Title 平成26年度 卒業論文題目一覧 Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL Journal of the Ochanomizu University English Society 2015-03 http://hdl.handle.net/10083/57106 Rights Resource Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Resource Version publisher Additional Information This document is downloaded at: 2015-03-24T11:26:25Z 平成 26 年度 卒業論文題目 安藤 有紀 Interpretations of Argument Ellipsis by Second Language Learners 池ヶ谷 桃子 The Acquisition of Double Object Constructions by Japanese Learners of English 生駒 有紀 A Study of Diversity Education in English Classes in Junior and Senior High School 石井 里菜 Using Pre-listening Activities to Increase Students’Comprehension of English News 石川 真由 The Critical Period Hypothesis and Motivation in English Language Education at Japanese Elementary Schools 石見 しおり From Childishness to Maturity: The Two Generations in Wuthering Heights 近江 郁子 Children’s Acquisition of Focus Markers 木村 友紀 Affective Factors in Second Language Acquisition 喜代原 華 Masculinity in Hemingway’s The Nick Adams Stories 熊谷 歌那江 A Study of George Gershwin: The First American Crossover Composer 後藤 綾花 A Study of Quantifier Floating Phenomena in English 小脇 麻里 Right Dislocation in Children’s Speech 櫻井 絵美 A Study of Negative Prefixes in English 猿田 静木 A Study of Never Let Me Go: A Reading of It as an Allegory of Life 清水 麻実 A Study of Negative Polarity Items in English and Other Languages 清水 由美 A Study of the Adversity Effect in English and Japanese Passives 進藤 美沙 Japanese Pre-service High School English Teachers’Beliefs toward Communicative Grammar Teaching 関谷 桃子 A Study of Adjective-Noun Collocations in English 田辺 裕子 s “I, Now the Voice of the Recorded Law”: The Semiotic Subject in Shakespeare’ Measure for Measure 辻 香織 The Acquisition of Obligatory Subjects by Japanese Learners of English 津田 真実 The Acquisition of Pseudo-Passives by Japanese Learners of English 都築 あさこ A Study of Numeral Quantifiers 中澤 まな A Study of Case-Marking in English and Japanese 西岡 玲奈 A Challenge to Victorian Values: The Importance of“Double”in The Importance of Being Earnest 原田 彩也花 A Study of Metaphors with Color Terms 藤原 理子 On the Pragmatics of Verbal Irony 75 前島 有加里 James Fenimore Cooper’s Feminist Perspective on Women in The Last of the Mohicans 間瀬 桃香 Singing“High and Low”in Twelfth Night: A Study on Musicality of Shakespeare’s Drama 宮城 美咲 A Study of Harry Potter Series: Focusing on Its Main Characters and Readers 宮崎 優莉 Cordelia’s Death Behind the Curtain: A Study on William Shakespeare’s King Lear 森 まりも A Study of The Time Machine: Its Ambiguity in Science, Class and Progress 山田 志織 From Plot Devices to Allegory: A Study of Magic in the Walt Disney Animation Studios’Film Productions 横張 乃恵 A Case Study of How Two High School English Teachers Adopt the New Course of Study 吉田 早織 Marriages in Pride and Prejudice 76
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