,.-t) ', " UMAP summer program at Niigata University still open for application with UMAP Scholarship MIYATA Ha ruo <miyata h @isc.niigata -u.ac.;p > <[email protected] u,ffiX), <ge noveva @ucol. mx>, !: ..- t i,. <fcu,externa laffa irs@g ma il.co m>, <dong_milot@ya hoo.com>, <sa e rha s@ha nya n g.a c.kr>, <lsyoo @ho ng ik.a c. kr>, <mrkim@ koo kmin .a c. kr>, <sunae_0 [email protected]>, <oia @a u.edu >, <s iriw a n. r@b u. a c.th >, <w a ru n e e. k @ cmu. a c. th >, <irzt atr@Cu/a. d c <trlrma@rma, dc <wilawa n@ea u.ac.th >, <[email protected] c.th >, l/2 /b, >/ -<w ra n ya, u d o @ kmu tt. a c.t h >, >, <w a ru n e e ka e @ mfu. a c. th >, Division of International Affairs . <[email protected]>, <i n t.off@ kmu tt, <o kaV 762@ya a c. hoo th i .co m . <suya neec@hotma il.co m>, <opinte r@ma hido I.a c.th >, <orbsw @ma h ido l.a c.th >, <inte rn rru @ hotma il.co m>, <[email protected]>, <yhing.s@gmail,com>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Hirayama Akemi Ms (NU Intl Affairs - Academic) <[email protected]>, <[email protected],mn> .,."::::.,,: 04.06 ,2014 13:51 Dear colleagues of the universrties participating in the USCO, Niigata University has now extended the deadline for application for its USCO summer program "summer Course at |liigata University: Lessons from Contemporary Japan", 18-29 August, Applications are now accepted until Friday, 13 June. Consisting of two 2-credit classes, "Environmental Problems and Development of Policies in Japan" and "Japanese Experiences from Various Perspectives" (coping with natural disasters, business management, international development cooperation, and international relations), the program provides not only lectures in class rooms but also visits and meetings to see the reality of the "Lessons from Contemporary Japan". I believe that that design of the program helps students understand Japan's lessons clearly. It is also a good opportunity to make friends. The UMAP provides its 800-US dollar Scholarship to ten students who participate in this program of Niigata UnMersity (Japanese Yen equivalent to US 800 dollars willbe provided to each student on arrivalin Niigata.). Because only four students had applied for this program by the previous deadline of 30 May (There were eleven and ten participants respectively in the previous two years.), there are stillgood chances for late applicants for the Scholarship, I would appreciate it of you could encourage your students to apply for this program. For more information, please check the following web site or write International Affairs Division : http :/i ww w ^ isc. n iiqata-u ac, jp/ ^ ry to me or to miyatah/ horne nage, usco-c/ With thanks and best wishes for your students' fruitful summer period. Haruo Miyata Professor UMAP student exchange coordinator Niigata University MIYATA Haruo (This is in the Northeast Asian order: The FAMILY NAME comes first.) M Phone & fax: (BL-25)262-7794 http:/w w w . isq"niiq eta u .a cjp]- miyata h/ Ms. Hirayama, section chief of the Name of Program Program Description (Approx. 100 words) Program Schedule Application Schedule Summer Course at Niigata University: Lessons from Contemporary Japan This two-week Program provides students with an opportunity to study lessons learned in Japan in historical and contemporary perspectives in terms of environmental policies, economic management, natural disaster management, and East Asian relations. In this regard, two classes will be given, i.e. Environmental Problems and Development of Policies in Japan for the first week and an omnibus class, Japanese Experiences in Economic Management, Natural Disaster Management and International Relations for the second week. Each of these include not only lectures in class rooms but also site visits so that students can effectively understand the reality of the lessons. Students may choose one or both of these two classes. Length 2 (two) weeks From 18/08/2014 (students' arrival) To 29/08/2014 (students' departure) From 15/02/2014 Deadline 15/05/2014 Degree Level Undergraduate Teaching Language English Requirement (Language Proficiency, etc.) TOEFL 500 (No need for a TOEFL certificate; the applicant's declaration or his/her English teacher's letter is sufficient.) Number of Credits to Transfer Credits 2 credits x 2 classes UCTS Points 1.93 x 2 x 2 classes 30 school hours (2 x 15 periods) (2 school hours = 1.5 physical hours = 1 period) A Independent Study Hours (weekly) 60 school hours B Student's Total Workload (weekly) 90 school hours A+B Teaching Hours (weekly) Tuition Fee Waived Other Fees Besides Tuition No fees are required other than the personal expenses including for accommodation, international transport to/from Niigata, local transport in Niigata, meals, insurance, etc. which must be covered by the students themselves. Transportation Fee: Airport Pick-up No airport pick-up service (Information of how to come from Niigata, Narita or Haneda Airports will be provided.) On Campus Not available Off Campus At a hotel in the city center (No hotels in the vicinity of the University): Approximately 4,000 yen per night PLUS train tickets for the commute between the hotel and the University: 460 yen per day (or 920 yen by bus) (All the payments must be made by the students themselves. These costs are subject to change especially because of the 3 % consumer tax hike imposed on 1 April.) Accommodation Fee Medical/ Health Insurance Fee Travel insurance or other appropriate arrangements to cover all the medical expenses in Japan must be made in advance by the students themselves. (Students should note that there are no medical institutions in Niigata that have a contract with travel insurance companies so that the patients do not have to pay at the institution. Patients must pay at a medical insititution and request reimbursement to a travel insurance company later.) Niigata University issues a certificate of acceptance of the student once it has decided to accept the student. With this certificate, each student must apply for a visa at a Japanese Embassy or Consulate in his/her own country well in advance. (There are those passports with which no visa is required for a short stay. Please check it at a Japanese Embassy or Consulate.) Assistance for Visa Application Others, please specify (Orientation, etc.) Timeline: 15 May: Application forms for enrollment accompanied by relevant certificats must be submitted to Niigata University. Late May: Decision by Niigata University of the students to be accepted with or without the UMAP Scholarship. Early June: Niigata University issues a certificate of acceptance of the student. June: Each student applies for a visa to a Japanese Embassy or Consulate. Mid July - early August: Visas are issued. An orientation is scheduled on the first day (18 August) in late afternoon or in the evening. Another orientation will be made on 24 or 25 August for those who take the second week class only. Niigata University applies for a UMAP Super Short Program Scholarship, which provides lump sum 800 US dollars for each of up to ten students participating in this Program. Those students who have honored the scholarship on the basis of their achievements at their home universities and of the study plans in Japan will receive the scholarship on arrival at Niigata. Application are accepted until Friday, 13 June. Late applicants still have a chance for the UMAP Scholarship (800 US Dollars for each student). (4 June 2014) An outline of the 2014 Summer Course submitted to the UMAP International Secretariat in January 2014 (pdf, 17 KB) An outline of the 2014 Summer Course with President's welcome message (1 April 2014, pdf 167 KB) Dates: Monday, 18 (students' arrival) - Friday, 29 August (students' departure) First week: Almost the same contents as in 2013. Second week: Some changes due to retirement of professors UMAP has decided to provide its Super Short Term Program Scholarship to Niigata University. 10 students coming to Niigata University are eligible for the Scholarship. (provided in Japanes Yen on their arrival at Niigata) Procedures for the 2014 program 1. Geting an account and password from your university 2. Apply to universities (one university for each country) in the UMAP web site. (Please do not apply for universities that you do not want to go.) 3. Send the documents to Niigata Univeristy required for enrollment in Niigata University. 4. Wait for decision of Niigata University for acceptance of you as an exchange student. 5. Apply for a passport (if not yet available), book flights, and apply for a visa (if visa is not waived). 6. Arrive at Niigata by the evening of Monday, 18 August List of documents to be submitted to Niigata University (pdf, 47 KB) Application form to Niigata University (Word, 85 KB) Health check form (pdf, 18 KB) (Any other forms are accepted so long as all the items in this form are covered.) Financial statement form (Excel, 28 KB) (Only for those who must apply for a visa) Information of lodging No dormitory is available in Niigata University for this program. There is no hotels or hostels nearby. Therefore Niigata University has reserved two two-bed rooms and ten single rooms in downtown Niigata near Niigata train station as before (the same hotel as before). The rooms are provided on the first-come first-served basis. Documents etc. to be submitted for application for the 2014 UMAP special summer course at Niigata University The dates for submission have been changed since 13 May. Check To be submitted by 15 May 30 May 15 May 30 May 15 May 30 May 15 May 30 May 15 May 30 May so long as possible; 8 August at the latest Documents etc. Number of copies Application form for the Summer Course at Niigata University: Lessons from Contemporary Japan 1 Academic transcript 1 Letter of recommendation from the head of the applicant’s department or academic advisor 1 Certificate of studentship issued by the applicant’s university 1 Photocopy of the applicant’s passport 1 Heath examination certificate 1 15 May 30 May Photo (4 cm x 3 cm) 2 15 May 30 May Photocopy of a certificate of English language proficiency (e.g. TOEFL), if any 1 Financial Support Statement 1 Certificate or a proof of the supporter’s statement 1 8 August 15 May 30 May 15 May 30 May To be sent to: International Affairs Division Attn. Ayako Endo Niigata University 8050 Ikarashi Ni-no-cho, Nishi-ku Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken 950-2181 Japan Phone: +81-25-262-7627 Fax: +81-25-262-7519 E-mail: [email protected] Note The names in the passport and in official documents of Niigata University must be exactly the same. Therefore in case the student cannot submit a photocopy of the passport by 15 May, she/he must submit an alternative document that identifies her/his exact name by 15 May. So long as the contents of this form are covered, any other form is accepted. Respectively for the application form for the Summer Course and for a student I.D. Student's declaration or his/her English language professor's declaration of his/her capability equivalent to TOEFL 500 is accepted Only those who must apply for a Japanese visa. Only those who must apply for a Japanese visa. E.g. bank balance certificate, income certificate, etc. Because the student exchange is conducted in accordance with the agreement among universities, documents must be submitted through universities. Direct submission from a student to Niigata University is not accepted. USCO Special Student Exchange Program (Program C) 写真を貼って ください Paste your Summer Course at Niigata University: Lessons from Contemporary Japan photo here 4cm x 3cm 姓 Family Name 氏名 Full Name 名 Given Name ミドルネーム Middle Name アルファベット (パスポートの表記) in Roman Alphabets on Passport カタカナ in Japanese (Katakana), if possible 漢字 in Chinese Characters, if applicable 国籍 Nationality 性別 Sex 男性 Male / 女性 Female 生年月日 Date of Birth 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day プログラム開始時の年齢 Age at the enrollment (20 August 2012) 19 自国で現在所属している大学 Your Home University 大学 Name of the university 学部・専攻(専門分野) Department / Major 自国で現在所属している大学の入学年月と学年 Date of Admission and School Grade at Home University 入学年月 Date of Admission (Year/Month) to your home university プログラム開始時の学年 School Grade at the start of this program 現在の住所 Present Address Eメールアドレス E-mail Address y 年 m 年生 Grade 月 電話番号 Telephone Number 緊急連絡先 Person to be Notified in Case of Emergency 氏名 Name 住所 Address 電話番号 Phone Number 申請者との関係 Relationship with the Applicant 語学能力 Language Proficiency 日本語能力 Proficiency in Japanese 優 Excellent 良 Good 可 Fair 不可 Poor 読む Reading 話す Speaking 聞く Listening 日本語学習歴 Japanese Language Background 学習期間 Period of Study 学校名 Name of Institution 保持している日本語能力試験(日本国際教 育支援協会・国際交流基金主催) 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 N1 -- N2 -- N3 -- N4 -- N5 Level of JLPT (if applicable) その他の語学能力 Proficiency in Language other than Japanese 優 Excellent 良 Good 可 Fair 英語 English その他 Others 英語学習歴 English Language Background 学習期間 Period of Study 学校名 Name of Institution 保持している英語能力試験 Score of TOEFL , another test or a certificate of the applicant’s proficiency prepared by an English teacher プログラムの参加希望期間 Period of study at Niigata University □ 1 週間 1week □ 2 週間 2 weeks ( □第1週 First week □第2週 Second week ) 不可 Poor このプログラムに応募した動機・目的 学習計画 Reasons for Applying for this Program Learning plan at Niigata University □Environmental Problems and Development of Policies in Japan by Prof. Miyata (First week) □Japanese Experience in Economic, International Political, Cultural and other Fields by Prof. Awamura, etc. (Second week) ※Other learning plans if any 出願年月日 署名 Date of Application Signature 健康診断書 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH (to be completed by the examining physician) 日本語又は英語により明瞭に記載すること。 Please fill out (PRINT/TYPE) in Japanese or English. 氏名 Name: , Family name, First name □男 Male □女 Female Middle name 生年月日 Date of Birth: 年齢 Age: 1.身体検査 Physical Examination (1) 身 長 Height cm 体 重 Weight (2) 血 圧 Blood pressure kg mm/Hg∼ (3) 視 力 Eyesight: (R) (L) 裸眼 Without glasses (4) 聴 力 Hearing: mm/Hg 血液型 Blood type (R) (L) 矯正 With glasses or contact lenses □正常 normal □低下 impaired 言 語 Speech: A B O RH + − 脈拍 □整 regular Pulse □不整 irregular □正常 normal □異常 impaired 色覚異常の有無 Color blindness □正常 normal □異常 impaired 2.申請者の胸部について,聴診とX線検査の結果を記入してください。X線検査の日付も記入すること(6ヶ月以上前の検査は無効。) Please describe the results of physical and X-ray examinations of the applicant's chest x-rays (X-rays taken more than 6 months prior to this certification are NOT valid). 心臓 □正常 normal Cardiomegaly: □異常 impaired ↓ ← Date 異常がある場合 Film No. 心電図 Electrocardiograph :□正常 normal □異常 impaired Describe the condition of applicant's lungs. 肺 Lungs: □正常 normal □異常 impaired 3.現在治療中の病気 Under medical treatment at present □Yes (Conditions/particulars: □No ) 4.既往症 Past history : Please indicate with + or − and fill in the date of recovery Tuberculosis......□( . . ) Malaria.......□( . . ) Other communicable disease......□( Epilepsy......□( . . ) Kidney disease.....□( . . ) Heart disease......□( . . ) Psychosis.....□( . . ) Drug allergy......□( . . ) Diabetes......□( . . ) Functional disorder in extremities......□( . . ) 5.検 査 Laboratory tests 検 尿 Urinalysis: glucose ( 赤沈 ESR: Hemoglobin: ), protein ( ), occult blood ( mm/Hr, WBC count: gm/dl, GPT: /cmm . . ) ) 貧血 □ anemia 6.志願者の既往歴,診察・検査の結果から判断して,現在の健康の状況は充分に留学に耐えうるものと思われますか? Yes又はNoにチェックをし てください。 In view of the applicant's history and the above findings, is it your observation that his/her health status is adequate to pursue studies in Japan? Yes No 7.特記すべき事項 Particulars or additional comments: 日付 Date: 署名 Signature: 医 師 氏 名 Physician's Name (Print): 検査施設名 Office/Institution: 所在地 Address:
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