No.1420 人文・社会 科学 Index 新 刊 在 庫 …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 2014 年 11 月号 丸善洋書 新刊案内 今月のトピックス 総 記 ……………… 15 哲学・思想 ……………… 16 宗 教 学 ……………… 24 17 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 33 科学、技術、倫理学の分野における「基礎知識の宝庫」 とも称された 2005 年版の百科事典の改訂版。本書は、 初版刊行以来の重要な出来事、研究、人物、法的決定に 関する新たな分析や解説を収録しています。 歴 史 学 ……………… 34 人文地理学 ……………… 55 芸 術 ……………… 56 文 学 ……………… 61 85 認 知 科 学 ……………… 79 心 理 学 ……………… 80 金 融 ……………… 101 96 会 計 学 ……………… 103 環 境 学 ……………… 120 法 学 ……………… 125 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 168 社 会 学 ……………… 174 +DQGERRNRIWKH(FRQRPLFVRI ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0LJUDWLRQ9RO 本書は 2 巻構成で、North-Holland 社定番のハンドブッ クです。労働市場における成果や財政上の影響から収入 のレベルと分配に対する国際移住の影響まで、幅広い題 目を網羅しています。 経 営 学 ……………… 104 政 治 学 ……………… 144 ,QWHUFXOWXUDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ 分野を牽引する社会心理学者によって編集された本書 は、文化間の相違、闘争、イデオロギー、そして統合と いう4つの大きなテーマに分かれています。基本文献と して一度は手に取るべき文献です。 言 語 学 ……………… 71 経 済 学 ……………… 91 (WKLFV6FLHQFH7HFKQRORJ\DQG (QJLQHHULQJQGHG 178 /DWHQW9DULDEOHVDQG)DFWRU$QDO\VLV 本書は、社会科学における潜在変数と因子分析の基礎 と一般的なアプローチをはじめ、この分野の現代的な 課題に関する調査論文を収録しています。 ジェンダー ……………… 192 教 育 学 ……………… 194 特 集 スポーツ・健康科学 …… 205 生 活 科 学 ……………… 207 74 リンガフランカとしての英語の発達シリーズ 地域研究 Index ………… 208 93 現代の異端派経済学シリーズ 総 記 ★再 Dalzell, Tom (ed.) The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English 2014:10. 1110 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415864572* 哲学・思想 再 Ariew, Roger Descartes and the First Cartesians 2014:11. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 再 社会科学の哲学入門 Cartwright, Nancy/Montuschi, Eleonora (eds.) Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction 2014:11. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199645107* ★★ 再 脳神経倫理学ハンドブック 全2巻 Clausen, Jens/Levy, Neil (eds.) Handbook of Neuroethics 2014:11. 2 Vols., 1850 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Eckinger, Julie/Kaplan, David M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics 2014:11. 3 Vols., 1886 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780199563517* *9789400747067* *9789400709287* 再 カントと植民地主義 Flikschuh, Katrin/Ypi, Lea (eds.) Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives 2014:11. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199669622* 再 Oxford 実験哲学研究 第1巻 Knobe, Joshua/Lombrozo, Tania/Nichols, Shaun (eds.) Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 1 2014:11. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★★ 食物と農業倫理学百科事典 全3巻 *9780198718772* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 3 哲学・思想 再 Oxford 中世哲学研究 第2巻 Pasnau, Robert (ed.) Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 2 2014:11. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198718475* 宗教学 ★再 Bloomsbury版 イスラム研究必携 ★★ 再 日本のキリスト教信仰―文献集成 全4巻 Bennett, Clinton (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies (Bloomsbury Companions) 2014:11. 440 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Mullins, Mark R. (ed.) Critical Readings on Christianity in Japan (Critical Readings) 2014:11. 4 Vols. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586902* *9789004235144* 歴史学 ★ Bloomsbury版 ユダヤ研究必携 Bell, Dean Phillip (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Jewish Studies (Bloomsbury Companions) 2014:11. 440 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472587138* ★ Carroll, John M./Mark, Chi-kwan (eds.) Critical Readings on the History of Hong Kong (Critical Readings) 2014:11. 4 Vols. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004271395* Oxford版 近代初期ヨーロッパと植民地時代アメリカ における魔術 Levack, Brian P. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America (Oxford Handbooks in History) 2014:11. 648 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198723639* 香港の歴史研究―文献集成 全4巻 再 アメリカの反核活動 1975年 ∼ 1990年 ★ Sleeboom, Margaret Academic Nations in China and Japan: Framed by Concepts of Nature, Culture and the Universal (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2014:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415864497* Harvey, Kyle American Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1975-1990: The Challenge of Peace (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements) 2014:11. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 4 *9781137432834* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 芸 術 Blackwell 版 古代エジプト美術必携 日本のファッション文化 Hartwig, Melinda (ed.) A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World) 2014:9. 624 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Monden, Masafumi Japanese Fashion Cultures: Dress and Gender in Contemporary Japan (Dress, Body, Culture) 2014:11. 216 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, ) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781444333503* ★再 グローヴ楽器辞典 第2版 全5巻 ★再 中国と日本の第二次世界大戦映画 Libin, Laurence The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 5 Vols., 4192 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781472532800* *9780199743391* Tam, King-fai/Tsu, Timothy Y./Wilson, Sandra (eds.) Chinese and Japanese Films on the Second World War (Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series) 2014:11. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138791039* 文 学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Cambridge アメリカ詩の歴史 Bendixen, Alfred/Stephen Burt (eds.) The Cambridge History of American Poetry 2014:11. 750 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107003361* 再 Cambridge版 フランス啓蒙主義必携 Brewer, Daniel (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the French Enlightenment (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2014:11. 274 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107626140* ★再 イギリスロマン主義:批評と議論 Canuel, Mark (ed.) British Romanticism: Criticism and Debates (Routledge Criticism and Debates in Literature) 2014:11. 666 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780415523820* 再 アジア系アメリカ人文学と環境 Fitzsimmons, Lorna/Chae, Youngsuk/Adams, Bella (eds.) Asian American Literature and the Environment (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2014:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415713238* ★ チャールズ・ディケンズとヴィクトリア朝時 代の子どもたち Malkovich, Amberyl Charles Dickens and the Victorian Child: Romanticizing and Socializing the Imperfect Child (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2014:11. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138850781* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 5 文 学 再 Cambridge版 文学における都市必携 McNamara, Kevin R. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the City in Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2014:11. 539 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107609150* 再 メアリー・ロースとシェイクスピア Salzman, Paul/Wynne-Davies, Marion (eds.) Mary Wroth and Shakespeare (Routledge Studies in Shakespeare) 2014:11. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138783034* ★再 Oxford版 トマス・ミドルトン研究ハン ドブック Taylor, Gary/Henley, Trish Thomas (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Thomas Middleton (Oxford Handbooks of Literature) 2014:11. 690 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198703488* 言語学 ★ 指示性 Aguilar-Guevara, Ana/Le Bruyn, Bert/ Zwarts, Joost (eds.) Weak Referentiality (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, Vol. 219) 2014:11. 395 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027257024* ★再 Alexiadou, Artemis/Borer, Hagit/ Schäfer, Florian (eds.) The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol.51) 2014:11. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199665273* Amiridze, Nino/Arkadiev, Peter/Gardani, Francesco (eds.) Borrowed Morphology (Language Contact and Bilingualism [LCB], Vol. 8) 2014:11. 350 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 6 *9781614515562* ★再 Barker, Chris/Shan, Chung-chieh Continuations and Natural Language (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 53) 2014:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199575022* 語根の統語論 Braunmüller, Kurt/Höder, Steffen/Kühl, Karoline (eds.) Stability and Divergence in Language Contact: Factors and Mechanisms (Studies in Language Variation, Vol. 16) 2014:11. 296 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027234964* Chang, Hui-Ching/Holt, Richard Language, Politics and Identity in Taiwan: Naming China (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series) 2014:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415836012* ★再 文法構造における使役 Copley, Bridget/Martin, Fabienne (eds.) Causation in Grammatical Structures (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 52) 2014:11. 456 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199672080* Huang, Yan Pragmatics, 2nd ed. (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics) 2014:11. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 再 学生のための語用論テキスト 第3版 Cutting, Joan Pragmatics: A Resource Book for Students, 3rd ed. (Routledge English Language Introductions) 2014:11. 306 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415534376* DuBord, Elise M. Language, Immigration and Labor: Negotiating Work in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (Language and Globalization) 2014:11. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137301017* Fernandez-Vest, M. M. Jocelyne Detachments for Cohesion: Toward an Information Grammar of Oral Languages (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT], Vol. 56) 2014:11. 340 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110349245* Keck, Casey M./Kim, YouJin Pedagogical Grammar 2014:11. 251 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319083520* Nakamura, Momoko Gender, Language and Ideology: A genealogy of Japanese women’s language (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, Vol. 58) 2014:11. 267 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027206497* ★再 成田広樹著 自由投射統語論の内心的構造 Narita, Hiroki Endocentric Structuring of Projection-free Syntax (Linguistik Aktuell/ Linguistics Today, Vol. 218) 2014:11. 270 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027257017* 再 中国語統語論の新たな見解 Grewendorf, Günther/Weiß, Helmut (eds.) Bavarian Syntax: Contributions to the theory of syntax (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, Vol. 220) 2014:11. 345 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 中村桃子著 ジェンダー、言語、イデオ ロギー:日本人の女ことばの系譜 *9789027257031* *9789027212184* Adam (eds.) Studying Second Language Acquisition from a Qualitative Perspective (Second Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 27) 2014:11. 218 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780199577767* ★再 定性的な見地からの第二言語習得研究 教育文法 ★再 語用論 第2版 Paul, Waltraud New Perspectives on Chinese Syntax (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Vol. 271) 2014:11. 350 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110338683* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 7 言語学 ★ ! Ewa (eds.) Issues in Teaching, Learning and Testing Speaking in a Second Language (Second Language Learning and Teaching) 2014:11. 280 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783642383380* ★再 Rett, Jessica The Semantics of Evaluativity (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics) 2014:11. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199602483* *9780198712800* Suihkonen, Pirkko/Whaley, Lindsay J. (eds.) On Diversity and Complexity of Languages Spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia (Studies in Language Companion Series, Vol. 164) 2014:11. 448 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027259295* ★ Szpyra-Kozlowska, Jolanta Pronunciation in EFL Instruction: A Research-Based Approach (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 82) 2014:11. 264 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 8 *9781472577603* 中国語、韓国語、日本語における作文とリテラシー Taylor, Insup/Taylor, M. Martin Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese, Revised ed. (Studies in Written Language and Literacy, Vol. 14) 2014:11. 494 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027218100* 再 語彙処理と第二言語習得 Tokowicz, Natasha Lexical Processing and Second Language Acquisition (Cognitive Science and Second Language Acquisition Series) 2014:11. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415877558* Torres Cacoullos, Rena/Dion, Nathalie/Lapierre, André (eds.) Linguistic Variation: Confronting Fact and Theory 2014:11. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138024540* ★ 意識と第二言語学習 EFL 教育における発音指導 Tanaka, Lidia Japanese Questions: Discourse, Context and Language 2014:11. 264 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 再 Sanz, Montserrat/Laka, Itziar/Tanenhaus, Michael K. (eds.) Language Down the Garden Path: The Cognitive and Biological Basis for Linguistic Structures (Oxford Studies in Biolinguistics) 2014:11. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★ 日本語の会話における質問 評価的意味 Truscott, John Consciousness and Second Language Learning (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 83) 2014:11. 296 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092659* *9781783092604* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 ★ 第二言語習得理論入門 第2版 VanPatten, Bill/Williams, Jessica (eds.) Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Second Language Acquisition Research Series) 2014:10. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Wee, Lionel The Language of Organizational Styling 2014:11. 225 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107054806* *9780415824217* 認知科学 再 再 認知言語学とユーモア研究 関係詞節:人はいかに複雑な言語構造を理解するのか Brône, Geert/Feyaerts, Kurt/Veale, Tony (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 26) 2014:11. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Wiechmann, Daniel Understanding Relative Clauses: A Usage-Based View on the Processing of Complex Constructions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Vol. 268) 2014:11. 350 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110346152* *9783110339383* 心理学 ★ ADHD:診断と治療ハンドブック 第4版 外傷性ストレス 全4巻 Barkley, Russell A. (ed.) : A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th ed. 2014:11. 898 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Scott, Michael J. (ed.) Traumatic Stress (SAGE Library of Mental Health) 2014:11. 4 Vols., 1448 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781462517725* ★ *9781446295762* 法心理学 全4巻 Brown, Jennifer M. (ed.) Forensic Psychology (Critical Concepts in Psychology) 2014:11. 4 Vols., 1683 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415813020* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 9 経済学 経済学 河合正弘他編 21世紀における世界貿易機関:アジ アの視点 Baldwin, Richard/Kawai, Masahiro/Wignaraja, Ganeshan (eds.) A World Trade Organization for the 21st Century: The Asian Perspective (ADBI Series on Asian Economic Integration and Cooperation) 2014:11. 448 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783479276* ★ 応用時系列計量経済 第4版 Enders, Walter Applied Econometric Times Series, 4th ed. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 2014:10. 498 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118808566* 再 責任ある経済 Frank, Jefferson The Responsible Economy (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2014:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415598477* ★再 森地茂 / 林宜嗣他編 都市間輸送と気候 変動 Hayashi, Yoshitsugu/Morichi, Shigeru/ Oum, Tae Hoon/Rothengatter, Werner (eds.) Intercity Transport and Climate Change: Strategies for Reducing the Carbon Footprint (Transportation Research, Economics and Policy, Vol. 15) 2014:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 10 *9783319065229* 再 Guilford 版 構造方程式モデリングハンドブック Hoyle, Rick H. (ed.) Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling 2014:10. 740 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462516797* 再 ロンドンの関税システム:イギリス経済史 Jenks, Stuart (ed.) The London Customs Accounts: 24 Henry VI (1445-46) (Records of Social and Economic History, Vol. 45) 2014:11. 460 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780197264652* ★再 ポール・サミュエルソンと経済分析の歴史 Medema, Steven G. Paul Samuelson on the History of Economic Analysis: Selected Essays (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics) 2014:10. 480 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107029934* 再 エンターテイメント産業の経済学:財務分析ガイド 第9版 Vogel, Harold L. Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis, 9th ed. 2014:11. 680 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107075290* 再 レオン・ワルラス著 応用経済学研究 Walras, Léon Van Daal, Jan (ed.) Studies in Applied Economics 2014:11. 496 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415654296* ★再 日本とイタリアの労働市場規制撤廃 Watanabe, Hiroaki Richard Labour Market Deregulation in Japan and Italy: Worker Protection under Neoliberal Globalisation (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2014:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 再 中国の巻き返しと競争力 Zhang, Jin Catch-Up and Competitiveness in China: The Case of Large Firms in the Oil Industry (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy) 2014:11. 256 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415653732* *9781138023963* 金 融 ★再 Oxford版 銀行論ハンドブック 第2版 Berger, Allen N./Molyneux, Philip/Wilson, John O. S. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Banking, 2nd ed. (Oxford Handbooks in Finance) 2014:11. 1056 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199688500* 再 金融危機の歴史 Bilginsoy, Cihan A History of Financial Crises: Dreams and Follies of Expectations (Economics as Social Theory) 2014:11. 496 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415687249* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415687256* 会計学 ★再 会計学研究法 第3版 会計教育のコミュニケーション Smith, Malcolm Research Methods for Accounting, 3rd ed. 2014:11. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Wilson, Richard M. S./Gray, F. Elizabeth/Hamilton, Lynn (eds.) Communication in Accounting Education 2014:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446294666* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138829190* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 11 経営学 経営学 再 再 Routledge版 国際人的資源管理必携 オペレーションズリサーチの事例研究 Collings, David G./Wood, Geoffrey T./Caligiuri, Paula M. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to International Human Resource Management 2014:11. 586 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Murty, Katta G. (ed.) Case Studies in Operations Research: Applications of Optimal Decision Making (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 212) 2014:11. 687 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780415636049* マーケティング・コミュニケーション 第2版 *9781446259023* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446259030* Sharpley, Richard/Telfer, David J. (eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues, 2nd ed. (Aspects of Tourism, Vol. 63) 2014:11. 568 p. (Channel View Publications, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781845414733* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 再 グローバリゼーションと不平等の罠 Kondo, Mari Globalization and the Inequality Trap: An Ethnography of Philippine Capitalism (Palgrave MacMillan Asian Business) 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ ツーリズムと開発 第2版 Egan, John Marketing Communications, 2nd ed. 2014:10. 408 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781493910069* *9780230358560* *9781845414726* 再 発想とイノベーション Weis, Bernd X. From Idea to Innovation: A Handbook for Inventors, Decision Makers and Organizations (Management for Professionals) 2014:11. 270 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783642541704* 環境学 ★ 馬奈木俊介編 Routledge 版 アジアの 環境経済学ハンドブック Managi, Shunsuke (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Enviromental Economics in Asia (Routledge International Handbooks) 2014:11. 752 p. (Routledge, GBR) 12 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415656450* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 法 学 再 ★★ 再 国際刑事法:犯罪学のアプローチ 刑法の国際研究叢書 全6巻 Bantekas, Ilias/Mylonaki, Emmanuela (eds.) Criminological Approaches to International Criminal Law 2014:11. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Stephen Shute (ed.) The International Library of Essays on Criminal Law 2014:11. 6 Vols., 3000 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107060036* ★再 Routledge版 ソーシャルメディアと法ハ ンドブック Scaife, Laura Handbook of Social Media and the Law 2014:11. 388 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415745482* *9781472426611* 再 Oxford版 国際法における武力行使ハンドブック Weller, Marc/Solomou, Alexia (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (Oxford Handbooks in Law) 2014:11. 1200 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199673049* 政治学 ★再 アジアの災害における回復・復興 *9784431550211* 再 "#$%!'*+ ing (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2014:11. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138794627* Copeland, Dale C. Economic Interdependence and War (Princeton Studies in International History and Politics) 2014:10. 504 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691161594* ★ Sage版 交通機関百科事典:社会科学 的見解 全4巻 Garrett, Mark (ed.) Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy 2014:11. 4 Vols., 2048 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価 特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780691161587* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 イデオロギーと人身売買との闘い 再 経済的相互依存と戦争 Aldrich, Daniel P./Oum, Sothea/Sawada, Yasuyuki (eds.) Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters: Community Ties, Market Mechanisms, and Governance (Risk, Governance and Society, Vol. 18) 2014:11. 359 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781452267791* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 13 政治学 ★ 伊藤剛著 デタントの時代における日米 中トライアングル Liow, Joseph/Leifer, Michael Dictionary of the Modern Politics of Southeast Asia, 4th ed. 2014:11. 512 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Ito, Go Tsuyoshi Alliance in Anxiety: Detente and the Sino-American-Japanese Triangle 2014:10. 180 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415864930* *9780415625319* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 再 中国の力とアジアの安全保障 Li, Mingjiang/Kemburi, Kalyan M. (eds.) China’s Power and Asian Security (Politics in Asia) 2014:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★再 東南アジアの現代政治辞典 第4版 *9780415625326* EUと平和構築 McCall, Cathal The European Union and Peacebuilding: The Cross-Border Dimension (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics) 2014:11. 171 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138782792* *9781137357700* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ★再 ソーシャルワーク実践の価値と倫理 第3版 再 現代社会におけるウェルビーイング Parrott, Lester Values and Ethics in Social Work Practice, 3rd ed. 2014:10. 216 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446293874* Søraker, Johnny H./Jan-Willem, van der Rijt/de Boer, Jelle/Wong, Pak-Hang/Brey, Philip (eds.) Well-Being in Contemporary Society (Happiness Studies Book Series) 2014:11. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319064581* 社会学 ★再 レジャー研究入門 Bramham, Peter/Wagg, Stephen Introduction to Leisure Studies: Principles and Practice 2014:11. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 14 ★再 ジョン・クラマー著 芸術・文化と国際 開発 Clammer, John Art, Culture and International Development: Humanizing Social Transformation (Rethinking Development) 2014:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) *9781412918756* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138024717* Richards, Lyn Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide, 3rd ed. 2014:11. 264 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138024724* 再 デボラ・ラプトン著 デジタル社会学 Lupton, Deborah Digital Sociology 2014:11. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138022768* 都市理論 第2版 Short, John Rennie Urban Theory: A Critical Assessment, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 再 Cambridge版 モダニスト文化必携 Marshik, Celia (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture) 2014:11. 265 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781446276068* *9781138022775* *9781446276051* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★★ 再 L・リチャーズ著 定性的データ:実践ガ イド 第3版 *9781137382658* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107627390* *9781137382641* ジェンダー 再 ★再 ジェンダー発展 ジェンダー:世界的視点 第3版 Blakemore, Judith E. Owen/Berenbaum, Sheri A./ Liben, Lynn S. Gender Development 2014:11. 536 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Connell, Raewyn W./Pearse, Rebecca Gender: In World Perspective, 3rd ed. (Polity Short Introductions) 2014:11. 192 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780415647922* *9780745680712* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780745680729* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 15 教育学 教育学 再 ★再 教育における多文化主義 教育学・教育研究の理解 Grant, Carl A. Multiculturalism in Education and Teaching: The Selected Works of Carl A. Grant (World Library of Educationalists) 2014:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Smeyers, Paul/Smith, Richard Understanding Education and Educational Research 2014:11. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780415724470* ★再 ラーニング・コミュニティのための研究授業 Saito, Eisuke/Murase, Masatsugu/Tsukui, Atsushi/Yeo, John Lesson Study for Learning Community: A Guide to Sustainable School Reform 2014:10. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107009202* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107401617* *9780415843164* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415843171* スポーツ・健康科学 再 教育史におけるスポーツ、健康と身体 スポーツ・マーケティング 第5版 Freeman, Mark (ed.) Sport, Health and the Body in the History of Education 2014:11. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Shank, Matthew D./Lyberger, Mark R. Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective, 5th ed. 2014:11. 500 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826588* *9781138015968* 再 スポーツコーチングの基礎 第2版 Robinson, Paul E. Foundations of Sports Coaching, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 284 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415746106* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 16 *9780415749251* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 総 記 2014:11. 274 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 人文・社会科学一般 Cooper, Cary/Michie, Jonathan (eds.) Why the Social Sciences Matter 2015:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137269904* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137269911* *9781472428455* Orr, Cynthia Crash Course in Readers’ Advisory (Crash Course) 2014:12. 125 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781610698252* See also Pratt, Vernon, Philosophy and the Social Sciences, Routledge.....................................................p18 , 0121 Sugimoto, Cassidy R. (ed.) Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication 2015:6. 300 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 出版史・書物論 *9783110298031* 百科事典・辞典 古書と新たなテクノロジー McKitterick, David Old Books, New Technologies: The Representation, Conservation and Transformation of Books Since 1700 2014:9. 294 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470392* History Repeating Itself, ........................ p66 , 0543 Lowry, James/Wamukoya, Justus M. (eds.) Integrity in Government through Records Management: Essays in Honour of Anne Thurston ★印はお薦めタイトル EUROPA版 世界地域年鑑 2015年版 全9巻 Europa Publications (ed.) The Europa Regional Surveys of the World 2015 2014:12. 9 Vols. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also 図書館情報学 *9781857437478* EUROPA版 アメリカ・カナダ地域年鑑 2015年版 / 第 17 版 Europa Publications (ed.) The USA and Canada 2015, 17th ed. (The Europa Regional Surveys of the World) 2014:12. 680 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781857437416* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 17 哲学・思想 》哲学・思想一般 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 Cahn, Steven M. Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology, 5th ed. 2014:11. 816 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190204419* 哲学辞典 第3版 Lacey, Alan Dictionary of Philosophy, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 400 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834668* 哲学と社会科学 Pratt, Vernon Philosophy and the Social Sciences 2014:12. 200 p., First published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833982* See also Cahn, Steven, Political Philosophy, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p147 , 1221 ! Governance and the History of Political Philosophy, Routledge .............................p147 , 1223 A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1700–1800, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p147 , 1226 Honderich, Ted, Violence for Equality, Routledge ...................................................................p147 , 1227 !Theism and Public Policy, """ .................................p148 , 1232 #"!$%%The Routledge Guidebook to Thoreau's Civil Disobedience, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1233 Ward, Lee, Modern Democracy and the Theological-Political Problem in Spinoza, 18 Rousseau, and Jefferson, """ ...................................................................p148 , 1235 &"'( Political Thought of Hume and His Contemporaries, Routledge......p148 , 1236 倫理学・道徳哲学 Groves, Christopher Care, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230358843* Gulli, Bruno Humanity and the Enemy: How Ethics Can Rid Politics of Violence 2014:11. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137456472* Midgley, Mary The Myths We Live By (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 278 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834798* 人間主義について 第2版 Norman, Richard On Humanism, 2nd ed. (Thinking in Action) 2014:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834828* Snow, Nancy E. (ed.) Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology 2014:12. 360 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199967421* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 㩷 ᅢ⹏䊧䊐䉜䊧䊮䉴䈏⚂ 㪈㪇 ᐕ䈹䉍䈮ᡷ 䋣㩷 ୶ℂ䊶⑼ቇ䊶ᛛⴚ䊶Ꮏቇ⊖⑼ౖ㩷 ╙䋲 㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering A Global Resource 2nd ed. Edited by J. Britt Holbrook )#"* 2014 ᐕ 9 ೀⴕ 4 Vols., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-0-02-866196-4.........USD 705.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂114,284 / ․ଔ䎂91,427 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9780028661964* ᧄᦠߪ⑼ޔቇޔᛛⴚ୶ޔℂቇߩಽ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆޟၮ␆⍮⼂ߩቲᐶߣޠ ߽⒓ߐࠇߚ 2005 ᐕ ߩ⑼ޡቇᛛⴚ୶ℂ⊖⑼ౖ㧔Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics㧕ߩޢᡷ⸓ ߢߔޕೋ ೀⴕએ᧪ߩ㊀ⷐ ߥ᧪⎇ޔⓥޔ‛ੱޔᴺ⊛ቯߦ㑐ߔࠆᣂߚߥಽᨆ߿⸃⺑ࠍ㍳ߒ ߡ߹ߔ╙ߦࠄߐޕ㧞 ߪޔೋ ࠃࠅ߽࿖㓙⊛߆ߟቇ㓙⊛ߥⷞὐࠍᜬ ߟߴߊޔ⇇ਛ߆ࠄ⎇ⓥ⠪ࠍㄫ߃ޠ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޟࠆ߽ߦ࡞࠻ࠗ࠲ޔ ߥⷞὐࠍᜬߞߡ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᡷ⸓ߐࠇߚ↪⺆㓸ᐕޔᄙߊߩᣂ㗄⋡ᡷ⸓㗄⋡ޔ 300 ὐએߩ࿑ࠍ㍳ߒߡࠆὐ߽ᣂ ߩ․ᓽߢߔޕ 䋼㩷 ․㩷 㐳㩷 䋾㩷 z 㪏㪇㪇 㗄⋡એ䉕䇮ෳ⠨ᢥ₂䇮ෳᾖ㗄䈫䈫䉅䈮㍳䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 z 㪉㪌㪇 ὐએ䈱౮⌀䈫 㪈㪇㪇 ὐએ䈱࿑䉕ឝタ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 z ਥⷐ䈭↪⺆䉕ቯ⟵䈜䉎↪⺆㓸ઃ䈐䈪䈜䇯㩷 z ᐕ䈮䉋䈦䈩ᤨઍ䈱ᵹ䉏䉕ᛠី䈚䈭䈏䉌䇮⎇ⓥ䈱⊒ዷ䉕䈢䈬䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 z 䊁䊷䊙䈱䉝䉡䊃䊤䉟䊮䉇ਥ㗴⚝ᒁ䈏ઃ䈇䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 䋼ㅊടὐ䋾㩷 z ᣂ䈢䈮 㪈㪌㪇 㗄⋡એ䉕㍳䈚䇮Ꮏቇ䈱ಽ㊁䈮ὶὐ䉕ᒰ䈩䈢㗄⋡䉅䉁䉏䉁䈜䇯㩷 z ᣂ䈚䈇㗄⋡䈮䈲એਅ䈏䉁䉏䉁䈜䋺㩷 䊋䉟䉥䊜䊃䊥䉪䉴䇮䉪䊤䉡䊄䈫䉪䊤䉡䊄䉸䊷䉲䊮䉫䇮䉰䉟䊋䊷 䉶䉨䊠䊥䊁䉞䊷䇮䊄䊨䊷䊮䇮䊐䊤䉾䉨䊮䉫䇮䉭䊉䊚䉪䉴䇮᳇ᄌേ䇮䉫䊥䊷䊮䉬䊚䉴䊃䊥䊷䇮᳓⚛⚻ᷣ䇮 ੱᖱႎṳᵨ䇮䉥䊷䊒䊮䉝䉪䉶䉴䇮䊌䊷䉴䉡䉢䉟䉲䊯䊶䊁䉪䊉䊨䉳䊷䇮䊐䉞䊤䊮䉸䊨䊏䊷䇮䉶䉨䊠䊥 䊁䉞䊷ᛛⴚ䇮䉸䊷䉲䊞䊦䊜䊂䉞䉝䇮ᜧ䇮䊃䊤䊮䉴䊍䊠䊷䊙䊆䉵䊛䇮ᗐⅣႺ䈭䈬䇯㩷 z ೋ 䈮ᄢ䈐䈭ᡷ⸓䈏ട䈋䉌䉏䇮ᦠ䈐⋥䈚䈏ⴕ䉒䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 (Macmillan Library Reference, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 19 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199967445* See also *"+/: Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business, Cambridge U.P. .................. p108 , 0837 倫理と哲学の限界 Williams, Bernard Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 278 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834736* 応用倫理学 中絶の倫理:女性の権利、人命、正当性の問題 第2版 Kaczor, Christopher The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice, 2nd ed. (Routledge Annals of Bioethics) 2014:12. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 陰謀説の哲学 Dentith, Matthew R. X. The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories 2014:11. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137363152* Winch, Peter The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1958 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415732932* *9781138834675* *9780415732925* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 社会哲学 See also " Reasons and Intentions in Law and Practical Agency, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p128 , 1028 Kirk, Timothy W./Jennings, Bruce (eds.) Hospice Ethics: Policy and Practice in Palliative Care 2014:9. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199944941* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199943838* Wariboko, Nimi Economics in Spirit and Truth: A Moral Philosophy of Finance (Radical Theologies) 2014:11. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 20 Cirulli, Franco The Age of Figurative Theo-humanism: The Beauty of God and Man in German Aesthetics of Painting and Sculpture (1754-1828) (Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion and Public Life, Vol. 3) 2015:2. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 美 学 *9781137475497* *9783319099996* 言語哲学 " !!+;<! $ =><?@ Problems of Normativity, Rules and Rule-Following (Law and Philosophy Library, Vol. 111) 2014:11. 419 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》言語哲学 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319093741* *9780198714088* Berger, Louis S. Human Development, Language and the Future of Mankind: The Madness of Culture 2014:10. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137415264* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Gregory, Howard Language and Logics: An Introduction to the Logical Foundations of Language 2015:5. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748691623* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 Bianchi, Andrea (ed.) On Reference 2015:1. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) *9780748691630* ⸥ภ⺰䈱࿖㓙䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪 International Handbook of Semiotics Edited by Peter Pericles Trifonas, ;)*(<(= #> 2014 ᐕ 12 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 1,000 p., Hard. ISBN 978-94-017-9403-9.......... EUR 399.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂83,670 / ․ଔ䎂66,936 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9789401794039* ᧄᦠߪޔᢥቇޔ࠻ࠕ࡞ࠕࡘࠫࠖࡧޔᢥൻ⎇ⓥੱޔࠕࠖ࠺ࡔޔᢥቇ⥄ޔὼ⑼ቇޔ ␠ળ⑼ቇߩಽ㊁ߢ࿖㓙⊛ߦ⎇ⓥߐࠇߡࠆ⸥ภ⺰ߦߟߡޔߩ⎇ⓥߩⷰߣಽ ᨆࠍᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕ᭴ㅧਥ⟵ߣߒߡ߽⍮ࠄࠇࠆ⸥ภ⺰ߪޔ20 ♿ߩਥⷐߥℂ⺰⊛ ዷ㐿ߩ߭ߣߟߢࠅޔᢥൻ⊛↥‛߿ੱ㘃ߩታ〣ࠍಽᨆߔࠆᣇᴺߦᄢ߈ߥᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ ߡ߹ߔޕ ᧄᦠߪޔᢔㅺߒߘ߁ߥᄙߊߩቇⴚ⎇ⓥࠍ৻หߦ㓸⸥ޔภ⺰ߩᨒ⚵ߺߩਛߦ߹ߣ ߚ൮⊛ߥౝኈߦߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ㐳ᐕߩⷐᦸߦᔕ߃⸥ޔߪᦠᧄޔภ⺰⎇ⓥߩᐢ ಽ㊁ߦᷰࠆߩ࿖㓙⊛ߥⷞὐࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕ ᧄᦠߪᛕ್⊛ⷞὐߣߒߡ⸥ภ⺰ࠍᔕ↪ߔࠆߎߣߦ㑐ᔃߩࠆᄙ᭽ߥ⎇ⓥ⠪ࠍኻ⽎ ߦၫ╩ߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕ (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 21 哲学・思想 》認識論・知識論 認識論・知識論 Bradley, Darren A Critical Introduction to Formal Epistemology (Bloomsbury Critical Introductions to Contemporary Epistemology) 2015:6. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781780938325* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781780937144* Goldberg, Nathaniel Jason Kantian Conceptual Geography 2015:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190215385* Matthiessen, Hannes Ole Epistemic Entitlement: The Right to Believe 2014:11. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 生物学における概念変化 Love, Alan C. (ed.) Conceptual Change in Biology\;!^!< Philosophical Perspectives on Evolution and Development (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 307) 2014:11. 210 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137414977* 存在論・形而上学 Scerri, Eric/McIntyre, Lee (eds.) Philosophy of Chemistry: Growth of a New Discipline (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 306) 2014:12. 185 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Ferraris, Maurizio Introduction to New Realism 2014:12. 168 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472590640* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472595942* Shrader-Frechette, Kristin What Will Work: Fighting Climate Change with Renewable Energy, Not Nuclear Power (Environmental Ethics and Science Policy) 2014:11. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Thomasson, Amie L. Ontology Made Easy 2014:11. 360 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 22 *9780199385119* *9780190215187* 西洋哲学 古代哲学 Iozzia, Daniele Aesthetic Themes in Pagan and Christian Neoplatonism: From Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa 2015:3. 160 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789401793636* 新実在論入門 *9789401794114* 化学の哲学 科学哲学 *9781472572325* Olympiodorus =^!+><?@ Olympiodorus: Life of Plato and On Plato First Alcibiades 1–9 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle) 2015:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472588302* Philoponus Sirkel, Riin/Tweedale, Martin M./Harris, John/ King, Daniel (eds.) Philoponus: On Aristotle Categories 1–5 with Philoponus: A Treatise Concerning the Whole and the Parts (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle) 2015:1. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472584106* Marenbon, John Early Medieval Philosophy 480-1150: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 216 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837652* *9780198709411* Clark, Maudemarie Nietzsche on Ethics and Politics 2015:1. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199371846* ★ Bloomsbury版 カント必携 Banham, Gary/Schulting, Dennis/Hems, Nigel (eds.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Kant (Bloomsbury Companions) 2015:1. 456 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586780* Vinci, Thomas C. Space, Geometry, and Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Categories 2014:12. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199381166* See also (Hobbes and the Law, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p128 , 1023 ★印はお薦めタイトル Emmanuel, Steven M./McDonald, William/Stewart, Jon (eds.) Kierkegaard’s Concepts: Tome IV: Individual to Novel (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, Vol. 15) 2014:11. 270 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 近世哲学 Beiser, Frederick C. The German Historicist Tradition 2015:2. 614 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 中世哲学 近代哲学 *9781472444639* Fremstedal, Roe Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good: Virtue, Happiness, and the Kingdom of God 2014:11. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137440877* Peters, Julia Hegel on Beauty (Routledge Studies in NineteenthCentury Philosophy) 2014:12. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138795952* Peters, Mathijs Schopenhauer and Adorno on Bodily Suffering: A Comparative Analysis 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137412164* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 23 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 Stewart, Jon/Nun, Katalin (eds.) Kierkegaard’s Literary Figures and Motifs: Tome I: Agamemnon to Guadalquivir (Kierkegaard Research: Sources Reception and Resources, Vol. 16) 2014:10. 328 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472441362* ドゥルーズ哲学・神学の再考 Adkins, Brent/Hinlicky, Paul R. Rethinking Philosophy and Theology with Deleuze: A New Cartography (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) 2014:10. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472589323* ハンナ・アーレントと完全支配の限界 Aharony, Michal Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination: The Holocaust, Plurality, and Resistance (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2014:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415702560* Arthos, John Gadamer’s Poetics: A Critique of Modern Aesthetics (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) 2014:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472591579* フーコーとデリダ Boyne, Roy Foucault and Derrida: The Other Side of Reason 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 24 Campbell, Scott/Bruno, Paul W. The Science, Politics, and Ontology of LifePhilosophy (Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy) 2014:11. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472591586* 現代思想 生の哲学における科学、政治、形而上学 *9781138834118* Drabinski, John E./Nelson, Eric S. (eds.) Between Levinas and Heidegger (SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Hardcove) 2014:10. 276 p. (State University of New York Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781438452579* デリダとフェミニズム Feder, Ellen/Rawlinson, Mary C./Zakin, Emily (eds.) Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman 2014:12. 214 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834699* Gironi, Fabio Naturalizing Badiou: Mathematical Ontology and Structural Realism 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137463463* Lumsden, Simon Self-Consciousness and the Critique of the Subject: Hegel, Heidegger, and the Poststructuralists 2014:8. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231168229* Madell, Geoffrey The Essence of the Self: In Defense of the Simple View of Personal Identity (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2014:12. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138823945* Moynahan, Gregory B. Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899-1919 (Key Issues in Modern Sociology) 2014:12. 278 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083435* Nagel, Ernest/Newman, James R. Godel’s Proof, 3rd ed. (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 104 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834651* Nyholm, Sven Universal Law and Humanity Formulas and Contemporary Kantian Ethics (Ideen & Argumente) 2015:6. 220 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110401165* Pfeifer, Geoff The New Materialism: Althusser, Badiou, and _` >*<{;<;!<! Thought) 2015:2. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812086* ジャン=リュック・ナンシーと異他性の考察 Rugo, Daniele Jean-Luc Nancy and the Thinking of Otherness: Philosophy and Powers of Existence 2014:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472591302* Russell, Bertrand ABC of Relativity (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 150 p., First published in 1925 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834682* ヘーゲルの現象学とフーコーの系譜学 Sembou, Evangelia Hegel’s Phenomenology and Foucault’s Genealogy (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory) 2015:1. 128 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409443087* Sheridan, Alan Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth 2014:12. 243 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834033* ジョン・デューイの社会哲学 B. ラッセル著 相対性理論入門 Shook, John R. Dewey’s Social Philosophy: Democracy as Education 2014:10. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137467348* Zurn, Christopher Axel Honneth (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 2015:1. 240 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745649030* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745649047* See also )?Je, Tu, Nous, Routledge ...................................................................p195 , 1619 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 25 宗教学 》宗教学一般 宗教学 宗教学一般 スコットランドの教会史 1560年 ∼ 1960年 Dragovic, Denis "#$%&: Roman Catholic and Sunni Islamic Perspectives (Palgrave ;<|%=|}!@~\?~%? (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137455147* Muirhead, Andrew T. N. Reformation, Dissent and Diversity: The Story of Scotland’s Churches, 1560 - 1960 2015:2. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567661456* 宗教の政治問題化、宗教的象徴の力 Ognjenovic, Gorana/Jozelic, Jasna (eds.) Politicization of Religion, the Power of Symbolism: ⇇䈱ቬᢎ⊖⑼ౖ㩷 ╙䋲 㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices 2nd ed. Edited by Thomas Riggs 2014 ᐕ 10 ೀⴕ 4 Vols., 2,800 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4144-9870-6........ USD 654.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂106,017 / ․ଔ䎂84,813 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781414498706* ᧄᦠ㧔4 Ꮞ⚵㧕ߪ 2,800 ࡍࠫߦᷰࠆ⇇ਛߩߩቬᢎታ〣ߦ㑐ߔ ࠆ⊖⑼ౖߢࠅߦ߆ޔቬᢎ߇ߘߩା⠪ߩᣣ↢ߩޘᵴߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߡ ࠆ߆ࠍਛᔃߦᛒߞߡ߹ߔ ╙ޕ1 Ꮞޟቬᢎߣቬᵷޔߪߢޠ13 ߩਥⷐߥ ቬᢎ㧔ᢎ࠻ࠬࠠޔᢎࡓࠬࠗޔᢎߥߤ㧕ߦ㑐ߔࠆ 24ޯ40 ࡍࠫߩ 㗄⋡ߣ 28 ߩቬᵷ㧔࠴ࡌ࠶࠻ᢎࠢ࠶࠻ࠞࡑࡠޔᢎળࠕࠪޔᵷߥ ߤ㧕ߦ㑐ߔࠆ 8ޯ14 ࡍࠫߩ㗄⋡ࠍ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔ ╙ޕ2ޔ3ޔ4 Ꮞߪ 195 ࠞ࿖ߦฃߌࠄࠇࠆቬᢎߦὶὐࠍᒰߡޔฦ㗄⋡ߪ 6ޯ13 ࡍࠫߦࠎߢ߹ߔࡢޕ ࡞࠼ࡑࠢࠪ࠭ߩᒻᑼߦߩߞߣࠅޔฦ㗄⋡ߪࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ߹ߣࠄࠇߡ߅ࠅޔቬᢎޔ ቬᢎ࿅ޔ࿖ࠍᲧセ⠨ኤߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޔߪᦠᧄޕ725 ὐએߩࠞ౮⌀߿ ࿑ޔ41 ߩቬᢎߩᲧセޔ⺑⸃⺆↪ޔᐕޔᢥ₂ࠬ࠻⚝✚ޔᒁߥߤࠍ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕ (Gale, USA) 26 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教学一般 ᄌൻ䈜䉎⇇ቬᢎ࿑㩷 ో䋵Ꮞ The Changing World Religion Map Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics Edited by Stanley D. Brunn, * 2014 ᐕ 12 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 5 Vols., 3,932 p., 869 illus., 655 illus in color, Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-94-017-9375-9.......EUR 899.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂188,520 / ․ଔ䎂150,816 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9789401793759* ᧄᦠߪᄌൻߔࠆቬᢎޔାઔޔታ〣ߩ⇇ࠍតⓥߒ⥄ޔὼ୶ޔ ℂޔଶൻޔߤߥࠖ࠹ࠖ࠹ࡦ࠺ࠗࠕޔ࠳ࡦࠚࠫޔቬᢎߦ㑐ଥ ߔࠆ᭽ߥޘᨩࠍขࠅߍߡ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᢎ⢒⚻ޔࠬࡀࠫࡆޔ ᷣޔᴺߥߤઁಽ㊁ߣቬᢎߣߩ㑐ଥࠍតⓥߒޔᐢⷞὐࠍᜬߞߚ ౝኈߣߥߞߡ߹ߔޕቬᢎߩ⇇࿑ࠍᣂߒߊߔࠆታ㓙ߩᄌൻࠍ ᝒ߃ࠆߚޔᄙ᭽ߥࠍឭ␜ߒߡ߹ߔޕ ᧄᦠߪ߹ߕޟޔᄌൻߔࠆ⇇ቬᢎ࿑ߩޠᔨߩᐨᢥ߆ࠄᆎ߹ࠅ⥄ޔὼ୶ޔℂޔ ⅣႺߦὶὐࠍᒰߡߡ߹ߔޕ⡛ߥ߽ߩ߳ߩੱ㘃ߩ⚳ࠊࠄߥតⓥࠍ⼏⺰ߒޔᄙߊ ߩାઔߦ㑐ࠊࠆ࠹ࡑߣߒߡߩߩޠ✛ޟቬᢎࠍ⺰ߓ߹ߔޕᰴߦޔ⇇ߩࠄࠁࠆ ၞߩᎼ␞ࠍ࠹ࡑߦᛒޔቬᢎߣᢎ⢒ߩ㑐ଥߦߟߡߩ⼏⺰ߢߪޔትᢎᏧߩᓎഀࠍ ขࠅߍ߹ߔޔߪߢߎߘޕᴺ⊛ᓼ⊛ᨒ⚵ߺߩਛߢቬᢎ⚻ޔࠬࡀࠫࡆޔᷣޔᴺߩ 㑐ଥࠍ⸃⺑ߔࠆ߶߆ޔቬᢎ࿅ߩ㊄㌛ࡆࠫࡀࠬ㗴ߦ߽⋡ࠍะߌߡ߹ߔޕᰴ ߪࠬࡁ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޔ㧔࡛ࡠ࠶ࡄࡦࠫࡘ࠾ޔࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޔࠕࠪࡠޔ ࠼࠳࠽ࠞޔࠞࡔࠕޔ㧕ߣࠣࡠࡃ࡞ࠨ࠙ࠬ㧔࠹ࡦࠕࡔࠞࠫࠕޔࠞࡈࠕޔ ࠕ㧕ߩቬᢎߩᄙߊߩޟᣂߒ㗻ࠍޠតⓥߒੱޔญ⒖േޔ࿖ᄖ⒖ࡃࡠࠣޔ ࡚ࠪࡦߩᓇ㗀ࠍ⠨ኤߒߡ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕቬᢎ⊛ࠣࡠࡃ࡞ࡁࠬߢ߈ߡࠆ ⽎ߣߒߡߩଶൻ߿ߩࠬ࠙ࠨ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޔᄢㇺᏒ߿࿖㓙ㇺᏒߥߤߢߩᣂߒ․ᓽ ߣߒߡߩଶൻߦὶὐࠍᒰߡߡ߹ߔᦨޕᓟߦࠖ࠹ࠖ࠹ࡦ࠺ࠗࠕ߿࠳ࡦࠚࠫޔ 㗴ޔᴦ⊛ቬᢎ⊛㑐ଥ࡞ࠕࡘࠫࠖࡧ߿ࠫࡠࡁࠢ࠹࡞ࡖ࠴ࠔࡧߡߒߘޔ ࡔ࠺ࠖࠕߩᣂߒ⇇ߣ߁ⷞὐ߆ࠄޔᄌൻߔࠆቬᢎ⇇ࠍតⓥߒ߹ߔޕ (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 27 宗教学 》宗教学一般 The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States (Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy) 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137484123* Patterson, Eric Latin America’s Neo-Reformation\*{}ence on Contemporary Politics (Latin American Studies) 2014:9. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833289* 宗教哲学 宗教哲学 Meister, Chad Philosophy of Religion (Palgrave Philosophy Today) 2014:12. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137476470* Swidler, Leonard Dialogue for Interreligious Understanding: Strategies for the Transformation of Culture-Shaping Institutions (Interreligious Studies in Theory and Practice) 2014:11. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137471185* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137471192* Timalsina, Sthaneshwar Tantric Visual Culture: A Cognitive Approach (Routledge Studies in Tantric Traditions) 2015:1. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230232914* 宗教社会学 Steding, William Presidential Faith and Foreign Policy: Jimmy Carter the Disciple and Ronald Reagan the Alchemist (Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy) 2014:12. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230232907* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812840* See also Thomas, Scott, Religion in a Global Age, Routledge .................................................................. p154 , 1288 ガーナにおける宗教と人権の普及 Atiemo, Abamfo Ofori Religion and the Inculturation of Human Rights in Ghana (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies) 2014:10. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472589934* =};{<><?@ Culture, Health, and Religion at the Millennium: Sweden Unparadised 2014:11. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137472229* Garelli, Franco Religion Italian Style: Continuities and Changes in a Catholic Country (Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series) 2014:11. 244 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472436443* {{;%+?;!+^< Engaging with Living Religion: A Guide to Fieldwork in the Study of Religion 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) Foret, Francois, Religion and Politics in the European Union, Cambridge U.P.......... p166 , 1386 28 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教社会学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415534475* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415534482* Murzaku, Ines Angeli (ed.) Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics (Routledge Religion, Society and Government in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet States) 2015:6. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190212483* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190212490* ユダヤ教 Offutt, Stephen New Centers of Global Evangelicalism in Latin America and Africa 2014:10. 224 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107078321* Brill, Alan Judaism and Other Religions: Models of Understanding 2014:12. 276 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230340251* 宗教人類学 聖人の黄昏:オスマン帝国シリアとパレスチナの日常 的な宗教 Grehan, James Twilight of the Saints: Everyday Religion in Ottoman Syria and Palestine 2014:9. 360 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Gold, Daniel Provincial Hinduism: Religion and Community in Gwalior City 2015:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780415819596* ヒンズー教 *9780199373031* Septimus, Yehuda On the Boundaries of Talmudic Prayer: Talmudic Ritual Recitations with Non-Divine Addressees (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism) 2014:12. 350 p. (J.C.B. Mohr, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783161534218* See also Kalmin, Richard, Migrating Tales, Univ. of California Pr. .............................................p66 , 0546 比較宗教学 イスラム教 Martin, Gerhard Marcel/Triplett, Katja (eds.) # 2015:1. 192 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567661487* ★印はお薦めタイトル Bang, Anne K. ()* Ocean (c.1880-1940): Ripples of Reform (Islam in Africa, Vol. 16) 2014:8. 228 p. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004251342* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 29 宗教学 》イスラム教 Duderija, Adis (ed.) Maqasid al-Shari’a and Contemporary Reformist Muslim Thought: An Examination 2014:9. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137323859* Spevack, Aaron The Archetypal Sunni Scholar: Law, Theology, and Mysticism in the Synthesis of al-Bajuri 2014:10. 220 p. (State Univ. of New York Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781438453712* キリスト教 Maurey, Yossi Medieval Music, Legend, and the Cult of St. Martin: The Local Foundations of a Universal Saint 2014:9. 330 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107060951* キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 Ables, Travis E. Incarnational Realism: Trinity and the Spirit in Augustine and Barth (T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology) 2014:12. 288 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567659774* Brett, Mark/Havea, Jione (eds.) Colonial Contexts and Postcolonial Theologies: ;{+"!^!>! and Religions) 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137475466* Clements, Keith (ed.) The Moot Papers: Faith, Freedom and Society 19381944 2015:1. 752 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 Courey, David What Has Wittenberg to Do with Azusa?: Luther’s Theology of the Cross and Pentecostal Triumphalism 2015:2. 320 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656308* Deane-Drummond, Celia/Artinian-Kaiser, Rebecca/ Clough, David L. (eds.) Animals as Religious Subjects: Transdisciplinary Perspectives 2014:12. 336 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567659767* Dumitrascu, Nicu Christian Family and Contemporary Society (Ecclesiological Investigations) 2014:11. 304 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656964* Fiddes, Paul S./Bader, Günter (eds.) The Spirit and the Letter: A Tradition and a Reversal 2015:1. 288 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567661494* Fout, Jason A. Fully Alive: The Glory of God and the Human Creature in Karl Barth, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Theological Exegesis of Scripture 2015:3. 240 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 30 *9780567661555* *9780567659439* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 Goroncy, Jason Hallowed be Thy Name\$+;!^!=" in the Soteriology of P. T. Forsyth 2014:9. 320 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657190* Hunsinger, George Conversational Theology: Essays on Ecumenical, Postliberal, and Political Themes, with Special Reference to Karl Barth 2014:11. 272 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567658173* Rathe, Alan Evangelicals, Worship and Participation: Taking a Twenty-First Century Reading (Liturgy, Worship and Society Series) 2014:11. 316 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409469193* 清教徒と幸福の追求 Roberts, S. Bryn Puritanism and the Pursuit of Happiness: The Ministry and Theology of Ralph Venning, c. 16211674 2015:3. 224 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781843839781* Schmiedel, Ulrich/Matarazzo, James (eds.) Dynamics of Difference: Christianity and Alterity (Studies in Theology) 2015:2. 304 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656858* T&T Clark 版 宗教改革期の神学必携 Whitford, David M. (ed.) T&T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology 2014:9. 520 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657138* Wilson, Robert William Keith George Augustus Selwyn (1809-1878): Theological Formation, Life and Work 2014:11. 218 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472438898* Young III, Josiah Ulysses James Baldwin’s Understanding of God: Overwhelming Desire and Joy (Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice) 2014:9. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137454331* 聖書・聖書研究 Assis, Elie The Book of Joel: A Prophet between Calamity and Hope (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:9. 304 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657183* Beale, Gregory K. John’s Use of the Old Testament in Revelation (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:10. 443 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657527* Beers, Holly The Followers of Jesus as the ‘Servant’: Luke’s Isaianic Model for the Disciples in Luke-Acts (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:1. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656520* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 31 宗教学 》キリスト教 Ben Zvi, Ehud/Levin, Christoph (eds.) Thinking of Water in the Early Second Temple Period (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 461) 2014:10. 485 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110348828* Boehm, Omri The Binding of Isaac: A Religious Model of Disobedience (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2015:5. 240 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567656933* Bos, James M. Reconsidering the Date and Provenance of the Book of Hosea: The Case for Persian-Period Yehud (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:9. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657176* Brenner-Idan, Athalya The Israelite Woman: Social Role and Literary Type in Biblical Narrative, 2nd ed. (T&T Clark Cornerstones) 2014:11. 168 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657732* Darko, Daniel K. No Longer Living as the Gentiles: Differentiation And Shared Ethical Values In Ephesians 4:17-6:9 (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:9. 176 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567656902* Grabiner, Steven Revelation’s Hymns: Commentary on the Cosmic |}!>$+=$;<@ 2014:11. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) 32 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656766* Harper, Joshua L. Responding to a Puzzled Scribe: The Barberini Version of Habakkuk 3 Analysed in the Light of the Other Greek Versions (The Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies) 2015:1. 272 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567658647* Horrell, David G. An Introduction to the Study of Paul, 3rd ed. (T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies) 2015:3. 240 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656247* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567656254* Horrell, David G. Becoming Christian: Essays on 1 Peter and the Making of Christian Identity (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:1. 312 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567661463* Jay, Jeff The Tragic in Mark: A Literary-Historical Interpretation (Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie, Vol. 66) 2014:9. 319 p. (J.C.B. Mohr, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783161532443* Joyce, Paul M./Rom-Shiloni, Dalit (eds.) The God Ezekiel Creates (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567658593* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 Knight, Jonathan The Open Mind: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567658517* Koosed, Jennifer L./Seesengood, Robert Jesse’s Lineage: The Legendary Lives of David, Jesus, and Jesse James (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:10. 176 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657459* Lee, Eun-Woo Crossing the Jordan: Diachrony Versus Synchrony in the Book of Joshua (The Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies) 2014:9. 192 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657169* Lee, Yongbom Paul, Scribe of Old and New: Intertextual Insights for the Jesus-Paul Debate (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:12. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656810* Mathew, Susan Women in the Greetings of Romans 16.1-16: A Study of Mutuality and Women’s Ministry in the Letter to the Romans (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:9. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567656889* Mein, Andrew/Holt, Else K./Kim, Hyun Chul Paul (eds.) Concerning the Nations: Essays on the Oracles Against the Nations in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel ★印はお薦めタイトル (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:11. 272 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567660060* Moffat, Donald P. Ezra’s Social Drama: Identity Formation, Marriage <;!|}!<>$+= Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:10. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657442* Moore, Mark E. Kenotic Politics\$+*!^{= Jesus’ Political Praxis (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:1. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567661470* Moyise, Steve The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:10. 173 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657466* Neutel, Karin B. A Cosmopolitan Ideal: Paul’s Declaration ‘neither Jew nor Greek, neither Slave nor Free, nor Male and Female’ in the Context of First-Century Thought (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:2. 288 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656834* Park, Young-Ho Paul’s Ekklesia as a Civic Assembly: Understanding the People of God in their Politico-Social World (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe) 2014:11. 270 p. (J.C.B. Mohr, DEU) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 33 宗教学 》キリスト教 ,6%1 3DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783161530609* Porter, Stanley E. Constantine Tischendorf: The Life and Work of a 19th Century Bible Hunter 2014:12. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780567658012* ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780567658029* Skinner, Christopher W. (ed.) Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2014:10. 320 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657435* Smith, Daniel Lynwood Into the World of the New Testament: GrecoRoman and Jewish Texts and Contexts 2015:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567657039* ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567657022* Teeter, David Andrew Scribal Laws: Exegetical Variation in the Textual Transmission of Biblical Law in the Late Second Temple Period (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, Vol. 92) 2014:8. 360 p. (J.C.B. Mohr, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 34 $;^ Zechariah and His Visions: An Exegetical Study of Zechariah’s Vision Report (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:11. 288 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567658555* 申命記における人権 Tsai, Daisy Yulin Human Rights in Deuteronomy: With Special Focus on Slave Laws (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 464) 2014:8. 244 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110363203* 新約聖書入門 Wansbrough, Henry Introducing the New Testament 2015:1. 416 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656698* ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780567656681* Wardlaw, Terrance Randall Elohim within the Psalms: Petitioning the Creator to Order Chaos in Oral-Derived Literature (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) 2014:11. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 税 *9780567656568* *9783161532498* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学 民族学・民俗学・人類学 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 民俗学 ★ Routledge Library 版 民俗学 全 19 巻 Routledge Library Editions: Folklore 2015:2. 19 Vols. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842175* Bettinger, Robert L. Orderly Anarchy: Sociopolitical Evolution in Aboriginal California (Origins of Human Behavior and Culture, Vol. 8) 2015:1. 312 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520283336* Fausto, Carlos Warfare and Shamanism in Amazonia (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Vol. 96) 2014:12. 370 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107449428* Hazan, Haim Against Hybridity: Social Impasses in a Globalizing World 2015:2. 200 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745690698* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745690704* Heiman, Rachel Driving after Class: Anxious Times in an American Suburb (California Series in Public Anthropology) 2015:1. 289 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780520277755* *9780804791113* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792677* B.マリノフスキ著 未開社会における性と抑圧 第2版 *9780520277748* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 James, Deborah Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa 2014:11. 304 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 民族学・人類学 Malinowski, Bronislaw Sex and Repression in Savage Society, 2nd ed. (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 240 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834903* Mankekar, Purnima Unsettling India: Affect, Temporality, Transnationality 2015:1. 344 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822358220* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358367* Martí, Josep (ed.) African Realities: Body, Culture and Social Tensions 2014:8. 285 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443860260* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 35 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 Rapport, Evan Greeted With Smiles: Bukharian Jewish Music and Musicians in New York (American Musicspheres) 2014:11. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190223137* *9780822358671* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358800* Retsikas, Konstantinos Becoming: An Anthropological Approach to Understandings of the Person in Java (Anthem Southeast Asian Studies) 2014:10. 252 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781783083107* Starn, Orin (ed.) Writing Culture and the Life of Anthropology 2015:4. 296 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358626* *9780822358732* Satsuka, Shiho Nature in Translation: Freedom, Subjectivity, and Japanese Tourism Encounters in Canada 2015:5. 288 p. (Duke U.P., USA) 歴史学 歴史学一般 地方史研究:人々の旅路 グローバル化歴史の考察 Olstein, Diego Thinking History Globally 2014:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230361027* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137473387* なぜ歴史で悩むか ?:古代、近代、ポストモダンにお ける歴史家の動機 Southgate, Beverley C. Why Bother with History?: Ancient, Modern and Postmodern Motivations 2014:12. 200 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 36 Williams, M. Researching Local History: The Human Journey (Approaches to Local History) 2014:12. 296 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836280* 考古学・古代史 Oxford版 古代ローマの碑文研究ハンドブック Bruun, Christer/Edmondson, Jonathan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy (Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology) 2014:11. 928 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780195336467* *9781138836839* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ポンペイの墓 中国敦煌・莫高窟のサステイナブルツーリズム戦略 Campbell, Virginia L. The Tombs of Pompeii: Organization, Space, and Society (Routledge Studies in Ancient History) 2014:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Demas, Martha/Agnew, Neville/Fan, Jinshi Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China (SpringerBriefs in Archaeology / SpringerBriefs in Archaeological Heritage Management) 2014:10. 114 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138809192* 古代世界の七不思議 Clayton, Peter A/Price, Martin The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834194* ヨーロッパの鉄器時代 Collis, John The European Iron Age 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834187* Craik, Elizabeth M. The ‘Hippocratic’ Corpus: Content and Context 2014:12. 346 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138021693* *9781138021716* 古代ギリシャにおけるジェンダーバイオレンス Deacy, Susan/McHardy, Fiona Gender Violence in Ancient Greece 2015:4. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472532572* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Dillon, Matthew/Garland, Lynda The Ancient Romans: A Social and Political History from the Early Republic to the Death of Augustus 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415741514* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415741521* ★ *9781472531568* ★印はお薦めタイトル Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice 2014:11. 4 Vols., 630 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493917358* Oxford版 古代ローマ時代の彫刻ハンドブック ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 古代ローマ人:初期共和政時代からアウグストゥスの 死までの社会政治史 倫理的考古学 全4巻 ヒポクラテス学全集:コンテンツとコンテキスト *9783319089997* Friedland, Elise A./Sobocinski, Melanie Grunow (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology) 2015:2. 752 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199921829* 古代ローマの家庭 Gardner, Jane F./Wiedemann, Thomas The Roman Household: A Sourcebook (Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World) 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834934* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 37 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ローマ帝国の夢と想像:文化的記憶と想像力 古代後期のローマにおける教皇と教会 Harrisson, Juliette Dreams and Dreaming in the Roman Empire: Cultural Memory and Imagination 2015:1. 320 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Moorhead, John The Popes and the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity (Routledge Studies in Ancient History) 2014:12. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474217071* *9780415883658* 青銅器時代イベリアの考古学 Jimenez, Gonzalo Aranda/Subías, Sandra Montón/ Romero, Margarita Sánchez The Archaeology of Bronze Age Iberia: Argaric Societies (Routledge Studies in Archaeology) 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138821330* ティーターンの時代:偉大なるヘレニズム期の海軍の 盛衰 Murray, William M. The Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies (Onassis Series in Hellenic Culture) 2014:9. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199382255* カティリナ 古代ギリシア・ローマ世界の都市 Levick, Barbara Catiline (Ancients in Action) 2015:3. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Owens, E. J. The City in the Greek and Roman World 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472534897* Martin, Luther H. The Mind of Mithraists: Historical and Cognitive ;<+*|=+>;!^! Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation) 2014:11. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472584199* 考古学的視点からみたマヤ文明の経済 McAnany, Patricia A. Ancestral Maya Economies in Archaeological Perspective 2014:11. 392 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 38 *9781138834217* ミトラ教の歴史的・認知的研究 *9781107436015* Ray, Himanshu Prabha (ed.) Negotiating Cultural Identity: Landscapes in Early Medieval South Asian History (Archaeology and Religion) 2014:10. 284 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138822528* 古代の地理学:ギリシャ・ローマ帝国における世界 の発見 Roller, Duane W. Ancient Geography: The Discovery of the World in Classical Greece and Rome (Library of Classical Studies) 2015:4. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784530761* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 グラックス兄弟からネロまで:紀元前133年から西暦 68 年までのローマの歴史 疑似封建制 Scullard, H. H. From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome 133 BC to AD 68 (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834507* Sears, Gareth/Keegan, Peter/Laurence, Ray (eds.) Written Space in the Latin West, 200 BC to AD 300 2015:1. 312 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474217088* *9781138837270* ユスティニアヌス1世 古代世界の貿易と輸送、社会 Van Nijf, Onno/Meijer, Fik Trade, Transport and Society in the Ancient World: A Sourcebook (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 202 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826595* Moorhead, John Justinian (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836402* 悪魔の世界:異端信仰と社会 1100年 ∼ 1300年 中世史 11世紀から16 世紀における宗教と権力そして抵抗 Bollermann, Karen/Izbicki, Thomas M./Nederman, Cary J. (eds.) Religion, Power, and Resistance from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries: Playing the Heresy Card (The New Middle Ages) 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137431042* Roach, Andrew The Devil’s World: Heresy and Society 1100-1300 (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 288 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Dendle, Peter/Touwaide, Alain (eds.) Health and Healing from the Medieval Garden 2015:1. 270 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835139* 中世の記憶:男性と女性、その過去 700年 ∼ 1300年 Van-Houts, Elisabeth Medieval Memories: Men, Women and the Past, 7001300 (Women And Men In History) 2014:12. 200 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 特価 税 中世の庭の健康と癒し Jackson, Peter The Mongols and the West: 1221-1410 (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 448 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836396* モンゴル帝国と西洋 西方ラテン世界の碑銘文化 紀元前200年から西暦 300年 Hicks, M. A. Bastard Feudalism (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 240 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837522* *9781843839767* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 39 歴史学 》近代史 近代史 ルーズベルト、チャーチル、バルト三国問題:第二次 世界大戦中の連合国関係 死に物狂いの外交官:真珠湾攻撃前夜の来栖三郎回 顧録 Clifford, J. Garry/Okura, Masako R. (eds.) The Desperate Diplomat: Saburo Kurusu’s Memoir of the Weeks before Pearl Harbor 2014:10. 176 p. (Univ. of Missouri Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780826220370* 第一次世界大戦の起源 第3版 Joll, James/Martel, Gordon The Origins of the First World War, 3rd ed. (Origins Of Modern Wars) 2014:12. 360 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837492* 非西洋世界における工業化 第2版 Kemp, Tom Industrialisation in the Non-Western World, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 272 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836198* 戦火に包まれる世界:ヨーロッパおよびアジアにおけ る第二次世界大戦小史 Kitchen, Martin A World in Flames: A Short History of the Second World War in Europe and Asia 1939-1945 2014:12. 392 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836211* 第一次世界大戦の起源:議論と総意 Mombauer, Annika The Origins of the First World War: Controversies and Consensus (Making History) 2014:12. 272 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 40 Piirimäe, Kaarel Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Baltic Question: Allied Relations during the Second World War (The World of the Roosevelts) 2014:9. 276 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137442369* 第一次世界大戦を思い出せ Ziino, Bart (ed.) Remembering the First World War (Remembering the Modern World) 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415856287* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415856324* ヨーロッパ史 ナポレオンの大陸封鎖令再考:地方と地域そして ヨーロッパの経験 Aaslestad, Katherine B./Joor, Johan (eds.) Revisiting Napoleon’s Continental System: Local, Regional and European Experiences (War, Culture and Society, 1750-1850) 2014:10. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137345561* ★ 列強とヨーロッパ国家系 1814年 ∼ 1914年 第2版 Bridge, Roy/Bullen, Roger The Great Powers and the European States System 1814-1914, 2nd ed. (The Modern European State System) 2014:12. 376 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837140* *9781138836631* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 中世ヨーロッパ史 第3版 中世ヨーロッパ史 400年 ∼ 1500年 Davis, R. H. C. A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint Louis, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 496 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Koenigsberger, H. G. Medieval Europe 400-1500 (Koenigsberger and Briggs History of Europe) 2014:12. 416 p., First published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837515* 中世のフランドル地方 共同体の財産:ルネッサンス期のロンバルディアに おける戦争と資源、協力体制 Di Tullio, Matteo The Wealth of Communities: War, Resources and Cooperation in the Renaissance Lombardy 2014:12. 228 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472442468* Ford, Franklin L. Europe 1780-1830, 2nd ed. (General History of Europe) 2014:12. 496 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835948* *9781138836167* Ortega, Stephen Negotiating Transcultural Relations in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Ottoman-Venetian Encounters (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700) 2014:10. 212 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409428589* カロリング帝国における王族の姻戚関係 グラントとテンパリー「19 世紀のヨーロッパ史 1789年 ∼ 1905年」 第7版 Grant, Arthur James/Temperley, H.W.V./Ramm, Agatha Grant and Temperley’s Europe in the Nineteenth Century 1789-1905, 7th ed. 2014:12. 440 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837065* Oxenham, Helen Royal Marriage Alliances in the Carolingian Empire (Studies in Early Medieval History) 2015:6. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 19 世紀のヨーロッパ史 Hearder, Harry Europe in the Nineteenth Century (General History of Europe) 2014:12. 512 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835931* *9781472586834* ヨーロッパ史 1880年 ∼ 1945年 第3版 Roberts, J. M. Europe 1880-1945, 3rd ed. (General History of Europe) 2014:12. 544 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781472586827* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 近世地中海世界における異文化間交流:オスマン・ トルコとベネチアの出会い ヨーロッパ史 1780年 ∼ 1830年 第2版 Nicholas, David M. Medieval Flanders 2014:12. 480 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835399* *9781138836822* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 41 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 中世初期ヨーロッパ 300年 ∼ 1050年:西洋社会 の誕生 Rollason, David Early Medieval Europe 300-1050: The Birth of Western Society 2014:12. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835603* ガブリエル・プチ:第一次世界大戦における女性ス パイの生涯と死 Schaepdrijver, Sophie De Gabrielle Petit: The Death and Life of a Female Spy in the First World War 2015:1. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472590879* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472590862* 平和とお金:ロシア皇帝と人民委員会の提供するフラ ンス金融とイギリス金融 Siegel, Jennifer For Peace and Money: French and British Finance in the Service of Tsars and Commissars (Oxford Studies in International History) 2014:12. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199387816* ポスト産業主義の傷跡 Storm, Anna Post-Industrial Landscape Scars (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2014:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137025982* ヨーロッパにおける七年戦争:1756年 ∼ 1763年 Szabo, Franz A. J. The Seven Years War in Europe: 1756-1763 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 536 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) 42 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837508* 中世後期ヨーロッパ:1250年 ∼ 1520年 第3版 Waley, Daniel/Denley, Peter Later Medieval Europe: 1250-1520, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 372 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837188* オランダの歴史:16 世紀から現代まで Wielenga, Friso A History of the Netherlands: From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day 2015:6. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472569608* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472569592* イギリス・アイルランド史 アルフレッド大王:中世イングランドにおける戦争と 王権、文化 Abels, Richard Alfred the Great: War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 392 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836549* エドワード・ヒースの政府 1970年 ∼ 1974年 Ball, Stuart/Seldon, Anthony The Heath Government 1970-74: A Reappraisal 2014:12. 440 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835740* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 19 世紀スコットランドの警察裁判所 全 2 巻 Barrie, David G./Broomhall, Susan Police Courts in Nineteenth-Century Scotland 2015:1. 2 Vols., 820 p. (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472449689* ブラックウッド以前:啓蒙主義時代のスコットランド・ ジャーナリズム Benchimol, Alex/Brown, Rhona/Shuttleton, David (eds.) Before Blackwood’s: Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment (The Enlightenment World) 2015:2. 256 p. (Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848935501* 神の意志と帝国:イギリスおよびアイルランドの宗教、 政治と社会 1815年 ∼ 1914年 Brown, Stewart Providence and Empire: Religion, Politics and Society in Britain and Ireland, 1815-1914 (Religion, Politics and Society in Britain) 2014:12. 512 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 イギリス帝国主義:1688年 ∼ 2000年 第2版 Cain, P.J./Hopkins, A. G. British Imperialism: 1688-2000, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 784 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837003* *9781138835528* アイルランド・ディアスポラ 帝国の逆襲:70年代英国の人種と人種差別 Bielenberg, Andrew The Irish Diaspora 2014:12. 376 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism In 70’s Britain 2014:12. 324 p., First published in 1982 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835818* イギリス小史 第2版 Black, Jeremy A Short History of Britain, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586650* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586667* イギリス宗教改革の中の女性たち:ジェンダーの再考 と宗教的アイデンティティ Chappell, Julie A./Kramer, Kaley A. (eds.) Women during the English Reformations: Renegotiating Gender and Religious Identity 2014:11. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137474735* 英国王スティーブン 第3版 18世紀の町:英国都市史 1688年 ∼ 1820年 Borsay, Peter The Eighteenth-Century Town: A Reader in English Urban History 1688-1820 (Readers In English Urban History) 2014:12. 352 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834446* Davies, Ralph Henry Carless King Stephen, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837416* *9781138837430* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 43 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 スウィンギング・ロンドン:文化・社会・政治 Donnelly, Mark Sixties Britain: Culture, Society and Politics 2014:12. 264 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835269* 戦後のイギリス再建:アイデンティティと産業そして帝国 Evans, Eric The Shaping of Modern Britain: Identity, Industry and Empire 1780-1914 2014:12. 568 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835337* 第二次世界大戦における英国陸軍のコミュニケーショ ン:戦場の霧を晴らすには Godfrey, Simon British Army Communications in the Second World War: Lifting the Fog of Battle (Birmingham War Studies) 2014:11. 302 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472591333* Goldhill, Simon The Buried Life of Things: How Objects Made History in Nineteenth-Century Britain 2014:12. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107087484* エリザベス1世 第2版 Haigh, Christopher Elizabeth~<<?>^@~\~?~~ p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 44 イングランドの家族史と地方史 Hey, David Family History and Local History in England 2014:12. 296 p., First published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835962* 1800年以降のアイルランド史:紛争と調和 第2版 Hoppen, K. Theodore Ireland since 1800\|}!<|=~< ed. (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 360 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836624* 埋められた命:19 世紀イギリスの歴史は如何にして 作られたか *9781138836273* Harris, Tim Politics under the Later Stuarts\|}! in a Divided Society 1660-1715 (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 276 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 後期スチュアート朝下の政治:分割された社会におけ る党の抵抗 1660年 ∼ 1715年 *9781138837072* イングランド地方史 Hoskins, W. G./Hey, David Local History in England 2014:12. 320 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835924* 耳で聞く芸術:イギリスの説教師と聴衆 1590年 ∼ 1640年 Hunt, Arnold The Art of Hearing: English Preachers and their Audiences, 1590-1640 2015:2. 422 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107679825* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 イングランド統治:1042年 ∼ 1217年 東インド会社の歴史 Huscroft, Richard Ruling England, 1042-1217 2014:12. 264 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Lawson, Philip The East India Company: A History (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 200 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835368* エリザベス朝アイルランドにおけるカルバン主義と宗教 改革、絶対主義国家 Hutchinson, Mark A. Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland (Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World) 2015:4. 256 p. (Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848935488* 英国海賊と社会 1680年 ∼ 1730年 Lincoln, Margarette British Pirates and Society, 1680-1730 2014:11. 286 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472429933* メアリ・テューダーの治世:1553年から1558年に おけるイギリスの政治、行政と宗教 20世紀イギリスの健康と社会 Jones, Helen Health and Society in Twentieth Century Britain (Themes In British Social History) 2014:12. 208 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836457* *9781138836150* Loades, D. M. The Reign of Mary Tudor: Politics, Government and Religion in England 1553-58 2014:12. 456 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836341* 17 世紀の英欄戦争 テューダー朝とスチュアート朝:1485年 ∼ 1714年 第3版 Jones, J. R. The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Lockyer, Roger Tudor and Stuart Britain: 1485-1714, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 576 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837447* エリザベス朝時代の称号:エリザベス朝の裁判所、 行政、および教会役員の名簿 1558年 ∼ 1603年 第2版 Kinney, Arthur F. Lawson, Jane A. (ed.) Titled Elizabethans: A Directory of Elizabethan |;<|+!+=^!~< ed. (Queenship and Power) 2014:10. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837263* 中世イングランドとノルマン・コンクエスト 第2版 Loyn, H. R. Anglo Saxon England and the Norman Conquest, 2nd ed. (Social and Economic History of England) 2014:12. 456 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837485* *9781137461476* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 45 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 1066年から1272年のイギリスにおける宗教、政治、 社会 Mayr-Harting, Henry Religion, Politics and Society in Britain 10661272 (Religion, Politics and Society in Britain) 2014:12. 380 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835146* 植民地支配下の皮膚:植民地競争の中の人種とジェ ンダー、セクシュアリティ McClintock, Anne Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest 2014:12. 464 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835054* Mckinley, Richard A History of British Surnames (Approaches to Local History) 2014:12. 240 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836181* 豊かさの中の貧困:近世初期のイングランドにおける 知識形成と飢饉 Mukherjee, Ayesha Penury into Plenty: Dearth and the Making of Knowledge in Early Modern England (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) 2014:12. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138811164* O Croinin, Daibhi Early Medieval Ireland, 400-1200 (Longman History of Ireland) 2014:12. 400 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 46 *9781138835986* ブリタニアの衰退:20 世紀におけるイギリスの政策と 世界列強 第2版 Reynolds, David Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century, 2nd ed. (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 392 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835511* Rule, John The Labouring Classes in Early Industrial England, 1750-1850 (Themes In British Social History) 2014:12. 432 p., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835894* ウィリアム・ハウとアメリカ独立戦争 Smith, David William Howe and the American War of Independence (Bloomsbury Studies in Military History) 2015:3. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472585356* スランプ:イギリスの大恐慌時代 第3版 中世初期アイルランド 400年 ∼ 1200年 Pugh, Martin Lloyd George>^@~\~?~%?, First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 初期工業化時代のイングランドにおける労働者階級 1750年 ∼ 1850年 イギリスの姓の歴史 ロイド・ジョージ *9781138836716* Stevenson, John/Cook, Chris The Slump: Britain in the Great Depression, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 368 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837539* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 中世後期のイギリス貴族の女性 旧体制下のドイツ 1600年 ∼ 1790年 Ward, Jennifer English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages (The Medieval World) 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Gagliardo, John G. Germany under the Old Regime 1600-1790 2014:12. 464 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836365* *9781138835887* 外交とロジャー・マーキンズ、イギリスとアメリカの関係 第三帝国:カリスマとコミュニティ Wevill, Richard Diplomacy, Roger Makins and the Anglo-American Relationship 2014:12. 210 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Kitchen, Martin The Third Reich: Charisma and Community 2014:12. 424 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472446497* 産業革命前夜のスコットランド:1050年から1750 年 の経済社会史 Whyte, Ian D. Scotland before the Industrial Revolution: An Economic and Social History c.1050-c. 1750 (Longman Economic and Social History of Britain) 2014:12. 416 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836297* ヴィルヘルム2世 Clark, Christopher Kaiser Wilhelm II>^@~\~?~ p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836808* プロイセンの台頭 1700年 ∼ 1830年 Dwyer, Philip G. The Rise of Prussia 1700-1830 2014:12. 336 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ビスマルク Lerman, Katharine Bismarck>^@~\~?~%?, First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835375* ドイツ史 1914年 ∼ 1933年:政治、社会、文化 Stibbe, Matthew Germany, 1914-1933: Politics, Society and Culture 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ドイツ・オーストリア・スイス史 *9781138836952* *9781138836655* フランス史 フランスとイギリス 1900年 ∼ 1940年:協定と離別 Bell, P. M. H. France and Britain, 1900-1940: Entente and Estrangement 2014:12. 288 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835719* *9781138837645* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 47 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 南欧史 アンリ4世治世のフランス:安定のための戦い 第2版 Greengrass, Mark France in the Age of Henri IV: The Struggle for Stability, 2nd ed. (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 344 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836051* ギリシャ内戦 Close, David H. The Greek Civil War (Origins Of Modern Wars) 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 リシュリュー Knecht, R. J. Richelieu>^@~\~?~~%?, First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835863* ルイ14 世の戦争 1667年 ∼ 1714年 Lynn, John A. The Wars of Louis XIV 1667-1714 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 440 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836556* 同性愛の父:19 世紀における同性への欲望という言説 Schultz, Gretchen Sapphic Fathers: Discourses of Same-Sex Desire from Nineteenth-Century France (University of Toronto Romance) 2014:12. 320 p. (Univ. of Toronto Pr., CAN) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781442646728* ドゴール Shennan, Andrew De Gaulle>^@~\~?~%?, First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837379* イタリアの戦争と独立の起源 Coppa, Frank J. The Origins of the Italian Wars of Independence (Origins Of Modern Wars) 2014:12., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836266* スペインとイタリア関係と強国の影響 1943年 ∼ 1957年 Del Hierro Lecea, Pablo "% Major Powers, 1943-1957>;!|}!< Cooperation in the Contemporary World) 2014:11. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137448668* 突然死:18 世紀ローマにおける医学と宗教 Donato, Maria Pia Sudden Death: Medicine and Religion in Eighteenth-Century Rome (The History of Medicine in Context) 2014:11. 240 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472418739* カヴール Hearder, Harry Cavour>^@~\~?~~%?, First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 48 *9781138836426* *9781138837386* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 中世イベリア半島における友好関係 Scorpo, Antonella Liuzzo Friendship in Medieval Iberia: Historical, Legal and Literary Perspectives 2014:11. 256 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472412027* インディオのグローバル化:16世紀スペインにおける 正義のための先住民闘争 van Deusen, Nancy E. Global Indios: The Indigenous Struggle for Justice in Sixteenth-Century Spain (Narrating Native Histories) 2015:4. 360 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822358473* *9780822358589* イタリア都市共和国 Waley, Daniel Philip/Dean, Trevor The Italian City Republics, 4th ed. 2014:12. 268 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835238* 北欧史 Hiden, John/Salmon, Patrick The Baltic Nations and Europe: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Twentieth Century 2014:12. 240 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837300* 近世の北ヨーロッパ:バルト諸国の世界 1492年 ∼ 1772年 Kirby, David Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period: ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138836143* ローマの反射:北ヨーロッパにおける鉄器時代から ヴァイキング時代 Randsborg, Klavs ""%: Iron Age to Viking Age in Northern Europe (Debates in Archaeology) 2015:1. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472579539* 東欧史 ヨーゼフ 2 世 Blanning, T. C. W. Joseph II>^@~\~?~%?, First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836334* 1945年以降の中央ヨーロッパ Lewis, Paul G. Central Europe Since 1945 (The Postwar World) 2014:12. 352 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 バルト諸国とヨーロッパ:20世紀のエストニア、ラト ビア、リトアニア ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 The Baltic World 1492-1772 2014:12. 456 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836242* ロシア史 ロシア絶対主義の台頭 1613年 ∼ 1801年 第2版 Dukes, Paul The Making of Russian Absolutism 1613-1801, 2nd ed. (Longman History of Russia) 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836136* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 49 歴史学 》ロシア史 ソビエト連邦の隆盛と衰退 第3版 Mccauley, Martin The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 3rd ed. (Longman History of Russia) 2014:12. 552 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837584* ロシアの戦争 1460年 ∼ 1730年 Stevens, Carol Russia’s Wars of Emergence 1460-1730 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 352 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836761* ロシア革命の起源 Swain, Geoffrey The Origins of the Russian Civil War (Origins Of Modern Wars) 2014:12. 312 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837454* 北米史 野球の反トラスト法適用除外史 Banner, Stuart The Baseball Trust: A History of Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption 2014:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199389728* 時が我らを変えた:新共和国とアメリカ先住民の接触 Carpenter, Roger M. Times Are Altered with Us: American Indians from Contact to the New Republic (The American History Series) 2014:12. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 50 *9781118733240* 初めての南極の夜 1898年 ∼ 1899年:ベルギー付 近で発見された未知の土地と南極の知られざる海の 航海の物語 Cook, Frederick A. Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899: A Narrative of the Voyage of the Belgica among Newly Discovered Lands and over an Unknown Sea about the South Pole (Cambridge Library Collection Polar Exploration) 2014:11. 658 p., First published in 1990 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781108076746* 自由の甘美な土地?:20世紀における市民権のため のアフリカ系アメリカ人の闘争 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118733257* Cook, Robert Sweet Land of Liberty?: The African-American Struggle for Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Studies In Modern History) 2014:12. 336 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837607* トマス・ペインのアメリカ:初期共和国における大西 洋の改革主義の隆盛と衰退 Cotlar, Seth Tom Paine’s America: The Rise and Fall of Transatlantic Radicalism in the Early Republic (Jeffersonian America) 2014:9. 288 p. (Univ. of Virginia Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780813936499* リンカーンのジレンマ:南北戦争時代のブレア、サム ナー、そして人種差別と共闘の上にある共和党の闘争 Escott, Paul D. Lincoln’s Dilemma: Blair, Sumner, and the Republican Struggle over Racism and Equality in the Civil War Era (Nation Divided: Studies in the Civil War Era) 2014:8. 288 p. (Univ. of Virginia Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780813936192* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 冷戦期のアメリカ外交歴史辞典 Folly, Martin Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy during the Cold War (Historical Dictionaries of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations) 2014:11. 496 p. (Scarecrow Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780810856059* 爆弾に対抗するアフリカ系アメリカ人:核兵器、植民 地主義、そして黒人の自由運動 Intondi, Vincent J. African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement 2014:12. 224 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804789424* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792752* Lee, Jonathan H. X. History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots 2015:1. 215 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780313384585* マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア 第2版 Ling, Peter J. Martin Luther King, Jr., 2nd ed. (Routledge Historical Biographies) 2015:3. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138781610* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138781634* 米西戦争 1895年 ∼ 1902年 Smith, Joseph The Spanish-American War 1895-1902\|}! +|<+!^!>< ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138837423* アメリカ南北戦争:州別百科事典 全2巻 Tucker, Spencer C. (ed.) American Civil War: A State-by-State Encyclopedia 2015:3. 2 Vols., 781 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781598845280* 家族群像と私書 $ =^||mens, Susy A Family Sketch and Other Private Writings (Jumping Frogs: Undiscovered, Rediscovered, and Celebrated Writings of Mark Twain, Vol. 5) 2014:11. 200 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520280731* アジア系アメリカ人の歴史 Perspective) 2014:12. 272 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 多国籍国家:1789年以降のグローバルな視点による 合衆国の歴史 第2版 Tyrrell, Ian Transnational Nation: United States History in Global Perspective since 1789, 2nd ed. 2015:2. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137338532* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137338549* 女性のジレンマ:マーシー・オーティス・ワーレンと アメリカ独立戦争 Zagarri, Rosemarie A Woman’s Dilemma: Mercy Otis Warren and the American Revolution, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 216 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118775011* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 51 歴史学 》ラテンアメリカ史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ラテンアメリカ史 ラテンアメリカの近代化および都市化と開発 Almandoz, Arturo Modernization, Urbanization and Development in Latin America, 1900s-2000s (Planning, History and Environment Series) 2014:10. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415521529* Leonard, Thomas M. Historical Dictionary of Panama 2014:11. 368 p. (Scarecrow Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780810878341* 日本史 *9780415643566* 近代中国 第3版 Moise, Edwin E. Modern China, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 296 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836785* ★ 日本統治時代の台湾:植民地支配と財産 争い Morris, Andrew D. (ed.) Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy (SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan) 2015:6. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472576729* See also Hoppens, Robert James, The China Problem in Postwar Japan, !"$( ...................................................................p162 , 1353 東アジア史 戦時中の中国 1901年 ∼ 1949年 Dreyer, Edward L. China at War 1901-1949 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 432 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) 52 Filipiak, Kai (ed.) Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History: From Ancient China to the Communist Takeover (Asian States and Empires) 2014:12. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 アジア史 中国史における政軍関係:古代中国から共産主義政 権まで パナマ歴史辞典 *9781138836310* 上海青年動員:中国共産党(CCP)および中国語国 民党(GMD)の国際主義と日本の協力 Mulready-Stone, Kristin Mobilizing Shanghai Youth: CCP Internationalism, GMD Nationalism and Japanese Collaboration (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2014:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138779853* 現代中国の視覚文化 Tang, Xiaobing Visual Culture in Contemporary China: Paradigms and Shifts 2014:12. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107084391* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107446373* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 南アジア史 中東史 イラク小史 第2版 インドにおける都市化および社会の変化、市民権: アーメダバードの 1900年代 ∼ 2000年代 Bobbio, Tommaso Urbanisation, Social Change and Citizenship in India: Ahmedabad 1900s-2000s (Royal Asiatic Society Books) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415722445* Dalmia, Vasudha/Faruqui, Munis D. (eds.) Religious Interactions in Mughal India 2014:11. 424 p. (Oxford U.P., India, IND) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780198081678* *9781138837614* サウジアラビアの歴史 第2版 ムハンマド・アリー・ジンナーのパキスタン:国家の 形成と課題 Dar, Farooq Ahmad Jinnah’s Pakistan: Formation and Challenges of a State 2014:10. 460 p. (Oxford U.P., Pakistan Branch, PAK) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780199066353* Bowen, Wayne H. (ed.) The History of Saudi Arabia, 2nd ed. (The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations) 2014:12. 196 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610698764* 南インドのガンジーのような非暴力闘争と不可触民: 1924年 ∼ 1925年のバイコムのサチャグラハと変化 のメカニズム King, Mary Elizabeth Gandhian Nonviolent Struggle and Untouchability in South India: The 1924-25 Vykom Satyagraha and Mechanisms of Change 2014:10. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., India, IND) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780199452668* アフガニスタン:1980年以降のアイデンティティと社 会、政治 Centlivres-Demont, Micheline Afghanistan: Identity, Society and Politics Since 1980 (Library of Modern Middle East Studies, Vol. 165) 2014:12. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784530815* イランとロシアの接触:1800年代からの帝国と革命 インド北東部:アイデンティティ運動、国家、市民社会 Misra, Udayon India’s North-East: Identity Movements, State, and Civil Society 2014:9. 360 p. (Oxford U.P., India, IND) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Aksan, Virginia Ottoman Wars, 1700-1870: An Empire Besieged (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2014:12. 624 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835153* オスマン帝国戦争 1700 年 ∼ 1870年 ムガル帝国における宗教的交流 Abdullah, Thabit A Short History of Iraq, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Cronin, Stephanie (ed.) Iranian-Russian Encounters: Empires and Revolutions since 1800 (Iranian Studies) 2014:9. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832268* *9780198099116* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 53 歴史学 》中東史 トルコ語と文学そして歴史:8 世紀以降の旅行者の物 語と皇帝、学者 帝国主義と福音主義およびオスマン帝国のアルメニア人 1878年 ∼ 1896年 Hickman, Bill/Leiser, Gary (eds.) Turkish Language, Literaure and History: Travellers’ Tales, Sultans and Scholars Since the Eighth Century (Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Salt, Jeremy Imperialism, Evangelism and the Ottoman Armenians, 1878-1896 2014:9. 188 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138808188* *9781138832213* 近代中近東の形成 1792年 ∼ 1923年 十字軍の時代:11 世紀から1517年の中近東 Holt, P. M. The Age of the Crusades: The Near East from the Eleventh Century to 1517 (A History of the Near East) 2014:12. 264 p., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Yapp, Malcolm The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923 (A History of the Near East) 2014:12. 416 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835917* *9781138837638* アフリカ史 壮麗帝スレイマン1世とその時代:近世世界のオスマ ン帝国 Kunt, Metin/Woodhead, Christine < : The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World 2014:12. 232 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836259* !^"< Ataturk>^@~\~?~~%?, First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836471* フランス委任統治下のシリア占領:反乱とその期間、 国家形成 Neep, Daniel Occupying Syria under the French Mandate: Insurgency, Space and State Formation (Cambridge Middle East Studies, Vol. 38) 2014:11. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 54 平和国家の構築:ジュリウス・ニエレレとタンザニア の主権の確立 1960年 ∼ 1964年 Bjerk, Paul Building a Peaceful Nation: Julius Nyerere and the Establishment of Sovereignty in Tanzania, 19601964 (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora) 2015:2. 388 p. (Univ. of Rochester Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 トルコ初代大統領アタテュルク *9781580465052* ナイジェリアのペンテコステ運動 Wariboko, Nimi Nigerian Pentecostalism (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora) 2014:12. 372 p. (Univ. of Rochester Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781580464901* *9781107435919* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 軍事史 各種テーマ史 科学史 30年後:フォークランド紛争の問題と解説 気候と科学そして植民:オーストラリアとニュージーラ ンドの歴史 Beattie, James/Henry, Matthew/O'Gorman, Emily (eds.) Climate, Science, and Colonization: Histories from Australia and New Zealand (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2014:9. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137333926* 20世紀科学の創生:如何にして理論は知識となったか Brush, Stephen G. Making 20th Century Science: How Theories Became Knowledge 2015:1. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781472425003* 第一次世界大戦 Purdue, A. W. The First World War (European History in Perspective) 2014:12. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137331069* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137331052* 文化・社会史 知的財産と文化財、無形文化遺産 ガリレオは何を見た:科学革命の創造 Lipking, Lawrence What Galileo Saw\{{+;!^!*lution 2014:10. 336 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780801452970* レンズ、実験室、風景:近代スペインの観察 Schaefer, Claudia Lens, Laboratory, Landscape: Observing Modern Spain (SUNY series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture) 2014:9. 254 p. (State University of New York Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781438452739* Antons, Christoph/Logan, William (eds.) Intellectual Property, Cultural Property and Intangible Cultural Heritage (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage) 2015:6. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199978151* Berbéri, Carine/O'Brien Castro, Monia (eds.) 30 Years After: Issues and Representations of the Falklands War 2015:1. 170 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138793620* 空間と場所、そしてジェンダー・アイデンティティ: フェミニストの歴史と空間の回転 Beebe, Kathryne/Davis, Angela (eds.) Space, Place and Gendered Identities: Feminist History and the Spatial Turn 2015:1. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138793613* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830493* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 55 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 女性史再考:女性史ネットワークの20年 Bland, Lucy/Rowold, Katharina (eds.) Reconsidering Women’s History: Twenty years of the Women’s History Network 2014:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826359* 大西洋の向こうのヒスパニック・バロック:大西洋世 界における複雑なアイデンティティ Braun, Harald E./Pérez-Magallón, Jesús (eds.) The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World 2014:12. 330 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472427502* 農奴制と奴隷:合法的な屈従の研究 Bush, M. L. Serfdom and Slavery: Studies in Legal Bondage 2014:12. 368 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835764* Hall, Mirko M. Musical Revolutions in German Culture: Musicking against the Grain, 1800-1980 (Studies in European Culture and History) 2014:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137453365* アメリカ労働組合の終焉:労働権運動と団体交渉の 崩壊 Hogler, Raymond L. The End of American Labor Unions: The Rightto-Work Movement and the Erosion of Collective Bargaining 2015:2. 164 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 56 Niergarth, Kirk The Dignity of Every Human Being: New Brunswick Artists and Canadian Culture between the Great Depression and the Cold War (Canadian Social History) 2015:1. 352 p. (Univ. of Toronto Pr., CAN) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 全人類の尊厳:冷戦および大恐慌時代間のニューブ ランズウィックの芸術家とカナダ文化 *9781442645608* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781442613898* 人種のプリズム:W・E・B・デュボイス、クロード・マッ ケイ、ラングストン・ヒューズ、ポール・ロブスンとセ ドリック・ドーバーの色とりどりの世界 Slate, Nico The Prism of Race: W.E.B. Du Bois, Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, and the Colored World of Cedric Dover 2014:12. 260 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137484093* アメリカ公民権運動の歴史 Warren, Robert Penn Who Speaks for the Negro? 2014:9. 488 p., First published in 1965 (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300205107* イスラーム史 Mohammad Poor, Daryoush Authority without Territory: The Aga Khan Development Network and the Ismaili Imamate (Literatures and Cultures of the Islamic World) 2014:9. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137428790* *9781440832390* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 Rosenthal, Franz Gutas, Dimitri (ed.) Man Versus Society in Medieval Islam (Brill Classics in Islam, 7) 2014:8. 1140 p. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004270886* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 Holloway, Lewis/Hubbard, Phil People and Place: The Extraordinary Geographies of Everyday Life 2014:12. 296 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Morris, A. E. J. History of Urban Form Before the Industrial Revolution, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 456 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836594* Rennell, James Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia: Accompanied with an Atlas of Maps (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel, Middle East and Asia Minor) 2014:9. 2 Vols., 890 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781108072120* Rosen, Mark The Mapping of Power in Renaissance Italy: Painted Cartographic Cycles in Social and Intellectual Context 2014:12. 318 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Harvey, David/Perry, Jim (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage) 2015:3. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138781832* *9781138781849* Levin, Iris Migration, Settlement, and the Concepts of House and Home (Routledge Advances in Geography) 2014:11. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138791503* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107067035* Gillespie, Kathryn A./Collard, Rosemary-Claire (eds.) Critical Animal Geographies: Politics, Intersections and Hierarchies in a Multispecies World (Routledge Human-Animal Studies Series) 2015:1. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835481* 文化・社会地理学 産業革命以前の都市形態史 第3版 *9781138836679* Winchester, Hilary P. M. Landscapes: Ways of Imagining the World (Insights Into Human Geography) 2014:12. 216 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415720687* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 57 人文地理学 》経済地理学 経済地理学 Dicken, Peter Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, 7th ed. 2015:2. 596 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462519552* 政治地理学 Foster, Russell Mapping European Empire: Tabulae Imperii Europaei (Critical European Studies) 2015:3. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138819214* Threats and Containing Bodies in Somalia 2014:10. 212 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Jones, Rhys Dafydd/Robinson, James/Turner, Jennifer (eds.) The Politics of Hiding, Invisibility, and Silence: Between Absence and Presence 2014:12. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830561* Sage, Daniel D. How Outer Space Made America: Geography, Organization and the Cosmic Sublime 2014:11. 192 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137434227* 海賊行為の政治地理学 *9781472423665* Gilmer, Brittany Political Geographies of Piracy: Constructing 芸 術 参考図書 Cirlot, J. C. Dictionary of Symbols (Routledge Dictionaries) 2014:12. 508 p., First published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834170* 美術館学・博物館学 Paddon, Hannah Redisplaying Museum Collections: Contemporary Display and Interpretation in British Museums 2014:11. 184 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 58 美術史・美術理論 Heldenstein, Josef/Newland, Joseph N. (eds.) Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence (Menil Collection) 2014:12. 352 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300208801* Hewison, Robert New Approaches to Ruskin: Thirteen Essays (Routledge Revivals) 2014:9. 230 p., First published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830592* *9781409447078* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 Marienberg, Sabine/Trabant, Jurgen (eds.) Bildakt at the Warburg Institute (Actus et Imago, Vol. 12) 2014:10. 256 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110364637* Wrigley, Richard (ed.) The Flâneur Abroad: Historical and International Perspectives 2014:8. 386 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443860161* Homburg, Cornelia Neo-Impressionism and the Dream of Realities: Painting, Poetry, Music (Phillips Collection ) 2014:11. 208 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300190830* ★ ダンテ・ゲイブリエル・ロセッティ書簡集 全 10 巻 Lewis, Roger C./Cowan, Jane The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 2015:3. 10 Vols. (D.S. Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781843843979* Oxford版 ギリシア・ローマ美術・建築ハンドブック Marconi, Clemente (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (Oxford Handbooks in Classics and Ancient History) 2014:11. 728 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781409468325* ミケランジェロの『ダヴィデ像』 Paoletti, John T. Michelangelo’s David: Florentine History and Civic Identity 2015:1. 404 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107043596* 現代美術 西洋美術 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199783304* Hamill, Sarah David Smith in Two Dimensions: Photography and the Matter of Sculpture 2015:1. 272 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520280342* 1990年代のアート Schwartz, Alexandra Come as You Are: Art of the 1990s 2015:1. 176 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282889* Xu, Mianbu Peili (ed.) Rhetoric of Memory: Interpretation of China Italy Biennale 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662441268* 彫 刻 See '("(<"The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................... p37 , 0276 McCue, Maureen British Romanticism and the Reception of Italian Old Master Art, 1793-1840 (Studies in Art Historiography) 2014:11. 204 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 59 芸 術 䊂䉱䉟䊮䈱⇇ผ㩷 ో䋲Ꮞ World History of Design By Victor Margolin, )""* 2015 ᐕ 2 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 2 Vols., 1,600p., 800 b/w & 120 color images, Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4725-6928-8......... STP 395.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂105,921 / ․ଔ䎂84,737 ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781472569288* ࠺ࠩࠗࡦߩ⇇ผ ቯ ᧄᦠ㧔2 Ꮞ⚵㧕ߪ࠺ࠩࠗࡦ⎇ⓥߦ߅ߡ⪺ฬߥ Victor Margolin ᳁ߦࠃߞߡၫ╩ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅޔవผᤨઍ߆ࠄ 20 ♿ᧃ߹ߢࠍᛒߞ ߚ൮⊛ߥౝኈߣߥߞߡ߹ߔߥ⚦ޕᱧผ⊛⸃⺑ࠍ㍳ߒߡ ߅ࠅߩࡦࠗࠩ࠺ޔ⇇ผࠍᛒߞߚቯ ߢߔޕ ⼾߆ߥౝኈ ࠄࠁࠆ⇇ߩၞߣᤨઍࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߥ߇ࠄ ⚂ޔ100 ਁ⺆ߣ 1,500 ὐߩ࿑ࠍ㍳ ߒߡ߹ߔޕೋᦼߩᵢ─ო↹߿ౕ߆ࠄㄭᐕߩ⇇⊛ߥ࠺ࠩࠗࡦᢥൻߩ⊒ዷߦߚ ࠆ߹ߢޔࠕࠫࠕޔࠞࡔࠕࡦ࠹ޔਛ᧲ߦࡦࠗࠩ࠺ߩߢࠞࡈࠕޔ㑐ߔࠆᣂߚߥ㗴 ᧚߽ᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕ 㝯ജ⊛ߥቇ㓙ᕈ ℂ⊛ᐕઍ⊛▸࿐ࠍᐢߊᛒޔᷓߊ⠨ኤߒߚᧄᦠߪࡦࠗࠩ࠺ޔผߛߌߢߥ ߊޔᱧผ␠ޔળቇⴚ⟤ޔผੱޔ㘃ቇࠍ⎇ⓥߔࠆቇ↢߿ቇ⠪ߦߣߞߡߩᔅ㗇ᢥ₂ߢ ߔޔߚ߹ޕ⇇ਛߢ࠺ࠩࠗࡦߦᓥߔࠆੱ⥝ߦࡦࠗࠩ࠺ߡߒߘޔޘࠍᜬߟߔߴߡ ߩ⺒⠪ߦߣߞߡ㝯ജ⊛ߥ⾗ᢱߣߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) 60 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》建築・景観 ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 建築・景観 Abdelmonem, Mohamed Gamal The Architecture of Home in Cairo 2014:12. 320 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409445371* de Jong, Sigrid Rediscovering Architecture: Paestum in Eighteenth-Century Architectural Experience and Theory 2015:2. 352 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300195750* Doherty, Gareth/Waldheim, Charles (eds.) Is Landscape...?: Essays on the Identity of Landscape 2015:5. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138018440* *9781138018471* Fields, Darell Wayne Architecture in Black: Theory, Space and Appearance 2015:3. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Stavros, Matthew Gerald Kyoto: An Urban History of Japan’s Premodern Capital (Spacial Habitus: Making & Meaning in Asia’s Architecture) 2014:10. 224 p. (Univ. of Hawaii Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780824838799* 動乱の時代の中国建築 紀元 200年 ∼ 600年 Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil, 200600 (Spacial Habitus: Making & Meaning in Asia’s Architecture) 2014:11. 560 p. (Univ. of Hawaii Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780824838225* Temple, Nicholas/Hendrix, John Shannon/Frost, Christian (eds.) Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: Tracing Relationships between Medieval Concepts of Order and Built Form 2014:11. 236 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472567031* *9781472412751* 音 楽 Jones, Kay Bea Suspending Modernity: The Architecture of Franco Albini (Ashgate Studies in Architecture) 2014:11. 304 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 京都の都市史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199065103* *9781472427281* *9781472443410* パキスタンにおけるイスラム建築 Shaikh, Khurshid Hasan Muslim Architecture in Pakistan: Aspects of Public Welfare 2014:10. 284 p. (Oxford U.P., Pakistan Branch, PAK) ★印はお薦めタイトル Dunn, Leslie C./Larson, Katherine R. (eds.) Gender and Song in Early Modern England (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2014:11. 236 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Kim, Hyun-Ah The Renaissance Ethics of Music: Singing, Contemplation and Musica Humana (Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World) 2015:2. 256 p. (Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd., GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 61 芸 術 》音 楽 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848935495* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Leonard, Kendra Preston Louise Talma: A Life in Composition 2014:11. 276 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472416438* McGuire Jennings, Lauren Senza Vestimenta: The Literary Tradition of Trecento Song (Music and Material Culture) 2014:11. 312 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472418883* 舞台芸術 Cesare Schotzko, T. Nikki Learning How to Fall: Art and Culture after September 11 2014:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138796881* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138796898* Fox, Alice/Macpherson, Hannah Inclusive Arts Practice 2015:1. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841000* 19世紀ロシアのオペラにおけるナショナリズムとコス モポリタニズム Helmers, Rutger Not Russian Enough?: Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth-Century Russian Opera (Eastman Studies in Music) 2014:12. 246 p. (Univ. of Rochester Press, USA) 62 Butters, Gerald R., Jr. From SWEETBACK to SUPER FLY: Race and Film Audiences in Chicago’s Loop 2014:11. 256 p. (Univ. of Missouri Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780826220363* Caughie, John Theories of Authorship 2014:12. 328 p., First published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837119* Kleineke-Bates, Iris Victorians on Screen: The Nineteenth Century on British Television, 1995-2005 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230363342* Palmer, Tim Irreversible (Controversies) 2014:12. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840997* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 映 像 *9781580465007* *9780230336971* 写 真 Wells, Liz (ed.) Photography: A Critical Introduction, 5th ed. 2015:1. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415854283* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415854290* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文学一般 文 学 2 0 世紀・現代 文学一般 Aharoni, Ron Mathematics, Poetry and Beauty 2014:12. 300 p. ><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814602938* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814602945* *9781138825598* O'Malley, Seamus Making History New: Modernism and Historical Narrative 2014:11. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 文学史 中世・ルネサンス期 Tracy, Larissa Torture and Brutality in Medieval Literature: Negotiations of National Identity 2015:1. 336 p. (D.S. Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Forsas-Scott, Helena Textual Liberation: European Feminist Writing in the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 342 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781843843931* Roberts, Neil Narrative and Voice in Postwar Poetry (Longman Studies In Twentieth Century Literature) 2014:12. 216 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 1 8 世紀 *9780199364237* *9781138836501* Wilputte, Earla Passion and Language in Eighteenth-Century Literature: The Aesthetic Sublime in the Work of Eliza Haywood, Aaron Hill, and Martha Fowke 2014:9. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137442048* *9780190207335* 1 9 世紀 Hall, Dewey W. Romantic Naturalists, Early Environmentalists: An Ecocritical Study, 1789-1912 2014:10. 240 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Rogers, Gayle Modernism and the New Spain: Britain, Cosmopolitan Europe, and Literary History (Modernist Literature and Culture) 2014:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Rubery, Matthew (ed.) Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2014:9. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833371* *9781409422648* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 63 文 学 》文学史 Schwenger, Peter Phallic Critiques: Masculinity and Twentieth-Century Literature (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 172 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830189* 文芸批評・理論 Azim, Firdous The Colonial Rise of the Novel 2014:12. 264 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834088* Boje, David M./Henderson, Tonya L. (eds.) Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative 2014:9. 510 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443862042* Brooker, Peter/Widdowson, Peter A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory 2014:12. 512 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835702* Chalk, Bridget T. Modernism and Mobility: The Passport and Cosmopolitan Experience 2014:10. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137439826* Collins, Christopher Paleopoetics: The Evolution of the Preliterate Imagination 2014:11. 272 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 64 *9780231160933* Culler, Jonathan On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 320 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834415* Di Leo, Jeffrey R. (ed.) Criticism after Critique: Aesthetics, Literature, and the Political 2014:9. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137428769* Ellmann, Maud Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism (Longman Critical Readers) 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835993* Ghosh, Ranjan Transcultural Poetics and the Concept of the Poet: From Philip Sidney to T.S. Eliot (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2014:11. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826311* Hart, Jonathan (ed.) Imagining Culture: Essays in Early Modern History and Literature (Routledge Revivals) 2014:11. 262 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832787* Jackson, Rosemary Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion (New Accents) 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837126* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 Kaiser, Birgit Mara (ed.) Singularity and Transnational Poetics (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2014:12. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138775787* Kittler, Friedrich A. The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence 2014:9. 400 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804790680* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792547* *9781138836372* Seltzer, Mark Bodies and Machines (Routledge Revivals) 2014:8. 236 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829503* Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty In Other Worlds: Essays In Cultural Politics (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 440 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835030* Korte, Barbara/Regard, Frédéric (eds.) Narrating Poverty and Precarity in Britain >||}!?@~\?~~%?>?< Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Westphal, Bertrand Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces 2015:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9783110367935* *9781137479945* 文学のジャンル 旅行記・探検紀 現代小説の読書理論 McNally, Lisa Reading Theories in Contemporary Fiction 2014:10. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472589729* Moore-Gilbert, Bart/Stanton, Gareth/Maley, Willy Postcolonial Criticism (Longman Critical Readers) 2014:12. 312 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836525* Mulhern, Francis Contemporary Marxist Literary Criticism (Longman Critical Readers) 2014:12. 280 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル de Nerval, Gerard The Women of Cairo (Volume I): Scenes of Life in the Orient (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 284 p., First published in 1929 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826748* de Nerval, Gerard The Women of Cairo (Volume II): Scenes of Life in the Orient (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 402 p., First published in 1929 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138827158* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 65 文 学 》文学のジャンル 児童文学 Applebaum, Noga Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2014:9. 198 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828384* ★ 現代児童文学入門 第2版 Butler, Catherine/Reynolds, Kimberley (eds.) Modern Children’s Literature: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137364715* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137357458* Jenkins, Elwyn National Character in South African English Children’s Literature (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2014:9. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833326* Mills, Claudia (ed.) Ethics and Children’s Literature (Ashgate Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present) 2014:11. 278 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472440723* 中国とアメリカ児童文学における子どもの描写 Nelson, Claudia/Morris, Rebecca (eds.) Representing Children in Chinese and U.S. Children’s Literature (Ashgate Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present) 2014:11. 250 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 66 *9781472424211* ^{? History Repeating Itself: The Republication of Children’s Historical Literature and the Christian Right (Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book) 2014:10. 328 p. (Univ. of Massachusetts Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781625341235* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781625341242* Thomson-Wohlgemuth, Gaby Translation Under State Control: Books for Young People in the German Democratic Republic (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2014:9. 260 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828391* Zipes, Jack Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834804* その他の文学ジャンル Kalmin, Richard Migrating Tales: The Talmud’s Narratives and Their Historical Context 2014:9. 312 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520277250* Punter, David The Literature of Terror: Volume 2: The Modern Gothic, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 248 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835757* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》古典文学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 古典文学 Amato, Eugenio/Citti, Francesco/Huelsenbeck, Bart (eds.) Law and Ethics in Greek and Roman Declamation (Law & Literature, Vol. 10) 2015:2. 310 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110401783* Brock, Roger Greek Political Imagery from Homer to Aristotle 2014:11. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Taplin, Oliver Greek Tragedy in Action, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 232 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834200* イギリス・アイルランド文学 Kitto, H. D. F. Greek Tragedy (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834781* Gardiner, Michael The Constitution of English Literature: The State, the Nation and the Canon (The WISH List) 2015:1. 168 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474218191* Morford, Mark P. O./Lenardon, Robert J./Sham, Michael Classical Mythology, 10th ed./IE. 2014:9. 880 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199997398* Morgan, R./Stoneman, Richard (eds.) Greek Fiction 2014:12. 304 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834927* アリストパネスとギリシア喜劇 Rusten, Jeffrey S. Aristophanes and Greek Comedy (Understanding Classics) 2015:5. 192 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Nayar, Pramod K. The Transnational in English Literature: Shakespeare to the Modern 2015:6. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415840019* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781780769585* イギリス・アイルランド文学・文学史一般 ギリシア悲劇 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781472591661* *9781780769578* *9780415840026* 17 世紀 Corns, Thomas N. Regaining Paradise Lost (Longman Medieval and Renaissance Library) 2014:12. 176 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836433* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 67 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 䉟䉩䊥䉴ᢥቇ⊖⑼ౖ㩷 1660-1789 ో䋴Ꮞ The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789 By Gary H. Day, , UK and Jack Lynch, @A* 2015 ᐕ 1 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., 1,536 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4443-3020-5 ੍⚂ଔ㩷 䋨2015/02/15 ฃઃಽㄥ䋩USD 485.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂78,621 / ․ଔ䎂62,897 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ 䋨⸥એ㒠䋩USD 595.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂96,452 / ․ଔ䎂77,162 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781444330205* ᧄᦠߪ₺ޔᓳฎߩᤨઍ߆ࠄࡈࡦࠬ㕟ߩᆎ߹ࠅ߹ߢ ߦ߅ߌࠆޔṶޔࡦ࡚ࠪࠢࠖࡈޔᢥ⧓ᢥൻᛕ⹏ߩࠄ ࠁࠆ㕙ࠍ൮⊛ߦᝒ߃ߚ⊖⑼ౖߢߔᦨޕᣂ⎇ⓥ߽ขࠅ ࠇߥ߇ࠄ⪺ޔฬߥኅ߆ࠄ߹ࠅ⍮ࠄࠇߡߥኅ߹ ߢࠍࠞࡃߒߡ߹ߔᤨߩߎޔߚ߹ޕઍߩᢥቇ߿ᛕ⹏ࠍℂ ⸃ߔࠆߚߦᔅⷐߥᢙᄙߊߩ↪⺆ޔ࡞ࡦࡖࠫޔຠࠍࠊ߆ ࠅ߿ߔߊ⸃⺑ߒߡ߹ߔ⪺ޕฬߥੱ‛ࠍ⚦ߦᛒߞߚ㗄⋡߿ᦨవ┵ߩ⎇ⓥߦၮߠߊ ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢࠍ㍳ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦߩߢ߹ࠇߎઁߩߘޔࠖ࠹ࠕࡘࠪࠢ߿࠳ࡦࠚࠫޔ ⎇ⓥߩਛߢߪ߹ࠅᵈ⋡ߐࠇߡߎߥ߆ߞߚ࠹ࡑߦ߽⌕⋡ߒߡ߹ߔޕ᳞ᇕ߿⾉ᧄ ደ߆ࠄޔߢ߹࠻࠶ࠦࠬࠨ߿ࡦ࠰ࡦ࡚ࠫ࡞ࠛࡘࡒࠨޔ㍈ⷞὐߣᄙ᭽ߥ㗄⋡ߣ ߣ߽ߦߎߩᤨઍߦ㑐ߔࠆ൮⊛ߥ⊖⑼ౖߣߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ࿖㓙⊛ߢ⪺ฬߥ⎇ⓥ⠪ ߦࠃߞߡၫ╩ߐࠇߡ߅ࠅޔᒰᤨߩ⼾߆ߢᄙ᭽ߥᢥቇຠߦ㑐ߔࠆᔅ㗇⾗ᢱߢߔޕ 䋼․㐳䋾㩷 㪊㪋㪇 㗄⋡એ䉕䉝䊦䊐䉜䊔䉾䊃㗅䈮㍳䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯⚝ᒁઃ䈐䇮⋧ෳᾖᯏ⢻ઃ䈐䈪䈜䇯㩷 ࿖䉕䉒䈝䈖䈱ಽ㊁䉕‧ᒁ䈜䉎⎇ⓥ⠪䇮䉁䈢ᣂ㍈䈱⎇ⓥ⠪䈮䉋䈦䈩ၫ╩䈘䉏䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 㪈㪏 ♿䉟䉩䊥䉴ᢥቇ䉕⎇ⓥ䈜䉎ቇ↢䉇ቇ⠪䈮䈫䈦䈩䈱ᦨ䉅൮⊛䈭⾗ᢱ䈪䈜䇯㩷 ⪺ฬ䈭ኅ䈎䉌䈅䉁䉍⍮䉌䉏䈩䈇䈭䈇ኅ䉁䈪䉕䉦䊋䊷䈜䉎䈫หᤨ䈮䇮䉳䉢䊮䉻䊷䇮䉶䉪 䉲䊠䉝䊥䊁䉞䇮䈠䈱ઁ䈖䉏䉁䈪䈱⎇ⓥ䈱ਛ䈪䈲䈅䉁䉍ᵈ⋡䈘䉏䈩䈖䈭䈎䈦䈢ὐ䈮䉅⌕⋡䈚 䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 (Wiely-Blackwell, GBR) 68 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 19 世紀 Gray, Catharine/Murphy, Erin (eds.) Milton Now: Alternative Approaches and Contexts (Early Modern Cultural Studies Series) 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137383099* Potter, Lois A Preface to Milton (Preface Books) 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835870* ミルトンの政治的な散文 1644年 ∼ 1660年 Walker, William Antiformalist, Unrevolutionary, Illiberal Milton: Political Prose, 1644-1660 2014:11. 216 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472431332* *9781138792456* Gray, Beryl The Dog in the Dickensian Imagination (The Nineteenth Century Series) 2014:11. 272 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472435293* Guiccioli, Teresa My Recollections of Lord Byron: And Those of Eye-Witnesses of his Life 2014:8. 2 Vols., 940 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781108076074* Powell, Rosalind Christopher Smart’s English Lyrics: Translation in the Eighteenth Century (British Literature in Context in the Long Eighteenth Century) 2014:11. 220 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472435071* Rudy, Seth Literature and Encyclopedism in Enlightenment Britain: The Pursuit of Complete Knowledge (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print) 2014:10. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137411532* ★印はお薦めタイトル Joyce, Simon Modernism and Naturalism in British and Irish Fiction, 1880-1930 2014:11. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107083882* Dau, Duc/Preston, Shale (eds.) Queer Victorian Families: Curious Relations in Literature (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature) 2015:2. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 1 8 世紀 コールリッジとロマン主義とオリエント:文化交渉の 諸相 Vallins, David/Oishi, Kaz/Perry, Seamus (eds.) Coleridge, Romanticism and the Orient: Cultural Negotiations 2014:12. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472596512* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 69 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 Oxford 英文学における古典受容史 第4巻: 1790年 ∼ 1880年 Vance, Norman/Wallace, Jennifer (eds.) The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature: Volume 4: 1790-1880 2015:2. 752 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199594603* ヴィクトリア朝時代の小説 第2版 Wheeler, Michael English Fiction of the Victorian Period, 2nd ed. (Longman Literature In English Series) 2014:12. 312 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837331* See also >British Romanticism and the Reception of Italian Old Master Art, 1793-1840, Ashgate Pub. ..............................................p59 , 0480 20 世紀・現代 Baker, Timothy C. Contemporary Scottish Gothic: Mourning, Authenticity, and Tradition (Palgrave Gothic) 2014:10. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137457196* *9781137301123* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137301116* Hewitt, Douglas English Fiction of the Early Modern Period: 18901940 (Longman Literature In English Series) 2014:12. 288 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835900* Ho, Janice Nation and Citizenship in the Twentieth-Century British Novel 2015:1. 242 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107084469* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107446397* ジョセフ・コンラッド Roberts, Andrew Michael Joseph Conrad (Longman Critical Readers) 2014:12. 296 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836532* トマス・マグリーヴィの作品と生涯 ディラン・トマス Christie, William Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life (Literary Lives) 2014:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137322562* Schreibman, Susan (ed.) The Life and Work of Thomas MacGreevy: A Critical Reappraisal (Historicizing Modernism) 2014:11. 312 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472591296* シェイクスピアの作品と研究 テッド・ヒューズ Gifford, Terry (ed.) Ted Hughes (New Casebooks) 2014:10. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) 70 Bratchell, D. F. Shakespearean Tragedy 2014:12., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834422* *9781138834880* *9781138834026* Phipson, Emma The Animal-Lore of Shakespeare’s Time: Including Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fish and Insects (Cambridge Library Collection - Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama) 2014:12. 498 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 『リチャード二世』新評論 Lopez, Jeremy (ed.) Richard II: New Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism) 2014:10. 286 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828469* Poole, Kristen Supernatural Environments in Shakespeare’s England: Spaces of Demonism, Divinity, and Drama 2015:2. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 『マクベス』新評論 Moschovakis, Nick (ed.) Macbeth: New Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism) 2014:10. 364 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828452* Schiffer, James (ed.) Twelfth Night: New Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism) 2014:10. 286 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828476* McCoy, Richard C. Faith in Shakespeare 2015:2. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107463301* Scragg, Leah Discovering Shakespeare’s Meaning: An Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Structures 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 『十二夜』新評論 *9781108076432* *9781137438430* Hartman, Geoffrey H./Parker, Patricia (eds.) Shakespeare and the Question of Theory 2014:12. 352 p., First published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Paul, J. Gavin Shakespeare and the Imprints of Performance (History of Text Technologies) 2014:9. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190218652* Charnes, Linda Hamlet’s Heirs: Shakespeare and The Politics of a New Millennium (Accents on Shakespeare) 2014:12. 168 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837294* ★ Thomas, Vivian Shakespeare’s Political and Economic Language (Arden Shakespeare Dictionaries) 2015:1. 416 p., New in Paperback (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472573384* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 71 文 学 》アメリカ文学 アメリカ文学 アメリカ文学・文学史一般 ★ Blackwell版 アメリカ小説必携 Bendixen, Alfred (ed.) A Companion to the American Novel (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture) 2014:11. 704 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118917480* Cambridge版 アメリカのサイエンスフィクション必携 Canavan, Gerry/Link, Eric (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to American Science Fiction (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:1. 258 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107052468* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107694279* Humphries, David T. Different Dispatches: Journalism in American Modernist Prose (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory) 2014:9. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ヘンリー・ジェイムズ、オスカー・ワイルド、美的文化 Mendelssohn, Michèle Henry James, Oscar Wilde and Aesthetic Culture (Edinburgh Studies in Transatlantic Literatures) 2014:10. 328 p., New in Paperback (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 センチメンタル文学と19 世紀アメリカの宗教 Stokes, Claudia The Altar at Home: Sentimental Literature and Nineteenth-Century American Religion 2014:9. 312 p. (University of Pennsylvania Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 アメリカの詩人と詩:植民地時代から現代まで 全2巻 Gray, Jeffrey H./Balkun, Mary McAleer/McCorkle, James H. American Poets and Poetry: From the Colonial Era to the Present 2015:3. 2 Vols., 870 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610698313* 1 9 世紀 Felgar, Robert American Slavery (Historical Explorations of Literature) 2014:12. 245 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 72 Frederking, Lauretta Conklin (ed.) Hemingway on Politics and Rebellion (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2014:10. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833296* 文学作品から読み解くアメリカ奴隷制度の歴史 *9780812246377* 2 0 世紀・現代 *9780748697533* *9781138833340* *9781610696470* Gwiazda, Piotr K. US Poetry in the Age of Empire, 1979-2012 (Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics) 2014:11. 196 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137470850* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》アメリカ文学 その他の地域の文学・文学史 Keniston, Ann Overheard Voices: Address and Subjectivity in Postmodern American Poetry (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory) 2014:9. 172 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833319* Ziegler, Heide John Barth (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 96 p., First published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829916* フランス文学・文学史研究 Amberson, Deborah/Past, Elena (eds.) Thinking Italian Animals: Human and Posthuman in Modern Italian Literature and Film (Italian and Italian American Studies) 2014:9. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137454751* ベニート・ペレス・ガルドス Llewellyn, Kathleen M. Representing Judith in Early Modern French Literature (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2014:11. 160 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472435330* Whidden, Seth Authority in Crisis in French Literature, 18501880 2014:11. 192 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836020* Park, Stephen M. The Pan American Imagination: Contested Visions of the Hemisphere in Twentieth-Century Literature (New World Studies) 2014:12. 288 p. (Univ. of Virginia Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Labanyi, Jo Galdos (Modern Literatures In Perspective) 2014:12. 280 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 フランス文学 その他の地域の文学・文学史研究 *9780813936659* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780813936666* *9781472444264* 言語学 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 参考図書 ★ *9781107475908* Cambridge版 言語科学百科事典 Hogan, Patrick Colm (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences 2014:12. 1054 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 73 言語学 》理論言語学 統語論・形態論 理論言語学 Khamis-Dakwar, Reem/Froud, Karen (eds.) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVI: Papers from the annual symposium on Arabic Linguistics. New York, 2012 (Studies in Arabic Linguistics, Vol. 2) 2014:10. 314 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027200303* 類型論 Baker, Mark Case: Its Principles and its Parameters (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Vol. 146) 2015:1. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107055223* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 部分格と関連範疇 Luraghi, Silvia/Huumo, Tuomas (eds.) Partitive Cases and Related Categories (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT], Vol. 54) 2014:8. 572 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ M. ベイカー著 格 *9783110344042* 音声学・音韻論 *9781107690097* Delbecque, Nicole/Lahousse, Karen/Langendonck, Willy van (eds.) Non-Nuclear Cases (Case and Grammatical Relations Across Languages, Vol. 6) 2014:12. 317 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027228161* 意味論・語用論 Riesberg, Sonja Symmetrical Voice and Linking in Western Austronesian Languages>!^!{!? 646) 2014:8. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781614518785* Hofmann, Thomas R. Realms of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantics (Learning about Language) 2014:12. 360 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 クレオール音節構造の出現 Schramm, Mareile The Emergence of Creole Syllable Structure: A Cross-linguistic Study (Linguistische Arbeiten, Vol. 554) 2014:11. 312 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110339314* *9781138836204* ユーモアの表現 Nash, Walter The Language of Humour (English Language Series) 2014:12., First published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837317* Sell, Roger D. Literary Pragmatics (Routledge Revivals) 2014:11. 264 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 74 *9781138832718* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》理論言語学 記号論 Petrilli, Susan Sign Studies and Semioethics: Communication, Translation and Values (Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC], Vol. 13) 2014:9. 398 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781614517191* See also !/Signs In Law - A Source Book, Springer Verlag .........................................p127 , 1021 (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War) 2014:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137312556* フィンランドとスウェーデンの言語政策 Halonen, Mia/Ihalainen, Pasi/Saarinen, Taina (eds.) Language Policies in Finland and Sweden: Interdisciplinary and Multi-sited Comparisons (Multilingual Matters) 2014:11. 280 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092703* 記述言語学 歴史言語学・比較言語学 Naumkin, Vitaly/Kogan, Leonid/Cherkashin, Dmitry/Bulakh, Maria/Vizirova, Ekaterina/Gumaan alDaarhi, Isa/Isa al-Daarhi, Ahmed Corpus of Soqotri Oral Literature: Volume 1 (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, Vol. 76) 2014:10. 850 p. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004278417* 言語人類学 ★ Routledge版 言語と文化ハンドブック ;+^<><?@ The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics) 2014:12. 560 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415527019* 社会言語学 Askew, Louise/Jones, Ian P. Meeting the Language Challenges of NATO Operations: Policy, Practice and Professionalization *9781138836419* ロシア連邦とE Uにおける文化・言語マイノリティー Marten, Heiko F./Rießler, Michael/Saarikivi, Janne/ Toivanen, Reetta (eds.) Cultural and Linguistic Minorities in the Russian Federation and the European Union: Comparative Studies on Equality and Diversity (Multilingual Education, Vol. 13) 2014:12. 387 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319104546* 成人の言語教育と移住 Simpson, James/Whiteside, Anne (eds.) Adult Language Education and Migration: Challenging Agendas in Policy and Practice 2015:5. 282 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル Holmes, Janet Women, Men and Politeness (Real Language Series) 2014:12. 264 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415733595* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415733601* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 75 言語学 》記述言語学 䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆䈱⊒㆐䉲䊥䊷䉵 Developments in English as a Lingua Franca 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1016025088䇽 Edited by Jennifer Jenkins and Will Baker*% ᧄࠪ࠭ߪ⺆⧷ߩߡߒߣࠞࡦࡈࠟࡦޔ㧔ELF㧕ࠅ߹ߟޔ ㅢߩᲣ⺆ࠍᜬߚߥੱߩޘ㑆ߢߩࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦᇦߣߒߡ ߩ⧷⺆ߦ㑐ߔࠆᦨవ┵ߩ⎇ⓥ߅ࠃ߮ℂ⺰ൻࠍᛒ߁ౝኈࠍขࠅߍ ߹ߔޕ࿖㓙ൻߩㆊ⒟ߣߣ߽ߦ࿖㓙⊛ࡦࠟࡈࡦࠞߣߒߡ⧷⺆߇ ↪ߐࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅߦ⺆⧷ޔኻߔࠆવ⛔⊛ߥᆫ߿ࠕࡊࡠ࠴ ࠍᛕ್⊛ߦᬌ⸛ߔࠆᔅⷐᕈ߇߁߹ࠇ߹ߒߚ⚿ߩߘޕᨐߩߎޔಽ㊁ ߪ㕖Ᏹߦ㊀ⷐߢޔᕆㅦߦ⊒ዷߔࠆ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߣߥࠅߩ⺆⧷ߩߡߒߣࠞࡦࡈࠟࡦޔ ␠ળ⸒⺆ቇ⊛㊀ⷐᕈߣޔℂ⺰⊛ᔕ↪⸒⺆ቇ⊛㕙ߣߩਔᣇߦ㑐ࠊࠆ⎇ⓥߣߥߞߡ ߹ߔ⎇߮ࠃ߅⽎ޕⓥߣߒߡߩ ELF ߪᄙ᭽ߢᣂߒಽ㊁ߢࠅޔᵴ⊒ߥ⼏⺰ߣ ߣ߽ߦޔᕆㅦߦߘߩ㊀ⷐᕈࠍჇߒߡࠆಽ㊁ߣ߃ࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ᧄࠪ࠭ߩ⋡⊛ߪޔELF ⎇ⓥߩࡊ࠶࠻ࡈࠜࡓࠍឭଏߔࠆߎߣߢߔޕขࠅᛒ ߁ౝኈߪޔELF ߩ⸥ㅀ߿ಽᨆޔELF ߩᢎ⢒ࡆࠫࡀࠬⷰశߢߩ↪↪ߩ⺆⧷ޔ ߦ㑐ߔࠆߩ⺑ߩ⠨ኤ⺆⸒⺆⧷ޔ╷ᢎ⢒ታ〣ߣ ELF ߩ⎇ⓥޔ⇇⊛ߥ ᄙ⸒⺆ਥ⟵ߣ ELF ߥߤߢߔޕ ߹ߚޔਥ㗴ߦ㑐ㅪߒߡ⪺ޔ⠪ߪᐢ࿖㓙⊛ߥ⺒⠪ጀߦኻߒߡࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊၫ╩ ߔࠆࠃ߁᳞ࠄࠇߡ߹ߔ⎇⺆⧷ߩߡߒߣࠞࡦࡈࠟࡦߪᦠᧄޕⓥߩบߣߥࠆ ߢߒࠂ߁ޕ (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) 䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆䈮䈍䈔䉎⺋⸃㩷 㩷 Misunderstandings in English as a Lingua Franca: An Analysis of ELF Interactions in South-East Asia㩷 (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 1) By David Deterding 2013:09. 208 p. ISBN 978-3-11-028651-9 .......Hard EUR 99.95 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110286519* 76 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》記述言語学 ቇⴚ⊛䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆㩷 㩷 English as an Academic Lingua Franca: An Investigation of Form and Communicative Effectiveness (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 3) By Beyza Björkman 2013:01. 263 p. ISBN 978-3-11-027914-6.......Hard EUR 99.95 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110286519* ၞᕈ䈫䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆㩷 㩷 Communities of Practice and English as a Lingua Franca: A Study of Students in a Central European Context (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 4) By Karolina Kalocsai 2013:12. 254 p. ISBN 978-3-11-029547-4.......Hard EUR 99.95/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110295474* 䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆䈮䈍䈔䉎䊜䉺⺣㩷 㩷 Reflexively Speaking: Metadiscourse in English as a Lingua Franca (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 5) By Anna Mauranen 2016:09. 300 p. ISBN 978-3-11-028677-9.......Hard EUR 99.95/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110286779* 䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆ᢎ⢒䈱䈱ⷰ㩷 㩷 Current Perspectives on Pedagogy for English as a Lingua Franca (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 6) Edited by Yasemin Bayyurt/ Sumru Akcan 2014:12. 300 p. ISBN 978-3-11-032297-2.......Hard EUR 99.95/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110322972* 䊈䉾䊃䊪䊷䉪䈱䊥䊮䉧䊐䊤䊮䉦䈫䈚䈩䈱⧷⺆㩷 㩷 English as a Lingua Franca in Wider Networking: Blogging Practices (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca, Vol. 7) By Paola Vettorel 2014:08. 348 p. ISBN 978-3-11-032285-9.......Hard EUR 99.95/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,960 / ․ଔ䎂16,768 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9783110322859* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 77 言語学 》記述言語学 ネットワーク上のリンガフランカとしての英語 Vettorel, Paola English as a Lingua Franca in Wider Networking: Blogging Practices (Developments in English as a Lingua Franca [DELF], Vol. 7) 2014:8. 348 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110322859* 高等教育における言語政策 Vila, F. Xavier/Bretxa, Vanessa (ed.) Language Policy in Higher Education: The Case of Medium-sized Languages (Multilingual Matters) 2014:12. 232 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092758* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092741* 応用言語学 Crick, Nathan Rhetoric and Power: The Drama of Classical Greece (Studies in Rhetoric/Communication) 2014:11. 272 p. (Univ. of South Carolina Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781611173956* Walters, Shannon Rhetorical Touch\<^!%tics (Studies in Rhetoric/Communication) 2014:10. 256 p. (Univ. of South Carolina Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781611173833* 心理言語学 *9781138834774* バイリンガルの修辞的言語処理 <**?|! "?><?@ Bilingual Figurative Language Processing 2014:12. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107029545* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107609501* ★ 心理言語学 第2版 Steinberg, Danny D./Nagata, Hiroshi/ Aline, David P. Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World, 2nd ed. (Longman Linguistics Library) 2014:12. 464 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837195* 言語習得 ★ Deters, Ping/Gao, Xuesong/Miller, Elizabeth R./Vitanova, Gergana (eds.) Theorizing and Analyzing Agency in Second Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 84) 2014:12. 304 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092895* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783092888* J. エイチソン著 言葉をもった哺乳類: 心理言語学入門 Aitchison, Jean The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics (Routledge Classics) 78 2014:12. 284 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 第二言語習得理論と教授法 Eckman, Fred R./Mileham, Jean/Weber, Rita Rutkowski/Highland, Diane/Lee, Peter W. (eds.) Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy 2014:9. 344 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138839977* ★ 幼児のコミュニケーション能力 Foster-Cohen, Susan H. The Communicative Competence of Young Children: A Modular Approach (Studies in Language and Linguistics) 2014:12. 256 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835689* 教室内第二言語学習におけるメタ言語的側面 Roehr, Karen/Ganem-Gutierrez, Gabriela Adela (eds.) The Metalinguistic Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning (Advances in Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research) 2015:1. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by Native Speakers and L2 Learners 2015:1. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 言語教育・教授法 ★ Bygate, Martin/Skehan, Peter/Swain, Merrill Researching Pedagogic Tasks: Second Language Learning, Teaching, and Testing (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2014:12. 272 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474218986* ★ 中間言語再考 Selinker, Larry/Rutherford, William E. Rediscovering Interlanguage (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2014:12. 312 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ EFL 教育における発音指導 Szpyra-Kozlowska, Jolanta Pronunciation in EFL Instruction: A Research-Based Approach (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 82) 2014:11. 264 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837478* *9781783092611* 母語話者と第二言語学習者における標準中国語の声 調の知覚と生産 *9783662446447* *9781138835412* ★ Dörnyei, Zoltán/Ushioda, Ema Teaching and Researching: Motivation, 2nd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2014:12. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835559* ★ Grabe, William Peter/Stoller, Fredricka L. Teaching and Researching: Reading, 2nd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2014:12. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835566* ★ Hyland, Ken Teaching and Researching: Writing, 2nd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2014:12. 280 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837232* Yang, Bei ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 79 言語学 》応用言語学 多言語教育環境における内容重視の言語教育 東アジアの大学における英語教育と学習 Juan-Garau, Maria/Salazar-Noguera, Joana (eds.) Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments (Educational Linguistics, Vol. 23) 2014:12. 270 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Li, Lan/Qian, David D. (eds.) Teaching and Learning English in East Asian Universities: Global Visions and Local Practices 2014:9. 470 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9783319114958* 教育文法 Keck, Casey M./Kim, YouJin Pedagogical Grammar 2014:11. 243 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027212177* *9781443861410* Mattiello, Elisa The Popularisation of Business and Economic English in Online Newspapers 2014:9. 190 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861670* ቇⴚ⋡⊛䈱⧷⺆㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ English for Academic Purposes Critical Concepts in Linguistics 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 04097S0248䇽 Edited by Helen Basturkmen, "(D 2015 ᐕ 2 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., 1,442 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-0-415-71634-5....... STP 840.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂225,250 / ․ଔ䎂180,200 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9780415716345* ᧄᦠߪ⺆⧷ޔቇ⠌⠪߇㜞╬ᢎ⢒ߥߤࠕࠞ࠺ࡒ࠶ࠢߥቇ⠌ⅣႺߩਛߢ⋥㕙ߔࠆᨩ ߦὶὐࠍᒰߡޔቇⴚ⋡⊛ߩ⧷⺆ߩᜰዉᴺߣቇ⠌ߦߟߡ߽ขࠅߍࠆ߶߆⎇ޔⓥߩ 㓙ߦ↪ࠄࠇࠆ⧷⺆ߩ⒳㘃߿ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩᒻᘒߦ߽⌕⋡ߒߡ߹ߔޕ ߎߩᐲ Routledge ␠߆ࠄ ߐࠇࠆᧄᦠ㧔㧠Ꮞ⚵㧕ߪޔᢎ⢒ቇߩಽ㊁ߢߩ⎇ⓥࠍ ኻ⽎ߦߒ ߎߎޔ35 ᐕߩ㑆ߦቇⴚ⋡⊛ߩ⧷⺆ߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ߡ߈ߚᔨ߿⼏⺰ࠍขࠅ ߍ߹ߔߪᦠᧄޕ㊀ⷐߥౝኈࠍᛒ߁ߣหᤨߦ⎇ޔⓥኻ⽎߿⠨߃ᣇߩᄙ᭽ᕈࠍ␜ߒߡ ߹ߔࠍᦠᧄޕㅢߓߡ⎇ⓥߩ⊒ዷࠍㅊߥ߇ࠄޔઍߩⷞὐ߿㑐ᔃ߳ߩߟߥ߇ࠅࠍ ℂ⸃ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߢߒࠂ߁⚝ޕᒁߣ✬⠪ߦࠃࠆᣂߒᐨᢥ߇ฦᏎߦ㍳ߐࠇߡ ߅ࠅޔᓟߩ⎇ⓥߩ⊒ዷߦ↪ߥᖱႎࠍឭଏߒ߹ߔޕ (Routledge, GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) 80 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 外国語教育における社会的アイデンティティと多元的自己 ユーザー中心の翻訳 Rivers, Damian J./Houghton, Stephanie Ann (eds.) Social Identities and Multiple Selves in Foreign Language Education 2015:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Suojanen, Tytti/Koskinen, Kaisa/Tuominen, Tiina User-Centered Translation (Translation Practices Explained) 2014:12. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474218870* *9781138795495* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 See also $Multicultural Language Education, Cambridge Scholars Press .................................................................. p198 , 1646 *9781138795501* その他言語学 翻訳論・通訳論 手話における空間 Ashgate版 法定翻訳ハンドブック Cheng, Le/Sin, King Kui/Wagner, Anne (eds.) The Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation (Law, Language and Communication) 2014:12. 352 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409469667* Barberà Altimira, Gemma The Meaning of Space in Sign Language: Refer!;%!^!<;!|;{ Language Discourse (Sign Languages and Deaf Communities [SLDC], Vol. 4) 2015:1. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781614518662* 認知科学 認知哲学 Cappuccio, Massimiliano/Froese, Tom (eds.) Enactive Cognition at the Edge of Sense-Making: Making Sense of Non-Sense (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science) 2014:11. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137363350* Dolby, David (ed.) Ryle on Mind and Language (Philosophers in Depth) 2014:11. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230360938* ★印はお薦めタイトル Glover, Jonathan Alien Landscapes?: Interpreting Disordered Minds 2014:9. 448 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674368361* Stokes, Dustin/Matthen, Mohan/Biggs, Stephen (eds.) Perception and Its Modalities 2014:10. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199832798* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199832811* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 81 言語学 》認知言語学 認知言語学 Gala, Núria/Rapp, Reinhard/Bel-Enguix, Gemma (eds.) Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon (Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol. 48) 2014:11. 586 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319080420* Kemmerer, David Cognitive Neuroscience of Language 2014:11. 580 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848726215* Otero, José/León, José A./Graesser, Arthur C. (eds.) The Psychology of Science Text Comprehension 2014:9. 472 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833401* 認知心理学 *9780124201330* 作者が物語を作る時 Hogan, Patrick Colm How Authors’ Minds Make Stories 2014:12. 249 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107475892* McNamara, Patrick The Neuroscience of Religious Experience 2015:1. 318 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 言語認知神経科学 Learning, Vol. 1) 2014:11. 400 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107428010* Moshman, David Epistemic Cognition and Development: The !+{=^!<$+~\~?%? (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848725133* Geary, David C./Berch, Daniel B./Koepke, Kathleen Mann (eds.) Evolutionary Origins and Early Development of Number Processing (Mathematical Cognition and 心理学 心理学一般 Freud, Sigmund Totem and Taboo, 2nd ed. (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 82 *9781138834606* Inhelder, Barbel/de Caprona, Denys/Cornu-Wells, Angela (eds.) Piaget Today (Psychology Revivals) 2014:12. 296 p.;""%$"(EGIM (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848722620* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》心理学一般 Jung, C. G. Aspects of the Feminine, 3rd ed. (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834569* *9783319073675* Jung, C. G. Psychology and the East (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 240 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Stolarski, Maciej/Fieulaine, Nicolas/van Beek, Wessel (eds.) Time Perspective Theory; Review, Research and Application: Essays in Honor of Philip G. Zimbardo 2015:1. 563 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835108* Vanheule, Stijn The Subject of Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective 2014:9. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137462589* Jung, C. G. Psychology and the Occult (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 198 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834552* Jung, C. G. The Psychology of the Transference 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 心理学研究法 See (#<Autoethnography, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p181 , 1481 ?Q Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, Sage Pub. ...................................................................p181 , 1482 *%?Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, Springer Verlag .....p181 , 1483 Pan, Wei, Propensity Score Analysis, "( Pub.............................................................p181 , 1484 *9781138834545* 基礎心理学 Lacan, Jacques The Ethics of Psychoanalysis: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book VII (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 432 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834590* 実験心理学 Hulme, Charles Reading Retardation and Multi-Sensory Teaching (Psychology Revivals) 2014:10. 200 p., Origi""%$"(EGIE (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 批判心理学ハンドブック *9781138838024* Parker, Ian (ed.) Handbook of Critical Psychology 2015:2. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848722187* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 83 心理学 》基礎心理学 ఽ┬ᔃℂቇ䊶⊒㆐⑼ቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋷 㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science 7th ed. By Richard M. Lerner, #* 201 5 ᐕ 2 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., Hard. ಽᄁน ISBN 978-1-118-13685-0 .........USD 720.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂116,716 / ․ଔ䎂93,372 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781118136850* ᧄᦠ㧔㧠Ꮞ⚵㧕ߪ⊒㆐⑼ቇ⎇ⓥ߳ߩ㑐ᔃ߇㜞߹ߞߡࠆ⁁ࠍᤋߒߚౝኈߦߥ ߞߡ߹ߔޕޔᄙ᭽ߥ⢛᥊ߢࠄߔੱߩߚߦ⺑ࠍ↢৻ߦ߆ޔߒലᨐ⊛ ߦߔࠆ߆ߩℂ⸃ߦ߹ߟࠊࠆࡄ࠳ࠗࡓࠪࡈ࠻߇ߎߞߡ߹ߔߪᦠᧄޕᢎ⢒⠪ޔ ╷┙᩺⠪⎇ޔⓥ⠪ޔቇ↢ੱઁߩߘޔ㑆㐿⊒ޔᔃℂቇ␠ޔળቇੱޔ㘃ቇ⑼⚻ޔቇߦ 㑐ࠊࠆታ〣⠪ߦߣߞߡቯ⊛ߥࡈࠔࡦࠬ⾗ᢱߢߔޕ ఽ┬ᔃℂቇ䈫⊒㆐⑼ቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋷 㩷 ╙䋱Ꮞ䋺ℂ⺰䈫ᣇᴺ㩷 Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Volume One: Theory and Method, 7th ed. Edited by Richard M. Lerner/ Willis F. Overton/ Peter C. M. Molenaar 2015:02. 912 p. ISBN 978-1-118-13677-5 ................. Hard USD 225.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂36,474 / ․ଔ䎂29,179 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781118136775*㩷 ఽ┬ᔃℂቇ䈫⊒㆐⑼ቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋷 㩷 ╙䋲Ꮞ䋺⍮ㆊ⒟㩷 Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Volume Two: Cognitive Processes, 7th ed. Edited by Richard M. Lerner/ Lynn S. Liben/ Ulrich Mueller 2015:02. 1106 p. ISBN 978-1-118-13678-2 ................. Hard USD 225.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂36,474 / ․ଔ䎂29,179 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781118136782*㩷 㩷 84 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 ఽ┬ᔃℂቇ䈫⊒㆐⑼ቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋷 㩷 ╙䋳Ꮞ䋺␠ળᕈ䈱⊒㆐䇮㩷 ᖱ✜⊛⊒㆐䇮ੱᩰᒻᚑ㩷 Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Volume Three: Social, Emotional and Personality Development, 7th ed. Edited by Richard M. Lerner/ Michael E. Lamb 2015:02. 1078 p. ISBN 978-1-118-13679-9 ................. Hard USD 225.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂36,474 / ․ଔ䎂29,179 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781118136799*㩷 ఽ┬ᔃℂቇ䈫⊒㆐⑼ቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋷 㩷 ╙䋴Ꮞ䋺↢ᘒቇ⊛ㆊ⒟㩷 Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Volume Four: Ecological Settings and Processes, 7th ed. Edited by Richard M. Lerner/ Marc H. Bornstein/ Tama Leventhal 2015:02. 91 p. ISBN 978-1-118-13680-5 ................. Hard USD 225.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂36,474 / ․ଔ䎂29,179 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781118136805㩷 (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 発達心理学 成年期の出現 Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties, 2nd ed. 2014:9. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199929382* Bowlby, John A Secure Base (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 192 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 特別教育における言語と談話 Manor-Binyamini, Iris Language and Discourse in Special Education: Understanding Ethnographic Interdisciplinary Team Culture 2014:8. 142 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834576* Bowlby, John The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 224 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138834583* *9783319090238* ★ Oxford版 アイデンティティ発達研究ハ ンドブック McLean, Kate C./Syed, Moin (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Identity Development (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2014:12. 624 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199936564* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 85 心理学 》基礎心理学 㕍ᐕᦼ䈱ⴕേ㓚ኂ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋲 Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment 2nd ed. Edited by Thomas P. Gullotta, Melanie A. Evans, <>** and Robert W. Plant, Connecticut Department of Children and Families 2014 ᐕ 11 ೀⴕ 697 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4899-7496-9.......... EUR 259.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂54,312 / ․ଔ䎂43,450 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781489974969* ᧄᦠ㧔╙㧞 㧕ߪ♖ޔ㓚ኂ߿ᯏ⢻㓚ኂⴕേ⊒ޔ㆐ߦ㑐ࠊࠆ ᭽ߥޘᓇ㗀ߩ൮⊛ߥ⠨ኤࠍㅢߓߡޔᴦ≮߿੍㒐ߩ⁁ࠍ⏕ߦ ߒ߹ߔޕᣂߒ┨߿ᡷ⸓ߐࠇߚ┨ߩਛߢߪޔ㕍ᐕᦼߩ♖⊛ஜᐽ ߦ㑐ࠊࠆ㗴ߦࠕࡊࡠ࠴ߔࠆߚߩၮᧄ⊛ߥᨒ⚵ߺࠍឭଏߒޔ ߆ߦ⁁ᘒ㧔ᭂᕈ㓚ኂ⥄ޔᲕะޔᒝㄼᕈ㓚ኂߥߤ㧕߿ⴕേ 㧔ᕈ‽⟋ ࠻࠺ޔࠣࡦࡖࠡޔDVⴕ்⥄ޔὑ㧕߇ࠇࠆ߆ߦߟ ߡߩᦨᣂߩ⎇ⓥࠍᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕฦ┨ߢߪ⸻ޔᢿࠟࠗ࠼߿⟕ᖚ₸‛↢ޔቇ⊛ㆮવ ቇ⊛㕙ᦨߩߡߟߦߤߥࠬࡦࠛࠫߣࠢࠬޔᣂ⎇ⓥ੍ޔߡߒߘޔ㒐߿ᴦ≮ᣇ ᴺߩታ〣⊛⺞ᩏࠍᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕផᅑߐࠇߡࠆఝࠇߚታ〣ߪ≮‛⮎ޔᴺࠍ‛ ℂ≮ᴺߦ߅ߡ߇↪ߔࠆ߆ޔ߇↪ߔࠆ߆߽ߒࠇߥ߆ޔ߇↪ߒߥ ߆ޔ߇ߐࠄߥࠆ⎇ⓥࠍᔅⷐߣߒߡࠆ߆ࠍ⏕ߦಽߌߡ߹ߔޕ 㧨ਥⷐ࠻ࡇ࠶ࠢ㧪 z ኅᣖ䈫㕍ᐕᦼ䈱⊒㆐㩷 z 䊜䊂䉞䉝䈫䊁䉪䊉䊨䉳䊷ਛᲥ㩷 z 㕍ᐕ䈱♖⊛ஜᐽ䈫 㪛㪪㪤㪄㪌㩷 z ቇᩞ䈪䈱ᝂ᛬䈫ᚑഞ㩷 z ᛫ᚢᕈ㓚ኂ䈫ⴕὑ㓚ኂ㩷 z 䈇䈛䉄䈫䊈䉾䊃䈇䈛䉄㩷 z ⥄㐽∝䉴䊕䉪䊃䊤䊛㩷 ᧄᦠ㧔╙㧞 㧕ߪ⎇ޔⓥ⠪⥃ޔᐥኅޔታ〣ኅ߿ኾ㐷ኅߩ߶߆ޔቇᩞߣ⥃ᐥఽ┬ᔃ ℂቇޔᢎ⢒ޔዊఽ⑼♖ޔකቇ␠ޔળᬺߥ↢ⴡⴐޔࠣࡦࡦ࠙ࠞ࡞ࠢࠬޔ ߤߩ⎇ⓥߦ៤ࠊࠆᄢቇ㒮↢ߦߣߞߡߩᔅ៤ߩᦠߢߔޕ (Springer Verlag New York, USA) 86 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 Schneider, Wolfgang Memory Development from Early Childhood Through Emerging Adulthood 2014:10. 391 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319096100* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848723283* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848723290* 神経発達障害研究 Van Herwegen, Jo/Riby, Deborah (eds.) Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Research Challenges and Solutions (Research Methods in Developmental Psychology: A Handbook Series) 2014:12. 328 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) Wieland, Sandra (ed.) Dissociation in Traumatized Children and Adolescents: Theory and Clinical Interventions, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138824751* ⇣ᢥൻ䉮䊚䊠䊆䉬䊷䉲䊢䊮㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Intercultural Communication Critical Concepts in Psychology 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 04099S0021䇽 Edited by Richard J. Crisp, *"( 2015 ᐕ 1 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., 1,539 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-138-01489-3....... STP 840.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂225,250 / ․ଔ䎂180,200 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781138014893* ߩࠣࡠࡃ࡞ൻᤨઍ߿ᄢⷙᮨߥ⒖߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆᤨઍߦ߅ߡ⺆⸒ࠆߥ⇣ޔ⢛᥊ ᢥൻ⢛᥊ߩੱߩޘ㑆ߢߩࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߪߤ߶ߥߡߟ߆ޔ㊀ⷐߦߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ ߎࠇ߹ߢߩ␠ળ⊛ℂ⊛Ⴚ⇇✢ߢߪߥߊⶄߔ߹ߔ߹ߪࠖ࠹ࠖ࠹ࡦ࠺ࠗࠕޔ㔀ߦߥ ࠅޔᔃℂቇ⠪߿␠ળ⑼ቇ⠪ޔ╷┙᩺⠪ߪᣂߚߥߦ╵߃ߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ߆ߟߡߥ߶ߤߦ⇣ᢥൻࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߦ㑐ߔࠆ⎇ⓥ߇ᕆㅦߦዷ㐿ߔࠆਛ࠙ޔ ࠻࠶ࠫ␠ߩੱ᳇ߩ㜞 Critical Concepts in Psychology ࠪ࠭߆ࠄ ߐࠇࠆᧄᦠ 㧔㧠Ꮞ⚵㧕ߪޔჇ߃⛯ߌⶄޔ㔀ൻߔࠆ⎇ⓥᦠࠍ♽┙ߡࠆޔᮭᆭࠆࡈࠔࡦࠬᦠߣ ߥࠆߢߒࠂ߁ޕಽ㊁ࠍ‧ᒁߔࠆ␠ળᔃℂቇ⠪ߦࠃߞߡ✬㓸ߐࠇߚᧄᦠߪޔᢥൻ㑆ߩ⋧ ㆑ޔ㑵⛔ߡߒߘޔࠡࡠࠝ࠺ࠗޔวߣ߁㧠ߟߩᄢ߈ߥ࠹ࡑߦಽ߆ࠇߡ߹ߔᧄޕ ᦠߪޔၮᧄᢥ₂ߣߒߡ৻ᐲߪᚻߦขࠆߴ߈ᢥ₂ߢࠅᦨޔవ┵ߩಽᨆޔℂ⺰ߣ⎇ⓥ␠ޔ ળߣ╷ߦ㑐ߔࠆਥⷐߥ⎇ⓥ߽㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕ (Routledge, GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 87 心理学 》基礎心理学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138824775* 性格・人格 ハンス・アイゼンク著 人格の構造 社会心理学 ノンバーバルコミュニケーションの社会心理学 Kostic, Aleksandra/Chadee, Derek (eds.) The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication 2014:11. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Eysenck, H. J. The Structure of Human Personality (Psychology Revivals) 2014:11. 476 p.;""%$"( 1953 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 応用心理学 *9781137345851* See Parker, Ian The Crisis in Modern Social Psychology: And How to End It (Psychology Revivals) 2014:12. 174 p., ;""%$"(EGIG (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415706452* Sochos, Antigonos Attachment Security and the Social World 2014:11. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137398680* *9780415844437* Fiorella, Logan, Learning as a Generative Activity, Cambridge U.P. ....................... p197 , 1636 *(The Field Guide to Understanding ‘Human Error’, Ashgate Pub. .................p110 , 0852 Kraiger, Kurt, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement, &"........ p111 , 0862 ?ZStress Management in the Construction Industry, &"Q!"A"" .................................................................. p111 , 0864 *!(Classwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, "($ ...................................................................p197 , 1637 """*%Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology, Routledge ................. p209 , 1734 言説心理学 Tileaga, Cristian/Stokoe, Elizabeth (eds.) Discursive Psychology: Classic and contemporary issues (Explorations in Social Psychology) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415721608* Way, Lori (ed.) Representations of Internarrative Identity 2014:11. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 88 *9781137462527* 臨床心理・精神療法 心的外傷後ストレス障害 Bremner, J. Gavin Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: From Neurobiology to Treatment 2015:2. 400 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118356111* Cochran, Jeff L./Cochran, Nancy H. The Heart of Counseling: Counseling Skills through Therapeutic Relationships, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415712422* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415712439* 臨床心理学 第2版 Davey, Graham/Lake, Nick/Whittington, Adrian (eds.) Clinical Psychology, 2nd ed. (Topics in Applied Psychology) 2015:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848722224* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848722217* DeYoung, Patricia A. Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame: A Relational/Neurobiological Approach 2015:2. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138831193* *9781138831209* Dom, Geert/Moggi, Franz (eds.) Co-occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders: A Practice-Based Handbook from a European Perspective 2014:11. 421 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783642453748* Dryden, Windy Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features, 2nd ed. (CBT Distinctive Features) 2014:12. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル Gilbert, Sara Pathology of Eating: Psychology and treatment (Psychology Revivals) 2014:12. 246 p.;"" published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415712521* Guiffrida, Douglas A. Constructive Clinical Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy 2015:1. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415704908* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415704915* ヨーガ療法 Horovitz, Ellen G./Elgelid, Staffan Yoga Therapy: Theory and Practice 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138816152* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 論理療法 第2版 *9781138804548* *9780199985692* Dunn, Dana The Social Psychology of Disability (Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology Series) 2014:11. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138804555* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138816169* Hunter, Myra/Smith, Melanie Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats with Group CBT: An evidence based treatment manual for health professionals 2014:12. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 89 心理学 》応用心理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138026148* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138026155* Ivaldi, Antonella Treating Dissociative and Personality Disorders: A Motivational Systems Approach to Theory and Treatment (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) 2015:1. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415641371* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415641401* Ives, Yossi/Cox, Elaine Relationship Coaching: The theory and practice of coaching with singles, couples and parents 2014:11. 178 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415737944* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415737951* Joseph, Jay The Trouble with Twin Studies: A Reassessment of the Research 2014:12. 318 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138813069* Kapalka, George M. Treating Disruptive Disorders: A Guide to Psychological, Pharmacological, and Combined Therapies (Clinical Topics in Psychology and Psychiatry) 2015:3. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 90 *9780415719599* *9780415719605* Kurtz, Linda-Farris Recovery Groups: A Guide to Creating, Leading, and Working With Groups For Addictions and Mental Health Conditions 2014:11. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199362974* 飲食の心理学 第4版 Logue, Alexandra W. The Psychology of Eating and Drinking, 4th ed. 2014:12. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415817080* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415817073* Lovett, Joan Trauma-Attachment Tangle: Modifying EMDR to Help Children Resolve Trauma and Develop Loving Relationships 2014:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138789944* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138789968* Meier, Scott T. Incorporating Progress Monitoring and Outcome Assessment into Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Primer 2014:11. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199356676* Milgrom, Jeannette/Gemmill, Alan (eds.) Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety: Evidence-based Practice in Screening, Psychosocial Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 Assessment and Management 2015:1. 224 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118509654* モーズリー・実用精神医学ハンドブック 第6版 Owen, Gareth/Wessely, Simon/Murray, Robin (eds.) 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(eds.) Bipolar Disorder in Youth: Presentation, Treatment and Neurobiology 2014:10. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199985357* Trombetta, Carlo/Liguori, Giovanni/Bertolotto, Michele (eds.) Management of Gender Dysphoria: A Multidisciplinary Approach 2014:11. 342 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788847056954* Waters, Flavie/Stephane, Massoud (eds.) The Assessment of Psychosis: A Reference Book and Rating Scales for Research and Practice 2014:11. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415709323* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415709330* 精神分析 Storr, Anthony Human Destructiveness: The Roots of Genocide and Human Cruelty, 2nd ed. (Psychology Revivals) 2014:10. 184 p.;""%$"(EGM[ (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Morris, Dolores O./Javier, Rafael Art./Herron, William G. Specialty Competencies in Psychoanalysis in Psychology (Specialty Competencies in Professional Psychology) 2014:10. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199766475* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 91 心理学 》応用心理学 Oppenheim, Lois Psychoanalysis and the Artistic Endeavor: Conversations with literary and visual artists (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series) 2015:2. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415713832* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415713849* Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith Discourse in Psychoanalysis and Literature (Routledge Revivals) 2014:8. 240 p., First published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138827035* Spillius, Elizabeth Bott (ed.) Melanie Klein Today: Developments in Theory and Practice, Volume 1: Mainly Theory (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2014:12. 368 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834514* APA มᴺᔃℂቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ో䋲Ꮞ APA Handbook of Forensic Psychology APA Handbooks in Psychology 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1013196344䇽 Edited by Brian L. Cutler, ;)#">, and Patricia A. Zapf, //>"">"/#>A\* 2014 ᐕ 12 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 2 Vols., 1,152 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4338-1793-9............................... USD 395.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂64,031 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781433817939* ᧄᦠߪޔᴺޔᴺߩታ〣ޔᴺߦ㑐ߔࠆ╷ߦߟߡ⑼ߩߘޔቇ⊛ၮ⋚ ߣᔃℂቇߩታ〣ᔕ↪ࠍ߹ߣ⊒ޔዷߐߖߡ߹ߔޕઍߩᔃℂቇ⎇ ⓥ߿ታ〣ࠍᛒߞߡ߅ࠅޔᔃℂቇ␠ޔળ⑼ቇޔታ〣⎇ⓥޔᴺߥߤߦᓥ ߔࠆ⎇ⓥ⠪ޔታ〣ኅޔቇ↢ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒߡ߹ߔޕมᴺᔃℂቇߦ㑐ߔࠆ లታߒߚౝኈߩᦨᣂࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߢߔޕ ᧄᦠߪ㧞Ꮞ᭴ᚑߢࠅߪࠇߙࠇߘޔ㧟ߟߩ࡚ࠢࠪࡦߦಽ߆ࠇߡ߹ߔޕ ╙䋱Ꮞ䋨ೃ䈫᳃䈱ੱ䊶⁁ᴫ䈱ᓇ㗀䋩㩷 ╙䋲Ꮞ䋨‽⟋ᝡᩏ䈫್䋩㩷 z ೃⵙ್䈮䈍䈔䉎มᴺ್ቯ䈫ኻᔕ㩷 z ⵍኂ⠪䈫ടኂ⠪䉫䊦䊷䊒㩷 z ‽⟋ⴕὑ䈱ੱ䊶⁁ᴫ੍᷹㩷 z ‽⟋ᝡᩏ䈫㒳ክຬⵙ್㩷 z ᳃ⵙ್䈮䈍䈔䉎มᴺᔃℂቇ䈱ᔕ↪㩷 z ್䈫ᛩₐ㩷 (American Psychological Association, USA) 92 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済学一般 Spillius, Elizabeth Bott (ed.) Melanie Klein Today: Developments in Theory and Practice, Volume 2: Mainly Practice (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2014:12. 336 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415835213* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835085* *9780415835220* 裁判心理学・犯罪心理学 Walsh, Julie Narcissism and its Discontents (Studies in the Psychosocial) 2014:11. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137333438* 司法心理学と犯罪行為における近年の視座 第4版 Bartol, Curtis R./Bartol, Anne M. (eds.) Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior 2015:1. 328 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483376219* Yarom, Nitza Psychic Threats and Somatic Shelters: Attuning to the body in contemporary psychoanalytic dialogue 2014:11. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) 経済学 参考図書 経済学説・経済思想 経済学 第 12 版 倫理と世界金融危機 Parkin, Michael Economics, 12th ed. 2015:1. 864 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Bruin, Boudewijn de Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed (Business, Value Creation and Society) 2015:2. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133872279* 経済学一般 *9781107028913* 2008年世界金融危機とケインズの一般理論 経済学の原則 Mateer, Dirk/Coppock, Lee Principles of Economics 2014:8. 1152 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393263145* ★印はお薦めタイトル Causevic, Fikret The Global Crisis of 2008 and Keynes’s General Theory (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2014:11. 100 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319114507* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 93 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 経済理論 Fasting, Mathilde C. Torkel Aschehoug and Norwegian Historical Economic Thought: Reconsidering a Forgotten Norwegian Pioneer Economist (Anthem Other Canon Economics) 2014:12. 290 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083503* Hagedorn, Hendrik A model of Austrian economics: Cut Through the Noise to Develop a Sustainable Trading Career 2014:10. 112 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658070762* Hill, Mike/Montag, Warren The Other Adam Smith: Popular Contention, Commercial Society, and the Birth of Necro-Economics 2014:10. 392 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804791946* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792943* Reinert, Erik S./Viano, Francesca L. (eds.) Thorstein Veblen: Economics for an Age of Crises (Anthem Other Canon Economics) 2014:10. 392 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083206* ケインズとカルドアの経済学 Thirlwall, A. P. Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series) 2015:1. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 94 Handa, Jagdish The Reformulation of Keynesian Economics ~\?%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616096* 景気循環の経済学 Knoop, Todd A. Business Cycle Economics: Understanding Recessions and Depressions from Boom to Bust 2015:2. 433 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440831744* アダム・スミス ケインズ経済学の再考 オーストリア学派のモデル マクロ経済学の原則 Mateer, Dirk/Coppock, Lee Principles of Macroeconomics 2014:8. 720 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393263190* ミクロ経済学の原則 Mateer, Dirk/Coppock, Lee Principles of Microeconomics 2014:8. 648 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393263176* マクロ経済学 第 12 版 Parkin, Michael Macroeconomics, 12th ed. 2015:1. 464 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133872644* *9781137409478* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済理論 ઍ䈱⇣┵ᵷ⚻ᷣቇ䉲䊥䊷䉵 Modern Heterodox Economics 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1016293808䇽 Edited by Carol M. Connell, !">""* ࠤࠗࡦࠫࠕࡦ߿ㅴൻ⚻ᷣቇ⚻ࠔࡈ࠶ࠬޔᷣቇࠕ࠻ࠬࠝޔቇᵷߩ⚻ᷣቇ⠪ߪ ᣣߩ⇇⚻ᷣ߇⋥㕙ߒߡࠆ㗴ߦߘࠇߙࠇ⇣ߥߞߚ⸃㉼߿⸃╷ࠍឭ␜ߒߡ߹ ߔߩࠄࠇߎޕಽ㊁ߢߪ⎇ⓥߣ ߇ᵴ⊒ߢࠆߣߣ߽ߦ⚻ࡠࠢࡑޔᷣ⊛ߥ⺖㗴ࠍડᬺ ߩᚑ㐳߿ડᬺᐭߩᓎഀߣ㑐ㅪߠߌࠆߎߣ߇ᵈ⋡ߐࠇᆎߡ߹ߔ⚻ޕᷣቇߩ᭽ޘ ߥಽ㊁ߩථߒߚ⎇ⓥ⠪ߢ᭴ᚑߐࠇߚ✬㓸ᆔຬߦࠃࠆᧄᦠߪ⇇⚻ᷣ߇⋥㕙ߒߡࠆ 㗴ࠍቇ㓙⊛ߥⷞὐ߆ࠄขࠅ⚵ࠎߛฎౖ⊛ઍ⊛⎇ⓥࠍ㓸㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕ 䉲䊥䊷䉵ᣂೀ䉺䉟䊃䊦䈱䈗᩺ౝ㩷 ␠ળ⑼ቇ䈫䈚䈩䈱⚻ᷣ䈱⺀↢㩷 㩷 The Birth of Economics as a Social Science: Sismondi’s Concept of Political Economy By Francesca Dal Degan 2016:03. 256 p. ISBN 978-1-84893-535-8 .................... Hard STP 75.00/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,112 / ․ଔ䎂16,089 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781848935358*㩷 ↢↥䈮䈍䈔䉎㗴䋺ડᬺ䈮䈧䈇䈩䈱ᣂℂ⺰㩷 㩷 The Problem of Production: A New Theory of the Firm By Per L. Bylund 2015:12. 256 p. ISBN 978-1-84893-529-7 .................... Hard STP 75.00/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,112 / ․ଔ䎂16,089 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781848935297*㩷 ᮭജ䈱䈋䈙䉎ᚻ㩷 㩷 The Invisible Hand of Power: An Economic Theory of Gate Keeping By Anton N. Oleinik 2014:12. 256 p. ISBN 978-1-84893-524-2 .................... Hard STP 75.00/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,112 / ․ଔ䎂16,089 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781848935242* 㩷 㩷 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 95 経済学 》経済理論 㩷 ㊄Ⲣෂᯏ䈫⚻ᷣℂ⺰䈱ᄬᢌ㩷 㩷 Financial Crisis and the Failure of Economic Theory By Angel Rodriguez/ Jorge Turmo Arnal/ Oscar Vara Crespo 2014:10. 208 p. ISBN 978-1-84893-515-0 .................... Hard STP 75.00/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,112 / ․ଔ䎂16,089 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781848935150* 㩷 䉲䊥䊷䉵ᣢೀ䉺䉟䊃䊦䈱䈗᩺ౝ㩷 ⒎ᐨ䈫䈚䈩䈱㊄㌛㩷 㩷 Money as Organization, Gustavo Del Vecchio's Theory By Gianfranco Tusset 2014:04. 208 p. ISBN 978-1-84893-425-2 .................... Hard STP 75.00/ ㅢᏱଔ䎂20,112 / ․ଔ䎂16,089 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781848934252* eISBN 978-1-78144-050-6 ..................................... ebook ଔ䋨หᤨ䉝䉪䉶䉴䋱䋩䎂13,220 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 ミクロ経済学 第 12 版 Parkin, Michael Microeconomics, 12th ed. 2015:1. 552 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133872293* 教育とビジネスにおけるゲーミフィケーション Reiners, Torsten/Wood, Lincoln (eds.) > @[ 2014:12. 700 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 法、心理学と道徳:損失回避 Zamir, Eyal Law, Psychology, and Morality: The Role of Loss Aversion 2014:10. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199972050* *9783319102078* Sorger, Gerhard Dynamic Economic Analysis: Deterministic Models in Discrete Time 2015:4. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107083295* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 96 *9781107443792* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済政策 経済政策 経済政策 81 De Menil, Georges/Portes, Richard/Sinn, Hans– Werner/Fuchs–Schündeln, Nicola/Gürkaynak, Refet/Jappelli, Tullio/Lane, Philip Economic Policy 81 (Economic Policy) 2015:3. 288 p. (Wiley, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118869062* 経済政策 82 De Menil, Georges/Portes, Richard/Sinn, Hans– Werner/Fuchs–Schündeln, Nicola/Gürkaynak, Refet/Jappelli, Tullio/Lane, Philip Economic Policy 82 (Economic Policy) 2015:4. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118869055* 経済政策 83 De Menil, Georges/Portes, Richard/Sinn, Hans– Werner/Fuchs–Schündeln, Nicola/Gürkaynak, Refet/Jappelli, Tullio/Lane, Philip Economic Policy 83 (Economic Policy) 2015:4. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118869048* 経済政策 84 De Menil, Georges/Portes, Richard/Sinn, Hans– Werner/Fuchs–Schündeln, Nicola/Gürkaynak, Refet/Jappelli, Tullio/Lane, Philip Economic Policy 84 (Economic Policy) 2015:4. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 政府と市場 Tanzi, Vito Government versus Markets: The Changing Economic Role of the State 2015:2. 390 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107475960* 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 Bertola, Giuseppe/Foellmi, Reto/Zweimüller, Josef Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience 2014:10. 456 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691164595* King, Damien/Tennant, David F. (eds.) Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States: The Past, Present, and Prospects for the Future 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137397126* ★ ジョセフ E. スティグリッツ他著 公共機関 の経済学 *9781118869031* Stiglitz, Joseph E./Rosengard, Jay K. Economics of the Public Sector 2014:12. 800 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781783083046* 所得分配とマクロ経済学 Goodhart, Charles/Gabor, Daniela/Vestegaard, Jakob (eds.) Central Banking at a Crossroads: Europe and Beyond (Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy) 2014:11. 275 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780393937091* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 97 経済学 》国際経済 ⚻ᷣቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪䊶䉲䊥䊷䉵 Handbooks in Economics 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 04084S1638䇽 Edited by Kenneth Arrow, *(* and Michael Inrilligator, >"ia, USA 㧔North-Holland, NLD / ᣣᧄ✚ઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) ࿖㓙⒖䈱⚻ᷣቇ䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋱Ꮞ㩷 ో䋲Ꮞ Handbook of the Economics of International Migration, Vol. 1 Handbook of the Economics of International Migration 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1015377520䇽 Edited by Barry Chiswick, &&>*, and Paul Miller, >!*"" 2015 ᐕ 1 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 2 Vols., Hard. ಽᄁน ISBN 978-0-444-63372-9................................................... ㅢᏱଔ䎂35,000 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9780444633729* ࿖㓙⊛ߥ⒖ߦ㑐ߔࠆ⚻ᷣ⺰ᢥߪ╷┙᩺⠪ߛߌߢߥߊ ␠ળ⑼ቇో⥸ߦ߅ߌࠆ⎇ⓥ⠪ߩ⥝߽ᒁ߈߹ߔޕHandbooks in < ߩᣂߒࠪ࠭ߩᦨೋߩᏎߣߥࠆߎࠇࠄߩᦠ ☋ߪ 1970 ᐕઍᓟඨߦᆎ߹ߞߚᧄᩰ⊛ߥ⎇ⓥߩᚑᨐࠍ⺑ ಽᨆߒߡ߹ߔߩߎޕᢥ₂ߪ৻⥸⚻ᷣࠫࡖ࠽࡞߿⚻ᷣቇ ߦ߅ߌࠆߐ߹ߑ߹ߥಽ㊁ߩኾ㐷ࠫࡖ࠽࡞㧔․ߦഭᏒ႐ ߿ੱ⊛⾗Ḯߩ㗴ࠍᛒߞߚ߽ߩߦࠄࠇߘޔߒߛߚޕ㒢ቯߐ ࠇࠆࠊߌߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ㧕ޔ⒖᳃ߦߟߡขࠅᛒߞߚቇ㓙⊛ߥࠫࡖ࠽࡞ߦឝタߐ ࠇߡ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕᱧผቇ߿␠ળቇޔᴦቇੱޔญ⛔⸘ቇ⺆⸒ޔቇߥߤߣ㑐ㅪߒߚ ࠫࡖ࠽࡞ߦឝタߐࠇߚ⚻ᷣቇ⠪ߩ⺰ᢥߦߔࠆᢥ₂߽㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕ 98 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》国際経済 䇼ਥⷐ䈭․ᓽ䇽㩷 䊶ഭᏒ႐䈮䈍䈔䉎ᚑᨐ䉇⽷䈱ᓇ㗀䈎䉌䈱䊧䊔䊦䈫ಽ㈩䈮ኻ䈜䉎࿖㓙⒖䈱ᓇ 㗀䉁䈪䇮䉁䈢䈠䈱㑆䈮ᒰ䈩䈲䉁䉎䉅䈱ో䈩䉕䉃ᐢ䈇ಽ㊁䉕䉦䊋䊷䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 䊶⒖䈮㑐ㅪ䈜䉎ᐢ䈇㗴⋡䉕൮䈚䈩䈍䉍䇮䈇䈒䈧䈱㕙䈪䈲ቇ㓙⊛䈫䈭䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯䈖 䈱䈖䈫䈲⒖䈮㑐䈜䉎ಽ㊁䈮䈍䈇䈩䈐䉒䉄䈩㊀ⷐ䈪䈜䇯㩷 䊶ⷰ䉇ⷐ⚂䈏ሽ䈚䈩䈇䈭䈇䈖䈱㗴⋡䈮⥝䉕䉅䈦䈩䈇䉎⎇ⓥ⠪䈱ᄢ䈐䈭䉮䊚䊠䊆䊁䉞䈮 䈫䈦䈩㝯ജ⊛䈪䈜䇯㩷 国際経済 ★ Palgrave版 国際労働力移動ハンドブック 貧困における国際援助と私立学校 Dixon, Pauline International Aid and Private Schools for the Poor: Smiles, Miracles and Markets (New Thinking in Political Economy Series) 2014:10. 208 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782545040* 応用国際経済学 第4版 貿易と開発政策における政治経済 Gallagher, Kevin P. The Clash of Globalizations: Essays on the Political Economy of Trade and Development Policy (Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy) 2014:12. 184 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083428* Herzberg, Angelique Sustainability of External Imbalances: A Critical Appraisal 2014:10. 329 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658070908* *9780415746205* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415746212* Wruuck, Patricia The Political Economy of Anti-dumping Protection: A Strategic Analysis (Contributions to Economics) 2015:3. 180 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 特恵貿易地域:法と経済学 Mavroidis, Petros C./Bagwell, Kyle W. (eds.) Preferential Trade Agreements: A Law and Economics Analysis 2014:12. 290 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Sawyer, W. Charles/Sprinkle, Richard Applied International Economics, 4th ed. 2015:3. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137352200* Panizzon, Marion/Zurcher, Gottfried/ Fornale, Elisa (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of International Labour Migration: Law and Policy Perspectives 2015:1. 576 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319112237* See also Dicken, Peter, Global Shift, "($ .................................................................... p58 , 0466 *9781107459359* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 99 経済学 》開発経済 開発経済 開発経済学の基礎 第2版 情報通信技術と開発 Emdon, Heloise/Elder, Laurent/Petrazzini, Ben A./ Fuchs, Richard (eds.) Connecting ICTs to Development: The IDRC Experience 2014:12. 298 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783082537* Ferretti, Marco/Parmentola, Adele The Creation of Local Innovation Systems in Emerging Countries: The Role of Governments, Firms and Universities (SpringerBriefs in Regional Science) 2015:2. 110 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319104393* 競争力と開発 Shafaeddin, Mehdi Competitiveness and Development: Myth and Realities (Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy/Anthem Other Canon Economics) 2014:10. 344 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083138* 新興国経済 Shome, Parthasarathi/Sharma, Pooja (eds.) Emerging Economies: Food and Energy Security, and Technology and Innovation 2014:12. 600 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132221005* Szirmai, Adam Socio-Economic Development 2015:4. 700 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107045958* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 100 Taylor, J. Edward/Lybbert, Travis J. Essentials of Development Economics, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 373 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520283169* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520283176* 農業・食糧経済 農業政策と世界市場 Josling, Tim Farm Policies and World Markets: Monitoring and Disciplining the International Trade Impacts ="{!!><;!^!;< in International Economics) 2015:5. 380 p. (World ;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616447* 貿易と農政 Orden, David (ed.) Trade-Related Agricultural Policy Analysis ><;!^!;<!!@~\?%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616218* See also /%""%Food Security Among Small-Scale Agricultural Producers in Southern Africa, *%)"$" .................................................................. p155 , 1300 人口・労働経済 Findlay, Mark/Wei, Lim Si Regulatory Worlds: Cultural and Social Perspectives When North Meets South 2014:10. 256 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) *9781107624498* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》人口・労働経済 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783470303* 文化・社会経済 芸術、科学と経済学 第2版 Puu, Tönu Arts, Sciences, and Economics: A Historical Safari, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 170 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662441299* 家庭の経済学 全2巻 Redmount, Esther R. The Economics of the Family: How the Household Affects Markets and Economic Growth 2014:12. 2 Vols., 570 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440800559* Liu, Zhibiao/Li, Xiaochun (eds.) Transition of the Yangtze River Delta: From Global Manufacturing Center to Global Innovation Center (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 5) 2014:12. 210 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9784431551775* Zhu, Ying/Lan, Hong/Ness, David A./Xing, Ke/ Schneider, Kris/Lee, Seung-Hee/Jing, Ge Transforming Rural Communities in China and Beyond: Community Entrepreneurship and Enterprises, Infrastructure Development and Investment Modes 2014:11. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319113180* 南アジア インドにおける市場改革の20年 アジア太平洋 ★ 矢後和彦他編 アジアにおける帝国銀行 業史 Bonin, Hubert/Valerio, Nuno/Yago, Kazuhiko (eds.) Asian Imperial Banking History (Banking, Money and International Finance) 2014:12. 256 p. (Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848935518* 東アジア Hou, Yilin/Ren, Qiang/Zhang, Ping Local Property Tax in China: History, Pilots, and Prospects (Development and Governance, Vol. 1) 2014:11. 188 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319100487* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781783083541* インドのサービス業 Nayyar, Gaurav The Service Sector in India’s Development 2015:2. 311 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Bhattacharyya, Sudipta (ed.) Two Decades of Market Reform in India: Some Dissenting Views (Anthem South Asian Studies/ India and Asia in the Global Economy) 2014:12. 280 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781107475922* バングラデシュにおける貿易改革、貧困と不平等 Treadgold, Malcolm Trade Reforms, Poverty and Inequality in Bangladesh (Trade Issues, Policies and Laws) 2014:9. 260 p. (Nova Science, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781631175053* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 101 経済学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842113* 欧米におけるヨーロッパの危機 Dallago, Bruno/McGowan, John (eds.) Crises in Europe in the Transatlantic Context: Economic and Political Appraisals (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy) 2015:1. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138818330* イギリスにおける経済成長の危機 Green, Jeremy/Hay, Colin/Taylor-Gooby, Peter (eds.) The British Growth Crisis: The Search for a New Model (Building a Sustainable Political Economy: SPERI Research & Policy) 2015:1. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137441515* ギリシャにおける労働市場の再生 Petrakis, Panagiotis E. (ed.) The Rebirth of Greek Labor Markets: Building Toward 2020 After the Global Financial Meltdown 2014:12. 144 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137460813* アフリカ アフリカにおける経済成長と開発 Chitonge, Horman Economic Growth and Development in Africa: Understanding global trends and prospects (Routledge Studies in African Development) 2015:1. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826809* アフリカの開発 Jerven, Morten (ed.) Measuring African Development: Past and Present 2015:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) 102 南北アメリカ ラテンアメリカ Ascher, William/Mirovitskaya, Natalia (eds.) Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America (Politics, Economics, and Inclusive Development) 2014:12. 300 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137485014* 法と開発志向国家 Trubek, David M./Garcia, Helena Alviar/Coutinho, Diogo R./Santos, Alvaro (eds.) Law and the New Developmental State: The Brazilian Experience in Latin American Context 2014:12. 388 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107460102* 経済史・経営史 ★ 岡崎哲二他編 占領下の経済:第二次世界大戦期に おけるナチス・ドイツの主導権と大日本帝国 Boldorf, Marcel/Okazaki, Tetsuji (eds.) Economies under Occupation: The Hegemony of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415835336* イスラム世界と西洋資本主義の課題 Çizakça, Murat (ed.) Islam and the Challenges of Western Capitalism 2014:9. 576 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783478880* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済史・経営史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 金融危機の歴史 Kobrak, Christopher/Wilkins, Mira (eds.) History and Financial Crisis: Lessons from the 20th century 2014:9. 154 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841888* ★ 経済史と社会史の視点 全 25 巻 Perspectives in Economic and Social History 1-25 (Perspectives in Economic and Social History) 2014:6. 25 Vols., 6552 p. (Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd., GBR) *9781848935457* オランダ中央銀行 1814 -1852 Uittenbogaard, Roland Evolution of Central Banking?: De Nederlandsche Bank 1814 -1852 2014:12. 190 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319106168* 金 融 金融理論 ★ 金融市場の統計学入門 第4版 金融経済学の要点 Chakravarty, Satya R. An Outline of Financial Economics (Anthem Finance) 2014:11. 314 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083367* Franke, Jürgen/Härdle, Wolfgang Karl/Hafner, Christian Matthias Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction, 4th ed. (Universitext) 2015:2. 600 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783642545382* 金融市場 ゼロ金利制約 Chaudhry, Sajid/Mullineux, Andrew W. (eds.) Taxing Banks Fairly 2014:10. 224 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783476473* *9781137408327* 通貨、銀行論と金融市場の経済学 第 11 版 Davies, Howard Can Financial Markets be Controlled? (Global Futures) 2015:3. 136 p. (Polity Pr, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745688305* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Krippner, Leo Zero Lower Bound Term Structure Modeling: A Practitioner’s Guide (Applied Quantitative Finance) 2015:2. 480 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Mishkin, Frederic S. Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 11th ed. 2015:1. 720 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133836790* *9780745688312* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 103 金 融 》金融市場 Vogl, Joseph The Specter of Capital (Cultural Memory in the Present) 2014:10. 168 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804789042* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792929* Von Furstenberg, George M. Contingent Convertibles [Cocos]: A Potent Instru=!*=><;!^! Publishers Series in Business, Vol. 5 ) 2014:8. 288 p. ><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814619899* ファイナンス ファイナンシャル・マネジメント 第3版 Brooks, Raymond Financial Management: Core Concepts, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 688 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133866698* Fabozzi, Frank J. Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies, 9th ed. 2015:1. 816 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133796773* 財務諸表の理解 第 11 版 Fraser, Lyn M. Understanding Financial Statements: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions, 11th ed. 2015:1. 380 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133874037* 銀行・保険会社のためのアセット・ライアビリティ・ マネジメント Habart-Corlosquet, Marine Asset Liability Management for Banking and Insurance for Banks and Insurance Companies (ISTE) 2014:11. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781848217119* Jeng, Jau-Lian Analyzing Event Statistics in Corporate Finance: Methodologies, Evidences, and Critiques 2015:2. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137397171* 国際企業金融 第2版 Kim, Kenneth A./Kim, Suk H. Global Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach, ~<<?~\?%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814618007* 新興市場におけるプライベート・エクイティ投資 Leeds, Roger Private Equity Investing in Emerging Markets: Opportunities for Value Creation (Global Financial Markets) 2015:3. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137435347* 評価論 第3版 Martin, John D. Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 552 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133479522* 高頻度取引と確率論 Wang, Zhaodong/Zheng, Weian High-Frequency Trading and Probability Theory 104 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》ファイナンス >|+;!^!*%@ ~\?%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616508* *9781137485823* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616515* 国際金融 Hodrick, Robert J. International Financial Management: A ProblemSolving Approach, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 816 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133499308* Askari, Hossein/Krichene, Noureddine The Gold Standard Anchored in Islamic Finance (The Political Economy of the Middle East) 2014:12. 274 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) 会計学 会計学一般 会計教育と職業訓練 Evans, Elaine/Juchau, Roger/Wilson, Richard M.S. (eds.) The Interface of Accounting Education and Professional Training (Special issue books from ‘Accounting Education: an international journal’) 2014:9. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841765* 会計学中級 第1巻 第 16 版 <?{<?^<$? Intermediate Accounting: Intermediate Accounting, Volume 1, 16th ed. 2015:3. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118743034* 会計学中級 第2巻 第 16 版 <?{<?^<$? Intermediate Accounting: Intermediate Accounting, Volume 2, 16th ed. 2015:3. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133791006* 企業会計 マネージャーのための会計学 第5版 Slater, Jeffrey College Accounting: A Practical Approach, 13th ed. 2015:1. 912 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Collier, Paul M. Accounting for Managers: Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making, 5th ed. 2015:4. 552 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119002949* Islam, Muhammad Azizul Social Compliance Accounting: Managing Legitimacy in Global Supply Chains (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2014:11. 185 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319099965* *9781118742990* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 105 会計学 》国際会計 国際会計 監 査 国際会計 内部監査とコンプライアンス Camfferman, Kees/Zeff, Stephen A. Aiming for Global Accounting Standards: The International Accounting Standards Board, 20012011 2015:3. 728 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Graham, Lynford Internal Control Audit and Compliance: Documentation and Testing Under the New COSO Framework (Wiley Corporate F&A) 2015:2. 424 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199646319* *9781118996218* 経営学 参考図書 ビジネスのための統計 第2版 ★ Routledge 版 経営学辞典 第3版 Statt, David A. The Routledge Dictionary of Business Management, 3rd ed. (Routledge Dictionaries) 2014:12. 176 p.;"" published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834842* Waller, Derek Statistics for Business, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 536 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415703758* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415703710* 知識経営 経営学一般 Coulter, Mary Management: Managing the Digital Firm, 13th ed. 2015:1. 672 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133910292* 経営経済・経営数学 知識経営応用 Bolisani, Ettore/Handzic, Meliha (eds.) Advances in Knowledge Management: Celebrating Twenty Years of Research and Practice (Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, Vol. 1) 2014:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319095004* 経営経済学 第8版 組織における知的資本 Samuelson, William F. Managerial Economics, 8th ed. 2014:11. 720 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Pablos, Patricia Ordoñez de/Edvinsson, Leif (eds.) Intellectual Capital in Organizations: Non-Financial Reports and Accounts (Routledge Advances in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Vol. 1) 2014:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781118808948* 106 *9780415737821* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》プロジェクト・マネジメント ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 プロジェクト・マネジメント アジャイルプロジェクトマネジメント Crowder, James A./Friess, Shelli Agile Project Management: Managing for Success 2014:9. 110 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319090177* 発展途上国におけるプロジェクトマネジメント Cusworth, John W./Franks, T. R. Managing Projects in Developing Countries 2014:12. 248 p.;""%$"(EGG] (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835405* Kerzner, Harold R. Project Management 2.0 2015:2. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118991251* プロジェクトマネジメントの要点 第4版 Lock, Dennis The Essentials of Project Management, 4th ed. 2014:11. 220 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472442536* ITとプロジェクトマネジメント 第5版 Marchewka, Jack T. Information Technology Project Management, 5th ed. 2014:12. 376 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118911013* コーポレートガバナンス・CSR Chorafas, Dimitris N. [@ @: Values and Strategic Decision Making 2014:12. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781137433183* コーポレートガバナンスとコンティンジェンシー理論 Ghofar, Abdul/Islam, Sardar M.N. Corporate Governance and Contingency Theory: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach and Accounting Risk Implications (Contributions to Management Science) 2014:11. 266 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319109954* 企業の社会的責任とガバナンス Idowu, Samuel O./Frederiksen, Claus Strue/Mermod, Asli Yüksel/Nielsen, Morten Ebe Juul (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance: Theory and Practice (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2014:12. 430 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319109084* Fryzel, Barbara (ed.) The True Value of CSR: Corporate Identity and Stakeholder Perceptions 2014:12. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137484246* Kubitscheck, Vicky Integrated Assurance: Risk Governance Beyond Boundaries 2014:12. 220 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409423591* アパレル産業におけるサプライチェーン・リスクマネジ メント Lai, Kin Keung/Cheng, Peter Supply Chain Risk Management in Apparel Industries 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138787865* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 107 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 変遷するフィランソロピー LeClair, Mark S. Philanthropy in Transition 2014:10. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137395610* Marques, Joan/Dhiman, Satinder (eds.) Leading Spiritually: Ten Effective Approaches to Workplace Spirituality 2014:12. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137455628* CSRと資源紛争 McKenna, Kylie Corporate Social Responsibility and Natural Re$% (Routledge Research in Sustainability and Business) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138783287* Accounting Perspectives 2014:10. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137435606* Sison, Alejo José G. Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition 2015:2. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107044630* See also ^?<Environmental Entrepreneurship, <(A(<" ......... p123 , 0981 >Sustainable Logistics, <"( %$"?( ............................. p123 , 0982 ""!Resource & Environmental Management, Routledge......................... p123 , 0983 &" Environmental Management, Routledge.................................................. p123 , 0984 企業法務 企業の社会的責任における経済学 McWilliams, A. (ed.) Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series) 2014:11. 800 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 *9781783471430* 企業法務 第9版 Cheeseman, Henry R. Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues, 9th ed. 2015:1. 1056 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780134004006* 経営倫理 Morrison, Janet Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalised World 2015:1. 496 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137309495* コーポレートガバナンスとファイナンシャルマネジメント Nuryanah, Siti/Islam, Sardar M. N. Corporate Governance and Financial Management: Computational Optimisation Modelling and 108 企業形態 世界経済における中小企業 全2巻 Newbert, Scott L. Small Business in a Global Economy: Creating and Managing Successful Organizations 2015:5. 2Vols., 624 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440830150* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》企業形態 Oakey, Ray New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millenium, 2014 (New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Vol. 11) 2014:11. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781783508747* Windsperger, Josef/Cliquet, Gérard/Ehrmann, Thomas/Hendrikse, Georg (eds.) (): Cooperatives, Franchising and Strategic Alliances 2014:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Pijanowski, Thomas Lending Behavior toward Family Firms (Familienunternehmen und KMU) 2014:9. 178 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658066826* Schmieder, Joseph Innovation in the Family Business: Succeeding Through Generations (A Family Business Publication) 2014:12. 126 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137386236* Smyrnios, Kosmas X./Poutziouris, Panikklos Z./Goel, S. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Family Business, 2nd ed. 2014:9. 800 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782540397* Vecchi, Veronica/Brusoni, Manuela/Farr-Wharton, Rodney/Farr-Wharton, Ben (eds.) Managerial Flow (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) 2014:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415749459* ★印はお薦めタイトル Cooper, Cary/Stigter, Marc Solving the Strategy Delusion: Mobilising People and Realising Distinctive Strategies 2014:12. 160 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137394675* Lin, Guiping/Wei, Wei/Zhu, Wuxiang ## < 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ Elgar版 家族経営研究ハンドブック 第2版 経営戦略・経営計画 家族経営のイノベーション *9783319101835* *9783662447130* Mitchell, John S. Operational Excellence: Journey to Creating Sustainable Value 2015:1. 352 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118618011* Sung, Johnny/Ashton, David N. Skills in Business: The Role of Business Strategy, Sectoral Skills Development and Skills Policy 2014:11. 256 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849201094* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849201100* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 109 経営学 》経営戦略・経営計画 BOPビジネスにおける戦略的挑戦 Vermeulen, Patrick AM./Hütte, Edgar Strategic Challenges for the Base of the Pyramid 2014:10. 168 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783472468* 経営組織 ★ 組織化理論 第2版 Czarniawska, Barbara A Theory of Organizing, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783478675* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783478699* ★ シドニー・デッカー著 ヒューマンエラーを理解する 第3版 Dekker, Sidney The Field Guide to Understanding ‘Human Error’, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 192 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472439048* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472439055* Foss, Nicolai J/Saebi, Tina (eds.) Business Model Innovation: The Organizational Dimension 2015:2. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198701873* *9780198728313* Heene, Aime/Sanchez, Ron (eds.) A Focused Issue on Building New Competencies in Dynamic Environments (Research in Competence-Based Management, Vol. 7) 2014:10. 330 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412753* ★ 平野雅章著 組織デザインとリーダーシップ Hirano, Masaaki Organisational Design and Leadership: A Systemic Study of Organisational Evolutions and Revolutions and the Role of Leadership (Translational Systems Sciences, Vol. 8) 2015:5. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9784431551744* ★ 組織行動 第4版 Hitt, Michael A./Colella, Adrienne/ Miller, C. Chet Organizational Behavior, 4th ed. 2014:10. 560 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118809068* Hodges, Julie/Gill, Roger Sustaining Change in Organizations 2014:12. 456 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Garud, Raghu/Simpson, Barbara/Langley, Ann/ Tsoukas, Haridimos (eds.) *9781446207789* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 組織におけるノベルティ 110 ビジネスモデルのイノベーション The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies) 2015:3. 350 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446207796* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営組織 Izak, Michal/Hitchin, Linda/Anderson, David (eds.) Untold Stories in Organizations (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) 2014:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138790018* Judge, Timothy A. Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 13th ed. 2015:1. 384 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133920819* Marcus, Bonnie The Politics of Promotion: How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead 2015:3. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Kayes, D. Chris Contemporary Organizational Behavior: From Ideas to Action 2015:1. 800 p. 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(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781118997420* 組織行動 *9781118456415* 組織行動の基礎 第 13 版 Leung, Mei–yung/Chan, Isabelle Yee Shan/Cooper, Cary L. Stress Management in the Construction Industry 2015:1. 288 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 建設業におけるストレスマネジメント *9781784412111* ★印はお薦めタイトル Carpenter, Heather/Qualls, Tera The Talent Development Platform: Putting People First in Social Change Organizations (The Jossey– %^< ;@~\?%? (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118873885* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 111 経営学 》人事管理 リーダーシップ 人的資源管理の基礎 第4版 Dessler, Gary Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th ed. 2015:1. 544 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133791532* Handler, Charles/Bersin, Josh Pre-Hire Assessment Handbook: How Science and Big Data Can Transform Corporate Recruiting 2015:4. 300 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119000143* Johnstone, Stewart/Ackers, Peter (eds.) Finding a Voice at Work?: New Perspectives on Employment Relations 2015:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199668007* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199668014* Lewin, David/Gollan, Paul J. (eds.) Advances in Industrial Labor Relations (Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations, Vol. 21) 2015:2. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784413804* 人的資源管理 第 14 版 Martocchio, Joseph J. Human Resource Management, 14th ed. 2015:1. 432 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 112 *9780133848809* *9789814616188* リーダーシップ開発応用 Bolea, Al/Atwater, Leanne Applied Leadership Development: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery (LEADERSHIP: Research and Practice) 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848725836* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781848725843* Cadieux, Randy E. Team Leadership in High-Hazard Environments: Performance, Safety and Risk Management Strategies for Operational Teams 2014:12. 250 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 労使関係応用 Anandraj, Vincent/Gay, Arnold (eds.) ^# : Of Ordinary Men and Less Ordinary Leadership 2015:1. 244 p. (World Scien^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 雇用関係の新しい視点 *9781472433534* イノベーションとアントレプレナーシップ Carayannis, Elias G./Samara, Elpida T./Bakouros, Yannis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory, Policy and Practice (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management) 2014:11. 194 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319112411* アントレプレナーシップと中小企業経営 第8版 Cornwall, Jeffrey R. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 8th ed. 2015:1. 720 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133849622* ★ P.F. ドラッカー著 経営者に贈る 5 つの質問 Drucker, Peter F./Snyder Kuhl, Joan/Hesselbein, Frances Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions: Enduring Wisdom for Today’s Leaders 2015:2. 144 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118979594* Gauthier, Valérie Leading with Sense: The Intuitive Power of SavoirRelier (Stanford Business Books) 2014:8. 200 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804786256* アントレプレナーシップ 第4版 Glackin, Caroline Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating A Small Business, 4th ed. 2015:1. 592 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133934458* Goethals, George R./Allison, Scott/Messick, David (eds.) Conceptions of Leadership: Enduring Ideas and Emerging Insights (Jepson Studies in Leadership) 2014:12. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137472014* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137472021* *9780415742078* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415742252* Jones, Stephanie/Gosling, Jonathan Napoleonic Leadership: A Study in Power 2015:4. 152 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446294420* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446294437* Kiel, Fred Return on Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win 2015:4. 272 p. (Harvard Business School Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781625271303* 21世紀における女性のアントレプレナーシップ Lewis, Kate/Henry, C./Gatewood, Elizabeth J. (eds.) Women’s Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century: An International Multi-Level Research Analysis 2014:11. 368 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782544609* 社会変化のためのテクノロジーとイノベーション Majumdar, Satyajit/Guha, Samapti/Marakkath, Nadiya (eds.) Technology and Innovation for Social Change 2015:1. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132220701* Harvey, Michael Interactional Leadership and How to Coach it: The art of the choice-focused leader 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 113 経営学 》リーダーシップ 新興国におけるアントレプレナーシップ Manimala, Mathew J/Wasdani, Kishinchand Poornima (eds.) Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Perspectives from Emerging Economies 2014:12. 275 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132220855* Marques, Joan Leadership and Mindful Behavior: Action, Wakefulness, and Business 2014:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137405609* ★ Mikitani, Hiroshi/Mikitani, Ryoichi The Power to Compete: An Entrepreneur and an Economist on Revitalizing Japan in the Global Economy 2014:11. 240 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119000600* Mitchell, J. Robert/Mitchell, R. Keith/RandolphSeng, Brandon (eds.) The Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition (Elgar Original Reference) 2014:11. 648 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781781006580* リーダーシップにおける複雑性と適応性 第2版 Obolensky, Nick Complex Adaptive Leadership: Embracing Paradox and Uncertainty, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 272 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472447913* ★ Roberts, Gary E. Servant Leader Human Resource Management: A Moral and Spiritual Perspective 2014:9. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137428363* 中小企業・起業のためのファイナンス Roberts, Richard Finance for Small and Entrepreneurial Business (Routledge-ISBE Masters in Entrepreneurship) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415720991* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415721004* Ruckdäschel, Susanne Leadership of Networks and Performance: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations) 2014:10. 241 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658070328* リーダーシップと脳神経科学 Swart, Tara/Chisholm, Kitty/Brown, Paul Neuroscience for Leadership: Harnessing the Brain Gain Advantage (The Neuroscience of Business) 2015:1. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 114 *9780230275188* 三木谷浩史・三木谷良一著 競争力 ロバート・K・グリーンリーフ著 サーバ ントリーダーと人的資源管理 Rae, David Opportunity-Centred Entrepreneurship, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 282 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137466853* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ Taylor, Steven (ed.) The Physicality of Leadership: Gesture, Entanglement, Taboo, Possibilities (Monographs in Leadership and Management, Vol. 6) 2014:11. 385 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412906* <!?=^+*!+<><?@ Leading Global Teams: Translating Multidisciplinary Science to Practice 2014:11. 150 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493920495* アントレプレナーシップ論 Zachary, Ramona K./Mishra, Chandra S. The Theory of Entrepreneurship: Creating and Sustaining Entrepreneurial Value 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137376428* 国際ビジネス・各国経営 Blyde, Juan S. (ed.) Synchronized Factories: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Era of Global Value Chains 2014:11. 160 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319099903* ★ Carpenter, Susan Japan Inc. on the Brink: Institutional Corruption and Agency Failure 2014:12. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782540229* Foscht, Thomas/Morschett, Dirk/Rudolph, Thomas/ Schnedlitz, Peter/Schramm-Klein, Hanna/Swoboda, Bernhard (eds.) European Retail Research: 2013, Volume 27, Issue II (European Retail Research) 2014:10. 160 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658070373* ""!$Hard Times, Stanford U.P. ...................................................................p169 , 1415 *9780309305228* Child, J./Tse, Kenneth K.-T./Rodrigues, Suzana B. The Dynamics of Corporate Co-Evolution: A Case Study of Port Development in China 2014:9. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 See also Celeste, Richard F./Griswold, Ann/Straf, Miron L. Furthering America’s Research Enterprise 2014:12. 176 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 アメリカの研究事業 Jakobsen, Michael Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Malaysia: On Contextualisation in International Business Studies (Chinese Worlds) 2014:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138818729* 多国籍企業とグローバルガバナンス Lundan, Sarianna (ed.) Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance: The Cost of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy 2014:11. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137467676* *9781137469434* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 115 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 ★ Palgrave版 国際的アウトソーシングと オフショアリングハンドブック 第3版 Oshri, Ilan/Kotlarsky, Julia/Willcocks, Leslie P. The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring\$+^< Strategy and Operations, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137437426* 異文化マネジメント Rothlauf, Jürgen A Global View on Intercultural Management: challenges in a globalized world 2014:11. 500 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110400625* Shah, Rajiv/Gao, Zhijie/Mittal, Harini Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Economy in the US, China, and India: Historical Perspectives and Future Trends 2014:11. 328 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128018903* Sindakis, Stavros/Walter, Christian (eds.) The Entrepreneurial Rise in Southeast Asia: $+<%}!$!+{! Innovation (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth) 2015:1. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137378675* 多国籍企業、市場と多様性 Verbeke, Alain/Tulder, Rob van/Lundan, Sarianna (eds.) Multinational Enterprises, Markets and Institutional Diversity (Progress in International Business Research, Vol. 9) 2014:11. 433 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) 116 *9781784414221* リーダーシップ開発のグローバル化 Wang, Jingjing Globalization of Leadership Development: An Empirical Study of Impact on German and Chinese Managers (Internationale Wirtschaftspartner) 2014:9. 426 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658068639* Wellhausen, Rachel L. The Shield of Nationality: When Governments Break Contracts with Foreign Firms 2015:1. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107082762* 国際ビジネス 第8版 Wild, Kenneth L. International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, 8th ed. 2015:1. 480 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 東南アジアにおける起業の台頭 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780133866247* 経営情報 インターネットと顧客価値管理 Doligalski, Tymoteusz Internet-Based Customer Value Management: Developing Customer Relationship Online (Management for Professionals) 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319098548* Giannetto, David F. Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results 2015:1. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営情報 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137410399* 情報システムのアウトソーシング 第4版 Hirschheim, Rudy/Heinzl, Armin/Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing: Towards Sustainable Business Value, 4th ed. (Progress in IS) 2014:9. 515 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662438190* Kern, Robert Dynamic Quality Management for Cloud Labor Services: Methods and Applications for Gaining Reliable Work Results with an On-Demand Workforce (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 192) 2014:10. 230 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319097756* 情報システムマネジメント 第 14 版 Laudon, Jane Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 14th ed. 2015:1. 672 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133898163* Rossignoli, Cecilia/Ricciardi, Francesca Inter-Organizational Relationships: Towards a Dynamic Model for Understanding Business Network Performance (Contributions to Management Science) 2014:11. 135 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319112206* Uhl, Axel/Gollenia, Lars Alexander (eds.) Digital Enterprise Transformation: A BusinessDriven Approach to Leveraging Innovative IT 2014:12. 220 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472448545* ★印はお薦めタイトル Wallace, Patricia Internet in the Workplace: How New Technology is Transforming Work 2014:11. 316 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107460119* Weinman, Joe Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Mobility, Social Media, and the Internet of Everything (Wiley CIO) 2015:3. 384 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118995396* e コマース ビジネスとオンライン取引における法的環境 第8版 Cheeseman, Henry R. The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, 8th ed. 2015:1. 648 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133973310* ビットコイン:暗号論、エンジニアリングと経済学 Franco, Pedro Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering and Economics (The Wiley Finance Series) 2014:10. 280 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119019169* 電子商取引 第8版 Turban, Efraim/King, David/Lee, Jae Kyu/Liang, Ting-Peng/Turban, Deborrah C./Sharda, Ramesh Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, 8th ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2014:12. 1281p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319100906* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 117 経営学 》e コマース ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 See also \*%Access to Justice in Transnational B2C E-Commerce, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p138 , 1131 *9780133871777* グローバルロジスティクス・マネジメント 生産管理・物流管理 Cook, Thomas A. Driving Risk and Spend Out of the Global Supply Chain (The Global Warrior Series) 2014:9. 366 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482226089* ★ サプライチェーン・マネジメントの原則 第2版 Crandall, Richard E./Crandall, William R./Chen, Charlie C. Principles of Supply Chain Management, 2nd ed. (Resource Management) 2014:12. 656 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482212020* Davis, Stanley Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality, 8th ed. 2015:1. 672 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133791853* Hafey, Robert B. Lean Safety Gemba Walks: A Methodology for Workforce Engagement and Culture Change 2014:12. 175 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482258981* オペレーションズ・サプライチェーンマネジメント入門 第4版 <^<*? Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 4th ed. 2015:1. 590 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) 118 Kara, Bahar Y./Sabuncuoglu, Ihsan/Bidanda, Bopaya (eds.) Global Logistics Management (Industrial Engineering) 2014:12. 304 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482226942* Laínez-Aguirre, José Miguel/Puigjaner, Luis Advances in Integrated and Sustainable Supply Chain Planning: Concepts, Methods, Tools and Solution Approaches toward a Platform for Industrial Practice 2014:11. 350 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319102191* サプライチェーンマネジメント 第6版 Meindl, Peter Supply Chain Management, 6th ed. 2015:1. 528 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133800203* Wang, Xin Operational Transportation Planning of Modern Freight Forwarding Companies: Vehicle Routing under Consideration of Subcontracting and Request Exchange (Produktion und Logistik) 2014:9. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658068684* Webb, Scott Managing Supply Chains and Operations 2015:1. 650 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780132832403* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》研究開発・技術戦略 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 研究開発・技術戦略 ★ Castells, Manuel Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes 2014:12. 288 p., ;""%$"(EGG_ (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834095* Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee Technology Financing and Commercialization: Exploring the Challenges and How Nations Can Build Innovative Capacity 2014:11. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137470614* Baack, Donald E Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications: The Challenges of Globalization, 7th ed. 2015:1. 480 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133866339* Berkovi, Jack Effective Client Management in Professional Services: How to Build Successful Client Relationships 2014:12. 246 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 経営科学 *9780133795028* *9781409437895* 社会的影響と消費者行動 Joro, Tarja/Korhonen, Pekka J. Extension of Data Envelopment Analysis with Preference Information\=^!!>tional Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 218) 2014:12. 190 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781489975270* Agarwal, Renu/Selen, Willem (eds.) A Guidebook to Service Innovation 2014:11. 850 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 マーケティングの原則 第 16 版 Armstrong, Gary Principles of Marketing: Introduction to Total Quality, 16th ed. 2015:1. 720 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138844872* マーケティング・マネジメント 第 15 版 *9781447165897* マーケティング Howard, Daniel J./Kirmani, Amna/Rajagopal, Priyali (eds.) %$[: FailureWise Lessons for Breakthrough Innovation and Growth 2014:11. 152 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Keller, Kevin Marketing Management: Concepts and Skills, 15th ed. 2015:1. 816 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133856460* Kerns, Chris Trendology: Building an Advantage Through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137479556* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 119 経営学 》マーケティング Kumar, Nirmalya/Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M. Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global 2015:2. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137467591* }{;??{%? T.H.A/Pauwels, Koen H. Modeling Markets: Analyzing Marketing Phenomena and Improving Marketing Decision Making (International Series in Quantitative Marketing) 2014:11. 400 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493920853* ★ マーケティング研究 第 10 版 McDaniel Jr., Carl/Gates, Roger Marketing Research, 10th ed. 2014:10. 648 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118808849* マーケティング McLoughlin, Damien D./Barker, Beverly/Elliott, Greg/Rundle–Thiele, Sharyn Marketing 2015:4. 400 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118936108* Nufer, Gerd Ambush Marketing in Sports (Routledge Sports Marketing Series) 2014:10. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833869* Parment, Anders Marketing to the 90s Generation: Global Data on Society, Consumption, and Identity 2014:12. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) 120 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137444295* Philips, Deborah/Whannel, Garry The Trojan Horse: The Growth of Commercial Sponsorship 2015:2. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474224291* 消費文化論 Schouten, John/Martin, Diane/Belk, Russell W. (eds.) Consumer Culture Theory (Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 16) 2014:11. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784411589* 特定産業 Forster, George Building Organisation and Procedures, 2nd ed. (Longman Technician Series) 2014:12. 304 p., Origi""%$"(EGIM (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835849* Moraglio, Massimo/Kopper, Christopher (eds.) The Organization of Transport: A History of Users, Industry, and Public Policy (Routledge International Studies in Business History) 2014:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415744201* See also !*(International Best Practices in Health Care Management, <"( % Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p173 , 1457 )@ Healthcare Administration, ) ) "$" ...................................................................p175 , 1464 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》特定産業 !""The Golden Rule in Sports, Springer Verlag ........................................ p208 , 1724 //'National Basketball Association Strategies, Springer Verlag .................................................................. p208 , 1728 Lienhard, Pierre, Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events, Springer Verlag .................................................................. p208 , 1729 "Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management, Routledge.............. p208 , 1730 Smith, Aaron C. T., Introduction to Sport Marketing, Routledge ............................. p208 , 1732 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118397008* Routledge 版 ホスピタリティ・ツーリズムのための マーケティング研究ハンドブック Handbook of Marketing Research Methodologies for Hospitality and Tourism 2014:12. 382 p., Origi""%$"([``M (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834873* ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム Andrews, Hazel (ed.) Tourism and Violence (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) 2014:12. 274 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409436409* 国際的ホスピタリティ・マネジメント 第2版 Clarke, Alan International Hospitality Management, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138780972* *9781138780965* Errami, Ezzoura/Brocx, Margaret/Semeniuk, Vic (eds.) From Geoheritage to Geoparks: Case Studies from Africa and Beyond (Geoheritage, Geoparks and Geotourism) 2014:11. 259 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319107073* ★ 生態学とマネジメント 第3版 Hammitt, William E. Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management, 3rd ed. (Wiley Desktop Editions) 2015:1. 336 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138840508* Mills, Juline E./Law, Rob Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet 2014:12. 334 p.;""%$"( 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834866* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Routledge 版 消費者行動、 ツーリズムとインターネッ トハンドブック Lew, Alan A. (ed.) New Research Paradigms in Tourism Geography 2015:2. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ツーリズムとレジャー Pechlaner, Harald/Smeral, Egon (eds.) Tourism and Leisure: Current Issues and Perspectives of Development 2014:9. 389 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658066598* ヘルス・ウェルネスツーリズム Peris-Ortiz, Marta/Alvarez-Garcia, Jose (eds.) Health and Wellness Tourism: Emergence of a New Market Segment 2014:11. 100 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319114897* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 121 経営学 》ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 ホスピタリティ・ツーリズムの理論と実践 Radzi, Salleh Mohd/Bakhtiar, Mohd Faeez Saiful/ Mohi, Zurinawati/Zahari, Mohd Salehuddin Mohd/ Sumarjan, Norzuwana/Chik, C.T./Izwan Anuar, Faiz (eds.) Theory and Practice in Hospitality and Tourism Research 2014:8. 400 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138027060* Timothy, Dallen J./Boyd, Stephen W. Tourism and Trails: Cultural, Ecological and Management Issues (Aspects of Tourism, Vol. 64) 2014:12. 328 p. (Channel View Publications, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781845414771* ホスピタリティ産業 第3版 Walker, John R. Exploring the Hospitality Industry: Core Concepts, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 384 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133762778* See also Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China, Springer Verlag ............................. p37 , 0273 *9781845414788* 環境学 環境思想・環境文明 See Shrader-Frechette, Kristin, What Will Work, Oxford U.P., New York................................p22 , 0145 Development Program in the World 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319115047* 環境経済 Brown, Marilyn A./Wang, Yu Green Savings: The Economic Power of Energy =^!!~\?~%?>{;"@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440831201* Crawford-Brown, Douglas/Barker, Terry Decarbonising the World’s Economy: Assessing the Feasibility of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas ~\?%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783265114* 東アジアにおける再生可能エネルギー Dent, Christopher M. Renewable Energy in East Asia: Towards a New Developmentalism (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series) 2014:11. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138807198* エネルギー、環境と持続可能な開発における経済学 的分析 Ferreira Rivas, Alexandre Almir/Kahn, James R. The Future of Our Environment: An Economic Analysis of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development 2015:3. 360 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849802833* Delang, Claudio O./Yuan, Zhen China’s Grain for Green Program: A Review of the Largest Ecological Restoration and Rural 122 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境経済 環境経営 Finkel, Madelon L. The Human and Environmental Impact of Fracking: How Fracturing Shale for Gas Affects Us and Our World 2015:2. 265 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440832598* Gates, J. Edward/Trauger, David L./Czech, Brian (eds.) Peak Oil, Economic Growth, and Wildlife Conservation 2014:12. 634 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493919536* }?{{+{><?@ Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Case Studies and Impacts (Natural Resource Management and Policy, Vol. 45) 2014:12. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319114989* Mathews, John Greening of Capitalism: How Asia Is Driving the Next Great Transformation 2014:11. 328 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804791502* Sunderasan, Srinivasan Clean-Energy Investments: Cases and Teaching Notes 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132220619* See also 環境とアントレプレナーシップ Huggins, Laura E. Environmental Entrepreneurship: Markets Meet the Environment in Unexpected Places 2014:9. 224 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783473113* 持続可能なロジスティクス Macharis, Cathy Sustainable Logistics (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 6) 2014:10. 310 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784410629* 資源と環境経営 第2版 Mitchell, Bruce Resource & Environmental Management, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 392 p.;""%$"([``E (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836877* Orden, David, Trade-Related Agricultural Policy Analysis, &"(* ....................... p100 , 0764 ★ 環境経営 Wilson, Geoff A./Bryant, Raymond L. Environmental Management 2014:12. 216 p., ;""%$"(EGGM (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Josling, Tim, Farm Policies and World Markets, &"(* ........................................ p100 , 0763 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780300190533* クリーンエネルギー投資 Auld, Graeme Constructing Private Governance: The Rise and =|==<+|^!tion 2014:12. 352 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ピークオイル、経済成長と自然保護 *9781138834347* See also <<From Geoheritage to Geoparks, Springer Verlag ........................................ p121 , 0960 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 123 環境学 》環境政治 環境政治 Anderson, Terry L./Leal, Donald R. (eds.) Free Market Environmentalism for the Next Generation 2015:2. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137448132* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137448149* Barrett, George/Brooks, Shirley/Josefsson, Jenny/ Zulu, Nqobile (eds.) The Changing Face of Land and Conservation in Post-colonial Africa: Old Land, New Practices? 2015:1. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832732* Dupuis, Johann/Knoepfel, Peter The Politics of Contaminated Sites Management: Institutional Regime Change and Actors’ Mode of Participation in the Environmental Management =+=|+!<^;< 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319113067* ヨーロッパのエネルギー・環境政策の起源 Hoerber, Thomas C. The Origins of Energy and Environmental Policy in Europe: The Beginnings of a European Environmental Conscience (Environmental Politics) 2014:9. 290 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830363* 動物と環境 Kemmerer, Lisa (ed.) Animals and the Environment: Advocacy, activism, and the quest for common ground 2015:1. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) 124 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825871* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825888* 環境の政治学:研究ガイド Okereke, Chukwumerije (ed.) Politics of the Environment: A Survey (Europa Politics of ... series) 2014:10. 312 p.;""%$lished in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781857437560* Pan, Jiahua/Zhuang, Guiyang/Zhu, Shouxian Reconstruction of China Low-Carbon City Evaluation Indicator System: A Methodological Guide for Applications 2015:5. 200 p. (World Scien^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814612838* アメリカの環境政策 Rinfret, Sara R./Pautz, Michelle C. US Environmental Policy in Action: Practice and Implementation 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137335258* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137482099* 風力における政治と政策 Valentine, Scott Wind Power Politics and Policy: Analytical Politics Revisited 2014:12. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199862726* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境政治 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 持続可能性の解説 Washington, Haydn Demystifying Sustainability: Towards Real Solutions 2015:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812680* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812697* ★ Alam, Shawkat/Hossain Bhuiyan, Jahid/ Chowdhury, Tareq M.R./Techera, Erika J. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law 2014:9. 852 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138838970* 人権と気候変動 Atapattu, Sumudu Human Rights Approaches to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415727099* 国際法と北極圏 Byers, Michael International Law and the Arctic (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) 2014:7. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470903* *9783319106076* Roberts, Peter (ed.) International Energy Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036468* 環境と気候変動に関する法事典 Robinson, Nicholas A./Xi, Wang/Harmon, Lin (eds.) Dictionary of Environmental and Climate Change Law (Elgar Original Reference) 2014:11. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782540359* 環境社会・環境教育 Chilvers, Jason/Kearnes, Matthew (eds.) Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emergent Publics 2015:5. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415857390* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415857406* Janusz-Pawletta, Barbara The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea 2014:11. 176 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル Karim, Saiful Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels: The Potential and Limits of the International Maritime Organization 2014:11. 150 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Routledge版 国際環境法ハンドブック *9783662447291* 環境法 Perkiö, Johanna/Warlenius, Rikard/Borgnäs, Kajsa/ Eskelinen, Teppo (eds.) The Politics of Ecosocialism: Transforming Welfare (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 125 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138810464* 都市と環境 都市ネットワークとグローバル環境ガバナンス {;^ Cities, Networks, and Global Environmental Governance: Spaces of Innovation, Places of Leadership (Cities and Global Governance) 2014:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833210* Routledge 版 都市エコロジーハンドブック Douglas, Ian/Goode, David/Houck, Mike/Wang, Rusong (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology 2014:12. 688 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138824423* Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan/Steyn, Wynand JvdM/Harvey, John (eds.) Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements (Green Energy and Technology) 2014:11. 517 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662447185* Johnson, Craig A./Toly, Noah J./Schroeder, Heike (eds.) The Urban Climate Challenge: Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime (Cities and Global Governance) 2015:3. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 126 Borden, Skye Thirsty City: Politics, Greed, and the Making of Atlanta’s Water Crisis 2014:9. 224 p. (State University of New York Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781138776883* *9781438452791* 地球温暖化を理解する 第2版 Kump, Lee R. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 208 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133909777* 気地球温暖化政策のオプション Nordhaus, William A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies 2014:10. 256 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300209396* Nuccitelli, Dana Andrew Climatology versus Pseudoscience: Exposing the Failed Predictions of Global Warming Skeptics 2015:4. 195 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 都市の気候変動 環境問題 *9781440832017* 環境犯罪 White, Rob Environmental Harm: An eco-justice perspective (Studies in social harm) 2014:9. 216 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781447300410* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境問題 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 環境保護と持続可能な開発 Zhang, Jiaxing (ed.) Environmental Protection and Sustainable Ecological Development 2014:10. 750 p. (CRC Press, USA) *9781138026834* 法 学 法学一般 基礎法 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 法の辞書編集 Aodha, Mairtin Mac (ed.) Legal Lexicography: A Comparative Perspective (Law, Language and Communication) 2014:12. 320 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409454410* Pope, David/Hill, Dan Mooting and Advocacy Skills, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 202 p. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780414037519* Temm, Wanda M. Clearing the Last Hurdle: Mapping Success on the Bar Exam 2014:8. 926 p. (Aspen Law & Business, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781454850021* Vorenberg, Amy Preparing for Practice: Legal Analysis and Writing in Law School’s First Year 2014:7. 192 p. (Aspen Law & Business, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Broekman, Jan/Catà Backer, Larry (eds.) Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III 2014:12. 370 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319098364* 擬制の理論と実践 Del Mar, Maksymilian/Twining, William (eds.) Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice (Law and Philosophy Library, Vol. 110) 2014:11. 704 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783319096490* *9781454836162* *9780198729327* Banakar, Reza Normativity in Legal Sociology: Methodological *}!<*{<nity 2014:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Austin, Lisa M/Klimchuk, Dennis (eds.) Private Law and the Rule of Law 2014:12. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 模擬裁判と弁論技術 第3版 私法と法の支配 *9783319092317* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 127 法 学 》基礎法 ホッブスと法 Dyzenhaus, David/Poole, Thomas (eds.) Hobbes and the Law 2015:1. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470910* Eckert, Julia/Donahoe, Brian/Strümpell, Christian/ Biner, Zerrin Özlem (eds.) Law Against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Law’s Transformations (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2015:1. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471078* 信仰、法と政治 Foblets, Marie-Claire/Alidadi, Katayoun/Yanasmayan, Zeynep/Nielsen, Jorgen S. (eds.) Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe? (Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE) 2014:12. 384 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Straumann, Benjamin Roman Law in the State of Nature: The Classical Foundations of Hugo Grotius’ Natural Law (Ideas in Context) 2015:3. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781472453464* Horwitz, Morton J./Gordon, Robert W. (eds.) Law, Society, and History: Themes in the Legal Sociology and Legal History of Lawrence M. Friedman (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2014:12. 454 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107459496* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Murray, Jamie Deleuze & Guattari: Emergent Law (Nomikoi Critical Legal Thinkers) 2014:9. (Cavendish Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 128 *9780415817509* *9781138824867* 古代アテネにおける民主主義と法の支配 Harris, Edward M. Democracy and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens: Essays on Law, Society, and Politics 2015:1. 518 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★ ドゥルーズ&ガタリの法学思想 *9780415715584* 法制史 法、社会と歴史 *9781107092907* Valverde, Mariana Chronotopes of Law: Jurisdiction, Scale and Governance (Social Justice) 2015:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107070721* Pavlakos, George/Rodriguez-Blanco, Veronica (eds.) Reasons and Intentions in Law and Practical Agency 2015:3. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107459519* Harvey, David J. The Law Emprynted and Englysshed: The Printing Press as an Agent of Change in Law and Legal Culture 1475-1642 2015:3. 304 p. (Hart Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781849466684* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 Verscuren, An The Great Council of Malines in the 18th century: An Aging Court in a Changing World? (Studies in the History of Law and Justice, Vol. 3) 2014:11. 446 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319096377* Wright, Robert Legal Essays and Addresses: Lord Wright of Durley 2015:2. 478 p.;""%$"(EG]G (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107452701* Farran, Sue/Orucu, Esin/Donlan, Sean Patrick (eds.) A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched or Blended (Juris Diversitas) 2014:10. 256 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Yeh, Jiunn-rong/Chang, Wen-Chen (eds.) Asian Courts in Context 2015:1. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Yu, Guanghua (ed.) Rethinking Law and Development: The Chinese experience 2014:9. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138843363* 憲 法 ★ Haley, John Owen/Takenaka, Toshiko (eds.) Legal Innovations in Asia: Judicial {<+}!=|parative Law (Studies in Comparative Law and Legal Culture Series) 2014:10. 400 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783472789* *9781107066083* 公 法 竹中俊子他編 アジア法におけるイノ ベーション 立憲主義:1994年以降の南アフリカ Corder, Hugh/Federico, Veronica/Orru, Romano V. A. (eds.) The Quest for Constitutionalism: South Africa since 1994 2014:12. 240 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472416315* ★ 世界の混合法域 第2版 Palmer, Vernon Valentine (ed.) Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 728 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 アジア法廷 *9781472441775* *9781782549505* 法と開発の再考:中国の事例 比較法 Samuel, Geoffrey A Short Introduction to the Common Law 2014:9. 208 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 コモン・ロー入門 アメリカ史にみる自然法思想と反奴隷立憲主義 Dyer, Justin Buckley Natural Law and the Antislavery Constitutional Tradition 2015:2. 207 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107454354* *9781107471092* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 129 法 学 》公 法 憲法:政府の権力と個人の自由 第3版 Feldmeier, John Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers and Individual Freedoms, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 648 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133767698* Hiebert, Janet L./Kelly, James B. Parliamentary Bills of Rights: The Experiences of New Zealand and the United Kingdom (Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law) 2015:3. 503 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107076518* 司法制度 倫理、犯罪と刑事司法 第3版 Arrigo, Bruce A. Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Concepts and Applications, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 336 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133843095* Graver, Hans Petter Judges Against Justice: On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack 2014:10. 292 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662442920* 米国裁判所とコモン・ロー Grossi, Simona The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach: Standards of Decision in Comparative Perspective 2015:1. 440 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 130 *9781107028050* Hess Orthmann, Christine Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 7th ed. 2015:1. 696 p. (Cengage Learning, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781285447926* ポスト毛沢東の中国における司法制度と改革 Li, Yuwen The Judicial System and Reform in Post-Mao China: Stumbling Towards Justice (The Rule of Law in China and Comparative Perspectives, Vol. 1) 2014:11. 336 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472436054* Malphurs, Ryan Rhetoric and Discourse in Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Sensemaking in Judicial Decisions (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication) 2014:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842489* Pettai, Eva-Clarita/Pettai, Vello Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States 2015:3. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107049499* Randazzo, Kirk A./Waterman, Richard W. Checking the Courts: Law, Ideology, and Contingent Discretion (SUNY Series in American Constitutionalism) 2014:9. 192 p. (State University of New York Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781438452876* ★ 合衆国憲法・修正条項必携 第6版 Vile, John R. A Companion to the United States Constitution and its Amendments: How Fracturing Shale for Gas Affects Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 Us and Our World, 6th ed. 2015:3. 345 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440833274* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781440835605* 中国における法の支配 Wang, Yuhua Tying the Autocrat’s Hands: The Rise of The Rule of Law in China (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 2015:2. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107071742* 人 権 Andreopoulos, George/Arat, Zehra (eds.) The Uses and Misuses of Human Rights: A Critical Approach to Advocacy 2014:11. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137408334* Barten, Ulrike Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal SelfDetermination 2014:11. 260 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319088754* 憲法と宗教的自由 Cross, Frank B. Constitutions and Religious Freedom (Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy) 2015:4. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107041448* 人権における批判的視点 Dickinson, Rob/Katselli, Elena/Murray, Colin/Pedersen, Ole W. (eds.) ★印はお薦めタイトル Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights 2015:1. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471047* Goidel, Robert Kirby/Freeman, Craig Malcolm/ Smentkowski, Brian Misreading the Bill of Rights: Top Ten Myths Concerning Your Rights and Liberties 2015:2. 270 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440832338* 社会保障と社会的保護における女性の権利 Goldblatt, Beth/Lamarche, Lucie (eds.) Women’s Rights to Social Security and Social Protection (Oñati International Series in Law and Society) 2014:10. 278 p. (Hart Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781849466929* 人権と宗教多元主義 Gozdecka, Dorota Anna Rights, Religious Pluralism and the Recognition of Difference: Off the Scales of Justice 2015:5. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138798922* Liefaard, Ton/Doek, Jaap E. (eds.) Litigating the Rights of the Child: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Domestic and International Jurisprudence 2014:11. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401794442* アジアにおける人権 Mackie, Vera (ed.) Ways of Knowing about Human Rights in Asia 2014:12. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138838253* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 131 法 学 》公 法 Sarat, Austin (ed.) A World without Privacy: What Law Can and Should Do? 2015:1. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107081215* Thomas, Jean Public Rights, Private Relations 2014:12. 350 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199677733* Honey, Richard/Sheikh, Saira Kabir/Pike, Jeremy (eds.) Planning Appeal Decisions 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Vandenhole, Wouter/Desmet, Ellen/Reynaert, Didier/Lembrechts, Sara (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Children’s Rights Studies 2015:3. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138023703* 建設業のための法 第2版 Lewis, J.R./Owen, Stephanie Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd ed. (Chartered Institute of Building) 2014:12. 312 p., Origi""%$"(EGGI (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ プライバシー入門 第2版 *9780198725947* ★ Oxford版 移民法ハンドブック 第9版 Phelan, Margaret/Gillespie, James Immigration Law Handbook, 9th ed. 2015:1. 1784 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198724087* 人権 2014 Ward, Tim/Amos, Merris (eds.) Human Rights Law Reports 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781138835450* Wacks, Raymond Privacy: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd ed. (Very Short Introductions) 2015:3. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780414036260* Routledge 版 児童の権利研究ハンドブック 行政法 See also Atapattu, Sumudu, Human Rights Approaches to Climate Change, Routledge ................... p125 , 0996 *9780414036277* Shirley, James/Gordon, Richard (eds.) Administrative Court Digest 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036239* Zirk-Sadowski, Marek/Wojciechowski, Bartosz/ Cern, Karolina M. (eds.) Towards Recognition of Minority Groups: Legal and Communication Strategies (Law, Language and Communication) 2014:12. 320 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 132 財政法 付加価値税の台頭 James, Kathryn The Rise of the Value-Added Tax (Cambridge Tax Law Series) 2015:3. 496 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) *9781472444905* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107044128* Rowell, George/Flood, John Tax Penalties 2014:12. 300 p. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780414037311* ★ 付加価値税:比較アプローチ 第2版 Schenk, Alan/Thuronyi, Victor/Cui, Wei Value Added Tax: A Comparative Approach, 2nd ed. (Cambridge Tax Law Series) 2015:3. 560 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107042988* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107617629* Reed, Alan/Bohlander, Michael (eds.) General Defences in Criminal Law: Domestic and Comparative Perspectives (Substantive Issues in Criminal Law) 2014:12. 496 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 刑法の原則 第6版 Roberson, Cliff Principles of Criminal Law, 6th ed. 2015:1. 336 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 刑法の要点 第 12 版 Thomas, Andrew Essentials of Criminal Law, 12th ed. 2015:1. 336 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133771114* 刑法・刑事訴訟法 刑法 2014 Dennis, Ian (ed.) Criminal Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036222* Britz, Marjie T. Criminal Evidence: Basic Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 520 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133598339* 刑事裁判 第4版 政治・法の支配の崩壊 Frankenberg, G. Political Technology and the Erosion of the Rule of Law: Normalizing the State of Exception (Elgar Monographs in Constitutional and Administrative Law Series) 2015:1. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780133822533* 刑事法 *9781472433350* *9781783472512* ★印はお薦めタイトル Champion, Dean J. Criminal Courts: Structure, Process, and Issues, 4th ed. 2015:1. 408 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133779745* Hsieh, Kuo-Hsing The Exclusionary Rule of Evidence: Comparative Analysis and Proposals for Reform (International and Comparative Criminal Justice) 2014:12. 256 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 133 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472410672* Pugliese, Joseph State Violence and the Execution of Law: Torture, Black Sites, Drones 2014:8. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415815550* 司法制度における刑事訴訟 第 11 版 Wallace, Harvey Procedures in the Justice System: Being Ethical When No One is Looking, 11th ed. 2015:1. 432 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133591170* 刑事訴訟 第2版 Worrall, John L. Criminal Procedure: Justice Series, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 352 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133587593* Andresen, Martin/Farrell, Graham (eds.) The Criminal Act\$+*<}!= Routine Activity Theory 2015:1. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137391315* Arsovska, Jana Decoding Albanian Organized Crime: Culture, Politics, and Globalization 2015:2. 288 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282803* Aviram, Hadar Cheap on Crime: Recession-Era Politics and the Transformation of American Punishment 2015:1. 264 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520277304* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520277311* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 組織犯罪 第7版 Albanese, Jay S. Organized Crime: From the Mob to Transnational Organized Crime, 7th ed. 2014:10. 420 p. (Mosby, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780323296069* 刑事司法における倫理 第4版 Albanese, Jay S. Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Being Ethical When No One is Looking, 4th ed. 2015:1. 192 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 134 少年犯罪 第2版 Bartollas, Clemens/Schmalleger, Frank J. Juvenile Delinquency: Delinquency, Processing, and the Law, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 336 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133826289* アメリカにおけるプロファイリングと刑事司法 第2版 Bumgarner, Jeffrey B. # $_: A Reference Handbook, 2nd ed. (Contemporary World Issues, Vol. 1) 2014:12. 237 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610698511* *9780133843286* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 Calavita, Kitty/Jenness, Valerie Appealing to Justice: Prisoner Grievances, Rights, and Carceral Logic 2014:12. 256 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284173* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284180* ヘイトクライム 第2版 Chakraborti, Neil/Garland, Mr. Jon Hate Crime: Impact, Causes and Responses, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 232 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446272503* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446272510* 少年司法 第8版 Champion, Dean J. Juvenile Justice System: Delinquency, Processing, and the Law, 8th ed. 2015:1. 576 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133754643* 犯罪と社会におけるキーコンセプト Coomber, Ross/Donnermeyer, Joseph F./McElrath, Karen/Scott, John Key Concepts in Crime and Society (Sage Key Concepts Series) 2014:12. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780857022561* Crewe, Don/Lippens, Ronnie (eds.) What is Criminology About?: Philosophical Re}!~\?~~%?>*<{*@ ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482260014* ドラッグ市場と法的措置 Dorn, Nicholas/Murji, Karim/South, Nigel : Drug Markets and Law Enforcement 2015:6. 272 p.;""%$"(EGGE (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837133* 少年犯罪と司法 第2版 Goldson, Barry/Muncie, John (eds.) Youth Crime and Justice, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 256 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Cusack, Carmen M. Pornography and The Criminal Justice System 2014:12. 312 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446210826* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446210833* Halsey, Mark/Deegan, Simone Young Offenders: Crime, Prison and Struggles for Desistance (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology) 2015:3. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137411211* 刑事学的思考入門 Heidt, Jonathon M./Wheeldon, Johannes P. Introducing Criminological Thinking: Maps, Theories, and Understanding 2015:2. 384 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483333892* *9781138025400* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 135 法 学 》刑事法 人身売買と違法ビジネス 犯罪と刑事司法における公共政策 第3版 Joao Guia, Maria (ed.) [ 2014:11. 240 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Oliver, Willard M. Public Policy of Crime and Criminal Justice, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 512 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9783319094403* ドラッグ、社会と刑事司法 第4版 Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Society and Criminal Justice: Bureaucracy in a Democracy, 4th ed. 2015:1. 456 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133802580* Lowe, David/Das, Dilip K. (eds.) Trends in the Judiciary: Interview with Judges Across the Globe, Volume Two (Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons) 2014:12. 344 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482219166* *9780133802337* 司法行政 第8版 Peak, Ken Justice Administration: Police, Courts, and Corrections Management, 8th ed. 2015:1. 480 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133591194* 刑事司法入門 Rennison, Callie M./Dodge, Mary J. Introduction to Criminal Justice: Systems, Diversity, and Change 2015:1. 488 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781452240671* 刑事司法における信用と正当性:ヨーロッパの視点 イングランドとウェールズの判決手続 Meško, Gorazd/Tankebe, Justice (eds.) Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice: European Perspectives 2014:11. 268 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 Roberts, Julian (ed.) Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales 2015:2. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319098128* Moore, Nina M. The Political Roots of Racial Tracking in American Criminal Justice 2014:12. 406 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107022973* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 136 *9781107654884* *9781137390394* Rojek, Jeff/Martin, Peter/Alpert, Geoffrey P. Developing and Maintaining Police-Researcher Partnerships: A Comparative Analysis (SpringerBriefs in Criminology / SpringerBriefs in Translational Criminology) 2014:11. 100 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493920556* Ronel, Natti/Segev, Dana (eds.) Positive Criminology (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2015:1. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415748568* 刑事司法 第 11 版 Schmalleger, Frank J. Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 11th ed. 2015:1. 504 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133591316* 刑事学 第3版 Schmalleger, Frank J. Criminology : Justice Series, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 336 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133587586* Steinzor, Rena Why Not Jail?: Industrial Catastrophes, Corporate Malfeasance, and Government Inaction 2015:3. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107053403* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107633940* White, Rob, Environmental Harm, " ...................................................................p126 , 1013 民事法 =^+ The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036123* Gullifer, Louise/Vogenauer, Stefan (eds.) English and European Perspectives on Contract and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Hugh Beale 2014:10. 424 p. (Hart Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781849465496* 契約法 刑事司法入門 第8版 Travis III, Lawrence F./Edwards, Bradley D. Introduction to Criminal Justice, 8th ed. 2014:9. 576 p. (Mosby, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 See also *9780133514407* 民法 / 物権・債権 Schmalleger, Frank J. Policing, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 350 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Weston, Paul Criminal Investigation: Basic Perspectives, 13th ed. 2015:1. 360 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133805628* 犯罪捜査 第 13 版 !">@Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior, Sage Pub. .................................................................... p93 , 0721 Keyes, Mary/Wilson, Therese (eds.) Codifying Contract Law: International and Consumer Law Perspectives (Markets and the Law) 2014:12. 200 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472415615* *9780323290715* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 137 法 学 》民事法 Markus, Stanislav Property, Predation, and Protection: Piranha Capitalism in Russia and Ukraine 2015:3. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107088344* Melville, Ian/Gordon, Ian Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Reporting for Buyers, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415732215* Pawlowski, Mark (ed.) Landlord & Tenant Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036352* Robertson, Andrew (ed.) The Law of Obligations: Connections and Boundaries 2014:12. 250 p.;""%$"([``_ (Cavendish Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834378* パラリーガルのための契約法 第3版 Schlageter III, John J Contract Law for Paralegals: Traditional and EContracts, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 552 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Yuthayotin, Sutatip Access to Justice in Transnational B2C E-Commerce: A Multidimensional Analysis of Consumer Protection Mechanisms 2014:12. 460 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319111308* 民法 / 不法行為 Boom, Willem H. van/Wagner, Gerhard (eds.) Mass Torts in Europe\|<*}!>$ and Insurance Law, Vol. 34) 2014:9. 300 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110349450* 製造物責任法 第3版 Fairgrieve, Duncan/Goldberg, Richard S Product Liability, 3rd ed. 2015:3. 1112 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199679232* Lyons, Muiris (ed.) Journal of Personal Injury Law 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780133822526* *9780414034747* 民法 / 親族・相続 契約法 1670‒1870 Swain, Warren The Law of Contract 1670–1870 (Cambridge Studies in English Legal History) 2015:3. 375 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Meston, M.C./Paisley, Roderick Succession (Scotland) Act 1964, 6th ed. 2015:2. (W. Green, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 138 *9781107040762* イギリス債務法論文集 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780414019386* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》民事法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 会社法 Booth, Richard A. Black Letter Outline on Corporations, 6th ed. (Black Letter Outline) 2014:8. (Thomson West, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780314283245* Rider, Barry A. K. (ed.) The Company Lawyer 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036543* 民事手続法 *9781609303549* Cullen, J. Executive Compensation in Imperfect Financial Markets (Elgar Financial Law series) 2014:10. 264 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782549284* Kammin, Julian Reforming Private Antitrust Enforcement in Europe: Between Harmonisation and Regulatory Competition (Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht, Vol. 259) 2014:8. 186 p. (Duncker & Humblot, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 家事調停の原則と実践 第4版 Roberts, Marian Mediation in Family Disputes: Principles of Practice, 4th ed. 2014:12. 300 p.;""%$"( 1988 (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409450337* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780455233789* Baird, Douglas G. Elements of Bankruptcy, 6th ed. (Concepts and Insights) 2014:8. 300 p. (Foundation Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 Corones, Stephen Competition Law in Australia, 6th ed. 2014:8. (Thomson West, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 オーストラリアの競争法 第6版 *9780198722106* *9781409450344* 経済法 ★ 国際金融の原則 第2版 Bamford, Colin Principles of International Financial Law, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 408 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783428144259* アメリカの取引規制 Lesser, William H. American Business Regulation: Understand, Survive, and Thrive 2014:8. 440 p. (M.E. Sharpe, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780765643780* Peitz, Martin/Spiegel, Yossi The Analysis of Competition Policy and Sectoral Regulation><;!^!+; ?@~\?%?><;!^! SGP) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616355* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 139 法 学 》知的財産法 知的財産法 国際著作権と著作隣接権 Blomqvist, J. Primer on International Copyright and Related Rights 2014:9. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783470969* デジタル時代における著作権法 Caso, Roberto/Giovanella, Federica (eds.) Balancing Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Comparative Perspectives 2014:12. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662446478* 版権の手引き 第7版 Owen, Lynette Selling Rights, 7th ed. 2014:10. 488 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Elgar 版 国境を越えた知的財産研究ハンドブック Torremans, Paul (ed.) Research Handbook on Cross-Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property Series) 2014:12. 872 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781781955796* Wantuch-Thole, Mara The Cross-Border Enforcement and Justiciability of Claims to Misappropriated Cultural Objects: Turning Rights into Claims (Schriften zum Kulturguterschutz / Cultural Property Studies) 2015:2. 388 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110355437* 労働法・社会法 Ricketson, Sam The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property: A Commentary 2015:1. 864 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199659524* ラテンアメリカにおける労働法規 Carnes, Matthew E. Continuity Despite Change: The Politics of Labor Regulation in Latin America (Social Science History) 2014:8. 256 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804789431* See also 企業秘密と非公開情報 Sandeen, Sharon K./Rowe, E. (eds.) Trade Secrets and Undisclosed Information (Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law Series) 2014:8. 976 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9788132220589* *9780415835640* Legal and Social Implications 2014:11. 200 p. (Springer India, IND) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781783472963* バイオテクノロジーと知的財産権 Cleland, Alison, Child Abuse, Child Protection and the Law, & ............................p171 , 1440 ""Healthcare Decision-Making and the Law, Cambridge U.P..........................p171 , 1442 Rimmerman, Arie, Family Policy and Disability, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p172 , 1449 ^$"(@Match-Fixing in International Sports, Springer Verlag .......................... p208 , 1726 Singh, Kshitij Kumar Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights: 140 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》医事法 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 医事法 医事法と倫理を理解する 第2版 Carr, Claudia Unlocking Medical Law and Ethics, 2nd ed. (Unlocking the Law) 2014:11. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138015883* Rennie, Michele T. (ed.) Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9783662445419* *9780414036512* 医事法と倫理 第5版 Fremgen, Bonnie F. Medical Law and Ethics: An Introduction to the Industry, 5th ed. 2015:1. 384 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780133998986* Horsey, Kirsty Revisiting the Regulation of Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library) 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138021891* 情報法・インターネット法 契約によるインターネットガバナンス Bygrave, Lee A. Internet Governance by Contract 2015:1. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199687343* Entertainment & Media Law Reports 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 国際法におけるナショナリティの課題 Forlati, Serena/Annoni, Alessandra (eds.) The Changing Role of Nationality in International Law (Routledge Research in International Law) 2014:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780414036406* 中国の e- ビジネスにおける法的論点 Guo, Yimeei (ed.) Research on Selected China’s Legal Issues of EBusiness 2014:11. 170 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138843370* 国際法入門 Jouannet, Emmanuelle Tourme A Short Introduction to International Law 2014:12. 120 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 国際法 *9781107086401* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107451360* 国際法の歴史 Jouannet, Emmanuelle The Liberal-Welfarist Law of Nations: A History of International Law 2015:1. 328 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470941* Odendahl, Kerstin/Matz-Lück, Nele/Arnauld, Andreas von (eds.) German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht (German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 141 法 学 》国際法 Recht (GYIL), Vol. 56) 2014:8. 642 p. (Duncker & Humblot, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783428144808* 国際公法 Baetens, Freya/Chinkin, Christine (eds.) Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility: Essays in Honour of James Crawford 2015:3. 486 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107044258* 真実和解委員会と刑事裁判 Bisset, Alison Truth Commissions and Criminal Courts 2015:1. 222 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470965* Elgar版 環境、健康とWTO研究ハンドブック Calster, Geert van/Prévost, Denise Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO (Research Handbooks on the WTO Series) 2014:11. 880 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782544821* 公共サービスと国際貿易の自由化 Choudhury, Barnali Public Services and International Trade Liberalization: Human Rights and Gender Implications (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law) 2015:1. 380 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471177* Cottier, Thomas Equitable Principles of Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Quest for Distributive Justice in International Law 2015:5. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 142 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107080171* Feichtner, Isabel The Law and Politics of WTO Waivers: Stability and Flexibility in Public International Law (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law) 2015:1. 408 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471115* Oxford版 国際人道法ハンドブック Fleck, Dieter (ed.) The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law 2014:8. 768 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198729280* 国際連合人権理事会 Freedman, Rosa The United Nations Human Rights Council: A Critique and Early Assessment (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) 2014:9. 332 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828896* 国際人権法 2013 Gill, Terry D./Geiß, Robin/Krieger, Heike/McCormack, Tim/Paulussen, Christophe/Dorsey, Jessica (eds.) Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2013 (Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 16) 2014:11. 325 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789462650374* 国際司法機関 第2版 Goldstone, Richard J./Smith, Adam M. International Judicial Institutions: The Architecture of International Justice at Home and Abroad, 2nd ed. (Global Institutions) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138799707* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138799769* 多元主義と国際法 Klabbers, Jan/Piiparinen, Touko (eds.) Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring Global Governance (ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory) 2014:12. 370 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107459779* 国際社会における権力と法 Klamberg, Mark Power and Law in International Society: How }!* (Routledge Research in International Law) 2015:3. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138804609* 人権と普遍的・定期的レビュー Larking, Emma/Charlesworth, Hilary (eds.) Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review: Rituals and Ritualism 2015:1. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107086302* Larking, Emma Refugees and the Myth of Human Rights: Life Outside the Pale of the Law 2014:12. 186 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472430076* Newton, Michael/May, Larry Proportionality in International Law 2014:11. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199355051* Nichols, Lionel The International Criminal Court and The End of Impunity in Kenya (Springer Series in Transitional Justice) 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319107288* WTO協定の解釈 第2版 Qureshi, Asif H. Interpreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 425 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107043299* Ranganathan, Surabhi $$% Politics of International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Vol. 113) 2015:1. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107043305* 国際法と正義の再考 Sampford, Charles/Zifcak, Spencer/Okur, Derya Aydin (eds.) Rethinking International Law and Justice (Law, Ethics and Governance) 2014:12. 320 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472426680* ジェンダー、国家安全保障とテロ対策 Satterthwaite, Margaret L./Huckerby, Jayne (eds.) Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Human rights perspectives (Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law) 2014:9. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138843356* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 143 法 学 》国際法 Saul, Matthew/Sweeney, James A. (eds.) ^)#$%"tion Policy>|}!<!@~\~? 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138780118* Shinohara, Hatsue US International Lawyers in the Interwar Years: A Forgotten Crusade 2015:1. 262 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107474772* 国際人道法 Vega, Connie de la Dictionary of International Human Rights Law (Elgar Original Reference) 2014:11. 264 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782545033* Wellens, Karel Negotiations in the Case Law of the International Court of Justice: A Functional Analysis 2014:12. 480 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409410454* E U法 ヨーロッパの商法 2014 Commercial Laws of Europe 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 ヨーロッパ法 2014 Arnull, Anthony/Chalmers, Damian (eds.) European Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036154* Brett, Hugh (ed.) European Intellectual Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) Dickinson, Andrew/Lein, Eva The Brussels I Regulation Recast 2015:3. 572 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198714286* Eicke, Tim/Grief, Nicholas (eds.) European Human Rights Reports 2014: Bound Volume Volume 2 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036482* Erkelens, Leendert H./Meij, Arjen W.H./Pawlik, Marta (eds.) @#&#{| : An extended arm or a two-headed dragon? 2014:12. 275 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789462650343* European Copyright and Design Reports 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036499* EUとWTOにおける貿易自由化 Gaines, Sanford E./Olsen, Birgitte Egelund/Sørensen, Karsten Engsig (eds.) Liberalising Trade in the EU and the WTO: A Legal Comparison 2015:1. 520 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 144 *9780414036574* *9780414036451* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781107471184* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 Gutwirth, Serge/Leenes, Ronald/de Hert, Paul (eds.) Reforming European Data Protection Law (Law, Governance and Technology Series / Issues in Privacy and Data Protection, Vol. 20) 2014:11. 340 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401793841* マネーローンダリングとE U法 Ioannides, Emmanuel Fundamental Principles of EU Law Against Money Laundering 2014:12. 176 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472431882* Ippolito, Francesca/Sanchez, Sara Iglesias Protecting Vulnerable Groups: The European Human Rights Framework (Modern Studies in European Law) 2015:1. 464 p. (Hart Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781849466851* ヨーロッパの競争法 2014 Maitland-Walker, Julian (ed.) European Competition Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 EU法における公共サービス Sauter, Wolf Public Services in EU Law (Law in Context) 2015:1. 286 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780414036536* ヨーロッパの競争法 VerLoren van Themaat, Weijer/Reuder, Berend (eds.) European Competition Law: A Case Commentary (Elgar Commentaries Series) 2014:11. 752 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783476862* 国際私法・国際取引法 Blakeney, Michael (ed.) International Trade Law and Regulation 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036345* ★ 国際商事訴訟 第2版 Fentiman, Richard International Commercial Litigation, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 832 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 EU法における刑法と政策 Miettinen, Samuli Criminal Law and Policy in the European Union (Routledge Research in EU Law) 2014:9. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138843400* *9780198712916* Plaza Penadés, Javier/Martínez Velencoso, Luz M. (eds.) European Perspectives on the Common European Sales Law (Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation, Vol. 4) 2014:12. 320 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107066120* *9783319104966* 国際取引法と規制 2014 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Holloway, David (ed.) International Arbitration Law Review 2014: Bound Volume 2015:2. (Sweet & Maxwell, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414036314* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 145 法 学 》国際法 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 国際私法とグローバルガバナンス Muir Watt, Horatia/Fernández Arroyo, Diego P. (eds.) Private International Law and Global Governance 2014:12. 350 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198727620* Paparinskis, Martins The International Minimum Standard and Fair and Equitable Treatment 2014:9. 350 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) *9780198732167* 国際商事仲裁 第2版 Reisman, William Michael International Commercial Arbitration, Cases, Materials and Notes, 2nd ed. (University Casebook Series) 2014:8. 1200 p. (Foundation Pr., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781628100594* 政治学 政治学一般 政治思想・政治理論 ★ アンドリュー・ベネット他編 過程追跡 Bennett, Andrew/Checkel, Jeffrey T. (eds.) Process Tracing: From Metaphor to Analytic Tool (Strategies for Social Inquiry) 2014:12. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107044524* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107686373* 実証研究:政治学実践ガイド Powner, Leanne C. Empirical Research and Writing: A Political Science Student’s Practical Guide, Revised ed. 2015:1. 296 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483369631* 選挙・投票における数学 Wallis, W. D. The Mathematics of Elections and Voting 2014:12. 104 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 146 多元主義、民族自決と領地 Angeli, Oliviero Cosmoplitanism, Self-Determination and Territory: Justice with Borders (Comparative Territorial Politics) 2015:2. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137004949* 哲学と共産主義 Badiou, Alain/Engelmann, Peter Philosophy and the Idea of Communism: Alain Badiou in Conversation with Peter Engelmann 2015:5. 120 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745688367* 政治と生命科学 Blank, Robert H./Hines, Samuel M./Funke, Odelia/ Losco, Joseph/Stewart, Patrick (eds.) Politics and the Life Sciences: The State of the Discipline (Research in Biopolitics, Vol. 12) 2014:10. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784411084* *9783319098098* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 ★ 政治的秩序と不平等 Boix, Carles Political Order and Inequality: Their Foundations and Their Consequences for Human Welfare (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 2015:1. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107089433* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107461079* Boros, Diana/Glass, James M. (eds.) Re-Imagining Public Space: The Frankfurt School in the 21st Century 2014:12. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137383433* ★ Bretherton, Luke Resurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship, and the Politics of a Common Life (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion & Politics) 2014:11. 464 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107030398* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107641969* 政治哲学 第3版 Cahn, Steven Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts, 3rd ed. 2014:11. 1216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190201081* エンパシーの政治学 Clohesy, Anthony M. Politics of Empathy: Ethics, Solidarity, Recognition 2014:9. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138841598* Demetriou, Kyriakos N./Loizides, Antis (eds.) !> History of Political Philosophy (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory) 2015:2. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415729758* 市民的自由、国の安全とコンセンサス Dumper, Michael (ed.) Civil Liberties, National Security and Prospects for Consensus: Legal, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives 2015:1. 282 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 民主主義の再生 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471160* ミルの自由論 第2版 Gray, John Mill on Liberty: A Defence, 2nd ed. 2014:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834125* ヨーロッパにおける女性の政治思想史:1700年 ∼ 1800年 Green, Karen A History of Women’s Political Thought in Europe, 1700–1800 2014:12. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107085831* 平等のための暴力 Honderich, Ted Violence for Equality: Inquiries in Political Philosophy (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829985* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 147 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 ★ ドイツ歴史主義の危機 Routledge版 ソローの『市民的不服従』:ガイドブック Keedus, Liisi The Crisis of German Historicism: The Early Political Thought of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss (Ideas in Context) 2015:2. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Taylor, Bob Pepperman The Routledge Guidebook to Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience (The Routledge Guides to the Great Books) 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107093034* Kotef, Hagar Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Modernity (Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe) 2015:3. 248 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822358435* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358558* *9781137425980* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Ojakangas, Mika The Voice of Conscience: A Political Genealogy of Western Ethical Experience (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) 2015:1. 264 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474218184* 有神論と公共政策 Pinn, Anthony B. (ed.) Theism and Public Policy: Humanist Perspectives and Responses (Studies in Humanism and Atheism) 2014:12. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 148 ★ Elgar版 政治的権利と社会運動ハンド ブック Van der Heijden, Hein-Anton Handbook of Political Citizenship and Social Movements (Elgar Original Reference) 2014:10. 800 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781781954690* Ward, Lee Modern Democracy and the Theological-Political Problem in Spinoza, Rousseau, and Jefferson (Recovering Political Philosophy) 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 道徳心の声 *9780415818599* *9780415818605* McQueen, Paddy Subjectivity, Gender and the Struggle for Recognition 2015:2. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137475046* ★再 ヒュームの政治思想全集:啓蒙主義 第1巻 Whelan, Frederick G. Political Thought of Hume and His Contemporaries: Enlightenment Projects Vol. 1 (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2014:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138821613* *9781137472182* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 ★ ヒュームの政治思想全集:啓蒙主義 第2巻 Whelan, Frederick G. Political Thought of Hume and His Contemporaries: Enlightenment Projects Vol. 2 (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2014:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138821637* ネオリベラリズムの仕組み Whitehead, Philip/Crawshaw, Paul (eds.) Organising Neoliberalism: Markets, Privatisation and Justice (Markets, Privatisation and Justice) 2014:10. 254 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083145* 民主政治の再考察 Woodford, Clare Rethinking Democratic Politics: Activism, Education and the Arts (Interventions) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415634298* Zanghellini, Aleardo The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority: The ‘Trials’ of Same-Sex Desire (Social Justice) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415827409* 政治的企業家の理解 *9781472423979* Busetti, Simone Governing Metropolitan Transport: Institutional Solutions for Policy Problems (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology / PoliMI SpringerBriefs) 2015:2. 100 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 税 *9783319106588* 市民的社会参画と社会一体性 Civic Engagement and Social Cohesion: Measuring Dimensions of Social Capital to Inform Policy 2014:12. 125 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780309307253* ★ 公共圏のリスク・危機管理 第2版 Drennan, Lynn T./McConnell, Allan/ Stark, Alastair Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector, 2nd ed. (Routledge Masters in Public Management) 2014:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415739689* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415739696* /@((The Politics of Hiding, Invisibility, and Silence, Routledge ........ p58 , 0469 See also 現代政治・行政学 Entrepreneurship in the Polis: Understanding Political Entrepreneurship (The Ashgate Plus Series in International Relations and Politics) 2015:1. 232 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 不平等な政治参加:世界的視点 Gallego, Aina Unequal Political Participation Worldwide 2014:11. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107023536* "} {<{ Lee (eds.) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 149 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 Gündogdu, Ayten Rightlessness in an Age of Rights 2014:11. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199370412* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199370429* 州最高裁判所の選挙:キャンペーン広告の影響 Hall, Melinda Attacking Judges: How Campaign Advertising }!;;%|!>;=< Studies in Law and Politics) 2014:10. 248 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804787956* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804793087* Hirt, Sonia/Zahm, Diane (eds.) The Urban Wisdom of Jane Jacobs (Planning, History and Environment Series) 2014:9. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828889* 都市のイルミネーション Isenstadt, Sandy/Neumann, Dietrich/Maile Petty, Margaret (eds.) Cities of Light: Two Centuries of Urban Illumination 2015:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138813915* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138813922* *9781474218054* 発展途上国における低廉住宅の再考察とデザイン Lizarralde, Gonzalo The Invisible Houses: Rethinking and Designing Low-cost Housing in Developing Countries 2014:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415840828* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415840835* ソーシャルメディアと参加型民主主義 Martin, Shannon E. Social Media and Participatory Democracy 2014:8. 256 p. (Peter Lang, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433123023* ,6%13DSHU6)5 通常価 税 *9781433123016* 都市の発展 Moravanszky, Akos (ed.) Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture 2014:11. 325 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409442936* Munger, Michael C. Choosing in Groups: Analytical Politics Revisited 2014:11. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107699625* メディア、政治参加とエンパワーメント 公共サービス %%; =^+;><?@ Public Services: A New Reform Agenda 2015:1. 296 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) 150 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Scullion, Richard/Gerodimos, Roman/Jackson, Daniel/Lilleker, Darren (eds.) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment (Routledge Research in Political Communication) 2014:9. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830394* Shanahan, Elizabeth A./McBeth, Mark K./Jones, Michael D. (eds.) The Science of Stories: Applications of the Narrative Policy Framework in Public Policy Analysis 2014:12. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137370129* ★ Silverman, Robert Mark/Patterson, Kelly L. Qualitative Research Methods for Community Development 2014:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415740357* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415740364* *9781137454126* ★ 公共圏のパフォーマンス管理 第2版 van Dooren, Wouter/Bouckaert, Geert/ Halligan, John Performance Management in the Public Sector, 2nd ed. (Routledge Masters in Public Management) 2015:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415738095* *9780415738101* 公共圏における組織の評判 Wæraas, Arild/Maor, Moshe (eds.) Organizational Reputation in the Public Sector: Branding, Identity, and Images of Government (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management) 2014:11. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415729772* ★ 政府・政党による選挙の不正操作 Simpser, Alberto Why Governments and Parties Manipulate Elections: Theory, Practice, and Implications (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) 2014:10. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 地域開発:質的調査法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107448681* 対話的地域開発の理論と実践 Westoby, Peter/Dowling, Gerard Theory and Practice of Dialogical Community Development: International Perspectives 2014:9. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138838215* 災害研究 発展途上国におけるジェンダーと災害 リーダーシップと文化 Bradshaw, Sarah Gender and Disasters in the Developing World 2014:11. 256 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Suino, Paul Van Wart, Montgomery/Hondeghem, Annie/Schwella, Erwin (eds.) Leadership and Culture: Comparative Models of Top Civil Servant Training (Governance and Public Management) 2014:11. 344 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781782544838* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 151 政治学 》災害研究 ★ アメリカの原発・安全対策の改善:福島 原発事故の教訓 Division on Earth and Life Studies Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants 2014:12. 300 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780309272537* Nemeth, Christopher P./Hollnagel, Erik (eds.) Resilience Engineering in Practice, Volume 2: Becoming Resilient (Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering) 2014:11. 238 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472425157* 地域災害リスクマネジメントと気候変動:中央アメリカ の視点 リスク・ガバナンス Fra Paleo, Urbano (ed.) Risk Governance: The Articulation of Hazard, Politics and Ecology 2014:11. 498 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401793278* Tsuneki, Hori Local Disaster Risk Management in a Changing Climate: Perspective from Central America (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 17) 2014:10. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781783509355* アジアの土地管理・災害対策 Ha, Huong (ed.) Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia 2014:9. 264 p. (Springer India, IND) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 レジリエンス・エンジニアリングの実践 第2巻 *9788132219750* ★ Zanetti, Lisa A. Cultivating Empathy: Comparative Studies on Equality and Diversity (Routledge Research in Public Administration and Public Policy) 2014:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415738200* 原子力の不確実性と経済学 Leveque, Francois The Economics and Uncertainties of Nuclear Power 2014:12. 326 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107087286* 沿岸域リスク削減:米国東海岸区域 National Research Council Reducing Coastal Risks on the East and Gulf Coasts 2014:12. 130 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 152 *9780309305860* 国際関係論 国際関係論一般 Barder, Alexander D. Empire Within: International Hierarchy, Imperial Laboratories (Interventions) 2015:3. 174 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820579* 南極大陸の政治 Brady, Anne-Marie (ed.) The Emerging Politics of Antarctica (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2014:9. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830295* ★ 外交政策の再考察 Bynander, Fredrik/Guzzini, Stefano (eds.) Rethinking Foreign Policy (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2014:9. 216 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830387* 中国とドイツ:啓蒙時代から 20 世紀までの、異文化 交流と歴史、政治的接触 Crowe, David M./Cho, Joanne Miyang China and Germany: Transcultural, Historical and Political Encounters from the Enlightenment to the Twentieth Century 2014:11. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137438461* Edwards, Alex Dual Containment Policy in the Persian Gulf: The USA, Iran, and Iraq, 1991-2000 (Middle East Today) 2014:12. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137436351* ★ Springer版 国際交渉ハンドブック Galluccio, Mauro (ed.) Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives 2014:12. 478 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319106861* シリアと米国の関係:イデオロギーの役目 Gani, J. K. The Role of Ideology in Syrian-US Relations: ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781137358349* 国際関係論:ゲーム理論的アプローチ Kydd, Andrew H. International Relations Theory: The Game Theoretic Approach 2014:12. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107027350* *9781107694231* 世界変容 Lawson, George The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) 2015:1. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ペルシャ湾における二重封じ込め政策 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 |}!<|%><<$<@ 2014:10. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107035577* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107630802* アラブの春における国際政治 Mason, Robert (ed.) The International Politics of the Arab Spring: Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy (The Modern Muslim World) 2014:12. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137481719* McKibben, Heather Elko State Strategies in International Bargaining: Play by the Rules or Change Them? (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Vol. 134) 2015:1. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107086098* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 153 政治学 》国際関係論 Policante, Amedeo The Pirate Myth: Genealogies of an Imperial Concept (Law and the Postcolonial) 2015:1. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138797314* グローバル時代の宗教 Thomas, Scott Religion in a Global Age: Critical Essays on Religion and International Relations (Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also 国際法における公共目的 Reetz, C. Ryan Public Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in the Global Era 2014:12. 402 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Ruano, Lorena (ed.) The Europeanization of National Foreign Policies towards Latin America (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2014:9. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833180* Sadeh, Eligar (ed.) The Politics of Space: A Survey (Europa Politics of ... series) 2014:10. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781857437584* ドイツ、ロシアと地政経済学 Szabo, Stephen F. Germany, Russia and the Rise of Geo-Economics 2014:12. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472596321* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 154 "!Political Geographies of Piracy, """ ..................................p58 , 0468 Piirimäe, Kaarel, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Baltic Question, """ .....p40 , 0303 *9781107081741* *9780415737968* *9781472596314* 安全保障 21世紀における国土安全保障の技術 Baggett, Ryan Keith/Foster, Chad S. Homeland Security Technologies for the 21st Century 2015:6. 325 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440831423* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781440833533* 終わりなき飢餓 Carney, Megan A. The Unending Hunger: Tracing Women and Food Insecurity Across Borders 2015:1. 294 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284005* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520285477* ★ Routledge版 国際的レジリエンスハンドブック Chandler, David Routledge Handbook of International Resilience 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138784321* 安全保障研究の解釈と進展 Chernoff, Fred Explanation and Progress in Security Studies: Bridging Theoretical Divides in International Relations 2014:8. 328 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804790956* *9780804792264* Claeys, Priscilla Human Rights and the Food Sovereignty Movement: Reclaiming Control (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and Environment) 2015:1. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138793019* 対テロ戦争と戦争の掟 第2版 Corn, Geoffrey S./Schoettler Jr., James A./BrennerBeck, Dru/Hansen, Victor M./Jackson, Dick/Jensen, Eric Talbot/Lewis, Michael W. The War on Terror and the Laws of War: A Military Perspective, 2nd ed. (Terrorism and Global Justice) 2015:1. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199941452* Friman, H. Richard (ed.) The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame, and Sanction (Palgrave Studies in International Relations) 2015:1. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137439321* Janzekovic, John/Silander, Daniel Responsibility to Protect and Prevent: Principles, Promises and Practicalities (Anthem Studies in !|}!<%@~\~?~%? (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 Jarvis, Lee/Holland, Jack Security: A Critical Introduction 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230391963* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230391956* 戦略情報の重点 Johnson, Loch K. Essentials of Strategic Intelligence (Praeger Security International) 2014:12. 485 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440832277* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781440833526* 安全保障の再検討 Loader, Ian/Percy, Sarah (eds.) Reordering Security: Crossing the Criminology/IR Divide 2015:1. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842199* Msangi, Josephine Phillip Food Security Among Small-Scale Agricultural Producers in Southern Africa 2014:10. 176 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781783083459* 人権と「食の主権」運動 保護と抑止の責任 安全保障:批判的入門 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9783319094946* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 155 政治学 》国際関係論 国際政治経済 国際協力NGO:人間の安全保障の影響 Murdie, Amanda Help or Harm: The Human Security Effects of International NGOs 2014:9. 320 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804791977* Prest, A. R. War Economics of Primary Producing Countries 2015:2. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107452626* *9783662446188* Belyi, Andrei V./Talus, Kim (eds.) States and Markets in Hydrocarbon Sectors (International Political Economy Series) 2015:1. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137434067* サイバー戦争 Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) 2015:1. 265 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610694438* "<<^ Core Labour Standards and International Trade: Lessons from the Regional Context 2014:12. 500 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 一次産品国の戦争経済学 Best, Jacqueline Governing Failure: Provisional Expertise and the Transformation of Global Development Finance 2014:11. 286 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107474932* 世界的食糧危機と中東 国際移住機関 (IOM) Woertz, Eckart Oil for Food: The Global Food Crisis and the Middle East 2015:1. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Bradley, Megan The International Organization for Migration: Challenges and Complexities of a Rising Humanitarian Actor (Global Institutions) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198729396* See also A World in Flames, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0301 D!Remembering the First World War, Routledge....................................................p40 , 0304 !$:>30 Years After, Ashgate Pub. .................................................................... p55 , 0444 *9781138818965* グローバルガバナンスの危機 Broome, Andre/Clegg, Liam/Rethel, Lena (eds.) Global Governance in Crisis: The Hundred-Year War Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan 2015:1. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 156 *9781138818934* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138845145* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 Burlamaqui, Leonardo/Castro, Anna Celia/Kattel, Rainer (eds.) Knowledge Governance: Reasserting the Public Interest 2014:10. 300 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083169* d'Aoust, Anne-Marie (ed.) Affective Economies, Neoliberalism, and Governmentality: Advocacy, Activism, and the Quest for Common Ground 2014:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138843943* 国際貿易交渉のミドルパワー Efstathopoulos, Charalampos Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy: India, South Africa and the Doha Development Agenda (Studies in Diplomacy and International Relations) 2015:1. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137381750* Flüchter, Antje/Schöttli, Jivanta (eds.) The Dynamics of Transculturality: Concepts and Institutions in Motion (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context) 2014:12. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319097398* ★ Fogarty, Ed States, Nonstate Actors, and Global Governance: Projecting Polities (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) 2014:9. 218 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830424* WTO紛争処理における国際機関 Foltea, Marina International Organizations in WTO Dispute Settlement: How Much Institutional Sensitivity? (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law) 2014:11. 356 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 国連多国籍企業センター (UNCTC) <+"?*=^{><?@ United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC): Corporate Conduct and the Public Interest (Global Institutions) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415733007* 包括的成長、福祉と開発政策 Hasmath, Reza (ed.) Inclusive Growth, Welfare and Development Policy: A Critical Assessment (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2015:1. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840799* 21世紀におけるNATOの理解 Herd, Graeme P./Kriendler, John (eds.) Understanding NATO in the 21st Century: Alliance Strategies, Security and Global Governance (Contemporary Security Studies) 2014:9. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138831889* イスラム協力機構 Kayaoglu, Turan The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Problems, Promises, and Potential (Global Institutions) 2014:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107471139* *9781138806849* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 157 政治学 》国際関係論 NATO のグローバリゼーション アフリカ南部・地域大国のジオポリティクス Kitchen, Veronica M. The Globalization of NATO: Intervention, Security and Identity (Routledge Global Security Studies) 2014:9. 176 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Scholvin, Soren The Geopolitics of Regional Power: Geography, Economics and Politics in Southern Africa (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2014:11. 284 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138831896* *9781472430731* 新勢力と国際機関 Lesage, Dries/Van de Graaf, Thijs (eds.) Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions (International Political Economy Series) 2015:2. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137397591* 市民社会、ガバナンスと開発 Uhlin, Anders/Kalm, Sara Civil Society and the Governance of Development 2015:1. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137461308* ★ 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO) 第2版 オーストラリア・ASEAN間の対話 Lindley-French, Julian The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance, 2nd ed. (Global Institutions) 2015:3. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Wood, Sally Percival/He, Baogang (eds.) The Australia-ASEAN Dialogue: Tracing 40 Years of Partnership (Asia Today) 2014:10. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138801370* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138801387* Nord, Douglas The Arctic Council: Governance Within the Far North (Global Institutions) 2015:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138799202* 国際機関の役割 Zangl, Bernhard (ed.) International Organizations as Orchestrators 2015:1. 464 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 158 *9781107078246* *9781107082205* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Reynolds, Amy Free Trade and Faithful Globalization: Saving the Market (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion & Politics) 2014:10. 208 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781137449139* *9781107442696* 国際関係の諸問題 EUのテロ対策改革 Bossong, Raphael The Evolution of EU Counter-Terrorism: European Security Policy after 9/11 (Contemporary Terrorism Studies) 2014:9. 194 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138831919* Ford, Jolyon Regulating Business for Peace: The United Na+;!<|}!*! 2014:12. 392 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107037083* ★ 対ゲリラ活動の歴史 全2巻 Fremont-Barnes, Gregory A History of Counterinsurgency (Praeger Security International) 2015:5. 2 Vols., 826 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440804243* Global Issues: Selections from CQ Researcher, Revised ed. 2014:8. 421 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483364537* *9781137298478* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137298485* ポスト共産主義の移行期における正義 Nedelsky, Nadya/Stan, Lavinia (eds.) Post-Communist Transitional Justice: Lessons from Twenty-Five Years of Experience 2014:12. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107065567* Hankey, Donald The Supreme Control at the Paris Peace Conference 1919: A Commentary (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138831322* Huhtinen, Aki-Mauri/Kotilainen, Noora/Vuorinen, Marja (eds.) Binaries in Battle: Representations of Division and |}!~\?%?>|<{;!+ GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861267* Wahid, Abdurrahman Wisdom of Tolerance 2014:12. 192 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Lee, Peter Truth Wars: The Politics of Climate Change, Military Intervention and Financial Crisis 2014:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 国際問題 気候変動、軍事介入と金融危機 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784530921* アルメニア人虐殺:レファレンス・ガイド Whitehorn, Alan The Armenian Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide 2015:3. 320 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610696876* 戦争後の平和構築と民主化 Zürcher, Christoph/Manning, Carrie/Evenson, Kristie D./Hayman, Rachel/Riese, Sarah/Roehner, Nora Costly Democracy: Peacebuilding and Democratization After War 2014:8. 208 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781784530914* *9780804781985* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 159 政治学 》国際関係論 See also Dragovic, Denis, "#$% Statebuilding, """......... p26 , 0179 比較政治 Scroop, Daniel/Heath, Andrew (eds.) Transatlantic Social Politics: 1800-Present (Studies in Democratic Culture) 2014:12. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137470959* 人権、権力と市民活動:発展途上国の比較分析 Andreassen, Bård A./Crawford, Gordon (eds.) Human Rights, Power and Civic Action: Comparative Analyses of Struggles for Rights in Developing Societies (Routledge Research in Human Rights) 2014:9. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830455* アジア太平洋 南シナ海における領有権問題 Huang, Jing/Billo, Andrew (eds.) Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Navigating Rough Waters 2014:11. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ミクロ・ポリティクスとしてのコミュニティ開発:アメリカ とイギリス Emejulu, Akwugo Community Development As Micropolitics: Comparing Theories, Policies and Politics in America and Britain 2015:1. 208 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447313175* ★ クリスチャン・ヨプケ著 非宗教的国家の 包囲 Joppke, Christian The Secular State Under Siege: Religion and Politics in Europe and America 2015:3. 240 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745665412* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745665429* アジアの安全保障と中国の台頭 Jones, D. M./Khoo, Nicholas/Smith, M. L. R. Asian Security and the Rise of China: International Relations in An Age of Volatility 2014:10. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 アジアの戦略 Mahnken, Thomas/Blumenthal, Dan (eds.) Strategy in Asia: The Past, Present, and Future of Regional Security 2014:10. 296 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 160 *9781138836464* *9780804791496* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792745* 東アジア 第三世界における政治の再考察 *9781782544883* ★ Manor, James Rethinking Third-World Politics 2014:12. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137463678* 中国の急成長:アメリカとEU諸国の反応 Aggarwal, Vinod K./Newland, Sara A. (eds.) Responding to China’s Rise: United States and European Union Strategies (The Political Economy =+"!^!?@~\~?~%?>;%{ Verlag, DEU) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ஜͅܢ٬ͅٸอ̯̹ͦȶུȷ ஶધমফ༓ The Japan Year Book Complete Cyclopaedia of General Information and Statistics on Japan and Japanese Territories ɜࢡບۏܡɜ ల 1 ུٝ / Series I: 1905-1911 in 6 volumes New Introduction by Peter O’Connor, Musahino University 2013 ා ۏA5 Ȇ 3,900 ༁ȁུఘΓΛΠثɏ148,000- ISBN: 978-4-86166-160-0 ɜ߃ȁۏɜ ల 2 ུٝ / Series II: 1912-1917 in 6 volumes 2015 ා 1 ࣐ۏထ A5 Ȇ 4,500 ༁ ུఘΓΛΠထثȇɏ168,000- ȁISBN: 978-4-86166-161-7 ȸΐλΩϋ - ΗͼθΒȹͬ୭ၛ̱໗৽ຊͬ ྩ̹͛໌ဇఊ̦̹̱ۏȂུུ͈ ڒഎםාۻȃ1905 ාͅۏȂ20 ଲܮஜ ུ͈૽ͥ͢ͅୌဢ͈͒ૂ༭อͅਹါ ̱̹̈́ضͬڬȂ൚শ͈٬ٸ༭ൽ̓̈́۾ܥ ུ͜ૂ༭࡙̱̩͂̀ࣞဥȂ၌ဥ̱̹̭ ͂́ͣͦͥȂ߃యུ͈చ߸۾ٸঃ͈ड ਹါၳȃ Ȫల 3 ٝո̧͈͉̱ࣛ̀̾͘ͅۏȂ̤࿚̞ࣣ ̵̩̺̯̞ͩȃ ȫ (Edition Synapse) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 161 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319100333* 中国における国家と官僚 Cai, Yongshun State and Agents in China: Disciplining Govern=^!~\~?~%?>;=<??;"@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804792516* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804793513* 中国の独断的な核態勢 Zhang, Baohui China’s Assertive Nuclear Posture: State Security in an Anarchic International Order (China Policy Series) 2015:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also 中国の農村地域におけるガバナンスの変容 Chen, An The Transformation of Governance in Rural China: Market, Finance and Political Authority 2014:12. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107081758* Geng, Yunzhi An Introductory Study on China’s Cultural Transformation in Recent Times (China Academic Library) 2014:11. 350 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662445891* Baker, Maurice Baker, Edmund (ed.) The Accidental Diplomat: The Autobiography of ! ~\?~%?><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 中国の新たな政党パラダイム Heath, Timothy R. China’s New Governing Party Paradigm: Political Renewal and the Pursuit of National Rejuvenation (Rethinking Asia and International Relations) 2014:12. 250 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409462019* ★ 日本のナショナル・アイデンティティと日中 関係 Hoppens, Robert James The China Problem in Postwar Japan: Japanese National Identity and SinoJapanese Relations (SOAS Studies in 162 東南アジア *9789814618304* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 "(Q*Mobilizing Shanghai Youth, Routledge ....................................... p52 , 0419 予想外の外交官:モーリス・ベイカー自伝 近年中国の文化的変容:入門 Filipiak, Kai, Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History, Routledge .................................... p52 , 0417 *9781138799257* *9781472575463* Modern and Contemporary Japan) 2015:1. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789814618311* インドネシアの変わりゆく政治経済 Davidson, Jamie S. Indonesia’s Changing Political Economy: Governing the Roads 2014:12. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107086883* ★ 見市建 / 北野尚宏他編 グローバリゼーション時代に おける東南アジアのイスラム教徒 Kitano, Naohiro Miichi, Ken/Farouk, Omar (eds.) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization 2014:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137436801* 東南アジア諸国の形成 Suryadinata, Leo The Making of Southeast Asian Nations: State, Ethnicity, Indigenism and Citizenship 2014:12. 230 p. ><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814612968* 南アジア Gudavarthy, Ajay (ed.) Re-Framing Democracy and Agency in India: Interrogating Political Society (Anthem South Asian Studies) 2014:10. 336 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083077* インド:民主主義、開発と地方分権 Sengupta, Chandan/Corbridge, Stuart (eds.) Democracy, Development and Decentralisation in India: Continuing Debates 2014:9. 328 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842380* オセアニア John, Thomas (ed.) The Future of Australian Federalism: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2014:11. 506 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107471054* イラン・イラク戦争 Ashton, Nigel/Gibson, Bryan (eds.) The Iran-Iraq War: New International Perspectives (Cold War History) 2014:9. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 トルコとモロッコの国家建設 Aslan, Senem Nation Building in Turkey and Morocco: Governing Kurdish and Berber Dissent 2014:12. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107054608* トルコにおけるクルド人問題 Gambetti, Zeynep/Jongerden, Joost (eds.) The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: A Spatial Perspective (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) 2015:1. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138824157* アフガニスタンの難問 Goodhand, Jonathan/Sedra, Mark (eds.) The Afghan Conundrum: Intervention, Statebuilding and Resistance (ThirdWorlds) 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830486* トルコのネオリベラリズムへの挑戦 Gurcan, Efe Can/Peker, Efe Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey’s Gezi Park: From Private Discontent to Collective Class Action (Social Movements and Transformation) 2015:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138831902* オーストラリア連邦制度の未来 中 東 *9781137469014* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 163 政治学 》中 東 湾岸アラブ諸国における資本主義と階級 ヒズボラ Hanieh, Adam Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States 2015:1. 266 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Worrall, James/Clubb, Gordon/Mabon, Simon Hezbollah: From Islamic Resistance to Government (Praeger Security International) 2015:5. 238 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781137490582* See also トルコ:ナショナリズムとグローバリゼーション Kastoryano, Riva (ed.) Turkey between Nationalism and Globalization (Global Order Studies) 2014:9. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830288* トルコの政治とヘッドスカーフ Kavakci Islam, Merve Headscarf Politics in Turkey: A Postcolonial Reading 2014:11. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137484734* Lecroix, Stephane (ed.) Saudi Arabia in Transition: Insights on Social, Political, Economic and Religious Change 2014:11. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107006294* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521185097* イラクのテロリスト 第2版 Nance, Malcolm W. The Terrorists of Iraq: Inside the Strategy and Tactics of the Iraq Insurgency 2003-2014, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 384 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 164 Neep, Daniel, Occupying Syria under the French Mandate, Cambridge U.P. ........................ p54 , 0435 ロシア・東欧 セルビアとブルガリア:文化と民主主義 Dawson, James Cultures of Democracy in Serbia and Bulgaria: How Ideas Shape Publics (Southeast European Studies) 2014:11. 246 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472443083* バルト三国とロシアの関係:エネルギーと記憶 サウジアラビアの変遷 *9781440831348* *9781498706896* Grigas, Agnia The Politics of Energy and Memory Between the Baltic States and Russia (Post-Soviet Politics) 2014:11. 220 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472451361* プーチンのロシアにおける芸術と主張 Jonson, Lena Art and Protest in Putin’s Russia (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2015:2. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138844957* チェチェンのテロリスト・ネットワーク Pokalova, Elena Chechnya’s Terrorist Network: The Evolution of Terrorism in Russia’s North Caucasus (Praeger Security International) 2015:2. 243 p. (Praeger, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ロシア・東欧 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440831546* Reisinger, William M. (ed.) Russia’s Regions and Comparative Subnational Politics (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics) 2014:9. 214 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830356* Sperling, Valerie Sex, Politics, and Putin: Political Legitimacy in Russia (Oxford Studies in Culture and Politics) 2015:1. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199324347* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199324354* "The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, Routledge ....................................... p50 , 0395 *A The Origins of the Russian Civil War, Routledge .......................................... p50 , 0397 ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ★ Palgrave版 ヨーロッパの行政システムハンドブック Bauer, Michael W./Trondal, Jarle (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the European Administrative System (European Administrative Governance) 2015:1. 528 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137339881* 新規加入国とEU Baun, Michael/Marek, Dan (eds.) The New Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization (Rout★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138830462* イギリス政治の倫理とインテグリティ Birch, Sarah Ethics and Integrity in British Politics: How Citizens Judge Their Politicians’ Conduct, and Why it Matters 2014:12. 225 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107050501* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107642348* ★ イアン・バッジ他著 新しきヨーロッパの政治 Budge, Ian/Newton, Kenneth The Politics of the New Europe: Atlantic to Urals 2014:12. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also ロシアにおける政治的合法性 ledge Advances in European Politics) 2014:9. 234 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836518* ヨーロッパの多様性:理論と実践における差別待遇 のジレンマ Calder, Gideon/Ceva, Emanuela (eds.) Diversity in Europe: Dilemnas of Differential Treatment in Theory and Practice 2014:9. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829886* EUの再考察 Copsey, Nathaniel Rethinking the European Union (Rethinking World Politics) 2015:1. 306 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137341679* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137341662* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 165 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) EU の危機 Demetriou, Kyriakos N. (ed.) The European Union in Crisis: Explorations in Representation and Democratic Legitimacy 2014:11. 292 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319087733* ★ EU における宗教と政治 Foret, Francois Religion and Politics in the European Union: The Secular Canopy (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion & Politics) 2014:10. 328 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107082717* 北欧諸国とEU Grøn, Caroline Howard/Nedergaard, Peter/Wivel, Anders (eds.) The Nordic Countries and the European Union: Still the other European Community? (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2015:1. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138024243* EU におけるマルタ共和国 Harwood, Mark Malta in the European Union 2014:12. 302 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472436665* ヨーロッパの社会と民主主義 Keil, Silke I./Gabriel, Oscar W. (eds.) Society and Democracy in Europe (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2014:9. 290 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 166 *9781138830233* Langbein, Julia Transnationalization and Regulatory Change in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Ukraine between Brussels and Moscow (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2015:1. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138795112* Le Cacheux, Jacques/Laurent, Eloi Report on the State of the European Union 2014:12. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137451071* EUと多国間安全保障のガバナンス Lucarelli, Sonia/Van Langenhove, Luk/Wouters, Jan (eds.) The EU and Multilateral Security Governance (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2014:9. 194 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138830479* O'Kane, Rosemary H. T. Rosa Luxemburg in Action: For Revolution and Democracy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought, Vol. 97) 2014:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138021952* ヨーロッパの文化政治 Patel, Kiran Klaus (ed.) The Cultural Politics of Europe: European Capitals of Culture and European Union since the 1980s (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2014:9. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829954* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) アフリカ ドイツにおける将来の選挙人 Sánchez Gassen, Nora Elisa Germany’s Future Electors: Developments of the German Electorate in Times of Demographic Change 2014:9. 428 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658069414* Abebe, Semahagn Gashu The Last Post-Cold War Socialist Federation: Ethnicity, Ideology and Democracy in Ethiopia (Federalism Studies) 2014:11. 291 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472412089* EU、市民社会と紛争 Tocci, Nathalie (ed.) @}!$$% (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2014:9. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829923* アフリカ政治の変容 Falola, Toyin/Mbah, Emmanuel M. (eds.) Intellectual Agent, Mediator and Interlocutor: A. B. Assensoh and African Politics in Transition 2014:8. 365 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443860468* EU の仕組み アフリカにおけるアメリカ Toemmel, Ingeborg The European Union: What It Is and How It Works (European Union) 2014:9. 356 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 =^+*? United States in Africa: Reconciling Foreign Policy and Security Challenges (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137427533* Whitaker, Richard The European Parliament’s Committees: National }!<{% (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2014:9. 158 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829909* Whitehouse, John Howard Essays on Social and Political Questions 2014:12. 106 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107456037* See also Foster, Russell, Mapping European Empire, Routledge.................................................... p58 , 0467 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780415532372* サハラ砂漠南縁諸国におけるテロと反乱 Harmon, Stephen A. Terror and Insurgency in the Sahara-Sahel Region: Corruption, Contraband, Jihad and the Mali War of 2012-2013 (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2014:11. 304 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409454755* 植民地時代におけるアフリカのリーダーシップ Jallow, Baba G. (ed.) Leadership in Colonial Africa: Disruption of Traditional Frameworks and Patterns (Palgrave Studies in African Leadership) 2014:12. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137477958* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 167 政治学 》アフリカ スーダンにおける水、文明と権力 Verhoeven, Harry Water, Civilization, and Power in Sudan: The Political Economy of Military-Islamist State Building (African Studies) 2015:2. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107061149* !+"Building a Peaceful Nation, Univ. of Rochester Press ......................................... p54 , 0438 南北アメリカ 北 米 "{+^< Christopher P./Ornstein, Norman Abshire, David M. (ed.) Triumphs and Tragedies of the Modern Congress: Case Studies in Legislative Leadership 2014:8. 387 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781440833359* アメリカの直接民主制と政治参加 Biggers, Daniel Morality at the Ballot: Direct Democracy and Political Engagement in the United States 2014:11. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107084575* 外交政策比較:トルーマンとレーガン Bilsland, James The President, the State and the Cold War: Comparing the Foreign Policies of Truman and Reagan (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy) 2015:1. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 168 *9781138818316* *9781433125546* ,6%13DSHU6)5 通常価 税 *9781433125539* Cunnigen, Donald/Bruce, Marino (eds.) Race in the Age of Obama: Part 2 (Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 19) 2015:3. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 See also Bystrom, Dianne G./Banwart, Mary C./McKinney, Mitchell S. (eds.) Alienation (Frontiers in Political Communication, Vol. 28) 2014:8. 250 p. (Peter Lang, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781783509829* ★ 市民参加の復活 Gerston, Larry N. Reviving Citizen Engagement: Policies to Renew National Community 2014:12. 256 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482231762* ロジャー・シャーマンと共和党の創立 Hall, Mark David Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic 2015:2. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190218706* アメリカ合衆国上院における与党の力と歳出 Hanson, Peter Too Weak to Govern: Majority Party Power and Appropriations in the U.S. Senate 2014:11. 206 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107063150* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》南北アメリカ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107635876* *9781137393050* ★ バーバラ・ケラーマン著 アメリカにおけ るリーダーシップ Kellerman, Barbara Hard Times: Leadership in America 2014:9. 304 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804792356* Mark, Rebecca Ersatz America: Hidden Traces, Graphic Texts, and the Mending of Democracy 2014:11. 320 p. (Univ. of Virginia Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780813936253* Schaller, Thomas The Stronghold: How Republicans Captured Congress But Surrendered the White House 2015:1. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Scott, John C. Social Process of Lobbying: Cooperation or Collusion? (Routledge Research in American Politics and Governance, Vol. 19) 2014:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415727266* ★ アメリカの政治権力と経済的衰退 *^<; Democracy and its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline 2014:12. 215 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ アメリカの政治文化百科事典 全3巻 Shally-Jensen, Michael American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia 2015:4. 3 Vols., 1170 p. (ABCClio, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 アメリカの民主化支援と中東諸国 Markakis, Dionysis U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Middle East: The Pursuit of Hegemony (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415727174* *9780813936260* *9780300172034* ロビー活動の社会過程 *9781137394408* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 Oldmixon, Elizabeth A./Den Dulk, Kevin R. (eds.) Mediating Religion and Government: Political Institutions and the Policy Process (Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy) 2014:11. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107475939* 宗教と政府 Johansson, Jon U.S. Leadership in Political Time and Space: +^<<~\? 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781610693776* Taylor, Steven/Shugart, Matthew/Lijphart, Arend/ Grofman, Bernard A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective 2014:10. 400 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300198089* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 169 政治学 》南北アメリカ See also Steding, William, Presidential Faith and Foreign Policy, """ ...................... p28 , 0183 ラテンアメリカ Ferraro, Agustin E./Centeno, Miguel A. (eds.) State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain: Republics of the Possible 2014:8. 484 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ラテンアメリカのテクノクラシーとデモクラシー Dargent, Eduardo Technocracy and Democracy in Latin America: The Experts Running Government 2014:11. 216 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ラテンアメリカとスペインの国家建設 *9781107059870* *9781107454392* ラテンアメリカの福祉と政党政治 Pribble, Jennifer Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America 2014:10. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107459885* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 社会保障局 イタリアの福祉国家:ヨーロッパの視点 Ascoli, Ugo/Pavolini, Emmanuelle (eds.) The Italian Welfare State in a European Perspective: A Comparative Analysis 2015:3. 272 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447316886* Dean, Hartley/Taylor-Gooby, Peter Dependency Culture 2014:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837287* Glennerster, Howard Paying For Welfare: Towards 2000, 3rd ed. 2015:6. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 170 *9781629489278* O'Sullivan, Siobhan/Considine, Mark Contracting-Out Welfare Services: Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance (Broadening Perspectives in Social Policy) 2015:1. 168 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119016496* 発展途上国における社会政策 福祉サービスからの脱退 ★ 依存文化 Milner, Helga (ed.) Social Security Administration: Management and Service Challenges 2014:10. 166 p. (Nova Science, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781138837362* Surender, Rebecca/Walker, Robert (eds.) Social Policy in a Developing World 2014:10. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782540168* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会保障・社会政策 The Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Preparedness Resources and Programs: Workshop Summary 2014:12. 158 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780309303606* Barth, F. Diane Integrative Clinical Social Work Practice: A Contemporary Perspective (Essential Clinical Social Work Series) 2014:10. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ *9781493920150* ウィリアム・H・ベヴァリッジ著作集成 全 7 巻 障害と社会運動 Various The Works of William H. Beveridge (The Works of William H. Beveridge) 2014:11. 7 Vols., 5502 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Carling-Jenkins, Rachel Disability and Social Movements: Learning from Australian Experiences (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies) 2014:11. 180 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138826434* *9781472446329* 社会福祉 児童虐待、児童保護と法律 参加型研究 Aldridge, Jo Participatory Research: Working With Vulnerable Groups in Research and Practice 2015:2. 176 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447305644* Altman, Barbara/Barnartt, Sharon N. (eds.) Environmental Contexts and Disability (Research in Social Science and Disability, Vol. 8) 2014:10. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412630* ★ Bamford, Terry A Contemporary History of Social Work: Learning from the Past 2015:2. 256 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447322153* *9781447322160* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780414023321* 福祉教育における健康とウェルビーイングの促進 Crisp, Beth R./Beddoe, Liz (eds.) Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education: Learning Designs 2014:9. 184 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841864* Donnelly, Mary Healthcare Decision-Making and the Law: Autonomy, Capacity and the Limits of Liberalism (Cambridge Law, Medicine & Ethics, No. 12) 2014:11. 346 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107470927* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 医療における意思決定と法 ソーシャルワークの現代史 Cleland, Alison Child Abuse, Child Protection and the Law 2015:2. 520 p. (W. Green, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 ★ Springer 版 作業リハビリテーションと 身体障害度判定ハンドブック Escorpizo, Reuben/Brage, Sören/Homa, Debra/Stucki, Gerold (eds.) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 171 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation: Application and Implementation of the ICF (Handbooks in Health, Work, and Disability) 2014:12. 514 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319088242* セクシュアリティ・マイノリティの健康格差:国際的視点 Fish, Julie/Karban, Kate (eds.) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Health Inequalities: International Perspectives in Social Work 2015:3. 276 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447309673* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781447309680* Howe, David The Compleat Social Worker 2014:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137469465* ソーシャルワーク実践のレジリエンス Kinman, Gail (ed.) Developing Resilience for Social Work Practice: Enhancing Emotional Resilience for Practice 2014:12. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137302496* ソーシャルワーク入門 Martin, Michelle E. Introduction to Social Work: How to Create Great Content, Reach More Customers, and Build a Worldwide Marketing Strategy That Works 2015:2. 400 p. (Allyn & Bacon, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 172 *9780205681822* 境界を越えた障害研究 Moore, Michele (ed.) Moving Beyond Boundaries in Disability Studies: Rights, Spaces and Innovations 2014:9. 176 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841895* 家族政策と障害 Rimmerman, Arie Family Policy and Disability (Cambridge Disability, Law and Policy Series) 2015:2. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107049178* Rogers, Jim Social Work with Vulnerable Adults 2015:4. (Learning Matters Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781473907546* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781473907553* セクシャル・マイノリティのエイジング Rowan, Noell L./Giunta, Nancy L. (eds.) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging: The Role of Gerontological Social Work 2014:12. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842083* ひとり親家庭 Rowlingson, Karen/Mckay, Stephen Lone Parent Families: Gender, Class and State 2015:6. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138837096* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 Trotter, Chris Working with Involuntary Clients: A Guide to Practice, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415715645* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Cribb, Alan/Gewirtz, Sharon Professionalism (Key Themes in Health and Social Care) 2015:2. 184 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780415715652* *9780745653167* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745653174* 災害時の人的サービス機関 アメリカにおける死生学 Van Heugten, Kate Human Service Organizations in the Disaster Context 2014:11. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Dying in America: Improving Quality and Honoring Individual Preferences at the End of Life 2014:12. 400 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781137389602* *9780309303101* 保健・医療 生死の意思決定 第2版 医療制度改革法 Blume, Eileen H. (ed.) The Affordable Care Act: Analyses of Emergent Issues and Topics (Health Care Issues, Costs and Access) 2014:10. 87 p. (Nova Science, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781631178719* ヘルスケアの組織行動 第3版 Borkowski, Nancy Organizational Behavior in Health Care, 3rd ed. 2015:3. 440 p. (Jones & Bartlett, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781284051049* 医療経営:国際的ベストプラクティス Buttigieg, Sandra/von Eiff, Wilfried/Rathert, Cheryl (eds.) International Best Practices in Health Care Management (Advances in Health Care Management, Vol. 17) 2014:11. 200 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412791* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138808874* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Ekland-Olson, Sheldon Life and Death Decisions: The Quest for Morality and Justice in Human Societies, 2nd ed. (Contemporary Sociological Perspectives) 2014:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138808881* Ekland-Olson, Sheldon Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides?: Abortion, Neonatal Care, Assisted Dying, and Capital Punishment, 2nd ed. (Contemporary Sociological Perspectives) 2014:12. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138808799* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138808805* Farrell, Anne-Maree The Politics of Blood: Ethics, Innovation and the Regulation of Risk (Cambridge Bioethics and Law) 2014:11. 284 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 173 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 1700 ᐕએ㒠䈱䊣䊷䊨䉾䊌䈫ർ☨䈮䈍䈔䉎 ஜᐽ䇮ᱫ₸䈫↢ᵴ᳓Ḱ㩷 ో䋲Ꮞ Health, Mortality and the Standard of Living in Europe and North America since 1700 Elgar Mini Series Edited by Roderick Floud, >"" Robert William Fogel>* Bernard Harris, Un*"(and Sok Chul Hong** 2014 ᐕ 11 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 2 Vols., 1,744 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-0-85793-178-8....... STP 580.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂155,530 / ․ଔ䎂124,424 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9780857931788* ߎߩ 2 Ꮞ⚵ߩᦠ☋ߪޔஜᐽߣߩᱧผߩ᭽ߥޘ㕙ߦ㑐ߔࠆ㊀ⷐߢᓇ㗀ജߩᄢ ߈⺰ᢥࠍ߹ߣߡ߹ߔߪࡦ࡚ࠪࠢࠦߩߎޕએਅߩ࠹ࡑߦ߅ߌࠆฎౖ⊛ᦨ ᣂߩ⺰ᢥࠍ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕᱫ₸ૐਅߩේ࿃ߣ․ᓽ߿ᚑੱߩஜᐽߣ∛᳇ߦ߅ߌࠆ ᐜዋᦼߩᓇ㗀ޔり㐳߿㊀ޔᩰߩᄌൻ↢ޟޔᵴ᳓Ḱߩޠቯ⟵ߣ⸘᷹ޔஜᐽᡷༀߩ ⚻ᷣ⊛␠ળ⊛ᓇ㗀ߢߔޕ ฦಽ㊁ࠍઍߔࠆ⎇ⓥ⠪ߢࠆ✬㓸⠪ߚߜߪޔㆊ 3 ♿ߩᱫ₸ૐਅߣஜᐽᡷ ༀߩේ࿃ߣ⚿ᨐߦߟߡߩ⼏⺰ࠍ⸃⺑ߔࠆዉᢥࠍឭଏߒߡ߹ߔޕ Table of Contents Volume I PART I THE DECLINE OF MORTALITY PART II FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH MORTALITY CHANGE PART III EARLY-LIFE ORIGINS OF ADULT DISEASE PART IV LIVING STANDARDS, INCOME AND WEALTH Volume II PART I ANTHROPOMETRIC STUDIES PART II HEIGHT, WEIGHT AND MORTALITY PART III ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF HEALTH CHANGES (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) 174 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107474796* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610699655* 公衆衛生機関 ヘルス・コミュニケーション Gomez, Eduardo J. Contested Epidemics: Policy Responses in Brazil and the US and What the Brics Can Learn 2015:1. 400 p. (Imperial College Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Lewis, Jeff/Lewis, Belinda Health Communication: A Media and Cultural Studies Approach 2014:12. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783265145* 医療経営管理:概念、方法論、ツール、アプリケーション 全3巻 Information Resources Management Association (ed.) Healthcare Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 2014:8. 3 Vols., 1500 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663398* Isaacs, Stephen L./Colby, David C. To Improve Health and Health Care: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology, 16th ed. (Jossey-Bass Public Health) 2014:10. 400 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119000785* アメリカ保健統計の理解 Klosek, Jacqueline Wellness by the Numbers: Understanding and Interpreting American Health Statistics 2015:1. 190 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610699631* *9783319095097* Schoonveld, Ed The Price of Global Health: Drug Pricing Strategies to Balance Patient Access and the Funding of Innovation, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 400 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472438805* Widger, Tom Suicide in Sri Lanka: The Anthropology of an Epidemic (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 2014:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820746* See also Carr, Claudia, Unlocking Medical Law and Ethics, Routledge ..................................... p141 , 1155 アメリカにおける医療改革 Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs/Kronenfeld, Michael R. Healthcare Reform in America: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) 2015:3. 350 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Powers, James S. (ed.) Healthcare Changes and the Affordable Care Act: A Physician Call to Action 2014:10. 248 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 3DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 グローバルヘルスの価値 健康・保健医療の改善 第 16 版 ヘルスケアの変革と医療制度改革法 *9780230298323* '!'Medical Law and Ethics, <(j^*q .................. p141 , 1156 ^Revisiting the Regulation of Human Fertilisation and Embryology, Routledge ................................................................... p141 , 1157 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 175 社会学 》社会学一般 社会学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 社会学一般 家庭・職場のデモクラシー Booze, Randall Ray Democracy in the Workplace and at Home: Finding Freedom, Liberty and Justice in the Lived Environment 2014:9. 175 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861403* Tilly, Charles Credit and Blame 2014:11. 200 p.;""%$lished in 2008 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691164649* 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 Marsh, Ian Theory and Practice in Sociology 2014:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836082* 犯罪・非行の社会学的様相 Phillipson, Michael Sociological Aspects of Crime and Delinquency (Routledge Revivals) 2014:10. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ 社会学の理論と実践 *9781138836617* *9781138830271* 現代の社会理論における自然法 ポスト世俗社会の形成過程 Chernilo, Daniel The Natural Law Foundations of Modern Social Theory: A Quest for Universalism 2014:10. 258 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Rosati, Massimo The Making of a Postsecular Society: A Durkheimian Approach to Memory, Pluralism and Religion in Turkey (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory ) 2015:1. 320 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107462786* *9781472423122* ポスト合理主義 Eyers, Tom Post-Rationalism: Psychoanalysis, Epistemology, and Marxism in Post-War France 2014:12. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 リュック・ボルタンスキーの精神 *9781474213011* ★ Susen, Simon/Turner, Bryan S. (eds.) The Spirit of Luc Boltanski: Essays on the Pragmatic Sociology of Critique (Key Issues in Modern Sociology) 2014:11. 850 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781783082964* 社会学:古典・現代読本 Marsh, Ian/Campbell, Rosie/Keating, Mike Classic and Contemporary Readings in Sociology 2014:12. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) 176 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 䉬䊷䉴䉴䉺䊂䉞㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Case Studies Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 04003S0241䇽 Edited by Malcolm Tight, ? 2014 ᐕ 12 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., 1,608 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4462-7448-4 ੍⚂ଔ㩷 䋨2014/12/16 ฃઃಽㄥ䋩STP 550.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂147,485 / ․ଔ䎂117,988 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ 䋨⸥એ㒠䋩STP 625.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂167,597 / ․ଔ䎂 134,078 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781446274484* ᧄᦠߪᄙߊߩಽ㊁ߣ᭽ߥޘᢥൻ⊛ⷞὐࠍㅢߓޔ⎇ⓥߩ↪ߣ⸃㉼ߦߟߡ ઍ⊛ߥࠕࡊࡠ࠴ࠍߣߞߡ⺞ᩏߒߡ߹ߔޕ⎇ⓥࠍᣇᴺ⺰⊛ℂ⺰⊛ⷞὐߩਔ ᣇ߆ࠄ⺞ᩏߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅޔฦᏎߦ㍳ߐࠇߚ⺰ᢥߪ⎇ⓥ߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߦ ↪ߐࠇߡࠆ߆ࠍឬ߈ߒޔㄭ᧪ߤߩࠃ߁ߦ⊒ዷߔࠆน⢻ᕈ߇ࠆ߆ឭ᩺ߒߡ ߹ߔޕ⎇ⓥߩ↪ߩ㓙ߩᄙ᭽ߥࡌ࡞߿ⷙᮨߦ㑐ㅪߒߡ⺒ߪ⊛⋡ߩᦠᧄޔ⠪ ߦ⎇ⓥߩ⁁ߦߟߡߩ൮⊛ߥⷰࠍឭଏߒ⺒ޔ⠪߇⥄りߩ⎇ⓥߦ⎇ⓥ ࠍㆡ↪ߔࠆ㓙ߦࠃࠅ⦟್ᢿ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߔࠆߎߣߢߔޕ ቯ⟵߆ࠄቇ㓙⊛ߥᚻᴺ߹ߢߪ࠻࠶ߩߎޔ♽⊛ߦㆬቯߐࠇߚᦨᣂߩ⺰ᢥߣߣ߽ ߦ✬㓸⠪ߦࠃࠆⷰ⊛ߥዉᢥߣߎߩ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߩⷐߦࠃߞߡታ〣⊛ߥ⎇ⓥࠍ ขࠅᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕ 䇼ฦᏎ⚫䇽㩷 ╙ 㪈 Ꮞ䋺⎇ⓥ䈱Ḯ䈫ᱧผ㩷 ╙ 㪉 Ꮞ䋺⎇ⓥ䈱䊂䉱䉟䊮㩷 ╙ 㪊 Ꮞ䋺⎇ⓥ䈱⺖㗴㩷 ╙ 㪋 Ꮞ䋺⇣䈭䉎ಽ㊁䈮䈍䈔䉎⎇ⓥ䈱↪㩷 (Sage Pub., GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 177 社会学 ⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪䉲䊥䊷䉵 Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications series 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1016293851 (Hard)䇽 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 1016293879 (Paper)䇽 Edited by Mark Casson, @( ߎߩࠪ࠭ߪ⚻ᷣቇ߿⚻ޔ༡ቇޔ㊄Ⲣ⺰ޔ╷⎇ⓥࠍ␠ળ⑼ቇߩ㊀ⷐߥಽ ㊁ߦ߅ߌࠆ⎇ⓥᚻᴺߩቯ⊛ߥ⾗ᢱߣߥߞߡ߹ߔ߽ࠄ߆ࠇߎޔߡߒߘޕ㊀ⷐᕈ߇ ࠄࠇࠆ৻ᵹ߆ߟ㜞ຠ⾰ߩᢥ₂ߣߥࠆߎߣࠍ⋡ᮡߣߒߡ߹ߔޕฦࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢ ߦߪߘࠇߙࠇߩಽ㊁ߦ߅ߡ⪺ฬߥ⎇ⓥ⠪ߦࠃࠅㆬቯߐࠇߚޔᮭᆭߩࠆቇ⠪߆ࠄ ߩ⺰ᢥ߇ឝタߐࠇߡ߹ߔߦ․ޕ㊀ὐ߇⟎߆ࠇߡࠆߩ߇ᩮߣߥࠆ㊂⊛⾰⊛ߥ ࠺࠲߳ߩ⎇ⓥᚻᴺߩታ〣⊛ߥㆡ↪ߢߔߪࠢ࠶ࡉ࠼ࡦࡂߩߎޕ╷┙᩺⠪߇⥄ାࠍ ᜬߞߡ↪ߢ߈ࠆ⏕࿕ߣߒߚ⎇ⓥ⚿ᨐࠍ⎇ⓥ⠪߇↢ߺߔᚻഥߌࠍߒ߹ߔߙࠇߘޕ ࠇߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߪ⎇ⓥᚻᴺߩ৻⥸⊛ߥ⺖㗴ߦߟߡขࠅ⚵ࠎߢࠆ৻ᣇߢ৻╙ޔ ߩὶὐߪㆡಾߥ࠺࠲߿⸽ߩ⼂ߣ↪ߩ࠲࠺߮ࠃ߅ޔᚲߣߥࠆ⾗ᢱߦߟ ߡᦨ⦟ߩᚻᴺࠍ↪ߚ⸃㉼ߦ㑐ㅪߒߚታ㓙ߩ⺖㗴ߦኻߒߡะߌࠄࠇߡ߹ߔߎޕ ࠇࠄߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߪޔᔕ↪⎇ⓥߢ↪ߐࠇߡ߈ߚࠅޔᓟ↪ߢ߈ߚࠅߔࠆࠃ߁ ߥਥⷐߥℂ⺰ࠍ⺰⹏ߒߡ߹ߔߪߡ߅ߦ⹏⺰ߥ߁ࠃߩߘޕᔨ⊛ߥ⺖㗴߿⽎⊛ ߥℂ⺰ߦ⸒ߐࠇࠆߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔὶὐߪߊ߹ߢታ⇇ߢߩㆡ↪ߣߥߞߡ ߹ߔޕ 䉲䊥䊷䉵ᣂೀ䉺䉟䊃䊦䈱䈗᩺ౝ㩷 ⚻ᷣℂቇ⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 㩷 Handbook Of Research Methods And Applications In Economic Geography By Charlie Karlsson/ Martin Andersson/ Therese Norman 2015:01. 512 p. ISBN 978-0-85793-266-2 .................. Hard STP 150.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂40,223 / ․ଔ䎂32,179 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9780857932662*㩷 㩷 178 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 䉲䊥䊷䉵ᣢೀ䉺䉟䊃䊦䈱䈗᩺ౝ㩷 ␠ળ⑼ቇ䈱ⓨ㑆⛔ว⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 㩷 Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Spatially Integrated Social Science Edited by Robert Stimson 2014:07. 680 p. ISBN 978-0-85793-296-9 .................. Hard STP 180.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂48,268 / ․ଔ䎂38,614 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9780857932969*㩷 ታ⸽䊙䉪䊨⚻ᷣቇ⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 㩷 Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics Edited by Nigar Hashimzade/ Michael A. Thornton 2013:07. 640 p. ISBN 978-0-85793-101-6 .................. Hard STP 186.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂49,877 / ․ଔ䎂39,901 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9780857931016*㩷 ታ⸽䊐䉜䉟䊅䊮䉴⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 㩷 Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Finance Edited by Adrian R. Bell/ Chris Brooks/ Marcel Prokopczuk 2013:04. 504 p. ISBN 978-0-85793-608-0 .................. Hard STP 155.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂41,564 / ․ଔ䎂33,251 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9780857936080* 2014:10. 504 p. ISBN 978-1-78254-017-5 ....................... Paper STP 35.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂9,385/ ․ଔ䎂7,508䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781782540175*㩷 ㇺᏒ⚻ᷣ⎇ⓥᚻᴺ䊶ㆡ↪䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 㩷 Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Urban Economies Edited by Peter Karl Kresl/ Jaime Sobrino 2013:02. 544 p. ISBN 978-0-85793-461-1 .................. Hard STP 155.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂41,564 / ․ଔ䎂33,251 䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9780857934611* 2014:10. 544 p. ISBN 978-1-78195-348-8 ....................... Paper STP 35.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂9,385/ ․ଔ䎂7,508䈀ᧄ䈁+ ⒢ *9781781953488*㩷 (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 179 社会学 ẜᄌᢙ䈫࿃ሶಽᨆ㩷 ో䋴Ꮞ Latent Variables and Factor Analysis Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods 䇼䉲䊥䊷䉵⛮⛯ᵈᢥ⇟ภ: 04003S0241䇽 Edited by Salvatore J. Babones*(" 2015 ᐕ 2 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 4 Vols., 1,472 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-1-4462-9460-4 ੍⚂ଔ㩷 䋨2015/02/13 ฃઃಽㄥ䋩STP 550.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂147,485 / ․ଔ䎂117,988 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ 䋨⸥એ㒠䋩STP 625.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂167,597 / ․ଔ䎂 134,078 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9781446294604* ߎߩ 4 Ꮞ᭴ᚑߩ Major Work ߪẜᄌᢙߣ࿃ሶಽᨆߩၮ␆ߣߎߩ ಽ㊁ߩઍ⊛ߥ⺖㗴ߩਔᣇࠍ⺞ᩏߒߡࠆ⺰ᢥࠍ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕ ߎߩ࡚ࠦࠢࠪࡦߪ␠ޔળቇ߿ᔃℂቇޔᢎ⢒ቇޔᴦቇߣߞߚ ᄙߊߩಽ㊁߆ࠄߩ⺰ᢥࠍ㍳ߒߚቇ㓙⊛ߥ⾗ᢱߣߒߡ᭴ᚑߐࠇߡ ߹ߔ✬ޕ㓸⠪ߦࠃࠆዉᢥߢߪ␠ޔળ⑼ቇߦ߅ߌࠆẜᄌᢙߩᗧ วߣߘߩ↪ߦ㑐ߔࠆ৻⥸⊛ߥࠕࡊࡠ࠴߇ឭ␜ߐࠇࠆߣߣ߽ ߦޔ࿃ሶಽᨆߩၮ␆ߣߘߩ⚵ߺ߇⺑ߐࠇߦᦠᧄޔ㍳ߐࠇߚ⺰ᢥ߇ㆬቯߐࠇߚℂ ↱߇⺑߆ࠇߡ߹ߔߺ⚵ߩ⚛ⷐߩࠄࠇߎޕวࠊߖߦࠃࠅᧄޔᢥ₂ߪ⌀ߦ൮⊛ߢขࠅ ᛒ߇◲නߥ⎇ⓥ⾗ᢱߣߥߞߡ߅ࠅޔᐢಽ㊁ߩ␠ળ⑼ቇ⠪ߦߣߞߡଔ୯ߩࠆ߽ ߩߣߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ 䇼ฦᏎ⚫䇽㩷 ╙ Ꮞ㧦ᄌᢙ䈱ᔨൻ䈫ᠲൻ㩷 ╙ Ꮞ㧦ᧂ⸘᷹䈱ᄌᢙ䈱ㆡ↪㩷 ╙ Ꮞ㧦ẜᄌᢙ䈱࿃ሶಽᨆ㩷 ╙ Ꮞ㧦ᔕ↪⊛䈭㗴⋡㩷 (Sage Pub., GBR / ᜰቯઍℂᐫ㧦ਣༀ) 180 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 See also Winch, Peter, The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy, Routledge .......... p20 , 0132 Atiemo, Abamfo Ofori, Religion and the Inculturation of Human Rights in Ghana, !"$( ............................... p28 , 0187 Culture, Health, and Religion at the Millennium, """ ..... p28 , 0188 ""'Religion Italian Style, Ashgate Pub.............................................................. p28 , 0189 *%<Engaging with Living Religion, Routledge.................................................... p28 , 0190 )"Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics, Routledge.................................................... p29 , 0191 傾向スコア分析 Pan, Wei/Bai, Haiyan (eds.) Propensity Score Analysis: Fundamentals and Developments 2015:4. 402 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462519491* 社会的ネットワーク研究 Robins, Garry L. Doing Social Network Research: Network-based Research Design for Social Scientists 2015:1. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446276129* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 社会学研究法・社会調査法 *9781446276136* オートエスノグラフィー Adams, Tony E./Holman Jones, Stacy/Ellis, Carolyn Autoethnography (Understanding Qualitative Research) 2014:10. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199972098* 多様な社会の社会統計 Leon-Guerrero, Anna/Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society 2015:1. 376 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483359496* 空間移動、移住と住生活 Aybek, Can M./Huinink, Johannes/Muttarak, Raya (eds.) Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Living Arrangements 2014:11. 252 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319100203* See also ^^Against Hybridity, " .................................................................... p35 , 0254 ★ Springer版 社会研究の因果分析ハンド ブック Morgan, Stephen L. (ed.) Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research) 2014:9. 424 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 社会構造・社会変動 *9789401794077* ★印はお薦めタイトル 社会組織・社会集団 Catino, Maurizio Organizational Myopia: Problems of Rationality and Foresight in Organizations 2014:12. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107447219* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 181 社会学 》社会組織・社会集団 コミュニティ・オーガナイジング Walls, David S. Community Organizing 2014:11. 216 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745663203* See also 階級・社会階層・社会移動 Donnelly Roark, Paula Social Justice and Deep Participation: Theory and Practice for the 21st Century 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137436863* アメリカ農村地域における貧困 第2版 Duncan, Cynthia Worlds Apart: Poverty and Politics in Rural America, 2nd ed. 2014:11. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300196597* 社会的平等 Fourie, Carina/Schuppert, Fabian/WallimannHelmer, Ivo (eds.) Social Equality: On What It Means to be Equals 2015:2. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199331109* Kalb, Don/Carrier, James G. (eds.) Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice and Inequality 2015:1. 275 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Knight, Fauzia Law, Power and Culture: Supporting Change From Within (Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies) 2014:10. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 182 *9780804793346* *9780230304536* 現代インドの社会的排除と社会的包含 Skoda, Uwe/Nielsen, Kenneth Bo/Qvortrup Fibiger, Marianne (eds.) Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond: Structures, Agents, Practices (Anthem South Asian Studies) 2014:11. 238 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083404* Witcher, Sally Inclusive Equality: A Vision for Social Justice 2014:12. 256 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 豊かな国における経済格差と中産階級 Gornick, Janet/Jantti, Markus (eds.) Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the <<|"=}|>;<;cial Inequality) 2014:8. 540 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781107087415* *9781782540267* 階級の人類学 @$ ?Doing Social Network Research, Sage Pub....................................................p181 , 1485 Hay, Iain M. (ed.) Geographies of the Super-Rich 2014:9. 240 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781447300045* 社会問題・社会運動 ソーシャルネットワークと社会運動 Crossley, Nick/Krinsky, John (eds.) Social Networks and Social Movements: Contentious Connections 2015:1. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832411* ★ Fiske, Alan Page/Rai, Tage Shakti Virtuous Violence: Hurting and Killing to Create, Sustain, End, and Honor Social Relationships 2014:11. 384 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107088207* *9781107458918* 人種別プロファイリング:因果関係 Glaser, Jack Suspect Race: Causes and Consequences of Racial ^{~\?~%?>=<?? USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780195370409* 社会運動:リーダー 第3版 Goodwin, Jeff/Jasper, James M. (eds.) The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts, 3rd ed. 2014:12. 464 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118729793* オキュパイ ( 占拠 ) 運動 Gould-Wartofsky, Michael A. The Occupiers: The Making of the 99 Percent Movement 2015:3. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199313914* アメリカ社会におけるドラッグ百科事典 全3巻 Marion, Nancy E./Oliver, Willard Drugs in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law 2014:12. 3 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781610695954* Nason-Clark, Nancy/Fisher-Townsend, Barbara Men Who Batter (Interpersonal Violence) 2014:12. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199351862* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 「暴力」という手段 Vols., 1154 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ★ 中絶問題、メディアと社会運動: アメリカの事例 Rohlinger, Deana A. Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America 2014:12. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107069237* Shanafelt, Robert/Pino, Nathan W. Rethinking Serial Murder, Spree Killing, and Atrocities: Beyond the Usual Distinctions (Routledge Advances in Sociology, Vol. 140) 2014:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832985* テロ犯罪防止:コミュニティの対策 Spalek, Basia Terror Crime Prevention with Communities 2015:2. 184 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474223676* アメリカの銃規制論争 Wilson, Harry L. The Triumph of the Gun-Rights Argument: Why the Gun Control Debate Is Over 2015:1. 240 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440830358* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 183 社会学 》家族・世代 家族・世代 Adler, Peter/Adler, Patricia A. (eds.) Sociological Studies of Child Development (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 5) 2014:8. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413071* Mandell, Nancy/Porter, Elaine/Tesson, Geoffrey (eds.) Macro-Micro Connections in the Pathways to Adulthood (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 6) 2014:8. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413101* Ambert, Anne-Marie/Mandell, Nancy (eds.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 7) 2014:8. 284 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413149* Kinney, David A. (ed.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 8) 2014:8. 340 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413057* Rosier, Katherine Brown/Kinney, David A. (eds.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 9) 2014:8. 236 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413163* Bass, Loretta E./Kinney, David A./Rosier, Katherine Brown (eds.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth 184 *9781784413187* Kinney, David A./Rosier, Katherine Brown (eds.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 11) 2014:8. 304 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413200* Qvortrup, Jens (ed.) Structural, Historical, and Comparative Perspectives (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 12) 2014:8. 328 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413224* Johnson, Heather Beth (ed.) Children and Youth Speak for Themselves (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 13) 2014:8. 472 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth , Vol. 10) 2014:8. 296 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413248* Bass, Loretta/Kinney, David A. (eds.) The Well-Being, Peer Cultures and Rights of Children (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 14) 2014:8. 352 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413262* Danby, Susan/Theobold, Maryanne (eds.) Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 15) 2014:8. 565 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781784413286* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》家族・世代 耐乏生活におけるエイジング:アイルランドの批判的 視点 子どもとメディア Carney, Gemma/Walsh, Keiran/Ni Leime, Aine (eds.) Ageing Through Austerity: Critical Perspectives from Ireland 2015:3. 208 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447316237* Cheng, Sheung-Tak/Chi, Iris/Li, Lydia W./Woo, Jean/Fung, Helena H. (eds.) Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives 2014:12. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401793308* *9781784410155* 家族 Cohen, Philip N. The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change 2014:8. 492 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393933956* Felsted, Katarina/Wright, Scott D. Toward Post Ageing: Technology in an Ageing Society (Healthy Ageing and Longevity, Vol. 1) 2014:10. 157 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319090504* Gilleard, Chris/Higgs, Paul Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment (Key Issues in Modern Sociology) 2014:11. 228 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783083374* 家族と健康 Blair, Sampson Lee Family and Health: Evoling Needs,Responsibilities and Experiences: Part B (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research , Vol. 8B) 2014:10. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 高齢化社会とテクノロジー 再 McCormick, Jennifer Higgins/Sampson, Blair Lee (eds.) Family Relationships and Familial Responses to Health Issues: Part A (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 8A) 2014:10. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781118786772* 家族関係と健康問題に対する家族の反応 エイジングの成功:アジアの事例 Lemish, Dafna Children and Media: A Global Perspective 2015:2. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 現代のフランスにおける家族 Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud (ed.) The Contemporary Family in France: Partnership Trajectories and Domestic Organization (INED Population Studies, Vol. 5) 2014:11. 262 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319095271* 若者のウェルビーイングの再考察 Wright, Katie/McLeod, Julie (eds.) Rethinking Youth Wellbeing: Critical Perspectives 2014:11. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781784411268* *9789812871879* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 185 社会学 》都市・地域・農村 都市・地域・農村 Bracken, Gregory The Shanghai Alleyway House: A Vanishing Urban Vernacular (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2014:9. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833173* Constance, Douglas H./Renard, Marie-Christine/ Rivera-Ferre, Marta G. (eds.) Alternative Agrifood Movements: Patterns of Convergence and Divergence (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Vol. 21) 2014:10. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Space Modernization and Social Interaction: A Comparative Study of Living Space in Beijing 2014:10. 10 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 産業・労働 産業の社会学 Brown, Richard/Child, John/Parker, S. R. The Sociology of Industry 2014:12. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781784410902* *9781783083510* Grint, Keith/Nixon, Darren The Sociology of Work, 4th ed. 2015:3. 472 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138832886* *9780745650449* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745650456* ★ 産業社会 Holmberg, Tora Urban Animals: Crowding in ZooCities (Routledge Human-Animal Studies Series) 2015:2. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ 労働の社会学 第4版 現代ブルガリアにおける農村・都市変容 *9781138837102* Duijzings, Ger (ed.) Global Villages: Rural and Urban Transformations in Contemporary Bulgaria (Anthem Series on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies) 2014:12. 222 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9783662443484* Scase, Richard (ed.) Industrial Societies: Theory, Ethics and Practice (Routledge Revivals) 2014:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842724* 都市問題 第7版 Urban Issues: Selections from CQ Researcher , 7th ed. 2014:12. 360 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483317052* 現代北京における居住空間の研究 Yang, Qingqing 186 メディア・情報 情報研究とジャンル理論 Andersen, Jack (ed.) Engaging Dialogue: Information Studies Meets Genre Theory (Studies in Information, Vol. 11) 2015:2. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412555* キットラー研究 Sale, Stephen/Salisbury, Laura Kittler Now: Current Perspectives in Kittler Studies (Polity Theory Now) 2015:1. 232 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745653006* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745653013* Barron, Lee Celebrity Cultures: An Introduction 2014:12. 216 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446249260* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446249277* トラウマと公共的記憶 Goodall, Jane/Lee, Christopher (eds.) Trauma and Public Memory (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies) 2014:12. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137406798* メディアの力と国際テレビのニュース Bebawi, Saba Media Power and Global Television News: The Role of Al Jazeera English (International Media and Journalism Studies, Vol. 1) 2015:3. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784530860* ★ Routledge版 オンライン・ジャーナリズ ムハンドブック Bradshaw, Paul/Rohumaa, Liisa The Online Journalism Handbook: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Digital Age 2014:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138835221* ★印はお薦めタイトル Grabowski, Michael (ed.) Neuroscience and Media: New Understandings and Representations (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2014:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138811508* ニュースの理解 *9781137442291* 神経科学とメディア セレブリティ・カルチャー入門 Feeley, Kathleen/Frost, Jennifer (eds.) When Private Talk Goes Public: Gossip in American History 2014:8. 284 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 メディア・ジャーナリズム Hartley, John Understanding News (Studies in Culture and Communication) 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833951* Miller, Andrea/Reynolds, Amy (eds.) News Evolution or Revolution?: The Future of Print Journalism in the Digital Age, 2nd ed. (Mass Communication & Journalism, Vol. 13) 2014:8. 264 p. (Peter Lang, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433123160* ,6%13DSHU6)5 通常価 税 *9781433123153* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 187 社会学 》メディア・情報 外国通信と国際ニュース情報 Murrell, Colleen Foreign Correspondents and International Newsgathering: The Role of Fixers (Routledge Research in Journalism) 2014:12. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415733359* ニュースメディアにおける視聴者の反応 Reader, Bill Audience Feedback in the News Media (Routledge Research in Journalism) 2015:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138775336* デジタル時代におけるヨーロッパのメディア Rooke, Richard European Media in the Digital Age: Analysis and Approaches 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138836846* See also *<Social Media and Participatory Democracy, Peter Lang ...................................................................p150 , 1252 Scullion, Richard, The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment, Routledge ...................................................................p150 , 1255 インターネット・情報社会学 Aviles-Santiago, Manuel G. Puerto Rican Soldiers and Second-Class Citizenship: Representations in Media 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137457189* The Ubiquitous Internet: User and Industry Perspectives (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture) 2014:12. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415725743* Boyd, Danah It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens 2015:3. 296 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300199000* 中国のオンライン・ネットワーク Chen, Wenhong/Reese, Stephen D. (eds.) Networked China: Global Dynamics of Digital Media and Civic Engagement (New Agendas in Communication Series) 2014:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840027* ソーシャルメディア:クリティカル・ハイパーテキスト 解析 Eisenlauer, Volker A Critical Hypertext Analysis of Social Media: The True Colours of Facebook 2015:2. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474222860* ローカティブ・メディアとしてのスマートフォン Frith, Jordan Smartphones as Locative Media (DMS - Digital Media and Society) 2015:2. 168 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745685007* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745685014* デジタル時代における著作権の理解 Klein, Bethany/Edwards, Lee/Moss, Giles ユビキタスのインターネット Bechmann, Anja/Lomborg, Stine (eds.) 188 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 Understanding Copyright: How the Digital Age Has Changed Intellectual Property 2015:4. 216 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446285831* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446285848* Langdon, Melissa The Work of Art in a Digital Age: Art, Technology and Globalisation 2014:8. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493912698* Robinson, Laura/Cotten, Shelia/Schulz, Jeremy (eds.) Communication and Information Technologies Annual: Doing and Being Digital: Mediated Childhoods (Studies in Media and Communications, Vol. 8) 2014:11. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781783506293* Shariff, Shaheen Sexting and Cyberbullying\^{+= Digitally Empowered Kids 2014:12. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 コミュニケーションの新たなアジェンダ Gil de Zuniga Navajas, Homero (ed.) New Technologies and Civic Engagement: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series) 2014:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415710497* コミュニケーション論 *9781107019911* ★ Noam, Eli M. Who Owns the World’s Media?: Media Concentration and Ownership around the World 2015:3. 1056 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199987238* ソーシャルメディアと異文化体験 Robson, Garry/Zachara, Malgorzata (eds.) Digital Diversities: Social Media and Intercultural Experience (Post-Intercultural Communication and Education) 2014:9. 330 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861298* See also Crick, Nathan, Rhetoric and Power, Univ. of South Carolina Pr. ............................................... p78 , 0625 Walters, Shannon, Rhetorical Touch, Univ. of South Carolina Pr. ............................................... p78 , 0626 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107625174* Weber, Rolf H. Realizing a New Global Cyberspace Framework: Normative Foundations and Guiding Principles 2014:11. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662446768* ★印はお薦めタイトル カルチュラル・スタディーズ Bast, Gerald/Carayannis, Elias G./Campbell, David F. J. (eds.) Arts, Research, Innovation and Society (Arts, Research, Innovation and Society) 2014:10. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319099088* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 189 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ 大衆文化と視覚文化 ヨガの文化 Campos, Ricardo/Duarte, Nuno/Pinho, Ruben (eds.) Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption 2014:9. 325 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Jain, Andrea Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture 2015:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781443862141* Cohen, Stanley Folk Devils and Moral Panics (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 284 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834743* Daliot-Bul, Michal License to Play: A New Perspective 2014:11. 224 p. (Univ. of Hawaii Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780824839406* ★ 日本研究:基礎 Hood, Christopher P. Japan: The Basics (The Basics) 2014:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415629720* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415629713* ★ Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina/Rosenbaum, Roman (eds.) Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 2014:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 190 *9781138804739* *9780199390236* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199390243* ★ Routledge版 リミックス研究必携 Navas, Eduardo/Gallagher, Owen/Burrough, Xtine (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies (Routledge Companions) 2014:12. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415716253* Park, Young-A Unexpected Alliances: Independent Filmmakers, the State, and the Film Industry in Postauthoritarian South Korea 2014:10. 224 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804783613* テレビの影響 Philo, Greg Seeing and Believing\$+}!=$ (Communication and Society) 2014:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833937* Pirani, Bianca Maria Beyond the Skin: The Boundaries Between Bodies and Technologies in an Unequal World 2014:9. 235 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861311* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ 文化の崩壊 Timberg, Scott Culture Crash: The Killing of the Creative Class 2014:10. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781472443175* *9780300195880* See also "/A Global History of Doping in Sport, Routledge...................................... p208 , 1725 アラブのカルチュラル・スタディーズ Valassopoulos, Anastasia (ed.) Arab Cultural Studies: History, Politics and the Popular 2014:11. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Being Human in a Consumer Society (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory) 2015:2. 224 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138844940* Hong, Fan, Sport and Nationalism in Asia, Routledge.................................................. p208 , 1727 * @"Fighting Scholars, Anthem Press ......................................................... p208 , 1731 Spracklen, Karl, Exploring Sports and Society, """ ................................ p208 , 1733 人種・エスニシティ 文化に見られる人種偏見のないキャスティング Warner, Kristen J. The Cultural Politics of Colorblind TV Casting (Routledge Transformations in Race and Media) 2015:4. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138018303* Watt, Gary Dress, Law and Naked Truth: A Cultural Study of Fashion and Form (The Wish List) 2015:2. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474223669* 消費・レジャー ★ Wiley-Blackwell版 消費・消費者研究百科事典 Cook, Daniel Thomas/Ryan, J. Michael (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies 2015:3. 608 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780470672846* 消費者社会の人間性 Martínez, Alejandro Néstor García (ed.) ★印はお薦めタイトル Adelman, Robert/Mele, Christopher (eds.) Race, Space, and Exclusion: Segregation and Beyond in Metropolitan America (The Metropolis and Modern Life) 2014:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138779303* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138779327* ★ 現代アメリカの移民・移住百科事典 全2巻 Arnold, Kathleen R. Contemporary Immigration in America: A State-By-State Encyclopedia 2015:1. 2 Vols., 872 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780313399176* アメリカの大衆メディアと人種差別 Behnken, Brian D./Smithers, Gregory D. Racism in American Popular Media: From Aunt Jemima to the Frito Bandito 2015:2. 185 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440829765* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 191 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ インド人・中国人移民のコミュニティ Bhattacharya, Jayati/Kripalani, Coonoor (eds.) Indian and Chinese Immigrant Communities: Comparative Perspectives (Anthem-Iseas IndiaChina Studies) 2014:12. 330 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781783083626* Brown, Donathan L./Clemons, Michael Voting Rights Under Fire: The Continuing Struggle for People of Color 2015:4. 258 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440832475* Bucerius, Sandra M. Unwanted: Muslim Immigrants, Dignity and Drug Dealing (Studies in Crime and Public Policy) 2014:10. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199856473* Caldera, Yvonne M./Lindsey, Eric (eds.) Mexican American Children and Families: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 2014:12. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415854535* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415854542* 21世紀におけるアフリカ系アメリカ人とラテン系アメリ カ人の関係 Carrillo, Karen Juanita African American-Latino Relations in the 21st Century: When Cultures Collide 2015:3. 220 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 192 *9781440830532* Cox, Rosie (ed.) Au Pairs’ Lives in Global Context: Sisters or Servants? (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship) 2015:2. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137377470* アメリカの人種・民族政治入門 Desipio, Luis/Pinderhughes, Dianne/Shaw, Todd Uneven Roads: An Introduction to U.S. Racial and Ethnic Politics, Revised ed. 2015:1. 536 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781604265446* ヨーロッパにおけるモロッコ系イスラム移民 メキシコ系アメリカ人の子どもと家族 Collins, Catherine Fisher Black Girls and Adolescents: Facing the Challenges 2015:1. 390 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440829611* Ennaji, Moha Muslim Moroccan Migrants in Europe: Transnational Migration in its Multiplicity 2014:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137476487* ラテン系アメリカ人の危機 全2巻 Gutierrez, Gabriel Latinos and Latinas at Risk: Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice 2014:12. 2 Vols., 810 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780313399251* Krugler, David F. 1919, the Year of Racial Violence: How African Americans Fought Back 2014:12. 344 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107061798* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107639614* La Barbera, MariaCaterina (ed.) Identity and Migration in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (International Perspectives on Migration, Vol. 13) 2014:11. 168 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319101262* 南西中国におけるラフ族 Ma, Jianxiong The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization on the Frontier (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2014:8. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138816817* *9781472425096* Schmalzbauer, Leah The Last Best Place: Gender, Family, and Migration in the New West 2014:8. 224 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804791656* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804792936* Menon, Nirmala/Preziuso, Marika (eds.) Migrant Identities of Creole Cosmopolitans: Transcultural Narratives of Contemporary Postcoloniality (Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 18) 2014:8. 202 p. (Peter Lang, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433118128* 人種・エスニシティの理論 Solomos, John/Murji, Karim (eds.) Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives 2015:1. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 アメリカン・インディアンのアイデンティティ Miller, Robert J./Edmo, Se-Ah-Dom/Young, Jessie American Indian Identity: Citizenship, Membership, and Blood 2015:3. 220 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440831461* Moore III, James L./Bennett III, Robert A./Graham, David L./Hodge, Samuel R. (eds.) Black Males and Intercollegiate Athletics: An Exploration of Problems and Solutions (Diversity in ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780521763738* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Nititham, Diane Sabenacio/Boyd, Rebecca (eds.) Heritage, Diaspora and the Consumption of Culture: Movements in Irish Landscapes (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) 2014:10. 254 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781784413941* 財産、ディアスポラと消費文化:アイルランドの事例 ヨーロッパにおけるアイデンティティと移住 Higher Education , Vol. 16) 2015:2. 348 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780521154260* ★ ;+¡><?@ Transnational Trajectories in East Asia: Nation, Citizenship, and Region (Asia’s Transformations) 2014:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138819351* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 193 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 人種と民族間の問題 第7版 The CQ Researcher Issues in Race and Ethnicity: Selections from CQ Researcher, 7th ed. 2014:12. 350 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483317045* Willford, Andrew C./Nagarajan, S. Tamils & the Haunting of Justice 2014:11. 377 p. (Univ. of Hawaii Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 移民と多様性 *9781782547181* Vertovec, Steven (ed.) Migration and Diversity (The International Library of Studies on Migration Series, Vol. 16) 2014:9. 864 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) *9780824838942* ジェンダー ジェンダー一般 ジェンダーの政治学 ヨーロッパの視覚文化における女性・女性の特質・ 公共圏:1789年 ∼ 1914年 Balducci, Temma/Jensen, Heather Belnap (eds.) Women, Femininity and Public Space in European Visual Culture, 1789-1914 2014:11. 322 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409465720* 女性の犯罪 Cossins, Annie Female Criminality: Infanticide, Moral Panics and the Female Body 2015:1. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137299413* Gorman-Murray, Andrew/Hopkins, Peter (eds.) Masculinities and Place (Gender, Space and Society) 2014:11. 439 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472409799* Lee, Yoke-Lian (ed.) The Politics of Gender: A Survey (Europa Politics of ... series) 2014:9. 380 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 アメリカにおける女性の権利 第5版 McBride, Dorothy E./Parry, Janine A. Women’s Rights in the USA: Policy Debates and Gender Roles, 5th ed. 2015:4. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833029* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138833036* 発展途上国における女性への偏見 Rogers, Barbara The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies 2014:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 194 *9781857437577* *9781138833968* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ジェンダーの回路 第2版 Shapiro, Eve Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age, 2nd ed. (Contemporary Sociological Perspectives) 2015:1. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415638531* フェミニズム Anderson, Kristin J. Modern Misogyny: Anti-Feminism in a Post-Feminist Era 2014:10. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199328178* 結婚における問題:インドにおける法と暴力 Basu, Srimati The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India (Gender and Justice) 2015:1. 272 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282445* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282452* *9781138818217* 変容する市場におけるベトナム人女性 Leshkowich, Ann Marie Essential Trade: Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace (Southeast Asia: Politics, Meaning and Memory) 2014:9. 286 p. (Univ. of Hawaii Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780824839901* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780824839918* Silva, Kumarini/Mendes, Kaitlynn (eds.) Feminist Erasures: Challenging Backlash Culture 2015:1. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137454911* ジャンヌ・ダルク:女性のヒロイズム クウェートにおけるイスラムのフェミニズム Gonzalez, Alessandra L. Islamic Feminism in Kuwait: The Politics and Paradoxes 2014:11. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Kodate, Naonori/Kodate, Kashiko Japanese Women in Science and Engineering: History and Policy Change (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ 日本人女性と科学技術 ポスト・フェミニズム時代における反フェミニズム *9781138834712* Warner, Marina Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism 2014:10. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137484772* *9780198718796* セクシュアリティ Irigaray, Luce Je, Tu, Nous: Towards a Culture of Difference (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル セクシャル・マイノリティの家族 Bertone, Chiara/Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria (eds.) Queerying Families of Origin 2014:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 195 ジェンダー 》セクシュアリティ ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829107* Blatterer, Harry Everyday Friendships: Intimacy and Freedom in a Complex World (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life) 2015:2. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780230272521* ★ ジュディス・バトラー著 ジェンダーの問題 Butler, Judith Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Routledge Classics) 2014:12. 272 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834729* Evans, Adrienne/Riley, Sarah Technologies of Sexiness: Sex, Identity, and Consumer Culture (Sexuality, Identity, and Society) 2014:8. 184 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 性の政治学と国際関係 Lavinas Picq, Manuela/Thiel, Markus (eds.) Sexual Politics and International Relations (Interventions) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820685* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820722* ★ 世界主義のセクシュアリティ Plummer, Ken Cosmopolitan Sexualities: Hope and the Humanist Imagination 2015:4. 248 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Comella, Lynn/Tarrant, Shira New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and the Law 2015:1. 455 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780199914760* *9781440828058* *9780745670997* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745671000* 教育学 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 教育・学習・指導の神話 トーマス・ジェファーソンと十進法:1775年 ∼ 1810年 Clements, M. A. (Ken)/Ellerton, Nerida Thomas Jefferson and his Decimals 1775-1810: Neglected Years in the History of U.S. School Mathematics 2014:11. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 196 *9783319025049* Harmes, Marcus K./Huijser, Henk/Danaher, Patrick Alan (eds.) Myths in Education, Learning and Teaching: Policies, Practices and Principles 2015:1. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137476975* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ロチェスター大学の歴史:1850 年∼ 2005 年 Pieterse, Janice Bullard Our Work Is But Begun: The University of Rochester 1850-2005 (Meliora Press) 2014:9. 250 p. (Univ. of Rochester Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781580465038* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781580465045* 国立大学の成り立ちと創設者 Thomas, George The Founders and the Idea of a National University: Constituting the American Mind 2014:10. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107083431* 古代中国の教育思想史 Yongxin, Zhu History of Chinese Ancient Educational Thought : Works by Zhu Yongxin on Education Series 2014:9. 256 p. (McGraw-Hill, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780071838191* 教育心理学 Fiorella, Logan/Mayer, Richard E. Learning as a Generative Activity: Eight Learning Strategies that Promote Understanding 2014:12. 244 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 教育過誤と学校から刑務所へのパイプライン Blessett, Brandi/Price, Byron Eugene Educational Malpractice and the School-toPrison Pipeline 2015:1. 235 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781107069916* 教室内のポジティブな行動的介入と支援 Simonsen, Brandi/Myers, Diane Classwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: A Guide to Proactive Classroom Management (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 2015:2. 236 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781440830372* 農村地域のリテラシー教育と学習 Eckert, Lisa S./Alsup, Janet (eds.) Literacy Teaching and Learning in Rural Communities: Problematizing Stereotypes, Challenging Myths 2015:1. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781462519439* 教育社会学 *9781138822337* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138822344* Flecha, Ramon Successful Educational Actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe: Developing Competencies for the Global Marketplace (SpringerBriefs in Education, Vol. 129) 2014:10. 150 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319111759* Gunnlaugson, Olen/Sarath, Edward W./Scott, Charles (eds.) Contemplative Learning and Inquiry Across Disciplines 2014:8. 424 p. (State University of New York Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781438452395* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 197 教育学 》教育社会学 Guzzetti, Barbara J./Bean, Thomas (eds.) Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self: (Re) constructing Identities through Multimodal Literacy Practices 2014:11., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138842311* 学校外のいじめ問題:ネットいじめの実態 第2版 Hinduja, Sameer K./Patchin, Justin W. Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 344 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483349930* ★ 児童期の社会学研究:現代の課題 第3版 James, Allison/Prout, Alan (eds.) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood, 3rd ed. (Routledge Education Classic Edition) 2014:10. 246 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138818781* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138818804* 教室におけるダイバーシティ:課題と機会 Johnson, Nicole E./Wilson, Stacey-Ann (eds.) Teaching to Difference?: The Challenges and Opportunities of Diversity in the Classroom 2014:9. 210 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861243* 国際教育・多文化教育 多文化・言語教育 Akbarov, Azamat (ed.) Multicultural Language Education: From Research Into Practice 2014:9. 285 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) 198 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443863063* 教育の力 Power, Colin Nelson The Power of Education: Education for All, Development, Globalisation and UNESCO (Education in +"!^!*{|!pects, Vol. 27) 2014:12. 250 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789812872203* グローバリゼーション、言語と教育:国際的視点 Seawright, Leslie (ed.) Going Global: Transnational Perspectives on Globalization, Language, and Education (Opportunities for Defense Research) 2014:10. 240 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443863339* ★ 大学における国際教育・学習 Slethaug, Gordon E./Vinther, Jane (eds.) International Teaching and Learning at Universities: Achieving Equilibrium with Local Culture and Pedagogy 2015:1. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137475138* 多言語教育 アフリカにおける多言語主義と教育 Mwangi, Phyllis W./Njoroge, Martin C./Orwenjo, Daniel O. (eds.) Multilingualism and Education in Africa: The State of the State of the Art 2014:9. 385 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443862226* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 See also Deters, Ping, Theorizing and Analyzing Agency in Second Language Learning, """ .................................................................... p78 , 0630 <'(@Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy, Routledge ........... p78 , 0631 Foster-Cohen, Susan H., The Communicative Competence of Young Children, Routledge .................................................................... p79 , 0632 Roehr, Karen, The Metalinguistic Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning, !"$( ............................... p79 , 0633 *"?Rediscovering Interlanguage, Routledge.................................................... p79 , 0634 *%Q"A/"Pronunciation in EFL Instruction, """ ............ p79 , 0635 \!Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by Native Speakers and L2 Learners, Springer Verlag ........................ p79 , 0636 !Researching Pedagogic Tasks, Routledge.................................................... p79 , 0637 yD"zTeaching and Researching, Routledge.................................................... p79 , 0638 /Q Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Environments, Springer Verlag ...............p80 , 0641 >Pedagogical Grammar, John !+ ...................................................p80 , 0642 Li, Lan, Teaching and Learning English in East Asian Universities, Cambridge Scholars Press ....................................................................p80 , 0643 ""<"The Popularisation of Business and Economic English in Online Newspapers, Cambridge Scholars Press ........................p80 , 0644 Rivers, Damian J., Social Identities and Multiple Selves in Foreign Language Education, !"$( ...............................p81 , 0645 比較教育・各国教育事情 Hsu, Shihkuan/Wu, Yuh-Yin (eds.) Education as Cultivation in Chinese Culture: Adapting and Employing Best Practices (Education +"!^!*{\|!< Prospects, Vol. 26) 2014:12. 240 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9789812872234* スコットランドの教育史 Kerr, John Scottish Education: School and University - from Early Times to 1908 with an Addendum 1908-1913 2014:12. 470 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107455917* アメリカにおける大学教育の再生 Stevens, Mitchell/Kirst, Michael (eds.) Remaking College: The Changing Ecology of Higher Education 2014:12. 344 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804791670* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804793292* 教育制度・教育行政 Kezar, Adrianna J./Lester, Jaime Enhancing Campus Capacity for Leadership: An Examination of Grassroots Leaders in Higher Education 2014:8. 368 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804793353* Normone, Anthony H. (ed.) Pathways to Excellence: Developing and Cultivating Leaders for the Classroom and Beyond (Advances in Educational Administration, Vol. 21) 2014:12. 260 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784411169* Osanloo, Azadeh F./Boske, Christa (eds.) Living the Work: Promoting Social Justice and Equity Work in Schools Around the World (Advances MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 199 教育学 》教育制度・教育行政 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊥䉷䊷䉲䊢䊮䇮ᢎ⢒䈫╷⎇ⓥ ࿖㓙䊊䊮䊄䊑䉾䉪㩷 ╙䋲 Second International Handbook on Globalisation, Education and Policy Research Edited by Joseph Zajda 2015 ᐕ 1 ೀⴕ੍ቯ 887 p., Hard ISBN 978-94-017-9492-3.......... EUR 249.00 / ㅢᏱଔ䎂52,215 / ․ଔ䎂41,772 䈀ᧄ䈁㪂 ⒢ *9789401794923* ߎߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߪㆊ 10 ᐕ㑆ߦ߅ߌࠆᢎ⢒ߩ⊒ዷߣ╷ߩᄌൻߩࠣࡠ ࡃ࡞ߥⷰࠍឭଏߒߡ߅ࠅߩߎޔ㊀ⷐߥ㗴ࠍᮮᢿ⊛ߦᐢߊ⺰ߓߚᦨ ᣂߩ⎇ⓥߩߊߔ߿ࠅ߆ࠊޔታ〣⊛ߢኻᾖ⊛ߥᖱႎḮࠍឭଏߒߡ߹ߔޕ 2 ㇱߦಽ߆ࠇߚߎߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߪᦨޔೋߦࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߣᢎ ⢒╷ᡷ㕟ࠍߩࠄࠇߘޔਥⷐߥะߣߣ߽ߦࠫࠚࡦ࠳߿ᐔࡁࠗࡑޔ ࠹ࠖੱޔᮭߣߞߚ․ቯߩ╷⺖㗴ࠍࠎߢขࠅᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕᰴߦࠣޔ ࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߣ࿖ኅߥ࡞ࡃࡠࠣޔᢎ⢒ᡷ㕟ߩ㑆ߩߢ߹ޔ㗴ߩᄙ㑐ଥᕈࠍ ⹏ଔߒߚᲧセ⊛ࠍឭଏߒߡ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕ⇇ਛߩቇᩞߩࠞࠠࡘࡓߦ߅ߌࠆ⺖㗴ߣ ᢎ⢒ᡷ㕟ߣߣ߽ߦࠣࡠࡃ࡞ߥᢥൻߦ߅ߌࠆࠞࠠࡘࡓߦߟߡ߽ขࠅᛒߞߡ߹ߔޕ ߘࠇ߇ᗧ࿑ߐࠇߚ߽ߩߢ߽ᗧ࿑ߐࠇߥ߽ߩߢ߽⚻ޔᷣ┹߿ᢎ⢒ᐲޔ࿖ኅޔ㑐ㅪߔࠆ ╷ᄌൻߦኻߔࠆࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߩᓇ㗀ࠍℂ⸃ߒಽᨆߔࠆߎߣ߇߆ߟߡߥ߶ߤᔅⷐ ߣߐࠇߡ߹ߔߡߴߔߪࠄࠇߎޔࠄߥߗߥޕ⇇ਛߩੱ߿㜞╬ᢎ⢒ㇱ㐷ޔቇᩞޔ╷┙᩺ ⠪ޔജࠍᜬߞߚડᬺߦᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃ࠆ߆ࠄߢߔޕਥⷐߥᢎ⢒╷⺖㗴ߩߊߟ߆ࠍߦ․ޔㄭᐕ ߩᢎ⢒ߣ╷⎇ⓥߩᄌൻߦὶὐࠍᒰߡߡޔᬌ⸛ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅߎߩࡂࡦ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠢߪ⺒⠪ߦᢎ ⢒╷ߣᢎ⢒ᡷ㕟߳ߩࠣࡠࡃ࡚ࠪࡦߩᓇ㗀ߦߟߡߩ൮⊛ߥోࠍឭଏߒߡ ߹ߔޔߡߒߘޕᢎ⢒ಽ㊁ߩ⎇ⓥ⠪߿ታോኅޔ╷┙᩺⠪ߦᔅ㗇ߩᖱႎḮߣߒߡߩᓎഀࠍᨐߚ ߒ߹ߔޕ 䇼ᧄᦠ䈱․ᓽ䇽㩷 z 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊥䉷䊷䉲䊢䊮䉇ᢎ⢒䇮╷ᡷ㕟䈱⼏⺰䈱ㄝ䈱ਛᔃ⊛䈭⼏⺰䉕⺞ᩏ䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 z 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊥䉷䊷䉲䊢䊮䈫࿖ኅ䉇ᢎ⢒䈱㑆䈱䈧䈭䈏䉍䉕ឬ䈐䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 z 䉫䊨䊷䊋䊥䉷䊷䉲䊢䊮䈫ᢎ⢒ᡷ㕟䈱䉟䊂䉥䊨䉩䊷䈱⟵ോ䉕⺑䈚䈩䈇䉁䈜䇯㩷 (Springer Verlag, DEU) 200 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育制度・教育行政 in Educational Administration, Vol. 22) 2015:2. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784411282* 公教育政策:各州共通基礎スタンダードの成り立ち Owens, Deborah Duncan The Origins of the Common Core: How the Free Market Became Public Education Policy 2015:1. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137482679* Polly, Drew/Heafner, Tina/Chapman, Marvin/ Spooner, Melba (eds.) Professional Development Schools and Transformative Partnerships 2014:8. 337 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663671* 学校のリーダーシップ Sugrue, Ciaran Unmasking School Leadership: A Longitudinal Life History of School Leaders (Studies in Educational Leadership, Vol. 20) 2014:10. 270 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401794329* 教科教育学 *9781462519279* 理科教育における研究基盤教育方法の事例 De Silva, Eugene (ed.) Cases on Research-Based Teaching Methods in Science Education 2014:8. 332 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663756* 速読の教育 Kuhn, Melanie R/Levy, Lorell Developing Fluent Readers: Teaching Fluency as a Foundational Skill 2014:12. 140 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462519194* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462518999* Sell, Karen The Disciplines of Vocal Pedagogy: Towards An Holistic Approach 2014:11. 266 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472452498* 音楽の学習指導:高等教育の事例 Burnard, Pamela/Haddon, Elizabeth (eds.) Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education 2015:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル Daly III, Edward/Neugebauer, Sabina/Chafouleas, Sandra/Skinner, Christopher H. Interventions for Reading Problems: Designing and Evaluating Effective Strategies, 2nd ed. (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 2015:2. 240 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 声楽教授法 Simpson, James, Adult Language Education and Migration, Routledge................................ p75 , 0622 *9781472589118* 読み困難課題への介入 第2版 See also Tunnicliffe, Sue Dale/Scheersoi, Annette (eds.) Natural History Dioramas: History, Construction and Educational Role 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401794954* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 201 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 教育方法・教育評価 ★ カリキュラムの改革 Biesta, Gert (ed.) Reinventing the Curriculum: New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice 2014:12. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472596000* Bintz, William Using Paired Text to Meet the Common Core: Effective Teaching across the K-8 Curriculum (Teaching Practices That Work) 2015:1. 192 p. (Guilford Pub., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781462518982* Blessinger, Patrick/Carfora, John M. (eds.) Inquiry-Based Learning for Faculty and Institutional Development: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 1) 2014:12. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412357* Blessinger, Patrick/Carfora, John M. (eds.) Inquiry-Based Learning for Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 2) 2014:11. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784412371* Clandinin, D. Jean/Downey, C. Aiden/Schaefer, Lee (eds.) Narrative Conceptions of Knowledge (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 23) 2014:12. 360 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) 202 *9781784411381* 文化的応答性のある教育と脳 Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students 2014:11. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483308012* Drago-Severson, Eleanor/Roy, Patricia A./Von Frank, Valerie A. (eds.) Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Learning Designs 2015:1. 120 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781452292014* Greenhalgh, Trisha/Russell, Jill/Kushner, Saville (eds.) Case Study Evaluation: Past, Present and Future (Advances in Program Evaluation, Vol. 15) 2014:12. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784410643* ★ 21 世紀のスキル:評価と教育方法 =^! |+><?@ Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills: Methods and Approach (Educational Assessment in an Information Age) 2014:11. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789401793940* Lim, Kenneth Y. T. (ed.) Disciplinary Intuitions and the Design of Learning Environments 2014:12. 170 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789812871817* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 Smith, Kelli K. Strategic Directions for Career Services Within the University Setting: New Directions for Student Services, Number 148 (J-B SS Single Issue Student Services) 2014:12. 112 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119023845* リフレクティブ・ティーチング:成人・職業教育 Spedding, Trish/Gregson, Margaret/Pollard, Andrew/Nixon, Lawrence (eds.) ""%! Adult and Vocational Education>*}!$!+ing) 2015:2. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586506* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586490* *9781443862134* オンライン教育の効果:就学前教育∼高等教育まで Heafner, Tina L./Hartshorne, Richard/Petty, Teresa (eds.) Exploring the Effectiveness of Online Education in K-12 Environments 2014:8. 392 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663831* Keengwe, Jared/Mbae, Justus G./Ngigi, Simon K. (eds.) Promoting Global Literacy Skills Through Technology-Infused Teaching and Learning 2014:8. 337 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663473* Barron, Ann E./Ivers, Karen S. Digital Content Creation in Schools: A Common Core Approach 2014:12. 252 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781610696296* Keengwe, Jared (ed.) Promoting Active Learning Through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies 2014:8. 304 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781466663435* ユビキタスラーニング環境と技術 Feller, Sebastian/Yengin, Ilker (eds.) Educating in Dialog: Constructing Meaning and Building Knowledge with Dialogic Technology (Dialogue Studies, Vol. 24) 2014:10. 239 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 教育工学 6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9789027210418* ジオメディアの教育と学習 Gryl, Inga/Jekel, Thomas/Juneau-Sion, Caroline (eds.) Learning and Teaching with Geomedia 2014:9. 235 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) Kinshuk/Huang, Ronghuai (eds.) Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Technologies (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology) 2014:10. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Ma, Will W. K./Yuen, Allan H. K./Park, Jae/Lau, Wilfred W. F./Deng, Liping (eds.) New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies: HKAECT 2014 International Conference 2014:12. 330 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783662446584* *9789812872081* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 203 教育学 》教育工学 ★ オンライン教育と学習 Meskill, Carla (ed.) Online Teaching and Learning: Sociocultural Perspectives (Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching) 2015:2. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474222884* *9781466663510* オンライン教育の評価 Tobin, Thomas J./Mandernach, B. Jean/Taylor, Ann H. Evaluating Online Teaching: Adapting and Employing Best Practices 2015:3. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118910368* 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 オーストラリアにおける大学と地域の連携 Anderson, Kathryn/Bartkowiak-Theron, Isabelle (eds.) Knowledge in Action: University-Community Engagement in Australia 2014:9. 280 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443861373* Constable, Karen The Outdoor Classroom in Practice, Ages 3-7 2014:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 204 *9781137383242* Dezuanni, Michael/Dooley, Karen/Gattenhof, Sandra/Knight, Linda iPads in the Early Years: Developing Literacy and Creativity (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education) 2015:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138778580* 大学の戦い Doherty, Tom Universities at War: Capabilities, Diversity and Social Justice 2014:12. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473907782* Fumasoli, Tatiana/Goastellec, Gaële/Kehm, Barbara M. (eds.) Academic Careers in Europe: Trends, Challenges, Perspectives (The Changing Academy - The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, Vol. 12) 2014:12. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319107196* 野外授業実践:3歳 ∼7歳 Deeley, Susan J. Critical Perspectives on Service-Learning in Higher Education 2015:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 高等教育におけるサービスラーニング:批判的視点 幼児期と i-Pad Schlemmer, Eliane/Backes, Luciana Learning in Metaverses: Co-Existing in Real Virtuality 2014:8. 351 p. (IGI Global, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781138831506* Gravells, Ann The Award in Education and Training, Revised ed. (Further Education and Skills) 2014:8. 248 p. (Learning Matters Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781473912212* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 Hadley, Gregory English for Academic Purposes in Neoliberal Universities: A Critical Grounded Theory (Educational Linguistics, Vol. 22) 2014:11. 210 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9783319104485* Kearns, Karen The Business of Childcare, 3rd ed. 2014:11. (Cengage Learning, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781486002122* 幼児期の理科学習 Kelly, Lois/Stead, Di Inspiring Science in the Early Years: Exploring Good Practice 2015:1. 176 p. (Open U.P. (McGrawHill Singapore), GBR) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 大学レベルの持続可能な開発への統合的アプローチ Leal Filho, Walter/Brandli, Luciana/Kuznetsova, Olga/Paço, Arminda (eds.) Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level: Making the Links (World Sustainability Series) 2014:11. 587 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 フィンランドにおける幼児期のケアと教育 Määttä, Kaarina/Uusiautti, Satu (eds.) Early Child Care and Education in Finland 2014:11. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9789814616416* 高等教育の学習指導:グローバル・イノベーション Layne, Prudence C./Lake, Peter (eds.) Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Transgressing Boundaries (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, Vol. 11) 2014:11. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319104812* Moyles, Janet The Excellence of Play, 4th ed. 2015:2. (Open U.P. (McGraw-Hill Singapore), GBR) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780335264186* Otto, Hans-Uwe (ed.) Facing Trajectories from School to Work: Towards a Capability-Friendly Youth Policy in Europe (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 20) 2014:12. 360 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319114354* 高等教育の持続可能な学習 Peris-Ortiz, Marta/Merigó Lindahl, José M. (eds.) Sustainable Learning in Higher Education: Developing Competencies for the Global Marketplace (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management) 2014:11. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 幼児期における遊びと学び 第4版 Law, Song Seng A Breakthrough in Vocational and Technical Education: The Singapore Story 2015:1. 300 p. ><;!^!;@ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138844780* *9780335264520* 職業・技術教育:シンガポールの事例 *9783319106892* *9783319108032* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 205 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 高等教育の国際競争 Portnoi, Laura M./Bagley, Sylvia S. Global Competition in Higher Education: New Directions for Higher Education, Number 168 (J–B HE Single Issue Higher Education) 2014:12. 112 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119017493* 貧困根絶のための生涯学習 Raditloaneng, Wapula/Chawawa, Morgan Lifelong Learning for Poverty Eradication 2015:1. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319105475* Roney, R. Craig The Story Performance Handbook 2014:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138834279* Rosser–Mims, Dionne/Schwartz, Joni/Drayton, Brendaly/Guy, Talmadge C. (eds.) Swimming Upstream: Black Males in Adult Education: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 144 (J-B ACE Single Issue Adult & Continuing Education) 2014:12. 112 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119021803* Welpe, Isabell M./Wollersheim, Jutta/Ringelhan, Stefanie/Osterloh, Margit (eds.) Incentives and Performance: Governance of Research Organizations 2014:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319097848* Wharton, Pat/Kinney, Linda Reggio Emilia Encounters: Children and Adults in Collaboration 2015:1. 126 p. (Routledge, GBR) 206 *9781138841741* 大学と成功への道 Wilson-Strydom, Merridy University Access and Success: Capabilities, Diversity and Social Justice (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2015:1. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138017771* 特別支援教育 インクルージョン教育と幼年期:実践 Brodie, Kathy/Savage, Keith Inclusion and Early Years Practice 2015:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138017290* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138017306* インクルージョン教育の評価 Forlin, Chris/Loreman, Tim (eds.) Measuring Inclusive Education (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 3) 2014:11. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784411466* 小学校におけるインクルージョン教育実践:教員ガイド Trussler, Sarah/Robinson, Debs Inclusive Practice in the Primary School: A Guide for Teachers 2015:1. 184 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446274897* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446274903* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》特別支援教育 See also 低出現率の障害のある子どもを含めた教育 West, Elizabeth (ed.) Including Learners with Low-Incidence Disabilities (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 4) 2014:12. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Q!)Language and Discourse in Special Education, Springer Verlag ........ p85 , 0674 *9781784412517* スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 チーム・スポーツの複雑性と管理 Denning, Andrew Skiing into Modernity: A Cultural and Environmental History (Sport in World History, Vol. 3) 2014:11. 253 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284272* ★ Hughes, Mike/Franks, Ian (eds.) Essentials of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138022980* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138022997* 学校における健康づくり Iudici, Antonio Health Promotion in School: Theory, Practice and Clinical Implications 2014:10. 141 p. (Nova Science, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781631177057* Mahar, Matthew/Baumgartner, Ted/Rowe, David Measurement for Evaluation in Kinesiology, 9th ed. 2015:1. 420 p. (Jones & Bartlett, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781284040753* レクリエーションとレジャー・サービスのリーダーシップ O'Connell, Timothy/Cuthbertson, Brent/Goins, Terilyn Leadership in Recreation and Leisure Services 2014:10. 336 p. (Human Kinetics, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780736095310* Weight, Erianne/Zullo, Robert Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics 2015:1. (Human Kinetics, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138833852* キネシオロジーの評価測定 第9版 スポーツ・パフォーマンス分析の要点 第2版 Lebed, Felix/Bar-Eli, Michael Complexity and Control in Team Sports: Dialectics in contesting human systems (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science) 2014:10. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781450468152* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 207 スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 スポーツと社会 UEFA欧州選手権2008:スイス大会の分析 Bockel, Alicia The Golden Rule in Sports: Investing in the Conditions of Cooperation for a Mutual Advantage in Sports Competitions 2014:10. 179 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658070274* Lienhard, Pierre/Preuss, Holger Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events: An Analysis of the UEFA EURO 2008 in Switzerland (Event- und Impaktforschung) 2014:8. 255 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 Gleaves, John/Hunt, Thomas (eds.) A Global History of Doping in Sport: Drugs, Policy, and Politics (Sport in the Global Society Historical Perspectives) 2015:1. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840942* Haberfeld, M. R./Sheehan, Dale (eds.) Match-Fixing in International Sports: Existing Processes, Law Enforcement, and Prevention Strategies 2014:10. 369 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319099262* ★ Sanchez Garcia, Raul/Spencer, Dale C. (eds.) Fighting Scholars: Habitus and Ethnographies of Martial Arts and Combat Sports (Key Issues in Modern Sociology) 2014:12. 234 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 全米バスケットボール協会の戦略 Jozsa Jr., Frank P. National Basketball Association Strategies: Business Expansions, Relocations, and Mergers (SpringerBriefs in Economics, Vol. 84) 2014:11. 125 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 208 *9783319100579* ★ スポーツ・マーケティング入門 第2版 Smith, Aaron C. T./Stewart, Bob Introduction to Sport Marketing: 2nd ed. (Sport Management Series) 2015:1. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Hong, Fan/Lu, Zhouxiang (eds.) Sport and Nationalism in Asia: Power, Politics and Identity (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2014:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828148* *9781783083466* アジアにおけるスポーツとナショナリズム *9780415858649* 国際スポーツにおける八百長問題 Parent, Milena M./Chappelet, Jean-Loup (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management: Consumer Behaviour (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:2. 592 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ Routledge版 スポーツイベント管理 ハンドブック ドーピングのグローバル・ヒストリー *9783658064693* *9781138022959* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138022966* スポーツと社会の探求 Spracklen, Karl Exploring Sports and Society: A Critical Introduction for Students 2014:12. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781137341594* スポーツ医学・心理 Miller, Timothy/Kaeding, Christopher C. (eds.) Stress Fractures in Athletes: Diagnosis and Management 2014:9. 530 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 現代の応用スポーツ心理学 Mellalieu, Stephen/Hanton, Sheldon (eds.) Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology: A Review 2015:1. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415744379* *9783319092379* Starkey, Chad/Brown, Sara D. Examination of Orthopedic & Athletic Injuries, 4th ed. 2015:1. 936 p. (F.A. Davis, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780803639188* 生活科学 食生活 食文化 第2版 Choi, Nak–Eon/Han, Jung H. How Flavor Works 2015:1. 232 p. 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(Cultural Spaces) 2014:12. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483325255* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 209 アジア Cheng, Sheung-Tak, Successful Aging, Springer Verlag ........................................................p185 , 1521 日 本 *The Routledge Handbook of Enviromental Economics in Asia, Routledge .................................................................... p12 , 0083 Watanabe, Hiroaki Richard, Labour Market Deregulation in Japan and Italy, Routledge .................................................................... p11 , 0071 Hong, Fan, Sport and Nationalism in Asia, Routledge.................................................. p208 , 1727 "Q!""License to Play, Univ. of Hawaii Pr. ................................................ p190 , 1569 ^"/;ALegal Innovations in Asia, <(A(<" ........................................... p129 , 1036 Hoppens, Robert James, The China Problem in Postwar Japan, !"$( ...................................................................p162 , 1353 !^$Asian Imperial Banking History, Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd......... p101 , 0768 Aldrich, Daniel P., Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters, Springer Verlag............. p13 , 0088 'Law, Power and Culture, Palgrave "" .................................................p182 , 1495 Yeh, Jiunn-rong, Asian Courts in Context, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p129 , 1039 /Asian Security and the Rise of China, <(A(<" .............................. p160 , 1346 A World in Flames, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0301 "Brand Breakout, Palgrave "" ................................................ p120 , 0948 A/Greening of Capitalism, Stanford U.P. ........................................................... p123 , 0978 |Ways of Knowing about Human Rights in Asia, Routledge........................p131 , 1063 #Strategy in Asia, Stanford U.P. .................................................................. p160 , 1347 東アジア >%Renewable Energy in East Asia, Routledge........................................ p122 , 0973 Huang, Jing, Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea, """ ............ p160 , 1345 *"\}"Transnational Trajectories in East Asia, Routledge .... p193 , 1605 210 (AJapanese Taiwan, !"$ Academic .................................................... p52 , 0415 ^\Intercity Transport and Climate Change, Springer Verlag ........... p10 , 0065 Carpenter, Susan, Japan Inc. on the Brink, """ ................................ p115 , 0902 ^The Power to Compete, &" .................................................................. p114 , 0890 <(?*(Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants, National Academies Pr. ...................................................................p152 , 1264 Hood, Christopher P., Japan, Routledge ...................................................................p190 , 1570 !"("Economies under Occupation, Routledge.................................................. p102 , 0782 Satsuka, Shiho, Nature in Translation, Duke U.P. .................................................................... p36 , 0262 )AQ&Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature, Routledge...................................................p190 , 1571 Kodate, Naonori, Japanese Women in Science and Engineering, Routledge .......................... p195 , 1620 中華人民共和国 (!~(Human Rights, Power and Civic Action, Routledge.......................... p160 , 1340 ! The Shanghai Alleyway House, Routledge.................................................. p186 , 1530 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東アジア Hsieh, Kuo-Hsing, The Exclusionary Rule of Evidence, Ashgate Pub. .......................... p133 , 1084 <(A<Modern China, Routledge .................................................................... p52 , 0418 D\Transforming Rural Communities in China and Beyond, Springer Verlag ......p101 , 0771 Cai, Yongshun, State and Agents in China, Stanford U.P. .............................................p162 , 1349 Shah, Rajiv, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Economy in the US, China, and India, Academic Pr. .............................................p116 , 0910 >A(China and Germany, Palgrave "" .................................................p153 , 1275 \DHistory of Chinese Ancient Educational Thought , AQ^"" .....p197 , 1635 Hoppens, Robert James, The China Problem in Postwar Japan, !"$( ...................................................................p162 , 1353 ^\Intercity Transport and Climate Change, Springer Verlag ........... p10 , 0065 Aggarwal, Vinod K., Responding to China's Rise, Springer Verlag ........................................ p160 , 1348 D!China's Assertive Nuclear Posture, Routledge ...................................p162 , 1354 Kemp, Tom, Industrialisation in the Non-Western World, Routledge ......................................p40 , 0300 \An Introductory Study on China's Cultural Transformation in Recent Times, Springer Verlag .........................................p162 , 1351 Filipiak, Kai, Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History, Routledge .................................... p52 , 0417 Chen, An, The Transformation of Governance in Rural China, Cambridge U.P. ................p162 , 1350 Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China, Springer Verlag ............................. p37 , 0273 Yang, Qingqing, Space Modernization and Social Interaction, Springer Verlag ...................p186 , 1535 \ Rethinking Law and Development, Routledge.................................................. p129 , 1040 Tang, Xiaobing, Visual Culture in Contemporary China, Cambridge U.P.............................. p52 , 0420 Delang, Claudio O., China’s Grain for Green Program, Springer Verlag ...................... p122 , 0972 !/Indian and Chinese Immigrant Communities, Anthem Press .................................................................. p192 , 1586 Wang, Jingjing, Globalization of Leadership Development, Springer Verlag ................p116 , 0913 ?D$Transition of the Yangtze River Delta, Springer Verlag ............................ p101 , 0770 <(A(?China at War 1901-1949, Routledge.................................................... p52 , 0416 Li, Yuwen, The Judicial System and Reform in Post-Mao China, Ashgate Pub. .............. p130 , 1049 Child, J., The Dynamics of Corporate CoEvolution, <(A(<" ........................ p115 , 0904 Chen, Wenhong, Networked China, Routledge ...................................................................p188 , 1555 Pan, Jiahua, Reconstruction of China LowCarbon City Evaluation Indicator System, World * ................................................... p124 , 0991 \Research on Selected China's Legal Issues of E-Business, Springer Verlag ...p141 , 1160 ^#@China's New Governing Party Paradigm, Ashgate Pub. ..........................p162 , 1352 Hou, Yilin, Local Property Tax in China, Springer )"$" ......................... p101 , 0769 ★印はお薦めタイトル /The Lahu Minority in Southwest China, Routledge......................................p193 , 1598 ?+China's Power and Asian Security, Routledge.................................................... p14 , 0093 Wang, Yuhua, Tying the Autocrat's Hands, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p131 , 1054 ? %## <! Springer Verlag ........................................ p109 , 0847 Hsu, Shihkuan, Education as Cultivation in Chinese Culture, Springer Singapore ....p199 , 1651 "(Q*Mobilizing Shanghai Youth, Routledge ....................................... p52 , 0419 台湾(台湾省 / 中華民国) (AJapanese Taiwan, !"$ Academic .................................................... p52 , 0415 香 港 >""/Critical Readings on the History of Hong Kong, !"" ....................................p4 , 0012 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 211 アジア 》東アジア 大韓民国 フィリピン Park, Young-A, Unexpected Alliances, Stanford U.P. ............................................................p190 , 1574 (Globalization and the Inequality Trap, """ ........................ p12 , 0079 モンゴル インドネシア Jackson, Peter, The Mongols and the West, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0294 Davidson, Jamie S., Indonesia’s Changing Political Economy, Cambridge U.P. ......................p162 , 1356 東南アジア Retsikas, Konstantinos, Becoming, Anthem Press .................................................................... p36 , 0261 Huang, Jing, Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea, """ ............ p160 , 1345 南アジア Kitano, Naohiro, Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization, """ ...................................................................p162 , 1357 @^$Negotiating Cultural Identity, Routledge ....................................p38 , 0286 *(?The Making of Southeast Asian Nations, &"(* .........................p163 , 1358 インド Sindakis, Stavros, The Entrepreneurial Rise in Southeast Asia, """......p116 , 0911 &(*"""The Australia-ASEAN Dialogue, """ ................p158 , 1327 ベトナム (+Re-Framing Democracy and Agency in India, Anthem Press...............p163 , 1359 The Service Sector in India's Development, Cambridge U.P................ p101 , 0773 Shah, Rajiv, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Economy in the US, China, and India, Academic Pr. .............................................p116 , 0910 ?AEssential Trade, Univ. of Hawaii Pr. .................................................p195 , 1621 <"$Gandhian Nonviolent Struggle and Untouchability in South India, ;()(...................................... p53 , 0424 カンボジア !/Indian and Chinese Immigrant Communities, Anthem Press .................................................................. p192 , 1586 (!~(Human Rights, Power and Civic Action, Routledge.......................... p160 , 1340 マレーシア /$"Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Routledge .................................................................. p115 , 0906 シンガポール Law, Song Seng, A Breakthrough in Vocational and Technical Education, &"(* .................................................................. p205 , 1699 !The Accidental Diplomat, World * ....................................................p162 , 1355 Sengupta, Chandan, Democracy, Development and Decentralisation in India, Routledge.... p163 , 1360 !$$#Urbanisation, Social Change and Citizenship in India, Routledge ....... p53 , 0421 (India's North-East, Oxford U.P., )( ........................................................... p53 , 0425 Skoda, Uwe, Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond, Anthem Press ........................................... p182 , 1496 !*The Trouble with Marriage, Univ. of California Pr. ........................................p195 , 1617 Unsettling India, Duke U.P. .................................................................... p35 , 0258 Dalmia, Vasudha, Religious Interactions in Mughal India, ;()(............ p53 , 0422 212 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》南アジア !*(%Two Decades of Market Reform in India, Anthem Press ............. p101 , 0772 バングラデシュ <%">"%Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy, """ ................................................................... p157 , 1312 #("(""Trade Reforms, Poverty and Inequality in Bangladesh, Nova Sciencep101 , 0774 スリランカ パキスタン Dar, Farooq Ahmad, Jinnah’s Pakistan, Oxford ! ............................... p53 , 0423 Widger, Tom, Suicide in Sri Lanka, Routledge ................................................................... p175 , 1471 ロシア @&""Russia's Regions and Comparative Subnational Politics, Routledge ...................................................................p165 , 1377 *$*%'Germany, Russia and the Rise of Geo-Economics, !"$( ...................................................................p154 , 1287 Stevens, Carol, Russia's Wars of Emergence 14601730, Routledge.......................................... p50 , 0396 Cronin, Stephanie, Iranian-Russian Encounters, Routledge.................................................... p53 , 0430 Jonson, Lena, Art and Protest in Putin's Russia, Routledge...................................................p164 , 1375 Dukes, Paul, The Making of Russian Absolutism 1613-1801, Routledge ................................p49 , 0394 "The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, Routledge ....................................... p50 , 0395 Kemp, Tom, Industrialisation in the Non-Western World, Routledge ......................................p40 , 0300 *"Property, Predation, and Protection, Cambridge U.P. ....................p138 , 1125 The Politics of Energy and Memory Between the Baltic States and Russia, Ashgate Pub. .............................................p164 , 1374 "<"Chechnya's Terrorist Network, Praeger......................................................p164 , 1376 *A The Origins of the Russian Civil War, Routledge .......................................... p50 , 0397 Sperling, Valerie, Sex, Politics, and Putin, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p165 , 1378 中 東 Valassopoulos, Anastasia, Arab Cultural Studies, Routledge...................................................p191 , 1578 &<Oil for Food, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p156 , 1304 Aksan, Virginia, Ottoman Wars, 1700-1870, Routledge.................................................... p53 , 0427 Rennell, James, Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p57 , 0460 @$The International Politics of the Arab Spring, """ .........p153 , 1281 Worrall, James, Hezbollah, Praeger.......p164 , 1372 Hanieh, Adam, Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States, """ .......... p164 , 1367 U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Middle East, Routledge .....................p169 , 1417 *"/Imperialism, Evangelism and the Ottoman Armenians, 1878-1896, Routledge .................................................................... p54 , 0436 \%%""The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923, Routledge ....................... p54 , 0437 トルコ Ortega, Stephen, Negotiating Transcultural Relations in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Ashgate Pub. .............................................. p41 , 0314 ★印はお薦めタイトル <>Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey’s Gezi Park, """ .................................................................. p163 , 1366 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 213 中 東 $D%The Kurdish Issue in Turkey, Routledge.................................................. p163 , 1364 イラク @Turkey between Nationalism and Globalization, Routledge ................ p164 , 1368 Abdullah, Thabit, A Short History of Iraq, Routledge.................................................... p53 , 0426 Aslan, Senem, Nation Building in Turkey and Morocco, Cambridge U.P. .......................p163 , 1363 ""&The Terrorists of Iraq, CRC Press ..........................................................p164 , 1371 )"Headscarf Politics in Turkey, """ .................. p164 , 1369 <(A("Dual Containment Policy in the Persian Gulf, """ .........p153 , 1276 "(?Ataturk, Routledge .................................................................... p54 , 0434 Ashton, Nigel, The Iran-Iraq War, Routledge ...................................................................p163 , 1362 ^!""Turkish Language, Literaure and History, Routledge .................................... p54 , 0431 シリア アフガニスタン /The Role of Ideology in Syrian-US Relations, """ ...............p153 , 1278 ((/The Afghan Conundrum, Routledge...................................................p163 , 1365 Neep, Daniel, Occupying Syria under the French Mandate, Cambridge U.P. ........................ p54 , 0435 >"Q"Afghanistan, )! Tauris.......................................................... p53 , 0429 サウジアラビア イラン !A&^The History of Saudi Arabia, A( ................................................. p53 , 0428 Cronin, Stephanie, Iranian-Russian Encounters, Routledge.................................................... p53 , 0430 Lecroix, Stephane, Saudi Arabia in Transition, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p164 , 1370 <(A("Dual Containment Policy in the Persian Gulf, """ .........p153 , 1276 クウェート Ashton, Nigel, The Iran-Iraq War, Routledge ...................................................................p163 , 1362 ""(?Islamic Feminism in Kuwait, """ ..................p195 , 1618 ヨーロッパ European Copyright and Design Reports 2014, *AA"" ......................................p144 , 1196 '$"Q>"Belief, Law and Politics, Ashgate Pub. ............................................ p128 , 1025 $^ Medieval Europe 400-1500, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0312 Flecha, Ramon, Successful Educational Actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe, Springer Verlag ........................................ p197 , 1640 ""?English and European Perspectives on Contract and Commercial Law, Hart Publishing.........................................p137 , 1123 ^(^Europe in the Nineteenth Century, Routledge ................................... p41 , 0311 A History of Women's Political Thought in Europe, 1700–1800, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p147 , 1226 !()The Politics of the New Europe, Routledge...................................................p165 , 1382 @$/Europe 1880-1945, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0316 214 >"( (Diversity in Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p165 , 1383 ?!$>Identity and Migration in Europe, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p193 , 1597 (Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice, *%)"$" ...................................................................p136 , 1108 Storm, Anna, Post-Industrial Landscape Scars, """ .................................. p42 , 0320 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Otto, Hans-Uwe, Facing Trajectories from School to Work, Springer Verlag ....................... p205 , 1704 <#European Human Rights Reports 2014, *AA"" ............................p144 , 1194 Foster, Russell, Mapping European Empire, Routledge.................................................... p58 , 0467 Jackson, Peter, The Mongols and the West, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0294 Kammin, Julian, Reforming Private Antitrust Enforcement in Europe, Duncker & Humblot ...................................................................p139 , 1143 Commercial Laws of Europe 2014, Sweet & A"" .....................................................p144 , 1192 !*(Unwanted, Oxford U.P., New York........................................................... p192 , 1588 <+Muslim Moroccan Migrants in Europe, """ ..................p192 , 1594 #""The Wealth of Communities, Ashgate Pub. ..............................................p41 , 0308 Ortega, Stephen, Negotiating Transcultural Relations in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Ashgate Pub. .............................................. p41 , 0314 &""Later Medieval Europe, Routledge .................................................................... p42 , 0322 Foret, Francois, Religion and Politics in the European Union, Cambridge U.P.......... p166 , 1386 ""European Law Review 2014, *AA"" ......................................p144 , 1190 !&""^Mass Torts in Europe, W. de ......................................................p138 , 1132 "*")Society and Democracy in Europe, Routledge.................................................. p166 , 1389 "(:/European Perspectives on the Common European Sales Law, Springer Verlag ........................................................p145 , 1203 *$'/The Seven Years War in Europe, Routledge..................................... p42 , 0321 )%%"'Protecting Vulnerable Groups, Hart Publishing ........................ p145 , 1200 !^European Intellectual Review 2014, *AA"" ......................................p144 , 1191 Joppke, Christian, The Secular State Under Siege, " .................................................. p160 , 1342 Rollason, David, Early Medieval Europe 3001050, Routledge ......................................... p42 , 0317 Rooke, Richard, European Media in the Digital Age, Routledge..........................................p188 , 1551 Collis, John, The European Iron Age, Routledge .................................................................... p37 , 0270 !?Serfdom and Slavery, Routledge .................................................................... p56 , 0450 !(@The Great Powers and the European States System 1814-1914, Routledge .......p40 , 0306 Scroop, Daniel, Transatlantic Social Politics, """ ................................ p160 , 1344 VerLoren van Themaat, Weijer, European Competition Law, <(A(<"............p145 , 1205 Foscht, Thomas, European Retail Research, Springer Verlag ........................................ p115 , 0905 Davis, R. H. C., A History of Medieval Europe, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0307 ""!Crises in Europe in the Transatlantic Context, Routledge ......... p102 , 0775 Ford, Franklin L., Europe 1780-1830, Routledge ....................................................................p41 , 0309 !$/Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self, Routledge....................... p198 , 1642 ?!The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, Oxford U.P. ................................. p4 , 0014 "(Q&"/"European Competition Law Review 2014, *AA"" ......p145 , 1201 Whitaker, Richard, The European Parliament's Committees, Routledge .......................... p167 , 1398 <"?(^The European Public #{| !Springer Verlag .....p144 , 1195 Hoerber, Thomas C., The Origins of Energy and Environmental Policy in Europe, Routledge .................................................................. p124 , 0988 A World in Flames, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0301 E U Ruano, Lorena, The Europeanization of National Foreign Policies towards Latin America, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1285 ★印はお薦めタイトル >"">"The European Union and Peacebuilding, """........ p14 , 0095 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 215 ヨーロッパ *(<Liberalising Trade in the EU and the WTO, Cambridge U.P................p144 , 1197 西ヨーロッパ >"^A(The Nordic Countries and the European Union, Routledge ..... p166 , 1387 Silva, Kumarini, Feminist Erasures, Palgrave "" .................................................p195 , 1622 ^A(Malta in the European Union, Ashgate Pub. ............................................ p166 , 1388 イギリス )(<"Fundamental Principles of EU Law Against Money Laundering, Ashgate Pub.............................................................p145 , 1199 (!~(Human Rights, Power and Civic Action, Routledge.......................... p160 , 1340 Patel, Kiran Klaus, The Cultural Politics of Europe, Routledge................................... p166 , 1394 ^\Intercity Transport and Climate Change, Springer Verlag ........... p10 , 0065 Dickinson, Andrew, The Brussels I Regulation Recast, Oxford U.P. .................................p144 , 1193 Le Cacheux, Jacques, Report on the State of the European Union, """ ...................................................................p166 , 1391 Sauter, Wolf, Public Services in EU Law, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p145 , 1204 !"The New Member States and the European Union, Routledge................... p165 , 1380 Jones, Helen, Health and Society in Twentieth Century Britain, Routledge ..................... p45 , 0348 !The Eighteenth-Century Town, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0330 Hunt, Arnold, The Art of Hearing, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p44 , 0345 Wevill, Richard, Diplomacy, Roger Makins and the Anglo-American Relationship, Ashgate Pub. .................................................................... p47 , 0367 Cleland, Alison, Child Abuse, Child Protection and the Law, & ............................p171 , 1440 Cain, P.J., British Imperialism, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0332 Tocci, Nathalie, The European Union, Civil $%!Routledge .............p167 , 1396 Q^^Religion, Politics and Society in Britain 1066-1272, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0356 >%"Rethinking the European Union, """ .................... p165 , 1384 Wright, Robert, Legal Essays and Addresses, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p129 , 1034 A*Reforming European Data Protection Law, Springer Verlag ............p145 , 1198 Chappell, Julie A., Women during the English Reformations, """......... p43 , 0334 *"Criminal Law and Policy in the European Union, Routledge....................p145 , 1202 Kerr, John, Scottish Education, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p199 , 1652 The European Union in Crisis, *%)"$" .................................................................. p166 , 1385 Lawson, Philip, The East India Company, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0351 Langbein, Julia, Transnationalization and Regulatory Change in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood, Routledge .................... p166 , 1390 Lucarelli, Sonia, The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, Routledge............p166 , 1392 !"&The Palgrave Handbook of the European Administrative System, Palgrave "" .................................................p165 , 1379 Reed, Alan, General Defences in Criminal Law, Ashgate Pub. .............................................p133 , 1079 (*British Army Communications in the Second World War, !"$( .................................................................... p44 , 0338 Scaife, Laura, Handbook of Social Media and the Law, Routledge .......................................... p13 , 0085 !*Ethics and Integrity in British Politics, Cambridge U.P. .........................p165 , 1381 !@%"The Evolution of EU CounterTerrorism, Routledge ..............................p158 , 1329 @"%^>"King Stephen, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0335 #")$The European Union, """ .................................p167 , 1397 ""Sixties Britain, Routledge .................................................................... p44 , 0336 216 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ !( Police Courts in NineteenthCentury Scotland, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. .................................................................... p43 , 0326 +Penury into Plenty, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0359 !""Before Blackwood's, Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd. ............................... p43 , 0327 <+"ACommunity Development As Micropolitics, " .....................p160 , 1341 Stevenson, John, The Slump, Routledge ....................................................................p46 , 0365 ^(/The Law Emprynted and Englysshed, Hart Publishing.................. p128 , 1032 Harris, Tim, Politics under the Later Stuarts, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0341 ?"British Pirates and Society, 1680-1730, Ashgate Pub. ........................... p45 , 0352 Ward, Jennifer, English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages, Routledge ........................... p47 , 0366 Jones, J. R., The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century, Routledge ............. p45 , 0349 ^& Local History in England, Routledge....................................................p44 , 0344 /Mill on Liberty, Routledge ...................................................................p147 , 1225 "(""*The Buried Life of Things, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p44 , 0339 ! Reinventing the Curriculum, !"$( ............................. p202 , 1666 <<The Shaping of Modern Britain, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0337 Rimmerman, Arie, Family Policy and Disability, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p172 , 1449 &""Researching Local History, Routledge.................................................... p36 , 0266 !A*AProvidence and Empire, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0331 ""Healthcare Decision-Making and the Law, Cambridge U.P..........................p171 , 1442 Haigh, Christopher, Elizabeth, Routledge ....................................................................p44 , 0340 >"Imperial Leather, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0357 ^(Family History and Local History in England, Routledge................................... p44 , 0342 @"((Britannia Overruled, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0362 >>%>""*(The Empire Strikes Back, Routledge ............. p43 , 0333 !""^France and Britain, 1900-1940, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0375 Roberts, Julian, Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales, """ ................................................................... p136 , 1113 *"<Cases on Research-Based Teaching Methods in Science Education, ) ) "$" ....................................................... p201 , 1662 ?(The Reign of Mary Tudor, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0353 Huscroft, Richard, Ruling England, 1042-1217, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0346 Rule, John, The Labouring Classes in Early Industrial England, 1750-1850, Routledge ....................................................................p46 , 0363 /The British Growth Crisis, """ ................................ p102 , 0776 !""*The Heath Government 1970-74, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0325 Smith, David, William Howe and the American War of Independence, !"$( ....................................................................p46 , 0364 ?^@Anglo Saxon England and the Norman Conquest, Routledge.................. p45 , 0355 Abels, Richard, Alfred the Great, Routledge .................................................................... p42 , 0324 Jenks, Stuart, The London Customs Accounts, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p10 , 0067 >Succession (Scotland) Act 1964, W. .........................................................p138 , 1135 !"/A Short History of Britain, !"$( ............................... p43 , 0329 ★印はお薦めタイトル Swain, Warren, The Law of Contract 1670–1870, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p138 , 1130 Hiebert, Janet L., Parliamentary Bills of Rights, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p130 , 1044 "@(A History of British Surnames, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0358 ?@Tudor and Stuart Britain, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0354 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 217 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Lloyd George, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0361 ^"(The Supreme Control at the Paris Peace Conference 1919, Routledgep159 , 1333 'Titled Elizabethans, Palgrave "" .................................................. p45 , 0350 <#Post-Rationalism, !"$ Academic ...................................................p176 , 1475 Whitehouse, John Howard, Essays on Social and Political Questions, Cambridge U.P. .....p167 , 1399 "(!Revisiting Napoleon's Continental System, """ ....................................................................p40 , 0305 &)Scotland before the Industrial Revolution, Routledge ..............................p47 , 0368 アイルランド Sugrue, Ciaran, Unmasking School Leadership, Springer Verlag ........................................ p201 , 1659 !"$(AThe Irish Diaspora, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0328 > Ageing Through Austerity, "...............................................p185 , 1520 Nititham, Diane Sabenacio, Heritage, Diaspora and the Consumption of Culture, Ashgate Pub. .................................................................. p193 , 1602 Neep, Daniel, Occupying Syria under the French Mandate, Cambridge U.P. ........................ p54 , 0435 Shennan, Andrew, De Gaulle, Routledge ....................................................................p48 , 0380 オランダ "(Medieval Flanders, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0313 Jones, J. R., The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century, Routledge ............. p45 , 0349 Wielenga, Friso, A History of the Netherlands, !"$( ............................... p42 , 0323 O Croinin, Daibhi, Early Medieval Ireland, 4001200, Routledge .........................................p46 , 0360 Uittenbogaard, Roland, Evolution of Central Banking?, Springer Verlag ..................... p103 , 0786 ^Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland, Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd............................ p45 , 0347 ベルギー Hoppen, K. Theodore, Ireland since 1800, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0343 !A*AProvidence and Empire, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0331 "(Medieval Flanders, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0313 Verscuren, An, The Great Council of Malines in the 18th century, Springer Verlag ..........p129 , 1033 ルクセンブルク フランス ?/The Wars of Louis XIV 1667-1714, Routledge.................................................... p48 , 0378 Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud, The Contemporary Family in France, Springer Verlag .........p185 , 1528 "(Medieval Flanders, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0313 France in the Age of Henri IV, Routledge.................................................... p48 , 0376 ;@^#Rosa Luxemburg in Action, Routledge .....................................p166 , 1393 中央ヨーロッパ ("(Post-Communist Transitional Justice, Cambridge U.P. ..........................p159 , 1336 ?A" Central Europe Since 1945, Routledge.................................................... p49 , 0393 Knecht, R. J., Richelieu, Routledge .......... p48 , 0377 ドイツ !""^France and Britain, 1900-1940, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0375 Lerman, Katharine, Bismarck, Routledge .................................................................... p47 , 0373 /Grant and Temperley's Europe in the Nineteenth Century 1789-1905, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0310 *$$AGermany, 1914-1933, Routledge .................................................................... p47 , 0374 218 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ "(/ Germany under the Old Regime 1600-1790, Routledge .................. p47 , 0371 イタリア The Third Reich, Routledge .................................................................... p47 , 0372 Coppa, Frank J., The Origins of the Italian Wars of Independence, Routledge .....................p48 , 0382 *z <"Germany's Future Electors, Springer Verlag ........................p167 , 1395 Watanabe, Hiroaki Richard, Labour Market Deregulation in Japan and Italy, Routledge .................................................................... p11 , 0071 Keedus, Liisi, The Crisis of German Historicism, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p148 , 1228 *$*%'Germany, Russia and the Rise of Geo-Economics, !"$( ...................................................................p154 , 1287 ^""Musical Revolutions in German Culture, """................... p56 , 0451 >A(China and Germany, Palgrave "" .................................................p153 , 1275 !"("Economies under Occupation, Routledge.................................................. p102 , 0782 Weber, Rolf H., Realizing a New Global Cyberspace Framework, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p189 , 1562 Odendahl, Kerstin, German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Duncker & Humblot .....................p141 , 1165 Wang, Jingjing, Globalization of Leadership Development, Springer Verlag ................p116 , 0913 Clark, Christopher, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Routledge .................................................................... p47 , 0369 Del Hierro Lecea, Pablo, Spanish-Italian "%<~#)! 1943-1957, """ ...............p48 , 0383 Lipking, Lawrence, What Galileo Saw, Cornell U.P. .................................................................... p55 , 0442 &"""%The Italian City Republics, Routledge....................................................p49 , 0388 Ascoli, Ugo, The Italian Welfare State in a European Perspective, " ......p170 , 1427 Sudden Death, Ashgate Pub. ....................................................................p48 , 0384 ^(^Cavour, Routledge .........p48 , 0385 (/The Popes and the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity, Routledge ........ p38 , 0283 スペイン '<State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p170 , 1425 A"% The Rise of Prussia 1700-1830, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0370 Del Hierro Lecea, Pablo, Spanish-Italian "%<~#)! 1943-1957, """ ...............p48 , 0383 オーストリア Schaefer, Claudia, Lens, Laboratory, Landscape, *A\........... p55 , 0443 !"#>&Joseph II, Routledge .................................................................... p49 , 0392 Smith, Joseph, The Spanish-American War 18951902, Routledge ......................................... p51 , 0408 スイス <Global Indios, Duke U.P. ....................................................................p49 , 0387 Lienhard, Pierre, Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events, Springer Verlag .................................................................. p208 , 1729 南ヨーロッパ / "(The Archaeology of Bronze Age Iberia, Routledge ................. p38 , 0279 ギリシャ <The Rebirth of Greek Labor Markets, """ .... p102 , 0777 ^<(A(Democracy and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p128 , 1031 Close, David H., The Greek Civil War, Routledge .................................................................... p48 , 0381 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 219 ヨーロッパ 》南ヨーロッパ ><"$The 'Hippocratic' Corpus, Routledge.................................................... p37 , 0271 東ヨーロッパ ("(Post-Communist Transitional Justice, Cambridge U.P. ..........................p159 , 1336 北ヨーロッパ $(Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period, Routledge .......................p49 , 0390 >"^A(The Nordic Countries and the European Union, Routledge ..... p166 , 1387 Wellhausen, Rachel L., The Shield of Nationality, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p116 , 0914 Dawson, James, Cultures of Democracy in Serbia and Bulgaria, Ashgate Pub. ....................p164 , 1373 Hiden, John, The Baltic Nations and Europe, Routledge....................................................p49 , 0389 $Multicultural Language Education, Cambridge Scholars Press .................................................................. p198 , 1646 <Q>"Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p130 , 1051 ウクライナ The Politics of Energy and Memory Between the Baltic States and Russia, Ashgate Pub. .............................................p164 , 1374 フィンランド Early Child Care and Education in Finland, Routledge ............................. p205 , 1702 *"Property, Predation, and Protection, Cambridge U.P. ....................p138 , 1125 ブルガリア + Global Villages, Anthem Press ...................................................................p186 , 1532 アルバニア Arsovska, Jana, Decoding Albanian Organized Crime, Univ. of California Pr. ................ p134 , 1091 アフリカ A""&Multilingualism and Education in Africa, Cambridge Scholars Press .................................................................. p198 , 1650 '""#Intellectual Agent, Mediator and Interlocutor, Cambridge Scholars Press ...................................................................p167 , 1401 @$/United States in Africa, Routledge...................................................p167 , 1402 北アフリカ /""A!$ Leadership in Colonial Africa, """ ................................ p167 , 1404 スーダン Chitonge, Horman, Economic Growth and Development in Africa, Routledge ........ p102 , 0778 |^Water, Civilization, and Power in Sudan, Cambridge U.P. ...................... p168 , 1405 ! The Changing Face of Land and Conservation in Post-colonial Africa, Routledge .................................................................. p124 , 0986 モロッコ /%African Realities, Cambridge Scholars Press ........................................... p35 , 0259 /Measuring African Development, Routledge.................................................. p102 , 0779 <<From Geoheritage to Geoparks, Springer Verlag ........................................ p121 , 0960 220 Aslan, Senem, Nation Building in Turkey and Morocco, Cambridge U.P. .......................p163 , 1363 サハラ以南アフリカ (!~(Human Rights, Power and Civic Action, Routledge.......................... p160 , 1340 Corder, Hugh, The Quest for Constitutionalism, Ashgate Pub. ............................................ p129 , 1041 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》サハラ以南アフリカ マ リ ケニア Harmon, Stephen A., Terror and Insurgency in the Sahara-Sahel Region, Ashgate Pub. ......p167 , 1403 Nichols, Lionel, The International Criminal Court and The End of Impunity in Kenya, Springer Verlag ........................................................p143 , 1181 ナイジェリア タンザニア Wariboko, Nimi, Nigerian Pentecostalism, Univ. of Rochester Press ......................................... p54 , 0439 !+"Building a Peaceful Nation, Univ. of Rochester Press ......................................... p54 , 0438 ソマリア 南アフリカ "!Political Geographies of Piracy, """ ..................................p58 , 0468 エチオピア $$* The Last Post-Cold War Socialist Federation, Ashgate Pub. ....... p167 , 1400 >"Imperial Leather, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0357 James, Deborah, Money from Nothing, Stanford U.P. ............................................................. p35 , 0256 <%">"%Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy, """ ................................................................... p157 , 1312 南北アメリカ 北 米 *""Q/"American Political Culture, !>Q>" ...................................p169 , 1422 Silva, Kumarini, Feminist Erasures, Palgrave "" .................................................p195 , 1622 /!"Natural Law and the Antislavery Constitutional Tradition, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p129 , 1042 !$/Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self, Routledge....................... p198 , 1642 アメリカ合衆国 *The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p130 , 1047 !(*Thirsty City, *A York Press ................................................ p126 , 1008 Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs, Healthcare Reform in America, !>Q>"..................................p175 , 1467 The Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Preparedness Resources and Programs, National Academies Pr. ...........................................p171 , 1433 /The Role of Ideology in Syrian-US Relations, """ ...............p153 , 1278 Aviram, Hadar, Cheap on Crime, Univ. of California Pr. ........................................... p134 , 1092 Johansson, Jon, U.S. Leadership in Political Time and Space, """..............p169 , 1414 Schaller, Thomas, The Stronghold, Yale U.P. ...................................................................p169 , 1420 Celeste, Richard F., Furthering America's Research Enterprise, National Academies Pr. .................................................................. p115 , 0903 Cunnigen, Donald, Race in the Age of Obama: Part 2, <"( %$"?( ...................................................................p168 , 1410 Rinfret, Sara R., US Environmental Policy in Action, """ ................... p124 , 0992 Wevill, Richard, Diplomacy, Roger Makins and the Anglo-American Relationship, Ashgate Pub. .................................................................... p47 , 0367 ^"American Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1975-1990, """................. p4 , 0013 @$Ersatz America, Univ. of Virginia Pr. ..............................................................p169 , 1416 ")))""Triumphs and Tragedies of the Modern Congress, Praeger .................................................................. p168 , 1406 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 221 南北アメリカ 》北 米 #AA Family Sketch and Other Private Writings, Univ. of California Pr. ............. p51 , 0410 Sage, Daniel D., How Outer Space Made America, Ashgate Pub. .............................................. p58 , 0470 @$/United States in Africa, Routledge...................................................p167 , 1402 ^"@(?The End of American Labor Unions, Praeger ........................................ p56 , 0452 )))/?Black Males and Intercollegiate Athletics, <"( % Publishing Ltd. ......................................... p193 , 1601 Adelman, Robert, Race, Space, and Exclusion, Routledge...................................................p191 , 1583 Desipio, Luis, Uneven Roads, CQ Press ...................................................................p192 , 1593 Vile, John R., A Companion to the United States Constitution and its Amendments, Praeger ...................................................................p130 , 1053 ("@$$Misreading the Bill of Rights, Praeger ........................................p131 , 1059 !!Racism in American Popular Media, Praeger ........................................p191 , 1585 # The Founders and the Idea of a National University, Cambridge U.P. ....p197 , 1634 Shah, Rajiv, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Economy in the US, China, and India, Academic Pr. .............................................p116 , 0910 !"Morality at the Ballot, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p168 , 1407 """Democracy and its Elected Enemies, Cambridge U.P.........................p169 , 1418 /!""(Our Work Is But Begun, Univ. of Rochester Press...........................p197 , 1633 !(<Women's Rights in the USA, Routledge...................................................p194 , 1613 <Drugs in American Society, Libraries Unlimited ................................. p183 , 1503 Johnson, Loch K., Essentials of Strategic Intelligence, Praeger ...............................p155 , 1298 (A/The Social Movements Reader, &"Q!"A"" ........................................p183 , 1501 <+"ACommunity Development As Micropolitics, " .....................p160 , 1341 Cook, Robert, Sweet Land of Liberty?, Routledge .................................................................... p50 , 0401 Klosek, Jacqueline, Wellness by the Numbers, Libraries Unlimited ..................................p175 , 1466 Scott, John C., Social Process of Lobbying, Routledge...................................................p169 , 1421 D@A Woman's Dilemma, &" .....................................................................p51 , 0412 ""@$/American Indian Identity, Praeger..................................................... p193 , 1600 '""Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy during the Cold War, Scarecrow Pr. .................................................................... p51 , 0404 ?Reviving Citizen Engagement, CRC Press .................................................p168 , 1411 ^""(Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p168 , 1412 Lesser, William H., American Business Regulation, <*% ..............................................p139 , 1144 Timberg, Scott, Culture Crash, Yale U.P. ...................................................................p191 , 1577 Joppke, Christian, The Secular State Under Siege, " .................................................. p160 , 1342 *"<Cases on Research-Based Teaching Methods in Science Education, ) ) "$" ....................................................... p201 , 1662 >Worlds Apart, Yale U.P. .................................................................. p182 , 1490 ^\Intercity Transport and Climate Change, Springer Verlag ........... p10 , 0065 Smith, David, William Howe and the American War of Independence, !"$( ....................................................................p46 , 0364 <((/Contested Epidemics, )%" College Press ............................................p175 , 1463 Arnold, Kathleen R., Contemporary Immigration in America, A( ..........................p191 , 1584 Pugliese, Joseph, State Violence and the Execution of Law, Routledge .................................... p134 , 1085 <(?*(Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants, National Academies Pr. ...................................................................p152 , 1264 >"jqThomas Jefferson and his Decimals 1775-1810, Springer Verlag ....p196 , 1631 222 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》北 米 "(Q&"The Occupiers, Oxford U.P., New York............................. p183 , 1502 #"")Transnational Nation, Palgrave "" ...................................................p51 , 0411 Hanson, Peter, Too Weak to Govern, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................p168 , 1413 ! Alienation, Peter Lang .................................................................. p168 , 1409 Scroop, Daniel, Transatlantic Social Politics, """ ................................ p160 , 1344 Dying in America, National Academies Pr. ...................................................................p173 , 1459 >"Appealing to Justice, Univ. of California Pr. ........................................... p135 , 1095 #"*A Different Democracy, Yale U.P. ...................................................................p169 , 1423 Collins, Catherine Fisher, Black Girls and Adolescents, Praeger ...............................p192 , 1591 Rohlinger, Deana A., Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p183 , 1505 ""!$Hard Times, Stanford U.P. ...................................................................p169 , 1415 Shinohara, Hatsue, US International Lawyers in the Interwar Years, Cambridge U.P. .....p144 , 1187 <"Lincoln's Dilemma, Univ. of Virginia Pr. ................................................p50 , 0403 Cotlar, Seth, Tom Paine's America, Univ. of Virginia Pr. ................................................p50 , 0402 Lee, Jonathan H. X., History of Asian Americans, A( ................................................. p51 , 0406 >%@Times Are Altered with Us, &" ........................................................... p50 , 0399 !/!# $ Justice in America, Libraries Unlimited .................................................................. p134 , 1094 ;"(<"$Mediating Religion and Government, """ .........p169 , 1419 Warren, Robert Penn, Who Speaks for the Negro?, Yale U.P. ..................................................... p56 , 0455 $"Latinos and Latinas at Risk, A( ................................................p192 , 1595 Cook, Frederick A., Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899, Cambridge U.P. ..........p50 , 0400 Ling, Peter J., Martin Luther King, Jr., Routledge .................................................................... p51 , 0407 &"^?The Triumph of the Gun-Rights Argument, Praeger................................. p183 , 1508 <(A("Dual Containment Policy in the Persian Gulf, """ .........p153 , 1276 The Political Roots of Racial Tracking in American Criminal Justice, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p136 , 1109 > *The War on Terror and the Laws of War, Oxford U.P., New York......p155 , 1294 )*%?To Improve Health and Health Care, &" ...............................................p175 , 1465 Carrillo, Karen Juanita, African American-Latino Relations in the 21st Century, Praeger .................................................................. p192 , 1590 !A?Voting Rights Under Fire, Praeger......................................................p192 , 1587 !""(/The President, the State and the Cold War, Routledge ............................... p168 , 1408 )(|/African Americans Against the Bomb, Stanford U.P. ................................. p51 , 0405 U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Middle East, Routledge .....................p169 , 1417 ?!The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, Oxford U.P. ................................. p4 , 0014 Tucker, Spencer C., American Civil War, !>Q Clio ............................................................. p51 , 0409 @(Checking the Courts, State A\ ...................p130 , 1052 Krugler, David F., 1919, the Year of Racial Violence, Cambridge U.P. .......................p192 , 1596 ? %## <! Springer Verlag ........................................ p109 , 0847 Smith, Joseph, The Spanish-American War 18951902, Routledge ......................................... p51 , 0408 *""Remaking College, Stanford U.P. ...................................................................p199 , 1653 !@$?Orderly Anarchy, Univ. of California Pr. ............................................. p35 , 0252 '""When Private Talk Goes Public, """ ................................ p187 , 1544 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 223 南北アメリカ 》北 米 !A"Green Savings, Praeger .................................................................. p122 , 0970 <((Technocracy and Democracy in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. ........p170 , 1424 @"(Free Trade and Faithful Globalization, Cambridge U.P. ..............p158 , 1324 Ruano, Lorena, The Europeanization of National Foreign Policies towards Latin America, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1285 カナダ Pribble, Jennifer, Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America, Cambridge U.P..............p170 , 1426 Niergarth, Kirk, The Dignity of Every Human Being, Univ. of Toronto Pr. ....................... p56 , 0453 @"(Free Trade and Faithful Globalization, Cambridge U.P. ..............p158 , 1324 中南米 @"(Free Trade and Faithful Globalization, Cambridge U.P. ..............p158 , 1324 パナマ ?(#Historical Dictionary of Panama, Scarecrow Pr. .............................p52 , 0414 !"(/*Synchronized Factories, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p115 , 0901 '<State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p170 , 1425 Fausto, Carlos, Warfare and Shamanism in Amazonia, Cambridge U.P. ..................... p35 , 0253 プエルトリコ "Q*" Puerto Rican Soldiers and Second-Class Citizenship, Palgrave "" .................................................p188 , 1552 ブラジル "(Modernization, Urbanization and Development in Latin America, 1900s-2000s, Routledge.................................................... p52 , 0413 <((/Contested Epidemics, )%" College Press ............................................p175 , 1463 Ascher, William, Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America, """ ............... p102 , 0780 #$(Law and the New Developmental State, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p102 , 0781 >A<Continuity Despite Change, Stanford U.P. .............................................p140 , 1154 オセアニア オーストラリア ニュージーランド John, Thomas, The Future of Australian Federalism, Cambridge U.P. ...................p163 , 1361 Hiebert, Janet L., Parliamentary Bills of Rights, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p130 , 1044 Corones, Stephen, Competition Law in Australia, Thomson West ...........................................p139 , 1141 !/Climate, Science, and Colonization, """ .......... p55 , 0440 !$/Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self, Routledge....................... p198 , 1642 !/Climate, Science, and Colonization, """ .......... p55 , 0440 &(*"""The Australia-ASEAN Dialogue, """ ................p158 , 1327 224 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 極 地 》南 極 極 地 南 極 !(QThe Emerging Politics of Antarctica, Routledge..............................p152 , 1273 Cook, Frederick A., Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899, Cambridge U.P. ..........p50 , 0400 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 225 㩷 ੱ᳇䉺䉟䊃䊦䈏⚂ 10 ᐕ䈹䉍䈱ᡷ 䋣 䋣 ↢୶ℂ㩷 ╙䋴 㩷 ో䋶Ꮞ Bioethics 4th ed. 2014 ᐕ 5 ೀⴕ 6 Vols., 3,500 p., Hard. ಽᄁਇน ISBN 978-0-02-866205-3 ..................................... USD 984.00/ㅢᏱଔ㩯 159,511/․ଔ㩯 127,609䈀ᧄ䈁 +⒢ *9780028662053* 1978 ᐕߦೋ ߇ ߐࠇߚ↢ޡ୶ℂޔߪޢᒰᤨ⊒ዷㅜ ߩ⎇ⓥಽ㊁ߢߞߚ↢୶ℂቇߦ․ൻߒߚೋߩࡈࠔࡦࠬ ⾗ᢱߢࠅ⎇ߪࠇߘޔⓥߩోࠍ␜ߔߎߣߦ߽ߥࠅ߹ߒ ߚޕೋ ߣ╙㧞 㧔1995 ᐕ㧕ߪ࠳࠻ࡑࠬࡔ࠳࡞ࠍฃ⾨ߒ ߡ߅ࠅޔᢎᏧޔቇ↢ߦߣߞߡືޔࠕࠤࠬ࡞ࡋޔߚ߹ޔቇޔⅣ Ⴚਥ⟵ޔᴺޔቬᢎ⎇ⓥߩಽ㊁ߦ㑐ࠊࠆ⠪ߦߣߞߡ↢ޔ୶ℂ ߦ㑐ߔࠆቯ⇟ߩࡈࠔࡦࠬ⾗ᢱߣߥߞߡ߹ߔ╙ޕ㧠 ߢ ߪᄙߊߩᡷ⸓ࠍᣉߒޔㆮࠍㅊടߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔࡓࠝࠗࡃߩੱޔㆮવሶ⚵ߺ឵߃ 㘩ຠ✕ޔᕆᤨኻᔕജ␠ޔળᱜ⟵ޔᜬ⛯น⢻ᕈޔൻቇᚢߣߞߚౝኈߦ㑐ߔࠆ 100 એߩᣂ㗄⋡߅ࠃ߮ᡷ⸓㗄⋡ࠍ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔޕᅧᆼਛ⛘߿்∛⠪ߩఝవ㗅ઃ ߌ␠ޔળ⊛⽿છޔࠕࠤࠬ࡞ࡋޔᐙ⚦⢩⎇ⓥߣߞߚ㗄⋡ߦ㑐ߒߡߪࠞࡔࠕޔએᄖ ߩ࿖ⷞߩޘὐ߽ขࠅࠇޔౝኈߩలታൻࠍ࿑ߞߡ߹ߔޕ 䋨㶎╙䋳 䉁䈪䈲䇮㪜㫅㪺㫐㪺㫃㫆㫇㪼㪻㫀㪸㩷㫆㪽㩷㪙㫀㫆㪼㫋㪿㫀㪺㫊 䈫䈇䈉䉺䉟䊃䊦䈪ೀⴕ䈘䉏䈩䈇䉁䈚䈢䇯䋩㩷 㩷 (Macmillan Library Reference/Gale,USA) 226 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ࠝࡦࠗࡦ ߩߏ᩺ౝ ↢୶ℂ㩷 䉥䊮䊤䉟䊮 Bioethics, 4th ed. 䇺↢୶ℂ㩷 ╙䋴 䇻䈲 2014 ᐕ 5 䈮 Gale Virtual Reference Library 䈮䈩 䉥䊮䊤䉟䊮 䈏ೀⴕ䈘䉏䉁䈚䈢䇯 Gale Virtual Reference Library 㪞㪸㫃㪼㩷㪭㫀㫉㫋㫌㪸㫃㩷 㪩㪼㪽㪼㫉㪼㫅㪺㪼㩷 㪣㫀㪹㫉㪸㫉㫐䋨㪞㪭㪩㪣䋩䈲⇇ᦨᄢ⚖䈱䊧䊐䉜䊧䊮䉴࿑ᦠ䈱䊂䊷䉺䊔䊷䉴䊶䊒 䊤䉾䊃䊐䉤䊷䊛䈪䈜䇯㪞㪸㫃㪼 䈣䈔䈪䈭䈒䇮㪪㪸㪾㪼㩷 㪧㫌㪹㫃㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷 㪡㫆㪿㫅㩷 㪮㫀㫃㪼㫐㩷 㩽㩷 㪪㫆㫅㫊㪃㩷 㪚㪸㫄㪹㫉㫀㪻㪾㪼㩷 㪬㪅㪧㪃㩷 㪪㫇㫉㫀㫅㪾㪼㫉 ╬䇮ਥⷐ ␠䈱䊧䊐䉜䊧䊮䉴䉕䉃䇮㪏㪃㪇㪇㪇 䉺䉟䊃䊦એ䈱ਛ䈎䉌䇮䈍ᅢ䉂䈱䉺䉟䊃䊦 䈱䉂䉕ㆬᛯ䈚䈩ᄾ⚂䈜䉎䈖䈫䈏䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯㩷 䊧䊐䉜䊧䊮䉴䈲ၮᧄෳ⠨࿑ᦠ䈫䈚䈩䇮㊀ⷐ䈭ᗧ䉕ᜬ䈦䈩䈇䉁䈜䈏䇮䉴䊕䊷䉴䇮↪㗫ᐲ䇮 䈇ൎᚻ╬䈱㗴䈏䈅䉍䉁䈚䈢䇯㪞㪭㪩㪣 䉕ᵴ↪䈜䉏䈳䇮㊀䈇䊧䊐䉜䊧䊮䉴䉕ౠ䉅ᐢ䈕䇮࿑ᦠ㙚䈮 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᪥㛫ࣉࣜಖᏑࡉࢀࡿࡢ࡛ࠊ࠸ࡘ࡛ࡶࠊࡇࡽ࡛ࡶࠊ࠾ዲࡁ࡞᪂⪺ࢆㄞࡴࡇࡀ࡛ࡁ ࡲࡍࠋࡈ⏝⎔ቃࡸࡈዎ⣙ヲ⣽㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊู㏵࠾ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᪥㛫↓ᩱࢺࣛࣝཷ୰ 3UHVV5HDGHU&DQDGD ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ㸧 ၿᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ⏬㛤Ⓨࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ࠛ ᮾி㒔 ༊ᾏᓊ ᅜ㝿ᯇ⏫ࣅࣝ 7(/㸸(PDLO㸸HVXSSRUW#PDUX]HQFRMS ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ November, 2014 229 බƷૼБŴܭဪǛƴӕƬƯƝᢠܭƍƨƩƚLJƢŵ ᄂᆮᎍƷႏಮŴܖဃƷႏಮŴՃƷႏಮƷᢠƷ৵ƴ ᩼ƝဇƘƩƞƍŵ ᵐᵎᵏᵒ ࠰ ᵗ உ ᵏ ଐίஉὸᴾ ἼἝἷὊỴἽᴾ ᵐᵎᵎ״ỉἋἬὊἋỆᵏᵐɢώᴾ 230 ᧉݦửໜႎỆਘΪᴾ ᒍᛖᏋὉܖ፼ửắૅੲẴỦԼảửࢍ҄ᴾ ਣༀਣߩౝᧄᐫ ᵗᦠࡈࡠࠕ ᧲੩ㇺජઍ↰ਣߩౝ ਣߩౝࠝࠕ࠱࡚ࠪ࠶ࡊࠬ࠻ࡦ 㓏 6'.༡ᬺᤨ㑆㧦 ቯભᣣ㧦ήભ㧔ૉߒޔ㧝㧝߅ࠃ߮ᴺቯὐᬌᣣߪ㒰ߊ㧕 ࠕࠢࠬ㧦 ,4 ᧲੩㚞ਣߩౝർญ ᓤᱠ ಽ ਅ㋕ਣߩౝ✢᧲੩㚞 ᓤᱠ ಽਅ㋕᧲✢ᄢᚻ↸㚞 ᓤᱠ ಽ ਅ㋕ਃ↰✢ᄢᚻ↸㚞 ᓤᱠ ಽਅ㋕ජઍ↰✢ᄢᚻ↸㚞 ᓤᱠ ಽ Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 㸺Ⴀᴗ㒊㸼 KWWSZZZPDUX]HQFRMSFRUSEDVHVLQGH[KWPO ࠙㤳㒔ᅪࠚ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵖᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵏᵖᵓᴾ ࠙㛵ᮾ⏥ಙ㉺ࠚ ඵ⋤ᏊႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ οྛޛ್ࠊ܇ထ ᵏᵋᵔᴾ οྛ܇ிʮෙɥἥἽ ᵕ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵑᵕᵏᵏ ᐑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ẰẟẺộࠊܷٻғӴထ ᵏᵋᵒᵏᴾ ଢဃԡܷٻӴထἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵐᵐᵏ ⚄ዉᕝ㟼ᒸႠᴗ㒊ࠛ ್ාࠊৎشғ߷ɥထ ᵖᵕᵋᵒᴾ ிৎ شᵬᵄᵤᾀἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵏ ⟃ἼႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ếẪịࠊټʁ̬ ᵒᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵔᵎᵎᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵏᵏᵕᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵒᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵒᵑᵏᵎ ࠙ᾏ㐨࣭ᮾࠚ ᮐᖠႠᴗ㒊 ྎႠᴗ㒊 ┒ᒸႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ࠤࠊฌဋғ҅ ᵔ வ ᵏᵋᵒᵋᵔᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵓᵎ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғٻထ ᵐᵋᵐᵋᵏᵎᴾ ˅Ө᩷ᓶỸỵὅἂἥἽ ᵟ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵐᵐᵋᵏᵏᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵓᵋᵕᵓᵏᵔ ࠛ Ⴎࠊޢஜထᡫ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵨᵲ ஜထἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵎᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵑᵓᵗ ࠙ᮾᾏ࣭㝣ࠚ ྡྂᒇႠᴗ㒊 㔠ἑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵏᵋᵐᵒᵋᵏᵓᴾᵨᵮᵰ ӸӞᙸ˜ދἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ࠛ එࠊᙱࣞ ᵏᵋᵏᵋᵑᴾ ἅὅἧỵἙὅἋඑ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵎᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵏᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵐᵗᵗ ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ࠛ ʮᣃࠊӫʮғٽᆁɥДᢿထᵏᵎᴾ ٻଐஜҮТίఇὸᴾʮᣃئϋ ࠛ ᅕৎࠊғދޥҤထ ᵒᵋᵑᵔᴾ ދޥἥἽᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵐ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵐᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵏ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵑᵋᵓᵎ ࠛ ࠊޛዯထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵤᵳᵰᵳᵫᵭᵲᵭ ἥἽ ᵏ ᨞ ࠛ ࠼ࠊɶғɶထ ᵕᵋᵐᵑᴾ ˰ဃԧٻᡫụᇹ ᵐ ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵐᵔᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵒᵑᵕᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵒᵏᵋᵓᵐᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵑᵑᵋᵕᵕᵓᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵐᵐᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵏᵓᵕᵔ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҤғฌ൦ ᵐᵋᵏᵓᵋᵏᵏ ࠛ ᧈ߃ࠊקஜ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵑᵑ ࠛ ༇ஜࠊɶځғૼދ ᵐᵋᵏᵕᵋᵏᵕ ỴἳἝἘỵૼދ ᵏ ᨞ ࠛ ᙵࠊඡ߃ ᵏᵋᵏᵐᵋᵕᴾ ɧѣင˟ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵑᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵓᵓ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵕ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵏᵋᵒᵖᵑᵕ ࠙㛵すࠚ 㜰Ⴀᴗ㒊 㛵す་⒪Ⴀᴗ㒊 ி㒔Ⴀᴗ㒊 ⚄ᡞႠᴗ㒊 ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵐᴾ ࠙୰ᅄᅜࠚ ᒸᒣႠᴗ㒊 ᯇᒣႠᴗᡤ ᗈᓥႠᴗ㒊 ࠙ᕞࠚ ⚟ᒸႠᴗ㒊 㛗ᓮႠᴗᡤ ⇃ᮏႠᴗᡤ Ἀ⦖ฟᙇᡤ 㸺ᾏእົᡤ㸼 ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵓᵒᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵎᵎᵗᵎ 0DUX]HQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&R/WGᴾ ᵏᵏᵎᵠᴾᵫᶃᵿᶂᶍᶕᶊᵿᶌᶂᶑᴾᵮᵿᶐᶉᶕᵿᶗᵊᴾᵱᶓᶇᶒᶃᴾᵐᵎᵓᵊᴾᵱᶃᶁᵿᶓᶁᶓᶑᵊᴾᵬᵨᴾᵎᵕᵎᵗᵒᵊᴾᵳᵱᵟᴾ 㸺ᗑ⯒㸼 ࡢෆᮏᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃҘˊဋғɺỉϋ ᵏᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ɺỉϋỼỴἐ ᵏ῍ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵖᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵗᵐᴾ ᪥ ᮏ ᶫ ᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃɶځғଐஜ ᵐᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵐ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᮐᖠᗑ ࠛ ࠤࠊɶځғҤɟவᙱ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵐᴾ ɺʟʻʟҤᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵎᵎᴾ ྎ࢚ࣝᗑ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɶ ځᵏᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ᵟᵣᵰᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵏᵐ ྡྂᒇᰤᗑ ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵑᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ɺ ᵔὉᵕ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵔᵏᵋᵐᵐᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵑᵏᵓᵎᴾ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᱵ⏣ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊ᧵ٻғᒧދထ ᵕᵋᵐᵎᴾ ᶁᶆᵿᶑᶉᵿ ᒧދထ ᵠᵏ῍ᵕ ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵓᴾ ᒸᒣ㺚㺻㺪㺉㺤㺎㺩㺼㺷ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵓᵋᵏᴾ ޛޢῩ ΌῘῳ῝Ὸ ᵏ ᨞Ὁעɦ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵗᴾ ༤ ከ ᗑ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҦٶғҦٶᬜɶځᘑ ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ᵨᵰ ҦٶῩᴾ ᵖ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵐ ࠾یၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࠊࡈὀᩥࡣ᭱ᐤࡾࡢᘢ♫ྛႠᴗ㒊ࡲ࡛࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ၿᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ὒ᭩ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ὒ᭩⏬ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ ᴾ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵐᵎᵕᴾ ᶃᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶇᶐᶌᶃᶇᶑᶓᶇᵑᵞᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᵍᴾ MARUZEN Announcement of New Books 2014 年 11 月号 2014 年 11 月 1 日発行 年間購読料 2,000 円(税別) 企 業 広 告 私たち Bloomsbury は、ロンドン、ニューデリー、ニューヨーク、シドニーのオフィス を拠点に国際展開している出版社です。おかげさまで出版事業の品質を高くご評価 いただき、学術出版部門では年間約1500点の新刊書を刊行しています。人文科学、 社会科学、ビジュアルアートの分野で重要な位置を占める私たちは、傘下にArden Shakespeare、Hart Publishing、Methuen Drama、T&T Clarkといった著名且つ歴史 的なブランドを取り揃え、特に、演劇・パフォーマンス研究、教育学、 ファッション、歴史 学、法律学、言語学、文学、哲学、神学の分野で多数の良書をご提供しています。 より詳しい情報は、代理店である丸善株式会社へお問い合わせいただくか、弊社ウェ ブサイトをご覧ください。 また、新刊書籍のご案内をご希望の方は、以下のURLからご登録下さい。
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