Application for Graduate School Master’s Program Master’s Degree Course (Special Recommendation Admission for International Students) April 2015 and October 2015 1.Master’s Course Programs Master’s Course Programs Number to be admitted 1. Master of Marine Science in Marine Life Sciences Several persons 2. Master of Marine Science in Food Science and Technology Several persons 3. Master of Marine Science or Engineering in Marine Environmental Studies Several persons 4. Master of Marine Science in Marine Policy and Marine Management Several persons 5. Master of Engineering in Marine System Engineering Several persons 6. Master of Engineering in Maritime Technology and Logistics Several persons 7. Master of Safety Management in Food Supply Chain. Several persons 2.Admission Requirements (1) Recipient of a Monbukagakusho Scholarship (2) International student sent to Japan by a foreign government ※Please note that an international student who does not meet either of the above requirements cannot take an examination in any of the specified programs. 3.Application Procedure (1) Submission of documents: December 15, 2014 (Mon) to December 19, 2014 (Fri.) Office hours: 9.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m. Documents posted by mail should arrive no later than the deadline. (2) Offices (Documents may be submitted to either office.): Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology ○Admission SectionⅡof the Admissions Office 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8477 Japan Tel: +81-3-5463-4265 E-mail: [email protected] ○Etchujima Office, Admission Section 2-1-6 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8533 Japan Tel: +81-3-5245-7315 E-mail: [email protected] 4.Required Documents Documents to be submitted 1. Application Form 2. Official Academic Transcript Remarks Use the University-prescribed form as stipulated on the other sheet. Official academic transcript of all undergraduate courses issued by the university in which the applicant was last enrolled. 3. Official Certificate of (Expected) Official certificate confirming a bachelor's degree issued by the president of Graduation the university in which the applicant was last enrolled. Applicants complying with requirement (2) should submit a certificate of bachelor's degree or certificate of acceptance of application for a bachelor's degree. 4. Statement of Purpose (Motivation for Graduate Study and Research Proposal at TUMSAT) 5. Examination Fee (for applicants who have not received a Monbukagakusho Scholarship) 6. Photographs (2 identical) for Application Form and Examination Ticket 7.Certificate of receipt of a Monbukagakusho Scholarship or Certificate of receipt of International student sent to Japan by a foreign government 8.Copy of Passport Use the University-prescribed form as stipulated on the other sheet. Pay the examination fee (30,000 Yen) by way of bank transfer. Use the designated form and fill out the necessary items (do not separate). Then, take it to the banking facilities window for handling telegraphic transfers. (Do not use the post office.) Following payment, applicants will receive copies of receipts and certificates of payment. Please check the receipt stamps of the banking facility and paste the Certificate of Payment in the prescribed space on the application form. Applicants should retain their receipts for record purposes. The handling charge should be paid by the applicant. An applicant who has received a Monbukagakusho Scholarship should submit the certificate of receipt thereof. 4 cm x 3 cm full-face photograph from the chest up with bare head taken within the last 3 months. One photograph should be affixed in the space provided on the application form, and the other in the space provided on the examination ticket. ※Recipient of a Monbukagakusho Scholarship ※International student sent to Japan by a foreign government Overseas applicants only. Include the pages showing your name and photo. Only the living in Japan person submits the following documents. 9. Address card Write applicant’s address and zip code clearly on the form as stipulated on the other sheet. 10. Others Overseas applicants residing in Japan are required to submit a certificate giving proof of alien registration and stating residence status (the name entered on this certificate must be used on all submitted forms) issued by the head administrator of the city or other district. ※Please contact the Admission Office (TEL 03-5463-4265) if you have a problem submitting the certificate. 5.Admission and Tuition Fees (1) Entrance Examination Fee: ¥ 30,000 (2) Admission Fee: ¥282,000 (to be confirmed) (3) First Semester Tuition Fee: ¥267,900 (Annual Tuition: ¥535,800) (to be confirmed) ※These fees are waived for an applicant who has received a Monbukagakusho scholarship . ※International student sent to Japan by a foreign government whom university specifies are based on those for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship students. 6.Examination Method Documentary Examination or Oral Examination 7.Examination Date February 6, 2015(Friday) 8.Acceptance Notice March 3, 2015(Tuesday) 平成27年度 大学院海洋科学技術研究科博士前期課程 外国人留学生特別推薦選抜学生募集要項 (2次募集) 1.入学定員 ・海洋生命科学専攻 ・食機能保全科学専攻 ・海洋環境保全学専攻 ・海洋管理政策学専攻 ・海洋システム工学専攻 ・海運ロジスティクス専攻 ・食品流通安全管理専攻 各専攻ともに若干名 2.出願資格 (1)国費外国人留学生 (2)外国政府派遣留学生 ※上記以外の留学生は、本選抜を受験できませんのでご注意ください。 3.願書受付 (1)受付期間 平成26年12月15日(月)~平成26年12月19日(金) ※入試課入試第二係(品川)又は入試係(越中島)の窓口に書類を提出すること。 4.出願書類 出 願 書 類 注 意 事 ①志願書 別紙様式により所定の事項を記入してください。 ②成績証明書 出身大学の学長が作成したものです。 ③卒業証明書又は 卒業見込証明書 ④志望理由書 ⑤写真票・受験票 ⑥国費外国人留学生証明書 又は 政府派遣証明書 ⑦パスポートの写し 項 出身大学の学長が作成したものです。 研究計画を含めた志望理由を、別紙様式により所定の事項を記入してください。 別紙様式に必要事項を記入し、写真は出願前3か月以内に撮影した縦4cm、横3cm(上 半身、無帽、正面向)のものを貼ってください。 国費外国人留学生証明書・・・所属する大学等で発行したもの ※東京海洋大学在学生は不要です。 政府派遣証明書・・・各政府から発行された証明書を提出してください。 氏名、写真、旅券番号、有効期限が確認できるページを含むこと。 以下の書類は日本に在住している者のみが提出して下さい。 ⑧あて名票 ⑨受験票返信用封筒 ⑩住民票 別紙様式に所定の事項を記入してください。 受信先を明記した返信用封筒(長形3号:縦 23.5cm×横 12cm)に372円切手を貼っ たものを提出してください。 各居住地の市区町村で発行した、外国人住民に係る記載事項(国籍、在留資格等)の記 載があるものを提出してください。 ※提出できない場合は、入試課入試第二係(TEL(03)5463-4265)まで連絡してください。 5.検定料、入学料及び授業料 検定料:30,000円 ※日本政府(文部科学省)国費外国人留学生は不要です。 ※出願資格(2)の者で本学が定める政府派遣留学生は、国費外国人留学生に準じて取り扱うこととします。 入学料:282,000円 授業料:1学期分 267,900円(年額535,800円) ※日本政府(文部科学省)国費外国人留学生は不要です。 ※出願資格(2)の者で本学が定める政府派遣留学生は、国費外国人留学生に準じて取り扱うこととします。 6.選抜方法 書類審査または口述試験 7.試験日程 平成27年2月6日(金) 8.合格発表 平成27年3月3日(火)10時頃 Application for Graduate School Master’s Program Master’s Degree Course (Special Recommendation Admission for International Students) Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Application Form 受験番号 性別 Sex Last name ※ 氏名 Name 男 ・ 女 Male・Female 生年月日 Date of Birth Applicant’s number First & middle names Year Month Day 国籍 Nationality 現住所 Current address TEL : ( ) ― Mobile: ( ) ― TEL : ( ) ― Mobile: ( ) ― E-mail: 緊急連絡先 氏名 Emergency contact other than the above Name E-mail: 最終学歴 大学 University degrees University 年 学部 学科 Faculty Department 月 Date of graduation/Expected date of graduation □卒 業 graduate □卒業見込 expected graduation 志望専攻名 Course applied for □ 2015 年 4 月入学 入学希望年月 The time of enrollment 学 April 2015 □ 2015 年 10 月入学 October 2015 歴 Academic career 小学校 Elementary school 中学校 Junior high school 高等学校 Senior high school 大学 University ※Please fill in from entrance and graduation なお、 大学等で研究生等として在学していた場合 には、その期間も記入すること。 指導予定教員名 Prospective supervisor’s sign 印 年 月 事項 Year Month Items Application for Graduate School Master’s Program Master’s Degree Course (Special Recommendation Admission for International Students) Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Application Form 受験番号 ※ 氏名 Name 男 ・ 女 Male・Female 生年月日 Date of Birth Applicant’s number 性別 Sex Last name First & middle names Year Month Day 国籍 Nationality 現住所 Current address 最終学歴 University degrees 大学 University 年 学部 学科 Faculty Department 月 Date of graduation/Expected date of graduation 志望専攻名 Course applied for 志望理由(研究計画含む) Statement of Purpose (Motivation for Graduate Study and Research Proposal at TUMSAT) □卒 業 graduate □卒業見込 expected graduation Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology (Master Course) Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科 写 真 票 (博士前期課程) Photograph Card Master’s Degree Course (Special Recommendation Admission for International Students) Classification 選抜区分 Applicant’s number 受験番号 Course applied for 志望専攻名 Course 専 攻 Photograph(4cm×3cm) ( to be pasted here ) 写真貼付欄 縦 4cm 横 3cm (写真の裏面には、志望専 攻名と氏名を記入しておく こと) Course applied for and name of applicant should be wrote down on reverse side. Name 氏 名 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology (Master Course) Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科 受 Classification 選抜区分 Applicant’s number 受験番号 Course applied for 志望専攻名 験 票 (博士前期課程) Applicant's ID Card for Examination Master’s Degree Course (Special Recommendation Admission for International Students) Course 専 攻 Name 氏 名 [Notes] [記入上の注意] 1. Applicant’s number - to be left blank. 受験番号欄は、記入しないでください。 2. Please do not separate Applicant's ID Card and Photograph Card. 受験票と写真票は切り離さないで下さい。 Photograph(4cm×3cm) ( to be pasted here ) 写真貼付欄 縦 4cm 横 3cm (写真の裏面には、志望専 攻名と氏名を記入しておく こと) Course applied for and name of applicant should be wrote down on reverse side. Address card 〒 〒 Name Name ※ ※ 〒 〒 Name Name ※ ※ ・Please fill in the address and the name. ・Please deliver it promptly when changing one's address.
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