Gabriella Gimigliano, Ph.D. [email protected] [email protected] Business and Law Department University of Siena Piazza San Francesco 53100 Siena (Italy) Permanent Address via E. De Nicola, 13 83042 Atripalda (AV) Italy E D U C A T I ON 2007 Ph.D., Banking law and law of financial market, University of Siena Thesis: La concorrenza e i sistemi di pagamento: un’ipotesi di lavoro [competition law and payment system in Europe and in Italy] Supervisor: Mario Porzio, Emeritus Professor, University of Naples Federico II 2000 Law Degree cum laude, University of Naples Federico II Thesis: L’impresa tra codice civile e giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia UE [The concept of undertaking, Italian civil code, European jurisprudence] Supervisor: Mario Porzio, Emeritus Professor, University of Naples Federico II HONOURS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2002 – 2003 2003 – 2006 January – June 2005 National Center of Research – University of Sannio, Benevento Ph.D. Fellowship Visiting Scholar - UConn University, School of Law R E SE A RC H I NTE RE ST S - Law of payment systems Islamic banking and the Italian and EU law Banking and financial contracts and intermediaries Undertaking and networks T E A C H I NG - I NTE RE ST S Economic law (Italian and EU law) Business law (Italian and EU law) Competition law (Italian and EU law) T E A C H I NG AND R E SE A R C H 2013 – present R E SE A RC H E X P E RIE NC E Scientific Coordinator, University of Siena Jean Monnet Teaching Module, Building up a payment system for the European Union o Organizing annual autumn schools on the European monetary integration process o Lecturing on topics in European law of payment service providers and payment services for graduate students and professionals o Editing book on Europeanisation of payment systems o Publishing research papers on Community legal framework and payment services E X P E R IE N C E 2012 – present Post-doc fellowship holder. Project title: Network, innovation and Undertakings. Supervisor: Marilena Rispoli, Full Professor, University of Gabriella Gimigliano, Ph.D. 2007 – 2010 T E A C H I NG Naples “Federico II” Post-doc fellowship holder in business law. Supervisor: Antonia Irace, Full Professor, University of Siena E X PE RIE NC E A T T H E U N IV E RS IT Y O F SIE NA 2013 – present Lecturer in antitrust law, graduate students Course contents: European Treaties and policy on competition, the Italian and EU law on cartels, abuse of dominant position and mergers 2008 – 2013 Lecturer in business law, undergraduate students Course contents: law of undertaking in the Italian civil code, insolvency law and negotiable instruments in the Italian jurisdiction T E A C H I NG E X PE RIE NC E A T U N I LIN K 2006 – 2008 - TH E U NI V E R SI TY O F MA LT A I N R OME Lecturer in European competition law, BA International Management Degree Course contents: analysis of European jurisprudence on cartels. Attendees: English-speaking groups of students P U B L IC A TI ON S , P E E R R E V IE W E D Gimigliano, G., Thinking of microfinance in the EU framework: regulatory challenges (paper accepted for publication in European Business Law Review, 2015, n.5) Gimigliano, G. – Pironti, A. (2010), L’attuazione della direttiva 2007/64/CE, relativa ai servizi di pagamento nel mercato interno: prime osservazioni sul d.lgs. 27 gennaio 2010, n. 11, in Contratto e Impresa. Europa, 700 – 723 [EU directive 2007/64/EC in Italy]; Gimigliano, G. (2009), L’assetto della concorrenza dei servizi di pagamento al dettaglio: continuità e discontinuità della direttiva 2007/64 CE, in Banca Impresa Società (2), 269-298. [competition regulation, payment services EU market] Gimigliano, G. (2005), Profili giuridici dei pagamenti elettronici: carta di credito, moneta ed assegno, in Diritto della banca e del mercato finanziario, 611-644; [credit cards, electronic money and e-check] Gimigliano, G. (2005), La nozione di impresa nella esperienza della giurisprudenza comunitari, in Rivista giuridica del Molise e del Sannio, 127-150; [undertaking and the proceedings of the EU Courts] P U B L IC A TI ON S , C H A P TE R S IN BOOKS Gimigliano, G. (2013), Islamic banking in the EU legal frame work, in Cattelan (ed) Islamic finance in Europe: towards a plural financial system, Edward Elgar Publisher, London, 143 – 156 Gimigliano, G. (2011), Sub art.33. Commento art.114-undecies, in Mancini – Rispoli Farina - Santoro – Sciarrone Alibrandi – Troiano (eds), La nuova disciplina dei servizi di pagamento, Giappichelli, Torino, 461468 [Payment institutions in the Italian banking law] Gimigliano, G. (2010),Commento Art. 115 bis – 115 quinquies, in Porzio – Santoro – Rispoli – Belli (eds), Commentario al Testo Unico bancario, Giappichelli, Milano, 894-912, 916-929, 942-947; [Electronic money institutions in Italy] Gimigliano, G. (2010), Islamic banking and the duty of accommodation, in Fahim Khan – Porzio (eds) Islamic Banking and Finance in European Union. A challenge, Edward Elgar Publisher, London, 148-157. Gabriella Gimigliano, Ph.D. Gimigliano, G. (2008), La trasparenza dei servizi di pagamento: profili ricostruttivi della disciplina comunitaria, in Perassi-Mancini (eds), Quaderni di ricerca giuridica della Banca d’Italia, Bank of Italy, Rome; 77-94; [Transparency rules and payment services] Gimigliano, G. (2005), Sistemi di pagamento e diritto della concorrenza. Il diritto europeo della concorrenza e gli orientamenti comunitari, in Carriero – Santoro (eds), Il sistema dei pagamenti tra diritto ed economia, Quaderni di Giurisprudenza Commerciale, Giuffré, Milano, 557-613; [European antitrust jurisprudence and the retail payment services] P U B L IC A TI ON S , E D I T E D C O NFE RE NC E P R O C E E D I NG S Gimigliano, G. – Rotondo, G. (eds), Le banche islamiche e la disciplina bancaria europea, 2006 Gimigliano, G. – Spena, A. (eds), Gli Istituti di moneta elettronica. Atti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2003 Gimigliano, G. – Spena, A. (eds), Le fonti del diritto bancario. Atti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2001 P A PE R SU BM IT TE D F O R P U B LIC A T IO N IN RE FE RE E D J OU RN A L Islamic banking and finance within the Italian legal framework: business or cultural approach? [submitted to European Business Organization Law Review] W O RK I N P R O G RE S S Gimigliano, G., Il contratto di deposito titoli in amministrazione (in writing) [banking contract] Gimigliano, G., Contratto di rete d’impresa (in writing) [Network, contract, undertakings] I NV I TE D o o o o PRE SE NTA TI O NS “Islamic vs conventional microcredit in the European Union framework”, Summer school on Islamic finance and law: managing pluralism in market economy, III edition, University of Rome Tor Vergata, July 2013; “Islamic banking in the Italian legal framework”, Conference: Business in between cultures – the development of Islamic finance, University of Sarajevo – EABH, Sarajevo (November 2012); “Practicing Islamic finance under EU legal framework”, Summer School on Islamic finance and pluralism , II edition, July 2012 “Europe and Islam: contract law and Shari’ah rules”, Bosphorus Research Centre Symposium, 1st edition, SOAS, December 2011 S C H O LA R LY AND P R O FE S SI O NA L March – December 2011 A C A D E M IC C O M M U NI TY 2010 – present 2009 – present 2009 – present L A N GU A GE S A C TI V I TIE S Independent Consultant – Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini (Rome) - advising on the development of the European framework in securities law - writing scientific reports (in English) A ND A D M I NI S T RA T IV E E X PE R I E NC E Organizer, Annual Workshop for Young Researchers, University of Siena Handling Editor, Department Law Review “Ianus. Rivista di Studi Giuridici” Proof-Reader, Department Law Review “Ianus. Rivista di Studi Giuridici” Fluent in English (spoken and written) R E FE RE NC E S o Professor Mario Porzio, Law Department, University of Naples Federico II (Ph.D. dissertation supervisor). E-mail: [email protected] Gabriella Gimigliano, Ph.D. o o Professor Antonia Irace, Business and Law Department, University of Siena (teaching supervisor). Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Professor Marilena Rispoli, Law Department, University of Naples Federico II (post-doc fellowship supervisor). E-mail: [email protected]
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