Il Programma di lavoro NMPB 2014-2015 in Horizon 2020 ed il ruolo della delegazione a supporto della partecipazione italiana Donata Medaglini Università degli Studi di Siena Rappresentante Italiano nel Comitato di Programma H2020 “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing” Giornata Informativa sul Programma Horizon 2020 – Università di Siena 25 Febbraio 2014 Delegazione italiana nei Comitati di Programma • esprime la posizione italiana nella elaborazione dei Programmi di Lavoro (quindi dei bandi) e nei diversi stadi della loro implementazione • riferimenti: gli obiettivi generali della ricerca EU d’interesse per Italia i piani nazionali e regionali della ricerca le capacità di ricerca del paese • obiettivi: il massimo numero di progetti italiani di successo: sostenere temi in cui la partecipazione italiana può avere successo migliorare il ritorno rispetto a FP7 (obiettivo 14%) Ruolo dei delegati nazionali • Rappresentare gli interessi del Paese in UE – Proporre alla CE modifiche ai WP – Consultare gli stakeholers nazionali – Creare sinergie ed alleanze con le altre delegazioni • Accrescere la competitività dell’Italia – Partecipare alla definizione del PNR in linea con H2020 – Sostenere sinergie tra UE, Regioni, MIUR, Cluster tecnologici. Governance – Horizon 2020 14 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE CONFIGURATIONS (provide Member States oversight and input into work programmes) 1. HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION 4 . ICT 2. ERC Marie Curie, FET 8. Health 9. Bio-economy 5. Nanotech,Materials, Biotech, Manufacturing 10. Energy 11. Transport 3. Research infrastructures 6. Space 7. SMEs, Risk Finance 12. Climate 13. Inclusive societies 14. Security Rappresentanti italiani nei comitati di H2020 1. Horizontal Configuration: Prof. Fulvio ESPOSITO, Capo Segreteria Tecnica MIUR. 10. Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy: Prof. Riccardo BASOSI, Università di Siena 2. ERC, MSCA, FET: Dr. Daniela CORDA, CNRNapoli. 11. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport: Prof. Angela DI FEBBRARO, Università di Genova 3. Research Infrastructure: Prof. Cristina MESSA, Rettore Università Milano Bicocca 4. ICT: Prof. Paola INVERARDI, Rettore Università de l’Aquila 12. Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials: Prof. Carlo BARBANTE, CNRVenezia, Università Cà Foscari Venezia 5. 6. Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing: Prof. Donata MEDAGLINI, Università di Siena 14. Secure Societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens: Prof. Maurizio AIELLO, CNR-Genova Space: Prof. Amalia ERCOLI FINZI, Politecnico di Milano 7. 8. 15. EURATOM: Dott. Giacomo CUTTONE, INFNRoma SME & Access to Risk Finance: Prof. Alberto DI MININ, Con Min. per le Politiche 16. JPI ex Aart. 187: Dott. Fabrizio VECCHI, Capo sull’Innovazione MIUR; Ricercatore Economia Segreteria MIUR, Dott. Federico e gestione dell’impresa “S.S.S. Anna” CINQUEPALMI, DG per ’Internazionalizzazione della ricerca MIUR Health, Demographic change & Wellbeing: Prof. Angela SANTONI, Università La Sapienza, Roma 9. 13. Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies: Prof. Fabio DONATO, Univeristà di Ferrara European Bioeconomy Challenges: Prof. Favio FAVA, Università di Bologna Delegazione Italiana NMP-B H2020 Donata Medaglini Delegata per il Comitato NMP+B in H2020 Esperti: Elisa Molinari Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Delegata per il Comitato NMP in FP7 Luisa Tondelli CNR Bologna Luisa Torsi Università di Bari Francesca Cappiello Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Rappresentanti dell’ Industria (nomina in corso) NMP in FP7 % finanziamenti per aree tematiche Tema nano materiali integrazione totale AT 2,89 2,46 1,94 1,61 2,26 BE 4,24 5,53 4,64 5,25 4,92 DE 18,74 20,52 26,04 18,56 20,80 EL 1,97 1,88 1,66 2,44 1,99 ES 9,54 8,88 8,93 9,01 9,10 FI 3,23 2,49 2,49 4,30 3,12 FR IT 6,69 9,78 8,08 11,29 8,00 10,46 10,80 9,47 8,34 10,27 NL 4,80 5,30 4,38 5,36 4,98 Obiettivo H2020 Aumentare la capacità del sistema nazionale di attrarre fondi 14% La partecipazione italiana vincente è più forte nelle PPP UK 12,93 11,42 10,69 7,86 10,81 Preparation of H2020 Work Programme Adoption of WP ( 10 Dec 2013) Approval of the Work Programme (20 Nov 2013) Member States Consultation Draft Work Programmes (Sept-Nov 2013) Draft Horizon 2020 Strategic Programme (Feb2013) EC proposal for H2020 (30 Nov 2011) Launch of first calls Work Programme Cycle 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 •WP for 2015 is provided on an indicative basis and may be revised during 2014 •Will start soon discussion on WP 2016-2017 NMP+B in Horizon 2020 KETs: Key Enabling Technologies •Six strategic technologies •Driving competitiviness and growth opportunities •Contribution to solving societal challenges •Knowledge and capital intensity •Cut across many sectors The relevant topics of the work programme have been developed identifying promising areas for cross-cutting KETs. Photonics Biotechnology Advanced Manufactoring Systems Advanced Materials •KET High-level Group Micro and Nanoelectronics •EC Communications (2009) 512 & (2012) 341 Nanotechnology European KET Strategy: Calls 2014-2015 Budget/Budget Calls 2014-2015 Total Budget NMP+B 2014-2015 : 992,2 € million Budget 2014: 488,2 € million Budget 2015: 504 € million Contributions to other Energy Efficient programme (ICT/WASTE) NMP Buildings 1,8% 49,2% 11,5% Sustainable Process Industries 13,5% NMP 49,2% 1 2 3 4 Factories of the Future 16% 5 6 BIOTECH 7,9% 41% of the NMP+B Budget for PPP Public Private Partnerships in Horizon 2020 To solve problems together with industry To strengthen European industrial leadership To facilitate prioritisation of R&I in line with the Europe 2020 objectives and industry needs To leverage research and innovation elements To strongly commit industry to joint objectives PPPs in Horizon 2020 3 PPP in NMPB PPPs in NMPB FoF Area covered: Process optimisation; manufacturing of complex structures; energy efficiency; worker –attractive factories; product-service design; human-robot collaboration EeB SPIRE Innovative construction Performance monitoring tools New technologies Building solutions with energy equipment and storage Interactive sustainable buildings hnologies/factories-of-the-future_en.html y-efficient-buildings_en.html Calls 2014 NMP - Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production Addressing generic needs inpotential support governance, standards, models and Safety of nanotechnology-based applications and support for and thetechnologies development Exploiting the cross-sector of for Nanotechnologies Advanced Nanotechnology and Advanced materials low-carbon energy Nanotechnology Advanced Materials for more effective Healthcare Bridging the gapand between nanotechnology research and markets structuring inMaterials nanotechnology, materials advanced manufacturing of regulation to drive competitiveness andand sustainibility andadvanced Energy Efficiency Topic Id. Title Instrument TRL NMP1- 2014 Open access pilot lines for cost-effective nanocomposites Res & I Actions 4/5 NMP4- 2014 NMP5- 2014 NMP8- 2014 NMP9- 2014 High definition printing of multifunctional materials Industrial-scale production of nanomaterials for printing applications Scale-up of nanopharmaceuticals production Networking of SMEs in the nano-biomedical sector I Actions I Actions Res &I Actions Support Actions 4/5 4/5 4/5 NMP27- 2014 Coordination of EU and international efforts in safety of nanotechnology Support Actions NMP31- 2014 Novel visualization tools for enhanced nanotechnology awareness Support Actions NMP33- 2014 The Materials "Common House" NMP34- 2014 Networking and sharing of best practises in management of new advanced materials through the eco-design of products, eco-innovation, and product life cycle management. NMP36- 2014 Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in NMP NMP37- 2014 Practical experience and facilitating combined funding for large-scale RDI initiatives NMP38- 2014 Presidency events NMP39- 2014 Support for NCPs NMP10- 2014 Biomaterials for the treatment of diabetes mellitus NMP13- 2014 Storage of energy produced by decentralised sources NMP18- 2014 Materials solutions for use in the creative industry sector NMP20- 2014 Widening materials models NMP21- 2014 Materials-based solutions for the protection or preservation of European cultural heritage NMP26- 2014 Joint EU & MS activity on the next phase of research in support of regulation “NANOREG II" NMP28- 2014 Assessment of environmental fate of nanomaterials NMP35- 2014 Business models with new supply chains for sustainable customer-driven small series production NMP17Post-lithium ion batteries for electric automotive applications 2014 Support Actions Support Actions Support Actions Support Actions Support Actions Support Actions Res & I Actions Res & I Actions I Actions Res & I Actions I Actions Selection procedure/ Deadline 6 Single stage 06/05/2014 6 6 6/7 Budget (EUR Million) 66.20 12.50 Res & I Actions Target 5 Target 5 Two stage: Target 5-7 Target 5 Target 5-7 First stage 0 6/05/2014 Target 5 Res & I Actions I Actions Second stage Target 4 Target 6-7 0 7/10/2014 Res & I Actions Target 4 Single stage 07/10/2014 114.20 16.00 NMP 4 – 2014 High definition printing of multifunctional materials Scope: Proposals should address industrial needs by developing and demonstrating in relevant industrial environments high throughput printing technologies with higher definitions (down to nanoscale) utilising a wider spectrum of multifunctional materials. Pilot line setting should be used to verify production speed and reliability, as well as sufficient yield, quality and functionality of the intended application. Expected impact: • Significant improvements in industrial productivity in comparison with traditional processes, such as lithography, verified in a pilot line setting in terms of production speed and reliability • Contribution to improved resource efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness of high throughput printing processes and related products; • Contribution to improved technical knowledge on printing of functional materials at the nanoscale, leading to new products and creating market opportunities for European industries; Type of action: Research & Innovation Actions, projects start at TRL 4-5 and target TRL 6. Budget: 5-8 million Calls 2015 NMP - Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production Addressing generic needs inAdvanced support ofMaterials governance, standards, models and of Safety of Nanotechnology nanotechnology-based applications and support for effective the development Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials forlow-carbon more Exploiting the cross-sector potential of Nanotechnologies and Advanced and for energy Bridging the gap between nanotechnology research and markets structuring in nanotechnology, advancwed materials and advanced manufactoring regulation Healthcare Materialstechnologies to drive competitiveness and sustainibility and Energy Efficiency Topic Id. Title Instrument TRL NMP2- 2015 Integration of novel nanomaterials into existing production lines I Actions Target 7 NMP3- 2015 NMP6- 2015 Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules I Actions Res & I Actions Target 6 Target 4-5 NMP7- 2015 Additive manufacturing for table-top nanofactories Res & I Actions Target 4-5 NMP32- 2015 Societal engagement on responsible nanotechnology Support Actions NMP38- 2015 Presidency events Support Actions NMP11- 2015 Nanomedicine therapy for cancer Res & I Actions Target 6-7 NMP12- 2015 Biomaterials for treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease Res & I Actions Target 5 NMP15- 2015 Materials innovations for the optimisation of cooling in power plants I Actions Target 6 NMP16- 2015 Extended in-service life of advanced functional materials in energy technologies (capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy) I Actions Target 6 NMP19- 2015 Res & I Actions Target 5 NMP22- 2015 Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities Fibre-based materials for non-clothing application I Actions Target 5-6 NMP23- 2015 Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials Res & I Actions Target 3-4 NMP24- 2015 Low-energy solutions for drinking water production I Actions Target 6-7 NMP29- 2015 Increasing the capacity to perform nano-safety ass Res & I Actions Target 4 NMP30- 2015 Next generation tools for risk governance of nanomaterials Res & I Actions Target 5 NMP14- 2015 ERA-NET on Materials (including Materials for Energy) I Actions Target 6 NMP252014/2015 Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs SME Instrument (70% funding) Selection procedure/ Deadline Single stage 26/03/2015 Budget (EUR Million) 66.00 2.20 Two stage: First stage 26/03/2015 152.00 Second stage 08/09/2015 Single stage 26/03/2015 Phase 1 Phase 2 2014 Phase 1 Phase2 2015 10.00 21.80 23.80 Background BIOTECHNOLOGY CALLS FP7 Biotech KBBE (Knowledge based bio-economy) Industrial biotechnology H2020 LEIT Biotech •Biotechnology-based industrial processes •Boosting cutting-edge biotechnologies as future innovation drivers Environmental biotechnology Emerging trends in biotechnology • Innovative and competitive platform technologies NEW Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts Marine and fresh-water biotechnology Biorefinery Societal challenge 2 Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy Calls BIOTEC 2014/2015 – Biotechnology Topic Id. Title Instrument BIOTEC 1- 2014 Synthetic biology- construction of organisms for new products and processes Res & I Actions Target 3-5 BIOTEC 3- 2014 Widening industrial application of enzymatic processes I Actions Target 5-7 BIOTEC 4 - 2014 Downstream processes unlocking biotechnological transformations New bioinformatics approaches in service of biotechnology I Actions Target 5-7 BIOTEC 2- 2015 TRL Res & I Actions Target 3-5 Target 3-5 Selection procedure/ Deadline Budget (EUR Million) Two stage: 18.00 First stage 12/03/2014 Second stage 26/06/2014 29.90 Two stage: First stage 24/02/2015 Second stage 11/06/2015 BIOTEC 6- 2015 Metagenomics as innovation driver Res &I Actions BIOTEC 52014/2015 SME- boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainibility SME Instrument Target 6 or Single stage: above Phase 1 and Phase 2 2014/2015 29.60 6.20 BIOTEC 1 - 2014: Synthetic biology – construction of organisms for new products and processes Scope: Proposals should be industry and application driven, aiming on innovative approaches for different industrially relevant products. RTD challenges relate to the artificial design and/or simplification of the genomes and their use for the predictable engineering of biotechnological applications Expected impact: • Scientific breakthroughs spurring innovation across sectors such as healthcare, energy, materials, chemicals, environmental technologies and agriculture. • Technological validation of a number of synthetic biology derived products currently approaching proof-of-concept phase. • Reinforced cooperation with academia will allow European industry including SMEs to capitalise on the European knowhow of synthetic biology and keep the prospects for European synthetic biology at the front of global competition. Type of action: Research & Innovation Actions, TRL: 3 and 5. Budget: 6-10 million Calls 2014/2015 FoF - Factories of the Future Topic Id. Title Instrument FoF 1- 2014 Process optimisation of manufacturing assets FoF 2- 2014 Target 4-6 FoF 3- 2014 Manufacturing processes for complex structures and geometries with efficient use of material Global energy and other resources efficiency in manufacturing enterprises Res & I Actions Support Actions Res & I Actions Res & I Actions Target 4-6 FoF 4- 2014 Developing smart factories that are attractive to workers I Actions Target 5-7 FoF 5- 2014 Innovative product-service design using manufacturing intelligence Res & I Actions Target 4-6 FoF 6- 2014 I Actions Target 5-7 FoF 7- 2014 Symbiotic human-robot collaborations for safe and dynamic multimodal manufacturing systems Support for the enhancement of the impact of FoF PPP projects Fof 8 - 2015 ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies Fof 9 - 2015 ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) Fof 10 - 2015 Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalised products Res & I Actions Support Actions Res & I Actions Support Actions Res & I Actions Target 4-6 Fof 11 - 2015 Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes of multimaterials Re-use and re-manufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product life cycle management Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes I Actions Target 5-7 I Actions Target 5-7 Res & I Actions Target 4-6 Res & I Actions Target 4-6 Fof 12 - 2015 Fof 13 - 2015 Fof 14 - 2015 TRL Deadline 20/03/2014 Budget (EUR Million) 34.00 (ICT) 82.00 Support Actions 09/12/2014 32.00 (ICT) 36.00 (ICT) 77.00 Calls EeB - Energy-efficient Buildings Topic Id. Title Instrument TRL EeB 1- 2014 Materials for building envelope I Actions EeB 2- 2014 Adaptable envelopes integrated in building refurbishment projects Development of new self-inspection techniques and quality check measures for efficient construction processes Res & I Actions Target 6 and above Target 4-6 Res & I Actions Target 4-6 Support for the enhancement of the impact of EeB PPP projects Innovative design tools for refurbishment at building and district level Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building applications New tools and methodologies to reduce the gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings Support Actions Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings EeB 3- 2014 EeB 4- 2014 EeB 5- 2015 EeB 6- 2015 EeB 7- 2015 EeB 8- 2015 I Actions Target 5-7 Res & I Actions Target 4-6 I Actions Target 5-7 I Actions Target 5-7 Deadline Budget (EUR Million) 20/03/2014 49.50 09/12/2014 64.00 Calls SPIRE- Sustainable Process Industries Topic Id. Title Instrument TRL Deadline SPIRE 1-2004 Integrated Process Control Res & I Actions Target 3-5 20/03/2014 Budget (EUR Million) 60.30 SPIRE 2-2004 Adaptable industrial processes allowing the use of renewables as flexible feedstock for chemical and energy applications Improved downstream processing of mixtures in process industries I Actions Target 5-7 09/12/2014 77.00 SPIRE 3-2004 Target 5-7 SPIRE 4-2004 Methodologies, tools and indicators for cross-sectorial Support Actions sustainability assessment of energy and resource efficient solutions in the process industry SPIRE 5- 2005 New adaptable catalytic reactor methodologies for Process Intensification Res & I Actions Target 3-5 SPIRE 6- 2005 Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries Res & I Actions Target 4-6 SPIRE 7- 2005 Recovery technologies for metals and other minerals I Actions Target 5-7 SPIRE 8- 2005 Solid handling for intesified process technology I Actions Target 5-7 NMP+B in Horizon 2020: Suggerimenti per una partecipazione di successo Leggere bene le call: • Technical content / scope • Special features • Expected impact • Funding scheme • TRL non conviene forzare troppo rispetto alla call Se trovate « la vostra call » • Scegliere i partner sulla base della qualità e del reale contributo al progetto sinergie tra imprese e uni/ricerca • Leggere bene anche i criteri di valutazione e le istruzioni per i referee • Far leggere l’idea progettuale, e poi il proposal, con buon anticipo a qualcuno che ne abbia già fatti. Leggere bene le call: • Technical content • Special features • Expected impact • Funding scheme • Verificare il TRL Se non trovate « la vostra call » Leggere bene le call: • Technical content • Special features • Expected impact • Funding scheme • Verificare il TRL non conviene forzare troppo rispetto alla call Se non trovate « la vostra call » • altre parti di Horizon 2020 • input per prossime call attraverso •Board di Consultazione •Consultazioni Nazionali (APRE) •Ogranizzazione/partecipazione a Workshops, Position papers •Partecipazione attiva nelle PPP •Incontri per rafforzare collaborazioni con esperti di altri paesi •Organizzazione di tavoli di lavoro •Giornate info nazionali e europee, Incontri regionali • Delegati e esperti nazionali Horizon 2020 Participant Portal : Reference Documents Participant Portal Search Topics Participant Portal Calls Participant Portal Calls Topics Horizon 2020 – Types of Action For Researchers Call for experts New calls for expression of interest for individual experts and for organisations to suggest experts for the evaluation of proposals under Horizon 2020 published. • 020_call-individual_experts_oj_c342_03.pdf LET’S 2014 Evento del semestre di PRESIDENZA ITALIANA dell’UNIONE EUROPEA (Luglio-Dicembre 2014) Bologna, Palazzo dei Congressi 29 Settembre – 1 Ottobre 2014 Co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea FP7-NMP.2013.4.0-9 - Organisation of events including those related to the Presidencies of the European Union Support Action (SA) – Grant agreement no. 608892 More information: Horizon 2020: H2020 Research Participant Portal: Full List of H2020 Reference Documents: tml Full List of H2020 Calls: er_calls.html Contractual Public Private Partnerships in research and innovation: APRE: Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
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