No.1426 人文・社会 科学 Index 新 刊 在 庫 …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 2015 年 5 月号 丸善洋書 新刊案内 今月のトピックス 総 記 ……………… 12 哲学・思想 ……………… 13 宗 教 学 ……………… 17 20 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 22 歴 史 学 ……………… 23 人文地理学 ……………… 45 芸 術 ……………… 46 文 学 ……………… 62 89 言 語 学 ……………… 71 心 理 学 ……………… 76 経 済 学 ……………… 84 会 計 学 ……………… 96 経 営 学 ……………… 96 環 境 学 ……………… 108 法 学 ……………… 114 :RUOG6FLHQWLILF5HIHUHQFHRQ*OREDOLVDWLRQ LQ(XUDVLDDQGWKH3DFLILF5LP 本書は全4巻組で世界経済において注目されているユー ラシアと環太平洋地域の新興経済国を取り扱っていま す。各巻で海外投資、イノベーション、エネルギーと移 住に焦点を当てた重要な資料文献となっています。 認 知 科 学 ……………… 74 金 融 ……………… 93 %ULOO V(QF\FORSHGLDRI%XGGKLVP 本書は、信頼のおける解説を収録し、これまで扱われて こなかった領域の溝を埋めることで、公平な視点を持つ ことを目的としています。その結果、仏教は複数の地域 の伝統と、アジアのほぼ全域に及ぶ現象とが合わさって いることを伝えています。 128 (QF\FORSHGLDRI3XEOLF $GPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG3XEOLF3ROLF\UGHG ベストセラーとなっている百科事典の第 3 版の本書は、 行政学の幅広さと深さを網羅した論文の資料集です。 この改訂版では読者に新しい項目とともに著名な研究 者による寄稿も収録しています。 政 治 学 ……………… 124 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 143 社 会 学 ……………… 146 ジェンダー ……………… 158 特 集 38 ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院 (SOAS) 版 近代・現代日本の研究シリーズ 教 育 学 ……………… 161 63 文学とコンテクストシリーズ スポーツ・健康科学 …… 171 72 Cambridge 版 生 活 科 学 ……………… 172 地域研究Index ………… 173 言語・言語学ハンドブックシリーズ 75 De Gruyter Mouton 社 認知言語学の応用シリーズ 総 記 ★★ 再 国際図書館学 全4巻 Sharma, Ravindra N. (ed.) International Librarianship (Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies) 2015:5. 4 Vols., 1875 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415733632* 哲学・思想 ★再 アリストテレスとカントの至高善 Aufderheide, Joachim/Bader, Ralf M. (eds.) The Highest Good in Aristotle and Kant (Mind Association Occasional Series) 2015:5. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198714019* ★ 広瀬巌 / J. Olson 編 Oxford版 価値理論ハンドブック Hirose, Iwao/Olson, Jonas (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory (Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy) 2015:5. 456 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Matthen, Mohan (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception (Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy) 2015:5. 896 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Luft, Sebastian (ed.) The Neo-Kantian Reader 2015:5. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780199600472* ★ ヒュームとニーチェの徳倫理学 Swanton, Christine The Virtue Ethics of Hume and Nietzsche (New Directions in Ethics) 2015:5. 248 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 再 新カントリーダー ★ Oxford版 知覚の哲学ハンドブック *9780199959303* *9780415452533* *9781118939390* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 3 宗教学 宗教学 ★再 日本の仏教の文化史 Deal, William E./Ruppert, Brian A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism (Wiley–Blackwell Guides to Buddhism) 2015:5. 320 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781405167017* 歴史学 ★ イングランドとアメリカの家族生活 全4巻 Cope, Rachel/Harris, Amy/Hinckley, Jane (eds.) Family Life in England and America, 1690-1820 2015:5. 4 Vols., 1600 p. (Pickering & Chatto Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848934740* ★再 現代日本におけるオタク議論:歴史的観点 と展望 Galbraith, Patrick W./Kam, Thiam Huat/ Kamm, Björn-Ole (eds.) Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan: Historical Perspectives and New Horizons (SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan) 2015:5. 240 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472594976* ★再 速水融著 近世日本における勤勉革命 Hayami, Akira Japan’s Industrious Revolution: Economic and Social Transformations in the Early Modern Period (Studies in Economic History) 2015:5. 130 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9784431551416* 芸 術 Cambridge 版 アルフレッド・ヒッチコック必携 Freedman, Jonathan (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Alfred Hitchcock (Cambridge Companions to American Studies) 2015:5. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 4 *9781107514881* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 文 学 ジョセフ・コンラッドと H・G・ウェルズ Cambridge 版 『荒地』必携 Dryden, Linda Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells: The Fin-de-Siècle Literary Scene 2015:5. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 McIntire, Gabrielle (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to The Waste Land (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:5. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137500113* *9781107672574* Cambridge 版 アメリカのゲイ・レズビアン文学必携 Herring, Scott (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to American Gay and Lesbian Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:5. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107646186* 言語学 ★ 阿部潤著 間接疑問文縮約への in situ アプローチ Abe, Jun The In-Situ Approach to Sluicing (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, Vol. 222) 2015:4. 178 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027257055* ★★ 再 J. Bybee 著 言語変化 Bybee, Joan Language Change (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) 2015:5. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107655829* 言語テスト・評価における学習者コーパス Callies, Marcus/Götz, Sandra (eds.) Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment (Studies in Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 70) 2015:4. 224 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027203786* ★再 現代日本における複数の翻訳コミュニティ Curran, Beverley/Sato-Rossberg, Nana/ Tanabe, Kikuko (eds.) Multiple Translation Communities in Contemporary Japan (Routledge Advances in Translation Studies) 2015:5. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138831704* 言語構造と環境 De Busser, Rik/LaPolla, Randy J. (eds.) Language Structure and Environment: Social, cultural, and natural factors (Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts, Vol. 6) 2015:5. 357 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027204097* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 5 言語学 再 ★再 日常会話の文法 第二言語習得における最終到達度 Fox, Barbara/Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth/Thompson, Sandra A. Grammar in Everyday Talk: Building Responsive Actions (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics, Vol. 31) 2015:5. 368 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107031029* Lardiere, Donna Ultimate Attainment in Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study 2015:5. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ *9781138839939* ★ T. Givón 著 文法の通時論 全2巻 暗示的・明示的言語学習 Givón, T. The Diachrony of Grammar: Volume 1 & 2 2015:5. 2 Vols., 828 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.) Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages (Studies in Bilingualism, Vol. 48) 2015:5. 504 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1 3DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027212207* ★再 *9789027241900* ★再 使用条件的意味:多元的意味論の研究 Gutzmann, Daniel Use-Conditional Meaning: Studies in Multidimensional Semantics (Oxford Studies in Semantics and Pragmatics, Vol. 6) 2015:5. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198723837* ★ *9783110353808* Tupas, Ruanni (ed.) Unequal Englishes: The Politics of Englishes Today 2015:5. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Kehrein, Wolfgang/Köhnlein, Björn/ Boersma, Paul/Oostendorp, Marc (eds.) Segmental Structure and Tone (Linguistische Arbeiten, Vol. 552) 2015:5. 180 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ★ 第二言語の習得と処理におけるワーキン グメモリの役割 ★再 *9783110341096* *9781137461216* 分節構造と音調 6 *9780415816243* 不等な英語 Hancil, Sylvie/Haselow, Alexander/Post, Margje (eds.) Final Particles (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Vol. 284) 2015:3. 433 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Rowsell, Jennifer/Pahl, Kate (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics) 2015:5. 712 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 終助詞 Routledge 版 リテラシー研究ハンドブック Wen, Zhisheng/Borges Mota, Mailce/ McNeill, Arthur (eds.) Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition and Processing (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 87) 2015:5. 344 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781783093571* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 ★再 Blackwell 版 バイリンガル・マルチリン ガル教育ハンドブック Wright, Wayne E./Boun, Sovicheth/ García, Ofelia (eds.) The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:4. 688 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118533499* Brown, Lucien/Yeon, Jaehoon (eds.) The Handbook of Korean Linguistics (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:5. 528 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118354919* ★再 Blackwell 版 英語の発音ハンドブック Reed, Marnie/Levis, John (eds.) The Handbook of English Pronunciation (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:5. 552 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★再 Blackwell 版 朝鮮語学ハンドブック *9781118314470* ★再 Blackwell 版 ナラティブ分析ハンドブック De Fina, Anna/Georgakopoulou, Alexandra (eds.) The Handbook of Narrative Analysis (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:5. 472 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118458150* 認知科学 ★再 認知言語学とユーモア研究 Brône, Geert/Feyaerts, Kurt/Veale, Tony (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics, Vol. 26) 2015:5. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ★再 刺激の貧困からの豊かな言語 *9783110346152* Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo/Berwick, Robert C. (eds.) Rich Languages From Poor Inputs 2015:5. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198736714* 心理学 再 Wiley-Blackwell 版 個人差の心理学ハンドブック Chamorro–Premuzic, Tomas/von Stumm, Sophie/ Furnham, Adrian (eds.) The Wiley–Blackwell Handbook of Individual Differences (Wiley–Blackwell Handbooks in Personality and Individual Differences) 2015:5. 848 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119050308* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Oxford 版 向社会的行動ハンドブック Schroeder, David A./Graziano, William G. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Prosocial Behavior (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2015:4. 784 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780195399813* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 7 心理学 ★ 青年期 全5巻 Vazsonyi, Alexander T. (ed.) Adolescence (SAGE Library in Developmental Psychology) 2015:5. 5 Vols., 1768 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446295656* 経済学 ★★ 再 Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 750 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107069978* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107687899* ★ Hazari, Bharat/Cheung, Yin Wong (eds.) International Trade (Critical Concepts in Economics) 2015:5. 4 Vols., 1702 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415830249* *9789812874191* 再 Jones, Candace/Lorenzen, Mark/Sapsed, Jonathan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries 2015:5. 750 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199603510* ★再 河合正弘他編 金融危機後のアジアの課題 ★再 W.H. グリーン他著 応用選択分析 第2版 Hensher, David A./Rose, John M./ Greene, William H. Applied Choice Analysis, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 1196 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Oxford 版 クリエイティブ産業ハンドブック 国際貿易 全4巻 Heshmati, Almas/Maasoumi, Esfandiar/ Wan, Guanghua (eds.) Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia (Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being) 2015:5. 270 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ★ アジアの発展途上国の貧困削減政策と実践 産業組織論:市場と戦略 第2版 *9781107092648* Kawai, Masahiro (ed.) Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth: Asia’s Postcrisis Challenge (Economics, 2015:5. 150 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431553205* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 8 *9781107465923* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 会計学 会計学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ヨーロッパにおける公共経営の会計と監査 Cohen, Sandra/Brusca, Isabel/Caperchione, Eugenio Public Sector Accounting and Auditing in Europe (Governance and Public Management) 2015:5. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) *9781137461339* 経営学 組織におけるポジティブな介入 Bakker, Arnold B. (ed.) Positive Interventions in Organizations (Advances in Positive Organizational Psychology, Vol. 2) 2015:5. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781784416843* ★再 日本における国際企業買収 Bebenroth, Ralf International Business Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan 2015:5. 250 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 税 *9784431549888* *9781473902770* 組織デザイン 第3版 Hakonsson, Dorthe Dojback/Burton, Richard M./ Obel, Borge Organizational Design: A Step-by-Step Approach, 3rd ed. 2015:5. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107097650* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107483613* ★再 比較・国際経営 第2版 移行経済における家族経営 Dana, Leo-Paul/Ramadani, Veland (eds.) Family Businesses in Transition Economies: Management, Succession and Internationalization 2015:5. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9783319142081* ★ 変革的リーダーシップ 全3巻 Dumas, Colette/Beinecke, Richard H. (eds.) Change Leadership (Sage Benchmarks in Leadership) 2015:5. 3 Vols., 1095 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Sorge, Arndt/Noorderhaven, Niels G./ Koen, Carla Comparative International Management, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 472 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744829* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744836* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 9 経営学 ★再 Sumi, Atsushi Japanese Industrial Transplants in the United States: Organizational Practices and Relations of Power 2015:5. 344 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★再 筒井清輝他編 グローバル化と企業の 社会的責任 Tsutsui, Kitoyeru/Lim, Alwyn/Tsutsui, Kiyoteru (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World (Business and Public Policy) 2015:5. 496 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138879348* *9781107098596* 法 学 再 Oxford 版 EU法ハンドブック 投資協定 第2版 Arnull, Anthony/Chalmers, Damian (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of EU Law (Oxford Handbooks in Law) 2015:5. 1056 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties, 2nd ed. (Oxford International Law Library) 2015:5. 620 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199672646* *9780198703976* 政治学 再 Routledge 版 健康な都市ハンドブック Barton, Hugh/Thompson, Susan/Burgess, Sarah/ Grant, Marcus (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Planning for Health and Well-Being: Shaping a Sustainable and Healthy Future 2015:5. 632 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138023307* 再 Keman, Hans Social Democracy: A Comparative Account of the Left Wing Party Family 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 10 Nardin, Terry (ed.) Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism (Asan-Palgrave Macmillan Series on Policy Analysis) 2015:5. 190 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137513267* 社会民主主義 ★再 マイケル・オークショットの冷戦のリベラリ ズム *9780415574075* アジアの誤解 Rozman, Gilbert (ed.) Misunderstanding Asia (International Relations and Comparisons in Northeast Asia) 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137512918* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 中国のガバナンスと政治 第4版 Saich, Tony Governance and Politics of China, 4th ed. (Comparative Government and Politics) 2015:5. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137445285* アフリカにおけるテロリズムと対テロ作戦 Solomon, Hussein Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa (New Security Challenges) 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) *9781137489883* ★再 都市計画と環境 Tyrwhitt, Jaqueline Society and Environment: A Historical Review (Studies in International Planning History) 2015:5. 116 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415706599* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ★再 ブルース・S・ジャンソン著 社会福祉政策 とアドボカシー Jansson, Bruce S. Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice Through 8 Policy Sectors 2015:5. 472 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483377889* 障害理論と実践の再考察 Lesnik-Oberstein, Karin (ed.) Rethinking Disability Theory and Practice: Challenging Essentialism 2015:5. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137456960* 生活の質 (QOL) 改善のための新たな研究事項 再 グローバル精神保健:実践ガイド Katz, Craig L./Schuetz-Mueller, Jan A Guide to Global Mental Health Practice: Seeing the Unseen 2015:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022164* Maggino, Filomena (ed.) A New Research Agenda for Improvements in Quality of Life (Social Indicators Research Series, Vol. 57) 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159034* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022171* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 11 社会学 社会学 ★再 グローバル・マイグレーション 全3巻 無秩序と偽情報社会 Acosta Arcarazo, Diego/Wiesbrock, Anja (ed.) Global Migration: Old Assumptions, New Dynamics 2015:5. 722 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Marshall, Jonathan Paul/Goodman, James/Zowghi, Didar/da Rimini, Francesca Disorder and the Disinformation Society: The Social Dynamics of Networks and Software (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society, Vol. 17) 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781440804229* ★ Kirsch, Griseldis Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations on Screen: A History, 1989-2005 (SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan) 2015:5. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415540001* 移民と仕事 Vallejo, Jody Agius (ed.) Immigration and Work (Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol. 27) 2015:5. 450 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781472572387* *9781784416324* ジェンダー 再 Wiley 版 レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・クィア 研究必携 A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies 2015:5. 496 p. (WILEY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119000853* 12 ★再 アジアにおけるジェンダーの論争 Parker, Lyn/Dales, Laura/Ikeya, Chie (eds.) Contestations Over Gender in Asia 2015:5. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906822* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 教育学 再 再 中等学校の英語教育 第4版 東アジア諸国における数学指導力の育成事例 Fleming, Mike/Stevens, David English Teaching in the Secondary School: Linking Theory and Practice, 4th ed. 2015:5. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ng, Swee Fong (ed.) Cases of Mathematics Professional Development in East Asian Countries: Using Video to Support Grounded Analysis (Mathematics Teacher Education, Vol. 10) 2015:5. 180 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781138780941* ★再 林安紀子他著 文化的実践:日本の幼 稚園 *9780226263076* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9789812874047* Hayashi, Akiko/Tobin, Joseph Teaching Embodied – Cultural Practice in Japanese Preschools 2015:5. 224 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 再 Routledge 版 教室の社会心理学:国際ハンドブック Rubie-Davies, Christine (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Social Psychology of the Classroom (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:5. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415856966* *9780226263106* スポーツ・健康科学 再 ★再 スポーツの社会科学 スポーツ心理学 全4巻 Carlsson, Bo/Hedenborg, Susanna (eds.) The Social Science of Sport: A Critical Analysis (Sport in the Global Society – Contemporary Perspectives) 2015:5. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Tenenbaum, Gershon/Eklund, Robert (eds.) Sport Psychology (Critical Concepts in Sports Studies) 2015:5. 4 Vols., 1602 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138900677* *9780415823647* 再 競技スポーツ:社会的包摂と排除 Patel, Seema Inclusion and Exclusion in Competitive Sport: Socio-Legal and Regulatory Perspectives (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138025516* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 13 総 記 人文・社会科学一般 Bogen, Paul Logasa, II Digital Scholarship: A Practical Guide for Working Scholars 2015:6. 200 p. (Chandos Publishing (Oxford), GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781843347804* デジタルヒューマニティーズ Musto, Ronald G./Gardiner, Eileen The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars 2015:6. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107013193* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107601024* 図書館情報学 Cotera-Zubeldia, Maria (ed.) Equitable Access to Information Across Genders: Strategic Capacities for Library and Information Professionals (IFLA Publications, Vol. 164) 2015:8. 350 p. (K.G. Saur, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110309690* Oxford 版 文献調査ガイド 第4版 Mann, Thomas The Oxford Guide to Library Research, 4th ed. 2015:3. 392 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) 14 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199931040* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199931064* 知識・学問・学術 Fawcett, Barbara/Pockett, Rosalie Turning Ideas into Research: Theory, Design and Practice 2015:4. 184 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446266700* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446266717* Gaillet, Lynee Lewis/Eble, Michelle F. Primary Research and Writing: People, Places, and Spaces 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138785564* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138785571* Thonney, Teresa Academic Writing: Concepts and Connections 2015:2. 544 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199338344* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 総 記 》知識・学問・学術 ダイレクトリー Thonney, Teresa Academic Writing with Readings: Concepts and Connections 2015:2. 928 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199947430* 百科事典・辞典 米国大学出版局(AAUP)総覧 2015 年版 The Association of American University Presses (ed.) Association of American University Presses Directory 2015 2015:2. 265 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780945103332* EUROPA 版 世界年鑑 2015 年版 / 第56版 全2巻 Europa Publications (ed.) The Europa World Year Book 2015, 56th ed. (The Europa World Year Book) 2015:6. 2 Vols., 5116 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437515* 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 Alwishah, Ahmed/Hayes, Josh (eds.) Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition 2015:9. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107101739* Aminrazavi, Mehdi Amin Razavi/Nasr, Seyyed Hossein The Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Persia 2015:6. 392 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138883840* 『BioShock』と哲学 Cuddy, Luke/Irwin, William Bioshock and Philosophy: Irrational Game, Rational Book (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series) 2015:6. 192 p. (Wiley, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781118915868* Fain, Haskell Between Philosophy and History: The Resurrection of Speculative Philosophy of History within the Analytic Tradition (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 342 p., Originally published in 1970 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691621104* Lemon, M. C. The Discipline of History and the History of Thought 2015:5. 288 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756525* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 15 哲学・思想 》哲学・思想一般 啓蒙される感情:19 世紀におけるアジアとヨーロッパの 概念 Pernau, Margrit/Jordheim, Helge/Bashkin, Orit/ Bailey, Christian/Benesch, Oleg/Ifversen, Jan/ Kia, Mana/Majumdar, Rochona/Messner, Angelika C./Park, Myoung-kyu/Saada, Emmanuelle/Singh, Mohinder/Wigen, Einar Civilizing Emotions: Concepts in Nineteenth Century Asia and Europe (Emotions In History) 2015:9. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198745532* See also Uhr, John, Prudential Public Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p127 , 1019 倫理学・道徳哲学 Hartland-Swann, John An Analysis of Morals (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 198 p., First published in 1960 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138917361* アフリカの倫理学と動物 Horsthemke, Kai Animals and African Ethics (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series) 2015:7. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137504043* Sherman, Nancy Afterwar: Healing the Moral Wounds of Our Soldiers 2015:5. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199325276* Shoemaker, David Responsibility from the Margins 2015:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) 16 *9780198715672* 応用倫理学 動物倫理学 Miligan, Tony Animal Ethics: The Basics (The Basics) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739351* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739368* 功利主義と戦争の倫理学 Shaw, William H. Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War (War, Con!"#$%'*+';<=>< ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415825801* 食の倫理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Thompson, Paul B. From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone 2015:6. 344 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199391684* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199391691* See also Birnbacher, Dieter, The Politics of Sustainability, Routledge.................................................. p110 , 0868 Hailwood, Simon, Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p110 , 0870 The Development of Russian Environmental Thought, Routledge ......p110 , 0871 Smith, Anthony Paul, A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature, Palgrave Macmillan .............. p110 , 0873 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》社会哲学 社会哲学 See Mallat, Chibli, Philosophy of Nonviolence, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p116 , 0917 2015:2. 126 p., Originally Published in 1970 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 科学哲学 美 学 Kleinberg-Levin, David Beckett’s Words: The Promise of Happiness in a Time of Mourning 2015:6. 328 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781474216852* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Moreno, Alvaro/Mossio, Matteo Biological Autonomy: A Philosophical and Theoretical Enquiry (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, Vol. 12) 2015:5. 221 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781474216838* 古代哲学 音楽と美学の現実 Zangwill, Nick Music and Aesthetic Reality: Formalism and the Limits of Description (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415661027* 認識論・知識論 Bangura, Abdul Karim Toyin Falola and African Epistemologies 2015:2. 312 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137495167* Hartland-Swann, John An Analysis of Knowing (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 133 p., First published in 1958 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9789401798365* 西洋哲学 *9780691621067* *9781138917897* Lange, John Cognitivity Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Claims of Philosophy (Princeton Legacy Library) ★印はお薦めタイトル セクストス・エンペイリコスと古代自然科学 Algra, Keimpe/Ierodiakonou, Katerina (eds.) Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics 2015:5. 480 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107069244* Routledge 復刻版 ギリシャおよびローマ思想における 文明の起源 Blundell, Sue The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 234 p., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748216* Boylan, Michael The Origins of Ancient Greek Science$? A Philosophical Study (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies, Vol. 22) 2015:5. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415843935* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 17 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 近代哲学 アリストテレスの『弁論術』 Furley, David J./Nehamas, Alexander (eds.) Aristotle’s “Rhetoric”: Philosophical Essays (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 340 p., Originally published in 1994 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691603681* アリストテレスの『自然学』批評ガイド Leunissen, Mariska (ed.) Aristotle’s ‘Physics’: A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides) 2015:9. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107031463* Nightingale, Andrea/Sedley, David (eds.) Ancient Models of Mind: Studies in Human and Divine Rationality 2015:8. 262 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107525955* テュロスのポルピュリオスと異教キリスト教論争 Simmons, Michael Bland Universal Salvation in Late Antiquity: Porphyry of Tyre and the Pagan-Christian Debate (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity) 2015:5. 536 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190202392* 近世哲学 イングランドの哲学史 1640 -1700 年 Levitin, Dmitri Ancient Wisdom in the Age of the New Science: Histories of Philosophy in England, c.1640–1700 (Ideas in Context, Vol. 113) 2015:10. 686 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 18 Elrod, John W. Being and Existence in Kierkegaard’s Pseudonymous Works (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 284 p., Originally published in 1975 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691617978* Riley, Jonathan The Routledge Guidebook to Mill’s on Liberty (The Routledge Guides to the Great Books) 2015:7. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415665391* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415665407* Robson, John M. (ed.) Journals and Debating Speeches: The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill Volumes 26 & 27 2015:5., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415867559* 現代思想 ヒラリー・パトナム Baghramian, Maria Hilary Putnam (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 2015:4. 192 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745621067* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745621074* *9781107105881* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 21 世紀の多元論的哲学 アントニオ・グラムシ Bell, Jeffery A./Cutrofello, Andrew/Livingston, Paul M. (eds.) Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide: Pluralist Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2015:9. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Levy, Carl Antonio Gramsci (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 2015:4. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138787360* ★ Blackwell 版 デイヴィド・ルイス必携 Loewer, Barry/Schaffer, Jonathan (eds.) A Companion to David Lewis (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) 2015:3. 592 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Honderich, Ted Essays on Freedom of Action (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 216 p., First published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780745614861* *9781138856608* *9781118388181* 宗教学 宗教学一般 Claassen, Ryan L. Godless Democrats and Pious Republicans?: Party Activists, Party Capture, and the ‘God Gap’ (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics) 2015:6. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107088443* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107459267* Kerényi, Carl Archetypal Images in Greek Religion: 5. Zeus and Hera: Archetypal Image of Father, Husband, and Wife (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 232 p., Originally published in 1976 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780691617565* *9780199590940* 古代イスラエル社会における魔術 Miller, Daniel Magic in Ancient Israelite Society: Theory and Practice 2015:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415712873* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415712880* Yaden, David B./McCall, Theo D./Ellens, J. Harold (eds.) Being Called$@@@ spectives 2015:8. 295 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440839122* Kulik, Alexander/Minov, Sergey Biblical Pseudepigrapha in Slavonic Traditions 2015:11. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 19 宗教学 》宗教哲学 宗教哲学 Besant, Annie The Origins of Theosophy: Annie Besant - The Atheist Years (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 392 p., Originally published from 1883-1890 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824522* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415346443* Schindler, D. C./Schindler, Jeanne Heffernan (eds.) A Robert Spaemann Reader: Philosophical Essays on Nature, God, and the Human Person 2015:9. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199688050* Hughes, Christopher Aquinas on Being, Goodness, and God 2015:3. 370 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ẚ㍑᐀ᩍ⌮Ꮫ㻌 䠐ᕳ Comparative Religious Ethics Critical Concepts in Religious Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ:04003S0142䛇 Edited by Charles Mathewes, University of Virginia, USA, Matthew Puffer, University of Virginia, USA and Mark Storslee, University of Virginia, USA 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols, 1,860 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-0-415-68448-4 ண⣙౯㻔㻞㻜㻝㻡㻛㻜㻥㻛㻝㻡 ཷศ䜎䛷㻕㻌 㻿㼀㻼㻌㻢㻠㻡㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻣㻤㻘㻡㻠㻞㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻠㻞㻘㻤㻟㻠䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅㻿㼀㻼㻌㻣㻢㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻞㻝㻜㻘㻟㻣㻢㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻢㻤㻘㻟㻜㻜䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9780415684484* ẚ㍑᐀ᩍ⌮Ꮫ㛵ࡍࡿࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛ᵓࡉࢀࡿࡇࡶ࡞ࡃࠊฟ∧ࡉࢀ ࡿࡇࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢ⌮⏤ࡢ㸯ࡘࡣࠊ࠼ࡤ࢟ࣜࢫࢺᩍࡢ⌮Ꮫࡣ␗࡞ࡾࠊ ẚ㍑᐀ᩍ⌮Ꮫ࠸࠺ศ㔝ࡀࡲࡔ᪂ࡋ࠸ศ㔝࡛࠶ࡿࡽ࠸࠼ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋᮏ᭩ࡢ┠ⓗ ࡣࠊᩘከࡃࡢᩥ⊩ࢆ༢㞟ࡵࡿࡇ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊẚ㍑᐀ᩍ⌮Ꮫࡢ㐣ཤࡸ⌧ᅾ࠸ࡗࡓ యീࢆ㐺ษᥦ♧ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ◊✲⪅ࡶቑ࠼ࠊࠕẚ㍑⌮Ꮫࠖࡢᤵᴗࡣὀ ┠ࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᐀ᩍᏛ㒊ࡢ⤌⧊ⓗ࡞ືࡁࡶぢཷࡅࡽࢀࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢつ⠊ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆ♧ࡍࡿࠕྂⓗ࡞ࠖ◊✲㏆ᖺࡢ㠉᪂ⓗ ࡞◊✲ࡢ୧᪉ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᚋࡢẚ㍑᐀ᩍ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ࡗ࡚ࡢᐃ␒ࡢ᭩࡞ࡿ ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 20 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教社会学 宗教社会学 McCloud, Sean American Possessions: Fighting Demons in the Contemporary United States 2015:6. 192 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190205355* Ngo, Tam T. T./Quijada, Justine B. (eds.) Atheist Secularism and its Discontents: A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia (Global Diversities) 2015:5. 312 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137438379* Radford, David Religious Identity and Social Change: Explaining Christian conversion in a Muslim world (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022829* 宗教人類学 東南アジアのアニミズム Arhem, Kaj/Sprenger, Guido (eds.) Animism in Southeast Asia (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ヒンズー教 *9780415713795* ヴェーダの声:アンドラの伝統的な生活物語 Knipe, David M. Vedic Voices: Intimate Narratives of a Living Andhra Tradition 2015:4. 368 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199397693* ユダヤ教 選民としてのユダヤ人:伝統と変換 Gurkan, S. Leyla The Jews as a Chosen People: Tradition and transformation (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 2015:5. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138011441* イスラム教 Anooshahr, Ali The Ghazi Sultans and the Frontiers of Islam: A comparative study of the late medieval and early modern periods (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern History) 2015:5. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138011434* キリスト教 仏 教 Ch'en, Kenneth Kuan Sheng Chinese Tranformation of Buddhism (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 356 p., Originally published in 1973 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780199397686* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780691619248* ★印はお薦めタイトル Garrard, James Archbishop Howley, 1828-1848 (The Archbishops of Canterbury Series) 2015:6. 192 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472451330* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 21 宗教学 㻞㻜㻝㻡 ᖺ 㻣 ᭶ห⾜䝇䝍䞊䝖䟿ᩍ◊✲⪅ᚲᦠ䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇䟿㻌 Brill ∧㻌 ᩍⓒ⛉㻌 䠒ᕳ Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04087S2131䛇 Edited by Jonathan A Silk, Leiden University, NLD, Oskar von Hinüber, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, DEU and Vincent Eltschinger, Austrian Academy of Sciences, AUT 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜㛤ጞணᐃ, 6 Vols., 4,500 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-90-04-28469-2 .....EUR 1,245.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥246,603 / ≉౯ ¥197,283+⛯ *9789004284692* 䖪䝉䝑䝖䛷䛾䛤ὀᩥ䛜䛚ᚓ䛷䛩䟿㻌 ᩍ㛵ࡍࡿᶒጾ࠶ࡿࠊಙ㢗ࡢ࠾ࡅࡿࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ࢆᢅࡗࡓࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫ㈨ᩱࡣࠊఱ ᖺࡶࡢ㛫ࠊ࠸࡞ࡿゝㄒ࠾࠸࡚ࡶฟ∧ࡉࢀࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࡀࠊࡇࡢᗘᮏ᭩ࡀฟ∧ࡉࢀࡿ ࡇࡼࡾࠊࡑࡢ⁁ࡀᇙࡵࡽࢀࡿࡇ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ⣬∧࢜ࣥࣛࣥ∧ࡢ㸰 ࡘࡢᙧែ࡛ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ⣬∧ࡣ㸴ᕳ㸦⣴ᘬࡢᕳࢆྵࡴ㸧ࡢࢸู࣮࣐ศࢀࠊࢢ࣮ࣟ ࣂࣝ࡞㔜せᛶᆅᇦⓗ࡞㔜せᛶࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⥆ࡃ࢜ࣥࣛࣥ∧࡛ࡣࠊᖖሗ ࡀ㏣ຍࡉࢀࠊໟᣓⓗᤊ࠼ࡿྠࠊே≀ࠊሙᡤࠊࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࠊᩍ⩏࡞ࠊࡼࡾಶูࡢ ၥ㢟ࢆヲ⣽ᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩㘓ࡉࢀࡓࠊศ㔝ࢆ≌ᘬࡍࡿᏛ⪅ࡢඃࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣࠊᩍࡢఏ⤫࠾ࡅࡿせ࡞ ၥ㢟ࡢ᭱᪂◊✲࡛ࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊಙ㢗ࡢ࠾ࡅࡿゎㄝࢆ㘓ࡋࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛ᢅࢃࢀ࡚ࡇ࡞ࡗ ࡓ㡿ᇦࡢ⁁ࢆᇙࡵࡿࡇ࡛ࠊබᖹ࡞どⅬࢆᣢࡘࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ⤖ᯝࠊ ᩍࡣࠊ」ᩘࡢᆅᇦࡢఏ⤫ࠊࢪࡢࡰᇦ㸦㏆ᖺ࡛ࡣࡑࢀࢆ㉺࠼ࡓ⠊ᅖ㸧ཬࡪ⌧ ㇟ࡀྜࢃࡉࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡇࢆఏ࠼࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨㸯ᕳࡣ 2015 ᖺห⾜ࡉࢀࠊᩍࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࢆࢸ࣮࣐ࠊࡑࡢゝㄒࡸᩥᏐࡀグࡉࢀ ࡓ≀⌮ⓗ࡞፹యࢆ◊✲ࡋࡲࡍࠋᚋ⥆ࡍࡿᕳ࡛ࡣࠊಶேࠊඹྠయࠊṔྐࠊ⏕άᐇ㊶ࠊᩍ ⩏ࠊ✵㛫㛫ࠊ⌧௦ࡢᩍ࡞㛵ࡍࡿၥ㢟ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆࡲࡍࠋ 䈜ᮏၟရ䛿୍ᣓห⾜䛷䛿䛤䛦䛔䜎䛫䜣䚹䠒ᕳ䜢ணᐃ䚸䠍ᕳ䛪䛴㡰䛻ห⾜䛥䜜䜎䛩䚹䝉䝑䝖䛷 䛾䛤ὀᩥ䚸䜎䛯䛿ྛᕳ䛤䛸䛻ศ䜒ྍ⬟䛷䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻮㼞㼕㼘㼘 ∧㻌 ᩍⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠍ᕳ䠖ᩍᩥᏛ㻌 Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism: Volume I: Buddhist Literatures (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia, 29/1) Edited by Jonathan A Silk, Oskar von Hinüber, and Vincent Eltschinger 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 750 p., Hard ISBN 978-90-04-28343-5 EUR 249.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥49,321 / ≉౯ ¥39,457+⛯ *9789004283435* (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) 22 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 Kierkegaard, Søren Christian Discourses, etc: The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air and Three Discourses At the Communion on Fridays (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 408 p., Originally published in 1971 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691620558* キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 Hankins, Barry/Kidd, Thomas S. Baptists in America: A History 2015:6. 352 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199977536* Religious Ethics and the Rhetoric of Empire 2015:10. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781137475459* Kim, Rebecca Y. The Spirit Moves West: Korean Missionaries in America 2015:2. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199942107* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199942121* O'Brien, Conor Bede’s Temple: An Image and its Interpretation (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs) 2015:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198747086* *9781845116767* Reynolds, James J. A Critical Analysis of the Interpretation of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, Gongola Diocese (Bible and Theology in Africa, Vol. 21) 2015:2. 200 p. (Peter Lang, NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433128059* 聖書・聖書研究 Kim, Grace Ji-Sun/Daggers, Jenny (eds.) Christian Doctrines for Global Gender Justice 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781845116750* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 Bendoraitis, Kristian ‘Behold, the Angels Came and Served Him’: A Compositional Analysis of Angels in Matthew (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:9. 240 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780567658494* Betsworth, Sharon Children in Early Christian Narratives (The Library of New Testament Studies) 2015:2. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780567235466* トビト記とユディト記のフェミニスト必携 Brenner-Idan, Athalya/Efthimiadis-Keith, Helen (eds.) A Feminist Companion to Tobit and Judith (Feminist Companion to the Bible, Vol. 2) 2015:9. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780567656001* Provost-Smith, Patrick Holy War, Just War: Early Modern Christianity, ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 23 宗教学 》キリスト教 Dalton, Russell W. Children’s Bibles in America: A Reception History of the Story of Noah’s Ark in U.S. Children’s Bibles (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, Scriptural Traces) 2015:10. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Perry, T. A. The Book of Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) and the Path to Joyous Living 2015:5. 216 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107088047* *9780567660152* 民族学・民俗学・人類学 民族学・人類学 Blackwell, Carole Tradition and Society in Turkmenistan: Gender, Oral Culture and Song 2015:5. 288 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862487* Geary, D. Norman The Kam People of China: Turning Nineteen? 2015:5. 336 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863392* 思春期のアイデンティティ Hewlett, Bonnie L. (ed.) Adolescent Identity: Evolutionary, Cultural and Developmental Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 2015:5. 332 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138920637* Ingold, Tim The Life of Lines 2015:4. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 24 *9783319155685* Patterson, Sheila The Last Trek: A Study of the Boer People and the Afrikaner Nation 2015:2. 352 p., Originally published in 1957 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861923* アフリカ南部の西洋文明 Schapera, Isaac (ed.) Western Civilization in Southern Africa: Studies in Culture Contact 2015:2. 360 p., First published in 1934 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Jang, Hae Seong Social Identities of Young Indigenous People in Contemporary Australia: Neo-colonial North, Yarrabah 2015:5. 244 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 中国のカム族の人々 *9780415576864* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415576857* *9781138861947* See also Vidal, Fernando, Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture, Routledge ...................................p110 , 0874 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》歴史学一般 歴史学 歴史学一般 越境する科学と政治における長い闘争:未来の構築 \]<^_`{={;' The Struggle for the Long-Term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future (Routledge Approaches to History, Vol. 11) 2015:5. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858534* 歴史の衝撃とは?:21 世紀初頭の歴史 Ramos Pinto, Pedro/Taithe, Bertrand (eds.) The Impact of History?: Histories at the Beginning of the 21st Century 2015:3. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138775091* 人道主義的写真の歴史 Rodogno, Davide/Fehrenbach, Heide (eds.) Humanitarian Photography: A History (Human Rights in History) 2015:2. 354 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107064706* 考古学・古代史 Ainsworth, William F. Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 2 Vols., 806 p., Originally published in 1842 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081009* Ainsworth, William F. Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand Greeks: Being a Geographical and Descriptive Account of the Expedition of Cyrus and of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, as Related by Xenophon (Cam★印はお薦めタイトル bridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:10. 270 p., Originally published in 1844 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081085* パトリキのペトロの失われた歴史:ユスティニアヌス 帝の時代からローマ帝国まで Banchich, Thomas M. The Lost History of Peter the Patrician: An Account of Rome’s Imperial Past from the Age of Justinian (Routledge Classical Translations) 2015:5. 198 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415516631* カリグラ:権力の乱用 第2版 Barrett, Anthony A. Caligula: The Abuse of Power, 2nd ed. (Roman Imperial Biographies) 2015:3. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415658447* 古代中近東アトラス:先史時代からローマ帝国期まで Bryce, Trevor/Birkett-Rees, Jessie Atlas of the Ancient Near East: From Prehistoric Times to the Roman Imperial Period 2015:9. (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415508001* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415508018* 古代ギリシア史 Bury, John Bagnell A History of Greece: To the Death of Alexander the Great (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) 2015:3. 952 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108082204* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 25 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 現場保存の考古学 Caple, Chris (ed.) Preservation of Archaeological Remains In-Situ: A Reader 2015:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832533* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832540* 王と征服者を探して:ガートルード・ベルと中東の考古学 Cooper, Lisa In Search of Kings and Conquerors: Gertrude Bell and the Archaeology of the Middle East 2015:8. 192 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781848854987* Craik, Elizabeth M. The Dorian Aegean (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 261 p., First published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739979* テキストとコンテキスト:社会空間における楔形文字 の循環と伝達 Delnero, Paul/Lauinger, Jacob (eds.) Texts and Contexts: The Circulation and Transmission of Cuneiform Texts in Social Space (Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)) 2015:10. 275 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781614517177* Denon, Vivant Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt: In Company with Several Divisions of the French Army, during the Campaigns of General Bonaparte in that Country 2015:4. 3 Vols., 1210 p., Originally published in 1803 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 26 *9781107526532* Routledge復刻版 古代ローマにおける戦争・女性・ 子供 Evans, John K. War, Women and Children in Ancient Rome (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 272 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739917* Fowler, Chris/Harding, Jan/Hofmann, Daniela (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe (Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology) 2015:3. 1200 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199545841* Dey, Hendrik W. Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855 2015:8. 378 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Oxford 版 新石器時代のヨーロッパハンドブック Routledge 復刻版 エーゲ海のドーリア人 アウレリアヌス城壁とローマ帝国の改造:紀元 271年 から855 年 古代クレタ島の法律:紀元前 650 年 -400 年 Gagarin, Michael/Perlman, Paula The Laws of Ancient Crete, c.650-400 BCE 2015:6. 608 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199204823* 二つのローマ:古代後期におけるローマとコンスタン ティノープル Grig, Lucy/Kelly, Gavin (eds.) Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity) 2015:6. 496 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190241087* *9781108080255* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 古代植物学 Hardy, Gavin/Totelin, Laurence Ancient Botany (Sciences of Antiquity Series) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415311199* Blackwell 版 ポエニ戦争必携 Hoyos, Dexter (ed.) A Companion to the Punic Wars (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World) 2015:3. 576 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119025504* Routledge 復刻版 古代都市の暴力・内線・革命 Lintott, Andrew Violence, Civil Strife and Revolution in the Classical City: 750-330 BC (Routledge Revivals) 2015:7. 280 p., First published in 1982 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138019751* Routledge 復刻版 初期イタリア史 Pallottino, Missimo A History of Earliest Italy (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 242 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138020221* *9780190241094* ユバ 2 世とクレオパトラ・セレネの世界: ローマ領アフリカにおける学術奨励金 Roller, Duane W. The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene: Royal Scholarship on Rome’s African Frontier 2015:5. 352 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415754064* セウェルス帝からコンスタンティヌス帝のローマ帝国 第2版 Southern, Patricia The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 520 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415738071* Routledge 復刻版 アルゴスとアルゴリダ:青銅器時 代の終焉からローマ占領時代まで Tomlinson, Richard A. Argos and the Argolid: From the End of the Bronze Age to the Roman Occupation (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 292 p., First published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138019935* 古代近東史 第3版 Routledge 復刻版 小アジアにおけるアポロの神託 Parke, H. W. The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 272 p., First published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138015678* Oxford 版 北米考古学ハンドブック Pauketat, Timothy The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology (Oxford Handbooks) 2015:4. 704 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル van de Mieroop, Marc A History of the Ancient Near East, CA. 3000323 BC, 3rd ed. (Blackwell History of the Ancient World) 2015:7. 416 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118718162* ベレニケ 2 世エウエルゲテス:初期ヘレニズム期に おける女性君主 van Oppen de Ruiter, Branko F. Berenice II Euergetis: Essays in Early Hellenistic Queenship (Queenship and Power) 2015:7. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 27 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137494610* 古代ローマにおける大人と子供 Wiedemann, Thomas Adults and Children in the Roman Empire (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 234 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 1675-1679 2015:2. 352 p., First published in 1927 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749671* グローバルな大西洋世界:1400 年 - 1900 年 Strobel, Christoph The Global Atlantic: 1400 to 1900 2015:2. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 デンマークの原始時代:イギリスの類似遺跡の紹介と イラストとともに Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark: Translated, and Applied to the Illustration of Similar Remains in England (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:3. 194 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108077941* 理論のアフリカ、アフリカの理論:考古学的意味 Wynne-Jones, Stephanie/Fleisher, Jeffrey (eds.) Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology 2015:6. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860605* 初期近代史 Levack, Brian P. (ed.) The Witchcraft Sourcebook, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138774964* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138774971* Manwaring, G. E. (ed.) The Diary of Henry Teonge: Chaplain on Board H.M’s Ships Assistance, Bristol and Royal Oak 28 戦争の記憶と記念の政治 Ashplant, T.G./Dawson, Graham/Roper, Michael (eds.) The Politics of War Memory and Commemoration (Routledge Studies in Memory and Narrative) 2015:5. 304 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415758451* フランス語圏におけるイスラエル · パレスチナ紛争 Debrauwere-Miller, Nathalie (ed.) World 2015:2. 262 p., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870178* *9780765639516* 近代史 *9781138867697* モノの世界:近世世界における接続の物質的文化 Gerritsen, Anne/Riello, Giorgio The Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World 2015:11. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138776661* 脱植民地化と冷戦:独立の交渉 James, Leslie/Leake, Elisabeth (eds.) Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence (New Approaches to International Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》近代史 History) 2015:2. 328 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472571205* 日本の海外植民 1650 年 Nelson, Thomas Japanese Overseas Settlements to 1650 2015:7. 288 p. (Curzon Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780700716388* 20 世紀の若者のトランスナショナル・ヒストリー Pomfret, David Martin/Jobs, Richard Ivan (eds.) Transnational Histories of Youth in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series) 2015:4. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137469892* 太平洋における第二次世界大戦 Sandler, Stanley (ed.) : An Encyclopedia (Military History of the United States) 2015:5. 694 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763721* ヨーロッパ史 ヨーロッパの海軍と戦争戦略 Alfaro-Zaforteza, Carlos/Faulkner, Marcus/James, Alan European Navies and the Conduct of War 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415678902* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ヨーロッパ植民地帝国の終焉 Bandeira Jeronimo, Miguel/Costa Pinto, Antonio (eds.) The Ends of European Colonial Empires: Cases and Comparisons (Cambridge Imperial and PostColonial Studies) 2015:3. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415678919* 中世の貿易、旅行、探検百科 Block Friedman, John/Mossler Figg, Kristen (eds.) Trade, Travel, and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages) 2015:5. 715 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763745* 十字軍の世界 Boas, Adrian (ed.) The Crusader World (Routledge Worlds) 2015:9. 720 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415824941* 西ヨーロッパ史 400 -1914 年 Briggs, Asa. History of Western Europe: 400-1914 (Blackwell History of the World) 2015:9. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780631214489* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780631214496* 近世ヨーロッパにおける暴力と感情 Broomhall, Susan/Finn, Sarah (eds.) Violence and Emotions in Early Modern Europe (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781137394057* *9781138854024* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 29 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ヨーロッパ 1409年 - 1523 年 Gordon, F. Bruce Europe 1409-1523 (Blackwell History of Europe) 2015:8. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780631212102* ヨーロッパ海外進出の歴史における理論と実践: ロナルド・ロビンソン随想録 Holland, R. F./Porter, Andrew Theory and Practice in the History of European Expansion Overseas: Essays in Honour of Ronald Robinson 2015:5. 200 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867994* 灰の中から:20世紀におけるヨーロッパのあたしい歴史 Jarausch, Konrad Out of Ashes: A New History of Europe in the Twentieth Century 2015:5. 880 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691152790* Jesch, Judith The Viking Diaspora (The Medieval World) 2015:6. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138020764* 西ヨーロッパにおける政治的暴力と民主主義 1918 年 - 1940年 Millington, Chris/Passmore, Kevin (eds.) Political Violence and Democracy in Western Europe, 1918-1940 2015:7. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137515940* *9781903153574* Ó hAnnracháin, Tadhg Catholic Europe, 1592-1648: Centre and Peripheries 2015:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199272723* 北西ヨーロッパにおける司教、権力、共同体 1105年 - 1150 年 Ott, John S. Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern Europe, c.1050-1150 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series) 2015:8. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107017818* フランク族のアイデンティティと西洋人としての枠組み 550年 - 850年 Reimitz, Helmut History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550-850 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Vol. 101) 2015:6. 380 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107032330* ノリッチのウィリアムの殺害:中世ヨーロッパにおける 「血の中傷」の起源 Rose, E.M. The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe 2015:6. 416 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190219628* 破産の歴史:近世における経済的、社会的及び文化 的影響 中世初期の妊娠中絶 Mistry, Zubin Abortion in the Early Middle Ages, C. 500-900 (York Medieval Press) 2015:9. 345 p. (York Medieval Press, GBR) 30 @]}~;' The History of Bankruptcy: Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2015:3. 252 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138901780* オーストリア人になる時:第一次世界大戦間のユダヤ人 と文化 Silverman, Lisa Becoming Austrians: Jews and Culture between the World Wars 2015:7. 346 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190257811* Sweet, Rosemary Cities and the Grand Tour: The British in Italy, c.1690–1820 (Cambridge Social and Cultural Histories, Vol. 19) 2015:7. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107529205* Tafur, Pero Travels and Adventures: 1435-1439 2015:2. 304 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878105* イギリス・アイルランド史 ロバート・ポーコック:グレーブセンドの歴史家、ナチュ ラリスト、古書、植物学者であり印刷業者 Arnold, George Matthews Robert Pocock: The Gravesend Historian, Naturalist, Antiquarian, Botanist and Printer (Cambridge Library Collection - Botany and Horticulture) 2015:2. 290 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108079792* 交通革命 1770年 - 1945年 Bagwell, Philip The Transport Revolution 1770-1985 2015:4. 500 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868137* ★印はお薦めタイトル 長い18 世紀におけるイギリス人女性と知的世界 Barnard, Teresa (ed.) British Women and the Intellectual World in the Long Eighteenth Century (British Literature in Context in the Long Eighteenth Century) 2015:7. 176 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472437457* Beattie, Tim British Privateering Voyages of the Early Eighteenth Century 2015:2. 250 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781783270200* 伝染性コミュニティ:戦後英国の医療と移住、国民保健 サービス Bivins, Roberta Contagious Communities: Medicine, Migration, and the NHS in Post War Britain 2015:9. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198725282* 王の触手療法:イギリスとフランスにおける神聖な 君主制と瘰癧 Bloch, Marc The Royal Touch : Sacred Monarchy and Scrofula in England and France (Routledge Revivals: Selected Works of Marc Bloch) 2015:2. 442 p., Originally Published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855212* 英国海洋帝国:大西洋とインド洋の世界 1550年 - 1850年 Bowen, H. V./Mancke, Elizabeth/Reid, John G. (eds.) Britain’s Oceanic Empire: Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds, c.1550-1850 2015:7. 486 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107515529* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 31 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 再 エンパワーメントの構築とピューリタニズムの発展 Bremer, Francis Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500-1800) 2015:3. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137352880* Bristol, Michael D. Carnival and Theater: Plebian Culture and The Structure of Authority in Renaissance England (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 238 p., First published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415750158* ヘンリー・ブロアム卿の人生と時間:彼自身による手記 全9巻 Brougham, Henry The Life and Times of Henry Lord Brougham: Written by Himself 2015:3. 3 Vols., 1648 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108078443* 英国史の中のフランス革命 Brown, Philip Anthony The French Revolution in English History 2015:5. 234 p., First Published in 1965 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760454* イギリス国土の攻防:ミースとノーサンバーランドに おける戦争と平和 Ellis, Steven G. Defending English Ground: War and Peace in Meath and Northumberland, 1460-1542 2015:6. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 32 ポルトガル貿易:イギリス ‐ ポルトガル間の商業史 研究 1700 年 - 1770 年 Fisher, H.E.S The Portugal Trade: A study of Anglo-Portugeuse Commerce 1700-1770 2015:2. 208 p., First published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865006* 謝肉祭と劇場:イギリス・ルネッサンスの民衆文化と 権威の構造 *9780199696291* 連合王国?:英国史の作成 Grant, Alexander/Stringer, Keith (eds.) Uniting the Kingdom?: The Making of British History 2015:6. 320 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756570* ヴィクトリア朝労働史:経験、アイデンティティと表現 の政治学 Host, John Victorian Labour History: Experience, Identity and the Politics of Representation 2015:5. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138007192* 大都市と地方:英国文化の科学 1780年 - 1850年 Inkster, Ian/Morrell, Jack (eds.) Metropolis and Province: Science in British Culture, 1780 - 1850 2015:4., First Published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873995* 大学に起こった戦争 1914年 - 1925 年: イギリス、フランス、合衆国 Irish, Tomas The University at War, 1914-25: Britain, France, and the United States 2015:4. 272 p, (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137409447* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ロバート・カーの航海史:索引と付録 後期アングロ・サクソン・イングランド Kerr, Robert Kerr’s Voyages: Index and Catalogue 2015:6. 664 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 O'Brien, Bruce R Late Anglo-Saxon England: c.920-1066 (History of Medieval Britain) 2015:9. 272 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781780764139* 形而上学協会論集 1869 年 - 1880 年 Marshall, Catherine/Lightman, Bernard/England, Richard (eds.) The Papers of the Metaphysical Society, 18691880: A Critical Edition 2015:2. 1288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199643035* 10 世紀のイギリス諸王国の形成 Molyneaux, George The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century 2015:5. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198717911* スコットランドとカリブ海 1740年 - 1833年:大西洋 諸島 Morris, Michael Scotland and the Caribbean, c.1740-1833: Atlantic Archipelagos (Routledge Studies in Cultural History, Vol. 35) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138778986* アングロ・サクソン・イングランドの知恵:過去の想起、 忘却、解読、革新 1066 年 ‐ 1901 年 Niles, John D. The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England: Remembering, Forgetting, Deciphering, and Renewing the Past, 1066-1901 2015:7. 456 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118943328* *9780631225188* アイルランドの2世紀間の歴史:1691年 - 1870年 O'Brien, R. Barry (ed.) Two Centuries of Irish History: 1691-1870 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 528 p., First published in 1888 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747554* 英国とローデシア Onslow, Sue Britain and Rhodesia (International Library of Colonial History) 2015:10. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780768601* 地主と農地割当:割当制度の現状と歴史 Onslow, William Hillier Landlords and Allotments: The History and Present Condition of the Allotment System (Cambridge Library Collection - British and Irish History, 19th Century) 2015:4. 138 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080125* 20世紀における英国海軍と制海権 Speller, Ian (ed.) The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century 2015:2. 240 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780631225171* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138873445* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 33 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 アングロ=ノルマン研究 Van Houts, Elisabeth (ed.) Anglo-Norman Studies 37: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2014 (Anglo-Norman Studies, Vol. 37) 2015:5. 307 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781783270248* Routledge 復刻版 メイド、水夫、プリンセス: 英国のイギリス人物語 Visram, Rozina Ayahs, Lascars and Princes: The Story of Indians in Britain 1700-1947 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 304 p., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138921207* 19 世紀イギリスの暴力と犯罪 Wood, J. Carter Violence and Crime in Nineteenth Century England$}@<;<= Studies in Modern British History) 2015:5. 224 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138010215* See also Mantoux, Paul, The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century, Routledge ............... p94 , 0737 Perris, George Herbert, The Industrial History of Modern England, Routledge.................... p95 , 0739 Slaven, Anthony, The Development of the West of Scotland 1750-1960, Routledge................ p95 , 0741 ドイツ・オーストリア・スイス史 テレージエンシュタット 1941年 - 1945年: 強制コミュニティの顔 Adler, H. G. Loewenhaar-Blauweiss, Amy (ed.) Theresienstadt 1941-1945: The Face of a Coerced Community 2015:11. 886 p., First published in 1955 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 34 *9780521881463* ナチスドイツに対抗するギリシャの擁護:第二次世界 大戦における外交と戦略、イーデン・ディル使節団 Morewood, Steven Defending Greece Against Nazi Germany: Diplomacy, Strategy and the Eden Dill Mission in World War Two (International Library of Twentieth Century History) 2015:10. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781848858381* 冷戦は終わったか?:ブッシュ、コール、ゴルバチョフ とドイツ再統一 Plato, Alexander Von The End of the Cold War?: Bush, Kohl, Gorbachev, <>]; =^@ in Oral History) 2015:4. 432 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137488701* 卍:シンボルの構成 Quinn, Malcolm The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol (Material Cultures) 2015:5. 210 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756334* ドイツの歴史想像の中のイタリア・ルネサンス 1860年 - 1930年 Ruehl, Martin The Italian Renaissance in the German Historical Imagination, 1860-1930 (Ideas in Context, Vol. 105) 2015:7. 328 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107036994* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 フランス史 ナポレオンとペルシア:フンラス第一帝政下のフランス・ ペルシア関係 Amini, Iradj Napoleon and Persia: Franco-Persian Relations under the First Empire 2015:5. 228 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138010666* Bergin, Joseph A History of France (Palgrave Essential Histories Series) 2015:6. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137339058* イル・ド・フランス:パリ周辺の田園地帯 Bloch, Marc The Ile-De-France : The Country around Paris (Routledge Revivals: Selected Works of Marc Bloch) 2015:2. 182 p., First published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855182* コルシカへの旅:パスカル・パオリの思い出 Boswell, James Roberts, S. C. (ed.) The Journal of a Tour to Corsica: And Memoirs of Pascal Paoli 2015:4. 130 p., Originally published in 1923 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107502192* 南欧史 フランコ体制下の軍事裁判:恐怖と共謀 1939年 - 1945年 Anderson, Peter The Francoist Military Trials: Terror and Complicity,1939-1945 2015:6. 220 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138868069* フィレンツェ第一書記局首席書記官バルトロメオ・スカラ 1430年 - 1497 年:官僚でありヒューマニスト Brown, Alison Bartolomeo Scala, 1430-1497, Chancellor of Florence: The Humanist As Bureaucrat (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:3. 380 p., Originally published in 1979 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 フランス史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780691606279* 東ローマ帝国史 Bury, J. B. A History of the Eastern Roman Empire: From the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I (A.D. 802-867) (Cambridge Library Collection - Medieval History) 2015:3. 554 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108083218* 後期ローマ帝国史 全2巻 Bury, J. B. A History of the Later Roman Empire: From Arcadius to Irene (395 A.D. to 800 A.D) (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) 2015:3. 2 Vols, 1132p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108083195* D'Aulnoy, Madame Travels into Spain 2015:3. 560 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878099* 再 現代スペインにおける暴力の遺産 Ferran, Ofelia/Hilbink, Lisa (eds.) Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 2015:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 35 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849952* 「赤色テロ」とスペイン内戦:マドリードにおける革命 の暴力 Ruiz, Julius The ‘Red Terror’ and the Spanish Civil War: Revolutionary Violence in Madrid 2015:3. 398 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107682931* 東欧史 ウクライナにおけるホロコーストとジャーマナイゼー ション Steinhart, Eric C. The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine (Publications of the German Historical Institute) 2015:2. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107061231* ロシア史 革命ロシアの文化的激変:ブリタート人と極東共和国 Brennan, Cathryn Cultural Upheaval in Revolutionary Russia: The Buriats and the Far Eastern Republic 1920-1922 2015:7. 288 p. (Curzon Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780700717507* Ruud, Charles A/Soroka, Marina Becoming a Romanov. Grand Duchess Elena of Russia and Her World (1807-1873) 2015:7. 350 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ロシアの知識階級という神話:新しいロシアの古い知 識人 Kochetkova, Inna The Myth of the Russian Intelligentsia: Old Intellectuals in the New Russia 2015:3. 206 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862807* ソビエト戦における人間の生命の価値 Sella, Amnon The Value of Human Life in Soviet Warfare 2015:5. 224 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874305* 北米史 合衆国における小戦争・文献解題 第2版 Beede, Benjamin R. The Small Wars of the United States, 1899-2009: An Annotated Bibliography, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 528 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867819* あなたの国、私の国:米国とカナダ統一の歴史 Bothwell, Robert Your Country, My Country$] the United States and Canada 2015:8. 400 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780195448801* 倫理、技術と戦争に向かうアメリカ:クルーズミサイル とアメリカの安全保障政策 Brigety II, Reuben E. Ethics, Technology and the American Way of War: Cruise Missiles and US Security Policy (Contemporary Security Studies) 2015:5. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 36 *9781472457011* ロマノフになったロシア大公妃エレナとその世界 (1807 年 - 1873 年) *9781138011472* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 アメリカの秘密工作と冷戦の戦略:トルーマンと秘密 の戦争、CIA 1945年 - 1953年 Corke, Sarah-Jane US Covert Operations and Cold War Strategy: Truman, Secret Warfare and the CIA, 1945-53 2015:6. 256 p., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873476* エイブラハム・リンカーンと戦争の美徳 Friedman, Jean E. Abraham Lincoln and the Virtues of War: How Civil War Families Challenged and Transformed Our National Values 2015:7. 192 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440833618* 白人入植者と先住民:米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、 ニュージーランドにおける英語を話す白人と先住民の 接触の歴史研究 Grenfell Price, Archibald White Settlers and Native Peoples: An Historical Study of Racial Contacts between English-speaking Whites and Aboriginal Peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand 2015:6. 276 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107502154* アメリカと諸外国の関係:新しい外交史 Hixson, Walter L. American Foreign Relations: A New Diplomatic History 2015:10. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415841054* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415841061* アメリカ軍事史回想 1800年 - 1898年 Holden-Reid, Brian/Dawson III, Joseph G. (eds.) The Vistas of American Military History 18001898 2015:5., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881990* ジャック・タール VS ジョン・ブル:革命を起こすニュー ヨークの船乗りの役割 Lemisch, Jesse Jack Tar vs. John Bull: The Role of New York’s Seamen in Precipitating the Revolution 2015:6., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878181* アメリカのファーストレディ エイブラハム・リンカーンと復興:ルイジアナ作戦 Hendricks, Nancy D. America’s First Ladies: A Historical Encyclopedia and Primary Document Collection of the Remarkable Women of the White House 2015:10. 439 p. (ABC-Clio Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Mccrary, Peyton Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction: The Louisiana Experiment (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:3. 444 p., Originally published in 1979 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9781610698825* *9780691605302* 奴隷制廃止運動と廃止 大西洋奴隷小史 Hinks, Peter/McKivigan, John (eds.) Abolition and Antislavery: A Historical Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic 2015:7. 460 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Morgan, Kenneth A Short History of Transatlantic Slavery 2015:9. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781610698276* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781780763866* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 37 歴史学 》北米史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 アメリカの精神史と歴史家 Skotheim, Robert Allen American Intellectual Histories and Historians (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 340 p., Originally published in 1966 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691621210* ロドニー・キング以降のアフリカ系アメリカ人文化と 社会:挑発と抗議、発展と ポスト・レイシャリズム Spaulding, Carina/Metcalf, Josephine (eds.) African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and ‘Post-Racialism’ 2015:7. 340 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472455390* アメリカにおける奴隷反乱と陰謀 Walters, Kerry American Slave Revolts and Conspiracies: A Reference Guide 2015:8. 286 p. (ABC-Clio Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610696593* 黒人解放運動再考 Williams, Yohuru R. Rethinking the Black Freedom Movement (American Social and Political Movements of the 20th Century) 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415826129* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415826143* ラテンアメリカ史 イースター島の遺物:資源の減少と文化の回復 Boersema, Jan J The Survival of Easter Island: Dwindling Resources and Cultural Resilience 2015:6. 296 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 38 *9781107027701* キューバ革命史 第2版 Chomsky, Aviva A History of the Cuban Revolution, 2nd ed. (Viewpoints / Puntos de Vista) 2015:2. 248 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118942284* ジャマイカ史:クリストファー・コロンブスの発見から 1872 年まで Gardner, William James The History of Jamaica: From its Discovery by Christopher Columbus to the Year 1872 2015:6. 510 p., First Published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760997* 西インド諸島年代記 全3巻 Southey, Thomas Chronological History of the West Indies (Cambridge Library Collection - History) 2015:3. 3 Vols., 1530 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108024532* Staden, Hans Letts, Malcolm (ed.) The True History of his Captivity 1557 2015:2. 224 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867680* Trend, John Brande Mexico: A New Spain with Old Friends 2015:4. 214 p., Originally published in 1940 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107502055* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 アジア史 罪:初期の日本における攻撃と報復 シンガポールの陥落 1942 年 Hall, Timothy The Fall of Singapore 1942 (Routledge Library Editions: World War II in Asia) 2015:5. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912427* ★ Williams, Yoko Tsumi: Offence and Retribution in Early Japan 2015:5. 240 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863477* See also Neary, Ian, The Buraku Issue and Modern Japan, Routledge...................................................p138 , 1103 シルクロード Meisterernst, Barbara (ed.) The Silk Roads (Critical Concepts in Asian Studies) 2015:11. 1600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138015500* 日本史 近代日本における社会変容の諸相 Dore, Ronald Philip Aspects of Social Change in Modern Japan (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 486 p., Originally published in 1967 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691620787* アジア · 太平洋戦争の遺産 Rosenbaum, Roman/Claremont, Yasuko (eds.) ! : The Yakeato Generation 2015:3. 258 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858121* 古代中国と越:南辺境の認識とアイデンティティ 紀元前500年から紀元50年 Brindley, Erica Fox Ancient China and the Yue: Perceptions and Identities on the Southern Frontier, c.400 BCE-50 CE 2015:8. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 戦争に対抗する日本:文献解題 Sbrega, John J. The War against Japan, 1941-1945: An Annotated Bibliography (Routledge Library Editions: World War II in Asia) 2015:5. 1050 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912311* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107084780* 東アジアの声:古代から現代までの必読書 Childs, Margaret/Hope, Nancy (eds.) Voices of East Asia: Essential Readings from Antiquity to the Present 2015:3. 342 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780765638335* 中国史百科事典 Dillon, Michael (ed.) Encyclopedia of Chinese History 2015:10. 640 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 東アジア史 *9780415426992* 韓国女王回顧録 Hong, Lady Memoirs of a Korean Queen 2015:3., First Published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863507* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 39 歴史学 》アジア史 䝻䞁䝗䞁Ꮫᮾὒ䜰䝣䝸䜹◊✲Ꮫ㝔䠄SOAS䠅∧ ㏆௦䞉⌧௦᪥ᮏ䛾◊✲䝅䝸䞊䝈 SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1017561040䛇 Edited by Christopher Gerteis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊࣟࣥࢻࣥᏛᮾὒࣇࣜ࢝◊✲Ꮫ㝔᪥ᮏ◊✲ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢᥦᦠࡢࡶฟ∧ ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡛ࡣࠊ㏆௦࣭⌧௦᪥ᮏ㛵ࡍࡿᏛ⾡᭩ࢆ≉㞟ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᪂ࡋ࠸◊✲ࡸ ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ⱥㄒ࡛ㄞࡴࡇࡀ࡛ࡁ࡞ࡗࡓ◊✲ࡢ⩻ヂࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊ⌧ᅾ ࡢඃࢀࡓ᪥ᮏ◊✲ࠊ᪥ᮏྐ◊✲ࠊᨻ࣭ᩥ◊✲ࢆⱥㄒ࡛ㄞࡴࡇࢆྍ⬟ࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ᪥ᮏ䛾ᡓᚋ㌷䞉ᕷẸ♫㻌 Japan's Postwar Military and Civil Society: Contesting a Better Life By Tomoyuki Sasaki 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 224 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-2555-0 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472525550* ᪥ᮏ⤫௦䛾ྎ‴㻌 Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy Edited by Andrew D. Morris 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 272 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-7672-9 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472576729* 㻞㻜 ୡ⣖᪥ᮏ䛾ᨻ䛸ᶒຊ㻌 Politics and Power in 20th Century Japan: The Reminiscences of Miyazawa Kiichi By Takashi Mikuriya and Takafusa Nakamura 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 240 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-2663-2 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472526632* 40 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 ⌧௦᪥ᮏ䛻䛚䛡䜛䜸䝍䜽㆟ㄽ䠖ṔྐⓗほⅬ䛸ᒎᮃ㻌 Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan: Historical Perspectives and New Horizons Edited by Patrick W. Galbraith, Thiam Huat Kam and Björn-Ole Kamm 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 240 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-9497-6 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472594976* ⏬㠃ୖ䛻䜏䜛⌧௦䛾᪥୰㛵ಀྐ䠖㻝㻥㻤㻥 ᖺ㻙㻞㻜㻜㻡 ᖺ㻌 Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations on Screen: A History, 1989-2005 By Griseldis Kirsch 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 240 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-7238-7 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472572387* ᮅ᪥᪂⪺♫ⴭ㻌 㻛㻌 ⯪ᶫὒ୍⦅㻌 㻞㻜 ୡ⣖䛾᪥ᮏ䛻䛚䛡䜛䝯䝕䜱䜰䚸䝥䝻䝟䜺䞁䝎䛸ᨻ㻌 Media, Propaganda and Politics in 20th Century Japan Edited by Yoichi Funabashi By The Asahi Shimbun Company 2015 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜, 320 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-0956-7 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472509567* ᡓᚋ᪥ᮏ䛻䛚䛡䜛䛂୰ᅜၥ㢟䛃䠖᪥ᮏ䛾ᅜẸᛶ䛸᪥୰㛵ಀ㻌 The China Problem in Postwar Japan: Japanese National Identity and Sino-Japanese Relations By Robert Hoppens 2015 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜, 312 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-7546-3 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472575463* ㏆௦᪥ᮏ䛾䜻䝸䝇䝖ᩍ䛸ᖇᅜ⩏㻌 Christianity and Imperialism in Modern Japan: Empire for God By Emily Anderson 2014 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜, 328 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-0856-0 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ *9781472508560* ෭ᡓᮇ᪥ᮏ䛾ዪᛶ䛸Ẹ⩏㻌 Women and Democracy in Cold War Japan By Jan Bardsley 2014 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜, 256 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-4725-2699-1 STP 65.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,993 / ≉౯ ¥14,394+⛯ ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781472526991* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 41 歴史学 》アジア史 中国の人々から見たアヘン戦争 戦争の値段:ベトナムの都市化 1954年 - 1985年 Waley, Arthur The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes 2015:2. 264 p., First published in 1958 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Thrift, Nigel/Forbes, Dean The Price of War: Urbanization in Vietnam, 19541985 2015:4., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862227* 義和団の乱:多国籍的研究 Xiang, Lanxin The Origins of the Boxer War: A Multinational Study 2015:6. 400 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879225* 中国の歴史と文化入門 Zhang, Qizhi An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture (China Academic Library) 2015:5. 471 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662464816* 東南アジア史 アチェ王国:国家、社会、宗教、貿易 1636年 - 1661年−オランダの史料より− 全2巻 Ito, Takeshi (ed.) Aceh Sultanate: State, Society, Religion and Trade: The Dutch Sources, 1636-1661 (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Sec. 3, Vol. 23) 2015:2. 2 Vols, 920 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789004288812* トンキン Mesny, William Tungking (Cambridge Library Collection - East and South-East Asian History) 2015:6. 162 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 42 南アジア史 ベンガルとアッサムの分割 1932年 - 1947年: 自由の形成 Chakrabarty, Bidyut The Partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947: Contour of Freedom 2015:5. 288 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862241* Hall, Captain Basil Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo 2015:2. 296 p., First published in 1931 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867734* *9781138873988* *9781108079846* 新しいインドの歴史:過去と現在 Irschick, Eugene F. A History of the New India: Past and Present 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415435789* Locke, J. Courtenay (ed.) The First Englishmen in India: Letters and Narratives of Sundry Elizabethans written by themselves 2015:2. 272 p., First published in 1930 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867673* 証人としてのカメラ:インド北東部ミゾラムの社会歴史 Pachuau, Joy L. K./van Schendel, Willem Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 The Camera as Witness: A Social History of Mizoram, Northeast India 2015:4. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107073395* ベンガル奥地の変革:ジャルパイグリ 1765年 - 1948年 Ray, Subhajyoti Transformations on the Bengal Frontier: Jalpaiguri 1765-1948 2015:3. 264 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862548* 中央アジア史 アリム・クーリーの人生:19 世紀中央アジアの人物 年代記 Beisembiev, Timur The Life of Alimqul: A Native Chronicle of Nineteenth Century Central Asia 2015:3. 400 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862333* シルクロード創生:旅行、交易、伝説の誕生 Rezakhani, Khododad Creating the Silk Road: Travel, Trade and MythMaking 2015:5. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780769783* オセアニア史 中東史 近代イランの形成:レザー・シャー政権下の国家と 社会 Cronin, Stephanie (ed.) The Making of Modern Iran: State and Society under Riza Shah, 1921-1941 (Routledge/BIPS Persian Studies Series) 2015:6. 308 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415754026* Curzon, George Nathaniel Persia and the Persian Question (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel, Middle East and Asia Minor) 2015:4. 2 Vols., 1444 p., Originally publication in 1892 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080835* アフガニスタンの目を通して見るアフガニスタンの歴史 Green, Nile (ed.) Afghan History Through Afghan Eyes 2015:5. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190247782* Herbert, Thomas Travels in Persia: 1627-1629 2015:2. 424 p., First published in 200 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867659* アフガニスタンにおける軍事史 太平洋の歴史 Freeman, Donald B. " (Seas in History) 2015:5. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415851312* ★印はお薦めタイトル Jalali, Ali Ahmad A Military History of Afghanistan: From the Ancient Empires to the Modern Wars 2015:10. 550 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440828997* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 43 歴史学 》中東史 近代の中東における軍事史 McNabb, James Brian A Military History of the Modern Middle East 2015:9. 350 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440829635* アナトリアからアチェ王国へ:オスマン、トルコ、東南 アジア Peacock, Andrew/Teh Gallop, Annabel (eds.) From Anatolia to Aceh.: Ottomans, Turks, and Southeast Asia (Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 200) 2015:2. 300 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780197265819* Routledge版 中東委任統治の歴史ハンドブック Schayegh, Cyrus/Arsan, Andrew (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates (Routledge History Handbooks) 2015:5. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800588* ガズナ朝とセルジューク朝:イランの歴史史料として の詩 Tetley, G.E. The Ghaznavid and Seljuk Turks: Poetry as a Source for Iranian History (Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey) 2015:5. 192 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759762* アフリカ史 *9781138010987* 西アフリカの独立国家を目指して:アフリカの若者から 英国の若者へ De Graft, William/Johnson, J. Towards Nationhood in West Africa: Thoughts of Young Africa Addressed to Young Britain 2015:2. 158 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760775* モロッコ:イスラム前からポスト・コロニアル時代の ユダヤ人の歴史 Gottreich, Emily Morocco: A Jewish History from Pre-Islamic to Post-Colonial Times (Library of Middle East History) 2015:7. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Caillie, Rene Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo and Across the Great Desert to Morocco, 1824-28: to Morocco, 1824-28 2015:5. 976 p., First published in 1830 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781780768496* アフリカ奴隷貿易とその抑制:書籍、パンフレット、 雑誌記事の分類と文献解題 Hogg, Peter C. African Slave Trade and Its Suppression: A =+] Pamphlets and Periodical Articles 2015:2. 432 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865099* ローデシア ガンビア植民地および保護領:公式ハンドブック Archer, Frances Bisset The Gambia Colony and Protectorate$ Handbook 2015:5. 342 p., First published in 1906 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 44 Hole, Hugh Marshall The Making of Rhodesia 2015:5. 415 p., First Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760317* *9780415760348* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アフリカ史 各種テーマ史 脱植民地化のフランス帝国主義:チュニジアとモロッコ におけるフランスの政策と英米の反応 Ikeda, Ryo The Imperialism of French Decolonisaton: French Policy and the Anglo-American Response in Tunisia and Morocco (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies) 2015:4. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137368942* ポストコロニアルのタンザニアにおけるアフリカ社会 主義:ムラと世界の狭間で Lal, Priya African Socialism in Postcolonial Tanzania: Between the Village and the World 2015:10. 260 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107104525* 南アフリカの弁証法的伝統 Nash, Andrew The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa 2015:2. 250 p., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138871281* 時代を超えたユダヤ人の視覚化:ユダヤ人とユダヤ 教の文学と重要史料 Ewence, Hannah/Spurling, Helen (eds.) Visualizing Jews Through the Ages: Literary and Material Representations of Jewishness and Judaism (Routledge Studies in Cultural History) 2015:3. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ユダヤ人の「白い」奴隷貿易とラケル・リーベルマン秘話 Glickman, Nora The Jewish White Slave Trade and the Untold Story of Raquel Liberman 2015:2. 190 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781107094857* 開拓者の入植 Veracini, Lorenzo The Settler Colonial Present 2015:3. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137372468* 科学史 テスラ:電気劣化の発明者 Carlson, W. bernard Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age 2015:4. 520 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691165615* イギリス領トーゴランドにおける自由の果実: リテラシー、政治とナショナリズム Skinner, Kate The Fruits of Freedom in British Togoland: Literacy, Politics and Nationalism, 1914-2014 (African Studies, Vol. 132) 2015:3. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138864443* アフリカにおける歴史遺産の歴史:経済、歴史、 およびインフラ Peterson, Derek/Gavua, Kodzo/Rassool, Ciraj (eds.) The Politics of Heritage in Africa: Economies, Histories, and Infrastructures (The International African Library, Vol. 48) 2015:3. 268 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138795624* *9781107074637* ★印はお薦めタイトル 癌との戦い:フランス 1890年 - 1940年 Pinell, Patrice The Fight Against Cancer: France 1890-1940 (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine) 2015:5. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415753807* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 45 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 アラビア幾何学的方法と数学の哲学:アラビアの科学と 数学の歴史 Rashed, Roshdi (ed.) Arabic Geometrical Methods and the Philosophy of Mathematics: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East, Vol. 5) 2015:9. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415582193* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415761383* 戦争の科学:第一原則への回帰 Holden-Reid, Brian (ed.) The Science of War: Back to First Principles 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878259* 共産ヨーロッパにおける精神医学 Savelli, Mat/Marks, Sarah (eds.) Psychiatry in Communist Europe (Mental Health in Historical Perspective) 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137490919* 合理的活動:英国とアメリカにおける科学政策 1940年 - 1960年 Thomas, William Rational Action: The Sciences of Policy in Britain and America, 1940-1960 (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2015:4. 400 p. (MIT Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780262028509* 革命文化の中のバプテスト女性の物語 1640年 - 1680年 Adcock, Rachel Baptist Women’s Writings in Revolutionary Culture, 1640-1680 (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2015:6. 232 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 啓蒙主義のなかのアンドロイド:機械、職人、文化 Voskuhl, Adelheid Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self 2015:3. 296 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226034164* 軍事史 船の移動性 Anim-Addo, Anyaa/Hasty, William/Peters, Kimberley (eds.) The Mobilities of Ships 2015:5. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905207* Routledge版 大量虐殺の世界史 Carmichael, Cathie/Maguire, Richard C. (eds.) The Routledge History of Genocide (Routledge Histories) 2015:5. 348 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415529969* 中世ヨーロッパにおける女性とジェンダー なぜ戦争は拡大するか:略奪とバランスの理論 Haldi, Stacy Bergstrom Why Wars Widen: A Theory of Predation and Balancing 2015:5. 208 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) Schaus, Margaret C. (ed.) Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia 2015:5., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 46 *9781472457066* 文化・社会史 *9781138867826* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 拷問の歴史 老化の世界史 Scott, George Ryley The History of Torture 2015:4., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Troyansky, David G. Aging in World History (Themes in World History) 2015:9. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867789* Sked, Alan Sex, Race and Slavery: The Western Experience from Antiquity to the Modern Age 2015:10. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781848856813* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781848856820* 文化・社会史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415779074* 奴隷の賃金:アフリカ、カリブ、イギリスにおける家 財としての奴隷から賃金労働者へ Twaddle, Michael (ed.) The Wages of Slavery: From Chattel Slavery to Wage Labour in Africa, the Caribbean and England 2015:4. 200 p., First Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866065* See also 近世史における空間の利用 Stock, Paul (ed.) The Uses of Space in Early Modern History (Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History) 2015:3. 284 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415779067* Law, Randall D., The Routledge History of Terrorism, Routledge ............................. p136 , 1086 Clark, Anna, The History of Sexuality, Routledge .................................................................. p162 , 1308 *9781137490032* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 健康地理学と発展 戦争と都市:レバノンの都市地政学 Fregonese, Sara War and the City: Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon (International Library of Human Geography) 2015:7. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Luginaah, Isaac/Bezner Kerr, Rachel (eds.) Geographies of Health and Development (Ashgate’s Geographies of Health Series) 2015:3. 330 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781409454571* *9781780767147* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 47 人文地理学 》文化・社会地理学 文化・社会地理学 経済地理学 See Lamprakos, Michele Building a World Heritage City: Sanaa, Yemen (Heritage, Culture and Identity) 2015:7. 280 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ishikawa, Toshiharu, Firms’ Location Selections and Regional Policy in the Global Economy, Springer-Verlag GmbH..............................p88 , 0696 *9781472435408* 芸 術 美術史・美術理論 Beaumont, Lesley A. Childhood in Ancient Athens: Iconography and Social History (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies) 2015:3. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926707* Fisher, Fiona Designing the British Post-War Home: Kenneth Wood, 1948-1968 (Routledge Research in Architecture) 2015:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415823548* Harman Ah, Omur Cities and the Shaping of Memory in the Ancient Near East 2015:3. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107533745* Huston, Joseph P./Nadal, Marcos/Mora, Francisco/ Agnati, Luigi F./Conde, Camilo José Cela (eds.) Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain 2015:7. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 48 *9780199670000* Jacobson-Tepfer, Esther The Hunter, the Stag, and the Mother of Animals: Image, Monument, and Landscape in Ancient North Asia 2015:5. 448 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190202361* Landow, George P. Aesthetic and Critical Theory of John Ruskin (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 498 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691620671* Nochlin, Linda Reilly, Maura (ed.) Women Artists: The Linda Nochlin Reader 2015:6. 432 p. (Thames and Hudson, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780500239292* Normore, Christina A Feast for the Eyes: Art, Performance, and the Late Medieval Banquet 2015:5. 272 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226242200* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 Prown, Jules/Denavit, Karen Louis I. Kahn in Conversation: Interviews with John W. Cook and Heinrich Klotz, 1969-70 2015:2. 208 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780300208146* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781493926541* Wolterstorff, Nicholas Art Rethought: The Social Practices of Art 2015:9. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198747758* Dave Mukherji, Parul (ed.) Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World (Association of Social Anthropologists Monographs) 2015:6. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Dieter, Michael/Berry, David M., (eds.) Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design 2015:5. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137437198* 彫 刻 Folda, Jaroslav Byzantine Art and Italian Panel Painting: The Virgin and Child Hodegetria and the Art of Chrysography 2015:7. 424 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107010239* ダンテ・ゲイブリエル・ロセッティの書簡 第 10 巻 Lewis, Roger C./Cowan, Jane Fredeman, William E. (ed.) The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 10: Index, Undated Letters, and Bibliography 2015:7. 395 p. (D.S. Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472519313* 西洋美術 *9780748695911* 現代美術 Russell, Ian Alden/Cochrane, Andrew (eds.) Art and Archaeology: Collaborations, Conversations, Criticisms, 2014th ed. (One World Archaeology, Vol. 11) 2015:5. 252 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9780748695904* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 Bowness, Sophie (ed.) Barbara Hepworth: The Plasters : The Gift to !"#$#'!%+';+>< ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Eastmond, Antony (ed.) Viewing Inscriptions in the Late Antique and Medieval World 2015:6. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781843843955* Sascha Bru The European Avant Gardes, 1905-1935 2015:9. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781848220850* *9781107092419* 工 芸 DeNicola, Alicia Ory (ed.) Critical Craft: Technology, Globalization and Capitalism 2015:9. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 49 芸 術 》工 芸 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472594860* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472594853* 建築・景観 デザイン Aicher, Otl The World as Design: Writings of Design, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 190 p. (Ernst & Sohn/VCH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Hudson Jr, Hugh D. Blueprints and Blood: The Stalinization of Soviet Architecture, 1917-1937 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 280 p., Originally published in 1993 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691606286* Kogel, Eduard The Grand Documentation Ernst Boerschmann and Chinese Religious Architecture (1906-1931) 2015:4. 580 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110374940* Tucker, Lisa (ed.) American Architects and the Single-Family Home: Lessons Learned from the Architects’ Small House Service Bureau 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138837836* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138837843* van Schaik, Leon (ed.) Pavilions, Pop Ups and Parasols: The Impact of Social Media on Physical Space (Architectural Design) 2015:5. 136 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 50 ★ Blanco F., Jose/Hunt-Hurst, Patricia Kay/Lee, Heather Vaughan Clothing and Fashion: American Fashion from Head to Toe 2015:10. 4 Vols., 1422 p. (ABC-Clio Inc., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610693097* Bolton, Andrew China: Through the Looking Glass 2015:5. 256 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780300211122* *9783433031179* *9781118829011* Fine, Peter Sustainable Graphic Design: Principles and Practices 2015:11. 384 p. (Berg Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780857850638* Fisher, Fiona/Sparke, Penny Wood, Ghislaine (ed.) British Design: Tradition and Modernity After 1948 2015:9. 352 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780857857125* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472505378* Myers, Debbie Rose The Graphic Designer’s Guide To Multipage Documents 2015:10. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》デザイン ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470618141* *9781472581983* 音 楽 Barker, Andrew (ed.) Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics: A Greek Text and Annotated Translation 2015:2. 528 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107003859* Bennett, Andy Popular Music & Cultural Heritage 2015:11. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446210932* Gebhardt, Nicholas Rock and Roll in American Culture 2015:6. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748669813* Hebdige, Dick Cut `n’ Mix: Culture, Identity and Caribbean Music (Comedia) 2015:3. 180 p., First published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870321* Rissaren, Timo/McQuilan, Holly Zero Waste Fashion Design 2015:11. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138834453* Kramer, Lawrence (ed.) Walt Whitman and Modern Music: War, Desire, and the Trials of Nationhood 2015:5. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Mazierska, Ewa/Gregory, Georgina (eds.) Relocating Popular Music 2015:7. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137463371* Raines, Robert Composition in the Digital World 2015:3. 368 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199357031* Randall, Annie J. (ed.) Music, Power, and Politics 2015:5. 296 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870246* Redling, Erik Translating Jazz into Poetry (Buchreihe Der Anglia, Vol. 42) 2015:8. 296 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110344592* Reynolds, Christopher Ala Wagner, Schumann, and the Lessons of Beethoven`s Ninth 2015:5. 216 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520285569* Roads, Curtis Composing Electronic Music 2015:6. 496 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780195373233* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 51 芸 術 》音 楽 レイフ・ヴォーン・ウィリアムズ研究ガイド Ross, Ryan Ralph Vaughan Williams: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2015:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792715* Ruhlmann, William Breaking Records: 100 Years of Hits 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870239* Rupprecht, Philip British Musical Modernism: The Manchester Group and Their Contemporaries (Music Since 1900) 2015:5. 445 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521844482* リヒャルト・ワグナー研究ガイド 第2版 @ Richard Wagner: A Research and Information Guide, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870451* Savage, Roger W. H. Hermeneutics and Music Criticism 2015:5. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870291* Schiltz, Katelijne Music and Riddle Culture in the Renaissance 2015:4. 385 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 52 Steege, Benjamin Helmholtz and the Modern Listener 2015:5. 296 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107504332* Tatlow, Ruth Bach’s Numbers: Compositional Proportion and @=!"#$#'+';=' '>< ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107088603* van Rij, Inge The Other Worlds of Hector Berlioz: Travels with the Orchestra 2015:4. 360 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521896467* Wiebe, Heather Britten’s Unquiet Pasts (Music Since 1900) 2015:3. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107507821* Wiegold, Peter/Kenyon, Ghislaine (eds.) Beyond Britten: The Composer and the Community (Aldeburgh Studies in Music, Vol. 9) 2015:7. 272 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781843839651* Wiering, Frans The Language of the Modes: Studies in the History of Polyphonic Modality 2015:5. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870338* *9781107082298* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》音 楽 古代ギリシア音楽の様式 Winnington-Ingram, R. P. Mode in Ancient Greek Music 2015:4. 100 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107480261* Zohn, Steven Music for a Mixed Taste 2015:6. 720 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190247850* 舞台芸術 Affron, Charles A Stage For Poets: Studies in the Theatre of Hugo and Musset (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 276 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691620268* Burwick, Frederick, Professor British Drama of the Industrial Revolution 2015:10. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107111653* Cvejic, Bojana Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in Contemporary Dance and Performance (Performance Philosophy) 2015:7. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137437389* Czertok, Horacio Theatre of Exile 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887084* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887091* Routledge Library ∧ 䞂䜱䜽䝖䝸䜰ᮅ䛾₇ 䠒ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: Victorian Theatre 㻞㻜㻝㻡 ᖺ 㻣 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ㻘㻌㻢㻌㼂㼛㼘㼟㻘㻌㻝㻘㻢㻞㻝㻌㼜㻚㻘㻌㻴㼍㼞㼐㻚㻌 ศྍ㻌 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻝㻟㻤㻙㻥㻞㻞㻣㻞㻙㻟㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻿㼀㻼㻌㻠㻟㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻝㻥㻘㻜㻞㻤㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻥㻡㻘㻞㻞㻟䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781138922723* ᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊ1971 ᖺࡽ 1981 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓⴭసࢆ∧ࡋࡓࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ19 ୡ⣖ࣦࢡࢺࣜᮅࡢ₇㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ ࣥࢫࡢṔྐᢈホࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࣮࣭࣮ࣦ࣊ࣥࣜࣥࢢࡢఏグࡢࠊᙺ⪅ࡋ ࡚ࡢᆅࡸ₇ᢈホ㛵ࡍࡿ⪃ᐹ࡞ࡶ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊᙜࡢ₇ ࡢ⏕ࡁ⏕ࡁࡋࡓⓎᒎࢆᫎࡋฟࡍ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 53 芸 術 》舞台芸術 Davison, Jon Clown Training 2015:9. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137387578* Dixon, Steve Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation 2015:2. 832 p. (MIT Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780262527521* Finburgh, Clare (ed.) Rethinking the Theatre of the Absurd: Ecology, the Environment and the Greening of the Modern Stage (Methuen Drama Engage) 2015:5. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472506672* Johnson, Dominic The Art of Living: An Oral History of Performance Art 2015:9. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137322210* Kelleher, Joe The Illuminated Theatre: Studies on the Suffering of Images 2015:5. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748261* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748278* Kendall, Elizabeth Balanchine and the Lost Muse: Revolution and the Making of a Choreographer 2015:7. 304 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 King, Kimball Hollywood on Stage: Playwrights Evaluate the Culture Industry 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884076* Kobialka, Michal/Bank, Rosemarie (eds.) Theatre/Performance Historiography: Time, Space, Matter 2015:4. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137397294* Kruszewska, Felicja Kosicka, Jadwiga (ed.) A Dream 2015:2. 112 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415866361* Kumiega, Jenna The Theatre of Grotowski, 2th ed. 2015:4. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472572134* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472572127* Lane, Samantha Directing Young People in Theatre: A Guide to Staging Plays with Young Casts 2015:5. 164 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137340481* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 54 *9780190227944* *9781137340474* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》舞台芸術 LeBank, Ezra/Bridel, David (eds.) Clowns: In conversation with modern masters 2015:4. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138779921* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138779938* Lee, Esther Kim Theatre of David Henry Hwang (Critical Companions) 2015:9. 320 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472512086* Routledge版 アジアの演劇ハンドブック Liu, Siyuan (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Theatre 2015:6. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415821551* Lombard, Frank Alanson An Outline History of the Japanese Drama (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 360 p., First published in 1928 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138919839* Manuwald, Gesine Roman Republican Theatre 2015:5. 404 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107696099* ローマ帝国におけるアテネの喜劇 Marshall, C. W./Hawkins, Tom (eds.) Athenian Comedy in the Roman Empire 2015:10. 320 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472588838* McAuley, Gay Not Magic But Work: An Ethnographic Account of a Rehearsal Process (Theatre Theory Practice Performance Mup) 2015:7. 256 p. (Manchester U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780719099311* McDonald, Tamar Jeffers The Hollywood Melodrama (New Approaches to Film Genre) 2015:7. 192 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470670293* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470670309* McEvoy, Sean Theatrical Unrest: Nine Riots in the History of the Stage, 1601-2004 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138914308* Meehan, Emma/O'Dwyer, Neill/Causey, Matthew (eds.) The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology: Through the Virtual, Toward the Real (Palgrave Studies in Performance and Technology) 2015:5. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137438157* Mitra, Royona Akram Khan: Dancing New Interculturalism 2015:5. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781472588845* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137393654* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 55 芸 術 》舞台芸術 Moran, James Theatre of D.H. Lawrence: Dramatic Modernist and Theatrical Innovator (Critical Companions) 2015:10. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472570383* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472570376* Odom, Glenn Yoruba Performance, Theatre and Politics 2015:6. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137492784* *9781138887039* Olsen, Christopher (ed.) Acting Comedy 2015:8. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891401* Omasta, Matt/Chappell, Drew (eds.) Play, Performance, and Identity: How Institutions Structure Ludic Spaces (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies) 2015:3. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138016774* Orozco, Lourdes/Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer (eds.) Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices 2015:4. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 56 *9780415866828* Richardson, Michael Youth Theatre: Drama for Life 2015:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841017* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841024* Risner, Doug/Kerr-Berry, Julie (eds.) Sexuality, Gender and Identity: Critical Issues in Dance Education 2015:7. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860575* Robinson, Davis A Practical Guide to Ensemble Devising 2015:6. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137461551* Roche, Jennifer Multiplicity, Embodiment and the Contemporary Dancer: Moving Identities 2015:3. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137429841* O'Leary, Catherine/Sánchez, Diego Santos/Thompson, Michael (eds.) Global Insights on Theatre Censorship (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies) 2015:5. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Parish, James/Pitts, Michael Hollywood Songsters: Singers Who Act and Actors Who Sing: A Biographical Dictionary 2015:2. 1000 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137373120* Rodosthenous, George (ed.) Theatre as Voyeurism: The Pleasures of Watching 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137478801* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》舞台芸術 Rosa, Cristina F. Brazilian Bodies and Their Choreographies of : Swing Nation (New World Choreographies) 2015:7. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137462268* Rosen, David (ed.) Language and Music in Action: Harold S. Powers’s Writings on Italian Opera 2015:9. 500 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781409436676* *9781138878419* *9781137525857* *9780231164702* Smith, Lyndy Franklin/Eyer, J. Austin Broadway Swings: Covering the Ensemble in Musical Theatre 2015:9. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472590008* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Watermeier, Daniel J. Between Actor and Critic: Selected Letters of Edwin Booth and William Winter (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 352 p., Originally published in 1971 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691620480* Waugh, Norah The Cut of Men’s Clothes: 1600-1900 2015:5. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870550* White, Gareth Preston, Sheila/Balfour, Michael (eds.) Aesthetics (Applied Theatre) 2015:2. 320 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472513878* Shepherd–Barr, Kirsten E. Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett 2015:3. 384 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781472570062* Shaughnessy, Nicola Applying Performance: Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Sally, Lynn Kathleen Fighting the Flames: The Spectacular Performance of Fire at Coney Island 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Tuaillon, David Edward Bond: the Playwright Speaks (Theatre Makers) 2015:9. 256 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Yarrow, Ralph Indian Theatre: Theatre of Origin, Theatre of Freedom 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862562* Ybarra, Patricia/Nielsen, Lara D. (eds.) Neoliberalism and Global Theatres: Performance Permutations (Studies in International Performance) 2015:4. 328 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137506375* *9781472590015* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 57 芸 術 》舞台芸術 Young, David How to Direct a Musical 2015:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870567* Zaroulia, Marilena/Hager, Philip (eds.) Performances of Capitalism, Crises and Resistance: Inside/Outside Europe 2015:6. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137379368* 映 像 Bartholomew, Robert E./Nickell, Joe American Hauntings: The True Stories Behind Hollywood’s Scariest Movies-From the Exorcist to the Conjuring 2015:6. 179 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440839689* Bassil-Morozow, Helena/Hockley, Luke Jungian Film Studies: The Essential Guide 2015:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415531443* Bayman, Louis The Operatic and the Everyday in Postwar Italian Film Melodrama 2015:3. 240 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781474402866* Beach, Christopher Joh A Hidden History of Film Style: Cinematographers, Directors, and the Collaborative Process 2015:6. 268 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 58 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520284357* Bishop, Nancy Auditioning for Film and Television: Secrets from a Casting Director, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 296 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472526366* Bolton, Lucy Film and Female Consciousness: Irigaray, Cinema and Thinking Women 2015:3. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137501400* Casetti, Francesco The Lumière Galaxy: Seven Key Words for the Cinema to Come 2015:4. 304 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231172424* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231172431* Chan, Felicia Cosmopolitan Cinema 2015:6. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780767222* Clark, Randall At a Theater or Drive-In Near You: The History, Culture and Politics of the American Exploitation Film 2015:5., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864542* *9780520284340* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》映 像 Clover, Carol Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film 2015:5. 280 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691166292* *9781137396709* Connor, J. D. The Studios After the Studios: Neoclassical Hollywood (1970-2010) (Post*45) 2015:5. 376 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804790772* *9781118288900* Davis, Glyn/Dickinson, Kay/Patti, Lisa/Villarejo, Amy Film Studies: A Global Introduction 2015:3. 546 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415734349* Doherty, Thomas Hollywood and Hitler, 1933–1939 2015:4. 448 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137404138* Doyle, Gillian Schles/Schlesinger, Philip/Boyle, Raymond The Rise and Fall of the UK Film Council 2015:6. 192 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748698233* Duma, Dana New Romanian Cinema 2015:4. 224 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748642649* Danks, Adrian A Companion to Robert Altman (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Film Directors) 2015:4. 544 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Coates, Paul !# ema 2015:3. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Dovey, Lindiwe Curating Africa in the Age of Film Festivals (Framing Film Festivals) 2015:3. 292 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780231163934* Edgar, Hunt Robert/Marland, John The Language of Film, 2nd ed. 2015:10. 216 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Elsaesser, Thomas/Hagener, Malte Film Theory: An Introduction through the Senses, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824294* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824300* Felando, Cynthia Discovering Short Films 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781472575241* *9781137488473* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 59 芸 術 》映 像 Ferry, Jane Food in Film: A Culinary Performance of Communication 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864535* Fullwood, Natalie Cinema, Gender, and Everyday Space: Comedy, Italian Style (Screening Spaces) 2015:3. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137403568* Furby, Jacqueline/Joy, Stuart The Cinema of Christopher Nolan: Imagining the Impossible 2015:8. 224 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231173964* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231173971* Gaal-Holmes, Patti A History of 1970s Experimental Film: Britain’s Decade of Diversity 2015:3. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137369376* Garwood, Ian The Sense of Film Narration (Edinburgh Studies in Film) 2015:3. 224 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781474402781* Gaudreault, André/Marion, Philippe/Barnard, Timothy The End of Cinema?: A Medium in Crisis in the Digital Age 2015:4. 256 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 60 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231173575* Grainge, Paul/Johnson, Catherine Promotional Screen Industries 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415831628* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415831666* Grunzke, Andrew L. Educational Institutions in Horror Film: A History of Mad Professors, Student Bodies, and Final Exams 2015:4. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137469199* Gustafsson, Tommy/Kaapa, Pietari (eds.) Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace (Traditions in World Cinema) 2015:5. 288 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748693184* Hedges, Inez World Cinema and Cultural Memory (Palgrave MacMillan Memory Studies) 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137465115* Humphries, Michael Visual Storytelling with Color and Light: Mastering Gouache 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415720649* *9780231173568* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》映 像 Hutchings, Stephen/Tolz, Vera Nation, Ethnicity and Race on Russian Television: Mediating Post-Soviet Difference (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) 2015:3. 284 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853287* Jones, Nick Hollywood Action Films and Spatial Theory (Routledge Advances in Film Studies) 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812505* Joshi, Priya Bollywood’s India: A Public Fantasy 2015:4. 224 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231169608* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231169615* Juhasz, Alexandra/Lebow, Alisa (eds.) A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film 2015:2. 696 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470671641* Karalis, Vrasidas Greek Cinema from Cacoyannis to the Present: History of Greek Cinema (Tauris World Cinema) 2015:2. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780767291* Koutsourakis, Angelos/Steven, Mark (eds.) The Cinema of Theo Angelopoulos 2015:10. 320 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) Kulezic-Wilson, Danijela The Musicality of Narrative Film 2015:4. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137489982* Levy, Emanuel Gay Directors, Gay Films?: Pedro Almodóvar, Terence Davies, Todd Haynes, Gus Van Sant, John Waters 2015:8. 392 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231152761* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231152778* Lewis, Tania (ed.) TV Transformations: Revealing the Makeover Show 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879621* Lubecker, Nikolaj The Feel-Bad Film (Edinburgh Studies in Film) 2015:5. 192 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748697977* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780748697991* Ma, Jean Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema 2015:6. 288 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822358657* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780748697953* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780822358763* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 61 芸 術 》映 像 Maloney, Marcus Search for Meaning in Film and Television: Disenchantment at the Turn of the Millennium 2015:5. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137499288* Mazaj, Meta/Deshpande, Shekhar World Cinema: A Critical Introduction 2015:11. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415783569* Mulhall, Stephen On Film, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138834637* Napper, Lawrence The Great War in Popular British Cinema of the 1920s: Before Journey’s End 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230371705* Novrup Redvall, Eva/Higson, Andrew/Bondebjerg, Ib (eds.) European Cinema and Television: Cultural Policy and Everyday Life (Palgrave European Film and Media Studies) 2015:5. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137356871* Perkins, Claire/Verevis, Constantine (eds.) Us Independent Film After 1989: Possible Films 2015:3. 256 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 62 Pigott, Michael Joseph Cornell versus Cinema 2015:6. 114 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781474238458* Redmond, Sean/Marvell, Leon (eds.) Endangering Science Fiction Film (AFI Film Readers) 2015:7. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792623* Remes, Justin Motion(less) Pictures: The Cinema of Stasis 2015:3. 208 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231169639* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231169622* Rentschler, Eric The Use and Abuse of Cinema: German Legacies from the Weimar Era to the Present 2015:5. 400 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231073622* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780231073639* Ross, Miriam 3D Cinema: Optical Illusions and Tactile Experiences 2015:3. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137378569* *9780748692446* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》映 像 Sammond, Nicholas Birth of an Industry: Blackface Minstrelsy and Rise of American Animation 2015:9. 424 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822358404* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358527* Semenza, Greg M. Col/Hasenfratz, Robert/Semenza, Gregory M. Colaon The History of British Literature on Film, 18952015 2015:3. 448 p. (Bloomsbury USA, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781623560430* Shafer, Stephen British Popular Films 1929-1939: The Cinema of Reassurance 2015:2. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Walker, Johnny Contemporary British Horror Cinema 2015:11. 224 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748689736* Watkins, Elizabeth Film Theories and Philosophies of Colour: The Residual Image (Routledge Advances in Film Studies) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415891899* Yecies, Brian/Shim, Ae-Gyung The Changing Face of Korean Cinema: Planet Hallyuwood (Asia’s Transformations) 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415754989* *9780415707657* 写 真 Sharma, Aparna Documentary Films in India: Critical Aesthetics at Work 2015:4. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 現代イギリスホラー映画 *9781137395436* Blackwell 版 写真必携 Bull, Stephen (ed.) Companion to Photography 2015:6. 560 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781405195843* Stamp, Shelley Lois Weber in Early Hollywood 2015:3. 384 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520241527* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520284463* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 63 文 学 》文学一般 文 学 文学一般 西洋文学におけるピカレスク小説 Utell, Janine Engagements with Narrative (Routledge Engagements with Literature) 2015:10. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415732444* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415732468* 文学史 中世・ルネサンス期 *9781107031654* Schrock, Chad D. Consolation in Medieval Narrative: Augustinian Authority and Open Form (The New Middle Ages) 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137453358* Brady, Andrea/Butterworth, Emily (eds.) The Uses of the Future in Early Modern Europe (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture) 2015:6. 242 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Garrido Ardila, J. A. (ed.) The Picaresque Novel in Western Literature: From the Sixteenth Century to the Neopicaresque 2015:5. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138878433* Simmons, Clare A. (ed.) Medievalism and the Quest for the Real Middle Ages 2015:6., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878167* 20 世紀・現代 Caie, Graham D./Renevey, Denis (eds.) Medieval Texts in Context 2015:2. 260 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868915* Quinn, Justin Between Two Fires: Transnationalism and Cold War Poetry 2015:9. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 17 世紀イギリスとアメリカにおける文学と形状、空間 Edwards, Jess Writing, Geometry and Space in SeventeenthCentury England and America: Circles in the Sand 2015:5., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138810051* 文芸批評・理論 Ashton, Gail The Generation of Identity in Late Medieval Hagiography: Speaking the Saint 2015:5. 184 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 64 *9780198744436* *9781138867901* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 ᩥᏛ䛸䝁䞁䝔䜽䝇䝖䝅䝸䞊䝈 Literature in Context 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1017645776 (Hard) / 1017645778 (Paper)䛇 ᩥᏛసရࢆாཷࡍࡿ࠶ࡓࡾࠊస⪅ࡀ⏕ࡁࡓ௦ࡸᇳ➹ࡋࡓ⫼ᬒࢆṇࡋࡃ⌮ゎࡍ ࡿࡇࡣࠊసရ⌮ゎࡢᖜࢆࡁࡃᗈࡆࡿࡇࡶ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡛ࡣࠊྛᕳ ࡈసᐙࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆࠊྛసᐙࡢసရࡑࡢே⏕ࢆᥥࡁฟࡍໟᣓⓗ࡞ෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋඃࢀࡓ◊✲⪅ࡼࡿ᫂ᬓ࡞ㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋࠊసရ㛵ࢃࡾࡢ࠶ࡿᩥᏛࡸᨻ ࣭♫࣭ᩥ࣭▱ⓗ⫼ᬒࡀㄽࡌࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠊసᐙࡢᙳ㡪ࡸฟ∧ྐࠊసရࡢ ᚋୡࡢᙳ㡪࡞ࡶᢅࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᭱ึࡣ࣭࣋ࣥࢪࣙࣥࢯࣥࡸࢪ࢙ ࣒ࢬ࣭ࢪࣙࢫࠊ࣑ࣝࢺࣥࠊࢪࣙࢮࣇ࣭ࢥࣥࣛࢵࢻ࠸ࡗࡓせ࡞సᐙࢆྲྀࡾୖ ࡆࠊࢳ࣮ࣙࢧ࣮ࠊࣦ࣮ࢪࢽ࣭࢘ࣝࣇࠊ࢚࣑࣮࣭ࣜࢹ࢟ࣥࢯࣥࠊ࣐ࣝࢭ࣭ࣝࣉ ࣮ࣝࢫࢺ࡞ࡢసᐙࡶྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡁࡲࡍࠋ 䕻㻌 㻞㻜㻝㻡 ᖺห⾜䝍䜲䝖䝹㻌 䕻㻌 ᩥ⬦䛛䜙䜏䜛䝆䝵䞊䝆䞉䝞䞊䝘䞊䝗䞉䝅䝵䞊◊✲㻌 George Bernard Shaw in Context Edited by Brad Kent 2015 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard ISBN 978-1-107-04745-7 ౯᱁ᮍᐃ *9781107047457* ᩥ⬦䛛䜙䜏䜛䝆䝵䞊䝆䞉䜶䝸䜸䝑䝖◊✲㻌 George Eliot in Context Edited by Margaret Harris 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 366 p., Paper ISBN 978-1-107-52742-3 USD 29.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥5,459 / ≉౯ ¥4,368+⛯ *9781107527423* ᩥ⬦䛛䜙䜏䜛䜴䜱䝸䜰䝮䞉䝽䞊䝈䝽䞊䝇◊✲㻌 William Wordsworth in Context Edited by Andrew Bennett 2015 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜, 359 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-107-02841-8 USD 99.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,022 / ≉౯ ¥14,418+⛯ *9781107028418* (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 65 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 チョーサーの小説 Burlin, Robert B. Chaucerian Fiction (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 304 p., Originally published in 1977 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691606729* イスラム教徒の目を通してみるイギリス:文学的描写 1780年 - 1988年 Chambers, Claire Britain Through Muslim Eyes: Literary Representations, 1780-1988 2015:7. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230252592* Crowley, Dustin Africa’s Narrative Geographies: Charting the Intersections of Geocriticism and Postcolonial Studies (Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies) 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137522757* Highet, Gilbert Anatomy of Satire (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 338 p., Originally published in 1962 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691619415* Lenson, David Achilles’ Choice: Examples of Modern Tragedy (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 194 p., Originally published in 1975 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691617749* アーサー・ミラー:『セールスマンの死』/『るつぼ』 批評ガイド 66 *9781137429797* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137429780* Cambridge 版 ポストモダニズム入門 McHale, Brian The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism (Cambridge Introductions to Literature) 2015:7. 252 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107021259* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107605510* Rickett, W. Allyn (ed.) Chinese Approaches to Literature from Confucius to Liang Ch’i-Ch’ao (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 284 p., Originally published in 1978 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691600949* 文学のジャンル 旅行記・探検紀 Burroughs, Robert Travel Writing and Atrocities: Eyewitness Accounts of Colonialism in the Congo, Angola, and the Putumayo (Routledge Research in Travel Writing) 2015:6., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868892* Marino, Stephen A. Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman/The Crucible (Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism) 2015:8. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 エルサレムと聖なる地 Loti, Pierre Jerusalem & The Holy Land 2015:3., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文学のジャンル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869660* 児童文学 児童文学、教化と社会的基盤 AbdelRahim, Layla Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2015:3. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415661102* その他の文学ジャンル Winn, Colette H./Larsen, Anne R. (eds.) Writings by Pre-Revolutionary French Women: From Marie de France to Elizabeth Vige-Le Brun 2015:5., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879515* 古典文学 *9780198723363* Rogers, Brett M./Stevens, Benjamin Eldon (eds.) Classical Traditions in Science Fiction (Classical Presences) 2015:2. 398 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199988419* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190228330* Routledge 版 ギリシア神話ハンドブック 第6版 Rose, H. J. A Handbook of Greek Mythology, 6th ed. 2015:6. 376 p., First published in 1964 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138834224* ギリシアの叙事詩環と古代世界での受容 Routledge 復刻版 グレコ・ローマン世界の小説 Anderson, Graham Ancient Fiction: The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 248 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Metcalf, Christopher The Gods Rich in Praise: Early Greek and Mesopotamian Religious Poetry (Oxford Classical Monographs) 2015:4. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Tsagalis, Christos/Fantuzzi, Marco (eds.) The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception: A Companion 2015:6. 688 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138013223* *9781107012592* イギリス・アイルランド文学 中世・ルネサンス期 アリストパネスと競争の詩学 Biles, Zachary P. Aristophanes and the Poetics of Competition 2015:8. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107525948* Boardman, Steve/Foran, Susan (eds.) Barbour’s Bruce and Its Cultural Contexts: Politics, Chivalry and Literature in Late Medieval Scotland 2015:9. 244 p. (D.S. Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781843843573* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 67 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 ͼΆςΑ͈അ࠺ಃ͂ೳ ৢ૯୰ȁ ໘࣫ๅȁ 10 ےȆ3 ུٝȪ༆ॗུࢊٜ୰ັȫ English Homes & Gardens, 10 volumes Ⱥ༎ಠȻH. Avray TippingȁȺ۬ਘȆུࢊٜ୰Ȼ߃ంȪέͿςΑ੫֭ڠఱޗڠȫ ɜ 1920 ȡ 30 ා̹̯࣐ͦͅۏఱ߿όͻΐνͺσུΏςȜΒȃ ɜΦσζϋܢࢃ̥ͣܢΐοȜΐͺΰ͘ܢȂအ̮͂ͅ༎ਬ̯ͦȂڎশయͅਯ͂ݳ ̱̀ঀ̹͈࣭ͩͦםႤঃഎ࠺ಃȪઽ܁അȂζȜȆΧ;ΑȂϋΠςȜȆΧ; Α൝ȫ 250 തͬȂٸཞ̺̫̩́̈́ͼϋΞςͺ͞ഽ͜ৢ̹͛܄૯ 4,600 ത͂ޑ ࠺ಃ࿂̈́̓́ત̱̹ٚȂ࠺࣭םಃ̳ͥͅ۾डఱ͈ݭๅȃ ɜ࠺ಃ͈ΏςȜΒ 9 ͅےȂೳ 52 ͬਓ̱̹༆̢حͬےȂఱ߿ུ 10 ͬے 15ɓੀ̱Ȃঀ̞օ̞ A4 ̀ͅ໘࣫ȃ ɜ̳̹́ͩͦͅ࠺ಃ͈ৢ૯͜ఉ̩͚܄Ȃ࠺࣭םಃঃܱ̳ͥͅ۾ැഎๅȃ ɟΏςȜΒۏܡȆहࡩɟ ȺలˍུٝȻಎଲ̥ͣܢΙνȜΘȜအȁˏےȼ༆ॗٜ୰ Medieval and Early Tudor 2013 ා 9 ࣐ۏA4 Ȇ 1,260 ༁ 本体セット] ث88,000- ISBN: 978-4-86166-182-2 ȺలˎུٝȻࢃܢΙνȜΘȜ̥ͣܢΑΙνͺȜΠအȁːے Part 2: Late Tudor and Early Stuart 2014 ා 6 ࣐ۏȁA4 Ȇ 1,760 ༁!ུఘΓΛΠ] ث118,000-ȁISBN: 978-4-86166-183-9 ɟΏςȜΒडਞུɟ ȺలˏུٝȻܢȆࢃܢΐοȜΐͺϋအ̤͍͢ͼΆςΑ͈ೳȁˏے Early and Late Georgian & English Gardens 2015 ා 6 ࣐ۏထ A4 Ȇ 1,260 ༁ 本体セットထ] ث88,000- ISBN: 978-4-86166-184-6 ΏςȜΒ IJı ے ߃ۖࠫ ΐͿͼϋȆȜΑΞͻϋ͈ ȸࣞྕ͂༊ࡉȹ͈ໍర̹͂̈́̽ Chatsworth House ȪུΏςȜΒల 6 ͤ͢ےȫ (Edition Synapse) 68 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 ウォーリックのガイの伝説 Bourgeois Richmond, Velma The Legend of Guy of Warwick (Garland Studies in Medieval Literature) 2015:5. 632 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763769* >' Alexander Pope: The Poet in Poems (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 306 p., Originally published in 1979 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 19 世紀 Connolly, Margaret/Radulescu, Raluca (eds.) Insular Books: Vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late medieval Britain (Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 201) 2015:4. 330 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780197265833* ~ Christopher Marlowe and the Failure to Unify (Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama) 2015:7. 168 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472439512* 17 世紀 *9780691628066* Beers, Henry A. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 424 p., First published in 1926 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749756* Byron, Lord Low, Donald A. (ed.) Byron: Selected Poetry and Prose (Routledge English Texts) 2015:6. 416 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138834057* ダニエル・デフォーの生涯 Richetti, John The Life of Daniel Defoe: A Critical Biography (Blackwell Critical Biographies) 2015:8. 424 p., New in Paperback (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119045304* 18 世紀 Gallant, Christine Blake and the Assimilation of Chaos (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 212 p., Originally published in 1979 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 Ferris, Ina Book-Men, Book Clubs, and the Romantic Literary Sphere (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print) 2015:7. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137367594* James, Henry Bradbury, Nicola (ed.) The Ambassadors (The Cambridge Edition of the Complete Fiction of Henry James, Vol. 18) 2015:9. 800 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107002838* *9780691628059* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 69 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 20 世紀・現代 Mancoff, Debra N./Trela, D.J. (eds.) Victorian Urban Settings: Essays on the Nineteenth-Century City and Its Contexts 2015:6., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864269* McCourt, John Writing the Frontier: Anthony Trollope between Britain and Ireland 2015:3. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198729600* Timar, Andrea A Modern Coleridge: Cultivation, Addiction, Habits 2015:6. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Goodman, Sam British Spy Fiction and the End of Empire (Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature) 2015:7. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138777460* McCleary, Joseph R. The Historical Imagination of G.K. Chesterton: Locality, Patriotism, and Nationalism (Studies in Major Literary Authors) 2015:6. 158 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868724* *9781137531452* Routledge Library ∧ 䝤䝻䞁䝔ᐙ䛾Ꮚ䛹䜒䛯䛱㻌 䠔ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: The Brontës 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 8 Vols., 3,122 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻝㻟㻤㻙㻥㻞㻥㻤㻞㻙㻝㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻢㻢㻡㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻤㻠㻘㻜㻣㻥㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻠㻣㻘㻞㻢㻟䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781138929821* ᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊ1968 ᖺࡽ 1999 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࣈࣟࣥࢸᐙ㛵ࡍࡿ㸶Ⅼࡢⴭ సࡢ∧࡛ࡍࠋࣈࣟࣥࢸᐙࡢ㸲ேࡢᏊࡶࡓࡕ㸦ࢩ࣮ࣕࣟࢵࢺࠊ࢚࣑࣮ࣜࠊࣥࠊ ࣈ࢙ࣛࣥ࢘ࣝ㸧ࢆᑐ㇟ࠊ㧗ࡃホ౯ࡉࢀࡓసရࡢศᯒࡸゎㄝࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲ ࡓࠊ୕ጜጒࡢᘵࣈ࢙ࣛࣥ࢘ࣝࡢసရࢆໟᣓⓗ㞟ࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊసရࡢ⫼ᬒࡶྲྀࡾୖ ࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊⱥᩥᏛࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚≉⯆῝࠸ࢭࢵࢺ࡞ ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 70 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 シェイクスピアの作品と研究 < Prison Shakespeare: For These Deep Shames and Great Indignities (Palgrave Shakespeare Studies) 2015:9. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 20 世紀・現代 *9781137450203* Dunst, Alexander/Schlensag, Stefan (eds.) The World According to Philip K. Dick 2015:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137414588* フランス文学 アメリカ文学 フランス文学・文学史研究 アメリカ文学・文学史一般 カリフォルニアの文学史 Allmendinger, Blake (ed.) A History of California Literature 2015:4. 426 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107052093* 19 世紀 Conrad, Angela The Wayward Nun of Amherst: Emily Dickinson and Medieval Mystical Women 2015:5. 208 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868779* Cowa, William Tynes The Slave in the Swamp: Disrupting the Plantation Narrative 2015:6., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868656* Hotz, Jeffrey Divergent Visions, Contested Spaces: The Early United States through Lens of Travel 2015:5., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 > Transforming Tales: Rewriting Metamorphosis in Medieval French Literature 2015:7. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199686988* Kanes, Martin Balzac’s Comedy of Words (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 312 p., Originally published in 1976 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691617473* Cambridge 版 フランス文学入門 Nelson, Brian The Cambridge Introduction to French Literature (Cambridge Introductions to Literature) 2015:6. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521887083* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521715096* See also Kleinberg-Levin, David, Beckett’s Words, Bloomsbury .................................................p17 , 0103 *9781138878402* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 71 文 学 》その他の地域の文学・文学史 その他の地域の文学・文学史 20 世紀中国の文学分野 その他の地域の文学・文学史研究 古典アラブ文学の詩学 Durakovic, Esad The Poetics of Ancient and Classical Arabic Literature: Orientology (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East) 2015:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854673* Ferme, Valerio Women, Enjoyment, and the Defense of Virtue in Boccaccio’s Decameron (The New Middle Ages) 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137490551* Forcione, Alban K. Cervantes’ Christian Romance: A Study of “Persiles y Sigismunda” (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 178 p., Originally published in 1972 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691619750* Forcione, Alban K. Cervantes, Aristotle, and the Persiles (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 376 p., Originally published in 1970 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 72 Hockx, Michel The Literary Field of Twentieth Century China 2015:5. 252 p., Originally Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863187* Routledge 復刻版 トルストイの生涯と作品 Leon, Derrick Tolstoy: His Life and Work (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 372 p., First published in 1944 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138911642* 『紅楼夢』における典型と寓意 Plaks, Andrew H. Archetype and Allegory in the “Dream of the $ %' (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 280 p., Originally published in 1976 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691617404* Robinson, B. W. The Persian Book of Kings: An Epitome of the Shahnama of Firdawsi 2015:6. 184 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879027* *9780691620978* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》言語学一般 言語学 音声学・音韻論 言語学一般 朝鮮語学入門 話し言葉の構造:ロマンス言語の音調パターン Lee, EunHee/Madigan, Sean/Park, Mee-Jeong An Introduction to Korean Linguistics 2015:10. 370 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Martin, J-Philippe The Structure of Spoken Language: Intonation in Romance 2015:11. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780415659925* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415659932* Partridge, Eric The Selected Works of Eric Partridge (Routledge Revivals: The Selected Works of Eric Partridge) 2015:4. 7 Vols., 4266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912373* Pezzini, Giuseppe Terence and the Verb ‘To Be’ in Latin (Oxford Classical Monographs) 2015:7. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198736240* 類型論 再 叙述所有の表現:ベラルーシ語とリトアニア語の比較 研究 Mazzitelli, Lidia The Expression of Predicative Possession: A Comparative Study of Belarusian and Lithuanian (Studia Typologica, Vol. 18) 2015:3. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ドイツ語と英語の統語論・意味論研究 Bosse, Solveig Applicative Arguments: A Syntactic and Semantic Investigation of German and English (Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics, Vol. 93) 2015:3. 248 p. (Peter Lang, NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433127267* 理論言語学 統語論・形態論 ★ Routledge 復刻版 エリック・パートリッジ著作選集 全7巻 *9781107036185* Sims, Andrea * (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) 2015:9. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107045842* 古典ギリシア語の動詞先行型複合語 Tribulato, Olga Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds: Their Diachronic Development within the Greek Compound System 2015:6. 400 p. (W. de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110415766* *9783110412284* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 73 言語学 Cambridge ∧ ゝㄒ䞉ゝㄒᏛ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䝅䝸䞊䝈 Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖04009S0185 (Hard) / 1007555002 (Paper)䛇 ࠕCambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguisticsࠖࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊゝㄒᏛ◊✲㛵㐃ࡍ ࡿせ࡞◊✲㡿ᇦࡘ࠸࡚ࠊࡑࡢ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆໟᣓⓗᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛࢳࣕࣉ ࢱ࣮ࡣ㢟ࡈศ㢮ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢ㢟㛵ࡍࡿ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ၥ㢟ࡸࢺࣆࢵࢡࡘ࠸ ࡚ࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ⌮ㄽࡸ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆศࡾࡸࡍࡃ⤂ࡋࡘࡘࠊࡑࡢయീࢆᴫㄝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡓྛᕳࡣࠊࡑࡢ◊✲㡿ᇦࢆಠ▔ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ࠊయࡀ᭷ᶵⓗ࡞⤖ࡧࡘࡁࢆࡶ ࡕࡘࡘᩚ⌮ࡉࢀࡓෆᐜᵓᡂ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊㄞ⪅ࡣ⮬ศࡢ㛵ᚰᛂࡌࡓࢺࣆࢵࢡࢆᐜ᫆ ཧ↷ࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ 䕻㻌 㻞㻜㻝㻡 ᖺห⾜䝍䜲䝖䝹㻌 䕻㻌 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 Ꮫ⩦⪅䝁䞊䝟䝇◊✲䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research Edited by Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin and Fanny Meunier 2015 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 500 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-107-04119-6 USD 150.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥27,306 / ≉౯ ¥21,845+⛯ *9781107041196* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 䝞䜲䝸䞁䜺䝹ゝㄒฎ⌮䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing Edited by John W. Schwieter 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 700 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-107-06058-6 USD 150.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥27,306 / ≉౯ ¥21,845+⛯ *9781107060586* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ⱥㄒ䝁䞊䝟䝇ゝㄒᏛ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics Edited by Douglas Biber and Randi Reppen 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 700 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-107-03738-0 USD 150.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥27,306 / ≉౯ ¥21,845+⛯ *9781107037380* (Cambridge University Press, GBR) 74 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》理論言語学 意味論・語用論 Kiefer, Ferenc/Krifka, Manfred/Lee, Chungmin (eds.) Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Vol. 91) 2015:10. 360 p., (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319101057* 記述言語学 社会言語学 スペイン語圏におけるバイリンガリズム Austin, Jennifer/Blume, María/Sanchez, Liliana Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World: Linguistic and Cognitive Perspectives 2015:4. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521115537* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521132978* Phipps, Alison/Kay, Rebecca (eds.) Languages in Migratory Settings: Place, Politics, and Aesthetics 2015:7. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ben Said, Selim/Rubdy, Rani (eds.) # +; ! Landscape (Language and Globalization) 2015:7. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137426277* Bös, Birte/Kornexl, Lucia (eds.) Changing Genre Conventions in Historical English News Discourse (Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 5) 2015:7. 249 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027200846* Schützler, Ole A Sociophonetic Approach to Scottish Standard English (Varietes of English Around the World, G53) 2015:6. 175 p. (J. Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789027249135* マルチリンガリズムと華人ディアスポラ Wei, Li (ed.) Multilingualism and the Chinese Diaspora (Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism) 2015:11. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138794245* 応用言語学 ★ Routledge 版 言語とデジタルコミュニ ケーションハンドブック Georgakopoulou, Alexandra/Spilioti, Tereza (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics) 2015:7. 456 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415642491* Nair-Venugopal, Shanta (ed.) The Discourse of Ethics and Equity in Intercultural Communication 2015:8. 118 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ スコットランド標準英語への社会音声学的 アプローチ 言語景観における対立、排除、異議 *9781138911970* *9781138924123* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 75 言語学 》応用言語学 Powell, Katrina M. Identity and Power in Narratives of Displacement (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication) 2015:2. 198 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846944* ★ SPSSとRを使った第二言語研究における 統計ガイド 第2版 Larson-Hall, Jenifer A Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language Research Using SPSS and R, 2nd ed. (Second Language Acquisition Research Series) 2015:6. 512 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138024564* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138024571* ★ 暗示的学習と第二言語習得 Williams, John/Rebuschat, Patrick Implicit Learning and Second Language Acquisition (Cognitive Science and Second Language Acquisition) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415662512* 言語教育・教授法 ★ 村田久美子編 日本の教育・ビジネス現場のELF (共通語としての英語)コミュニケーション調査 言語習得 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Murata, Kumiko (ed.) Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts: Conceptualisation, research and pedagogic implications 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841079* 進化言語学・生物言語学 Barnard, Alan Language in Prehistory (Approaches to the Evolution of Language) 2015:11. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107041127* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107692596* *9780415662505* 認知科学 認知哲学 See 認知心理学 Lange, John, Cognitivity Paradox, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p17 , 0107 Jolicoeur, Pierre/Lefebvre, Christine/MartinezTrujillo, Julio (eds.) Mechanisms of Sensory Working Memory: Attention and Perfomance XXV 2015:5. 512 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 76 *9780128013717* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 認知科学 De Gruyter Mouton ♫㻌 ㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ䛾ᛂ⏝䝅䝸䞊䝈 Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04005S0337䛇 Edited by Gitte Kristiansen, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain and Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, University of La Rioja, Spain ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡛ࡣࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ⌮ㄽࡀᛂ⏝ࡉࢀࡓ㸦ࡲࡓࡣᛂ⏝ࡉࢀ࠺ࡿ㸧㡿ᇦࢆᑐ㇟ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㐣ཤ 35 ᖺࡢ㛫ࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢศ㔝࡛ࡣ࠸ࡃࡘࡢཎ⌮ࢆ୰ᚰࡋ࡚ ᵝࠎ࡞ぢゎࡀ♧ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ୍Ⅼ┠ࡣࠊゝㄒᶵ⬟ࡣࠊಶࠎࡢㄆ▱ࣔࢪ࣮ࣗࣝࡼࡗ࡚ᵓ ᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡢ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊࡼࡾໟᣓⓗ࡞ㄆ▱⬟ຊࡢࡣࡓࡽࡁࡋ࡚⌧ࢀ࡚ࡃࡿ࠸࠺Ⅼ ࡛ࡍࠋⅬ┠ࡣࠊゝㄒࡀᣢࡘ㇟ᚩⓗഃ㠃ࢆ୰ᚰㄽࡌࠊᩥἲ㸦ㄒᙡࠊᙧែㄽࠊ⤫ㄒㄽ࡞ ࢆྵࡴ㸧ࡣࠊᵝᘧࡋࡓ㇟ᚩⓗ༢ࡀᵓ㐀ࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࡋ࡚ᤊ࠼ࡲࡍࠋ୕Ⅼ┠ࡣࠊ ពࡣᴫᛕ࡛࠶ࡿ࠸࠺⪃࠼࡛࠶ࡾࠊពࡣほⓗ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᨃேࡉࢀࠊ⤒㦂㌟య ྲྀࡾᕳࡃୡ⏺ࢆ⥲ྜࡋ࡚ㄆ㆑ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࠸࠺⪃࠼࡛ࡍࠋ᭱ᚋࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ⏝ἲ ᇶ┙ࡢᴫᛕ࠾࠸࡚ࡣࠊゝㄒ⏝ࡢഃ㠃ࡽゝㄒࡢᐃ╔ࢆ⪃࠼ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢཎ⌮ࡣࠊ ␗࡞ࡿ㡿ᇦࡢᏛ⪅ᑐࡋ⌮ㄽࡢᯟ⤌ࡳࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ㡿ᇦ࡛ࡢゝㄒᏛⓗ◊✲ࢆⓎ ᒎࡉࡏࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (De Gruyter Mouton, DEU) 䕻㻌 㻞㻜㻝㻡 ᖺห⾜ணᐃ䝍䜲䝖䝹㻌 䕻㻌 ➨ゝㄒᏛ⩦䛾⏝ἲᇶ┙ⓗどⅬ㻌 Usage-Based Perspectives on Second Language Learning (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 30) Edited by Teresa Cadierno and Søren W. Eskildsen 2015 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 360 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-037732-3 ..............EUR 99.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,798 / ≉౯ ¥15,838+⛯ *9783110377323* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 77 認知科学 ᩍᤵ➨ゝㄒ⩦ᚓ䛻䛚䛡䜛㢖ᗘຠᯝ㻌 Frequency Effects in Instructed Second Language Acquisition (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 29) By Karin Madlener 2015 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 320 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-039962-2 ..............EUR 99.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,798 / ≉౯ ¥15,838+⛯ *9783110399622* ⱥㄒ䞉䝣䝷䞁䝇ㄒ䛾ሙᡤ䛾⾲⌧㻌 Locative Expressions in English and French: A Multimodal Approach (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 28) By Mark Tutton 2015 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 320 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-035473-7 ..............EUR 99.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,798 / ≉౯ ¥15,838+⛯ *9783110354737* ㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ䛸䝴䞊䝰䜰◊✲㻌 Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 26) Edited by Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts and Tony Veale 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 250 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-034615-2 ..............EUR 99.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,798 / ≉౯ ¥15,838+⛯ *9783110346152* 心理学 参考図書 APA 版 心理学事典 第2版 American Psychological Association APA Dictionary of Psychology 2015:2. 1204 p. (Am. Psychological Assn., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433819445* 心理学一般 Henderson, Joseph L./Sherwood, Dyane N. Transformation of the Psyche: The Symbolic Alchemy of the Splendor Solis 2015:6. 248 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) 78 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138872608* 質的心理学研究法実践ガイド 第3版 Smith, Jonathan A. (ed.) Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods, 3rd ed. 2015:4. 312 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446298459* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446298466* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》心理学研究法 心理学研究法 See Koops, Bert-Jaap, Responsible Innovation 2, Springer-Verlag GmbH............................ p149 , 1203 Merriam, Sharan B., Qualitative Research, Wiley .................................................................. p149 , 1204 Ruel, Erin E., The Practice of Survey Research, Sage Pub................................................... p149 , 1206 基礎心理学 発達心理学 Berger, Kathleen Stassen Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence 2015:6. 672 p. (W.H. Freeman, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781464175954* *9781440836817* 幼児期の発達と後の結果 Pauen, Sabina M. (ed.) Early Childhood Development and Later Outcome (The Jacobs Foundation Series on Adolescence) 2015:3. 198 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107507333* Poehlmann-Tynan, Julie (ed.) Children’s Contact with Incarcerated Parents: Implications for Policy and Intervention (Advances in Child and Family Policy and Practice) 2015:6. 124 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319166247* DiGennaro Reed, Florence D./Reed, Derek D. (eds.) Autism Service Delivery: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice (Autism and Child Psychopathology Series) 2015:8. 600 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781493926558* Talwar, Victoria/Harris, Paul L./Schleifer, Michael (eds.) Children’s Understanding of Death: From Biological to Religious Conceptions 2015:7. 202 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107531598* 社会心理学 遊び、学習と子どもの発育 Fleer, Marilyn Play, Learning, and Children’s Development: Everyday Life in Families and Transition to School 2015:7. 239 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107531635* Gielen, Uwe P./Roopnarine, Jaipaul L. (eds.) Childhood and Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Applications, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 460 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440832239* ★印はお薦めタイトル Bornstein, Brian H./Tomkins, Alan (eds.) Motivating Cooperation and Compliance with Authority: The Role of Institutional Trust (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol. 62) 2015:6. 220 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319161501* Brown, Steven/Reavey, Paula Vital Memory and Affect$^= Past 2015:6. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415683999* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 79 心理学 》基礎心理学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415684019* Dehue, Francine/McGuckin, Conor/Vollink, Trijntje (eds.) Cyberbullying: From Theory to Intervention (Current Issues in Social Psychology) 2015:9. 240 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848723399* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781848723382* 依存症 Kopetz, Catalina E./Lejuez, Carl W. (eds.) Addictions (Frontiers of Social Psychology) 2015:6. 368 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848725270* ネットいじめ ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Thomas, Justin Psychological Well-Being in the Gulf States: The New Arabia Felix 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137524201* Ward, Christopher D. (ed.) Meanings of ME: Interpersonal and Social Dimensions of Chronic Fatigue 2015:7. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137467317* *9781848725263* ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝷䜲䝤䝷䝸䞊∧㻌 ♫ᚰ⌮Ꮫ㻌 30 ᕳ Psychology Library Editions: Social Psychology 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 30 Vols., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻝㻟㻤㻙㻤㻟㻜㻥㻞㻙㻥㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻿㼀㻼㻌㻞㻘㻞㻞㻡㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻢㻝㻡㻘㻥㻜㻞㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻠㻥㻞㻘㻣㻞㻞䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781138830929* ᮏ᭩㸦30 ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊከᵝ࡞ࣂࢵࢡࢢࣛ࢘ࣥࢻࡢᩘከࡃࡢⴭ⪅ࡼࡿ◊✲ࢆ୍ᇽ 㞟ࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ♫ᚰ⌮ᏛⓗどⅬࡽே㛫ࡢ⾜ື┦స⏝ࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 1908 ᖺࡽ 1993 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࠊ⤯∧࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡓ୍㐃ࡢⴭసࡣࠊ♫ᚰ ⌮Ꮫࡢ♽ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿⴭ⪅ࡢ◊✲ࡶྵࡲࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚♫ᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ࡢ Ⓨᒎࢆึᮇࡽࡓࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ (Psychology Press, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 80 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 臨床心理・精神療法 応用心理学 ★ APA 版 ヒューマンシステム統合ハンド ブック Boehm-Davis, Deborah Ann/Durso, Francis T. APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration (APA Handbooks in Psychology) 2015:4. 608 p. (Am. Psychological Assn., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433818288* Fowers, Blaine J. The Evolution of Ethics: Human Sociality and the Emergence of Ethical Mindedness (Palgrave Studies in the Theory and History of Psychology) 2015:3. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137344656* See also Karanika-Murray, Maria, Derailed Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p101 , 0802 Mumford, Michael D., The Psychology of Planning in Organizations, Psychology Press ..... p101 , 0805 Putka, Dan J., Reliability and Measurement Error, Psychology Press .........................p102 , 0808 Braun, Henry I./Jackson, Douglas N. (eds.) The Role of Constructs in Psychological and Educational Measurement 2015:5. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Bricklin, Barry The Custody Evaluation Handbook: Research Based Solutions & Applications 2015:5., Originally Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Chaiklin, Sharon/Wengrower, Hilda (eds.) The Art and Science of Dance/Movement Therapy: Life Is Dance, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Coffee, Gina Promoting Sexual Health of Youth: Home, School, and Community Collaboration 2015:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Helms, Jeffrey L., Majoring in Psychology, Wiley ...................................................................p164 , 1325 Sheridan, Susan M., Processes and Pathways of Family-School Partnerships, Springer-Verlag GmbH ....................................................... p164 , 1329 *9781138910324* Saenz, Adam, Relationships That Work, Routledge ...................................................................p164 , 1327 *9781138871748* Tonidandel, Scott, Big Data at Work, Routledge ..................................................................p102 , 0809 McClelland, Megan M., Stop, Think, Act, Taylor & Francis ..................................................... p164 , 1326 *9781138866812* *9781138774636* Daro, Deborah/Cohn Donnelly, Anne/Huang, Lee Ann/Powell, Byron (eds.) Advances in Child Abuse Prevention Knowledge: The Perspective of New Leadership (Child Maltreatment, Vol. 5) 2015:7. 325 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319163260* Framo, James L./Weber, Timothy T. Coming Home Again: A Family-Of-Origin Consultation 2015:4. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138869646* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 81 心理学 》応用心理学 ᚰ⌮ⓗ䝇䝖䝺䝇䚸䝺䝆䝸䜶䞁䝇䚸䜴䜵䝹䝡䞊䜲䞁䜾㻌 䠒ᕳ Psychological Stress, Resilience and Wellbeing SAGE Library of Mental Health 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1015986348䛇 Edited by Stephen Palmer, City University London, UK and Kristina Gyllensten, University of Gothenburg, SWE 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 6 Vols., 1,917 p., Cloth. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1907-5 ண⣙౯(2015/07/16 ཷศࡲ࡛) STP 725.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥200,687/ ≉౯ ¥160,550ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 800.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥221,448/ ≉౯ ¥177,158ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781473919075* ᮏ᭩㸦㸴ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊPsychological Stress㸦㸱ᕳ⤌㸧 Psychological Resilience and Wel l-Being㸦㸱ᕳ⤌㸧ࡢ㸰ࡘࡢࢭࢵࢺ࡛ᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ྛࢭࢵࢺ࡛ࡢศࡶྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋヲ⣽ࡣୗグࢆࡈぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᚰ⌮ⓗ䝇䝖䝺䝇 䠏ᕳ Psychological Stress SAGE Library of Mental Health 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1015986348䛇 Edited by Stephen Palmer, City University London, UK and Kristina Gyllensten, University of Gothenburg, SWE 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 965 p., Cloth. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-0800-0 ண⣙౯(2015/07/16 ཷศࡲ࡛) STP 400.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥110,724/ ≉౯ ¥88,579ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 450.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥124,565/ ≉౯ ¥99,652ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781473908000* ࢫࢺࣞࢫࡣࠕ᭱ࡢ⌧௦ࠖࡤࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ♫ࠊ⤌⧊ࠊಶேࢿ࢞ࢸࣈ࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ ࡶࡓࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ㨚ࠊᏳࠊࣂ࣮ࣥ࢘ࢺ࠸ࡗࡓ⢭⚄ᝈࡢせᅉ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ ࡿࡶゝࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࢫࢺࣞࢫࡑࡢᙳ㡪㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ࣒࣭࢘ࣜࢪ࢙࣮࣒ࢬࡸ࣮࢝ ࣭ࣝࣛࣥࢤࡢ◊✲ࡶࠊ19 ୡ⣖ࡽゝཬࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡀࠊᮏ᭩㸦㸱ᕳ⤌㸧࡛ࡣࠊ20 ୡ⣖ึ㢌ࡽ⌧௦࠸ࡓࡿࡲ࡛ࡢࢫࢺࣞࢫ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡢⓎᒎࢆࡓࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᚰ⌮ Ꮫࠊᛂ⏝⢭⚄⾨⏕ࠊࢥ࣮ࢳࣥࢢࠊㄆ▱⾜ືᚰ⌮⒪ἲ࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝Ώࡿෆᐜ࡛ࡍࠋ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 82 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 ᚰ⌮ⓗ䝺䝆䝸䜶䞁䝇䛸䜴䜵䝹䝡䞊䜲䞁䜾 䠏ᕳ Psychological Resilience and Wellbeing SAGE Library of Mental Health㻌 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1015986348䛇 Edited by Stephen Palmer, City University London, UK and Kristina Gyllensten, University of Gothenburg, SWE 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 952 p., Cloth, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1212-0 ண⣙౯㻔㻞㻜㻝㻡㻛㻜㻣㻛㻝㻢 ཷศ䜎䛷㻕㻌 㻿㼀㻼㻌㻠㻜㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻝㻜㻘㻣㻞㻠㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻤㻤㻘㻡㻣㻥䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅㻿㼀㻼㻌㻠㻡㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻞㻠㻘㻡㻢㻡㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻥㻥㻘㻢㻡㻞䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781473912120* ࣞࢪ࢚ࣜࣥࢫ࢙࢘ࣝࣅ࣮ࣥࢢ̾࠸ࢫࢺࣞࢫࡸ㏫ቃྥࡁྜ࠸ࠊࡑࡢ୰࡛ᡂ㛗 ࡍࡿ̾ࡣࠊ㏆ᖺࠊὀ┠ࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ࡢࢺࣆࢵࢡ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡢ◊✲࡛ࡣࠊ㈋ᅔ ࡸ⢭⚄࠸ࡗࡓⱞ㞴ᡴࡕඞࡘࡇࡢ࡛ࡁࡿಶேࡢ≉ᚩࢆ≉ᐃࡋࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋ ࡓࠋ ࡲࡓࠊࡑ࠺ࡋࡓ≧ἣ࠾ࡅࡿே㛫ࡢᶵ⬟ࢆゎ᫂ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊᐇ㝿ࡢࣞࢪ࢚ࣜࣥࢫ ࡢ㐣⛬ࡶ◊✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩㸦㸱ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊࡁ࡞ኚࢆࡳࡏࡓࡇࡢ㡿ᇦࡢ㐣ཤᩘ༑ ᖺ㛫ࡢ◊✲ࡢⓎᒎࢆ♧ࡍせ࡞ㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣ⦅⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓ ᗎ❶ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 認知行動療法とキリスト教 Free, Michael L. CBT and Christianity: Strategies and Resources for Reconciling Faith in Therapy 2015:8. 384 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470683255* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470683248* Gomez-Perales, Niki Attachment-Focused Trauma Treatment for Children and Adolescents: Phase-Oriented Strategies for Addressing Complex Trauma Disorders 2015:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800052* ★印はお薦めタイトル Holmes, Paul The Inner World Outside: Object Relations Theory and Psychodrama, 2nd ed. (Routledge Mental Health Classic Editions) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138829251* Kirkcaldy, Bruce (ed.) Promoting Psychological Wellbeing in Children and Families 2015:7. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137479952* Kline, Paul A Handbook of Test Construction: Introduction to Psychometric Design (Psychology Revivals) 2015:4. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 83 心理学 》応用心理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905115* Kolbert, Jered/Williams, Rhonda/Morgan, LeeAnn/ Crothers, Laura M./Hughes, Tammy L. Introduction to Professional School Counseling: Advocacy, Leadership, and Intervention 2015:9. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415746748* Lachkar, Joan How to Talk to a Borderline 2015:4. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138872707* Lichtenberg, Joseph D. A Developmentalist’s Approach to Research, Theory, and Therapy: Selected Works of Joseph Lichtenberg (World Library of Mental Health) 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415714242* Maybery, Daryl/Nicholson, Joanne/Reupert, Andrea (eds.) Parental Psychiatric Disorder: Distressed Parents and their Families, 3rd ed. 2015:6. 416 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107070684* Milgrom, Jeannette/Martin, Paul R./Negri, Lisa L. Treating Postnatal Depression: A CognitiveBehavioural Approach for Health Care Practitioners, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 296 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118977750* Neilsen, Philip/King, Robert/Baker, Felicity A. (eds.) 84 Creative Arts in Counseling and Mental Health 2015:7. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483302850* ★ SAGE 版 カウンセリング・精神療法の理論 百科事典 全2巻 Neukrug, Edward S. (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy 2015:5. 2 Vols., 1280 p. (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452274126* Palmer, Stephen (ed.) The Beginner’s Guide to Counselling & Psychotherapy, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 480 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780857022349* Paris, Joel/American Psychological Association A Concise Guide to Personality Disorders 2015:4. 224 p. (Am. Psychological Assn., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433819810* Prosser-Dodds, Lisa Understanding Grief Types: Working with the Individual Nature of Bereavement 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138801240* Richardson, Carmen Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents 2015:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415733786* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 Roane, Henry S./Ringdahl, Joel E./Falcomata, Terry (eds.) Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) 2015:5. 504 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Skovholt, Thomas M./Trotter-Mathison, Michelle J. The Resilient Practitioner: Burnout, Compassion Fatigue Prevention, and Self-Care Strategies for the Helping Professions, 3rd ed. 2015:9. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138830073* Sommers-Flanagan, Rita/Sommers-Flanagan, John Becoming an Ethical Helping Professional: Cultural and Philosophical Foundations 2015:7. 432 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119084969* Tarrier, Nicholas/Johnson, Judith (eds.) Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The Treatment of Challenging and Complex Cases, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 468 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780124202498* Yehuda, Na'ama Communicating Trauma: Disorders, Delays, and Clinical Presentations in Traumatized Children 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415741781* *9780415743105* 精神分析 Formanek, Ruth (ed.) The Meanings of Menopause: Historical, Medical, and Cultural Perspectives 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881525* Kantrowitz, Judy L. The Patient’s Impact on the Analyst 2015:5., Originally Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881631* ロナルド ·D· レインの遺産:現代におけるその評価 Thompson, Michael Guy (ed.) The Legacy of R. D. Laing: An appraisal of his contemporary relevance 2015:6. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850149* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415741798* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 85 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 経済学 経済学説・経済思想 経済理論 ★ Harcourt, Geoffrey/Lim, Hank/Park, Ungsuh K. (eds.) Editing Economics: Essays in Honour of Mark Perlman (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2015:5. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415758536* Jo, Tae-Hee/Lee, Frederic (eds.) Marx, Veblen, and the Foundations of Heterodox Economics: Essays in Honor of John F. Henry (Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics) 2015:8. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797796* ★ ロナルド・H・コースの新たな視点 Klaes, Matthias New Perspectives on the Economics of Ronald H. Coase: Coase’s Economics of Organisation & Governance and its Applications (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415834230* ★ 池田新介 / 加藤英明 / 大竹文雄 / 筒井義 郎編 選好、選択、幸福の行動経済学 Ikeda, Shinsuke/Kato, Hideaki Kiyoshi/ Ohtake, Fumio/Tsutsui, Yoshiro (eds.) Behavioral Economics of Preferences, Choices, and Happiness 2015:7. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431554011* 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 Borgers, Tilman/Krahmer, Daniel/Strausz, Roland An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanism Design 2015:5. 272 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199734023* Cerulli, Giovanni Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs: Theory and Applications (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics, Vol. 49) 2015:5. 290 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662464045* スウェーデン経済思想史における 7人 ゲーム理論と行動経済学 Lundahl, Mats Seven Figures in the History of Swedish Economic Thought: Knut Wicksell, Eli Heckscher, Bertil Ohlin, Torsten Gårdlund, Sven Rydenfelt, Staffan Burenstam Linder and Jaime Behar 2015:6. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Umbhauer, Gisèle/Pezanis-Christou, Paul Game Theory and Behavioural Economics (Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance) 2015:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137293084* 86 *9780415604215* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415604222* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済政策 経済政策 資本主義の再考 Mazzucato, M. Rethinking Capitalism: Economic Policy for Sustainable and Equitable Growth 2015:8. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119120957* Stringham, Edward Peter Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life 2015:6. 296 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199365166* 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 Mishan, E. J. +% < (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 156 p., Originally Published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852211* 産業経済 Piga, Gustavo/Tatrai, Tunde (eds.) Public Procurement Policy (The Economics of Legal Relationships) 2015:7. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138921504* Davis, Peter The Corporate Sector in International Development (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2015:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415837286* Detter, Dag/Fölster, Stefan The Public Wealth of Nations: How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth 2015:6. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137519849* NAFTA と持続可能な開発 Kong, Hoi/Wroth, Kinvin (eds.) NAFTA and Sustainable Development: The History, Experience, and Prospects for Reform (Treaty Implementation for Sustainable Development) 2015:7. 480 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107097223* ★ ポスト・ソヴィエト世界のインフォーマル 経済の役割 Williams, Colin C./Round, John/Rodgers, Peter The Role of Informal Economies in the Post-Soviet World: The End of Transition? (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy) 2015:3. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903999* 開発経済 国際経済 Chisholm, Michael Modern World Development: A Geographical Perspective (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922433* ★印はお薦めタイトル Bangura, Yusuf (ed.) Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction (Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction) 2015:6. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137482532* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 87 経済学 》開発経済 農業・食糧経済 Chowdhury, Savinna Everyday Economic Practices: The ‘Hidden Transcripts’ of Egyptian Voices (New Political Economy) 2015:5. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415542753* Gurtoo, Anjula/Williams, Colin (eds.) Developing Country Perspectives on Public Service Delivery 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132221593* ★ 牧厚志編 途上国の貧困、不平等と成長 Maki, Atsushi (ed.) Poverty, Inequality and Growth in Developing Countries: Theoretical and empirical approaches (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy) 2015:6. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138023260* Von Gliszczynski, Moritz Cash Transfers and Basic Social Protection: Towards a Development Revolution? (Rethinking International Development Series) 2015:7. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137505682* 援助と開発入門 Wickstead, Myles A. Aid and Development: A Brief Introduction 2015:7. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198744924* See also Currie-Alder, Bruce, Research for the Developing World, Oxford U.P. ................................. p135 , 1069 Macnaghten, Phil/Carro-Ripalda, Susana (eds.) Governing Agricultural Sustainability: Global lessons from GM crops (Pathways to Sustainability) 2015:7. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891821* Mintz-Habib, Nazia Biofuels, Food Security and Developing Economies 2015:9. 192 p. (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415729703* Vernooy, Ronnie/Shrestha, Pitambar/Sthapit, Bhuwon Community Seed Banks: Origins, Evolution and Prospects (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity) 2015:5. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415708050* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415708067* 地域・都市経済 Groot, H. L. F. de/Marlet, G./Teulings, C. Cities and the Urban Land Premium 2015:5. 160 p. (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781784717438* Ishikawa, Toshiharu (ed.) Firms’ Location Selections and Regional Policy in the Global Economy 2015:6. 251 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 88 *9781138891777* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9784431553656* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》地域・都市経済 持続可能な都市開発のためのパートナーシップ Kresl, Peter Karl (ed.) Cities and Partnerships for Sustainable Urban Development 2015:7. 288 p. (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781783479634* Luque, Jaime Urban Land Economics 2015:5. 170 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319153193* 地域経済の持続的成長と発展 Naito, Tohru (ed.) Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol.13) 2015:9. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431552932* ᆅ᪉㛤Ⓨ䛸ᆅᇦ㛤Ⓨ㻌 䠐ᕳ Local and Regional Development Critical Concepts in Geography 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ:04003S0116䛇 Edited by Andy Pike, Newcastle University, UK, Andres Rodriguez, London School of Economics, UK and John Tomaney, University College London, UK 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols, 1,462 p., Hard, ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻝㻟㻤㻙㻣㻣㻡㻢㻣㻙㻝㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻤㻠㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻞㻟㻞㻘㻡㻞㻜㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻤㻢㻘㻜㻝㻢䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781138775671* ᆅ᪉㛤Ⓨࠊᆅᇦ㛤Ⓨ㛵ࢃࡿᆅ⌮Ꮫ⪅㸦ࡲࡓࡑࡢࡢ♫⛉Ꮫ⪅㸧ࡣࠊᆅ᪉ࠊᆅᇦࡢᨻ ⟇ࡀ࠸ࠊࡲࡓࡇࡲ࡛⤒῭ᡂ㛗✚ᴟⓗᙳ㡪ࡋ࠺ࡿࢆゎ᫂ࡋࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ◊✲㡿ᇦࡣࠊᆅᇦࡢⓎᒎࡢ※ࡣఱࠊࡲࡓࠊ୍⯡ᆅ⌮ⓗ≉ᚩࡼࡿᆅᇦ㛤Ⓨࡢᖹ ➼ᛶࡸࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࡼࡗ࡚ᕪࡀ㛤ࡃᆅᇦ㛤Ⓨࡢᖹ➼ᛶࢆ࠸ㄝ᫂ࡍࡿ࠸ࡗࡓ㞴 ゎ࡞ၥ࠸ࢆᢞࡆࡅࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢᗘ Routledge ♫ࡽฟ∧ࡉࢀࡿᮏ᭩㸦㸲ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣໟᣓⓗ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚ࡇࡢ 㡿ᇦࡢᩘከࡃࡢᏛ⾡ᩥ⊩ࡸᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩ࢆࡼࡾࡼࡃ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋࡲ ࡓࠊ◊✲⤖ᯝࡢࢫࢣ࣮ࣝࡸ◊✲㡿ᇦࡢᖜᗈࡉࡣࠊࡼࡾከࡃࡢ◊✲⪅ࡢᮇᚅᛂ࠼ࡿࡶࡢ ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ㈹ࢆཷ㈹ࡋࡓ Routledge ♫ࡢࠗᆅ᪉㛤Ⓨ࣭ᆅᇦ㛤Ⓨࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡ࠘㸦2010㸧 㸦978-0-415-54831-1㸧ྠࡌ⦅㞟ࢳ࣮࣒ࡼࡗ࡚ࡲࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⥲⣴ᘬࡀ࠸࡚࠸ ࡿࠊ⦅⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᪂ࡓᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓໟᣓⓗ࡞ᗎᩥ࡛ࡣ㘓ෆᐜࡢ▱ⓗᩥ⬦ࡀ♧ࡉࢀ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣᏛ⪅ࡸᏛ㝔⏕ࠊᨻ⟇❧⪅ࡗ࡚ࠊ୍ᗘࡣᡭྲྀࡿࡁᚲ㡲ᩥ⊩࡞ ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 89 経済学 》文化・社会経済 文化・社会経済 ★ 西部忠著 地域通貨 Nishibe, Makoto Community Currency: An Evolutionist Institutional Design Approach (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science) 2015:11. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Tignor, Robert L. Capitalism and Nationalism at the End of Empire: State and Business in Decolonizing Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, 1945-1963 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:3. 434 p., Originally published in 1997 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9784431549499* アジア太平洋 See also 東アジア Fragoulakis, Vasilios, Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine, Academic Pr. ..........p147 , 1184 David, Matthew, Owning World of Ideas, Sage Pub.............................................................p153 , 1238 科学技術の経済学 Belussi, Fiorenza/Orsi, Luigi (eds.) Innovation, Alliances and Networks in HighTech Environments (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846609* Grubesic, Tony/Mack, Elizabeth Broadband Telecommunications and Regional Development (Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138013919* 経済システム・比較経済 Harvey, David Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism 2015:4. 352 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 90 Chen, Zongshi The Revival, Legitimization, and Development of Private Enterprise in China: Empowering State Capitalism 2015:5. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780691606101* *9780190230852* *9781137516398* Joshua, John Contribution of Human Capital Towards Economic Growth in China 2015:7. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137529350* 中国の経済発展と影響 Lee, Miles W. N./Moak, Ken China’s Economic Rise and its Global Impact 2015:8. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137540379* Lo, Chi China’s Impossible Trinity: The Structural Challenges to the “Chinese Dream” 2015:7. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137538789* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》アジア太平洋 World Scientific∧ 䝴䞊䝷䝅䜰䛸⎔ኴᖹὒᆅᇦ䛻䛚䛡䜛 䜾䝻䞊䝞䝸䝊䞊䝅䝵䞁㻌 䠐ᕳ World Scientific Reference on Globalisation in Eurasia and the Pacific Rim Edited by David A. Dyker, University of Sussex, UK 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,200 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-981-4447-79-9 ண⣙౯䠄㻞㻜㻝㻡㻛㻜㻥㻛㻝㻡㻌 ཷศ㎾䠅㼁㻿㻰㻌㻢㻥㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㏻ᖖ౯䢠㻝㻞㻡㻘㻢㻜㻤㻌㻛≉౯䢠㻝㻜㻜㻘㻠㻤㻢㻌 䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅㼁㻿㻰㻌 㻣㻠㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㏻ᖖ౯䢠㻝㻟㻠㻘㻣㻝㻜㻌 㻛≉౯䢠㻝㻜㻣㻘㻣㻢㻤㻌 䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9789814447799* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ4 ࡘࡢ᭱ࡶࡁ࡞᪂⯆⤒῭ᅜࡸከᩘࡢࡁࢃࡵ࡚ໃ ࠸ࡢ࠶ࡿᑠつᶍ࣭୰つᶍࡢ᪂⯆⤒῭ᅜࠊ1 ࡘࡢඛ㐍ᕤᴗᅜࢆ ྵࡴࠊୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛ࡶ㘽࡞ࡿᆅᇦ↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢᆅᇦࡣୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛ࡶ᭱ࡢⅣỈ⣲㖔≀ࡢᇙⶶ㔞ࢆ ࡾࠊ࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮㟂せࡸ㔠ᒓ㟂せࡀ᭱ࡢ⤒῭ࢆᢪ࠼࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋୡ⏺ࡢேཱྀࡢ༙ศࡀఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࡇࡢᆅᇦࡣேཱྀືែ ࡢほⅬࡽୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛᭱ࡶໃ࠸ࡢ࠶ࡿᆅᇦ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᑐෆ࣭ᑐእ୧᪉ࡢᾏእᢞ㈨㔜 Ⅼࡀ⨨ࢀࡿࡶᢏ⾡㠃࡛ࡢໃ࠸ࡶᙉ࠸ࡶࡢࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦࡣᕤ ᴗ〇ရ౪⤥࠾࠸࡚ࡶୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛୰ᚰⓗᙺࢆᯝࡓࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣ 4 ᕳ ᵓᡂ࡛ 21 ୡ⣖࠾ࡅࡿࠕୡ⏺ࡢᕤሙࠖ⾲⌧࡛ࡁࡿ࣮ࣘࣛࢩ⎔ኴᖹὒᆅᇦࢆ ⌮ゎࡋࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿㄞ⪅ࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢᩥ⊩࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᾏእᢞ㈨䠄㻰㼍㼢㼕㼐㻌㻭㻌㻰㼥㼗㼑㼞 ⦅㞟䚸䝃䝉䝑䜽䝇Ꮫ䚸ⱥᅜ䠅㻌 ➨ ᕳ㸸䜲䝜䝧䞊䝅䝵䞁䠄㼄㼕㼡㼐㼕㼍㼚㻌㻰㼍㼕 ⦅㞟䚸䝝䝹Ꮫ䚸ⱥᅜ䠅㻌 ➨ ᕳ㸸䜶䝛䝹䜼䞊䠄㻼㼍㼛㼘㼛㻌㻲㼍㼞㼍㼔 ⦅㞟䚸䝖䝸䝜Ꮫ䚸䜲䝍䝸䜰䠅㻌 ➨ ᕳ㸸⛣ఫ䠖ᮾ䜰䝆䜰䛻䛚䛡䜛⌧௦䛾ປാ⛣ື䛾⤒῭ⓗせᅉ㻌 䠄㻭㼚㼠㼔㼛㼚㼥㻌㻲㼕㼑㼘㼐㼕㼚㼓䚸䝃䝉䝑䜽䝇Ꮫ䚸ⱥᅜ䠅㻌 (World Scientific, SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 91 経済学 》アジア太平洋 See also 中国の金融政策改革 Sun, Guofeng Reforms in China’s Monetary Policy: A Frontbencher’s Perspective 2015:8. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137504463* Wang, Jiazhuo G./Xu, Hongwei/Ma, Jun (eds.) ! =: Online Lending in China 2015:5. 114 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662465240* 東南アジア Volz, Ulrich/Böhnke, Judith/Knierim, Laura Financing the Green Transformation: How to Make Green Finance Work in Indonesia 2015:5. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137486110* 南アジア Banerjee, Arpita/Kuri, Pravat Kumar Development Disparities in India: An Enquiry into Convergence (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2015:6. 230 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132223306* インドの地域開発と公共政策 Bhattacharya, Rakhee (ed.) Regional Development and Public Policy Challenges in India (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2015:7. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 92 *9788132223450* Burki, Shahid Javed, Pakistan, Cambridge U.P. ................................................................... p139 , 1113 ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ★ Balachandran, G. John Bullion’s Empire: Britain’s Gold Problem and India Between the Wars 2015:4. 220 p., Originally Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878860* ★ 広渡潔著 イギリスとヨーロッパの金融協力: 1964 -1979 Hirowatari, Kiyoshi Britain and European Monetary Cooperation, 1964-1979 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance) 2015:8. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137491411* Huber, Peter/Nerudova, Danuse/Rozmahel, Petr (eds.) Competitiveness, Social Inclusion and Sustainability in a Diverse European Union: Perspectives from Old and New Member States 2015:7. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319172989* McRobbie, Angela Be Creative: Making a Living in the New Culture Industries 2015:10. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745661940* Poli, Federica/Beccalli, Elena Bank Risk, Governance and Regulation (Palgrave MacMillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institut) 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137530936* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》アジア太平洋 キプロスと金融危機 南アフリカの政策、政治と貧困 Theodore, Jonathan Cyprus and the Financial Crisis: The Controversial Bailout and What it Means for the Eurozone 2015:7. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Seekings, Jeremy/Nattrass, Nicoli (eds.) Policy, Politics and Poverty in South Africa (Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction) 2015:7. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137452740* *9781137460257* アフリカ Pearson, Mark/Boer, Wiebe/McNamee, Terence (eds.) Africans Investing in Africa 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137542786* 途上国の財政と経済成長:エチオピアの事例 Peterson, Stephen B. Public Finance and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Lessons from Ethiopia’s Reforms (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2015:4. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850033* 西アフリカの加速する経済成長 Seck, Diery (ed.) Accelerated Economic Growth in West Africa (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development) 2015:7. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 @+\' Adapting to Climate Uncertainty in African Agriculture: Narratives and Knowledge Politics (Pathways to Sustainability) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849327* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137452689* Williamson, Adrian Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964-1979 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance) 2015:2. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849334* 南北アメリカ 北 米 McDaniel, Jr., Charles Civil Society and the Reform of Finance: Taming Capital, Reclaiming Virtue (Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability) 2015:7. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138885691* ラテンアメリカ Campello, Daniela The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America: Globalization and Democracy 2015:4. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107039254* *9783319168258* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 93 経済学 》経済史・経営史 経済史・経営史 ロンドン金融市場:1640 -1826 Bisscop, W. R. The Rise of the London Money Market: 16401826 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 260 p., Originally Published in 1910 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138911505* Blyth, Conrad American Business Cycles 1945-50 2015:2. 312 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759243* Cairncross, Alec (ed.) The Robert Hall Diaries 1947-1953 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 322 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739467* Cairncross, Alec (ed.) The Robert Hall Diaries 1954-1961 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 340 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739474* 17 世紀女性のワーキング・ライフ Clark, A. The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century (Economic History) 2015:5. 384 p., Originally Published in 1919 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759342* Dietz, Sarah British Entrepreneurship in Poland: A Case Study of Bradford Mills at Marki near Warsaw, 1883-1939 (Modern Economic and Social History) 2015:7. 284 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) 94 *9781472441386* ★ 植民地と経済発展 Frankema, Ewout/Buelens, Frans (eds.) Colonial Exploitation and Economic Development: The Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies Compared 2015:3. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138902299* Jones, Peter D'A An Economic History of the United States Since 1783 2015:2. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759236* Kaeuper, R. Bankers to the Crown: The Riccardi of Lucca and Edward I (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:3. 300 p., Originally published in 1973 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691619316* 18 世紀の産業革命 Mantoux, Paul The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century: An Outline of the Beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England 2015:2. 552 p., Originally Published in 1928 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861756* Routledge 版 経営と組織の歴史必携 McLaren, Patricia Genoe/Mills, Albert J./Weatherbee, Terrance G. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Management and Organizational History (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:5. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415823715* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済史・経営史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 近代イギリスの産業史 Perris, George Herbert The Industrial History of Modern England 2015:2. 632 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864801* Poitras, Geoffrey Equity Capital: From Ancient Partnerships to Modern Limited Liability Corporations (Routledge International Studies in Business History) 2015:9. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138819931* Studer, Roman The Great Divergence Reconsidered: Europe, India, and the Rise to Global Economic Power 2015:2. 238 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107020542* Tunocer, Ali Cooskun Sovereign Debt and International Financial Control: The Middle East and the Balkans, 1870-1914 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance) 2015:8. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 スコットランド西部の発展 1750 -1960 *9781138864887* Slaven, Anthony The Development of the West of Scotland 17501960 2015:2. 296 p., Originally Published in 1975 (Routledge, GBR) *9781137378538* 金 融 金融理論 ★ Karimzadi, Shahzavar Money and its Origins (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) 2015:8. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138927087* デリバティブの経済学 Nageswaran, V. Anantha/Somanathan, T. V. The Economics of Derivatives 2015:3. 269 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107091504* ★印はお薦めタイトル Shipman, Alan Capitalism Without Capital: Accounting for the Crash 2015:6. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137442437* 金融市場 Glabadanidis, Paskalis Market Timing and Moving Averages: An Empirical Analysis of Performance in Asset Allocation 2015:7. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137364685* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 95 金 融 》金融市場 ファイナンス Greenbaum, Stuart I./Thakor, Anjan V./Boot, Arnoud Contemporary Financial Intermediation, 3rd ed. 2015:8. 675 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780124051966* ★ 喜多一 / 谷口和久 / 中島義裕著 エージェント · ベー ス · モデルと金融市場シミュレーション Kita, Hajime/Taniguchi, Kazuhisa/Nakajima, Yoshihiro (eds.) Simulation of Financial Markets with AgentBased Model: Analyzing Market Behaviors by the Third Mode of Science (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science, Vol. 9) 2015:11. 140 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431550563* Lin, Yongjia/Molyneux, Philip <> %# + @ (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions) 2015:7. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137533821* Tang, Ke/Dempster, M. A. H. (eds.) Commodities (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics) 2015:11. 448 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781498712323* Vecchi, Veronica/Caselli, Stefano/Corbetta, Guido (eds.) Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure and Business Development: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives 2015:9. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 96 *9781137487827* Baker, H. Kent/Filbeck, Greg/Kiymaz, Halil (eds.) Private Equity: Opportunities and Risks (Financial Markets and Investments) 2015:7. 600 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199375875* Bolder, David Jamieson Fixed-Income Portfolio Analytics: A Practical Guide to Implementing, Monitoring and Understanding Fixed-Income Portfolios 2015:3. 490 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319126661* Cowell, Frances/Levins, Matthew Risky Business: Running An Effective Risk Management Operation - Key Risk Management Lessons From Top Risk Managers And Regulators (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:10. 300 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119115854* Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation, 2nd ed. (Wiley Finance) 2015:9. 448 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119098058* Freedman, David M./Nutting, Matthew R. Equity Crowdfunding for Investors: A Guide to Risks, Returns, Regulations, Funding Portals, Due Diligence, and Deal Terms (Wiley Finance) 2015:6. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118853566* James, Jessica/Fullwood, Jonathan/Billington, Peter FX Option Performance: An Analysis of the Value Delivered by FX Options since the Start of the Market (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:4. 232 p. (Wiley, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》ファイナンス ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118793282* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Kalyebara, Baliira/Islam, Sardar M. N. Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, and Capital Budgeting: An Integrated Approach (Contributions to Management Science) 2015:2. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783642435423* Marcaillou, Philippe-N. < [% =\: Asset and Liability Management 2015:10. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738794* Nash, Peter Effective Product Control: Controlling for Trading Desks (Securities Institute) 2015:8. 350 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118939819* Ngwira, Malawi/Manase, David Public Sector Property Asset Management 2015:7. 216 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119085768* Saleuddin, Rasheed Regulating Securitized Products: A Post Crisis Guide 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Schoon, Natalie Modern Islamic Banking: Prodcuts, Processes in Practice (Wiley Finance) 2015:7. 250 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137497949* Vaughan, Emmett J. Essentials of Insurance: A Risk Management Perspective, 3rd ed. 2015:10. (Wiley, USA) Terra, Cristina Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics: Theories, Applications, and Policies 2015:6. 328 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128022979* Yirong, Ying/Forrest, Jeffrey Yi-Lin Capital Account Liberation: Methods and Applications (Systems Evaluation, Prediction, and DecisionMaking, Vol. 11) 2015:6. 441 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781498712262* 金融工学 Evstigneev, Igor/Hens, Thorsten/Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner Mathematical Financial Economics: A Basic Introduction (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319165707* Knopf, Peter M./Teall, John L. Risk Neutral Pricing and Financial Mathematics: A Primer 2015:5. 325 p. (Elsevier, NLD) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781119127208* 国際金融 *9780470128961* *9780128015346* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 97 金 融 》金融工学 Tulchinsky, Igor Finding Alphas: A Quantitative Approach to Building Trading Strategies (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:8. 128 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119057864* 会計学 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 企業会計 Karlson, Lawrence C. Corporate Value Creation: An Operations Frame=;]+ F&A) 2015:5. 640 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118997529* 財務会計 第8版 Weygandt, Jerry J./Kimmel, Paul D./Kieso, Donald E. Financial Accounting, 8th ed. 2015:10. 816 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118552551* 国際会計 監 査 会計倫理 Klein, Gordon/Kumar, Neha Ethics in Accounting: A Decision-Making Approach 2015:6. 350 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118928332* Rahim, Mia Mahmudur/Idowu, Samuel O. (eds.) Social Audit Regulation: Development, Challenges and Opportunities (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2015:5. 366 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 財務会計:IFRS 第3版 *9781118978085* *9783319158372* Kimmel, Paul D./Kieso, Donald E./Weygandt, Jerry J. Financial Accounting: IFRS, 3rd ed. 2015:7. 768 p. (Wiley, USA) 経営学 ビジネス一般 Sulej, Julian Rethinking Business Schools 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 98 経営学一般 *9781137404459* Benge, David P NRM3 Cost Management Handbook 2015:9. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804913* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営理論・経営思想 経営理論・経営思想 Anderson, Lisa/Gold, Jeff/Stewart, Jim/Thorpe, Richard (eds.) A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management 2015:10. 257 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446298329* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446298336* Routledge 版 批判的経営研究必携 Prasad, Anshuman/Prasad, Pushkala/Mills, Albert J/Helms Mills, Jean (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Critical Management Studies (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:7. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415501880* See also Dietz, Sarah, British Entrepreneurship in Poland, Ashgate Pub. .............................................. p94 , 0733 McLaren, Patricia Genoe, The Routledge Companion to Management and Organizational History, Routledge .................................... p94 , 0738 Poitras, Geoffrey, Equity Capital, Routledge .................................................................... p95 , 0740 経営経済・経営数学 Caro, J. Jaime/Möller, Jörgen/Stahl, James Discrete Event Simulation for Health Technology Assessment 2015:10. 300 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781482218244* Das, N. C. Decision Processes by Using Bivariate Normal Quantile Pairs 2015:6. 600 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9788132223634* Dima, Ioan Constantin/Man, Mariana Modelling and Simulation in Management: Econometric Models Used in the Management of Organizations (Contributions to Management Science) 2015:6. 760 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319165912* Mollona, Edoardo Computational Analysis of Firms Organization and Strategic Behaviour 2015:6. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879478* 知識経営 Daim, Tugrul U./Kim, Jisun/Iskin, Ibrahim/Abu Taha, Rimal/Van Blommestein, Kevin C. (eds.) Policies and Programs for Sustainable Energy Innovations$<=]=]] (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management) 2015:6. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319160320* 職場のモビリティとテクノロジー Hislop, Donald (ed.) Mobility and Technology in the Workplace 2015:6. 244 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864078* プロジェクト・マネジメント Bentley, Colin The PRINCE2 Practitioner: From Practitioner to Professional, 3rd ed. 2015:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824102* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 99 経営学 》プロジェクト・マネジメント ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824119* コーポレートガバナンス・CSR tech SMEs 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 企業責任 Argenti, Paul A. Corporate Responsibility 2015:8. 360 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Worth, Michael J. Fundraising: Principles and Practice 2015:8. 480 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483383101* *9781137501370* *9781483319520* 経営戦略・経営計画 企業のセキュリティマネジメント Cabric, Marko Corporate Security Management: Challenges, Risks, and Strategies 2015:4. 242 p. (Academic Pr. London, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128029343* Donna, S. Sheperis/Michael, M. Kocet/Stacy, L. Henning Ethical Decision Making For 21st Century (Counseling and Professional Identity) 2015:4. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452235493* Jackman, David Beyond Compliance: Making Compliance Work for the Business 2015:7. 300 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119020592* See also Sellers, Kathleen, Product Stewardship, CRC Press ..........................................................p111 , 0881 企業形態 Tajvidi, Mina/Karami, Azhdar Product Development Strategy: Innovation Capac]++= 100 Ambrosini, Véronique/Jenkins, Mark/Mowbray, Nardine (eds.) Advanced Strategic Management: A Multi-Perspective Approach, 3rd ed. 2015:11. 362 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 経営戦略上級 第3版 *9781137377944* M & A と役員報酬 Bodolica, Virginia/Spraggon, Martin Mergers and Acquisitions and Executive Compensation (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance) 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138802001* Boudreau, John/Jesuthasan, Ravin/Creelman, David Lead the Work: Navigating a world Beyond Employment 2015:9. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119040040* Boulton, Jean G./Allen, Peter M./Bowman, Cliff Embracing Complexity: Strategic Perspectives for an Age of Turbulence 2015:7. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199565252* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営戦略・経営計画 経営組織 Routledge 版 非市場戦略必携 Lawton, Thomas C./Rajwani, Tazeeb (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategy (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:4. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415712316* Routledge 版 M & A 必携 Risberg, Annette/King, David R./Meglio, Olimpia (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Mergers and Acquisitions (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:7. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415704663* Rostek, Katarzyna Benchmarking Collaborative Networks: A Key to SME Competitiveness (Contributions to Management Science) 2015:5. 150 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319167350* Cambridge 版 実践としての戦略ハンドブック 第 2版 Seidl, David/Rouleau, Linda/Golsorkhi, Damon/ Vaara, Eero (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, 2nd ed. 2015:9. 550 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107073128* Sharma, Chitra Business Process Transformation: The Process Tangram Framework (Management for Professionals) 2015:6. 180 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132223481* Karanika-Murray, Maria/Biron, Caroline (eds.) Derailed Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being: Confessions of Failure and Solutions for Success 2015:7. 350 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 組織とレジリエンス Kayes, D. Christopher Organizational Resilience: How Learning Sustains Organizations in Crisis, Disaster, and Breakdown 2015:4. 192 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199791057* 談話分析とマネジメント Mautner, Gerlinde Discourse and Management: Critical Perspectives (The Palgrave Critical Management Studies Series) 2015:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137300379* 組織における計画と心理学 Mumford, Michael D./Frese, Michael (eds.) The Psychology of Planning in Organizations: Research and Applications (Series in Organization and Management) 2015:6. 368 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848726048* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800472* Nieswandt, Martina Fast Cultural Change$}< Middle Management 2015:6. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9789401798662* *9781137515490* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 101 経営学 》経営組織 Olsson Neve, Theresia Eight Steps to Sustainable Organizational Learning: How to Tackle Search and Transfer Barriers (Management for Professionals) 2015:6. 190 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159362* Putka, Dan J./Murphy, Kevin R. Reliability and Measurement Error: An Integrated Perspective for Organizational Research and Practice (Applied Psychology Series) 2015:10. 380 p. (Psychology Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848729964* データサイエンス革命と組織心理学 Tonidandel, Scott/King, Eden/Cortina, Jose (eds.) Big Data at Work: The Data Science Revolution and Organizational Psychology (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series) 2015:9. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848725812* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781848725829* 人事管理 職場の公平性 *9781137524294* Fairholm, Gilbert W. Overcoming Workplace Pathologies: Principles of Spirit-Based Leadership (Management for Professionals) 2015:7. 160 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 102 *9783642427541* キャリアとタレントマネジメント Reis, Cristina Careers and Talent Management: A Critical Perspective 2015:6. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415735025* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415735032* Taylor, Philip/Bair, Jennifer/Newsome, Kirsty (eds.) Putting Labour in its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains (Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment) 2015:4. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137410382* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137410351* Cohen, Aaron Fairness in the Workplace: A Global Perspective 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Fehrenbacher, Dennis D. Design of Incentive Systems: Experimental Approach to Incentive and Sorting Effects (Contributions to Management Science) 2015:2. 254 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 インセンティブ・システムの設計 感情労働の負の側面 Ward, Jenna/McMurray, Robert The Dark Side of Emotional Labour (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415829045* *9783319171531* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ リーダーシップ Baldacchino, Godfrey (ed.) Entrepreneurship in Small Island States and Territories (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship) 2015:6. 294 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138789982* 貧困層のアントレプレナーシップ Dalglish, Carol/Tonelli, Marcello Entrepreneurship at the Bottom of the Pyramid 2015:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846548* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846555* Fritsch, Michael/Storey, David (eds.) Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context (Regions and Cities) 2015:6. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912090* クラウドファンディングと起業のファイナンス Harrison, Richard T. (ed.) Crowdfunding and Entrepreneurial Finance 2015:7. 148 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Rasmussen, Jørgen Gulddahl/Larsen, Mette Vinther (eds.) Relational Perspectives on Leading 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137509390* Sendjaya, Sen Personal and Organizational Excellence through Servant Leadership: Learning to Serve, Serving to Lead, Leading to Transform (Management for Professionals) 2015:6. 130 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319161952* 警察のリーダーシップとマネジメント Wankhade, Paresh/Weir, David (eds.) Police Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives 2015:6. 100 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319165677* Zehndorfer, Elesa Charismatic Leadership: The role of charisma in =!"#$%'"+';<= GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138927568* *9781138822764* 国際ビジネス・各国経営 ビジネス戦略と公共政策 Malerba, Franco/Caloghirou, Yannis/McKelvey, Maureen/Radoševic, Slavo (eds.) Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business Strategy and Public Policy (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology) 2015:7. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Dunning, John H. Explaining International Production (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 396 p., Originally published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138826557* *9781138025288* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 103 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 グローバル企業の台頭 中東のソーシャル・アントレプレナーシップ 第2巻 Fitzgerald, Robert The Rise of the Global Company: Multinationals and the Making of the Modern World (New Approaches to Economic and Social History) 2015:8. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Jamali, Dima/Lanteri, Alessandro (eds.) Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East: Volume 2 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780521849746* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521614962* ★ Haghirian, Parissa (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management 2015:7. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415734189* Holden, Nigel/Michailova, Snejina/Tietze, Susanne (eds.) The Routledge Companion to CrossCultural Management (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:4. 472 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415858687* 中国におけるアントレプレナーシップ Hou, Wenxuan/Cumming, Douglas/Firth, Michael (eds.) Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship: Key Issues and Challenges 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137412492* 中東のソーシャル・アントレプレナーシップ 第1巻 Jamali, Dima/Lanteri, Alessandro (eds.) Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East: Volume 1 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 104 セキュリティとマネジメント 第4版 Davies, S. (ed.) Security Supervision and Management: Theory and Practice of Asset Protection, 4th ed. 2015:6. 584 p. (Academic Pr. London, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128001134* ★ Routledge 版 異文化経営論必携 経営情報 Routledge 版 日本のビジネスとマネジメント *9781137509932* 新世代のためのビジネス・インテリジェンス Mayer, Jörg H./Quick, Reiner (eds.) Business Intelligence for New-Generation Managers: Current Avenues of Development 2015:5. 136 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319156958* Missbach, Michael/Stelzel, Josef/Gardiner, Cameron/Anderson, George/Tempes, Mark SAP on the Cloud (Management for Professionals) 2015:2. 216 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783642436048* Muller, Hunter The Big Shift in IT Leadership: How Great CIOs Leverage the Power of Technology for Strategic Business Growth in the Customer-Centric Economy (Wiley CIO) 2015:7. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118867129* *9781137395344* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営情報 Skilton, Mark Building the Digital Enterprise: A Guide to Constructing Monetization Models Using Digital Technologies (Business in the Digital Economy) 2015:8. 312 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137477705* Trenz, Manuel Multichannel Commerce: A Consumer Perspective on the Integration of Physical and Electronic Channels (Progress in IS) 2015:5. 189 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319161143* ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Werro, Nicolas ]] ^ % (Fuzzy Management Methods) 2015:5. 182 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159690* Wilson, Brian/Van Haperen, Kees Soft Systems Thinking, Methodology and the Management of Change 2015:6. 470 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ソーシャルコマース *9783319170275* *9781137432681* Turban, Efraim/Strauss, Judy/Lai, Linda Social Commerce: Marketing, Technology and Management (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2015:7. 800 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ⤒Ⴀሗ㻌 䠐ᕳ Management Information Systems Critical Perspectives on Business and Management 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04095S0825䛇 Edited by Robert D. Galliers and Mari-Klara Stein 2015 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜ 4 Vols., 1,683 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻜㻙㻠㻝㻡㻙㻣㻞㻤㻜㻥㻙㻢㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻤㻠㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻞㻟㻞㻘㻡㻞㻜㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻤㻢㻘㻜㻝㻢䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9780415728096* ࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ⤒Ⴀሗ㛵ࡍࡿⳘ࡞ᩥ⊩ࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ≉ࠊࡇࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ᙳ㡪ຊࡢࡁ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝࡸ㔜せ࡛᪂ࡋ࠸ᒎ㛤↔Ⅼࡀᙜ࡚ ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ༤ኈㄢ⛬ࡢᏛ⏕ࡸࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆࡼࡾⰋࡃ⌮ゎࡋࡓ࠸Ꮫ ⪅ࢆྵࡴ⤒Ⴀሗࡢ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚᭷┈࡞ධ㛛᭩ࡋ࡚Ḽ㏄ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 105 経営学 》生産管理・物流管理 生産管理・物流管理 SAGE 版 品質とサービス経済百科事典 全 2 巻 Dahlgaard-Park, Su Mi (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy 2015:9. 2 Vols., 1112 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9783319170244* 組織のためのシックス・シグマ Muralidharan, K. Six Sigma for Organizational Excellence: A Statistical Approach 2015:6. 569 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319172507* Dempster, Craig/Lee, John The Rise of the Platform Marketer: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms 2015:4. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★ サプライチェーン理論の基礎 第2版 Snyder, Lawrence V./Shen, Zuo–Jun Max Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 480 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119024842* *9780128023822* マーケティング Peris-Ortiz, Marta/Álvarez-García, José/RuedaArmengot, Carlos (eds.) Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management 2015:6. 180 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781118919330* Watts, Frank B. ! _!% [ _!: =]agement for Manufacturing 2015:5. 140 p. (Academic Pr. London, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9788132223245* Herrmann, Jeffrey W. Engineering Decision Making and Risk Management 2015:3. 360 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137501134* 経営科学 Li, Wenkai/Wu, Yong/Goh, Mark Planning and Scheduling for Maritime Container Yards: Supporting and Facilitating the Global Supply Network 2015:4. 110 p. 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(Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Harris, Philip/Newman, Bruce/Henneberg, Stephan/ Ormrod, Robert Principles of Political Marketing 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781856176163* Heilbrunn, Benoît Market Mediations: Semiotic Investigations on Consumers, Objects and Brands 2015:5. 288 p. 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The Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:6. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Prevel Katsanis, Lea Global Issues in Pharmaceutical Marketing 2015:8. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415643634* 消費者行動とプロダクトデザイン Kimmel, Allan J. People and Products: Consumer Behavior and Product Design 2015:3. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812246* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812253* Liozu, Stephan M Pricing and Human Capital: A Guide to Developing a Pricing Career, Managing Pricing Teams, and Developing Pricing Skills 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138900523* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138900530* Louviere, Jordan/Flynn, Terry/Marley, Anthony A. J. Best-Worst Scaling: Theory, Methods and Applications 2015:9. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107043152* McQuarrie, Edward F. The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners, 4th ed. 2015:11. 400 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 108 Saren, Mike _>! {, 2nd ed. 2015:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138013322* *9781138013339* Wind, Jerry Beyond Advertising: Reaching Customers Through Every Touchpoint, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 308 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119074229* Zawadzki, Joseph The Quantitative Marketer: Making the Shift from Traditional to Data-Driven Marketing 2015:8. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118828038* ★ 市場調査入門 第4版 *9780415895323* 価格決定と人的資本 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415895316* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Zeiser, Anne Transmedia Marketing: From Film and TV to Games and Digital Media (American Film Market Presents) 2015:5. 424 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415716109* *9781452291581* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》特定産業 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 特定産業 食糧・飲料のコストコントロール 第 6 版 Dopson, Lea R./Hayes, David K. Food and Beverage Cost Control, 6th ed. 2015:3. 432 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118988497* *9783319162164* Georgiades, Stavros Employee Engagement in Media Management: Creativeness and Organizational Development (Media Business and Innovation) 2015:5. 220 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) 国際化する建設業の組織デザイン Peh, Lu Chang/Low, Sui Pheng Organization Design for International Construction Business 2015:4. 348 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783642446917* See also Leong, James, <$> % Medicines, Springer-Verlag GmbH.........p147 , 1189 ほග䛸㛤Ⓨ㻌 䠐ᕳ Tourism and Development Sage Library of Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04008S0271䛇 Edited by Richard Sharpley, University of Central Lancashire, UK 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,320 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1241-0 ண⣙౯㸦2015/07/16 ཷศࡲ࡛) STP 550.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥152,246/ ≉౯ ¥121,796ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ 㸦ୖグ௨㝆㸧STP 625.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥173,006/ ≉౯ ¥138,405ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781473912410* ほගᏛࡢ᰿ᮏࡣほග㛤Ⓨࡢ㛵ಀᛶࡢ◊✲ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋほගࡣࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ⤒῭ࡢ せ࡞㒊㛛࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊほගᆅࡢ⤒῭ᡂ㛗⤒῭Ⓨᒎࡢຠᯝⓗ࡞≌ᘬᙺ࡞ࡿከࡃ ࡢே⪃࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡋ࡞ࡀࡽ㔜せ࡞ࡇࡋ࡚ࠊከࡃࡢᆅᇦࡀࠕ㛤Ⓨࡢࢪࣞ ࣐ࣥࠖࡤࢀ࡚࠸ࡿၥ㢟┤㠃ࡋࡲࡍࠋほගࡼࡗ࡚࠼ࡽࢀࡿࠊධࡸእᅜⅭ᭰ࠊ ᨻᗓṓධࠊ㞠⏝ࠊ⤒῭㐃ᦠࠊࣥࣇࣛ㛤Ⓨࠊ⎔ቃྥୖ࠸ࡗࡓⅬࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ୍ ᪉࡛ࠊほග㛤Ⓨࡼࡿ㈇ࡢഃ㠃ࡶࡲࡓㄆ㆑ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ࡣࠊほගᏛࡢ▱ぢ㆟ㄽࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡓせ࡞ㄽᩥࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࢆ㏻ࡋ ࡚ほගࡑࡢ㛤Ⓨࢆゎㄝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ㘽࡞ࡿᴫᛕࡸࢸ࣮࣐ࠊ㆟ㄽࢆࡾ࠶ࡆࡓ ᗈ⠊ᅖࢃࡓࡿᑟධ❶ࡼࡗ࡚ᯟ⤌ࡳࡀ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ほග㛤Ⓨࡢࢪ࣐ࣞࣥ㸸ほගࡢ౽┈㈝⏝ ➨ ᕳ㸸ほගᣢ⥆ྍ⬟࡞㛤Ⓨ ➨ ᕳ㸸ほගࡢ௦ࢃࡾ࡞ࡿࡶࡢ ➨ ᕳ㸸⌧௦ࡢほග㛤Ⓨၥ㢟 (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 109 環境学 》環境思想・環境文明 環境学 環境思想・環境文明 持続可能性と政治 Birnbacher, Dieter/Thorseth, May (eds.) The Politics of Sustainability: Philosophical perspectives (Routledge Studies in Sustainability) 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854291* Dunaway, Finis Seeing Green: The Use and Abuse of American Environmental Images 2015:3. 344 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226169903* Hailwood, Simon Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy 2015:7. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107081963* \@\ The Development of Russian Environmental Thought (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2015:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415580595* エコフェミニズムの現代的視点 Phillips, Mary/Rumens, Nick (eds.) Contemporary Perspectives on Ecofeminism (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 110 Smith, Anthony Paul A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature: Ecologies of Thought (Radical Theologies) 2015:8. 292 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137544230* Vidal, Fernando/Dias, Nélia (eds.) Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 2015:7. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138847415* 環境経済 Hitch, Charles J. (ed.) Modeling Energy-Economy Interactions: Five Appoaches (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 316 p., Originally published in 1977 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138930476* ロシア環境思想の発展 Kahlenborn, Walter/Beckenbach, Frank (eds.) New Perspectives for Environmental Policies Through Behavioral Economics 2015:7. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319167923* Lin, Carol Sze Ki/Luque, Rafael/Webb, Colin Building a Biobased Economy: A Global Perspective 2015:11. 216 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781466591998* *9781138019744* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境経済 環境政治 気候変動の危機 Litterman, Bob Climate Risk: Tail Risk and the Price of Carbon Emissions–Answers to the Risk Management Puzzle 2015:10. 448 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118859445* ★ Matsumoto, Shigeru (ed.) Environmental Subsidies to Consumers: How Did They Work in the Japanese Market? 2015:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415731072* Turner, Kerry/Schaafsma, Marije (eds.) Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services: From Science to Values and Decision Making (Studies in Ecological Economics, Vol. 9) 2015:6. 200 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319172132* See also Bluhdorn, Ingolfur/Welsh, Ian (eds.) The Politics of Unsustainability: Eco-Politics in the Post-Ecologist Era 2015:6., Originally Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Vernooy, Ronnie, Community Seed Banks, Routledge....................................................p88 , 0694 環境経営 Sellers, Kathleen Product Stewardship: Life Cycle Analysis and the Environment 2015:6. 232 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482223293* Brouwer, Stijn Policy Entrepeneurs in Water Governance: Strategies for Change 2015:6. 285 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319172408* EU の炭素除去 DuPont, Claire/Oberthur, Sebastian (eds.) Decarbonization in the European Union: Internal Policies and External Strategies (Energy, Climate and the Environment) 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137406828* DuPont, Claire Climate Policy Integration into EU Energy Policy: Progress and Prospects (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy) 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138806467* Hartmann, Thomas/Spit, Tejo (eds.) Frontiers of Land and Water Governance in Urban Areas (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance) 2015:7. 140 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138882331* Mintz-Habib, Nazia, Biofuels, Food Security and Developing Economies, Taylor & Francis ....................................................................p88 , 0693 *9781138911154* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 111 環境学 》環境政治 Heazle, Michael/Kane, John (eds.) Policy Legitimacy, Science and Political Authority: Knowledge and Action in Liberal Democracies (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138919075* 気候変動と交渉 Sjöstedt, Gunnar/Penetrante, Ariel Macaspac (eds.) Climate Change Negotiations: A Guide to Resolving Disputes and Facilitating Multilateral Cooperation 2015:5. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926714* *9781138838772* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138838796* アジア太平洋の環境安全保障 Watson, Iain/Pandey, Chandra (eds.) +*% [ 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137494108* ★ 日本の環境政策の起源 Wong, Anny The Roots of Japan’s Environmental Policies 2015:5., Originally Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879003* *9781107502635* Feitshans, Theodore A. Agricultural and Agribusiness Law: An Introduction for Non-Lawyers 2015:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Burns, Wil C. G./Strauss, Andrew L. (eds.) Climate Change Geoengineering: Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, and Governance Frameworks 2015:8. 327 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 See also 遺伝資源の研究開発 Kamau, Evanson Chege/Winter, Gerd/Stoll, PeterTobais (eds.) Research and Development on Genetic Resources: Public Domain Approaches in Implementing the Nagoya Protocol (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law) 2015:6. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Kuch, Declan The Rise and Fall of Carbon Emissions Trading (Energy, Climate and the Environment) 2015:7. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Clarke, Tracylee, +*% Management, Sage Pub. ......................... p136 , 1081 環境法 *9781138858619* *9781137490377* 環境社会・環境教育 環境と社会 Bungenberg, Marc/Hobe, Stephan (eds.) Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources 2015:5. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 112 *9783319157375* Arias-Maldonado, Manuel Environment and Society: Socionatural Relations in the Anthropocene (SpringerBriefs in Political Science) 2015:4. 131 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159515* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 Ẽೃ䛸ᩥ㻌 䠒ᕳ Climates and Cultures Sage Library of the Environment 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1017419851䛇 Edited by Mike Hulme, King’s College London, UK 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 6 Vols., 1,872 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-0452-1 ண⣙౯㸦2015/06/15 ཷศࡲ࡛㸧 STP 800.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥221,448/ ≉౯ ¥177,158ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ 㸦ୖグ௨㝆㸧STP 895.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥247,745/ ≉౯ ¥198,196ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781473904521* ࠕẼೃࠖࡣྂ࠸ᴫᛕ࡛ࡍࡀࠊ⌧௦♫࠾࠸࡚౫↛ࡋ࡚ ࡞ࡾከࡃࡢᙳ㡪ຊࢆᣢࡕࠊ㠀ᖖከᵝ࡞ᢅࢃࢀ᪉ࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋྂ௦ࢠࣜࢩேࡗ࡚Ẽೃࡣᣦᶆ࡛࠶ࡾࡘࡘస⏝ࡋ࡚ ⪃࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢඖⓗ࡞⪃࠼᪉ࡣᩥྐయ࠾࠸ ࡚⧞ࡾ㏉ࡋ⌧ࢀࠊẼೃኚື㛵ࡍࡿ⌧௦ࡢ㆟ㄽ࡛ࡶⓏሙࡋࡲ ࡍࠋẼೃࡣ≀⌮ⓗኚࡋࡲࡍࡀࠊྠほᛕⓗኚࡋࡲ ࡍࠋࡑࡢࡓࡵࠊ␗࡞ࡿேࠎࡸሙᡤࠊ௦࠾࠸࡚Ẽೃࡀࡶࡘព ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ␗࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡶࡋே㛫ࡀసࡾฟࡋࡓពࡸ㇟ ᚩࠊ័⩦ࡀࡢࡼ࠺࡞≀㉁ⓗᐇయࢆࡿ࠸࠺ၥ㢟ࡀᩥࡢ⪃ᐹ㛵ಀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ ࡢࡔࡍࢀࡤࠊᩥࡽẼೃࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿࡇࡣᐇࡾ࠶ࡿάື࡞ࡿࡇ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ࡇࡢ㔜せᩥ⊩ࡣ᪉ࠎᩓࡽࡤࡗࡓ㆟ㄽࢆࡲࡵࡓ㈗㔜࡞ᴫせ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ1980 ᖺ௦௨㝆ࡢẼೃᩥ㛵ࡍࡿ᭱㔜せࡢㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣேᩥᆅ⌮Ꮫ ࡸே㢮Ꮫࠊ♫Ꮫࠊ᐀ᩍᏛࡢ㏆ᖺࡢⓎᒎࢆᵓ㐀ⓗศ㢮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸Ẽೃᩥࡢ⌮ㄽ ➨ ᕳ㸸Ẽೃ㛵ࡍࡿᨻᗓᶵ㛵 ➨ ᕳ㸸㐣ཤ࠾ࡅࡿẼೃᩥ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᑗ᮶࠾ࡅࡿẼೃᩥ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᵝࠎ࡞ሙᡤ࠾ࡅࡿẼೃᩥ ➨ ᕳ㸸Ẽೃࡢᩥⓗ⾲⌧ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 113 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 都市と環境 Hinrichsen, Don Our Common Seas: Coasts in Crisis (Natural Resource Management Set) 2015:5. 196 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138928893* 中国とアメリカの環境広告 Li, Xinghua Environmental Advertising in China and the USA: Structures of Desire (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744133* McGaurr, Lyn Environmental Communication and Travel Journalism$ (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media) 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138775251* Poberezhskaya, Marianna Communicating Climate Change in Russia: State and Propaganda (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) 2015:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832275* Smith, Philip/Howe, Nicolas Climate Change as Social Drama: Global Warming in the Public Sphere 2015:7. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107103559* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 114 ★ 川上光彦他編 空間計画と持続可能な 開発 Kawakami, Mitsuhiko/Shen, Zhenjiang/Pai, Jen-te/Gao, Xiao-lu/Zhang, Ming (eds.) Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development: Approaches for Achieving Sustainable Urban Form in Asian Cities (Strategies for Sustainability) 2015:2. 459 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9789400798717* Ng, Koi Yu Adolf/Becker, Austin/Cahoon, Stephen/ Chen, Shu-Ling/Earl, Paul/Yang, Zaili (eds.) Climate Change and Adaptation Planning for Ports (Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis) 2015:9. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797901* Rauland, Vanessa/Newman, Peter Decarbonising Cities: Mainstreaming Low Carbon Urban Development (Green Energy and Technology) 2015:4. 266 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319155050* 環境問題 バングラデシュ農村の砒素汚染 *9781107503052* Akmam, Wardatul Arsenic Mitigation in Rural Bangladesh (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 9) 2015:9. 150 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431551539* 核廃棄物のガバナンス Brunnengräber, Achim/Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria/ Isidoro Losada, Ana Maria/Mez, Lutz/Schreurs, Miranda A. (eds.) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境問題 Nuclear Waste Governance: An International Comparison (Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Energy Policy and Climate Protection) 2015:3. 349 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658089610* Carrapatoso, Astrid/Kürzinger, Edith (eds.) Climate-Resilient Development: Participatory Solutions from Developing Countries (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 2015:5. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138928442* Chung, Suh-Yong (ed.) Post-2020 Climate Change Regime Formation (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research) 2015:5. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926851* Faist, Thomas/Schade, Jeanette (eds.) Disentangling Migration and Climate Change: Methodologies, Political Discourses and Human Rights 2015:2. 260 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9789400794146* Lewis, Tania/Chandola, Tripta (eds.) Green Asia: Ecocultures, Sustainable Lifestyles and Ethical Consumption (Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series) 2015:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Masese, Frank Onderi Dynamics in Organic Matter Processing, Ecosystem Metabolism and Tropic Sources for Consumers in the Mara River, Kenya 2015:5. 225 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138028159* Mauser, Wolfram/Prasch, Monika (eds.) Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts: The Project GLOWA-Danube 2015:8. 390 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319167503* O'Donnell, Anna/Wodon, Quentin (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation and Social Resilience in the Sundarbans 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138783805* Seo, S. Niggol Micro-Behavioral Economics of Global Warming: Modeling Adaptation Strategies in Agricultural and Natural Resource Enterprises (Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 60) 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159454* See also Saldaña Zorrilla, Sergio Omar, Natural Disasters, Foreign Trade and Agriculture in Mexico, Springer-Verlag GmbH............................ p131 , 1040 *9781138854086* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 115 法 学 》基礎法 法 学 基礎法 変遷するヨーロッパの法文化 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 Collins, Ronald K. L./Skover, David M. On Dissent: Its Meaning in America 2015:8. 199 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107502680* 先住民と法 全 4 巻 Da Silva, Denise Ferreira/Bhandar, Brenna/Harris, Mark (eds.) Indigenous Peoples and the Law (Critical Concepts in Law) 2015:8. 4 Vols., 1736 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415640213* 非暴力の哲学 Mallat, Chibli Philosophy of Nonviolence: Revolution, Constitutionalism, and Justice beyond the Middle East 2015:2. 408 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199394203* McGee, Kyle Bruno LaTour: The Normativity of Networks (Nomikoi Critical Legal Thinkers) 2015:5. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781107050358* Padovani, Andrea/Stein, Peter G. (eds.) A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volume 7: The Jurists’ Philosophy of Law from Rome to the Seventeenth Century, Volume 8: A History of the Philosophy of Law in The Common Law World, 1600-1900 2015:7. 530 p., Originally published in 2007 (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401798785* Pardo, Michael S./Patterson, Dennis Minds, Brains, and Law: The Conceptual Foundations of Law and Neuroscience 2015:5. 272 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190253103* Priaulx, Nicolette Beyond the Negligence Paradigm: Developing a Regulatory Ergonomic Approach to Error and Injury 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138799189* 法制史 Miller Jr., Fred D./Biondi, Carrie-Ann (eds.) A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volume 6: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 424 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 116 *9781138924574* Miller, William L./Grødeland, Åse B. European Legal Cultures in Transition 2015:7. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9789401798846* 初期のイギリス諸王の法律 Attenborough, F. L. (ed.) The Laws of the Earliest English Kings (Cambridge Library Collection - Medieval History) 2015:2. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108084840* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 比較法 公 法 憲 法 Andenas, Mads/Fairgrieve, Duncan (eds.) Courts and Comparative Law 2015:7. 816 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198735335* 英米法における宗教と国家 Bittker, Boris I./Ravitch, Frank S./Idleman, Scott Religion and the State in American Law 2015:11. 992 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107071827* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107419285* De Cruz, Peter Comparative Law in a Changing World, 4th ed. 2015:11. 600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415699150* Gao, Quanxi/Zhang, Wei/Tian, Feilong The Road to the Rule of Law in Modern China (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path) 2015:2. 141 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662456361* Ngoc Son, Bui Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asian Law (Routledge Law in Asia) 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852068* Cambridge 版 公法必携 Elliott, Mark/Feldman, David (eds.) Cambridge Companion to Public Law (Cambridge Companions to Law) 2015:10. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107655096* Hamer, Kenneth Professional Conduct Casebook, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 828 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198728597* Poole, Thomas Reason of State: Law, Prerogative and Empire (Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law, Vol. 14) 2015:9. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107089891* Yap, Po Jen Constitutional Dialogue in Common Law Asia 2015:7. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198736370* 司法制度 Merry, Sally Engle/Davis, Kevin/Fisher, Angelina (eds.) The Quiet Power of Indicators: Measuring Development, Corruption, and the Rule of Law (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2015:7. 360 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107029750* *9781107075207* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 117 法 学 》公 法 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107427877* Steiner, Eva Comparing the Prospective Effect of Judicial Rulings Across Jurisdictions (Ius Comparatum Global Studies in Comparative Law, Vol. 3) 2015:6. 355 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Waughray, Annapurna Capturing Caste in Law: The Legal Regulation of Caste Discrimination (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138807761* 行政法 *9783319161747* See Levey, Geoffrey Brahm, The Politics of Citizenship in Immigrant Democracies, Routledge ...................................................................p159 , 1282 人 権 Blanck, Peter eQuality: The Struggle for Web Accessibility by Persons with Cognitive Disabilities (Cambridge Disability, Law and Policy Series) 2015:7. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107684591* ★ 多様性とヨーロッパの人権 Brems, Eva (ed.) Diversity and European Human Rights: Rewriting Judgments of the ECHR 2015:8. 498 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107538047* Carle, Susan D. ! [!!: National Organizing for Racial Justice, 1880-1915 2015:5. 424 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780190235246* 刑事法 刑法 Davis, Angela J./Russell-Brown, Katheryn Criminal Law 2015:2. 386 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 模範刑法典入門 第2版 Dubber, Markus D. An Introduction to the Model Penal Code, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 248 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 118 *9781107052376* *9780190243050* Raphael QC, Monty Bribery: Law and Practice 2015:11. 300 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Roessler, Beate/Mokrosinska, Dorota (eds.) Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law) 2015:6. 425 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781412977890* *9780199686384* 刑法・刑事訴訟法 ★ 量刑と刑事司法 第6版 Ashworth, Andrew Sentencing and Criminal Justice, 6th ed. (Law in Context) 2015:10. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107652019* De Sanctis, Fausto Martin Churches, Temples, and Financial Crimes: A Judicial Perspective of the Abuse of Faith 2015:5. 100 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319156804* マーフィーの証拠法 第 14 版 Glover, Richard Murphy on Evidence, 14th ed. 2015:7. 816 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198733331* Gottschalk, Petter Fraud Examiners in White-Collar Crime Investigations 2015:6. 316 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781498725163* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 Becci, Irene/Roy, Olivier (eds.) Religious Diversity in European Prisons: Challenges and Implications for Rehabilitation 2015:6. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319167770* スコットランドの犯罪、正義と社会 第2版 Croall, Hazel/Mooney, Gerry/Munro, Mary (eds.) Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415750301* Palgrave 版 刑務所のエスノグラフィーハンドブック Earle, Rod/Sloan, Jennifer/Drake, Deborah H. (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology) 2015:6. 520 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137403872* Ellison, Graham Police and Policing in the UK: Governance and Accountability 2015:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415858731* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415858748* Geberth, Vernon J. Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, 5th ed. (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations) 2015:6. 1136 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482235074* 受刑者とHIV:インド、マハーラーシュトラ州の事例 地方犯罪と地域の安全 Ceccato, Vania A. Rural Crime and Community Safety (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society) 2015:7. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415856430* ★印はお薦めタイトル Guin, Sayantani Prison Inmates Living with HIV in India: Case Studies from Prisons in Maharashtra (SpringerBriefs in Criminology) 2015:5. 100 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319155654* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 119 法 学 》刑事法 Maltz, Michael D./Rice, Stephen K. (eds.) Envisioning Criminology: Researchers on Research as a Process of Discovery 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319158679* Robinson, Gwen/McNeill, Fergus (eds.) Community Punishment: European perspectives (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2015:8. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138783782* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138818644* *9781138858954* Said, Wadie E. Crimes of Terror: The Legal and Political Implications of Federal Terrorism Prosecutions 2015:5. 208 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199969494* Shoham, Efrat Prison Tattoos: A Study of Russian Inmates in Israel (SpringerBriefs in Criminology) 2015:4. 100 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319158709* *9781138928251* Stretesky, Paul B./Long, Michael A./Lynch, Michael J. ! %: A Critique of the Concept and Its Implication 2015:7. 220 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137479341* Taylor, David/Laybourn, Keith The Battle for the Roads of Britain: Police, Motorists and the Law, c.1890s to 1970s 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230359321* 組織犯罪 Von Lampe, Klaus/Lampe, Klaus Von Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures and Extra-Legal Governance 2015:8. 392 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452203508* Webber, Craig Psychology and Crime 2015:11. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446287439* Williamson, James Practical Investigation of Exploitation in Elderly and Vulnerable Populations (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations) 2015:3. 320 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781439850817* 刑事司法と公衆衛生 Smith, Hayden (ed.) Criminal Justice and Public Health 2015:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) 120 Rosenblatt, Fernanda Fonseca The Role of Community in Restorative Justice (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Wilson, Dean/Ross, Stuart (eds.) Crime, Victims and Policy: International Contexts, Local Experiences (Palgrave Studies in Victims and Victimology) 2015:6. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137383921* 民事法 民法 / 物権・債権 物権 全 4 巻 Davies, Margaret (ed.) Property (Critical Concepts in Law) 2015:7. 4 Vols., 1686 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415708784* 信託法 第6版 Garton, Jonathan/Moffat, Graham/Probert, Rebecca Moffat’s Trusts Law: Text and Materials, 6th ed. (Law in Context) 2015:10. 950 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★ Fried, Charles Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 216 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107105485* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107512832* Hallenborg, Mary Ann Real Estate Due Diligence: A legal perspective 2015:11. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415723169* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415723176* *9780190240158* ᴗつไ㻌 䠏ᕳ Business Regulation Elgar Mini Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1010870991䛇 Edited by E. J. Balleisen, Duke University, USA 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 2,448 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻣㻤㻝㻥㻡㻙㻝㻡㻥㻙㻜㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻣㻞㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻥㻥㻘㻟㻜㻟㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻡㻥㻘㻠㻠㻟䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781781951590* ࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡣ 1871 ᖺ௨㝆ไᐃࡉࢀࡓ⌧௦ࡢἲⓗ⤫㛵ࡍࡿせ࡞Ꮫ⾡ⓗ㆟ ㄽࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ึࡢ 2 ᕳ࡛ࡣࠊ⏘ᴗࡉࢀࡓ♫࠾ࡅࡿᢏ⾡ᐁࡼࡿ⤫ࡢᇶ ᮏཎ๎ࡸ⤫ᑐࡍࡿᢈุࢆᒎ㛤ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡣつไᶵ㛵ࡢⓎᒎࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ≉ ࠊࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣜࢮ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡸつไ⦆ࠊẸႠࠊ᪂ࡓไᐃࡉࢀࡿつไࡢ᭱᪂ࡢ≧ἣ↔Ⅼ ࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 3 ᕳࡣࠊつไࡢ⫼ᬒ࡞ࡿ⌧ᅾࡢᩥࢆ⌮ゎࡋࠊつไᨻ⟇ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆ᳨ウ ࡋࠊつไࡢኚࢆㄝ᫂ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢᙳ㡪ຊࡢ࠶ࡿᯟ⤌ࡳࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡾ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࡀ㘓ࡉࢀࡓࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊᅗ᭩㤋ࡸつไᢸᙜ⪅ࠊ ⾜ᨻ⫋ࢆ᭷ࡍࡿἲᚊᐙࠊつไࢆཷࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࣅࢪࢿࢫࠊNGOࠊつไࢆᑓ㛛ࡍࡿ♫⛉ Ꮫᇦࢃࡓࡿ◊✲⪅ࡴࡅ࡚ࡢỴᐃⓗ࡞ᴫㄽࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 121 法 学 》民事法 民事手続法 Wall, Jesse Being and Owning: The Body, Bodily Material, and the Law 2015:6. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198727989* 民法 / 不法行為 Dyson, Matt (ed.) Comparing Tort and Crime 2015:6. 550 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107080485* Steel, Sandy Proof of Causation in Tort Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law) 2015:7. 300 p. (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107049109* 民法 / 親族・相続 Swennen, Frederik (ed.) Contractualisation of Family Law: Global Perspectives (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Vol. 4) 2015:7. 400 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319172286* 会社法 Moens, Gabriël/Evans, Philip (eds.) Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Resources Sector: An Australian Perspective (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, Vol. 43) 2015:6. 196 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Busch, Friederike Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions in Latin America: A Legal and Anthropological Study (Munich Studies on Innovation and Competition, Vol. 3) 2015:7. 400 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662467695* 中国の特許訴訟法 第 2 版 Clark, Douglas Patent Litigation in China, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198724445* Fitzgerald, Brian/Gilchrist, John (eds.) Copyright Perspectives: Past, Present and Prospect 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159126* Orts, Eric W. Business Persons: A Legal Theory of the Firm 2015:7. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198746461* Reichman, Jerome H./Dedeurwaerdere, Tom/Uhlir, Paul F. Governing Digitally Integrated Genetic Resources, Data, and Literature: Global Intellectual Property Strategies for a Redesigned Microbial Research Commons 2015:7. 650 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 122 *9783319174518* 知的財産法 *9781107021747* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》医事法 2015:9. 270 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 医事法 Pontius, Frederick Drinking Water Regulation and Health, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 600 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470547809* 医事法 第2版 Samanta, Ash Medical Law, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Law Masters) 2015:5. 504 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137486585* 情報法・インターネット法 Laidlaw, Emily B. Regulating Speech in Cyberspace: Gatekeepers, Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility *9781107049130* インターネットポルノグラフィの規制 Nair, Abhilash The Regulation of Internet Pornography: Issues and Challenges (Routledge Research in Information Technology and E-Commerce Law) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745772* Tropina, Tatiana/Callanan, Cormac Self- and Co-regulation in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and National Security (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity) 2015:5. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319164465* ᆅ⌮ⓗ⾲♧㻌 䠏ᕳ Geographical Indications Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04010S0059䛇 Edited by Michael Blakeney, The University of Western Australia, AUS and Queen Mary University, UK 2015 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜ 3 Vols., 2,480 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻣㻤㻞㻡㻠㻙㻣㻣㻡㻙㻠㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻣㻞㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻥㻥㻘㻟㻜㻟㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻡㻥㻘㻠㻠㻟䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781782547754* 3 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡣࠊᆅ⌮ⓗ⾲♧ࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡿ◊✲ㄽ ᩥࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࡢᙧᘧࡢ〇ရ⾲♧࠾ࡅࡿᶵ⬟ࡇࡢᙧᘧࡀ౫ᣐࡍࡿ⤒῭ᇶ┙ ࡶࠊᅜෆ࣭ᅜ㝿୧᪉࠾ࡅࡿᆅ⌮ⓗ⾲♧ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ἲⓗಖㆤࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ ࡣ㏵ୖᅜ࠾ࡅࡿᆅ⌮ⓗ⾲♧ࡢ₯ᅾⓗ࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ◊✲ࡋࡓከࡃࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡀ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ◊✲ࡽᆅ⌮ⓗ⾲♧ࡀ㛵ಀࡍࡿ࣐࣮ࢣࢸࣥࢢࢆ◊✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⦅㞟ࢆ⾜ࡗࡓ Michael Blakeney ࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࡀ㘓ࡉࢀࡓᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡇࡢ ศ㔝ࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿᏛ⪅ࡸ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚᭷┈࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 123 法 学 》情報法・インターネット法 Williams, Alan/Calow, Duncan/Lee, Andrew Drafting Agreements for the Digital Media Industry, 2nd ed. 2015:11. 450 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198712770* Ambrus, Mónika/Wessel, Ramses A. (eds.) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 45) 2015:5. 430 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789462650596* Andenas, Mads/Bjorge, Eirik Farewell to Fragmentation: Reassertion and Convergence in International Law (Studies on International Courts and Tribunals) 2015:9. 524 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107082090* ★ アフリカ連合における平和構築:法と哲学 Jeng, Abou Peacebuilding in the African Union: Law, Philosophy and Practice 2015:8. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107538351* See also Arnould, Valerie, The Politics of Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding, Routledge ...p135 , 1078 国際公法 Abeyratne, Ruwantissa Aviation and International Cooperation: Human and Public Policy Issues 2015:6. 250 p. 124 *9783319170213* Bittencourt Neto, Olavo de Oliveira ! % ^ [ $!ry Purposes (SpringerBriefs in Space Development) 2015:6. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 国際法 (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319166841* Bulto, Takele Soboka Extraterritoriality and International Human Rights Law: The Spatial Reach of African Human Rights Treaties (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415823708* Byrne, Rosemary From International to Global Criminal Justice: => 2015:10. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415505246* De Londras, Fiona Detention in the ‘War on Terror’: Can Human Rights Fight Back? 2015:8. 326 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107538153* Jacques, Mélanie % %: The Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons Under International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Vol. 95) 2015:8. 293 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107538399* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 Roach, Kent (ed.) Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law 2015:7. 786 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107057074* Robins, Simon/Rasul, Majida Humanitarian Protection: Principles, Law and Practice 2015:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138787483* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138787490* Sumner, Andy/Ely Yamin, Alicia/Langford, Malcolm (eds.) The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future 2015:3. 576 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107515246* Weller, Marc/Willmot, Haidi/Mamiya, Ralph/Sheeran, Scott (eds.) The Protection of Civilians in International Law 2015:11. 330 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198729266* *9780415816328* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 人道的保護 Conway, Gerard EU Law (Spotlights) 2015:5. 624 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415816311* ヨーロッパの銀行と金融法 Haentjens, Matthias/de Gioia-Carabellese, Pierre European Banking and Financial Law 2015:6. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138897977* Krajewski, Markus (ed.) Services of General Interest Beyond the Single Market: External and International Law Dimensions (Legal Issues of Services of General Interest) 2015:6. 350 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789462650626* Palmer, Vernon V. The Recovery of Non-Pecuniary Loss in European Contract Law (The Common Core of European Private Law) 2015:5. 560 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107098626* 国際私法・国際取引法 EU 法 Bungenberg, Marc/Herrmann, Christoph (eds.) Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon (European Yearbook of International Economic Law / Special Issue) 2015:2. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783642444722* Blackaby, Nigel/Redfern, Alan/Partasides, Constantine/Hunter, Martin Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration 2015:9. 912 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198714248* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198714255* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 125 法 学 》国際法 Hale, Thomas Between Interests and Law: The Politics of Transnational Commercial Disputes 2015:7. 375 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107083622* Wei, Dan (ed.) Settlements of Trade Disputes between China and Latin American Countries (Laws in Emerging Economies, Vol. 1) 2015:6. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662464243* 政治学 政治学一般 Schaffer, Frederic Charles Elucidating Social Science Concepts: An Interpretivist Guide (Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods) 2015:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415893244* 政治思想・政治理論 Comninel, George/Musto, Marcello/Wallis, Victor (eds.) The International after 150 Years: Labor vs Capital, Then and Now 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138889842* Digeser, P. E. (ed.) Richard E. Flathman: Situated Concepts, Virtuosity Liberalism and Opalescent Individuality (Routledge Innovators in Political Theory) 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852808* ケアの倫理と政治理論 Engster, Daniel/Hamington, Maurice (eds.) Care Ethics and Political Theory 2015:8. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198716341* Escribà-Folch, Abel/Wright, Joseph Foreign Pressure and the Politics of Autocratic Survival (Oxford Studies in Democratization) 2015:9. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198746997* 不服従の議論 Loizidou, Elena (ed.) Disobedience: Concept and Practice 2015:5. 168 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138924598* モダニティの探求 政治哲学、共感と政治的正義 Edge, Matthew Political Philosophy, Empathy and Political Justice (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory, Vol. 62) 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) Meijer, Roel The Quest for Modernity: Secular Liberal and Leftwing Political Thought in Egypt, 1945-1958 2015:5. 288 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 126 *9781138017757* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869875* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 現代政治・行政学 Newey, Glen Rogue Theodicy: Glen Newey in Dialogue (Critical Powers) 2015:11. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ イスラムの新たな確約 Ayoob, Mohammed The Politics of Islamic Reassertion 2015:3. 312 p., Originally Published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472576408* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472576392* ★ 民主主義と国家多元論 Requejo, Ferran (ed.) Democracy and National Pluralism (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory) 2015:2. 192 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415513869* 複雑な民主主義 Schneider, Volker/Eberlein, Burkard (eds.) Complex Democracy: Varieties, Crises, and Transformations 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319158495* Uhr, John Prudential Public Leadership: Promoting Ethics in Public Policy and Administration (Recovering Political Philosophy) 2015:3. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137506481* ユートピアの境界線 Van Ree, Erik Boundaries of Utopia - Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Barraket, Josephine/Keast, Robyn/Furneaux, Craig Social Procurement and New Public Governance (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management) 2015:10. 256 p. 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(Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137427427* *9781137427410* ★ 公共政策と経営の倫理 Lawton, Alan/van der Wal, Zeger/Huberts, Leo (eds.) Ethics in Public Policy and Management: A Global Research Companion 2015:8. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415725286* 公然の秘密と無記名投票 Mares, Isabela ᨻⓗ⭉ᩋ Political Corruption Elgar Mini Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1010870991䛇 Edited by Bo Rothstein, University of Gothenburg, SWE 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 864 p., Hard 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻣㻤㻟㻠㻣㻙㻟㻜㻠㻙㻡㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻞㻥㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻤㻜㻘㻞㻣㻡㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻢㻠㻘㻞㻞㻜䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781783473045* ᨻⓗ⭉ᩋࡣ♫ࡑࡢࡶࡢྠࡌࡃࡽ࠸ྂ࠸ၥ㢟࡛ࡍࠋࡋࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊᨻᏛ ࡑࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝࡛ࡣࡼࡃ▱ࡽࢀࡓෆᐜ࡛࠶ࡾ࡞ࡀࡽࠊ᪂ࡋࡃᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚࠸ࡿศ㔝 ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ1990 ᖺ௦ᚋ༙ࡲ࡛ࡣᑠࡉ࡞ᢅ࠸ࡋཷࡅ࡚ࡁࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࠋ⭉ᩋ㛵ࡍࡿ ㆟ㄽࡢ࿘㎶Ꮡᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࢱࣈ࣮ࡀ㏆ᖺᡴࡕ○ࢀࡓࡇࡼࡾࠊ⭉ᩋࡣ⤒῭ၥ㢟 ࡋ࡚ᐃ⩏ࡉࢀࡿ⮳ࡾࠊ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚ࡇࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ◊✲ᡂᯝࡀᛴቑࡍࡿࡇ ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞㒊ศࡀၥࢆᘬࡁ㉳ࡇࡍಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡ ࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡲࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊBo Rothstein ᩍᤵࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࡶࡇࡢศ㔝 ࡢ᭱Ⰻࡢㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋࠊᨻⓗ⭉ᩋ㛵ࡍࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ㄪᰝ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚ࡲࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇ ࡢศ㔝⯆ࢆࡶࡗ࡚࠸ࡿேဨࡗ࡚౯್ࡢ࠶ࡿ㈨ᩱ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 128 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 From Open Secrets to Secret Voting: Democratic Electoral Reforms and Voter Autonomy (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 2015:5. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107100213* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107495296* 政治の影響力 Massumi, Brian The Politics of Affect 2015:5. 232 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745689814* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745689821* ★ 人権の政治社会学 Nash, Kate Political Sociology of Human Rights (Key Topics in Sociology) 2015:7. 260 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521197496* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521148474* 企業・政府機関の関係構築 Ni, Anna Ya/Van Wart, Montgomery Building Business-Government Relations: Skills for Business Professionals 2015:7. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780765640079* 進化の政治学 Prindle, David F. The Politics of Evolution 2015:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887848* 議会の代表 Quaile Hill, Kim/Jordan, Soren/Hurley, Patricia Representation in Congress$}] 2015:5. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781107107816* ★ 抗議、運動と異論:学際的視点 Travaglino, Giovanni A. (ed.) Protest, Movements, and Dissent in the Social Sciences: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Contemporary Issues in Social Science) 2015:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138924543* コモンセンスの政治学 Woodly, Deva R. The Politics of Common Sense: How Social Movements Use Public Discourse to Change Politics and Win Acceptance 2015:7. 272 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190203986* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190203993* Zayani, Mohamed Networked Publics and Digital Contention: The Politics of Everyday Life in Tunisia (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) 2015:8. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190239763* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190239770* *9781138887831* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 129 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 ⾜ᨻᏛ䛸බඹᨻ⟇䛾ⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠏∧㻌 䠏ᕳ Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy 3rd ed. 2015 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 2,400 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻠㻢㻢㻡㻙㻢㻥㻜㻥㻙㻢㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻿㼀㻼㻌㻝㻘㻞㻜㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻟㻟㻞㻘㻝㻣㻞㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻞㻢㻡㻘㻣㻟㻤䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781466569096* ࣋ࢫࢺࢭ࣮ࣛ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ᭩⡠ࡢ➨ 3 ∧࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⾜ᨻᏛࡢᖜᗈࡉ῝ࡉࢆ࢝ ࣂ࣮ࡋࡓㄽᩥࡢỴᐃⓗ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆໟᣓⓗ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋࡓᮏ᭩ ࡣࠊண⟬⦅ᡂࡸᐁไᗘࠊ⣮தゎỴࠊᅜᆅᇦࠊุᡤࡢ㐠Ⴀࠊࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮ၥ㢟ࠊ ᗣ⟶⌮ࠊேⓗ㈨※⟶⌮ࠊἲᚊࠊᆅ᪉ᨻᗓࠊᡭἲࠊ⤌⧊ࠊ㐙⾜ࠊᨻ⟇ࠊᨻ⟇❧㐣⛬ࠊ ㄪ㐩ࠊᕞᨻᗓࠊ⌮ㄽ࠸ࡗࡓ㢟┠ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢᨵゞ᪂∧ࡣ᪂ࡋ࠸㡯┠ࡔࡅ ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ⌧ᅾⴭྡ࡞◊✲⪅ࡸᐇົᐙࡶḟୡ௦ࡢ௦⾲ⓗ࡞◊✲⪅ࡼࡿᖜᗈ࠸ᐤ ✏ࢆ⤌ࡳධࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Table of Contents Budgeting Auditing and Reporting Budget Process Budget Reform Cash Management Costing and Pricing Laws and Regulation Theory Types of Budgets Bureaucracy Conflict Resolution Countries and Regions Court Administration Decision-Making Economic Development Ethics Cases Ethics Management Legal Aspects Teaching Theory Trust Finance Bonds Debt Markets Reporting Theory Gender Issues Health Care Human Resource Management Appraisal Civil Service Compensation Development Discipline Diversity Labor–Management Relations Law Local Government Methods Policy Analysis Organization Leadership Performance Information Technology Other Strategies People Performance Measurement Policy Areas Policy-Making Process Procurement State Government Theories Administration Economic Rational Actor, NonEconomic Statistical and Uncertainty (CRC Press, USA) 130 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 ★ 新たな民主主義におけるメディアと政治 Zielonka, Jan (ed.) Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in a Comparative Perspective 2015:9. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198747536* 災害研究 災害とリスク:社会学的観点 Matthewman, Steve Disasters, Risks and Revelation: Making Sense of Our Times 2015:7. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137294258* 自然災害による経済的影響と対策:メキシコの事例 Saldaña Zorrilla, Sergio Omar Natural Disasters, Foreign Trade and Agriculture in Mexico: Public Policy for Reducing Economic Vulnerability (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) 2015:6. 136 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 ラテンアメリカに対するEU 外交政策 Dominguez, Roberto EU Foreign Policy Towards Latin America (The European Union in International Affairs) 2015:7. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137321275* *9783319173580* 中国の公共外交 Hartig, Falk Chinese Public Diplomacy: The Rise of Confucius Institutes (Routledge New Diplomacy Studies) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 国際関係論一般 環インド洋地域 Campbell, Gwyn (ed.) The Indian Ocean Rim: Southern Africa and Regional Cooperation 2015:3. 280 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862470* Del Sarto, Raffaella A. (ed.) Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations: The Israel-Palestine-European Union Trianglep (Palgrave Studies in International Relations) 2015:5. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138809307* Rosch, Felix Power, Knowledge, and Dissent in Morgenthau’s Worldview (The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought) 2015:7. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137401090* 国際関係論 *9781137504135* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 See also Van Munster, Rens, Documenting World Politics, Routledge...................................................p158 , 1270 Sluga, Glenda, Women, Diplomacy and International Politics since 1500, Routledge .................................................................. p161 , 1300 安全保障 ★ 核テロリズムと国家の備え Apikyan, Samuel/Diamond, David (eds.) Nuclear Terrorism and National Preparedness (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) 2015:7. 231 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401798907* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 131 政治学 》国際関係論 ᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽ䛾ṔྐᏛⓗ◊✲㻌 䠐ᕳ Historical International Relations Sage Library of International Relations 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04003S0414䛇 Edited by Halvard Leira, and Benjamin De Carvalho, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, NOR 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,552 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-0220-6 ண⣙౯㸦2015/07/16 ཷศࡲ࡛㸧 STP 625.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥173,006/ ≉౯ ¥138,405ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ 㸦ୖグ௨㝆㸧STP 695.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥192,383/ ≉౯ ¥153,906ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781473902206* ࡇࢀࡲ࡛࠶ࡲࡾㄆ▱ࡉࢀ࡚ࡇ࡞ࡗࡓࡶࡢࡢࠊṔྐᏛࡣ ࢹ࣮ࢱࡢ౪⤥※ࠊ⌮ㄽࡢᐇ㦂ሙࠊㄪᰝࡢሙࡋ࡚ࠊᅜ㝿㛵 ಀㄽษࡗ࡚ࡶษࢀ࡞࠸㛵ಀ࠶ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ㐣ཤ 20 ᖺ㛫 ࡛ࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ᛮࡢṔྐࡢ㛵ᚰࡀᛴ⃭㧗ࡲࡾࠊࡲࡓࡑ ࢀࡽࡢᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞㛵ᚰࡶ⏕ࡲࢀࠊᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽࡑࡢࡶࡢࡢྐ ᩱ⦅ಟࡀࡉࡽ⢭⦓ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࢀࡶࠊᅜ 㝿㛵ಀㄽࡢṔྐᏛⓗ◊✲࠾ࡅࡿᡂᯝࡀᖜቑຍࡋࠊṔ ྐ◊✲ࡢ᪉ἲࡀᖜὙ⦎ࡉࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࡇࡢ㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ࡣᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ㏆ᖺࡢせ࡞Ⓨᒎ㛵ࢃࡿᙧ࡛ᵓᡂ ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊㄞ⪅ᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽ࡛ࡢṔྐࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡢᴫせࡸᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ᛮࡢṔ ྐྐᩱ⦅ಟࠊᅜᐙᅜᐙไᗘࡢྎ㢌ࡘ࠸࡚ሗࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽࡢṔྐᏛⓗ◊✲ࡢᐇ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ᛮࡢṔྐ ➨ ᕳ㸸ṔྐⓗほⅬࡽࡢᅜᐙ ➨ ᕳ㸸ṔྐⓗほⅬࡽࡢᅜᐙไᗘ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 132 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 核の脅威と安全保障の課題 Apikyan, Samuel/Diamond, David (eds.) Nuclear Threats and Security Challenges (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) 2015:7. 271 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401798938* Betz, David Carnage and Connectivity: Landmarks in the Decline of Conventional Military Power 2015:9. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190264857* 民間軍事会社:チェコの事例 Bures, Oldrich Private Security Companies: Transforming Politics and Security in the Czech Republic (Central and Eastern European Perspectives on International Relations) 2015:7. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137477514* Daase, Christopher/Davis, James W. (eds.) Clausewitz on Small War 2015:10. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737131* 民間軍事会社:イラク戦争時の事例 Fitzsimmons, Scott Private Security Companies during the Iraq War: Military Performance and the Use of Deadly Force (Cass Military Studies) 2015:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138844261* インテリジェンスの民主化 Gill, Peter/Andregg, Michael (eds.) Democratisation of Intelligence 2015:3. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855311* EUとNATO の連携 Graeger, Nina EU–NATO Cooperation: European Security as Informal Practice (Routledge Studies in European Security and Strategy) 2015:9. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849280* Hunt, Alan R. Civic Engagement in Food System Governance: A Comparative Perspective of American and British Local Food Movements (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) 2015:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888432* ★ 世界的な核兵器解体 Hynek, Nik/Smetana, Michal (eds.) Global Nuclear Disarmament: Critical and Normative Approaches (Routledge Global Security Studies) 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832725* 国境なき脅威 Jones, Lee/Hameiri, Shahar Governing Borderless Threats: Non-Traditional Security and the Politics of State Transformation 2015:9. 220 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107110885* 都市ゲリラの出現 Kilcullen, David Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla 2015:7. 352 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190230968* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 133 政治学 》国際関係論 Moore, Richard The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons 2015:5. 264 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881952* Mulligan, William/Rose, Andreas/Geppert, Dominik (eds.) The Wars before the Great War$ternational Politics Before the Outbreak of the First World War 2015:4. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138925694* Ram Mohan, M. P. Nuclear Energy and Liability in South Asia: Institutions, Legal Frameworks and Risk Assessment within SAARC 2015:5. 120 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132223429* Holden-Reid, Brian, The Science of War, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0354 国際政治経済 Andrews, Nathan/Khalema, Ernest Nene/AssiéLumumba, N'Dri T. (eds.) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Retrospect: Africa’s Development Beyond 2015 (Social Indicators Research Series, Vol. 58) 2015:6. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319161655* ★ 発展途上国における利益、安全保障と人権 Rochlin, James F. (ed.) # [ |% $! *oping Countries: Global Lessons from Canada’s Extractive Sector in Colombia (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics, Vol. 122) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138776210* 核兵器問題 Sidhu, W. Pal Coping with Nuclear Weapons: Issues and Global 134 Haldi, Stacy Bergstrom, Why Wars Widen, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0353 ミレニアム開発目標の回想 南アジアにおける核エネルギーと責任 *9780198737810* Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI Yearbook 2015: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security (SIPRI Yearbook Series) 2015:9. 584 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 See also Narang, Neil/Gartzke, Erik/Kroenig, Matthew (eds.) Non-Proliferation Policy and Nuclear Postures: Causes and Consequences of the Spread of Nuclear Weapons (Routledge Global Security Studies) 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107063471* *9780415782692* SIPRI 年鑑 2015 Institutions (Global Institutions) 2015:8. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 経済制裁対ソフト・パワー Anguelov, Nikolay/Anguelov, Nick Economic Sanctions vs. Soft Power 2015:7. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137523754* Baru, Sanjaya Power Shifts and New Blocs in the Global Trading System (Adelphi series) 2015:3. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138927247* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 自由市場ガバナンスの倫理 Clarke, Chris The Ethics of Liberal Market Governance: Adam Smith and the Constitution of Financial Market Agency (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy) 2015:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138840348* 発展する世界の研究 Currie-Alder, Bruce Research for the Developing World: Public Funding from Australia, Canada, and the UK 2015:10. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198742937* グローバリゼーション、文化と開発 De Beukelaer, Christiaan/Pyykkönen, Miikka/ Singh, J. P. (eds.) Globalization, Culture and Development: The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137397621* 不平等との闘い:グローバルノースとグローバルサウス Gallas, Alexander/Hansjorg, Herr/Hoffer, Frank/ Scherrer, Christoph (eds.) Combating Inequality: The Global North and South 2015:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138916852* Societies Under Siege: Exploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) Work 2015:10. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 急激に変化する時代のグローバル経済 Lin, See-Yan Global Economy in Turbulent Times 2015:4. 600 p. (WILEY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Murphy, Enda/Mercille, Julien Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity and Crisis: Europe’s Treasure Ireland 2015:7. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780745697819* 国際的経済制裁の効果 *9781137468758* Riain, Sean O./Behling, Felix/Ciccia, Rossella (eds.) Changing Worlds and Workplaces of Capitalism (International Political Economy Series) 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137427076* Woodley, Daniel Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics: Sovereignty and State Power in a Multipolar World (Rethinking Globalizations) 2015:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 グローバル企業の台頭 George, Susan Shadow Sovereigns: How Global Corporations are Seizing Power 2015:6. 208 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119059967* *9780198749325* *9780415745055* 国際関係の諸問題 移行期の正義と平和構築 Arnould, Valerie The Politics of Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding: The Case of the Democratic Republic of =;<tions) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) Jones, Lee ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 135 政治学 》国際関係論 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138802469* ★ アルカイダ、ISとグローバル・ジハード運動 Byman, Daniel Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement (What Everyone Needs to Know) 2015:7. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190217259* 危機における平和構築 Debiel, Tobias/Held, Thomas/Schneckener, Ulrich (eds.) Peacebuilding in Crisis: Rethinking Paradigms and Practices of Transnational Cooperation (Routledge Global Cooperation Series) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138924963* Gardner, Hall Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History 2015:8. 184 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Routledge 版 テロリズムの歴史 環境紛争の処理 Clarke, Tracylee/Peterson, Tarla R. +*% _!% 2015:3. 248 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483303031* Law, Randall D. (ed.) The Routledge History of Terrorism (Routledge Histories) 2015:4. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138847736* ★ Routledge 版 平和構築ハンドブック Mac Ginty, Roger (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding 2015:4. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Cordell, Karl/Wolff, Stefan (eds.) $! |> + , 2nd ed. 2015:6. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922709* 平和維持と残虐行為の防止の観点 Curran, David/Fraser, Trudy/Roeder, Larry Winter/ Zuber, Robert (eds.) Perspectives on Peacekeeping and Atrocity Prevention: Expanding Stakeholders and Regional Arrangements (Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century) 2015:7. 230 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) 136 *9780415535779* ★ Routledge 版 民族紛争ハンドブック 第2版 *9781137546760* ★ クリミア侵攻と歴史的観点 *9781138858596* *9780190217266* Cammaert, Patrick/Popovski, Vesselin/Nadin, Peter Spoiler Groups and UN Peacekeeping (Adelphi series) 2015:2. 1 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9783319163710* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Payne, Kenneth " ! _ : Evolutionary Theory, Human Nature and a Liberal Approach to War 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137428585* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 比較政治 テロリズムの概念化 Richards, Anthony Conceptualising Terrorism 2015:9. 168 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198746966* Schaerf, Carlo/Carlton, David (eds.) Contemporary Terror: Studies in Sub-State Violence (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138916647* ★ 防止と保護する責任:ケニアの事例 Sharma, Serena Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect: The Case of Kenya (Global Politics and the Responsibility to Protect) 2015:11. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415507509* Subba, Tanka B./Sinha, A. C. (eds.) Nepali Diaspora in a Globalised Era 2015:6. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922266* 国際的介入の政治学 Turner, Mandy/Kühn, Florian P. (eds.) The Politics of International Intervention: The Tyranny of Peace (Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding) 2015:10. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Backes, Uwe/Kailitz, Steffen (eds.) Ideocracies in Comparison: Legitimation - Cooptation - Repression (Extremism and Democracy) 2015:10. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 現代におけるテロと暴力 *9781138891272* See also Freedman, Jane, Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p161 , 1294 カリブ海地域の行政府と政策 Minto-Coy, Indianna D./Berman, Evan M. (eds.) Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean (Public Administration and Public Policy, Vol. 180) 2015:7. 440 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781439892947* ★ 不確実性の政治学 Schedler, Andreas The Politics of Uncertainty: Sustaining and Subverting Electoral Authoritarianism (Oxford Studies in Democratization) 2015:3. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198743248* 労働党の比較:ニュージーランド、イギリスとオースト ラリア Schulman, Jason Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response: The Politics of the End of Labourism 2015:5. 168 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137303165* アジア太平洋 Koenig, Lion/Chaudhuri, Bidisha (eds.) Politics of the Other in India and China: Western Concepts in Non-Western Contexts (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138848856* *9781138851184* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 137 政治学 》アジア太平洋 東アジア 立法としてのグローバリゼーション Naoi, Megumi Building Legislative Coalitions for Globalization in Asia: Globalization as Legislation 2015:6. 228 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107037038* Tan, See Seng Multilateral Asian Security Architecture: NonASEAN Stakeholders (Asian Security Studies) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138902404* 日 本 ★ >= The Post-War Roots of Japanese Political Malaise (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2015:5. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853225* ★ Kumagai, Naoko The Foundation of Japan’s Security Policy: The Yoshida Doctrine Updated (Routledge Security in @!"#$""'#+';<=>< ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415505567* ★ 部落問題と現代日本:松本治一郎の生涯 Neary, Ian The Buraku Issue and Modern Japan: The Career of Matsumoto Jiichiro (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2015:4. 272 p., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 138 *9781138858053* ★ L. K. リトルの中国日誌:1943年 - 1954年 戦争と革命の目撃録 全3巻 Bickers, Robert/Chang, Chihyun (eds.) The Chinese Journals of L. K. Little, 1943-54 (The Making of Modern China) 2015:4. 3 Vols., 1200 p. (Pickering & Chatto Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848934870* チャイナ・ドリーム Callahan, William A. China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future 2015:4. 232 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190235239* 中国の軍事力 Cliff, Roger China’s Military Power: Assessing Current and Future Capabilities 2015:8. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 熊谷奈緒子著 日本の安全保障政策の基盤 *9781107103542* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107502956* 中国の軍備調達 Evron, Yoram China’s Military Procurement in the Reform Era: The Setting of New Directions (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138900646* 中国と北朝鮮 Freeman, Carla (ed.) China and North Korea: Strategic and Policy Perspectives from a Changing China (International Relations and Comparisons in Northeast Asia) 2015:7. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137455659* Fulda, Andreas Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China: Environment, Social Development and International Cooperation (The Nottingham China Policy Institute Series) 2015:6. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137518637* 中国におけるNGOガバナンスとマネジメント Hasmath, Reza/Hsu, Jennifer Y. J. (eds.) NGO Governance and Management in China (Routledge Studies on China in Transition) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909977* 中国の共産主義からの変遷 Wu, Guoguang/Lansdowne, Helen (eds.) China’s Transition from Communism - New Perspectives (China Policy Series) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886889* Wu, Guoguang China’s Party Congress: Power, Legitimacy, and Institutional Manipulation 2015:10. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107082021* 南アジア パキスタン Burki, Shahid Javed/Amjad, Rashid (eds.) Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward 2015:4. 406 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 パキスタンにおける民主主義と安全保障 Gregory, Shaun (ed.) Democracy and Security in Pakistan: Political, Economic and Religious Implications of Democratic Transition (Asian Security Studies) 2015:9. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138842182* パキスタンにおける法のイスラム化 Mehdi, Rubya The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan 2015:3. 344 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912724* ★ 南アジアのポストコロニアル国家 Shastri, Amita/Wilson, A. Jeyaratnam The Post-Colonial States of South Asia: Political and Constitutional Problems 2015:3., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862418* 世界政治におけるインド Sullivan, Kate Competing Visions of India in World Politics: India’s Rise Beyond the West 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137398659* 中 東 Davidson, Christopher After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies 2015:4. 320 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190244507* *9781107109520* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 139 政治学 》中 東 中東アラブ諸国の政治:暴力、真実と和解 Haugbolle, Sune/Hastrup, Anders (eds.) The Politics of Violence, Truth and Reconciliation in the Arab Middle East 2015:4., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874787* 現代中東における独裁主義 Kia, Mehrdad/Kirk, Mimi/Jebnoun, Noureddine (eds.) Modern Middle East Authoritarianism: Roots, <;<=@ Middle Eastern Politics) 2015:5. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138929654* イラク・アフガニスタンにおける人間地勢学計画 (HTS) Laurence, Janice H./McFate, Montgomery (eds.) Social Science Goes to War: The Human Terrain System in Iraq and Afghanistan 2015:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190216726* アラブの蜂起後の安全と脅威 Monier, Elizabeth (ed.) Regional Insecurity After the Arab Uprisings: Narratives of Security and Threat (New Security Challenges) 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137503961* Routledge 版 イスラエル・パレスチナ紛争ハンドブック Peters, Joel/Newman, David (eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian 2015:5. 496 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138925373* ↓ព䛺እ䠖 1913 ᖺ䛛䜙 1956 ᖺ䛾㛫䛾䜰䝷䝤䞉䜲䝇䝷䜶䝹༠㆟䛾Ṕྐ㻌 䠐ᕳ Futile Diplomacy A History of Arab-Israeli Negotiations, 1913-56 By Neil Caplan 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,530 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-90521-4 STP 325.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥89,963/ ≉౯ ¥71,971ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781138905214* ࡇࢀࡽ 4 ᕳ࡛ࡣࠊ1913 ᖺࡽ 1956 ᖺࡲ࡛ࡢ㛫࠾ࡅࡿ」㞧࡞እάືࡢ⯙ྎࢆៅ㔜 ࡘࣂࣛࣥࢫࡼࡃ㆟ㄽࡋࡓㄽᩥࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᵝࠎ࡞බᩥ᭩ࡶከ᪉㠃ࢃࡓࡿ ḟ㈨ᩱࢆ⏝ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊせ࡞㛵ಀ⪅ࡸ௰⪅⮬⛠ࡍࡿேࠎࡀᏳᐃⓗ࡞ᖹࢆ ồࡵ࡚᥇⏝ࡋࡓぢゎࡸᡓ␎㛵ࡍࡿᶒጾⓗ࡞ศᯒࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣࠊศᯒⓗࡘṔ ྐⓗ࡞ෆᐜ㛵ࡍࡿ❶ࡶࠊබᩥ᭩ࡽࡢ୍ḟ㈨ᩱࡼࡾᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࣛࣈ࣭ ࢫ࢚ࣛࣝ⣮தࡑࡢ㛗࠸ṔྐࢆຮᙉࡍࡿᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) 140 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》中 東 Sinkaya, Bayram The Revolutionary Guards in Iranian Politics: Elites and Shifting Relations (Iranian Studies) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853645* ロシア・東欧 ロシアにおける政党と社会運動:1918 年 ∼ 1922 年 Brovkin, Vladimir N. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 470 p., Originally Published in 1994 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691604732* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138006737* Bevern, Simona Party Communication in Routine Times of Politics: Issue Dynamics, Party Competition, AgendaSetting, and Representation in Germany 2015:5. 255 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658092047* Gourvish, Terry " ^ | < nel Tunnel 2015:5. 544 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873452* ロシア政治 ヨーロッパの宇宙政策 Mendras, Marie Russian Politics: The Paradox of a Weak State 2015:3. 288 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Hoerber, Thomas/Stephenson, Paul (eds.) European Space Policy: European Integration and the Final Frontier (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2015:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199395064* See also Gardner, Hall, Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p136 , 1085 ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Albertazzi, Daniele/McDonnell, Duncan Populists in Power (Extremism and Democracy) 2015:2. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415600972* イタリアにおける政治的犯罪行為 Behan, Tom The Camorra: Political Criminality in Italy 2015:5. 240 p., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138025509* Kamusella, Tomasz/Bjork, James/Wilson, Timothy/ Novikov-Almagor, Anna Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 18801950: Modernity, Violence and (Be) Longing in Upper Silesia 2015:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415835961* 英国の政治思想 第3版 Leach, Robert Political Ideology in Britain, 3rd ed. (Contemporary Political Studies) 2015:5. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137332554* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 141 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Lindkvist, Knut Bjørn/Trondsen, Torbjørn (eds.) Nordic-Iberian Cod Value Chains: Explaining Salted Fish Trade Patterns (MARE Publication Series, Vol. 8) 2015:7. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319164045* *9781138889316* ★ Manners, Ian/Lofgren, Karl/Lynggaard, Kennet (eds.) Research Methods in European Union Studies (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics) 2015:2. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230363052* 現代ヨーロッパの政治情勢 McNamara, Kathleen R. The Politics of Everyday Europe: Constructing Authority in the European Union 2015:5. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Petricevic, Vanja Compliance Patterns with EU Anti-Discrimination Legislation 2015:7. 220 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137495181* *9780230390768* スイスにおける政治的意思決定 Traber, Denise/Sciarini, Pascal/Fischer, Manuel (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland: The Consensus Model Under Pressure (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century) 2015:6. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137508591* アフリカ ★ アフリカの存在と国際関係論 Acharya, Amitav/Bischoff, Paul-Henri/Aning, Kwesi (eds.) New/Changing African Voices in IR Theory (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 142 *9780691604671* Spohn, Willfried/Koenig, Matthias/Knobl, Wolfgang (eds.) Religion and National Identities in an Enlarged Europe (Identities and Modernities in Europe) 2015:5. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198716235* Schafer, Sylvia Children in Moral Danger and the Problem of Government in Third Republic France (Princeton Legacy Library) 2015:2. 250 p., Originally Published in 1997 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 EU 研究における調査法 *9780198744344* Magone, José M./Laffan, Brigid/Schweiger, Christian (eds.) Core-periphery Relations in the European Union: The Politics of Differentiated Integration in the European Political Economy (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Rose, Richard Representing Europeans: A Pragmatic Approach 2015:9. 176 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909786* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アフリカ ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909816* 責任と平和構築:紛争後のシエラレオネの事例 Ainley, Kirsten/Friedman, Rebekka/Mahony, Chris (eds.) Evaluating Transitional Justice: Accountability = @ ;<= @!"#$'# p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137468215* アフリカの協調的な平和維持 Brosig, Malte Cooperative Peacekeeping in Africa: Exploring the African Security Regime Complex (Cass Series on Peacekeeping) 2015:11. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138809734* ナショナリズム、法と無国籍 Campbell, John R. Nationalism, Law and Statelessness: Grand Illusions in the Horn of Africa (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies) 2015:5. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138928107* Cole, Peter/McQuinn, Brian (eds.) The Libyan Revolution and Its Aftermath 2015:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190210960* Ellett, Rachel Pathways to Judicial Power in Transitional States: Perspectives from African Courts 2015:5. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 アフリカの政治体系 Fortes, M./Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (eds.) African Political Systems (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 328 p., Originally Published in 1940 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926059* Graef, Julian Practicing Post-Liberal Peacebuilding: Legal Empowerment and Emergent Hybridity in Liberia ;<= @!"#$'!% p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137491039* McDougall, James/Parks, Robert P. (eds.) Global and Local in Algeria and Morocco: The World, The State and the Villiage 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922808* アフリカ国家のガバナンス Olayinka Fashagba, Joseph/McMahon, Edward R./ Levan, A. Carl (eds.) African State Governance: Subnational Politics and National Power 2015:7. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137523334* ジェノサイド後のルワンダと政治的ガバナンス Reyntjens, Filip Political Governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda 2015:6. 320 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107678798* *9781138930117* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 143 政治学 》アフリカ ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 北アフリカ政治 Zoubir, Yahia H./White, Gregory (eds.) North African Politics: Change and Continuity 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922945* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922969* 南北アメリカ 北 米 政治への無関心とアメリカの若者 Fox, Richard L./Lawless, Jennifer L. $! % ^: Why Young Americans are Turned Off to Politics 2015:4. 224 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199397655* Frisch, Scott A. The Politics of Pork: A Study of Congressional Appropriations Earmarks 2015:5., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882188* 冷戦後の大統領の意思決定とリスク Luca, Trenta Presidential Decision-making & Risk after the Cold War: The Emergence of Foreign Policy Crises (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy) 2015:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854246* アメリカの大統領制:1776年 ∼ 2014年 第7版 Nelson, Michael C. American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776-2014, 7th ed. 2015:5. 616 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) 大統領制の変遷:1787年 ∼ 2015年 第5版 Nelson, Michael C. The Evolving Presidency: Landmark Documents, 1787-2015, 5th ed. 2015:8. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483368566* Walsh, Julie M. The Intellectual Origins of Mass Parties and Mass Schools in the Jacksonian Era: Creating a Conformed Citizenry 2015:5., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874732* Weidner, Jason Globalizing Governmentality: Sites of Neoliberal Assemblage in the Americas (Interventions) 2015:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415519274* ラテンアメリカ 社会主義キューバの国民と国家 Gold, Marina People and State in Socialist Cuba: Ideas and Practices of Revolution 2015:8. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137539816* Rios Oyola Sandra Milena/Rios Oyola, Sandra Milena $!# [ _% : The Massacre of Bojaya in Colombia (Palgrave Studies in +!"#$'"*+'; =^ Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 144 *9781483318691* *9781137461834* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会保障・社会政策 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 Boris, Eileen/Klein, Jennifer Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State 2015:7. 320 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199378586* ラテンアメリカにおける貧困対策 De La O, Ana Crafting Policies to End Poverty in Latin America: The Quiet Transformation 2015:3. 194 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107089488* Schubert, Klaus/de Villota, Paloma/Kuhlmann, Johanna (eds.) Challenges to European Welfare Systems 2015:10. 800 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781138882171* グローバルサウスにおける障害と貧困 Grech, Shaun Disability and Poverty in the Global South: Renegotiating Development in Guatemala 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137307972* 中国と世界の社会的経済 Pun, Ngai/Ku, Ben Hok-bun/Yan, Hairong/Koo, Anita (eds.) Social Economy in China and the World (Routledge Research on Social Work, Social Policy and Social Development in Greater China) 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783319076799* Sealey, Clive [ [%: Connecting Theory and Concepts with People’s Lives 2015:8. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 社会政策のリスク Giger, Nathalie The Risk of Social Policy?: The Electoral Consequences of Welfare State Retrenchment and Social Policy Performance in OECD Countries 2015:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ ヨーロッパの福祉制度の課題 *9781138857971* *9781137362957* 社会福祉 ソーシャルワーク実践への人権基盤型アプローチ Androff, David Practicing Rights: Human Rights-Based Approaches to Social Work Practice 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415709538* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415709545* 児童・家族のアドボカシー Culp, Anne McDonald (ed.) Child and Family Advocacy: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) 2015:4. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9781489996152* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 145 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 ソーシャルワーク、結婚とエスニシティ:政策と実践 Fairfax, Colita (ed.) Social Work, Marriage, and Ethnicity: Policy and Practice 2015:8. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138932173* Gertz, Genie/Boudreault, Patrick (eds.) The Sage Deaf Studies Encyclopedia 2015:6. 3 Vols., 1552 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ *9781138843950* *9781107531697* 人間強化の再考察 Haight, Wendy L. Child Welfare and Development: A Japanese Case Study 2015:7. 223 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Cabrera, Laura Y. Rethinking Human Enhancement: Social Enhancement and Emergent Technologies 2015:7. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137402233* ★ ソーシャルワーク実践の必須理論 第2版 Horner, Nigel/Beckett, Chris Essential Theory for Social Work Practice, 2nd ed. 2015:11. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446285725* Daley, David/Højbjerg Jacobsen, Rasmus/Lange, Anne-Mette/Sørensen, Anders/Walldorf, Jeanette ! |* Disorder: Impact on the Individual and Society 2015:8. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198745556* 移民の健康促進 Mohan, Brij (ed.) Global Frontiers of Social Development in Theory and Practice 2015:7. 306 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 146 保健・医療 児童福祉と発達:日本の事例研究 Ross, Laurie/Capra, Shane/Carpenter, Lindsay/Hubbell, Julia/Walker, Kathrin Dilemmas in Youth Work and Youth Development Practice 2015:8. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781452259567* *9780199344536* ユースワークとユース人材育成実践のジレンマ Sage 版 聴覚障害研究百科事典 全3巻 Ritchie, Elspeth Cameron/Naclerio, Anne L. (eds.) Women at War 2015:5. 392 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137460707* Ernst, Waltraud/Pati, Biswamoy/Sekher, T. V. Health and Medicine in the Indian Princely States: 1850-1950 (Routledge Studies in South Asian History) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415679350* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 Findley, Sally/Matos, Sergio Bridging the Gap: How Community Health Workers Promote the Health of Immigrants 2015:6. 240 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199364329* Fragoulakis, Vasilios/Mitropoulou, Christina/Williams, Marc/Patrinos, George Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine 2015:3. 164 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128014974* Harris, Tirril Where Inner and Outer Worlds Meet: Psychosocial Research in the Tradition of George W. Brown 2015:5. 352 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415757706* ★ 保健医療における参加型質的研究法 Higginbottom, Gina/Liamputtong, Pranee (eds.) Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health 2015:7. 265 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446259061* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446259078* Hoeft, Steve/Pryor, Robert W. The Power of Ideas to Transform Healthcare: Engaging Staff by Building Daily Lean Management Systems 2015:6. 250 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781498707404* ★印はお薦めタイトル Kaasch, Alexandra Shaping Global Health Policy: Global Social Policy Actors and Ideas About Health Care Systems 2015:7. 184 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 グローバル保健政策の形成 *9781137308887* Leong, James/Salek, Sam/Walker, Stuart <$> % _: The Development and Application of a Universal Framework for Decision-Making and Effective Communication 2015:5. 120 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319158044* 気候変動と公衆衛生 Levy, Barry/Patz, Jonathan Climate Change and Public Health 2015:8. 432 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190202453* 医療における簡素なイノベーション Ramdorai, Aditi/Herstatt, Cornelius Frugal Innovation in Healthcare: How Targeting Low-Income Markets Leads to Disruptive Innovation (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2015:5. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319163352* ★ 社会学、健康と医療 Scambler, Graham Sociology, Health and Health Care: An Essay in Dialectical Critical Realism (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909823* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 147 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 Selway, Joel S. Coalitions of the Wellbeing: How Electoral Rules and Ethnic Politics Shape Health Policy in Developing Countries 2015:5. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107103047* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118490150* See also Pontius, Frederick, Drinking Water Regulation and Health, Wiley-Blackwell.................. p123 , 0981 Samanta, Ash, Medical Law, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p123 , 0982 Sismondo, Sergio/Greene, Jeremy A. (eds.) The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader (Wiley Blackwell Readers in Anthropology) 2015:3. 296 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118488836* 社会学 社会学一般 Gilloch, Graeme Siegfried Kracauer (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 2015:2. 280 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745629612* Harvey, Penny/Casella, Eleanor Conlin/Evans, Gillian (eds.) Objects and Materials: A Routledge Companion (CRESC) 2015:6. 422 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138899414* 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 社会理論と宗教のパラドックス Diken, Bulent God, Politics, Economy: Social Theory and the Paradoxes of Religion (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:8. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138014671* Endreß, Martin/Maurer, Andrea (eds.) Resilience in Social and Economic Spheres 2015:10. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 148 19・20 世紀におけるイタリアの出生率の歴史 Livi Bacci, Massimo A History of Italian Fertility During the Last Two Centuries 2015:3. 336 p., Originally published in 1977 (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691604466* ジョルジュ・バタイユ Pawlett, William Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society (Key Sociologists) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415645485* *9783658091293* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 経済イノベーションの社会学 Ramella, Francesco Sociology of Economic Innovation (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138803732* *9781118815014* 市場調査の実践 アイデンティティの考察 Scott, Susie Negotiating Identity: Symbolic Interactionist Approaches to Social Identity 2015:8. 263 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745669724* Pratesi, Monica (ed.) Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology) 2015:10. 420 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Ruel, Erin E./Wagner III, William E./Gillespie, Brian Joeseph The Practice of Survey Research: Theory and Applications 2015:6. 336 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452235271* See also See also Ngo, Tam T. T., Atheist Secularism and its Discontents, Palgrave Macmillan .............p21 , 0134 Higginbottom, Gina, Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health, Sage Pub. ...................................................................p147 , 1186 Radford, David, Religious Identity and Social Change, Routledge .....................................p21 , 0135 社会構造・社会変動 社会学研究法・社会調査法 Gould, W. T. S. Population and Development, 2nd ed. (Routledge Perspectives on Development) 2015:5. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Koops, Bert-Jaap/Oosterlaken, Ilse/Romijn, Henny/ Swierstra, Tsjalling/van den Hoven, Jeroen (eds.) Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications (Responsible Innovation) 2015:6. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319173078* ★ Merriam, Sharan B./Tisdell, Elizabeth J. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, 4th ed. 2015:8. 384 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119003618* *9781138794429* ★ 出生率低下と背景独立性 Ike, Shuichirou Fertility Decline and Background Independence: Applying the Reaction-Diffusion System as Stochastic Process (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies / Population Studies of Japan) 2015:8. 120 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138794412* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 質的研究 第4版 ★ 人口と開発 第2版 *9784431551508* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 149 社会学 》社会構造・社会変動 人口と社会変動:ニュージーランド先住民族マオリの 事例 Pool, Ian Colonisation and Development in New Zealand between 1769 and 1900: The Seeds of Rangiatea (Demographic Transformation and Socio-Economic Development, Vol. 3) 2015:7. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319169033* 階級・社会階層・社会移動 階級 Atkinson, Will Class (Polity Key Concepts in the Social Sciences Series) 2015:8. 216 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745685120* 日本占領下における朝鮮:被差別民・白丁 Kim, Joong-Seop The Korean Paekjong Under Japanese Rule: The Quest for Equality and Human Rights 2015:5. 224 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863460* *9781138918269* 薬物使用 Fitzgerald, John L. Framing Drug Use: Bodies, Space, Economy and Crime 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137482235* アメリカ社会におけるギャング 第2版 \'>' Gangs in America’s Communities, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 328 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483379722* ブルデューと社会運動 Ibrahim, Joseph Bourdieu and Social Movements: Ideological Struggles in the British Anti-Capitalist Movement (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology) 2015:7. 184 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137371027* 女性への暴力:非公式ネットワークの役割 Scheele, Judith Smugglers and Saints of the Sahara: Regional Connectivity in the Twentieth Century (African Studies) 2015:7. 286 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107533813* Klein, Renate Responding to Intimate Violence Against Women: The Role of Informal Networks (Advances in Personal Relationships) 2015:7. 170 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107531604* 社会問題・社会運動 社会と警察官の規則 Cain, Maureen E. Society and the Policeman’s Role (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 328 p., Originally Published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) 150 アメリカのヒッピー Rorabaugh, W. J. American Hippies (Cambridge Essential Histories) 2015:5. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107049239* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107627192* *9781138930247* See also Beck, Colin J., Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Terrorists, Polity Pr.................................p127 , 1023 Travaglino, Giovanni A., Protest, Movements, and Dissent in the Social Sciences, Routledge .................................................................. p129 , 1035 Woodly, Deva R., The Politics of Common Sense, Oxford U.P. NY ........................................ p129 , 1036 Goel, Rashmi, Comparative Perspectives on Gender Violence, Oxford U.P. NY ..........p161 , 1295 Pugh, Martin, Women and the Women's Movement in Britain since 1914, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p161 , 1298 家族・世代 Alderson, Priscilla The Politics of Childhoods, Real and Imagined: Volume 2: Practical Application of Dialectical Critical Realism and Childhood Studies 2015:3. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415818209* 軍人家族 第2版 Blaisure, Karen Rose/Saathoff-Wells, Tara/Pereira, Angela/MacDermid Wadsworth, Shelley/Dombro, Amy Laura Serving Military Families: Theories, Research, and Application, 2nd ed. (Textbooks in Family Studies) 2015:8. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841253* Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.) De-Pathologising Resistance: Anthropological Interventions 2015:7. 148 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841246* ★印はお薦めタイトル 父と息子 Brannen, Julia Fathers and Sons (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life) 2015:7. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137379665* El–Sheikh, Mona/Sadeh, Avi Sleep and Development: Advancing Theory and Research (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (MONO)) 2015:2. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119094906* エイジングと移住 Karl, Ute/Torres, Sandra (eds.) Aging in Contexts of Migration (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:8. 256 p. (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415738064* 前近代的スコットランドの子どもと若者 Nugent, Janay/Ewan, Elizabeth (eds.) Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland (St Andrews Studies in Scottish History) 2015:10. 240 p. (Boydell & Brewer, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781783270439* 結婚生活の解消:シンガポールの事例 Quah, Sharon Ee Ling Perspectives on Marital Dissolution: Divorce Biographies in Singapore 2015:6. 150 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789812874641* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 151 社会学 》家族・世代 親族関係と結婚:アフリカの制度 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R./Forde, Daryll (eds.) African Systems of Kinship and Marriage (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 410 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926158* 階級を越えた結婚の理解 Streib, Jessi The Power of the Past: Understanding Cross-Class Marriages 2015:3. 304 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199364428* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199364435* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 都市の文化政策:グローバルな視点 Grodach, Carl/Silver, Daniel (eds.) The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy: Global Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Human Geography) 2015:6. 272 p., New in Paperback (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Zukin, Sharon/Kasinitz, Philip/Chen, Xiangming Global Cities, Local Streets: Everyday Diversity from New York to Shanghai 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 エイジングの課題 Torp, Cornelius (ed.) Challenges of Ageing: Pensions, Retirement and Generational Justice 2015:6. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137283160* See also Moslener, Sara, Virgin Nation, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p163 , 1313 都市・地域・農村 都市、多様性とエスニシティ Bulmer, Martin/Solomos, John (eds.) Cities, Diversity and Ethnicity: Politics, Governance and Participation (Ethnic and Racial Studies) 2015:8. 202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138924871* 19 世紀の都市のアイディア Coleman, B. I. (ed.) The Idea of the City in Nineteenth-Century Britain 2015:6., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) 152 *9781138887152* *9781138873940* *9781138023925* 産業・労働 ★ Deguchi, Hiroshi/Tanaka, Hideyuki/Koyama, Yusuke (eds.) The Rise of Japanese Visual Narratives: Cultural, Institutional, and Industrial Aspects of Reproducible Contents (Translational Systems Sciences, Vol. 5) 2015:10. 250 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 税 *9784431549123* Gastelaars, Marja The Public Services under Reconstruction: Client Experiences, Professional Practices, Managerial Control 2015:3. 208 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864092* ★ 酒井順子著 ロンドンにおける日本人銀行員 Sakai, Junko Japanese Bankers in the City of London: Language, Culture and Identity in the Japanese Diaspora 2015:5. 296 p., Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》産業・労働 First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863958* *9781138925588* 知的財産とグローバル資本主義 メディア・情報 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ メディア管理と経済研究 Albarran, Alan B. (ed.) Media Management and Economics Research in a Transmedia Environment (Electronic Media Research Series) 2015:5. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) David, Matthew/Halbert, Debora Owning World of Ideas: Intellectual Property and Global Network Capitalism 2015:8. 137 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473915763* 䝟䝤䝸䝑䜽䝇䝨䞊䝇㻌 䠐ᕳ Public Space Critical Concepts in Built Environment 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1012477618䛇 Edited by Vikas Mehta, University of South Florida, USA 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,772 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-78546-5 ...STP 895.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥247,745/ ≉౯ ¥198,196䛊ᮏయ䛋+⛯ *9781138785465* ࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࢆᛕධࡾㄪᰝࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊ㒔ᕷࡢ♫ⓗ࣭ᩥⓗ࣭ᨻⓗ ⏕άࢆゎㄞ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡣಶேࡸ㞟ᅋࡢ⾲⌧ࡢሙ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᑐヰࡸ㆟ㄽ ࡢᗈሙࠊᐗࡸ⯆⾜ࡢሙ࡛ࡍࠋࡲࡓ⤒῭⏕ά㑊㞴ࡢሙ࡛࠶ࡾࠊሗࢹࡢ ࡢሙ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ⮬↛ࡢ✵㛫࡛ࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡣဴᏛ⪅ࡸᨻᛮ ᐙࠊ♫⛉Ꮫ⪅ࠊἲᏛ⪅ࠊ㒔ᕷィ⏬❧⪅ࠊᘓ⠏ᐙࡢ㛵ᚰࢆ㞟ࡵࠊసᐙࡸ⏬ᐙࠊ㡢ᴦ ᐙࠊᫎ⏬ࡢࣉࣟࢹ࣮ࣗࢧ࣮ࠊࡑࡢࡢⱁ⾡ᐙࡢ㛵ᚰࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪ♫Ⓨ⾜ࡢ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࠊ⦅⪅ࡢ Vikas Mehta ࡣࣃ ࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡢᵓ⠏ࡑࡇ࡛ࡢ⤒㦂㛵ࡍࡿ♫ⓗ࣭ᨻⓗㄢ㢟ࢆ⥙⨶ࡋࡓせ࡞ ㄽᩥࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡢయከࡃࡢ┦㛵ಀࡋࡓㄢ㢟 ࡘ࠸࡚ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡢᖜᗈ࠸㡿ᇦࢆ᥈⣴ࡍ ࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊࡑࡢ⌮ゎᵓ⠏㛵ࡍࡿ᪂つ࠾ࡼࡧఏ⤫ⓗ࡞ཎ๎ࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿከศ㔝ࡲ ࡓࡀࡿᩥ⊩ࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ࡞⣴ᘬࡶࠊ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗ ᩥ⬦࡛ゎㄝࡍࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ᑟධᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ᭩⡠ࡣᏛ⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡶᨻ⟇ ❧⪅ࡸᐇົᐙࡽࠊ㔜せ࡞◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 153 社会学 》メディア・情報 ★ 大衆向けテレビ:社会主義時代とその後 の東欧 Havens, Timothy/Imre, Aniko/Lustyik, Katalin (eds.) Popular Television in Eastern Europe During and Since Socialism (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies) 2015:6. 286 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891562* Hjorth, Larissa/Cumiskey, Kathleen M. (eds.) Mobile Media Practices, Presence and Politics: The Challenge of Being Seamlessly Mobile (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture) 2015:5. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922136* Ho, Wing Shan Screening Post-1989 China: Critical Analysis of Chinese Film and Television 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137517609* 仮想空間の社会学 Nathansohn, Regev/Zuev, Dennis (eds.) Sociology of the Visual Sphere (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:5. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Imre, Anikó Global Media (Key Ideas in Media & Cultural Studies) 2015:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Routledge 版 メディアと文化産業必携 Oakley, Kate/O'Connor, Justin (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries 2015:5. 544 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415706209* メディアと道徳観 Tamborini, Ron (ed.) Media and the Moral Mind (Electronic Media Research Series) 2015:5. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138925571* See also Pauwels, Luc, Reframing Visual Social Science, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p157 , 1266 メディア・ジャーナリズム *9780415641494* Jenkins, Thomas Antiquity Now: The Classical World in the Contemporary American Imagination 2015:7. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138920774* グローバルメディア *9781137492074* 現代のモバイルメディア 2015:6. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780521196260* Atton, Chris (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media 2015:5. 560 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ Routledge 版 オルタナティブ・メディア と地域メディア必携 *9780415644044* Jiang, Shao Citizen Publications in China Before the Internet 154 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》産業・労働 情報の公開:イギリスのジャーナリスト実務ガイド ビジネス・ジャーナリズム Burgess, Matthew Freedom of Information: A Practical Guide for UK Journalists 2015:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Shaw, Ibrahim Seaga Business Journalism: A Critical Political Economy Approach 2015:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138793200* 参加型メディアの歴史:政府と国民 1750年 -2000年 Ekström, Anders/Jülich, Solveig (eds.) History of Participatory Media: Politics and Publics, 1750-2000 2015:6. 192 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878204* Levenson, Ellie Creativity and Feature Writing: How to Get Hundreds of New Ideas Every Day 2015:6. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739078* Vos, Timothy/Heinderyckx, François (eds.) Gatekeeping in Transition 2015:5. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415731614* See also Enli, Gunn Sara, Social Media and Election Campaigns, Routledge ............................ p128 , 1026 Zayani, Mohamed, Networked Publics and Digital Contention, Oxford U.P. NY................... p129 , 1037 *9781138799639* Routledge Library ∧㻌 䝆䝱䞊䝘䝸䝈䝮㻌 13 ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: Journalism 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 13 Vols., 3,324 p., Hard. ศྍ 㻵㻿㻮㻺㻌㻥㻣㻤㻙㻝㻙㻝㻟㻤㻙㻤㻜㻝㻥㻣㻙㻠㻌㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻿㼀㻼㻌㻤㻞㻡㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻞㻞㻤㻘㻟㻢㻤㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻤㻞㻘㻢㻥㻡䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781138801974* 1963 ᖺࡽ 2003 ᖺࡢ㛫Ⓨ⾜ࡉࢀࡓᩥ⊩ࢆหࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣࢪ࣮ࣕ ࢼࣜࢬ࣒᪂⪺㛵㐃ࡋࡓࢺࣆࢵࢡࢆࠊⱥᅜ᪂⪺⏺ࡢⓎᒎࡽ࣓ࣜ࢝ࡢ᪂⪺ࡢ┠㘓స ᡂࡲ࡛ᗈ⠊ᅖࢃࡓࡗ࡚ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋၥ㢟㛵ࡍࡿᕳྕ࡛ࡣሗ㐨ே✀ᕪูࡸ せ࡞⅏ᐖࡢሗ㐨ࠊ⌮࠸ࡗࡓࢆ㆟ㄽࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢࡢᕳྕ࡛ࡣࣅࢹ࢜ࢸࢵࢡ ࢫࡽࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࡲ࡛ሗ㐨ࡢᡭẁࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᪥࠾࠸࡚࣓ࢹࡢᙺ ≉ู࡞㛵ᚰࡀᐤࡏࡽࢀࡿࡇࢆཷࡅ࡚ࠊᨻࡸ㐣ཤࡢ័⩦ሗ㐨ࡢ㛵ಀᛶࢆᢅࡗࡓ ࠸ࡃࡘࡢ㔜せ࡞ᕳྕࡼࡾࠊࡇࡢᩥ⊩ࡣṔྐ᪥࡛ࡶᖜᗈࡃ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿㄢ㢟ࢆ࢝ ࣂ࣮ࡋࡓ㠀ᖖ᭷┈࡞᭩⡠࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 155 社会学 》メディア・情報 インターネット・情報社会学 グローバルサウスにおける情報社会研究の影響 Chib, Arul/May, Julian/Barrantes, Roxana (eds.) Impact of Information Society Research in the Global South 2015:4. 291 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789812873804* デジタルメディアと思考 Hudson, Dale/Zimmermann, Patricia R. Thinking Through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places 2015:4. 300 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137433619* 言語とコミュニケーション Jenks, Christopher J./Lou, Jackie/Bhatia, Aditi (eds.) The Discourse of Culture and Identity in National and Transnational Contexts 2015:4. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415719087* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415719094* Tomita, Hidenori (ed.) The Post Mobile Society: from the Smart/Mobile to @;=~+;<= Critical Realism)) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904590* コミュニケーション論 Winkler, Susanne (ed.) Ambiguity: Language and Communication 2015:3. 368 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110403435* カルチュラル・スタディーズ Bennett, Pete/McDougall, Julian (eds.) Barthes’ Mythologies Today: Readings of Contemporary Culture (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2015:6. 186 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138925366* メディアと家庭の変化 Chambers, Deborah Changing Media, Homes and Households: Cultures, Technologies and Meanings 2015:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415706353* クリエイティビティの批判的理論 コミュニケーション研究法の理解 Croucher, Stephen M./Cronn-Mills, Daniel Understanding Communication Research Methods: A Theoretical and Practical Approach 2015:2. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) Howells, Richard Critical Theory of Creativity: Utopia, Aesthetics, Atheism and Design 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 156 *9781138901919* Lane, Frederick S. The Pornography Business: Web Dreams in America 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415833103* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137446169* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ Ludlow, Brown Clarence The Heart of Japan: Glimpses of Life and Nature Far From the Travellers’ Track in the Land of the Rising Sun (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 346 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415742238* Missouri, Montre Black Magic Woman and Narrative Film: Race, Sex and Afro-Religiosity 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137454171* Pauwels, Luc Reframing Visual Social Science: Towards a More Visual Sociology and Anthropology 2015:8. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107008076* ẚ㍑ᩥ◊✲㻌 䠐ᕳ Cross-Cultural Research SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04003S0241䛇 Edited by Mark F. Peterson, Florida Atlantic University, USA and Maastricht University, NLD 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,664 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4462-8732-3 ண⣙౯䠄㻞㻜㻝㻡㻛㻜㻢㻛㻝㻡 ཷศ䜎䛷䠅㻌 㻿㼀㻼㻌㻡㻡㻜㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻡㻞㻘㻞㻠㻢㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻞㻝㻘㻣㻥㻢䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅㻿㼀㻼㻌㻢㻞㻡㻚㻜㻜㻛㻌 ㏻ᖖ౯㻌 㼰㻝㻣㻟㻘㻜㻜㻢㻛㻌 ≉౯㻌 㼰㻝㻟㻤㻘㻠㻜㻡䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗⛯㻌 *9781446287323* ྂⓗᩥ⊩᭱᪂ࡢᩥ⊩ࡢ୧᪉ࢆ㘓ࡋࡓࡇࡢ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢ㔜せᩥ⊩ࡣ ࠕᩥࠖ࠸࠺༢ㄒࡀ㒊ศⓗ⊂≉࡛࠶ࡾඹ᭷ࡉࢀࡓṔྐࢆᣢࡗࡓከ✀ ࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ㘽࡞ࡿㄢ㢟ࢆㄝ᫂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢⅬࡢ㘽࡞ࡿᴫᛕࡸ㆟ㄽࡢ⪃ᐹࡣࠊ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀ ࡓࠊ⤫ྜࡢ₯ᅾⓗྍ⬟ᛶࡸࣃࣛࢲ࣒ࡀࡶࡓࡽࡍࠕᩥࠖ࠸࠺༢ㄒࡢ ᚤጁ࡞ᕪ␗ࡘ࠸࡚ㄞ⪅ゎㄝࡍࡿᑟධᩥࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚ᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ 1 ᕳ㸸ᩥே㢮Ꮫ㸸ࡑࡢṔྐ࣭ㄽத࣭᭱᪂ࡢໃ ➨ 2 ᕳ㸸♫Ꮫ⤒῭Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿᩥࡑࢀ㛵㐃ࡋࡓᴫᛕ ➨ 3 ᕳ㸸␗ᩥ㛫ᚰ⌮Ꮫ␗ᩥࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ㸸ホ౯ࡢḟඖㄆ▱ ➨ 4 ᕳ㸸⤌⧊⌮ㄽᨻ⌮ㄽ࠾ࡅࡿᩥ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 157 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ Rojek, Chris Presumed Intimacy: Parasocial Interaction in Media, Society and Celebrity Culture 2015:10. 224 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745671109* *9780745671116* ★ 文化理論とポピュラー・カルチャー 第7版 Storey, John Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction, 7th ed. 2015:4. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138811010* アメリカのポリティカル・フィクション Swirski, Peter American Political Fictions: War on Errorism in Contemporary American Literature, Culture, and Politics 2015:6. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 消費・レジャー ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 See also Cuddy, Luke, Bioshock and Philosophy, Wiley .................................................................... p15 , 0092 *9781137518880* レジャー・屋外レクリエーション百科事典 Jenkins, John/Pigram, John (eds.) Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation 2015:2. 752 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415868204* See also Bailey, Richard, Elite Sport and Sport-for-All, Routledge...................................................p173 , 1404 Bale, John, The Four-Minute Mile, Routledge ...................................................................p173 , 1405 Bonde, Hans, The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport, Routledge ..........................p173 , 1406 Gruneau, Richard, Mega Events and Globalization, Routledge ........................p173 , 1407 Molnar, Gyozo, Ethnographies in Sport and Exercise Research, Routledge.................p173 , 1408 Nielsen, Erik, The British World and the Five Rings, Routledge ......................................p173 , 1409 国際社会学 世界政治のドキュメンタリー Van Munster, Rens/Sylvest, Casper (eds.) Documenting World Politics: A Critical Companion to IR and Non-Fiction Film (Popular Culture and World Politics) 2015:2. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797789* 国際社会における中国 Hodgkin, Henry T. China in the Family of Nations (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 268 p., First published in 1923 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 West, Brad Re-enchanting Nationalisms: Rituals and Remembrances in a Postmodern Age 2015:6. 152 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781493925124* Mansouri, Fethi (ed.) Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations: The Multicultural Challenge 2015:7. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 158 *9781138920125* *9783319160023* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ 人種・エスニシティ 1960 年代におけるアフリカ系アメリカ人 Hunter, Marcus Anthony Black Citymakers: How The Philadelphia Negro Changed Urban America 2015:5. 304 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780190249670* 湾岸諸国への南アジア移民 Jain, Prakash C./Oommen, Ginu Zacharia (eds.) South Asian Migration to Gulf Countries: History, Policies, Development 2015:4. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138898943* Juguo, Zhang W.E.B. Du Bois: The Quest for the Abolition of the Color Line (Studies in African American History and Culture) 2015:5. 176 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415762281* Kelley, Robin D. G./Tuck, Stephen (eds.) The Other Special Relationship: Race, Rights, and Riots in Britain and the United States (Contemporary Black History) 2015:4. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137392695* 東南アジアにおける華僑商人の経済的成功 Landa, Janet T. Economic Success of Overseas Chinese Merchants in Southeast Asia: Integrating the Social Sciences with Evolutionary Biology 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783642540189* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780472072668* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780472052660* Lee, Jonathan H. X. Chinese Americans: The History and Culture of a People 2015:10. 511 p. (ABC-Clio Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Lang, Clarence Black America in the Shadow of the Sixties: Notes on the Civil Rights Movement, Neoliberalism, and Politics (Class: Culture) 2015:2. 184 p. (Univ. of Michigan Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781610695497* ★ 移民の民主主義におけるシチズンシップ Levey, Geoffrey Brahm/Shachar, Ayelet (eds.) The Politics of Citizenship in Immigrant Democracies: The Experience of the United States, Canada and Australia 2015:2. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886247* @++=;' Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138819405* マイグレーションの政治学 Singh, A. Didar/Rajan, S. Irudaya Politics of Migration: Indian Emigration in a Globalized World 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922884* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 159 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 アフリカ系アメリカ人の危機 全2巻 Starks, Glenn L. Brooks, F. Erik (ed.) African Americans at Risk: Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice 2015:6. 2 Vols, 738 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440800757* Warner, Linda Sue/Gipp, Gerald E./Pease, Janine Shanley, James (ed.) American Indian Stories of Success: New Visions of Leadership in Indian Country 2015:6. 346 p. (Praeger, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 人種:入門 Wade, Peter Race: An Introduction 2015:7. 275 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107652286* *9781440831409* *9781107034112* ジェンダー ジェンダー一般 Batinic, Jelena Women and Yugoslav Partisans: A History of World War II Resistance 2015:5. 296 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107091078* ★ Broomhall, Susan (ed.) Authority, Gender and Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (Genders and Sexualities in History) 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137531155* 女性の危機 Dale, Corinne H. (ed.) Women on the Edge: Ethnicity and Gender in Short Stories by American Women 2015:4., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 160 *9781138864429* Dixon, Suzanne The Roman Mother (Routledge Revivals) 2015:7. 208 p., Originally Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745130* 十代の母親とその前の人生 Erdmans, Mary Patrice/Black, Timothy On Becoming a Teen Mom: Life before Pregnancy 2015:3. 344 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520283411* 女性、移住とフェミニズムの心理学 Espin, Oliva M./Dottolo, Andrea L. (eds.) Gendered Journeys: Women, Migration and Feminist Psychology 2015:6. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137521460* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 ★ ジェンダーと国際的難民論争 第2版 Freedman, Jane Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137456229* ジェンダー・バイオレンス:比較的視点 Goel, Rashmi/Goodmark, Leigh (eds.) Comparative Perspectives on Gender Violence (Interpersonal Violence) 2015:7. 224 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199346578* 米軍と女性の闘い MacKenzie, Megan Beyond the Band of Brothers: The US Military and the Myth That Women Can’t Fight 2015:8. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107628106* イランのジェンダーとダンス:動いている身体 Meftahi, Ida Gender and Dance in Iran: Body National in Motion (Iranian Studies) 2015:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804043* 1914 年以降イギリスの女性と女性運動 第3版 Pugh, Martin Women and the Women’s Movement in Britain since 1914, 3rd ed. 2015:5. 360 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ramsbrock, Annelie The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750–1930 (Worlds of Consumption) 2015:5. 284 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137489807* 1500 年以降の女性、民主主義と国際政治 Sluga, Glenda/James, Carolyn (eds.) Women, Diplomacy and International Politics since 1500 (Women’s and Gender History) 2015:6. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415714648* 第二次大戦期におけるアメリカの女性 Weatherford, Doris American Women During World War II: An Encyclopedia 2015:4. 538 p., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867857* *9781107049765* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 See also Ritchie, Elspeth Cameron, Women at War, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p146 , 1178 Brownhill, Simon, Men, Masculinities and Teaching in Early Childhood Education, Routledge...................................................p165 , 1330 フェミニズム 第3次フェミニズム Evans, Elizabeth The Politics of Third Wave Feminisms: Neoliberalism, Intersectionality and the State in Britain and the US (Gender and Politics) 2015:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137295262* *9781137414939* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 161 ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 セクシュアリティ 現代のフランスにおける女性、フェミニズムと法 Kimble, Sara L. Women, Feminism, and the Law in Modern France: Justice Redressed (Routledge Research in Gender and History) 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749084* ★ 日本におけるジェンダー Mackie, Vera (ed.) Gender in Japan: Power and Public Policy (Routledge/Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) East Asian Series, Vol. 1) 2015:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415204873* ヨーロッパの女性運動とボディー・ポリティクス Outshoorn, Joyce (ed.) European Women’s Movements and Body Politics: The Struggle for Autonomy (Citizenship, Gender and Diversity) 2015:6. 216 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Blanshard, Alastair J. L. Sex: Vice and Love from Antiquity to Modernity (Classical Receptions) 2015:4. 240 p. (WILEY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Clark, Anna/Williams, Elizabeth (eds.) The History of Sexuality (Critical Concepts in Historical Studies) 2015:6. 4 Vols., 1,681 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107030275* See also *9781138805644* Dhawan, Nikita/Engel, Antke/Holzhey, Christoph H. E./Woltersdorff, Volker (eds.) Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy (Social Justice) 2015:5. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415712255* ★ ゲイの歴史と文化百科事典 Haggerty, George (ed.) Encyclopedia of Gay Histories and Cultures 2015:6. 986 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Wilkinson, Kate Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity 2015:4. 192 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★ セクシュアリティの歴史 全4巻 *9781137351654* *9781119025481* *9781138867840* セクシュアリティとエイジング Brenner-Idan, Athalya, A Feminist Companion to Tobit and Judith, T. & T. Clark.................p23 , 0152 Klein, Renate, Responding to Intimate Violence Against Women, Cambridge U.P............p150 , 1217 Kleinplatz, Peggy J./Bouman, Walter Pierre (eds.) Sexuality & Ageing 2015:8. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138932630* 社会学におけるジェンダーとセクシュアリティ Monro, Surya Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences: Identities, Politics, and Theories (Genders and Sexu162 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》セクシュアリティ alities in the Social Sciences) 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137007308* *9781107104723* ポルノグラフィー 純潔とアメリカの若者 Moslener, Sara Virgin Nation: Sexual Purity and American Adolescence 2015:6. 240 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Sullivan, Rebecca/McKee, Alan Pornography: Structures, Agency and Performance 2015:8. 200 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745651934* *9780199987764* See also Lane, Frederick S., The Pornography Business, Routledge...................................................p156 , 1256 早期性成熟の社会学 Roberts, Celia Puberty in Crisis: The Sociology of Early Sexual Development 2015:7. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria, Bisexuality in Education, Routledge...............................p165 , 1335 教育学 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 ★ 第二次大戦期における教育 教育学研究:意図とモチベーション Baguley, Margaret M./Findlay, Yvonne S./Kerby, Martin C. (eds.) Meanings and Motivation in Education Research 2015:4. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138810273* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138810280* Connors, Bushra Emergent Pedagogy in England: A Critical Realist Study (New Studies in Critical Realism and Education (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138898882* Gosden, Peter Education in the Second World War: A Study in Policy and Administration 2015:2. 544 p., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Paterson, Lindsay (ed.) Edinburgh History of Education in Scotland 2015:5. 496 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780748679157* Peters, R. S. The Role of the Head (Routledge Revivals: R. S. Peters on Education and Ethics) 2015:2. 146 p., Originally Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780415759786* *9781138888173* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 163 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 教育と合理性の限界 Roberts, Peter/Saeverot, Herner Education and the Limits of Reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Nabokov (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415834148* 高等教育と知識の増加 Segre, Michael Higher Education and the Growth of Knowledge: A Historical Outline of Aims and Tensions (Routledge Studies in Cultural History) 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415735667* Stage, Frances K./Manning, Kathleen (eds.) Research in the College Context: Approaches and Methods, 2nd ed. 2015:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824768* Saenz, Adam/Dew, Jeremy Relationships That Work: Four Ways to Connect (and Set Boundaries) with Colleagues, Students and Parents 2015:7. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138843028* *9781138824782* ★ 上野正道著 民主的教育と公共圏 Ueno, Masamichi Democratic Education and the Public Sphere: Towards John Dewey’s Theory of Aesthetic Experience (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education) 2015:7. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832824* 教育心理学 Schultz, Brandon K./Evans, Steven W. A Practical Guide to Implementing School-Based Interventions for Adolescents with ADHD 2015:6. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781493926763* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745222* 大学の研究:アプローチと研究法 第2版 McClelland, Megan M./Tominey, Shauna L. (eds.) Stop, Think, Act: Integrating Self-regulation in the Early Childhood Classroom 2015:9. 144 p. (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781118741030* 家庭と学校の連携:プロセスと方法 Sheridan, Susan M./Moorman Kim, Elizabeth (eds.) Processes and Pathways of Family-School Partnerships (Research on Family-School Partnerships, Vol. 2) 2015:6. 135 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319169309* See also Fleer, Marilyn, Play, Learning, and Children’s Development, Cambridge U.P.................. p79 , 0626 Kolbert, Jered, Introduction to Professional School Counseling, Routledge .................p84 , 0650 Helms, Jeffrey L./Rogers, Daniel T. Majoring in Psychology: Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 424 p. (Wiley, USA) 164 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育社会学 教育社会学 就学前教育における男性、男性性と学習指導 Brownhill, Simon/Warin, Jo/Wernersson, Inga Men, Masculinities and Teaching in Early Childhood Education: International Perspectives on Gender and Care 2015:7. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797710* Brunner, Judy M. School House Bullies: Facilitator’s Guide 2015:6. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483317328* Finn, Kirsty Personal Life, Young Women and Higher Education: A Relational Approach to Student and Graduate Experiences 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137319722* 教育の上昇志向 Kupfer, Antonia Educational Upward Mobility: Practices of Social Changes 2015:4. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137355300* 教育、社会的背景と認識能力 Marks, Gary N. Education, Social Background and Cognitive Ability: The Decline of the Social (Routledge Research in Education) 2015:4. 292 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138923225* 教育におけるバイセクシュアリティ Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria (ed.) Bisexuality in Education: Erasure, Exclusion and ★印はお薦めタイトル the Absence of Intersectionality 2015:7. 164 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138920262* 教育社会学 第3版 Sadovnik, Alan R./Coughlan, Ryan (eds.) Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader, 3rd ed. 2015:8. 600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138842977* Skinningsrud, Tone The Reformation and Beyond: Applying the Morphogenetic Approach to the Study of Educational Change in a Nordic Country (New Studies in Critical Realism and Education (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415724753* カリキュラムと知識の専門化:教育社会学研究 Young, Michael/Muller, Johan Curriculum and the Specialisation of Knowledge: Studies in the Sociology of Education 2015:7. 200 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814912* See also Dehue, Francine, Cyberbullying, Psychology Press .................................................................... p78 , 0633 Rosiek, Jerry, Resegregation as Curriculum, Routledge...................................................p167 , 1349 国際教育・多文化教育 ブラジルにおける人種・政治と教育 Johnson, Ollie/Heringer, Rosana (eds.) Race, Politics, and Education in Brazil 2015:8. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137485144* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 165 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 多言語教育 *9781107427914* オーストラリア郊外における多言語教育 Fielding, Ruth Multilingualism in the Australian Suburbs: A Framework for Exploring Bilingual Identity 2015:6. 323 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789812874528* ★ バイリンガル教育制度の構築 Mehisto, Peeter/Genesee, Fred Building Bilingual Education Systems: Forces, Mechanisms and Counterweights 2015:4. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107450486* See also Murata, Kumiko, Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts, Routledge .................................................................... p76 , 0618 比較教育・各国教育事情 ニュージーランドのリテラシー教育事情 Chapman, James W./Tunmer, William E. (eds.) Excellence and Equity in Literacy Education: The Case of New Zealand (Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education) 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137415561* Grek, Sotiria Educating Europe: EU Government, Knowledge and Legitimation (Routledge Studies on Government and the European Union) 2015:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812659* Jenkins, Lyle Leon Optimize Your School: It’s All about the Strategy 2015:6. 288 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483382890* Johnson, Brad/Sessions, Julie From School Administrator to School Leader: 15 Keys to Maximizing Your Leadership Potential 2015:7. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903500* 教育的リーダーシップの解体 Niesche, Richard Deconstructing Educational Leadership: Derrida and Lyotard (Critical Studies in Educational Leadership, Management and Administration) 2015:5. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138926592* Noddings, Nel A Richer, Brighter Vision for American High Schools 2015:10. 224 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 166 ヨーロッパの教育政策 Larson-Hall, Jenifer, A Guide to Doing Statistics in Second Language Research Using SPSS and R, Routledge.................................................... p76 , 0616 教育制度・教育行政 *9781107075269* 公教育の再考察:教育とカリキュラム Rodríguez, Encarna (ed.) Pedagogies and Curriculums for (Re)imagining Public Education: Transnational Tales of Hope and Resistance (Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education, Vol. 3) 2015:6. 215 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》比較教育・各国教育事情 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789812874894* アメリカ公立学校における新たな人種隔離政策 Rosiek, Jerry/Kinslow, Kathy Resegregation as Curriculum: The Meaning of the New Racial Segregation in U.S. Public Schools 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812802* *9781138812819* ★ 教育的リーダーシップ Sadeghi, Leila/Callahan, Kathe (eds.) Educational Leadership in Action: A Casebook for Aspiring Educational Leaders 2015:7. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138020986* ★ 世代のアイデンティティ、教育の変化とスクール リーダーシップ Stone Johnson, Corrie Generational Identity, Educational Change, and School Leadership (Routledge Research in Educational Leadership) 2015:7. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Aston, Tracey-ann The Really Useful Book of Science Experiments: 100 Easy Ideas for Primary School Teachers 2015:9. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138784130* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138784147* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846531* 教科教育学 Committee on Guidance on Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards 2015:5. 120 p. (National Academies Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780309305129* 小学 2 年生算数のカリキュラム:教員向けガイド Common Core Eureka Math Curriculum Study Guide: A Story of Units, Grade 2, Educator ed. (Common Core Mathematics) 2015:8. 168 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118811665* 就学前・算数のカリキュラム:教員向けガイド Common Core Eureka Math Curriculum Study Guide: A Story of Units, Grade PK, Educator ed. (Common Core Mathematics) 2015:10. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119044666* 児童文学における子どもの読者 Arizpe, Evelyn/Smith, Vivienne (eds.) Children as Readers in Children’s Literature: Exploring the Power and Purpose of Texts 2015:10. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138806696* ★印はお薦めタイトル Danielson, Charlotte A Collection of Performance Tasks and Rubrics: Primary School Mathematics, 2nd ed. (Math Performance Tasks) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906891* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 167 教育学 》教科教育学 Danielson, Charlotte A Collection of Performance Tasks and Rubrics: Middle School Mathematics, 2nd ed. (Math Performance Tasks) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906914* Danielson, Charlotte A Collection of Performance Tasks and Rubrics: High School Mathematics, 2nd ed. (Math Performance Tasks) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906990* 小学校における音楽教育の認知的アプローチ 第2版 Houlahan, Micheal/Tacka, Philip Kodaly Today: A Cognitive Approach to Elementary Music Education, 2nd ed. (Kodaly Today Handbook Series) 2015:6. 708 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190255015* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190235772* *9789812874405* Hutchins, Rachel History Education in Comparative Contexts: The United States and France (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 2015:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 168 *9781138797642* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797659* Rubenstein, Rheta N. Teaching and Learning Middle Grades Mathematics, 2nd ed. 2015:10. 450 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470592724* Spiro, Rand J./DeSchryver, Michael/Hagerman, Michelle Schira/Morsink, Paul/Thompson, Penny (eds.) Reading at a Crossroads?: Disjunctures and Continuities in Current Conceptions and Practices 2015:3. 198 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415891684* Swanwick, Keith A Developing Discourse in Music Education: The Selected Works of Keith Swanwick 2015:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906433* 歴史教育:アメリカとフランスの比較 Lee, Trisha Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter Stories: Storytelling and Story Acting in the Early Years 2015:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 音楽教育のディスコース Hsu, Ying Shao (ed.) Development of Science Teachers’ TPACK: East Asian Practices 2015:6. 170 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 幼児教育における物語と演劇 *9781138801578* Wolpert-Gawron, Heather DIY Project Based Learning for ELA and History 2015:7. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891616* See also Barahona, Malba, English Language Teacher Education in Chile, Routledge............... p169 , 1368 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 教育方法・教育評価 英語教員の教育:チリの事例 Barahona, Malba English Language Teacher Education in Chile: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory Perspective (Routledge Research in Education) 2015:7. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915954* カリキュラム理論の批判的入門 Barrow, Robin Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to Curriculum Theory (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138922891* 生徒の成績・モチベーション向上方法 Blackburn, Barbara R. Motivating Struggling Learners: 10 Ways to Build Student Success 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792425* 小学校教育の評価 第3版 ==]=@ Martin, Cynthia Primary Assessment Now: The Why, What and How of Formative and Summative Assessment without Levels, 3rd ed. (Achieving QTS Series) 2015:9. 176 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473916111* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483373799* 小学校のカリキュラム 第2版 Driscoll, Patricia/Lambirth, Andrew/Roden, Judith (eds.) The Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 320 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473903647* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781473916128* Danielson, Charlotte F./Arneson, Mary Shelly (eds.) Talk about Teaching!: Leading Professional Conversations, 2nd ed. 2015:4. (Corwin Press, USA) Elliott, Alan C./Woodward, Wayne A. SAS Essentials: A Guide to Mastering SAS, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 448 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 公的記憶の教育方法 Greer, Jane/Grobman, Laurie (eds.) Pedagogies of Public Memory: Teaching Writing and Rhetoric at Museums, Memorials, and Archives (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication) 2015:6. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903739* 教員教育における地域のフィールドワーク Hallman, Heidi L/Burdick, Melanie Community Fieldwork in Teacher Education: Theory and Practice (Routledge Research in Teacher Education) 2015:5. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138013780* 小学校教員の研究 第3版 Hansen, Alice (ed.) Primary Professional Studies, 3rd ed. (Transforming Primary QTS Series) 2015:5. 320 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473916074* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781119042167* *9781473916081* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 169 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 クリエイティブ教育、指導と学習 学習の課題 Hogarth, Russell/Brewer, Gayle (eds.) Creative Education, Teaching and Learning: Creativity, Engagement and the Student Experience 2015:8. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Nottingham, James Challenging Learning: Theory, Effective Practice and Lesson Ideas to Create Optimal Learning 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137402134* Leat, David Enquiry and Project Based Learning: Students, School and Society 2015:9. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138790155* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138790179* Lemov, Doug Reading Reconsidered: A Guide to Rigorous Literacy Instruction in the Common Core Era 2015:11. 384 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119104247* Ling, Joyce Koh Hwee/Chai, Ching Sing/Wong, Benjamin/Hong, Huang-Yao Design Thinking for Education: Conceptions and Applications in Teaching and Learning 2015:6. 205 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Powell, Robert G./Powell, Dana Classroom Communication and Diversity: Enhancing Instructional Practice, 3rd ed. (Routledge Communication Series) 2015:10. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138897908* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138897915* 幼児教育:実務家向けハンドブック Trodd, Lynn (ed.) The Early Years Practitioner’s Handbook: An Essential Guide for Levels 4 and 5 2015:11. 519 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138776395* 教育のデザイン *9789812874436* ★ 教室コミュニケーションと多様性 第3版 *9781138923041* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138776401* See also Becker, Katrin, Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom, Springer International Publishing .................................................p170 , 1386 カリキュラムと教師 教育工学 Norris, Nigel (ed.) Curriculum and the Teacher: 35 years of the Cambridge Journal of Education 2015:6. 372 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866430* Becker, Katrin Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom: A Practical Guide (Advances in Game-Based Learning, Vol. 1) 2015:9. 250 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 170 *9783319122229* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育工学 学習デザイン:実践的アプローチ Conole, Grainne Learning Design: A Practical Approach 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415839297* e ラーニングシステム、環境とアプローチ Isaias, Pedro/Spector, J. Michael/Ifenthaler, Dirk/ Sampson, Demetrios G. (eds.) E-Learning Systems, Environments and Approaches: Theory and Implementation 2015:2. 386 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319058245* Loh, Christian Sebastian/Sheng, Yanyan/Ifenthaler, Dirk (eds.) Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement (Advances in Game-Based Learning) 2015:7. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319058337* 必須オンラインコースデザイン 第2版 Vai, Marjorie/Sosulski, Kristen Essentials of Online Course Design: A StandardsBased Guide, 2nd ed. (Essentials of Online Learning) 2015:8. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780156* 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 *9781138840546* 適職と高等教育 Cunningham, David S. (ed.) At This Time and In This Place: Vocation and Higher Education 2015:9. 360 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190243920* Goodyear, Peter M./Markauskaite, Lina Epistemic Fluency and Professional Education: Innovation, Knowledgeable Action and Working Knowledge (Professional and Practice-based Learning, Vol. 13) 2015:11. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789400743687* Groundwater-Smith, Susan/Mockler, Nicole Big Fish, Little Fish: Teaching and Learning in the Middle Years 2015:6. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107432314* Hughes, Anita M. Developing Play for the Under: The Treasure Basket and Heuristic Play, 3rd ed. 2015:7. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138779174* 専門教育と公共財:南アフリカにおける大学の役割 Burke, Ciaran Thomas Culture, Capitals and Graduate Futures: Degrees of Class (Research into Higher Education) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138840539* ★印はお薦めタイトル McLean, Monica/Walker, Melanie Professional Education, Capabilities and the Public Good: The Role of Universities in Promoting Human Development (Education, Poverty and International Development) 2015:5. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138929326* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 171 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 高等教育の批判的人種理論 Rodricks, Dirk J./McCoy, Dorian L. Critical Race Theory in Higher Education: 20 Years of Theoretical and Research Innovations (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE)) 2015:4. 144 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119111924* ★ 大学教授職:リクルートとマネジメント Teichler, Ulrich/Cummings, William K. (eds.) Forming, Recruiting and Managing the Academic Profession;}==]} Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, Vol. 14) 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319160795* Stage, Frances K., Research in the College Context, Routledge...................................p164 , 1323 特別支援教育 ★ 自閉症と教育 全4巻 172 Lacey, Penny/Ashdown, Rob/Jones, Phyllis/Lawson, Hazel/Pipe, Michele (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Severe, Profound and Multiple Learning Dif 2015:4. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415709972* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415709989* 学習障害の克服 Pylaeva, Natalia M. Overcoming Learning Disabilities 2015:7. 317 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107531659* See also ★ Routledge 版 重度・重複障害と教育必携 Humphrey, Neil (ed.) Autism and Education (Sage Library of Educational Thought & Practice) 2015:9. 4 Vols., 1086 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 Vorhaus, John Giving Voice to Profound Disability: Dignity, Dependence and Human Capabilities 2015:7. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415731621* See also Schultz, Brandon K., A Practical Guide to Implementing School-Based Interventions for Adolescents with ADHD, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p164 , 1328 *9781473904392* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 ★ メガイベントとグローバリゼーション ★ Routledge版 スポーツ指導ハンドブック Potrac, Paul/Gilbert, Wade/Denison, Jim (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860438* See also Jenkins, John, Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation, Routledge .............p158 , 1272 スポーツと社会 エリート・スポーツと万人のためのスポーツ Bailey, Richard/Talbot, Margaret (eds.) Elite Sport and Sport-for-All: Bridging the Two Cultures? (ICSSPE Perspectives) 2015:7. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 スポーツと運動研究のエスノグラフィー Molnar, Gyozo/Purdy, Laura (eds.) Ethnographies in Sport and Exercise Research 2015:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138015289* *9781138821903* Nielsen, Erik/Llewellyn, Matthew (eds.) The British World and the Five Rings: Essays in British Imperialism and the Modern Olympic Movement (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2015:11. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909588* スポーツ医学・心理 Bale, John/Howe, David (eds.) The Four-Minute Mile: Historical and Cultural Interpretations of a Sporting Barrier 2015:2. 168 p., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138805613* Gruneau, Richard/Horne, John (eds.) Mega Events and Globalization: Capital, Cultures and Spectacle in a Changing World Order (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759489* Rawson, Eric S./Volpe, Stella Lucia (eds.) Nutrition for Elite Athletes 2015:9. 328 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781466557987* Bonde, Hans The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport: The Danish Involvement 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880566* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 173 生活科学 》生活科学一派ン 生活科学 生活科学一般 発展途上国における食の安全と品質システム Martucci, Jessica Back to the Breast: Natural Motherhood and Breastfeeding in America 2015:10. 256 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226288031* Gordon, Andre (ed.) Food Safety and Quality Systems in Developing Countries: Volume One: Export Challenges and Implementation Strategies 2015:6. 272 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128012277* 食生活 ★ Sage 版 食品問題百科事典 全3巻 174 Albala, Ken (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Food Issues 2015:6. 3 Vols., 1656 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452243016* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア Heshmati, Almas, Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia, Springer-Verlag GmbH ...........................................................p8 , 0042 Kirsch, Griseldis, Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations on Screen, Bloomsbury Academic ....................................................................p12 , 0068 Kawai, Masahiro, Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth, Springer-Verlag GmbH ................p8 , 0044 Hayashi, Akiko, Teaching Embodied – Cultural Practice in Japanese Preschools, University of Chicago Press ............................................ p13 , 0074 Rozman, Gilbert, Misunderstanding Asia, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p10 , 0059 Parker, Lyn, Contestations Over Gender in Asia, Routledge.................................................... p12 , 0072 Meisterernst, Barbara, The Silk Roads, Routledge ....................................................................p39 , 0300 Watson, Iain, Environmental Security in the Asia# Palgrave Macmillan ................... p112 , 0889 Nelson, Thomas, Japanese Overseas Settlements to 1650, Curzon Pr. ................................... p29 , 0202 Hall, Timothy, The Fall of Singapore 1942, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0299 Dore, Ronald Philip, Aspects of Social Change in Modern Japan, Princeton U.P. ................ p39 , 0301 Lewis, Tania, Green Asia, Routledge......p115 , 0910 Rosenbaum, Roman, ! War, Routledge .......................................... p39 , 0302 Yap, Po Jen, Constitutional Dialogue in Common Law Asia, Oxford U.P. .............................p117 , 0933 Sbrega, John J, The War against Japan, 19411945, Routledge ......................................... p39 , 0303 Naoi, Megumi, Building Legislative Coalitions for Globalization in Asia, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p138 , 1099 Williams, Yoko, Tsumi, Routledge ............ p39 , 0304 Tan, See Seng, Multilateral Asian Security Architecture, Routledge ......................... p138 , 1100 東アジア Childs, Margaret, Voices of East Asia, Routledge ....................................................................p39 , 0306 Naito, Tohru, Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, SpringerVerlag GmbH .............................................p89 , 0699 Nardin, Terry, Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism, Palgrave Macmillan ............. p10 , 0058 Haghirian, Parissa, Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management, Routledge .................................................................. p104 , 0827 Ngoc Son, Bui, Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asian Law, Routledge .....................p117 , 0929 Matsumoto, Shigeru, Environmental Subsidies to Consumers, Routledge .............................p111 , 0879 日 本 Wong, Anny, The Roots of Japan's Environmental Policies, Routledge .................................. p112 , 0890 Galbraith, Patrick W., Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan, Bloomsbury.......... p4 , 0009 Hayami, Akira, Japan's Industrious Revolution, Springer Tokyo .............................................p4 , 0010 The Post-War Roots of Japanese Political Malaise, Routledge ...................p138 , 1101 Kumagai, Naoko, The Foundation of Japan's Security Policy, Routledge ......................p138 , 1102 Bebenroth, Ralf, International Business Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan, Springer Tokyo ......................................................................p9 , 0047 Neary, Ian, The Buraku Issue and Modern Japan, Routledge...................................................p138 , 1103 Sumi, Atsushi, Japanese Industrial Transplants in the United States, Routledge.................... p10 , 0052 Haight, Wendy L., Child Welfare and Development, Cambridge U.P................. p146 , 1175 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 175 アジア 》東アジア Ike, Shuichirou, Fertility Decline and Background Independence, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p149 , 1208 Wang, Jiazhuo G., ! =# Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................. p92 , 0710 Deguchi, Hiroshi, The Rise of Japanese Visual Narratives, Springer Tokyo .....................p152 , 1234 Hou, Wenxuan, Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p104 , 0829 Sakai, Junko, Japanese Bankers in the City of London, Routledge ...................................p152 , 1236 Li, Xinghua, Environmental Advertising in China and the USA, Routledge ......................... p114 , 0898 Ludlow, Brown Clarence, The Heart of Japan, Routledge...................................................p157 , 1264 Gao, Quanxi, The Road to the Rule of Law in Modern China, Springer-Verlag GmbH ...................................................................p117 , 0928 Mackie, Vera, Gender in Japan, Routledge .................................................................. p162 , 1304 中華人民共和国 Kirsch, Griseldis, Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations on Screen, Bloomsbury Academic ....................................................................p12 , 0068 Geary, D. Norman, The Kam People of China, Routledge.................................................... p24 , 0156 Brindley, Erica Fox, Ancient China and the Yue, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p39 , 0305 Childs, Margaret, Voices of East Asia, Routledge ....................................................................p39 , 0306 Dillon, Michael, Encyclopedia of Chinese History, Taylor & Francis........................................ p39 , 0307 Waley, Arthur, The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes, Routledge .........................................p42 , 0309 Xiang, Lanxin, The Origins of the Boxer War, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0310 Zhang, Qizhi, An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture, Springer-Verlag GmbH ...... p42 , 0311 Naito, Tohru, Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, SpringerVerlag GmbH .............................................p89 , 0699 Chen, Zongshi, The Revival, Legitimization, and Development of Private Enterprise in China, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p90 , 0705 Clark, Douglas, Patent Litigation in China, Oxford U.P. ........................................................... p122 , 0978 Wei, Dan, Settlements of Trade Disputes between China and Latin American Countries, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p126 , 1007 Hartig, Falk, Chinese Public Diplomacy, Routledge ...................................................................p131 , 1044 Backes, Uwe, Ideocracies in Comparison, Routledge.................................................. p137 , 1094 Koenig, Lion, Politics of the Other in India and China, Routledge..................................... p137 , 1098 Bickers, Robert, The Chinese Journals of L. K. Little, 1943-54, Pickering & Chatto Pub. ...................................................................p138 , 1104 Callahan, William A., China Dreams, Oxford U.P. NY ..............................................................p138 , 1105 Cliff, Roger, China's Military Power, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................p138 , 1106 Evron, Yoram, China's Military Procurement in the Reform Era, Routledge .....................p138 , 1107 Freeman, Carla, China and North Korea, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p138 , 1108 Fulda, Andreas, Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p139 , 1109 Hasmath, Reza, NGO Governance and Management in China, Routledge .........p139 , 1110 Joshua, John, Contribution of Human Capital Towards Economic Growth in China, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................................p90 , 0706 Wu, Guoguang, China's Transition from Communism - New Perspectives, Routledge ................................................................... p139 , 1111 Lee, Miles W. N., China's Economic Rise and its Global Impact, Palgrave Macmillan .......p90 , 0707 Wu, Guoguang, China's Party Congress, Cambridge U.P. ........................................ p139 , 1112 Lo, Chi, China's Impossible Trinity, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................................p90 , 0708 Pun, Ngai, Social Economy in China and the World, Routledge .....................................p145 , 1168 Sun, Guofeng, Reforms in China's Monetary Policy, Palgrave Macmillan ...................... p92 , 0709 Ho, Wing Shan, Screening Post-1989 China, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p154 , 1241 176 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東アジア Jiang, Shao, Citizen Publications in China Before the Internet, Palgrave Macmillan...........p154 , 1244 マレーシア Hodgkin, Henry T, China in the Family of Nations, Routledge...................................................p158 , 1273 Mintz-Habib, Nazia, Biofuels, Food Security and Developing Economies, Taylor & Francis ....................................................................p88 , 0693 大韓民国 Childs, Margaret, Voices of East Asia, Routledge ....................................................................p39 , 0306 Hong, Memoirs of a Korean Queen, Routledge ....................................................................p39 , 0308 Naito, Tohru, Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, SpringerVerlag GmbH .............................................p89 , 0699 シンガポール Hall, Timothy, The Fall of Singapore 1942, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0299 Quah, Sharon Ee Ling, Perspectives on Marital Dissolution, Springer-Verlag GmbH .......p151 , 1226 インドネシア Kim, Joong-Seop, The Korean Paekjong Under Japanese Rule, Routledge .......................p150 , 1211 Ito, Takeshi, Aceh Sultanate: State, Society, Religion and Trade, M. Nijhoff................ p42 , 0312 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Volz, Ulrich, Financing the Green Transformation, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p92 , 0711 Backes, Uwe, Ideocracies in Comparison, Routledge.................................................. p137 , 1094 南アジア Freeman, Carla, China and North Korea, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p138 , 1108 O’Donnell, Anna, Climate Change Adaptation and Social Resilience in the Sundarbans, Routledge ...................................................................p115 , 0913 東南アジア Ram Mohan, M. P., Nuclear Energy and Liability in South Asia, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p134 , 1061 Peacock, Andrew, From Anatolia to Aceh., Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p44 , 0330 Landa, Janet T., Economic Success of Overseas Chinese Merchants in Southeast Asia, SpringerVerlag GmbH ............................................p159 , 1279 Shastri, Amita, The Post-Colonial States of South Asia, Routledge......................................... p139 , 1116 インド Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p159 , 1283 Chakrabarty, Bidyut, The Partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947, Routledge .................. p42 , 0315 ベトナム Hall, Captain Basil, Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo, Routledge ..................................... p42 , 0316 Mesny, William, Tungking, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p42 , 0313 Locke, J. Courtenay, The First Englishmen in India, Routledge ........................................ p42 , 0318 Thrift, Nigel, The Price of War, Routledge .................................................................... p42 , 0314 Pachuau, Joy L. K., The Camera as Witness: A Social History of Mizoram, Northeast India, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p42 , 0319 タ イ Ray, Subhajyoti, Transformations on the Bengal Frontier, Routledge ................................... p43 , 0320 Naito, Tohru, Sustainable Growth and Development in a Regional Economy, SpringerVerlag GmbH .............................................p89 , 0699 Banerjee, Arpita, Development Disparities in India, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................. p92 , 0712 Bhattacharya, Rakhee, Regional Development and Public Policy Challenges in India, Springer-Verlag GmbH ......................................................... p92 , 0713 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 177 アジア 》南アジア Balachandran, G., John Bullion's Empire, Routledge.................................................... p92 , 0714 Mehdi, Rubya, The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan, Routledge ................................. p139 , 1115 Studer, Roman, The Great Divergence Reconsidered, Cambridge U.P. ................ p95 , 0742 バングラデシュ Guin, Sayantani, Prison Inmates Living with HIV in India, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............p119 , 0954 Akmam, Wardatul, Arsenic Mitigation in Rural Bangladesh, Springer-Verlag GmbH ..... p114 , 0905 Koenig, Lion, Politics of the Other in India and China, Routledge..................................... p137 , 1098 中央アジア Sullivan, Kate, Competing Visions of India in World Politics, Palgrave Macmillan ...... p139 , 1117 Beisembiev, Timur, The Life of Alimqul, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0321 Ernst, Waltraud, Health and Medicine in the Indian Princely States, Routledge .........p146 , 1182 トルクメニスタン Blackwell, Carole, Tradition and Society in Turkmenistan, Routledge..........................p24 , 0155 パキスタン Gregory, Shaun, Democracy and Security in Pakistan, Routledge ................................. p139 , 1114 ロシア Brennan, Cathryn, Cultural Upheaval in Revolutionary Russia, Curzon Pr. .......... p36 , 0272 Kochetkova, Inna, The Myth of the Russian Intelligentsia, Routledge .......................... p36 , 0273 Ruud, Charles A, Becoming a Romanov. Grand Duchess Elena of Russia and Her World (18071873), Ashgate Pub. ................................... p36 , 0274 Sella, Amnon, The Value of Human Life in Soviet Warfare, Routledge................................... p36 , 0275 Savelli, Mat, Psychiatry in Communist Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p46 , 0350 Poberezhskaya, Marianna, Communicating Climate Change in Russia, Routledge .................................................................. p114 , 0900 Gardner, Hall, Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p136 , 1085 Brovkin, Vladimir N., Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War, Princeton U.P. ................. p141 , 1125 Mendras, Marie, Russian Politics, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p141 , 1126 The Development of Russian Environmental Thought, Routledge ......p110 , 0871 中 東 Ainsworth, William F., Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia, Cambridge U.P. ........................ p25 , 0165 Bryce, Trevor, Atlas of the Ancient Near East, Taylor & Francis........................................ p25 , 0169 Curzon, George Nathaniel, Persia and the Persian Question, Cambridge U.P......................... p43 , 0325 McNabb, James Brian, A Military History of the Modern Middle East, Praeger ................ p44 , 0329 Delnero, Paul, Texts and Contexts, W. de Gruyter .....................................................................p26 , 0174 Schayegh, Cyrus, The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates, Routledge .................................................................... p44 , 0331 Van De Mieroop, Marc, A History of the Ancient Near East, CA. 3000-323 BC, Wiley ....... p27 , 0190 Jamali, Dima, Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan ......... p104 , 0830 178 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 中 東 Jamali, Dima, Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan ......... p104 , 0831 Cronin, Stephanie, The Making of Modern Iran, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0324 Mallat, Chibli, Philosophy of Nonviolence, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p116 , 0917 Herbert, Thomas, Travels in Persia, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0327 Del Sarto, Raffaella A., Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p131 , 1042 Tetley, G.E., The Ghaznavid and Seljuk Turks, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0332 Byman, Daniel, Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................. p136 , 1079 Sinkaya, Bayram, The Revolutionary Guards in Iranian Politics, Routledge .....................p141 , 1124 Meftahi, Ida, Gender and Dance in Iran, Routledge ...................................................................p161 , 1297 Davidson, Christopher, After the Sheikhs, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p139 , 1118 Haugbolle, Sune, The Politics of Violence, Truth and Reconciliation in the Arab Middle East, Routledge...................................................p140 , 1119 Kia, Mehrdad, Modern Middle East Authoritarianism, Routledge..................p140 , 1120 Laurence, Janice H., Social Science Goes to War, Oxford U.P. NY .........................................p140 , 1121 イスラエル Debrauwere-Miller, Nathalie, Israeli-Palestinian # Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0199 Shoham, Efrat, Prison Tattoos, Springer-Verlag GmbH ....................................................... p120 , 0959 Peters, Joel, Routledge Handbook on the Israeli # Routledge ..............p140 , 1123 Monier, Elizabeth, Regional Insecurity After the Arab Uprisings, Palgrave Macmillan ....p140 , 1122 トルコ Peacock, Andrew, From Anatolia to Aceh., Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p44 , 0330 アフガニスタン Green, Nile, Afghan History Through Afghan Eyes, Oxford U.P. NY ................................ p43 , 0326 Jalali, Ali Ahmad, A Military History of Afghanistan, Praeger ............................... p43 , 0328 パレスチナ Debrauwere-Miller, Nathalie, Israeli-Palestinian # Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0199 Peters, Joel, Routledge Handbook on the Israeli # Routledge ..............p140 , 1123 イエメン Lamprakos, Michele, Building a World Heritage City, Ashgate Pub. .....................................p48 , 0366 キプロス イラン Amini, Iradj, Napoleon and Persia, Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0260 Theodore, Jonathan, Cyprus and the Financial Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan ...................... p93 , 0719 ヨーロッパ Dey, Hendrik W., Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, AD 271-855, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p26 , 0176 Alfaro-Zaforteza, Carlos, European Navies and the Conduct of War, Routledge ...................... p29 , 0205 Fowler, Chris, The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe, Oxford U.P. ................................. p26 , 0178 Bandeira Jeronimo, Miguel, The Ends of European Colonial Empires, Palgrave Macmillan ....................................................................p29 , 0206 Levack, Brian P., The Witchcraft Sourcebook, Routledge.................................................... p28 , 0195 Broomhall, Susan, Violence and Emotions in Early Modern Europe, Routledge...................... p29 , 0210 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 179 ヨーロッパ Gordon, F. Bruce, Europe 1409-1523, Wiley .................................................................... p30 , 0211 Zielonka, Jan, Media and Politics in New Democracies, Oxford U.P. .......................p131 , 1038 Holland, R. F., Theory and Practice in the History of European Expansion Overseas, Routledge .................................................................... p30 , 0212 Murphy, Enda, Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity and Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p135 , 1075 Jesch, Judith, The Viking Diaspora, Routledge .................................................................... p30 , 0214 Albertazzi, Daniele, Populists in Power, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1127 Millington, Chris, Political Violence and Democracy in Western Europe, 1918-1940, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p30 , 0215 McNamara, Kathleen R., The Politics of Everyday Europe, Oxford U.P. ................................p142 , 1137 Mistry, Zubin, Abortion in the Early Middle Ages, C. 500-900, York Medieval Press ............. p30 , 0216 Ó hAnnracháin, Tadhg, Catholic Europe, 15921648, Oxford U.P. ...................................... p30 , 0217 Ott, John S., Bishops, Authority and Community in Northwestern Europe, c.1050-1150, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p30 , 0218 Rose, E.M, The Murder of William of Norwich, Oxford U.P. NY .......................................... p30 , 0220 The History of Bankruptcy, Routledge.................................................... p30 , 0221 Tafur, Pero, Travels and Adventures, Routledge .................................................................... p31 , 0224 Voskuhl, Adelheid, Androids in the Enlightenment, University of Chicago Press ...................... p46 , 0352 Schaus, Margaret C., Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Routledge ................... p46 , 0358 Spohn, Willfried, Religion and National Identities in an Enlarged Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................................... p142 , 1141 Blanshard, Alastair J. L., Sex, WILEY.... p162 , 1307 E U Arnull, Anthony, The Oxford Handbook of EU Law, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p10 , 0054 Huber, Peter, Competitiveness, Social Inclusion and Sustainability in a Diverse European Union, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................. p92 , 0716 Theodore, Jonathan, Cyprus and the Financial Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan ...................... p93 , 0719 DuPont, Claire, Decarbonization in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan .................... p111 , 0884 DuPont, Claire, Climate Policy Integration into EU Energy Policy, Routledge ................. p111 , 0885 Bungenberg, Marc, Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon, Springer-Verlag GmbH .... p125 , 1000 Poli, Federica, Bank Risk, Governance and Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan ............. p92 , 0718 Conway, Gerard, EU Law, Routledge .... p125 , 1001 Studer, Roman, The Great Divergence Reconsidered, Cambridge U.P. ................ p95 , 0742 Haentjens, Matthias, European Banking and Financial Law, Routledge....................... p125 , 1002 Miller, William L., European Legal Cultures in Transition, Cambridge U.P. ................... p116 , 0920 Krajewski, Markus, Services of General Interest Beyond the Single Market, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p125 , 1003 Brems, Eva, Diversity and European Human Rights, Cambridge U.P. ...........................p118 , 0937 Raphael QC, Monty, Bribery, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p118 , 0943 Becci, Irene, Religious Diversity in European Prisons, Springer-Verlag GmbH ............ p119 , 0948 Robinson, Gwen, Community Punishment, Routledge.................................................. p120 , 0956 Palmer, Vernon V., The Recovery of NonPecuniary Loss in European Contract Law, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p125 , 1004 180 Requejo, Ferran, Democracy and National Pluralism, Routledge ...............................p127 , 1017 Del Sarto, Raffaella A., Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p131 , 1042 Dominguez, Roberto, EU Foreign Policy Towards Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan......p131 , 1043 Graeger, Nina, EU–NATO Cooperation, Routledge ...................................................................p133 , 1053 Hoerber, Thomas, European Space Policy, Routledge................................................... p141 , 1131 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Magone, José M., Core-periphery Relations in the European Union, Routledge....................p142 , 1135 Bowen, H. V., Britain's Oceanic Empire, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p31 , 0231 Manners, Ian, Research Methods in European Union Studies, Palgrave Macmillan .......p142 , 1136 Bremer, Francis, Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p32 , 0232 Petricevic, Vanja, Compliance Patterns with EU Anti-Discrimination Legislation, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p142 , 1138 Bristol, Michael D., Carnival and Theater, Routledge.................................................... p32 , 0233 Rose, Richard, Representing Europeans, Oxford U.P. ............................................................p142 , 1139 Brougham, Henry, The Life and Times of Henry Lord Brougham, Cambridge U.P. ........... p32 , 0234 Schubert, Klaus, Challenges to European Welfare Systems, Springer International Publishingp145 , 1169 Brown, Philip Anthony, The French Revolution in English History, Routledge ...................... p32 , 0235 Grek, Sotiria, Educating Europe, Routledge .................................................................. p166 , 1344 Ellis, Steven G., Defending English Ground, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p32 , 0236 西ヨーロッパ Fisher, H.E.S, The Portugal Trade, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0237 Boas, Adrian, The Crusader World, Routledge ....................................................................p29 , 0208 Grant, Alexander, Uniting the Kingdom?, Routledge.................................................... p32 , 0238 Briggs, Asa., History of Western Europe, Wiley ....................................................................p29 , 0209 Host, John, Victorian Labour History, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0239 Reimitz, Helmut, History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550-850, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p30 , 0219 Inkster, Ian, Metropolis and Province, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0240 イギリス Cope, Rachel, Family Life in England and America, 1690-1820, Pickering & Chatto Pub. ..................................................................... p4 , 0008 Manwaring, G. E, The Diary of Henry Teonge, Routledge.................................................... p28 , 0196 Sweet, Rosemary, Cities and the Grand Tour, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p31 , 0223 Arnold, George Matthews, Robert Pocock, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p31 , 0225 Bagwell, Philip, The Transport Revolution 17701985, Routledge ......................................... p31 , 0226 Barnard, Teresa, British Women and the Intellectual World in the Long Eighteenth Century, Ashgate Pub. .............................. p31 , 0227 Beattie, Tim, British Privateering Voyages of the Early Eighteenth Century, Boydell & Brewer .................................................................... p31 , 0228 Bivins, Roberta, Contagious Communities, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p31 , 0229 Bloch, Marc, The Royal Touch , Routledge .................................................................... p31 , 0230 ★印はお薦めタイトル Irish, Tomas, The University at War, 1914-25, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p32 , 0241 Molyneaux, George, The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p33 , 0244 Niles, John D., The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England, Wiley ........................................................... p33 , 0246 O'Brien, Bruce R, Late Anglo-Saxon England, Wiley ........................................................... p33 , 0247 Onslow, William Hillier, Landlords and Allotments, Cambridge U.P. .................... p33 , 0250 Speller, Ian, The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century, Routledge ...... p33 , 0251 Van Houts, Elisabeth, Anglo-Norman Studies 37, Boydell & Brewer ...................................... p34 , 0252 Visram, Rozina, Ayahs, Lascars and Princes, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0253 Wood, J. Carter, Violence and Crime in Nineteenth Century England, Routledge ................... p34 , 0254 Locke, J. Courtenay, The First Englishmen in India, Routledge ........................................ p42 , 0318 Adcock, Rachel, Baptist Women's Writings in Revolutionary Culture, 1640-1680, Ashgate Pub. .................................................................... p46 , 0355 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 181 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Twaddle, Michael, The Wages of Slavery, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0363 De Londras, Fiona, Detention in the 'War on Terror', Cambridge U.P. ......................... p124 , 0994 Balachandran, G., John Bullion's Empire, Routledge.................................................... p92 , 0714 Hunt, Alan R., Civic Engagement in Food System Governance, Routledge ...........................p133 , 1054 Hirowatari, Kiyoshi, Britain and European Monetary Cooperation, 1964-1979, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p92 , 0715 Moore, Richard, The Royal Navy and Nuclear Weapons, Routledge................................ p134 , 1058 McRobbie, Angela, Be Creative, Wiley .................................................................... p92 , 0717 Schulman, Jason, Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p137 , 1097 Williamson, Adrian, Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964-1979, Palgrave Macmillan ............... p93 , 0720 Gourvish, Terry, " | < and the Channel Tunnel, Routledge.......p141 , 1130 Bisscop, W. R., The Rise of the London Money Market, Routledge .................................... p94 , 0728 Cairncross, Alec, The Robert Hall Diaries 19471953, Routledge ......................................... p94 , 0730 Cairncross, Alec, The Robert Hall Diaries 19541961, Routledge.......................................... p94 , 0731 Clark, A., The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, Routledge ............. p94 , 0732 Dietz, Dr. Sarah, British Entrepreneurship in Poland, Ashgate Pub. ................................ p94 , 0733 Kaeuper, R., Bankers to the Crown, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p94 , 0736 Mantoux, Paul, The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century, Routledge ............... p94 , 0737 Perris, George Herbert, The Industrial History of Modern England, Routledge.................... p95 , 0739 Slaven, Anthony, The Development of the West of Scotland 1750-1960, Routledge................ p95 , 0741 Marcaillou, Philippe-N., < Schemes in the UK, Oxford U.P. ............. p97 , 0760 Leach, Robert, Political Ideology in Britain, Palgrave Macmillan ................................. p141 , 1133 Ibrahim, Joseph, Bourdieu and Social Movements, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p150 , 1216 Nugent, Janay, Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland, Boydell & Brewer ....................p151 , 1225 Coleman, B. I., The Idea of the City in NineteenthCentury Britain, Routledge ....................p152 , 1231 Sakai, Junko, Japanese Bankers in the City of London, Routledge ...................................p152 , 1236 Kelley, Robin D. G., The Other Special Relationship, Palgrave Macmillan .........p159 , 1278 Broomhall, Susan, Authority, Gender and Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, Palgrave Macmillan................ p160 , 1289 Pugh, Martin, Women and the Women's Movement in Britain since 1914, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p161 , 1298 Connors, Bushra, Emergent Pedagogy in England, Routledge...................................................p163 , 1317 Attenborough, F. L., The Laws of the Earliest English Kings, Cambridge U.P...............p116 , 0924 Paterson, Lindsay, Edinburgh History of Education in Scotland, Edinburgh U.P. ...................................................................p163 , 1319 Waughray, Annapurna, Capturing Caste in Law, Routledge.................................................. p118 , 0940 Kupfer, Antonia, Educational Upward Mobility, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p165 , 1333 Croall, Hazel, Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland, Routledge ................................ p119 , 0950 Nielsen, Erik, The British World and the Five Rings, Routledge ......................................p173 , 1409 Ellison, Graham, Police and Policing in the UK, Routledge...................................................p119 , 0952 アイルランド Taylor, David, The Battle for the Roads of Britain, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p120 , 0962 Ellis, Steven G., Defending English Ground, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p32 , 0236 Williams, Alan, Drafting Agreements for the Digital Media Industry, Oxford U.P. .... p124 , 0986 Grant, Alexander, Uniting the Kingdom?, Routledge.................................................... p32 , 0238 182 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ O'Brien, R. Barry, Two Centuries of Irish History, Routledge.................................................... p33 , 0248 ドイツ Murphy, Enda, Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity and Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p135 , 1075 Adler, H. G., Theresienstadt 1941-1945, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p34 , 0255 フランス Bloch, Marc, The Royal Touch , Routledge .................................................................... p31 , 0230 Irish, Tomas, The University at War, 1914-25, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p32 , 0241 Amini, Iradj, Napoleon and Persia, Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0260 Bergin, Joseph, A History of France, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p35 , 0261 Bloch, Marc, The Ile-De-France , Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0262 Boswell, James, The Journal of a Tour to Corsica, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p35 , 0263 Ikeda, Ryo, The Imperialism of French Decolonisaton, Palgrave Macmillan ........ p45 , 0339 Pinell, Patrice, The Fight Against Cancer, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0348 Gourvish, Terry, " | < and the Channel Tunnel, Routledge.......p141 , 1130 Schafer, Sylvia, Children in Moral Danger and the Problem of Government in Third Republic France, Princeton U.P. ............................p142 , 1140 Morewood, Steven, Defending Greece Against Nazi Germany, I.B. Tauris ....................... p34 , 0256 Plato, Alexander Von, The End of the Cold War?, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p34 , 0257 Quinn, Malcolm, The Swastika, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0258 Savelli, Mat, Psychiatry in Communist Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p46 , 0350 Steiner, Eva, Comparing the Prospective Effect of Judicial Rulings Across Jurisdictions, SpringerVerlag GmbH ............................................p118 , 0935 Bevern, Simona, Party Communication in Routine Times of Politics, Springer-Verlag GmbH ...................................................................p141 , 1129 Ramsbrock, Annelie, The Science of Beauty, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p161 , 1299 オーストリア Silverman, Lisa, Becoming Austrians, Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................... p31 , 0222 Kupfer, Antonia, Educational Upward Mobility, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p165 , 1333 スイス Kimble, Sara L., Women, Feminism, and the Law in Modern France, Routledge ................ p162 , 1303 Traber, Denise, Political Decision-Making in Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan ..........p142 , 1142 Hutchins, Rachel, History Education in Comparative Contexts, Routledge ........ p168 , 1362 ポーランド オランダ Groot, H. L. F. de, Cities and the Urban Land Premium, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ....................................................................p88 , 0695 Outshoorn, Joyce, European Women's Movements and Body Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p162 , 1305 中央ヨーロッパ Glickman, Nora, The Jewish White Slave Trade and the Untold Story of Raquel Liberman, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0345 チェコ Bure, Oldrich, Private Security Companies, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p133 , 1049 Outshoorn, Joyce, European Women's Movements and Body Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p162 , 1305 Kamusella, Tomasz, Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950, Routledge ................................................................... p141 , 1132 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 183 ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ 南ヨーロッパ イタリア Banchich, Thomas M., The Lost History of Peter the Patrician, Routledge ........................... p25 , 0167 Evans, John K., War, Women and Children in Ancient Rome, Routledge ......................... p26 , 0177 Grig, Lucy, Two Romes, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................... p26 , 0180 Hoyos, Dexter, A Companion to the Punic Wars, Wiley-Blackwell ......................................... p27 , 0182 Pallottino, Missimo, A History of Earliest Italy, Routledge.................................................... p27 , 0184 Southern, Patricia, The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine, Routledge ......... p27 , 0188 Outshoorn, Joyce, European Women's Movements and Body Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p162 , 1305 スペイン Anderson, Peter, The Francoist Military Trials, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0264 D'Aulnoy, Madame, Travels into Spain, Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0268 Ferran, Ofelia, Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain, Routledge............. p35 , 0269 Ruiz, Julius, The 'Red Terror' and the Spanish Civil War, Cambridge U.P. ...................... p36 , 0270 ギリシャ Tomlinson, Richard A, Argos and the Argolid, Routledge.................................................... p27 , 0189 Ainsworth, William F., Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand Greeks, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p25 , 0166 Wiedemann, Thomas, Adults and Children in the Roman Empire, Routledge ....................... p28 , 0192 Bury, John Bagnell, A History of Greece, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p25 , 0170 Sweet, Rosemary, Cities and the Grand Tour, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p31 , 0223 Craik, Elizabeth M., The Dorian Aegean, Routledge .................................................................... p26 , 0173 Brown, Alison, Bartolomeo Scala, 1430-1497, Chancellor of Florence, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p35 , 0265 Gagarin, Michael, The Laws of Ancient Crete, c.650-400 BCE, Oxford U.P..................... p26 , 0179 Bury, J. B., A History of the Eastern Roman Empire, Cambridge U.P. .......................... p35 , 0266 Hardy, Gavin, Ancient Botany, Routledge .................................................................... p27 , 0181 Bury, J. B., A History of the Later Roman Empire, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p35 , 0267 Lintott, Andrew, Violence, Civil Strife and Revolution in the Classical City, Routledge .................................................................... p27 , 0183 Albertazzi, Daniele, Populists in Power, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1127 Parke, H. W., The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor, Routledge.................................................... p27 , 0185 Behan, Tom, The Camorra, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1128 Livi Bacci, Massimo, A History of Italian Fertility During the Last Two Centuries, Princeton U.P. ...................................................................p148 , 1199 Dixon, Suzanne, The Roman Mother, Routledge ...................................................................p160 , 1291 Wilkinson, Kate, Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity, Cambridge U.P. .................... p162 , 1306 ポルトガル Fisher, H.E.S, The Portugal Trade, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0237 184 Tomlinson, Richard A, Argos and the Argolid, Routledge.................................................... p27 , 0189 Morewood, Steven, Defending Greece Against Nazi Germany, I.B. Tauris ....................... p34 , 0256 北ヨーロッパ Lindkvist, Knut Bjørn, Nordic-Iberian Cod Value Chains, Springer-Verlag GmbH ..............p142 , 1134 スウェーデン Lundahl, Mats, Seven Figures in the History of Swedish Economic Thought, Palgrave Macmillan ....................................................................p86 , 0672 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》北ヨーロッパ Outshoorn, Joyce, European Women's Movements and Body Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p162 , 1305 Batinic, Jelena, Women and Yugoslav Partisans, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p160 , 1288 ウクライナ デンマーク Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen, The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p28 , 0193 Bonde, Hans, The Politics of the Male Body in Global Sport, Routledge ..........................p173 , 1406 Steinhart, Eric C., The Holocaust and the Germanization of Ukraine, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p36 , 0271 Gardner, Hall, Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p136 , 1085 東ヨーロッパ Savelli, Mat, Psychiatry in Communist Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p46 , 0350 アフリカ Solomon, Hussein, Terrorism and CounterTerrorism in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p11 , 0061 Roller, Duane W, The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene, Routledge ................... p27 , 0187 Wynne-Jones, Stephanie, Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory, Routledge ................................ p28 , 0194 Caillie, Rene, Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo and Across the Great Desert to Morocco, 1824-28, Routledge .................. p44 , 0334 Burki, Shahid Javed, Pakistan, Cambridge U.P. ................................................................... p139 , 1113 Monier, Elizabeth, Regional Insecurity After the Arab Uprisings, Palgrave Macmillan ....p140 , 1122 Acharya, Amitav, New/Changing African Voices in IR Theory, Routledge ..............................p142 , 1143 Brosig, Malte, Cooperative Peacekeeping in Africa, Routledge .....................................p143 , 1145 Campbell, John R., Nationalism, Law and Statelessness, Routledge ..........................p143 , 1146 Twaddle, Michael, The Wages of Slavery, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0363 Ellett, Rachel, Pathways to Judicial Power in Transitional States, Routledge ...............p143 , 1148 Tignor, Robert L., Capitalism and Nationalism at the End of Empire, Princeton U.P. .........p90 , 0704 Fortes, M., African Political Systems, Routledge ...................................................................p143 , 1149 Pearson, Mark, Africans Investing in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p93 , 0721 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., African Systems of Kinship and Marriage, Routledge .........p152 , 1227 !Adapting to Climate Uncertainty in African Agriculture, Routledge .................................................................... p93 , 0725 McLean, Monica, Professional Education, Capabilities and the Public Good, Routledge ...................................................................p171 , 1396 Moens, Gabriël, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Resources Sector, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p122 , 0976 北アフリカ Jeng, Abou, Peacebuilding in the African Union, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p124 , 0989 Bulto, Takele Soboka, Extraterritoriality and International Human Rights Law, Routledge .................................................................. p124 , 0992 ★印はお薦めタイトル Davidson, Christopher, After the Sheikhs, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p139 , 1118 McDougall, James, Global and Local in Algeria and Morocco, Routledge.......................... p143 , 1151 Zoubir, Yahia H., North African Politics, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1154 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 185 アフリカ 》北アフリカ エジプト ナイジェリア Denon, Vivant, Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, Cambridge U.P. ..............................p26 , 0175 Olayinka Fashagba, Joseph, African State Governance, Palgrave Macmillan .......... p143 , 1152 Van Oppen De Ruiter, Branko F, Berenice II Euergetis, Palgrave Macmillan ................ p27 , 0191 トーゴ Meijer, Roel, The Quest for Modernity, Routledge ...................................................................p126 , 1015 Skinner, Kate, The Fruits of Freedom in British Togoland, Cambridge U.P. ....................... p45 , 0343 リビア リベリア Cole, Peter, The Libyan Revolution and Its Aftermath, Oxford U.P. NY.....................p143 , 1147 Graef, Julian, Practicing Post-Liberal Peacebuilding, Palgrave Macmillan.......p143 , 1150 チュニジア シエラレオネ Ikeda, Ryo, The Imperialism of French Decolonisaton, Palgrave Macmillan ........ p45 , 0339 Ainley, Kirsten, Evaluating Transitional Justice, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p143 , 1144 モロッコ エチオピア Gottreich, Emily, Morocco, I.B. Tauris .................................................................... p44 , 0336 Peterson, Stephen B., Public Finance and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Routledge.................................................... p93 , 0722 Ikeda, Ryo, The Imperialism of French Decolonisaton, Palgrave Macmillan ........ p45 , 0339 Olayinka Fashagba, Joseph, African State Governance, Palgrave Macmillan .......... p143 , 1152 サハラ以南アフリカ ケニア Patterson, Sheila, The Last Trek, Routledge .................................................................... p24 , 0160 Schapera, Isaac, Western Civilization in Southern Africa, Routledge ...................................... p24 , 0161 De Graft, William, Towards Nationhood in West Africa, Routledge ...................................... p44 , 0335 Hogg, Peter C., African Slave Trade and Its Suppression, Routledge ............................ p44 , 0337 Seck, Diery, Accelerated Economic Growth in West Africa, Springer-Verlag GmbH ...... p93 , 0723 Campbell, Gwyn, The Indian Ocean Rim, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1041 Scheele, Judith, Smugglers and Saints of the Sahara, Cambridge U.P. ..........................p150 , 1212 ガンビア Archer, Frances Bisset, The Gambia Colony and Protectorate, Routledge ........................... p44 , 0333 Sharma, Serena, Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, Routledge ...............................p137 , 1091 Olayinka Fashagba, Joseph, African State Governance, Palgrave Macmillan .......... p143 , 1152 コンゴ民主共和国 Arnould, Valerie, The Politics of Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding, Routledge ...p135 , 1078 タンザニア Lal, Priya, African Socialism in Postcolonial Tanzania, Cambridge U.P. .......................p45 , 0340 Mintz-Habib, Nazia, Biofuels, Food Security and Developing Economies, Taylor & Francis ....................................................................p88 , 0693 ルワンダ Reyntjens, Filip, Political Governance in PostGenocide Rwanda, Cambridge U.P........ p143 , 1153 186 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》サハラ以南アフリカ ジンバブエ Peterson, Derek, The Politics of Heritage in Africa, Cambridge U.P. ............................ p45 , 0342 Hole, Hugh Marshall, The Making of Rhodesia, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0338 Seekings, Jeremy, Policy, Politics and Poverty in South Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .......... p93 , 0724 南アフリカ Olayinka Fashagba, Joseph, African State Governance, Palgrave Macmillan .......... p143 , 1152 Nash, Andrew, The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa, Routledge ...................................... p45 , 0341 南北アメリカ 北 米 Holden-Reid, Dr Brian, The Vistas of American Military History 1800-1898, Routledge .................................................................... p37 , 0285 Pauketat, Timothy, The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................... p27 , 0186 Lemisch, Jesse, Jack Tar vs. John Bull, Routledge .................................................................... p37 , 0286 Grenfell Price, Archibald, White Settlers and Native Peoples, Cambridge U.P. .............. p37 , 0281 Mccrary, Peyton, Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction, Princeton U.P................ p37 , 0287 アメリカ合衆国 Morgan, Kenneth, A Short History of Transatlantic Slavery, I.B. Tauris ........... p37 , 0288 Sumi, Atsushi, Japanese Industrial Transplants in the United States, Routledge.................... p10 , 0052 Skotheim, Robert Allen, American Intellectual Histories and Historians, Princeton U.P.p38 , 0289 Bremer, Francis, Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p32 , 0232 Spaulding, Dr. Carina, African American Culture and Society After Rodney King, Ashgate Pub. ....................................................................p38 , 0290 Irish, Tomas, The University at War, 1914-25, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p32 , 0241 Walters, Kerry, American Slave Revolts and Conspiracies, ABC-Clio Inc. .................... p38 , 0291 Beede, Benjamin R., The Small Wars of the United States, 1899-2009, Routledge ................... p36 , 0276 Williams, Yohuru R., Rethinking the Black Freedom Movement, Routledge .............. p38 , 0292 Bothwell, Robert, Your Country, My Country, Oxford U.P. NY .......................................... p36 , 0277 McDaniel, Jr., Charles, Civil Society and the Reform of Finance, Routledge ................. p93 , 0726 Brigety II, Reuben E., Ethics, Technology and the American Way of War, Routledge........... p36 , 0278 Blyth, Conrad, American Business Cycles 194550, Routledge ............................................. p94 , 0729 Corke, Sarah-Jane, US Covert Operations and Cold War Strategy, Routledge ................. p37 , 0279 Friedman, Jean E., Abraham Lincoln and the Virtues of War, Praeger ........................... p37 , 0280 Hendricks, Nancy D., America's First Ladies, ABC-Clio Inc.............................................. p37 , 0282 Hinks, Peter, Abolition and Antislavery, Greenwood ................................................. p37 , 0283 Hixson, Walter L., American Foreign Relations, Routledge.................................................... p37 , 0284 ★印はお薦めタイトル Jones, Peter D'A, An Economic History of the United States Since 1783, Routledge ....... p94 , 0735 Dunaway, Finis, Seeing Green, University of Chicago Press .......................................... p110 , 0869 Li, Xinghua, Environmental Advertising in China and the USA, Routledge ......................... p114 , 0898 Bittker, Boris I., Religion and the State in American Law, Cambridge U.P..............p117 , 0926 Carle, Susan D., ! [!!# Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................. p118 , 0938 Davis, Angela J., Criminal Law, Sage Pub. ...................................................................p118 , 0941 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 187 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Dubber, Markus D., An Introduction to the Model Penal Code, Oxford U.P. NY .................. p118 , 0942 Lee, Jonathan H. X., Chinese Americans, ABCClio Inc. .....................................................p159 , 1281 Said, Wadie E., Crimes of Terror, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................. p120 , 0958 Starks, Glenn L., African Americans at Risk, Greenwood ............................................... p160 , 1285 Williams, Alan, Drafting Agreements for the Digital Media Industry, Oxford U.P. .... p124 , 0986 Dale, Corinne H., Women on the Edge, Routledge .................................................................. p160 , 1290 De Londras, Fiona, Detention in the 'War on Terror', Cambridge U.P. ......................... p124 , 0994 Goel, Rashmi, Comparative Perspectives on Gender Violence, Oxford U.P. NY ..........p161 , 1295 Hunt, Alan R., Civic Engagement in Food System Governance, Routledge ...........................p133 , 1054 MacKenzie, Megan, Beyond the Band of Brothers, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p161 , 1296 Bickers, Robert, The Chinese Journals of L. K. Little, 1943-54, Pickering & Chatto Pub. ...................................................................p138 , 1104 Weatherford, Doris, American Women During World War II, Routledge ........................p161 , 1301 Fox, Richard L., $! % ^# Oxford U.P. NY ..............................................................p144 , 1155 Moslener, Sara, Virgin Nation, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p163 , 1313 Frisch, Scott A., The Politics of Pork, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1156 Noddings, Nel, A Richer, Brighter Vision for American High Schools, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p166 , 1343 Luca, Trenta, Presidential Decision-making & Risk after the Cold War, Routledge .......p144 , 1157 Rosiek, Jerry, Resegregation as Curriculum, Routledge...................................................p167 , 1349 Nelson, Michael C., American Presidency, Sage Pub.............................................................p144 , 1158 Hutchins, Rachel, History Education in Comparative Contexts, Routledge ........ p168 , 1362 Nelson, Michael C., The Evolving Presidency, CQ Press ..........................................................p144 , 1159 Martucci, Jessica, Back to the Breast, University of Chicago Press ........................................... p174 , 1411 Walsh, Julie M., The Intellectual Origins of Mass Parties and Mass Schools in the Jacksonian Era, Routledge...................................................p144 , 1160 カナダ Weidner, Jason, Globalizing Governmentality, Routledge...................................................p144 , 1161 Boris, Eileen, Caring for America, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p145 , 1164 Howell, James C., Gangs in America's Communities, Sage Pub. .........................p150 , 1215 Rorabaugh, W. J., American Hippies, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................p150 , 1218 Swirski, Peter, American Political Fictions, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p158 , 1269 Hunter, Marcus Anthony, Black Citymakers, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p159 , 1275 Juguo, Zhang, W.E.B. Du Bois, Routledge ...................................................................p159 , 1277 Bothwell, Robert, Your Country, My Country, Oxford U.P. NY .......................................... p36 , 0277 中南米 Campello, Daniela, The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p93 , 0727 Busch, Friederike, Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions in Latin America, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p122 , 0977 Wei, Dan, Settlements of Trade Disputes between China and Latin American Countries, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p126 , 1007 Dominguez, Roberto, EU Foreign Policy Towards Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan......p131 , 1043 Kelley, Robin D. G., The Other Special Relationship, Palgrave Macmillan .........p159 , 1278 Rios Oyola Sandra Milena, Religion, Social _% # Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p144 , 1163 Lang, Clarence, Black America in the Shadow of the Sixties, Univ. of Michigan Pr. .......... p159 , 1280 De La O, Ana, Crafting Policies to End Poverty in Latin America, Cambridge U.P..............p145 , 1165 188 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》中南米 メキシコ コロンビア Trend, John Brande, Mexico, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p38 , 0298 Rochlin, James F., # [ |% Rights in Developing Countries, Routledge .................................................................. p134 , 1062 グアテマラ ブラジル Grech, Shaun, Disability and Poverty in the Global South, Palgrave Macmillan ........p145 , 1167 キューバ Chomsky, Aviva, A History of the Cuban Revolution, Wiley ...................................... p38 , 0294 Backes, Uwe, Ideocracies in Comparison, Routledge.................................................. p137 , 1094 Gold, Marina, People and State in Socialist Cuba, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p144 , 1162 Staden, Hans, The True History of his Captivity 1557, Routledge.......................................... p38 , 0297 Johnson, Ollie, Race, Politics, and Education in Brazil, Palgrave Macmillan ....................p165 , 1339 チ リ Boersema, Jan J, The Survival of Easter Island, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p38 , 0293 Barahona, Malba, English Language Teacher Education in Chile, Routledge............... p169 , 1368 ジャマイカ Gardner, William James, The History of Jamaica, Routledge.................................................... p38 , 0295 オセアニア Watson, Iain, Environmental Security in the Asia# Palgrave Macmillan ................... p112 , 0889 ニュージーランド Schulman, Jason, Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p137 , 1097 Grenfell Price, Archibald, White Settlers and Native Peoples, Cambridge U.P. .............. p37 , 0281 オーストラリア Jang, Hae Seong, Social Identities of Young Indigenous People in Contemporary Australia, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................. p24 , 0159 Pool, Ian, Colonisation and Development in New Zealand between 1769 and 1900, Springer-Verlag GmbH ....................................................... p150 , 1209 Chapman, James W., Excellence and Equity in Literacy Education, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p166 , 1342 Grenfell Price, Archibald, White Settlers and Native Peoples, Cambridge U.P. .............. p37 , 0281 Moens, Gabriël, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Resources Sector, SpringerVerlag GmbH ........................................... p122 , 0976 Fielding, Ruth, Multilingualism in the Australian Suburbs, Springer-Verlag GmbH ........... p166 , 1340 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2015 189 㻌 ዲホ䜢༤䛧䛯䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇䛜⣙ 㻝㻡 ᖺ䜆䜚䛻ᨵ∧䟿㻌 ♫⛉Ꮫ䞉⾜ື⛉Ꮫᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠎∧㻌 26 ᕳ International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed. Edited by James D. Wright, University of Central Florida, USA 2015 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜ 26 Vols., 23,185 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-08-097086-8 ..................USD 12,000.00/ ≉౯㻃1,600,000ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9780080970868* 䛄ᅜ㝿♫⛉Ꮫ⾜ື⛉Ꮫⓒ⛉䠄International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences䠅䛅䛿䚸♫⛉Ꮫ⣔䛻䛚䛡䜛ᮏ᱁ⓗⓒ ⛉䛸䛧䛶䚸2001 ᖺ䛻ห⾜䛥䜜䜎䛧䛯䚹➨ 1 ∧䛿♫⛉Ꮫ䛸⾜ື⛉ Ꮫ䜢䜹䝞䞊䛩䜛⥙⨶ᛶ䛾㧗䛔㈨ᩱ䛸䛧䛶䚸ᅜෆ 200 ᶵ㛵௨ୖ䛷ᡤⶶ䛥 䜜䛶䛔䜛䚸♫⛉Ꮫ䛾ᚲ㡲䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇䛷䛩䚹 ➨ 2 ∧䛿䚸ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䚸⚄⤒Ꮫ䚸㐍Ꮫ䚸ேᕤ▱⬟䚸ே㢮䛸䝁䞁䝢䝳䞊䝍 䞊䛾┦స⏝䛸䛔䛳䛯䚸ᛴ㏿䛻Ⓨᒎ䛧䛶䛔䜛ศ㔝䛻㛵䛩䜛ㄽᩥ䜢✚ᴟ ⓗ䛻㘓䚹4,000 ௳䛾ㄽᩥ䛜㘓䛥䜜䚸71 ྡ䛾䝉䜽䝅䝵䞁䞉䜶䝕䜱䝍䞊 䛻䜘䛳䛶⦅㞟䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹 ➨㸯∧ࡽࡢኚ᭦Ⅼ ➨㸰∧㘓ࡉࢀࡓ 53 ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊึ∧ࡢ 39 ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥຍ࠼ࠊⓎᒎࢆࡳࡏ࡚࠸ࡿ 㔜せ࡞◊✲㸦ࢤࠊࣞࢬࣅࣥࠊࣂࢭࢡࢩࣗࣝࠊࢺࣛࣥࢫࢭࢡࢩࣗࣝ◊✲࡞㸧 㛵ࡍࡿࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡸࠊึ∧࡛ࡣ࠶ࡲࡾ῝ࡃᢅࢃࢀ࡞ࡗࡓศ㔝㸦ᛂ⏝♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫࠊ♫ ⚟♴࡞㸧ࡢࡼࡾᐇࡋࡓࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊึ∧ࡢ࠸ࡃࡘࡢࢭࢡ ࢩࣙࣥࡣ๐㝖ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ≉ࠊ࠶ࡲࡾᏛ㝿ⓗ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࡾࠊศ㢮ࡀ㞴ࡋࡗࡓࡾࡋࡓ ࡶࡢ࡞ࡢ㞟ᡂⓗ࡞ᴫᛕࡸၥ㢟ࠊࡲࡓࠊࡸ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫ◊✲㛵ࢃࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ ࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮◊✲ࢆ༢⊂࡛ᢅ࠺ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ࡞ࡀ๐㝖ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣᨵ ゞ࣭ᣑࡀ࡞ࡉࢀࠊ࠼ࡤࠊ⤌⧊࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ◊✲ࡣࠊ࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺࠊ⤌⧊ࠊࣅࢪࢿ ࢫࠊ࣐࣮ࢣࢸࣥࢢࠊࣇࢼࣥࢫࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ࡞ࡾࠊ⾲⌧ᙧᘧࡣᩥⱁ⾡ࡢࢭࢡࢩ ࣙࣥࠊゝㄒᏛࡣ㸱ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊึ∧࡛ࡣ࠶ࡿࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࡢ୍㒊ࡔࡗࡓୗ㡿ᇦࡢ࠸ࡃࡘ㸦ࣛࣇࢥ࣮ࢫ◊✲ࠊࢭࢡࢩࣗࣜࢸ࣮ࠊ≢⨥Ꮫࠊປ ാ◊✲ࠊᡓதࠊᖹࠊࣂ࢜ࣞࣥࢫ࡞㸧ࡣࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡀタࡅࡽ ࢀࠊ㐺ษ࡞ࣂࣛࣥࢫ࡛ྲྀࡾୖࡆࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨㸰∧࠾ࡅࡿ᭱ࡢኚ᭦Ⅼࡣࠊ♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫࡢ୰࡛ࡶ㔜せ࡞ᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢᢅ࠸᪉࡛ ࡍࠋึ∧࡛ࡣࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࡣ㸲ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ㸦ձ ⮫ᗋ࣭ᛂ⏝ᚰ⌮ᏛࠊղⓎ㐩ࠊ♫ࠊࣃ ࣮ࢯࢼࣜࢸࠊືᶵ࡙ࡅࡢᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊճㄆ▱ᚰ⌮Ꮫㄆ▱⛉Ꮫࠊմ⾜ື࣭ㄆ▱⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ㸧 ศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊㄆ▱⛉Ꮫ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫࡣࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ࡢ୰࡛ࡶᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡿศ㔝࡛࠶ࡿࡇࡽࡶࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࡁࡃྲྀࡾୖࡆࠊ㸵ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥศࡅ࡚ᢅ ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㸦ࡑࡢ࠺ࡕ㸱ࡘࡣゝㄒᏛࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㸧ࡼࡾࢯࣇࢺ࡞ᚰ⌮⛉Ꮫࡣࠊ ⢭⚄་Ꮫ♫⚟♴ࢆྵࡴ㸶ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡽᵓᡂࡉࢀࡓูࡢ㒊㛛ศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࡇ࠺ࡋࡓኚ᭦ࡼࡾࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣึ∧ࡼࡾࡶᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲యࢆࣂࣛࣥࢫࡼࡃ࢝ࣂ࣮ ࡋࡓෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Table of Contents Overarching Topics. Institutions and infrastructure of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (H. Anheier). History of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (C. Fleck). Ethics of Research (D. Feinholf, I. Callies, T. Bikson (deceased)). Biographies (J.-C. Marcel, A. Hess, D. Barrett). Methodology. Statistics (Q. Fu, X Guo). Mathematics and Computer Sciences Applications(P. Bonacich). Logic of Inquiry and Research Design (S.L. Morgan). Disciplines. Anthropology (U. Hannerz, D. Boyer). Archaeology (S. Barber, T. Dupras). Demography (I.T. Elo, A.D. Foster). Economics (T. Nechyba, H. Yeung). Education (C. McBride, D. Muijs). Geography (S. Hanson, J.D. Sidaway). History (R. Whatmore, R. Hammersley). Law (R. Greenspan, K. Levine). Linguistics A (W.S.Y. Wang). Linguistics B (G. Jarema) Philosophy (C. Mantzavinos). Political Science (H.D. Clarke, M.C. Stewart). Clinical Psychology (W. Miltner). Cognitive Psychology (H. Cohen). Developmental Psychology (H. Keller, D. Crafa). Social Psychology (X. Chryssochoou). Personality Psychology (R.D. Roberts). Motivational Psychology (J. Eccles, K. Salmela-Aro). Sociology (D. S. Massey, Y. Sato). Criminology (K. Parker). Memory: Cognitive and Neuroscientific Aspects (S.D. Sala). Neuroscience of Language (H. Whitaker). Culture and the Arts (K. van Rees) Intersecting Fields. Evolutionary Sciences (A. Mesoudi). Genetics, Behaviour, History and Society (G. Cabana). Behavioral Neuroscience (B. Kolb). Cognitive Neuroscience (S. Cappa). Psychiatry (D. Bhugra). Health (J. Siegrist, C. Vogele). Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans-sexual Studies (D.C. Barrett). Religious Studies (D. Sherkat). Environmental and Ecological Sciences (M. Fischer-Kowalski, H. Rau, K. Zimmerer). Science and Technology Studies (M. Lynch). Area, Development and International Studies (J. Hass). Studies of the Life Course (M. Mills). Sexuality (L.Waite). Labor Studies (K. Zimmermann). War, Peace, Violence and Conflict (S. Malesevic). Applications. Management, Organizations, Business, Marketing and Finance (J.A. Mathews, P.T. Bryant). Media studies and Mass Communication (G. Mesch). Urban studies and Planning (F. Wu). Public Policy (A. Hassel). Contemporary Cultural Concerns (B. Miller). Applied, Industrial and Organizational Psychology (N.M. Ashkanasy). Social Work (L. Dominelli). Applied Social and Behavioral Sciences (D.J. Rog) 䈜䜘䜚ヲ䛧䛔䝁䞁䝔䞁䝒䛾䛤⏝ព䜒䛤䛦䛔䜎䛩䚹䛤ᡤᮃ䛾᪉䛿䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䛆Editorial Board䛇 Editor-in-Chief䠖㻌 Dr. James D. Wright Area Editors䠖 Dr. John W. Berry/ Dr. Guillermina Jasso/ Dr. Kenneth C. Land/ Dr. Harry Whitaker/ Dr. Richard Whatmore/ Dr. Henry Wai-Chung Yeung/ Dr. Barbara Prainsack/ Prof Peter Schmidt/ Stefan Ecks (Elsevier Science, USA / ᪥ᮏ⥲௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ᅜ㝿ᅗ᭩㤋Ꮫ㻌 䠐ᕳ International Librarianship Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04002S0075䛇 Edited by Ravindra N. Sharma, Monmouth University, USA 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 4 Vols., 1,724 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-415-73363-2 ........ STP 715.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯䢠197,919/ ≉౯䢠158,335䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ *9780415733632* ᅜ㝿ᅗ᭩㤋㐃┕ࡣ 1927 ᖺタ❧ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ㏆ᖺ࡞ࡗ࡚ᅜ㝿ᅗ᭩㤋Ꮫ 㛵ࡍࡿᮏ᱁ⓗ࡞Ꮫ⾡࣭ᐇ㊶◊✲ࡀࡇࢀࡲ࡛࡞ࡃᩘከࡃ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩㸦4 ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊቑ࠼⥆ࡅࡿ◊✲ᩥ⊩ࢆయ⣔❧࡚ࠊࡑࡢⓎᒎࢆ♧ࡍࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚ฟ ∧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢศ㔝㛵ࡍࡿᇶ♏ⓗࡘ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞◊✲ࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ⦅⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᪂ࡓᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓᗎᩥ⥲⣴ᘬࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᗎᩥ ࡢ୰࡛ࡣࠊ㘓ෆᐜࡢṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗᩥ⬦ࢆゎㄝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᏛ⏕ࡸᏛ⪅ࠊᅗ᭩ 㤋ဨࡗ࡚ࠊᚲ㡲ࡢ◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱㈨ᩱ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ VOLUME I: AFRICA PART 1: INTERNATIONAL LIBRARIANSHIP PART 2: LIBRARIES IN AFRICA VOLUME II: AMERICAS PART 1: INTERNATIONAL LIBRARIANSHIP PART 2: LIBRARIES IN AMERICAS VOLUME III: ASIA PART 1: INTERNATIONAL LIBRARIANSHIP PART 2: LIBRARIES IN ASIA VOLUME IV: EUROPE Part 1: International Librarianship PART 2: LIBRARIES IN EUROPE (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) Asian Journal of Comparative Politics ห⾜ࡢࡈෆ 㸫SAGE Publications ࡼࡾ 2016 ᖺ 3 ᭶ห⾜㸫 Asian Journal of Comparative Politics The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics (AJCP) is to be published by Sage Publications and the University of Niigata Prefecture from March 2016 onward. AJCP is a journal of Comparative Politics with the focus on Asia. AJCP believes in the importance of multiple angles and approaches and the need to explore previously underutilized Asian data and new insights derived therefrom. AJCP seeks to construct a frontier of comparison and a forum for comparative discussion with Europeanists and Americanists as well as among Asianists. The journal covers a range of topics, including political behavior and leadership, institutions and regime, state-society relations, political cultures, foreign policy and globalization. Despite the enormous transformations of the world into the new millennium in terms of the approaching terra incognita called Comparative number and characters of sovereign countries and Politics-Asia. in terms of deep tide of globalization permeating every part of the globe, the genre of Comparative Further Information Politics has often been constrained by the original Any paradigms which developed largely in the third requests for information on the manuscript quarter of the last century like voting behavior, submission process should be sent to the Editorial party cleavages, democratization, state strength, Office as follows: Managing Editor, Dr. Yuichi and no less importantly primordial emphasis on Kubota, Faculty of International Studies and Western Europe and North America. Regional Development, University of Niigata AJCP focusses on Asia, a vast entity correspondence, queries or additional Prefecture, [email protected] characterized by diversity, dynamism and long traditions. Heeding the time-tested genre of Corporate Site Comparative Politics, the journal explores new perspectives, fresh data and astute methods in 397#tabview=title Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 㛵ࡍࡿ࠾ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࡣ ᪂₲┴❧Ꮫᅜ㝿ᆅᇦᏛ㒊 ❑⏣ᝆ୍ [email protected] 㸺Ⴀᴗ㒊㸼 KWWSZZZPDUX]HQFRMSFRUSEDVHVLQGH[KWPO ࠙㤳㒔ᅪࠚ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵖᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵏᵖᵓᴾ ࠙㛵ᮾ⏥ಙ㉺ࠚ ඵ⋤ᏊႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ οྛޛ್ࠊ܇ထ ᵏᵋᵔᴾ οྛ܇ிʮෙɥἥἽ ᵕ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵑᵕᵏᵏ ᐑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ẰẟẺộࠊܷٻғӴထ ᵏᵋᵒᵏᴾ ଢဃԡܷٻӴထἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵐᵐᵏ ⚄ዉᕝ㟼ᒸႠᴗ㒊ࠛ ್ාࠊৎشғ߷ɥထ ᵖᵕᵋᵒᴾ ிৎ شᵬᵄᵤᾀἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵏ ⟃ἼႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ếẪịࠊټʁ̬ ᵒᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵔᵎᵎᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵏᵏᵕᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵒᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵒᵑᵏᵎ ࠙ᾏ㐨࣭ᮾࠚ ᮐᖠႠᴗ㒊 ྎႠᴗ㒊 ┒ᒸႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ࠤࠊฌဋғ҅ ᵔ வ ᵏᵋᵒᵋᵔᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵓᵎ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғٻထ ᵐᵋᵐᵋᵏᵎᴾ ˅Ө᩷ᓶỸỵὅἂἥἽ ᵟ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵐᵐᵋᵏᵏᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵓᵋᵕᵓᵏᵔ ࠛ Ⴎࠊޢஜထᡫ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵨᵲ ஜထἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵎᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵑᵓᵗ ࠙ᮾᾏ࣭㝣ࠚ ྡྂᒇႠᴗ㒊 㔠ἑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵏᵋᵐᵒᵋᵏᵓᴾᵨᵮᵰ ӸӞᙸ˜ދἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ࠛ එࠊᙱࣞ ᵏᵋᵏᵋᵑᴾ ἅὅἧỵἙὅἋඑ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵎᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵏᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵐᵗᵗ ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ࠛ ʮᣃࠊӫʮғٽᆁɥДᢿထᵏᵎᴾ ٻଐஜҮТίఇὸᴾʮᣃئϋ ࠛ ᅕৎࠊғދޥҤထ ᵒᵋᵑᵔᴾ ދޥἥἽᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵐ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵐᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵏ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵑᵋᵓᵎ ࠛ ࠊޛዯထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵤᵳᵰᵳᵫᵭᵲᵭ ἥἽ ᵏ ᨞ ࠛ ࠼ࠊɶғɶထ ᵕᵋᵐᵑᴾ ˰ဃԧٻᡫụᇹ ᵐ ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵐᵔᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵒᵑᵕᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵒᵏᵋᵓᵐᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵑᵑᵋᵕᵕᵓᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵐᵐᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵏᵓᵕᵔ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҤғฌ൦ ᵐᵋᵏᵓᵋᵏᵏ ࠛ ᧈ߃ࠊקஜ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵑᵑ ࠛ ༇ஜࠊɶځғૼދ ᵐᵋᵏᵕᵋᵏᵕ ỴἳἝἘỵૼދ ᵏ ᨞ ࠛ ᙵࠊඡ߃ ᵏᵋᵏᵐᵋᵕᴾ ɧѣင˟ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵑᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵓᵓ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵕ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵏᵋᵒᵖᵑᵕ ࠙㛵すࠚ 㜰Ⴀᴗ㒊 㛵す་⒪Ⴀᴗ㒊 ி㒔Ⴀᴗ㒊 ⚄ᡞႠᴗ㒊 ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵐᴾ ࠙୰ᅄᅜࠚ ᒸᒣႠᴗ㒊 ᯇᒣႠᴗᡤ ᗈᓥႠᴗ㒊 ࠙ᕞࠚ ⚟ᒸႠᴗ㒊 㛗ᓮႠᴗᡤ ⇃ᮏႠᴗᡤ Ἀ⦖ฟᙇᡤ 㸺ᾏእົᡤ㸼 ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵓᵒᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵎᵎᵗᵎ 0DUX]HQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&R/WGᴾ ᵏᵏᵎᵠᴾᵫᶃᵿᶂᶍᶕᶊᵿᶌᶂᶑᴾᵮᵿᶐᶉᶕᵿᶗᵊᴾᵱᶓᶇᶒᶃᴾᵐᵎᵓᵊᴾᵱᶃᶁᵿᶓᶁᶓᶑᵊᴾᵬᵨᴾᵎᵕᵎᵗᵒᵊᴾᵳᵱᵟᴾ 㸺ᗑ⯒㸼 ࡢෆᮏᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃҘˊဋғɺỉϋ ᵏᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ɺỉϋỼỴἐ ᵏ῍ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵖᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵗᵐᴾ ᪥ ᮏ ᶫ ᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃɶځғଐஜ ᵐᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵐ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᮐᖠᗑ ࠛ ࠤࠊɶځғҤɟவᙱ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵐᴾ ɺʟʻʟҤᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵎᵎᴾ ྎ࢚ࣝᗑ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɶ ځᵏᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ᵟᵣᵰᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵏᵐ ྡྂᒇᰤᗑ ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵑᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ɺ ᵔὉᵕ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵔᵏᵋᵐᵐᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵑᵏᵓᵎᴾ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᱵ⏣ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊ᧵ٻғᒧދထ ᵕᵋᵐᵎᴾ ᶁᶆᵿᶑᶉᵿ ᒧދထ ᵠᵏ῍ᵕ ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵓᴾ ᒸᒣ㺚㺻㺪㺉㺤㺎㺩㺼㺷ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵓᵋᵏᴾ ޛޢῩ ΌῘῳ῝Ὸ ᵏ ᨞Ὁעɦ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵗᴾ ༤ ከ ᗑ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҦٶғҦٶᬜɶځᘑ ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ᵨᵰ ҦٶῩᴾ ᵖ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵐ ࠾یၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࠊࡈὀᩥࡣ᭱ᐤࡾࡢᘢ♫ྛႠᴗ㒊ࡲ࡛࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ၿᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ὒ᭩ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ὒ᭩⏬ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ ᴾ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵐᵎᵕᴾ ᶃᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶇᶐᶌᶃᶇᶑᶓᶇᵑᵞᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᵍᴾ MARUZEN Announcement of New Books 2015 年 5 月号 2015 年 5 月 1 日発行 年間購読料 2,000 円(税別)
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