ST. BRENDAN’S PARISH, FLEMINGTON 103 Wellington St. Flemington, 3031 Telephone: 9376 7378; Fax: 9376 5960; E-Mail: [email protected] Website: PARISH VISION STATEMENT Members of St Brendan’s Parish, enriched by each other’s cultural and language diversity, are called through Baptism to be a prayerful and caring people – followers of Jesus Christ in the Catholic tr adition and, through the Holy Spirit, public sign of God’s loving presence in our world . Fr Max Vodola, Parish Priest Fr Francis Fahim, Assistant Priest, Flemington / Kensington Coptic Chaplain MASS TIMES: SATURDAY: 6 P.M; SUNDAY: 10.30 A.M. COPTIC MASS: – 1.00PM WEEKDAYS: TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT 9.15 A.M. MON, NO MASS or LITURGY of the WORD with COMMUNION Carol Harris, Pastoral Associate: Email: [email protected] CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD at 10.30A.M. Mass (Except during School Holidays) Sharon Kane: Administrative Officer School: 9376 0249 Kindergarten: 9376 6305 Hall Bookings: 9376 7378 Tues & Thurs St Vincent De Paul: 1300 305 330. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT SATURDAY: 9.45 A.M. - 10.45 A.M. (after Mass) FIRST FRIDAYS from 9.45A.M. - 10.45A.M. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Every Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm In the Church - Meditation Room RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 9.45 A.M. HOLY ROSARY PARISH, KENSINGTON 35 Gower St. Kensington, 3031 Telephone: 9376 6148, E-mail [email protected] MASS TIMES: SATURDAY, 5.30P.M; SUNDAY: 9.00A.M WEEKDAYS: WEDNESDAY 9.15AM and FRIDAY 9.15A.M THANKSGIVING: Last Sunday: $1461 Loose Collection: $412 Presbytery Collection: $170 MANY THANKS (INCLUDES CREDIT CARDS, EFTPOS & WEEKLY THANKSGIVING ENVELOPES) Please pray for our PARISHIONERS AND FRIENDS WHO ARE FRAIL OR ILL especially Marie Hyland, Ku Hun, Norma McGawley, , Berry Ranson, Annunziata Filia, Pasqualina Cannata, You Do, Tran Nam, Colin Mottram, Merrilyn Lay, Wilma Dalton, Mary Tam, , Carmel McNamara, Joan Bergin, Mary Norden, Dorrie Smith, Ron Stevenson, Vera Young, Frank Palermo, Isabelle Norden, Giuseppe Bagnato, Den Fraser, Teresa Bagnato, Kaye Coughlan, Mary Rapa, Yvette Chen, Vincent McGawley, Cheryl Williams, Olive Ridler, Charles Caruana, Vladimir Ljubas, Maria Stanic RECENTLY DECEASED: Fr Des Byrne, ANNIVERSARIES: Sr Rosa Del Guidice, Maria Fatima, Caterina Fallauto, 3rd Sunday 20 April 2014 1ST READING: Acts 10:34, 37-43 2ND READING: col 3:1-4 LECTOR 1 & 2; COMMENTATOR; INTERCESSIONS (ITALIAN) EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION 6pm. 10.30am Bert Fasoli Katie Anderson, Frances Raudys Helen Norden Geoff Savage, Lino Lazzaro, Rosemary Lester, Maria Castelli CHILDREN’S LITURGY: COUNTERS: NOT DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Helen Norden, Declan O’Toole MUSICIANS: OFFERTORY SONG Come Rami D’Olivo Rit: 1. 2. 3. 4. Come rami d’olivo intorno alla mensa, Signor; Così sono i figli della Chiesa. 10.30am Joshua Cowie and Co. COMMUNION SONG Osanna al Figlio di David Rit: Osanna al Figlio di David, osanna al Redentor! 1. Apritevi, o porte eterne: avanza il Re della Gloria. Adori cielo e terra l’eterno suo poter. Chi teme il Signore sarà beato: Beato chi segue le sue vie! Rit: 2. A una voce sola gridiamo a Dio che venga Su questa nostra terra lui solo a regnar. Il Signore benedice i suoi fedeli Li nutre col pane del cielo. Rit: 3. Sia luce nella notte, conforto nel cammino Il pane e la parola, e pace ad ogni cuor. Il lavoro delle mani tu offri a Dio; Da lui tu ricevi la sua vita. Rit: Sia Gloria al Padre onnipotente, a noi il suo amore per sempre. Rit: ST BRENDAN’S PARISH FOOD APPEAL DONATIONS FOR THE NEEDY IN OUR COMMUNITY Your Donations of groceries e.g. pasta, pasta sauce, long life milk, rice, tea, coffee, sugar, cereal, tinned foods will help those in our community who come to the presbytery for a food parcel . Thank you Carol 4. Onore, lode e Gloria al Padre e al Figliolo E allo Spirito Santo nei secoli sarà. 4. Sono la risurrezione, io sono la vita. PRAYER SERVICE with REFUGEES Colui che crede in in meSolidarity vivra' in eterno, vivra' in eterno. Rit. SEEKERS ASYLUM PALM SUNDAY 5 Signore si', io credo che tu sei il Cristo, 13 April 2014, 1.00-1.30PM il Figlio di Dio che e' venuto in mezzo a noi. Celebrant: Bishop Vincent Long Rit.: E lo St risuscitero' (3v) nell'ultimo di'. Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Whoever turns refugees away, forgets that Jesus was also one. Pope Francis 2013 1. Resta con me, Signor, resta con me: pane che’ dai vigor, resta con me. HOLY WEEK CEREMONIES: If you would like to take part in the Easter Ceremonies as a Lector, Commentator, Special Minister of the Eucharist, Musician, Singers Church decorator. Please contact Carol on 9376 7378 (Tues – Fri) or write your name on the sheets that are on the back Notice boards Thank you Carol CONGRATULATIONS SAM & CARMEN ATTARD The parish extends congratulations to Sam and Carmen Attard who received the Stan Morrison award from the Community of Moonee Valley Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast Committee. Sam and Carmen have been recognised for their years of faithful and dedicated service to the Monday lunch and for their commitment to parish life at St Brendan’s. The Stan Morrison award recognises community members who put into action their Christian beliefs. The award was presented on Saturday morning 12 April in the presence of local community members and Sam and Carmen’s proud family. Fr Max, Marie Peevers and Carol represented the Parish at the breakfast. Social Justice in the City Series Wednesday 30 April 12pm – 1pm Gavin Dufty, Policy & Research Manager, SVDP will speak on the “Cost of Living Impact on Households” Where: St Francis Church Pastoral Centre Cnr Lonsdale & Elizabeth Streets, Melbourne. Contact Paula 9895 5800 Catholic Theological College 2014 Knox Public Lecture Wednesday 21 May 2014 at 7.30pm Bishop Paul Bird CSsR Living Liturgy: The Vision of Vatican II Bookings and Information: Email [email protected] or phone 9412 3304. R.S.V.P.: Friday 16 th May. Venue: Catholic Leadership Centre, Corner Victoria Parade & Hoddle Street, East Melbourne EASTER OFFERING ENVELOPES You will notice Easter offering envelopes in the seats. These are for the support of your priests and the sick and retired priests of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. We thank you for your generosity at this time. We stand for solidarity with Asylum seekers and refugees WALK for JUSTICE for REFUGEES – PALM SUNDAY MARCH 2pm, April 13, State Library cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts Melbourne HOLY THURSDAY: 17th April Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.30PM GOOD FRIDAY: 18th April Ecumenical Way of the Cross: 9.30AM Gather at St George’s Baroda St, Flemington arriving at Christ’s Church McCracken St, Kensington at 12 (Approx) There will be Prayer stops at St Brendan’s Wellington St, Newmarket Baptist’s, Brighton St, St Stephens’s Norwood St, and Holy Rosary Gower St, Tea/coffee will be available at Christ Church. Stations of the Cross in Italian 12.00noon Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 3.00PM EASTER SUNDAY 20th April Saturday 19th April – Easter Vigil 6.30PM Sunday 20th April- Mass in English and Italian 10.30AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Thursday 17 April - 9.00a.m Saturday 19 April - 9.00a.m SEE NOTICEBOARDS F OR OTHER NEWS ITEMS PROJECT COMPASSION – PALM SUNDAY 13 APRIL 2014 Your support for Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia to lift the voices of the poor and promote the dignity of each person. This week we meet Nirangini who grew up in a small peaceful fishing village in Sri Lanka. From 1983 to 2009 a civil war affected Sri Lanka, and Nirangini and her entire community were forced to leave their village. They returned after the war with nothing, but thanks to Caritas Australia’s partnership with Caritas Sri Lanka, Nirangini now has a permanent home and through participating in an income generation program, she and her son are re-establishing their lives. Please donate to Project Compassion today so partnerships like this can continue to grow. Tue Fri Fri 22 25 2 Sun 4 Wed Sun 7 11 Sun 18 April May Term 2 begins. 9.15a.m - ANZAC Day First Friday Mass 9.15am followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament NO FISH ‘N’ CHIP NIGHT 10.30a.m Presentation of First Eucharist children and their families. 7.30p.m - Gesù Il Gruppo in Cammino con Maria verso Gesù del Santo Rosario di Pompei. Mother’s Day World Day of Prayer for Vocations ST BRENDAN’S DAY CELEBRATIONS 10.30AM MASS
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