Female Challenger MARCHETTI Award 1st OPTIMIST JUNIORS – Livornese Crew Challenger SOROPTIMIST Award 1st OPTIMIST JUNIORS – Female Livornese Crew Challenger DENOTH Award 1st OPTIMIST MIDSHIPMEN – Livornese Crew LT GORLA Cup 1st TRIDENTE 16 (comprised of the youngest crew) 4rd Military Crew Trophy 1st TRIDENTE 16 (with a military crew) 5th Representative of Foreign Militaries Naval Academy Trophy 1st 2nd & 3rd TRIDENTE 16 (with a foreign military crew) 12th LTJG Enzo Fregosi Trophy 1st ORC Class Grouping A Overall 10th Giuseppe Milanesi Trophy 1st classified belonging to II FIV zone Italian National Naval League Presidential Cup 1st 2.4mR Disabled Category Historic Sailboats Award to the Boat with Greatest Historical Interest 16th Mediterranean and Black Sea Trophy of the Academies 1st 2nd & 3rd TRIDENTE 16 (with crews from the Academies of the Mediterranean & the Black Sea) 12th Admiral MIMBELLI Trophy 1st TRIDENTE 16 (with a crew from Italian Naval Schools) 21th Naval Academy Trophy 1st,2nd e 3rd TRIDENTE 16 (with a crew from Naval Academies) 22st Combined Military Champion 1st TRIDENTE 16 (with a joint crew) 13. AWARD CEREMONIES The award ceremonies of the races that have a logistic base at berth 75 (Villaggio TUTTOVELA) will take place near the appropriate stand dedicated inside the Villaggio at the end of each race. The award ceremonies for the races after the completion of Round 1 (25th-27th April) will be held by the respective Association/Club Director of the event after the final race of each class. The award ceremonies for the races after the completion of Round 2 (1st-4th May) will be held inside the Naval Academy of Livorno (outdoors in favourable weather conditions or in the Fitness Center otherwise). 14. DISCLAIMER Competitors take part in the various races at their own risk (Rule 4 "Decision to Race RR ISAF”). The Organizing Authority will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury or death, suffered as a result of the event, before, during or after. Each competitor will be solely responsible for the decision to participate in the race, to continue or to renounce entry. ………………………END OF THE REGATTA ANNOUNCEMENT…………………………. 30TH EDITION PARTICIPANTS CLASSES ORC/IRC NUMBER OF VESSELS 34 ORC (13) – IRC (21) HISTORICAL SAILBOATS 7 J 24 21 TRIDENT 36 VAURIEN 8 91 OPTIMIST – MIDSHIPMEN (41) – JUNIORS (50) 555 13 420 112 SUN FISH 14 DINGHY 29 LASER BUG 16 Standard (2) – Race (14) 2.4 MR 17 MARTIN 16 4 TOTAL 402 HOTELS & LOGISTICS All information regarding hotels and logistics can be found on the official website: COMMUNICATION – PRESS Tenders or Auxiliary Boats Tenders or auxiliary boats will be accepted at the regatta only after registration on the appropriate section of the website By the registration deadline, all classes of boats are required to have insurance coverage. Other Sailing Events May 1st: Boat Arrival May 2nd & 3rd HISTORICAL SAILBOATS May 4th: Naval Parades 1600, May 1st LNI - Lega Navale Italiana - Sezione di Livorno Molo Mediceo 12A – 57123 Livorno Tel/Fax: 0586.89.65.67 (Mon-Fri: 1630-1830; Sat: 1000-1200) [email protected] Notes The registration fee includes: - Complimentary mooring from 0800 on April 29th to 1000 on May 5th - Pier services - Mooring assistance Kite Fest: April 26 t h & 27 t h at the Sunset Club of Calabrone (Regatta Announcement) € 200,00 (LFT <12 mt.) € 300,00 (LFT tra 12 e 18 mt.) € 400,00 (LFT >18 mt.)
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