
Unforgettable Day
I never imagined how ten seconds of life can change one’s view of the whole existence. I had the
scariest day in my life. It was a hot summer day, and I was travelling back from my work to my house I
had a really bad day, lot things to be done, there was a lot of traffic, and I just wanted to arrive early. I
wanted to make it home before dusk, and so I drove fast Unfortunately, I was involved in car accident
and could not make it home safe. At that moment while my car was skidding, three things went through
my mind;
First I did not want to die, I was so young, I had a husband, children’s, a reasonable fraction of my life
still ahead of me, and I had a lot dreams to come true.
Second my family came into my mind, and I did not want them to suffer because something tragic
happened to me. it is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top
of our priorities.
Finally, my children’s mean everything for me, and spend more time whit my children’s if I had the
opportunity also I wanted to enjoy more my beautiful life.
The events of that evening change how I drive, it instilled valuable lessons, and I concluded that life was
too short to be taken granted for. we have to appreciate everything round us the nature, the sky, the
sun, the sea, our friend, our family, and life in general so Start by being grateful for the things you do