ENTERTAINMENT Movies • TV • Music • Games 108 SELECT Contents 113 Getting Started See which aircraft you’re on by checking the safety card in your seatback. Then find out which entertainment system you have. 請查看座椅背後的安全手冊瞭 解您乘坐的飛機型號,找到您所 乘坐機型上的娛樂系統。 お座席の後ろの安全カードに記 載されているご搭乗機の機体を ご参照いただき、どのシステム がお楽しみいただけるかご確認 ください。 MOVIES 127 TV 137 AUDIO 146 GAMES 147 QUICK GUIDES 150 INSTRUCTIONS 153 NEXT MONTH PREVIEWS Audio Video On Demand B777-200, B747 Inseat Video B777 Audio Video On Demand B737-800, A333 Audio Video On Demand A380 Quick guide listings, p.147 Quick guide listings, p.147 Quick guide listings, p.147 Quick guide listings, p.147 快速指南节目 表,第147页 クイックガイド のリストは、147 ページ 快速指南节目表 ,第147页 クイックガイド のリストは、147 ページ 快速指南节目 表,第147页 クイックガイド のリストは、147 ページ Overhead Screens B737-800 Quick guide listings, p.149 快速指南节目表,第149页 クイックガイドのリストは、149 ページ 快速指南节目表,第147页 クイックガイドのリストは、147ページ Portable Player B738 Business Class Only Quick guide listings, p.149 快速指南节目表,第149页 クイックガイドのリストは、149 ページ Instructions How to use your system, p.150 如何使用您的系统,第150页 システムのご利用方法は、150 ページ YOUR SELECT ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE IS PRODUCED BY SPAFAX AIRLINE NETWORK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF RICHARD RAWLINSON EDITOR DANNY BROGAN EDITORIAL ADVISOR SIMON TUTTON SUB EDITOR LAURA DEAN-OSGOOD DESIGN ROBIN CASTLE PRODUCTION MANAGER HENRIETTA COBBALD ACCOUNT MANAGER SYED NASIR TRANSLATION CLS COMMUNICATION, LONDON © 2013 SPAFAX, THE PUMPHOUSE, 13-16 JACOBS WELL MEWS, LONDON, W1U 3DY TEL: +44 20 7906 2001 / WWW.SPAFAX.COM YOUR INFLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT IS PRODUCED IN CONSULTATION WITH THE EDITORIAL TEAM OF MALAYSIA AIRLINES’ COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION & INFLIGHT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. COVER ROBOCOP (2014) Photo: Sze Ning FOCUS COMEDY VALUE Malaysian comic Kuah Jenhan makes a guest appearance on our Chart Toppers radio channel this month. We caught up with the funny man and talked comedy, fathers and music How do you come up with material for your gigs? As comedians, we take a lot of pride in our jokes being original. To use someone else’s joke is the highest crime. My kind of comedy is more observational and introspective, so I’m looking at myself and the outside. Whatever happens around me, that’s what helps me write things. Which comedians do you look up to? I really like Louis C.K. because I think he’s very honest. I think maybe I relate because he too looks at himself a lot. I like UK comedians like Michael McIntyre–I think he’s very smart. I also really like the way Ricky Gervais works. If you talk about Malay comedians, I really respect Harith Iskander. When I performed with him for the first time–we had six shows and I was opening for him–I remember thinking this is a man who has been doing comedy for 21 years and show after show he would go on stage with the same energy and the same enthusiasm as the night before. If you hadn’t become a comedian, what might you have ended up doing? I would be working in advertising. I’m very passionate about creating ideas. What’s your favourite movie? I think Juno (playing on board) is a very cutesy film. It stars two of my favourite actors–Ellen Page and Michael Cera. Normally you get the male lead and the girl is probably supporting, but here Page is the lead and I like that switch in terms of writing. With Father’s Day happening this month, how will you be remembering your own dad? I remember the earliest pun I got from my dad; we were going out somewhere and I said, ‘Dad, have you got the car key?’ and he said, pointing to his legs, ‘I have two Kaki’ which in Malay means ‘leg’. When he passed away and we cleared his cupboards and stuff, we found he had kept all my posters, even the shows he didn’t come to. I miss him a great deal. What music do you listen to? If you asked me if I could have any job in the world, I would be a big band swing singer–like Frank Sinatra or Michael Bublé. I like that kind of music, I like jazzy stuff. I’m a big fan of musicals as well. I like Jersey Boys, Phantom Of The Opera and Wicked, but Miss Saigon is my favourite. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? After talking today I think I would like to have dinner with my dad again. And not like go back to the past and have dinner, but have dinner today, just to tell him what I have done. I think that would be something I would really like. Any message for the dads on the plane? I would just say happy Father’s Day, and enjoy the moment because it will probably be one of the funniest times in your life. 110 FOCUS MOVIES UNDER ARREST The part-man, part-machine crime-fighter is back with the 2014 reboot of RoboCop THE WHIMSICAL WORLD OF WES Colourful and comedic, the larger-than-life characters and spectacular settings make director Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel his most ambitious film yet. Set in a hotel in the fictional eastern European state of Zubrowka, it follows hotel concierge Gustave and his cross-country flight with lobby boy Zero after Gustave is accused of stealing a priceless painting. Anderson has made full use of his roster of returning stars with actors like Jude Law and Bill Murray appearing in cameo roles. Murray didn’t take much convincing to take a small part. He commented: ‘You get to see the world, and we get to let Wes live this wonderful magical life where his dreams come true.’ The lead role went to someone Anderson hadn’t worked with before – British actor Ralph Fiennes. He reportedly sent the script asking Fiennes to ‘Tell me what part you’d like’ and the answer was obvious. ‘Of course I said, ‘I’d love to’,’ said Fiennes. The Grand Budapest Hotel is playing on board this month. See page 114 for details The 1987 sci-fi classic RoboCop has been rebooted for a high-tech modern audience by director José Padilha. However, while there are undoubted similarities between the two films, the Brazilian director has avoided a scene-by-scene remake. Both films are set in an industrialised, future version of Detroit. The atmosphere is dark and threatening, the city is run by giant corporations and is rife with criminal activity. However, the rebirth of Alex Murphy as RoboCop–the half-human, half-robot law enforcing lead character–happens under different circumstances. In the original, Murphy dies in a bloody gun battle, while in the new version his body is nearly completely destroyed by a car bomb. What is similar is RoboCop’s struggle with the conflicts between man and machine. The 1987 film’s finale showed RoboCop insisting his name is ‘Murphy’ and partially regaining his humanity, while the 2014 remake focuses on how a fully aware Murphy is at war with his artificial augmentations. Murphy’s family is also more prominent in the 2014 remake, whereas they mainly appear in flashbacks in the original. Padilha has also changed the sex of RoboCop’s partner, albeit keeping the same surname as a nod to the original with Michael K. Williams stepping into Nancy Allen’s shoes as sidekick Jack Lewis. Despite the differences, Padilha’s reboot is still a homage to the 1987 version and fans of the original won’t be disappointed. RoboCop is playing on board this month. See page 115 for details FOCUS TV 111 Playing Mom Anna Faris – who plays a recovering alcoholic and single mother called Christy Plunkett in sitcom Mom – thinks that everyone will be able to identify with her character. ‘Christy’s so dimensional,’ says Faris. ‘I think we all relate to her. Whatever struggles you’re having, Christy seems to have them all.’ Mom is playing on board this month. See page 128 for details Kick Off With a host of World Cup programmes celebrating this month’s championship, we highlight some memorable moments from past tournaments: • In the first World Cup, held in Uruguay in 1930, only four teams made the trip from Europe despite the hosts offering to cover all the teams’ costs. • In 1970, Brazil’s Jairzinho became one of only two players ever to score in every game played by a team in a World Cup. FATHER’S DAY AT THE ABBEY Meet the dads of award-winning TV drama Downtown Abbey Father’s Day on 15 June is a time to contemplate the role of fathers everywhere. With season four of Downton Abbey, the hit period drama, playing on board, here’s a reminder of some of the trials and tribulations Downtown’s main patriarchs have faced: Matthew Crawley Dan Stevens The paternal theme continues when Matthew eventually becomes father to Mary’s child, but his life is threatened by an accident. Will the baby heir to Downton be brought up by a single mother? Tom Branson Allen Leech The drama continues when the Irish chauffeur and the lord’s daughter refuse to be separated by historic conventions about class divisions. Sybil gives birth to Tom’s daughter, but falls ill due to complications. Will the child grow up surrounded by wealth at Downton, or have a modest upbringing with her dad? • Roger Milla of Cameroon became the World Cup’s oldest goal scorer aged 42 years and 39 days when he scored in 1994. Lord Grantham Hugh Bonneville A fair-minded but old-fashioned gent, Grantham has mixed feelings when his eldest daughter, Mary, embarks on a relationship with a distant cousin, Matthew, who is the sole male heir to the Downton estate. Meanwhile, Grantham is troubled when youngest daughter Sybil falls in love with the chauffeur, Tom. See page 130 for details Downton Abbey is playing on board this month. See page 129 for details 112 FOCUS AUDIO MODEL BEHAVIOUR After touring for their first album, Foster The People’s lead singer Mark Foster continued to travel, with his experiences in the Middle East helping to inspire the band’s second album, Supermodel, which is playing on board. ‘A lot of the ideas on this record are about exploring what the truth is, the idea of God and the idea of beauty,’ Foster explains. ‘Part of the reason why this record is called Supermodel is because of the way that we define beauty, and how that differs between the western and the eastern world.’ Alongside the ‘grey area in between the western world and the eastern world,’ Foster wanted to examine society’s obsession with social media and how it has affected our communication: ‘We live in this supermodel culture where social media and technology mean we’re able to create an online identity for ourselves and shape it in a way that we want to look to other people.’ Supermodel is playing on board – see page 138 for details TELLING IT LIKE IT IS Shakira shakes her thing with new album Shakira In her self-titled new album, Shakira, the popstar says she’s giving us ‘a little bit of rock, folk, reggae and naturally some dance–but as always, and above all, a lot of heart’. Here’s a closer look at the Colombian songstress: • The singer’s album track Dare (La La La) is the official song for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. • Some of the songs on the album, like 23, are tributes to Gerard Piqué, her boyfriend and father to her son. Piqué plays for FC Barcelona. • In Medicine, Shakira sings with her fellow The Voice judge, Blake Shelton. • Shakira collaborates with Rihanna on Can’t Remember To Forget You and stars with her in the video, which she attributes to Piqué as he’s said he’s not keen on her performing sexy scenes with men anymore. • She’s famous for penning her own lyrics, but for this album drew on the songwriting talents of industry experts who have written tracks for the likes of Katy Perry. Shakira is playing on board this month. See page 138 for details For Kate Winslet, playing the lonely and withdrawn Adele in Labor Day made her more aware of seizing life’s 113 MOVIES chances. ‘We can often live in a very busy blinkered world,’ she admits. Her character falls for an escaped convict, something which struck a chord with the British actor. ‘We get used to judging people and that we ourselves are a certain way and that’s it. Life can surprise you sometimes and make you think about yourself very differently.’ MOVIES 114 MOVIES HOLLYWOOD LATEST NEW 3 Days To Kill The Best Offer Her KEVIN COSTNER, HAILEE STEINFELD, CONNIE NIELSEN GEOFFREY RUSH, JIM STURGESS, SYLVIA HOEKS JOAQUIN PHOENIX, AMY ADAMS, SCARLETT JOHANSSON PG13 - 117 MINS - ACTION, CRIME, DRAMA R - 131 MINS - CRIME, DRAMA R - 126 MINS - DRAMA, ROMANCE, SCI-FI E, F, C+ E, F, ES, C+ E Ethan Renner, a terminally ill man who wants to give up his dangerous life as an international spy in order to reconnect with his estranged wife and daughter, accepts one last mission in exchange for medicine that could save his life. Virgil Oldman is a renowned art auctioneer whose only love is the collection of valuable paintings that he has secretly built over the years. When a reclusive heiress asks him for his expert advice but will only speak to him on the phone, Virgil becomes obsessed with the mysterious woman. Theodore Twombly is heartbroken after a painful breakup. After buying a new operating system for his mobile phone which features a female voice named Samantha, Theodore soon finds himself falling in love again, albeit unconventionally. Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. Ratings NEW New in this month G General audience. Suitable for all ages. PG Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. PG13 Parental guidance strongly recommended. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. R Restricted. Not suitable for under 17s. NR Not rated. NEW The Grand Budapest Hotel RALPH FIENNES, F. MURRAY ABRAHAM, MATHIEU AMALRIC R - 99 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA E Somewhere in Europe between the two world wars, Gustav H–the concierge of the legendary Grand Budapest Hotel–enlists the help of his most faithful friend, Zero Moustafa the bellboy, to investigate the mysterious robbery of a priceless Renaissance painting and a ruthless feud over a family fortune. MOVIES NEW Labor Day NEW Life Of A King KATE WINSLET, JOSH BROLIN, GATTLIN GRIFFITH CUBA GOODING JR, DENNIS HAYSBERT, LISAGAY HAMILTON PG13 - 111 MINS - DRAMA E, F, I, J, C+ PG13 - 100 MINS - DRAMA E, C+ 115 NEW RoboCop (2014) JOEL KINNAMAN, GARY OLDMAN, MICHAEL KEATON PG13 - 117 MINS - ACTION, CRIME, SCI-FI E Depressed single mother Adele and her 13-yearold son Henry come across a wounded, fugitive and take him to their home. Adele finds out that Frank is in fact an escaped convict, but the more she gets to know him, the more she discovers they have in common. After spending 18 years in prison for bank robbery, high school janitor Eugene Brown decides to help a group of underprivileged innercity kids get out of the trouble cycle by teaching them how to play chess and showing them that a better future is possible for everyone. When family man and dedicated cop Alex Murphy is seriously injured on the job, multinational conglomerate OmniCorp transforms him into a futuristic crime-fighting machine known as RoboCop. But behind the part-man, part-robot’s automated training in the relentless pursuit of justice, an unpredictable human heart still beats. The Lego Movie NEW Mr. Peabody & Sherman NEW Winter’s Tale WILL ARNETT, ELIZABETH BANKS, ALISON BRIE TY BURRELL, MAX CHARLES, STEPHEN COLBERT PG - 100 MINS - ANIMATION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY PG - 92 MINS - ANIMATION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY COLIN FARRELL, JESSICA BROWN FINDLAY, RUSSELL CROWE E, F, K, J, C+ E, F, I, J When ordinary LEGO figurine Emmet is mistaken for the Master Builder (a mighty LEGO figurine who can save the universe), it is up to him and his friends to stop the evil tyrant Lord Business from using the Kragle to glue all the LEGO pieces together forever. Mr. Peabody builds a time machine to teach his son Sherman about world history, but when Sherman takes the machine for a spin and accidentally rips a hole in the universe, it’s up to Mr. Peabody to save the world and learn what it really takes to be a dad. PG13 - 118 MINS - DRAMA, FANTASY, MYSTERY E, F, K, ES, A+ At the beginning of the 20th century in New York City, an Irish burglar named Peter breaks into a mansion and comes across a young girl called Beverly who is dying of tuberculosis. The unlikely pair fall in love, and Peter becomes desperate to find a way to save Beverly. 116 MOVIES HOLLYWOOD FAVOURITES Avatar Crazy Heart SAM WORTHINGTON, ZOE SALDANA, SIGOURNEY WEAVER JEFF BRIDGES, MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL, COLIN FARRELL PG13 - 162 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, FANTASY E A crippled ex-marine from Earth is dispatched to the moon-world of Pandora, replacing his deceased twin brother in the Avatar missions. After making contact with the planet’s local population and learning their ways, he becomes torn between following his orders and protecting his new friends. Ratings R - 112 MINS - DRAMA, MUSIC, ROMANCE Battleship E, C+ ALEXANDER SKARSGARD, BROOKLYN DECKER, LIAM NEESON PG13 - 131 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, SCI-FI E, C+ When an unfamiliar and menacing presence is detected in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the warships of the US Navy investigate. They come across a mighty fleet of alien ships and launch into a battle of epic proportions in order to expel the aliens from Earth. After a life spent on the road, a world-weary country star meets a journalist and single mum who finds the real man behind the music and makes him realise what life is really about. The Campaign WILL FERRELL, ZACH GALIFIANAKIS, JASON SUDEIKIS R - 85 MINS - COMEDY E, F, J, ES, A+ G General audience. Suitable for all ages. PG Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. PG13 Parental guidance strongly recommended. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. R Restricted. Not suitable for under 17s. NR Not rated. A veteran politician campaigning for re-election faces an unexpected rival candidate in the form of a man who works at the local tourist office and who has some powerful backers. Chocolat JULIETTE BINOCHE, JUDI DENCH, ALFRED MOLINA PG13 - 121 MINS - DRAMA, ROMANCE E, F, C+ Vianne arrives in the small French town of Lansquenet with her daughter Anouk and opens a chocolate shop just in time for Lent, inflaming the passions of the townspeople but angering the conservative mayor who becomes determined to turn everyone against her and make her leave. MOVIES The Devil Wears Prada Fast Five ANNE HATHAWAY, MERYL STREEP, ADRIAN GRENIER VIN DIESEL, PAUL WALKER, DWAYNE JOHNSON PG13 - 109 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA, ROMANCE E, G, I, F Andy has just graduated and lands the job that most young female journalists would dream of: working in New York as the personal assistant to Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of a major fashion magazine. But Miranda is a cruel and slave-driving boss whose unreasonable demands soon make Andy’s life hell. 117 PG13 - 130 MINS - ACTION, CRIME, DRAMA E Goal! The Dream Begins Hiding out in Rio, Brian O’Conner and Dom Toretto are being targeted by two vengeful enemies: a highpowered corrupt businessman and the pitiless DSS agent Luke Hobbs. The pair assemble an elite team of expert drivers to prepare for the inevitable confrontation that will secure their freedom. KUNO BECKER, ALESSANDRO NIVOLA, ANNA FRIEL PG13 - 118 MINS - DRAMA, ROMANCE, SPORTS E,F, G, J As a six-year-old Mexican immigrant in America, Santiago Munez had one dream: to become a football star. Years later, he is scouted by a former football player and travels to England, determined to give everything he has to gain a place in the Newcastle football squad. Languages Friday Night Lights BILLY BOB THORNTON, JAY HERNANDEZ, DEREK LUKE Enough Said JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS, JAMES GANDOLFINI, CATHERINE KEENER PG13 - 93 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA, ROMANCE E, F, G, C+ Eva is a single mother and masseuse who becomes good friends with her new client Marianne, a beautiful poet who can’t stop complaining about her ex-husband. It isn’t long before Eva discovers that Marianne’s former partner is Albert–the very man she is currently dating. PG13 - 118 MINS - ACTION, DRAMA, SPORTS E In the town of Odessa in Texas, as the oil business begins to decline and the community is constantly torn apart by racial tension and violence, only the Permian High Panthers football team and their tireless pursuit of glory on the football pitch is able to bring the townspeople together. E E+ A A+ C+ CA ES F G H I IN J K M ML T TA ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARABIC ARABIC SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN HINDI ITALIAN INDONESIAN JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL TAGALOG 118 MOVIES HOLLYWOOD FAVOURITES The Heat Ice Age: The Meltdown SANDRA BULLOCK, MICHAEL MCDONALD, MELISSA MCCARTHY RAY ROMANO, JOHN LEGUIZAMO, DENIS LEARY R - 117 MINS - ACTION, COMEDY, CRIME PG - 91 MINS - ANIMATION, ACTION, ADVENTURE E Uptight FBI agent Sarah Ashburn is sent to Boston to uncover a drug ring. She is forced to team up with Shannon Mullins, a foul-mouthed, renegade cop who does things her own way. Can the pair get on with each other and get on with the job? The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey MARTIN FREEMAN, IAN MCKELLEN, RICHARD ARMITAGE PG13 - 169 MINS - ADVENTURE, FANTASY E, F, I, J, C+ Gandalf the wizard approaches Bilbo Baggins to join a group of dwarves on a journey across Middle Earth to the Lonely Mountain. But is the shy Hobbit up to the challenge and the danger that awaits him as the group try to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor? E, G, F, K The Ice Age is coming to an end and the water is rising, so Manny the mammoth, Sid the sloth and Diego the sabre-toothed tiger join the rest of the animals on a journey to find a new home–and a partner for Manny so he can start a family. Languages E E+ A A+ C+ CA ES F G H I IN J K M ML T TA ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARABIC ARABIC SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN HINDI ITALIAN INDONESIAN JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL TAGALOG Horrible Bosses I Am Legend The Impossible JASON BATEMAN, CHARLIE DAY, JASON SUDEIKIS WILL SMITH, ALICE BRAGA, CHARLIE TAHAN NAOMI WATTS, EWAN MCGREGOR, TOM HOLLAND R - 98 MINS - COMEDY, CRIME PG13 - 101 MINS - ACTION, SCI-FI, THRILLER PG13 - 114 MINS - DRAMA, HISTORY, THRILLER E, F,J, ES,C+ E, F, I, J, C+ E, F, G, I, C+ Nick, Kurt and Dale all have the same problem: they can’t stand their bosses. One night after a few too many drinks, their fantasies about eliminating their employers from the face of the earth become a reality when they actually resolve to plot the deaths of their horrible bosses. Robert Neville is the only person in New York City immune to the terrifying virus that has spread across Earth. The only other survivors have become mutants, victims of this modern-day plague. Can Neville find a cure for this virus and save humanity? Maria, Henry and their three children are relaxing by the pool at their hotel in Thailand after celebrating Christmas, when an unimaginable disaster occurs: the coast is hit by a tsunami which wipes out everything in its path, separating the family, wreaking devastation and impacting on thousands of people. Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. MOVIES Inception The Internship LEONARDO DICAPRIO, JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT, ELLEN PAGE VINCE VAUGHN, OWEN WILSON, ROSE BYRNE PG13 - 148 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, MYSTERY PG13 - 119 MINS - COMEDY E, G, J, K, A+ In a world where the technology exists to enter the human mind when in a dream-state, a gifted thief is given one final opportunity to get his freedom back. But first he must successfully execute the toughest skill to date: inception. E, F, ES, G, C+ Salesmen Billy and Nick are struggling to keep pace with the digital world. So, in an attempt to prove their modern mettle, they talk their way into an internship with Google and try to find their place among the young, tech-savvy geniuses of the internet generation. Jurassic Park The Lady SAM NEILL, LAURA DERN, JEFF GOLDBLUM MICHELLE YEOH, DAVID THEWLIS, JONATHAN RAGGETT PG13 - 127 MINS - ADVENTURE, SCI-FI E John Hammond is the proprietor of Jurassic Park: an island theme park where he and his team of scientists have managed to bring dinosaurs back to life. But when he invites four individuals, and his two grandchildren, to take the first tour the real danger of dinosaurs spells disaster. 119 R - 132 MINS - BIOGRAPHY, DRAMA, HISTORY E, F, G, I, C+ Set against a backdrop of political turmoil and instability, isolation and hardship, the life of Aung San Suu Kyi has always been grounded by two important constants: her dedication to the democracy movement in her country of Myanmar, and her love for her husband Michael Aris. Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. The Incredibles Juno The King’s Speech The Lion King CRAIG T. NELSON, SAMUEL L. JACKSON, HOLLY HUNTER ELLEN PAGE, MICHEAL CERA, JENNIFER GARNER COLIN FIRTH, GEOFFREY RUSH, HELENA BONHAM CARTER MATTHEW BRODERICK, JEREMY IRONS, JAMES EARL JONES PG - 115 MINS - ANIMATION, ACTION, ADVENTURE PG13 - 96 MINS - DRAMA, COMEDY, ROMANCE R - 118 MINS - BIOGRAPHY, DRAMA, HISTORY E, F E, I, F, J, C+ G - 89 MINS - ANIMATION, ADVENTURE, DRAMA Sixteen-year-old high school student Juno McGuff has a quick wit and an oddball family. One afternoon she sleeps with her best friend Bleeker and falls pregnant. Unable to go through with an abortion, she decides to find the perfect couple to adopt her baby. When George faces his future as the King of England in the wake of his father’s death and his brother Edward’s abdication, his wife Elizabeth seeks out the help of an unconventional Australian speech therapist to help him conquer his debilitating stammer and become a true leader of his people. E Bob Parr used to be Mr. Incredible; now he’s an ordinary family man with a boring office job. He accepts a secret mission to resume his superhero work but lands himself in trouble, giving his family a chance to prove just how incredible they actually are. E Simba the lion can’t wait to be the king of the Pride Lands, but when his father Mufasa dies and his uncle Scar says it was his fault, Simba runs away. After making some crazy new friends in the jungle, Simba grows up to understand who he really is. 120 MOVIES HOLLYWOOD FAVOURITES © 2010 Marvel Little Manhattan JOSH HUTCHERSON, CHARLIE RAY, BRADLEY WHITFORD PG - 84 MINS - COMEDY, FAMILY, ROMANCE The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King ELIJAH WOOD, IAN MCKELLEN, VIGGO MORTENSEN Marvel’s Iron Man 2 ROBERT DOWNEY JR., MICKEY ROURKE, GWYNETH PALTROW NICOLE KIDMAN, EWAN MCGREGOR, JOHN LEGUIZAMO PG13 - 124 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, SCI-FI PG13 - 127 MINS - DRAMA, MUSICAL, ROMANCE E, F, J, G, A+ PG13 - 201 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, FANTASY E Gabe is an 11-year-old boy who loves playing basketball with his friends and doesn’t have time for girls. Everything changes when he meets Rosemary at her karate club. Gabe is about to find out what it’s like to be in love for the first time. E, G, I, ES, C+ Under pressure to share his technology with the military, Tony is unwilling to reveal the secrets behind Iron Man, fearing the information will end up in the wrong hands. Now, Tony has to form alliances to confront a powerful new force. Gandalf and Aragorn lead the armies against Sauron, while Frodo and Sam continue their quest, unaware Gollum is leading them astray. When disaster strikes, the races of Middle Earth must band together to end Sauron’s reign. Moulin Rouge! Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. E, J In bohemian Paris in 1899, Christian falls in love with Satine, the star performer at the famed Moulin Rouge. Satine is determined to marry the rich Duke to secure her future as an actress, but finds herself falling for Christian and the two start an illicit and dangerous love affair. Languages E E+ A A+ C+ CA ES F G H I IN J K M ML T TA ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARABIC ARABIC SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN HINDI ITALIAN INDONESIAN JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL TAGALOG Mamma Mia The Matrix Night At The Museum MERYL STREEP, PIERCE BROSNAN, AMANDA SEYFRIED KEANU REEVES, LAURENCE FISHBURNE, CARRIE-ANNE MOSS BEN STILLER, CARLA GUGINO, RICKY GERVAIS PG13 - 108 MINS - COMEDY, MUSICAL, ROMANCE R - 136 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, SCI-FI PG - 108 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY E Sophie lives with her mother Donna in the Greek islands and is about to get married. She wants her father to give her away but doesn’t know who he is, so she invites all three men who could be her father to the wedding–without telling her mother. Featuring a host of ABBA classics. E, F, G, I, C+ Thomas A. Anderson, aka Neo, is a computer programmer by day and a hacker by night. When Morpheus awakens Neo to the truth of the artificial reality known as the Matrix, Neo assumes a new life in a war against the controllers and enslavers of humanity. E, I, G, A+ Aspiring inventor and single dad Larry Daley takes a job as the night guard at the Museum of Natural History. When he discovers that everything in the museum comes to life at night, he realises the job is going to be much more difficult– and exciting–than he thought. MOVIES The Other Boleyn Girl NATALIE PORTMAN, SCARLETT JOHANSSON, ERIC BANA PG13 - 115 MINS - BIOGRAPHY, DRAMA, HISTORY E The Perks Of Being A Wallflower The Phantom Of The Opera LOGAN LERMAN, EMMA WATSON, EZRA MILLER GERARD BUTLER, EMMY ROSSUM, PATRICK WILSON PG13 - 102 MINS - DRAMA, ROMANCE PG13 - 143 MINS - DRAMA, MUSICAL, ROMANCE E, F, G, K, A+ Sir Thomas Boleyn sees an opportunity to build the wealth and standing of his family by encouraging his daughters, Anne and Mary, to win the affections of King Henry VIII. So the two young sisters are drawn into a game of seduction to compete for the king’s favour. Charlie doesn’t fit in at his new high school: he can’t make any friends because everyone thinks he’s strange. Until one day, when two seniors called Patrick and Sam decide to take Charlie under their wing and introduce him to an exciting new world. Our Idiot Brother PAUL RUDD, ELIZABETH BANKS, ZOOEY DESCHANEL R - 90 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA E, J, K, C+ Ned has always been looked down on by his family because of his naïve belief in the goodness of humankind. But when he goes to live with his sisters after being dumped by his girlfriend, his family begin to realise that Ned mightn’t be such an idiot after all. E 121 Quantum Of Solace DANIEL CRAIG, OLGA KURYLENKO, JUDI DENCH PG13 - 106 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, CRIME E Christine is a singer in the Opera de Paris, where the Phantom of the Opera–a disfigured recluse– lives in the basement. When the Viscount of Chagny falls in love with Christine, the Phantom takes her into his dungeon so that she may be his forever. Secret agent James Bond seeks to avenge the death of Vesper, but M and the mysterious Camille draw his attention to Dominic Greene; a corrupt businessman who fronts a dangerous organisation that aims to take control of the world by manipulating one of its most valuable natural resources. Playing For Keeps Real Steel GERARD BUTLER, JESSICA BIEL, DENNIS QUAID HUGH JACKMAN, EVANGELINE LILLY, DAKOTA GOYO PG13 - 105 MINS - COMEDY, ROMANCE, SPORTS PG13 - 127 MINS - ACTION, DRAMA, SCI-FI E, ES, C+ A former professional footballer takes a job as the soccer coach of his son’s junior team in the hopes of getting to know him better, but even his tough experiences on the football pitch haven’t prepared him for the endless stream of team problems and the aggressively seductive soccer mums. E, C+ In a future where boxing is a hightech sport fought by robots, ex-boxer and pitiable sports manager Charlie Kenton is near rock bottom when his estranged son Max comes back into his life and helps him make a comeback by training an old robot to be a fighting champion. 122 MOVIES HOLLYWOOD FAVOURITES Rio Shaun Of The Dead JESSE EISENBERG, ANNE HATHAWAY, GEORGE LOPEZ SIMON PEGG, NICK FROST, KATE ASHFIELD G - 96 MINS - ANIMATION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY E E, I Blu is a domesticated macaw from Minnesota who embarks on a journey with his owner to Rio de Janeiro to meet with the only living female of his species. But disaster threatens when Blu and the fiercely independent Jewel are targeted by bird smugglers trying to steal them. R - 99 MINS - COMEDY, HORROR Shaun’s girlfriend Liz dumps him for spending more time drinking at The Winchester than with her and Shaun is determined to win her back. When a zombie apocalypse starts to sweep through London, he decides to save Liz and his friends by hiding out in his beloved pub. Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. Toy Story TOM HANKS, TIM ALLEN, DON RICKLES G - 81 MINS - ANIMATION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY E Woody the cowboy doll has always been Andy’s favourite toy, but everything changes when Andy receives a Buzz Lightyear action figure and Woody finds himself at the bottom of the toy box. Can Woody and Buzz overcome their differences to protect all the toys from Andy’s horrible neighbour Sid? Rocky Balboa State Of Play SYLVESTER STALLONE, ANTONIO TARVER, MILO VENTIMIGLIA RUSSELL CROWE, RACHEL MCADAMS, BEN AFFLECK PG - 102 MINS - DRAMA, SPORTS PG13 - 127 MINS - DRAMA, MYSTERY E, C+ E, C+ ‘The Italian Stallion’ returns for round six in the Rocky series. When challenged to a nationally televised exhibition bout by reigning heavyweight titleholder Mason Dixon, Rocky Balboa decides to give up his life of retirement and re-enter the arena for a final time to face his most vicious opponent yet. When the young assistant of congressman Stephen Collins is mysteriously killed, Cal McAffrey – veteran journalist and an old friend of Collins–is ordered by the editor of his newspaper to join forces with young journalist Della Frye and find out the truth about the dealings of congressman Collins. E, I, J, K, C+ What To Expect When You’re Expecting The X Files: I Want To Believe CAMERON DIAZ, MATTHEW MORRISON, ELIZABETH BANKS DAVID DUCHOVNY, GILLIAN ANDERSON, BILLY CONNOLLY PG13 - 110 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA, ROMANCE PG13 - 104 MINS - DRAMA, MYSTERY, SCI-FI You can never know what to expect when a baby is on the way! Five couples have very different experiences during the nine-month rollercoaster ride that is pregnancy. E, F, G, J, C+ When an old priest with a shady past shares some disturbing visions that lead to the discovery of a number of corpses in the hills of West Virginia, the FBI is forced to re-open the X-Files and call exparanormal detectives Fox Mulder and Dana Scully to investigate. MOVIES CINE CLUB MALAY Miele Honey Ismael JASMINE TRINCA, CARLO CECCHI PG - 111 MINS - DRAMA R - 96 MINS - DRAMA ES, E+ MARIO CASAS, BELÉN RUEDA, I, E+ Miele, una donna che aiuta a porre fine alle sofferenze dei malati terminali, diviene amica di un anziano depresso che inizia a mettere in discussione cio’ che realmente significa essere vivi. Honey helps end the suffering of terminally ill people. When she becomes friends with a depressed elderly man she begins to question what it really means to be alive. 123 Ismael huye de su casa esperando encontrar a Félix, el padre al que nunca ha conocido. Pero en su lugar encuentra a Nora, la madre de Félix, quien accede a llevar a Ismael a conocer a su padre. Ismael runs away from home hoping to find Felix, the father he never knew. Instead he finds Nora, Felix’s mother, who agrees to take Ismael to meet his father. Les Garçons Et Guillaume, À Table! Me, Myself And Mum Istanbul Aku Datang LISA SURIHANI, BETO KUSYAIRY, TOMOK G - 99 MINS - COMEDY, ROMANCE GUILLAUME GALLIENNE, ANDRÉ MARCON, ML, E+ NR - 85 MINS - COMEDY Teman lelaki Dian memutuskan hubungan dengannya setelah mengetahui dia tinggal dia pangsapuri yang sama dengan Haris. Patutkan Dian memenangi semula hati Azad ataupun menganggap Haris sebagai takdirnya? F, E+ Guillaume était élevé par sa mère d’être une fille. En grandissant il devient plus indépendant et trouve enfin la liberté de choisir sa propre identité. Guillaume was brought up as a girl by his mother. As he grows up and gains more independence, he finally begins to form his own identity. Dian’s boyfriend dumps her for flat-sharing with another man. Should she try to win him back? Languages E E+ A A+ C+ CA ES F G H I IN J K M ML T TA ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARABIC ARABIC SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN HINDI ITALIAN INDONESIAN JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL TAGALOG Vergiss Mein Ich Lose My Self Le Volcan The Volcano MARIA SCHRADER, JOHANNES KRISCH DANNY BOON, VALÉRIE BONNETON PG13 - 93 MINS - DRAMA G - 95 MINS - COMEDY G, E+ F, E+ Nachdem Lena ihr Gedächtnis verliert, setzt ihr Ehemann alles daran, ihr gemeinsames Leben zurückzugewinnen. Lorsqu’un éruption volcanique empêche des vols d’Europe, un couple divorcé sont oblige d’aller en route ensemble pour atteindre les noces de leur fille en Grèce. When Lena loses her memory, her husband of 40 years is determined to get back to the life they shared. Contains scenes or language which may be disturbing or offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. When a volcanic eruption grounds flights all over Europe, a divorced couple are forced to hit the road together to get to their daughter’s wedding in Greece on time. Papadom 2 AFDLIN SHAUKI, LIYANA JASMAY, NOORKHIRIAH G - 122 MINS - COMEDY ML Saadom bercadang untuk menyiasat jejaka yang akan dikahwini anaknya dengan menyamar. Saadom decides to investigate the man his daughter is set to marry by going undercover. 124 MOVIES MALAY CLASSIC INDONESIAN ARABIC CHINESE Mukhsin 9 Summers 10 Autumns 8% 一路有你 SYAFIE NASWIP, SHARIFAH ARYANA AGNI P. ARKADEWI, ENCE BAGUS G - 94 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA, ROMANCE PG13 - 114 MINS - BIOGRAPHY, DRAMA, FAMILY ORTEGA, OKA, SHAHTA KARIKA, MAI KASSAB ML, E+ IN, E+ Orked dan Mukhsin bertemu di sekolah dan menjadi kawan baik, tetapi pada suatu hari Mukhsin terpaksa pulang ke kampung halamannya. Setelah melewati kemiskinan saat kanak-kanak, Iwan tumbuh menjadi direktur perusahaan Multinasional di New York, tetapi saat dilanda tragedi, ia sadar bahwa ia tidak bisa melarikan diri dari masa lalunya. Orked and Mukhsin meet and become best friends, but one day Mukhsin has to go back to his home village. After a poor childhood, Iwan is now a director of a New York company, but he can’t escape his past. PG - 96 MINS - COMEDY, MUSICAL A, E+ Oka, Ortega and Shahta, three friends who play in a band together, become suspects in a kidnapping, and it’s up to the band’s manager to prove their innocence. The Journey FRANKIE LEE, BEN PFEIFFER G - 102 MINS - DRAMA M Bee性格開朗的英國未婚夫Benji和傳 統的父親全叔,爲了相互磨合,走遍馬 拉西亞去派送婚禮請帖。 Bee’s easygoing British fiancé Benji and her conservative father Uncle Chuan try to overcome their differences by going on a journey around Malaysia to deliver the wedding invitations. TAGALOG Pisau Cukur NUR FAZURA, MAYA KARIN, AARON AZIZ PG - 94 MINS - COMEDY, ROMANCE ML, E+ Bella dan Intan ialah dua orang pisau cukur yang berharap untuk mendapat durian runtuh apabila mereka menaiki kapal pelayaran yang mewah tetapi adakah lelakilelaki kaya, isteri-isteri kenamaan dan anak-anak yang menyakitkan hati menjadi jawapan kepada impian mereka? Bella and Intan are two gold diggers hoping to hit the jackpot on board a luxury cruise ship but are the rich men, precious wives and obnoxious kids the answer to their dreams? Pinauupang Bride Bride For Rent Wa Baad Al Tofan 私人訂製 Personal Tailor AHMED AZMI, HANAN MUTAWEA, HALA FAKHRY GE YOU, BAI BAIHE, LI XIAOLU, ZHENG KAI PG - 115 MINS - ROMANCE, COMEDY TA, E+ PG - 94 MINS - DRAMA, THRILLER M, C+, E+ KIM CHIU, XIAN LIM Dapat magpakasal si Rocco upang matanggap ang pera na nasa kanyang trust fund, kaya pinagpanggap niya ang kaibigan niyang si Rocky bilang misis niya. Naging kumplikado ang mga bagay nung tunay na silang nag-ibigan. Rocco gets a friend to pose as his wife, but things get complicated when they fall in love for real. A, E+ A young psychologist embarks on a study as to why a group of politicians turned to corruption. The further he digs, the darker his journey gets. G - 115 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA 四人組成一家公司,讓客戶可以遠離 日常生活一天,去圓任何夢想。正如 公司的口號所說,「成全別人,噁心 自己」。 Four people start a company that grants their clients a day away from their normal lives to fulfil their dreams. MOVIES CHINESE CLASSIC JAPANESE 賭神 偉大なる、しゅららぼん God Of Gamblers CHOW YUN FAT, ANDY LAU, CHARLES HEUNG PG13 - 125 MINS - COMEDY, DRAMA CA, M, C+, E+ 賭技出眾的高進正準備對決新加坡賭 王陳金城,卻遭受一場詭異的事故。 Legendary gambler Ko Chun is preparing for a showdown with Singapore’s greatest gamester Chan Kam-sing when he is involved in a mysterious accident. KOREAN 동창생 The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom Commitment MASAKI OKADA, GAKU HAMADA SEUNG HYUN CHOI, YE-RI HAN, HO-BIN JEONG G - 114 MINS - COMEDY, FANTASY J, E+ 涼介は、代々不思議な力を持つ日出 一族の分家の息子。彼は本家の跡継 ぎとともに、ライバル・棗家の長男 と対決することになる。 Ryosuke discovers his relatives, the Hinode family, possess special powers. So he joins the eccentric Hinode heir in a showdown with the first son of the rival Natsume family. 125 PG13 - 111 MINS - ACTION, DRAMA K, E+ 북한 10대 명훈은 남한에서 간첩 활동을 강요 당했다. 하지만 북한에서 정치적 혼란이 발생하자 한 암살범이 명훈을 살해하도록 파견된다. North Korean teenager MyungHoon is forced to spy in South Korea, but when political turmoil breaks out in the North, an assassin is despatched to kill her. 결혼전야 Marriage Blue KIM KANG-WOO, KIM HYO-JIN PG13 - 118 MINS - ROMANCE, COMEDY K, E+ 결혼을 목전에 앞둔 네 쌍의 남녀가 이런저런 문제가 생기면서 관계가 흔들리고, 자신들이 진정으로 행복한 것인지 의문을 품게 된다. Four very different couples on the brink of getting married are faced with difficulties that put their relationships into question and make them wonder if they are truly happy. Languages 葉問 抱きしめたい Ip Man I Just Wanna Hug You 남자가 사랑할 때 DONNIE YEN, HIROYUKI IKEUCHI, SIMON YAM RYO NISHIKIDO, KEIKO KITAGAWA HWANG JEONG-MIN, HAN HYE-JIN PG13 - 123 MINS - ROMANCE PG13 - 120 MINS - DRAMA PG13 - 106 MINS - ACTION, DRAMA J, E+ K, E+ 以前は活発だったが、交通事故がもと で車椅子生活を送るつかさは、バスケ ットボールが好きなタクシー運転手の 雅己と恋に落ちるが、二人の関係に家 族は反対する。 자신이 불치병을 앓고 있으며 살 날이 오래 남지 않았다는 것을 알게 된 밑바닥 폭력배 태일은 호정이라는 여자를 만나서 처음으로 사랑에 빠진다. Tsukasa, an energetic girl confined to a wheelchair after an accident, falls in love with Masaki, a taxi driver who loves basketball, but their families are against the union. Tae-Il, a low-level thug who has just discovered that he has a terminal illness and hasn’t got long to live, meets a girl called Ho-Jung and falls in love for the first time. Man In Love CA, M, C+, E+ 日本侵華時期,身為武術宗師的葉問 爲了替朋友報仇,決定接受任何日本 武士的挑戰。 During the Japanese invasion of China, martial arts master Ip Man avenges the death of his friend by taking on any Japanese fighters who wish to challenge him. E E+ A A+ C+ CA ES F G H I IN J K M ML T TA ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARABIC ARABIC SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN HINDI ITALIAN INDONESIAN JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL TAGALOG 126 MOVIES HINDI HINDI CLASSIC TAMIL TAMIL CLASSIC चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस Chennai Express कभी खुशी कभी गम Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... Endrendrum Punnagai Indian JIIVA, TRISHA KRISHNAN, VINAY KAMAL HASSAN, NEDUMUDI VENU, MANISHA KOIRALA SHAHRUKH KHAN, DEEPIKA PADUKONE PG13 - 118 MINS - ACTION, COMEDY SHAH RUKH KHAN, KAJOL PG - 120 MINS - ROMANCE, COMEDY H, E+ PG - 120 MINS - DRAMA, MUSICAL, ROMANCE T, E+ राहुल अपने दादाजी की अस्थियाँ विसर्जित करने के लिए भारत के एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक जाने वाली एक ट्रेन पर चढ़ता है। रास्ते में उसकी मुलाकात एक रहस्यमयी महिला से होती है और यह यात्रा उसके जीवन को पूरी तरह बदल देती है। H, E+ Rahul boards a train across India to scatter the ashes of his grandfather. En route he meets an intriguing woman on a life-changing journey. Rahul is disowned when he marries a girl his father doesn’t approve of. Years later, Rahul’s brother travels to London to reunite his family. PG13 - 120 MINS - ACTION, DRAMA T, E+ अपने पिता की मर्जी के विरुद्ध एक लड़की से शादी करने पर राहुल को घर से निकाल दिया जाता है। वर्षों बाद, राहुल का भाई रोहण लंदन इस आशा में जाता है कि वह अपने परिवार को फिर से एक कर सके। Gautham, Sri and Baby are best friends who run an advertising agency and make a pact to stay single forever–but life never goes to plan. A man who dedicated his life to fighting injustice and corruption in India, is devastated to discover that his son works for the very people that he spent his life fighting. Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns Neram Sivaji The Boss JIMMY SHERGILL, MAHIE GILL, IRRFAN KHAN NIVIN PAULY, NAZRIYA NAZIM, BOBBY SIMHA RAJNIKANTH, SHRIYA SARAN, SUMAN PG13 - 116 MINS - DRAMA, THRILLER PG - 112 MINS - COMEDY, THRILLER PG13 - 120 MINS - ACTION, ADVENTURE, DRAMA H, E+ T, E+ T, E+ Vettri loses his job, he’s in debt to a loan shark, his girlfriend runs away from home, his sister’s husband wants her dowry–and he’s only got a day to make everything right. Sivaji’s ambition to invest in colleges and hospitals to benefit the underprivileged people of Chennai falls to pieces when he is caught accepting bribes. ये जवानी है दीवानी Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Aditya struggles with his disability while his marriage to Madhavi is in pieces. He falls in love with a young girl called Ranjana, who in turn is in love with Prince Indarjeet. RANBIR KAPOOR, DEEPIKA PADUKONE, ADITYA ROY KAPOOR PG - 160 MINS - DRAMA, MUSICAL, ROMANCE H, E+ बनी और नैना ग्रेजुएट हो चुके हैं और आगे क्या करना है, सोचकर रोमांचित हैं। अलग होने के कई वर्ष बाद वे एक बार फिर से मिलकर ये बताते हैं कि उनके जीवन में क्या-क्या हुआ है। When Bunny and Naina graduate, they are excited about what lies ahead. After losing touch, they reunite years later to reflect on what their lives have become. Sometimes actors play roles that they become so involved in that they begin to live and breathe TV their 127 character. Take Kristen Bell and her on screen persona Veronica Mars. ‘I lived so intimately with this character for so many years it felt like me,’ explains Bell. ‘It was the most natural I’ve ever been as an actress.’ Episodes from the final Veronica Mars series, including the season premiere, are playing on board. TV 128 TV COMEDY Glee How I Met Your Mother THREE EPISODES THREE EPISODES 30 MINS EACH E TEN EPISODES 30 MINS EACH THREE EPISODES 30 MINS EACH E 30 MINS EACH E More adventures with the all-singing, alldancing school club, New Directions. In one episode, a love triangle situation forms with romantic tension growing between Marley, Jake and Ryder. The Crazy Ones Mom Sitcom starring Robin Williams based on the everyday occurrences of a Chicago advertising agency. In one episode, a flu outbreak sweeps through the office giving Lauren her moment to shine when she’s left in charge of a high-profile client. E Single Ted, with the help of his four best friends, tries to find true love in New York. In one episode, Lily finds out that Ted is moving to Chicago when she sees his list of the things he wants to do in New York before leaving. A single mother decides to restart her life in California’s wine country by working as a waitress while attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Christy’s struggle to get her life back on track is further complicated when her estranged mother Bonnie turns up. Family Guy Friends Ground Floor Modern Family Super Fun Night THREE EPISODES FIVE EPISODES FIVE EPISODES THREE EPISODES FIVE EPISODES 30 MINS EACH 30 MINS EACH 30 MINS EACH 30 MINS EACH 30 MINS EACH E E E E E A comedy about a young successful banker who falls for a woman who works in his building’s maintenance department. In one episode, Brody wants to turn his one-night stand with Jenny into something more serious and he invites her out on a date. Life inside the Pritchetts’ extended family never runs smoothly in this top-rated ensemble sitcom. In one episode, Mitchell is surprised with an unusually successful father-son bonding time, which is quickly overcome by Cameron’s exuberant gift buying. Animated mayhem with the Griffin family in Seth MacFarlane’s awardwinning flagship show. In one episode, Stewie and Brian decide to use Stewie’s teleportation machine to go see a Celine Dion concert in Las Vegas, but the machine malfunctions and clones them instead. Classic episodes from the seventh season of one of the world’s most successful sitcoms, about a group of New York-based buddies. In one episode, Rachel gives Joey some sailing lessons and Chandler starts wearing glasses. For the past 13 years, three single ladies have set aside every Friday night as ‘Friday Fun Night.’ In one episode, Kimmie, Marika and Helen-Alice are invited to a Halloween party by some guys from their building. TV 129 DRAMA Almost Human Downton Abbey The Mentalist Sleepy Hollow Veronica Mars SIX EPISODES THREE EPISODES FIVE EPISODES THREE EPISODES FIVE EPISODES 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH E E E E E In a not-so-distant future, human cops and androids partner up to protect and serve. In one episode, Detective Kennex and Dorian discover that a hostage situation is actually a distraction for the police while a million dollar heist takes place. Follow the drama that centres around the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants. In one episode, the Crawleys host a house party and invite prominant opera singer Dame Nellie Melba to perform. Patrick Jane is a consultant to the California Bureau of Investigation, using his expert knowledge of human ticks and tells to crack cases. In one episode, Jane is imprisoned and charged with a murder. Ichabod Crane is resurrected after being dead for centuries to unravel a mystery that dates all the way back to the founding fathers. In one episode, Crane must stop a resurrected witch before she kills the descendants of the magistrate who burned her for witchcraft. A former teenage private eye gets pulled back to her hometown. In one episode, a football player asks Veronica to help him find his stolen playbook, otherwise he could lose his scholarship. Arrow The Killing Revolution Suits EIGHT EPISODES THREE EPISODES FOUR EPISODES THREE EPISODES 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH 60 MINS EACH E E E E Oliver Queen survives a near-fatal shipwreck and is reborn as superhero crime fighter the Green Arrow. In one episode, Oliver wants to uncover the identity of the female vigilante who saved him from being caught by the police. Following the murder of a local teenager, a police investigation is launched that unearths links to the Seattle mayoral campaign. In one episode, Rosie’s key chain provides the police with a new lead. Post-apocolyptic style drama. In one episode the group travel to Illinois, where Miles hopes to meet with Nora, an old friend whose expertise will help them find Danny. On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City’s best lawyers. In one episode, a case forces Mike to relive the painful memories of the aftermath of his parents’ death. Languages A E E+ C+ CA H J K M ML T ARABIC ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE HINDI JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL 130 TV SPORT CHINESE MALAY 2010 FIFA World Cup Highlights South Africa 話說籍貫 5 Rencah 5 Rasa Jom Ngail 30 MINS 30 MINS ML ML Sherson Lian di dalam misi untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan makanan tradisi Malaysia, memasak makanan tradisi Malaysia yang terbaik dengan sentuhan tersendiri. Ikuti nelayan-nelayan terbaik Malaysia dalam penerokaan lokasilokasi hebat di dalam negara, mencuba kaedah memancing terbaru dan merasai hidangan-hidangan enak yang disediakan dari tangkapan mereka. Behind The Dialect Groups 60 MINS HAINANESE E 60 MINS M, C+, E+ The 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa, the first-ever African host country. The final saw European champions, Spain, defeat third-time finalists, the Netherlands, 1-0 in extra time. Here are the highlights from the most exciting sporting event of 2010. FIFA World Cup Stories 世界各地使用不同的方言,方 言生動地描繪了中國文化和 遷移的發展與融合。 Dialects spoken all over the world are a rich source for charting the evolution and diffusion of Chinese culture and migration. Party Queen Sherson Lian is on a mission to bring Malaysian street food to life, cooking up the best of traditional Malaysian dishes as well as adding his own personal touches. FLYING TIPS JAPANESE Join Malaysia’s best fishermen as they find the top locations around the country, try great new angling tactics and discover delicious new dishes. 大改造!!劇的ビフォーア フター The Before And After 60 MINS J 家族が増えて増築しなければ ならない、老朽化で改築が必 要、などの理由からくる生活 の不便を建築士の「匠」が良 心的なコストで解消します。 Architect Takumo can transform any home on an affordable budget. 60 MINS M, C+ TWO EPISODES 30 MINS EACH E With the FIFA World Cup set to start this month, revisit some of the moments from previous tournaments that have made the competition one of the world’s most popular sporting occasions. 藍心湄分享最新時尚美妝新 聞,更有時尚專家教你如何最 好地呈現自然美。 Xin-Mei Lan shares the latest fashion and beauty news, as well as expert tips from the professionals so you can make the most of your natural beauty. Dapur Panas The Hot Kitchen Makan Angin LANGAWI 馬來西亞製造 Top 20 FIFA World Cup Moments Made In Malaysia 60 MINS D’WIND FEVER PILL, YUEN CHUN SOY SAUCE, PUN CHUN CHICKEN BISCUIT E 60 MINS Compiled for your viewing pleasure, the very best moments in the history of the FIFA World Cup. Only the top players and teams get the chance to take part in the world’s ultimate football competition and these 20 highlights are the stuff of legend. M, C+, E+ 探索馬來西亞的知名品牌如 何一躍成為全世界皆認可的 品牌。 Find out how iconic Malaysian brands have grown to become recognisable all over the world. 30 MINS 30 MINS ML ML Chef Nik Michael dan Neelofa mengembara ketempat terpencil sekitar Asia Timur Selatan untuk menambah koleksi resepi mereka. Dari menunggang gajah kepada wayang kulit, hos Faiz akan melakukan apa sahaja yang dapat memberikannya pengalaman sebenar budaya Malaysia. Chefs Nik Michael and Neelofa travel to remote locations around South East Asia to replenish their recipe repertoire. From elephant rides to shadow puppetry, host Faiz is up for doing anything that will give him an authentic experience of Malaysian culture. つかさ:記憶障害の花嫁 sukasa : A Bride T With Memory Loss 60 MINS J 交通事故により左半身麻痺と なった若い女性つかさの物語 をたどる。 Follow the story of Tsukasa, a young woman left paralysed after a car accident. TV KOREAN ARABIC TAMIL Inki Gayo Destination Ivargalum Hero 60 MINS IBIZA 30 MINS K 30 MINS T A Korean pop music is under the spotlight as a whole host of sensational solo singers and brilliant bands perform their latest hit songs live on stage. 131 HINDI Custom Made For Vir Sanghvi Season 2 Keep Walking With The Game Changers VIR SANGHVI EXPLORES BESPOKE PERSONAL FASHION COLONEL RAJYAVARDHAN SINGH RATHORE 30 MINS 30 MINS E E Vir Sanghvi is lucky enough to have an entire outfit made for him all in the very best tradition of Indian craftsmanship. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore resigned from the Indian Army in 2013 to become a politician and was a silver medallist at the 2004 Summer Olympics. Explore the sights, sounds and things to see and do in this stunning tropical paradise in the Mediterranean Sea. The daily struggles faced by people living with disabilities, their triumphs and their extraordinary achievements are an inspiration to us all and prove how remarkable human beings are. Yoga City POSTURES FOR STRONG KNEES Thotam Sollum Kathai 30 MINS E 30 MINS 런닝맨 T Running Man Turkish Food THE FACES OF SEOUL 30 MINS 30 MINS 90 MINS A H, E+ Jo Biwi Se Kare Pyaar K, E+ 이번 런닝맨 에피소드의 게스트는 인기 여배우 심은경과 함께 깜짝 콘서트에 출연한 K-팝 록 밴드 씨엔블루다. This episode of Running Man features beloved K-Pop rock band CN Blue, appearing in a surprise concert with actress Shim Eunkyung. From mouth-watering sweets to the rich coffee and ever present mix of herbs and spices, see what culinary masterpieces can be tasted when you try Turkish Food. This programme tells the story of people who live on the estate and cherishes all the beautiful moments that have been experienced by the earlier generations. Aditya’s friend Yash is on the lookout for ‘The One,’ so he decides to set her up with another single friend by inviting them to dinner. Knees allow us to have an increased range of movement, mobility and support, but as a body part they are very susceptible to injury. Learn how yoga can be used to prevent and heal knee injuries. 132 TV HISTORY 10 Things You Don’t Know About NATURAL WORLD Pawn Stars SECRET AGENT MAN THE WHITE HOUSE 30 MINS 60 MINS E E 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC: one of the most famous residences in the whole world. Henry Rollins learns about the White House, from the shape of the Oval Office to the brothel that once operated in its grounds. Hidden Cities The newest treasure at the pawn shop is a player’s ring from the 2004 World Series. Meanwhile, Chumlee discovers a toy James Bond Aston Martin from the 1960s, complete with working gadgets and weapons. In Search Of A Legend: Black Leopard 60 MINS E While there have been sightings of the black leopard all over the world, there are still doubts about whether it even exists. Kevin Richardson goes to Lydenburg in South Africa to find proof of the elusive big cat. Orangutan Island Swamp Men 2 WE ARE FAMILY GATOR BREAKOUT 30 MINS 60 MINS E E The orangutans at the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre are learning how to cooperate so they can survive in the wild. Kiki is exhausted from being a mother to baby Hardi and needs someone to babysit! Park Director Ed Woods discovers that a four-foot alligator has escaped from the park’s fenced-in boardwalk area. Whilst searching for the security breaches with the other operators, he discovers an active alligator nest. Pythonathon World’s Deadliest Animals Stan Lee’s Superhumans SARAWAK (MALAYSIA) 60 MINS SPIDER POWER E 60 MINS Host Anthony Morse travels to Sarawak to learn about the White Rajahs of Sarawak; the tragic demise of early Chinese gold miners; a disappearing tribe of head hunters and the healing rituals of the Menanau people. Mandela: His Life & Legacy E Randy thinks he’s found a way to reproduce spider silk; Tori demonstrates how she learned to climb like Spiderman by living with monkeys and Bob claims he can perform Rocket Racer’s tricks on his own skateboard. Off The Hook: Extreme Catches 60 MINS Storage Wars HAWAIIAN LU-OW! 30 MINS 60 MINS OPERATION: INTIMIDATION E 30 MINS Journalist Mark Austin visits various places of significance in the life of Nelson Mandela. Features interviews with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mandela’s lawyer George Bizos and former South African President F. W. de Klerk; to better understand the life of this legendary man and the legacy he leaves behind. E Brandi is ready to close the Long Beach store, but Jarrod is determined to save it by scoring more lockers. Ivy tries to intimidate other buyers while Darrell gets the shock treatment. E Professional wrestler and amateur fisherman Eric Young decides to have a luau in Hawaii. To get some impressive delicacies for his party, he goes after the fish of death and puts his wrestling skills to use on an octopus. E With the Burmese python population growing at an alarming rate, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission embarks on a four-week hunting season, offering cash prizes to the hunters who bring in the most snakes. THE URBAN JUNGLE 60 MINS E You may think that living in the city keeps you safe from the dangerous animals that inhabit the wild, but the concrete and steel of our urban jungles are hiding places for all sorts of deadly creatures. TV BUSINESS Access Middle East 133 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY The Edge How Do They Do It? THE SOCIAL NETWORK, ZUBROWKA, AERIAL CABLE CAR HRH PRINCE TURKI AL-FAISAL CONNECTED COMMUNICATION 30 MINS 30 MINS E E HRH Prince Turki al-Faisal is the Chairman of the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies. He talks about challenges facing the monarchy in Saudi Arabia and his hopes for peace and stability in the region. CNBC’s The Edge is all about the future of communication. Learn about the groundbreaking new products and innovative ideas that are set to revolutionise our lives and find out about the best opportunities for long-term investments that will bring you high yield returns. How does Facebook–the world’s largest social networking site–make sure it never lets its millions of users down? What are the secrets of Poland’s rare bison grass vodka? How much did it cost to build the Aerial Cable Car that crosses the River Thames? CNBC Meets Inside China Monsters Inside Me SIR PHILIP GREEN MCDONALD’S IN CHINA KILLER IN MY NECK 30 MINS 30 MINS 60 MINS E E E Tania Bryer talks to British businessman Sir Philip Green, CEO of retail giant the Arcadia Group. TopShop’s ‘top man’ talks about his lifelong fascination with business, his decision to drop out of school, and the ups and downs of forging a successful career in a cut-throat industry. McDonald’s is heading to China! The fast food giant grants unprecedented access to all its operations from farm to fork and reveal how the American super-brand is building its presence in China’s burgeoning economy. An art student has a swollen face and yellow eyes and doctors discover a growth in his throat that is clogging his jugular vein and preventing him from breathing. The young man has an infection called Lemierre’s syndrome. 30 MINS E Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman Unlocking Autism 60 MINS E CAN WE SURVIVE THE DEATH OF THE SUN? 60 MINS E All life on Earth is sustained by the sun; we depend on its light in order to survive. But, like other stars, one day the sun will die. Do human beings really possess the technological ability to outlive the sun? As the number of people with autism grows exponentially, there has never been more need to learn about this condition. Leading researchers are unlocking the mysteries of autism, including causes and therapies. World’s Top 5 EXTREME RAILWAYS 60 MINS E The world’s top five extreme railways include the high-speed ‘Italo’ running from Rome to Naples; the Transnet carrying iron ore across South Africa; the Marmaray connecting Europe and Asia; the mountain-climbing MRS in Sao Paolo and the world’s longest tunnel under the Swiss Alps. 134 TV RELIGIOUS TRAVEL Invite Mr. Wright Journey To Islamic Culture Rasa Halal Orient Taiwan BISMILLAH, DINNER TABLE OF MUSLIM 30 MINS OKINAWA, JAPAN 60 MINS E 60 MINS Bazaar RIO DE JANEIRO 30 MINS E Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. The Cidade Maravilhosa, or magnificent city, has a long and fascinating history, and its inhabitants are all people of different cultural traditions united by their passion for life. Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell MOUNTAINS 60 MINS E Bear Grylls puts himself through the same lifethreatening experiences of three young men who struggled to survive in the mountains: getting lost in a forest, negotiating a dangerous waterfall, and navigating by starlight. Ian Wright gets the true, authentic local experience of some of the world’s best travel destinations thanks to the friends who invite him to stay in their homes. This episode Ian is in Okinawa, Japan, as a guest of Ryuku FC–the island’s only professional football team. Globe Trekker Walking The World SILK ROAD: KASHGAR TO ISTANBUL 60 MINS 30 MINS E On her discovery of the Silk Road, Holly Morris attends a horse-riding festival in Kyrgyzstan, catches the train to the ancient city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan, visits the ruins of Mery in Turkmenistan, crosses the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan, visits a monastery in Georgia and rides a camel to Istanbul. E Followers of Islam only eat food that Allah allows them to eat and they must recite ‘bismillah’ and ‘al hamdulilah’ before and after a meal. During Ramadan, Muslims do not eat at all until after sunset. ML Rasa Halal is always on the lookout for the best halal cuisine all over the world. This time we’re in Taiwan to do the rounds of the cities–Taipei, Tao Yuan, Kenting and many more–to discover the delicious halal dishes on offer. E Chris starts off on his walking journey with a strenuous hike across the Pyrenees in France, before experiencing the history and hysteria of the running of the bulls in Pamplona. He then follows the Camino de Santiago where he is treated to some breathtaking scenery and fascinating stories. Jejak Rasul 30 MINS ML Jejak Rasul is a popular Islamic documentary series that has been on Malaysian television screens since 1995. It addresses a wide range of issues in contemporary Muslim society, as well as delving into the religious and cultural history of Islamic communities all over the world. TV SOUNDSTAGE LIFESTYLE The Brit Awards 2014 Best In The World Dirty Jobs RAYA SPECIAL ONION PROCESSOR 90 MINS 30 MINS 60 MINS E E E The Brit Awards honour achievement in the British music industry. Established in 1977, the hotly-anticipated and star-studded 2014 event is hosted by Tony Awardwinning actor James Corden and features live performances from the likes of Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, the Arctic Monkeys and Beyoncé. Raz visits the Pasar Malan at Setia Alam where it feels like Ramadan all year round, tastes a late-night Nasi Lemak Bumbung with fried chicken, and goes to Restoran Rebung in Bangsar to get a gastronomic education in authentic Raya dishes from all over Malaysia. In California, Mike goes to work at the Gills Onions plant in Oxnard, to get a taste of what it’s like to be an onion processor, slicing and dicing the onions and cleaning the equipment. Later, he helps build wooden ladders at the San Francisco Fire Department. Cake Boss Jinnyboy TV Top Gear MOMMA’S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE 30 MINS 60 MINS HIGH SEAS SHOWDOWN 30 MINS E E 60 MINS See marketing sensation and Malaysian radio DJ, Jinnyboy, in all his YouTube video glory with this compilation of some of his top-rated videos from his hugely popular YouTube Channel. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive to Ukraine in a Volkswagen Up, a Ford Fiesta and a Dacia Sandero. When they arrive in Kiev, they take on the scary challenge of driving through Chernobyl. The Star in the Reasonably Priced Car is English singer, James Blunt. 135 Masterchef U.S. 60 MINS E Luca and Natasha are vying for the title of MasterChef, the trophy, a quarter of a million dollars and the opportunity to publish their own cookbook. Their final challenge is to create a flawless threecourse dinner with ingredients that they are allowed only ten minutes to choose. Kenny Rogers: The First 50 Years 60 MINS E Kenny Rogers is an American country music singer-songwriter. He has had over 120 hit singles and topped both the country and pop charts countless times. He has won everything from Grammys to a lifetime achievement award. Robbie Williams: One Night At The Palladium 60 MINS E Following the huge success of his first swing album, pop superstar Robbie Williams promotes his album Swings Both Ways, with a live big band performance at the London Palladium. Includes classic swing hits as well as some rocking new tracks. E Buddy travels to Atlantic City to join Habitat for Humanity’s project to rebuild the city in Hurricane Sandy’s wake. Meanwhile, the family prepares to celebrate Momma’s 65th birthday with a video and a special announcement. Top Hooker E The contestants take on their most unlikely challenge yet–to hook, reel and net a fish from the top of a tree. Finally, the remaining two competitors come face-to-face in the high seas to determine who will win the title of Top Hooker. 136 TV SHOWBIZ KIDS Hi-5 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic THREE EPISODES WHO WORE IT BETTER 30 MINS E THREE EPISODES 30 MINS EACH E 30 MINS EACH E How do two celebrities end up wearing the same outfit when they have the world of fashion at their fingertips? Catt Sadler takes a look at those outfits that made us do a double-take and decides which star wore it better. Fashion Police TWO EPISODES 30 MINS EACH Whether you drift away with your imagination during the day or are carried off by the fairies at night, everyone loves to dream. Let the Hi-5 crew take you to a magical world of make-believe. E! News Special Transformers Prime E Unicorn pony Twilight Sparkle learns about friendship in the town of Ponyville. In one episode, a smug magician arrives in Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle is scared to challenge her for fear of being called a show-off. Autobots and Decepticons battle it out in the second season of this hit series. In one episode, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee take on Skyquake. Meanwhile, Starscreen uses the incident as a distraction as he is looking for something else to do besides fight. Kimora: House Of Fab TWO EPISODES 60 / 90 MINS STUDS AND STILETTOS E 60 MINS Joan Rivers and the fashion police are currently targeting the 2014 Oscars Red Carpet. Angelina Jolie swaps black for bling, Lupita Nyong’o adds another win to her faultless awards season wardrobe, Cate Blanchett wears a gown fit for a Best Actress, and Lady Gaga’s dress is actually made of fabric! E Kimora is preparing to star in a new advertisement with JustFab, but she doesn’t see eye-to-eye with the CEOs of the company: Don and Adam are after some sex appeal while Kimora wants to showcase her serious side. Languages Littlest Pet Shop TWO EPISODES 30 MINS EACH E Discover the weird and wonderful animals at The Littlest Pet Shop. When Blythe Baxter moves into an apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop, she discovers she has the ability to talk to animals and uses her skills to save the store from closing. A E E+ C+ CA H J K M ML T ARABIC ENGLISH ENGLISH SUBTITLES CHINESE SUBTITLES CANTONESE HINDI JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY TAMIL She might be retired from the music business, but Tina Turner is still putting out the hits. In her latest AUDIO 137 album Love Songs, playing on board, the 74-year-old compiles her greatest romantic tracks from the last three decades. It features favourites like The Best and tracks from the legendary 1984 Private Dancer record, including the iconic What’s Love Got To Do With It, which topped the charts for three weeks and made it into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2012. AUDIO 138 AUDIO AUDIO ON DEMAND THE HITS CLUB Passengers with AVOD can access our library of nearly 400 music and spoken word CDs Atmosphere Kaskade (above) Aleph Gesaffelstein Eve Booka Shade Clarity Zedd Torus Sub Focus 84 albums including... Shakira. Shakira (above) After The Disco Broken Bells Supermodel Foster The People Peroxide Nina Nesbitt Lost In Paradise Faber Drive Halcyon Days Ellie Goulding The Love Songs Westlife Harlequin Dream Boy & Bear The Best Of… Nickelback Freedom Rebecca Ferguson Voices Phantogram Better Together EP Fifth Harmony Little Red Katy B Baptized Daughtry Morning Phase Beck Beautiful Jessica Mauboy GIRL Pharrell Williams Get Your Heart On – The Second Coming! Simple Plan Louder Lea Michele Helios The Fray A Perfect Contradiction Paloma Faith See page 108 to find out which system you’re using Midnight Memories One Direction Salute Little Mix Union J Union J Sweet Disarray Dan Croll Shangri La Jake Bugg 2014 Grammy Nominees Various Artists Britney Jean Britney Spears Is There Anybody Out There? A Great Big World So Long, See You Tomorrow Bombay Bicycle Club Direct Hits The Killers BZ20 Boyzone TRUE Avicii Prism Katy Perry Innocents Moby This Is… Icona Pop Icona Pop #hits Example Tomorrow’s Harvest Boards Of Canada Electric Pet Shop Boys Home Rudimental Late Night In Brixton Groove Armada Settle Disclosure Delta Shapeshifter Just Movement Robert DeLong Clubbers Guide To 2013 Various Until Now Swedish House Mafia 18 Months Calvin Harris Motion Sickness Various Flume Flume Pacifica The Presets AUDIO LIGHT & EASY MEMORIES Including... Best Of The Best Kenny G (above) Dizzy Heights Neil Finn The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You Neko Case Dead And Born And Grown The Staves Travelling The World Roxette (above) The Collection, 1973-2012 Bruce Springsteen The Classics Tony Bennett Love Songs Tina Turner Gold Kool & The Gang Duets (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) Frank Sinatra Crime Of The Century Supertramp Greatest Hits The Hollies The Diving Board Elton John Kveikur Sigur Rós Way Down Low Kat Edmonson Every Man Should Know Harry Connick, Jr. For Now I Am Winter Olafur Arnalds Stars Simply Red Help! The Beatles U218 Singles U2 The Abbey Road Sessions Kylie Minogue Moodance Van Morrison GRRR! The Rolling Stones Life’s A Riot With Spy Vs. Spy Billy Bragg Greatest Hits Neil Young Greatest Hits The Beach Boys A Agnetha Fältskog Are You Gonna Go My Way: Deluxe Edition Lenny Kravitz Old Sock Eric Clapton Hits Back The Clash 1 Julio Iglesias Every Kingdom Ben Howard Highlights Crosby, Stills & Nash Rumours Fleetwood Mac The Irish Connection Brian McFadden Anyone Who Had A Heart, The Art Of The Songwriter The Best Of Burt Bacharach Various Their Greatest Hits: The Record Bee Gees Green (25th Anniversary Edition) R.E.M The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars David Bowie Memphis Boz Scaggs Allen Stone Allen Stone Get Up! Ben Harper With Charlie Musslewhite Passione Andrea Bocelli All That Echoes Josh Groban Tramp Sharon Van Etten The Best Of The Doors The Doors Love Songs The Carpenters The Story Of My Life Michael Crawford Bad 25 Michael Jackson Endless Summer: Greatest Hits Donna Summer The Greatest Hits Whitney Houston 139 COMEDY COUNTRY The Best Of Lily Tomlin (above) Out Among The Stars Johnny Cash (above) Poodle Hat Weird Al Yankovic Hunter Hayes (Encore) Hunter Hayes Sleepwalk With Me Live Mike Birbiglia Foreverly Billie Joe + Norah I’m Telling You For The Last Time Jerry Seinfeld Fuse Keith Urban Standup Comic Woody Allen Red, White And Brown Russell Peters Monty Python & The Holy Grail Monty Python The Best Of Bill Cosby The Civil Wars The Civil Wars Golden Lady Antebellum Like A Rose Ashley Monroe Sharkmouth Russell Morris Uncaged Zac Brown Band Original Broadway Show Recording Whoopi Goldberg Craig Campbell Craig Campbell Live At Carnegie Hall Ray Romano Little Big Town Tornado Flight Of The Conchords: The BBC Series The Flight Of The Conchords Beautiful Noise Lee Kernaghan Expecting Company Henry Wagons New To This Town Kix Brooks Bear Creek Brandi Carlile Blown Away Carrie Underwood The Story So Far Keith Urban 140 AUDIO CLASSICAL Passaggio – Einaudi By Lavinia Lavinia Meijer (above) After A Dream Joanne Yeoh Strauss – An Alpine Symphony Daniel Harding Dvorˇák For Two Gil Shaham And Orli Shaham Bach Concertos Janine Jansen Prokofiev 3 & Bartok 2 Lang Lang, Berliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle Music Of The Night André Rieu Pavarotti The 50 Greatest Tracks Luciano Pavarotti Great Moments Live At Carnegie Hall Vladimir Horowitz Schubert, Impromptus, D 899, Sonata D 960 Rudolf Buchbinder Richard Wagner, Der Ring Des Nibelungen Christian Thielemann Oblivion The Philharmonics Stravinsky, The Soldier’s Tale And Other Works For Chamber Orchestra Sir Richard Norrington, Zurich Chamber Orchestra Handel’s Timotheus Or The Power Of Musick Adapted By W.A Mozart Nikolaus Harnoncourt And Concentus Musicus Wien Journeys Emerson String Quartet Romantique Richard Clayderman Recomposed By Max Richter, Vivaldi, The Four Seasons Max Richter JAZZ SOUNDTRACKS RELAX Kin Pat Metheny (above) Divergent Various (above) Equistice Ken Elkinson (above) Heroes And Misfits Kris Bowers The Lego Movie Various Music To Sleep By Various Artists Birds Requiem Dhafer Youssef American Hustle OST Various Adiemus Colores Karl Jenkins Ballads John Coltrane Quartet Spirit Of Akasha Various Stay In Memory Yiruma Of Growth And Deep Conversations Irma Seleman Morning Of The Earth Various The Return Elio Frozen Various Yellow: New Age Renditions Of Coldplay Judson Mancebo Prism Dave Holland Magnetic Terence Blanchard Lost In The Stars Allan Browne Trio The White House Sessions, Live 1962 Tony Bennett And Dave Brubeck Mingus Dynasty Charles Mingus In A Time Lapse Ludovico Einaudi The Shocking Miss Emerald Caro Emerald In2ition 2CELLOS Spaces Within Marialy Pacheco The Chopin Album Lang Lang The Colonel & The Governor Tommy Emmanuel & Martin Taylor An English Fancy Trio Settecento One Chance OST Various Blade Runner Trilogy (25th Anniversary) Vangelis Dirty Dancing Various Sound City, Real To Reel Various Les Misérables Various This Is 40 Various Glee, The Music, Season 4, Volume 1 Various The Best Of Bond… James Bond 50 Years Various Contented Rest, The Timeless Music Of J. S. Bach Various No Beginning No End José James Pitch Perfect OST Various Vagen Tingvall Trio The Sapphires OST Various The Best Of… Romantic Callas Maria Callas The Absence Melody Gardot Rock Of Ages OST Various Legacy David Garrett Smooth Jazz Hits For Lovers Various Beautiful Things Mario Frangoulis Born To Sing: No Plan B Van Morrison Glad Rag Doll Diana Krall Project Sensation 1 Jazz Gary Chaw Tourist St Germain Jazzy Gaga Various AUDIO 141 WORLD KOREAN MALAY NASYID JAPANESE Siria Mestre Cupijó E Seu Ritmo (above) 더 무드 FT아일랜드 (above) Teka-Teki Maya Karin (above) Tapestry Of Songs – The Best Of Angela Aki 일본 베스트 앨범: 프레젠트 씨엔블루 Invitation Sonata Hazami – Himpunan Lagu-Lagu Terbaik Untukmu Hazami Warkah Cinta Imam Muda Nazrul Dan Imam Muda Fakhrul (above) Heart Saif Adam Standard Scandal Pandora Shila Amzah Shila Amzah Doa UNIC An Imitation Blood Orange GarisanMu Izzat Mahadi Land Zikir Terapi Diri 2 Hafiz Hamidun Flow The Max!!! Emmaar Tinariwen Lagrimas Negras (10th Anniversary Edition) Bebo & Cigala So Frenchy So Chic 2014 Various Artists Traces Of You Anoushka Shankar La Noche Mas Larga Buika E2 Eros Ramazzotti Chatma Tamikrest Chameleons Of The White Shadow Joseph Tawadros Improvisations Rasa Duende The Coming Ones Sa Dingding Melbourne Ska Orchestra Melbourne Ska Orchestra Mala In Cuba Mala This Generation The Lions Voyage Celtic Thunder Healing Stone, The Best Of Yothu Yindi Yothu Yindi Light Years Kora 에일리 카라 클라스 틴탑 Penglipur Lara Hazama 카라 Tiga Dekad Muzik, Cinta Dan Sanubari Anuar Zain 어느 봄 날 2 AM Tentang Kita 6ixth Sense Full Bloom Hello 조용필 Ikut Rentakku Jaclyn Victor 이름이 뭐예요? 포미닛 Stay-C Stacy I Got A Boy 소녀시대 Luahan Hati Anak Seni Hafiz No Mercy B.A.P Faizal Tahir Faizal Tahir Sexy, Free & Single 슈퍼주니어 Kali Pertama Asmidar 미드나잇 선 비스트 I Can’t Draw So I Sing Bo 싸이 6갑 – 파트 1 싸이 Sang Enemy Hujan The Return 신화 Lagenda Hit Rabbani Hijab Di Ufuk Barat (Al Haq…Yang Satu) Various Zikir Terapi Diri Hafiz Hamidun Koleksi Abadi Raihan Ketuhanan Various Salaam Sami Yusuf INDONESIAN 4 Diva Rock Lagenda Various Asalkan Aku OK Awi Rafael Aliff Aziz Aliff Aziz Including... Anugrah Terindah Geisha (above) Best-Of: Design Of A Decade 2003 – 2013 Anggun Raisa Raisa Luka, Cinta Dan Merdeka Glenn Fredly And The Bakuucakar Dari Hati Ke Hati Kesna アンジェラ・アキ (above) ミ スターチルドレン ゆ ず フロウ Cover 70’s 柴田淳 Steal A Person’s Heart EGO-WRAPPIN’ Nice Catch The Moment! ナオト・インティライミ だれそかれそ ハナレグミ 142 AUDIO CANTONESE MANDARIN TAMIL KIDS 8 Feathers, Fur Or Fins Don Spencer (above) The Best Of 2008-2012 Go Santa Go The Wiggles The Key Permata Ayah Bonda Aeman Little Singer Hushabye Hayley Westenra The Next Moment The Wiggles Hits And Rarities The Wiggles 周柏豪 (above) 鄧紫棋 陳奕迅 小肥(徐智勇) 陳柏宇 Better Life 爱久见人心 梁静茹 Kimbonomics金式代 陈芳语 你在等什么 汪 东城 Pink Dahlia 天使之翼 杨丞琳 Everything In The World The Magical Forest Carmen Warrington And David Jones Imagine 诺亚方舟世界巡回演唱会 五月天 The Ultimate Kids Collection Various New Beginning Mr Come Back To Bii 寂寞来了怎么办 吴 克群 3mm Remix 纯属意外 戴佩妮 A Second Thought 再见你好吗 陶喆 Live A Life 亲爱的路人 刘若英 ReImagine 等等 王俪婷 Dear Diary Robynn And Kendy EdMOND 梁漢文 張敬軒 衛蘭 陳奕迅 孫耀威 周國賢 張國榮 FIR(above) 毕书尽 黄色夹克 梁文音 Jingle Bell Fun Walt Disney 曲 婉婷 Muse 蔡依林 大小说家 林 宥嘉 流感 大嘴巴 To Be 陈嘉桦 原色 杨宗纬 HINDI Off To School Various Shake It Up Break It Down Various The Little Mermaid Songs From The Sea Various See! Holly Throsby Activity Songs For Kids Various 光 动力火车 Hello Friends! Yo Gabba Gabba! 我们都能幸福着 郭 静 Classic Kids Various 24个比利 潘玮柏 花又开好了 SHE 想幸福的人 杨丞琳 AUDIO RADIO CHANNELS CHART TOPPERS 143 ROCK ARENA Passengers with AVOD can access our library of nearly 400 music and spoken word CDs INSEAT CHANNEL 2 AVOD CHANNEL 78 HOSTED BY JAY SHELDON Including... Smoke On The Water Deep Purple Fever (Radio Edit) The Black Keys Somebody To Love Jefferson Airplane INSEAT CHANNEL 1 AVOD CHANNEL 77 For Your Love The Yardbirds OVERHEAD CHANNEL 5 HOSTED BY BEN LOH Can’t Remember To Forget You Shakira Feat. Rihanna FALLINLOVE2NIGHT Prince Feat. Zooey Deschanel Summer Calvin Harris Best Friend Foster The People Empire Shakira Burning Gold Christina Perri Beating Heart Ellie Goulding Not A Bad Thing (Clean Edit) Justin Timberlake (above) On My Way Lea Michele The Cup Of Life Ricky Martin Channel numbers vary depending on which system you’re using. See page 108 to find out Marilyn Monroe Pharrell Williams Our Time (Radio Edit) Lily Allen Into The Blue Kylie Minogue Ahead Of Us Tom Swoon We Are One (Ole Ola) 2014 FIFA Pitbull Feat. Jennifer Lopez The House Of The Rising Sun The Animals It’s On Again Alicia Keys Chandelier Sia Greens And Blues Pixies Every Rose Has Its Thorn Poison Star Dream Girl David Lynch Born To Be Wild Steppenwolf I Surrender Rainbow Steve Smyth – Shake It Steve Smyth Temple Kings Of Leon I Keep It To Myself Wilko Johnson & Roger Daltrey Layla Derek And The Dominos Asleep At The Wheel Band Of Skulls The Edge Tonight Alive Don’t Stop Nina Nesbitt Guilty All The Same (Radio Edit) Linkin Park Me And My Broken Heart RIXTON Peacekeeper Bear Hands Rumble Kelis Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) Shakira Feat. Freshlyground Colours To Life Temples Dixie Chicken Little Feat Easy Livin Uriah Heep Coming Home Kaiser Chiefs (above) 144 AUDIO GOLDEN ERA AGHANI ARABBIYAH MALAY HITZ MANDARIN MIX JAPANESE COLLECTION INSEAT CHANNEL 3 INSEAT CHANNEL 8 INSEAT CHANNEL 9 INSEAT CHANNEL 10 INSEAT CHANNEL 12 AVOD CHANNEL 79 AVOD CHANNEL 82 AVOD CHANNEL 83 AVOD CHANNEL 85 AVOD CHANNEL 86 HOSTED BY RICHARD LA FABER HOSTED BY MONA JASMAN OVERHEAD CHANNEL 6 OVERHEAD CHANNEL 7 OVERHEAD CHANNEL 8 HOSTED BY KC ISMAIL HOSTED BY CHONG HUEY LING HOSTED BY KAORU SATO Including... 为爱而活 张韶涵 Anchor Including... Eye Of The Tiger Survivor Including... 100% Cintaku Mas Idayu Feat. W.A.R.I.S & Juzzthin 三浦大和 僕はペガサス君はポラリス 爱情不能作比较 Baby MISIA Sayang Sezairi 还剩下些什么 羽泉+苏慧伦 白いラビリンス 来生たかお Apakah Ini Cinta Judika 渴 孙燕姿 淡雪の花 真咲よう子 Angin Kencang Noh Salleh Love U U 林俊杰 カリフォルニー ケツメイシ Biarkan Sejoli Tomok 我不祝福 陶晶莹 レット・イット・ゴー〜あ りのままで〜松たか子 Hijrah Cinta Rossa 可以爱你真好 蔡健雅 大阪恋物語 やしきたかじん Semalam Hazama 七号公路 FIR 時計 五輪真弓 High Lighthouse Family Tiada Kata Mulan Jameela & Mike Mohede 身边 光良品冠 僕らの物語 I Can’t Help Myself The Four Tops Manusia Biasa Amir Jahari 我没资格 家家 Sakura Melody Search For The Hero M People Gelora Cintaku Trio Lestari 快乐是自找的 趙之壁 セクシィ 下田逸郎 Time After Time Cyndi Lauper Aduh Ajai 因为所以我爱你 邓养天 八月の濡れた砂 石川セリ Back To Life Soul II Soul DiKau Saja Forteen 我只在乎我在乎的 白安 ナオト・インティライミ Rock Your Baby George McCrae Kamu Jahat Geisha 自以为 方大同+徐佳莹 Hot Stuff JUJU Take My Breath Away Berlin Kali Ke-2 KRU 向前冲 徐怀钰 男どうし 杉田二郎 It’s A Heartache Bonnie Tyler (above) Baru Aizat 勉强幸福 林宥嘉 時の流れに身をまかせ テレサ・テン Rock Around The Clock Bill Hayley And His Comets Mutlak Fakhrul Razi 无条件为你 梁静茹 誰よりもFeat.中島美嘉 童子ーT Hebe田馥甄 爱着爱着就永远 TSUKI 安室奈美恵 你被写在我的歌里 苏打绿+ Ella 昇天 箏座 Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep Middle Of The Road We Are Family Sister Sledge Rescue Me Fontella Bass You’re The One That I Want John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John I Should Be So Lucky Kylie Minogue In The Summertime Mungo Jerry Daydream Believer The Monkees Heart Of Gold Neil Young I’ll Be Around The Spinners I Want You Back The Jacksons Alhamdulilah Ning Baizura (above) Jangan Pernah VelvetBand Teroesir Nidji 是不是这样的夜晚才会如此的 想起我 张智成 Sakit Hati Yovie & Nuno 恋人啊 辛晓琪 Dalam Hati Ini Dafi GReeeeN 加藤ミリヤx清水翔太 Catch The Moment AUDIO HINDI RHYTHMS NASYID KOREAN SELECTIONS JAZZ MALAY CLASSICS INSEAT CHANNEL 14 Don’t Forget Allah Farid Sanullah AVOD CHANNEL 80 AVOD CHANNEL 81 AVOD CHANNEL 84 HOSTED BY ELLEN HAN HOSTED BY GREG LYONS Doa Dhuha UNIC Including... The Message Saif Adam Come Back Home 2NE1 So It Seems Chris Cheek Bintang Syurga Raqib Majid Feat. UNIC 야생화(Wild Flower) 박효신 Sebuah Persinggahan Izzat Mahadi Can’t Stop CN BLUE (above) Ummi Imam Muda Asyraf Mr. Chu A PINK Hakikat Cinta Simfoni (above) 봄 사랑 벚꽃 말고 High4,아이유 Suara Azan Fitri Haris 너에게만 반응해 이승환 Selawat Cahaya UNIC 벚꽃 엔딩 버스커 버스커 Tola’al Badru ‘Alaina Imam Muda Najdi 뜨래요 배치기 Jodoh Berdua Hafiz Hamidun 까탈레나(CATALLENA) 오렌지 캬라멜 Take It Easy Moutin Reunion Quartet 마음으로만(My Wish) 박정현 The Decider Rudresh Mahanthappa AVOD CHANNEL 87 OVERHEAD CHANNEL 10 Including... Maston Ka Jhund Divya Kumar Jiya Arijit Singh (above) Baaki Sab First Class Hai Wajid Ishq Bulaava Sanam Puri, Shipra Goyal Dhoom Machale Dhoom Aditi Singh Sharma Tooh Mika Singh, Mamta Sharma, Vishal Dadlani, Shruti Pathak Love Me Thoda Aur Arijit Singh & Monali Thakur London Thumakda Labh Janjua, Sonu Kakkar, Neha Kakkar Sunn Raha Hai (Female) Shreya Goshal Raghupati Raghav Neeraj Shridhar, Monali Thakur & Bob Shake It Like Shammi Vishal Dadlani, Benny Dayal Tere Naina Maar Hi Dalenge Shaan, Shreya Ghoshal, Shabab Sabri Badra Bahaar Amit Trivedi Tuhan Sam Bimbo & Indah Dewi Pertiwi Peristiwa Subuh Raihan Solla Alaikallah Rabbani Dalam Sujud Cintaku Halim Ahmad Asmaulhusna Asmawi Siapa Ingin Membawa Fahrin Ahmad Kurnia Nowseeheart Istimewa Tiada Dua Nice Ratu Nil (Yukabid) Hijjaz Astaghfirullah Opick Channel numbers vary depending on which system you’re using. See page 108 to find out 145 Including... 한 사람을 위한 마음 신재 삐딱하게(Crooked) G-Dragon 꽃향기 최진혁 U&I 에일리 BOUNCE 조용필 대.다.나.다.너 빅스(Vixx) 라송(LA SONG) 비(Rain) 그대가 분다 M.C. The Max 너의 모든 순간 Gollum’s Song Geoffrey Keezer Minha Voz, Minha Vida Caetano Veloso (above) The Other Mingus George Garzone Folk Song Garbarek/Haden/ Gismonti All The Things You Are Keith Jarrett Alone Again (Naturally) Django Bates Nocturne Maria Schneider Orchestra He Never Mentioned Love Claire Martin Albemarle Will Vinson City Of Roses Esperanza Spalding Senandung Semalam Alleycats Alam Seni Fatimah M Amin Kasih Broery Marantika Joget Usik Mengusik A Ramlie & Maria Bachok Hujan Uji & Hail Korban Percintaan Julie Remie Oh Poniah Hussein Ismail Bintang Kehidupan Yanti & Ronie Pengantin Tiba DJ Dave Gelombang Salamiah Hassan Makan Sireh Ahmad Jais Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka Khatijah Ibrahim Di Hari Persandinganmu Sudirman Jelingan Manja J Kamisah Maafkanlah Kesalahanku Flybaits Damak Rafeah Buang (above) Rindu Bayangan Carefree Rayuanku Rohana Jalil (Every Moment Of You) 성시경 Bibir Mesra Jiwa Parah Zamzam Swing 슈퍼주니어-M Rindu Serindu Rindunya Dato Sharifah Aini 흔한 노래 임창정 Abang Beca M Rizal Give It To Me Sistar Si Baju Hijau Sanisah Huri 146 GAMES GAMES With 70 games in six categories, why not test your skills and challenge your mind Some games are available in multi-player format using our seat-to-seat function. Select a game for on-screen instructions on how to play. Games only available on the B747 and B777 aircraft and for passengers with the portable media player. * Portable Player LEISURE PUZZLE SPORT Bejeweled 2 (above), Big Money, Freecell, In-Flight Trivia, Insaniquarium, Luxor, Mad Caps, Memory*, ScrambleDash, Shanghai, Solitaire*, Solitrio, Sudoku, Trivia Malaysia, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire*, Zuma Battle Blockz, Bookworm (above), Caveman*, Crosswords, Hangman*, Hieroglix, Jubaku Minesweeper, Mummy Maze, Pixelus, Select Sudoku Seven Seas, Super Scramble, Tangram, Tetris* Tik Rack Toe, Twisty Tracks, Waterpipes Bowling Tournament (above), Golf Sport Series, Mini Golf, Pool Challenge, Tennis Challenge KIDS BOARD ARCADE Animal Factory, Disney’s Classic Games*, Disney’s Winnie The Pooh, Elephant Memory, Hangman Junior, Robot Factory, Timon and Pumbaa’s Sling Shooter (above), Zupple Junior Backgammon, Battleship*, Checkers, Chess, Chinese Checkers, Congkak, Equilibria, Kasparov Chessmate* (above), Reversi*, Ultimate Yahtzee, Warzone Asteroids, Cave Crunch, Dynomite! (above), Galaktor, Invasion*, Magma Zone, Niflheim, Pong, Super Breakout, Super Pinball Arcade, Ultraball, Wacky Safari If you have the Portable Player, you can also join in the fun! All the games with an asterisk, plus Centipede and Timon & Pumbaa’s Burper, are available to you. The new A380 system will feature 70 games exclusive to passengers on A380 flights. Please check your syestem and see your GUI for all available games. E-LEARNING Put your time in the air to good use with our essential learning tools *Some learning tools only available on selected routes Select Travel Guide In-Flight Integrated Encyclopedia Of The Holy Quran An interactive e-learning application that enables passengers to read the Holy Quran and listen to its recitation. Berlitz Word Traveler* This language training tool can teach you the basics of 23 languages. b-Wise Learn about local business cultures and etiquette, wherever you are in the world! Executive Book Summaries A quick and easy way to distill the key ideas from today’s top business books. Explore the globe from the comfort of your seat with our detailed travel guide. Not sure where to stay, where to eat or what to do at your next destination? Our guide will show you the best hotels, restaurants and attractions. QUICK GUIDES 147 AUDIO VIDEO ON DEMAND For passengers using any of the remotes shown on these pages, check this guide to find out which movies and programmes are playing 3-6 HRS 3- HRS Little Manhattan COMEDY ● The Best Offer CRIME ● The Grand Budapest Hotel COMEDY ● The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King ADVENTURE ● Her DRAMA ● Mamma Mia MUSICAL ● ● ● Labor Day DRAMA ● Marvel’s Iron Man 2 ACTION ● The Lego Movie ANIMATION ● Life Of A King DRAMA ● Mr. Peabody & Sherman ANIMATION ● RoboCop (2014) ACTION ● Winter’s Tale DRAMA ● 3- HRS 6+ HRS ● 6+ HRS 3 Days To Kill ACTION Latest 3-6 HRS SYNOPSES FOR THESE MOVIES BEGIN ON PAGE 113 ● ● ● Favourites The Matrix ACTION ● ● Moulin Rouge! MUSICAL ● Night At The Museum COMEDY ● ● ● The Other Boleyn Girl DRAMA ● ● ● ● Our Idiot Brother COMEDY ● The Perks Of Being A Wallflower DRAMA ● The Phantom Of The Opera MUSICAL ● ● Playing For Keeps COMEDY ● ● ● ● ● Avatar ACTION ● Battleship ACTION ● Quantum Of Solace ACTION ● The Campaign COMEDY ● Real Steel ACTION ● Chocolat DRAMA ● Rio ANIMATION ● Crazy Heart DRAMA ● Rocky Balboa DRAMA ● The Devil Wears Prada COMEDY ● Shaun Of The Dead COMEDY ● Enough Said COMEDY ● State Of Play DRAMA ● ● Fast Five ACTION ● ● Toy Story ANIMATION ● ● ● Friday Night Lights ACTION ● ● ● What To Expect When You’re Expecting COMEDY ● Goal! The Dream Begins DRAMA ● ● ● The X Files: I Want To Believe DRAMA ● The Heat COMEDY ● The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey ADVENTURE ● Horrible Bosses COMEDY ● ● Cine Club I Am Legend ACTION ● Ice Age: The Meltdown ANIMATION ● ● The Impossible DRAMA ● ● Inception ACTION ● The Incredibles ANIMATION ● The Internship COMEDY ● Juno COMEDY ● Jurassic Park ADVENTURE ● The King’s Speech BIOGRAPHY ● The Lady ● BIOGRAPHY The Lion King ANIMATION ● ● ● ● ● Honey DRAMA ● ● ● Ismael DRAMA ● ● ● Me, Myself And Mum COMEDY ● ● ● Vergiss Mein Ich Lose My Self DRAMA ● ● ● Le Volcan The Volcano COMEDY ● ● ● 148 QUICK GUIDES AUDIO VIDEO ON DEMAND For passengers using any of the remotes shown on these pages, check this guide to find out which movies and programmes are playing Film Asia 6+ HRS 3-6 HRS 3- HRS SYNOPSES FOR THESE MOVIES BEGIN ON PAGE 123 8% COMEDY ● ● ● 9 Summers 10 Autumns DRAMA ● ● ● Bride For Rent ROMANCE ● ● ● Chennai Express ACTION ● ● ● Commitment DRAMA ● ● ● Endrendrum Punnagai ROMANCE ● ● ● God Of Gamblers COMEDY ● ● ● The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom COMEDY ● ● ● I Just Wanna Hug You ROMANCE ● ● ● Ip Man ACTION ● ● ● Indian ACTION ● ● ● Istanbul Aku Datang COMEDY ● ● ● The Journey DRAMA ● ● ● Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... DRAMA ● ● ● Man In Love DRAMA ● ● ● Marriage Blue ROMANCE ● ● ● Mukhsin COMEDY ● ● ● Neram COMEDY ● ● ● Papadom 2 COMEDY ● ● ● Personal Tailor COMEDY ● ● ● Pisau Cukur COMEDY ● ● ● Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns DRAMA ● ● ● Sivaji The Boss ACTION ● ● ● Wa Baad Al Tofan DRAMA ● ● ● Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani DRAMA ● ● ● Mom TV Our comedy, drama, lifestyle and sport TV shows are also available for all passengers. See pages 127 to 136 for full listings How to access On-Demand features via Video (VID) mode • Press the MODE button on the handset until VIDEO appears on the handset screen • Use the CHANNEL UP/DOWN button to select your programme • Press STOP twice, then START to go to the beginning of the programme • You may control your viewing by pressing FORWARD, REWIND, PAUSE or STOP All Movies and TV programmes are available with this handset QUICK GUIDES B738 VIDEO PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER See which movies and TV are available on selected B738 leased aircraft The individual media player with high resolution 8” screen is available to all passengers in Business Class on our B738-800 leased aircraft 149 SYNOPSES FOR THESE MOVIES BEGIN ON PAGE 113; TV PROGRAMMES ON PAGE 127 SYNOPSES FOR THESE MOVIES BEGIN ON PAGE 113; TV PROGRAMMES ON PAGE 127 FROM MALAYSIA MOVIES TV Hollywood Favourites / International Latest Movies Comedy Personal Tailor M, C+, E+ Neram T, E+ The Grand Budapest Hotel E Life Of A King E, C+ Winter’s Tale E, F, K, ES, A+ Chennai Express H, E+ Movies Library Television Fashion Police – Oscar 2014 E The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button E, F, J, K, C+ The Brit Awards 2014 E The Devil Wears Prada E, G, I, F Enough Said E, F, G, C+ TO MALAYSIA Hollywood Favourites / International Rio E Television Top 20 FIFA World Cup Moments E Invite Mr Wright – Okinaw, Japan E Horrible Bosses E, F, J, ES, C+ Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows E, F, I, J, C+ Malay Istanbul Aku Datang ML Japanese The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom J, E+ Korean Man In Love K, E+ Marriage Blue K, C+, E+ Chinese The Journey M Languages Personal Tailor M, C+, E+ Hindi Chennai Express H, E+ E ENGLISH E+ ENGLISH SUBTITLES A ARABIC A+ ARABIC SUBTITLES C+ CHINESE SUBTITLES CA CANTONESE ES SPANISH F FRENCH G GERMAN H HINDI IN INDONESIAN I ITALIAN J JAPANESE K KOREAN M MANDARIN ML MALAY T TAMIL Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns H, E+ Tamil Neram T, E+ Indonesian 9 Summers 10 Autumns IN Family Guy, How I Met Your Mother, Super Fun Night E Malay 5 Rencah 5 Rasa ML Arabic Drama Amost Human, Sleepy Hollow E Sport 2010 FIFA World Cup Highlights South Africa, FIFA World Cup Stories, Top 20 FIFA World Cup Moments E Lifestyle Best In The World, Dirty Jobs, Masterchef U.S., Top Hooker E Destination, Turkish Food A Chinese Behind The Dialect Groups M Japanese The Before And After J Hindi Jo Biwi Se Kare Pyaar H, E+ Tamil Thotam Sollum Kathai T Business The Edge E Soundstage Kenny Rogers – The First 50 Years, Robbie Williams: One Night At The Palladium E Travel Bazaar, Globe Trekker E Science & Technology Monsters Inside Me, Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman E History Hidden Cities E Extras Your portable media player also gives you access to CDs (see pages 137145) and games (see page 146) 150 INSTRUCTIONS HANDSETS 擁有個人屏幕的乘客請參照以下圖像和說明來使用您的遙控器 個人スクリーンをお持ちのお客様はお手元のハンドセットを下の画像と合わせてから続けてお読みください First & Business Class B777 & B747 Economy Class & Inseat Video 1 All passengers B737-800 & A333 Economy Class A380 First & Business Class A380 1 12 1 10 8 13 2 15 14 14 11 9 6 2 2 5 14 2 4 3 4 5 6 5 3 5 4 15 6 17 16 6 1 11 9 1 7 11 8 11 7 7 15 9 12 9 11 11 11 On reverse 1. Control Paddle* 1. 控制板* 1. 上下左右ボタン* 2. Window Display 2. 顯示視窗 2. ウィンドウ表示 3. Mode 3. 模式 3. モード 4. Reading Light ON/OFF 4. 閱讀燈 ON/OFF 4. 読書用ライトON/OFF 5. Channel UP/DOWN 5. 頻道 UP/DOWN 5. チャンネルUP/DOWN 6. Volume UP/Down 6. 音量 UP/DOWN 6. 音声ボリュームUP/DOWN 7. Brightness UP/DOWN 7. 亮度 UP/DOWN 7. 明るさUP/DOWN 8. Button Disabled 8. 呼叫乘務員/取消 8. 乗務員呼び出し/取消 9. Select/Start* 9. 選擇/開始* 9. 選択/スタート* 10. Enter* 10. 確認* 10. 入力* 11. Game Controls* 11. 遊戲控制* 11. ゲームコントロール* 12. Audio/Video Controls - To Rewind, Play/ Pause, Forward and Stop for Audio/Video. 12. 12. 13. Back button - To go to previous screen. 13. 14. Screen ON/OFF button - To switch the Interactive screen ON/OFF. 14. 13. 14. 15. Home button - Shortcut to go to Main Menu. 15. 16. 16. QWERTY keyboard - B738 / A333 17. Magnetic card reader 17. 7 9 6 8 12 5 4 15. 16. * Not on the Inseat System 17. INSTRUCTIONS 151 YOUR SYSTEM Control at your fingertips 指尖操控 手軽な操作 For all passengers with the AVOD system. See page 108 to find out which system you’re using. 適用於使用影音點播系統的乘客。 請查閱第 108頁瞭解您所適用的 系統。 AVODシステム搭載機種の全ての お客様向け。お客様のご利用可能 なシステムの確認は108 歡迎 ページ目をご覧ください。 請在“歡迎”頁面選擇您的語言-英 語或馬來語 ようこそ Welcome From the Welcome screen, select your language–English or Bahasa Malaysia. 主菜單 點擊“選擇/開始”鍵或“確認”鍵在功 能表上進行選擇 「ようこそ」の画面スクリーンから お客様のご利用になる言語-英語 或いはバハサ・マレ ーシア(マレーシア公用語)をお選 びください。 Main menu メインメニュー Press Select/Start or Enter to choose from the main menu. メインメニューから「選択/スタ ート」か「入力」ボタンを押してく ださい。 Accessing your handset Accessing your screen in Golden Club Class Laptop power point 1. Press to release the handset 2. Press to stow the handset 3. Reset button–for use if the cord is over-extended. Your personal TV screen and handset are stowed in the armrest of your seat. Push OPEN to lift the cover of the armrest and lift the latch to release the screen. Rotate the screen and adjust it to the angle you desire. A power point is available on all seats in First and Golden Club class. Please ask a member of the cabin crew if you wish to borrow a suitable power adaptor. 取得手持控制器 取得金色俱樂部艙位顯示幕 手提電腦電源插座 1. 按下以釋放手持控制器 2. 按下以放回手持控制器 頭等艙和金色俱樂部艙位配備有電源插座。如需要插座轉 換器,請向客艙服務員索取。 3. 復位鍵-若連接線拉出過長,可按壓此鍵使其復位 您的個人電視顯示幕和控制器位於座椅扶手上。按 「OPEN」鍵開啟扶手上蓋,取出顯示幕。將顯示幕旋轉到 您需要的角度。 リモコンの使用法 ゴールデンクラブクラスの画面スクリ ーンの使用法 ノートパソコン用電源コンセント 1. リモコンを取り出すには本体全体を押してください。 2. リモコンを収納するには本体全 体を押して入れてく ださい。 電源コンセントはファーストクラス及びゴールデンクラブクラスの 全席でご利用いただけます。コンセントのアダプターが必要な場合 は乗務員までお申し付けください。 3. コードが長すぎる場合はリセットボタンを押してくだ さい。 お客様専用の画面スクリーンはお 座席のひじ掛に収納さ れています。 「OPEN」を押して、ひじ掛けのカバーを開 けて、画面スクリーンを引き出し てください。お客様のご 覧になる位置へ画面スクリーンを回転させ、角度を調節し てください。 Malaysia Airlines shall not be liable for any kind of injury, loss or damage arising from the use of adaptors. Adaptors are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability. 馬來西亞航空公司對於任何因使用插座轉換器造成的任 何損傷、損失或損壞不負責任。插座轉換器數量有限,本著 先到先得的原則,借完為止。 但し、マレーシア航空はこのアダプターの使用により生じた、いか なる傷害、損失或いは損害に対しても責任を負わないものとさせ ていただきます。また、アダプターの貸出は先着順で、対応可能 機種のみご利用いただけます。 152 INSTRUCTIONS YOUR TOUCH SCREEN B738/A333 Simply touch your chosen item to make a selection. Only available to passengers with this handset: Movies Scroll through your movie categories and make your selection. Welcome to your inflight entertainment! Simply touch or select the Start button to get started. TV Scroll through your TV categories and make your selection. A B C D E The footer Quick links to the most useful screens. F Music Scroll through your music categories and make your selection. A – Back Displays the previous screen. B – Home Displays the Main Menu screen. C – Tools Launches the Tools Menu pop up. D – Help Launches the Help Menu pop up. E – QuickNav Launches the QuickNav Menu pop up. F – Flight information Displays flight related information. Jukebox Select/touch Jukebox on the Music screen and create your own customised playlist! NEXT MONTH 153 JULY PREVIEW Take a peek at some of the new movies playing on board next month Divergent In a sci-fi adventure to rival The Hunger Games, outcast teenager Tris is classified as a Divergent, which will threaten her life unless she can discover her secret power in time. © 2014 Marvel MARVEL’S CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER The Face Of Love Annette Bening gives an emotional performance showing the complexities of a widow who falls in love with a man who looks exactly like her late husband. After being frozen for more than 70 years, Captain America, the superhero with the super shield, now has to both adjust to the modern world and battle a new threat from Soviet agent, the Winter Soldier. RIO 2 Odd Thomas This comedy horror, based on a best-selling book, follows small-town cook Odd Thomas – a man who can see dead people everywhere, and who ends up in a battle of good against evil. Having now married the bird of his dreams, this sequel sees Blu the macaw take wife Jewel and their three kids back to Rio de Janeiro for more adventures in the Amazon jungle. But that’s not so easy for a domesticated bird used to the finer things in life. Starring the voices of Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway.
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