SANTA MARIA GORETTI PARISH (Italian Parish) 9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1 Tel. (780) 422-8304 Fax (780) 425-7254 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026 Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m. Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment Adoration: Every First Friday at 6.00 PM. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.) Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: 14 DICEMBRE 2014 «RALLEGRATEVI SEMPRE NEL SIGNORE!» III DOMENICA DI AVVENTO «RALLEGRATEVI!». Siate sempre lieti! Tessalonica e la Chiesa anche oggi (II nella volontà di Dio di essere dalla parte emarginati di ogni luogo e tempo. Maria quest’esultanza ecclesiale con il cantico del Messia secoli prima della sua venuta (I profeta, può rendergli testimonianza di Cristo e vedrà i segni che lo noi Chiesa, chiamata a preparare le vie del luce, ma riflettiamo Cristo luce del mondo testimoni e annunciatori per dare voce alla della terra. San Paolo apostolo (II Lettura) tempo, le disposizioni per l’attesa: la gioia, Fr Gianfranco Tinello, Ofm. Cap Così san Paolo saluta la comunità di Lettura). Il motivo di questa gioia risiede degli umili e degli oppressi, a favore degli santissima, da parte sua, interpreta Magnificat (Salmo). Se Isaia prefigura il Lettura), Giovanni Battista, come un vero fronte al mondo che udrà le parole del accompagneranno. Il Battista è immagine di Signore. Noi, come Giovanni, non siamo la (Vangelo). Il Verbo del Padre ha bisogno di sua Parola, affinché risuoni fino ai confini suggerisce anche a noi, cristiani di questo la preghiera e il ringraziamento. 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT TODAY’S READINGS OFFER a powerful reminder that Advent is a time of repentance, of witness and of caring for others. As we await the coming of the Lord John the Baptist speaks about, Advent is a time for us to be sorry for our sins. But if John the Baptist – of whom Jesus says there has never been a greater man born of woman – is unworthy to untie the strap of the Lord’s sandals, how worthy, then, are we? As we acknowledge the coming of the Lord, Advent is a time to witness to the active presence of God in our lives. John the Baptist points to the one who is to come after him, the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit; so too are we to point to the reality that we have been baptized in this Holy Spirit. We do this precisely by recognizing that the one identified in Isaiah who comes for the afflicted, the brokenhearted, and the imprisoned – the one who comes, in other words, for us – has indeed come into our very lives, and does so once again at today’s Eucharistic celebration. Now we can go forth and encounter the Lord through our care for the afflicted, the brokenhearted, and the imprisoned. Rev. Armand Mercier, Edmonton, AB Tutte le richieste d’intenzioni di messa devono pervenire nell’ufficio della parrocchia entro le 15 :00 del mercoledi. All Mass intentions and bulletin requests must be received in the Parish office by Wednesday 3 p.m. to be included in the bulletin. PARISH NEWS PREPARARVI AL BATTESIMO Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il battesimo sarà mercoledì, 4 marzo 2015 alle ore 7 PM a Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre. Entrambi i genitori e i padrini devono attendere. BAPTISM PREPARATION The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 7 PM in the basement of the Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre. Both parents and godparents are required to attend AVVISO SPECIALE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE ORARIO SANTA MESSA NATALIZIA E NUOVO ANNO December 24, Christmas Eve 5:00 PM (Bilingual) Family Mass with children 10:00 PM (Bilingual) Midnight Mass December 25, Santo Natale/Christmas Day 10:00 AM (English) 11:30 AM (Italian) December 31, New Year’s Eve 5:00 PM (Bilingual) January 1, 2015, New Year’s Day- Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God/ Madre Di Dio 10:00 AM (English) 11:30 AM (Italian) CHRISTMAS CONFESSION AND COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND THE ELDERLY Those who are unable to attend Mass during Christmas please call the office (tel. 780.422.8304). Fr. George will come for the confession and bring communion. NATALE CONFESSIONI E COMUNIONE PER MALATI E ANZIANI Se vi è impossibile venire in chiesa telefonate al nostro ufficio (numero 780.422.8304) e Padre Giorgio verra a casa vostra per la confessione e la Santa Comunione. PARISH YOUTH GROUP WELCOME TO SMG YOUTH GROUP! Our parish is forming a youth group to animate our parish community, families and children with various interesting activities. All young people of our parish are warmly welcome to be part of this new initiative and contribute their time, talents and treasure for Faith & Spirituality! Culture! Community! & Fun! You are welcome! (For more information please call the Parish Office or our Pastor, Fr. George.) ATTENTION ALL PRESIDENTS / HEADS OF THE ITALIAN CLUBS OF EDMONTON Santa Maria Goretti Parish (SMG) needs your help to update its records. As head of your Club, can you please provide, via email, your name/ title and contact information to Loretta Corazza at [email protected]? If you prefer to phone in the information, please call the Rectory at 780.422.8304. Has your Club scheduled all of its events for 2015? SMG is going to publish a monthly Calendar of Events that, hopefully in time, will list all scheduled activities from all Clubs. By adding this information to the SMG Calendar it is hoped that we can eliminate, as much as possible, more than one Club activity happening on the same day. If you are willing, please email your Club’s 2015 schedule to Loretta Corazza at [email protected] marmellata, minestra in scatola, baby food, riso, olio, pudding, jelly, etc. Per favore attenzione al cibo scaduto. Grazie di cuore. (Thank you/ grazie for your support – from the Parish community) ITAL CANADIAN SENIORS BAKE SALE DECEMBER 14, 2014 9:00 am–12:00 pm SANTA MARIA GORETTI COMMUNITY CENTRE Is fully-booked for Pranzo this Sunday, October 14 New Year’s Eve Gala December 31, 2014 Tickets on Sale now! Adults: $75 Children: $30 age 5-12 7-course meal with free bottle of wine & champagne per table DJ by Peter DeRose Tickets: (780) 426-5026 CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS We invite you to donate generously for Christmas flowers. Please use the “Flower Donation” envelopes at the church entrance. Thank you. Vi invitiamo di donare generosamente per i fiori per Natale. Utilizzate le buste per “Flower Donations”. Mille grazie. THE LADIES OF THE HOLY ROSARY Collection of Food for the Poor: November 23 & 29 and December 7 & 14. We accept all donations but we really need tuna, jam, soups, baby food, Kraft dinner, cooking oil, rice, boxed cake mixes, pudding, jello, etc. Please note the expiration dates. God bless you for your generosity. LE DONNE DEL SANTO ROSARIO: hanno la raccolta cibo per i poveri nelle dominice 23, 29 novembre, e 7, 14 dicembre. Queste persone hanno bisogno di tutto in particular modo, tonno, The Giving Tree It is time once more for the collection of Christmas gifts for the needy children of our area. As in past years, you may pick up a tag with the age and gender of a child. Then, purchase an appropriate gift (toys or other fun gifts). Wrap it, place the identifying tag on the outside of the package and place it under the Christmas tree in Church. Gifts must be brought in no later than 14 December 2014. Thank you for your cooperation and generosity. L’ALBERO DEI REGALI Ancora una volta è tempo di iniziare la raccolta dei regali di Natale per i bimbi bisognosi del nostro vicinato. Come per il passato, potete prendere un bigliettino che vi darà l’età ed il sesso del bimbo o della bimba. Poi acquistate l’appropriato regalo (giocattoli). Impaccatelo e attaccateci sopra il bigliettino e mettetelo sotto l’albero di Natale che in chiesa. I regali devono essere consegnati alla parrocchia non più tardi del 14 dicembre 2014. Vi ringraziamo per la vostra cooperazione e generosità. (On behalf of the SMG Parish, thank you/grazie for the initiative) No Room in the Inn 2014 Campaign No Room in the Inn is an annual appeal to Edmonton and area church congregations to donate part of their Christmas Season collections towards a housing project for those in urgent need of safe, affordable housing. This year, No Room in the Inn is supporting Canadian Mental Health Association (Edmonton Region), a non-profit charity which provides safe, affordable, long-term housing to men and women with mental illness. The funds raised will help replace a leaky roof at Citrus Court, home for 27 individuals and one family. Brochures and donation envelopes are available in the church or the parish office. Please make your cheque payable to the parish, using the specially marked donation envelopes. The parish will issue you a charitable donation tax receipt and will then forward a cheque for the total donations received to the Canadian Mental Health Association (Edmonton Region). For more information, contact Bob McKeon in the Office for Social Justice at 780-469-1010 ext 2291 or [email protected]. AVVISO COMUNITARIO After 28 years of service to the community, the office of ITALIAN COMMUNITY SERVICES will close permanently at the end of December 2014. From January 1, 2015, the office of the Patronato INAS will continue to serve the Italian parishioners in the same office with the following hours: Monday – closed. Tuesday & Wednesday – open 9:30 am-‐ 3:30 pm. Thursday – open 9:30 to 2:30 pm. Friday – closed. Dopo 28 anni di servizio alla comunità, l’ufficio dei Servizi Comunitari Italiani chiuderà permenentemente alla fine di dicembre 2014. Dal 1°gennaio 2015, l’ufficio del Patronato INAS continuerà il suo servizio per i pensionati italiani al consueto posto col seguente orario: lunedì– chiuso. martedì e mercoledì- aperto dalle 9,30 alle 15,30. giovedì – aperto dale 9,30 alle 14,30. venerdì– chiuso. SPECIAL LETTER FROM ARCHBISHOP SMITH Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In the past number of days we have witnessed significant media commentary pertaining to Bill 10, a recent legislative attempt to promote safe, caring and inclusive communities in schools. Students experiencing same-sex attraction were singled out in the bill for special attention, and much of the debate has centred on whether the government should mandate what are called Gay-Straight Alliances to help these children feel safe and cared for. A serious attempt was made in the proposed legislation to reconcile the right of students to be safe with the rights of parents and schools pertaining to the education and formation of children. The bill has been placed on hold, yet public debate around it has continued. The commentary has not always been kind to the leadership of our Catholic schools, and might lead one to conclude from our principled objections to certain aspects of Bill 10 that we have little concern for students of same-sex attraction. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. The purpose of this brief pastoral letter is to offer to the Catholic community what I hope will be some helpful information. Catholic schools insist that the approach to protecting children be a fully inclusive one. Sadly, students may be subjected to bullying for a variety of reasons, such as race, body image, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation and others. Cyber-bullying is a particularly terrible phenomenon from which no student is immune. We fully support the government's laudable goal of fostering safe environments in schools. In fact, we already have policies for this very purpose. Any legislation aimed at this objective should demonstrate to all vulnerable students that they are embraced by the province's concern. This one goal of creating safe, inclusive environments can be attained in many ways. This is why we challenge any suggestion that one method be not only privileged among others but also mandated. Furthermore, our rights as Catholic schools are engaged here. All aspects of school life must be permeated by our faith. The exercise of this right requires the freedom to determine both the name and content of our initiatives so as to accord with our doctrine. I often have the great joy of visiting our Catholic schools. In any visit, it is abundantly clear to me that our teachers, administration and staff love their students and are fully committed to the provision of safe and caring environments for them. I am proud of our schools and of the careful attention they give to the unique needs of each of the students. No child is excluded! Our beloved children need help today to navigate a host of very complex issues, including that of human sexuality. In all matters we guide our children in accordance with the faith of the Church, as is our right. We are confident that our doctrine is a sure guide to authentic human flourishing and happiness. Yours sincerely in Christ, Richard W. Smith Archbishop of Edmonton 12 December 2014 ADVENT RECONCILIATION SERVICE (CONFESSIONS) FOR OUR PARISH ON DECEMBER 16, TUESDAY HOLY MASS AT 7:00 PM CONFESSIONS BEGIN AT 7:15 PM CONFESSIONE DI AVVENTO MARTEDI’ 16 DICEMBRE 7:15 PM DOPO LA SANTA MESSA ALLE ORE 7:00 PM CAN YOU HELP A POOR CHILD? Caring Hands of CFIC Children’s Mission Help the Helpless-in India through a number of caring centres. In India, the Sons of the Immaculate Conception (CFIC) Congregation of our pastor Fr. George Puramadathil is taking care of more than 250 children who are either physically or mentally challenged, poor, abandoned or orphaned. You, too, can be a part of this Great Mission! Please help by using the “Sons of the Immaculate Conception” envelopes provided at the entrance of the church, or contact Fr. George at (780) 422-8304. Thank you and God bless you abundantly for your kindness & generosity! Dr. Guy Pagliuso Dr. Stan S. Russo, O.D.
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