Lostock Hall Academy A ‘good’ school (Ofsted 2014) Mon 2 March 2015 NEWSLETTER Volume 10 Issue 20 Message from the Headteacher Last week flew by and we are now only four weeks away from the Easter break – a very short, but very busy half term, particularly for pupils in Years 9 and 11. Year 9 pupils will be fully involved in the Key Stage 4 Options process; it was wonderful to see a 75% attendance of parents at last week’s Year 9 Options Evening. The Options Evening will be followed up with individual tutor review interviews this week and careers interviews with Mr Ficorilli our independent Careers Advisor. Year 11 pupils have been busy since Christmas with after school intervention sessions and some subjects like Music have already started their GCSE practical assessments. Our Year 11 Guidance Evening on Wednesday this week is an excellent opportunity for parents to obtain the important information they need to support their child through the exams process and I would urge everyone to attend . Mrs G Brimelow Headteacher Celebrating Success Year 9 Geography – ‘Plastic Bag Football’ Challenge – Mrs Williams Mrs Williams’ Year 9 classes linked together recycling and creativity in the ‘What on Earth are we doing to our planet?’ topic studied recently. Sets 2, 4 and 5 were challenged to produce the best plastic bag football that they could. Children in Less Economically Developed Countries are not as fortunate as children in our country, and they often make footballs in this way. So: having been given instructions and a basic demonstration, they set out making their plastic bag football. The winners from each class would receive a new leather football as a prize – which was also part of a whole school initiative to raise boys’ achievement. The entry standard was high, and each class had a strict criteria for testing the footballs. In the end, the winners from each class were (shown here with their prizes) 9 Set 2 – Nathan Massaro 9 Set 4 – Dylan Llewellin 9 Set 5 - Jamie Pye RE ‘Pupils of the Week’ –Mrs Jones Mrs Jones is nominating Fay Biddulph and Caitlin Hewitt-Hughes for pupils of the week. They spend a lot of time and put a lot of effort into their RE homework to produce excellent homework. 'Big Book Quiz' – Mrs Ellis On Thursday 12th February the 'Book Devourers' and the 'Lostock Lions' attended the 'Big Book Quiz' at Penwortham Priory Academy. The pupils presented themselves as excellent ambassadors for our school. They showed excellent commitment, maturity and dedication. Thank you to all of the following pupils: Book Devourers: Evi Carlisle, Isabelle Roocroft and Olivia Blackwell Lostock Lions: George McCaughey, Leon Colman, Harry Hodgson and Benjamin Antrobus. A particular congratulations to the 'Lostock Lions' who managed to secure second place in the competition. The English department would also like to say thank you to all parents/carers who supported the event. U13 Girls’ Netball – Miss Rennox The U13s Lostock Hall Academy Netball Girls played exceptionally well in their first netball matches against local schools. Chloe Aspin (bottom row, far left) demonstrated excellent defending skills and was nominated 'Player of the Match'. Well done to all the team! Past Pupil Inspires Art Students - Mrs Murray Past pupil Liam Rainford visited Year 9 Art and Design classes to share his experiences studying the LHA GCSE Art and Applied Art courses as they are now considering option choices for the next academic year. Liam gained A* grades in both Art GCSEs and is now a full time Art student at Newman College. He has recently exhibited his work at the Harris Museum and sold several pieces. Year 9 gained a real insight and understanding about the GCSE courses on offer and so ‘thank you’ to Liam Rainford shares his work with Year 9 Art pupils Liam for his time and enthusiasm for visual arts. News and Information Upholding Uniform Standards – Miss Gill We believe that smart appearance contributes to creating the right attitude and environment for learning; and reflects on the good name of the school. Pupils are expected to meet codes of dress and appearance as set out in the Academy’s uniform standards: http://www.lostockhallacademy.org/parents/uniform/ It has come to our attention that since the Christmas holidays, many pupils are not adhering to those standards. In particular we have noted the wearing of black Converse trainers/black pumps, as opposed to school shoes; skirts which are shorter than permissible and inappropriate haircuts. In summary: Skirts must be no more than 2 inches/5cm above the knee; Strong black shoes must be worn – trainers or pumps are not allowed; and No part of the head should be shaved less than a Number 2. Please ensure that your children attend school wearing the correct uniform. Sanctions will be imposed in line with Academy Behaviour and Discipline Policy for any further or repeat transgressions. More information can be found at http://www.lostockhallacademy.org/assets/Documents/Behaviour-andDiscipline-Policy-2013-10-01.pdf. If you wish to discuss the standards or equipment list, please contact the school who will arrange for you to be put in touch with an appropriate member of staff. Thank you. 2015 Sports Awards Evening - Mr Sloan The annual PE and School Sports Awards Evening is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 7th July. As in previous years the event has been organised to celebrate the wide range of individual and team successes achieved by all of our performers throughout the course of the 2014/15 sporting calendar. The PE Department has been tasked with raising all of the necessary funds to facilitate the running of the evening. With this in mind we have been busy organising a number of sponsored events that will enable us to invite our pupils to help raise the money to purchase the many medals and Team GB athlete Andrew Steele with members of the trophies required. U14 Boys Hockey Team at last year’s event All money raised is spent on the pupils and will help ensure that the event runs as successfully as in previous years. Participation in all fund-raising activities will be totally voluntary with any level of support being gratefully accepted. With this in mind we have scheduled a games based fund-raising evening (3.00-5.30pm) for Thursday 16th April. Letters and sponsorship forms will be distributed this half-term. In addition if anyone would like to (a) make a direct donation of any amount or (b) sponsor a set of team awards (average cost £20) then could you please contact me directly at school via the following email address: [email protected]. Once again I look forward to inviting you to the annual event to celebrate your child’s sporting achievement and success. Year 11 Examinations Guidance Evening – Mrs Gow This year, the Year 11 Guidance Evening for students and parents will be on Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 6.00pm. Please note the revised time of 6.00pm due to an Open Evening being held at Runshaw College on the same evening. It will focus on important information for the forthcoming GCSE examinations. It is important that parents/carers attend this meeting in support of their child. Parents will be required to sign in on entry and, upon doing so, each student will receive a free examination pack which will help them to prepare for their final examinations. We look forward to seeing you at this crucial event. Maths Intervention and Revision – Mr Lancaster Just a final reminder that the remaining Year 11 intervention and revision sessions for Maths are listed below. Pupils in intervention sessions have had letters sent home and know they are in these groups fortnightly. Other pupils are invited to revision sessions in the remaining weeks between. Pupils should have started their revision for their examinations and resources to aid revision are available on MyMaths, STAR, class notes books, practice books, revision guides and work books (£4) and Maths Watch DVDs (£3). This is in addition to a wealth of GCSE revision sites online. Pupils are encouraged to bring with them any revision they wish to go through and get help from their teacher in these sessions. Please encourage your child to attend these sessions if they require support to achieve their target grade. Year 11 Revision and Intervention Dates are: Intervention (for selected pupils) Revision Classes (open to all pupils) 10 March 17 March Learning Zone – Miss Breakell If you need somewhere quiet to learn or would like support for your homework stop by The Learning Zone, in the Library, Monday, Wednesday or Thursday@ 3-4pm. See attached poster for more details. Year 10 GCSE English Revision – Mrs Butterworth Please see the attached letter for parents/carers of Year 10 pupils, setting out a clear revision plan and activities for GCSE English Literature. Life Studies Day 3 – Mr Doyle Pupils recently took part in our third enrichment day for Life Studies on Wednesday 11th February which successfully featured various PSHE and Citizenship topics and lots of visitors to school. The day ran smoothly with pupils from Year 10 embarking on a work placement which was organised by themselves and will be evaluated in school. Our next day is Thursday 26th March 2015. Essential Equipment – Miss Gill Just a reminder to make sure pupils have the correct equipment for lessons – details are set out in the attached notice. If you wish to discuss the equipment list, please contact the school who will arrange for you to be put in touch with an appropriate member of staff. Thank you. World Book Day – Mrs Ellis We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March! All staff and pupils will be asked to dress up as a character from their favourite novel or from a genre they particularly enjoy. There will be books on sale and prizes for the most imaginative costumes. Every year we are astounded by the amazing creativity of our staff and pupils...we are looking forward to seeing what you can come up with this year! There will also be lunch time activities; a book sale of new and second hand; photo booth and the ‘wall of wisdom’. All donations for the book sale are welcome (please make them suitable for 11-16 year olds). Pupils can bring them to the library or school reception. See the attached poster for more information. Spring ‘Big Dig – Saturday 7 March: Mrs Sherlock and Mrs Wexler Pupils will be bringing home a letter this week (see attached) asking for your permission for them to join in our Spring Big Dig on Saturday 7th March in our Eco-Garden. Care and development of the garden helps to improve pupils’ knowledge about growing fruit and vegetables as well as making them aware of the benefits of outdoor activity and a healthy lifestyle. Please read the letter and support pupils who want to come on the 7th by giving your consent for their attendance. Pupil consent forms should be returned by Wednesday 4th March. Better still, come with them and lend a hand, too! British Science Week (13th - 22nd March) – Mrs Stephan Science week is a ten day programme of Science, Engineering, maths and Technology events across the UK. In school, pupils will be taking part in competitions, challenges and science based workshops. The timing of the week couldn't be better as there is a solar eclipse due on Friday 20th March between 8am and 10 am, where up to 90% of the sun will be covered by the moon. Pupils will make viewers and look at the eclipse safely. To find out more or to see what's happening locally visit http://www.britishscienceweek.org/events/ Science writing competition – Mrs Stephan Have you ever tried to explain something you learned in class to a friend or your parents? If you have, then you’re a communicator – and if that something happened to be about science, you’re a science communicator! The Bill Bryson Prize is a creative science communication competition. It is open to students around the world from ages 5–18. There are three categories: ages 5–11, 12–14 and 15–18. Your entry can take absolutely any form you want, and you can choose to enter individually or in a team (the age of the oldest team member will decide which category your team falls into). The theme for 2015 is Chance. From the Big Bang to evolution, from probability to penicillin, all kinds of scientific concepts relate to ‘Chance’. Previous entries have included videos, songs, sculptures, posters, poems, press articles, cartoons, games, magazines – even plays and podcasts! The judges are looking for imaginative entries that communicate science in interesting ways. All entries must be submitted online. The deadline for submitting entries is 31 March 2015. For more information and to see last year's winner go to http://www.rsc.org/competitions/bill-brysonprize/#bb-prizes. Let Mrs Stephan or your science teacher know if you submit an entry! Sainsbury’s ‘Active Kids’ Voucher – Miss Rennox The PE department are collecting the Sainsbury’s ‘Active Kids for All’ Vouchers. We really appreciate help from parents and carers in giving any vouchers they receive to their children to bring into school. Pupils can put vouchers in a box in PE or else pass to form tutors who will give them to PE staff. Find out more about Active Kids at https://activekids.sainsburys.co.uk/ Safer Internet Day 2015 – Mr Doyle Are you aware of what you child does online? Do you know about privacy settings on social media websites? Do you realise that your child's digital footprint stays with them for many years? Tuesday 10th February was national Safer Internet Day and pupils attended an assembly covering issues around safe internet use including bullying online, how to stay safe and how to avoid a negative digital footprint. These are great discussion topics that you can have with your child at home to ensure that they think a little more before posting comments/pictures online, and ensure that privacy settings are set to maximum. You can also see the poster attached to 9 February 2015 newsletter for further ideas. Careers Advice – Mrs Bradley Mr Victor Ficorilli Independent Careers Adviser will be available in school every Monday this coming term to arrange individual career appointments for year 9 pupils. He will continue to see Year 10& 11 pupils and will run a lunchtime careers drop-in the PE Department and also after school meetings can be arranged with parents. Apprenticeships are still available to discuss with Mr Ficorilli with any Year 11 pupils who might be interested in applying. He will also be in attendance at year 9 options evening this Thursday. Careers Advice and Outside Activities– Mrs Bradley Please see the attached posted advertising an event at Royal Preston Hospital on 5 th March where pupils can explore options for careers in the Health Care sector. Pupils can attend from 4;30pm onwards. Please also see the posters attached to this newsletter advertising and promoting: Apprenticeships in Construction; Workshops on Surviving Teenage Years (for teenagers and parents/carers!); and Football for fun opportunities. Dates for your diary March Mon 2nd to Fri 6th Wed 4th Thurs 5th Sat 7th AQA Functional Skills ICT Exam Yr 11 Guidance Evening @6.00pm, Main Hall World Book Day Eco garden Spring ‘Big Dig’ @9.30am, garden Wed 11th to Fri 13th Thurs 12th GCSE PE Moderation Attendance Panel Mon 16th & Thurs 19th Sun 22nd Yr 11 Controlled Assessment Art & Design Yr 11 Geography Active Revision (Grasmere) 21st January 2015 Dear Parent / Carer, Re: Year 10 English Sets 1-4 I am delighted to inform you that your child has been working hard in their English lessons. However, as we approach the final examination in GCSE Literature, I would like to make you aware of appropriate revision activities that should now be taking place at home. Monday 18h May 2015 GCSE English Literature Unit 1 – 2 hours Section A: ‘Of Mice and Men’ or 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Analyse an extract from the novel (20 mins) Stay focused on the extract (annotate it first) Aim for a side of A4 Use the key words from the question throughout Use P-E-A-S Select an essay question based on theme or character in the novel and complete (40 mins) Plan Show your knowledge of the entire novel Aim for two sides of A4 Use P-E-A-S Section B: Poetry Read two previously unseen poems Highlight and annotate the poems Plan your response Write for 45 minutes (two sides) Make sure the last third of your essay explores the similarities and differences between the two poems. Friday 22nd May 2015 GCSE English Literature Unit 2 – 2 hours Section A: ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘Blood Brothers’ Complete the extract question (20 mins) Recommended Revision Activities Go to www.wjec.co.uk and use the past papers available to practise completing the questions in the recommended time. Highlight key words in the character/theme questions and produce brainstorms – number your brainstorm to show the sequence of your essay. Use GCSE Bitesize at www.bbc.co.uk to explore themes and characters – use their links and online revision activities. For each main character and each main theme learn a pertinent quotation that you can use within your essay writing. Watch the film or download an audio file to listen to on your phone. Use the STAR page activities - ‘GCSE English Literature Exam Practice’ Revise and use formal connectives (see STAR page) Practise using formal connectives in your writing when comparing two poems. Recommended Revision Activities See above. Use the revision strategies you used for ‘Of Mice and Men’ or 'To Kill A Mockingbird' and apply to the study of these two texts. Choose one essay on character or theme to complete (40 mins) Section B: ‘Heroes’ or ‘Lord of the Flies’ Complete the extract question (20 mins) Choose one essay on character or theme to complete (40 mins) The GCSE Bitesize website allows you to read the examination books online and make notes on them. York Notes on texts are very accessible. See the school STAR page – GCSE Literature exam. Use http://www.gcsepod.co.uk/home/ to listen to revision podcasts on the texts. Go to http://oer.wjec.co.uk/ , an online review page where past pupil responses can be viewed with the accompanying examiner comments. A consistent revision schedule between now and the examination date is a vital part of your child’s preparation for the GCSE examinations and will have a direct impact on their GCSE result. Therefore, your child should already have devised a revision timetable and be spending regular periods engaged in the activities overleaf. Little and often is a good approach for pupils who struggle to discipline themselves, however, practising the timings of examination papers can help boost pupils’ confidence substantially. Should you have any questions about your child’s revision, please do not hesitate in contacting me at [email protected]. Yours faithfully, Mrs J. Butterworth Head of English
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