RoHS RF - NIKKOHM マイクロ波吸収抵抗器 RFR 10W, 50W, 80W, 100W, 150W, 200W 250W FLANGE POWER RESISTORS, RFR Features: 特長用途 DC-4GHz、10W-600W フランジ抵抗器. 高熱伝導の窒化アルミ基板を使用した小型、広帯域吸収抵 抗. スパッタ薄膜テクノロジによる機械的強度に優れた吸収抵抗. 抵抗値は、50ohm から 800ohm、DC 抵抗値許容差は±1%. 多様な寸法、裏の放熱電極構造、1個ないし2個にてねじ止め するフランジ型を標準化. 抵抗膜は Ni-Cr 合金であり長期間の耐久性、優れた周囲温度 依存性を発揮. ウイルキンソンパワースプリッタ、コンバインアナ、アイソレータ、サーキ ュレータ、基地局送信機、高出力高周波電源装置、高出力マイ クロ波電力増幅器など.. ● High power flanged resistors for all DC up to 4GHz applications. ●Small size and wide frequency range specifications realized with through large heat conducting AlN substrate. ●Sufficient mechanical strength metallization from spattered thin film technology. ● 50ohm to 800ohm resistance with tolerance 1%, and terminations include chips and many style flange provided as standard, and other resistance and power available. ●Long life and temperature stability are shown by a result of Ni-Cr thin film technology. Applications: Consumption resistor of Wilkinson power splitter/ power combiner, for isolator/circulators, fixed station of mobile communication electronics, High power microwave amplifiers Ordering Information Type RFR050 | RFR010 RFR050 RFR080 RFR100 RFR150 RFR200 RFR250 Style 120 | 110 120 TCR C | C (50ppm) Resistance 201 | 500 101 151 201 251 301 401 601 801 Tolerance F | F (1.0%) (1) (2) (5) (3) (6) (7) 仕様・性能 Performance and Materials Type Rated Power (W) Heat Resistance (deg C/W) RFR010 RFR050 RFR080 RFR100 RFR150 RFR200 RFR250 RFR400 RFR600 10 50 80 100 150 200 250 400 800 6.5 2.5 Cp (uF) 50ohm VSWR 500MHz 50ohm VSWR 1GHz 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.3 0.5 ----- RoHS/Package Z00 | Z00 1.30 ----- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Substance Cold end Terminal Resistive Substrate Hot end Terminal Cover Flange Beam Lead Material Tin plated Ni-Cu Ni-Cr ALN Tin plated Ni-Cu ALO Ni plated Cu Au plated Cu Nikkohm Co., Ltd. 3-31-2640 Minamicho, Misawa, Aomori 033-0036 Japan TEL: +81-176-53-2105, FAX: +81-176-53-2106 © Nikkohm Co., Ltd. URL: & / e-mail: [email protected] RoHS RF - NIKKOHM マイクロ波吸収抵抗器 RFR 10W, 50W, 80W, 100W, 150W, 200W、250W RESISTORS 3.0 5.08 RFR050 110 1.50 2.60 3.10 1.50 2.60 3.10 7.00 14.20 20.30 RFR100010 3.0 2-3.63 5.08 9.53 RFR150 110 6.35 5.70 2-3.63 5.10 14.20 20.30 2-3.63 9.52 18.42 25.00 RFR200 110 3.00 4.10 4.50 9.52 18.42 25.00 1.50 2.60 3.10 7.00 14.20 20.30 1.5 3.00 4.10 4.50 2-3.63 RFR080 120 5.08 1.5 2-3.63 5.08 9.53 RFR050 120 6.35 RFR010 120 (2.54) 7.49 3.05 13.08 1.50 2.20 3.10 1.50 2.20 3.10 (1.28) 3.80 2.54 7.62 1.5 5.08 3.63 6.35 0.80 5.08 2.90 5.08 0.80 5.08 Style and Dimension (mm) 外形・寸法 RFR250 110 このデータシートの外形⼨法には公差が記載されていません。厳密な⼨法等を必要とされる場合は、製品規格仕様書をお取り寄せになって設計を⾏ってください。email: [email protected] 負荷軽減 Derating 吸収抵抗の応用例 Applications % Rating Power 120 Z1 100 deg C 100 Z2 Z3 Z4 R0 R1 80 R2 R3 R4 R0 60 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 40 R0 155deg C 20 0 -55 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Flange Temperature (deg C) 175 Applications, wide band divider and absorption resistors. 20141111 Nikkohm Co., Ltd. 3-31-2640 Minamicho, Misawa, Aomori 033-0036 Japan TEL: +81-176-53-2105, FAX: +81-176-53-2106 © Nikkohm Co., Ltd. URL: & / e-mail: [email protected]
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