IRP設立10周年・阪神・淡路大震災20年事業 IRP国際復興フォーラム2015 ~世界各地から防災の英知が兵庫に集結、大規模災害からの復興を語る~ IRP’S INTERNATIONAL RECOVERY FORUM 2015 20th Commemoration of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake ~Sending the Message of Building Back Better from Hyogo, Japan ~ Date : 16 January 2015 (Friday) 9:30-17:30 Venue : Heian Room, Hotel Okura Kobe, Hyogo 日程 : 2015年1月16日(金)9:30~17:30 場所 : ホテルオークラ神戸「平安の間」 Background & Objective 開催趣旨 The International Recovery Forum 2015 will commemorate the 20thYear of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. It will be held on January 16, 2015 at Hotel Okura in Kobe, Hyogo. The Forum will further explore how the lessons from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake can be effectively disseminated, analyzed, and applied to situations with similar challenges. The outcomes of the Forum will include recommended strategies and actions of implementing the recovery component of the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Forum is expected to achieve the following objectives: Taking stock of the gains from the recovery initiatives spearheaded by Hyogo Prefectural Government in partnership with the Government of Japan and the International Recovery Platform· 国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP: International Recovery Platform)は、大規模災害からの「Build Back Better」を促進する ための国際的な協力の枠組として、2005年5月の設立以来、国連機 関等と連携しつつ、日本政府、兵庫県の支援のもと、復興支援ツー ルの開発や人材育成事業の実施、知識の集約と情報発信を行ってい ます。 この活動の一環として、IRPでは、毎年1月、国内外からハイレ ベル政策決定者や実務家、著名な専門家を兵庫県に招いて、「IR P国際復興フォーラム」を開催、毎回多くの出席者による活発な意 見交換を通じて、阪神・淡路大震災の被災地である兵庫県から海外 へ大きく発信し続けているところです。 今回のフォーラムは、IRP設立10周年及び阪神・淡路大震災2 0年事業として、特別プログラムにより、世界各地の巨大災害から の復興について、アジアなど災害多発国の政府高官等による講演、 国連等国際機関によるプレゼンテーションやパネルディスカッショ ンを通じて、災害からの「Build Back Better」を実現する方策につ いて討議を行うとともに、2015年3月に仙台で開催予定の「第3回 国連防災世界会議」に向けた発信を行います。 Sharing of experiences from mega disaster-impacted countries indicating how the lessons from the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake have further contributed to their respective DRR efforts· Bridging the learnings of Hyogo Prefectural Government from hosting the 2nd World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) to Sendai City Government which will host the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), March 14-18, 2015. 主催 / Organizers 国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)、内閣府、兵庫県、アジア防災センター(ADRC)、国連開発計画(UNDP)、国連国際防災戦略事務局(UNISDR) International Recovery Platform (IRP), the Cabinet Office of Japan, Hyogo Prefectural Government, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) 後援 / In Cooperation with 外務省、NHK神戸放送局/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, NHK Kobe 使用言語 / Language 日本語・英語(日英同時通訳有り)/English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation) 開会あいさつ/Opening 開会あいさつ/Opening Remarks 開会あいさつ/Opening Remarks 国連開発計画公共政策・支援局長 (IRP運営委員会議長) 内閣府副大臣 ジョー・ ショウヤー Mr. Jo Scheuer 赤澤 亮正 Mr. Ryosei Akazawa Director, Bureau for Public Policy and Support (BPPS), UNDP, New York (Chair, IRP Steering Committee) IRP運営委員会議長(2013年~)のジョー・ショウヤー氏は、前UNDP危機予防復興局コーディネ ーターであり、また、カンボジアのカントリー・ディレクター(2007-2010年)として、気候変動対応 に対する多国信託資金の推進にも携わった。それ以前には、UNDPインドの副ディレクターを務め( 2004-2007年)、インド洋津波に対する国連合同対応のコーディネートを行っており、UNDPでは 他にネパール、ニューヨーク、ニジェール、パプアニューギニアでの経験も持つ。2014年11月より 現職。 The Chair of IRP Steering Committee (2013~) is the former Coordinator of DRR and Recovery Team of UNDP/BCPR. He was Country Director of UNDP Cambodia (2007-2010), who facilitated the development of a multi-donor trust fund on climate change adaptation. He was Deputy Country Director of UNDP India (2004-2007), where he coordinated the joint UN response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami. His earlier posts at UNDP were in Nepal, New York, Niger, and Papua New Guinea. Jo Scheuer occupied his current post at UNDP/BPPS in November 2014. State-Minister of Cabinet Office Government of Japan 赤澤亮正氏は、1984年に運輸省に入省。国土交通省大臣官房総務課企画官(2002年)、 日本郵政公社事業総本部国際本部海外事業部長(2004年)等を経て、2005年9月に衆 議院総選挙にて初当選。2012年には国土交通省政務官、2013年には自民党国土交通部 会長に就任し、2014年9月より現職。同12月より防災を担当。 Mr. Ryosei Akazawa entered Ministry of Transport in 1984. He became Director for General Affairs, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) in 2002, Director General, Japan Post in 2004. He resigned from MLIT and was elected to the House of Representatives member in September 2005 and appointed Parliamentary Vice-Minister of MLIT in 2012 and became Director, Land, Infrastructure and Transport Division, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) in 2013. He has been in the present post since September 2014 and has been in charge of Disaster Management since December 2014. 基調講演/Keynote Speech 兵庫県知事 井戸 敏三 Mr. Toshizo Ido Governor, Hyogo Prefectural Government 井戸敏三氏は、自治省入省後、鳥取県、佐賀県、宮城県、静岡県、国土庁土地局、自治 省税務局を経て、運輸省航空局、自治省行政局、財政局、大臣官房各課長を歴任。自治 大臣官房審議官を経たのち、1996年に兵庫県副知事に就任。2001年より現職。 While at Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), he worked for Totori, Saga, Miyagi, and Shizuoka Prefectural Government as well as for Land Bureau, National Land Agency and Local Tax Bureau, MHA. Subsequently he served as director of various divisions at Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Transportation, Local Administration Bureau, MHA and Local Finance Bureau, MHA, Minister's Secretariat, MHA. In 1996, he was appointed as Vice Governor of Hyogo Prefecture. Since 2001, he has been Governor of Hyogo Prefecture. Session1: National and Regional Engagement in Recovery Planning and Recovery Frameworks アメリカ合衆国国土安全保障省連邦緊急事態管理庁(FEMA) 副長官(応急対応・復興担当) エリザベス・ジマーマン Ms. Elizabeth A. Zimmerman Associate Administrator, Office of Response & Recovery (ORR), FEMA, USA バングラデシュ災害復興戦略研究所理事長 アクラム H. チャウドリー Dr. Md. Akram H. Chowdhury Executive Chairperson, Institute of Strategic Recovery Studies for Disaster Resilience & Research (ISRSDRR) エリザベス・ジマーマン氏は、FEMAの応急対応、復興及びロジスティックに係る計画及び活動を 統括しており、大災害及び緊急事態時のFEMA本部による全対応の総合調整責任者でもある。 また、同氏は2009年のFEMA入庁以来、これまで国家災害復興枠組や復興支援機能、連邦災 害復興調整の推進、連携及び広報に携わってきている。 アクラム・チャウドリー氏は1954年バングラデシュ生まれ。第9期国会(2009~2014年)で議 員を務め、食糧省及び防災省の常任委員会委員として活動した。現在、ISRSDRRの理事長 を務めているほか、UNISDRの防災に係るアジア地域議員アドバイザリー・グループのメンバー となっている。 Ms. Elizabeth A. Zimmerman is responsible for directing FEMA’s response, recovery and logistics programs and operations. Ms. Zimmerman also fulfills the role of “Director of Disaster Operations” and has ultimate responsibility for coordinating and synchronizing all FEMA Headquarters operational response and related activities during major disasters or emergency activations. Ms. Zimmerman was appointed and began her FEMA service in June 2009. During her tenure with FEMA, she championed the development, collaboration and publication of the National Disaster Recovery Framework, the Recovery Support Functions, and the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordination. Dr. Md. Akram H. Chowdhury was born in 1954 in his village Chakrail, under the Badalgachhi upazila (sub-district) at Naogaon District in Bangladesh. He was Member of Parliament (MP) at the 9th Parliament (2009-2014) and a member of the standing committee of the both the Ministry of Food and the Ministry of Disaster Management. Currently he is Executive Chairperson of ISRSDRR and also one of the members of Asian Advisory Group of Parliamentarian (APAG) for Disaster Risk Reduction affiliated with the UNISDR. モデレーター/Moderator 中米防災調整センター(CEPREDENAC)研修・教育コーディネーター UNISDR北東アジア事務所及び国際防災教育研修所 所長 マイラ・ヴァレー・トーレス Ms. Mayra Valle Torres サンジャヤ・バティア Mr. Sanjaya Bhatia Coordinator, Training and Education, Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC) マイラ・ヴァレー・トーレス氏は、教育政策及び災害リスク管理分野における開発プログラムの専門 家である。これまで、NPOや国際協力機関、地域の政府間組織と共に、防災文化に係る教育や 研修、制度化を通じて、安全で持続可能な開発を促進するプログラムの実現やコーディネートに 取り組んできた。現在、CEPREDENACの研修・教育コーディネーターとして、加盟6か国の研修・ 教育プログラムの推進に携わっている。 Ms. Mayra Valle Torres is a development programs’ professional, with specialization in educational policies and disaster risk management. Her work experience includes working with non-profit organizations, international cooperation agencies and intergovernmental regional institutions, in the fields of implementation and coordination of programs oriented to promote safe and sustainable development, through education, training and the institutionalization of a culture of prevention. She currently works as Coordinator for the Area of Training and Education in CEPREDENAC, where she promotes and facilitates training and educational programs within the six countries members of CEPREDENAC. Head of the Office of UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) and Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) サンジャヤ・バティア氏は、韓国仁川にあるUNISDR北東アジア事務所及び国際防災教育研 修所の所長を務める。また、前IRPナレッジ・マネジメント担当官であり、「復興ガイダンスノート 」の作成や、海外での中央及び地方政府向けの人材育成事業等を主導し、在任中に850名 以上の政府職員を指導した。 Mr. Sanjaya Bhatia is a Head of the Office of UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) and Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) for Disaster Risk Reduction in Incheon, Republic of Korea. Before taking this position, Sanjaya Bhatia worked as a head of the International Recovery Platform (IRP) - Secretariat at Kobe, Japan where he led the development of the Guidance Notes on Recovery and oversees a capacity building program for national and local governments, along with other knowledge management functions. He trained over 850 government officials in that period. Session2: Economic Impact of the Recovery 関西大学社会安全学部 教授、社会安全研究センター センター長 人と防災未来センター センター長 河田惠昭 Mr. Yoshiaki Kawata 元UNDP上級アドバイザー(貧困・持続可能な生活) ナレシュ・シン Mr. Naresh Singh Former Principal Adviser at UNDP on Poverty and Sustainable Livelihoods, Canada Director and Professor, Research Center for Safety Science, Kansai University Executive Director, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution 1996年京都大学巨大災害研究センター長、2005年防災研究所所長。2002年人と防災未 来センター長兼務。2009年関西大学理事・環境都市工学部教授。2010年関西大学社会安 全学部長、2012年社会安全研究センター長。専門は、防災・減災、危機管理。 ナレシュ・シン氏は国際開発アドバイザー、活動者として30年近い経験があり、専門は持続可能 な生活、貧困、環境、法制。UNDP本部、カナダIISDと共に活動を行ったことがあり、地域の経済 開発や貧しい人々の法的権利の拡大にも務めている。また、50カ国以上での活動、著書等もあ り、O. P. ジンダル・グローバル大学の名誉客員教授も務める。 Mr. Yoshiaki Kawata was appointed Director, Research Center for Disaster Reduction, Kyoto University in 1996; subsequently became Director at Disaster Prevention Research Institute in 2005. He concurrently serves as Executive Director, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution from 2002. He worked as Director, Kansai University and Professor at Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering in 2009. He serves as Chairman in 2010 and Director at Research Center for Safety Science, Kansai University in 2012. His specialty is disaster prevention, disaster reduction and crisis management. Dr. Naresh Singh has nearly 30 years of experience as an international development practitioner and adviser, with a special focus on sustainable livelihoods, poverty, environment and legal empowerment. He previously worked with UNDP New York and IISD in Canada on sustainable livelihoods. He also has expertise on local economic development and legal empowerment of the poor. He has worked in more than 50 countries and written several books and journal papers. He is an Honorary Visiting Professor at the OP Jindal Global University, Haryana, India. 神戸大学・広島修道大学名誉教授 豊田 利久 Prof. Toyoda Toshihisa Professor Emeritus of Kobe University and Hiroshima Shudo University 豊田利久氏は、災害経済学を含めた経済学の専門家であり、日英の著書、論文が多数あ る。神戸大学及び広島修道大学の大学院研究科長をはじめ、各種ジャーナル編集や、ラ オスでのJICAの専門家としての活動、海外主要大学の客員教授など、幅広い経験を持つ。 Professor Toyoda is a renowned figure in the field of economics, including economics of disasters. He published five books, and has intensively written over 30 academic papers in English and over 60 professional articles in Japanese. He previously held prominent post, including dean of graduate schools in Kobe University and Hiroshima Shudo University, editor of local and international journals, JICA expert in Laos, and visiting professor in various leading universities abroad. 全インド減災研究所 (AIDMI)共同代表 ミヒール R. バット Mr. Mihir R. Bhatt Managing Trustee, All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) ミヒール R. バット氏が代表を務める全インド減災研究所は、国連から中核的研究拠点とし て認知されている。1995年以来、インド及びアジア・太平洋地域において、災害及び気候 変動リスク軽減のための活動を行っており、同氏は主な事業のほぼ全てに関わっている。 また、2001年のグジャラート地震や、2004年のインド洋津波、2008年のサイクロン・ナル ギス等の長期復興についての研究の傍ら、インド内外の政府、民間の各種委員会等の委 員も務める。 Mihir Bhatt leads independent All India Disaster Mitigation Institute recognized as Centre of Excellency by UN Office on South South Cooperation. AIDMI works across 35 cities and 49 districts in 9 states of India as well as 7 countries in Asia Pacific on reducing disaster and climate change risk since 1995. Since there is hardly any key initiative in which he is not involved either as a promoter or as a partner. He has reviewed long term recovery of 2001 Gujarat Earthquake, 2004 tsunami, 2008 cyclone Nargis, etc. He is a member of several government and civil society committees and task force in India and abroad. WHO神戸センター、コンサルタント 加古 まゆみ Dr. Mayumi Kako Consultant, World Health Organization Kobe Center (WKC) 加古まゆみ氏(看護師、博士(看護学))は、現在、WHO神戸センター、コンサルタント(災 害緊急マネージメント)を務める。豪フリンダース大学卒業後、Disaster Research Centre ( 現Torrens Resilience Institute)で災害健康・医療に関する研究、とくに高齢者の災害後の 健康に関して行う。 Dr. Mayumi Kako is a consultant (Health Emergency Management) at WHO Kobe Centre. Since graduating from Flinders University with doctoral degree, she has been involved in various disaster health researches at Disaster Research Centre (currently Torrens Resilience Institute) concerning older peoples’ health in a disaster situation particularly post disaster period. ボニファシオ開発ゼネラル・マネージャー オリバー R. パウレ Mr. Orliber R. Paule General Manager Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation (BESC), Philippines オリバー・パウレ氏は、フィリピンのタギッグ市ボニファシオ・グローバル・シティ において、復興 の視点を取り入れた防災計画づくりに尽力している。 Mr. Paule is instrumental in coordinating stakeholders’ discussions and facilitating the integration of the recovery component in the disaster risk management plan of Bonifacio Global City (BGC) in Taguig City, Philippines. モデレーター/Moderator ジョー・ ショウヤー/Mr. Jo Scheuer , Director Bureau for Public Policy and Support (BPPS), UNDP, New York (Chair, IRP Steering Committee) Panel Discussion: “Actions for Recovery” How can the lessons of Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake further inform the strategies and actions implementing the recovery component of Post 2015 Framework for DRR? ウガンダ国会議員 アレックス・バヤルガバ・バクンダ Mr. Alex Byarugaba Bakunda Member of the Ugandan Parliament アレックス・バヤルガバ・バクンダ氏はUNISDRの防災チャンピオン及びウガンダ国会議員であり、 同国議会における防災会議の創設者でもある。また現在、外交委員会議長、会計委員会委員、 気候変動会議委員を務める。議員以前には、ムバララ地区の会計長(1990-92)、南イシンギロ 県法制定会議委員(1994-95)等を歴任した。 Mr. Alex Byarugaba Bakunda is an Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction appointed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, member of the Ugandan parliament and founder of the Parliamentarian Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction. He also serves as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, Member of the Public Accounts Committee and Member of the Forum on Climate Change Uganda. 防災専門家 ロビン D. ウィルソン Mr. Robin Willison Technical Expert on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) ロビン・ウィルソン氏は多くの機関のコンサルタントとして活動している。人道支援分野で20年の 経験を持ち、3つの国内支援機関の代表を務めたこともあり、また、アチェの復興に係る国連防 災アドバイザーや、2006年のジャワ島中部地震の早期復興コーディネーター、アゼルバイジャ ンでのPHCの確立等、国際経験も豊富に持つ。 Currently serving as consultant to many agencies, Mr. Willison, who had been engaged in humanitarian aid for over 20 years, headed three national aid agencies in the past. He has a varied international career, including serving as UN Advisor for DRR in the rebuilding of Aceh, Coordinator for early recovery to the Jogjakarta Earthquake of May 2006, and Director of Technical Services of ADPC in Bangkok. He has written two handbooks, namely: principles of design/construction and building disaster resistant houses. Previously he established primary health care in the Azerbaijan, which has become a national primary health care system. モデレーター/Moderator 国連人間居住計画(UN-Habitat) アジア・太平洋地域事務所上級人間居住専門官 スリニバサ・ポプリ Mr. Srinivasa Popuri Senior Human Settlements Officer, Regional Office of Asia and Pacific, UN-Habitat スリニバサ・ポプリ氏は、インド政府での勤務の後、アジア・太平洋地域の国々で、人間居住分 野における開発の専門家として活躍し、19年のキャリアを持つ。これまでUN-Habitatのミャンマ ー、インドネシア、アフガニスタン、モルディブ事務所の代表を務め、住居、インフラにおける防 災の主流化に取り組む。2012年9月より現職。 As a development professional, Dr. Srinivasa Popuri has worked for 19 years in the field of human settlements advancing Habitat agenda in several countries in Asia and the Pacific following his service the Government of India. He previously headed the UN-Habitat Office in Myanmar, Indonesia, Afghanistan, and the Maldives with efforts in DRR mainstreaming into housing and infrastructure. Since September 2012, he is the Senior Human Settlements Adviser of UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Fukuoka, Japan. Session 3: Messages from Tohoku Region on the 20th Commemoration of the Great Hanshin - Awaji Earthquake 株式会社日本政策投資銀行 東北支店 東北復興支援室 副調査役 東北大学災害科学国際研究所所長補佐・教授 大沼 久美 Ms. Kumi Onuma 小野 裕一 Prof. Yuichi Ono Associate, Tohoku Revival Reinforcement Office, Tohoku Branch, Development Bank of Japan Inc. 大沼久美氏は、2012年より東北支店東北復興支援室にて、多方面から復興支援業務を行 っている。また、レポート「東北一体となった復興の方向性」を企画・共同執筆し、提言の具現 化である多様な主体の連携プラットフォーム「東北復興連合会議」創設(2014年3月)に貢献。 現在、主担当として当該会議の活動や国内外での情報発信等に注力中。 Ms. Kumi Onuma has engaged in various recovery support activities in Tohoku Revival Reinforcement Office since 2012. She planned and co-wrote the report “Directions in Region-wide Recovery in Tohoku from the Great East Japan Earthquake”, and contributed to the establishment of a multi-stakeholder cooperation platform “Tohoku Alliance” in March 2014 which is the realization of their proposals. She is now concentrating on the activities of the alliance as a main person and disseminating information in and outside Japan. 宮城県震災復興・企画部理事兼次長 大塚 大輔 Mr. Daisuke Otsuka Assistant Director and Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University 地理学者・気候学者。もとの専門は竜巻災害。日本、アメリカ、バングラデシュで研究。その後、 国際防災政策に携わり世界気象機関、国連・国際防災戦略事務局、国連・アジア太平洋経済 社会委員会に合計10年以上勤務し、2005年の国連防災世界会議では、ISDR事務局側とし て会議の運営にあたった。2012年に東北大学災害科学国際研究所の教授として赴任し、現 在は所長補佐。 Mr. Yuichi Ono is geographer and climatologist, conducted tornado research in Japan, US, and Bangladesh. He then worked for three UN organizations engaged in disaster risk reduction, namely, World Meteorological Organization, UNISDR, and UNESCAP for more than 10 years. In 2012, he became a professor of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, located in Sendai, Japan. 総括・閉会/Closing 内閣府政策統括官(防災担当)付参事官(普及啓発・連携担当) Senior Deputy Director-General Earthquake Disaster Restoration Policy Planning Department Miyagi Prefectural Government 齊藤 馨 Mr. Kaoru Saito Director of Disaster Preparedness and International Cooperation Division, Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office Government of Japan 大塚大輔氏は,1996年に自治省(現総務省)に入省。青森県、総務省消防庁・財政局を経 て、長崎県政策企画課長・財政課長、在英国大使館一等書記官、総務省公営企業課理事 官を歴任。2012年末の政権交代を機に総務大臣秘書官に就任。2014年9月より現職。 Mr. Daisuke Otsuka entered the Ministry of Home Affairs (currently known as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)) in 1996. He has worked in the Aomori Prefectural Government, Fire and Disaster Management Agency and the Local Public Finance Department of the MIC, served as Policy Planning Director and Financial Director for the Nagasaki Prefectural Government, First Secretary at the Embassy of Japan in the UK and as Deputy Director for the Local Public Enterprise Division of the MIC. He also became the Executive Assistant to the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications at the end of 2012 with the change of government in Japan. Mr. Otsuka has been serving his current position since September 2014. Programme Programme 09:30 – 09:40 Opening Mr. Jo Scheuer, Director, UNDP/BPPS (Chair, IRP SC) 09:40 – 09:45 Opening Remarks Mr. Ryosei Akazawa , State-Minister of Cabinet Office Government of Japan 09:45 – 10:15 Keynote Speech Mr. Toshizo Ido, Governor, Hyogo Prefectural Government 10:15 – 12:00 Session 1: National and Regional Engagement in Recovery Planning and Recovery Frameworks (1) Ms. Elizabeth A. Zimmerman Associate Administrator, Office of Response & Recovery (ORR), FEMA, USA (2) Dr. Md. Akram H. Chowdhury Executive Chairperson, Institute of Strategic Recovery Studies for Disaster Resilience & Research (ISRSDRR) (3) Ms. Mayra Valle Torres Coordinator Training and Education, Coordination Centrer for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC) Moderator: Mr. Sanjaya Bhatia Head of the Office of UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) and Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Reception 13:30 – 15:00 Session 2: Economic Impact of Recovery (1) Dr. Yoshiaki Kawata Director and Professor, Research Center for Safety Science at Kansai University and Executive Director of Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institute, Japan (2) Dr. Naresh Singh Former Principal Adviser at UNDP on Poverty and Sustainable Livelihoods, Canada (3) Prof. Toshihisa Toyoda Professor Emeritus of Kobe University Moderator: Mr. Jo Scheuer Director Bureau for Public Policy and Support (BPPS), UNDP, New York (Chair, IRP Steering Committee) International Recovery Platform (IRP) DRI East Tower 5F, 1-5-2, Wakinohamakaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 651-0073, JAPAN TEL :+81-78-262-6041 FAX :+81-78-262-6046 URL : http// 齊藤馨氏は、1992年に総理府に入府後、内閣府大臣官房総務課企画官(男女共同参画・ 少子化担当大臣担当)、共生社会政策統括官付企画官(自殺対策担当兼障害者制度改革 担当)、復興庁政策統括官付参事官(原子力災害復興班)等を歴任、2014年4月より現職。 Mr. Kaoru Saito joined the Prime Minister’s Office (the predecessor of the Cabinet Office) of Japan in 1992. He took the present position starting from April 2014 after having had the posts including: Director for General Affairs (in charge of Gender Equality and Social Affairs), Minister’s Secretariat, Cabinet Office; Director of Suicide Prevention, Persons with Disabilities and Youth Affairs Division, Cabinet Office; Director of Nuclear Disaster Recovery Division, Reconstruction Agency. 15:00– 15:30 Tea Break 15:30 – 16: 40 Panel Discussion: “Actions for Recovery” How can the lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake further inform the strategies and actions in implementing the recovery component of Post-2015 Framework for DRR? Panelists: (1) Hon. Alex Byarugaba Bakunda, Member of Parliament Uganda, UNISDR Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction (2) Mr. Robin D. Willison, Independent Technical Expert on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) (3) Mr. Mihir R. Bhatt, Managing Trustee All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), India (4) Dr. Mayumi Kako, World Health Organization Kobe Center (WKC) (5) Mr. Orliber R. Paule, General Manager Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation (BESC), Philippines Moderator: Mr. Srinivasa Popuri, Senior Human Settlements Officer, UN-Habitat 16:40 – 17:20 Session 3: Messages from Tohoku Region on the 20th Commemoration of the Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake (1) Ms. Kumi Onuma, Associate Tohoku Revival reinforcement Office, Development Bank of Japan, Inc. (DBJ) Tohoku Branch (2) Prof. Yuichi Ono, Assistant Director and Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University (3) Mr. Daisuke Otsuka, Senior Deputy Director-General, Earthquake Disaster Restoration Policy Planning Department, Miyagi Prefectural Government 17:20 – 17:30 Closing Mr. Kaoru Saito, Director of Disaster Preparedness and International Cooperation Division, Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan 国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP) 国際復興支援プラットフォーム(IRP)事務局 〒651-0073 兵庫県神戸市中央区脇浜海岸通1-5-2 東館5階 〒651-0073 兵庫県神戸市中央区脇浜海岸通 TEL: 078-262-6041 FAX:6041 078-262-6046 1-5-2 東館5階 TEL 078 (262)
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