HOW to REGISTER OBJECTIVES of the COURSE Three steps: 1) send the application form to the secretariat; 2) upon acceptance, proceed to payment; 3) send copy of the bank transfer. Registration will be completed ONLY when step 3 is completed. Please note that: the maximum number of participants is 30. Applications will be considered in order of submission. Eight places will be reserved to PhD students that provide a letter of the supervisor in step 1. The University of Milano-Bicocca might provide one scholarship for participation of a PhD student. Modalities for application are explained in the web page. The course gives a broad introduction to concepts and methods in survival and event history analysis. The goals for the course are: - to understand the counting process formulation underlying modern survival and event history analysis, and be able to use it to derive heuristically the statistical properties of the most used estimators and test statistics; - to understand the assumptions underlying the commonly used methods in survival and event history analysis, and be able to choose a suitable model formulation in a practical setting; - to be able to use statistical software to analyse survival and event history data and to interpret the result of an analysis. The methods covered in the course have applications in epidemiology, clinical medicine, demography, economics, insurance, sociology, and technical reliability. DEADLINE for REGISTRATION is 20 January 2014 FEE Registration fee will be inclusive of teaching material, bus transfer, hotel accommodation and meals (from 16 to 20 March included). General participant: 1300 € SISMEC/IBS Member: 1150 € PhD student: 1000 € REGISTRATION CANCELLATION It must be submitted to the secretariat by February 15 to receive a refund, less a 50 Euro processing fee. Refunds will not be granted after February 15. HOW to PAY By bank transfer to: Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Piazza Ateneo Nuovo 1, 20126 Milano Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio – ag 29 Address: Piazza della Trivulziana 6, 20126 Milano Account n: 000000200X71 SWIFT: POSOIT22XXX IBAN: IT87 K056 9601 6280 0000 0200 X71 Reason of payment: Fee for StatisticAlps 2014 UNIVERSITY OF MILANO-BICOCCA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Center of Biostatistics for Clinical Epidemiology winter course on medical statistics……in the alps 5th Edition SURVIVAL AND EVENT HISTORY ANALYSIS Prof. Odd O. Aalen University of Oslo, Norway Prof. Ørnulf Borgan COORDINATORS Maria Grazia Valsecchi Stefania Galimberti Center of Biostatistics for Clinical Epidemiology Department of Health Sciences University of Milano-Bicocca University of Oslo, Norway Prof. Håkon K. Gjessing Norwegian Institute of Public Health Oslo, Norway 16 – 20 March 2014 PONTE DI LEGNO – BRESCIA, ITALY SECRETARIAT Miriam Puttini e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +039.02.6448 8035 Fax: +039.02.6448 8262 With the endorsement of Società Italiana di Statistica Medica ed Epidemiologia Clinica International Biometric Society PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM 16 MARCH 2014 4TH DAY – 20 MARCH 2014 19.30 20.00 9.00:12.30 Local dependence Dynamic path analysis Causality 14.00-16.00 First passage time models and threshold regression 16.30:18.30 Tutorials Registration Welcome Dinner 1ST DAY – 17 MARCH 2014 9.00:13.00 Introduction to survival and event history analysis Counting processes, martingales, and stochastic integrals The multiplicative intensity model and the Nelson-Aalen estimator Product integrals and the Kaplan-Meier estimator Log-rank type tests for the multiplicative intensity model 14.30:16.00 Competing risks and multistate models The empirical transition matrix (AalenJohansen estimator) 16.30:18.30 Tutorials 2ND DAY – 18 MARCH 2014 9.00:13.00 Cox regression and other relative risk regression models Nested case-control and case-cohort studies Additive regression 14.30:16.00 Parametric models and Poisson regression 16.30:18.30 Tutorials 3RD DAY – 19 MARCH 2014 8.30:12.30 Unobserved heterogeneity: the odd effects of frailty Frailty models for recurrent events and clustered data Marginal and dynamic models for recurrent events and clustered data 19.30 Course closure – Social Dinner PLEASE, FILL THIS FORM AND SEND IT TO THE SECRETARIAT FAX: +039-02-6448 8262 OR DOWNLOAD THIS FORM FROM THE COURSE WEB PAGE AND SEND IT BY E-MAIL TO THE SECRETARIAT NAME: _________________________________________ SURNAME: ______________________________________ The course is based on the book Event History Analysis: A Process Point of View by Aalen, Borgan and Gjessing (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008) TUTORS L. Antolini, P. Rebora and D. Bernasconi Center of Biostatistics for Clinical Epidemiology Department of Health Sciences University of Milano-Bicocca POSITION: _______________________________________ INSTITUTION/COMPANY: ___________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________________ Prerequisites are specified in the course web page. A personal laptop with the most recent copy of R installed is required for tutorials. POSTAL CODE: ___________________________________ COUNTRY: _______________________________________ Participants will have the possibility to enjoy winter sports or to spend time for individual study during the half day break. TEL: _____________________________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________________________ COURSE VENUE Hotel Mirella **** Via Roma 21, Ponte di Legno (BS) Tel: +39.0364.900500 - Fax: +39.0364.900530 FEE CATEGORY: General participant: SISMEC/IBS Member: PhD student: COURSE WEB PAGE SEE “HOW TO REGISTER” FOR FURTHER DETAILS
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