MARCO DI NALLO curriculum vitae born on December 26th, 1983, in Pescara, Italy Present position Assistant Professor at the Antalya International University, Turkey. Education 2014 PhD in History of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Polytechnic University of Turin and at the Academy of Architecture, Mendrisio (Università della Svizzera Italiana), with a thesis entitled Architecture that Teaches. Swiss School Building during the 1950s and the 1960s. Supervisors: Prof. Alessandro De Magistris; Prof. ass. Roberta Grignolo. 2009 Master’s degree in Architecture (graduated with honors) at the Politecnico di Milano. BELLA FORIS; LUDOSQUE DOMI – Girolamo Genga (1476 -1551) scenografo architetto per la corte dei Della Rovere, supervisor prof. Margherita Azzi Visentini, cotutors proff. Luciana Miotto and Francesco Repishti 2005-2006 Erasmus programme, Tecnische Universität Wien, Austria. 2005 Bachelor’s degree in Science of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano. Spoken languages Italian - mother language English German Teaching experiences 2011-2014 Teaching assistant at the Academy of Architecture, Mendrisio. Course: “Restoration and Reuse of the 20th Century Legacy”; prof. Roberta Grignolo. August 2013 and 2014 Tutor at the Summer School in Castelvecchio Calvisio: Rethinking the ancient borgo, organised by MusAA in collaboration with St. Petersburg State University. 2010 Teaching assistant at Politecnico di Milano. Course: Design Studio about “Ghost villages: possible re-use strategies”; proff. Gennaro Postiglione, Agostino Petrillo, Lorenzo Bini. Other working experiences 2012-present Co-founder of the architectural office +R | piùerre. Via A. Maffucci 45, 20158-Milano 2007-2010 Drawer and architect in different practices in Milan, among which: Studiometrico, Scandurrastudio, Lorenzo Berni architectural studio, Marco Ferreri design. Grants 2010-2013 PhD Scholarship at Politecnico di Torino 2005-2006 Erasmus Scholarship at the Technical University of Vienna. Awards November 2006 Schindler Award for Architecture 2005/2006, “Access for All”. European student competition. First prize with Marta Neic and Manfred Sponseiler. Workshop and courses September 2010 International Summer School Ivrea: Reuse, refurbishment and relaunch of the previous Olivetti working space in the Canavese area of Scarmagno November 2006 Schindler workshop Beyond Normal and Pathological – Translating experience, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. September 2005 International Summer School of Architecture Dubrovnik, Croatia: Naval Town Gruz. Publications Von zweiseitiger zur zusätzlichen Belichtung: l’illuminazione naturale nella moderna architettura scolastica in Svizzera in Silvia Berselli, Matthias Brunner, Daniela Mondini (a cura di)“Le jeu savant”. Light and Darkness in XX Century Architecture, Mendrisio Academy Press (forthcoming). Youth Policies in Switzerland during the Postwar Period: ‘Recreation Centres for People of All Ages’ in Zurich, in Susanne Pietsch, Andreas Müller (eds.), Walls that teach. On the Architectur of Youth Centres. ISBN 978-94-90322-42-7 (forthcoming). Sviluppo e conservazione nel piano regolatore di Urbino 1958-1967. Giancarlo De Carlo e le istituzioni locali, in Davide Cutolo, Sergio Pace (eds.), La scoperta della città antica. Esperienza e conoscenza del centro storico nell’Europa del Novecento, Quodlibet, Macerata, pp. 79-90. ISBN 978-88-7462-578-9. Die Schule als offenes Haus: school building and leisure in Switzerland in 1950s and 1960s, in “e Journal of Architecture”, vol. 18, n. 5, 2013, pp. 647-671. ISSN 1360-2365 (Print), 1466-4410 (Online). Bambini illuminati: il valore della luce naturale nell’architettura scolastica svizzera, in “Kunst + Architektur in der Schweiz”, n. 3, 2013. ISBN 978-3-03797-097-3. Girolamo Genga e il valore politico della facciata dell’Imperiale. Il foglio GDSU 2401 A, co-author Alessandra Castebarco in “Accademia Raffaello Atti e Studi”, n. 2, 2009. Conference presentation 19-21 June 2014 Architecture that Teaches. Swiss School Buildings during the 1950s and 1960s, paper-presentation at EAHN 2014 Turin, European Architectural History Network, ird International Meeting, Turin, Italy. 03-05 October 2013 Restoring Modern School Buildings: the Evolution of Educational and Comfort Requirements vs Preservation, paper-presentation at the conference ‘Filling the Gaps: World Heritage & the 20th Century’ Chandigarh, India. 25-27 June 2013 From playgrounds to ‘recreation centres for people of all ages’: youth policies in Zurich during the 1950s, paper-presentation at the conference of the Society for the History of Children and Childhood, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England. 05-06 June 2013 ‘School Building as Reflection of a Community’: Swiss Schools during the 1960s, paper-presentation at the symposium ‘School is another place: the making and meaning of the school environment in the twentieth century’, Menzies Centre for Australian studies, King’s College, London, England. 24-25 September 2012 Licht, Lu, Sonne nell’architettura scolastica svizzera del XX secolo. Evoluzione dei sistemi di illuminazione naturale e problematiche di restauro, paper-presentation at the workshop ‘Open Windows’, within the research project ‘From Ravenna to Vals. Light and Darkness in Architecture form the Middle Ages to the Present’, Academy of Architecture, Mendrisio, Switzerland. 17-18 February 2012 Die Schule als offenes Haus: School building and Leisure Time in Switzerland in the 1950s and 1960s, talk at the international conference ‘Architecture for Leisure in Postwar Europe [1945-1989]’, Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning K.U.Leuven, Belgium. 03 February 2012 Patrimonialisation de l’architecture scolaire d’après-guerre en Suisse, conference talk at the ‘“Séminaire doctoral libre en histoire de l’architecture” L’histoire de l’architecture entre histoire et patrimoine: quelles pratiques, entre distance critique et engagement?’, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris. 09 January 2011 BELLA FORIS; LUDOSQUE DOMI – Girolamo Genga (1476 -1551) scenografo architetto per la corte dei Della Rovere, conference talk at the cycle of conference ‘Dieci Pezzi Facili - cose rare preziose e insolite dalla Biblioteca e dai Musei Oliveriani di Pesaro’, at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Pesaro. Scientific committee 2014 Jury member for the Eight edition of the Annual Prize of the Bruno Zevi Foundation, Rome, For a Historical-Critical Essay on Architecture.
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