A Acta astr. Acta astronautica Acta fil. Acta filosófica Acta soc. Acta

Acta astr.
Acta fil.
Acta soc.
Act. dr.
Act. jur
Adel. Law Rev.
Aero am.
Aff. int.
Aff. soc. int.
Afr. Hum. Rights Law jour.
Afr. Jour. Int. Law
Afr.YB. Int.Law
Akron Law Rev.
Am. Hist. Rev.
Am.Law Rev.
Am.Soc.Int.Law Proc.
Am.Un.Int.Law Rev.
Am.Un.Law Rev.
Acta astronautica
Acta filosófica
Acta sociologica
Actualité du droit
Actualité juridique – droit administrative
Adelaide Law Review
Aerospace America
Affari internazionali
Affari sociali internazionali
African Human Rights Law Journal.
African Journal of International Law
African Yearbook of International Law
Aggiornamenti sociali
Air & Space Europe
Air & Space Law
Akron Law Review
American Historical Review
American Journal of Comparative Law
American Journal of Criminal law
American Journal of International Law
American Journal of Jurisprudence
American Law Review.
American Society and International Law Proceedings
American Bar Foundation Research Journal
American University Journal of International Law and
American University International Law Review
American University Law Review
Amb. svil.
An.Hisp.LA der.int.
Asil Ins.
Austr. Def. Force Jour.
Austr. YB. Int. Law
Austr. Jour. Hum. Rights
Av. Mar. Jour.
AWR Bull.
Ambiente e sviluppo
Ambiente, consulenza e pratica per l'impresa
Analisi e diritto
Anuario Hispano-Luso-Americano de derecho
Annals of Air and Space Law
Annuaire de la Convention européenne des droits
de l’homme/ Yearbook of the European
Convention of Human Rights
Annuario del dipartimento di Scienze religiose
dell’Università cattolica Sacro Cuore
Annuario della facoltà di giurisprudenza
dell’Università di Genova
Annuaire français de droit international
Annuaire de l’Institut de droit international
Annuaire internationale de justice constitutionnelle
Annuaire international des droits de l’homme
Appendice Novissimo digesto italiano
Arab Law Quarterly
Archives de philosophie du droit
Archivio giuridico
Archiv des Völkerrechts
Real Istituto Elcano
Arizona Journal of International and Comparative
Asil Insights
ATCA Journal of Air Traffic Control
Australian Defence Force Journal
Australian Yearbook of International Law
Australian Journal of Human Rights
Aviation & Maritime Journal
AWR Bulletin
Banca, borsa, tit. cr.
Berk. Jour. Int. Law
Bim. dir. proc. Pen .mil.
Banca, borsa e titoli di credito
Berkeley Journal of International Law
Bimestrale di diritto e procedura penale militare
Ann.Air Space Law
Ann. Dip.Sc.rel.UCS
Ann. fac. giur. Genova
Ann. fr. droit int.
Ann. inst. droit Int.
Ann. int.just.const.
Ann. int. droits hom.
App. nuov. DI
Arab Law Quart.
Arch. phil. dr.
Archiv. giur.
Archiv. Völ.
Ariz. Jour. Int. Comp. Law
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Boletim soc. bras. der. int.
Boletin col. abog. Madrid
Boll. CE
Boll. UE
Boll. trib.
Boston Un. Int. Law Jour.
Br. YB. Int Law
Brooklyn Jour. Int. Law
Buffalo Hum. Rights Law Rev.
Bull .Cour
Bull. dr. homme
Bull. quot. Eur.
Bull. Soc. Hist. Prot. Fr.
Bull. WHO
Cah. Acad. pol. sc.
Cah. Monde russe
Cah. dr. eur.
Calif. West Int. Law Jour.
Camb. Law Jour.
Camb.YB. Eur. Leg. St.
Can. Bar rev.
Can. YB. Int. Law
Cardozo Jour. Int. Comp. Law
Boletim da Sociedade brasileira de direito internacional
Boletìn del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
Bollettino delle Comunità Europee
Bollettino dell’Unione Europea
Bollettino tributario
Boston University International Law Journal
British Yearbook of international law.
Brooklyn Journal of International Law
Buffalo Human Rights Law Review
Bulletin de la Cour européenne de droit de
Bulletin des droits de l’homme
Bulletin quotidien Europe
Bullettin de la Societé de l’Histoire du Protestantisme
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgericht
Cahiers de l’Académie polonaise des sciences
Cahiers du Monde russe
Cahiers de droit européen
California Western International Law Journal
Cambridge Law Journal
The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Canadian Bar Review
Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative
Cass. pen.
Cassazione penale
Chic. Jour. Int. Law
Chicago Journal of International Law
Child Fam. Law Quart.
Child Family Law Quartely
Chin. Jour. Int. Law
Chinese Journal of International Law
Chin. Jour. Int. Law Adv. Acc. Chinese Journal of International Law Advance Access
Chr. Dalloz
Cronique Dalloz
CIJ Recueil/ICJ Reports
Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances
de la Cour International de Justice/Reports of
Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of
International Court of Justice
Civ. catt.
Civitas Eu.
Col. Hum. Rights Law Jour.
Col. Jour. Eur. Law.
Col. Jour. Int. Law
Col. Jour. Trans. Law
Col. Law Rev.
Coll. Courses Ac. Eur. Rev.
Cologne Co. Sp. Law
Com. int.
Com. St.
Comm. Law World Rev.
Comm. M. Law Rev.
Comp. Ec. St. Es.
Conc. merc.
Cons. Stato
Cont. Eur. Hist.
Contr. impr.
Contr. impr./Eur.
Cornell Int. Law Jour.
Corte EDU
Cuad. der. trans.
Cuad.ext. jur.
Curr.Legal Prob.
Civiltà Cattolica
Civitas Europa
Columbia Human Right Law Journal
Columbia Journal of European Law
Columbia Journal of International Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Columbia Law Review
Collected Courses of the Academy of EuropeanLlaw
Cologne Commentary on Space Law
La Comunità internazionale
Comunicazioni e studi
Common Law World Review
Common Market Law Review
Computation and Economic Studies and researches
Concorrenza e mercato
Consiglio di Stato
Contemporary European History
Contratto e impresa
Contratto e impresa / Europa
Cornell International Law Journal
Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo
Corriere giuridico
Corriere del merito
Critica storica
Cuadernos de derecho transnacional
Cuadernos de extension juridica
Current Legal Problems
Deakin Law Rev.
Déf. nat.
Dem. dir.
Den. Jour. Int. Law. Pol.
Dict. droits. hom.
Dig. disc. pen.
Dig. disc. priv.
Dig. disc. pub.
Dipl. Hist.
Dir. aer.
Deakin Law Review
Défence nationale
Democrazia e diritto
Denver Journal of International Law & Policy
Dictionnaire des droits de l’homme
Digesto delle discipline penalistiche
Digesto delle dottrine privatistiche
Digesto delle discipline pubblicistiche
Diplomatic History
Diritto aereo
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Dir. amm.
Dir. com. sc. int.
Dir. comm. int
Dir. econ.
Dir. eccl.
Dir. fam.
Dir. fam. pers.
Dir. giust.
Dir. imm. citt.
Dir. int.
Dir. pen. proc.
Dir. pub.c omp. eur.
Dir. prat.l av.
Dir. prat. rib
Dir. rel. ind.
Dir. relig.
Dir. soc.
Dir. trasp.
Dir. turismo
Dir. Un. eur.
Dir. uomo
Dir. uomo. dir. int.
Human Rights
Droits cult.
Droit mar. fran.
Diritto amministrativo
Diritto Comunitario e degli scambi internazionali
Diritto del commercio internazionale
Il diritto dell’economia
Il diritto ecclesiastico
Droit de la famille
Il diritto di famiglia e delle persone
Diritto e giustizia
Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza
Diritto internazionale
Diritto penale e processo
Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Diritto e pratica del lavoro
Diritto e pratica tributaria
Diritto delle relazioni industriali
Diritto e religioni
Diritto e società
Diritto dei trasporti
Diritto del turismo
Il diritto dell’Unione europea
I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie
Diritti umani e diritto internazionale
Decisions and reports of the European Court of
Droit et cultures
Droit maritime français
Dispute Settlement Reports of World Trade
East Afr. Jour. Peace Hum. Rights East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights
Ec. Change Restr.
Economic Change and Restructuring
Ec. Comput. Ec. St. Res.
Economic Computation and Economic Studies and
Enc. dir.
Enciclopedia del diritto
Enc. giu.
Enciclopedia giuridica Treccani
Enc. Pub. Int. Law
Encyclopaedia of Public International Law
ESA Bul.
ESA Bulletin
European State Aid Law Quartely
Etud. intern.
Eur. Act.
Eur. Bus. Law Rev.
Eur. Comp. Law Rev.
Eur. Const. Law Rev.
Eur. dir. priv.
Eur. For. Aff. Rev.
Eur. Gru. Zeit.
Eur. Hum. Rights Rep.
Eur. Hum. Rights Law Rev.
Eur. Iss.
Eur. Jour. Comp. Law
Eur. Jour. Cr. Crim. Just.
Eur. Jour. Int. Law
Eur. Jour. Law Ref.
Eur. Jour. Migr. Law
Eur. Legal Forum
Eur. Law Jour.
Eur. Law Rev.
Eur. Pub. Law
Eur. Rev. Priv. Law
Eur. Sc. Jour.
Euro-Med. Obs.
Eur. Transp. Law
Eur. YB.
Eur. YB. Int. Ec. Law
Eur. Un. Pol.
Etudes internationales (Tunis)
Euro Active
European Business Law Review
European Competition Law Review
European Constitutional Law Review
Europa e diritto privato
European Foreign Affairs Review
Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift
European Human Rights Reports
European Human Rights Law Review
European Issue
European Journal of Comparative Law
European Journal of Crime, Criminal law and Criminal
European Journal of International Law
European Journal of Law Reform
European Journal of Migration and Law
European Legal Forum
European Law Journal
European Law Review
European Public Law
European Review of Private Law
European Scientific Journal
Euro-Mediterranean Observatory
European Transportation Law
European Yearbook
European Yearbook of International Economic Law
European Union Politics
Fam. dir.
Fam. min.
Fam. Law Quart.
Fam. pers. e succes.
Finnish YB. Int. Law
For. Aff.
Fordh. Int. Law Jour.
Foro amm. CDS
Foro amm. TAR
Famiglia e diritto
Famiglia e minori.
Family Law Quarterly
Famiglia, persone e successioni
The Finnish Yearbook of international Law.
Foreign Affairs
Fordham International Law Journal.
Foro amministrativo CDS
Foro amministrativo TAR
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Foro it.
Foro pad.
Fried. Warte
Il Foro Italiano
Il Foro padano
Die Friedens Warte
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative
Gazz. amb.
Gazzetta Ambiente
Germ. Jour. Air Sp. Law
German Journal for Air and Space Law
Germ. Law jour.
German Law Journal
Germ. YB. Int. Law
German Yearbook of International Law
Giorn. dir. amm
Giornale di diritto amministrativo
Giorn. dir .lav. rel. ind.
Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali
Giur. comm.
Giurisprudenza commerciale
Giur. cost.
Giurisprudenza costituzionale
Giur. it.
Giurisprudenza italiana
Giur. mer.
Giurisprudenza e merito
Giust. civ.
Giustizia civile
Giust. civ. mass.
Giustizia civile massimario
Giust. pen.
Giustizia penale
Glob. Gove.
Global Governance
Glob. Comm. YB. Int. Law Jur. The Global Community: Yearbook of International
Law and Jurisprudence
Gazzetta ufficiale delle Comunità europee / Gazzetta
ufficiale dell’Unione Europea
Guida dir.
Guida al diritto
Gulf Dai. News
Gulf Daily News
Gazzetta ufficiale della Repubblica italiana
Hague Y. Int. L.
Harv . Jour. Law Pub. Pol.
Harv. Law Sch.
Harv. Int. Law. Jour.
Harv. Law Rev.
Hast. Const. Law
Hast. Law jour.
Hague Yearbook of International Law
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
Harvard Law School
Harvard International Law Journal
Harvard Law Review
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
Hastings Law Journal
Heid. Jour. Int. Law
Hels. Mon.
Her. Trib.
Hertf. Law Jour.
Hum. Rights Law Rev.
Hum. Rights Law Jour.
Hum. Rights Quart.
Hydroc. Ec. Pol. Leg.
Heidelberg Journal of International Law
Helsinki Monitor
The International Herald Tribune
Hertfoordshire Law Journal
The Heythrop Journal
Human Rights Law Review
Human Rights Law Journal
Human Rights Quartely
Hydrocarbons: Economics, Policies, and Legislation
ICJ Reports
ILO Bull.
ILSA Jour.
Ind. Jour. Int. Law
Int. Jour. Hum. Rights
Int. Jour. Min. Group Rights
Int. Aff.
Int. Comp. Law Quart.
Int. Hand.
Int. Jour. Ch. Rights
Int. Jour. Const. Law
Int. Jour. Law Fam.
Int. Jour. Refug. Law
Int. Law. Rep.
Int. Leg. Mat.
Int. Org. Law Rev.
Int. Rel.
Int. Rev. Red Cr.
Int. Soc.
Int. Spect.
Int. Jour. Law Pol. Fam.
Int. Jour. Mar. Coast. Law
Int. Law Ant.
Int. Org.
Interc. Rev.
Interdis. Jour. Hum. Rights Law
Isr. YB. Hum. Rights
v. CIJ Recueil
ILO Official Bullettin
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law
The Indian Journal of International Law
International Journal of Human Rights
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
International Affairs
International and Comparative Law Quartely
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
International Journal of Children’s Rights
International Journal of Constitutional law
International Journal of Law and Family
International Journal of Refugee Law
International Law Reports
International Legal Materials
International Organizations Law Review
International Relations
International Review of the Red Cross
International Sociology
International Spectator
International Journal Law, Policy and Family
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
International Law for Antarctica
International Organization
Intercollegiate Review
Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law
Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und-Verfahrensrecht
Israel Yearbook of Human Rights
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Isr. Law Rev.
Issues Law Med.
It. Jour. Int. Aff.
It. YB. Int. Law
ITLOS Reports
Ius Ecc.
Israel Law Review
Issues in Law and Medicine
The International Spectator : Italian Journal of
International Affairs
Italian Yearbook of International . Law
International Tribunal for the Law of the sea.Reports
Ius Ecclesiae.
J. Gesell. Gesch.Prot. Österreich Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für die Geschichte des
Protestantismus in Österreich
J. Early Mod. Hist.
Journal of Early Modern History
Juris-Classeur périodique- La semaine juridique
Jour. W. Trade
Journal of World Trade
Jour. Br. Int. Soc.
Journal of British Interplanetary Society
Jour. Cons. Pol.
Journal of Consumer Policy
Jour. Crim. Just.
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Journ. dr. jeun.
Journal du droit des Jeunees
Jour. dr. int.
Journal du droit international
Jour. Fam. Law
Journal of Family Law
Jour. Glob. Gov.
Journal of Global Governance
J. Haghe
Jaarboek Die Haghe
Jour. Int. Arb.
Journal of International Arbitration
Jour. Int. Bio.
Journal international de bioétique
Jour. Int. Law ec.
The Journal of International Law and Economics
Jour. Int. Law Int. Rel.
Journal of International Law and International
Jour. Int. Law Peace Arm. Conf. Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed
Jour. Med Ethics
Journal of Medical Ethics
Jour. Med. Phil.
Journal of Medicine and Plilosophie
Jour. Trans. Law Pol.
Journal of Transnational Law and Policy
Jour. W. Inv.
Journal of World Investment
Jour. Air Law Com.
Journal of Air Law and Commerce
Jour. Am. Hist.
The Journal of American History
Jour. Comm. Mar. St.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Jour. Conf. Sec. Law
Journal of Conflict and Security Law
Jour. dr. eur.
Jour. Hist. Int. Law
Jour. Int. Econ. Law
Jour. Int. Law Prac.
Jour. Law Rel.
Jour. Mod. Hist.
Jour. Pr. Int. Law
Jour. Refug. St.
Jour. sp. Law
Jura Falc.
Juris. Arg.
Lav. dir.
Lav. giur
Lav. p. a.
Law Bus. Rev. Amer.
Law Cont. Prob.
Law Prac. Int. C. Trib.
Leg. Eth. Fram
Leg. Iss. Ec. Int. Law
Leg. Iss. Eur. Int.
Leg. St.
Leid. jour. Int. Law
Lewis& Clark L. rev
LIUC Papers
Loyola L.A Int. Comp. Rev.
London Rec.
Journal de droit européen
Journal of the History of International Law
Journal of International Economic Law
Journal of International Law and Practice
Journal of Law and Religion
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Private International law
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Space Law
Journal des Tribunaux
Jura Falconis
Jurisprudencia Argentina
Lavoro e diritto
Il lavoro nella giurisprudenza
Lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni
Law and Business Review of the Americas
Law & Contemporary Problems
The Law & Practice of International Courts and
Legal and Ethical Framework
Legal Issues of Economic Integration
Legal Issues of European Integration
Legal Studies
Leiden Journal of International Law
Lewis and Clark Law Review
Papers dell’Università Cattaneo-Liuc on line
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative
Law Review
The London Recusant
Maastricht jour Int. Comp. Law Maastricht Journal of international and
Comparative Law
Maastricht. jour. Eur. Comp. Law Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative
Mass. giur. Lav.
Massimario giurisprudenza del lavoro.
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Max P. Enc. Pub. Int. Law
Max P. YB. Un. Nat. Law
Mc Gill Law Jour.
Med. Paper Se.
Med. YB
Melb. jour. Int. Law
Merc. conc. reg.
Minn. Law rev.
Misk. jour. Int. Law
Mod. Law. Rev.
Mon. belge
Mon. ital.
N. dir.
Nebr. Law rev.
Ned. Tijd. Men.
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law
Mc Gill Law Journal
Mediterranean Paper Series
Mediterranean Yearbook
Melbourne Journal of International Law
Mercato, concorrenza regole
Minnesota Law Review
Miskolc Journal of International Law
The Modern Law Review
Moniteur belge
Il Monitore italiano
Il nuovo diritto
Navigation ( no revue navigation)
Nebraska law review
Nederlands t dschrift voor de mensenrechten:
Neth. Int. Law rev.
Netherlands International Law Review
Neth. YB. Int. Law
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
Neue Jur. Woch
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
New Black.
New Blackfriars
New Cr. Law rev.
New Criminal Law Review
Norj Jour. Int. Law
Nordic Journal of International Law
Nord. Tijd. Men.
Nordisk tidsskrift for menneskerettigheter
Not. Dam. jour. Eth. Pub. Pol. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethic and Public
Nov.mo dig. it
Il Novissimo digesto italiano
Nuova rass.
Nuova rassegna di lesiglazione, dottrina e
Nuove leg. civ.
Nuove leggi civili
Nuove leggi civ. comm.
Le Nuove leggi civili commentate
NY. Univ. jour. Int. Hum. Rights New York University journal of International
Human Rights
NY Law Sch. Law jour. Int. Comp. LawNew York Law School journal of International and
Comparative Law
NY. Univ. jour. Int. Law
New York University Journal of International
Law and Politics
NY. Univ. Law Rev.
New York University Law Review
Oc. Dev. Int. Law
Or. mod.
Oss. lib. ist. relig.
Öst. Zeit. öff. Recht
Öst-Eur Recht
Oxf. Ec. Pap.
Oxf. jour. Legal St.
PCIJ Publ.
Ocean Development & International Law
OPEX-Observatorio de Politica Exterior Española
Oriente moderno
OSCE Yearbook
Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose
Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentichles Recht
Öst-Europe Recht
Outer Space
Oxford Economic Papers
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Pet. aff.
Pol. dir.
Pol. int.
Pol. res. Quart.
Pol. sc. quart.
Pol. YB. Int. Law
Pub. Law
Pub. Pr. Law Rev.
Permanent Court of International Justice
Les Petit Affiches
Politica del diritto
Politique internationale
Política exterior
Political Research Quarterly
Political Science Quarterly
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Public Law
Public Procurement Law Review
Quad cost.
Quad fior.
Quad. dir. pol. ecc.
Quart. rev.
Quaderni costituzionali
Quaderni fiorentini
Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica
Quarterly Review
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Quebec Jour. Int. Law
Quest. gius.
Racc. uff. sent. ord. Corte cost.
Rass. dir. eur.
Rass. giur. en. el.
Rass. parl.
Rass. trib.
Rec. Dall.
Rec. Hist.
Rec. jur.
Recop. jur
Recueil des arrêts/
Reports of Judgments
Recueil des cours
Ref. sur. quart.
Rel. int.
Rel. int. strat.
Resp. civ.
Resp. civ. prev.
Quebec Journal of International Law
Questione giustizia
Raccolta ufficiale delle sentenze ed ordinanze
della Corte Costituzionale
Raccolta della giurisprudenza della Corte di
Giustizia delle Comunità europee
Rassegna di diritto europeo
Rassegna giuridica dell’energia elettrica.
Rassegna parlamentare
Rassegna tributaria
Recueil Dalloz Sirey- Récueil périodique et
critique de doctrine, de jurisprudence et de
criminelle, administrative et de droit public
Recusant History
Recueil de jurisprudence
Recopilación de Jurisprudencia (non è possibile
abbreviare Rec.Jur. come previsto perché
coinciderebbe con l’abbreviazione precedente)
Recueil des arrêts et décisions de la Cour
européenne des droits de l’homme/Reports of
Judgments and decisions of the European Court of
Human Rights
Recueil des cours de l’Académie de droit
international de La Haye
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Relazioni Internazionali
Relations internationales et stratégiques
La responsabilità civile
Responsabilità civile e previdenza
Rev. arb.
Rev. adm. pub.
Rev. aff. eur.
Rev. arg. rég. adm. pub.
Rev. belg.dr. int.
Rev. col. der. int.
Rev. comm. int. juristes
Rev. cr. dr. aff. int.
Rev. cr. jur. belge
Rev eur. dr. int.
Rev. deux mond.
Rev. dr. aff. int
Rev. dr. int. dr. comp.
Rev. Dr. Int. Lég. Comp.
Rev. dr. pub.
Rev. dr. Un. Eur.
Rev. esp. der. int.
Rev. esp. der. mil.
Rev. esp. des. coop.
Rev. eur. ec. pol.
Rev. eur. der. fund.
Rev. Fac. Dr. Univ.
Rev. fr .droit const.
Rev. fr. dr. aér. spat.
Rev. fr. dr. adm
Rev. gén dr. int. pub.
Rev. gén. derecho
Rev. gén. dr. méd.
Rev. hell. droit. int.
Rev. int. Croix-Rouge
Rev. interd. et. jur.
Rev. M. comm
Rev. M. un. eur.
Rev. queb. dr. int.
Revue de l’arbitrage.
Revista de administración pública
Revue des affaires européennes
Revista argentina del régimen de la administracion
Revue belge de droit international
Revista colombiana de derecho internacional
Revue de la commission internationale des juristes
Revue critique de droit international privé
Revue critique de jurisprudence belge
Revue européenne de droit internationale
Revue des deux mondes
Revue de droit des affaires internationalesInternational Business Law
Revue de droit international et de droit comparé
Revue de droit international et de législation comparée
Revue de droit public
Revue du droit de l’Union européenne
Revista española de derecho internacional
Revista española de Derecho Militar
Revista española de desarollo y cooperación
Review of european economic policy
Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales
Liège Revue de la facultè de droitde l’université
de liège
Revue française de droit constitutionnel
Revue française de droit aérienne et spatial
Revue française de droit administrative
Revue générale de droit internationale public
Revista general de derecho
Revue générale de droit médicale
Revue hellénique de droit international
Revue internationale de la Croix Rouge
Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques
Revue du marché commun (dal 1993 : et de
l’Union européen)
Revue du Marché unique européen
Revue de l’OTAN
Revue québécoise de droit internationale
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
Rev. roum. sc. soc.
Rev. trim. dr. eur.
Rev. trim. dr. fam.
Rev. trim. dr. homme
Rev. univ. dr. homme
Rev. der. com. eur.
Rev. dr. homme
Rev. droit. int. sc. dipl. pol.
Rev. elec. est. int.
Rev. gén. dr. proc.
Rev. ib. der. proc. const.
Rev. inst. eur.
Rev. Inst. fr. nav.
Rev. int. doct. inst.
Rev. int. dr. comp.
Rev. int. dr. pén.
Rev. int. Law pol.
Rev. int. st.
Rev. int. trav.
Rev. Lamy conc.
Rev. pap. FIM
Rev. rech. jurid.
Rev. sc. cr. dr. pén. comp.
Rev. tun. dr.
Riv. amm. Rep. It.
Riv. arb.
Riv. C. conti
Riv. coop. giur.
Riv. dir. civ.
Riv. dir. eur.
Riv. dir. fin.
Riv. dir. industr.
Riv. dir. int.
Riv. dir. int. dir. uomo
Revue roumaine des sciences sociales
Revue trimestrielle de droit européen
Revue trimestrielle de droit familial
Revue trimestrielle de droits de l’homme
Revue universelle des droits de l’homme
Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo
Revue des Droits de l'Homme
Revue de droit international, de science
diplomatiques et politiques
Revista Electronica de Estudios Internacionales
Justice, Revue Générale de droit processuel
Revista Iberoamericana de Derecho Procesal
Revista de Instituciones Europeas
Revue de l’Institut Français de navigation
Politique - Revue internationale des doctrines et
des institutions
Revue internationale de droit comparé
Revue internationale de droit pénal/International
Review of Penal Law
Review of International Law and Politics
Review of International Studies
Revue internationale du travail
Revue Lamy de la concurrence
Revista papeles de la FIM
Revue de la recherche juridique. Droit prospectif
Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal
Revue tunisienne de Droit
Rivista amministrativa della repubblica italiana
Rivista dell’arbitrato
Rivista della Corte dei conti
Rivista della cooperazione giuridica internazionale
Rivista di diritto civile
Rivista di diritto europeo
Rivista di diritto finanziario
Rivista di diritto industriale
Rivista di diritto internazionale
Rivista internazionale dei diritti dell’uomo
Riv. dir. int. priv. proc.
Riv. giur. mezz.
Riv. int. fil.
Riv. it. sc. pol.
Riv. st. pol. int.
Riv. tr. sc. amm.
Russ. pro.
Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e
Rivista di diritto processuale
Rivista di emigrazione
Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro
Rivista di diritto pubblico comunitario
Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile
Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico
Rivista del commercio internazionale
Rivista di diritto dell’economia, dei trasporti e
Rivista di diritto della navigazione
Rivista di diritto privato
Rivista giuridica dell'ambiente
Rivista giuridica del lavoro e della previdenza
Rivista giuridica del mezzogiorno
Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto
Rivista Italiana di scienza politica
Rivista di studi politici internazionali
Rivista trimestrale di scienza dell’amministrazione
Russkoe prošloe
S. Clara Law rev.
S. Ill. Law jour.
Sc. Pol.
Scr. Lov.
Sec. Hum. Rights
Sm. Wars Ins.
Somm. Teol
Sp. Comm.
Sp. Pol.
Sp. YB. Int. Law
St. integr. eur.
St. parm
St. dipl.
St. dir. int. pri.
St. jour. int. Law
Santa Clara Law Review
Southern Illinois Law Journal
Scienza & Politica
Scrinium Lovaniense
Security and Human Rights
Small Wars and Insurgencies
La Somma Teologica
SPACE & Communications
Space Policy
Spanish Yearbook of International Law
Studi sull’integrazione europea
Studi parmensi
Studia Diplomatica
Studi di diritto internazionale privato
Stanford Journal of International Law
Riv. dir. proc.
Riv. emig.
Riv. it. dir. lav.
Riv. it. dir. pub.com.
Riv. trim. dir. proc. civ.
Riv. trim. dir. pub.
Riv. comm. int.
Riv. dir. ec. tras. amb.
Riv. dir. nav.
Riv. dir. priv.
Riv. giur. amb.
Riv. giur. lav. prev. soc.
Indice abbreviazioni periodici
St. jour. int. Rel.
St. par. pol. cost.
Sto. urb.
Sud Eur.
Süddeut. Zeit.
Suf. tr. Law Rev.
Summa Th.
Temi rom.
Teoria dir. Stato
Texas Int. Law Jour.
Th. World Quart.
Tilb. For. Law rev.
Trans. Disp. Man.
Trib. pop.
Tul. jour. Int. Comp. Law
Turk. YB. Int. Law
Stanford Journal of International Relations
Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale
Storia urbana
Sud in Europa
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Suffolk Transnational Law Review t
Summa Theologiae
Temi Romana
Teoria del diritto e dello Stato
Texas International Law Journal
Third World Quarterly
Tilburg Foreign Law Review
Transnational Dispute Management
Il Tribuno del popolo
Tulane Journal of International and Comparative
Turkish Yearbook of Human Rights
Uges. Ret.
Un. Law rev
Univ. Hum. Rights
Univ. Rich. Law Rev.
Urb. app.
UCLA, Journal of International Law and Foreign
Ugeskrift for Retvaesen
Uniform Law Review –Revue de droit uniforme
Universal Human Rights
University of Richmond Law Review
Urbanistica e appalti
Va. jour. Int, Law
Vict. Un. Well. Law Rev.
Vill. Sp. Ent. Law Jour.
Virg. jour. Int. Law
Vita pens.
Vanderbilt Journal of International Law
Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Villanova Sports and Entertainment Law Journal
Virginia Journal of International Law
Vita e Pensiero
World Comp
World Competition
Week. Law rep.
World Ec.
World Tr.rev.
Weekly Law Reports
Walter Hallstein Institute für Europäisches
World Economics
World Trade Review
Yale Hum. Rights Dev. Law jour. Yale Human Rights and Development Law
Yale jour. Int. Law
Yale Journal of International Law
Yale Law jour.
Yale Law Journal
YB Comm. Arb.
Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration
v. Ann. CEDH
YB Eur. Law
Yearbook of European Law
YB. Int. Hum. Law
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
YB. Int. Law Comm.
Yearbook of the International Law Commission
YB. Un. Nat.
Yearbook of United Nations
YB. World Aff.
Yearbook of World Affairs
Zeit. Eur. Stud.
Zeit. Öff. Recht
Zeit. Schw. Recht
Zeitschrift für ausländisches Recht und
Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien
Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht
Zeitschrift für Schweiz Recht
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft