標題 STCW 条約第 VI/6 規則で要求される、保安意識訓練ま たは指定された保安任務を行う船員のための保安訓練 に関する技能証明書ついて テクニカル インフォメーション No. 発行日 TEC-1025 2015 年 3 月 19 日 各位 STCW 条約の 2010 年マニラ改正において、第 VI/6 規則「すべての船員に対する保安に関連した訓 練および教育のための最小限の要件」が追加され、2014 年 1 月 1 日に効力が生じております。 一方で、同 A-VI/6 節 4 および 6 にて要求される技能証明書の保持について、IMO は 2014 年 2 月 25 日付で添付 Circular STCW.7/Circ.21 を発行し、同技能証明書を持たない船員であっても 2015 年 7 月 1 日まで、ISPS コード セクション 13 に適合しているとして認めるべきである旨の勧告をしてお ります。 各旗国から、この勧告に関する指示が出されておりますが、この技能証明書の所持が無期限で免除 されているものではなく、2015 年 7 月 1 日までに全ての乗組員が必要な訓練を受け、証明書を持つ ための準備を進めなければならない旨が規定されております。 2015 年 7 月 1 日をもって、この暫定的処置の期間が満了いたしますので、PSC 対策等の観点からも、 全ての乗組員が必要な技能証明書を所持されますよう、前広なご対応をお願いいたします。 本件に関し、主要な船籍国からの最新の指示文書を添付いたしますので、ご参照ください。 (次頁に続く) NOTES: ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーションは、あくまで最新情報の提供のみを目的として発行しています。 ClassNK 及びその役員、職員、代理もしくは委託事業者のいずれも、掲載情報の正確性及びその情報の利用あるいは依存により 発生する、いかなる損失及び費用についても責任は負いかねます。 バックナンバーは ClassNK インターネット・ホームページ(URL: www.classnk.or.jp)においてご覧いただけます。 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 なお、本件に関してご不明な点は、以下の部署にお問い合わせください。 一般財団法人 日本海事協会 (ClassNK) 本部 管理センター 安全管理システム部 住所: 東京都千代田区紀尾井町 4-7(郵便番号 102-8567) Tel.: 03-5226-2173 Fax: 03-5226-2174 E-mail: [email protected] 添付: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IMO Circular STCW.7/Circ.21 Panama (DGGM-028-2014-UCYC) Singapore (Shipping Circular No.6 of 2014 / No.16 of 2013) Hong Kong (Merchant Shipping Information Note No.20/2014 / No.50/2012) Marshall Islands (Marine Safety Advisory No.30-14) Liberia (Marine Operation Note: 01/2013) 日本(STCW 条約改正を受けた船舶保安従事者その他乗組員に対する教育訓練の内容及び 当該教育訓練修了証の発給について) 2 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付1. E 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 7SR Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210 STCW.7/Circ.21 25 February 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED Advice for port State control officers, recognized organizations and recognized security organizations on action to be taken in cases where seafarers do not carry certification required in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code after 1 January 2014 1 The Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping, at its first session (17 to 21 February 2014), reviewed progress with the implementation of certification requirements related to security-awareness training and training for seafarers with designated security duties, in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code by Parties. 2 The Sub-Committee noted that the transitional provision under section A-VI/6, for those seafarers who commenced an approved seagoing service prior to 1 January 2012 ended on 1 January 2014. 3 The Sub-Committee was concerned that, after the end of the transitional period on 1 January 2014, there may be practical difficulties for seafarers to obtain necessary security certification required in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code. 4 The Sub-Committee was particularly concerned about the fact that large numbers of seafarers were reportedly unable to have access to approved training courses or unable to be issued certification of security related training in accordance with regulation VI/6 and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6. 5 The Sub-Committee further noted the current difficulties faced by the shipping community in implementing the amended provisions of regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention. 6 The Sub-Committee therefore urged all concerned, in particular STCW Parties and Administrations, to do their utmost to ensure that certificates on security awareness training and training for seafarers with designated security duties are issued, in accordance with the requirements of regulation VI/6 and section A-VI/6, as soon as possible. I:\CIRC\STCW\07\21.doc STCW.7/Circ.21 Page 2 7 The Sub-Committee recognized that seafarers on board ships may not yet hold certification in security awareness training or training on designated security duties, required by regulation VI/6 and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6, and agreed that until 1 July 2015, in cases where a seafarer does not hold certification in security awareness training or training on designated security duties, in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. 8 The Sub-Committee urged port State control authorities to take the above factors into consideration when exercising control procedures in article X and regulation I/4 of the STCW Convention. 9 In this context, the Sub-Committee recommended that Administrations should inform their port State control authorities that, until 1 July 2015, even if a seafarer's certification with regard to the security awareness training or training for seafarers with designated security duties in regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention, as amended, and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code, is not in accordance with the STCW Convention, as amended, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. 10 The Sub-Committee further recommended that Administrations should also inform recognized organizations and recognized security organizations issuing ISM Code and ISPS Code certification under International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended, that, until 1 July 2015, if a seafarer's certification is not in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention, as amended, and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. 11 Member Governments are invited to be guided accordingly and to bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all concerned, especially port State control officers and recognized organizations and recognized security organizations. ___________ I:\CIRC\STCW\07\21.doc ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付2. ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付3. MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE SHIPPING CIRCULAR TO SHIPOWNERS NO 6 OF 2014 MPA Shipping Division 460 Alexandra Road #21-00, PSA Building Singapore 119963 Fax: 6375-6231 http://www.mpa.gov.sg 12 March 2014 Applicable to: Shipowners, ship managers, company security officers, ship security officers, crew and masters of Singapore ships. CLARIFICATIONS OF THE SECURITY RELATED TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION FOR SEAFARERS REQUIRED UNDER THE 2010 MANILA AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW CONVENTION). 1 Shipping Circular No 16 of 2013 informed shipping community on the securityrelated training requirements for seafarers under the STCW Convention onboard ships. This circular provides further clarifications pertaining to the training and certification requirements for seafarers. 2 It was noted from feedback received from the industry that ships’ officers who have completed training and holding appropriate certificates as ship security officer (SSO) meeting the competence requirements of section A-VI/5 of the revised STCW Convention, were asked to provide evidence of having completed training in security familiarisation or in designated security duties in compliance with section A-VI/6 of the STCW Convention. IMO has promulgated a circular STCW.7/Circ.22 (copy attached as Annex A) clarifying that seafarers holding SSO Certificates would not be required to undergo additional training and certification on both security awareness and seafarers with designated security duties. 3 Many seafarers had faced practical difficulties to obtain STCW Convention compliant security awareness certificate or seafarers with designated security duties before the transitional period ended on 1 January 2014. IMO, recognising this, has promulgated a circular STCW.7/Circ.21, (copy attached as Annex B) advising port state control officers, recognised organisations and recognised security organisations that until 1 July 2015, even if a seafarer does not carry certification in security awareness training or seafarers with designated security duties as required in accordance with Regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and Section A-VI/6, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. 4 Although the circular STCW.7/Circ.21 provides some leeway for the security related certification of seafarers, port state control officers may record the findings of non-compliance to the revised STCW Convention as a deficiency in their inspection report. MPA therefore, strongly urges companies to strive to get their seafarers qualified and certified in accordance with 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention as soon as possible. 5 Any queries regarding this circular should be addressed to Capt I G Sangameswar (Tel no. 6375 6205) or Capt Khoo Gek Hung (Tel no. 6375 1935). TAN SUAN JOW DIRECTOR OF MARINE MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE SHIPPING CIRCULAR TO SHIPOWNERS NO 16 OF 2013 MPA Shipping Division 460 Alexandra Road #21-00, PSA Building Singapore 119963 Fax: 6375-6231 http://www.mpa.gov.sg 16 September 2013 Applicable to: Shipowners, ship managers, company security officers, ship security officers, crew and masters of Singapore ships. SECURITY RELATED TRAINING FOR SEAFARERS UNDER THE 2010 MANILA AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW CONVENTION). 1 This circular highlights key requirements of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW convention pertaining to the security-related training for seafarers onboard a ship which is required to comply with the provisions of the International Ship and Port facility Security (ISPS) Code. Minimum Requirements for Security-awareness Training 2 Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship are required to complete a security-awareness training meeting the competence standards given in table A-VI/6-1 of Section A of the STCW Code. Seafarers who have completed such training shall hold a certificate of proficiency (COP) issued by an MPA approved training provider in Singapore. Minimum Requirements for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 3 A seafarer who is designated to perform security-related duties, such as antipiracy and anti-armed robbery related activities, shall be appropriately trained and be competent to perform onboard security duties. The training shall meet the competence standards given in table A-VI/6-2 of Section A of the STCW Code. Seafarers who have completed training shall hold a COP issued by an MPA approved training provider in Singapore. Page 1 of 3 Onboard Security-related Familiarisation Training 4 All seafarers onboard a ship shall receive security-related familiarisation training before being assigned to shipboard duties. The training shall include the reporting of security incident such as piracy or armed robbery, knowledge of procedures to follow when they recognise a security threat and participate in security related emergency and contingency procedural exercises. Such training shall be conducted by the ship’s security officer (SSO) or an equally qualified person and take into account the guidance given in STCW Code B, Section B-VI/6. Records of such familiarisation training conducted shall be kept onboard under the ship’s safety management system. Seafarers who qualify under Transitional Provisions 5 Until 1 January 2014, any seafarer who started sea service prior to 1 Jan 2012 with at least 6 months of seagoing service in total as a ship crew during the preceding three years and has been briefed in security duties and participated in security-related emergency and contingency procedural exercises, would be considered as meeting the requirements of Section A- VI/6-5 or A-VI/6-9 of the STCW Code, without undertaking further training. 6 Company Security Officers of shipping companies should make a list of the seafarers who comply with the transitional provisions (grandfather clause) in the STCW Convention by virtue of the 6 months seagoing service and forward them to MPA via e-mail at [email protected]. MPA would after perusal of the list, confirm which of the seafarers in the list have met the transitional provisions. The shipping companies could issue documentary evidence to the individual seafarer who has complied with transitional provisions of the STCW. All companies are requested to use the sample form given in Annex A when writing to MPA. Issuance of COP under Transitional Provisions 7 For seafarers who have undertaken security-related training before the 1 Jan 2012 or performed security-related functions could obtain a COP from any of the approved training providers in Singapore by attending a bridging course or examination to achieve the required standard of competence set out in Table A-VI/61 or A-VI/6-2 of the STCW Code. Approved training providers could issue (i) COP for Security Awareness (ii) COP for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties to seafarers who have been found competent in accordance with table A-VI/6-1 or AVI/6-2 of the STCW Code respectively. MPA approved training providers for security awareness and designated security duties are listed in Annex B. Recognition of COP from overseas 8 MPA will recognise COP for Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties issued in accordance with the STCW Convention if they are issued by or under the authority of a maritime authority which is in the STCW “white” list. There is no need for any endorsement by MPA to recognise such COP. Page 2 of 3 Requirements for Ship Security Officer (SSO) 9 There is no change to the requirement of a SSO. All ships must have at least one officer designated as the SSO. All SSO must comply with the requirements specified in Regulation VI/5 of the STCW Convention and shall hold a COP as SSO issued by or under the approval of a party to the STCW Convention whose certificates of competency are recognised by MPA. There is no need for any endorsement by MPA to recognise COP as SSO issued by or under the authority of a foreign maritime administration. The list of countries whose certificates of competency are recognised by MPA is given in the Annex to the Shipping Circular MC-13 of 2001. 10 Any queries regarding this circular should be addressed to Capt I G Sangameswar (Tel no. 6375 6205) or Capt Khoo Gek Hung (Tel no. 6375 1935). CHEONG KENG SOON DIRECTOR OF MARINE MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE Page 3 of 3 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付4. 香 港 No. : 商 船 資 20/2014 訊 HONG KONG MERCHANT SHIPPING INFORMATION NOTE Implementation and Clarification of Security-Related Training To : Shipowners, Ship Managers, Company Security Officers, Ship Security Officers and Seafarers. Summary The purpose of this Note is to inform shipping community on updating the implementation schedule of the security-related training and clarification of the certification issue in accordance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended. 1. Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note No. 50/2012 provided mandatory requirements on the security-related training for seafarers under STCW Convention on board Hong Kong registered ships. This Note serves to update the implementation schedule and clarifies the certification issue of the security-related training. 2. It was noted that there might be some practical difficulties for seafarers to obtain certification on security awareness (SA) training and designated security duties (DSD) training certification after the transitional period ended on 1 January 2014. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) recognizes this situation and has promulgated the Circular STCW.7/Circ.21 to advise port state control officers, recognized organisations and recognized security organisations that until 1 July 2015, in cases where a seafarer does not hold such certification in accordance with regulation VI/6 of the STCW Convention and section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the STCW Code, it would be sufficient to accept compliance with section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. 3. Although the Circular STCW.7/Circ.21 gives flexibility on the certification of seafarers on security-related training, port state control officers may still record the finding as deficiency in their inspection reports. In this respect, the Marine Department strongly urges all Shipowners and Ship Managers of Hong Kong registered ships to do their utmost to ensure compliance with the requirements as soon as possible. Marine Department Harbour Building 38 Pier Road G.P.O. Box 4155 Hong Kong Telephone No. : (852) 2852 3001 Fax No. : (852) 2544 9241 Telex No. : 64553 MARHQ HX E-mail : [email protected] Web site : http://www.mardep.gov.hk 4. It is noted that the security-related training, consists of the three levels of training: SA, DSD and ship security officer (SSO), with the training for SSO being the highest level. IMO recognises that the training requirements for the higher levels of training would include the competencies of the lower levels of training. In this regard, the Circular STCW.7/Circ.22 clarifies that seafarers holding SSO certification should not be required to obtain DSD and SA training certificates. Similarly, seafarers holding DSD should not be required to obtain SA training certificate. 5. Both the Circulars STCW.7/Circ.21 and STCW.7/Circ.22 can be found on the website of Marine Department as attachments to this Note. 6. Enquiries relating to this Note should be made to the Senior Surveyor of Ships/Seafarers’ Certification on telephone no.: (+852) 2852 4368; fax no.: (+852) 2541 6754; or e-mail address: [email protected]. Marine Department Shipping Division 23 April 2014 No. : 香 港 商 船 資 50/2012 訊 HONG KONG MERCHANT SHIPPING INFORMATION NOTE Security-related Trainings for Seafarers To : Shipowners, Seafarers and Seafarers’ Unions Summary The purpose of this Note is to inform shipowners, seafarers and seafarers’ unions regarding the mandatory requirements of security-related trainings in the STCW Convention and the transitional provisions until 1 January 2014 for existing seafarers. 1. The 2010 Amendments of STCW Convention entered into force on 1 January 2012 and STCW Reg. VI/6 in respect of security-related trainings introduced the following mandatory training requirements for seafarers:(a) security-related familiarization training; (b) security-awareness training; and (c) security training for seafarers with designated security duties. Details of the above mentioned STCW provisions can be found in the appendix to this Note on Marine Department’s web-site (http://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/msnote/msin.html). 2. Transitional provisions until 1 January 2014 are given in Section A-VI/6 of the STCW Code for seafarers who commenced sea service before 1 January 2012, i.e. existing seafarers. Existing seafarers will be deemed to comply with the above security-related trainings listed in paragraphs 1(b) and 1(c) if they meet the transitional provisions via approved sea service, test or training where applicable within the transitional period. However, existing seafarers are still required to fully comply with the training requirements on expiry of the transitional period. Seafarers holding non-Hong Kong qualification should approach their certificate issuing authority regarding the upgrading of their certification on security-related training. Marine Department Harbour Building 38 Pier Road G.P.O. Box 4155 Hong Kong Telephone No. : (852) 2852 3001 Fax No. : (852) 2544 9241 Telex No. : 64553 MARHQ HX E-mail : [email protected] Web site : http://www.mardep.gov.hk 3. As the security-related training requirements will be in full implementation on and after 1 January 2014, holders of Hong Kong certificate of competency shall meet the standard of competence in respect of security-related training as specified in Section A-VI/6 of the STCW Code when they seek for revalidation of their certificates after that date and this can be demonstrated by successfully completing an approved security-related training course. For Hong Kong seafarers who hold documents on previous security-related training courses, they may approach Seafarers’ Certification Section of the Marine Department for upgrading of their existing certificates. Marine Department will determine whether additional training or examination or interview is required in meeting the STCW requirements. Security-related training courses approved by recognized STCW signatory Parties for the issue of Hong Kong licences are accepted by the Marine Department and the certificate of proficiency issued by these countries are considered as equivalent certificates. 4. Enquiries relating to this Note should be made to the Senior Surveyor of Ships/Seafarers’ Certification on telephone no.: (+852) 2852 4368; fax no.: (+852) 2541 6754; or e-mail address: [email protected]. Marine Department Shipping Division 31 August 2012 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付5. Republic of the Marshall Islands Office of the MARITIME ADMINISTRATOR 11495 COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, RESTON, VIRGINIA 20191-1506 TELEPHONE: +1-703-620-4880 FAX: +1-703-476-8522 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.register-iri.com MARINE SAFETY ADVISORY NO. 30-14 To: Regional Marine Safety Offices, Nautical Inspectors, Masters, Owners/Agents Subject: SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING AND TRAINING FOR THOSE WITH SPECIFIC SECURITY DUTIES Date: 4 June 2014 Please be advised that the Standards for the Training, Certification and Watchstanding Convention 1978 as amended in 2010 (commonly called the Manila Amendments and hereinafter referred to as STCW) requires, in Regulation VI/6, that all seafarers receive security-related familiarization and security-awareness training or instruction. Additionally, those with designated security duties must likewise be trained. Accordingly, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) will require evidence of this training or instruction to issue seafarer documentation from that date forward for all seafarers applying for STCW documents. Individual certificates for the training outlined above are available as an optional certificate upon request. Any STCW seafarer documentation issued to seafarers after 1 January 2014 provides evidence the seafarer has been trained or instructed in security awareness only. Security-related familiarization will need to be performed when a seafarer reports to a vessel and should be specific to the Ship Security Plan (SSP) on board. Since designated security duties are subject to the approved SSP on board any individual vessel, this training will need to be evident only to authorities who inspect or audit vessels. Those seafarers who fill those capacities named in the SSP as having designated duties will need to provide evidence that they have been appropriately trained or instructed to inspecting authorities. The Administrator will require the following as evidence a seafarer has been appropriately trained for security awareness: 1. A training certificate for security awareness from a facility whose course is approved by the maritime administration of a nation that is on the IMO white list as compliant with the provisions of STCW; or MSD 001 (11/01) 1 of 2 MSA No. 30-14 2. A training certificate for Ship Security Officer or Training for those with designated security duties from a facility whose course is approved by the maritime administrator of a nation that is on the IMO white list as compliant with the provisions of STCW; or 3. A letter on the letterhead of a vessel operator (does not have to be of RMI vessels) that the named seafarer served on board a vessel that had an approved and active SSP during the seafarer’s assignment. The sea service must accrue to a minimum total of six (6) months. The letter must, at a minimum, state the name of the seafarer, assigned capacity, time of service on board, vessel name, IMO number, that he/she had received ship board security familiarization training, and that the vessel’s SSP was approved and active during this time. For those who have designated security duties, he/she should provide documentary evidence similar to the above. A letter should also state that the SSP required his/her stated capacity to perform specific duties on board related to the SSP and what those specific duties were. MSD 001 (11/01) 2 of 2 MSA No. 30-14 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付6. THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA LIBERIA MARITIME AUTHORITY 8619 Westwood Center Drive Suite 300 Vienna, Virginia 22182, USA Tel: +1 703 790 3434 Fax: +1 703 790 5655 Email: [email protected] Web: www.liscr.com Office of Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs 7 October 2013 Marine Operations Note: 01/2013 Subject: Security Related Training for Seafarers Reference: (a) STCW Section A/VI/6 (b) STCW.7/Circ.17 dated 24 May 2011 Dear Shipowner/Operator/Master/Manning and Crewing Agents; The purpose of this note is to provide the Liberian Administration’s policy regarding security-related training required in the 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention, ref (a). The STCW security-related training requirements came into force on 1 January 2012. However, seafarers that commenced an approved seagoing service prior to 1 January 2012 may be recognized as meeting the requirements, as provided in ref (b) and in this Note. The provisions regarding security-related training contained in STCW Regulation VI/6, Section A-VI/6 and Section B-VI/6 cover the following: 1. 2. 3. Security related familiarization training, Security awareness training, and Proficiency in designated security duties Security related familiarization training: All persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship, that must comply with the ISPS Code, shall receive security familiarization training by the SSO or an equally qualified person, prior to being assigned any shipboard duties. The training should emphasize ship specific security issues: Reporting a security incident, including a piracy or armed robbery threat or attack; Procedures to follow when the seafarer recognizes a security threat; and Participation in exercises for security-related emergency and contingency procedures. Certification is not required from the Administration. Evidence of this training shall be entered into the seafarer’s official training record or the ships training record/log. Security awareness training: Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship, that must comply with the ISPS Code, shall complete security-awareness training meeting the competence standards given in table A-VI/6-4 of the STCW Code. Seafarers should have a certificate of proficiency (COP) issued by a training provider approved by the Administration, as evidence of satisfactory completion of the training. The Liberian Administration may accept training courses approved by a maritime authority which is on the IMO STCW “white” list. The Administration will make available a Special Qualification Certificate (SQC) for those seafarers who wish to apply for the Liberian certificate and who provide evidence of competence. The SQC will be available as an endorsement or a certificate depending on how the training was gained. Seafarers with designated security duties: All seafarers that are designated to perform security-related duties, including anti-piracy and anti-armed robbery related activities, shall be appropriately trained and be competent to perform onboard security duties meeting the competence standards given in table Section A-VI/6, paragraphs 6-8. Seafarers should have a COP issued by a training provider approved by the Administration, as evidence of satisfactory completion of the training. Transitional provisions: Seafarers requiring security awareness training, who commenced an approved seagoing service prior to 1 January 2012, will be considered as meeting the requirements of Section A- VI/6-4 of the STCW Code, without undertaking further training by demonstrating: approved seagoing service for at least 6 months in the previous three years; or having performed security functions considered equivalent to 6 months service in the past three years, or by passing an approved test, or by completing approved training. Seafarers with designated security duties who commenced an approved seagoing service prior to 1 January, 2012, would be considered as meeting the requirements of Section A-VI/6-9 of the STCW Code, without undertaking further training, by demonstrating competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-VI/6-2 by: having approved seagoing service as shipboard personnel with designated security duties, for a period of at least 6 months in total during the preceding 3 years, or having performed security functions considered to be equivalent to the seagoing service required above, or passing an approved test, or completing approved training. This transition period will end on 1 January 2014, and owners are reminded of the need to ensure that all seafarers who require this training acquire the appropriate documentary evidence of training before that date. Although not mandatory, the Administration will make available a SQC for those seafarers who can provide evidence of competency and who wish to apply for the Liberian certificate. This will be available as an endorsement or a certificate, depending on how the training was gained. The Administration will recognize a COP issued for security awareness training or for seafarers with designated security duties that have been issued by another Administration in accordance with the STCW Convention. For additional information please contact Seafarers Certification and Documentation Department at +1 703 790-3434 or email: [email protected]. * * * * * ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1025 添付7. STCW条約改正を受けた船舶保安従事者その他の乗組員(船舶保安管理者を除く。) に対する教育訓練の内容及び当該教育訓練修了証の発給について 1978年の船員の訓練及び資格証明並びに当直の基準に関する国際条約(以下 「STCW条約」という。)の2010年改正に伴う「国際航海船舶及び国際港湾施設の 保安の確保等に関する法律施行規則」(平成16年国土交通省令第59号。以下「規 則」という。)の一部改正におきまして、船舶保安統括者の業務として、船舶保安管理 者及び船舶保安従事者以外の乗組員に対する教育訓練の実施の管理を追加したと ころですが、船舶保安従事者その他の乗組員(船舶保安管理者を除く。)に対します 教育訓練の内容及び当該教育訓練修了証の発給につきましては、下記に従って、そ の実施が図られますよう、宜しくお願い致します。 記 1.教育訓練の内容等 一 教育訓練の内容 (1) 船舶保安従事者(規則第8条第5項第4号に規定する国際航海日本船舶に 係る保安の確保に関する業務に従事する者をいう。以下同じ。)以外の乗組員 (船舶保安管理者を除く。)に対する教育訓練 ① 海上保安の認識の向上により海上保安の強化への寄与 1) 海上保安の用語及び定義の基本的な知識(海賊及び武装強盗に関する 要素を含む。) 2) 政府、会社及び個人における国際的な海上保安の方針及び責任の基本 的な知識 3) 保安レベル、当該保安レベルにおける船上と港湾施設の保安措置及び手 順の効果の基本的な知識 4) 保安報告手順の基本的な知識 5) 保安関連の対応計画の基本的な知識 ② 保安脅威の認識 1) 保安措置を忌避するために用いられる技法の基本的な知識 2) 潜在的な保安脅威を容易に認識する基本的な知識(海賊及び武装強盗 に関する要素を含む。) 3) 武器、危険物及び危険な道具並びにこれらの危険性を容易に認識する基 本的な知識 -1- 4) 保安関連の情報及び通信の取扱いの基本的な知識 ③ 保安の認識及び警戒を維持する必要性及び方法の理解 関連条約、コード及びIMO回章に基づく訓練、操練及び演習要件の基本的 な知識(海賊及び武装強盗に対応する関連の要件を含む。) (2) 船舶保安従事者に対する教育訓練 ① 船舶保安規程に定める状態の維持 1) 海上保安の用語及び定義の業務上の知識(海賊及び武装強盗に関する 要素を含む。) 2) 政府、会社及び個人における国際的な海上保安の方針及び責任の知識 (海賊及び武装強盗に関する要素の業務上の知識を含む。) 3) 保安レベル、当該保安レベルにおける船上と港湾施設の保安措置及び手 順の効果の知識 4) 保安報告手順の知識 5) 関連条約、コード及びIMO回章に基づく操練及び演習に関する手順及び 要件の知識(海賊及び武装強盗に関する手順及び要件の業務上の知識を 含む。) 6) 船舶保安規程に定める保安措置としての検査及び点検並びに管理及び 監視の実施に関する手順の知識 7) 保安脅威及び保安の侵害への対応計画及び手順(船舶と港のインターフ ェイスの重要な運用を維持するための規定を含む。)の知識(海賊及び武 装強盗に関する業務上の知識を含む。) ② 保安リスク及び脅威の認識 1) 保安関連文書の知識 保安関連文書とは、次に掲げる文書。 ・ 国際航海船舶及び国際港湾施設の保安の確保等に関する法律(平成1 6年法律第31号。以下「法」という。)第10条に規定する船舶保安記録簿 ・ 法第11条に規定する船舶保安規程 ・ 法第44条に規定する船舶保安情報 ・ 規則第7条第4項に規定する保安確認書 2) 保安措置を忌避するために用いられる技法の知識(海賊及び武装強盗に 用いられるものを含む。) 3) 潜在的な保安脅威を容易に認識する知識 4) 武器、危険物及び危険な道具並びにこれらの危険性を容易に認識する知 識 5) 群衆管理の技法の知識(適当な場合に限る。) -2- 6) 保安関連の情報及び通信の取扱いの知識 7) 物理的検査及びX線等の検査方法の知識 ③ 定期的な船舶保安検査の実施 1) 制限区域の監視技法の知識 2) 船舶及び船内の制限区域へのアクセス管理の知識 3) 甲板区域及び船舶の周囲の効果的な監視方法の知識 4) 貨物及び船用品に関する検査方法の知識 5) 人の乗下船及びアクセスの管理方法及びその効果の知識 ④ 保安設備及び装置の適切な使用(設置されている場合に限る。) 1) 様々な種類の保安設備及び装置(海賊及び武装強盗に襲撃された場合 に使用するものを含む。)の全般的な知識(それらの限界を含む。) 2) 保安装置及び設備の試験、調整及び保守の必要性(特に、海上にいる場 合)の知識 二 教育訓練の実施時期 国際航海日本船舶において業務に従事するまでに実施すること。平成24年(2 012年)1月1日よりも前に、国際航海日本船舶において業務に従事している者 (既に上記一に掲げる内容の教育訓練を修了している者を除く。)にあっては、平 成25年(2013年)12月31日までの間にできるだけ速やかに実施すること。 三 教育訓練の実施方法 講義その他の適当な方法により行う。 四 教育訓練を行う講師 次のいずれかの要件を備えた者であること。 (1) 規則第8条第1項各号に掲げる事項についての知識及び能力を有する者で あること。 (2) 規則第12条に規定する船舶保安管理者講習修了証を受有している者である こと。 2.教育訓練修了証の発給 船舶保安統括者は、上記1に従って実施した教育訓練を修了した者に対して教育 訓練修了証を発給すること。教育訓練修了証の様式については、上記1.一(1)の教 育訓練を修了した者にあっては第一号様式、上記1.一(2)の教育訓練を修了した者 にあっては第二号様式を参考にして作成すること。 なお、STCW条約の他の締約国等が発給した当該教育訓練を修了した旨の証明 -3- 書を受有している者にあっては、上記1に従った教育訓練を修了したものとみなし、 教育訓練修了証を発給することは要しないこととすることができる。 また、平成24年(2012年)1月1日よりも前に、国際航海日本船舶において業務 に従事している者であって、上記1.一に掲げる内容の教育訓練を修了しているもの にあっては、既に上記1に従った教育訓練を修了したものとみなし、適宜、教育訓練 修了証を発給することができる。 3.船舶保安管理者適任証書等を受有している者の取扱いについて 「船舶保安管理者適任証書」を受有している者、規則第12条に基づき独立行政 法人海技教育機構が交付する「船舶保安管理者講習修了証」を受有している者又 はSTCW条約附属書第 VI/5規則に基づきSTCW条約の他の締約国等が発給し た Ship Security Officer の資格証明書を受有している者にあっては、上記1に従っ た教育訓練を修了したものとし、教育訓練修了証を発給することは要しないこととす ることができる。 -4- (第一号様式) 番 号 Certificate No. 発 給 年 月 日 Issued on dd/mm/yyyy 保安認識訓練修了証 Certificate of Proficiency for a security awareness training 氏 名: Name of the holder of the certificate: 年 月 日 生年月日: Date of birth of the holder of the certificate: dd / mm / yyyy 本籍地の都道府県名: Nationality: 上記の者は、改正された 1978 年の船員の訓練及び資格証明並びに当直の基準 に関する国際条約附属書第 VI/6 規則に基づく保安認識訓練を修了したことを証明す る。 It is certified that the above mentioned person has been completed a security awareness training in accordance with regulation VI/6 of STCW Convention, as amended. 船舶保安統括者の氏名: Name of company security officer: 国際航海日本船舶の所有者の名称(印): Name of shipowner(Stamp): この証明書は、日本国政府により承認されているものである。 This Certificate is approved by Japanese Government. -5- (第二号様式) 番 号 Certificate No. 発 給 年 月 日 Issued on dd / mm / yyyy 保安従事者訓練修了証 Certificate of Proficiency for a security training for seafarers with designated security duties 氏 名: Name of the holder of the certificate: 生年月日: 年 月 日 Date of birth of the holder of the certificate: dd / mm / yyyy 本籍地の都道府県名: Nationality: 上記の者は、改正された 1978 年の船員の訓練及び資格証明並びに当直の基準 に関する国際条約附属書第 VI/6 規則に基づく保安従事者訓練を修了したことを証明 する。 It is certified that the above mentioned person has been completed a security training for seafarers with designated security duties in accordance with regulation VI/6 of STCW Convention, as amended. 船舶保安統括者の氏名: Name of company security officer: 国際航海日本船舶の所有者の名称(印): Name of shipowner (Stamp): この証明書は、日本国政府により承認されているものである。 This Certificate is approved by Japanese Government. -6-
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