April 30th 2014 #4 Rome, towards a smart city with RhOME The italian project of University of Roma TRE participating to Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in Versailles Solar Decathlon The international competition Solar Decathlon was born in 1999 in America, promoted by the Department of Energy of the Government of the United States of America. From 2010 the competition also takes place in Europe, in 2014 is going to be organized in Versailles, France. Twenty selected university teams from all over the world will face each other in a sort of “Olympic Games of Sustainable Architecture” with the aim of design, build and simulate a real domestic life in a high energetic efficiency residential building, exclusively powered by solar energy. Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 In the European editions, particularly in the 2014 one, the theme Main themes of SDE 2014 of the city gained a fundamental role because of the request to Sobriety intensify the urban density and solve the living problems of the city Density from which the university comes from. Moreover the French edition aims to sobriety, limiting the amount Transportability of photovoltaic plants to be inserted in the competition prototypes. So the emphasis on the energetic production was reduced, valuing Affordability the efficiency and sustainability, applied not just on the materials production processes but also to the ones of the city in general, the mobility and the treatment of water and waste. Between June and July 2014 the teams, representing 16 nations from 3 continents, are going to build their houses in the “Cité du Soleil”, the “solar” smart village situated in Versailles, in France. Every Ecohouse will be subjected to 10 tests that, through monitoring and evaluations of international jury, will reveal their features and technical features. After the first Italian participation to Solar Decathlon 2012 in the Spanish edition with MED in Italy, the University of Studies of Roma TRE is the only italian team admitted to the competition with the proposal RhOME. Teams of Versailles 2014: Roma TRE is the unique italian university taking part SDE2014 1. Phoenix, Chile+France 11. UNAM, Mexico 2. TEC, Costa Rica 12. Pret-à-loger, Netherlands 3. DTU, Denmark 13. EFden, Romania 4. Phileas, France 14. Ressò, Spain 5. LiveLib, France 15. Plateau, Spain 6. Ontop, Germany 16. Techstyle, USA+Germany 7. Rooftop, Germany 17. Réciprocity, USA+Germany 8. Renai, Japan 18. YOUR+, Switzerland 9. Shunya, India 19. Adaptive , Thailand 10. RhOME, Italia 20. Orchid, Taiwan In this very moment, the estimated world population is at 7.213.964 and it is considered to reach 9 billions within the 2050. The 72% of people will live in big cities and they will need nourishment, water and energy to survive. Besides we need to consider that the 45% of energy consumption is due to construction industry, especially the residential part. The big world cities deal everyday with the problem of the degeneration, not only for the architectural and urban aspects, but most of all in social issues. A degradation that grows with the progressive increase of the population and the masses impoverishment. The degeneration of many metropolis all over the world is identified in the slums and buildings decay. Cities as Sao Paolo, Caracas and Hong Kong are only a few example. Rome, the eternal city full of beautiful ancient remains and roman heritages, shares the same aspect with other metropolis in terms of urban degeneration. Our work tries to give an answer to big city issues, through the elaboration of a replayable settlement method with recognisable values, that can bring to the regeneration of existing cities. The project designed for the roman urban areas is taken as an opportunity to deal with the global condition, that is easier to explain with the description of a local action. We want to convey people the idea of “thinking globally by acting locally”. That’s the reason of the birth of RhOME, “a home for ROME” that represents a systematic plan of interventions replayable in many other contexts to materialize the idea of “Smart City”. REGENERATION RELATIONSHIP RAPIDITY Urban regeneration through densification that requalifies the land use. The densification of the buildings frees land converting it in public use, returning the population lost urban spaces, that arrange an active and productive smart area with increased resources and reduced mobility coexist. a developed territory creates for its population new opportunities and it allows to find a local identity. The population could, in that way, drive the management and the dynamic activities, smart citizens who gained a new lifestyle fitting the new living standards. innovative and dynamic constructive solutions that involve industrialization practice. Clear timing and affordable pricing for smart buildings and an easy and long run maintenance avoiding degradation. REDUCE REUSE the impact of the project decrease considering every intervention view under the energy efficiency and affordability perspectives. It’s a smart integration of different technologies that work in a synergic system. a sustainable intervention that involves natural materials, water recycling and components reusing. It’s about an integration of neverending smart cycles that cut down the ecological footprint of the intervention. The phenomenon of self-construction outside of the law has a quite non-homogeneous distribution but it is certainly common to the whole Italian territory. The illegal constructions, born because of the economic impossibility of certain segments of population to access to legal homes, have caused enormous both environmental and governmental problems. The project Rhome wants to find an answer to the regeneration of these urban areas which are characterized by low density and high land consumption. Faced with this scenario, the project proposes the recompactation of the urban fabric, concentrating housing, economic activities and services. The development of a process of urban renewal plans to restore and enhance the existing reference points and also to create new ones. This innovative services can create attractiveness and competitiveness on a regional level in order to revitalize still or slow social and economic dynamics. The application context to represent the Roman issue is the neighborhood of Tor Fiscale, a suburb located in the south-east taken as a case study for RhOME project. ACTUAL SITUATION 50 illegal dwellings 200 inhabitants 3’200 m2 occupied land RhOME PROJECT 150 dwellings 570 inhabitants 600 m2 occupied land 3x new dwellings 82 % realised land The prototype for Versailles is the 60 m2 top floor of the urban compound. Here the intention to describe the architectural features and technological innovations that would not appear in a common floor or in the ground floor, where the focus is on the integration with the urban environment. The space is articulated around the 3d core which is the plant and structural center of the house. This element hierarchizes and characterizes the space, defining the various areas of which the house is composed. The presence of the loggias in the two opposite corners ensures a versatile plan scheme, of which the Versailles prototype is only one possible configuration. RhOME, a home for Rome, is ready to be tested in Italy The Italian team, competing in the Solar Decathlon as the unique Italian University, finished the assembly phase of its prototype. Before disassemblig for going in Versailles the team will start a period of testing. The energy efficiency performances, the producing range of the PV panels, the comfort conditions, the appliances are some of the test to be done in these last 30 days. Then the prototype will be disassemble and packed for going to France by train. Trenitalia announce recently its support to the team, becoming the official carrier. This will permit to reduce of 93% the carbon realease for transport. TEAM RhOME UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI ROMA TRE Dipartimento di Architettura Largo Giovanni Marzi, 10 00153 Roma +39 06 5733 2958 [email protected] [email protected] www.rhomefordencity.it I componenti del team MANAGEMENT NAME ROLE DEGREE TEACHING AREA RESEARCH FIELD Chiara Tonelli Faculty Advisor Stefano Converso Project Manager Aggregate Professor Environmental Design Research Fellow Parametric Design Architectural Technology Architectural Technology Fabio Calcabrini Chiara Pepe Secretaryship Accountability NAME DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR UNIVERSITY Michele Caltabiano Student Team Leader Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre NAME ROLE DEGREE TEACHING AREA RESEARCH FIELD Luigi Franciosini Project Architect Full Professor Michele Zampilli Heritage Advisor Francesca Geremia Heritage Advisor NAME ARCHITECTURE Architectural & Urban Design Aggregate Professor Architectural Restoration Senior Lecturer Architectural Restoration Architectural Design DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR RESEARCH FIELD Cristina Casadei Project Architect PHD Student Architecture 2nd year Roma Tre Angelo Romano Urban Socialist Collaborator Sociology Anthropology Giuliano Valeri Urban Design Collaborator Architectural & Urban Design Architectural Design Manuel André Bottiglieri Construction Modelling Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Alessio Clarizio Interior Design Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Francesca Di Benedetto Urban Design Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Chiara Melchionna Interior Design Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Cristiano Piagnerelli Construction Modelling Master Degree in Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Antonio Vellucci Modelling Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Restoration Restoration ENERGY NAME ROLE DEGREE Gabriele Bellingeri Energy Strategy Associate Professor Roberto De Lieto Vollaro Marco Frascarolo Francesco Lidozzi Energy Systems Luca Solero TEACHING AREA RESEARCH FIELD Architectural Technology Thermal Systems Electrical Engineer Environmental Design Aggregate Professor Mechanical Engeeniring Aggregate Professor Building Phisic Researcher Electrical Engineering Associate Professor Electrical Engineering NAME DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR UNIVERSITY Gabriele Battista Fluid Dynamic PHD Student Engineering 2nd year Roma Tre Emiliano Carnielo Energy Simulation PHD Student Engineering 2nd year Roma Tre Artificial Lighting Electrical System Artificial Lighting Electrical System Electrical System Massimo Del Buono PV System Collaborator Luca Evangelisti Energy Simulation PHD Student Engineering 2nd year Roma Tre Mario Grimaudo Energy Strategy PHD Student Architecture 2nd year Roma Tre Francesca Bottaro Home Automation Master Degree Architecture Bachelor Degree - Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree - Mechanical Engineering Master Degree Architecture Industrial Design 5th year Roma Tre 3rd year Roma Tre 3rd year Roma Tre 1st year Roma Tre 3rd year La Sapienza Bachelor Degree - Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree -Architecture Bachelor Degree Architecture Master Degree Architecture Master Degree - Informatic Engineering Bachelor Degree Architecture 3rd year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre Giuseppe Campanile Fluid Dynamic Federico Corazza Thermodynamic System Filippo Mattia Dobrovich Arianna Dolce LCA Stefano Latella Electrical System Paola Lenzoni Milli Urban Design Francesca Marino PV System Vincenzo Panasiti Home Automation Matteo Pisani Home Automation Andrea Rastrello Artificial Lighting Artificial Lighting Roma Tre Gabriele Roselli LCA Valerio Sabatini Monitoring System Marco Sinopoli Francesco Stavole Thermodynamic System HVAC Valetia Vitale Energy Strategy Bachelor Degree Architecture Bachelor Degree - Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree Architecture 3rd year Roma Tre 3rd year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION NAME ROLE DEGREE TEACHING AREA RESEARCH FIELD Ginevra Salerno Associate Professor Solids Mechanics Ugo Carusi Structural Engineer Project Engineer Structures & Engineering Michele La Rocca Plumbing System Master Degree in Structures & Engineering Full Professor Structural Engineering Structural Engineering Hydraulic Engineering Plumbing Roberto Lo Monaco Electrical System Technical Partner NAME DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR RESEARCH FIELD Barbara Cardone Safety Officer Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Paolo Cioffi Plumbing System 3rd year Roma Tre Chiara Di Battista Plumbing System Bachelor Degree - Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Pierangelo Perna Structures Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Matteo Persanti Logistic Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Lorenzo Pirone Structures Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Lorenzo Procaccini Construction Modelling Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre MARKETING AND QUANTITY SURVEY NAME ROLE DEGREE TEACHING AREA RESEARCH FIELD Alfredo Passeri Costanza Nosi Quantity Survey Marketing Associate Professor Senior Lecturer Estimation Marketing Quantity Survey Marketing NAME DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR RESEARCH FIELD Giulia Assogna Quantity Survey 5th year Roma Tre Sara Borsachi Quantity Survey Bachelor Degree Architecture Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Michele Cappuccio Marketing Camilla Desideri Marketing Edoardo Franchi Marketing Roberta Franza Marketing Luigi Migliozzi Valentina Moro Sponsorship Manager Quantity Survey Patrizia Recco Quantity Survey Rodrigo Salsedo Quantity Survey Bachelor Degree Economics Bachelor Degree Economics Bachelor Degree Economics Bachelor Degree Economics Bachelor Degree Economics Bachelor Degree Architecture Bachelor Degree Architecture Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 5th year Roma Tre 4th year Roma Tre RESEARCH FIELD COMUNICATION NAME ROLE DEGREE TEACHING AREA Maria Grazia Cianci Graphic Design Senior Lecturer Architectural Design Design Geometry NAME DECATHLETE ROLE DEGREE YEAR Silvia Pinci Webmaster Collaborator Architectural Design Architectural Design & Communication Nicola Moscheni Communication Coordinator Bachelor Degree Architecture 5th year Roma Tre Elena Oetiker Public Relations Bachelor Degree Economics 3rd year Roma Tre Elena Ugolini Translation Bachelor Degree Architecture 3rd year Roma Tre Marta Vignali Online Communication Bachelor Degree Architecture 3rd year Roma Tre RESEARCH FIELD TEAM Officers Faculty Advisor Chiara Tonelli +39 335 8432 560 [email protected] Project Manager Stefano Converso +39 339 2251 213 [email protected] Project Architect Cristina Casadei +39 331 7186 790 [email protected] Project Engineer Ugo Carusi +39 380 5045 591 [email protected] Structural Engineer Ginevra Salerno +39 329 5045 591 [email protected] Electrical Engineer Luca Solero +39 329 0572 362 [email protected] Student Team Leader Health and Safety Coordinator Safety Officers Michele Caltabiano +39 339 1477 110 [email protected] Giuliano Valeri +39 329 3552 946 [email protected] Barbara Cardone +39 333 3999 109 [email protected] Matteo Persanti +39 329 6560 389 [email protected] Site Operations Coordinators Michele Caltabiano +39 339 1477 110 [email protected] Lorenzo Pirone +39 340 3897 034 [email protected] Antonio Vellucci +39 377 1594 222 [email protected] Contest Captain Gabriele Roselli +39 333 2496 935 [email protected] Instrumental Contact Andrea Rastrello +39 333 5065 466 [email protected] Communications Coordinator Nicola Moscheni +39 340 3573 319 [email protected] Sponsorship Manager Elena Oetiker +39 338 6377 662 [email protected] TEAM Supporters Colosseo +100.000€ Basilica di San Pietro 50.000€ Pantheon 25.000€ Fontana di Trevi 10.000€ Partner Events tracking table 2013 TITLE PLACE ATTENDEE(S) Future Build Award Monteverde Pasolini Award for MED in Italy Conference Smart village in Tour Conference Abitare Verde Conference Green Campus Conference Apr 19th Quanto consuma la mia casa? Conference May 8th Smart Village in Tour Conference May 9th Smart Village in Tour May 25th Conference Festival dell’Energia May 27th Conference Edifici Multipiano in Legno Jun 01st Conference TEDxMilano “Passato, presente, futuro” Jun 05th Conference SAD school of Architecture Jun 06th Conference Costruire sul costruito Jun 13th Conference Conference at Architecture and Engineering school Jul 06th New Sponsor CGA Energie Jul 08th Event Innovation School 2013 Jul 20th Conference Alojamentos para otros modo de vida: Workshop Internacional Conference Sep 05th Training Tool for sustainable Buildings New Sponsor Oct 02nd Rubner Conference Oct 10th Energia Creativa Conference Oct 04th Soluzioni Abitative ad alta efficienza Conference Official Press Conference in MADE Expo Bath, UK Roma Roma Roma Roma Firenze Rimini Ancona Roma Roma Milano Ascoli Piceno Ascoli Piceno Milano Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli team RhOME Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Gabriele Bellingeri Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Bolzano Valladolid Chiara Tonelli Luigi Franciosini Austria Chiara Tonelli Milano Milano Milano Oct 05th Conference Energia intelligente EHNSA Milano Napoli Maker Faire Golden Compass Construction durable NZEB - Casaclima CEFME CTP Solbian TTSB Seminary Schneider Electric SDE Workshop#2 Urbanpromo Social Housing Euritherm Demode Green Italia - La Grande Bellezza Roma Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli, Sponsors, team members Chiara Tonelli Gabriele Bellingeri, Stefano Converso team RhOME Paris Bastia Umbra Chiara Tonelli Chiara Tonelli Roma Chiara Tonelli Paris Torino team Rhome Gabriele Bellingeri Roma C. Tonelli Feb 07th Mar 13th Apr 11th Apr 17th Conference Conference Event Oct 10th Oct 17th Oct 18th Oct 21st Oct 22nd Oct 25th Oct 27th Nov 6th Nov 8th Nov 20th Nov 20th Dec 13th Event Event Event New Sponsor New Sponsor Conference New Sponsor Event Conference New Sponsor New Sponsor Event 2014 Jan 23rd Fiera internazionale per l’efficienza energetica ed il risanamento in edilizia Workshop Jan 27th Progettare con la luce. Sistemi di controllo dell’illumito 31st nazione e della ventilazione naturali Jan 30th Event Presentazione del progetto del team RhOME presso il Rotary Club Exhibition Feb 02nd Inaugurazione della mostra “Prospettive Legno” presso il Rubner Center Feb 11th Conference Progetto Futuro - Formedil Feb 14th New Sponsor Tjat’s my led Feb 25th New Sponsor CIAL Feb 27th Workshop Erasmus Intensif program 2013 Event Bolzano Roma Roma C. Tonelli G. Bellingeri Velux Italy Chienes C. Tonelli B. Cardone C. Tonelli Perugia C. Tonelli Waterford Chiara Tonelli Institute of Technology in Ireland Press Tracking Table 2013 Jan 13th tv Jan 31st web Rai 3 - Presa diretta architetturaecosostenibile.it Feb 01st press Il sole 24 ore Feb 21st tv May 6th press May 10th web Rai 3 - Mediterraneo Corriere delle Comunicazioni chefuturo.it May 31st web greenenergyjournal.it Jul 11th tv Sep 27th web Sep 30th web web Rai5 - Daysign architetturaecosostenibile.it thisbigcity.net triwu.it protectaweb.it linkiesta.it protectaweb.it protectaweb.it repubblica.it it.ibtimes.com web lastampa.it web web ansa.it adnkronos.com web adnkronos.com web greenme.it web Oct 1st web Oct 3rd web web Oct 4th web web Oct 5th web web diregiovani.it repubblica.it web mondoeco.it Oct 6th web Oct 7th web Oct 8th web architettiemergenti.it casaeclima.com tekneco.it Oct 9th web uninformato.it passionedesign.it chefuturo.it impresedilinews.it web web Oct 10th web Ladri di calcio Solar Decathlon 2014: Roma Tre parteciperà con RhOME for denCity Con l’università Roma Tre l’Italia punta a vincere l’oro a Versailles nel 2014 Ict urbano a sostegno delle nuove famiglie Solar Decathlon: La vetrina dell’integrazione tra abitare e flusso digitale dell’energia RhOME for DenCity: un progetto tutto italiano al Solar Decathlon 2014 Rhome, a home for Rome, una eco-casa per Roma Solar decathlon RhOME for denCity Al MADEexpo anteprima del progetto RhOME Rhome for denCity, le Olimpiadi a costo zero Newsletter Protecta web Progetto italiano RhOME al Solar Decathlon 2014 Rhome, un’ecocasa dalle Olimpiadi alle periferie Le olimpiadi dell’architettura “green”: ecco il progetto italiano RhOME, il progetto italiano alle Olimpiadi mondiali di bioarchitettura Eco-casa italiana a Olimpiadi bioarchitettura nel 2014 E’ ‘Rhome’ la casa del futuro italiana: eco, sobria, conveniente e trasportabile Presentato ‘Rhome for denCity’, il progetto italiano che parteciperà alla Solar Decathlon Solar Decathlon 2013: l’Italia ci riprova con la casa che produce energia anche per il quartiere RhOME, la casa ecologica made in Italy La casa “verde” non è un sogno, per adesso va solo alle Olimpiadi Olimpiadi Bioarchitettura: Italia presente con il progetto RhOME RhOME for denCity Solar Decathlon 2014, l’Italia ci riprova con Rhome RhOME con Rubner Haus al Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 RhOME, Il Progetto Italiano per una casa ecosostenibile Con RhOME l’Italia vola alle Olimpiadi del green La città di domani in gara al Solar Decathlon 2014 «Rhome» e il tema della «ridensificazione» delle periferie in chiave sostenibile Oct 15th tv tv web TGcom24 Rai1 - unomattina energiesensibili.it Oct 18th web designstreet.it Oct 21st web tuttogreen.it Oct 25th interview Oct 26th web Radio Città Fujiko dailyslow.it Nov 4th web ideegreen.it planetinspired.info tekneco.it repubblica lavoro Class TV - Prometeo web Nov 12th web Dec 4th press Dec 13th tv Solar Decathlon, Chiara Tonelli racconta Rhome for denCity Solar Decathlon Europe, il contest internazionale sulla casa sostenibile Solar Decathlon 2014, selezionato anche il progetto italiano RhOME Rhome: l’eco-casa italiana per le Olimpiadi della bioarchitettura RhOME for denCity: la sfida green italiana HOME SWEET RHOME Rubner e RhOME for denCity: efficienza olimpionica Risparmio e sviluppo alla luce del sole - 2014 Jan 10th web ecoseven.net Jan 20th web magazine.greenplanner.it Jan 24th web Feb 1st press tekneco.it Edilizia e Territorio, il Sole 24 ore Feb 6th web Feb 19th web Feb 24th web archinfo.it solbian.eu architetto.info web ingegneri.info Daikin sostiene RhOME for Dencity per una edilizia ecosostenibile RhOME for denCity, un progetto architettonico a impatto zero Il progetto RhOME for denCity a Klimahouse Dopo il bronzo 2012 Med in Italy guarda al mercato estero Sola Decathlon, Italia in campo con “RhOME” Solar Decathlon 2014 Pagina dedicata RhOME for denCity Verso il Solar Decathlon 2014, la nuova proposta di Roma Tre Dal vuoto urbano al Solar Decathlon 2014: tutto sul progetto ‘Rhome’
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