行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫 ■成果報告 □期中進度報告 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:歷史語言學 計畫類別:■個別型計畫 □整合型計畫 計畫編號:NSC 97-2420-H-007-011-2E2 執行期間:97 年 12 月 01 日至 99 年 11 月 30 日(延長至 100 年 11 月 30 日) 執行機構及系所:國立清華大學語言學研究所 計畫主持人:連金發 共同主持人:莊惠玲、張月琴、曹逢甫、廖秀娟、謝豐帆、羅德晶 計畫參與人員:張羣、胡佳音、蘇建唐 成果報告類型(依經費核定清單規定繳交):□精簡報告 ■完整報告 本計畫除繳交成果報告外,另須繳交以下出國心得報告: □赴國外出差或研習心得報告 □赴大陸地區出差或研習心得報告 □出席國際學術會議心得報告 □國際合作研究計畫國外研究報告 處理方式:除列管計畫及下列情形者外,得立即公開查詢 □涉及專利或其他智慧財產權,□一年□二年後可公開查詢 中 華 民 國 101 年 2 月 22 日 1 目錄 目錄...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 中英文摘要及關鍵詞.......................................................................................................................................... 3 報告內容.............................................................................................................................................................. 4 壹、 原購書計畫簡介.......................................................................................................................... 4 貳、 執行的步驟與過程(校內分工) ................................................................................................... 4 參、 執行成果...................................................................................................................................... 5 附錄...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 中英文摘要及關鍵詞 (一)計畫中文摘要。(五百字以內) 本計畫為圖書購置計畫,計畫名稱為「補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計劃規劃主題:社會語言學」 。 計畫執行日期期限為民國 97 年 12 月 1 日至 99 年 11 月 30 日,至計畫執行第二年,由於部份圖書面臨 絕版問題,書商需要到二手書市場進行洽詢,以致圖書到館及後續行政程序有所延誤,因此辦理計畫 展期,執行期間延至民國 100 年 11 月 30 日。 本計畫的目的是:在國內各大學現有藏書的基礎上,擴充這個領域的藏書量。我們希望能建構一 個具有完整、均衡且有系統性的社會語言學書庫。在這個書庫內,盡量收納多樣化的子題,包含社會 語言學理論、語用學、言談分析、混合語、漢語方言及南島語言學的語言調查、功能語法、語言接觸、 語言與文化、語言與認知、區域語言研究、方言共時和歷時語法、語言變異研究、借詞音韻學等。同 時,這些子題的書目除了涵蓋中文和英文的相關書籍外,還包括其它語言編寫而成的書籍,如日文、 法文、西班牙語和歐洲語言等。另外,我們所採購的書籍類型也很多元,如圖書、現期(過期)期刊等, 共計購入 3435 本書籍。 關鍵詞:社會語言學、學術社群服務、完整書庫 (二)計畫英文摘要。(五百字以內) The purpose of the present project is to expand and upgrade the present collection of linguistics books and periodicals in the Tsing Hua CHSS library. In particular, we hope our efforts will result in a more thorough, well-balanced, and cutting-edge collection in the area of sociolinguistics. This plan will not only foster research within the NTHU Institute of Linguistics but will also provide a more efficient, significant, and larger-scale service for the domestic academic community, a service for which the NTHU linguistics library has become renowned. In our proposed bibliography, we have paid close attention to a wide range of sociolinguistics subfields, such as discourse analysis, creole language, linguistic descriptions of Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages (in particular Austronesian languages), functional grammar, language contact, language and culture, regional linguistic studies, dialectal and diachronic grammar, field methods, language variation, loan phonology, et cetera. Apart from books, some funds will be devoted to acquiring back issues of sociolinguistics journals. A comparison of the number of books in Social Linguistics in the NTHU library shows that there were 2817 books in 2008, and there are 11977 books up to now. Keywords: sociolinguistics, academic community service, comprehensive collection 3 報告內容 「執行的步驟與過程(校內分工)」 、和「執行 本報告內容,總共包含三大部份: 「原購書計畫簡介」 、 成果」,並於附錄附上完整的購書書單。以下依序說明: 壹、 原購書計畫簡介 甲、 典藏價值與特色 本計劃以「社會語言學」為典藏的主題。社會語言學是一門研究社會現象影響語言變異的科學。 它探討語言的社會本質,包括:(1)語言的社會本質的特點及其規律,(2) 語言、意識、社會在起 源上的相互關係,(3) 民族語言和民族形成的關係,(4)民族共同語的形成與社會發展的關係,(5) 語言演變與社會演變的關係。同時也探討社會各面向對語言使用的影響,諸如族群、宗教、地位、 性別、成長環境、教育程度、年齡等。 本計劃典藏的主要目的是強化社會語言學的研究、建立完整的語言研究環境,以期能窺得台灣 當代的語言社會生態的脈動,進而瞭解季風亞洲地帶多元文化多語現象。而本所成立以來以建立社 會語言的田野調查傳統,所研究的語言涵蓋了台灣本島的漢語方言和中國大陸的漢藏語、台灣本島 和境外的南島語。探討的課題包括上述語言的特性和語言變異。 乙、 國內需求情形 就典藏特色與國內需要的配合性而言,現在台灣是強調多語環境(是一個多語言的國家),蘊含 豐富的語言資源,其中包括國語、閩南、客家、及南島母語的研究,和境外南島語有密切關係。社 會語言學反映多元文化的重要環節。因此在台灣這麼有活力的語言生態下為發展社會語言學研究提 供相當有利的條件。清華圖書館的語言學藏書在這二十多來的持續穩健的經營下已經奠定深厚的基 礎,其語言專業的藏書向來為國內語言學者所稱道而善加運用,社會語言學的藏書雖已建立一定的 基礎,但因需顧及藏書各領域的均衡,社會語言學藏書還需大力提升,也比較容易達到藏書完整、 有系統的特色,才能因應這個學科日新月異的發展,也才能滿足國內的有志於社會語言學研究的學 者的需求。 丙、本案規劃圖書所要達成的指標 目前清華大學圖書館在社會語言學方面的藏書數量與國外知名大學比較起來還差一大截,詳 見下表。如以社會語言學重鎮賓州大學為參考指標,我們可以以下的情況。清華大學圖書館社會語 言學英文書籍的部分約為賓州大學的 15%。依本計劃,第一年預計購入約 2000 本,第二年累計購 入約 4000 本,加上原有的 2114 本,計畫執行之後,應該可以達到賓州大學的 58%。 貳、 執行的步驟與過程(校內分工) 在工作的分配與互動上,分成三個方面: 甲、在研究生人員方面,本計畫聘請多位語言所的研究生協助蒐集建構書單(這些書目涵蓋許多語 言編寫而成的書籍)。方法是:多人同時利用關鍵字進行收集和核對書目,並將書目分領域。對於 收集到的資料,凡是書名能直接看出與社會語言學相關的才上傳至國科會進行複本率的查詢。 乙、在清大圖書館方面,我們的互動關係有三點。第一,我們先提供可能的關鍵字給圖書館。然後, 4 圖書館在讓書商提供書單給我們篩選後上傳檢查副本。第二,我們與圖書館負責人員保持聯繫,並 且已經召開過三次公開會議,討論相關事宜。第三,圖書館也聘請大學部的工讀生,幫忙書目整理 等相關事宜。 丙、在國科會方面,我們與國科會的互動主要是利用國科會的自動查詢系統,刪除副本的資料。 參、 執行成果 本圖書計畫執行期間共購入 3435 本圖書,包括以英語、中文、日文及其他語言撰寫之社會語言學 相關領域書籍。 購置圖書後續經營與推廣服務之規劃及促進資源流通共享之規劃說明如下。 甲、後續經營: 1. 本計畫相關主題的圖書與期刊資料均會由清華大學圖書館給予登錄、分類編目,並納入館藏, 供眾閱覽。 2. 圖書均採開架式陳列,讀者均可自由取閱。 3. 讀者可經由清大圖書館館藏查詢系統 (http://webpac.lib.nthu.edu.tw/) 查詢相關書刊的 書目資料。 4. 圖書館依計畫主題彙整採購入館之圖書清單,並透過圖書館網頁提供讀者查閱。本圖書計畫購 得圖書有專門設置之連結方便讀者查詢,連結網址如下: http://webpac.lib.nthu.edu.tw/F/?func=find-c&ccl_term=%28+wrd%3D+%E5%9C%8B%E7%A7%91% E6%9C%83%E8%A3%9C%E5%8A%A9%E4%BA%BA%E6%96%87%E5%8F%8A%E7%A4%BE% E6%9C%83%E7%A7%91%E5%AD%B8%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E5%9C%96%E6%9B%B8%E 8%A8%88%E7%95%AB+and+wrd%3D+%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83%E8%AA%9E%E8%A8%80% E5%AD%B8+%29&local_base=TOP01&adjacent=Y 5. 本校圖書館提供多台配備良好及快速的桌上型電腦,以利來館讀者上網檢索所需館藏。 乙、推廣服務之規劃: 1. 展示與引介:新購置圖書上架前,均會以「新書展示」方式陳列一週;新進電子資源並在圖書 館電子報以及人文社會學院簡訊公告,讓使用者能及時掌握最新資訊。 2. 利用推廣:每年擇期舉辦數次資源利用說明會;製作資源利用指引單張與網頁;舉辦各項推廣 活動,例如:主題書展,提高資源的使用成效。圖書計畫在圖書館網頁設有專區,連結網址為: http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/library/project/human/project/linguistics.htm 此外,圖書館也製作摺頁宣傳各圖書計畫,本計畫摺頁如下。 5 3. 設備與空間:本校圖書館人社分館近年來擴充西文圖書區書架,並於該區增設閱覽桌 16 席, 提供良好閱覽環境;中文圖書區之書架亦逐年陸續添置,足以容納新增圖書。另外,更將購入數 位縮影資料閱讀複印機,將可提昇縮影資料(微片及微捲)使用的方便性。 丙、促進資源流通與共享之規劃 1. 閱覽流通:除期刊及參考工具限於館內閱覽外,其他一般圖書本校和台灣聯合大學系統(交通 大學、中央大學及陽明大學)的讀者均可憑有效證件借閱。校外人士(年滿十八歲者)亦得憑學 生證、教職員證或身分證換取臨時閱覽證入館使用資料。 2. 台灣聯合大學系統(UST)圖書代借代還服務:台灣聯合大學系統其他三校讀者(交通大學、中 央大學及陽明大學),更可於線上向清大圖書館申請代借圖書,而毋需親自到館借書(還書),此項 服務完全免費。 (參見http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/services/borrow/ust_support.htm) 3. 館際合作服務:目前各圖書館間係透過「全國文獻傳遞服務系統」的機制提供資源共享的付費 服務,透過各種合作組織之協定,為讀者提供期刊、圖書、學位論文、專利等資料之複印及圖書 借閱的服務 ,可互通有無,有效發揮各館有限資源之最大價值。校外讀者可透過該系統的館際合 作借書機制借閱清大圖書館的圖書。 (參見 http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/library/department/ref/ill/interlibrary.htm) 6 附錄 完整購書書單(共 3435 筆) 題名 作者 "A marriage made in heaven"? :the sexual politics of Hebrew-Yiddish diglossia / 出版社 by Naomi Sheindel Seidman. UMI, "Bullshit on 'What if'! :an ethnographic rhetoric of political by Julie L. argument in a working-class bar / Lindquist. UMI, 出版年 1993. 1995. "Män ersprache" - "Frauensprache"? :eine korpusgestü zte empirische Analyse des Sprachgebrauchs britischer und amerikanischer Frauen und Männ r hinsichtlich Geschlechtsspezifika / Anne Grimm. Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2008. "Wenn Du mein Bruder bist ..." :Interaktion und Textgestaltung in altbabylonischen Alltagsbriefen / Walther Sallaberger. Styx, 1999. Tectum Verlag, 2006. 明石書店, 2009. 南雲堂, 2008. "Women and men like different things"? :Doing Gender als von Heiko Strategie der Werbesprache / Motschenbacher. 「ことば」という幻影 :近代日本の言語イデオロギー イ.ヨンスク著. / 「ピーナッツ」で学ぶ英語と比較文化 =Enjoy English with Charlie Brown and Friends: Language and Culture in 外山晴子著. Peanuts / 「ピーナッツ」で学ぶ英語と比較文化 =Enjoy English with Charlie Brown and Friends: Language and Culture in 外山晴子著. 南雲堂, Peanuts / 野呂香代子, 山下 「正しさ」への問い :批判的社会言語学の試み / 仁編著. 三元社, 「伝統的な言語文化」を活かす言語技術 / 日本言語技術教育 学会編. 明治図書, 「言の葉」のフィンランド :言語地域研究序論 / 吉田欣吾著. 「音漬け社会」と日本文化 / 中島義道, 加賀野 井秀一著. 講談社, 2008. 2009. 2009. 東海大学出版会, 2008. 2009. 「移動する子どもたち」の考える力とリテラシー :主 体性の年少者日本語教育学 / 川上郁雄編著. 明石書店, 2009. 「国語」の近代史 :帝国日本と国語学者たち / 中央公論新社, 2006. 安田敏朗著. 7 <複数文化>のために :ポストコロニアリズマとクレオ 複数文化研究会 ール性の現在 / 編. 人文書院, 1998. <識字の構造> :思考を抑圧する文字文化 / 菊池久一著. 勁草書房, 1995. A book in the dialect of Northern Minnesota / by Tom Hanson. AuthorHouse, c2007. A case study of language shift in progress in Port Limon, Costa Rica / by Marva Joy Spence. UMI, 1992. UMI, 1993. UMI, 1990. A comparative study of spoken and written Thai :linguistic Supanee and sociolinguistic perspectives / Tiancharoen. University Microfilms International, 1987. A content analysis of televised political advertising in the 1988 fall presidential campaign / by Richard Scott Britten. UMI, 1993. A conversation analysis of structure and interaction in the language interview / by Anne Louise Lazaraton. UMI, 1991. A conversational analysis of theatrical discourse :repair procedures as the expression of dramatic interaction / by Roberta Piazza. UMI, 1987. A corpus-based study of proper names in present-day English :aspects of gradience and article usage / Grace Y.W. Tse. c2005. A communication linguistics perspective on the structuration of ideology in discourse. A comparative pragmatic analysis of discourse in African-American and White learning disabled children / by Sharon Ann Saferstein. Peter Lang, Jay Dearborn Edwards and Nicolas Kariouk Pecquet du Bellay de Verton ; illustrations by William Brockway, Charles Funderburk, Mary Louisiana State Lee Eggart. University Press, 2004. A Creole lexicon :architecture, landscape, people / A description of grammatical features and their variation in the Black Country dialect / Lyndon Higgs. Schwabe, 2004. A descriptive analysis of indirect complaint sequences among speakers of American English / UMI, 1991. Diana Boxer. 8 A descriptive study of the mechanisms of control used by mother child dyads at three levels of discourse structure / by Kathleen R. Helfrich-Miller. UMI, 1983. A descriptive study of the offer as a speech behavior in American English / Josephine F. Rabinowitz. UMI, 1993. A developmental role of allo-repetition in the discourse of nursery school children in Okinawa / by Minako Ishikawa. UMI, 1993. A dictionary of European Anglicisms :a usage dictionary of edited by Manfred Oxford University Anglicisms in sixteen European languages / Gö lach. Press, 2008. A dictionary of Maori words in New Zealand English / edited by John Macalister. A dictionary of Nigerian English usage / Enicrownfit Herbert Igboanusi. Publishers, 2002. A dictionary of post-classical Yemeni Arabic / by Moshe Piamenta. E.J. Brill, 1990-1 991. A dictionary of the Cajun language / by Jules O. Daigle. Swallow, c1984. A discourse analysis of "Office hours" :questions and power in an academic speech event / by Karthy Nair-Brodeur. UMI, 1995. A discourse analysis of "race" rhetoric and media :content by Meta G. and concepts in The Dallas morning news ... / Carstarphen. UMI, 1993. A discourse analysis of selected peak marking features in the Gospel of John / by Steven C. Booth. UMI, 1991. Kylie Hsu. Edwin Mellen Press, c1998. A discourse analysis of the changes occurring in the writing by Sheila of ten children between first grade and fourth grade / Friedman. UMI, 1989. A discourse analysis of the language used in direct mail communications / by Jane Frank. UMI, 1990. A discourse analysis of the letter to the Hebrews :the relationship between form and meaning / Cynthia Long Westfall. T&T Clark;Continuum International Publishing Group, Limited, c2005. A discourse analysis of variation in children's language in preschool, small group settings / by Rebecca Burns-Hoffman. UMI, 1992. UMI, 1993. A discourse analysis of temporal markers in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese :the interaction of semantics, syntax, and pragmatics / by Brian Gregory A discourse grammar of the Aramaic in the book of Daniel / Toews. 9 Oxford University Press, 2005. A discourse study of passives in Japanese conversation / by Eri Yoshida. UMI, 1996. UMI, 1991. by Jon Richard A functional analysis of public discourse / Jordan. A grammar of Basque / edited by José Ignacio Hualde, Jon Mouton de Ortiz de Urbina. Gruyter, 2003. David E. Watters. Cambridge University Press, 2002. A language of our own :the genesis of Michif, the mixed Cree-French language of the Canadian Métis / Peter Bakker. Oxford University Press, 1997. A linguistic analysis of mechanisms underlying power in international political negotiations / by Hassan M. Wageih Hassan. UMI, A linguistic analysis of point of view in fiction by Susan Lynn Ehrlich. National Library of Canada, 1990. A linguistic analysis of point of view in fiction by Susan Lynn Ehrlich. National Library of Canada, 1990. A linguistic analysis of point of view in fiction by Susan Lynn Ehrlich. National Library of Canada, 1990. A linguistic approach to the understanding of telephone by Helena crisis intervention / Valldejuli-Butler. UMI, A linguistic geography of Africa / edited by Bernd Heine and Derek Nurse. Cambridge University Press, 2008. A new model of politeness in discourse / by Tae-Seop Lim. UMI, A portrait of the young in the new multilingual Spain / edited by Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau and Multilingual Aurora Bel. Matters, A grammar of Kham / A pragmalinguistic investigation of inferential structure in Japanese / Bruch, Julie Joy. University Microfilms International, 1989. 1993. 1988. c2008. 1990. A pragmatic structural analysis of conversations for making by Danalee appointments Goldthwaite. National Library of Canada, 1989. A pragmatic structural analysis of conversations for making by Danalee appointments Goldthwaite. National Library of Canada, 1989. A pragmatic structural analysis of conversations for making by Danalee appointments Goldthwaite. National Library of Canada, 1989. 10 selected papers from the 31st Linguistic A Romance perspective on language knowledge and use / Symposium on Romance Languages (LRSL), Chicago, 19-22 April, 2001 ; edited by Rafael Núñez-Cedeño, Luis Lóp z, Richard Cameron. J. Benjamins, c2003. A semiotic explication of communicative competence :the respecification of human communication in communicology / by Du-Won Lee. UMI, 1993. A social construction of reality evident in the discourse of by Daniel David Jehovah's Witnesses / Cronn-Mills. UMI, 1995. A sociolinguistic analysis of perjury / by Marie Elizabeth Troy. UMI, 1996. A sociolinguistic analysis of the interpreter's role in the turn exchanges of an interpreted event / by Cynthia B. Roy. UMI, 1989. by Petronella Lyda A sociolinguistic and conversational analysis among second Francisca Van generation Moroccans in the Netherlands / Deusen-Scholl. UMI, 1988. A sociolinguistic inquiry into language maintenance and language shift among sub-Saharan Africans in the United States of America :an example in western Pennsylvania / Nourou M. Yakoubou. UMI, 1994. A sociolinguistic study of language shift in Mazandarani / Shahidi, Minoo. Uppsala universitet, 2008. A sociolinguistic, conflict, and functional analysis of dialogue in the American TV drama / by Evangelia Matthildi Strantzali. UMI, 1986. A study of the language skills of lower socio-economic Black preschoolers / by Mary I. Exstrom. UMI, 1991. A study of two preschool children's narrating abilities in spontaneous conversation / by Jo-Anne Prendeville. UMI, 1991. UMI, 1993. UMI, 1992. A study of uncertainty, information-seeking, and interaction involvement in initial conversations / by John Ludlum. A talk about talk :a conversational approach to oral by Judith Imali narratives / Abala. 11 compiled by Marc Lescarbot et al. ; edited by Peter Bakker and Kristina German Johansen. A vocabulary of the Souriquois jargon / A way with words :language and culture in Tokelau society / Ingjerd Hoëm. I. イリイチ, B. サ Evolution Pub., c2005. White Orchid Press ;Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, 1995. ABC :民衆の知性のアルファベット化 / ンダース著 ;丸山 真人訳. 岩波書店, 1991. Abductive interpretation and reinterpretation of natural language utterances / Susan W. McRoy. UMI, 1993. Academic register :the voice of authority / by Honora Maureen Neal. UMI, 1994. Across the lines :travel, language, translation / Michael Cronin. Cork University Press, 2000. Actes de résistance sociolinguistique :les défis d'une production périodique militante en langue d'oc / Carmen Alén Garabato. Harmattan, 2008. Adventures in Yiddishland :postvernacular language and culture / Jeffrey Shandler. University of California Press, 2006. Africa meets Europe :language contact in West Africa / George Echu, Samuel Gyasi Obeng, editors. Nova Science Publishers, c2004. African French, cultural patterning of oral persuasion :a study of discourse techniques used by public speakers in by Leola Dolly Cote d'Ivoire / Alexander. UMI, 1987. Africanisms in the Gullah dialect / Lorenzo D. Turner ; with a new introduction by Katherine Wyly University of Mille and Michael South Carolina B. Montgomery. Press, c2002. After the crossing :immigrants and minorities in Caribbean edited by Howard creole society / Johnson. F. Cass, 1988. Ageing in Africa :sociolinguistic and anthropological approaches / Ashgate, c2002. edited by Sinfree Makoni and Koen 12 Stroeken. Ahlan wa Sahlan :functional modern standard Arabic for intermediate learners / Mahdi Alosh. Yale University Press, 2006. Mahdi Alosh. Yale University Press, 2006. Mahdi Alosh. Yale University Press, 2006. Mahdi Alosh. Yale University Press, 2006. AIDS counselling :institutional interaction and clinical practice / Anssi Peräkylä. Cambridge 2005, University Press, c1995. Algeria in others' languages / edited by Anne-Emmanuelle Cornell Berger. University Press, 2002. Al-Jurjaanii's theory of naZm (discourse arrangement) :a linguistic perspective / by Ahmad Sweity. UMI, 1992. Alles klar? :an integrated approach to German language and culture / Karl F. Otto ... [et al.]. Pearson, c2004. Alles wird gut :Beiträge des Finnischen Germanistentreffens 2001 in Turku/Åbo, Finnland / Dagmar Neuendorff, Henrik Nikula, Verena Möller (Hrsg.). P. Lang, c2005. Alzheimer discourse :some sociolinguistic dimensions / Vai Ramanathan. 2009. American English :dialects and variation / Walt Wolfram and Natalie Schilling-Estes. Blackwell Pub., Ahlan wa Sahlan :functional modern standard Arabic for intermediate learners / Ahlan wa Sahlan :functional modern standard Arabic for intermediate learners / Ahlan wa Sahlan :functional modern standard Arabic for intermediate learners / America's second tongue :American Indian education and the ownership of English, 1860-1900 / An analysis of cohesion in selected texts of referential discourse / Routledge, Ruth Spack. University of Nebraska Press, c2002. by Betty Ross Jones Starling. UMI, 1980. An analysis of English-irish dialect in the early novels of Patrick MacGill :bilingualism and language shift from Irish Carolina P. Amador Edwin Mellen to English in County Donegal / Moreno. Press, An analysis of familial noncompliance from a "polite" by William D. perspective / Rogers, Jr. 13 2006. UMI, c2006. 1992. An analysis of set-marking tags in the English language / by Anne Marie Ediger. An analysis of the effects of three discourse structures on by Pamela K. recall / Murfin. An annotated bibliography on Haitian Creole :A review of Emmanuel W. publications from colonial times to 2000 / Védrine. UMI, 1995. UMI, 1989. Educa Vision, Inc., c2004. An elementary grammar of biblical Hebrew / Sheffield Edwin C. Hostetter. Academic Press, An index to Roman Imperial constitutions from Greek inscriptions and papyri :27 BC to 284 AD / Vasilis I. Anastasiadis, George A. Souris. Walter de Gruyter, 2000. An introduction to Aramaic / by Frederick E. Greenspahn. Brill, 2003. An introduction to sociolinguistics / Janet Holmes. Pearson Longman, 2008. Analysis of conflict discourse :evidence from by Janette Yael Israeli-Palestinian 'dialogue' events / Zupnik. UMI, 1995. Analysis of narrative and procedural discourse written by children / by Lee Allard. UMI, 1988. Analysis of teachers' and children's verbal behavior in self-directed critical thinking small-group discussions / by Debra Provaznik Ebel. UMI, 1991. Analyzing everyday texts :discourse, rhetoric, and social perspectives / Glenn F. Stillar. Sage Publications, c1998. John C. Paolillo. Center for the Study of Language and Information, dem Ukrainischen und Deutschen / Yevgen Zaretsky. Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2008. Anglizismen in der deutschen Werbesprache :untersucht anhand ausgewählter Frauen- und Män erzeitschriften / von Katarzyna Meder. Logos Verlag, c2006. Anglizismen in der deutschen Werbesprache :untersucht anhand ausgewählter Frauen- und Män erzeitschriften / von Katarzyna Meder. Logos Verlag, c2006. Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. Analyzing linguistic variation :statistical models and methods / c2000. c2002. Anglizismen im Russischen seit 1991 :ein Vergleich mit Anglosphere challenge :Why the english-speaking nations will lead the way in the twenty-first century / James C. Bennett. 14 Apologizing and complaining in Ciluba, French, and English :speech act performance by trilingual speakers in Zaire / by Kashama Mulamba. UMI, 1991. Approaches to cognition through text and discourse / edited by Tuija Virtanen. M. de Gruyter, c2004. Arabic in the city :issues in dialect contact and language variation / edited by Catherine Miller ... [et al.]. Routledge, 2007. Argumentation in practice / edited by Frans H. van Eemeren, Peter John Benjamins Houtlosser. Pub., c2005. Peter Bennett & As communication and culture :the essential introduction / Jerry Slater. Routledge, Asian Englishes :beyond the canon / Hong Kong University Press, c2005. Braj B. Kachru. 2008. Aspects of foreign language communicative competence in speaking and writing development :a comparison of discourse features in the production of beginning Spanish by Frances Mary learners / Sweeney. UMI, 1992. edited by Kurt Braunmuller, Aspects of multilingualism in European language history / Gisella Ferraresi. J. Benjamins Pub., c2003. Athabaskan language studies :essays in honor of Robert W. edited by Eloise Young / Jelinek ... [et al.]. University of New Mexico Press, c1996. Bargaining strategies as performance :an ethnographic and by Jean-Pierre sociolinguistic study of women fishsellers in Congo / Ngole. UMI, 1988. Bawdy language :everything you always wanted to do but were afraid to say / Kvetch Press, c2003. Lawrence Paros. Becoming one nation :explorations into language use and identity formation of Germany's post- and pre-unification generations / Anja Vogel-Langer. VDM Verlag, Bejo, Curay und Bin-Bim? :die Sprache und Kultur der Gabriele Aïsh Wolof im Senegal ; mit angeschlossenem Lehrbuch Wolof / Bichler. P. Lang, Between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans :studies on edited by Stephan contemporary Arabic dialects : proceedings of the 7th Procházka and AIDA conference, held in Vienna from 5-9 September 2006 Veronika Lit ;Distributed in North American by Transaction Publishers, Rutgers / University, Ritt-Benmimoun. 15 2008. c2003. c2008. Between two generations :language maintenance and acculturation among Chinese immigrant families / Donghui Zhang. LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2008. Bibliography of modern Romani linguistics :including a guide to Romani linguistics / compiled by Peter Bakker, Yaron Matras. John Benjamins Pub., c2003. Bildungserfolg, Migration und Zweisprachigkeit :Perspektiven fü Forschung und Entwicklung / Cristina Allemann-Ghionda/ Saskia Pfeiffer (Hg.). Frank & Timme, 2008. Bilingual speech-language pathology :an Hispanic focus / edited by Hortencia Singular Pub. Kayser. Group, c1995. Bilingual today, united tomorrow :official languages in education and Canadian federalism / Matthew Hayday. McGill-Queen's University Press, c2005. Bilingualism in ancient society :language contact and the written text / edited by J.N. Adams, Mark Janse, and Simon Swain. Oxford University Press, 2002. Biomedizin als sprachliche Kontroverse :die Thematisierung von Sprache im ö fentlichen Diskurs zur Gendiagnostik / Silke Domasch. De Gruyter, 2007. T&T Clark, c2008. BMH as body language :a lexical and iconographical study of the word BMH when not a reference to cultic phenomena in biblical and post-biblical Hebrew / W. Boyd Barrick. Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a grammar :with sociolinguistic University of commentary / Ronelle Alexander. Wisconsin Press, c2006. Herman M. Batibo, Birgit Smieja (eds.). P. Lang, Botswana :the future of the minority languages / c2000. by Susan Boys' sportscasting talk :a study of children's language use / Middleton Hoyle. UMI, Broken English/breaking English :a study of contemporary poetries in English / Rob Jackaman. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press ;Associated University Presses, c2003. Buying into English :language and investment in the new capitalist world / University of Pittsburgh Press, c2008. 16 Catherine Prendergast. 1988. Cajun self-taught / by Jules O. Daigle. Swallow, c1996. Caló orbis semiotic aspects of a Chicano language variety / Adolfo Ortega. P. Lang, c1991. Cancelative discourse markers / by David M. Bell. UMI, 1994. Caregiver responsive language and related caregiving practices / by Janet Ives Stone. UMI, 1991. Insight Guides ;Distribute d by Langenscheidt Caribbean :the Lesser Antilles. Publishers, 2008. Cent ans de francais cadien en Louisiane :etude sociolinguistique du parler des femmes / Carole Salmon. Peter Lang, c2009. Children's language and multilingualism :indigenous language use at home and school / edited by Jane Simpson and Gillian Wigglesworth. Continuum, c2008. Chinese identity in post-Suharto Indonesia :culture, media, religion and language / Chang-Yau Hoon. Sussex Academic Press, 2008. Cinéphile :French language and culture through film : a linguistic approach to studying film for the 2nd-year language student / Kerri Conditto. Focus Pub./R. Pullins Co., c2007. Clause chaining in Nepali discourse / by Laura Diane Crain. UMI, 1992. UMI, 1992. Clause combining in discourse and grammar :an analysis of some Korean clausal connectives in discourse / Haeyeon Kim. by Anne Merrill Clause-combining in Conchucos Quechua discourse / Stewart. UMI, 1987. Clinical interpretation and the reframing of experience :evidence from therapeutic discourse / by Lucia Q.N. Almeida. UMI, 1987. Code-switching / Penelope Gardner-Chloros. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Code-switching in bilingual children / by Katja F. Cantone. Springer, c2007. VDM Verlag, 2008. Springer, c2007. Code-switching of trilingual montrealers. edited by Istvan Kecskes and Cognitive aspects of bilingualism / 17 Liliana Albertazzi. Coherence and conversational comprehension :"What does by Isabelle that have to do with anything?" / Bauman. UMI, 1991. Cohesion and coherence in the speech of psychopathic criminals / by Sherrie Ellen Williamson. UMI, 1991. Collaborative processes of language use in conversation / by Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs. UMI, 1986. Tuttle Pub., [2006]. Richard Steadman-Jones. Blackwell Pub., 2007. Kean Gibson. State University of New York Press, c2001. Coming to terms with place :toward a topographic technique of language use / Sean M. Conrey. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007. Communicating about narrative (in)accuracy / by Elizabeth Wade. UMI, Colloquial Kansai Japanese :the dialects and culture of the DC Palter and Kansai region = Maido! ōkin ! Kansaiben / Kaoru Slotsve. Colonialism and grammatical representation :John Gilchrist and the analysis of the "Hindustani" language in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries / Comfa religion and Creole language in a Caribbean community / University of Exeter Press, 1993. Communication across cultures :translation theory and contrastive text linguistics / Basil Hatin. Communication and gender / Lea P. Stewart ... [et al.]. Allyn and Bacon, c2003. edited by José G. Centeno, Raquel T. Communication disorders in Spanish speakers :theoretical, Anderson and Multilingual research and clinical aspects / Loraine K. Obler. Matters, 2006. c2007. Andreas P. Mü ler, Alfred Kieser Communication in organizations :structures and practices / (eds.). P. Lang, 2003. Communicative functions in adult conversational discourse. UMI, 1989. Communicative inequalitythe participation of native Indian and nonnative children in instructional dialogue in a cross-cultural kindergarten class / by Angela Ward. National Library of Canada, 1989. Communicative inequalitythe participation of native Indian and nonnative children in instructional dialogue in a cross-cultural kindergarten class / by Angela Ward. 18 National Library of Canada, 1989. Communicative inequalitythe participation of native Indian and nonnative children in instructional dialogue in a National Library cross-cultural kindergarten class / by Angela Ward. of Canada, 1989. Communicative interactions between infants and adults at day care and at home :a comparison of Sweden and the United States / Joan Ellen Test. UMI, 1988. Communicative practices in workplaces and the professions :cultural perspectives on the regulation of discourse and organizations / edited by Mark Zachry and Charlotte Thralls. Baywood Pub. Co., c2007. Swets & Guus Extra & Ludo Zeitlinger Verhoeven (editors). Community languages in the Netherlands / Publishers;Taylor & Francis, c1993. Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing :8th international conference, CICLing 2007, Alexander Gelbukh Mexico City, Mexico, February 18-24, 2007 : proceedings / (ed.). Springer, c2007. Comunicación ntercultural en América Latina :del conflicto al diál go? / P. Lang, 2003. Concise encyclopedia of languages of the world / co-editor, Sarah Ogilvie. Elsevier, 2009. Conference interpreting : current trends in research ; proc. of the internat. conf. on "Interpreting :what do we know and how?" (Turku, August 25-27, 1994) / ed. by Yves Gambier, Daniel Gile, Christopher Taylor. Benjamins, 1997. Connectives in the narrative discourse of African-American by Calvin L. children / Gidney. UMI, 1995. Constructing a projected event: A critical linguistic analysis by Patricia Lou of the 1990 Persian Gulf conflict / Dunmire. UMI, 1995. Eva Gugenberger (ed.). coordinating editor, Keith Brown ; Contact Japanese :communicating in Japanese / Dallas Nesbitt, John Nesbitt, Keiko Uchimaru. EMC Publishing, 1993. Contact languages :a wider perspective / edited by Sarah G. J. Benjamins Pub. Thomason. Co., c1997. edited by John Holm and Susanne Contact languages :critical concepts in language studies / 19 Michaelis. Routledge, 2009. Contact languages :critical concepts in language studies / edited by John Holm and Susanne Michaelis. Routledge, 2009. Contact languages :critical concepts in language studies / edited by John Holm and Susanne Michaelis. Routledge, 2009. Contact languages :critical concepts in language studies / edited by John Holm and Susanne Michaelis. Routledge, 2009. Contact languages :critical concepts in language studies / edited by John Holm and Susanne Michaelis. Routledge, 2009. Contact linguistics :bilingual encounters and grammatical outcomes / Carol Myers-Scotton. Oxford University Press, 2002. Contagious couplings :transmission of expressives in Yiddish echo phrases / Mark Southern. Praeger, Contemporary Cambodian :the social institutions / Foreign Service by Lim Hack [i.e. Institute : for sale Hak] Kheang, by the Supt. of Madeline E. Docs., U.S. Govt. Ehrman, Kem Sos. Print. Off., 1974. Contemporary Indian English :variation and change / Andreas Sedlatschek. John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2005. 2009. Contested tongues :language politics and cultural correction in Ukraine / Laada Bilaniuk. Cornell University Press, 2005. Contrastes :grammaire du français courant / Denise Rochat. Pearson Prentice Hall, c2005. Contrasts in language use :a conversational and ethnographic analysis of service encounters in Austin and San Juan / by Jorge Antonio Velez. University Microfilms International, 1987. Converging worlds :play, literacy, and culture in early childhood / Maureen Kendrick. P. Lang, c2003. Conversation analysis and performance :an examination of by Nathan Paul selected plays by Sam Shepard / Stucky. University Microfilms International, 1988. Conversation closings :the effects of gender, ethnicity and social proximity / by Carol Montgomery. UMI, 1996. Conversation, language, and possibilities :a postmodern approach to therapy / Harlene Anderson. BasicBooks, 20 c1997. by Karen Ann Hunold. Conversational processes in television commercials / Coordination relations in the languages of Europe and UMI, 1987. Mouton de beyond / by Caterina Mauri. Gruyter, 2008. Coroner's pidgin / Margery Allingham. Vintage, 2006. Corpus linguistics and world Englishes :an analysis of Xhosa English / Vivian de Klerk. Continuum, c2006. Raymond Hickey. John Benjamins Pub., 2003. Corpus presenter :software for language analysis with a manual and "A corpus of Irish English" as sample data / Raymond Hickey. John Benjamins Pub., 2003. Cost and benefit in language use :a case study of sentence particles in Japanese / University Microfilms Tomoda, Shizuko. International, Corpus presenter :software for language analysis with a manual and "A corpus of Irish English" as sample data / Creating the Creole Island :slavery in eighteenth-century Mauritius / Megan Vaughan. Duke University Press, 1990. 2005. Babette de Rozieres ; Creole / photographs by Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle. Phaidon, 2007. Creole / Dr. Ignacio Nohuitol C. 2003. Libros en Red, Creole :the history and legacy of Louisiana's free people of edited by Sybil color / Kein. Louisiana State University Press, c2000. Creole America :the West Indies and the formation of University of Pennsylvania literature and culture in the new republic / Sean X. Goudie. Press, Creole and dialect continua :standard acquisition processes in Belize and China (PRC) / Genevieve Escure. J. Benjamins, Creole cookery / edited by the Christian Woman's Pelican Exchange. Publishing, Creole crossings :domestic fiction and the reform of colonial slavery / Carolyn Vellenga Berman. J. Benjamins across Caribbean English-lexicon Creoles / Pub., 21 c1997. 2005. Cornell University Press, 2006. Creole discourse :exploring prestige formation and change Susanne Muehleisen. c2006. c2002. translated by Norman R. Shapiro ; introduction and notes by M. Lynn Weiss ; foreword University of by Werner Sollors. Illinois Press, Creole echoes :the francophone poetry of nineteenth-century Louisiana / Creole formation as language contact :the case of the Suriname creoles / Creole gentlemen :the Maryland elite, 1691-1776 / c2004. Bettina Migge. John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2003. Trevor Burnard. Routledge, 2002. Abrams, 2007. photographs by Steve Gross and Sue Daley ; commentary by John H. Lawrence ; foreword by James Creole houses :traditional homes of Old Louisiana / Conaway. Creole identity in the French Caribbean novel / University Press H. Adlai Murdoch. of Florida, c2001. Margarite Creole religions of the Caribbean :an introduction from Vodou and Santeria to Obeah and Espiritismo / Fernandez Olmos and Lizabeth New York Paravisini-Gebert. University Press, c2003. Creole-English / English-Creole (Caribbean) / Stephanie Ovide. Hippocrene Books, Creole-English English-Creole / Charmant Theodore. Hippocrene Books, c1996. c1995. by David Buisseret ... [et al.] ; introduction by David Buisseret ; edited by David Buisseret and Steven G. Texas A & M Reinhardt. University Press, c2000. Creolization in the Americas / Criminal slang :the vernacular of the underworld lingo / 22 by Vincent J. Monteleone ; new introduction by Lawbook Bryan Garner. Exchange, 2004. edited by Ellen S. Silber. Critical issues in foreign language instruction / Garland, 1991. Critical rhetoric and the issue of drug control: a rhetorical commentary on contemporary discourse in the American war on drugs / by William Norelli Elwood. UMI, Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language :research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin / edited by Jiansheng Guo ... [et al.]. Psychology Press, c2009. Cross-linguistic semantics / edited by Cliff Goddard. Cultural contact and linguistic relativity among the Indians John Benjamins Pub. Co., 1992. c2008. University of of northwestern California / Sean O'Neill. Oklahoma Press, c2008. Cultural globalization and language education / B. Kumaravadivelu. Yale University Press, c2008. Cultural identity and creolization in national unity :the multiethnic Caribbean / edited by Prem Misir. University Press of America, 2006. Culture and conflict management in foreign-invested enterprises in China :an intercultural communication perspective / Shiyong Peng. Peter Lang, c2003. Culture and gender of voice pitch :a sociophonetic Ikuko Patricia comparison of the Japanese and Americans / Yuasa. Equinox Pub., 2008. David Walton & Culture and power :acknowledging cultural studies in Spain Dagmar Scheu / (eds.). P. Lang, c2002. Culture, communication, and cooperation :interpersonal relations and pronominal address in a Mexican organization Patricia / Covarrubias. Rowman & Littlefield, c2002. P. Lang, 2002. Current issues in language planning. Multilingual Matters Ltd., c2000-. Current issues in language planning. Multilingual Matters Ltd., c2000-. Current issues in language planning. Multilingual Matters Ltd., c2000-. Da kine dictionary :da Hawaii community pidgin dictionary compiled and projeck / edited by Lee A. Bess Press, c2005. Current approaches to formal Slavic linguistics :contributions of the second European conference on formal description of Slavic Languages (FDSL II) held at Potsdam University, November 20-22, 1997 / 23 Peter Kosta, Jens Frasek (eds.). Tonouchi. Das Bild der Gesellschaft im Slawischen und Wolfgang Gladrow Deutschen :typologische Spezifika / (Hrsg.). Peter Lang, c2004. Das Deutsche als Männersprache :Aufsätze und Glossen zur feministischen Linguistik / Luise F. Pusch. Suhrkamp, 1984. Declarative and procedural determinants of second languages / Michel Paradis. John Benjamins Pub., c2009. Decoding the cultural stereotypes about aging :new perspectives on aging talk and aging issues / Evelyn M. O'Reilly. Garland Pub., 1997. edited by Umberto Ansaldo, Stephen Deconstructing Creole / Matthews and Lisa J. Benjamins Pub. Lim. Co., c2007. Definition in theory and practice :language, lexicography and the law / Roy Harris and Christopher Hutton. Continuum, Descriptive study of teacher talk communication and its by Doris M. relationship with classroom climate / Ingersoll. UMI, 1991. Deutsche Wirtschaftssprache für Amerikaner / Doris Fulda Merrifield. J. Wiley, c1994. und Code-switching in der Rede Russischsprachiger in Berlin / Alexandra Goldbach. P. Lang, c2005. Diachronic perspectives on domain-specific English / Marina Dossena & Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Peter Lang, 2006. Diachrony within synchrony--language history and cognition :papers from the international symposium at the University of Duisburg, 26-28 March 1990 / Günt r Kellermann, Michael D. Morrissey (eds.). P. Lang, c1992. Dialect and dichotomy :literary representations of African American speech / Lisa Cohen Minnick. University of Alabama Press, [2007]. Dialect death :the case of Brule Spanish / Charles E. Holloway. John Benjamins, c1997. Dialect emergence in Waumandee English / David N. Ehrat. Peter Lang, c2008. Dialectica. Editions du Griffon, 1947-. Dialectica. Editions du Griffon, 1947-. c2007. Deutsch-russischer Sprachkontakt :deutsche Transferenzen 24 Editions du Griffon, Dialectica. 1947-. Editions du Dialectica. Griffon, 1947-. Dialectica. Editions du Griffon, 1947-. Dialectica. Editions du Griffon, 1947-. Dialectologia et Geolinguistica :DiG. Published for SIDG by Lincom Europa, 1993-. Published for SIDG by Lincom Europa, 1993-. Dialectologia et Geolinguistica :DiG. Dialectology meets typology :dialect grammar from a cross-linguistic perspective / edited by Bernd Kortmann. Mouton de Gruyter, c2004. Dialects / Peter Trudgill. Routledge, 2004. Dialects across borders :selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology edited by Markku (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002 / Filppula ... [et al.]. John Benjamins, c2002. Dialects in schools and communities / Carolyn Temple Adger, Walt Wolfram, Donna Christian. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. Dialects, Englishes, Creoles, and education / edited by Shondel J. Nero. Lawrence Erlbaum, c2006. Dialektsoziologie Sociodialectology Sociologie Du edited by Ulrich Ammon and Klaus Max Niemeyer Dialecte / Mattheier. Verlag, 2008. Dictionary of Arabic and allied loanwords :Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician and kindred dialects / by Federico Corriente. Brill, 2008. Dictionary of contemporary slang / Tony Thorne. A & C Black, 2005. Dictionary of Latin American racial and ethnic terminology Thomas M. / Stephens. University Press of Florida, c1999. Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago :on edited by Lise historical principles / Winer. McGill-Queen's University Press, c2009. 25 Die Herstellung von Gruppen im Gespräch - analysiert am Wolfgang Beispiel des argentinischen Einwanderungsdiskurses / Kesselheim. Peter Lang, 2009. Oxford University Amanda Laugesen. Press, 2005. Diggerspeak :the language of Australians at war / Dimensions of a Creole continuum :history, texts & linguistic analysis of Guyanese Creole / John R. Rickford. Stanford University Press, c1987. Discourse analysis :a comparison of business journalism style of The Wall Street Journal and The Nation / by Pavinee Navarat. UMI, Discourse analysis, social theory and the subject Lawrence Albert Lyons. National Library of Canada, 1987. Discourse analysis, social theory and the subject Lawrence Albert Lyons. National Library of Canada, 1987. Discourse analysis, social theory and the subject Lawrence Albert Lyons. National Library of Canada, 1987. Lawrence Albert National Library Discourse analysis, social theory and the subject Lyons. of Canada, Discourse analysis, social theory and the subject Lawrence Albert Lyons. National Library of Canada, 1987. 1989. 1987. U. Dagmar Scheu Discourse and international relations / Lottgen & José Saura Sánchez (eds). P. Lang, c2007. Discourse and politeness :ambivalent face in Japanese / Naomi Geyer. Continuum, c2008. Discourse and struggle in minority language policy formation :Corsican language policy in the EU context of governance / Jean-Bernard Adrey. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Sahie Kang. Univ. Microfilms Internat., 1990. Discourse conditions and the Korean anaphora / Discourse connectives and discourse structure in Mandarin Chinese / by Pin-Min Kuo. UMI, 1994. Discourse connectives and personality style :differences in by Andrew A. use and in cognitive representation / Twardon. UMI, 1992. UMI, 1989. J. Benjamins, c2004. Discourse deixis in Kirundi folktales / by Gregoire Njejimana. Discourse in the professions :perspectives from corpus edited by Ulla Connor, Thomas A. linguistics / Upton. 26 Discourse markers in colloquial Cairene Egyptian Arabic :a by Atef N. pragmatic perspective / Ghobrial. UMI, 1993. Discourse markers in Spanish / Malamud Makowski. UMI, 1997. Discourse markers in the Hebrew Bible / by Ronald Dean Anderson. UMI, 1994. Discourse rules in teletypewriter conversations / by Mary V. Compton. UMI, 1986. Discourse styles of Anglo and Latin American college student writers / by Paul A. Lux. UMI, 1991. initiation and interruption patterns in the dinner conversations of preadolescent children / by Alice Greenwood. UMI, 1989. Discourse, learning, and schooling / edited by Deborah Cambridge Hicks. University Press, 2008. Discourses on language and integration :critical perspectives on language testing regimes in Europe / edited by Gabrielle Hogan-Brun, Clare Mar-Molinero, John Benjamins Patrick Stevenson. Pub. Co., by Monica Patricia Discourse variation and social comfort :a study of topic Discover Romanian :an introduction to the language and culture / c2009. The Ohio State Rodica Botoman. University Press, c1995. Discursive strategies in the work of El Inca Garcilaso de la by Frances Meuser Vega / Blincow. UMI, 1994. Diskurslinguistik nach Foucault :Theorie und Gegenstän e herausgegeben von / Ingo H. Warnke. De Gruyter, 2007. Dispute patterns in children :an investigation of social competence / by Yvonne Mary Loucks. 1987. Divided by a common language :a guide to British and American English / Christopher Davies. Houghton Mifflin, c2005. Divine subjection :the rhetoric of sacramental devotion in early modern England / Gary Kuchar. DNA.考古.言語の学際研究が示す新.北海道史 :アイヌ 民族.アイヌ語の成立史 / 崎谷満著. Julieta Sanchez Chapellin. Dramatization devices in children's oral narratives / Due respect :essays on English and English-related Creoles edited by Pauline in the Caribbean in honour of Professor Robert Le Page / Christie. Dying to be men :gender and language in early Christian martyr texts / 27 UMI, Duquesne University Press, c2005. 勉誠, 2008. UMI, 1987. University of the West Indies Press, c2001. Columbia L. Stephanie Cobb. University Press, c2008. Daniel Heller-Roazen. Zone Books, 2005. code-copying / Anna Verschik. Continuum, 2008. Emotion talk across corpora / Palgrave Monika Bednarek. Macmillan, 2008. Empathy and indirect quotation in Japanese / by Susan Meredith Burt. UMI, 1986. Echolalias :on the forgetting of language / Emerging bilingual speech :from monolingualism to Empowerment through language and education :cases and case studies from North America, Europe, Africa and Japan Albert Weideman, / Birgit Smieja, eds. Peter Lang, c2006. edited by Eddie English :one language, different cultures / Ronowicz and Colin Yallop. English and Celtic in contact / Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Heli Paulasto. Routledge, English as a Lingua Franca :attitude and identity / Jennifer Jenkins. Continuum, c2007. 2008. Oxford University Press, 2007. Kurosio publishers ;くろ English as a multicultural language in Asian contexts :issues and ideas / Nobuyuki Honna. しお出版, 2008. English as an international language :perspectives and pedagogical issues / edited by Farzad Sharifian. Multilingual Matters, c2009. English for occupational purposes :one language? / Dan Kim. Continuum, c2008. English Haitian Creole dictionary / Fequiere Vilsaint, Jean-Evens Berret. Educa Vision, c2005. English Haitian Creole medical dictionary =Diksyonèmedikal Anglè kreyòl / Maude Heurtelou, Fequiere Vilsaint. Educa Vision, c2000. English Haitian Creole phrasebook =Fraz ak mo angle kreyòl / [author: Féquière Vilsaint]. Educa Vision, c2005. English Haitian-creole science dictionary / [Féquière Vilsaint, Maude Heurtelou]. Educa Vision, c1996. Englishes around the world :studies in honour of Manfred Görlach / edited by Edgar W. J. Benjamins Pub. Schneider. Co., c1997. España :temas de cultura y civilización / Luisa Piemontese-Ramos, Carlos Arboleda. Thomson/Heinle, c2004. Essays in honor of Josep M. Solà-Solé :linguistic and edited by Suzanne P. Lang, 28 c1996. literary relations of Catalan and Castilian / S. Hintz. Aldo Scaglione ; Essays on the arts of discourse :linguistics, rhetoric, poetics edited by Paolo / Cherchi ... [et al.]. P. Lang, with introductions and notes. Kessinger Pub., Essays, English and American / Ethnic dialect identification in New Zealand :the role of prosodic cues / Ethnography of speaking :a case study of a community-based mediation center / c1998. c[2004? ]. Anita Szakay. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008. Alice L. Crume. UMI, 1995. francais a valeur expressive / par Gaetane Dostie. UMI, 1991. Evaluation in oral Quebecois narratives :the function of non-referential meaning in discourse / by Carl S. Blyth Jr. UMI, 1990. Evidential analysis of reported speech / Sabine Bergler. UMI, 1992. Examination of the narrative language of first and second grade children / by Adina Sager Walsh. UMI, 1987. Etude lexico-semantique de marqueurs discursifs du edited by Tope Omoniyi, Joshua A. Explorations in the sociology of language and religion / Fishman. J. Benjamins, c2006. Explorations into language use in Africa(Duisburger Arbeiten Zur Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaft: Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture) / Augustin Simo Bobda (ed.). Peter Lang, c2008. Exploring communication ethics :interviews with influential scholars in the field / edited by Pat Arneson. P. Lang, c2007. Factors affecting precision :discourse constraints on linguistic choice in narratives / University Microfilms by Cheryl Geisler. International, 1986. Family communication in the context of dying :a case study by Steven D. approach / Morgan. UMI, Fanboys and overdogs :the language report / Susie Dent. Oxford University Press, c2005. Fathers' and mothers' language with boys and girls :implications for issues in communicative development / by Sharon Miller. UMI, Feministische Linguistik--linguistische Geschlechterforschung :Ergebnisse, Konsequenzen, herausgegeben von Perspektiven / Gisela Schoenthal. G. Olms, 29 1995. 1987. 1998. Figuratively speaking :rhetoric and culture from Quintilian to the Twin Towers / Sarah Spence. Duckworth, Figures of speech used in the Bible, explained and Baker Book 2007. illustrated / by E.W. Bullinger. House, 2008. Filipino English and Taglish :language switching from multiple perspectives / Roger M. Thompson. John Benjamins Pub., c2003. Finnish Professionals with Limited English Proficiency :A Ulla-Maija Study of Language Attitudes and Language Use / Bergroth. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008. edited by Jeffrey Kallen. Focus on Ireland / J. Benjamins Pub. Co., c1997. edited by Vivian de J. Benjamins Pub. Focus on South Africa / Klerk. Co., c1996. Focus on the usa / Edgar W. Schneider. John Benjamins Publishing, 1996. Foreigners and foreign languages in India :a sociolinguistic Cambridge history / Shreesh Chaudhary. University Press, 2009. Forme et fonction du langage maternel adresse a l'enfant de Carole 0 A 6 mois / Fisher-Dolbec. UMI, 1994. Form-function relations in student discourse contextualized by classroom language activities :a case study of an elementary Chinese as a foreign language program. / by Jingzi Huang. UMI, 1995. French and Creole in Louisiana / edited by Albert Valdman. Plenum Press, c1997. French attitudes toward the ideological encumberedness of English as an international lingua Franca / by Jeffra Flaitz. UMI, 1986. French to Frenchness :language shift and "lieux de memoire" in the American Midwest / UMI, 1994. by Marc Gerard Deneire. University Press Hans Frede From dialect to standard :English in England, 1154-1776 / Nielsen. From down south to up south :the language behavior of Marcyliena three generations of black women residing in Chicago / Morgan. 30 of Southern Denmark ;Distrib ution in the United States by International Specialized Book Services, 2005. UMI, 1989. From French to Creole :the development of new vernaculars in the French colonial world / Chris Corne. University of Westminster Press, From sentence to discourse :integrated explanations for certain linguistic phenomena in Japanese / by Mieko Ono. UMI, 1990. From Spaniard to Creole :the archaeology of cultural formation at Puerto Real, Haiti / Charles R. Ewen. University of Alabama Press, c1991. From the kitchen to the parlor :language and becoming in African American women's hair care / Lanita Jacobs-Huey. Oxford University Press, 2006. 1999. by Mary J. Functions of because in spoken discourse / Schleppegrell. UMI, 1989. Functions of code-switching in Egypt :evidence from monologues / by Reem Bassiouney. Brill, 2006. Functions of the verb in Tamil narration / by Susan Catherine Herring. UMI, 1991. Fundamental frequency variation in conversational discourse / by Marian Shapley. UMI, 1989. Gender and composing in academic discourse / by Brenda Haulbrooks Cox. UMI, 1992. Gender and disputing :insurgent voices in coastal Kenyan Muslim courts / by Susan F. Hirsch. UMI, 1990. Gender and language research methodologies / edited by Kate Harrington ... [et al.]. 2008. Gender and spoken interaction / edited by Pia Pichler and Eva Eppler. Gender communication / Satoko Hamamoto. ル出版, Gender differences in human cognition / Paula J. Caplan ... [et al.]. Oxford University Press, 1997. Gender differences in instant messaging :quantitative analysis of linguistic characteristics / Robert N. Yale. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, c2007. Gender in the language classroom / Monika Chavez. McGraw Hill, c2001. Gender, language, and myth :essays on popular narrative / edited by Glenwood Irons. University of Toronto Press, 1992. Gender-based strategies in issuing directives in Mexican Spanish / by Dianne Ruth Hobbs. UMI, 1990. 31 Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Liber Press ;リ-ベ 2001. Genre Variation in Business Letters. Gillaerts, Paul. Peter Lang Pub Inc, 2008. German language varieties worldwide :internal and external William D. Keel, perspectives = Deutsche Sprachinseln weltweit : interne Klaus J. Mattheier und externe Perspektiven / (eds.). Peter Lang, 2003. Germanic future constructions :a usage-based approach to language change / Martin Hilpert. John Benjamins Pub., 2008. Germanistische Soziolinguistik / von Heinrich Löffler. Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2005. Ghanaian pidgin English in its West African context :a sociohistorical and structural analysis / Magnus Huber. J. Benjamins, 1999. Ghanaian pidgin English in its West African context :a sociohistorical and structural analysis / Magnus Huber. J. Benjamins, 1999. Global linguistic flows :hip hop cultures, youth identities, and the politics of language / edited by H. Samy Alim, Awad Ibrahim, Alastair Pennycook. Routledge, 2009. Globalisation and African languages :risks and benefits / edited by Katrin Bromber, Birgit Smieja. Mouton de Gruyter, c2004. Globally speaking :motives for adopting English vocabulary in other languages / edited by Judith Rosenhouse and Rotem Kowner. Multilingual Matters, c2008. God i tok long yumi long Tok Pisin :eine Betrachtung der Bibelüb rsetzung in Tok Pisin vor dem Hintergrund der sprachlichen Identität ines Papua-Neuguinea zwischen Tradition und Moderne / Timo Lothmann. P. Lang, c2006. John Benjamins Pub. Company, 2009. edited by Rachel Selbach, Hugo C. Gradual creolization :studies celebrating Jacques Arends / Cardoso and Margot van den Berg. Grammar in ordinary interaction :the pragmatics of adverbial clauses in conversational English / by Cecilia E. Ford. UMI, Grammar of the dialects of vernacular Syriac :as spoken by the Eastern Syrians of Kurdistan, North-West Persia, and the plain of Mosul, with notices of the vernacular of the by Arthur John Jews of Azerbaijan and of Zakhu near Mosul / Maclean. 32 Gorgias Press, 1988. 2003. Grammatical variation across space and time :the French interrogative system / Martin Elsig. John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2009. Plansprachen / Anett Heil. P. Lang, 1999. Grammatische Variation und Sozialstruktur / Aria Adli. Akademie, c2004. Grassroots literacy :writing, identity and voice in central Africa / Jan Blommaert. Routledge, 2008. Xiao-lei Wang. Multilingual Matters, c2008. Grammatische Reduktion in Frankokreolsprachen und Growing up with three languages :birth to eleven / Growing up with Tok Pisin :contact, creolization, and change in Papua New Guinea's national language / by Geoff P. Smith. Battlebridge, 2002. Gumbo people / by Sybil Kein ; illustrations by Diane M. Deruise. Margaret Media, 1999. Gypsy dialects :a selective annotated bibliography of materials for the practical study of Romani / Edward Proctor. University of Hertfordshire Press, Haitian Creole dictionary & phrasebook :Haitian Creole-English/English-Haitian Creole / Charmant Theodore. Hippocrene Books, Haitian Creole newspaper reader / Kate Howe with the assistance of Lyonel Desmarattes. Dunwoody Press, 1990. Haitian Creole-English dictionary / Jean Targète and Raphael G. Urciolo. Dunwoody Press, c1993. Haitian-Creole/Spanish phrasebook / F. Vilsaint. 2008. c2008. Educa Vision Inc., c1996. Roger E. Savain = Dis pa nan kreyòl ayisyen-an / Woje E. Savain. Haitian-Kreyol in ten steps / Schenkman Books, 1999. Michele Bishop Hearing, mother father deaf :hearing people in deaf families and Sherry L. / Hicks, editors. Gallaudet University Press, 2008. Heavy hitter selling :how successful salespeople use language and intuition to persuade customers to buy / Steve W. Martin. Wiley, c2006. Jeannette Rauschert. De Gruyter, c2006. Herrschaft und Schrift :Strategien der Inszenierung und Funktionalisierung von Texten in Luzern und Bern am Ende des Mittelalters / 33 Historical linguistics 2001 :selected papers from the 15th international conference on historical linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing, Blake, Barry J. Historical linguistics 2003 :selected papers from the 16th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Copenhagen, 11-15 August 2003 / edited by Michael J. Benjamins Fortescue ... [et al.]. Pub., 2005. Historical romance linguistics :retrospective and perspectives / edited by Randall S. Gess, Deborah Arteaga. 2006. J. Benjamins, edited by J. Clancy History, society, and variation :in honor of Albert Valdman / Clements ... [et al.]. John Benjamins, 2003. c2006. How do you tell how the story was told?: An examination of conceptions of inquiry, language and narrative used to understand people from the stories they tell / by Carla Amanda Massey. How educated English speak English :pronunciation as social behaviour / Ingrid Wotschke ; with a foreword by Edwin Mellen J.D.A. Widdowson. Press, c2008. How natural drinking groups talk about drinking :an exploratory discourse analysis of talk and drinking rules / by Richard Donald Rowley. UMI, 1992. UMI, 1991. How the language and culture of scholars affects the choice of their subjects and methods of research :investigating the researcher's habit of mind / Xae Alicia Reyes. E. Mellen Press, c2005. Hungarian language contact outside Hungary :studies on Hungarian as a minority language / edited by Anna Fenyvesi. J. Benjamins Pub., c2005. Norma Gonzalez. University of Arizona Press, c2005. I can look through muddy water :analyzing earlier African American English in blues lyrics (BLUR) / Ulrich Miethaner. Peter Lang, 2005. Identity and ethnicity in the rural South :a sociolinguistic view through past and present Be / Kirk Hazen. Published for the Society by Duke University Press, c2000. Anna De Fina. John Benjamins Pub. Co., I am my language :discourses of women & children in the borderlands / Identity in narrative :a study of immigrant discourse / c2003. edited by Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, Palgrave Identity trouble :critical discourse and contested identities / Rick Iedema. Macmillan, 2008. Ideologies across nations :the construction of linguistic minorities at the United Nations / 2008. 34 by Alexandre Duchene. Mouton de Gruyter, Ideology, language and culture in religion :a single domain ethnographic study of language maintenance / Dionisio de la Vina. c1995. Ideophones and sound symbolism in Atlantic Creoles / Angela Bartens. Academiae Scientiarum, If I could turn my tongue like that :the Creole language of Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana / Thomas A. Klingler. Louisiana State University Press, c2003. 2000. Immigration and bureaucratic control :language practices in public administration / by Eva Codo. Mouton de Gruyter, 2008. Imperative subtypes in conversational British English :an empirical investigation / door Antoon De Rycker. UMI, 1990. Impersonal passion :language as affect / Denise Riley. Duke University Press, c2005. Impoliteness in language :studies on its interplay with power in theory and practice / edited by Derek Bousfield and Mouton de Miriam A. Locher. Gruyter, 2008. In other words :lessons on grammar, code-switching, and academic writing / David West Brown ; foreword by Rebecca S. Wheeler. Heinemann, c2009. Indian English :texts and interpretation / Raja Ram Mehrotra. John Benjamins Pub. Co., c1998. Individual differences in foreigner talkfactors in successful by Tracey M. communication with non-native speakers / Derwing. National Library of Canada, 1988. Individual differences in foreigner talkfactors in successful by Tracey M. communication with non-native speakers / Derwing. National Library of Canada, 1988. Individual differences in foreigner talkfactors in successful by Tracey M. communication with non-native speakers / Derwing. National Library of Canada, 1988. Infant-directed speech in African American mothers / by Ruby Sara Coachman Phillips. UMI, 1994. Influences on the production and evaluation of regulative messages :effects of social cognition, situational, and experiential variables in communication between hospital supervisors and volunteers / by Carey H. Adams. UMI, 1992. Informal parent-staff communication in day care centers / by Patricia Ann Minish. UMI, 1988. 35 Information structure and language change :new approaches to word order variation in Germanic / edited by Roland Hinterhöl l, Svetlana Petrova. Mouton de Gruyter, 2009. Information structure in planned, written and unplanned, spoken discourse / by Chingkwei Adrienne Lee. UMI, 1988. Informing the public :a comparison of television news discourse in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany / by Ingrid Pufahl. UMI, 1988. Interdigitations :essays for Irmengard Rauch / edited by Gerald F. Carr, Wayne Harbert, & Lihua Zhang. P. Lang, Interfaces and interface conditions / edited by Andreas Späth. Walter de Gruyter, c2007. Interlanguage variation in theoretical and pedagogical perspective / H.D. Adamson. Routledge, 2009. Sandra Lee Mckay, International English in its sociolinguistic contexts :towards Wendy D. a socially sensitive EIL pedagogy / Bokhorst-Heng. Routledge, 2008. Interpersonal communication :competence and contexts / Shelley D. Lane. Allyn & Bacon, c2010. Inventing daily discourse :Gertrude Stein and invention in modernist literature / by Larry Ende. UMI, 1993. Inventive intercourse :from rhetorical conflict to the ethical Stephen R. creation of novel truth / Yarbrough. Southern Illinois University Press, c2006. Investigations of the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface edited by Robert D. John Benjamins / Van Valin, Jr. Pub., Irony in conversational German :a linguistic approach / 1999. Johanna Katharina Barbe. UMI, c2008. 1989. edited by Raymond Lawrence W. Gibbs, Jr. and Erlbaum Irony in language and thought :a cognitive science reader / Herbert L. Colston. Associates, It's not what you sign, it's how you sign it :politeness in American Sign Language / Jack Hoza. c2007. Gallaudet University Press, 2007. Japanese demonstratives in television dramas :variance and invariance / by Yasuko Ito Watt. UMI, 1991. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. 36 Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development. Tietro Ltd., 1980-. Journal of pidgin & creole languages. John Benjamins Pub., 1986-. Journal of pidgin & creole languages. John Benjamins Pub., 1986-. Journal of pidgin & creole languages. John Benjamins Pub., 1986-. Journal of pidgin & creole languages. John Benjamins Pub., 1986-. Just a little talk with Jesus :an analysis of conversational narrative strategies used by evangelical college students / by Wallis C. Metts. UMI, 1995. Kelten en de Nederlanden :van prehistorie tot heden / onder redactie van Lauran Toorians. Peeters, 1998. 37 Konstruktionen in der Interaktion / herausgegeben von Susanne Gunthner, Wolfgang Imo. W. de Gruyter, c2006. Kunjen syntax :a generative view / Australian Institute of Aboriginal Bruce A. Sommer. Studies, 1972. La memoire en discours: Quand le discours medieval se truffe de recit / by Anne Maria Vanderheyden. 1993. La sociolinguistique / Presses universitaires de Louis-Jean Calvet. France, 2009. L'analyse des actions et des discours en situation de travail :concepts, méthodes et applications / édité par Laurent Filliettaz & Jean-Paul Bronckart. Peeters, 2005. UMI, 1993. Language and cultural authority :nineteenth-century science Eva Marie and the colonization of religious discourse / Garroutte. UMI, Language and gender / Angela Goddard and Lindsey Meân. Routledge, c2009. Language and gender :major themes in English studies / edited by Susan Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008. Language and gender :major themes in English studies / edited by Susan Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008. Language and gender :major themes in English studies / edited by Susan Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008. Language and gender :major themes in English studies / edited by Susan Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008. Language and German disunity :a sociolinguistic history of Oxford University East and West in Germany, 1945-2000 / Patrick Stevenson. Press, 2002. Language and governance / edited by Colin Williams. 2007. University of Wales Press, Rosalie Finlayson ; Language and identities in a postcolony :Southern African Sarah Slabbert perspectives / (eds.). Peter Lang, 2005. Language and interaction :an advanced resource book / Richard F. Young. Routledge, 2008. Stephen May. Routledge, 2008. Language and minority rights :ethnicity, nationalism, and the politics of language / 38 edited by Andrew Simpson. Language and national identity in Asia / Oxford University Press, 2007. Oxford University Language and national identity in Greece, 1766-1976 / Peter Mackridge. Language and poverty / edited by Wayne Harbert with help from Sally McConnell-Ginet, Amanda Miller and Multilingual John Whitman. matters, c2009. Language and religious identity :women in discourse / edited by Allyson Jule. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Language and revolution in Burke, Wollstonecraft, Paine, and Godwin / Jane Hodson. Ashgate, c2007. Language and sexism / Sara Mills. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Language and statecraft in early modern Venice / Elizabeth Horodowich. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Language and the decline of magic :epistemological shifts by Richard W. in English literature from medieval to modernist / Santana. Press, Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. c2005. Language and the law in deaf communities / Gallaudet Ceil Lucas, editor. University Press, 2003. Language and the market society :critical reflections on discourse and dominance / Gerlinde Mautner. Routledge, Language anxiety :conflict and change in the history of English / Tim William Machan. Language as commodity :global structures, local marketplaces / edited by Peter K.W. Tan and Rani Rubdy. Continuum, 2010. Oxford University Press, 2009. c2008. American International Joseph F. Privitera, Book Language as historical determinant :the Normans in Sicily, with Bettina Development 1061-1200 / Privitera. Council, c1995. Language attitudes and language use in Pittmedden (Aberdeenshire) / Peter Lang, 2005. Multilingual Matters, Ltd., c1994. Danielle A. V. Lö -Wiebach. Language attitudes in sub-Saharan Africa :a sociolinguistic Efurosibina overview / Adegbija. 39 Language attitudes towards Kyrgyz and Russian :discourse, education and policy in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan / Britta Korth. Peter Lang, 2005. Language behavior in old and new comedy :some applications of discourse analysis to a study of Aristophanes' "Clouds" and Menander's "Dyskolos" / Ralph Handy Smith. UMI,, 1992. Language choice in a nation under transition :English language spread in Cambodia / Thomas Clayton. Springer, c2006. Language contact :substratum, superstratum, adstratum in Germanic languages / edited by Dirk Boutkan and Arend Quak. Rodopi, 2000. Language contact and composite structures in New Ireland Rebecca Sue / Jenkins. SIL International, c2005. Language contact in Amazonia / Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald. Oxford University Press, 2007. Language contact in South Central Siberia / Gregory D.S. Anderson. Harrassowitz, Language contact in the Arctic :northern pidgins and contact languages / edited by Ernst Hakon Jahr, Ingvild Mouton de Broch. Gruyter, 1996. Language death and language maintenance :theoretical, practical, and descriptive approaches / edited by Mark John Benjamins Janse, Sijmen Tol. Pub., c2003. Language dialect and identity in Lille / Tim Pooley. E. Mellen Press, c2004. Language discourse and social psychology / edited by Ann Weatherall, Bernadette M. Watson, Cindy Gallois. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Language evolution :contact, competition and change / Salikoko S. Mufwene. Continuum, c2008. Language in flux :dialogue coordination, language variation, change and evolution / edited by Robin Cooper and Ruth Kempson. College Publications, 2008. 2005. Language in global perspective :papers in honor of the 50th compiled and anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, edited by Benjamin Summer Institute 1935-1985 / F. Elson. of Linguistics, c1986. Coronet Books Language in society :eight sociolinguistic essays on Balochi / editor, Carina Jahani. 40 Inc. ;Distributed by Uppsala 2000. University Library, Language in South Africa / edited by Rajend Mesthrie. Cambridge University Press, 2002. Language in use :a reader / [selection and editorial matter] Patrick Griffiths, Andrew Merrison and Aileen Bloomer. Routledge, 2010. tradition :the case of the Sillanko of Burkina Faso (West Africa) / by Gerard Kedrebeogo. UMI, 1995. Language maintenance and shift in four Kaqchikel Maya towns / Robert McKenna Brown. UMI, 1991. Language maintenance and shift in the Chinese community of Greater Philadelphia / Chen Su-chiao. University Microfilms International, 1992. Language management / Bernard Spolsky. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Karol Janicki. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Elizabeth Lanza. Oxford University Press, 2004. Language maintenance and shift in communities of oral Language misconceived :arguing for applied cognitive sociolinguistics / Language mixing in infant bilingualism :a sociolinguistic perspective / 2006. University of Chicago Language planning and language use :Welsh in a global age Glyn Williams and Press ;University / Delyth Morris. of Wales Press, 2000. Language planning and policy in Africa / edited by Richard B. Baldauf Jr and MultilinguaL Robert B. Kaplan. Matters Ltd., c2004<2007> . Language planning and policy in Asia / edited by Robert B. Kaplan and Richard Multilingual B. Baldauf Jr. Matters, c2008-. Language planning and policy in Europe / edited by Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. and Multilingual Robert B. Kaplan. Matters, c2005<c2006 >. 41 Language planning and policy in Latin America / edited by Richard B. Baldauf Jr. and Robert B. Kaplan. Multilingual Matters, c2007-. Language planning and policy in the Pacific / edited by Richard B. Baldauf Jr. and Robert B. Kaplan. Multilingual Matters, c2006-. Language pluralism in Botswana :hope or hurdle? / Birgit Smieja. P. Lang, 2004. Language policy and modernity in Southeast Antonio L. Rappa, Asia :Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand / Lionel Wee. Springer, c2006. Language policy and nation-building in post-apartheid South Africa / by Jon Orman. Springer, c2008. Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts / edited by Amy B.M. Tsui, James W. Tollefson. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. Language regimes in transformation :future prospects for German and Japanese in science, economy, and politics / edited by Florian Coulmas. Mouton de Gruyter, c2007. Language shift :changing patterns of language allegiance in by Margaret J. Western Seram / Florey. University Microfilms International, 1990. Language shift and language death in the Cajun French-speaking communities of Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, Louisiana / Kevin J. Rottet. UMI, 1995. Language shift in the coastal marshes of Louisiana / Kevin J. Rottet. P. Lang, c2001. Language simplification in foreigner talk and second language development / by Adel Issa Tweissi. UMI, 1987. University Press of edited by Kurt E. Mü ler. Language status in the post-cold-war era / Dept. of Linguistics, University of Language survival :a study of language contact, language shift, and language choice in Sweden / Sally Boyd. Language teacher identities :co-constructing discourse and community / Matthew Clarke. 42 America ;Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, c1996. Göt borg, 1985. Multilingual Matters, c2008. edited by Guus Extra, Massimiliano Language testing, migration, and citizenship :cross-national Spotti and Piet Van perspectives on integration regimes / Avermaet. Continuum, Language understanding :a cognitive approach / Judith Greene. edited by Peter W. Martin, Conrad Oz̊óg, and Gloria Language use and language change in Brunei Darussalam / Poedjosoedarmo. c2009. Open University Press, 1986. Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1996. Language use in informal narratives :effects of social distance and listener involvement / by Gisela Redeker. UMI, 1986. Language variation and change in a modernising Arab state :the case of Bahrain / Clive Holes. Kegan Paul International, Language variety in the South :perspectives in Black and White / ed. by Michael B. Montgomery ... Univ. of Alabama [2002], Press, c1986. Language variety in the South revisited / edited by Cynthia Bernstein, Thomas Nunnally, Robin University of Sabino. Alabama Press, Language, culture and identity in applied linguistics :selected papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, University of edited by Richard Bristol, September 2005 / Kiely ... [et al.]. British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Equinox, 1987. c1997. 2006. Language, discourse, sign :reading dialogisms in the texts of Shakespeare and Sor Juana Ines de la cruz / by Alfred Arteaga. UMI, 1987. Language, ecology, and society :a dialectical approach / Jorgen Christian Bang and Jorgen Door ; edited by Sune Vork Steffensen and Joshua Nash. c2007. Language, emotion, and politics in south India :the making of a mother tongue / Lisa Mitchell. Continuum, Indiana University Press, c2009. edited by William Safran and Jean A. Laponce. Routledge, Language, ethnic identity and the state / 43 2005. Language, identity, and stereotype among Southeast Asian American youth :the other Asian / Angela Reyes. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. Language, negotiation and peace :the use of English in conflict resolution / Patricia Friedrich. Continuum, c2007. Language, power and identity politics / edited by Mairead Nic Craith. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. J. Benjamins Pub., c2006. Peeters, 1999. Language, religion and national identity in Europe and the Middle East :a historical study / John Myhill. Languages and cultures in contact :at the crossroads of edited by K. Van civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian realm ; proceedings Lerberghe and G. of the 42th [sic] RAI / Voet. Languages and prehistory of central Siberia / edited by Edward J. John Benjamins Vajda. Pub., c2004. Languages in contact / edited by Dicky Gilbers, John Nerbonne, Jos Schaeken. Rodopi, 2000. Laughter in Interaction / Phillip Glenn. Cambridge 2008, University Press, c2003. Law and gender bias / by Marcia Mobilia F.B. Rothman & Boumil ... [et al.]. Co., Le back-channel en situation d'entrevue sociolinguistique / Marty Laforest. UMI, 1994. 1992. Le créole sans peine (guadeloupé n) / par Hector Poullet et Sylviane Telchid ; illustrations de Hugues Henri. Assimil, 1999. Le discours rapporté en arménien classique / Agnès Ouzounian ; préface de Ch. de Lamberterie. Peeters, 1992. Jean-Michel Charpentier ; préface de Claude Hagège. Le pidgin bislama(n) et le multilinguisme aux Nouvelles-Hébrides / Leaving lines of gender :a feminist genealogy of language writing / Wesleyan Ann Vickery. 44 Sociét d'études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France;David Brown, 1979. University Press, c2000. Leben zwischen zwei Sprachen :Puertoricaner in New York / Asita Sattar. VDM Verlag Dr. Mü ler, 2008. sous la direction de Louis-Jean Calvet et Pierre Dumont ; ont collaboré ... J.M. Barberis ... [et al.]. L'Harmattan, L'enquête sociolinguistique / Les adverbes en -ment :analyse linguistique et discursive. c1999. UMI, 1995. Ophrys, 1996. Les ambiguï és du français / Catherine Fuchs. Lessons from documented endangered languages / edited by K. David Harrison, David S. Rood, and Arienne Dwyer. John Benjamins, 2008. Letters & poems tu es brither Jan, in the Devonshire dialect. / by N. Hogg. 1902. Lexical borrowings as sociolinguistic variables in Saint-Louis, Senegal / LINCOM EUROPA, Fallou Ngom. Lexique, syntaxe et lexique-grammaire =syntax, lexis & edited by Christian John Benjamins lexicon-grammar : papers in honour of Maurice Gross / Leclè e ... [et al.]. 2006. Pub., 2004. Limiting the iconic :from the metatheoretical foundations to by Ludovic De the creative possibilities of iconicity in language / Cuypere. John Benjamins, c2008. Linguistic and communicative aspects of classroom discourse in first-year accelerated German classes :a process-product investigation / by Norbert Hedderich. UMI Dissertation Services, 1991. Linguistic and pragmatic constraints on utterance interpretation / by Elizabeth Ann Hinkelman. UMI, 1989. Linguistic changes in post-Communist Eastern Europe and edited by Ernest Eurasia / Andrews. East European Monographs ;Dist ributed by Columbia University Press, 2008. Linguistic constraints on copula production in Black English child speech / UMI, 1991. J. Benjamins Pub., c2005. by Toya Annette Wyatt. Linguistic dimensions of crisis talk :formalising structures in a controlled language / Claudia Sassen. 45 Linguistic form and social function :a discourse analysis of rhetorical and narrative structure in oral and written African by Akua Duku University Microfilms American folk narrative texts / Anokye. International, Linguistic inequality in scientific communication today / guest editors, Augusto Carli, Ulrich Ammon ; editor, Jasone Cenoz ; editorial board, Ulrich John Benjamins Ammon ... [et al.]. Pub. Co., 1991. 2007. edited by Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter. Routledge, Linguistic landscape :expanding the scenery / Linguistic landscapes :a comparative study of urban multilingualism in Tokyo / 2009. Peter Backhaus. Multilingual Matters, c2007. Linguistic minorities and modernity :a sociolinguistic ethnography / by Monica Heller. Continuum, c2006. Linguistic processing in narrative production :evidence from the errors and self-initiated repairs produced by normal and language-disordered school-age children / Sherry Lee Purcell. UMI, 1989. Linguistic stereotyping and minority groups in Japan / Nanette Gottlieb. Routledge, 2006. Linguistic theory, language contact, and modern Hindustani :the three sides of a linguistic story / Rajendra Singh. P. Lang, 1995. Linguistic variation in Mexican Spanish as spoken in two communities--Moroleón Mexico and Kennett Square, Pennsylvania / Maríad laluz Matus-Mendoza. Edwin Mellen Press, c2002. Linguistik als Kulturwissenschaft / herausgegeben von Georg Olms Martin Wengeler. Verlag, 2006. Linguistique française :français langue étrangère, la communication en francais / Volker Fuchs, Serge Meleuc. Peter Lang, 2003. Living memory :the social aesthetics of language in a northern Italian town / Jillian R. Cavanaugh. Wiley-Blackwell, c2009. Compiled by the Indonesian Etymological Project ; Russell Jones, general editor. Loan-words in Indonesian and Malay / 46 KITLV Press, 2007. Compiled by the Indonesian Etymological Loan-words in Indonesian and Malay / Project ; Russell Jones, general editor. KITLV Press, 2007. Majunga tok :poems in pidgin English / Peter Wuteh Vakunta. Langaa Rpcig, 2008. UMI, 1994. UMI, 1991. Making meaning of the Hmong :a qualitative case study of community discourse in the construction of public opinion / by Sherry Baker. Male and female communication patterns before and after by Phyllis Irene personal narratives in a long term adult self-help group / Holst Goltra. Summer Institute of Linguistics and University Press Man and message :a guide to meaning-based text analysis / Kathleen Callow. Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts / of America, edited by Monica Mouton de Barni, Guus Extra. Gruyter, c1998. c2008. University of Media French :a vocabulary of contemporary usage / Adrian C. Ritchie. Wales Press, Melanesian Pidgin and the oceanic substrate / Stanford Roger M. Keesing. University Press, c1988. Mendacity :on contrastive discourse structures in German, by Herbert Arno English and Spanish / Karl Genzmer. UMI, 2008. 1987. Palgrave Dariusz Galasinski. Macmillan, 2008. ihre wissenschaftliche Rezeption / Jurgen Spitzmuller. W. De Gruyter, 2005. Method and scope in cross cultural speech act research :a contrastive study of requests in Japanese and English / by Kenneth Richard Rose. UMI, 1992. Methodological and analytical issues in language maintenance and language shift studies / Maya Khemlani David (ed.). Peter Lang, 2002. Methods in language and social interaction / edited by Ian Hutchby. SAGE, 2008. Men's discourses of depression / Metasprachdiskurse :Einstellungen zu Anglizismen und 47 Methods in language and social interaction / edited by Ian Hutchby. SAGE, 2008. Methods in language and social interaction / edited by Ian Hutchby. SAGE, 2008. Methods in language and social interaction / edited by Ian Hutchby. SAGE, 2008. Methods of critical discourse analysis / edited by Ruth Wodak and Michael Meyer. SAGE, 2009. University of Mexican Americans and language :del dicho al hecho / Glenn A. Martinez. Arizona Press, c2006. Middle Scots inflectional system in the south-west of Scotland / Joanna Bugaj. 2004. Migrating words and worlds :Pan-Africanism updated / edited by E. Anthony Hurley, Renee Larrier, and Africa World Joseph McLaren. Press, P. Lang, 1999. Migration, accommodation and language change :language Bridget L. Palgrave at the intersection of regional and ethnic identity / Macmillan, 2008. Minority languages and cultural diversity in Europe :Gaelic and Sorbian perspectives / Konstanze Glaser. Multilingual Matters, c2007. Minority languages, education and communities in China / Linda Tsung. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Mobilian jargon :linguistic and sociohistorical aspects of a Emanuel J. Native American pidgin / Drechsel. Clarendon Press ;Oxford University Press, 1997. Anderson. Georgetown Modern Arabic :structures, functions, and varieties / Clive Holes. University Press, 2004. Moderne Dialekte, neue Dialektologie :Akten des 1. herausgegeben von Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft fü Eckhard Eggers, Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) am Forschungsinstitut Jü gen Erich fü Deutsche Sprache "Deutscher Sprachatlas" der Schmidt, Dieter Franz Steiner Philipps-Universität Ma burg vom 5.-8. März 2003 / Stellmacher. Verlag, 2005. Modes of co-reference as an indicator of genre / P. Lang, 2003. P. Lang, 1993. Wendy Swanson. Morpho-syntactic erosion between two generational groups Elizabeth A. of Spanish speakers in the United States / Martínez. 48 Morphosyntactic persistence in spoken English :a corpus study at the intersection of variationist sociolinguistics, by Benedikt Mouton de psycholinguistics, and discourse analysis / Szmrecsanyi. Gruyter, c2006. UMI, 1992. Motivations for the use of politeness strategies in Christian by Alex Kwadzo sermonic discourse / Dzameshie. Multicultural aspects of sociolinguistics in deaf communities / Gallaudet Ceil Lucas, editor. University Press, 1996. Multilingual capital :the languages of London's edited by Philip schoolchildren and their relevance to economic, social and Baker and John educational policies / Eversley. edited by Guus Multilingual Europe :facts and policies / Gardners Books ;Battlebrid ge, 2000. Mouton de Extra, Durk Gorter. Gruyter, guest editors, Jasone Cenoz, Durk Multilingualism and minority languages :achievements and Gorter ; editor, challenges in education / Susanne Niemeier. John Benjamins, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (editor). Multilingualism for all / c2008. 2008. Taylor & Francis ;Swets & Zeitlinger, c1995. European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, in conjunction with edited by Anna the Modern Laura Lepschy and Humanities Arturo Tosi. Research Center, 2002. Multilingualism in Italy, past and present / edited by D. A. Multilingualism in later medieval Britain / Trotter. D.S. Brewer, 2000. Multilingualism in post-Soviet countries / edited by Aneta Pavlenko. Multilingual Matters, c2008. Multilingualism in the movies :Hollywood characters and their language choices / Lukas Bleichenbacher. Francke, c2008. Multilingualism, education and change / Jean Jacques Weber. Peter Lang, 2009. Multilingualism, second language learning, and gender / edited by Aneta Mouton de Pavlenko ... [et al.]. Gruyter, 2001. 49 Multimodal transcription and text analysis / Anthony Baldry and Paul J. Thibault. Equinox Pub., 2005. Naming gender :empirische Untersuchungen zur phonologischen Struktur von Vornamen im Deutschen / Susanne Oelkers. P. Lang, 2003. Narrative syntax and the Hebrew Bible :papers of the Tilburg Conference 1996 / edited by Ellen van Brill Academic Wolde. Publishers, 2002. Narrative writing in Australian and Chinese schools :a study of text in context / Judy W.Y. Ho. c2002. P. Lang, University of Nebraska Press in Native languages of the southeastern United States / cooperation with the American Indian Studies Research Institute, edited by Heather Indiana K. Hardy and University, Janine Scancarelli. Bloomington, c2005. Negotiation of disagreement by Greeks in conversations and classroom discourse / by Christina Kakava. UMI, 1993. John Benjamins Publ. Co., 1998. Neo-Melanesian-English concise dictionary :New Guinea pidgin-English language / compiled by Friedrich Steinbauer. Hippocrene Books, c1998. New Englishes :a West African perspective / editors, Ayo Bamgbose, Ayo Banjo, Andrew Thomas. Africa World Press, 1997. New perspectives on current sociolinguistic knowledge with regard to language use, proficiency, and attitudes among Hispanics in the U.S. :the case of a rural Northern California community / Susana Victoria Rivera-Mills. E. Mellen Press, c2000. New perspectives on language and sexual identity / Liz Morrish, Helen Palgrave Sauntson. Macmillan, Neighborhood and ancestry :variation in the spoken Arabic of Maiduguri, Nigeria / Jonathan Owens. 2007. Jennifer Hay, Margaret Maclagan and Elizabeth Edinburgh New Zealand English / Gordon. 50 University Press, c2008. Nigerian Pidgin in Lagos :language contact, variation and change in an African urban setting / Dagmar Deuber. Battlebridge, 2005. change in an African urban setting / Dagmar Deuber. Battlebridge, 2005. Non-nominative subjects.Vol. 1 / edited by Peri Bhaskararao, Karumuri Venkata John Benjamins Subbarao. Pub. Co., c2004. Non-nominative subjects.Vol. 2 / edited by Peri Bhaskararao, Karumuri Venkata John Benjamins Subbarao. Pub. Co., c2004. Northern and insular Scots / Robert McColl Millar. Noun phrases in Creole languages :a multi-faceted approach / edited by Marlyse Baptista, Jacqueline J. Benjamins Pub. Gueron. Co., c2007. Null vs. overt subjects in Turkish discourse :a centering analysis / Umit Deniz Turan. UMI, 1995. 'O si manu a ali'i / ʻAumua Mataʻitusi University of Simanu. Hawaiʻi Press, 2002. Obsessed with language :a sociolinguistic history of Quebec / Chantal Bouchard ; translated by Luise von Flotow. Guernica Eds., c2008. On languages and language :the presidential addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea / edited by Werner Winter. Mouton de Gruyter, 1995. UMI, 1990. UMI, 1989. Nigerian Pidgin in Lagos :language contact, variation and On the discourse functions of Japanese anaphors :Jibun and William John Tagai / Herlofsky. Edinburgh University Press, c2007. by Dovie Ruth On the structure of monologue discourse in English / Wylie. edited by Günt r One language, two grammars? :differences between British Rohdenburg and and American English / Julia Schlüte . Cambridge University Press, 2009. Original Tales And Ballads In The Yorkshire Dialect. Walter Scott, 1912. A. Flanagan Company, 1901. Orthography, orthoepy, and punctuation, :embodying the essential facts of the English language, with concise rules for punctuation and the use of capital letters; a text-book and book of reference for schools, colleges, and private students, / 51 by S.R. Winchell. PALC 2001 :practical applications in language corpora / Barbara Lewandowska-Tom aszczyk (ed.). P. Lang, 2003. Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1994 / Arizona State edited by Udom University, Warotamasikkhadit Program for and Thanyarat Southeast Asian Panakul. Studies, 1998. Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Papers from the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1999 / Graham W. Thurgood, editor. Studies Monograph Series Press, c2001. [writers, Susan Oxford University Baing ... [et al.] ; Press ;In general editor, C.A. association with Volker]. Wantok Niuspepa, 2008. Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin English dictionary / Patterns of language mixing :a study in Turkish-Dutch bilingualism / Ad Backus. Otto Harrassowitz, 1992. Carolin Duttlinger, Lucia Ruprecht, Performance and performativity in German cultural studies Andrew Webber / (eds.). P. Lang, 2003. Christa Dü scheid, Jü gen Spitzmü ler (Hrsg./eds.). P. Lang, 2006. Perspektiven der Jugend-sprachforschung =Trends and developments in youth language research / Perzeption und kognitive Verarbeitung der Sprechmelodie :theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Untersuchungen / Oliver Niebuhr. Walter de Gruyter, c2007. Perzeption und kognitive Verarbeitung der Sprechmelodie :theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Untersuchungen / Oliver Niebuhr. Walter de Gruyter, c2007. Philosophical essays / Scott Soames. Princeton University Press, c2009-. Phonology and morphology of Creole languages / edited by Ingo Plag. Niemeyer, 2003. Pidgin and Creole linguistics in the twenty-first century / edited by Glenn Gilbert. P. Lang, 2002. 52 Pidgin grammar :an introduction to the Creole language of Kent Sakoda and Hawai'i / Jeff Siegel. Bess Press, c2003. Heinemann Frank Pidgin stew and sufferhead :the Pidgin (and other) poems / Aig-Imoukhuede. Educational Books (Nig.), 1982. Pidgin to da max / written and illustrated by Douglas Simonson (Peppo) in collaboration with Pat Sasaki and Ken Sakata. Bess Press, c2005. Pidgin to da max hana hou / conceived and written by Douglas Simonson ... [et al.]. Bess, 1992. Pidgins and creoles / Loreto Todd. 2006. Pinky extension and eye gaze :language use in deaf communities / Gallaudet Ceil Lucas, editor. University Press, 1998. Routlede, edited by Irma Placing Middle English in context / Taavitsainen ... [et Mouton de al.]. Gruyter, 2000. Politics and sociolinguistic reflexes :Palestinian border villages / Muhammad Hasan John Benjamins Amara. Publishing, c1999. Power over the body, equality in the family :rights and domestic relations in medieval canon law / Charles J Reid, Jr. Eerdmans, c2004. Pragmatic aspects of reported speech :the case of early modern English courtroom discourse / Matylda Włodarczyk. P. Lang, 2007. Jørgen Dines Johansen, Harly Sonne, eds., in Pragmatics and linguistics :festschrift for Jacob L. Mey on collaboration with Odense his 60th birthday 30th October 1986 / Hartmut Haberland. University Press, 1986. Pragmatics at work :the translation of tourist literature / [edited by] Marí Pilar Navarro Errasti, Rosa Lorés Sanz & Silvia Murillo Ornat. P. Lang, 2004. Prepositions in their syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic context / edited by Susanne Feigenbaum, c2002. 53 J. Benjamins Pub., Dennis Kurzon. Prescribing under pressure :parent-physician conversations and antibiotics / Oxford University Tanya Stivers. Press, 2007. edited by Angel M.Y. Lin. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2008. Pronominal gender in English :a study of English varieties from a cross-linguistic perspective / Peter Siemund. Routledge, c2008. Puerto Rican discourse :a sociolinguistic study of a New York suburb / L. Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1997. Problematizing identity :everyday struggles in language, culture, and education / Lourdes Torres. written and researched by Pat Sasaki, Douglas Simonson, Ken Sakata ; cartoon ideas sweated out by Douglas Simonson ... [et al.] ; cartoons Pupus to da max / drawn, re-drawn, and drawn again by Douglas Simonson (Peppo). Bess Press, c1986. Qoheleth's language :re-evaluating its nature and date / Daniel C. Fredericks. E. Mellen Press, 1988. Qualite de langue et discours journalistique :definition et description linguistique / par Louise Tremblay. UMI, 1993. Quebec's aboriginal languages :history, planning, and edited by Jacques Multilingual development / Maurais. Matters, Questioning creole :creolisation discourses in Caribbean culture / editors, Verene A. Shepherd, Glen L. Ian Randle ;James Richards. Currey, 2002. Rationale Argumentation :ein Grundkurs in Argumentations- und Wissenschaftstheorie / Dagfinn Føollesdal, Lars Walløe, Jon Elster. de Gruyter, Recontextualizing context :grammaticality meets appropriateness / Redefining regional French :koinéization and dialect levelling in northern France / 54 1996. 1986. Anita Fetzer. John Benjamins Pub., David Hornsby. Maney Publishing ;Legen 2006. c2004. da, textes recueillis et édités par Jacques Moeschler et Référence temporelle et nominale :actes du 3e Cycle Marie-José romand de sciences du langage, Cluny (15-20 avril 1996) / Béguelin. P. Lang, 2000. Regional nationalism in Spain :language use and ethnic identity in Galicia / Mulilingual Matters, c2007. Jaine E. Beswick. Relative points of view :linguistic representations of culture edited by Magda / Stroinska. Berghahn Books, 2001. Relexification in Creole and non-Creole languages :with edited by Julia special attention to Haitian Creole, modern Hebrew, Romani, and Rumanian / Horvath and Paul Wexler. O. Harrassowitz, 1997. Religions and languages :a colloquium / Bruce S. Alton, editor. P. Lang, 1991. Religious conflict and the evolution of language policy in German and French Cameroon, 1885-1939 / Kenneth J. Orosz. Peter Lang, c2008. Repetition of the possessive pronouns in the Septuagint / by Raija Sollamo. Scholars Press, 1995. Request sequences :the intersection of grammar, interaction Carmen and social context / Taleghani-Nikazm. J. Benjamins, c2006. Research on politeness in the Spanish-speaking world / edited by Maria Elena Placencia, Carmen Garcia. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007. Rethinking idiomaticity :a usage-based approach / Stefanie Wulff. Continuum, c2008. Rethinking Middle English :linguistic and literary approaches / Nikolaus Ritt, Herbert Schendl (eds.). Peter Lang, 2005. Reverse speech :hidden messages in human communication by David John / Oates. Knowledge Systems, c1991. Rezeption von Anglizismen im modernen Russischen :Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Verbreitung undAdaptation Andrej englischen Wortguts / Woltschanskiy. Verlag, 2009. Rhetorical implications of linguistic relativity :theory and application to Chinese and Taiwanese interlanguages / Kristopher H. Kowal. P. Lang, 1998. Riddles, knights, and cross-dressing saints :essays on edited by Thomas medieval English language and literature / Honegger. Peter Lang, 2004. 55 Rights, promotion and integration issues for minority edited by Susanna Pertot, Tom M.S. Priestly, Colin H. Palgrave languages in Europe / Williams. Macmillan, 2009. Romance languages and modern linguistic theory :papers from the 20th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XX), Ottawa, 10-14 April 1990 / edited by Paul Hirschbühle and Konrad Koerner. J. Benjamins, 1992. Roots of Caribbean identity / Peter A. Roberts. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Roots of Creole structures :weighing the contribution of substrates and superstrates / edited by Susanne Michaelis. John Benjamins, c2008. Russian-English code-switching in New York City / Esma Gregor. c2003. Salar :a study in inner Asian language contact processes / Arienne M. Dwyer. Harrassowitz, P. Lang, 2007-. Searching for structure :the problem of complementation in Robert colloquial Indonesian conversation / Englebretson. J. Benjamins, c2003. Second language interaction / Salla Kurhila. J. Benjamins, c2006. Jim Hlavac. Peter Lang, 2003. Selected proceedings of the 7th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium / edited by David Eddington. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2005. Selves and identities in narrative and discourse / edited by Michael Bamberg, Anna De Fina, Deborah John Benjamins Schiffrin. Pub., Second-generation speech :lexicon, code-switching and morpho-syntax of Croatian-English bilinguals / Ruqaiya Hasan ; c2007. David Brown Semantic variation :meaning in society and in sociolinguistics / edited by Jonathan Book J. Webster. Co. ;Equinox, 2009. Semantic variation :meaning in society and in sociolinguistics / Ruqaiya Hasan ; David Brown edited by Jonathan Book J. Webster. Co. ;Equinox, 2009. Semiotic phenomenology of rhetoric :eidetic practice in Richard L. Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology ; Henry Grattan's discourse on tolerance / Lanigan. University Press 56 1985. of America, Semiotics 1997 / edited by C.W. Spinks and John Deely. Peter Lang, 1998. Semiotics and pragmatics :proceedings of the Perpignan symposium / edited by Gérard Deledalle. J. Benjamins, 1989. Sex in every city :how to talk dirty in every language / L. Brook. Grand Central Publishing, 2008. Sexed texts :language, gender and sexuality / Paul Baker. Equinox Pub., 2008. Sign languages in contact / David Quinto-Pozos, editor. Gallaudet University Press, 2007. Simple creole for Adoptive Families / by Amy Kendall. 2006. Simple creole for Adoptive Families / by Amy Kendall. 2006. Social differentiation in Cameroon English :evidence from sociolinguistic fieldwork / Aloysius Ngefac. Social lives in language--sociolinguistics and multilingual speech communities :celebrating the work of Gillian Sankoff / Society and discourse :how social contexts influence text and talk / Peter Lang, edited by Miriam Meyerhoff, Naomi Nagy. John Benjamins, Teun A. van Dijk. c2008. c2008. Cambridge University Press, 2009. edited by Bertha Perez with Teresa Sociocultural contexts of language and literacy / L. McCarty ... [et al.]. Lawrence Erlbaum, Sociocultural perspectives on language change in diaspora :Soviet immigrants in the United States / J. Benjamins Pub. David R. Andrews. Co., c1999. Socio-linguistic analysis of the settlers in the Brazilian Amazon :with special reference to the language pair Portuguese-English / Cindy Schlicke. VDM Verlag Dr. Mü ler, Sociolinguistic and pedagogical dimensions of dialects in edited by Andreas Papapavlou and Cambridge education / Pavlos Pavlou. Scholars, 57 2004. 2008, [2008?] . 2007. Sociolinguistic constructs of ethnic identity :the syntactic Clare J. Duke University Press for the American Dialect delineation of an American Indian English / Dannenberg. Society, c2002. Sociolinguistic theory :linguistic variation and its social significance / J.K. Chambers. Blackwell, 2009. Sociolingüística del español :desarrollos y perspectivas en el estudio de la lengua española en contexto social / José Luis Blas Arroyo. Cátedra, 2008. Carmen Silva-Corvalán ; con ejercicios de reflexlión d Andrés Enrique-Arias. Sociolingüí ica y pragmática del español Sociopragmatica y retorica interpersonal :la cortesia ingles y castellano / J.A.G. Ardila. Georgetown University Press, c2001. E. Mellen Press, c2005. Sosein-- und anders :Geschlecht, Sprache und Identität Johanna Hofbauer, Ursula Doleschal, Ludmila Damjanova (Hrsg.). P. Lang, Soviet Yiddish :language planning and linguistic development / Gennady Estraikh. Clarendon Press, 1999. Sozialpsychologie des Sprachverhaltens :der deutsch-ungarische Sprachkonflikt in der Habsburgermonarchie / Péter Maitz. Niemeyer, 2005. Soziolinguistik / Norbert Dittmar ; [unter Mitarbeit von Bettina Liedtke]. Groos, [1996] Spanglish / edited by Ilan Stavans. Greenwood Press, 2008. Spanish as a heritage language in the United States :a study Ana of speakers' register variation / Sánchez-Muño . VDM Verlag Dr. Mü ler, 1999. c2009. Spanish in contact :issues in Bilingualism / edited by Ana Roca and John B. Jensen. Cascadilla Press, 1996. Spanish in the United States :linguistic contact and diversity / edited by Ana Roca Mouton de and John M. Lipski. Gruyter, Spanish in the United States :sociolinguistic issues / 58 1993. John J. Bergen, Georgetown editor. University Press, 1990. University of South Carolina Press, c1998. Speaking in tongues :a guide to research on glossolalia / edited by Watson E. W.B. Eerdmans Mills. Pub. Co., c1986. Sprache und Geschlecht / Ann Peyer, Ruth Groth. J. Groos, c1996. Sprache und Geschlecht :eine Einfüh ung / Gisela Klann-Delius. J. B. Metzler, c2005. Spracherhalt und Sprachverlust in einer Sprachinselsituation :Sprache und Identität bei der deutschen Minderheit in Ungarn / Szilvia Deminger. Peter Lang, 2004. Speaking in hunger :gender, discourse, and consumption in Clarissa / Donnalee Frega. Nina Berend, Klaus J. Mattheier Sprachinselforschung :eine Gedenkschrift für Hugo Jedig / (Hrsg.). P. Lang, Sprachliche Folgen der EU-Erweiterung =Linguistic consequences of the EU-enlargement = Conséqu nces linguistiques de l'él rgisement de l'UE / Hrsg. von Ulrich Ammon, Klaus J. Mattheier, Peter H. Max Niemeyer Nelde. Verlag, 1994. 2007. Sprachpolitik und gesellschaftliche Alphabetisierung :zur Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz in Katalonien seit 1975 Christian H. / Münch Peter Lang, Sprachrettung oder Sprachverrat :zur Normdiskussion in Bezug auf das Ungarische / Gabriella Maraz. Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2003. Stadtbü gertum und frü neuzeitliche Sprachstandardisierung :eine vergleichende Untersuchung zur Sprachentwicklung der Städte Emmerich, Geldern, Nimwegen und Wesel vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert / Tim Stichlmair. c2006. Walter de Gruyter, 2008. edited by Oxford University Stance :sociolinguistic perspectives / Alexandra Jaffe. Press, 2009. Standardvariationen und Sprachideologien in verschiedenen Sprachkulturen der Welt =Standard variations and language ideologies in different language cultures around the world / Rudolf Muhr, hrsg./ed. P. Lang, 2005. Stars and keys :folktales and creolization in the Indian Lee Haring ; with translations by Claudie Ricaud and Indiana Ocean / Dawood Auleear. by Randy "Mo Street talk :da official guide to hip-hop & urban slanguage / Betta" Kearse. 59 University Press, c2007. Barricade Books, 2006. Streetwise French dictionary/thesaurus :the user-friendly guide to French slang and idioms / Ian Pickup, Rod Hares. Strukturen des Wortschwunds in Lincolnshire :real-time Verena und apparent-time / Krus-Bühle . McGraw-Hill, c2002. Peter Lang, 1999. Studies in African varieties of English / Peter Lucko, Lothar Peter, Hans-Georg Wolf (eds.). Peter Lang, 2003. Surviving through obliqueness :language of politics in emerging democracies / Samuel Gyasi Obeng & Beverly Hartford, editors. c2002. Nova Science Publishers, Susan Glaspell and the anxiety of expression :language and Kristina isolation in the plays / Hinz-Bode. Sustaining language diversity in Europe :evidence from the Euromosaic project / Glyn Williams. McFarland & Co., 2006. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. edited by H. Samy Alim and John Teachers College Talkin black talk :language, education, and social change / Baugh. Press, c2007. Talking for Britain :a journey through the nation's dialects / Simon Elmes. Penguin Books, 2005. Talking in context :language and identity in Anne Marie McGill-Queen's Kwakwaka'wakw society / Goodfellow. University Press, c2005. Text und Handlung :zur handlungstheoret Basis einer Textwissenschaft. : mit einem Versuch, einige erarbeitete Kategorien an literarischen Texten zu üb rprü en / Paul-Ludwig Völ ing. Peter Lang, The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a study abroad context / Vera Regan, Martin Howard, Isabelle Multilingual Lemée. Matters, 1979. 2009. The age of creolization in the Pacific :in search of emerging cultures and shared values in the Japan-America edited by Takeshi borderlands / Matsuda. Keisuisha, 2001. edited by Aneta The bilingual mental lexicon :interdisciplinary approaches / Pavlenko. Multilingual Matters, 2009. The Canadian bilingual districts :from cornerstone to tombstone / Daniel Bourgeois. McGill-Queen's University Press, c2006. The Chinese language :its history and current usage / by Daniel Kane. Tuttle, c2006. The decay of a language :the case of a German dialect in the Italian Alps / Silvia Dal Negro. P. Lang, c2004. The dialect of Notre-Dame-de-Sanilhac :a natural generative phonology / Margaret M. Marshall. ANMA Libri, 1984. 60 The Dialect of the West of England Particularly Somersetshire. 2008. by Herbert H. University of Vaughan. Michigan Library, 2007. The dialects of England / Peter Trudgill. Blackwell Publishers, The dialects of Italy / edited by Martin Maiden and Mair Parry. Lightning Source Inc. ;Routledge, 1997. The dialects of central Italy / 1999. The discourse analysis of Hebrew prophetic literature :determining the larger textual units of Hosea and Mellen Biblical Joel / Ernst R. Wendland. Press, c1995. The effects of personal involvement in narrative discounts. Routledge, 2004. The emergence of pidgin and Creole languages / Oxford University Press, 2008. Jeff Siegel. The genesis of discourse grammar :universals and substrata in Guyanese, Hawaii Creole, and Japanese / Hirokuni Masuda. P. Lang, 2000. The Globe and Mail style book :a guide to language and J.A. (Sandy) McFarlane & usage / Warren Clements. M & S, 2003. The Jacaranda dictionary and grammar of Melanesian Pidgin / F. Mihalic. The Jacaranda Press, 1971. The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Sulemaniyya and Ḥ labja / by Geoffrey Khan. Brill, 2004. The language of journalism.Vol. 2,Profanity, obscenity and the media / Melvin J. Lasky. Transaction ;Tran saction, 2005. The language of journalismVol. 3Media warfare, the Americanization of language TransactionEuros pan, 2005. Melvin J. Lasky. The language of Stephen Crane's Bowery tales :developing Alan Robert mastery of character diction / Slotkin. Garland Pub., 1993. The languages of Urban Africa / edited by Fiona Mc Laughlin. Continuum, The linguistic legacy of Spanish and Portuguese :colonial expansion and language change / Cambridge J. Clancy Clements. University Press, 2009. The linguistics of speech / William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. 2009. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Edwin Mellen The metaphorical narratives in the book of Ezekiel / James A. Durlesser. Press, 61 c2006. The morphology of English dialects :verb formation in non-standard English / Lieselotte Anderwald. Cambridge University Press, 2009. The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar / by Geoffrey Khan. Brill, 2008. The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar / by Geoffrey Khan. Brill, 2008. The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar / by Geoffrey Khan. Brill, 2008. Charles Reagan Wilson, general editor ; James G. Thomas Jr., The new encyclopedia of Southern culture / managing editor ; Ann J. Abadie, associate editor. University of North Carolina Press, c2007-. The new sociolinguistics reader / edited by Nikolas Coupland and Adam Jaworski. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Brill, 2005. The Nubi language of Uganda:an Arabic Creole in Africa / by Ineke Wellens. The other tongue :English across cultures / edited by Braj B. University of Kachru. Illinois Press, 1992. Penguin Reference, 2000. Peter Lang, c2008. The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style :a readable reference book, illuminating thousands of traps that snare writers and speakers / Paul W. Lovinger. The pulse of a Malaysian university :ethno- and Rodolfo Jacobson, editor ; Chan Swee Heng and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah, assistant sociolinguistic issues and the TESOL dimension / editors. The realm of the Word :language, gender, and Christianity Heinemann ;D. in a Southern African kingdom / Paul Stuart Landau. Philip ;J. Currey, c1995. The reconquest of Montreal :language policy and social change in a bilingual city / Marc V. Levine. Charles B. Reilly The rising of lotus flowers :self-education by deaf children and Nipapon W. in Thai boarding schools / Reilly. 62 Temple University Press, 1990. Gallaudet University Press, c2005. The role of contact in the origins of the Japanese and Korean languages / University of J. Marshall Unger. Hawai'i Press, The scope and limits of folk psychology :a socio-linguistic approach / David E. Ohreen. c2009. Peter Lang, 2004. Edna Aphek and Yishai Tobin. J. Benjamins, 1989. The Sindhis of Malaysia :a sociolinguistic study / Maya Khemlani David. Coronet Books Inc. ;Asean Academic Press, c2001. The social and linguistic heritage of native peoples in the edited by Laura N.K. Van Edwin Mellen Americas :the struggle to maintain cultural particularity / Broekhoven. Press, c2006. The sociolinguistics of development in Africa / Paulin G. Djité Multilingual Matters, 2008. The sociolinguistics of English-Hindi code-switching :a case study from India / Selket Bauer. VDM Mü ler, 2008. The Spanish language of New Mexico and southern Colorado :a linguistic atlas / Garland D. Bills, Neddy A. Vigil. University of New Mexico, c2008. The Spanish-speaking world :a practical introduction to sociolinguistic issues / Clare Mar-Molinero. Routledge, 1997. The State of the language / edited by Christopher Ricks and Leonard Michaels. University of California Press, c1990. The structure of learner varieties / edited by Henriëtte Mouton de Hendriks. Gruyter, The semiotics of fortune-telling / c2005. The subtle slant :a cross-linguistic discourse analysis model Richard G. for evaluating interethnic conflict in the press / McGarry. Parkway Publishers, c1994. Stephanie The syntax of Jamaican Creole :a cartographic perspective / Durrleman-Tame. John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2008. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. The tongue of the fathers :gender and ideology in twelfth-century Latin / edited by David Townsend and Andrew Taylor. The Use of Welsh :a contribution to sociolinguistics / edited by Martin J. Multilingual Ball. Matters, The voices of Eden :a history of Hawaiian language studies / Albert J. Schüt . The Yoruba koiné :i s history and linguistic innovations / 63 J. Gbenga Fagborun. c1988. University of Hawaii Press, c1994. Lincom Europa, 1994. Thinking English grammar :to honour Xavier Dekeyser, edited by Guy A.J. Tops, Betty Devriendt, Steven professor emeritus / Geukens. Peeters, To the lexicon and beyond :sociolinguistics in European deaf communities / Mieke Van Herreweghe and Myriam Vermeerbergen, editors. Gallaudet University Press, 2004. Tondi Songway Kiini :reference grammar and TSK-English-French dictionary / Jeffrey Heath. CSLI Publications, Topics in colloquial Russian / edited by Margaret H. Mills. P. Lang, 1990. Topics in Coptic syntax :structural studies in the Bohairic dialect / by A. Shisha-Halevy. 2007. Translation, sociolinguistic, and consumer issues in interpreting / Melanie Metzger and Earl Gallaudet Fleetwood, editors. University Press, 2007. Tü kisch sprechen nicht nur die Tü ken :ü er die Unschärfebeziehung zwischen Sprache und Ethnie in İnci Dirim, Peter Deutschland / Auer. Tyne bytes :a computerised sociolinguistic study of Tyneside / Val Jones-Sargent. P. Lang, c1983. Umlaut phenomena in Early New High German discourse :a pragmatic approach / Lee Forester. c1999. Understanding language structure, interaction, and variation :an introduction to applied linguistics and sociolinguistics for nonspecialists / Steven Brown, University of Salvatore Attardo. Michigan Press, Peeters, 1999. c2005. Walter de Gruyter, c2004. P. Lang, c2005. J. Benjamins Urban Jamaican creole :variation in the mesolect / Peter L. Patrick. Pub., c1998. Valencia im Sprachenstreit :sprachlicher Sezessionismus als sozialpsychologisches Phänomen / Max Doppelbauer. Braumü ler, 2006. Variation and change in the lexicon :a corpus-based analysis of adjectives in English ending in -ic and -ical / Mark Kaunisto. 2007. Variation in indigenous minority languages / edited by James N. Stanford, Dennis R. John Benjamins Preston. Pub. Co., c2009. Variational pragmatics :a focus on regional varieties in edited by Klaus P. c2008. 64 Rodopi, John Benjamins, pluricentric languages / Schneider, Anne Barron. edited by Variations on polysynthesis :the Eskaleut languages / Marc-Antoine Mahieu, Nicole Tersis. Varietät n im Slavischen :ausgewählte Beiträge = Substandartnye varianty slavjanskich jazykov / Alexander Bierich (Hrsg.). Peter Lang, 2009. Varieties of English / edited by Bernd Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / edited by Bernd Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / edited by Bernd Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / edited by Bernd Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / edited by Bernd Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Varieties of English / Kortmann and Clive Upton. Mouton de Gruyter, c2008. Verbal judo :words as a force option / by George J. Thompson. C.C. Thomas, c1983. Verlan 2007 :Untersuchungen zur französi chen Jugendsprache / Angela Kundegraber. Verlag Dr. Kovač , 2008. Patricia Causey Nichols. University of South Carolina Press, 2009. John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2000 [i.e. c2009]. edited by Bernd edited by Bernd edited by Bernd Voices of our ancestors :language contact in early South Carolina / 65 Vom Umgang mit sprachlicher Variation :Soziolinguistik, Annelies Häcki Buhofer (Hrsg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Dialektologie, Methoden und Wissenschaftsgeschichte : Festschrift fü Heinrich Löffler zum 60. Geburtstag / Lorenz Hofer ... [et al.]. Francke, c2000. War slang :American fighting words and phrases since the Civil War / Paul Dickson. Brassey's, c2004. Women, gender, and language in Morocco / by Fatima Sadiqi. Brill, 2002. Word-order variation in biblical Hebrew Nicholas P. Lunn ; foreword by Jean-Marc poetry :differentiating pragmatics and poetics / Heimerdinger. Paternoster, 2006. World Englishes :the study of new linguistic varieties / Rajend Mesthrie and Rakesh M. Bhatt. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Yamuna Kachru and Cecil L. Nelson. Hong Kong University Press ;Eurospan [distributor], 2006. Duke University Press, 1994. 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Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. M. Angel Pineda Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. M. Angel Pineda Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. 1993. Secretariado de Concordancias e índ ces del habla urbana de Sevilla / Concordancias e índ ces del habla urbana de Sevilla / Concordancias e índ ces del habla urbana de Sevilla / Concordancias e índ ces del habla urbana de Sevilla / Concordancias e índ ces del habla urbana de Sevilla / 97 M. Angel Pineda Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. M. Angel Pineda Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. M. Angel Pineda Secretariado de Publicaciones de Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. la Universidad de Sevilla, 1993. M. Angel Pineda Pérez, Manuel Ollero Toribio. 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Projecte GELA :Octaedro, 1999. La diversitat lingüí ica :didà tica i recorregut de les llengü s del món 1998. Pagès La dona a la llengua llatina :descripció èxica i interpretació Editors :Universit etnolingüí ica / M. Teresa Quintillà. at de Lleida, 2006. La Dynamique des representations sociolinguistiques en contexte plurilingue :le cas de Tanger / Josette Virasolvit. Harmattan, 2005. La educación b lingüe :veinte años d l Seminario sobre Lenguas y Educación Miquel Siguan (coord.). ICE, Universitat de Barcelona :Horsor i, 2000. La entonación el españ l :su estructura fóni a, variabilidad y dialectología Juan Manuel Sosa ; presentación de Francesco D'Introno. Cátedra, c1999. Ediciones La estratificación s ciolingüí ica de una comunidad semiurbana :Toro (Zamora) / Juan Carlos González Ferrero. Universidad de Salamanca, 1991. La estructura del léxico en la norma lingüí ica culta de Las Vicente Marrero Palmas de Gran Canaria / Pulido. Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1999. Gaston Gross, La finalité :f ndements conceptuels et genèse linguistique / Michele Prandi. De Boeck. Duculot, c2004. La grammaire graduelle, à une virgule près / Liana Pop. P. Lang, c2005. La guerre des langues et les politiques linguistiques / Hachette Louis-Jean Calvet. littératures, 1999. La interrupció ingüí ica a Guardamar :el camí cap a la substitució Antoni Mas i Miralles. Publicacions de la Universitat D'Alacant, [2006]. La langue basque dans tous ses états :sociolinguistique du Pays Basque / Eguzki Urteaga. Harmattan, c2006. La langue du cyberespace, de la diversité aux normes / éditeur Jeannine Gerbault. Harmattan, c2007. 132 sous la direction de La langue et l'intégration des immigrants :sociolinguistique, James Archibald et politiques linguistiques, didactique / Jean-Louis Chiss. L'Harmattan, c2007. La langue francaise au Cameroun :analyse linguistique et didactique / Edmond Biloa. Peter Lang, c2004. La langue vivante :l'identité sociolinguistique des Cauchois : langue normande et glottopolitique de la minoration en Pays de Caux / Thierry Bulot. Harmattan, c2006. La lengua española :p norama sociohistórico Rainer H. Goetz. McFarland & Co., c2007. La lengua española d Españ y América Latina :sobre la Gueorguii V. variabilidad lingüis ica / Stepánov. LINCOM Europa, 2004. La lexicografí en las variedades no-estánd r / Francisco Manuel Carriscondo Esquivel. Universidad de Jaén, La lingua come cultura / a cura di Gabriele Iannaccaro, Vincenzo Matera. UTET università, c2009. [2001]. de Christian Foltys ; amb prò eg La lingua franca, consideracions crí iques :traducció del document Proves documentals de la lingua franca / i notes de Carles Castellanos. Documenta Universitaria, 2006. La llengua al segle XX (II) :la situació socio ingü stica actual / Francesc Ruiz; Rosa Sanz. Tandem Ed., 1993. La llengua dels mitjans de comunicació Toni Mollà. Edicions Bromera, 1990. La Lorraine francique :culture mosaique et dissidence linguistique / Daniel Laumesfeld. L'Harmattan, La normalitat improbable :obstacles a la normalització [1996]. Editorial lingüí ica / Albert Branchadell. Empúri s, 1996. La notion modale de possibilité n basque :morphologie, syntaxe, sém ntique, variations diachronique et sociolinguistique / Gerd Jendraschek. Harmattan, c2007. La parole émergente, approche psycho-sociolinguistique de Michelle Van la résilience :Parcours théorico-biographique / Hooland. Harmattan, 2002. Michelle Auzanneau ; La parole vive du Poitou :une étude sociolinguistique en milieu rural / 133 préface de Louis-Jean Calvet. L'Harmattan, c1998. La percepció e la vitalitat etnolingüí ica pels jóvens de l'alacantí / Publicacions de Josep M. Baldaquí l'Abadia de Escandell. Montserrat, 2004. La política lingüí ica a l'estat espanyol :balanç i perspectives / IV Jornades de Sociolingüí ica, Alcoi, 24 i 25 de març de 1995 ; Aina Moll i Marquès ... [et al.]. Gabinet Municipal de Normalització Lingüí ica, Ajuntament d'Alcoi, 1995. La política lingüí ica vasca a debate / Andoni Unzalu Garaogordobil. Hiria Liburuak, 2008. La politique linguistique au Pays basque / Eguzki Urteaga. L'Harmattan, c2004. editado por Henk Haverkate, Gijs La pragmatica linguistica del espanol :recientes desarrollos Mulder, Carolina / Fraile Maldonado. Rodopi, 1998. Georges Kleiber, Catherine Schnedecker & Anne Theissen La relation partie-tout / (eds). La Romania americana :procesos lingüí icos en situaciones de contacto / Norma Día , Ralph Ludwig, Stefan Iberoamericana ;V Pfänder, (eds.). ervuert, 2002. La socio-euphémie :expressions, modalités, incidences / Jean-Paul Courthéoux. L'Harmattan, c2005. La sociolingüí ica de la variació M. Teresa Turell i Julià ed.). PPU, 1995. Pierre Cadiot & Presses Norbert Dittmar Universitaires de (eds). Lille, 1989. La standardisation pluricentrique de l'occitan :nouvel enjeu sociolinguistique, développement du lexique et de la par Domergue morphologie / Sumien. Brepols, c2006. La variation modale dans les subordonnées à emps fini du français moderne :approche syntaxique / Louis Lalaire. P. Lang, c1998. P. Lang, c1984. La sociolinguistique en pays de langue allemande / Editions Peeters, 2006. La variation phonétique dans le parler acadien du nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick :étud sociolinguistique / Karin Flikeid. 134 La variation sociale en français / Françoise Gadet. Ophrys, 2003. La variazione linguistica :causalismo e probabilismo in Alessandro E.M. sociolinguistica / Pisani. FrancoAngeli, c1987. La voix :étud d'ethno-linguistique comparative / Kawada Junzo ; préface de Marc Augé ; traduit du japonais par Sylvie Jeanne. Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, c1998. La voix cachée du tiers :des non-dits du discours / sous la direction de Patrick Charaudeau et Rosa Montes. L'Harmattan, 2004. L'aliénation linguistique :analyse tét aglossique / Henri Gobard ; préf. de Gilles Deleuze. Flammarion, c1976. Lament for a notion :the life and death of Canada's bilingual dream / Scott Reid. Arsenal Pulp Press, c1993. L'analisi della conversazione / Giolo Fele. Il mulino, c2007. F. Maspero, 1977. réunies et présentées par Langage et cultures africaines :essais d'ethnolinguistique, études / Genevié e Calame-Griaule. Language & the social construction of identity in Creole situations / Center for edited by Afro-American Marcyliena H. Studies, Morgan ; with University of essays by Mervyn California, Los Alleyne ... [et al.]. Angeles, 1994. edited by Charles Language acquisition / Yang. Routledge, 2010. Language acquisition / edited by Charles Yang. Routledge, 2010. Language acquisition / edited by Charles Yang. Routledge, 2010. Language acquisition / edited by Charles Yang. Routledge, 2010. Language allegiances and bilingualism in the US / edited by M. Rafael Multilingual Salaberry. Matters, 135 c2009. Language alternation strategies in multilingual settings :a case study : Ghanaian immigrants in northern Italy / Federica Guerini. Language and change in the Arab Middle East :the evolution of modern political discourse / Ami Ayalon, in cooperation with the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Shiloah Institute, Tel Aviv Oxford University University. Press, 1987. Language and communication difficulties / Dimitra Hartas. Continuum, 2005. Language and community in the nineteenth century / editor Geraint H. Jenkins. University of Wales Press, 1998. Peeters, c2006. Language and cultural change :aspects of the study and use edited by Lodi of language in the Later Middle Ages and the Renaissance / Nauta. Language and culture :reflective narratives and the emergence of identity / Peter Lang, edited by David Nunan, Julie Choi. Routledge, 2006. 2010. Language and culture in eighteenth-century Russia / Victor Zhivov. Academic Studies Press, 2009. Language and gender in the military :honorifics, narrative and ideology in Air Force talk / Edith A. Disler. Cambria Press, Language and gender research from a queer linguistic perspective :a critical evaluation / Michaela Koch. VDM, Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008. Language and identities / edited by Carmen Llamas and Dominic Watt. Edinburgh University Press, c2010. John Edwards. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Language and identity :an introduction / c2008. Language and identity in the Middle East and North Africa edited by Yasir / Suleiman. Curzon Press, edited by Mary Ruth Wise, Thomas N. Headland, Ruth Language and life :essays in memory of Kenneth L. Pike / M. Brend. SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington, c2003. 1996. Language and national identity in Africa / edited by Andrew Simpson. Oxford University Press, 2008. Language and new media :linguistic, cultural, and technological evolutions / edited by Charley Rowe and Eva L. Hampton Press, 136 c2009. Wyss ; with a foreword by Naomi S. Baron. Language and politics in India / edited by Asha Sarangi. Oxford University Press, 2009. Language and power :a resource book for students / Paul Simpson and Andrea Mayr. Routledge, 2010. Language and social cognition :expression of the social mind / edited by Hanna Pishwa. Mouton de Gruyter, c2009. Language and space :an international handbook of linguistic variation.vol. 1,Theories and methods / edited by Peter Auer and Jü gen Erich Schmidt. De Gruyter Mouton, c2010. Language and the market society :critical reflections on discourse and dominance / Gerlinde Mautner. Routledge, 2010. Language and the renewal of society in Walt Whitman, Laura (Riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson :the American cratylus / Palgrave by Carla Billitteri. Macmillan, 2009. Language attitude and language conflict in West Africa / edited by Herbert Igboanusi. 2001. Language change and typological variation :in honor of edited by Edgar C. Polomé and Carol Institute for the Enicrownfit Publishers, Winfred P. Lehmann on the occasion of his 83rd birthday / F. Justus. Study of Man, c1999-. Language choice and code-switching in the Azerbaijani community in Tehran :a conversation analytic approach to bilingual practices / by Helena Bani-Shoraka. Uppsala Universitet, 2005. Language choice and communication in Malaysian business / Shanta Nair-Venugopal. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2000. Language choice and identity politics in Taiwan / Jennifer M. Wei. Lexington Books, c2008. Language contact and the lexicon in the history of Cypriot Greek / Stavroula Varella. Language contact in the history of English / Language contact, German and Slovenian / Peter Lang, c2006. Dieter Kastovsky, Arthur Mettinger, eds. P. Lang, 2003. Donald F. Reindl. Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer, 2008. edited by Eran Language contact--language conflict / Fraenkel and 137 P. Lang, c1993. Christina Kramer. Language development :monolingual and bilingual Alejandro E. Brice, acquisition / Roanne G. Brice. PRNHC, c2009. Language disorders in bilingual children and adults / Kathryn Kohnert. Plural Pub., c2008. Language identity modernity :the Arabic Study Circle, of Durban / Shamil Jeppie. HSRC Press, 2007. Language in African urban contexts :a contribution to the edited by Gudrun Miehe, Jonathan Owens, and Manfred von study of indirect globalisation / Roncador. Lit, 2007. Language in danger :the loss of linguistic diversity and the threat to our future / Andrew Dalby. Columbia University Press, c2003. Language in education :ethnolinguistic essays / by Dell Hymes. Center for Applied Linguistics, 1980. Shiraz Nerenberg. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K., 2008. Language in time and space :studies in honour of Wolfgang Ramisch and Viereck on the occasion of his 60th birthday / Kenneth Wynne. F. Steiner, 1997. edited by Martin Language issues in Canada :multidisciplinary perspectives / Howard. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. Language maintenance and language shift :Panjabis and Bengali in Delhi / Aditi Mukherjee. Bahri Publications, 1996. Language matters :how Canadian voluntary associations edited by David Cameron and manage French and English / Richard Simeon. UBC Press, c2009. Language of the land :policy, politics, identity / edited by Katherine Schuster, David Information Age Witkosky. Pub., c2007. Language planning and policy :language planning in local contexts / edited by Anthony J. Liddicoat and Richard B. Baldauf, Multilingual Jr. Matters, c2008. Language in the bilingual family :a study of policy, ideology, and shift / edited by Heinrich 138 Franðcois Grin ; with contributions by Regina Language policy evaluation and the European Charter for regional or minority languages / Jensdâottir and Dâonall O Riagâain. Language production / edited by F.-Xavier Alario, Albert Costa, Martin Pickering and Victor Ferreira. Psychology Press, 2006. Palgrave Macmillan, c2003. edited by Colin H. University of Language revitalization :policy and planning in Wales / Williams. Wales Press, c2000. edited by Jane Language rights and language survival :sociolinguistic and Freeland and sociocultural perspectives / Donna Patrick. St. Jerome Pub., 2004. Language shift among the Navajos :identity politics and cultural continuity / Deborah House. University of Arizona Press, c2002. Language shifts among the scheduled tribes in India :a geographical study / M. Ishtiaq. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1999. Language variation in foreign language teaching :on the road to communicative competence / Claudia Kunschak. P. Lang, edited by Stavroula Tsiplakou, Language variation--European perspectives II :selected Marilena papers from the 4th International Conference on Language Karyolemou, John Benjamins Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), Nicosia, June 2007 / Pavlos Pavlou. Pub. Company, c2004. c2009. Language, authority, and indigenous history in the Comentarios reales de los Incas / Cambridge Margarita Zamora. University Press, 2005. Language, discourse and identity in Central Europe :the German language in a multilingual space / edited by Jenny Carl and Patrick Stevenson. Language, economy and society :the changing fortunes of the Welsh language in the twentieth century / John Aitchison and University of Harold Carter. Wales Press, c2000. Language, identity and liberation in contemporary Irish literature / Jennifer Keating-Miller. 2009. Language, identity, and marginality in Indonesia :the Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Cambridge changing nature of ritual speech on the Island of Sumba / 139 Joel C. Kuipers. University Press, 1998. Language, interaction and national identity :studies in the edited by Stephen social organisation of national identity in talk-in-interaction Hester, William / Housley. Ashgate, c2002. edited by Andrea Gerbig and Oliver Language, people, numbers :corpus linguistics and society / Mason. Rodopi, 2008. Languages and language policies in insular Southeast Asia :focusing on the Philippines and Malaysia / Kawahara Toshiaki. Shumpusha, 2002. Languages in Britain and Ireland / edited by Glanville Blackwell Price. Publishers, 2000. Languages in competition :the struggle for supremacy among Nigeria's major languages, English and Pidgin / Herbert Igboanusi, Lothar Peter. Peter Lang, 2005. Languages of belonging :Islam, regional identity, and the making of Kashmir / Oxford University Chitralekha Zutshi. Press, c2004. edited by J.N. Postgate. British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 2007. edited by Allan Bell, Ray Harlow Victoria Languages of New Zealand / & Donna Starks. University Press, 2005. Languages of the pre-Columbian Antilles / Julian Granberry, University of Gary S. Vescelius. Alabama Press, c2004. Langue et étu es de la langue :approches linguistiques et didactiques : actes du colloque international de Marseille, 4-6 juin 2003, IUFM d'Aix-Marseille / Publications de sous la direction de l'université de Claude Vargas. Provence, 2004. Languages of Iraq, ancient and modern / Conseil supé ieur de la langue française et Service Langue française et diversité linguistique :actes du de la langue française de la communauté française de Belgique (eds) ; organisé p r la Délégation à la langue française de suisse romande ... séminaire de Bruxelles, Belgique, 30 novembre et 1er décembre 2005 / [et al.] ; textes réunis par Aurore 140 De Boeck, c2006. Boraczek et Nathalie Marchal. Thierry Bulot (éd.) et Nicolas Tsekos, avec la Langue urbaine et identité :langue et urbanisation linguistique à Rouen, Venise, Berlin, Athènes et Mons / collaboration de Gabrielle Gamberini ... [et al.] ; préface de Jürgen Erfurt. Langues en contact :Canada, Bretagne / sous la direction de Presses Christian Leray & universitaires de Francis Manzano. Rennes, Harmattan, c1999. 2003. Henri Boyer, Langues et contacts de langues dans l'aire médite ranéenne :pratiques, représentations, gestions / éditeur ; préf. Robert Lafont. L'Harmattan, c2004. Langues et cultures régionales de France :ét t des lieux, enseignement, politiques : actes du colloque, 11-12 juin 1999, Université Pa is V-René Descartes / Christos Clairis, Denis Costaouec, Jean-Baptiste Coyos (coordinateurs). Harmattan, 1999. L'Harmattan, c2005. sous la direction de Marielle Rispail ; Langues maternelles, contacts, variations et enseignement :le cas de la langue amazighe / en collaboration avec Nora Tigziri. sous la direction de Henri Goetschy et André-Louis Langues régionales et relations transfrontaliè es en Europe / Sanguin. Harmattan, c1995. Langues, cultures et identités égionales en Provence :la mét phore de l'aïo i / Philippe Blanchet. L'Harmattan, c2002. Aziza Boucherit. 2002. L'arabe parlé à Alger :aspects sociolinguistiques et énonciatifs / 141 Peeters, Las comunidades de habla bilingü s :temas de sociolingüí ica españ la / José uis Blas Arroyo. Libros Pó tico, [1998?] . José Muñ Las hablas murcianas :trabajos de dialectología Garrigós edición y estudio de Universidad de Mercedes Abad Murcia, Servicio Merino. de Publicaciones, 2008. Las lenguas de un reino :historia lingüí ica hispánica / Ma. Teresa Echenique Elizondo, Juan Sánchez Mé dez. Editorial Gredos, [2005]. editores, Gloria Las lenguas en un mundo global =Languages in a global world / Luque Agulló, Antonio Bueno González, Gabriel Tejada Molina. Universidad de Jaén, 2003. Las lenguas en un mundo global =Languages in a global world / editores, Gloria Luque Agulló, Antonio Bueno González, Gabriel Tejada Molina. Universidad de Jaén, 2003. Lästern :eine kommunikative Gattung des Alltags / Daniel Schubert. P. Lang, 2009. Latino/a discourses :on language, identity & literacy education / edited by Michelle Hall Kells, Valerie Boynton/Cook Balester & Victor Publishers/Heine Villanueva. mann, c2004. Lay linguistics and school teaching :an empirical sociolinguistic study in the Moselle-Franconian dialect area Melanie M. / Wagner. Le camfranglais :quelle parlure? :étud linguistique et sociolinguistique / Steiner, André-Marie Ntsobé, Edmond Biloa, George Echu ; avec la collaboration de Alphonse Moutombi ; préface de Kerstin Störl Peter Lang, 2009. c2008. Presses de par Guy Bouthillier l'Université du et Jean Meynaud. Québec, Le choc des langues au Québec, 1760-1970 / 142 1972. Le corpus lexicographique :méthodes de constitution et de gestion : actes des troisièmes Journées scientifiques du Réseau thém tique de recherche "Etude du français en [édité par] Claude De Boeck université ;AUPE francophonie" / Frey, Danièle Latin. LF-UREF, c1997. Le creole guadeloupeen de poche / de Sylviane Telchid et Hector Poullet ; illustrations de J.-L. Goussee. Assimil, 1999. de Manuella Antoine, chercheur associe au GEREC-F ; preface Le creole martiniquais de poche / de Raphael Confiant ; illustrations de J.L. Gousse. Assimil, 2002. Le défi des langues :du gâchis au bons sens / Claude Piron. c1994. Le dialecte grec ancien de chypre / Walter De Markus Egetmeyer. Gruyter, L'Harmattan, c2010. Walter De Le dialecte grec ancien de chypre / Markus Egetmeyer. Gruyter, Christian March ; préface de Robert Chaudenson ; Le discours des mères martiniquaises :diglossie et créolité, postface de Daniel un point de vue sociolinguistique / Mengara. L'Harmattan, c2010. c1996. Fouzia Benzakour, Driss Gaadi, Ambroise Le français au Maroc :lexique et contacts de langues / Queffélec ; préface de Danièl Latin. De Boeck, Le français de Madagascar :contribution à un inv ntaire des particularités l xicales / Claudine Bavoux. 2000. AUPELF-UREF : Duculot, c2000. Ambroise Le français en Algérie :lexique et dynamique des langues / Queffélec ... [et al.]. AUF ;Duculot, c2002. sous la direction de Albert Valdman, Julie Auger, et Deborah Piston-Hatlen. Le français en Amérique du Nord :état présent / 143 Les Presses de l'Université Laval, c2005. Le français langue pluricentrique? :étud s sur la variation diatopique d'une langue standard / Bernhard Pö l. P. Lang, c2005. Pascal Singy (éd.). P. Lang, c2002. Le français parlé dans le domaine francoprovençal :une réalité plu inationale / Editions Michel Hagège, Le Français, histoire d'un combat / Claude Hagège. Le français, le sango et les autres langues centrafricaines :enquête sociolinguistique au quartier Boy-Rabe (Bangui, Centrafrique) / Sociét d'études Martine linguistiques et Déchamps-Wenezo anthropologiques ui. de France, 1981. Le francique :de l' étude d'une langue minorée à la Marielle Rispail ; préface de socio-didactique des langues / Jacqueline Billiez. L'Harmattan, Le lingue tedesche: per una descrizione sociolinguistica / Eva-Maria Thüne ; Irmgard Elter ; Simona Leonardi. Ed. B.A. Graphis, 2009. Fabienne Cusin-Berche ; Le management par les mots :étud sociolinguistique de la préface de Sophie néologie / Moirand. L'Harmattan, Le mot "de" :domaines prépositionnels et domaines De c1996. c2003. c1998. quantificationnels / Lucien Kupferman. Boeck.Duculot, c2004. Le parler ordinaire multilingue à Paris :ville et alternance codique : pour une approche modulaire / Bernard Zongo ; préface de Philippe Blanchet. Harmattan, c2004. Le plurilinguisme au Sénégal :langues et identités en devenir / Martine Dreyfus et Caroline Juillard. Karthala, c2004. Méd ric Gasquet-Cyrus, Cécile Petitjean Le poids des langues :dynamiques, représentations, contacts, conflits / (dirs) ; préface de Xavier North. L'Harmattan, c2009. Le possessif en français :aspects sémantiques et pragmatiques / Michaela Heinz. De Boeck.Duculot, c2003. Le provençal :essai de description sociolinguistique et différentielle / Philippe Blanchet. Peeters, 1992. Le varietà dell'italiano :manuale di sociolinguistica italiana : con documenti e verifiche / Lorenzo Coveri, Università p r Antonella Benucci, stranieri di Pierangela Diadori. Siena ;Bonacci, 2005. 144 Marcel Diki-Kidiri [(dir.)] ; avec les contributions de Le vocabulaire scientifique dans les langues Edema Atibakwa africaines :pour une approche culturelle de la terminologie / Baboya ... [et al.]. Leadership discourse at work :interactions of humour, gender and workplace culture / Learning Japanese as an additional language :an investigation into second language identity development / Karthala, Palgrave Stephanie Schnurr. Macmillan, William Armour. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, c2008. c2009. c2008. organisé p r le CRILAUP ; travaux L'école, instrument de sauvegarde des langues menacées ? :actes du colloque du 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2005, Université d Perpignan Via Domitia / réunis par Chrystelle Burban Presses et Christian universitaires de Lagarde. Perpignan, 2007. L'écriture occitane contemporaine :une quête des mots / Philippe Gardy. L'Harmattan, c1996. essays by Donald W. Larmouth and by Thomas E. Published for the Society by Legal and ethical issues in surreptitious recording / Murray and Carmin University of Ross Murray. Alabama Press, c1992. Lengua y cultura en la Nueua Corónic y Buen Gobierno :aproximación al spañ l de los indíge as en el Perú d los siglos 16-17 / Rosario Navarro Gala. Universitat de Valèn ia, 2003. Pedro A. Fuertes Olivera, coordinador ; autores, Pedro A. Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Lengua y sociedad :investigaciones recientes en lingüí ica Fuertes Olivera ... aplicada : Cursos de Invierno 2004 "Los Úl imos 10 años / [et al.]. Intercambio Editorial, c2005. Lengua, nación e id ntidad :la regulación del plurilingüis o en Españ y América Latina / Kirsten Süselb ck, Ulrike Müh schlegel, Peter Iberoamericana ;V Masson (eds.). ervuert, 2008. Lenguaje y cultura :la etnolingüí ica / Manuel Casado Velarde. Sintesis, Carlos Hernández Universitat de Sacristán, Montserrat Veyrat Valén ia, c[2000] Departamento de . Lenguaje, cuerpo y cultura / 145 1991. Lenguas en contacto :consecuencias lingüí icas del biblingüis o social en las comunidades de habla del este peninsular / Rigat (eds.). Teoria dels Llenguatges, José uis Blas Arroyo. Iberoamericana ;V ervuert, 1999. Hans-Jö g Döhl , Raquel Montero-Muño , y Lenguas en diál go :el iberorromance [sic] y su diversidad Francisco Báez de lingüí ica y literaria : ensayos en homenaje a Georg Aguilar González Iberoamericana ;V Bossong / (eds.). ervuert, 2008. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Lenguas y religiones prerromanas del occidente de la Peníns la Ibérica / Blanca María Prósp r. Lenguas, reinos y dialectos en la Edad Media ibérica :la construcción de a identidad : homenaje a Juan Ramón Lodares / Javier Elvira, Inés Fernández-Ordóñez Iberoamericana ;V ... [et al.], eds. ervuert, 2008. Les enjeux des conflits linguistiques :le français à l'épreuve des modèles belge, suisse et canadien / Michel De Coster. Harmattan, 2002. c2007. Myriam Dumont ; Les enseignes de Dakar :un essai de sociolinguistique africaine / préface de Louis-Jean Calvet. L'Harmattan, c1998. Les français en émergence / Enrica Galazzi & Chiara Molinari, (éds.). Peter Lang, c2008. édition françaises sous la direction d'Henry Tourneux et Jeanne Zerner. Karthala, c2004. Ronan Barré. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007 Harmattan, c2007. sous la direction de Bernd Heine et Derek Nurse ; traduction et Les langues africaines / Les langues celtiques, entre survivance populaire et renouveau élitiste ? / sous la direction de Carmen Alén Les langues de France au XXIe siècle :vitalité sociolinguistique et dynamiques culturelles / Garabato & Henri Boyer. 146 sous la direction de Geneviè e Hasenohr. CTHS, Les langues du sud :entre érosion et ém rgence / 2004. Les langues en danger. Peeters, 2000. Les langues minoritaires en Europe / Bernard Poche. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, c2000. Les langues régionales :enjeux sociolinguistiques et didactiques / Presses numé o coordonné universitaires de par Louise Dabène. Grenoble, 1999. reunis par Philippe Blanchet, Roland Breton & Harold Schiffman = The regional languages of France : an inventory on the eve of the XXIst century : papers of a conference held at "The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA" / edited by Philippe Les langues regionales de France :un etat des lieux a la Blanchet, Roland veille du XXIe siecle : actes d'un colloque organise a "The Breton & Harold University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA" / Schiffman. Peeters, 1999. Les linguistes suisses et la variation linguistique :actes d'un colloque organisé à l'occasion du centenaire du Séminaire des langues romanes de l'Université d Zurich / Jakob Wü st (éd.). Francke, Les noms généraux d'espace en français. Enquête linguistique sur la notion de lieu. / Richard Huyghe. Les parlers jeunes :pratiques urbaines et sociales / Presses sous la direction de universitaires de Thierry Bulot. Rennes, Editions Duculot, 2009. Les prédicats statifs :étud sém ntique et pragmatique / Fabienne Martin. De Boeck-Duculot, Les rituels du dialogue :promenades ethnolinguistiques en terres amérindiennes / publié par Aurore Monod Becquelin Sociét d'ethnologie, 147 1997. [2004]. DL 2008 2000. et Philippe Erikson. Les trois logiques de la grammaire française / Henri Bonnard. Duculot, Les voix de la ville :introduction à la socioliguistique urbaine / Editions Payot & Louis-Jean Calvet. Rivages, c1994. L'Espagne à la Une du Monde (1969-1985) :le discours médiatique et ses filtres interculturels / Lydia Fernandez. L'Espagne et ses langues :un modèle écolinguistique / Henri Boyer et Christian Lagarde, directeurs. Harmattan, c2002. Lessing, Goethe, Kleist, and the transformation of gender :from hermaphrodite to amazon / by Eleanor E. ter Horst. P. Lang, c2003. Let's talk about when your parent doesn't speak English / Maureen K. Wittbold. PowerKids Press, 1997. L'éveil des nationalités et les revendications linguistiques en Europe (1830-1930) / coordonné par Carman Alen Garabato. L'Harmattan, c2005. L'Harmattan, c2001. c1998. Henning Bergenholtz, Lexicography at a crossroads :dictionaries and encyclopedias today, lexicographical tools tomorrow / Sandro Nielsen & Sven Tarp, (eds.). P. Lang, c2009. Lexikalischer Sprachkontakt in Südosteuropa :Romanistisches Kolloquium XII / Wolfgang Dahmen ... [et al.] (Hrsg.). G. Narr, c2006. Lexique actif du français :l'apprentissage du vocabulaire fondé sur 20 000 dérivations sém ntiques et collocations du Igor Mel'cuk, Alain français / Polguère. De Boeck, c2007. sous la direction de Lexique et motivation :perspectives ethnolinguistiques / V. de Colombel et N. Tersis. Peeters, 2002. L'expression de l'hypothèse en français :entre hypotaxe et parataxe / Gilles Corminboeuf. De Boeck Duculot, c2009. Lezioni di sociolinguistica :con esercitazioni e glossario / Gabriella B. Klein. Morlacchi, 2003. Liberalisme i normalització ingüí ica / Albert Branchadell. Empúri s, c1997. Library computing in Canada :bilingualism, edited by Nancy Melin Nelson and multiculturalism, and transborder connections / Eric Flower. 148 Meckler, c1991. Lieux de ville et identité :perspectives en sociolinguistique Thierry Bulot urbaine / (Dir.). Harmattan, c2004. Harmattan, c2004. Lieux de ville et identité :perspectives en sociolinguistique Thierry Bulot urbaine / (Dir.). Life with two languages :an introduction to bilingualism / Harvard Francois Grosjean. University Press, c1982. L'image du français en Suisse romande :une enquête sociolinguistique en Pays de Vaud / Pascal Singy ; préface de William Labov. L'Harmattan, c1996. L'indialetto ha la faccia scura :giudizi e pregiudizi linguistici dei bambini italiani / Giovanni Ruffino. Sellerio, c2006. L'infinitif dit de narration / Annick Englebert. Duculot, c1998. Lingua e dialetto nell'Italia del Duemila / a cura di Alberto A. Sobrero e Annarita Miglietta. Congedo, 2006. Barbara Turchetta. FrancoAngeli, c1996. Lingua e diversità :multilinguismo e lingue veicolari in Africa occidentale / Carl Gustav Jochmann ; a cura di Eva-Maria Lingua e società :s ggi sulla critica linguistica / Thün . Lingua Franca :an anthology of poetry by linguists / edited by Donna Jo Napoli and Emily Norwood Rando. Jupiter Press, 1989. Lingua franca communication / Karlfried Knapp, Christiane Meierkord, (eds.). P. Lang, c2002. Lingua franca in the Mediterranean / J.E. Wansbrough. Curzon Press, 1996. Lingua variabile :sociolinguistica e didattica della lingua / a cura di Edoardo Lugarini e Agostino Roncallo. La Nuova Italia, 1992. Lingua, nación e id ntidade / Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato. 2006. Linguaggio e contesto sociale / a cura di Pier Paolo Giglioli e Giolo Fele. Il mulino, 2000. Linguaggio e relazioni sociali / Augusto Ponzio. 2006. 149 Liguori, Edicións Laiovento, Graphis, c1993. editores e coordinadores, Gonzalo Constenla Universidade de Linguas sen estado e planificación ingüí ica.(I).Italia e Francia / Bergueiro, Ana Luna Alonso. Vigo, Servicio de Publicacións c2003. Il Mulino, impr. 2006. Lingue e comunità n ll'Europa moderna / Peter Burke. Lingue e culture in contatto / a cura di Antonietta Dettori. Carocci, Lingue in contatto a scuola :tra italiano, dialetto e italiano a cura di Immacolata Tempesta e Maria L2 / Maggio. FrancoAngeli, c2006. Lingue morte / Davide Garbero ; [prefazione di Andrea G. Pinketts]. Alacrán, 2006. Linguistic conflict and language laws :understanding the Quebec question / edited by Pierre Larrivâee. Palgrave Macmillan, c2003. Linguistic diversity in the South :changing codes, practices, edited by Margaret University of and ideology / Bender. Georgia Press, 2005. c2004. Linguistic identity in postcolonial multilingual spaces / edited by Eric A. Anchimbe. Cambridge Scholars, 2007. Linguistic imperialism continued / Robert Phillipson. Routledge, 2009. Linguistic purism in the Germanic languages / edited by Nils Langer and Winifred V. Davies. W. de Gruyter, c2005. compiled and edited by G. A. Low Price 2005, Linguistic survey of India / Grierson. Publications, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. compiled and edited by G. A. Low Price 2005, Grierson. Publications, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / 150 Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. compiled and edited by G. A. Low Price 2005, Linguistic survey of India / Grierson. Publications, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / compiled and Low Price 2005, 151 edited by G. A. Grierson. Publications, c1990. Linguistic survey of India / edited by G. A. Grierson. Low Price Publications, 2005, c1990. Linguistic variation in Boston / Harald Schneider. Peter Lang, c2003. Linguistic variation in Jamaica :a corpus-based study of radio and newspaper usage / Andrea Sand. G. Narr, c1999. Lingüí ica aplicada del españ l / Manel Lacorte (coord.). Arco/Libros, c2007. compiled and Secretariado de Lingüí ica de contacto :españ l y quechua en el área andina suramericana / Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, Universidad de Valladolid ;Caja Germán de Granda. Duero, c2002. Lingüí ica pragmátic y análisis del discurso / Catalina Fuentes Rodrí uez. Arco/Libros, c2000. Il calamo, [2000]. Nicole Delbecque Linguistique cognitive :comprendre comment fonctionne le (éd.) ; préface de langage / Jean Rém Lapaire. De Boeck, c2006. testi raccolti a cura Linguistica storica e sociolinguistica :atti del Convegno della Società italiana di glottologia, Roma, 22-24 ottobre 1998 / di P. Cipriano, R. d'Avino e P. Di Giovine. Linguistique et créolistique / sous la direction de Claudine Bavoux, Anthropos :Diffus Didier de Robillard. ion, Economica, c2002. Linguistique et ethnolinguistique :anthologie d'articles parus entre 1961 et 2003 / Luc Bouquiaux. Linguistique, ethnologie, ethnolinguistique :la pratique de organisé p r l'Association française des anthropologues, Sèvres, 19-21 novembre 1981 ; l'anthropologie aujourd'hui : actes du colloque international Jacqueline M.C. du C.N.R.S. / Thomas, éditeu . 152 Peeters, 2004. SELAF, 1985. L'interrogative enchâssée :structure et interprétation / Bart Defrancq. De Boeck.Duculot, c2005. Tipografia F. L'Italia dialettale; rivista di dialettologia italiana. Merio, Clemente, Simoncini;Edizio niets;, 1925- . Literacies, lies & silences :girls writing lives in the classroom / Heather E. Bruce. P. Lang, c2003. Literary discourse :a semiotic-pragmatic approach to literature / Jørgen Dines Johansen. University of Toronto Press, c2002. Living pidgin :contemplations on pidgin culture / Lee A. Tonouchi ; "Da Pidgin Guerrilla.". Tinfish Press, c2002. Llengua estàn ard i variació ingüí ica / Gabriel Bibiloni. E. Climent, 1997. Lo propio y lo ajeno en las lenguas austronésicas y amerindias :procesos interculturales en el contacto de lenguas indígenas con el español en l Pacífico e Hispanoamérica / Klaus Zimmermann y Thomas Stolz, Iberoamericana ;V eds. ervuert, 2001. Lo spazio linguistico italiano e le "lingue esotiche" :rapporti e reciproci influssi : atti del XXXIX Congresso internazionale di studi della Società di a cura di Emanuele Banfi e Gabriele linguistica italiana (SLI) : Milano, 22-24 settembre 2005 / Iannàccaro. Lokal musik :lingua franca song and identity in Papua New Guinea / Michael Webb. Bulzoni, 2006. Cultural Studies Division, National Research Institute, 1993. Mauro Fernández, Manuel Fernández-Ferreiro, Nancy Vázquez Iberoamericana ;V Veiga [editores]. ervuert, 2004. Los criollos de base ibérica :ACBLPE 2003 / Lost in translation? :an analysis of the role of English as the Lingua Franca of multilingual business communication / Claudia Böt ger. Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2007. LY or zero suffix? :a study in variation of dual-form adverbs in present-day English / Lise Opdahl. Peter Lang, c2000. LY or zero suffix? :a study in variation of dual-form adverbs in present-day English / Lise Opdahl. Peter Lang, c2000. Maintaining the links :language, identity and the land : proceedings of the Seventh FEL Conference, Broom, editors: Joe Blythe Foundation for & R. McKenna Endangered Western Australia, 22-24 September 2003 / Brown. 153 Languages, 2003. Making a virtue of necessity :an overview of the English language in Nigeria / by Ayo Banjo. Ibadan University Press, 1996. Making meaningful choices in English :on dimensions, perspectives, methodology, and evidence / Rainer Schulze, (ed.). Gunter Narr Verlag, c1998. Making Wawa :the genesis of Chinook jargon / George Lang. UBC Press, c2008. Managing conflict in a negotiated world :a narrative approach to achieving dialogue and change / by Peter M. Kellett and Diana G. Dalton. Sage Publications, c2001. MAND :Morfologische atlas van de Nederlandse dialecten G. de Schutter ... [et Amsterdam = Morphological atlas of the Dutch dialects / al.]. University Press, c2005. MAND :Morfologische atlas van de Nederlandse dialecten G. de Schutter ... [et Amsterdam = Morphological atlas of the Dutch dialects / al.]. University Press, c2005. Manuel Alvar, Manual de dialectología hispáni a :el españ l de América / director. Editorial Ariel, 1996. Manuel Alvar, director. Editorial Ariel, 1996. Manual de sociolingüí ica / Toni Mollá. Edicions Bromera, 2002. Materials for the sociolinguistic description and corpus-based study of Spanish in Barcelona :toward a documentation of colloquial Spanish in naturally occurring groups / Robert E. Vann ; with a foreword by Montserrat Edwin Mellen Casanovas Catalá. Press, Manual de dialectología hispáni a :el españ l de Españ / Mehrsprachigkeit im galizischen Verwaltungswesen (1772-1914) :eine historisch-soziolinguistische Studie zum Polnischen und Ruthenischen (Ukrainischen) / von Jan Fellerer. Böhlau c2009. 2005. Mehrsprachigkeit in frankophonen Räume Sabine Bastian, Elisabeth Burr =Multilinguisme dans les espaces francophones / (Hg.). M. Meidenbauer, c2008. Mehrsprachigkeit und Migration :Ressourcen sozialer Identifikation / Jurgen Erfurt, Gabriele Budach, Sabine Hofmann (Hrsg.). P. Lang, 2003. Metalengua y variación ingüí ica en la novela de la Restauración d cimonónic / Rafael Rodríguez Marín Real Academia Española 2005. Methods and data in English historical dialectology / Marina Dossena & Roger Lass (eds). Peter Lang, 154 c2004. Metodología d la investigación ingüí ica / Publicaciones de Juan Luis Jiménez la Univerisdad de Ruiz. Alicante, c2006. Metodología so iolingüí ica / Francisco Moreno Fernández. Editorial Gredos, c1990. Migration and gender identity :Chinese women'sexperiences of work, family and identity in Australia / Christina Ho. Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008. Migration und sprachliche Bildung / Ingrid Gogolin ... [et al.], (Hrsg.). Waxmann, c2005. Australia :Polish migration to Melbourne in the 1980s / Beata Leuner. Peter Lang, c2008. Minimalist inquiries into child and adult language acquisition :case studies across Portuguese / edited by Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman. Mouton de Gruyter, c2009. Migration, multiculturalism, and language maintenance in sous la direction de Presses Minorations, minorisations, minorités :étud s exploratoires Dominique Huck et universitaires de / Philippe Blanchet. Rennes, [2005]. Minorités linguistiques et interventions :essai de typologie : compte rendu du Colloque sur les minorités linguistiques tenu à l'Université Laval du 15 au 18 avril 1977 = Linguistic minorities and interventions : towards a typology : proceedings of the Symposium on Linguistic Minorities held at Laval University from April 15th to April 18th 1977. Presses de l'Université Laval, 1978. Minority language planning and micronationalism in Italy :an analysis of the situation of Friulian, Cimbrian and Western Lombard with reference to Spanish minority languages / Paolo Coluzzi. New York :Peter Lang, c2007. Minority rights in Europe :European minorities and languages / T.M.C. Asser Press ;Sold and editor-in-chief, distributed in Snezana North Central and Trifunovska ; guest South America by editor, Fernand de Kluwer Academic Varennes. Publishers, c2001. Miradas y voces :investigación s bre la educación coords. Anna Camps, Marta lingüí ica y literaria en entornos plurilingü s / Milian. 155 Graó 2008. Mixed styles in spoken Arabic in Egypt :somewhere between order and chaos / by Gunvor Mejdell. Brill, 2006. Modern primitives :race and language in Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway and Zora Neale Hurston / Susanna Pavloska. Garland Pub., 2000. Morfosintaxis amerindias en el español a ericano :desde la perspectiva del quechua / Tae Yoon Lee. Ediciones Clásicas :Universi dad Complutense de Madrid, 1997. Morphologie verbale dans les parlers du pays de Bitche, Moselle germanophone :essai de représentation graphique automatique de la dynamique des variations géolinguistiques / Albert Hudlett. P. Lang, c1989. Morphologisches Minimum :distinktionen und Synkretismen im Minimalsatz hochdeutscher Dialekte / Stefan Rabanus. F. Steiner, 2008. John Benjamins Pub. Company, c2009. J. Benjamins, 2004. edited by Ludmila Isurin, Donald Winford, Kees de Bot. Multidisciplinary approaches to code switching / edited by Juliane House, Jochen Multilingual communication / Rehbein. edited by Jane Warren and Heather Cambridge Multilingual Europe :reflections on language and identity / Merle Benbow. Scholars, Palgrave Macmillan, c2008. Multilingual identities in a global city :London stories / David Block. Multilingual San Diego :portraits of language loss and revitalization / Ana Celia Zentella, University editor. Readers, c2009. Multilingualism :a critical perspective / by Adrian Blackledge and Angela Creese. Continuum, 2010. Multilingualism and applied comparative linguistics / edited by Frank Boers, Jeroen Darquennes, and Rita Temmerman. Cambridge Scholars, 2007-2 008. edited by Frank Boers, Jeroen Darquennes, and Cambridge 2007-2 Rita Temmerman. Scholars, 008. Multilingualism and applied comparative linguistics / 156 2006. Multilingualism in the English-speaking world :pedigree of nations / Viv Edwards. Blackwell, 2004. David Multilingüis o y multiculturalismo en la escuela / Lasagabaster, Juan Horsori :ICE, Manuel Sierra Universitat de (eds.). Barcelona, 2005. Multilingüis o, competencia lingüí ica y nuevas tecnologías / Juan Manuel Sierra, David Horsori :ICE, Lasagabaster, Universitat de (eds.). Barcelona, 2005. MundArt :Über die Kunst, Dialekt zu sprechen: Eine Friedericke Anwendung der Kapitaltheorie Pierre Bourdieus auf Dialekt im Kontext bayrischer Grundschulen / Maquet-Weißenseel . Verlag, [2008]. Musqueam reference grammar / Wayne Suttles. UBC Press, c2004. s.n., c1996] Universidade de Vigo, c2003. My travel companion in the Philippines :contains words and common expressions in English, Tagalog, Ilocano, Pampango, Pangasinan, Bicol, Cebuano, Visayan, Ilonggo, by Amado M. Waray, Chabacano, and Tausog / Calderon. editoras, Ana Bringas Ló ez, Belén artín Nacionalismo e globalización : ingua, cultura e identidade / Lucas. Thomas Jeffrey Miley. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006. Nahuatl-English/English-Nahuatl (Aztec) / Fermin Herrera. Hippocrene Books, Navajo/English dictionary of verbs / Alyse Neundorf ; foreword by Robert University of New W. Young. Mexico Press, 2006. Nacionalismo y política lingüí ica :el caso de Cataluña c2004. Neapolitana :a study of population and language in Graeco-Roman Naples / Martti Leiwo. Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, c1994. Negotiating bilingual and bicultural identities :Japanese returnees betwixt two worlds / Yasuko Kanno. L. Erlbaum, 2003. Neo-aramaic Dialect Studies :Proceedings of a Workshop edited by Geoffrey on Neo-aramaic held in Cambridge 2005 / Khan. Gorgias Press, 2008. 157 Neo-colonial mentalities in contemporary Europe? :language and discourse in the construction of identities / Cambridge edited by Guido Scholars Rings and Anne Ife. Publishing, c2008. Neue Aspekte der Soziolinguistik / Ulrich Ammon, Gerd Simon. 1975. New discourse on language :functional perspectives on multimodality, identity, and affiliation / edited by Monika Bednarek and J.R. Martin. Continuum, Beltz, News, improved :how America's newsrooms are learning to Michele McLellan change / and Tim Porter. CQ Press, c2010. c2007. Ni d'Eve ni d'Adam :étude sociolinguistique de douze Cécile Bauvois ; préface de Marina variables du français / Yaguello. L'Harmattan, c2002. Niederdeutsch in Ostfriesland :zwischen Sprachkontakt, Sprachveränderung und Sprachwechsel / Gertrud Reershemius. F. Steiner, 2004. Nigerian Pidgin :(background and prospects) / Heinemann Ben Ohi Elugbe & Educational Augusta Phil Books Nigeria Omamor. PLC, Nikkei Brazilians at a Brazilian school in Japan :factors affecting language decisions and education / 2007, c1991. Toshiko Sugino. Keio University Press, 2008. No a la muerte de las lenguas / Claude Hagège ; [traducción, Antonio Bueno García . Paidós c2002. Nociones de sociolingüística / Francisco García Marcos. Ediciones OCTAEDRO, 1993. Ediciones de Cultura Hispánica, Norma lingüí ica sevillana y españ l de América / Manuel Alvar. Normes endogènes et plurilinguisme :aires francophones, aires créoles / sous la direction de Claudine Bavoux, Lambert-Félix Prudent et Sylvie Wharton. ENS, 2008. Normes identitaires et urbanisation des catégories discursives et des villes / sous la direction de Presses Gudrun Ledegen et universitaires de Thierry Bulot. Rennes, impr. 2008 158 1990. Gilbert Hottois e Jean-Noël Missa (directores) ; coa Nova enciclopedia de bioética / colaboración de Marie-Geneviève Pinsart e Pascal Chabot ; tradución de Luís G. Soto (dir.) e Tareixa Roca. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Nuevas perspectivas en torno a la diacroní Esteban Tomás Montoro del Arco, lingüí ica :actas del VI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de óv nes Investigadores de Historiografí e Historia de la Lengua Española AJIHLE) : (Granada, 29-31 de marzo de 2006) / Ma. Ángeles Ló ez Vallejo, Francisco José Sá hez Universidad de García (Coords.). Granada, O Brasil dos brasilianistas :um guia dos estudos sobre o Rubens Antônio Barbosa, Marshall C. Eakin, Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brasil nos Estados Unidos, 1945-2000 / (organizadores). Paz e Terra, 2002. Ö fentlichkeit und Sprachenvielfalt :medienvermittelte Kommunikation zur Europapolitik in der Deutsch- und Westschweiz / Anke Tresch. Nomos, 2008. On :pronom à acettes / Kjersti Flottum, Kerstin Jonasson, Coco Norén. Duculot, c2007. 2005. 2008. Claude Hagege ; translated by Jody Yale University On the death and life of languages / Gladding. Press, c2009. One thousand languages :living, endangered, and lost / edited by Peter K. Austin. University of California Press, c2008. Joan Veny. Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1996. Onomàstica i dialectologia / 159 edited by Harry Polkinhorn, Rogelio Reyes, Gabriel Trujillo Muño = Signos abiertos : lenguaje y sociedad en la frontera Mé ico-Estado Unidos / recopilado por Harry Polkinhorn, Open signs :language and society on the U.S.-Mexican border / Rogelio Reyes, Gabriel Trujillo Muño ; [Jesús Becerra Villegas]. Oposición y pertinencia en lingüí ica :estudio de las funciones paradigmátic s entre invariantes / Departamento de Filología Alvaro Arias Cabal. Española 2000. Binational Press, 1993. edited by Li Wei, Jean-Marc Opportunities and challenges of bilingualism / Dewaele, Alex Housen. Mouton de Gruyter, Osage grammar / University of Carolyn Quintero. Nebraska Press, c2004. Our mother tongue / by Theodore H. Mead. 2007. Out of the ordinary :inventive ways of bringing communities their stories and audiences to light / Annie Bolitho, and Canberra Stories Mary Hutchison. Group, Kessinger Publishing, 2002. c1998. edited by Amnon Pádyávand / Netzer. Mazda, 1996. Papua New Guinea phrasebook / John Hunter. Lonely Planet, 1986. Parlare in città :studi di sociolinguistica urbana / a cura di Gabriella Klein. Congedo, 1989. Groupe français d'éducation nouvelle ; en collaboration sous la direction de Claire Ambite ... [et Casterman, Parler, écrire pour de bon à l'école / 160 c1979. al.]. Parlers en contact aux confins de l'Auvergne et du Forez :etude sociolinguistique / D. Hadjadj. Institut d'etudes du Massif Central, 1983. Mark Abley ; traduit de l'anglais (Canada) par Parlez-vous boro? :voyage aux pays des langues menacées / Dominique Fortier. Boréal, 2006. dirigé par Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus, Paroles et musiques à M rseille :les voix d'une ville / Guillaume Kosmicki et Cécile Van den Avenne. L'Harmattan, c1999. Paroles nomades :ecrits d'ethnolinguistique africaine, en hommage à Christiane Seydou / sous la direction de Ursula Baumgardt et Jean Derive ; préface de Geneviè e Calame-Griaule. Karthala, 2005. Partikeln und Höflichkeit / Gudrun Held (Hrsg.). c2003. Patois and linguistic pastiche in modern literature / edited by Giovanna Cambridge Summerfield. Scholars Pub., Patrimoni natural :elogi i defensa de la diversitat lingüí ica / Jesús Tuson. P. Lang, Editorial Empúri s, 2007. 2004. Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Patterns of variation in colloquial Javanese / by S.O. Robson. University, 1991. M.K. Bhasin, H. 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Co., c2009. edité par Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni Confidence :self-disclosure in interaction = Confiding : dévoilement de soi dans l'interaction / et Véronique Traverso. Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2007. Confidences é ymologiques / André Lanly. Presses universitaires de Nancy, c2005. Conflits de langues, conflits de groupes :les immigrés espagnols du Roussillon / Christian Lagarde. L'Harmattan, c1996. Contact linguistics and language minorities =Kontaktlinguistik und Sprachminderheiten =Linguistique Jeroen Darquennes de contact et minorites linguistiques / (ed.). [édité par] Danièl Latin, Claude Contacts de langues et identités ulturelles :perspectives Poirier ; avec la lexicographiques : actes des quatrièm s Journées collaboration de scientifiques du réseau "Etude du français en francophonie" Nathalie Bacon et / Jean Bédard. Silvia Dal Negro, Federica Guerini. Contatto :dinamiche ed esiti del plurilinguismo / 210 Asgard, c2007. 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Corpus analysis and variation in linguistics / Creating outsiders :endangered languages, migration and editors, Nigel Foundation for marginalisation : proceedings of the Ninth FEL Conference, Crawhall, Nicholas Endangered Stellenbosch, South Africa, 18-20 November 2005 / Ostler. Languages, Crescere in più l ngue :ricerche sul plurilinguismo in ambito scolastico / a cura di Martin Dodman, Laura Portesi ; [testi di:] Martin Dodman ... [et al.]. Junior, c1999. Cróni a de la noche / Colm Tóib n ̕ ; traducción de Eduardo Hojman. c2002. Emecé Editores, 2005. Dansk sprog i sydslesvig :det danske sprogs status inden for Karen Margrethe det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig .Vol 2 / Pedersen. Institut fir grænseregionsfors kning, 2000. Dansk sprog i sydslesvig :det danske sprogs status inden for Karen Margrethe det danske mindretal i Sydslesvig .Vol 2 / Pedersen. Institut fir grænseregionsfors kning, 2000. Dargestellte Autorschaft :Autorkonzept und Autorsubjekt in wissenschaftlichen Texten / Felix Steiner. Niemeyer, 211 2009. Das Deutsche als Forschungsobjekt und als Studienfach :Synchronie - Diachronie - Sprachkontrast Glottodidaktik : Akten der Internationalen Fachtagung anlässl ch des 30jährigen Bestehens der Germanistik in Zielona Gó a / Grünb rg / Michail L. Kotin ... [et al.] (Hrsg.). Peter Lang, c2006. Das fuÞark und seine einzelsprachlichen Weiterentwicklungen :Akten der Tagung in Eichstätt vo 20. bis 24. Juli 2003 / herausgegeben von Alfred Bammesberger, Gaby Waxenberger. W. De Gruyter, c2006. Das Gegenwort-Wörterbuch :ein Kontrastwörterbuch mit Gebrauchshinweisen / von Wolfgang Müller 2000 Das neomelanesische Englisch :soziokulturelle Funktion De Gruyter, Herbert und Entwicklung einer lingua franca / Anton Bauer. Lang ;Peter Lang, c1975. Das Parlament und seine Sprache :Studien zu Theorie und Geschichte parlamentarischer Kommunikation / Armin Burkhardt. Niemeyer, Das römi che Versepistelbuch :eine Gattungsanalyse / Hartmut Wulfram. Verlag Antike, c2008. Das Textsortenspektrum im fachinternen Wissenstransfer :Untersuchung anhand von Fachzeitschriften der Medizin / Cornelia Weinreich. De Gruyter, 2010. Das Verb "legen" :eine Untersuchung seiner räumlich-konkreten Bedeutungsvarianten / Heidrun Schindler. Niemeyer, 2001. 2003. Défense et illustration de la novlangue française / Jaime Semprun. Encyclopédi des nuisances, 2005. Demonstrativa im Text :eine vergleichende Untersuchung zum Französi chen und Italienischen / Georgia Veldre-Gerner. Max Niemeyer Verlag, Der Ausdruck der Konzessivität in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache :Theorie und Beschreibung anhand eines Vergleichs mit dem Italienischen / Claudio Di Meola. M. Niemeyer, 2007. 1997. Der phonologisch-typologische Wandel des Deutschen von Renata einer Silben- zu einer Wortsprache / Szczepaniak. W. de Gruyter, c2007. Der Schulerwerb von Deutsch als Fremdsprache :eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der italienischsprachigen Schweiz / Elisabetta Terrasi-Haufe. M. Niemeyer, 2004. Describing variation in American Sign Language :implicational lects on the deaf diglossic continuum / James Woodward. Linstok Press, c1994. Descriptive English linguistics :an introduction / Paul Georg Meyer. Gunter Narr, c2008. 212 Horst Haider Munske (Hg.). Niemeyer, 2004. interkulturellen Pragmatik / Elena Yakovleva. M. Niemeyer, 2004. Deutsch-englische Kollokationen :Erfassung in zweisprachigen Wö terbü hern und Grenzen der korpusbasierten Analyse / Birgit Steinbü l. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Deutsch im Kontakt mit germanischen Sprachen / Deutsche und russische Gespräche :ein Beitrag zur herausgegeben von Jörg Meier, Ilpo Tapani Piirainen und Klaus-Peter Wegera ; unter Mitarbeit von Simone Schultz-Balluff ... [et al.]. Deutschsprachige Handschriften in slowakischen Archiven :vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit / Walter de Gruyter, c2009. herausgegeben von Jörg Meier, Ilpo Tapani Piirainen und Klaus-Peter Wegera ; unter Mitarbeit von Simone Schultz-Balluff ... [et al.]. Deutschsprachige Handschriften in slowakischen Archiven :vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit / Walter de Gruyter, c2009. herausgegeben von Jörg Meier, Ilpo Tapani Piirainen und Klaus-Peter Wegera ; unter Deutschsprachige Handschriften in slowakischen Archiven :vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit / Mitarbeit von Simone Schultz-Balluff ... [et al.]. Developmental disorders of language learning and cognition / Charles Hulme and Margaret J. Snowling. Wiley-Blackwell, c2009. 213 Walter de Gruyter, c2009. Diacroní , lengua españ la y lingüí ica :actas del IV Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de óv nes AJIHLE ; coordinadores Javier Rodrí uez Investigadores de Historiografí e Historia de la Lengua Española Madrid 1,2, y 3 de abril de 2004) / Molina, Daniel M. Sáez Rivera. Editorial Sín esis, 2006. Dialect and standard language :in the English, Dutch, edited by J.A. van German, and Norwegian language areas : seventeen studies Leuvensteijn and in English or German = Dialekt und Standardsprache / J.B. Berns. North-Holland, 1992. Dialect en dialectverandering in Katwijk aan Zee / Eburon, c2004. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Dialogue analysis IX :dialogue in literature and the media : edited by Anne selected papers from the 9th IADA Conference, Salzburg Betten and Monika 2003 / Dannerer. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Dialogue analysis VIII :understanding and misunderstanding in dialogue : selected papers from the 8th edited by Karin IADA Conference, Göteborg 2001/ Aijmer. Max Niemeyer, 2004. Die Aussprache der Standardsprache in der deutschen Schweiz / Ingrid Hove. M. Niemeyer, 2002. Die Bolognesische Renaissance und der Ausbau romanischer Sprachen :juristische Diskurstraditionen und Sprachentwicklung in Südf ankreich und Spanien im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert / Johannes Kabatek. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Leendert de Vink. Dialogue analysis IX :dialogue in literature and the media : edited by Anne selected papers from the 9th IADA Conference, Salzburg Betten and Monika 2003 / Dannerer. Die deutsche Schriftsprache und die herausgegeben von Regionen :entstehungsgeschichtliche Fragen in neuer Sicht Raphael Berthele ... / [et al.]. Walter de Gruyter, c2003. von Klaus Hansen, Die Differenzierung des Englischen in nationale Varianten :eine Einfüh ung / Uwe Carls und Peter Lucko. Erich Schmidt Verlag, c1996. Die Grammatik der Metapher :eine gebrauchstheoretische Untersuchung des metaphorischen Sprechens / Susanne Beckmann. Niemeyer, 2001. Die Inschriften des Hohenlohekreises / gesammelt und bearbeitet von Harald Drös Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, c2008. gesammelt und bearbeitet von Dr. Ludwig Harald Drös Reichert Verlag, Die Inschriften des Hohenlohekreises / 214 c2008. Die sprachliche Benennung von Personen aus konstruktivistischer Sicht :Genderspezifizierung und ihre diskursive Verhandlung im heutigen Schwedisch / Antje Hornscheidt. W. de Gruyter, c2006. Die Vlach-Dialekte des Romani :Strukturen, Sprachgeschichte, Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse, Dialektkarten / Norbert Boretzky. Harrassowitz, c2003. Die Zweisprachigkeit Friedrichs des Grossen :ein linguistisches Porträt / Corina Petersilka. Niemeyer, 2005. Discourse analysis :investigating processes of social construction / Nelson Phillips, Cynthia Hardy. Sage Publications, c2002. edited by Gloria Discourse and politics / Álvarez-Benito, Gabriela Fernández-Díaz, and Isabel Ma Iñigo-Mora. Cambridge Scholars, 2009. Discourse of blogs and wikis / Greg Myers. Continuum, c2010. Praeger, c2000. Discourse on gender/gendered discourse in the Middle East edited by Boaz / Shoshan. Association for French Language Studies in association with the Centre for Information on edited by James A. Language Discourse variety in contemporary French :descriptive and Coleman and Teaching and pedagogical approaches / Robert Crawshaw. Research, 1994. Do you speak Estuary? :the new standard English / Paul Coggle. Bloomsbury, Documenti letterari del plurilinguismo / a cura di Vincenzo Orioles. Il calamo, c1993. c2000. Dominant languages :language and hierarchy in Britain and France / R.D. Grillo. Cambridge University Press, 2009. D'où vient 'accent des Québécois? et celui des Parisiens? :essai sur l'origine des accents : contribution à l'histoire de la prononciation du français moderne / Jean-Denis Gendron. Presses de l'Université Laval, c2007. Derek Bickerton. Cambridge 2009, University Press, c1975. Dynamics of a creole system / 215 Ebenen der Textstruktur :sprachliche und kommunikative Prinzipien / Wolfgang Motsch (Hg.). Niemeyer, 1996. Muriel Nicot- Ecritures et multilinguisme :apprendre à lire à l'école ivoirienne en français, dioula ou sénoufo par des enfants monolingues ou bi-pluri-lingues / Guillorel ; avec la collaboration de Abdoulaye Bamba, Zodioungo Kone ; préface de Claude Caitucoli. L'Harmattan, c2002. Eigennamen und Definitheit / Afra Sturm. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Einige Prinzipien des Textaufbaus :empirische Christiane von Untersuchungen zur Produktion münd icher Texte / Stutterheim. M. Niemeyer, c1997. Max Niemeyer Verlag, c2004 El castellano de Cataluña :Estudio empírico de aspectos léxicos, morfosintácticos, pragmáticos y metalingüísticos / Carsten Sinner El Enfoque social y cultural en los estudios lingüísticos y literarios / Barbara Luczak ... [et al.], eds. UAM , 2003. Milagros Aleza Izquierdo, José María E guita El español de América :aproximación s ncróni a / Utrilla. Tirant lo Blanch, 2002. El español de spaña y el español de América :vocabulario comparado / [Antonio Molero]. Ediciones SM, El primer Congrés Internacional de la Llengua Catalana : significació socio ingüí ica :discurs llegit en la sessió inaugural del curs 1993-1994 / per Joan Martí Castell. [2003]. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1993. Terrence Kaufman ; Versión spañ la e índ ce españ l/proto-tzelta UNAM, El proto-tzeltal-tzotzil :fonología omparada y diccionario l-tzotzil de Daniel Coordinacíon de reconstruido / Cazes. Humanidades, 1972. Gobierno de Aragón, Departamento de Educación y Ciencia :Caja de José Ignacio Ló ez ahorros de la El régimen juríd co del multilingüis o en Aragón / Susín 216 inmaculada, [2000]. Mario Trejo ; prólo o de Alberto Ediciones Cousté. Colihue, El uso de la palabra / [1999]. Elites, language, and the politics of identity :the Norwegian Gregg case in comparative perspective / Bucken-Knapp. State University of New York Press, 2003. Els enigmes de la llengua :una nova percepció e la supervivèn ia lingüí ica / Marcel Fité. Pagès Editors, 2005. En lengua materna / Chang-rae Lee ; traducción de esús Editorial Zulaika. Anagrama, Endangered languages and literacy :proceedings of the editors, Nicholas Foundation for Fourth FEL Conference, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 21-24 September 2000 / Ostler and Blair Rudes. Endangered Languages, c2001. 2000. editors, Christopher Endangered languages and the media :proceedings of the Moseley, Nicholas Foundation for Fifth FEL Conference, Agadir, Morocco, 20-23 September Ostler, Hassan Endangered 2001 / Ouzzate. Languages, 2001. Endangered languages and their literatures :proceedings of Foundation for the Sixth FEL Conference, Antigua, Guatemala, 8-10 editor, R. McKenna Endangered August 2002 / Brown. Languages, 2002. Englisch als Medium der interkulturellen Kommunikation :Untersuchungen zum non-native-/non-native-speaker-Diskurs / Christiane Meierkord. c1996. Englisch, Formen und Funktionen einer Weltsprache :Ausstellung des Lehrstuhls fü Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik und der Universitätsbibliothek, Universität Bamberg, 19. Mai bis 30. Juni 1983 / [Ausstellung und Katalog, Sebastian Universitätsb bliot Köppl ... t al.]. hek, c1983. Peter Lang, edited by Anna Mauranen and Elina Ranta. English as a lingua franca :studies and findings / English as lingua franca :double talk in global persuasion / Karin Dovring. Cambridge Scholars, c2009. Praeger, c1997. English historical linguistics 2006 :selected papers from the fourteenth International Conference on English Historical Maurizio Gotti, Linguistics (ICEHL 14), Bergamo, 21-25 August Marina Dossena John Benjamins 2006.v.1,Syntax and Morphology / and Richard Dury. Pub. Co., English linguistics :essentials / Bernd Kortmann. 217 c2008. Cornelsen Verlag, c2005. Frances Froman, Alfred Keye, Lottie Keye (language English-Cayuga/Cayuga-English dictionary =Gayogoho:no/Hnyøo ohneha: Wadewenaga:da:s ohyadohsro:do / Entering an online support group on eating disorders :a discourse analysis / consultants) and Carrie Dyck (compiler). University of Toronto Press, 2002. Wyke Stommel. New York :Rodopi, 2009. Español en stados Unidos y otros contextos de contacto :sociolingüí ica, ideología y pedagogía = Spanish Manel Lacorte, in the United States and other contact environments : Jennifer Leeman Iberoamericana ;V sociolinguistics, ideology and pedagogy / (eds.). ervuert, c2009. ESP 的バイリンガルを目指して :大学英語教育の再定 福井希一, 野口ジ 義 = Towards ESP bilingualism redefining university ュディー, 渡辺紀 子編著. 大阪大学出版会, 2009. English education in Japan / Essay in aid of a grammar and dictionary of the luchuan language / Chamberlain, Basil Hall 著. ゆまに書房, edición d Pedro Colegio de Estructuras en contexto :estudios de variación ingüí ica / Martín Butragueño Mé ico, 1999. c2000. Estuary English :levelling at the interface of RP and South-Eastern British English / Ulrike Altendorf. Gunter Narr, Estuary English? :a sociophonetic study of teenage speech in the home counties / Joanna Przedlacka. Peter Lang, Estudios de historiografía lingüí ica / José Mond jar. Universidad de Granada, c2003. c2002. 2007. María Victoria Camacho Taboada, José Javier Rodrí uez Toro, Estudios de lengua española :descripción, v riación y uso : Juana Santana homenaje a Humberto Lóp z Morales / Marrero (eds.). Iberoamericana ;V ervuert, c2009. Estudios juríd cos sobre la ley de política lingüí ica / Marcial Pons ;Institut Miguel Herrero de d'Estudis Miñón ... et al.]. Autonòm cs, 1999. Eteroglossia e plurilinguismo letterario :atti del XXI Convegno interuniversitario di Bressanone (2-4 luglio 1993) / a cura di Furio Brugnolo, Vincenzo Orioles. Il calamo, c2002. 218 Eteroglossia e plurilinguismo letterario :atti del XXI Convegno interuniversitario di Bressanone (2-4 luglio 1993) / a cura di Furio Brugnolo, Vincenzo Orioles. Il calamo, c2002. Ethnic minorities and Dutch as a second language / Guus Extra & Ton Foris Vallen (eds.). Publications, 1984. Euro-English :assessing variety status / Sandra Mollin. c2006. Europa, lingue e istruzione primaria :plurilinguismo per il bambino italiano-europeo / a cura di Patrizia Mazzotta ; contributi di Paolo E. Balboni ... [et al.]. UTET libreria, c2002. EU の言語教育政策 :日本の外国語教育への示唆 / 大谷泰照等編集. 2010. Évolu ion et variation en français préclassique :études de syntaxe / éditées par Bernard Combettes. Champion, c2003. EYDES, Evidence of Yiddish Documented in European Societies :the language and culture atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry / herausgegeben von Marvin Herzog ... [et al.]. Niemeyer, 2008. Gunter Narr, くろしお, edited by Deborah Tannen, Shari Family talk :discourse and identity in four American families / Kendall, Cynthia Gordon. edited by Uwe Form, function, and variation in English :studies in honour Carls and Peter of Klaus Hansen / Lucko. Oxford University Press, 2007. Peter Lang, herausgegeben von Nine Miedema und Franz Hundsnurscher. M. Niemeyer, Formen und Funktionen von Redeszenen in der mittelhochdeutschen Grossepik / France, the outsider. Granta, textes rassemblés par Claudine Publications de Bavoux et François l'Université d Gaudin. Rouen, Francophonie et polynomie / Funktion und Variation im "Foreigner-Talk" :eine empirische Untersuchung zur Sprechweise von Deutschen Athanasia gegenüb r Ausländern / Jakovidou. 219 Gunter Narr, c1999. 2007. [1997]. c2001. c1993. Funktionen von Jugendsprache :Studien zu verschiedenen Gesprächstypen des Dialogs Jugendlicher mit Erwachsenen Susanne / Augenstein. Niemeyer, 1998. Fü eine grammatische Kategorie "Respekt" im Deutschen :Synchronie, Diachronie und Typologie der deutschen Anredepronomina / Horst J. Simon. M. Niemeyer, 2003. Gender, group identity and variation in the Berlin urban vernacular :a sociolinguistic study / Sally A. Johnson. Peter Lang, c1995. Geschriebener Dialekt in Bayerisch-Schwaben :ein Vergleich indirekt erhobener dialektaler Laienschreibungen mit ihren lautschriftlichen Entsprechungen / Stefan Kleiner. Niemeyer, 2006. Geschriebener Dialekt in Bayerisch-Schwaben :ein Vergleich indirekt erhobener dialektaler Laienschreibungen mit ihren lautschriftlichen Entsprechungen / Stefan Kleiner. Niemeyer, 2006. Gesprochenes Jiddisch :Textzeugen einer europäisch-jüd schen Kultur / Ulrike Kiefer. M. Niemeyer, 1995. Gesprochenes und geschriebenes Französi ch / von Ludwig Söl ; bearbeitet von Franz Josef Hausmann. Erich Schmidt, 1985, c1974. Getting the message in South Africa :intelligibility, readability, comprehensibility / L.W. Lanham ... [et al.]. Brevitas, Ghanaian English pronunciation / Ghetto ideologies, youth identities and stylized Turkish German :Turkish youths in Berlin-Kreuzberg / c1995. Sophia A. Adjaye. Edwin Mellen Press, c2005. H. Julia Eksner. Lit ;Global [distributor], c2006. written by Karrin Vasby Anderson and Kristina Horn Governing codes :gender, metaphor, and political identity / Sheeler. Lexington Books, 2005. Grammatical variation in Neo-Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus by Mikko Luukko. Project, c2004. Grammatik und Hö lichkeit im Sprachvergleich :direktive Handlungsspiele des Bittens, Aufforderns und Anweisens im Deutschen und Koreanischen / Yongkil Cho. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Grammatikkenntnisse fü Rechtschreibregeln? :drei deutsche Rechtschreibwörterbü her kritisch analysiert / Sabine Mayr. Niemeyer, 2007. 220 Grammatische Beschreibung des Zimbrischen in Lusern / Hans Tyroller. F. Steiner, c2003. Guilford Press, c2004. edited by C. Handbook of language and literacy :development and disorders / Addison Stone ... [et al.]. Handbuch der deutschen Wortarten / herausgegeben von Walter De Ludger Hoffmann Gruyter, c2007 herausgegeben von Horst Haider Munske ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Nils Handbuch des Friesischen =Handbook of Frisian studies / Å hammar ... [et al.]. M. Niemeyer, 2001. Handschriftliche Sprachproduktion :sprachstrukturelle und ontogenetische Aspekte / Guido Nottbusch. Niemeyer, 2008. Hebrew and Zionism :a discourse analytic cultural study / by Ron Kuzar Mouton de Gruyter, 2001 Tanja Autenrieth. M. Niemeyer, 2002. Hinterfragt :das politische Fernsehinterview als dialogisches Handlungsspiel / Jörn Bollow. Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2007. Historia de la lengua y crí ica textual / Lola Pons Rodrí uez (ed.). Iberoamericana ;V ervuert, 2006. Iberoromanische Arabismen im Bereich Urbanismus und Wohnkultur :sprachliche und kulturhistorische Untersuchungen / Yvonne Kiegel-Keicher. M. Niemeyer, 2005. Convegno Associazione italiana di filologia germanica, Bari, 4-6 giugno 2003 / a cura di Lucia Sinisi. Palomar, c2005. Il plurilinguismo nella tradizione letteraria latina / a cura di Renato Oniga. Il Calamo, c2003. Im Deutschunterricht diskutieren :zur Linguistik und Didaktikeiner kommunikativen Praktik / Rüdiger Vogt. Niemeyer, 2002. de Gruyter Mouton, 1986. Heterosemie und Grammatikalisierung bei Modalpartikeln :eine synchrone und diacrhone Studie anhand von "eben", "halt", "e(cher)t", "einfach", "schlicht" und "glatt" / Il plurilinguismo in area germanica nel Medioevo :XXX Immigrant dialects and language maintenance in Australia :the cases of the Limburg and Swabian dialects / Anne Pauwels. 221 Indefinitheit und Textkohä enz :Entstehung und semantische Strukturierung indefiniter Nominaldetermination im Altitalienischen / Elisabeth Stark. Indirekte Anaphern in Texten :Studien zur domän ngebundenen Referenz und Kohärenz im Deutschen / Monika Schwarz. Max Niemeyer, 2006. M. Niemeyer, 2000. a cura di Giovanni Adamo e Valeria Della Valle. Leo S. Olschki, Innovazione lessicale e terminologie specialistiche / c2003. Integración y adaptación de transferencias lé icas :contribución al studio del contacto lingü stico en Yolanda Universidad Nacional del Sur, Departamento de españ l bonaerense / Hipperdinger. Humanidades, Intercultural communication :a global reader / editor, Fred E. Jandt. Sage Publications, c2004. Intercultural communication :roots and routes / Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Pamela J. Cooper, Cecil Blake. Allyn and Bacon, c1998 Intonation deutscher Regionalsprachen / Jö g Peters. W. De Gruyter, c2006. Intonation deutscher Regionalsprachen / Jö g Peters. W. De Gruyter, c2006. Introducing anthropology / James R. Hayes, James M. Henslin. Holbrook Press, Investigaciones sobre dialectología m xicana / Juan M. Lope Universidad Nacional Autónoma d Mé ico, Instituto de Investigaciones Blanch. Filoló icas, 2001. c1975. 1979. Jugendsprache in Barcelona und ihre Darstellung in den Kommunikationsmedien :eine Untersuchung zum Katalanischen im Spannungsfeld zwischen normalisiertem und autonomem Sprachgebrauch / Katharina Wieland. Max Niemeyer, 2008. Kausalität und Argumentrealisierung :zur Konstruktionsvarianz bei Psychverben am Beispiel europäischer Sprachen / 2009. Silvia Kutscher. Niemeyer, VS, Verlag für Kein modernes Babel :kommunikative Voraussetzungen europäischer Öffentlichkeit / 222 Cathleen Kantner. Sozialwissenschaf ten, 2004. Knappes Sprechen / Heike Baldauf. Niemeyer, 2002. Kommunikation im Spiegel der Unternehmenskultur :dialogisches Handeln und unternehmerische Zwecke / Stefanie Schnö ing. M. Niemeyer, 2007. Kommunikation in gesellschaftlichen Umbruchsituationen :mikroanalytische Aspekte des sprachlichen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels in den neuen Bundeslän ern / Peter Auer, Heiko Hausendorf (Hgg.). M. Niemeyer, 2000. Kommunikative Grammatik im Sprachvergleich :die Sprechaktsequenz Direktiv und Ablehnung im Deutschen und Japanischen / Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2007. Max Niemeyer Verlag, c2004 Christine B. Grasset :Le Geoffroy ; préface Monde de de Claude Hagège. l'éducation, 2001. Marion Grein. La formazione della struttura di frase romanza :ordine delle parole e clitici dal latino alle lingue romanze antiche / Giampaolo Salvi La mésentente cordiale :voyage au coeur de l'espace interculturel franco-anglais / Universitat Autònoma d Barcelona, Servei La parla com a espectacle :estudi d'un debat televisiu / Helena Calsamiglia ... [et al.]. de Publicacions ;Pub licacions de la Universitat Jaume I ;Universitat de Valèn ia, Servei de Publicacions, 1997. Pascale Hadermann, Ann Van Slijcke, Michel La syntaxe raisonnée :mélanges de linguistique générale et Berré (éds) ; française offerts à Annie Boone à l'occasion de son 60e préface de Marc De Boeck anniversaire / Wilmet. Duculot, 2003. L'Alto Adige-Südt rol e le sue lingue :una regione sulla strada del plurilinguismo / Kurt Egger ; [traduzione a cura di Paolo Ferrari]. Alpha & beta, 2001. Language and the state :revitalization and revival in Israel and Eire / edited by Sue Wright. Multilingual Matters, 1996. 223 editors, Albert Institut de Linguistique de Louvain : Verdoodt and Rolf dépositaire, Kjolseth. Editions Peeters, 1976. Language in sociology / Language revitalization processes and prospects :Quichua in the Ecuadorian Andes / Kendall A. King. Multilingual Matters, 2001. Language standardization and language change :the dynamics of Cape Dutch / Ana Deumert. John Benjamins Pub., 2004. Language, ethnicity, and the state / edited by Camille C. O'Reilly. Palgrave, c2001. Language, nation, and state :identity politics in a edited by Tony Judt Palgrave multilingual age / and Denis Lacorne. Macmillan, c2004. Language, schooling, and cultural conflict :the origins of the French-language controversy in Ontario / McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988. Chad Gaffield. Langue natale / Chang-rae Lee ; traduit de l'anglais Édit ons de (États-Unis) par l'Olivier / Le Lazaire Bitoun. Seuil, c2003. Le français des romanciers négro-africains :appropriation, variationnisme, multilinguisme et normes / Edmond Biloa. L'Harmattan, c2007. Le français parlé :corpus et résultats : actes du colloque international, Université de Copenhague du 29 au 30 octobre 1998 / recueillis et publiés par Hanne Lethe Andersen et Anita Berit Hansen. Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2000. Le multilinguisme :document électronique dynamique : actes du huitièm colloque international sur le document électronique, CIDE.8, 25-28 mai 2005, Beyrouth, Liban / coordinateur Khaldoun Zreik. Europia, publié sous la direction de Claude Truchot, en collaboration avec Dominique Huck, Le plurilinguisme européen :théories et pratiques en Brian Wallis et politique linguistique = European multilingualism : theory Arlette and practice in language policies / Bothorel-Witz . H. Champion, Learning in two languages :from conflict to consensus in edited by Gary Transaction the reorganization of schools / Imhoff. Publishers, 224 2005. c1994. 1990. coordinadora, Gabriela Adriana Elizondo Forum Universal de las Culturas Monterrey Lenguaje, cultura y educación Regalado ; Ós ar Loureda Lamas ... [et al.]. 2007 :Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León Lenguas criollas de base lexical española y portuguesa / Vervuert Klaus Zimmermann Verlag ;Iberoamer (ed.). icana, 1999. Les modalités de perception visuelle et auditive :différences conceptuelles et répercussions sémantico-syntaxiques en espagnol et en français / Renata Enghels Les registres :enjeux stylistiques et visées pragmatiques : hommage à Anna Jaubert / Lucile Gaudin-Bordes et Geneviè e Salvan (dir.). Niemeyer, c2008. 2007 Academia-Bruyla nt, c2008. Museum Les voyelles nasales du français parisien moderne :aspects Tusculanum Press linguistiques, sociolinguistiques et perceptuels des University of changements en cours / Anita Berit Hansen. Copenhagen, 1998. Léxico del español com segunda lengua :aprendizaje y Mara̕ Victoria enseñ nza / Romero Gualda. Arco/Libros, c2008. [textes réunis par] Lexicographie et lexicologie historiques du français :bilan Maria Colombo, et perspectives / Monica Barsi. Polimetrica, 2008. L'identification des topiques dans les dialogues / Anne Grobet. Duculot, 2002. Lingua franca :Mediterranean lingua franca, lingua franca Nova, Arabic language, Bengali language, Hindustani Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster Alphascript language, Persian language / (ed.). Publishing, 2009. Linguisten-Handbuch :biographische und bibliographische Daten deutschsprachiger Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und herausgegeben von Sprachwissenschaftler der Gegenwart / Wilfried Kü schner. Gunter Narr, c1994. Linguisten-Handbuch :biographische und bibliographische Daten deutschsprachiger Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und herausgegeben von Sprachwissenschaftler der Gegenwart / Wilfried Kü schner. Gunter Narr, c1994. edited by Christina Bratt Paulston and Multilingual Donald Peckham. Matters, Linguistic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe / 225 c1998. Lingüí ica de la comunicación y enseñ nza de lenguas / Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo. Alfar, 2007. Publicacions i Lingüí ica histò ica / Edicions de la Universitat de M. Carme Junyent. Barcelona, 2006. Linguistische Hermeneutik :Theorie und Praxis des Verstehens und Interpretierens / Fritz Hermanns, Werner Holly (Hgg.). Niemeyer, 2007. Antoni Artigues. Lleonard Muntaner, 1999. Niemeyer, 1995. Multilingual Matters, c2001 Modalverben und Modalität :ein kontrastive Untersuchung Deutsch-Italienisch / Carlo Milan. M. Niemeyer Verlag, 2001. More than a native speaker :an introduction to teaching Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Llengua als païso catalans :la nació c talana : grau de cohesió de culturació ingüí ica / Mehrfachadressierung :Untersuchungen zur adressatenspezifischen Polyvalenz sprachlichen Handelns / Peter Kühn edited by Helen Kelly-Holmes Minority language broadcasting :Breton and Irish / English abroad / Multiculturalism and multilingualism in Canada =Le multiculturalisme et multilinguisme au Canada / Multiculturalisme, multilinguisme et milieu urbain / Don Snow. Languages, c2006. J.B. Rudnyćkyj. Ukrainian Language Association, 1983. travaux réunis par Catherine Paulin. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2005. Multilinguisme dans les domaines bantou du nord-ouest et tchadique :le point de la question en 1977 / Luc Bouquiaux, ed. SELAF, 1979. Multilinguisme et traitement de l'information / sous la direction de Hermès science Frédérique Segond. publications, c2002. Nachgelassene Schriften :Religiöse Selbstbekenntnisse, Tägliche Aufzeichnungen, Bibliothek der schö en Christian Fü chtegott Gellert ; Herausgegeben von Kerstin Reimann, Sibylle Schönb rn ; unter Mitarbeit von Wissenschaften, Dokumente zu Leben und Werk, Register / John F. Reynolds, 226 Walter de Gruyter, c2008. Sikander Singh, Markus Stein. Native speaker / Chang-rae Lee. Negation und Interrogation :Studien zur Universalität ihr r Funktionen / Elke Hentschel. Never say die! :a thousand years of Yiddish in Jewish life and letters / Wheeler Pub., 2002, c1995. Niemeyer, 1998. edited by Joshua A. Fishman. Mouton, c1981. New Zealand English grammar, fact or fiction? :a corpus-based study in morphosyntactic variation / Marianne Hundt. J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 1998. Nishnaabemwin reference grammar / J. Randolph Valentine. University of Toronto Press, 2001. Niemeyer, 2009. Nomi e volti della paura nelle valli dell’Adda e della Mera / Remo Bracchi. Susanna Angéus Kuoljok. Nominalavledningar på ahka i lulesamiskan / Nominalisierungen und Argumentvererbung im Deutschen und Ungarischen / Imre Szigeti. Uppsala University ;Distri buted by Almqvist & Wiksell, 1997. M. Niemeyerg, 2002. Norm, Moral und Didaktik-- die Linguistik und ihre Schmuddelkinder :eine Aufforderung zur Diskussion / herausgegeben von Ann Peyer und Pual R. Portmann. Niemeyer, 1996. Nouveaux développements de l'imparfait / textes réunis par Emmanuelle Labeau et Pierre Larrivée. 2005. Nuovi saggi sul plurilinguismo letterario / a cura di Vincenzo Orioles. Il calamo, c2001. On the margins of nations :endangered languages and linguistic rights : proceedings of the eighth FEL conference : Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain, 1-3 October, 2004 / editors, Joan A. Argenter & R. McKenna Brown. 2004. Rodopi, Foundation for Endangered Languages, On the streets of America :アメリカ英語方言のリスニン ボイエ デ メン グ / テ編著. デイーエイチシ ー, 2002. On the streets of America :アメリカ英語方言のリスニン ボイエ デ メン グ / テ編著. デイーエイチシ ー, 2002. 227 Ordenación egal del plurilingüis o en los estados Alessandro Pizzorusso ... [et Consejo Consultivo de la Generalidad de contemporáneos / al.]. Cataluñ , c1983. Ort und Weg :die sprachliche Raumreferenz in Varietaten des Deutschen, Ratoromanischen und Franzosischen / Raphael Berthele W. de Gruyter, c2006 VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008. Pakeha identity and Maori language and culture :bicultural identity and language in New Zealand / Maria Hepi. Palenque, Cartagena y Afro-Caribe :historia y lengua / ed.: Yves Monino y Armin Schwegler. M. Niemeyer, 2002. Eduardo Blasco Paleosardo :le radici linguistiche della Sardegna neolitica / Ferrer. De Gruyter, c2010. Paper and talk :a manual for reconstituting materials in Australian indigenous languages from historical sources / edited by Nicholas Aboriginal Thieberger. Studies Press, 1995. Perspektiven auf Stil / Eva-Maria Jakobs, Annely Rothkegel (Hgg.). Niemeyer, 2001. Phonologisches Wö terbuch der deutschen Sprache / Gustav Muthmann. Niemeyer, 1996. Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache / Wolfgang Fleischer. Max Niemayer, 1997. Pidgin :prestige (sociolinguistics), patois, nonstandard dialet, Chinese languate, dialect, Portuguese language, standard language / Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan Betaacropt F. Marseken (ed.). Publishing, 2010. Plurilinguismo letterario / a cura di Renato Oniga e Sergio Vatteroni. c2007. Rubbettino, Plurilingüis o y escuela en Aragón :un estud o sobre las Instituto de actitudes ante las lenguas aragonesas (aragonés, castellano Áng l Huguet y catalán) y las lenguas extranjeras / Canalís. Estudios Altoaragoneses, c2006. Plurilinguismo, una fantastica opportunità : ducazione bilingue e plurilingue in famiglia e a scuola / Materiale Didattico dei Grigioni, c2008. Rico Cathomas e Werner Carigiet. Politische Sprachberatung als Symbiose von Linguistik und Sprachkritik :zu Theorie und Praxis einer kooperativ-kritischen Sprachwissenschaft / Kersten Sven Roth. Max Niemeyer, 2004. Portfolio europeo de las lenguas :modelo de promoción de [autoras, Xemma plurilingüis o para la interacción ̤ cultur l / Fernández Lóp z y Ideaspropias, 2007. 228 Cristina Corral Esteve]. Pour le multilinguisme: exploiter à l'é ole la diversité des contextes européens :analyse de trois zones belges dans le cadre d'une étude internationale / Christiane Blondin, Annick Fagnant, Editions de Christelle Goffin, ll'Université e Catherine Mattar. Liège, c2007. Pragmatische Syntax / herausgegeben von Frank Liedtke und Franz Hundsnurscher. M. Niemeyer, 2001. Prinzipien des lexikalischen Bedeutungswandels am M. Niemeyer Beispiel der romanischen Sprachen / Andreas Blank. Verlag, 1997. Progressiv im Deutschen :eine empirische Untersuchung im Kontrast mit Niederländisch und Englisch / Olaf Krause. M. Niemeyer, 2002. Prosodie und Emotionen / Roland Kehrein. M. Niemeyer, 2002. Quantification :a cross-linguistic perspective / editor, Lisa Matthewson. Emerald, c2008. edited by Ellen J. Racing and (e)racing language :living with the color of our Goldner and Safiya Syracuse words / Henderson-Holmes. University Press, 2001. edited by Diarmuid Ó éill ; with a Rebuilding the Celtic languages :reversing language shift in preface by Joshua the Celtic countries / Fishman. Y Lolfa, 2005. Rechtschreiben, Recht sprechen, recht haben-- der Diskurs üb r die Rechtschreibreform :eine linguistische Analyse des Streits in der Presse / Oliver Stenschke. 2005. M. Niemeyer, School of edited by Paul V. Kroskrity. American Research Press ;James Currey, c2000. Regionalspezifische Intonationsverläufe im Kölnischen :formale und funktionale Analysen steigend-fallender Konturen / Pia Bergmann. Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2008. Register, genre, and style / Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad. Cambridge University Press, c2009. Regimes of language :ideologies, polities, and identities / 229 Reversing language shift in the immigrant family :a case study of a Russian-speaking community in Israel / Shulamit Kopeliovich. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Rhetoric, religion, and the roots of identity in British colonial America / edited by James R. Michigan State Andrews. University Press, 2007. Riflessioni sul plurilinguismo :un dialogo privato su un fenomeno pubblico in espansione / Raffaele De Rosa. Casagrande, c2009. ROT ist nicht "rot" ist nicht (rot) :eine Bilanz und Neuinterpretation der linguistischen Relativitäts heorie / Beat Lehmann. G. Narr, c1998. 2009. Rückläufiges deutsches Wörterbuch :Handbuch der Wortausgänge im Deutschen, mit Beachtung der Wort- und Lautstruktur / Gustav Muthmann Niemeyer, 1988 Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache / Duk Ho Lee W. de Gruyter, c2005 by Elmer H. Antonsen New York :Mouton de Gruyter, 2002 Runes and Germanic linguistics / Satzverknü fung--syntaktische und textpragmatische Aspekte /Ann Peyer. M. Niemeyer, 1997. Hanspeter Ortner. Niemeyer, 2000. Selected issues in Mandarin Chinese word structure analysis / Kylie Hsu. Edwin Mellen Press, c2002. Semantische Repräsentation italienischer Verben :automatische Disambiguierung mit Konzepthierarchien / Achim Stein. Niemeyer, 2005. Takesi Sibata ; edited by Tetsuya Kunihiro, Fumio Inoue, Daniel Mouton de Long. Gruyter, 1999. Thomas Nelson, 2005. Schreiben und Denken / Sociolinguistics in Japanese contexts / Speaking Mom-ese :moments of peace & inspiration in the mother tongue from one Mom's heart to yours / Lisa Whelchel. Speech or death? :language as social order : a psychoanalytic study / Moustapha Safouan ; translated Palgrave by Martin Thom. Macmillan, c2003. Spielarten des Komischen :Ernst Jandl und die Sprache / Anne Uhrmacher. 2007. 230 M. Niemeyer, begründ t von Heinrich Baumgartner und Rudolf Hotzenkö herle ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Konrad Lobeck, Robert Schläp er, Rudolf Trüb nd unter Mitwirkung von Paul Zinsli ; hrsg. von Rudolf Hotzenkö herle. Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz / Francke Verlag, 1962. Francke Verlag, 1962. Francke Verlag, 1962. begründ t von Heinrich Baumgartner und Rudolf Hotzenkö herle ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Konrad Lobeck, Robert Schläp er, Rudolf Trüb nd unter Mitwirkung von Paul Zinsli ; hrsg. von Rudolf Hotzenkö herle. Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz / begründ t von Heinrich Baumgartner und Rudolf Hotzenkö herle ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Konrad Lobeck, Robert Schläp er, Rudolf Trüb nd unter Mitwirkung von Paul Zinsli ; hrsg. von Rudolf Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz / 231 Hotzenkö herle. begründ t von Heinrich Baumgartner und Rudolf Hotzenkö herle ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Konrad Lobeck, Robert Schläp er, Rudolf Trüb nd unter Mitwirkung von Paul Zinsli ; hrsg. von Rudolf Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz / Hotzenkö herle. Sprachbewahrung nach der Emigration :das Deutsch der 20er Jahre in Israel / herausgegeben von Anne Betten, unter Mitarbeit von Sigrid Grassl. M. Niemeyer, 1995-2 000. Sprachbewahrung nach der Emigration :das Deutsch der 20er Jahre in Israel / herausgegeben von Anne Betten, unter Mitarbeit von Sigrid Grassl. M. Niemeyer, 1995-2 000. Sprache - Denken - Wirklichkeit :Beiträge zur Metalinguistik und Sprachphilosophie / Benjamin Lee Whorf ; Hrsg. und üb rs. von Peter Krausser. Rowohlt, 2008. Sprache und mehr :Ansichten einer Linguistik der sprachlichen Praxis / Angelika Linke, Hanspeter Ortner, Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas (Hgg.). M. Niemeyer, 2003. Sprache und Tabu :Interpretationen zu französi chen und italienischen Euphemismen / Ursula Reutner. 2009. 232 Francke Verlag, Niemeyer, 1962. Sprachhandeln und Medienstrukturen in der politischen Kommunikation / Stephan Habscheid, Michael Klemm (Hgg.). M. Niemeyer, 2007. Sprachliche Akkommodation und sozial Integration :sä hsische Übersiedler und Üb rsiedlerinnen im rhein-/moselfränkischen und alemannischen Sprachraum / Birgit Barden, Beate Grosskopf. Niemeyer, 1998. Sprachliche Interaktion :eine Einführung anhand von 22 Klassikern / Peter Auer. Niemeyer, 1999. Sprachliche Merkmale der erlebten Rede im Deutschen und Polnischen / Anna Socka. M. Niemeyer, 2004. Sprachliche Varietät und Variation im Sprachverhalten Kaiserslauterer Metallarbeiter :Untersuchungen zu ihrer Begrenzung, Beschreibung und Bewertung / Gunter Senft. Peter Lang, 1982. Sprachlicher Substandard III :Standard, Substandard und Varietätenlinguistik / herausgegeben von Günter Holtus und Edgar Radtke. Niemeyer, 1990. Sprachliches im Blickfeld des Wissens :grammatische Kenntnisse von Schül rinnen und Schüle n / Reinold Funke. 2005. Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit III :Sprachbeschreibung und Peter Schmitter Sprachunterricht / (Hrsg.). Sprachvariation in Mainz :quantitative und qualitative Analysen / Franz Steiner Christiane Steiner. Verlag Stuttgart, M. Niemeyer, c2005-c G. Narr, 2007. 1994. recueillis et publiés Museum Structures linguistiques et interactionnelles dans le francais par Anita Berit Tusculanum parlé :actes du colloque international, Université de Hansen et Maj-Britt Press, University Copenhague, du 22 au 23 juin 2001 / Mosegaard Hansen. of Copenhagen, 2003. Strukturelle Dissensmarkierungen in interkultureller Kommunikation :Analysen deutsch-dänischer Max Niemeyer Verhandlungen / Birte Asmuss. Verlag, 2002. Studien zur Ontogenese wissenschaftlichen Schreibens / Thorsten Pohl. Niemeyer, 2007. Studies in child language and multilingualism / edited by Virginia New York Teller and Sheila J. Academy of White. Sciences, Study of kanji word recognition process for Japanese as a second language / Saeko Komori. [s.n.]. Ralph Darlington. Ashgate, c1980. Syndicalism and the transition to communism :an international comparative analysis / 233 c2008. Syntax, Prosodie, nonverbale Kommunikation :empirische Untersuchungen zur Interaktion sprachlicher und parasprachlicher Ausdrucksmittel im Gespräch / Beatrix Schönh rr. Niemeyer, 1997. System der Partikeln im Deutschen und Tschechischen ;unter besonderer Berü ksichtigung der Abtönun spartikeln / Marek Nekula. 1996. Talkin' different :linguistic diversity and the Irish traveller minority / Joan O'Sullivan ; (edited by Micheál Cambridge Ó hAodha). Scholars Pub., Text und Tod :eine handlungstheoretisch orientierte Textsortenbeschreibung am Beispiel der Tosdesanzeige in Kathrin von der der deutschsprachigen Schweiz / Lage-Mü ler. Niemeyer, Textgliederung :Einheitenbildung im geschriebenen und gesprochenen Deutsch : Theorie und Empirie / Stephan Stein. Walter de Gryuter, 2003. Niemeyer, 2008. 1995. Multilingual The defence of French :a language in crisis? / Robin Adamson. Matters, c2007. Jean-Marie Woehrling ; translated from the The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages :a critical commentary / French by Patricia Councial of Wheeler. Europe Pub., 2005. The exploration of multilingualism :development of research on L3, multilingualism and multiple language acquisition / edited by Larissa Aronin, Britta Hufeisen. c2009. John Benjamins Pub. Co., The in-between people :language and culture maintenance and mother-tongue education in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea / Dennis L. Malone. SIL International, 2004. The Indo-Aryans of ancient South Asia :Language, material edited by George culture and ethnicity / Erdosy. Walter de Gruyter, 1995. The intonation of givenness :evidence from German / Stefan Baumann. Niemeyer, prepared and published under the aegis of an editorial collegium, Marvin Herzog M. (editor-in-chief), Niemeyer ;Yivo The Language and culture atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry / 234 2006. 1992-& Vera Baviskar ... [et Institute for lt;2000 al.]. Jewish Research, > prepared and published under the aegis of an editorial The Language and culture atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry / collegium, Marvin Herzog (editor-in-chief), Vera Baviskar ... [et al.]. M. Niemeyer ;Yivo 1992-& Institute for lt;2000 Jewish Research, > prepared and published under the aegis of an editorial collegium, Marvin The Language and culture atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry / Herzog (editor-in-chief), Vera Baviskar ... [et al.]. M. Niemeyer ;Yivo 1992-& Institute for lt;2000 Jewish Research, > The language of conflict and resolution / William F. Eadie, Paul E. Nelson, editors. Sage Publications, 2001. The making of bad language :lay linguistic stigmatisations Winifred V. Davies, in German, past and present / Nils Langer. Peter Lang, 2006. The National register of translators, 1994 / [compiled by] Sahitya Akademi. Sahitya Akademi, 1994. The native speaker :multilingual perspectives / editor, Rajendra Singh. Sage Publications, c1998. The Romani element in non-standard speech / edited by Yaron Matras. Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998. The Roots of American psychology :historical influences and implications for the future / edited by R. W. Rieber and Kurt Salzinger. New York Academy of Sciences, 1977. The study and use of English in Africa / edited by Arua E. Arua ... [et al.]. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. Theorie und Praxis der idiomatischen Wö terbü her / herausgegeben von Carmen Mellado Blanco. Niemeyer, 235 2009. Associació d'Histò ia Rural de les Comarques Toponí ia, paisatge i cultura :els noms de lloc des de la lingüí ica, la geografia i la histò ia / Elvis Mallorquí (coord.) ; Ramon Amigó ... [et al.]. Gironines :Centre de Recerca d'Histò ia Rural de la Universitat de Girona :Documen ta Universitaria, 2006. Topos und Diskurs :Begründung einer argumentationsanalytischen Methode und ihre Anwendung auf den Migrationsdiskurs (1960-1985) / Martin Wengeler. Niemeyer, 2003. Traços de mudança e de permanência em edetoriais de jornais pernambucanos :da forma ao sentido / Valéria Severina. De Gruyter, c2010 Traduire :dé ense et illustration du multilinguisme / François Ost. Fayard, c2009. Transferencia lingüí ica en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera / Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo. Grupo Editorial Universitario, 2004. Universidad nacional de educación a distancia, 2006. edited by Paschalis Nikolaou and Maria-Venetia Kyritsi ; foreword by Mona Baker. Continuum, 2008. Olaf-Immanuel Seel. Stauffenburg, 2008. Transmediale Erzähltheorie :eine Einfüh ung / Nicole Mahne. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007. Üb r "w-Exklamativsät e" im Deutschen / Franz-Josef d’Avis. Niemeyer, 2001. Un demi-siè le de linguistique européenne / par Haiim B. Rosén 2001. Transitividad e intransitividad en la lingüí ica general y en Ana-Jimena Deza la lingüí ica españ la :estudio contrastivo / Enríque . Translating selves :experience and identity between languages and literatures / Translation kultureller Repertoires im Zeitalter der Globalisierung :Tendenzen, Mö lichkeiten und Perspektiven translatorischen Handelns im Zeichen einer "zweiten kulturellen Wende" / 236 Peeters, Un nuevo asalto a la razón? :perversión l ngüí ica y Luis Martíne de cinismo moral en el pensamiento burgués contemporáneo / Velasco. Editorial Fundamentos, 2004. Une minorité francophone hors Québec :les Franco-Terreneuviens / M. Niemeyer, 1995. M. Niemeyer, 1997. André Magord. Untersuchungen zum bekommen-Passiv im heutigen Deutsch /Oddleif Leirbukt. Untersuchungen zur kommerziellen Lexikographie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache / herausgegeben von Herbert Ernst Wiegand. M. Niemeyer, 2003-2 005. Untersuchungen zur kommerziellen Lexikographie der herausgegeben von Herbert Ernst 2003-2 deutschen Gegenwartssprache / Wiegand. M. Niemeyer, 005. Untersuchungen zur temporalen Umfunktionierung des Konjunktivs II im heutigen Deutsch / Oddleif Leirbukt. Max Niemeyer, 2008. Pedro Martín Butragueño. El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios, 2002. Variación sintáctica en español :un reto para las teorías de la sintaxis / Gabriele Knauer y Valeriano Bellosta Max Niemeyer von Colbe. Verlag, 2005. Variation and gradience in phonetics and phonology / edited by Frank Kügler, Caroline Féry, Ruben van de Mouton de Vijver. Gruyter, 2009. Variación lingüística y teoría fonológica / editado por Variation et stabilité du français :des notions aux opérations / Pierre Larrivée. Variation im Deutschen :soziolinguistische Perspektiven / Peeters, 2007. Stephen Barbour, Patrick Stevenson ; Übersetzt aus dem Englischen von Konstanze Gebel. Walter de Gruyter, 1998. Verbableitung im Mittelhochdeutschen :eine synchron-funktionale Analyse der Motivationsbeziehungen suffixaler Verbwortbildungen / Aletta Leipold. M. Niemeyer, 2006. Vergleiche und Vergleichen :eine Studie zu Form und Funktion der Vergleichsstrukturen im Deutschen / Niemeyer, c2001. Maria Thurmair. 237 Versprecher--Dissimilation von Konsonanten :Sprachproduktion unter spatio-temporalem Aspekt / Nora Wiedenmann. Niemeyer, 1999. Verstehen, Missverstehen und Missverständnis e :Untersuchungen an einem Korpus englischer und deutscher Beispiele / Wolfgang Falkner. Niemeyer, 1997. Versuch einer Kategorisierung grammatischer Differenzen am Beispiel der Mundart von Ottersdorf / :Martin Lott. Verlag Dr. Kovac, 1996. Vital voices :endangered languages and multilingualism : proceedings of the Tenth FEL Conference, CIIL, Mysore, India, 25-27 October, 2006 / editors, R. Elangaiyan ... [et al.]. Central Institute of Indian Languages, Vokabular des Nationalsozialismus / Cornelia Schmitz-Berning Walter de Gruyter, c2007 Vowel epenthesis in loanword adaption / Max Niemeyer Christian Uffmann. Verlag, c2007. Wahrnehmungsdialektologie :das Obersächsische im Alltagsverständnis von Laien / Christina Ada Anders. De Gruyter, c2010. Westjiddisch in der Schweiz und Südwestdeutschland :Tonaufnahmen und Texte zum Surbtaler und Hegauer Jiddisch / Jürg Fleischer. Niemeyer, 2005. Westjiddisch in der Schweiz und Südwestdeutschland :Tonaufnahmen und Texte zum Surbtaler und Hegauer Jiddisch / Jürg Fleischer. Niemeyer, 2005. Westjiddisch in der Schweiz und Südwestdeutschland :Tonaufnahmen und Texte zum Surbtaler und Hegauer Jiddisch / Jürg Fleischer. Niemeyer, 2005. Niemeyer, 2004 Westjiddisches Wörterbuch :auf der Basis dialektologischer Erhebungen in Mittelfranken / Alfred Klepsch 2007. Westjiddisches Wörterbuch :auf der Basis dialektologischer Erhebungen in Mittelfranken / Alfred Klepsch Niemeyer, 2004 Wirtschaftskommunikation :linguistische Analyse ihrer münd ichen Formen / Gisela Brünn r. M. Niemeyer, 2000. Word order and time in Biblical Hebrew narrative / Tal Goldfajn. 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