april, 18th, 19th bologna, italy A.I.C. CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM complete and return to [email protected] or fax +390105848607 Developmental Milestones, Primitive Reflexes, Hemispheric Integration and Their Relationship to Neurobehavioral and Learning disorders Dr. Robert Melillo MS, DC, PhD (C) DABCN,FACFN,FABCDD _____________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________ First Name ______________________________ College and year of graduation Seminar organised by AIC Servizi srl No registration at door Royal Carlton Hotel aic continuing education seminar awarded credits 12 eac credits 12 Via Montebello, 10 - 40121 Bologna Tel. 051.249361 royalhotelcarltonbologna.com ______________________________ Hotel Accomodation Street per room, per night, including breakfast Double as Single Room Eur 119,00 (plus city tax Euro 2,50 per person per night) Double Room Eur 139,00 (plus city tax Euro 1,50 per person per night ______________________________ City ______________________________ Option up to February 16th, 2015 Remember to book the hotel personally sending an email to [email protected] specifying “AIC event” District ______________________________ ZIP Code ______________________________ Country ______________________________ Telephone ______________________________ Fax early bird: march timetable 16th, 2015 Email ______________________________ VAT Number ______________________________ saturday AIC Members/ECU Euro 349,00 08.00 10.00 Lecture Non AIC Members Euro 499,00 10.00 10.30 Coffee Break Students Euro 100,00 10.30 13.30 Lecture 15.00 AIC General Assembly after the above date ______________________________ Tax Code seminar fees AIC Members/ECU Euro 449,00 sunday Non AIC Members Euro 599,00 08.00 10.00 Lecture Students Euro 150,00 10.00 10.30 Coffee Break Registration will be considered valid 10.30 13.30 Lecture only upon receipt of payment 13.30 14.30 Lunch 14.30 16.30 Lecture Bank transfer payment AIC Servizi SRL - Strada del Casalino, 5 - 00063 Campagnano di Roma (RM) Banca di Formello e Trevignano Romano di Credito Cooperativo IBAN: IT54R0881239090000000014782 SWIFT/BIC CODE: ICRAITRRMK0 Associazione Italiana Chiropratici - chiropratica.it - 010.5533036
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