No.1425 人文・社会 科学 Index 新 刊 在 庫 …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 2015 年 4 月号 丸善洋書 新刊案内 今月のトピックス 総 記 ……………… 11 哲学・思想 ……………… 12 23 宗 教 学 ……………… 14 7KH&DPEULGJH:RUOG+LVWRU\ 本セットは、文字の記録として残っている歴史だけでな く、世界史・グローバルヒストリーの最新の考え方を提 示する、より大きな時間枠における人類の歴史を包括的 に扱っています。 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 19 歴 史 学 ……………… 22 人文地理学 ……………… 51 芸 術 ……………… 53 71 文 学 ……………… 60 7KH+DQGERRNRI'LVFRXUVH$QDO\VLV QGHG 好評を博した初版から約 15 年ぶりの改版となる本書は、 談話分析研究の最新の発展を捉え、その多様性や深さを 反映しています。新たに 20 章を収録、充実した内容で わかりやすく研究概要を提示しています。 言 語 学 ……………… 64 認 知 科 学 ……………… 72 心 理 学 ……………… 72 経 済 学 ……………… 78 金 融 ……………… 91 85 経 営 学 ……………… 94 環 境 学 ……………… 104 法 学 ……………… 110 政 治 学 ……………… 123 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 154 社 会 学 ……………… 158 ジェンダー ……………… 167 $VLDDQGWKH:RUOG(FRQRP\ 本書は、全 3 巻組でアジアと世界経済について最新の研 究テーマを網羅しています。アジアの視点から気候変動 問題とその解決策や中国とインドの経済成長について取 り扱っています。 会 計 学 ……………… 93 169 7KH+LVWRU\RI6H[XDOLW\ 本書ではセクシュアリティを幅広い意味でとらえ、ア イデンティティをはじめ、性的感情や性表現といった 題目も取り扱っています。また、過去の研究と世界各 地における現代のセクシュアリティの研究をまとめて います。 教 育 学 ……………… 170 スポーツ・健康科学 …… 184 生 活 科 学 ……………… 187 地域研究 Index ………… 188 特 集 68 M.A.K. ハリデーライブラリー 機能言語学シリーズ 哲学・思想 再 ★再 21 世紀のハイデガー研究 Cambridge 哲学辞典 第3版 Georgakis, Tziovanis/Ennis, Paul J. (eds.) Heidegger in the Twenty-First Century (Contributions To Phenomenology, Vol. 80) 2015:4. 196 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Audi, Robert (ed.) The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 3rd ed. 2015:4. 1312 p. (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9789401796781* *9781107643796* 宗教学 ★★ 再 Oxford版 聖書と神学百科事典 全2巻 Mullins, Mark R. (ed.) Critical Readings on Christianity in Japan (Critical Readings) 2015:3. 4 Vols., 1430 p. (Brill, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Balentine, Samuel E. (ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology (Oxford Encyclopedias of the Bible) 2015:4. 2 Vols., 1200 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9789004235144* ★ Kirkland, Russell (ed.) Taoism (Critical Concepts in Religious Studies) 2015:4. 4 Vols., 1548 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415829427* ★再 Routledge 版 宗教とポピュラー・カル チャー必携 Lyden, John C./Mazur, Eric Michael (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Religion and Popular Culture (Routledge Religion Companions) 2015:4. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780199858699* 道教 全4巻 ★ 日本のキリスト教信仰―文献集成 全4巻 *9780415638661* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 1 歴史学 歴史学 再 ★再 近代初期東南アジアの歴史 1400 年 -1830 年 アメリカ啓蒙時代百科事典 全2巻 Andaya, Leonard Y./Andaya, Barbara Watson A History of Early Modern Southeast Asia, 14001830 2015:4. 376 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Spencer, Mark G. (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment 2015:4. 2 Vols., 1000 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780521681933* ★再 Phipps, Catherine L. Empires on the Waterfront: Japan’s Ports and Power, 1858–1899 (Harvard East Asian Monographs, Vol. 373) 2015:4. 250 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780826479693* *9780674417168* 文 学 ★ Castle, Gregory (ed.) A History of the Modernist Novel 2015:4. 534 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107034952* ★ Kirwan, Peter Shakespeare and the Idea of Apocrypha: Negotiating the Boundaries of the Dramatic Canon 2015:4. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107096172* ★再 Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr./Hansen, Adam (eds.) Shakespearean Echoes (Palgrave Shakespeare Studies) 2015:4. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 2 *9781137380012* ★ Cambridge版 イギリス女性文学必携 1660 年 -1789 年 Ingrassia, Catherine (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Women’s Writing in Britain, 1660-1789 (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:4. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107600980* ★ 新 Cambridge 版 ウィリアム・フォーク ナー必携 Matthews, John T. (ed.) The New Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:4. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107050389* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107689565* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 ★再 Oxford版 ジョン・ダン研究ハンドブック Shami, Jeanne/Hester, M. Thomas/ Flynn, Dennis (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of John Donne (Oxford Handbooks of Literature) 2015:4. 882 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198715573* ★再 Oxford 版 テューダー朝劇ハンドブック Betteridge, Thomas/Walker, Greg (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Tudor Drama (Oxford Handbooks of Literature) 2015:4. 710 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198715566* ★再 Oxford 版 トマス・ミドルトン研究ハンド ブック Henley, Trish Thomas/Taylor, Gary (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Thomas Middleton (Oxford Handbooks of Literature) 2015:4. 690 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198703488* 言語学 ★ 機能言語学的視点からみる英語の絶対節: コーパス基盤の研究 He, Qingshun/Yang, Bingjun Absolute Clauses in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective: A Corpus-Based Study (The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series) 2015:4. 178 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Armon-Lotem, Sharon/Meir, Natalia/de Jong, Jan (eds.) Assessing Multilingual Children: Disentangling Bilingualism from Language Impairment (Communication Disorders Across Languages) 2015:4. 376 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781783093113* 再 Linn, Andrew/Bermel, Neil/Ferguson, Gibson (eds.) Attitudes towards English in Europe: English in Europe, Volume 1 (Language and Social Processes, Vol. 7) 2015:4. 348 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781614517351* ★再 英語における借用語の歴史 Durkin, Philip Borrowed Words: A History of Loanwords in English 2015:4. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9783662463666* ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9780198736493* ★再 Cambridge 版 危機言語 Thomason, Sarah G. Endangered Languages: An Introduction (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) 2015:4. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521684538* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 3 言語学 Whyte, Shona Implementing and Researching Technological Innovation in Language Teaching: The Case of Interactive Whiteboards for EFL in French Schools 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137470331* ★★ 再 孤立した言語 全4巻 Georg, Stefan (ed.) Language Isolates (Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 2015:4. 4 Vols., 1816 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415827348* ★★ 言語テストと評価 全4巻 Kunnan, Antony John (ed.) Language Testing and Assessment (Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 2015:4. 4 Vols., 1677 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Luraghi, Silvia/Parodi, Claudia (eds.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Syntax (Bloomsbury Companions) 2015:4. 560 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★再 Blackwell 版 教室談話とインタラクション 研究ハンドブック Markee, Numa (ed.) The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:4. 576 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118531129* ★再 Blackwell 版 言語産出ハンドブック Redford, Melissa A. (ed.) The Handbook of Speech Production (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:4. 632 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Bloomsbury 版 辞書学必携 *9781474237383* *9780415708425* Howard Jackson (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Lexicography (Bloomsbury Companions) 2015:4. 440 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ Bloomsbury 版 統語論必携 *9780470659939* *9781474237376* 認知科学 ★再 Wiley 版 記憶の認知神経科学ハンド ブック Addis, Donna Rose/Barense, Morgan/ Duarte, Audrey (eds.) The Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory (Wiley Handbooks in Cognitive Neuroscience) 2015:4. 504 p. (Wiley, USA) 4 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118332597* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 心理学 ★ Oxford 版 計量・数理心理学ハンドブック Wang, Zheng/Eidels, Ami/Busemeyer, Jerome R./Townsend, James T. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2015:4. 424 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199957996* ★ Oxford 版 職場の正義ハンドブック Ambrose, Maureen L./Cropanzano, Russell (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2015:4. 672 p. (Oxford University Press, New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199981410* ★ Oxford 版 人間発達と文化ハンドブック Jensen, Lene Arnett (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Human Development and Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2015:4. 768 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Wiley-Blackwell 版 心理学、技術、社会ハンドブック Rosen, Larry D./Cheever, Nancy/Carrier, L. Mark (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Psychology, Technology and Society 2015:4. 600 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118772027* *9780199948550* 経済学 ★再 ★ 高木信二著 日本の為替政策:1945 年以降 インドにおける経済発展 全4巻 Takagi, Shinji Conquering the Fear of Freedom: Japanese Exchange Rate Policy since 1945 2015:4. 360 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Nayak, Pulin B. (ed.) Economic Development of India (Critical Concepts in Economics) 2015:4. 4 Vols., 1724 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198714651* 再 データマイニング方法とモデル 第2版 Larose, Daniel T. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics, 2nd ed. (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining) 2015:3. 936 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118116197* ★ 大野健一編 経済発展への日本的アプ ローチ Ohno, Kenichi (ed.) Japanese Views on Economic Development: Diverse Paths to the Market 2015:4. 352 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780415824705* *9781138865921* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 5 経済学 ★ 若田部昌澄著 日本の大停滞とアベノミ クス Wakatabe, Masazumi Japan’s Great Stagnation and Abenomics: Lessons for the World 2015:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137438843* 金 融 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 デリバティブ証券の価格付け Chiarella, Carl/He, Xuezhong/Sklibosios Nikitopoulos, Christina Derivative Security Pricing: Techniques, Methods and Applications (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol. 21) 2015:4. 600 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662459058* 流動性リスク管理ハンドブック Soprano, Aldo Liquidity Management: A Funding Risk Handbook (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:4. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) *9781118413999* リテール・バンキング Omarini, Anna Retail Banking: Business Transformation and Competitive Strategies for the Future (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions) 2015:3. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137392541* 会計学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Routledge 版 財務会計理論必携 Jones, Stewart (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Financial Accounting Theory (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2015:4. 552 p. (Routledge, GBR) *9780415660280* 経営学 ★ アジアのアントレプレナーシップ 全5巻 Dana, Leo Paul (ed.) Asian Entrepreneurship (Sage Library in Business and Management) 2015:4. 5 Vols., 1832 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) 6 ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781473913813* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 ★ ★再 日本における国際ビジネス M&A M&Aとリストラクチャリング 第6版 Bebenroth, Ralf International Business Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan 2015:4. 250 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 税 Gaughan, Patrick A. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, 6th ed. (Wiley Corporate F&A) 2015:4. 640 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9784431549888* *9781118997543* 環境学 ★再 エネルギーと経済理論 Banks, Ferdinand E. Energy and Economic Theory (World source Economics, Vol. 9) 2015:4. 350 p. ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415628815* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415628822* *9789814366106* ★ 日本におけるみどりの政治 Peng-Er, Lam Green Politics in Japan 2015:4. 240 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 E Uと環境ガバナンス Selin, Henrik/D. VanDeveer, Stacy European Union and Environmental Governance (Global Institutions) 2015:4. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) *9781138863064* 法 学 ★ 日本の契約法・独占禁止法 Visser t'Hooft, Willem Japanese Contract and Anti-Trust Law: A Sociological and Comparative Study 2015:4. 232 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ryngaert, Cedric Jurisdiction in International Law, 2nd ed. (Oxford Monographs in International Law) 2015:4. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★再 日本の裁判員制度と課題 Vanoverbeke, Dimitri Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy (Routledge Law in Asia) 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 国際法における司法権 第2版 *9781138878938* *9780415540216* *9780199688517* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 7 法 学 ★ 田中嘉文著 国際海洋法 第2版 Tanaka, Yoshifumi The International Law of the Sea, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 560 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107080409* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107439672* 政治学 再 ★再 アメリカ政治文化百科事典 全3巻 紛争終結の考察 第4版 Shally-Jensen, Michael (ed.) American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia 2015:4. 3 Vols., 1170 p. (ABC-Clio Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Wallensteen, Peter , 4th ed. 2015:4. 344 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781610693776* ★ 災害リスク 全4巻 Wisner, Ben/Gaillard, J. C./Kelman, Ilan (eds.) Disaster Risk (Critical Concepts in the Environment) 2015:4. 4 Vols., 1627 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415624206* ★★ 再 Routledge版 核拡散と核政策研究ハンド ブック Pilat, Joseph F./Busch, Nathan E. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy 2015:4. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473902107* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781473902114* 再 都市論と都市経験 Parker, Simon Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 324 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415520706* *9780415870399* 再 戦略論の未来 Gray, Colin The Future of Strategy 2015:4. 188 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745687933* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 8 *9780745687940* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ★再 ソーシャルワークにおけるアセスメント 第4版 *9781137375650* Higo, Masa/Klassen, Thomas R. (eds.) Retirement in Japan and South Korea: The Past, the Present and the Future of Mandatory Retirement 2015:4. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ 危機介入ハンドブック 第4版 *9781138025691* 再 Routledge 版 アジアの精神医学ハンドブック Yeager, Kenneth/Roberts, Albert (eds.) Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research, 4th ed. 2015:4. 832 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ★ 日本と韓国における退職 O'Byrne, Patrick Assessment in Social Work, 4th ed. 2015:4. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780190201050* Bhugra, Dinesh/Tse, Samson/Ng, Roger/Takei, Nori (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Psychiatry in Asia 2015:4. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415711319* Gehl Sampath, Padmashree 2015:4. 288 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880795* 社会学 ★ 日本と中国:文化的な結びつき Wataru, Matsuda Japan and China: Mutual Representations in the Modern Era 2015:4. 298 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863194* 社会科学の回帰分析 第2版 Gordon, Rachel A. Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 22 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 再 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812512* Routledge 版 アジアの人口学ハンドブック Zhao, Zhongwei/Hayes, Adrian (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Demography 2015:4. 450 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415659901* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 9 教育学 教育学 再 再 大学カリキュラムの国際化 アジアにおける英語教育:中等学校 Leask, Betty Internationalizing the Curriculum (Internationalization in Higher Education Series) 2015:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Spolsky, Bernard/Sung, Kiwan (eds.) Secondary School English Education in Asia: From Policy to Practice (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education) 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415728157* *9781138794016* Palgrave 版 高等教育における批判的思考ハンド ブック Davies, Martin/Barnett, Ronald (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education 2015:4. 648 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137378033* スポーツ・健康科学 再 Routledge 版 スポーツの専門的技術ハンドブック Baker, Joseph/Farrow, Damian (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise (100 Cases) 2015:4. 488 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 10 *9780415839808* ★再 Memmert, Daniel Teaching Tactical Creativity in Sport: Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) 2015:4. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745901* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 総 記 人文・社会科学一般 Boero, Riccardo Behavioral Computational Social Science (Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science) 2015:9. 250 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118657300* ★ SAGE 版 異文化適応能力 全2巻 Bennett, Janet M. (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence 2015:8. 2 Vols., 976 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452244280* 出版史・書物論 Libraries) 2015:1. 3 Vols., 1832 p., First Published in 1817 (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108076548* 図書館情報学 Winger, Adam/Alvord, Trevor Developing Archives and Special Collections (Chandos Information Professional Series) 2015:10. 200 p. (Chandos Publishing (Oxford), GBR) ,6%13DSHU86'価格未定 *9781843347132* Sommer, Dorothea/Latimer, Karen (eds.) Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Library Buildings (IFLA Publications, Vol. 169) 2015:9. 140 p. (K.G. Saur, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110375213* Davis, Caroline/Johnson, David (eds.) The Book in Africa: Critical Debates (New Directions in Book History) 2015:3. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Plassard, Marie-France/Dunsire, Gordon (eds.) RDA Around the World 2015:4. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138898899* *9781137401618* Dibdin, Thomas Frognall The Bibliographical Decameron: Or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Printing, Publishing and ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 11 総 記 》ダイレクトリー ダイレクトリー EUROPA 版 国際基金ダイレクトリー 2015年版 / 第 24 版 Europa Publications (ed.) The Europa International Foundation Directory 2015, 24th ed. (The Europa International Foundation Directory) 2015:7. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437768* 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 Boer, T. J. De/Jones, E. R. History of Philosophy in Islam 2015:3., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869820* 哲学史 第1巻 Erdmann, Johann Eduard History of Philosophy: Volume I 2015:2., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Erdmann, Johann Eduard History of Philosophy: Volume II 2015:2., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870697* *9780198743804* See also Honderich, Ted, Social Ends and Political Means, Routledge...................................................p125 , 0951 倫理学・道徳哲学 応用倫理学 Wurster, Charles F., DDT Wars, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................. p104 , 0786 Hamilton, Clive, The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis, Routledge .................................................................. p104 , 0787 Vetlesen, Arne Johan, The Denial of Nature, Routledge.................................................. p104 , 0788 Galliott, Jai, Ethics and the Future of Spying, Routledge...................................................p133 , 1031 哲学史 第3巻 Erdmann, Johann Eduard History of Philosophy: Volume III 2015:2., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884151* Lucas Jr., George R., Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics, Routledge .................... p136 , 1044 社会哲学 See Keown, John, Reason, Morality, and Law, Oxford U.P. ........................................................... p110 , 0837 Oxford 版 中世哲学研究 第3巻 Pasnau, Robert (ed.) Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 3 12 See 哲学史 第2巻 *9780198743798* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870680* Vasaly, Ann, Livy’s Political Philosophy, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p124 , 0946 2015:8. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Arvidssen, Matilda, The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt, Routledge .................... p110 , 0838 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》美 学 美 学 Young, James O. Batteux: The Fine Arts Reduced to a Single Principle 2015:8. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198747116* 言語哲学 I.A.リチャ−ズ著作選集 (1919-1938) 第5巻:心の 中の孟子 Constable, John (ed.) I. A. Richards Selected Works 1919-1938: Volume 5: Mencius on the Mind 2015:2. 384 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415849555* Hanks, Peter Propositional Content (Context And Content) 2015:6. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199684892* Stone, M.W.F./Wolff, Jonathan (eds.) Proper Ambition of Science (London Studies in the History of Philosophy) 2015:2. 240 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415862684* McIntyre, Lee Respecting Truth: Willful Ignorance in the Internet Age 2015:6. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888807* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888814* Ruse, Michael The Darwinian Paradigm 2015:2. 310 p., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415754996* See also Pereira, Angela Guimaraes, Science, Philosophy and Sustainability, Routledge................ p163 , 1298 科学哲学 西洋哲学 Hayler, Matt Challenging the Phenomena of Technology: Embodiment, Expertise, and Evolved Knowledge (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science) 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137377852* Kindi, Vasso/Arabatzis, Theodore (eds.) Revisited (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science) 2015:5. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138910874* ★印はお薦めタイトル 古代哲学 ヘレニズム・ローマ世界の哲学 Adamson, Peter Philosophy in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds: A History of Philosophy without any gaps, Volume 2 2015:8. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198728023* Arnold, Edward Vernon Roman Stoicism (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 468 p., First Published in 1911 (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 13 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138016064* 近代哲学 新カント学派へのアプローチ 近世哲学 de Champs, Emmanuelle Enlightenment and Utility: Bentham in French, Bentham in France (Ideas in Context, Vol. 110) 2015:3. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107098671* Glasner, Ruth Gersonides: A Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Philosopher-Scientist 2015:5. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198735861* *9781107032576* Misak, Cheryl The American Pragmatists (The Oxford History of Philosophy) 2015:1. 302 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198709374* 東洋哲学 植民地時代のインド哲学 八巻和彦編 ニコラウス・クザーヌス Yamaki, Kazuhiko (ed.) Nicholas of Cusa: A Medieval Thinker for the Modern Age 2015:3. 288 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Staiti, Andrea/de Warren, Nicolas (eds.) New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism 2015:6. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138871304* Deshpande, Sharad (ed.) Philosophy in Colonial India (Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures, Vol. 11) 2015:4. 275 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132222224* 宗教学 宗教学一般 ジャズとアメリカの宗教 Bivins, Jason C. Spirits Rejoice!: Jazz and American Religion 2015:5. 392 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 14 宗教哲学 *9780190230913* Principe, Concetta V. Secular Messiahs and the Return of Paul’s ‘Real’: A Lacanian Approach 2015:5. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137521668* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教社会学 宗教社会学 イスラム教 過渡期のイスラム コーランにおけるジェンダー・ヒエラルキー Jacobson, Jessica Islam in Transition: Religion and Identity among British Pakistani Youth 2015:4. 192 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Bauer, Karen " #$: Medieval Interpretations, Modern Responses (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) 2015:5. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138007130* 宗教人類学 Moir, Zawahir/Shackle, Christopher Ismaili Hymns from South Asia: An Introduction to the Ginans 2015:3. 258 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862340* Routledge 版 宗教と世界的発展ハンドブック Tomalin, Emma (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:1. 458 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415836364* ユダヤ教 Aberbach, David (ed.) Jewish Education and History: Continuity, crisis and change 2015:4. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869813* Judaising Movements: Studies in the Margins of Judaism in Modern Times 2015:3. 176 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869905* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107041523* Myer, Will Islam and Colonialism: Western Perspectives on Soviet Asia 2015:5. 272 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862708* Heper, Metin/Israeli, Raphael (eds.) Islam and Politics in the Modern Middle East 2015:5. 144 p., First Published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912571* Johnson, Nels (ed.) Islam and the Politics of Meaning in Palestinian Nationalism 2015:5. 128 p., First Published in 1982 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912595* Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider (ed.) Islam, Economics, and Society 2015:5. 208 p., First Published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912601* ソ連およびその継承国におけるイスラーム教育 Kemper, Michael/Motika, Raoul (eds.) Islamic Education in the Soviet Union and Its Successor States 2015:2. 384 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 15 宗教学 》イスラム教 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 キリスト教 *9781138870161* Headley, Stephen/Parkin, David Islamic Prayer Across the Indian Ocean: Inside and Outside the Mosque 2015:5., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862777* キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 See also Pieri, Zacharias P., Tablighi Jamaat and the Quest for the London Mega Mosque, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p129 , 0990 Meister, Chad/Taliaferro, Charles Contemporary Philosophical Theology 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415527217* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415527224* McClain, Lisa Lest We Be Damned: Practical Innovation & Lived Experience Among Catholics in Protestant England, 1559-1642 (Religion in History, Society and Culture) 2015:5. 410 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415865098* 䝮䝝䞁䝬䝗㻌 䠐ᕳ 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䛇 Andreas Goerke ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&&%$%&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃 ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781138791275* 㡸ゝ⪅࣒ࣁ࣐ࣥࢻࡣࠊṔྐࡢ୰࡛᭱ࡶᙳ㡪ຊࡢ࠶ࡿே≀ࡢ୍ே࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ࣒ࣁ࣐ࣥࢻ ࡣࢫ࣒ࣛᩍࡢጞ⪅࡛࠶ࡿࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊࢫ࣒ࣛᩍᚐࡢᶍ⠊࡞ࡗ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢ ⾜࠸ゝⴥࡢグ㘓ࡣࠊࢫ࣒ࣛἲࡸᘧࠊᩗࡉࠊࢫ࣮ࣇࢬ࣒ࠊᨻ⌮ㄽ࠸ࡗࡓศ 㔝࠾࠸࡚㔜せ࡞㈨ᩱ࡛ࡍࠋ࣒ࣁ࣐ࣥࢻࡣࠊすὒࡢࢫ࣒ࣛ◊✲ࡢ࡞◊✲ᑐ㇟࡞ࡗ ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢ⏕ᾭࡸᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡓࡶࡢࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࢫ࣒ࣛᩍࡢఏ⤫ࡢ୰࡛ࡢ࣒ࣁ࣐ࣥࢻࡢ ᙺ㛵ࡍࡿㄽᩥࡸ᭩≀ࡀᩘከࡃ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ୍᪉ࠊࡇࢀࡽࡢㄽᩥࡣᩓ㐓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊⴭྡ ࡞㞧ㄅࡸ᭩≀ࡢ୰㘓ࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࡶ࠶ࢀࡤࠊධᡭᅔ㞴࡞ฟ∧≀ࡢ୰ᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ ࡶࡢࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩㸦㸲ᕳ⤌㸧࡛ࡣࠊ࣒ࣁ࣐ࣥࢻ㛵ࡍࡿ㔜せ࡞ࠊࡋࡋᩓ㐓ࡋࡓㄽ ᩥࢆ୍ྠ㞟ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 16 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 ∧㻌 ⪷᭩䛸⚄Ꮫⓒ⛉㻌 䠎ᕳ 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ%䛇 Edited by , Union Presbyterian Seminary, USA ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ ศྍ !"#$%&&$&$$&$+,$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃%%) ≉౯㻃! ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780199858699* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡲ࡛࡞ࡃᖜᗈ࠸ど㔝ࢆᣢࡕ࡞ࡀࡽࠊ⪷᭩ࡢ࡞⚄ Ꮫୖࡢၥ㢟ࡸࢸ࣮࣐ࢆ᪂ࡓⓒ⛉ⓗྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋඃ ࢀࡓᏛ⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᪂⣙࣭ᪧ⣙⪷᭩㏆ᮾࠊࢠࣜ ࢩ࣭࣮࣐ࣕࣟࡢ⪃ᐹࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ⚄Ꮫୖࡢၥ㢟ࡢ㌶㊧ཷᐜࡢṔ ྐࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋከࡃࡢ㡯┠ࡀ㐀ࠊ⨥ࠊዎ⣙ࠊᜠᜨࠊチࡋ ࡞㛵ࡍࡿఏ⤫ⓗ࡞⚄ᏛୖࡢどⅬࢆᢅ࠺࡞ࠊᐩ㈋ᅔࠊࢪ࢙ ࣥࢲ࣮ே✀ᕪูࠊᕷሙ⤒῭࠸ࡗࡓࡼࡾ⌧௦ⓗ࡞ၥ㢟ࢆᢅࡗࡓࡶࡢࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩㸦㸰ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊ2,000 ㄒࡽ 8,000 ㄒࡢ㛗ࡉࡢ㡯┠ࢆ 168 㡯┠㘓ࡋࠊཧ⪃ ᩥ⊩㛵㐃ᅗ᭩ࢆᣲࡆ࡞ࡀࡽࠊࢺࣆࢵࢡ᪉ἲㄽࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩≉᭷ࡢ ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ㡯┠ࡢከᵝᛶࡣࠊ⪷᭩◊✲ࢆࡉࡽᐇࡋࡓࡶࡢࡋࠊ◊✲ࢆ῝ࡵࡿ ྠ᪂ࡓ࡞どⅬࢆᥦ♧ࡍࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ 㻝㻡㻜 ྡ௨ୖ䛾ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺Ꮫ⪅䛻䜘䛳䛶ᇳ➹䛥䜜䛯䚸⪷᭩䛸⚄Ꮫ䛻㛵䛩䜛ᶒጾ䛒䜛ⓒ ⛉䛷䛩䚹⣙ 㻝㻣㻜 㡯┠䜢䜰䝹䝣䜯䝧䝑䝖㡰䛻㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ⚄Ꮫୖ䛾ၥ㢟䛾㌶㊧䛸ཷᐜ䛾Ṕྐ䜢ྵ䜑䚸䛺䝖䝢䝑䜽䛾యീ䜢ᢕᥱ䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜 䛷䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌 チ䛧䜔ᜠᜨ䛺䛹䛾ఏ⤫ⓗ䛺どⅬ䛸䚸ᐩ䜔㈋ᅔ䛸䛔䛳䛯⌧௦ⓗ䛺どⅬ䜢䜹䝞䞊䛧䛶䛔 䜎䛩䚹㻌 ⪷᭩䛾ከᵝ䛺⚄Ꮫⓗၥ㢟䜢῝䛟⪃ᐹ䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᴫᛕู䛻ศ䛡䜙䜜䛯ෆᐜ䛾䜰䜴䝖䝷䜲䞁䜔䚸᳨⣴䜢䜺䜲䝗䛩䜛⣴ᘬ䜒䛔䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ྛᕳ䛻䛿⪷᭩䜔ഇ䚸እ䚸䜽䝮䝷䞁䚸䝘䜾䝝䝬䝕䜱ᮏ䛺䛹䛾␎ㄒ䝸䝇䝖䜒䛴䛔䛶 䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 (Oxford University Press, New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 17 宗教学 䜲䞁䝇䝢䝺䞊䝅䝵䝙䝇䝖㻌 "#$%&㻌 䠏ᕳ ' "#$%& American Communal Societies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1011596235䛇 Edited by 2015 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜ 3 Vols, 1,072 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-84893-512-9 ....... STP 275.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃76,601/ ≉౯㻃& ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781848935129* ࠕࣥࢫࣆ࣮ࣞࢩࣙࢽࢫࢺ㸦Inspirationists㸧 ࠖࡲࡓࡣࠕ┿ࡢࣥࢫࣆ ࣮ࣞࢩࣙࣥඹྠయࠖࡣࠊ࣓࡛ࣜ࢝ᡂຌࡋࡓ᐀ᩍඹྠయࡢࡦࡘ࡛ ࡍࠋᙼࡽࡣࠊࣝࢱ࣮ὴࡢᩍ⩏ᑐࡋྰᐃⓗ࡛࠶ࡾࡘࡘࡶࠊࡑࡢ㉳※ ࡣࠊࢻࢶࡢᩗ⩏࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋᙼࡽࡢࣥࢫࣆ࣮ࣞࢩࣙࣥᑐࡍ ࡿಙ௮ࡣࠊࠕWerkzeugeࠖࡼࡤࢀࡿ㡸ゝ⪅ࡢᏑᅾࡼࡗ࡚ࠊࡢࢻ ࢶࡢᩗ⩏ࡣ୍⥺ࢆ⏬ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡣࡌࡵ࣊ࢵࢭࣥ࠸ࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ ᗘ㔜࡞ࡿ㏕ᐖࡢࡢࡕࠊ1842 ᖺࡣ 800 ேࡀࢽ࣮࣮ࣗࣚࢡᕞࣂࢵࣇ ࣮ࣟ⛣ఫࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢᚋ 1855 ᖺࡣ࢜࣡ᕞ⛣ࡾࠊ࣐ࢼ ♫㸦the Amana Society㸧ࡋ࡚▱ࡽࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ1881 ᖺ ࡣࠊ࣓ࣥࣂ࣮ࡢᩘࡣ 1,800 ேࡢࡰࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᙼࡽࡣࠊᚐゝ⾜㘓ࡢ୰ࡢ᭱ึࡢ࢟ࣜࢫࢺᩍࡢඹྠయࢆࡲࡡ࡚ࠊ㈈⏘ࡢඹྠᡤ᭷ࢆᥖࡆ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊᖹ⩏ⓗ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ࠸࡞ࡿㄋ⣙ࡶࢃࡋࡲࡏࢇࠋ⤖፧㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ ᩍࡢ㛗⪁ࡢᢎㄆࡢࡶチࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊඹྠయෆࡢ┦ᡭ㝈ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋࡲࡓࠊ㎰ᴗ ࡢศ㔝㛗ࡅ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ26,000 ࢚࣮࣮࢝ࡢᅵᆅ࡛㎰ᴗࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ⮬⤥⮬㊊ࡢ⏕άࢆ ㏦ࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡓࡇࡣࠊࡢ࣓ࣜ࢝♫ࡽࡢᩥⓗ࡞Ꮩ❧ࡘ࡞ࡀࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋᜍ ៃࡀ࠾ࡎࢀࡿࡲ࡛ࡁ࡞ኚ࡞ࡃ⥆ࡁࠊ⌧ᅾ࡛ࡣࠊ࣐ࢼᩍၟ㸦the Amana Society business corporation㸧࣐ࢼᩍ㸦the Amana Church Society㸧ࡀᏑ⥆ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࣥࢫࣆ࣮ࣞࢩࣙࢽࢫࢺࡢከᵝ࡞ᩥ⊩ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢࢇ ࡀࢻࢶㄒࡽ⩻ヂࡉࢀࠊᅇึࡵ࡚ࡢฟ∧࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋᙼࡽࡢ⚄Ꮫ㛵ࡍࡿᩥ⊩ ࡸࠊ⏕άࢆ⥛ࡿ᭩⡆ࡸ᪥グࠊඹྠ⏕άࡢᵓ㐀ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᩥ⊩ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ ඹྠయ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮࡛࠶ࡿࢡࣜࢫࢳ࣭࣓ࣕࣥࢵࢶ㸦Christian Metz, 1793-1867㸧ࡢ᪂ࡓ⩻ヂ ࡉࢀࡓᅇ㢳㘓ࡸ᪥グࡢࠊドゝࠊ㈶⨾ḷࠊࡉࡽࡣࠊ᪥᭙ἲࡸᖹ⩏ࠊ࣓ࣜ࢝ࡢ ᨻ㛵ࡍࡿ༠Ⓨ⾜ࡢㄽᩥࡶ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㻝㻜㻜 ௨ୖ䛾㈨ᩱ䛜ᢅ䜟䜜䚸ึ䜑䛶ⱥㄒ䛻⩻ヂ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 䝔䜻䝇䝖䛿᪂䛯䛻᭩䛝㉳䛣䛥䜜䚸䛭䛾䜋䛸䜣䛹䛜䝗䜲䝒ㄒ䛛䜙䛾⩻ヂ䛷䛩䚹㻌 䜰䝬䝘ᩍ䜰䞊䜹䜲䞂䚸䜰䝬䝘䝦䝸䝔䞊䝆༠䚸䜴䜵䝇䝍䞁䝸䝄䞊䝤Ṕྐ༠䚸䝝䝭䝹䝖䞁䞉 䜹䝺䝑䝆䚸䜰䜲䜸䝽Ꮫ䛾㈨ᩱ䜢㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 య䜈䛾ᗎᩥ䚸ྛᕳ䜈䛾ᗎᩥ䚸㢌ὀ䚸ᮎὀ䚸᭱⤊ᕳ䛻䛿⥲⣴ᘬ䛜䛔䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 (Pickering & Chatto(Publishers) Ltd., GBR) 18 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 聖書・聖書研究 Oesterley, W. O. E. Studies in the Greek and Latin Versions of the Book of Amos 2015:2. 122 p., Originally Published in 1902 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107480384* *9781138879119* Middleton, Darren J. N. Rastafari and the Arts: An Introduction 2015:3. 282 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415831888* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 その他の宗教 ★ 日本の新宗教 *9780415831895* Clarke, Peter B. Japanese New Religions in Global Perspective 2015:5. 321 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) 民族学・民俗学・人類学 参考図書 南アジア民俗学百科事典 Claus, Peter/Diamond, Sarah/Mills, Margaret (eds.) South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia 2015:5. 736 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415866927* 民俗学 *9781138867758* Teodorescu, Adriana (ed.) Death Representations in Literature: Forms and Theories (Dying and Death Studies) 2015:2. 450 p. (Cambridge Scholars Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781443871587* Rappoport, Angelo S. Folklare of the Jews 2015:4., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869721* Rinehart, Robert E./emerald, elke/Matamua, Rangi (eds.) %& '' : Tensions and Positionings (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857070* 民族学・人類学 Jones, Jeannette Eileen/Sharp, Patrick B. (eds.) Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality 2015:4. 306 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Hornell, James Fishing in Many Waters 2015:2. 264 p., Originally Published in 1950 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107475434* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 19 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 Ȫȇୌဢ͈ࡉུ̹ȆͺΐͺȂΈυȜΨσঃȂόͻ·Πςͺಱاȫ ɜ૧ۏȆहࡩɜ ρȜ୰ ུȆಎ࣭ȆධͺΐͺȆධဢ੨ോ IJĺ ଲܮηΣΙνͺଲ͈ٮಎ͈ ͺΐͺȆΩΏέͻΛ· The World in Miniature Japan, China, The Asiatic Islands and New Holland & South Sea Islands Ⱥ໘࣫ๅȻȁ˓ےȼ༆ॗٜ୰ ۬ਘȆٜ୰ȁളؖၑࠃȪக੫ঊఱڠȫ 2015 ා 2 ࣐ۏȁA6 Ȇ 2,320 ༁ȪρȜๅ 102 തȫȁ ུఘΓΛΠڒثȇɏ128,000Ȫȼ୕ȫȁISBN:978-4-86166-185-3 ɜ IJıı തոષ͈दொْව͈ͤεΉΛΠུͬࡔ́ρȜ໘࣫ȃ ɜ IJĺ ଲܮ൮͈ୌဢུͅȆಎ࣭ȆέͻςάϋȆͼϋΡΥΏͺȆ Χχͼ͈̈́̓౷ၑȂاȂ౷ၑȂ໓௹Ȃૐͬતٚȃ Volume 1 Japan (1823) Volume 2-3: China (1823) Volume 4-5: The Asiatic islands and New Holland (1824) Volume 6-7: South Sea Islands (1824) ※収録内容の詳細は でご覧いただけます。 (Edition Synapse) 20 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 アンデス山脈の先住民:アイマラ族とケチュア族 シルケシア人ハンドブック Osborne, Harold Indians of the Andes: Aymaras and Quechuas 2015:2. 296 p., Originally Published in 1952 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Jaimoukha, Amjad The Circassians: A Handbook 2015:4., Originally Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862005* インドネシアの漂海民 Chou, Cynthia Indonesian Sea Nomads: Money, Magic and Fear of the Orang Suku Laut 2015:4. 176 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863484* Frazer, James G. Myths of the Origin of Fire 2015:5. 248 p., First Published in 1930 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879195* Needham, Rodney Remarks and Inventions: Skeptical Essays about Kinship 2015:2. 192 p., Originally Published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878709* Tomaselli, Keyan/Wessels, Michael (eds.) San Representation: Politics, Practice and Possibilities 2015:5. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1+DUG673 通常価特価 税 Salemink, Oscar The Ethnography of Vietnam’s Central Highlanders: A Historical Contextualization 1850-1990 2015:5., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863422* Reichel-Dolmatoff, Alicia/Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo The People of Aritama: The Cultural Personality of a Colombian Mestizo Village 2015:3. 512 p., Originally Published in 1961 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878723* *9781138874602* Spencer, Paul The Samburu: A Study of Gerontocracy in a Nomadic Tribe 2015:2. 376 p., Originally Published in 1965 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861961* See also Whelehan, Patricia, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, Wiley ...................................................................p170 , 1349 *9781138898448* von Fûrer-Haimendorf, Christoph The Apa Tanis and their Neighbours: A primitive society of the Eastern Himalayas 2015:2. 184 p., Originally Published in 1962 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%13DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862029* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 21 歴史学 》歴史学一般 歴史学 歴史学一般 法医考古学 世界史におけるジェンダー 第3版 Stearns, Peter N. Gender in World History, 3rd ed. (Themes in World History) 2015:3. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853102* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853119* Paul, Herman Key Issues in Historical Theory 2015:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138802728* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138802735* Kuukkanen, Jouni-Matti Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137409867* 考古学・古代史 エフェソスとアルテミス神殿 Falkener, Edward Ephesus, and the Temple of Diana (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:3. 408 p., First Published in 1862 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080712* Groen, W. J. Mike/Márquez–Grant, Nicholas/Janaway, Rob Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective 2015:4. 616 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Mortimer, J. R. Forty Years’ Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire: Including Romano-British Discoveries, and a Description of the Ancient Entrenchments of a Section of the Yorkshire Wolds (Cambridge Library Collection Archaeology) 2015:4. 768 p., Originally Published in 1905 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081436* Routledge 復刻版 ティベリウスからアントニヌス朝ま で:紀元 14 年 -192 年 Garzetti, Albino From Tiberius to the Antonines : A History of the Roman Empire AD 14-192 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 862 p., First Publishedin 1960 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138019218* Parke, H. W. Greek Oracles (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 148 p., First Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138015579* Waters, K. H. Herodotos the Historian : His Problems, Methods and Originality (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 208 p., First Published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 22 *9781118745984* *9780415744942* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 ( ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 䠓ᕳ 䠄䠕⤌䠅 ()* ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % $> ?$ ศྍ !"#$%&&%&%%&+,)㏻ᖖ౯㻃%)≉౯㻃$%%ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781107107724* ᕳ୍ᣓ㉎ධ䛷䛚ᚓ䛺䝉䝑䝖౯᱁ +,-!%. ㏻ᖖ౯䢠&""!$/ ≉౯䢠&$!䛊ᮏయ䛋0⛯ 䋻 +,-%!. ㏻ᖖ౯䢠&"&./ ≉౯䢠$%%䛊ᮏయ䛋0⛯ ᮏၟရ䛿 ᖺ ᭶䚸 ᭶䛾 ᅇ㓄ᮏ䜢ணᐃ䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹!"#$%&&%& %%& 䛻䜘䜛䝉䝑䝖䛷䛾䛤ὀᩥ䜢䛔䛯䛰䛡䜎䛧䛯䜙䚸➨ ᅇ㓄ᮏᚋ䛻䚸 % ᕳ 䠄$ 䠅䜎䛸䜑䛶䛚ᚓ䛺䝉䝑䝖౯᱁䛷䛚⣡䜑䛔䛯䛧䜎䛩䚹 ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊୡ⏺ྐࢆ᪂ࡓᤊ࠼ࠊᩥᏐࡢグ㘓ࡋ࡚ṧࡗ࡚࠸ ࡿṔྐࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊୡ⏺ྐ࣭ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࣄࢫࢺ࣮ࣜࡢ᭱᪂ࡢ⪃࠼᪉ ࢆᥦ♧ࡍࡿࠊࡼࡾࡁ࡞㛫ᯟ࠾ࡅࡿே㢮ࡢṔྐࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋᵝࠎ࡞ᑓ㛛ศ㔝ࡽࡢඃࢀࡓᏛ⪅ࡼࡿ ᮏ௨ୖࡢ࢚ࢵࢭ ࢆ㘓ࡋࠊࡲ࡛࡞ࡃໟᣓⓗ࡞ෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜ ࢬࡣࠊ␗࡞ࡿ᪉ἲㄽࡽ⪃ᐹࡉࢀ࠺ࡿࠊࡲࡓࠊከᵝ࡞ᆅ⌮ⓗ࣭ᖺ௦ ⓗࢫࢣ࣮ࣝࡽ⪃ᐹࡉࢀ࠺ࡿୡ⏺ྐࡢ㧗ࡲࡿ㛵ᚰࢆᫎࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊ῝࠸◊✲ࡘ࡞ ࡀࡿࢣ࣮ࢫࢫࢱࢹ࣮ࡸᆅᇦ࣭㢟ูࡢ࢚ࢵࢭࠊẚ㍑⪃ᐹࡍࡿ࢚ࢵࢭ࡞ࢆ㘓 ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ඛྐ䛛䜙⌧ᅾ䛻䛔䛯䜛䜎䛷䛾ே㢮ྐ䜢ໟᣓⓗ䛻ᢅ䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᵝ䚻䛺ᑓ㛛ศ㔝䛛䜙䛾ඃ䜜䛯Ꮫ⪅䛻䜘䛳䛶ᇳ➹䛥䜜䛶䛚䜚䚸ୡ⏺ྐ䞉䜾䝻䞊䝞䝹䝠 䝇䝖䝸䞊䛻㛵䛩䜛᭱᪂◊✲䜢㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᆅᇦ䞉㢟ู䛾䜶䝑䝉䜲䚸ẚ㍑⪃ᐹ䛩䜛䜶䝑䝉䜲䛺䛹䜢㘓䛧䚸ᵝ䚻䛺䜰䝥䝻䞊䝏䜔 ከᵝ䛺ᆅ⌮ⓗ䞉ᖺ௦ⓗ䝇䜿䞊䝹䜢ᫎ䛧䛯䜿䞊䝇䝇䝍䝕䜱䞊䜒㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 䈜ྛᕳ䛷䜒䛚㈙䛔ồ䜑䛔䛯䛰䛡䜎䛩䚹㻌 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 23 歴史学 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠍ᕳ䠖ୡ⏺ྐᴫㄽ㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 1, Introducing World History, to 10,000 BCE !" ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&&%&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠎ᕳ䠖㎰⪔䛾Ⓨ⏕㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 2, A World with Agriculture, 12,000 BCE-500 CE #$$" ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ $ !"#$%&&&$&%+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠏ᕳ䠖ẚ㍑どⅬ䛛䜙ぢ䜛ึᮇ䛾㒔ᕷ㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 3, Early Cities in Comparative Perspective, 4000 BCE–1200 CE %'** ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&&$&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠐ᕳ䠖ᅜᐙ䚸ᖇᅜ䚸䝛䝑䝖䝽䞊䜽㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 4, A World with States, Empires and Networks 1200 BCE - 900 CE + ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ !"#$%&&%&%&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠑∧䠖ὶ䛸⣮த䛾ᣑ㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 5, Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500CE-1500CE +/:;<=>?# ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ %% !"#$%&&&$%&$+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠒ᕳ䠖ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺ୡ⏺䛾ᙧᡂ㻌 ➨䠍㒊䠖ᇶ┙㻌 The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 C.E. Part 1, Foundations @?:D+D"<=>?# ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&&%&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃24,396ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 24 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠒ᕳ䠖ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺ୡ⏺䛾ᙧᡂ㻌 ➨䠎㒊䠖ኚ䛾䝟䝍䞊䞁㻌 ()* ?@( D) "..# ..(JJ K&K ( @?:D+D"<=>?# ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&&$&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃&"%$ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠓ᕳ䠖⏕⏘䚸㐃⤖䚸◚ቯ㻌 ➨䠍㒊㻌 ( ) * ? @ K ( - !.#K K, , L @::<$%;"F:H ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&%&&$+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃&"%$ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺ྐ㻌 ➨䠓ᕳ䠖⏕⏘䚸㐃⤖䚸◚ቯ㻌 ➨䠎㒊㻌 ( ) * ? @ K ( - !.#K K&, @::<$%;"F:H ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ !"#$%&&&$$&+,%) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃&"%$ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ Smith, George, F. Sayce, Archibald H. (ed.) History of Sennacherib: Translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 196 p., Originally Published in 1878 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108079075* Smith, Charles Roach Illustrations of Roman London (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:3. 254 p., Originally Published in 1859 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Squire, Michael Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity 2015:2. 560 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107657540* Rutledge, Steven H. Imperial Inquisitions: Prosecutors and Informants from Tiberius to Domitian 2015:5. 432 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138010093* *9781108081764* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 25 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Stephens, John Lloyd Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:3. 2 Vols., 710 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108079266* Bremmer, Jan N. Interpretations of Greek Mythology (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 291 p., First Published in1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744522* Faussett, Bryan Smith, Charles Roach (ed.) Inventorium Sepulchrale: An Account of Some Antiquities Dug Up at Gilton, Kingston, Sibertswold, Barfriston, Beakesbourne, Chartham, and Crundale, in the County of Kent, from A.D. 1757 to A.D. 1773 (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 330 p., First Published in 1856 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081443* Gastaldi, Bartolomeo Lake Habitations and Pre-Historic Remains in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of Northern and Central Italy (Cambridge Library Collection Archaeology) 2015:3. 154 p., First Publishedin 1862 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080286* ギリシャ・ローマ世界における言語と社会 Clackson, James Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Key Themes in Ancient History) 2015:4. 216 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 26 *9780521140669* Johnson, Stephen Later Roman Britain (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 196 p., First Published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ギリシア神話の解釈 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780415744799* Haimson Lushkov, Ayelet Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic: Politics in Prose 2015:2. 209 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107040908* Hoyos, Dexter Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War (Ancient Warfare and Civilization) 2015:2. 360 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199860104* Fox, David Scott Mediterranean Heritage (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 204 p., First Published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138017535* Frachetti, Michael David/Spengler III, Robert N. (eds.) Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and America 2015:9. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319151373* Routledge 復刻版 ミケーネ文明 Hooker, John T. Mycenaean Greece (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 316 p., First Published in 1976 (Routledge, GBR) *9780521192354* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748162* Alfoldy, Geza Noricum (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 446 p., First Published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138018167* Smith, Charles Roach Notes on the Antiquities of Treves, Mayence, Wiesbaden, Niederbieder, Bonn, and Cologne (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 122 p., Originally Published in 1851 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081528* James, M. R. On the Abbey of S. Edmund at Bury (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 236 p., Originally Published in 1895 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081511* Oppert, Gustav On the Weapons, Army Organisation, and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus: With Special Reference to Gunpowder and Firearms (Cambridge Library Collection - Naval and Military History) 2015:4. 176 p., Originally Published in 1880 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080392* Mckechnie, Paul Outsiders in the Greek Cities in the Fourth Century BC (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 232 p., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415740593* ★印はお薦めタイトル Erdkamp, Paul/Verboven, Koenraad/Zuiderhoek, Arjan (eds.) Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy) 2015:7. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198728924* Mócsy, András Pannonia and Upper Moesia : A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 506 p., First Published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745833* de Ligt, Luuk Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC-AD 100 2015:4. 408 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107519121* Leach, John Pompey the Great (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 254 p., First Published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747356* アッシリア、バビロニア、カルデア研究 Ainsworth, William F. Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldaea: Forming Part of the Labours of the Euphrates Expedition (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 358 p., First Published in 1838 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080972* Smith, Charles Roach Retrospections, Social and Archaeological (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 3 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 27 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Vols., 1012 p., Originally Published between 188391 (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081603* Drinkwater, John Roman Gaul : The Three Provinces, 58 BC-AD 260 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 256 p., First Published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748650* Curchin, Leonard A. Roman Spain : Conquest and Assimilation (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 250 p., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415740326* Johnson, Stephen Rome and Its Empire (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 178 p., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744768* Braund, David Rome and the Firendly King: The Character of Client Kingship (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 226 p., First Published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415743020* 共和制の終焉と帝政の誕生 Alston, Richard Rome’s Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire (Ancient Warfare and Civilization) 2015:6. 400 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 28 *9780199739769* Gerstel, Sharon E. J. Rural Lives and Landscapes in Late Byzantium: Art, Archaeology, and Ethnography 2015:5. 234 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521851596* di Cesnola, Alessandro Palma Salaminia (Cyprus): The History, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salamis in the Island of Cyprus (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:3. 446 p., First Published in 1882 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108078627* Zakrzewski, Sonia/Shortland, Andrew/Rowland, Joanne Science in the Study of Ancient Egypt (Routledge Studies in Egyptology) 2015:6. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415885744* Grainger, John D. Seleukos Nikator : Constructing a Hellenistic Kingdom (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 276 p., First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744010* Parke, H. W. Sibyls and Sibylline Prophecy in Classical Antiquity (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 238 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138015869* Purvis, Andrea Singular Dedications: Founders and Innovators of Private Cults in Classical Greece (Studies in Classics) 2015:5. 218 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415861342* Patton, Mark Statements in Stone: Monuments and Society in Neolithic Brittany 2015:2. 224 p., First Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862074* Ma, John Statues and Cities! "# Identity in the Hellenistic World (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation) 2015:4. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738930* Bateman, Thomas Ten Years’ Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills: In the Counties of Derby, Stafford, and York, from 1848 to 1858 (Cambridge Library Collection Archaeology) 2015:4. 324 p., First Published in 1861 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081467* 相違の考古学:オセアニアの異文化契約交渉 Clarke, Anne/Torrence, Robin (eds.) The Archaeology of Difference: Negotiating Cross-Cultural Engagements in Oceania (One World Archaeology) 2015:5. 440 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138006812* Wacher, John The Coming of Rome (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 202 p., First Published in 1979 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Mouritsen, Henrik The Freedman in the Roman World 2015:4. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107519084* Greaves, Alan M. The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period 2015:4. 288 p., New in Paperback (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119025566* Wilson, Charles William Harrison, Walter (ed.) The Recovery of Jerusalem: A Narrative of Exploration and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology) 2015:4. 620 p., Originally Published in 1871 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080699* Várhelyi, Zsuzsanna The Religion of Senators in the Roman Empire: Power and the Beyond 2015:4. 280 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107499935* 中世史 Roth, Norman (ed.) Medieval Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages) 2015:5. 726 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415866811* *9780415745956* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 29 歴史学 》近代史 近代史 Malinowski, Bronislaw Freedom and Civilization (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 338 p., First Published in 1947 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 現代史 *9781138909373* キューバ危機:批判的再評価 Scott, Len/Hughes, R. Gerald (eds.) The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Critical Reappraisal (Cold War History) 2015:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138840928* Ritzenhoff, Karen A./Tholas-Disset, Clémentine (eds.) Humor, Entertainment, and Popular Culture during World War I 2015:5. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137449092* Henderson, W. O. Industrial Revolution on the Continent: Germany, France, Russia 1800-1914 2015:3. 304 p., First Published in 1961 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879805* Otte, T.G./Pagedas, C. (eds.) Personalities, War and Diplomacy: Essays in International History 2015:4. 316 p., First Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881945* Routledge 復刻版 ジェイムズ・ジョル著 第二イン ターナショナル 1889 -1914 年 Joll, James The Second International : 1889-1914 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 236 p., Originally Published in 1955 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415741200* ヨーロッパ史 ヨーロッパ:ニーチェの展望 Elbe, Stefan Europe: A Nietzschen Perspective 2015:5. 544 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ヨーロッパのインフラの推移:経済・戦争・自然 Kaijser, Arne/van der Vleuten, Erik/Högselius, Per Europe’s Infrastructure Transition: Economy, War, Nature (Making Europe) 2015:5. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230307995* Hansen, Jason D. Mapping the Germans: Statistical Science, Cartography, and the Visualization of the German Nation, 1848-1914 (Oxford Studies in Modern European History) 2015:1. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198714392* Routledge 復刻版 産業革命期初期のヨーロッパに おける市場と製造 Berg, Maxine (ed.) Markets and Manufacture in Early Industrial Europe (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 332 p., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 30 *9781138874503* *9780415721059* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 中世の修道会:中世西ヨーロッパの宗教生活 第4版 Lawrence, C.H. Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, 4th ed. (The Medieval World) 2015:5. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854031* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854048* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107060524* ラファエル・レムキンとジェノサイド条約のための闘争 Cooper, John Raphael Lemkin and the Struggle for the Genocide Convention 2015:1. 352 p., New in Paperback (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137427373* 些細な知識とマイクロヒストリー:長い19世紀における マニュスクリプト文化 革命時代のデモクラシー再考:アメリカ、フランス、 イギリス、アイルランド 1750 年 - 1850 年 $% * +;<#=* Minor Knowledge and Microhistory: Manuscript Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century (Routledge Studies in Cultural History) 2015:6. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Innes, Joanna/Philp, Mark (eds.) Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions: America, France, Britain, Ireland 1750-1850 2015:5. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812079* 近代、メディア、軍事:西部戦線における国家神話の 形成 Williams, John F. Modernity, the Media and the Military: The Creation of National Mythologies on the Western Front 1914-1918 2015:3. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881860* D'Avray, David Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860-1600 2015:6. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107062535* 近世地中海帝国の政治経済:ヴェネツィアの衰退とイ ギリスの台頭 Fusaro, Maria Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England 1450-1700 2015:4. 340 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198738817* 19 世紀・20 世紀ヨーロッパの大学における科学: 大学の風景 Simões, Ana/Diogo, Maria Paula/Gavroglu, Kostas (eds.) Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 309) 2015:4. 460 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401796354* Routledge 復刻版 絶対主義の時代:1660 年 1815 年 Beloff, Max The Age of Absolutism 1660-1815 (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 190 p., First Published in 1954 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415736633* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 31 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 大西洋の接続:大西洋世界の歴史 1450 年 -1900 年 Suranyi, Anna The Atlantic Connection: A History of the Atlantic World, 1450-1900 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415639859* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415639866* Pagden, Anthony The Burdens of Empire: 1539 to the Present 2015:4. 320 p. 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(Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138829084* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138831414* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 䜲䜼䝸䝇䛾䝣䝸䞊䝯䞊䝋䞁 # %㻌 䠑ᕳ M # % Edited by Róbert Péter, University of Szeged, HUN ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&$&%%&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃..& ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781848933774* JK ୡ⣖ᚋᮇ⤌⧊ࡉࢀࡓ⛎ᐦ⤖♫࡛ࠊ⌧ᅾࡢဨᩘࡣୡ⏺࡛ K ࡶ࠸ࢃࢀࡿࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥࡣせ࡞ᩥⓗ࣭♫ⓗ⌧㇟࡛࠶ࡾࠊ ၨⵚ⩏ࡢ㘽࡞ࡿせ⣲࡛ࠊᆅ⌫つᶍ࡛ᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ᙳ㡪ຊࢆ࠼ࡿࡇ ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢ୍ḟྐᩱࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ༢୍ࡢࣘࢼࢸࢵࢻ࣭ ࢢࣛࣥࢻ࣭ࣟࢵࢪ࣭࢜ࣈ࣭ࣥࢢࣛࣥࢻࡢᙧᡂ࡛᭱㧗₻㐩ࡋࡓࣇࣜ ࣮࣓࣮ࢯࣥࡢ⤌⧊ᙧᡂ࠾࠸࡚㔜せ࡞ᮇࢆᥥࡁฟࡋࡲࡍࠋ ࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥࢆྲྀࡾᕳࡃ⛎ᐦ⩏ࡼࡾ㐣ཤ࠾ࡅࡿ⤌⧊ࡸࡑࡢ ᨭᣢ⪅ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢሗࡸᩥ᭩ࡢࢡࢭࢫࡣᅔ㞴࡞ࡶࡢ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࡛ࡣᖜᗈ࠸ྂᩥ᭩ㄪᰝࡸ➹ࡢᡂᯝ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥࡲࡘࢃࡿ㠀ᖖ㔜せ࡞ࢸ ࣮࣐ࢆᾋࡁ᙮ࡾࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᩥ᭩ࡣࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࠊಶேࡢ࣮࢝ ࣈࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊୡ⏺୰ࡢᅗ᭩㤋ࡼࡾ㞟ࡵࡽࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࢀࡽ ࡢࢸࢡࢫࢺࡢከᩘࡣࡲ࡛ J ᗘࡶห⾜ࡉࢀࡓࡇࡀ࠶ ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋᩥ᭩ࡣྜࡢ㆟㘓ࠊᘧ㸦ࡑࡢ࠸ࡃࡘࡣ ᬯྕ࡛᭩ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍ㸧ࠊⴿࠊㄝᩍࠊဨࣜࢫࢺࠊᡭ⣬ࠊ ࣃࣥࣇࣞࢵࢺࠊⰪᒃࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࣟࢢ࣭࢚ࣆ࣮ࣟࢢࠊࡑࡋ࡚᪂ ⪺ࡸᐃᮇห⾜≀ࡢグࡀྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡼࡾ◊✲⪅ࡣጞࡵ࡚ከࡃࡢ㔜せ࡞ࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥဨࡢ㌟ඖࢆ᫂ ࡽࡍࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡇ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋࡇࢀࡣࣇ࣮࣓࣮ࣜࢯࣥࠊၨⵚ⩏ࠊJQ ୡ⣖࠸ ࠺௦ࡢ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚⯆῝࠸ J ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ 㻡㻡㻜 ௨ୖ䛾䝔䜽䝇䝖䠄᪂⤌䜏䠅䛜ྵ䜎䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩㻌 ከ䛟䛾䝔䜽䝇䝖䛿䝻䞁䝗䞁䛾 㻸㼕㼎㼞㼍㼞㼥㻌 㼍㼚㼐㻌 㻹㼡㼟㼑㼡㼙㻌 㼛㼒㻌 㻲㼞㼑㼑㼙㼍㼟㼛㼚㼞㼥 䛻䜘䜚≉ู䛻ᩚ⌮䛥䜜䛶 ฟ∧䛥䜜䜎䛩㻌 䝔䜽䝇䝖䛾ከᩘ䛿䛔䛛䛺䜛䜸䞁䝷䜲䞁䝸䝋䞊䝇䛛䜙䜒⏝䛷䛝䜛䜒䛾䛷䛿䛒䜚䜎䛫䜣㻌 㻞㻢㻜 䝨䞊䝆䜢㉺䛘䜛䚸᪂䛧䛟➹䛥䜜䛯ᡭ✏ྐᩱ䛜ྵ䜎䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩㻌 ᩥ᭩䛿䝔䞊䝬䛻ἢ䛳䛶䜎䛸䜑䜙䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩㻌 ⦅䛾ᗎ❶䚸ྛᕳ䛾ᗎ❶䚸㢌ὀ䛚䜘䜃ゎㄝ䛾ᩥᮎὀ䛺䛹䛜༑䛻䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩㻌 ᭱⤊ᕳ䛻䛿ᕳ䜢㏻䛨䛶䛾⣴ᘬ䜒䛔䛶䛔䜎䛩㻌 $#T" "F: ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 33 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 大英帝国の綿製造の歴史:東方における初期の歴史 と、世界各国の歴史 摂政政治下の産業革命期イングランド:エッシャー、 ボドメ、メイ、デ・ガロアの日記 1814 年 -1818 年 Baines, Edward History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain: With a Notice of its Early History in the East, and in All the Quarters of the Globe (Cambridge Library Collection - Technology) 2015:4. 598 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Henderson, W. O. Industrial Britain Under the Regency: The Diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May and de Gallois 1814-18 2015:2. 216 p., First Published in 1968 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781108080934* Pike, E. Royston Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution in Britain 2015:2. 384 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865266* Beeler, John (ed.) Imperial Defence, 1868-1887 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873629* 新しい女を求めて:1870 年 -1914 年におけるイギリス 中産階級の女性と仕事 Sutherland, Gillian In Search of the New Woman: Middle Class Women and Work in Britain, 1870–1914 2015:2. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107092792* インドへの到達 1870 年 -1915 年:大英帝国のネット ワーク Boehmer, Elleke Indian Arrivals, 1870-1915: Networks of British Empire 2015:9. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 34 McCarthy, Angela (ed.) Ireland in the World: Comparative, Transnational, and Personal Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Modern History, Vol.16) 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812062* 帝国防衛:1868 年 -1887 年 *9781138865273* 世界の中のアイルランド:比較・多国籍・個人的見解 英国における産業革命期の人間記録 *9780198744184* ヴィクトリア朝イギリスにおけるアイリッシュ・アイデン ティティ Swift, Roger/Gilley, Sheridan (eds.) Irish Identities in Victorian Britain 2015:4., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868120* クロポトキンと英国におけるアナキズムの歴史:議論 とロマンティシズムの間 Adams, Matthew S. Kropotkin, Read and the Intellectual History of British Anarchism: Between Reason and Romanticism 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137392602* エンパワーメントの構築とピューリタニズムの台頭 Bremer, Francis J. Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500-1800) 2015:3. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137352880* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ヘンリー8世治世期における国内外の書簡と論文 第 2 巻 第 2 部:公文書館大英帝国その他蔵 テューダー朝とステュアート朝議会の管理:マイケル・ グレイブスの随筆 Gairdner, James (ed.) Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII: Preserved in the Public >;?@ ?$[? in England, Volume 2 Part 2 (Cambridge Library Collection - British and Irish History, 15th & 16th Centuries) 2015:4. 920 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Kyle, Chris R. Managing Tudor and Stuart Parliaments: Essays in Memory of Michael Graves (Parliamentary History Book Series) 2015:3. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108063197* ピーター・タイットの科学的業績と半生 Knott, Cargill Gilston (ed.) * +/' 2015:4. 398 p., Originally Published in 1911 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107494923* Gittos, Helen Liturgy, Architecture, and Sacred Places in Anglo-Saxon England (Medieval History and Archaeology) 2015:2. 370 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737056* 18 世紀のロンドン生活 London Life in the Eighteenth Century 2015:5., First Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865488* ロンドン商人 1695年 - 1774 年 Stuart Sutherland, Lucy London Merchant 1695-1774: A London Merchant 2015:4. 164 p., First Published in 1962 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866034* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781119081951* Galton, Francis Memories of My Life (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 340 p., First Published in 1908 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138911307* ヴィクトリア朝中期の帝国主義:ジェントルマンと帝国 意識 Beasley, Edward Mid-Victorian Imperialists: British Gentlemen and the Empire of the Mind 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878150* 軍国主義・狩猟・帝国主義:「血に飢えた」軍人たち Mangan, J. A./McKenzie, Callum Militarism, Hunting, Imperialism: ‘Blooding’ The Martial Male 2015:5., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880412* 君主制と結婚問題:エリザベス1世の求愛 Doran, Susan Monarchy and Matrimony: The Courtships of Elizabeth I 2015:5. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756501* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 35 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 大西洋における大英帝国の再建:アメリカ独立以降 の米国と英国 Marshall, P. J. Remaking the British Atlantic: The United States and the British Empire after American Independence 2015:2. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198734925* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 15 世紀イギリス貿易史研究 Power, Eileen/Postan, M. M. (eds.) 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Germany and the Second World War: Volume III: The Mediterranean, South-East Europe, and North Africa, 1939-1941 (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 3) 2015:5. 848 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138873643* *9780198738329* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 37 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第4巻:ソ連への攻撃 ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第7巻:ヨーロッパにおける 対空戦争と東西アジアの戦争 1943 年 -1944 年 5月 Boog, Horst/Förster, Jürgen/Hoffman, Joachim/ Klink, Ernst/Müller, Rolf-Dieter/Ueberschär, Gerd R. Germany and the Second World War: Volume IV: The Attack on the Soviet Union (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 4) 2015:5. 1456 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738312* ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第5巻 第1部:ドイツ 勢力圏の組織と動員:戦時管理、経済、人的資源 1939 年 -1941 年 Kroener, Bernhard R./Müller, Rolf-Dieter/Umbreit, Hans Germany and the Second World War: Volume V/ I: Organization and Mobilization of the German Sphere of Power: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpower Resources, 1939-1941 (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 5-1) 2015:5. 1312 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738299* Boog, Horst/Krebs, Gerhard/Vogel, Detlef Germany and the Second World War: Volume VII: The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia, 1943-1944/5 (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 7) 2015:5. 928 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738275* ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第9巻:戦時のドイツ社会 1939 年 -1945年:政治、崩壊、生存のための闘争 Blank, Ralf/Echternkamp, Jörg/Fings, Karola/ Förster, Jürgen/Heinemann, Winfried/Jersak, Tobias/Nolzen, Armin/Rass, Christoph Germany and the Second World War: Volume IX/ I: German Wartime Society 1939-1945: Politicization, Disintegration, and the Struggle for Survival (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 9) 2015:5. 1088 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738350* ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第5巻 第2部:ドイツ 勢力圏の組織と動員:戦時管理、経済、人的資源 1942 年 -1944 年 5月 Kroener, Bernhard R./Müller, Rolf-Dieter/Umbreit, Hans Germany and the Second World War: Volume V/ II: Organization and Mobilization in the German Sphere of Power: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpower Resources 1942-1944/5 (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 5-2) 2015:5. 1232 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738282* ドイツと第二次世界大戦 第6巻:世界戦争 Boog, Horst/Rahn, Werner/Stumpf, Reinhard/Wegner, Bernd Germany and the Second World War: Volume VI: The Global War (Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 6) 2015:5. 1408 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 38 *9780198738305* ドイツ史:権力の盛衰 Balfour, Michael Germany : The Tides of Power 2015:5. 288 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415755788* ヒトラーの仲介人 Urbach, Karina Go-Betweens for Hitler 2015:7. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198703662* ヘルマン・ロッツェ:知的人物紹介 Woodward, William R. Hermann Lotze: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology) 2015:4. 496 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521418485* ヒトラー:革命の研究? Housden, Martyn Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary? 2015:5. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415757157* コンラッド・モルガン:ナチスの裁判官の良心 Velleman, J. David/Pauer-Studer, Herlinde Konrad Morgen: The Conscience of a Nazi Judge 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137496942* オペレーション・タイフーン:ヒトラーのモスクワ侵攻 1941年 10月 Stahel, David Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 2015:1. 418 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107501959* 帝国の浄化:ドイツの大量追放 Fitzpatrick, Matthew P. Purging the Empire: Mass Expulsions in Germany, 1871-1914 2015:1. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198725787* フリードリヒ大王の経済政策研究 Henderson, W. O. Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great 2015:2. 224 p., First Published in 1963 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865204* ★印はお薦めタイトル スイスとナチス埋蔵金 Braillard, Philippe Switzerland & The Nazi Gold 2015:5. 256 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760164* モスクワの戦い Stahel, David The Battle for Moscow 2015:1. 480 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107087606* フランス史 Kennedy, Emmet Abbe Sicard’s Deaf Education: Empowering the Mute, 1785-1820 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137512857* フランスにおける自由貿易とその経済 1814 年 1851年 Todd, David Free Trade and its Enemies in France, 1814-1851 (Ideas in Context, Vol. 112) 2015:5. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107036932* Skoda, Hannah Medieval Violence: Physical Brutality in Northern France, 1270-1330 (Oxford Historical Monographs) 2015:5. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737872* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 39 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 フランス史 南欧史 ナポレオンとドイツとの苦闘:1813 年普仏戦争 全2巻 ファシストの混成:ムッソリーニ政権下の人種混合と ディアスポラ Leggiere, Michael V. Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany: The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 (Cambridge Military Histories) 2015:4. 2 Vols., 1376 p. (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Caponetto, Rosetta Giuliani Fascist Hybridities: Representations of Racial Mixing and Diaspora Cultures under Mussolini (Italian and Italian American Studies) 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107098091* O'Meara, Barry E. Napoleon in Exile: Or, A Voice from St. Helena: ?>]^;_]? Most Important Events of his Life and Government in his Own Words (Cambridge Library Collection - Naval and Military History) 2015:3. 2 Vols., 1110 p., First Published in 1822 (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081337* ナポレオンのヨーロッパ統合 Woolf, Stuart Napoleon’s Integration of Europe 2015:4. 336 p., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415755535* 権力と旧体制フランスの政治 1720年 -1745年 Campbell, Peter Power and Politics in Old Regime France, 17201745 2015:4. 432 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137481849* 亡命中のナポレオン:あるいはセント・ヘレナからの声、 ナポレオン自信の言葉による、人生と政治についての 最も重要な意見と考察 全2巻 現代スペインにおける暴力の遺産 Ferran, Ofelia/Hilbink, Lisa (eds.) Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 2015:10. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849952* 中世のイベリア百科事典 Gerli, E. Michael (ed.) Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages) 2015:5. 952 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415866910* ポルトガル植民地における「文明化の使命」 1870 年 1930 年 Bandeira Jerónimo, Miguel The ‘Civilising Mission’ of Portuguese Colonialism, 1870-1930 (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies) 2015:1. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415755702* *9781137355904* 東欧史 大惨事:ジェノサイドの背後のアルメニア人とトルコ人 de Waal, Thomas Great Catastrophe: Armenians and Turks in the Shadow of Genocide 2015:2. 312 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) 40 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199350698* *9781107032491* ヒトラーの兄弟:オランダと東欧占領下の植民 von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, Geraldien Hitler’s Brudervolk: The Dutch and the Colonization of Occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1945 (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138803152* ソビエトの歴史叙述におけるナショナル・アイデンティ ティ:スターリン政権下の国家興隆 Yilmaz, Harun National Identities in Soviet Historiography: The Rise of Nations under Stalin (Central Asia Research Forum) 2015:2. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415842587* 十字軍の時代のキリキアにおけるアルメニア王国 ソビエトに生きる Ghazarian, Jacob The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia During the Crusades: The Integration of Cilician Armenians with the Latins, 1080-1393 2015:3., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Bertaux, Daniel/Rotkirch, Anna/Thompson, Paul (eds.) On Living Through Soviet Russia (Routledge Studies in Memory and Narrative) 2015:5. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862579* Akkerman, Nadine (ed.) The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia: Volume I: 1603-1631 2015:4. 1008 p. 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(Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198733775* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 41 歴史学 》ロシア史 マイクロフォン時代のロシア:ソビエトのラジオの歴史 1919 年 -1970年 Lovell, Stephen Russia in the Microphone Age: A History of Soviet Radio, 1919-1970 (Oxford Studies in Modern European History) 2015:6. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198725268* 世界史の中のロシア Engel, Barbara Alpern/Martin, Janet Russia in World History (New Oxford World History) 2015:6. 176 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199947874* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199947898* ソ連における戦争体験資料 第1巻:戦争初期の 1941年 Orenstein, Harold S./Glantz, David M. Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience: Volume I: The Initial Period of War 1941 2015:5., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881914* ソ連における戦争体験資料 第2巻:冬季戦線 1941年 -1942年 Orenstein, Harold S./Glantz, David M. Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience: Volume II: The Winter Campaign, 1941-1942 2015:4., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873551* *9781107102880* 北米史 電気の実験と観測:フィラデルフィア実験の実践 Franklin, Benjamin Experiments and Observations on Electricity: Made at Philadelphia in America (Cambridge Library Collection - Physical Sciences) 2015:4. 552 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080163* フランシス・エレン・ワトキンズ・ハーパー:アフリカ 系アメリカ人の改革レトリックと近代国民国家の隆盛 Stancliff, Michael Frances Ellen Watkins Harper: African American Reform Rhetoric and the Rise of a Modern Nation State 2015:4. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868090* ジェンダーと公民権運動 Ling, Peter J./Monteith, Sharon (eds.) Gender in the Civil Rights Movement (Crosscurrents in African American History) 2015:5. 350 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138001763* ルーシー・ストーン:その人生 McMillen, Sally G. Lucy Stone: An Unapologetic Life 2015:1. 360 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199778393* スターリン後のソビエトのインターナショナリズム:冷 戦時代のソ連とラテンアメリカ間における交流と交換 Rupprecht, Tobias Soviet Internationalism after Stalin: Interaction and Exchange between the USSR and Latin America during the Cold War 2015:7. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 42 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 リンチ再考:集団暴力研究の新しい視点 Carrigan, William D. (ed.) Lynching Reconsidered: New Perspectives in the Study of Mob Violence 2015:2. 240 p., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878211* 博物館とネイティブ・カナディアンの表現:文化的境界 の交渉 McLoughlin, Moira Museums and the Representation of Native Canadians: Negotiating the Borders of Culture 2015:4., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864566* 南北戦争におけるニューヨークの黒人連隊 Seraile, William New York’s Black Regiments During the Civil War 2015:5., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868052* 冷戦の隅で:戦後のプラハにおけるアメリカ外交官や スパイ Lukes, Igor On the Edge of the Cold War: American Diplomats and Spies in Postwar Prague 2015:1. 296 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190217846* プルトピア:核家族、原子力都市、そしてソビエトと アメリカのプルトニウム災害 Brown, Kate Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters 2015:8. 416 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190233105* Melton, James Van Horn Religion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier (Cambridge Studies on the American South) 2015:5. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 19 世紀後半アメリカの表現と不平等:分配政治 Argersinger, Peter H. Representation and Inequality in Late Nineteenth-Century America: The Politics of Apportionment 2015:2. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107498358* 赤狩り再考:改革主義に対するラスク委員会とニュー ヨークの十字軍 Pfannestiel, Todd J. Rethinking the Red Scare: The Lusk Committee and New York’s Crusade Against Radicalism, 1919-1923 2015:4. 244 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868014* リチャード・ニクソンとヨーロッパ:戦後の大西洋世界 の再形成 Nichter, Luke A. Richard Nixon and Europe: The Reshaping of the Postwar Atlantic World 2015:4. 260 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107094581* Whiteaker, Larry Seduction, Prostitution, and Moral Reform in New York, 1830-1860 2015:5., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883406* 英領リーワード諸島における入植社会 1670 年 1776年 Zacek, Natalie A. Settler Society in the English Leeward Islands, 1670-1776 2015:4. 310 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107518346* *9781107063280* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 43 歴史学 》北米史 奴隷と医学:アンテベラムルイジアナ州における奴隷 制と医療行為 Bankole, Katherine Slavery and Medicine: Enslavement and Medical Practices in Antebellum Louisiana (Studies in African American History and Culture) 2015:5. 280 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138012059* ニューヨークのアフリカ系アメリカ人 1827 年 -1860 年 Walker, George E. The Afro-American in New York City, 1827-1860 2015:5., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880146* Leonard, Adrian/Pretel, David (eds.) The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy: Circuits of Trade, Money and Knowledge, 1650-1914 (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies) 2015:4. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137432711* ラテンアメリカ史 バルバドスの歴史 Schomburg, Robert History of Barbados 2015:4. 768 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415761017* *9781138864290* アジア史 アジアおよび太平洋地域における正義:連合軍の戦争 犯罪訴追 Totani, Yuma ; < ' =>?@XZ>?X[: Allied War Crimes Prosecutions 2015:2. 320 p. 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(Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108080774* 日本史 1859 年以降の日本とイギリス:文化の懸け橋 キューバの読者と著者:印刷文化の社会史 1830 年代 1990年代 Smorkaloff, Pamela Maria Readers and Writers in Cuba: A Social History of Print Culture, 1830s-1990s 2015:5., First Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) 44 カリブ海と大西洋世界の経済:貿易・金・知性の巡回 1650 年 -1914 年 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Checkland, Olive Japan and Britain after 1859: Creating Cultural Bridges 2015:4. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862883* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 日本とオランダ 1600年 -1853 年 Goodman, Grant K. Japan and the Dutch 1600-1853 2015:3. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863217* Hearn, Lafcadio Out of the East : Reveries and Studies in New Japan (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 342 p., First Published in 1903 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138913400* 日本と日本語 英国の報道と1910 年の日英博覧会 Humbert, Aime Bates, Henry Walter (ed.) Japan and the Japanese (Cambridge Library Collection - East and South-East Asian History) 2015:4. 402 p., First published in the journal Le Tour du monde in 1866 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Mutsu, Hirokichi (ed.) The British Press and the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910 2015:4. 239 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781108081078* Routledge 復刻版 日本の今 Scherer, James A. B. Japan To-day (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 328 p., First Published in 1904 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912816* 近代日本の社会・政治史 第3版 Tipton, Elise K. Modern Japan: A Social and Political History, 3rd ed. (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2015:8. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780835* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780859* 日本での9年:日本の生活とマナー Faulds, Henry Nine Years in Nipon: Sketches of Japanese Life and Manners (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel and Exploration in Asia) 2015:4. 318 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138878952* 東アジア史 中国の友人:レウィ・アレイの神話 Brady, Anne-Marie Friend of China : The Myth of Rewi Alley 2015:5. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863378* 韓国歴史地図:先史時代から 21 世紀 Miller, Owen/Jinhoon, Park/Injae, Lee/Hyun-Hae, Yi Shin, Michael D. (ed.) Korean History in Maps: From Prehistory to the Twenty-First Century 2015:3. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107098466* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107490239* 毛沢東の文化軍:中国の農村革命における劇団の役割 Demare, Brian Mao’s Cultural Army: Drama Troupes in China’s Rural Revolution (Cambridge Studies in the History of the People’s Republic of China) 2015:3. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) *9781108081627* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 45 歴史学 》アジア史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107076327* See also Felber, Roland, The Chinese Revolution in the 1920s, Routledge....................................... p143 , 1113 天子:唐王朝の創始者、李淵の伝記 Fitzgerald, C. P. Son of Heaven: A Biography of Li Shih-Min, Founder of the T’Ang Dynasty 2015:4. 256 p., Originally Published in 1933 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107495081* 孫子の兵法 Giles, Lionel Sun Tzu on the Art of War 2015:3. 256 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863606* Brown, Miranda The Art of Medicine in Early China: The Ancient and Medieval Origins of a Modern Archive 2015:4. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107097056* 中国とその反乱:自国の哲学、倫理、法律、および 政権に関する見解 Meadows, Thomas Taylor The Chinese and their Rebellions: Viewed in Connection with their National Philosophy, Ethics, Legislation, and Administration (Cambridge Library Collection - East and South-East Asian History) 2015:1. 728 p., First published in 1856 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081290* 記憶喪失の人民共和国:天安門再訪 Lim, Louisa The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited 2015:6. 264 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 46 東南アジア史 植民地ベトナムの人身売買 Lessard, Micheline \/ ] \ (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series) 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138848184* タイ王国と冷戦 Phillips, Matthew Thailand in the Cold War (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138014169* 南アジア史 インドにおけるジェンダーと急進派:ナックソールバリ の魔法の瞬間 Sinha Roy, Mallarika Gender and Radical Politics in India: Magic Moments of Naxalbari (1967-1975) (Routledge Studies in South Asian History) 2015:4. 210 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886278* 飢えたベンガル:戦争、飢饉と帝国の終焉 Mukherjee, Janam Hungry Bengal: War, Famine and the End of Empire 2015:6. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190209889* *9780190227913* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 ( ∧㻌 ୰ᅜྐ (* ( 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䛇 Edited by !, Harvard University, USA and "#$%, Princeton University, USA ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ୰ᅜࡢṔྐ㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊⱥㄒ࡛ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓつᶍ࡛᭱ࡶໟᣓⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩࡛ ࡍࠋ1960 ᖺ௦ⴭྡ࡞୰ᅜᏛ⪅ John K. Fairbank ᩍᤵ㸦ࣁ࣮ࣂ࣮ࢻᏛ㸧 Denis Twitchett ྡᩍᤵ㸦ࣉࣜࣥࢫࢺࣥᏛ㸧ࡼࡗ࡚ィ⏬ࡉࢀࠊ⣖ඖ๓ 3 ୡ⣖ࡽẟἑ ᮾࡢṚ࠸ࡓࡿࡲ࡛ࡢኊ࡞୰ᅜࡢṔྐࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 15 ᕳ࡛ᵓᡂࡉࢀ ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ⌧ᅾࡢ◊✲ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛῝ࡃ᥀ࡾୗࡆࡽࢀ࡚ࡇ࡞ࡗࡓ௦ࡸࢸ ࣮࣐㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡶ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᇳ➹⪅ࡣࡳ࡞୰ᅜ◊✲ࡢᅜ㝿ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸ࣮ ࡽࡢᑓ㛛ᐙ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡀᑓ㛛ࡍࡿ௦ࡢᨻࠊ♫ࠊ⤒῭ࠊ▱ⓗ⏕άࢆ ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋయࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚ࠊྂ௦ࡢᩥ᫂㏆௦ࡢⓎᒎࡢ୧᪉ࢆど㔝ධࢀ ࡓࠊ㛗࠸Ṕྐࡢ୰࡛ࡢせ࡞ฟ᮶ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᏛ⏕ࡸᏛ⪅ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ ୍⯡ࡢㄞ⪅ࡶㄞ⪅ᑐ㇟ࡋ࡚ᛕ㢌⨨࠸࡚࠾ࡾࠊᚋࡶㄞࡲࢀ⥆ࡅࡿᩥ⊩ࡋ࡚ࠊ ࡲࡓࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ୰ᅜㄒ㛵ࡍࡿ▱㆑ࡣᚲせ࠶ࡾࡲ ࡏࢇࡀࠊᅛ᭷ྡモࡸᑓ㛛⏝ㄒ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ⏝ㄒ㞟ࡢ୰࡛୰ᅜㄒࢆేグࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᩘከࡃࡢᆅᅗࢆ㘓ࡍࡿࠊཧ⪃ᩥ⊩ࣜࢫࢺࡢ୰࡛୰ᅜㄒࡸ᪥ᮏㄒࠊࡲࡓࠊࡑࡢ ࡢ◊✲㛵ࡍࡿヲ⣽࡞ሗࢆグࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡍ࡛ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓᕳࡣࠊ୰ᅜྐ◊✲ ࡢᚲ㡲ᩥ⊩࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⣖ඖ๓ 1500 ᖺࡽ 221 ᖺࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡍࡿࠗCambridge ∧ ྂ௦୰ᅜྐ࠘ 㸦Michael Loewe, Edward Shaughnessy ⦅㸧ࡶ࠶ࢃࡏ࡚ཧ⪃ࡋ࡚ࡳ ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ڦ᭱᪂ห ڦ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ୰ᅜྐ䠖➨䠑ᕳ㻌 ௦༑ᅜ䞉Ᏽ㻌 㻥㻢㻜 ᖺ䡚㻝㻞㻣㻥 ᖺ㻌 ➨㒊㻌 (* (: Volume 5, The Five Dynasties and Sung China, 960–1279 AD, Part 2 Edited by John Caffe, Denis Twitchett ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ $% !"#$%&&&& +,$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃&&ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780521243308* (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 47 歴史学 》アジア史 インペリアル・フロンティア:ワジリスタンにおける部族 と国家 Beattie, Hugh Imperial Frontier: Tribe and State in Waziristan 2015:3. 366 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862432* 近世インドの知識人:規律、宗派、血統と共同体 O'Hanlon, Rosalind/Minkowski, Christopher/Venkatkrishnan, Anand (eds.) Scholar Intellectuals in Early Modern India: Discipline, Sect, Lineage and Community (Routledge South Asian History and Culture Series) 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 植民地統治の皮肉:英領インドの法律、慣習、正義 Jaffe, James Ironies of Colonial Governance: Law, Custom and Justice in Colonial India (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2015:4. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107087927* Waddell, L. Austine Lhasa and its Mysteries: With a Record of the Expedition of 1903-1904 (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel and Exploration in Asia) 2015:3. 792 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081818* Powell, Avril Ann Muslims and Missionaries in Pre-Mutiny India 2015:4., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878853* 英領インドにおける人種、宗教、法律:異人種家族の 苦難 Mallampalli, Chandra Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India: Trials of an Interracial Family (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society) 2015:2. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 48 *9781107487543* *9781138905702* オセアニア史 1920 年代の白豪主義の歴史 Willard, Myra History of the White Australian Policy to 1920 2015:5., First Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138010819* Pozieres:遠い戦いの反響 Wray, Christopher Pozières: Echoes of a Distant Battle (Australian Army History) 2015:1. 244 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107093485* 中東史 アラブのナショナリズム:現代中東の歴史と文化の 政治学 Wien, Peter Arab Nationalism: The Politics of History and Culture in the Modern Middle East 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415499378* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415499385* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》中東史 中東経済史論集 Haim, Sylvia G./Kedourie, Elie Essays on the Economic History of the Middle East 2015:5. 211 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883949* 義務付けられた風景:パレスチナにおける大英帝国の ルール El-Eini, Roza Mandated Landscape: British Imperial Rule in Palestine 1929-1948 2015:5. 670 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870116* オスマン帝国における抗議と正当性 Riedler, Florian Opposition and Legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire: Conspiracies and Political Cultures 2015:4. 118 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870192* 攻撃下の革命:イランのForqan団体 Cohen, Ronen A. Revolution Under Attack: The Forqan Group of Iran 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137502490* クルド人の歴史の研究:帝国・民族・アイデンティティ Bajalan, Djene Rhys/Karimi, Sara Zandi (eds.) Studies in Kurdish History: Empire, Ethnicity and Identity 2015:4. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884687* セルジューク朝アナトリアの宮廷と政治 Peacock, A. C. S./Nur Yildiz, Sara (eds.) The Seljuks of Anatolia: Court and Society in the Medieval Middle East 2015:4. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784531652* アフリカ史 奴隷貿易から帝国へ Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier (ed.) From Slave Trade to Empire: European Colonisation of Black Africa 1780s-1880s 2015:3. 264 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870147* 植民地以前の時代のモロッコにおけるジハードとその 解釈:フランス征服期間のアルジェリアにおける国家と 社会の関係 Bennison, Amira K. Jihad and its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco: State-Society Relations during the French Conquest of Algeria 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869912* 先住人種とその役割:公生活のスケッチと研究および ニジェールの管理上の問題 Temple, Charles Lindsay Native Races and Their Rulers: Sketches and ;>;`;{ # |lems in Niger 2015:5. 595 p., First Published in 1968 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415760744* ポストコロニアルアフリカの革命と反革命、修正主義: モザンビークの場合 1975 年 -1994 年 Dinerman, Alice Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Revisionism in Postcolonial Africa: The Case of Mozambique, 1975-1994 2015:4. 400 p., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867970* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 49 歴史学 》アフリカ史 南東ガーナの奴隷、記憶、そして宗教:1850 年 - 現代 Venkatachalam, Meera Slavery, Memory and Religion in Southeastern Ghana, c.1850-Present (The International African Library) 2015:7. 210 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107108271* 各種テーマ史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415713184* 医学と植民地アイデンティティ Andrews, Bridie/Sutphen, Mary P. (eds.) Medicine and Colonial Identity 2015:5. 160 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867932* Carr, Gilly/Reeves, Keir (eds.) Heritage and Memory of War: Responses from Small Islands (Routledge Studies in Heritage) 2015:5. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138831728* 奴隷制度廃止時代から現在までのジャマイカとイギリス における人種の混合 Salih, Sara Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures) 2015:4., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868830* ホロコースト研究:生存するための知恵 Greene, Roberta R. (ed.) Studies of the Holocaust: Lessons in Survivorship 2015:4., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867888* 科学史 狂気の歴史 Pietikäinen, Petteri Madness: A History 2015:6. 376 p. 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(Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853638* 中国のイスラム文化と女性のモスク Black, Jeremy The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History (Themes in World History) 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 イスラーム史 Jaschok, Maria/Shui, Shui Jingjun The History of Women’s Mosques in Chinese Islam 2015:4. 361 p., Originally Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841321* *9781138863248* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841338* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 Morin, Karen/Moran, Dominique (eds.) Historical Geographies of Prisons: Unlocking the Usable Carceral Past (Routledge Research in Historical Geography) 2015:6. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850057* Pike, Andy Origination: The Geographies of Brands and Branding (RGS-IBG Book Series) 2015:5. 248 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118556382* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118556405* フィリピンにおける経済変化の人文地理学 Kelly, Philip F. Landscapes of Globalization: Human Geographies of Economic Change in the Philippines (Routledge ]?}~}~], First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415757638* 自然遺産:自然と文化の調和 Howard, Peter/Papayannis, Thymio (eds.) Natural Heritage: At the Interface of Nature and Culture 2015:4., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880658* ★印はお薦めタイトル 文化・社会地理学 Dürrschmidt, Jörg Everyday Lives in the Global City: The Delinking of Locale and Milieu 2015:4. 200 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867291* Bunnell, Tim From World City to the World in One City: Liverpool through Malay Lives (Studies in Urban and Social Change) 2015:8. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118827734* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 51 人文地理学 》経済地理学 経済地理学 Lorentzen, Anne/Topsø Larsen, Karin/Schrøder, Lise (eds.) Spatial Dynamics of the Experience Economy (Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy) 2015:5. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415710343* $?{| ? Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City: Schiphol and the Schiphol Region During the 20th Century (Routledge Studies in Human Geography) 2015:3. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138907577* 都市地理学 Caro, Francis G./Fitzgerald, Kelly (eds.) International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities (Routledge Studies in Human Geography) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 政治地理学 Vasudevan, Alexander Metropolitan Preoccupations: The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin (RGS-IBG Book Series) 2015:9. 280 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118750599* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118750605* 地 図 ★ 地図製作 全4巻 Dodge, Martin (ed.) Mapping (Critical Concepts in Geography) 2015:10. 4 Vols., 1736 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415718110* *9780415720717* Dutt, Ashok/Noble, Allen G./Costa, Frank J./Thakur, Sudhir K./Thakur, Rajiv/Sharma, Hari S. (eds.) Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban Development: Volume I: Regional Resources 2015:6. 522 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401797702* Dutt, Ashok/Noble, Allen G./Costa, Frank J./ Thakur, Rajiv/Thakur, Sudhir K. (eds.) Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban Development: Volume II: Urban Development 2015:7. 485 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 52 *9789401797856* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》芸術一般 芸 術 芸術一般 美術史・美術理論 美術市場を理解する:アートとビジネスの世界 第2版 Robertson, Iain Understanding Art Markets: Inside the World of Art and Business, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415811101* Geczy, Adam/Karaminas, Vicki Fashion’s Double: Representations of Fashion in Painting, Photography and Film (Dress, Body, Culture) 2015:10. 176 p. (Bloomsbury, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780857856340* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780857857118* ༤≀㤋Ꮫᅜ㝿䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 䠐ᕳ '*L , %&& ' ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&&$&$ ண⣙౯@)) ཷศࡲ࡛D +,%$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃". $ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 +,$$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃%) ≉౯㻃"&$.ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781405198509* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ༤≀㤋Ꮫ◊✲ࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ᑓ㛛ᐙ ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 」ᩘᕳ䛻Ώ䜛䚸ᶒጾ䛒䜛䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇㈨ᩱ䛷䛒䜚䚸༤≀㤋Ꮫ䛸䛔䛖Ꮫ 㝿ⓗ䛺㡿ᇦ䜢῝䛟ᗈ䛟᥈✲䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ༤≀㤋Ꮫ䛾⌮ㄽ䚸ᐇ㊶䚸䝯䝕䜱䜰䚸ㄽத䚸᭱᪂ᢏ⾡䛺䛹䛒䜙䜖䜛ഃ㠃䜢⪃ᐹ䛧䛶䛚䜚䚸䝔䞊䝬 ู䛻ศ䛛䜜䛯䜟䛛䜚䜔䛩䛔ᵓᡂ䛸䛺䛳䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᐇ䜔䜿䞊䝇䝇䝍䝕䜱䜢㘓䛧䚸ከᵝ䛺どⅬ䜢ᥦ♧䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ◊✲䜢≌ᘬ䛩䜛Ꮫ⪅䜔ᐇ㊶⪅䚸ඃ䜜䛯ⱝᡭ◊✲⪅䛺䛹䛷ᵓᡂ䛥䜜䛯ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺䝏䞊䝮䛾ㄽᩥ䜢 㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ⌧௦♫䛻䛚䛡䜛༤≀㤋䛾Ⓨᒎ䚸ᙺ䚸㔜せᛶ䛾⪃ᐹ䛾䛯䜑䛻ᚲ㡲䛾ᩥ⊩䛸䛺䜛䛷䛧䜗䛖䚹 =>$#_ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 53 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 西洋美術 現代美術 Pon, Lisa A Printed Icon in Early Modern Italy: Forli’s Madonna of the Fire 2015:5. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107098510* Leon, Derrick Ruskin : The Great Victorian (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 596 p., First Published in 1949 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138908246* ウィリアム・ホッジスの描くインドの景観 Tillotson, G. H. R. < %\& : The Indian Landscapes of William Hodges 2015:5., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862395* 世界の美術 Herring, Adam Art and Vision in the Inca Empire: Andeans and Europeans at Cajamarca 2015:5. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107094369* Brownlee, Peter John/Piccoli, Valéria/Uhlyarik, Georgiana (eds.) Picturing the Americas: Landscape Painting from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic 2015:7. 320 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 54 *9780300211504* 現代中国美術の分析 Gladston, Paul Deconstructing Contemporary Chinese Art: Selected Critical writings and Conversations, 20072014 (Chinese Contemporary Art Series) 2015:9. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662464878* 彫 刻 Strong, Eugénie Roman Sculpture: From Augustus to Constantine (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) 2015:3. 648 p., Originally Published in 1907 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108078108* 工 芸 Cormack, Peter Arts & Crafts Stained Glass 2015:8. 336 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780300209709* 建築・景観 Tadgell, Christopher Modernity: Enlightenment and its unintended consequences (Architecture in Context, Vol. 7) 2015:6. 896 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415813297* Maudlin, Daniel The Idea of the Cottage in English Architecture, 1760-1860 (Routledge Research in Architecture) 2015:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》建築・景観 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138793873* Oxford 建築辞典 第3版 Curl, James Stevens/Wilson, Susan The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture, 3rd ed. 2015:2. 1040 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199674985* 音 楽 Moy, Ron Authorship Roles in Popular Music: Issues and Debates 2015:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780675* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780682* Murdoch, Brian Fighting Songs and Warring Words: Popular Lyrics of Two World Wars 2015:5. 304 p., First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415755177* Petrus, Stephen/Cohen, Ronald D. Folk City: New York and the American Folk Music Revival 2015:6. 320 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190231026* Peattie, Thomas Gustav Mahler’s Symphonic Landscapes 2015:3. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ハリソン・バートウィッスル研究 Gloag, Kenneth/Jones, Nicholas/Beard, David (eds.) Harrison Birtwistle Studies (Cambridge Composer Studies) 2015:3. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107027084* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107093744* イサーク・アルベニス研究ガイド 第2版 Clark, Walter Aaron Isaac Albéniz: A Research and Information Guide, 2nd ed. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415840323* レナード・バーンスタイン研究ガイド 第2版 Laird, Paul Leonard Bernstein: A Research and Information Guide, 2nd ed. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2015:6. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138913332* Corbett, John Microgroove: Forays Into Other Music 2015:8. 504 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822359005* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358701* Johnson, Julian Out of Time: Music and the Making of Modernity 2015:3. 400 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190233273* Naroditskaya, Inna Song from the Land of Fire: Azerbaijanian Mugam in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods 2015:4., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 55 芸 術 》音 楽 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878372* Chafe, Eric Tears into Wine: J. S. Bach’s Cantata 21 in its Musical and Theological Contexts 2015:5. 632 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190217297* Page, Christopher The Guitar in Tudor England: A Social and Musical History (Musical Performance and Reception) 2015:6. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107108363* Adelson, Robert/Roudier, Alain/Nex, Jenny/Barthel, Laure/Foussard, Michel (eds.) The History of the Erard Piano and Harp in Letters and Documents, 1785-1959 2015:6. 2 Vols., 1100 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107092914* Jasen, David A. Tin Pan Alley: An Encyclopedia of the Golden Age of American Song 2015:4. 384 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870215* Pendle, Karin/Boyd, Melinda Women in Music: A Research and Information Guide, 2nd ed. 2015:2. 846 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 56 Aston, Elaine/Harris, Geraldine A Good Night Out for the Girls: Popular Feminisms in Contemporary Theatre and Performance (Performance Interventions) 2015:5. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137518200* Joe, Jeongwon/Theresa, Rose (eds.) Between Opera and Cinema 2015:2., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870352* Geiger, Jordan (ed.) Entr’acte: Performing Publics, Pervasive Media, and Architecture (Avant-Gardes in Performance) 2015:3. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137433947* Hannah, Dorita Event Space: Theatre Architecture and the Historical Avant-Garde 2015:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832168* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832175* 音楽における女性研究ガイド 第2版 舞台芸術 *9781138870437* Fisher, Mark How to Write About Theatre 2015:7. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781472520548* Gilleman, Luc John Osborne: Vituperative Artist 2015:4., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》舞台芸術 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884069* Fukushima, Yoshiko Manga Discourse in Japan Theatre 2015:3., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863644* Ingraham, Mary/So, Joseph/Moodley, Roy (eds.) Opera in a Multicultural World: Coloniality, Culture, Performance (Routledge Research in Music) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905023* Cox, Emma Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism (Anthem Australian Humanities Research Series) 2015:5. 200 p. (Anthem Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781783084005* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781783084012* Essin, Christin Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America: Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics (Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History) 2015:4. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137496645* Halleran, Michael Stagecraft in Euripides (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 128 p., First Published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744430* ★印はお薦めタイトル Gerould, Daniel (ed.) The Conspiracy of Feelings and The Little Theatre of the Green Goose 2015:5. 128 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415866354* ミュージカル研究ガイド Everett, William The Musical: A Research and Information Guide 2015:2. 248 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138870222* Home-Cook, George Theatre and Aural Attention: Stretching Ourselves 2015:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137393685* Frieze, James Theatrical Performance and the Forensic Turn: Naked Truth (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies) 2015:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415854504* 映 像 ★ Wiley-Blackwell 版 香港映画必携 Cheung, Esther M. K./Marchetti, Gina/ Yau, Esther C. M. (eds.) A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema (The Wiley-Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas Series) 2015:6. 552 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470659281* Dwyer, Michael D. Back to the Fifties: Nostalgia, Hollywood Film, and MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 57 芸 術 》映 像 Popular Music of the Seventies and Eighties (Oxford Music/Media Series) 2015:7. 240 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199356836* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199356843* Coplan, Amy/Davies, David (eds.) Blade Runner (Philosophers on Film) 2015:4. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415485845* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415485852* Shaw, Tony Cinematic Terror: A Global History of Terrorism on Film 2015:1. 328 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781441107084* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781441196200* Carlsten, Jennie M./McGarry, Fearghal (eds.) Film, History and Memory 2015:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137468949* Broderick, Mick Hibakusha Cinema 2015:3. 256 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863552* Yu, Sabrina Qiong Jet Li: Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Film Stardom 2015:3. 224 p. (Edinburgh U.P., GBR) 58 *9781474402804* Davis, Blair/Anderson, Robert/Walls, Jan (eds.) Kurosawa, Rashomon and Their Legacies: Rashomon Effects (Routledge Advances in Film Studies) 2015:9. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138827097* Khalil, Andrea (ed.) North African Cinema in a Global Context: Through the Lens of Diaspora 2015:4., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864641* Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (ed.) Reading Rocky Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137525031* Suh, Sharon A. Silver Screen Buddha: Buddhism in Asian and Western Film 2015:1. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781441189257* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781441105363* Andrews, Eleanor/Hockenhull, Stella/PheasantKelly, Fran (eds.) Spaces of the Cinematic Home: Behind the Screen Door (Routledge Advances in Film Studies) 2015:8. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138791657* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》映 像 Sutton, Gloria The Experience Machine: Stan VanDerBeek’s Movie-Drome and Expanded Cinema (Leonardo Book) 2015:2. 272 p. (MIT Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780262028493* Tasker, Yvonne The Hollywood Action and Adventure Film (New Approaches to Film Genre) 2015:5. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470659243* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470659250* Wild, Jennifer The Parisian Avant-Garde in the Age of Cinema, 1900-1923 2015:4. 360 p. (Univ. of California Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520279889* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780520279896* White, Patricia Women’s Cinema, World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms 2015:2. 280 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822357919* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822358053* 写 真 第一次世界大戦のカメラマンたち First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415867511* Nakamori, Yasufumi/Pappas, Allison For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968-1979 2015:2. 256 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780300207828* Frampton, Hollis Jenkins, Bruce (ed.) On the Camera Arts and Consecutive Matters: The Writings of Hollis Frampton (Writing Art) 2015:1. 352 p. (MIT Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780262527606* Good, Jennifer Photography and September 11th: Spectacle, Memory, Trauma 2015:3. 200 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472533319* Kelsey, Robin Photography and the Art of Chance 2015:6. 416 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780674744004* Silverman, Kaja The Miracle of Analogy: Or the History of Photography, Part 1 2015:3. 240 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804793278* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804793995* Carmichael, Jane First World War Photographers 2015:5. 160 p., ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 59 文 学 》文学史 文 学 文学史 中世・ルネサンス期 Hart, Jonathan (ed.) Imagining Culture: Essays in Early Modern History and Literature 2015:5., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864337* 文芸批評・理論 Braginsky, Vladimir The Comparative Study of Traditional Asian Literatures ^# _ Traditionalism 2015:5. 351 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 文学のジャンル 19 世紀 旅行記・探検紀 Chapman, Alison Networking the Nation: British and American Women’s Poetry and Italy, 1840-1870 2015:7. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879126* *9780198723578* 20 世紀・現代 Cabañas, Miguel A./Dubino, Jeanne/Salles-Reese, Veronica/Totten, Gary (eds.) Politics, Identity, and Mobility in Travel Writing (Routledge Research in Travel Writing) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138823457* Lindner, Christoph Imagining New York City: Literature, Urbanism, and the Visual Arts, 1890-1940 2015:3. 240 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780195375152* Ross, E. Denison (ed.) Sir Anthony Sherley and his Persian Adventure 2015:2. 360 p., First Published in 1933 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 児童文学 Saint-Amour, Paul K. Tense Future: Modernism, Total War, Encyclopedic Form 2015:3. 368 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190200947* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 60 *9781138862760* *9780190200954* Lines, Kathleen M. (ed.) Four to Fourteen: A Library of Books of Children 2015:4. 364 p., First Published in 1956 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107497795* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》古典文学 古典文学 Whitmarsh, Tim Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel: Returning Romance (Greek Culture in the Roman World) 2015:1. 312 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107491021* Trittle, Laurence A. Phocion the Good (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 230 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748896* (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) 2015:4. 594 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199366859* C. D. N., Costa Seneca (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 246 p., First Published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744690* Sophocles Finglass, P. J. (ed.) Sophocles: Ajax (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, Vol. 48) 2015:2. 624 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107676718* Polyaenus #;^ $| ? Strategematon Libri Octo: Iterum Recensuit, Excerpta Polyaeni e Codice Tacticorum Florentino Addidit, Leonis Imperatoris Strategemata e Rud. Schoellii Apographo Subiunxit Ioannes Melber. ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ ギルバート・ハイエット著 西洋文学に おける古典の伝統 Highet, Gilbert The Classical Tradition: Greek and ^ ` 2015:5. 808 p., Originally Published in 1949 (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199377695* イギリス・アイルランド文学 Morgan, Kathryn A. Pindar and the Construction of Syracusan Monarchy in the Fifth Century B.C. (Greeks Overseas) 2015:2. 480 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781108081689* 中世・ルネサンス期 Edwards, Anthony (ed.) John Skelton: The Critical Heritage 2015:4. 240 p., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756631* Garrett, Martin (ed.) Sidney: The Critical Heritage 2015:5. 384 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756136* 17 世紀 イギリス革命期の文学と急進主義 Chakravarty, Prasanta Like Parchment in the Fire: Literature and Radicalism in the English Civil War 2015:2., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868694* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 61 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 Zwicker, Steven N./Augustine, Matthew C. (eds.) Lord Rochester in the Restoration World 2015:4. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107064393* Hollis, Gavin The Absence of America: The London Stage, 15761642 2015:7. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198734321* 19 世紀 *9781137332028* Gibson, A. G. G. (ed.) Robert Graves and the Classical Tradition (Classical Presences) 2015:7. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738053* ★ Cambridge 版 『荒地』必携 Wu, Duncan 30 Great Myths about the Romantics 2015:5. 336 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118843260* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Johnson, George M. Mourning and Mysticism in First World War Literature and Beyond: Grappling with Ghosts 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 McIntire, Gabrielle (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to The Waste Land (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2015:5. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118843192* *9781107050679* アメリカ文学 19 世紀 19 世紀のジェイムズ・ジョイス Nash, John (ed.) James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century 2015:3. 276 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107514744* 20 世紀・現代 ★ Freeburg, Christopher Melville and the Idea of Blackness: Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth Century America (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, Vol. 164) 2015:1. 214 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Carpentier, Martha C. (ed.) Joycean Legacies 2015:4. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137503619* アメリカ進歩主義時代の文学と文化における動物性 Lundblad, Michael The Birth of a Jungle: Animality in ProgressiveEra U.S. Literature and Culture 2015:2. 234 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 62 *9781107477834* *9780190231583* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》アメリカ文学 20 世紀・現代 ラングストン・ヒューズという人、彼の作品、そして 彼が与え続ける影響 Trotman, C. James (ed.) Langston Hughes: The Man, His Art, and His Con^}~, First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864238* Curtis, Tracy New Media in Black Women’s Autobiography: Intrepid Embodiment and Narrative Innovation 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137428851* 現代ネイティブアメリカン文学における政治と美学 Herman, Matthew Politics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Native American Literature: Across Every Border 2015:4. 154 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 de Heredia, Jose-Maria Les Trophees 2015:2. 114 p., Originally Published in 1942 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Patterson, Jonathan Representing Avarice in Late Renaissance France 2015:1. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Leon, Derrick Introduction to Proust : His Life, His Circle and His Work (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 320 p., First Published in 1940 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138908024* Maurois, Andre Le Grand, E. G. (ed.) Les discours du Docteur O’Grady 2015:2. 134 p., First Published in 1926 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198716518* Barzilai, Shuli Tales of Bluebeard and His Wives from Late Antiquity to Postmodern Times (Routledge Studies in Folklore and Fairy Tales) 2015:2., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868731* その他の地域の文学・文学史 その他の地域の文学・文学史研究 フランス文学 *9781107487055* *9781138874756* フランス文学・文学史研究 *9781107486836* Bontekoe, Willem Ysbrantsz Memorable Description of the East Indian Voyage: 1618-25 2015:2. 200 p., First Published in 1929 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867666* Routledge 復刻版 ナディン・ゴーディマー Newman, Judie Nadine Gordimer (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 108 p., First Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138799370* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 63 文 学 》その他の地域の文学・文学史 White, Paul A. Non-Native Sources for the Scandinavian Kings’ Sagas 2015:4., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138878396* 現代パキスタン小説におけるアイデンティティの再考 Kanwal, Aroosa Rethinking Identities in Contemporary Pakistani Fiction: Beyond 9/11 2015:3. 248 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137478436* 言語学 言語学一般 言語学探求 Braber, Natalie/Cummings, Louise/Morrish, Liz (eds.) Exploring Language and Linguistics 2015:8. 450 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107035461* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107662506* ★★ Blackwell 版 言語学ハンドブック 第2版 Aronoff, Mark (ed.) Handbook of Linguistics, 2nd ed. (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:10. 912 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781405186766* OQ ∧㻌 ⱥㄒ㻌 &$ ᕳ OQ ? Q ᖺ % ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ $ %$ ศྍ !"#$%&&&$&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃""$. ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781138921115* ᮏࢭࢵࢺ࡛ࡣࠊJ`j ᖺࡽ j ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࠊⱥㄒ㛵ࡍࡿ ` ࡢⴭసࢆ∧ ࡋࡲࡍࠋⱥㄒࡢᩥἲࠊ᪉ゝࠊⱥㄒྐࢆྵࡴࠊⱥㄒࡢせ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞Ꮫ⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹࣭⦅㞟ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࣇࣛࣥࢫㄒࡸࢻࢶㄒ࠸ࡗࡓࡢ ゝㄒࡢẚ㍑ࢆᢅ࠺◊✲ࡢࠊࢥࢵࢡࢽ࣮ࡸ࢝ࢼࢲⱥㄒࡢ◊✲࡞ࡶ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋᮏࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ q ᖺ௨ୖࢃࡓࡿⱥㄒࡢᵝࠎ࡞せ⣲㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࢆ㘓ࡋࠊ◊ ✲㡿ᇦࡋ࡚ࡢ㔜せᛶࢆఏ࠼ࡿෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 64 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 ゝㄒ䛸♫ⓗ┦స⏝ᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉㻌 䠏ᕳ ' Q,' Wiley Blackwell ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication Edited by #%, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 1,660 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-118-61110-4 ண⣙౯(2015/08/16 ཷศࡲ࡛) USD 495.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃88,796/ ≉౯㻃.%ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 USD 595.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃106,734/ ≉౯㻃 !% ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781118611104* ᮏ᭩㸦3 ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣศ㔝ࢆ≌ᘬࡍࡿᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞Ꮫ⪅ࡶᦠࢃࡿࠊ◊✲ 㔜せ࡞ࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫ㈨ᩱ࡛ࡍࠋ⣬፹య࡛ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡿࠊ࢜ ࣥࣛࣥ∧࡛ࡶධᡭྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡾࠊྛᅜ࡛Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ 㛵㐃◊✲ࢆ㞟⣙ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ୗ㡿ᇦ䛾ᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉䛾᪂䛯䛺䝅䝸䞊䝈䛸䛔䛖ᙧ䛷ฟ∧䛥䜜䚸䜎䛩䜎䛩㔜せ䛻䛺 䛳䛶䛔䜛せ䛺䝖䝢䝑䜽䛾ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇㈨ᩱ䛸䛧䛶䛾Ỵᐃ∧䛷䛩䚹㻌 ᭱ඛ➃䛾◊✲䜢䚸䛔䜔䛩䛟䜟䛛䜚䜔䛩䛔䝣䜷䞊䝬䝑䝖䛷䚸䛭䛧䛶⣬፹య䛸䜸䞁䝷䜲䞁 ∧䛾୧᪉䛾ᙧែ䛷ฟ∧䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 䛣䛾ศ㔝䛾せ䛺◊✲䝖䝢䝑䜽䜢䜹䝞䞊䛧䛶䛚䜚䚸⤒㦂㇏ᐩ䛷ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛺䝏䞊䝮䛻䜘䛳 䛶⦅㞟䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ゝㄒ䛸♫ⓗ┦స⏝䠄㻸㼍㼚㼓㼡㼍㼓㼑㻌 㼍㼚㼐㻌 㻿㼛㼏㼕㼍㼘㻌 㻵㼚㼠㼑㼞㼍㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌 㻔㻸㻿㻵㻕䠅䛾Ꮫ㝿ⓗ䛺㢟䜢 ᥈✲䛧䛶䛚䜚䚸䝁䝭䝳䝙䜿䞊䝅䝵䞁Ꮫ䜔ゝㄒᏛ䚸ㄯヰ◊✲䚸ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䚸♫Ꮫ䛸䛔䛳䛯 ศ㔝䛻䜒㛵䜟䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᅜ䜔ศ㔝䜢㉺䛘䛶Ⓨᒎ䛧䛶䛔䜛䚸䛒䜙䜖䜛 㻸㻿㻵 ◊✲䜢㞟⣙䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᖖ䛻᭱᪂䛾◊✲䛾ሗ䜢ධᡭ䛷䛝䜛䜘䛖䚸䜸䞁䝷䜲䞁∧䛷䛿ᐃᮇⓗ䛻ෆᐜ䛾᭦᪂䜢 ⾜䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 65 言語学 》言語学一般 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 英語学入門 第2版 Mullany, Louise/Stockwell, Peter Introducing English Language: A Resource Book for Students, 2nd ed. (Routledge English Language Introductions) 2015:5. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138016187* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138016194* *9781107100459* Jespersen, Otto Linguistica: Selected Papers in English, French and German (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 462 p., First Published in 1933 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138908284* 現代ウェールズ語文法 第3版 国際英語入門 Galloway, Nicola/Rose, Heath Introducing Global Englishes 2015:1. 292 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415835312* Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. Language and Complex Systems 2015:6. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) King, Gareth Modern Welsh: A Comprehensive Grammar, 3rd ed. (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars) 2015:7. 600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138826298* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138826304* O ้∧ 䜶䝸䝑䜽䞉䝟䞊䝖䝸䝑䝆ⴭస㑅㞟㻌 䠔ᕳ ,)L K %&( ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % ศྍ !"#$%&&&$%&'($) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃%%"ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781138912373* ᮏࢭࢵࢺ࡛ࡣࠊJ`jj ᖺࡽ J`KQ ᖺࡲ࡛ࡢ࢚ࣜࢵࢡ࣭ࣃ࣮ࢺࣜࢵࢪࡢ㔜せ࡞ⴭసࢆ ∧ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊゝㄒࠊ≉ⱥㄒࡢከᵝ࡞ഃ㠃ࢆ⪃ᐹࡋࡲࡍࠋᮏࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊὝᐹ ‶ࡕࡓ㎡᭩ࡸࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫ㈨ᩱࢆᵝࠎྵࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊࣃ࣮ࢺࣜࢵࢪࡢඃࢀࡓసရࢆ㘓ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢⴭసࡣࠊᐇ㊶ⓗ࡛࠶ࡿྠ㐀ᛶࡶᐩࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊᏛ⪅ࡔࡅ࡛ ࡞ࡃゝㄒࡸゝㄒᏛ㛵ᚰࢆᣢࡘ୍⯡ㄞ⪅ࡗ࡚ࡶ㨩ຊⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩࡛ࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 66 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》言語学一般 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 バーナード・コムリー編 西欧の主要言語 Comrie, Bernard (ed.) The Major Languages of Western Europe 2015:3. 336 p., First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138834361* ★ Lanehart, Sonja (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of African American Language (Oxford Handbooks) 2015:6. 960 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199795390* 統語論・形態論 ★ Jones, Rodney H. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Creativity (Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies) 2015:9. 624 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415839730* 理論言語学 Shlonsky, Ur Beyond Functional Sequence: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 10 (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax) 2015:5. 368 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190210595* Bentley, Delia/Cruschina, Silvio/Ciconte, Francesco Maria Existentials and Locatives in Romance Dialects of Italy 2015:10. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198745266* Hasegawa, Yoko Japanese: A Linguistic Introduction 2015:1. 411 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107032774* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190210588* 長谷川葉子著 日本語学入門 ★ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Routledge 版 言語と創造性ハンドブック *9783110345926* 機能的序列 統語構造の図法 第 10 巻 Oxford 版 アフリカ系アメリカ人の言語 ハンドブック *9781107611474* 音声学・音韻論 ★ Gut, Ulrike/Fuchs, Robert/Wunder, Eva-Maria (eds.) Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology (Topics in English Linguistics, Vol. 86) 2015:3. 250 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ イタリア語節構造における焦点と既出性の 相互作用 Samek-Lodovici, Vieri The Interaction of Focus, Givenness, and Prosody: A Study of Italian Clause Structure (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 57) 2015:7. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737926* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737933* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 67 言語学 》理論言語学 ゝㄒᏛ䛾᪂䝅䝸䞊䝈 M.A.K. 䝝䝸䝕䞊䝷䜲䝤䝷䝸䞊 ᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛ 䝅䝸䞊䝈 The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ%%%䛇 Edited by )(()( ! and *$( ! ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛࡢ⌮ㄽᛂ⏝㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛࡢᥦ ၐ⪅ࡋ࡚▱ࡽࢀࡿ M.A.K. ࣁࣜࢹ࣮ᩍᤵࡢྡࢆෙࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋゝㄒᩥ⬦ࠊᶵ⬟ᩥ ἲࠊពㄽࡢከᵝᛶࠊㄯヰศᯒࠊ࣐ࣝࢳࣔࢲࣜࢸࠊゝㄒ⏝ᇦࢪࣕࣥࣝศᯒࠊᩍ⫱ ゝㄒᏛ࡞ࡢศ㔝ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛࡣࠊࢯࢩ࣮ࣗࣝࠊ࢙࣒ࣝࢫࣞ࢘ࠊ࢛࣮࢘ࣇࠊࣇ࣮ࢫࡽゝㄒᏛ⪅ࡢ◊✲ ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢ⌮ㄽࡣࡣࡌࡵࠊM.A.K. ࣁࣜࢹ࣮ᩍᤵࡽࡼࡗ࡚ 1960 ᖺ௦ ࣟࣥࢻ࡛ࣥⓎᒎࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢᚋࡢ 1974 ᖺ௨㝆ࡣẖᖺୡ⏺୰ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ᅜ࡛ᅜ㝿㆟ࡀ 㛤ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᩍ⫱ࠊ⩻ヂࠊィ⟬ゝㄒᏛࠊ࣐ࣝࢳ࣮ࣔࢲࣝ◊✲ࠊᗣ⟶⌮࠸ࡗࡓ ᵝࠎ࡞ศ㔝ࡢᛂ⏝ࡀ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࢀࡽࡣᖖ◊✲ᑐ㇟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛⓗどⅬ䛛䜙䜏䜛ⱥㄒ䛾⤯ᑐ⠇䠖䝁䞊䝟䝇ᇶ┙䛾◊✲㻌 Absolute Clauses in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective: A Corpus-Based Study By Qingshun He, Bingjun Yang ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % !"#$%&&&& K+$$$$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃16,341ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ ゝㄒⱁ⾡䜢⌮ゎ䛩䜛䠖ᶵ⬟ゝㄒᏛⓗ䜰䝥䝻䞊䝏㻌 Understanding Verbal Art: A Functional Linguistic Approach By Jonathan Webster ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ !"#$%&&&& K+$$$$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃16,341ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) 68 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》理論言語学 意味論・語用論 Wilson, John Talking with the President: The Pragmatics of Presidential Language 2015:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199858804* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199858798* 記述言語学 歴史言語学・比較言語学 日本語とアルタイ諸語における動詞形態の通時論 Robbeets, Martine Diachrony of Verb Morphology: Japanese and the Other Transeurasian Languages (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Vol. 291) 2015:10. 350 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110378238* Grossman, Eitan/Polis, Stéphane (eds.) Possession in Ancient Egyptian 2015:10. 340 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783110260380* 社会言語学 Mulholland, Joan A Handbook of Persuasive Tactics: A Practical Language Guide 2015:4. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868274* Goebel, Zane Language and Superdiversity: Indonesians Knowledging at Home and Abroad (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) 2015:6. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780199795413* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199795420* Molle, Daniella/Sato, Edynn/Boals, Timothy/Hedgspeth, Carol A. (eds.) Multilingual Learners and Academic Literacies: Sociocultural Contexts of Literacy Development in Adolescents 2015:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846470* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138846487* 社会言語学とろう者社会 Schembri, Adam C./Lucas, Ceil (eds.) Sociolinguistics and Deaf Communities 2015:2. 190 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107051942* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107663862* ★ Blackwell 版 ヒスパニック社会言語学 ハンドブック Diaz–Campos, Manuel (ed.) The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics) 2015:8. 816 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119108917* Gibson, Catherine/Kamusella, Tomasz/Nomachi, Motoki (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders 2015:7. 528 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137348388* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 69 言語学 》応用言語学 応用言語学 加藤聡子 / J. マイナード著 内省的対話:言語学習 アドバイジング Popova, Yanna B. Stories, Meaning, and Experience: Narrativity and Enaction (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Stylistics) 2015:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415715881* Plonsky, Luke Advancing Quantitative Methods in Second Language Research 2015:7. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415718332* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415718349* *9781107060586* Fulcher, Glenn Re-examining Language Testing: A Philosophical and Social Inquiry 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138774698* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 70 *9781138774704* *9781138825925* Gray, John The Construction of English: Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook 2015:4. 240 p., New in Paperback (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137507242* 翻訳論・通訳論 Xiao, Richard Corpus-Based Studies of Translational Chinese in English-Chinese Translation (New Frontiers in Translation Studies) 2015:9. 220 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 言語教育・教授法 *9781138825918* ★ Schwieter, John W. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics) 2015:7. 700 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 言語習得 Kato, Satoko/Mynard, Jo _ : Advising in Language Learning (Research and Resources in Language Teaching) 2015:6. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9783642413629* テクスト言語学・談話分析 Featherman, Chris Discourses of Ideology and Identity: Social Media and the Iranian Election Protests (Routledge Critical Studies in Discourse) 2015:4. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138825581* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 Blackwell ∧ ㄯヰศᯒ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨䠎∧㻌 䠎ᕳ The Handbook of Discourse Analysis "?L > ?M 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ$䛇 "#, Georgetown University, USA & , Georgetown University, USA "%++, Georgetown University, USA ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ $$ ศྍ !"#$%&&%&%%&+,$) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃%%) ≉౯㻃56,686ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780470670743* ࡇࡢᗘࠊዲホࢆ༤ࡋࡓࠗㄯヰศᯒࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡ࠘ࡢ➨㸰∧ࡀ ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࠊᚭᗏⓗ࡞ᨵゞࡀࡉࢀࠊJ ᖺ ึ∧ࡀⓎ⾜ࡉࢀ࡚௨㝆Ⓨᒎࡋࡓ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ࢆᫎࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ึ∧࡛ᢅࢃࢀࡓศ㔝㛵ࡍࡿ᪂ࡓ࡞◊✲ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ㏆ᖺ ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗつ⠊ࡢ⪃ᐹࡸࡉࡽᗈ࠸どⅬࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲ ࡓࠊ᪂ࡓ࡞ᢏ⾡ࡢⓎᒎకࡗࡓㄯヰࡶᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࠊึ∧ࡢᨵゞຍ࠼ࠊ᪂ࡓ ❶ࢆ㘓ࡋࠊ㏆ᖺࡢ◊✲ືྥࡸ◊✲ศ 㔝ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢศ㔝ࡢ᭱๓⥺࡛ά㌍ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ ᇳ➹࣭⦅㞟ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᐇࡋࡓෆᐜ࡛ࢃࡾࡸࡍࡃ◊✲ᴫせࢆᥦ♧ࡋࡓ᭱᪂ࡢ㈨ᩱ ࠸࠼ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋㄯヰ◊✲ࡸ㛵㐃㡿ᇦࡢᏛ⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚ࡢᚲ㡲ᩥ⊩࡛ࡍࠋ ≉㻌 㛗㻌 ㄯヰศᯒ◊✲䛾᭱᪂䛾Ⓨᒎ䜢ᤊ䛘䚸᪂䛯䛻 㻞㻜 ❶䜢㘓䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ㏆ᖺ䛾⌮ㄽⓗつ⠊䛾⪃ᐹ䜔᭱᪂䛾ㄯヰศᯒ䜒ᢅ䛳䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ⌧ᅾ䛾ㄯヰศᯒ◊✲䛾ከᵝᛶ䜔῝䛥䜢ᫎ䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ྛ❶䛿䛭䜜䛮䜜䛾ศ㔝䛷ᅜ㝿ⓗ䛻▱䜙䜜䛶䛔䜛◊✲⪅䛻䜘䛳䛶ᇳ➹䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ㄯヰศᯒ䛻㛵䜟䜛Ꮫ⪅䞉Ꮫ⏕䛰䛡䛷䛺䛟䚸ㄯヰศᯒ䛾ၥ㢟䚸⌮ㄽ䚸᪉ἲㄽ䛻㛵䛧䛶ᶒ 㻌 ጾ䛒䜛グ㏙䜢ᚲせ䛸䛩䜛㛵㐃ศ㔝䛾◊✲⪅䛻䛸䛳䛶䜒ᚲ㡲䛾ᩥ⊩䛸䛺䜛䛷䛧䜗䛖䚹㻌 =>$#_ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 71 認知科学 》認知哲学 認知科学 認知哲学 ★ Oxford 版 哲学と精神医学ハンドブック Gozzano, Simone/Hill, Christopher S. (eds.) New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical 2015:4. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107515420* Peters, R. S. The Concept of Motivation (Routledge Revivals: R. S. Peters on Education and Ethics) 2015:2. 176 p., Originally Published in 1958 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888234* Fulford, K.W.M./Davies, Martin/Gipps, Richard/Graham, George/Sadler, John/ Stanghellini, Giovanni/Thornton, Tim (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry (Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy) 2015:2. 1344 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198744252* Anderson, Miranda The Renaissance Extended Mind (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science) 2015:7. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137412843* 心理学 心理学一般 心理学研究法 See Frith, Hannah Orgasmic Bodies: The Orgasm in Contemporary Western Culture 2015:5. 224 p. 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Subtypes of Learning Disabilities: Theoretical Perspectives and Research 2015:4., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866591* 社会心理学 Cath, Stanley H./Gurwitt, Alan R. (eds.) Fathers and Their Families 2015:5., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 21世紀の社会心理学 Hayes, Nicky Social Psychology for the 21st Century 2015:10. 496 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781848721876* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781848721883* Hunyady, Gyorgy Stereotypes During the Decline and Fall of Communism 2015:5. 352 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138876859* *9781138872158* 文化心理学 Zittoun, Tania/Gillespie, Alex Imagination in Human and Cultural Development (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation) 2015:8. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415661638* Ryle, Anthony (ed.) Neurosis in the Ordinary Family: A psychiatric survey 2015:2. 160 p., Originally Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882652* van Langenhove, Luk (ed.) People and Societies: Rom Harré and Designing the Social Sciences 2015:4. 316 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882034* Wagoner, Brady (ed.) Symbolic Transformation: The Mind in Movement Through Culture and Society 2015:4. 360 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138876910* 応用心理学 See Corno, Lyn, Remaking the Concept of Aptitude, Routledge...................................................p171 , 1361 Savin-Baden, Maggi, Rethinking Learning in an Age of Digital Fluency, Routledge ..........p171 , 1362 Teaching the Male Brain, Corwin Press.............................................p171 , 1363 Grigorenko, Elena L., The Global Context for New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Jossey Bass .......................p171 , 1364 Winch, Christopher, The Philosophy of Human Learning, Routledge ................................p172 , 1365 Wegerif, Rupert, The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking, Routledge...................................................p172 , 1366 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 73 心理学 》応用心理学 APA㻌 䝠䝳䞊䝬䞁䝅䝇䝔䝮⤫ྜ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration APA Handbooks in Psychology 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1013196344䛇 By Deborah Ann Boehm-Davis, George Mason University, USA, Francis T. Durso, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and John D. Lee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 2015 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜ 608 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4338-1828-8 ........................ USD 199.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃35,698ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781433818288* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊᏛ⏕ࡸᑓ㛛ᐙࢆᑐ㇟ࠊࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢹࢨࣥࡢ㡿ᇦ ࠾࠸࡚ᚲせ࡞ே㛫ࡢᛮ⪃㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࢆ㘓ࡋࡓࠊᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞ෆ ᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᇶᮏⓗ࡞ࢹࢨࣥࡢၥ㢟ࡸࡑࢀࡽࡀࡶࡓࡽ ࡍᙳ㡪ࡢ⌮ゎࢆ῝ࡵࠊே㛫ࡢࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫከᵝ࡞ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ ࡢᵓᡂ⣲ࡢ㛵ಀࢆ♧ࡍࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩୍㈏ࡋ࡚㏻ࡌࡿ⪃࠼᪉ࡣࠊࢸ࣒ࢆಶู᥈✲ࡋࡓࡢ࡛ࡣศ࡛ࡣ࡞ ࡃࠊಶேࡸࢶ࣮ࣝࠊࢱࢫࢡࠊ⎔ቃ࠸ࡗࡓࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢᯟ⤌ࡳࢆ㉺࠼࡚⪃ᐹࡋ࡞ࡅࢀ ࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸࠸࠺ࡇ࡛ࡍࠋࡑࢀࡺ࠼ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⌮ㄽⓗ࡛࠶ࡿ࠸࠺ࡼࡾࡶࠊ᭱ඛ➃ ࡢ◊✲ࢆᫎࡋࡓᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞ෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡢ᭱ึࡢ❶ࡣࠊࣄ࣮࣐ࣗࣥࢩࢫࢸ࣒⤫ྜࡀពࡍࡿࡇࢆ☜ㄆࡋࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛ ࡢ◊✲ࡢᴫほࢆᥦ♧ࡋࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊᑓ㛛ᐙࡼࡿࢣ࣮ࢫࢫࢱࢹ࣮ࡢゎㄝࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋḟࠊ≉ࣄ࣮࣐ࣗࣥࢩࢫࢸ࣒⤫ྜࢆࠊࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢどⅬ㌷ⓗどⅬ ࡽㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⥆࠸࡚ࠊࣄ࣮࣐ࣗࣥࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫ㛵ࢃࡿ㌟యࡸ▱ ぬࠊㄆ▱ࠊ⤌⧊ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆࠊከᵝ࡞㡿ᇦࡢ㛵ࢃࡾࢆ㆟ㄽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢࠊ ಶேࡢᛮ⪃ࡢ⤫ྜࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࣃࣇ࣮࣐ࣥࢫࡢ㛵ಀࢆᢅ࠸࡞ࡀࡽࠊ࠶ࡿࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ ࣥࢫࢆ᭱㐺ࡍࡿࡇࡀࡶࡓࡽࡍࡢࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫࡢᙳ㡪ࡶㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (American Psychological Association, USA) 74 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 臨床心理・精神療法 Nathan, Peter E./Gorman, Jack M. (eds.) A Guide to Treatments That Work, 4th ed. 2015:6. 928 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199342211* Jenkins, Sharon Rae (ed.) A Handbook of Clinical Scoring Systems for Thematic Apperceptive Techniques 2015:4. 816 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873049* Pera, Gina/Robin, Arthur L. (eds.) Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415812092* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415812108* Bryan, Craig J. (ed.) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Preventing Suicide Attempts: A Guide to Brief Treatments Across Clinical Settings (Clinical Topics in Psychology and Psychiatry) 2015:2. 178 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415857161* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415857178* Zeig, Jeffrey K. (ed.) Ericksonian Methods: The Essence Of The Story 2015:4., First Published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869301* Phillips, Katharine A./Stein, Dan J. (eds.) Handbook on Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2015:4. 300 p. (American Psychiatric Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9781585624898* Miehls, Dennis/Applegate, Jeffrey (eds.) Neurobiology and Mental Health Clinical Practice: New Directions, New Challenges 2015:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860759* Paris, Joel Overdiagnosis in Psychiatry: How Modern Psychiatry Lost Its Way While Creating a Diagnosis for Almost All of Life’s Misfortunes 2015:5. 208 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199350643* Middleton, Hugh/Moncrieff, Joanna/Joseph, Stephen Psychiatry Reconsidered: From Medical Treatment to Supportive Understanding 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137411365* Nash, William (ed.) Combat Stress Injury: Theory, Research, and Management 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138871601* ★印はお薦めタイトル Williams, Stephen Recovering from Psychosis: Empirical evidence and lived experience 2015:9. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415822046* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 75 心理学 》応用心理学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415822053* *9781138884380* Bradway, Kay/Chambers, Lucia/Chiaia, Maria Ellen Sandplay in Three Voices: Images, Relationships, the Numinous 2015:4. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763516* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Leong, Frederick T.L./Leach, Mark M. (eds.) Suicide Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, and Practice 2015:4. 352 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Wylie, Philip/Lawson, Wenn/Beardon, Luke (eds.) The Nine Degrees of Autism: A Developmental Model for the Alignment and Reconiliation of Hidden Neurological Conditions 2015:9. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887169* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887176* ᗣᚰ⌮Ꮫ䛾᪂䛯䛺᪉ྥᛶ㻌 䠑ᕳ [\- *K SAGE Benchmarks in Psychology 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04003S0233䛇 %" ) # 2015 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 5 Vols., 1,792 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4462-8760-6 ண⣙౯(2015/06/15 ཷศࡲ࡛) STP 750.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃208,912/ ≉౯㻃%.ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 825.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯㻃229,804/ ≉౯㻃 % "%ࠝᮏయࠞ+⛯ *9781446287606* ᗣᚰ⌮Ꮫࡣࠊ◊✲ㄽᩥࡸࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡀḟࠎⓎ⾲ࡉࢀ࡚ ࠸ࡿࡇࡽࡶࠊᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ศ㔝ࡢࡦࡘ࡛࠶ࡿ࠸ ࠼ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞Ⓨᒎࢆ㋃ࡲ࠼ࠊᐃᮇⓗ࡞ㄪᰝຍ࠼࡚ࠊせ࡞ ◊✲ࡸྲྀࡾ⤌ࡳࢆ≉ᐃࡍࡿᚲせᛶࡀฟ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩㸦㸳ᕳ⤌㸧ࡣࠊ⤒㦂ⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࢆ≉㞟ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊඃࢀࡓ⌮ㄽࡸᢈホࡶ ྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ᪉ἲㄽࡶ♧ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᗣᚰ⌮Ꮫࡸ┳ ㆤࠊබ⾗⾨⏕ࠊ་⒪♫Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓࡑࡢ㛵㐃㡿ᇦࡢ◊✲ࡗ࡚㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩࡛ࡍࠋ ➨㸯ᕳ㸸♫ㄆ▱ࣔࢹࣝࡢⓎᒎࡑࡢᚋ ➨㸲ᕳ㸸ศ㔝ෆࡢศ ➨㸰ᕳ㸸ᗣᚰ⌮Ꮫ♫ ➨㸳ᕳ㸸ከᵝᛶ̿ᗈࡀࡿᩥ⬦ ➨㸱ᕳ㸸ධࡢ㧗ࡲࡿ㛵ᚰ D$F: ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 76 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 ★ Wiley 版 摂食障害ハンドブック 全2巻 Smolak, Linda/Levine, Michael P. (eds.) The Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders 2015:7. 2 Vols., 1048 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118573945* Greaves, Lorraine/Poole, Nancy/Boyle, Ellexis (eds.) Transforming Addiction: Gender, Trauma, Transdisciplinarity 2015:4. 234 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138828797* 精神分析 Tolpin, Paul/Tolpin, Marian (eds.) Heinz Kohut: The Chicago Institute Lectures 2015:4., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Stepansky, Paul E. In Freud’s Shadow: Adler in Context 2015:4., First Published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138872332* *9781138872073* Barron, James W. Self-Analysis: Critical Inquiries, Personal Visions 2015:4., First Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138872417* 裁判心理学・犯罪心理学 *9781138828780* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 法心理学研究法 Brown, Sarah/Sleath, Emma Research Methods for Forensic Psychologists: A guide to completing your research project 2015:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415732420* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415732475* Lachkar, Joan How to Talk to a Narcissist 2015:4. 184 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138872868* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 77 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 経済学 経済学説・経済思想 Sonnessa, Michelle/Boero, Riccardo/Morini, Matteo (eds.) Agent-Based Models of the Economy: From Theories to Applications 2015:6. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137339805* ★ Di Gaspare, Serena (ed.) Henry A. Abbati: Keynes’ Forgotten Precursor: Selected Writings 2015:4. 346 p., Originally Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865600* Baronian, Laurent Marx and Living Labour (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904125* Holcombe, Randall Producing Prosperity: An Inquiry into the Operation of the Market Process (Routledge Foundations of the Market Economy) 2015:3. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904064* 78 *9781138865907* Ellerman, David The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm : A New Model for the East and West (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 236 p., Originally Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138892644* ★ Gerrard, Bill J (ed.) The Economics of Rationality 2015:4. 224 p., Originally Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865754* ★ 自由放任主義の基礎 ★★ Caldwell, Bruce (ed.) Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason: Text and Documents 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ Vanberg, Viktor J The Constitution of Markets: Essays in Political Economy 2015:5. 224 p., Originally Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866072* ★ マルクスと生きた労働 ★ Koppl, Roger/Mongiovi, Gary (eds.) Subjectivism and Economic Analysis 2015:5. 224 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Faccarello, Gilbert The Foundations of ‘Laissez-Faire’: The Economics of Pierre de Boisguilbert (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2015:5. 208 p., Originally Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415757775* *9781138865617* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 ★ A.マーシャルの経済思想 Cook, Simon J. The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall’s Economic Science: A Rounded Globe of Knowledge (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics) 2015:5. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107514126* ★ Hollander, Samuel The Literature of Political Economy: Collected Essays II 2015:5. 432 p., Originally Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415756426* Skousen, Mark The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers 2015:7. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780765647122* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780765645449* OQ∧㻌 ᬒẼᚠ⎔㻌 䠔ᕳ OQ ? ( ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ ศྍ !"#$%&&&& '( ) ㏻ᖖ౯䢠) ≉౯䢠! 䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ *9781138852860* J`~ ᖺࡽ J``q ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡢྛᕳࡣ௨ୗࡢࢸ࣮࣐ࡘ࠸࡚ ㆟ㄽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ z┈ᛶ䛾ᙳ㡪䜔䝡䝆䝛䝇䝃䜲䜽䝹䚸⏕⏘ᛶ䛾㈨ᮏ䝇䝖䝑䜽㻌 z㔠䝃䜲䜽䝹䛾䛣䜜䛛䜙䛾ᒁ㠃䛻ᅛ᭷䛾☜ᐇᛶ䜢ᢅ䛖ᵝ䚻䛺䜰䝥䝻䞊䝏䛾ホ౯㻌 z䜰䝯䝸䜹䛻䛚䛡䜛㔠⼥䛾Ᏻᐃ䛸⏘ᴗᵓ㐀ᨵ㠉䛾⤌ྜ䜟䛥䛳䛯ຠᯝ䛜ᡓᚋ䛾⤒῭ᡂ㛗䛸ᬒẼᚋ ㏥䛻䛘䛯ᙳ㡪䜢᳨ウ㻌 zᨻᗓ䛾⤒῭ᨻ⟇䛾ᑐ㇟䛸᪉ἲ䛾୧᪉䜢ᐃᘧ䛩䜛䛾䛻ᚲせ䛺⤫ィ䜔䛭䛾ሗ䛾☜ᐃ㻌 z⤒῭ᨻ⟇䛾ㄢ㢟䜢᫂䜙䛛䛻䛩䜛䛾䛻䜟䜜䛶䛔䜛⌮ㄽ䛾ྠᐃ㻌 z䝡䝆䝛䝇䝃䜲䜽䝹䛾♫Ꮫⓗഃ㠃䛾ㄪᰝ㻌 ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 79 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 Bukharin, Nikolai The Politics and Economics of the Transition Period 2015:5. 272 p., Originally Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861572* 経済理論 Fielding, David The Macroeconomics of Monetary Union: An Analysis of the CFA Franc Zone (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2015:5. 208 p., Originally Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Mirowski, Philip E. The Birth of the Business Cycle (Routledge Library Editions: Business Cycles, Vol. 6) 2015:4. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858138* 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 Kumbhakar, Subal C./Horncastle, Alan/Wang, Hung-Jen A Practitioner’s Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata 2015:2. 476 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 景気循環の社会的側面 Thomas, Dorothy Swaine Social Aspects of the Business Cycle (Routledge Library Editions: Business Cycles, Vol. 7) 2015:4. 236 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855434* 経済の回転木馬:貿易サイクルの新理論と歴史的証拠 Walker, Edmund The Economic Merry-Go-Round: A New Theory of Trade Cycles with the Document of History as Proof (Routledge Library Editions: Business Cycles, Vol. 8) 2015:4. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855571* *9781107609464* Dayal, Vikram An Introduction to R for Quantitative Economics: Graphing, Simulating and Computing (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2015:5. 125 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9788132223399* ゲーム理論入門 Keiding, Hans Game Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction }~}~] ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 80 *9781107029514* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Brauer, Jurgen, The Economics of Regional Security, Routledge ................................. p136 , 1048 景気循環の誕生 See also Melese, Francois, ` "Z{<" = Routledge...................................................p133 , 1037 *9781138905771* *9780415758505* Heinrich, Torsten Technological Change and Network Effects in Growth Regimes: Exploring the Microfoundations of Economic Growth (Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics) 2015:3. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ 通貨統合のマクロ経済学 *9789814623650* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》数理経済・計量経済・統計学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ゲーム理論 Matsumoto, Akio/Szidarovszky, Ferenc Game Theory: Methods and Applications 2015:9. 394 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431547853* 経済政策 ★ Nosal, Ed/Altig, David E. (eds.) `"' " *|Z Economies 2015:3. 351 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 Van Klaveren, Maarten/Gregory, Denis/Schulten, Thorsten (eds.) Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe: A Labour Perspective 2015:5. 384 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107514119* マーシャル・プラン Agnew, John/Entrikin, J. Nicholas (eds.) The Marshall Plan Today: Model and Metaphor 2015:4. 304 p., Originally Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865433* ★ *9780765644275* 国際経済 知識、イノベーションと国際化 Morone, Piergiuseppe (ed.) Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Cesare Imbriani (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2015:3. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★★ Cook, Gary (ed.) The Economics and Politics of International Trade: Freedom and Trade: Volume Two 2015:5. 328 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865914* Sahn, David E. (ed.) The Fight Against Hunger and Malnutrition: The Role of Food, Agriculture, and Targeted Policies 2015:5. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198733201* 開発経済 国家財政と地方財政 第4版 Fisher, Ronald C. State and Local Public Finance, 4th ed. 2015:9. 700 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137512406* 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 *9781138906099* Vivares, Ernesto Financing Regional Growth and the Inter-American Development Bank: The Case of Argentina (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2015:3. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905801* ★ Rostow, W. W. How It All Began : Origins of the Modern Economy (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 278 p., Originally Published in 1975 (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 81 経済学 》開発経済 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415742306* ★ 横川信治他編 中国とインドの工業化 Yokokawa, Nobuharu/Ghosh, Jayati/ Rowthorn, Bob (eds.) Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138910386* テクノロジーと人間開発 Oosterlaken, Ilse Technology and Human Development (The Routledge Human Development and Capability Debates) 2015:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Faguet, Jean-Paul/Pöschl, Caroline (eds.) Is Decentralization Good For Development?: Perspectives from Academics and Policy Makers 2015:8. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198737506* Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi (ed.) *\~ Africa: New Development Paradigms in the Era of Global Liberalization (Routledge African Studies) 2015:8. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888821* Abdulai, Raymond Talinbe/Obeng-Odoom, Franklin/Ochieng, Edward/Maliene, Vida (eds.) Real Estate, Construction and Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies (Routledge Studies in International Real Estate) 2015:10. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747899* BRICS の構造変化と産業開発 Naudé, Wim/Szirmai, Adam/Haraguchi, Nobuya (eds.) Structural Change and Industrial Development in the BRICS 2015:6. 572 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 82 *9781138780583* ★★ Kemp, Murray C. The Gains from Trade and the Gains from Aid: Essays in International Trade Theory 2015:4. 416 p., Originally Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415862349* Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko/Yamin, Alicia Ely (eds.) The MDGs, Capabilities and Human Rights: The power of numbers to shape agendas 2015:2. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138856738* 新興市場経済の不動産、建設と経済発展 *9781138780576* *9780198725077* Shihata, Ibrahim F. I. The OPEC Fund for International Development: The Formative Years 2015:4. 304 p., Originally Published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865631* マイクロファイナンスの政治経済 Mader, Philip ' %\"` : Financialising Poverty (Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy) 2015:6. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137364203* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》開発経済 See also Malassis, Louis, The Rural World, Routledge ...................................................................p174 , 1387 Thoresen, Victoria W., Responsible Living, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................p183 , 1459 農業・食糧経済 Duranton, Gilles/Henderson, Vernon/ Strange, William (eds.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics: Volume 5B 2015:6. 1032 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG86' 特価 税 イギリスの農業 1875-1914 Perry, P J (ed.) British Agriculture: 1875-1914 2015:2. 232 p., Originally Published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780444595317* *9781138878662* ★★★ 地域・都市経済学ハンドブック 第5B 巻 See also Lorentzen, Anne, Spatial Dynamics of the Experience Economy, Routledge ............. p52 , 0382 Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City, Routledge .................................................................... p52 , 0383 De Gorter, Harry/Drabik, Dusan/Just, David R. The Economics of Biofuel Policies: Impacts on Price Volatility in Grain and Oilseed Markets (Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy) 2015:4. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137414847* 運輸・交通経済 Rasouli, Soora/Timmermans, Harry (eds.) Bounded Rational Choice Behaviour: Applications in Transport 2015:2. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 地域・都市経済 *9781784410728* 人口・労働経済 国際都市 King, Anthony D. Global Cities (Routledge Library Editions: Economic Geography) 2015:4. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Reddaway, W.B. The Economics of a Declining Population 2015:2. 272 p., Originally Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★★★ 地域・都市経済学ハンドブック 第5巻 全2巻 Duranton, Gilles/Henderson, Vernon/ Strange, William (eds.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics SET: Volume 5A-5B (Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics) 2015:6. 2064 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG86' 特価 税 *9780444595331* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 人口減少と経済学 *9781138885356* *9781138878648* 移民と経済学 Bansak, Cynthia/Simpson, Nicole/Zavodny, Madeline The Economics of Immigration 2015:4. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747059* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 83 経済学 》人口・労働経済 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747066* 文化・社会経済 ★★★ メディア経済学ハンドブック 第 1 巻 Anderson, Simon Handbook of Media Economics: Volume 1 (Handbook of Media Economics) 2015:8. 1032 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG86' 特価 税 *9780444627216* Cameron, Samuel Music in the Marketplace: A Social Economics Approach 2015:3. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415723275* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415723282* ★ Tomer, John The Human Firm: A Socio-Economic Analysis of its Behaviour and Potential in a New Economic Age 2015:5. 248 p., Originally Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865938* See also Newsholme, Sir Arthur, The Elements of Vital Statistics , Routledge ...............................p157 , 1249 Crespi, Francesco/Quatraro, Francesco (eds.) The Economics of Knowledge, Innovation and Systemic Technology Policy (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2015:5. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 アジア太平洋 アジアの金融化と開発 Carroll, Toby/Jarvis, Darryl (eds.) Financialisation and Development in Asia 2015:5. 116 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 アジアの貧困削減政策と実践 Heshmati, Almas/Maasoumi, Esfandiar/Wan, Guanghua (eds.) Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia (Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being) 2015:4. 270 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789812874191* ASEAN と中国の租税 Sharkey, Nolan (ed.) Taxation in ASEAN and China: Local Institutions, Regionalism, Global Systems and Economic Development (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 2015:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851801* 東アジア Burger-Helmchen, Thierry (ed.) The Economics of Creativity: Ideas, Firms and Markets (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2015:4. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 84 *9781138901421* 科学技術の経済学 *9780415703017* *9781138901278* 新たな上海の文化と経済 O'Connor, Justin/Gu, Xin Culture and Economy in the New Shanghai 2015:9. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税特価 税 *9780415714075* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》アジア太平洋 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 中国における直接投資 Ng, Michael H. K. Foreign Direct Investment in China: Theories and Practices 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138910393* 成長、危機と韓国経済 Cho, Dongchul Growth, Crisis and the Korean Economy 2015:3. 348 p. (Routledge, GBR) *9781138792746* 東アジアの生産ネットワークと企業 Wignaraja, Ganeshan (ed.) Production Networks and Enterprises in East Asia: Industry and Firm-level Analysis (ADB Institute Series on Development Economics) 2015:9. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9784431554974* 䜰䝆䜰䛸ୡ⏺⤒῭㻌 䠏ᕳ Asia and the World Economy The World Scientific Reference on Growth, Economics and Crisis in Asia 2015 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 3 Vols., 1,800 p., Hard ศྍ ISBN 978-981-4578-61-5 ண⣙౯㻌 䠄2015/07/16 ཷศ㎾䠅USD 595.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯䢠106,734/ ≉౯䢠85,387䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅USD 740.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯䢠132,745/ ≉౯䢠106,196䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ *9789814578615* ᭱㏆ࡢ᪥ᮏࡢ⏕ࢆぢࡿࠊ᭱㏆ࡢࢪ⤒῭ࡢໃ࠸ࡣ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡢ≧ἣ㩭ࡸ࡞ ᑐẚࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⌧௦ࡢࢪ࡛ఱࡀ㉳ࡇࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࢆヲ⣽⌮ゎࡍࡿࡣࠊࡇࡢ ኚࡀⓙࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᶵࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࢆᤊ࠼ࡿ࠶ࡓࡗ࡚㠀ᖖ㔜せ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡢ㈨ᩱ 㞟ࡣࠊࢪୡ⏺⤒῭ࡘ࠸࡚᭱᪂ࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞ヰ㢟ࢆ 3 ᕳᵓᡂ࡛⥙⨶ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲ ࡓࠊᛴ㏿᪩ࡲࡾࡘࡘ࠶ࡿࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣜࢮ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡢ㐣⛬࡛ࢪ㛵㐃ࡍࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡗ ࡓୡ⏺⤒῭ࡢ㔜せ࡞ഃ㠃ࢆྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࢪ⌧௦ࡢୡ⏺ࢆ⌮ゎࡋࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚ ࠸ࡿேࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢ᭩⡠࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 3 ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࢪࡢどⅬࡽࡢẼೃኚືၥ㢟ゎỴ⟇ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ ᅜෆࡢゎỴ⟇㈠᫆ᇶ࡙࠸ࡓ㑅ᢥ⫥ࡢ୧᪉↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊᑗ᮶ࡢẼೃ ࡢ⟶⌮యไ㛵ࡍࡿࢩࢼࣜ࢜ศᯒࡘ࠸࡚㆟ㄽࡋࠊ⤒῭ⓗ࣭ᢏ⾡ⓗ࣭⎔ቃⓗせ⣲ࡢᙺ ࢆศᯒࡍࡿࡼࡗ࡚᫂ࡽࡉࢀࡓࣥࢻ⤒῭ࡢᡂ㛗ࡢᣢ⥆ྍ⬟ᛶࠊ2008 ᖺࡢࢪ 㔠⼥༴ᶵࡢవἼࢆཷࡅ࡚ࡢ⏘ᴗᨻ⟇ࡢせồࠊࣥࢻ୰ᅜࡢᡂ㛗⤒㦂ぢ㏻ࡋࡘ࠸ ࡚ࡶ╔┠ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ Volume 1: Sustainability of Growth: The Role of Economic, Technological and Environmental Factors Volume 2: India and China: Comparative Experience and Prospects Volume 3: Actions on Climate Change by Asian Countries (World Scientific Publishing Co., SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 85 経済学 》アジア太平洋 Wen, Kui/Zhu, Erjuan (eds.) Report on Development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province (2013): Measurement of Carrying Capacity and Countermeasures (Current Chinese Economic Report Series) 2015:3. 150 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662462041* ★★ Shin, Jang-Sup The Economics of the Latecomers: Catching-Up, Technology Transfer and Institutions in Germany, Japan and South Korea 2015:5., Originally Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866119* ★ Sato, Hiroshi The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China: A MicroAnalysis of Peasants, Migrants and Peasant Entrepeneurs 2015:3. 256 p., Originally Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862852* 東南アジア Uddin, Mohammad Jasim The Micro-politics of Microcredit: Gender and Neoliberal Development in Bangladesh (ASAA Women in Asia Series) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138902718* 南アジア Rao, M. Govinda Panagariya, Arvind (ed.) The Making of Miracles in Indian States: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Gujarat (Studies in Indian Economic Policies) 2015:4. 384 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) 86 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190236625* 中 東 イスラエルの経済 Aharoni, Yair The Israeli Economy : Dreams and Realities (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 380 p., Originally Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415721141* パレスチナにおける援助の政治経済 Taghdisi-Rad, Sahar The Political Economy of Aid in Palestine: Relief ; "^ <#]<}~}] (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862982* ロシア・東欧 ★ ロシアの民営化と変遷:1990 年代初期 Scott Leonard, Carol/Pitt-Watson, David Privatization and Transition in Russia in the Early 1990s (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904859* ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Knight, Daniel M. History, Time, and Economic Crisis in Central Greece 2015:5. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137501486* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Henrekson, Magnus/Stenkula, Mikael (eds.) Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 2015:6. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137478146* Marques, Helena/Puig, Francisco Territory, specialization and globalization in European Manufacturing 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865594* イギリスの銀行と通貨制度:1959 -1971 Wadsworth, J.E. (ed.) The Banks and the Monetary System in the UK, 1959-1971 2015:2. 544 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865082* 現代スペインの経済:歴史的見解 lieberman, Sima The Contemporary Spanish Economy: A Historical Perspective 2015:2. 400 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864931* Macinnes, C.M The Early English Tobacco Trade 2015:2. 232 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879706* イギリス産業のファイナンス:1918 -1976 Thomas, W.A. The Finance of British Industry, 1918-1976 2015:2. 368 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Pollard, Sidney The Integration of the European Economy Since 1815 2015:4. 112 p., Originally Published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865341* ヨーロッパの産業政策 Mosconi, Franco The New European Industrial Policy: Global Competitiveness and the Manufacturing Renaissance (Routledge Studies in the European Economy) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792821* Gaskin, Maxwell The Scottish Banks: A modern survey 2015:2. 232 p., Originally Published in 1965 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864832* Birck, L. V. The Scourge of Europe : The Public Debt Described, Explained, and Historically Depicted (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 314 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ヨーロッパ経済の統合:1815 年以降 *9780415741309* アフリカ Scholvin, Sören (ed.) A New Scramble for Africa?: The Rush for Energy Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2015:2. 178 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472430762* *9781138864856* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 87 経済学 》アフリカ Oxford 版 アフリカと経済学ハンドブック 第1巻 Monga, Célestin/Lin, Justin Yifu (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics: Volume 1: Context and Concepts (Oxford Handbooks in Economics) 2015:6. 608 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199687114* Oxford 版 アフリカと経済学ハンドブック 第2巻 Monga, Célestin/Lin, Justin Yifu (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics: Volume 2: Policies and Practices (Oxford Handbooks in Economics) 2015:6. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199687107* 南北アメリカ 北 米 Carrier, David J. Industrial Restructuring, Financial Instability and the Dynamics of the Postwar US Economy (Routledge Library Editions: Business Cycles, Vol. 1) 2015:3. 238 p., Originally Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860629* アメリカ経済:1860-1940 Youngson Brown, A.J. The American Economy 1860-1940 (Economic History) 2015:5. 216 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759250* アメリカ資本主義の危機と再生 Cossu-Beaumont, Laurence/Coste, Jacques-Henri/ Velut, Jean-Baptiste (eds.) The Crisis and Renewal of U.S. Capitalism: A Civilizational Approach to Modern American Politi- 88 cal Economy (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138908758* カナダの経済発展 Pomfret, Richard The Economic Development of Canada 2015:4. 232 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879690* ラテンアメリカ ブラジルのコーポレート・ガバナンスと金融発展: 1882-1950 Musacchio, Aldo Experiments in Financial Democracy: Corporate Governance and Financial Development in Brazil, 1882–1950 (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 2015:5. 325 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107514782* ★ 災害と政治経済:ハイチの事例 Lundahl, Mats The Political Economy of Disaster: Destitution, Plunder and Earthquake in Haiti (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2015:3. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138902640* 経済史・経営史 Campbell–kelly, Martin/Garcia–swartz, Daniel D. From Mainframes to Smartphones : A History of the International Computer Industry (Critical Issues in Business History, Vol. 1) 2015:6. 220 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780674729063* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済史・経営史 Berg, Maxine (ed.) Goods from the East, 1600-1800: Trading Eurasia (Europe’s Asian Centuries) 2015:6. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137403933* 近代ユーラシアにおけるナショナリズムと経済発展 Mosk, Carl Nationalism and Economic Development in Modern Eurasia (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2015:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Dobbs, S.P The Clothing Workers of Great Britain 2015:4. 240 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904873* Ault, Warren Open-Field Farming in Medieval Europe: A Study of Village By-laws 2015:2. 192 p., Originally Published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861725* Broadbridge, Seymour (ed.) Studies in Railway Expansion and the Capital Market in England: 1825-1873 2015:2. 240 p., Originally Published in 1969 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865242* スコットランドの経営史 Payne, Peter L. (ed.) Studies in Scottish Business History 2015:2. 464 p., Originally Published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865143* イギリスの関税制度 McGuire, E.B. The British Tariff System 2015:4. 328 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) *9781138865037* ★ Latham, A.J.H. The Depression and the Developing World, 1914-1939 2015:4. 228 p., Originally Published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865419* ★ Lee, T.A. The Development of the American Public Accounting Profession: Scottish Chartered Accountants and the Early American Public Accountancy Profession 2015:4. 192 p., Originally Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879423* ★ オランダ経済史:1914 -1995 Van Zanden, Jan L. The Economic History of The Netherlands 1914-1995: A Small Open Economy in the ‘Long’ Twentieth Century 2015:5. 224 p., Originally Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865884* Page, Frances M. The Estates of Crowland Abbey: A Study in Manorial Organisation 2015:6. 486 p., Originally Published in 1934 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138865020* *9781107501973* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 89 経済学 》経済史・経営史 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 イギリスの金融機関:1880-1966 Sheppard, D.K. The Growth and Role of UK Financial Institutions, 1880-1966 2015:2. 128 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865228* French, A. The Growth of the Athenian Economy 2015:2. 224 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Bertilorenzi, Marco The International Aluminium Cartel: The Business and Politics of a Cooperative Industrial Institution (1886-1978) (Routledge International Studies in Business History) 2015:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861701* Kellett, John R. The Impact of Railways on Victorian Cities 2015:4., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865013* ★ Latham, A.J.H. The International Economy and the Undeveloped World 1865-1914 2015:4. 224 p., Originally Published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865402* アイルランド・ポンド:1797-1826 19 世紀イギリスの産業・商業革命 Knowles, L.C.A The Industrial & Commercial Revolutions in Great Britain During the Nineteenth Century 2015:2. 440 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864948* Fetter, Frank W. (ed.) The Irish Pound, 1797-1826: A Reprint of the Report of the Committee of 1804 of the House of Commons on the Condition of the Irish Currency 2015:4. 144 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879829* ★★ 産業革命と大西洋経済 Brinley, Thomas The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy: Selected Essays 2015:5. 288 p., Originally Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865761* ★ Loeb, Stephen E./Miranti, Paul J. The Institute of Accounts 2015:2. 128 p., Originally Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) 90 *9780415742542* *9781138879416* Snooks, Graeme The Laws of History 2015:5. 312 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138007222* Plummer, Alfred The London Weaver’s Company 1600 - 1970 2015:2. 512 p., Originally Published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138861732* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済史・経営史 ★ Millward, Robert The State and Business in the Major Powers: An Economic History 1815-1939 (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2015:4. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Harte, N.B. The Study of Economic History: Collected Inaugural Lectures 1893-1970 (Economic History) 2015:5. 440 p., Originally Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415759328* *9781138904040* See also Joll, James, The Second International , Routledge .................................................................... p30 , 0197 金 融 金融理論 Kaizoji, Taisei A Theory of Speculative Bubbles and Crashes: A ]? [? networked agents (Routledge Advances in Experimental and Computable Economics) 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138789432* ★ ロバート・J・シラー著 投機バブル: 根拠なき熱狂 第3版 Shiller, Robert J. Irrational Exuberance: Revised and Expanded, 3rd ed. 2015:1. 376 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691166261* Simozar, Saied The Advanced Fixed Income and Derivatives Management Guide (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:4. 352 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119014140* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Toporowski, Jan The End of Finance"]$ ^ Financial Derivatives and Pension Fund Capitalism 2015:5. 176 p., Originally Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881013* Atkinson, A. B. (ed.) The Personal Distribution of Incomes (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 352 p., Originally Published in 1976 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415736510* 金融市場 イスラム銀行と金融機関 Lone, Fayaz Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions: A Study of Their Objectives and Achievements (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions) 2015:8. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137515650* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 91 金 融 》金融市場 ファイナンス Ülgen, Faruk/Tortajada, Ramon/Méaulle, Matthieu/ Stellian, Rémi (eds.) New Contributions to Monetary Analysis: The Foundations of an Alternative Economic Paradigm (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) 2015:3. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903616* Pixley, Jocelyn (ed.) New Perspectives on Emotions in Finance: The ;" @ ledge International Studies in Money and Banking) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904088* Zaremba, Adam The Financialization of Commodity Markets: Investing During Times of Transition 2015:4. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137465573* Gorton, Gary B. The Maze of Banking: History, Theory, Crisis 2015:4. 720 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190204839* Schulte, Paul The Next Revolution in our Credit-Driven Economy: The Advent of Financial Technology 2015:7. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Grabowski, Richard/Nunes, Carla 2015 Valuation Handbook: Guide to Cost of Capital (Wiley Finance) 2015:3. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Sekerke, Matt Bayesian Risk Management: A Guide to Model Risk and Sequential Learning in Financial Markets (Wiley Finance) 2015:9. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118708606* *9781118989609* Kotz, H. David Financial Regulation and Compliance: How to Manage Competing and Overlapping Regulatory Oversight + Website (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:8. 250 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118972212* < $??_ Fuel Hedging and Risk Management : Strategies for Airlines, Shippers and Other Major Commercial Fuel Consumers (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:8. 250 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119026723* Moosa, Imad A. Good Regulation, Bad Regulation: The Anatomy of Financial Regulation (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions) 2015:5. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 92 *9781119070221* 金融規制とコンプライアンス *9781137447098* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》ファイナンス 金融工学 Stagars, Manuel Impact Investment Funds for Frontier Markets in Southeast Asia: Creating a Platform for Institutional Capital, High-Quality Foreign Direct Investment, and Proactive Policy Making (Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance) 2015:6. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137507266* Gregoriou, Greg N. (ed.) The Handbook of High Frequency Trading 2015:2. 494 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780128022054* 国際金融 *9781118943977* ★ 金融リスクマネジメントのシミュレーション 技術 第2版 Chan, Ngai Hang/Wong, Hoi Ying Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management, 2nd ed. (Statistics in Practice) 2015:6. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118735817* イスラム銀行のためのリスクマネジメント Wahyudi, Imam/Rosmanita, Fenny/Prasetyo, Muhammad Budi/Surya Putri, Niken Iwani Risk Management for Islamic Banks: Recent Developments from Asia and the Middle East (Wiley Finance) 2015:9. 464 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Javaheri, Alireza Advanced Volatility Filtering: Stochastic Models and Methods to Measure, Assess, and Predict Skewness + Website, 2nd ed. (Wiley Finance) 2015:8. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Rouah, Fabrice D. The Heston Model and Its Extensions in VBA (Wiley Finance) 2015:4. 408 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119003304* *9781118734421* 会計学 会計学一般 企業会計 デリバティブのための会計 第2版 動的環境の管理会計 Ramirez, Juan Accounting for Derivatives: Advanced Hedging under IFRS 9, 2nd ed. (The Wiley Finance Series) 2015:2. 792 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Zimmerman, Jerold L./McWatters, Cheryl S. Management Accounting in a Dynamic Environment 2015:10. 640 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781118817971* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780415839013* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415839020* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 93 会計学 》企業会計 ★ Weygandt, Jerry J./Kimmel, Paul D./Kieso, Donald E. Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, International Student Version, 7th ed. 2015:3. 560 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118957738* ★★ フランスとイギリスにおける工業会計の起源 Boyns, Trevor/Edwards, John R. The Birth of Industrial Accounting in France and Britain 2015:4. 248 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879331* 国際会計 Liu, Jiayi Study on the Auditing Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Revised Edition (Wiley Corporate F&A) 2015:4. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119107811* Lavi, Mohan R. The Impact of IFRS on Industry (Wiley Regulatory Reporting) 2015:7. 536 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119047582* 監 査 政府・非営利組織の会計 監査理論 公共機関の会計と監査:ヨーロッパ Cohen, Sandra/Brusca, Isabel/Caperchione, Eugenio Public Sector Accounting and Auditing in Europe: The Challenge of Harmonization (Governance and Public Management) 2015:5. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Dennis, Ian Auditing Theory (Routledge Studies in Accounting) 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792012* *9781137461339* 経営学 経営学一般 Reddin, Patrick Inspecting and Diagnosing Disrepair 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138802087* Palgrave 版 経営のリサーチデザインハンドブック Strang, Kenneth (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management 2015:3. 592 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) 94 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137379924* 経営理論・経営思想 Rangan, Subramanian (ed.) Performance and Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society 2015:8. 472 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198744283* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営理論・経営思想 コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 経営研究の基礎 第3版 ! ]?| "$ $ Arthur/Samouel, Phillip/Page, Michael J. The Essentials of Business Research Methods, 3rd ed. 2015:7. 488 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138859920* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780765646132* See also Campbell–kelly, Martin, From Mainframes to Smartphones , Harvard U.P. ...................p88 , 0652 Ault, Warren, Open-Field Farming in Medieval Europe, Routledge.....................................p89 , 0655 Bertilorenzi, Marco, The International Aluminium Cartel, Routledge ......................................p90 , 0670 Plummer, Alfred, The London Weaver's Company 1600 - 1970, Routledge .............................. p90 , 0674 経営経済・経営数学 Friesz, Terry L./Bernstein, David Foundations of Network Optimization and Games (Complex Networks and Dynamic Systems, Vol. 3) 2015:5. 501 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9781489975935* 知識経営 Hubbs, Ryan C. Fighting Fraud and Corruption: Guidelines and Best Practices for Building an Effective Compliance Program 2015:5. 336 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119085300* Su, Eric/Tang, Edward/Lai, Kin Keung/Lee, Crystal Operational Risk Management in Container Terminals (Routledge Advances in Risk Management) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138782747* 組織倫理 第3版 Johnson, Craig E. Organizational Ethics: A Practical Approach, 3rd ed. 2015:9. 560 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483344409* ★ 定量的リスク管理 Mcneil, Alexander/Frey, Rüdiger/Embrechts, Paul Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools, Revised. 2015:5. 648 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691166278* 持続可能性:ビジネスガイド 第3版 Wundenberg, Sven-Michael Requirement Engineering for Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Reference Architecture for the Selection of a Learning Management System (BestMasters) 2015:3. 144 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658088316* Hitchcock, Darcy/Willard, Marsha The Business Guide to Sustainability: Practical strategies and tools for organizations, 3rd ed. 2015:3. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138786189* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786196* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 95 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 企業形態 Choudhry, Moorad The Choudhry Anthology: Past, Present and Future Principles of Bank Risk Management + Website (Wiley Finance) 2015:9. 600 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Goss, David Small Business and Society (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 192 p., Originally Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781118779736* ★ Himmelberg, Robert F. (ed.) The Monopoly Issue and Antitrust, 1900-1917 2015:5., Originally Published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865587* See also Holmes, Kirsten, Events and Sustainability, Routledge..................................................p106 , 0803 Biswas-Tortajada, Andrea, Sustainability in Coffee Production, Routledge ............................p106 , 0804 ★ 中小企業と社会 *9781138860926* ソーシャル・ファイナンス Nicholls, Alex/Paton, Rob/Emerson, James (eds.) Social Finance 2015:10. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198703761* James, Lowellyne Sustainability Footprints in SMEs: Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business 2015:2. 248 p. (Wiley, USA) 䝁䞊䝫䝺䞊䝖䞉䝺䝢䝳䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁㻌 䠐ᕳ (O (Q "XY 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ$䛇 %' #% ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ $ ศྍ !"#$%&&&%&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃 ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780415740661* ࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࢥ࣮࣏࣮ࣞࢺ࣭ࣞࣆࣗࢸ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡘ࠸࡚ࡢඛ㥑 ⓗ࡛㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ࢆᇶ♏ⓗ࡞ࡶࡢࡽ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡲ࡛ᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ ࡛ࣙࣥࡣࠊ⤌⧊⾜ືㄽࡸ⤌⧊⌮ㄽࠊᡓ␎ⓗ⤒Ⴀ⟶⌮ࠊ࣐࣮ࢣࢸࣥࢢࠊ㔠⼥ㄽࠊ⤒῭Ꮫࠊ ᨻᏛࠊ♫Ꮫ࡞ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ศ㔝ࡢ༟㉺ࡋࡓᏛ⪅ࡢどⅬࢆࡲࡵࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ᗈ⠊ᅖ ࢃࡓࡿࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡲࡓࠊᑗ᮶ࡢ◊✲ࡸ㆟ㄽࡢᣦ㔪ࢆ࠼࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 96 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》企業形態 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118779439* Lane, Marc J. The Mission-Driven Venture: Business Solutions to the World’s Most Vexing Social Problems (Wiley _] {? }~}]{ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118336052* ★ 組織デザイン 第3版 Hakonsson, Døjbak Håkonsson/Burton, Richard M./Obel, Børge Organizational Design: A Step-byStep Approach, 3rd ed. 2015:7. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107097650* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 経営組織 *9781107483613* プロジェクトマネジメントのための応用心理学 Wastian, Monika/Rosenstiel, Lutz/West, Michael A./Braumandl, Isabell (eds.) Applied Psychology for Project Managers: A Practitioner’s Guide to Successful Project Management (Management for Professionals) 2015:4. 210 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662442135* ★ マネジメントのフロンティア $ Frontiers of Management : Research and Practice (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 298 p., Originally Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415721011* イノベーションとネットワーク Aalbers, Rick/Dolfsma, Wilfred Innovation Networks: Managing the networked organization 2015:5. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138796973* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138796980* ★印はお薦めタイトル Dibella, Anthony J./Roth, George L. Systemic Change Management: The Five Capabilities for Improving Enterprises 2015:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137412010* Oxford 版 プロフェッショナル・サービス・ファーム ハンドブック Empson, Laura/Muzio, Daniel/Broschak, Joseph/ Hinings, Robert (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms 2015:8. 520 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199682393* 人事管理 Silberman, Melvin L./Biech, Elaine Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples and Tips, 4th ed. (Active Training Series) 2015:4. 416 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118972014* ★ Marsick, Victoria J./Watkins, Karen Informal and Incidental Learning in the Workplace (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 284 p., Originally Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 97 経営学 》人事管理 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884700* *9780415713535* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415713542* 人的資源管理 Sanders, Karin/Cogin, Julie A./Bainbridge, Hugh T.J. (eds.) Research Methods for Human Resource Management (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) 2015:4. 162 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138885110* インターナショナル・マネージャー Garten, Frank The International Manager: A Guide for Communicating, Cooperating, and Negotiating with Worldwide Colleagues 2015:5. 256 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781498704588* リーダーシップ ガンジーとリーダーシップ Dhiman, Satinder Gandhi and Leadership: New Horizons in Exemplary Leadership 2015:7. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137492333* Hisrich, Robert D. International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture, 3rd ed. 2015:9. 312 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) 98 *9781483344393* Thomson, Rosemary/Arney, Eileen/Thomson, Andrew Managing People: A Practical Guide for Front-line Managers, 4th ed. 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Maccoby, Michael Strategic Intelligence: Conceptual Tools for Leading Change 2015:6. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199682386* Bennis, Warren/Sample, Steven B./Asghar, Rob The Art and Adventure of Leadership: Understanding Failure, Resilience and Success 2015:3. 208 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119090311* Riddle, Douglas/Hoole, Emily R./Gullette, Elizabeth C.D. The CCL Handbook of Coaching in Organizations (Center for Creative Leadership) 2015:2. 624 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118841488* 国際ビジネス・各国経営 グローバル企業のマネジメント 第1巻 Camillo, Angelo A. (ed.) Global Enterprise Management, Volume I: New Perspectives on Challenges and Future Developments 2015:5. 356 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137429582* グローバル企業のマネジメント 第2巻 Camillo, Angelo A. (ed.) Global Enterprise Management, Volume II: New Perspectives on Challenges and Future Developments 2015:6. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137510693* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 ኚ㠉ⓗ䝸䞊䝎䞊䝅䝑䝥㻌 䠏ᕳ (Q "ZY?MZ 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ$䛇 )"%& %, Suffolk University, USA ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ $ ศྍ !"#$%&&%$&%%& ண⣙౯@)) ཷศࡲ࡛D '() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃 $%ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ @ୖグ௨㝆D '( ) ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃..& ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781473902770* እ㒊⎔ቃࡣ⤌⧊ෆ㒊ࡢ⤒Ⴀ⎔ቃᑐࡋࠊࡲࡍࡲࡍᙳ㡪ຊࢆ ཬࡰࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⤌⧊ࡣ⥅⥆ⓗ㐺ᛂࡋኚ㠉ࡋ࡚࠸ࡃᚲせࡀ ࠶ࡾࠊ⤌⧊ࡢ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࡸ⤒Ⴀ⪅ࡣὶ⾜ࡸ༴ᶵࠊᙼࡽࡢ⤒Ⴀࢆ ྲྀࡾᕳࡃ⎔ቃࡢ㐍ᒎࡘ࠸࡚ᢕᥱࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࡼ࠺ቑࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㟂せᑐࡋ࡚ࠊኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵ ࣉࡢศ㔝ࡣఏ⤫ⓗ࡞⌮ㄽⓗどⅬࢆ㉸࠼࡚ࠊ࢝࢜ࢫ⌮ㄽࡸ㠀⥺ ᙧ⌮ㄽࠊ」㞧⣔⌮ㄽࢆෆໟࡋࡓ◊✲Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋj ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ᪥ࡢࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ≉ᛶࢆ␎㏙ࡋࠊኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉ㛵ࡍࡿ せ࡞ဴᏛⓗၥࡸᐇ㊶ⓗၥᑐࡍࡿㄞ⪅ࡢ⌮ゎࢆᡭຓࡅࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᖜᗈ࠸ㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋࡓᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⦅㞟⪅࡛࠶ࡿ ! $" ?: $# ࡼࡾࠊຠᯝⓗ࡞ኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉࡢ⌮ㄽᐇ㊶ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᖜᗈࡃ῝ ࠸▱ぢࡀᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉࡢ⌮ㄽⓗᇶ♏ ➨ ᕳ㸸ኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉ㸸◊✲⌮ㄽ ➨ ᕳ㸸ኚ㠉ⓗ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉࡢ᭱ඛ➃ D$F: ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 99 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 Barclay, Lou Anne Managing FDI for Development in Resource-Rich States: The Caribbean Experience 2015:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137516084* 中国の生産性 Zheng, Li/Huang, Simin/Zhang, Zhihai (eds.) Manufacturing Productivity in China (Industrial and Systems Engineering Series) 2015:9. 232 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781466595422* {$ =$ Micro and Small Enterprises, Water and Developing Countries: A Challenge for Sustainability in Colombia (UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series) 2015:3. 320 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138027695* ★ 中国の多国籍企業 Chang, Sea-Jin Multinational Firms in China: Entry Strategies, Competition, and Firm Performance 2015:3. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 De Jonge, Alice The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms: Women Directors in Listed Firms in China and India (Chandos Asian Studies Series, Vol. 60) 2015:3. 200 p. (Chandos Publishing (Oxford), GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 中国とインドのガラスの天井 *9780198743231* スリランカの労働組合 Biyanwila, S. Janaka The Labour Movement in the Global South: Trade Unions in Sri Lanka (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 2015:4. 214 p. (Taylor & Francis, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888364* ★★ 企業組織と国際経営 Mudambi, Ram/Ricketts, Martin (eds.) The Organisation of the Firm: International Business Perspectives 2015:5. 232 p., Originally Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880917* Oxford 版 アジアのビジネスハンドブック Witt, Michael A./Redding, Gordon (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business Systems 2015:3. 752 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781843346173* *9780198745426* 中国における企業文化の変遷 Hawes, Colin The Chinese Transformation of Corporate Culture (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857445* 経営情報 Campbell, George Measuring and Communicating Security’s Value: A Compendium of Metrics for Enterprise Protection 2015:4. 224 p. (Elsevier, NLD) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 100 *9780128028414* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》生産管理・物流管理 生産管理・物流管理 クリエイティブ産業のマーケティング Protzman, Charles/Whiton, Fred/Kerpchar, Joyce/ Lewandowski, Christopher/Stenberg, Steve/ Grounds, Patrick The Lean Practitioner’s Field Book: Proven, |[ ;?; Making Lean Really Work 2015:4. 1584 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781439873366* 研究開発・技術戦略 Wasén, Kristian Innovation Management in Robot Society (Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organizations) 2015:4. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138790049* 経営科学 ★ Toth, Paolo/Vigo, Daniele (eds.) Vehicle Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications, 2nd ed. 2015:2. 480 p. (Cambridge University Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 マーケティングと消費者行動 第2版 Maclaran, Pauline/Parsons, Liz (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 2nd ed. 2015:10. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415826907* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415826914* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780230380240* リレーションシップ・マネージメントと PR 第2版 Ki, Eyun-Jung/Kim, Jeong-Nam/Ledingham, John A. (eds.) Public Relations As Relationship Management: A Relational Approach To the Study and Practice of Public Relations, 2nd ed. (Routledge Communication Series) 2015:5. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853805* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853829* Kick, Markus Selected Essays on Corporate Reputation and Social Media: Collection of Empirical Evidence 2015:6. 185 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658088361* *9781611973587* マーケティング Troilo, Gabriele Marketing in Creative Industries: Value, Experience, and Creativity 2015:5. 420 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ P. コトラー他著 ソーシャル・マーケティ ング 第5版 Lee, Nancy R./Kotler, Philip A. Social Marketing^@?#iors for Good, 5th ed. 2015:3. 584 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452292144* Schulte, Benjamin Krischan Staying the Consumption Course: Exploring the Individual Lock-in Process in Service Relationships 2015:2. 248 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658087876* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 101 経営学 》マーケティング ★ 戦略的マーケティング 第3版 West, Douglas/Ibrahim, Essam/Ford, John Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage, 3rd ed. 2015:4. 592 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199684090* ★ ボランティア・慈善団体の戦略的ポジショ ニング Chew, Celine Strategic Positioning in Voluntary and Charitable Organizations 2015:4. 278 p., Originally Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879447* 販売とマーケティング Lane, Nikala (ed.) Strategic Sales and Strategic Marketing 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879362* ソーシャル・マーケティング French, Jeff/Gordon, Ross Strategic Social Marketing 2015:4. 368 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446248614* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446248621* Upadrista, Venkatesh The Art of Consultative Selling in IT: Taking Blue Ocean Strategy a Step Ahead 2015:1. 167 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 102 *9781498707718* Lerman, Dawn/Luna, David/Morais, Robert J. The Language of Branding: Theory, Strategies, and Tactics 2015:4. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415806749* Mason, Henry/Mattin, David/Dumitrescu, Delia Trend-Driven Innovation: Beat Accelerating Customer Expectations 2015:9. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119076315* 特定産業 Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan (ed.) Handbook of Sustainable Apparel Production 2015:5. 560 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482299373* 持続可能な鉱業 Franks, Daniel M. Mountain Movers: Mining, Sustainability and the Agents of Change (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development) 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415711708* Ball, Michael Rebuilding Construction: Economic Change in the British Construction Industry (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 254 p., Originally Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739290* Nielsen, Beverley/Pryce, Vicky/Beverland, Michael Redesigning Manufacturing: Reimagining the Business of Making in the UK 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》特定産業 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137465214* Baram, Michael/Renn, Ortwin/Lindøe, Preben Hempel (eds.) Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations 2015:3. 450 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107515260* Langdon, Davis (ed.) &< ' book, 5th ed. 2015:5. 344 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482243581* See also York, Tony W., Hospital and Healthcare Security, Academic Pr. London ...............................p156 , 1242 Singh, Vijai Kumar, Innovations in Healthcare Management, Productivity Press Inc. ....p156 , 1243 Harrison, Tyler, Organizations, Health, and Communication, Routledge ....................p157 , 1246 Andersen, Svein S., Managing Elite Sport Systems, Routledge...................................................p185 , 1479 ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム O'Toole, William/Mikolaitis, Phyllis/Goldblatt, Joe Event Project Management, 2nd ed. (The Wiley Event Management Series) 2015:9. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118127681* ホスピタリティマネジメント入門 Wood, Roy C. (ed.) Hospitality Management: A Brief Introduction 2015:5. 216 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446246948* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ ホスピタリティ産業の人的資源管理 第2版 Hayes, David K./Ninemeier, Jack D. Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 368 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118988503* Stephenson, Marcus/al-Hamarneh, Ala (eds.) International Tourism and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138023277* Lew, Alan A. (ed.) Managing and Adapting to Global Change in Tourism Places 2015:4. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138859548* Musa, Ghazali/Higham, James/Thompson- Carr, Anna (eds.) Mountaineering Tourism (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138782372* ★ ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム研究 第2版 Brotherton, Bob Researching Hospitality and Tourism, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 352 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446287552* Slocum, Susan/Holden, Andrew/Kline, Carol (eds.) \: Researchers as Travellers (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 103 経営学 》ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415748179* Dann, Graham M. S./Seaton, A. V. Slavery, Contested Heritage, and Thanatourism 2015:5. 234 p., Originally Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415761604* サステイナブルツーリズム Hughes, Michael/Weaver, David/Pforr, Christof (eds.) The Practice of Sustainable Tourism: Resolving the Paradox (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749398* Routledge 版 ツーリズムと持続可能性ハンドブック ★ ヨーロッパの地方におけるサステイナブル ツーリズム Macleod, Donald/Gillespie, Steven (eds.) Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe: Approaches to Development 2015:4. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Hall, C. Michael/Gossling, Stefan/Scott, Daniel (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability 2015:2. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415662482* *9781138880672* 環境学 環境思想・環境文明 環境哲学とグローバル資本主義 Wurster, Charles F. DDT Wars: Rescuing Our National Bird, Preventing Cancer, and Creating the Environmental Defense Fund 2015:6. 256 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190219413* Vetlesen, Arne Johan The Denial of Nature: Environmental philosophy in the era of global capitalism (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2015:1. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Hamilton, Clive/Gemenne, François/Bonneuil, Christophe (eds.) The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking modernity in a new epoch (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138821231* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 104 *9781138821248* *9780415724746* 環境経済 Morales Pedraza, Jorge Electrical Energy Generation in Europe: The Current Situation and Perspectives in the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Nuclear Power for Regional Electricity Generation 2015:5. 606 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319160825* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境経済 環境影響評価 Fischer, Thomas (ed.) Environmental Assessment (Critical Concepts in Built Environment) 2015:8. 1600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138777767* ;` Good Governance, Scale and Power: A Case Study of North Sea Fisheries (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics) 2015:3. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904927* ★ Yoshida, Fumikazu/Mori, Akihisa (eds.) Green Growth and Low Carbon Development in East Asia (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics) 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832640* Tišma, Sanja/Boromisa, Ana-Maria/Lezaic, Anastaysa Raditya Green Jobs for Sustainable Development (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Moe, Espen Renewable Energy Transformation or Fossil Fuel Backlash: Vested Interests in the Political Economy (Energy, Climate and the Environment) 2015:6. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Fisher, Franklin M. Supply and Costs in the U.S. Petroleum Industry : Two Econometric Studies (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 194 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ Managi, Shunsuke (ed.) The Economics of Green Growth: New indicators for sustainable societies (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics) 2015:6. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781119012863* 寡占、環境と天然資源 Lambertini, Luca Oligopoly, the Environment and Natural Resources (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics) 2015:3. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138887244* Smil, Vaclav Natural Gas: A Primer for the 21st Century 2015:7. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781137298782* *9780415747745* 天然ガス *9781138904651* *9781138817159* ★ Young, Stephen C. (ed.) The Emergence of Ecological Modernisation: Integrating the Environment and the Economy? 2015:5., Originally Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883352* ★ Polimeni, John M./Mayumi, Kozo The Jevons Paradox and the Myth of % "\&\ 2015:4., Originally Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866959* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 105 環境学 》環境経済 ★ Simms, Andrew/Boyle, David The New Economics: A Bigger Picture 2015:4. 208 p., Originally Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865624* See also Lew, Alan A., Managing and Adapting to Global Change in Tourism Places, Routledge .................................................................. p103 , 0778 Slocum, Susan, \= Routledge.................................................. p103 , 0781 Hughes, Michael, The Practice of Sustainable Tourism, Routledge ................................. p104 , 0784 Jagadeesan, S./Dinesh Kumar, M. The Sardar Sarovar Project: Assessing Economic and Social Impacts 2015:1. 336 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9789351501268* See also Perry, P J, British Agriculture, Routledge ....................................................................p83 , 0604 環境政治 Jiang, Tao/Yu, Liang/Cao, Yang Energy Management of Internet Data Centers in Smart Grid (Green Energy and Technology) 2015:6. 102 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662456750* 環境経営 イベントと持続可能性 Holmes, Kirsten/Hughes, Michael/Mair, Judith/ Carlsen, Jack Events and Sustainability 2015:4. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744492* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744508* コーヒー生産と持続可能性 Biswas-Tortajada, Andrea/Biswas, Asit K. Sustainability in Coffee Production: Creating Shared Value Chains in Colombia 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138902077* Hudson, Paul/Middelkoop, Hans (eds.) Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe 2015:6. 300 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 途上国のグローバリゼーション、政治制度と環境 Spilker, Gabriele Globalization, Political Institutions and the Environment in Developing Countries (Routledge Research in Environmental Policy and Politics) 2015:5. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138914643* Yonk, Ryan M./Simmons, Randy T./Steed, Brian C. Green vs. Green: The Political, Legal, and Administrative Pitfalls Facing Green Energy Production (Routledge Research in Environmental Policy and Politics) 2015:4. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 106 *9781493923793* *9781138886544* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境政治 Methmann, Chris/Rothe, Delf/Stephan, Benjamin (eds.) Interpretive Approaches to Global Climate Governance: (De)constructing the Greenhouse (Interventions) 2015:3. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909304* 気候変動、紛争と安全保障 Selby, Jan/Hoffmann, Clemens (eds.) / \= rity 2015:7. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915398* Cicin-Sain, Biliana/VanderZwaag, David L./Balgos, Miriam C. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of National and Regional Ocean Policies 2015:4. 568 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138788299* Perreault, Thomas/Bridge, Gavin/McCarthy, James (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:5. 688 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874206* Cohen, Steven/Eimicke, William/Miller, Alison Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy 2015:1. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118916377* Gemenne, François/Ionesco, Dina/Mokhnacheva, Daria The Atlas of Environmental Migration 2015:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022058* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022065* Pautz, Michelle C./Rinfret, Sara R. The Lilliputians of Environmental Regulation: The Perspective of State Regulators (Routledge Research in Environmental Policy and Politics) 2015:2. 148 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138794337* *9781138909045* 環境法 Schwarz-Herion, Odile/Omran Ali, Abdelnaser (eds.) Strategies Towards the New Sustainability Paradigm: Managing the Great Transition to Sustainable Global Democracy 2015:5. 350 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Routledge 版 国家と地域の海洋政策ハンドブック ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9783319146980* ★ ヨーロッパ環境政策における持続可能性 Atkinson, Rob/Georgios, Terizakis (eds.) Sustainability in European Environmental Policy: Challenges of Governance and Knowledge 2015:4. 224 p., Originally Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Robertson, Ian Animals, Welfare and the Law: Fundamental Principles for Critical Assessment 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415535625* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415535632* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 107 環境学 》環境法 Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence Fresh Water in International Law 2015:3. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198782759* Magsig, Bjørn-Oliver International Water Law and the Quest for Common Security (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138816909* 環境社会・環境教育 Buechler, Stephanie/Hanson, Anne-Marie S. (eds.) A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change (Routledge International Studies of Women and Place) 2015:2. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749350* 異常気象とグローバルメディア Leyda, Julia/Negra, Diane (eds.) Extreme Weather and Global Media 2015:6. 244 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138798786* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138798793* Hagen, Bjoern Public Perception of Climate Change: Policy and Communication (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 108 *9781138795235* Turner, Rita J. Teaching for Ecojustice: Curriculum and Lessons for Secondary and College Classrooms 2015:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832916* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832923* グリーン・コミュニティ Bichard, Erik The Coming of Age of the Green Community: My neighbourhood, my planet (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2015:5. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915152* 都市と環境 Choy, Darryl Low/Buxton, Michael/Wadsworth, Jenny (eds.) Peri-Urban Landscapes 2015:3. 190 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781466596474* 環境問題 Blackstock, Jason/Miller, Clark/Rayner, Steve (eds.) Geoengineering our Climate?: Ethics, Politics and Governance (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) 2015:10. 272 p. (Earthscan Publications Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781849713733* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781849713740* Ives, Jack Himalayan Perceptions: Environmental Change and the Well-Being of Mountain Peoples 2015:2. 296 p., Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境問題 Originally Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867130* Sejersen, Frank Rethinking Greenland and the Arctic in the Era of Climate Change: New Northern Horizons (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) 2015:4. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 各国・各地域の環境問題 Aricò, Salvatore (ed.) Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century 2015:5. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107100138* *9781138845152* Ẽೃኚື䛾㐺ᛂ⟇䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 䠏ᕳ Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation '! ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&&$& K+$ ) ㏻ᖖ౯䢠%) ≉౯䢠140,385䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ ᮏ᭩ࡣẼೃኚືࡢ⛉Ꮫⓗ࣭♫ⓗ࣭ᨻⓗ࣭ᩥⓗഃ㠃ࢆࠊ⤫ྜ ࡋ㤳ᑿ୍㈏ࡋ࡚⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ」ᩘᕳࢃࡓࡿ㈨ᩱ㞟ࡣẼೃኚື ࡢせ࡞ഃ㠃ࡢ୍ࡘ࡛࠶ࡿ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞ࢸ࣮࣐↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ㐺ᛂ⟇Ẽೃኚືࡢ≀⌮ⓗ࣭⏕≀ⓗ࣭ே㛫ⓗᙳ㡪ࢆࡢࡼ࠺ ฎ⌮ࡍࡿࠊ♫ⓗㄢ㢟ཬࡧつ⠊ⓗ࡞⛉Ꮫⓗㄢ㢟ࢆศᯒࡋࠊẼೃኚ ືࡢᙳ㡪ࢆ⟶⌮ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢ㐨ලࡸࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࠊᡭἲࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ㉁ࡢ㧗࠸ࠊᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ᐤ✏ᩥࡣ᭱ඛ➃ࡢグ㏙ࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᖜᗈ࠸ㄞ⪅ᒙẼ ೃኚືࡼࡗ࡚ࡶࡓࡽࡉࢀࡓㄢ㢟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿࣂࣛࣥࢫࡢྲྀࢀࡓධᡭࡋࡸ ࡍ࠸᭱᪂ࡢぢゎࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭷┈࡞ሗ※ࡋ࡚ࡢᙺࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊᩍ⫱ ◊✲ࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡍࡿ㐨ලࡋ࡚ࠊࡲࡓࠊᑓ㛛ᐙࡢពᛮỴᐃࢆຓࡍࡿࡶࡢࡋ࡚ࡶ ᙺ❧ࡕࡲࡍࠋ D! ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 109 法 学 》法学一般 法 学 法学一般 Moustaira, Elina Art Collections, Private and Public: A Comparative Legal Study (SpringerBriefs in Law) 2015:4. 120 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319158013* Migdal, Nelson Hotel Law: Transactions, Management and Franchising 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138779525* Duncan, Nigel/Ashford, Chris/Guth, Jessica (eds.) Perspectives on Legal Education: Contemporary Responses to the Upjohn Lectures 2015:10. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ Henry, Stuart Private Justice: Towards Intergrated Theorising in the Sociology of Law (Routledge Revivals) 2015:3. 258 p., Originally Published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138911703* *9781138812581* 基礎法 ジョン・フィニスの哲学 Keown, John/George, Robert P. (eds.) Reason, Morality, and Law: The Philosophy of John Finnis 2015:1. 628 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738107* Arvidssen, Matilda/Brannstrom, Leila/Minkkinen, Panu (eds.) The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt: Law, Politics, Theology 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138822931* 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 Birrell, Kathleen Indigeneity : Before and Beyond the Law (Indigenous Peoples and the Law) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138793323* Hourigan, Daniel Law and Enjoyment: Power, Pleasure and Psychoanalysis (Discourses of Law) 2015:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 110 Wiley 版 法と社会ハンドブック Sarat, Austin/Ewick, Patricia (eds.) The Handbook of Law and Society 2015:5. 504 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118701461* Saldias, Osvaldo The Judicial Politics of Economic Integration: The Andean Court as an Engine of Development 2015:5. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915121* *9781138815964* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 法制史 Schiller, Reuel E. Forging Rivals: Race, Class, Law, and the Collapse of Postwar Liberalism (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society) 2015:5. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107012264* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107628335* *9780521719940* Channing, Iain The Police and the Expansion of Public Order Law in Britain, 1829-2014 (Routledge SOLON Explorations in Crime and Criminal Justice Histories) 2015:5. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780521895644* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780415640770* 古代アテネの法と社会 Garner, Richard Law and Society in Classical Athens (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 162 p., Originally Published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744348* Jurasinski, Stefan Old English Penitentials and Anglo-Saxon Law (Studies in Legal History) 2015:7. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107083417* オリバー・ウェンデル・ホームズ・ジュニア Grant, Susan-Mary Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: Civil War Soldier, Supreme Court Justice (Routledge Historical Americans) 2015:8. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415656535* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415656542* Cambridge 版 ローマ法必携 Johnston, David (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law 2015:2. 554 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 比較法 Parmar, Pooja Indigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India: Claims, Histories, Meanings (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2015:6. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107081185* ★ 英国司法制度入門 第 10 版 2015-2016 Partington, Martin Introduction to the English Legal System 2015-2016, 10th ed. 2015:4. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198729273* Stockreiter, Elke Islamic Law, Gender and Social Change in PostAbolition Zanzibar 2015:3. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107048416* Ranjan, Sudhanshu Justice, Judocracy and Democracy in India: Boundaries and Breaches 2015:3. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 111 法 学 》基礎法 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 公 法 *9781138903913* 憲 法 道徳的合理主義とシャリーア Bhojani, Ali Reza Moral Rationalism and Shari’a: Independent Rationality in Modern Shi’i Usul al-Fiqh (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800267* Tushnet, Mark/Fleiner, Thomas/Saunders, Cheryl (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law 2015:1. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Antons, Christoph (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Asian Law 2015:6. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415659406* ★ 権利章典 第2版 Cogan, Neil H. The Complete Bill of Rights: The Drafts, Debates, Sources, and Origins, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 1442 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199324200* ★ 英国司法制度 第5版 Gillespie, Alisdair The English Legal System, 5th ed. 2015:6. 708 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857674* Routledge 版 アジア法ハンドブック ★ Routledge 版 憲法ハンドブック *9780198727217* ★ 変わる英国憲法 第8版 Jowell, Jeffrey/Oliver, Dawn/ O'Cinneide, Colm (eds.) The Changing Constitution, 8th ed. 2015:6. 456 p., Originally Published in 1985 (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198709824* Graber, Mark A./Gillman, Howard/Whittington, Keith E. The Complete American Constitutionalism, Volume One: Introduction and The Colonial Era (The Complete American Constitutionalism) 2015:3. 592 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190237622* Aroney, Nicholas/Gerangelos, Peter/Stellios, James/ Murray, Sarah The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 2015:9. 704 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780521759182* 司法制度 Bustamante, Thomas/Dahlman, Christian (eds.) Argument Types and Fallacies in Legal Argumentation (Law and Philosophy Library, Vol. 112) 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) 112 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319161471* 人 権 Hunt, Paul/Gray, Tony (eds.) Maternal Mortality, Human Rights and Accountability 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Coysh, Joanne In Pursuit of Human Rights: NGOs, Pedagogy and Praxis in Grassroots Africa (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138779112* *9781138884809* Della Fina, Valentina/Cera, Rachele (eds.) Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment: International, European and National Perspectives 2015:4. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319137902* ἲ䛸䝥䝷䜲䝞䝅䞊䛾◊✲ྀ᭩㻌 䠏ᕳ Q Q\K^ Edited by ,'$% &" ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ ศྍ !"#$%&&$&%&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃"%ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781409447184* ࣉࣛࣂࢩ࣮ࡣ⌧ᅾ࡛ࡣἲᚊᏛࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࡸᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊ⤒῭Ꮫࠊ♫⛉ Ꮫ࡛ࡶせ࡞㢟┠࡞ࡾࠊ◊✲ᡂᯝࡢ⇿ⓎⓗቑຍࡼࡾࠊᏛ⏕ࡀከࡃࡢศ㔝ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ 㔜せ࡞ㄢ㢟ࢆ᫂☜ࡍࡿࡇࡀᅔ㞴࡞ࡗ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ࣉ ࣮ࣟࢳࢆࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ㔜せ࡞ㄽᩥࢆࡲࡵࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ࠊㄞ⪅ࡀࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ」㞧࡞ㄢ㢟 ࠺ࡲࡃᑐฎࡋࠊฟ∧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿከࡃࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿᡭຓࡅࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 3 ᕳ࡛ᵓᡂࡉࢀࡓࡇࡢࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢྛᕳࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞ࢸ࣮࣐ࡀタᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋࣉࣛࣂࢩ࣮ࡀᩥⓗࢥࣥࢸࢡࢫࢺ࠾࠸࡚࠺ᢅࢃࢀࡿ࠸࠺ၥ࠸ᑐࡍࡿே 㢮Ꮫⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࠊᅜᐙࡀಶேཬࡧࡑࢀ௨እࡢேࠎࡢಖㆤຍ࠼ᅜᐙ⮬㌟ࢆಖㆤࡍࡿᚲせ ࡀ࠶ࡿሙྜࡢᅜᐙࡼࡿ┘どࡢㄢ㢟ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊᨻᗓၟᴗ㒊㛛ࡀࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ⤯࠼㛫࡞ࡃ㞟ࡵ ࡚࠸ࡿୡ⏺࠾࠸࡚ࣉࣛࣂࢩ࣮ࡀఱࢆពࡍࡿ࠸࠺ࢸ࣮࣐࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡇ᭱㏆ࡣࣉࣛ ࣂࢩ࣮㛵ࡍࡿつไࡀࡓࡧࡓࡧồࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࡢ᭩⡠ࡢㄽᩥࡼࡾࣉࣛࣂࢩ࣮つไ ࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿពᛮỴᐃࡢ⫼ᚋ࠶ࡿ⌮ⓗ࣭⌮ㄽⓗ᰿ᣐࡀ⌮ゎ࡛ࡁࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿㄽᩥࡣࠊᏛ⾡ⓗ࡞㉁◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚ࡢ᭷┈ᛶࢆᇶ ‽㑅ᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊከᵝ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡀ≉ᚩ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣉࣛࣂࢩ࣮ࡢᢏ⾡ⓗ࡞ ഃ㠃ࢆ㆟ㄽࡋࡓㄽᩥࡣேᩥ⛉Ꮫࡀᑓ㛛ࡢㄞ⪅ࡶࢃࡾࡸࡍࡃ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋయࡋ ࡚ࠊㄽᩥ㑅ᐃࢃࢀࡓࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡢᖜᗈࡉࡼࡾࠊࡇࡢࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣㅮᖌࡸ◊✲⪅ࠊᏛ⏕ ࡗ࡚౯್ࡀ࠶ࡾ㔜せ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 113 法 学 》公 法 McThomas, Mary The Dual System of Privacy Rights in the United States (Law, Courts and Politics) 2015:5. 132 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138914742* 金融犯罪とホワイトカラー犯罪 Gottschalk, Petter Financial Crime and White-Collar Criminals: An Empirical and Theoretical Survey for Research 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 刑事法 Allen, Christopher/Taylor, Chris/ Nairns, Janice Practical Guide to Evidence, 5th ed. 2015:8. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Bordia, Devika/Berti, Daniela (eds.) Regimes of Legalities: Ethnography of Criminal Cases in South Asia 2015:5. 364 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199456741* ★ 刑法テキスト 第 14 版 Ormerod, David/Laird, Karl Smith and Hogan’s Criminal Law, 14th ed. 2015:5. 1352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198702313* ★ 刑法テキスト 第 13 版 Allen, Michael Textbook on Criminal Law, 13th ed. 2015:4. 626 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198727422* ★ 証拠法 第4版 Choo, Andrew Evidence, 4th ed. 2015:4. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 114 *9780198705277* *9781138781726* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138781719* Routledge 版 ヨーロッパのホワイトカラー犯罪と企 業犯罪ハンドブック Van Erp, Judith/Huisman, Wim/Vande Walle, Gudrun (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe 2015:4. 648 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415722148* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 刑法・刑事訴訟法 ★ 英国証拠法実務ガイド 第5版 *9781137515681* Joseph, Janelle/Crichlow, Wesley (eds.) Alternative Offender Rehabilitation and Social Justice: Arts and Physical Engagement in Criminal Justice and Community Settings 2015:6. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137476814* Routledge 版 刑務所ハンドブック 第2版 Jewkes, Yvonne (ed.) Handbook on Prisons, 2nd ed. 2015:9. 808 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745659* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415745666* Schlosser, Jennifer A. Inmates’ Narratives and Discursive Discipline in Prison: Rewriting personal histories through cognitive behavioral programs (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2015:4. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814233* Shore, Heather London’s Criminal Underworlds, C. 1720 - C. 1930: A Social and Cultural History 2015:3. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230304048* Walby, Kevin/Lippert, Randy K Municipal Corporate Security in International Context (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2015:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415733250* ⏕≀♫Ꮫⓗ≢⨥Ꮫ㻌 䠐ᕳ ( Y [ 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䛇 $", Iowa State University, USA %/(, Saint Louis University, USA ᖺ % ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ % ศྍ !"#$%&&&&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃 ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781138014831* ⏕≀♫Ꮫⓗ≢⨥Ꮫ⪅ࡣ⏕≀ⓗ࣭⎔ቃⓗせᅉࡢ୧᪉ࢆㄪᰝࡍࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚≢⨥⾜ື 㸦ࡲࡓࠊࡑࢀ㛵㐃ࡋࡓ♫⾜ື㸧ࢆㄝ᫂ࡋࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋὶࡢ≢⨥Ꮫ♫Ꮫ ࡢどⅬࢆ⤖ྜࡉࡏࠊ㑇ఏᏛࡸ⚄⤒ᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊ㐍ᚰ⌮Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ⏝ࡍࡿ ࡇࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ⏕≀♫Ꮫⓗ≢⨥Ꮫࡣ⌧ᅾ࡛ࡣ␗ศ㔝ࡀࡌࡾྜࡗࡓ㆟ㄽࡀ┒ࢇ࡞ศ㔝 ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ◊✲ศ㔝ࡢ㐍ᒎ㈉⊩ࡋࡓከᵝ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡸ⌮ㄽࠊᴫᛕࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿ ࡓࡵࡢಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿ㈨ᩱ㞟ࡀồࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡢࢆཷࡅࠊᮏ᭩࡛ࡣࠊ ྡࡢⴭྡ࡞◊✲⪅ࡢ⦅ 㞟ࡼࡾࠊࡇࡢせồࢆ‶ࡓࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ ᕳᵓᡂ࡛ୡ⏺୰ࡢ⏕≀♫Ꮫⓗ≢⨥Ꮫ⪅ࡀࡶࡓࡽࡋࡓ᭱ࡶᙳ㡪ຊࡢ࠶ࡿᐇ ドⓗ࣭⌮ㄽⓗ࣭ᨻⓗ㈉⊩ࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢ◊✲ࡢṔྐࡸ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ⌮ㄽࡔ ࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿከᵝ࡞◊✲ᡭἲࡸཝᐦ࡞ ᐇド◊✲ࡢᡂᯝࡶᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊྛᡤᩓࡽࡤࡗࡓከࡃࡢㄽᩥࢆ⡆༢ぢࡘࡅࡿࡓࡵࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࣋ ࣮ࢫࡋ࡚᭷ຠ࡞ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ࠶ࡲࡾ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ㄽᩥࢆ᥈ࡍࡓࡵࡶ㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ ࡋ࡚Ḽ㏄ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 115 法 学 》刑事法 ⾜ฮ㻌 䠐ᕳ K Y [ 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䛇 %&%&, ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&&$&%'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃$) ≉౯㻃 ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780415835497* ᩥ᫂♫࠾ࡅࡿ」㞧࡞ၥ㢟ࡋ࡚ࠊேࡀ⨥ࢆ≢ࡋࡓ࠺ᑐฎࡍࢀࡤⰋ࠸ࡢ ࠊ≉ࠊ≢⨥⪅ࡣࡢࡼ࠺࡞⨩ࢆ⛉ࡉࢀࡿࡁࠊ࠸࠺ࡇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽ ࠊฮ⨩ࡢᛶ㉁ࡸࡑࢀࢆ⾜࠺ṇᙜ࡞⌮⏤ࠊ┠ⓗࠊຠᯝࡣṔྐᩥࢆ㉸࠼࡚ࠊࡲࡓ ᩥෆ࡛ࡶࡁࡃ␗࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡣᘬࡁ⥆ࡁάⓎ㆟ㄽࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ㐨ᚨ ࡸᨻࠊಙ᮲ࡸ᭷ຠᛶࡢ㆟ㄽࡘ࠸࡚ࡓࡧࡓࡧࡁ࡞டࢆ⏕ࡌࡉࡏ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ᪂ࡋࡃࡁࢃࡵ࡚㔜せ࡞ࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪ♫ࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢ≢⨥Ꮫࡢ୍ ศ㔝ࡋ࡚ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊἲᚊᐙࡸဴᏛ⪅ࠊ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࡢᛮᐙࡗ࡚ࡶ୰ᚰⓗ࡛㔜 せ࡞ฮ⨩㛵ࡍࡿㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣㄞ⪅ࡀ᪂ᪧ୧᪉ࡢᙳ㡪 ຊࡢࡁ࡞ᩥ⊩ࢆㄪࠊᮏ◊✲ศ㔝ࡢ㐍ࢆ㏣࠼ࡿࡼ࠺ᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㢟┠ࡣ௨ୗࡢ㏻ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋ ࣭ฮ⨩㛵ࡍࡿဴᏛⓗ࡞㆟ㄽ ࣭Ṛฮ ࣭ฮ⨩㛵ࡍࡿ♫Ꮫⓗ⌮ㄽ ࣭♫ෆฮ⨩ ࣭ᅜ㝿ẚ㍑◊✲ ࣭ಟⓗྖἲ ࣭ṔྐⓗどⅬ ࣭≢⨥⪅ࡢ㟁Ꮚ㏣㊧ ࣭ฮົᡤ ࣭࣏ࣆࣗࣜࢬ࣒ฮᨻ⟇ ࣭᭦⏕ ࣭ฮ⨩ேᶒ ࣭⨩㔠 ࣭ฮ⨩≢⨥ฎ⌮㛵ࡍࡿ᭱㏆ࡢᅜ㝿ⓗᒎ㛤 㞟ࡉࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣᏛ㆑࠶ࡿ⦅㞟⪅ࡓࡕࡼࡗ࡚ៅ㔜㑅ᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊฮ⨩㛵 ࡋ࡚Ỵᐃⓗ࡞ᴫせࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓᑟධᩥࡀᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆṔ ྐⓗ࣭ࢸ࣮࣐ࡈࡢᩥ⬦ศ㢮ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ㄞ⪅ࡀࡓࡔ༢ฮἲࡢヰ㢟⢭㏻ ࡍࡿࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ㐣ཤ⌧ᅾࡢ୧᪉࠾࠸࡚Ꮫ⾡ⓗ◊✲ࢆάⓎࡉࡏࡓ㘽࡞ࡿၥ 㢟ࢆ⌮ゎ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 116 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 Lowe, David Policing Terrorism: Research Studies into Police Counter-terrorism Investigations (Advances in Police Theory and Practice) 2015:8. 250 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482226836* Ruggiero, Vincenzo Power and Crime (New Directions in Critical Criminology) 2015:4. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792371* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792388* Hall, Steve/Winlow, Simon Revitalizing Criminological Theory: Towards a new Ultra-Realism (New Directions in Critical Criminology) 2015:5. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744355* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415744362* Bibas, Stephanos The Machinery of Criminal Justice 2015:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190239282* Barak, Gregg (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of the Crimes of the Powerful (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:6. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415741262* Andresen, Martin A. The Science of Crime Measurement: Issues for Spatially-Referenced Crime Data 2015:4. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138899957* See also Brown, Sarah, Research Methods for Forensic Psychologists, Routledge .......................... p77 , 0561 The Sequential Intercept Model and Criminal Justice, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p155 , 1233 Routledge 版 越境する組織犯罪ハンドブック Allum, Felia/Gilmour, Stan (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime 2015:3. 574 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909441* Blaustein, Jarrett Speaking Truths to Power: Policy Ethnography and Police Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Clarendon Studies in Criminology) 2015:5. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 民事法 民法 / 物権・債権 King, Sarah Beginning Land Law (Beginning the Law) 2015:2. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021761* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021754* *9780198723295* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 117 法 学 》民事法 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 契約法 第2版 Morgan, Jonathan Great Debates in Contract Law, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Great Debates in Law) 2015:4. 344 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Gilmore, Stephen Great Debates in Family Law, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Great Debates in Law) 2015:4. 328 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198743071* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198743088* 民法 / 不法行為 Horsey, Kirsty/Rackley, Erika Kidner’s Casebook on Torts, 13th ed. 2015:7. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199678822* 民法 / 親族・相続 家族法 第2版 *9780415733588* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415733571* 家族法 第3版 Harris-Short, Sonia/Miles, Joanna/George, Rob Family Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 3rd ed. (Text, Cases, And Materials) 2015:6. 1107 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) 118 *9781137481566* 商 法 オーストラリアの商法 Bozzi, Claudio/Thampapillai, Dilan/Tan, Vivi Australian Commercial Law 2015:8. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107674578* Berlingieri, Francesco International Maritime Conventions: Volume 3: Protection of the Marine Environment (Maritime and Transport Law Library) 2015:7. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415719872* Burton, Frances Family Law, 2nd ed. 2015:2. 568 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ 家族法 第2版 *9781137481597* Bridge, Michael Personal Property Law, 4th ed. (Clarendon Law Series) 2015:4. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199664184* ビジネス法入門 第3版 Jones, Lucy Introduction to Business Law, 3rd ed. 2015:5. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198727330* Beadnall, Stuart/Moore, Simon Offshore Construction: Law and Practice (Lloyd’s Shipping Law Library) 2015:8. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138799967* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》民事法 Todd, Paul Principles of Carriage of Goods by Sea 2015:10. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415743747* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415743730* Toth, Orsolya The Lex Mercatoria in Theory and Practice 2015:9. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199685721* 会社法 Pillay, Renginee The Changing Nature of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR and Development - The Case of Mauritius (Routledge Research in Corporate Law) 2015:2. 290 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415835473* 民事手続法 De Girolamo, Debbie The Fugitive Identity of Mediation: Negotiations, Shift Changes and Allusionary Action 2015:4. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884793* 経済法 イタリアの銀行と金融法 Siclari, Domenico Italian Banking and Financial Law: Supervisory Authorities and Supervision (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions) 2015:6. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137507525* 知的財産法 Alexander QC, Daniel/May, Charlotte/Moore, Sebastian/Turnbull, Jonathan/Wright, Gordon &&\"' / 2015:10. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199665235* Frankel, Susy Test Tubes for Global Intellectual Property Issues: Small Market Economies (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, Vol. 29) 2015:5. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107013148* 労働法・社会法 労働法 第2版 Honeyball, Simon Great Debates in Employment Law, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Great Debates in Law) 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137481627* 労働法 第 12 版 Smith, Ian/Baker, Aaron Smith & Wood’s Employment Law, 12th ed. 2015:8. 888 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198727354* See also Devine, Lauren, State Powers and Private Rights in Child Protection and Safeguarding Assessments, Routledge ...........................p155 , 1229 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 119 法 学 》医事法 医事法 Taylor, Simon Medical Accident Liability and Redress in English and French Law 2015:6. 224 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107102804* Oster, Jan Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, Vol. 30) 2015:5. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107098954* Weller, Penelope New Law and Ethics in Mental Health Advance Directives: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Right to Choose (Explorations in Mental Health) 2015:3. 308 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138798649* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138907980* See also Freivogel, William H., The Sage Guide to Key Issues in Mass Media Ethics and Law, Sage Pub. .................................................................. p162 , 1294 国際法 英国医事法 第5版 Stauch, Marc/Wheat, Kay Text, Cases & Materials on Medical Law and Ethics, 5th ed. 2015:3. 600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138024021* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138024038* Fovargue, Sara/Mullock, Alexandra (eds.) The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment: What Role for the Medical Exception? (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library) 2015:8. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138819634* 情報法・インターネット法 インターネットガバナンスと人権 Easton, Catherine Internet Governance: A Human Rights Perspective (Routledge Research in Information Technology and E-Commerce Law) 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) 120 ★ Young, Margaret A. (ed.) Regime Interaction in International Law: Facing Fragmentation 2015:6. 346 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107521780* Oxford 版 国際法理論ハンドブック Orford, Anne/Hoffmann, Florian (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law 2015:9. 1000 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198701958* 国際公法 Atwell, Mary Welek An American Dilemma: International Law, Capital Punishment, and Federalism (International Law, Crime, and Politics) 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137270368* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 Ajevski, Marjan (ed.) Fragmentation in International Human Rights Law@"^;`[}~~~]ledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906570* Mitchell, Andrew D./Sornarajah, M/Voon, Tania (eds.) Good Faith and International Economic Law (International Economic Law Series) 2015:5. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198739791* Lee, Yong-Shik (ed.) Microtrade: A New System of International Trade with Volunteerism Towards Poverty Elimination (Routledge Research in International Economic Law) 2015:4. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884816* *9780415704458* Jakubowski, Andrzej State Succession in Cultural Property (Cultural Heritage Law and Policy) 2015:5. 420 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107502758* Martha, Rutsel Silvestre J. The Financial Obligation in International Law 2015:3. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198736387* Diab, Robert The Harbinger Theory: How the Post-9/11 Emergency Became Permanent and the Case for Reform 2015:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190243227* ★ Salacuse, Jeswald W. The Law of Investment Treaties, 2nd ed. (Oxford International Law Library) 2015:5. 620 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198738060* McInerney, Thomas Strategic Treaty Management: Practice and Implications 2015:4. 275 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Warner, Robin/Kaye, Stuart (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement 2015:8. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ Jodoin, Sébastien/Cordonier Segger, Marie-Claire (eds.) Sustainable Development, International Criminal Justice, and Treaty Implementation (Treaty Implementation for Sustainable Development) 2015:2. 392 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107089723* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198703976* ★ Parry, Geraint B (eds.) The Legal and Moral Aspects of International Trade: Freedom and Trade: Volume Three 2015:5. 240 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880986* Oxford 版 海洋法ハンドブック Rothwell, Donald R./Elferink, Alex G. Oude/Scott, Karen N./Stephens, Tim (eds.) MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 121 法 学 》国際法 The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (Oxford Handbooks in Law) 2015:3. 850 p. 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Intellectual Property and EU Competition Law, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198708247* The European Private International Law of Employment 2015:5. 374 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 技術移転とEUの新競争法規則 第2版 *9781107082946* ★ Twigg-Flesner, Christian The Europeanisation of Contract Law: Current Controversies in Law, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138884786* De Londras, Fiona/Doody, Josephine (eds.) The Impact, Legitimacy and Effectiveness of EU Counter-Terrorism (Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law) 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198727729* ★ 知的所有権とEU競争法 第2版 *9781138856660* *9781107010499* *9780198726067* ヨーロッパ法と国際法の課題 EU法 Technology Transfer and the EU Competition Rules, 2nd ed. 2015:10. 472 p. 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(Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107065673* ᨻᏛ䛾ィ㔞◊✲㻌 䠑ᕳ _^O K, SAGE Library of Political Science 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04006S0303䛇 !0 1University of Michigan, USA 2015 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ 5 Vols., 1,720 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-0217-6 ண⣙౯䠄2015/07/16 ཷศ㎾䠅STP 750.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯䢠208,913/ ≉౯䢠%.䛊ᮏయ䛋+⛯ 䠄ୖグ௨㝆䠅STP 825.00/ ㏻ᖖ౯䢠229,804/ ≉౯䢠 % "%䛊ᮏయ䛋+⛯ *9781473902176* ࡇࡢ ~ ᕳᵓᡂࡢ㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ࡣ⌧௦ࡢᐇドᨻᏛࡢᇶ♏ࢆ⠏ࡁࠊᢏ⾡ࢆᣑᙇࡋ῝ࡵࠊᐇ ドⓗᡭἲࡢ㐺⏝ࢆ⤂ࡋࡓせ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᐇドᨻᏛࡢᇶ♏ⓗ࡞ㄢ 㢟ࡣᩘከࡃᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ㘓ㄽᩥࢆ ~ ᕳࢃࡓࡗ࡚ K ࡘࡢࢸ࣮࣐ ࡈࡢࢭࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥᵓᡂࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᵝࠎ࡞ㄢ㢟ࢆゎࡁࡄࡋᥥࡁฟࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸ᑟධ㸸♫⛉Ꮫࡢᐇドศᯒࡢㄢ㢟ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸ィ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸ᇶ♏ⓗ࡞ከኚ㔞ᅇᖐࣔࢹࣝไ⣙ࡢ㉁ⓗᚑᒓኚᩘࡢࡓࡵࡢࣔࢹࣝ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸␗㉁ᛶ␗㉁ᛶຠᯝ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸ືⓗࣔࢹࣝ ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ 㸸ෆ⏕ᛶᅉᯝ᥎ㄽ ᮏ᭩ࡢㄽᩥᵓᡂ㑅ᐃࡢ⌮ㄽⓗ᰿ᣐࡣ⦅㞟⪅࡛࠶ࡿࣟࣂ࣮ࢺ࣭@࣭ࣇࣛࣥࢶ࢙࣮ࢮ ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓၨⵚⓗ࡞ᑟධ❶࡛ᑀゎㄝࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㻌 D: ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 124 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 マルクス主義とオリエンタリズムの終焉 ソフォクレスと悲劇の政治 Turner, Bryan S. Marx and the End of Orientalism (Routledge Revivals) 2015:6. 108 p., Originally Published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Badger, Jonathan N. Sophocles and the Politics of Tragedy: Cities and Transcendence (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory) 2015:2. 252 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792661* イギリスにおけるマルクス主義 Laybourn, Keith Marxism in Britain: Dissent, Decline and Re-emergence 1945-c.2000 (Routledge Studies in Modern British History) 2015:2. 208 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415758673* ★ Gayle, Curtis Anderson Marxist History and Postwar Japanese Nationalism 2015:2. 208 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138008663* Wydra, Harald Politics and the Sacred 2015:4. 220 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107075375* Talshir, Gayil/Humphrey, Mathew (eds.) Taking Ideology Seriously: 21st Century Recon }~], First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874084* Bhatia, Michael (ed.) 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' : Critical Perspectives on Contentious Urban Developments (RTPI Library Series) 2015:2. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Booth, Philip Planning by Consent: The Origins and Nature of British Development Control 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873919* ★ 巨大都市の計画 Johnson, David A. Planning the Great Metropolis: The 1929 Regional Plan of New York and its Environs (Planning, History and Environment Series) 2015:1. 300 p., First Published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138885721* 政治的マーケティングのゲーム Lees-Marshment, Jennifer Political Marketing Game 2015:3. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137516428* Al-Khouri, Ali Program Management of Technology Endeavours: Lateral Thinking in Large Scale Government Program Management 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137509512* 行政府の発展 Guy, Mary E./Rubin, Marilyn M. (eds.) 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The Act of Voting: Identities, Institutions and Locale 2015:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138842014* Diefendorf, Jeffry M. The Boston Contest of 1944: Prize Winning Programs (Studies in International Planning History) 2015:3. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138780415* *9781138840416* Loeb, Carolyn/Luescher, Andreas (eds.) The Design of Frontier Spaces: Control and Ambiguity (Design and the Built Environment) 2015:7. 260 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781472419767* ★ インターネットにおける宗教と過激派思想 Stevens, David/O'Hara, Kieron The Devil’s Long Tail: Religious and Other Radicals in the Internet Marketplace 2015:3. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199396245* インターネット・ポリシーの未来 Decherney, Peter/Pickard, Victor (eds.) The Future of Internet Policy 2015:6. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855618* ロンドン五輪と都市開発 Poynter, Gavin/Viehoff, Valerie/Li, Yang (eds.) The London Olympics and Urban Development: The Mega-Event City (Regions and Cities) 2015:7. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138794948* 協働的プランニング Bishop, Jeff The Craft of Collaborative Planning: People Working Together to Shape Creative and Sustainable Places (RTPI Library Series) 2015:5. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138840409* ★印はお薦めタイトル 政治的コミュニケーションのミクロ分析 Bull, Peter The Microanalysis of Political Communication: Claptrap and Ambiguity 2015:2. 240 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882317* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 129 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 災害研究 新たな公共サービス 第4版 Denhardt, Janet V./Denhardt, Robert B. The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering, 4th ed. 2015:3. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891210* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138891258* Kriner, Douglas L./Reeves, Andrew The Particularistic President: Executive Branch Politics and Political Inequality 2015:4. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Crowe, Adam S. A Futurist’s Guide to Emergency Management 2015:7. 344 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Hales, Brent D./Walzer, Norman/Calvin, James R. (eds.) Innovative Community Responses to Disaster (Community Development - Current Issues Series) 2015:5. 148 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107038714* *9781107616813* Shumsky, Neil L. (ed.) The Physical City: Public Space and the Infrastructure 2015:5. 432 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874053* Peters, B. Guy/Pierre, Jon (eds.) The Politicization of the Civil Service in Comparative Perspective: A Quest for Control 2015:4. 312 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874558* Hassler-Forest, Dan/Nicklas, Pascal (eds.) The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology 2015:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 130 アメリカ、中国と世界秩序の闘い Ikenberry, G. John/Jisi, Wang/Feng, Zhu (eds.) America, China, and the Struggle for World Order: Ideas, Traditions, Historical Legacies, and Global Visions (Asia Today) 2015:7. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137532183* ユーラシア・プロジェクトとヨーロッパ Samokhvalov, Vsevolod (ed.) Eurasian Project and Europe: Regional Discontinuities and Geopolitics 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137472953* メディアコンバージェンスと思想 国際関係論一般 公務員制度の諸問題:比較的視点 *9781138907690* 国際関係論 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781482253917* *9781137443847* Bedeski, Robert/Swanström, Niklas (eds.) Eurasia’s Ascent in Energy and Geopolitics: Rivalry or Partnership for China, Russia, and Central Asia? 2015:3. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851962* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 Gold, Peter Gibraltar: British or Spanish? 2015:2. 384 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874473* グローバリゼーションと富の分配 Kacowicz, Arie M. Globalization and the Distribution of Wealth: The Latin American Experience, 1982-2008 2015:4. 262 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107499744* Wilson III, Isaiah (Ike)/Forest, James J. F. (eds.) Handbook of Defence Politics: International and Comparative Perspectives (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 476 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437997* ★ アメリカと中東の関係ハンドブック Looney, Robert E. (ed.) Handbook of US-Middle East Relations: Formative Factors and Regional Perspectives (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 520 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437980* Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri In Spies We Trust: The Story of Western Intelligence 2015:8. 312 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780198701903* 地域格差と国政 Ziegler Rogers, Melissa Institutions and Uneven Development: Wealth Differences and National Politics (Routledge ★印はお薦めタイトル Sharman, J. C. International Order in Diversity: War, Trade and Rule in the Indian Ocean (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Vol. 137) 2015:5. 276 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 防衛政治ハンドブック:国際・比較的視点 *9780415824323* *9781107084834* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 ダイバーシティの国際秩序 Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2015:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781107446823* Hough, Peter International Politics of the Arctic: Coming in from the Cold (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2015:3. 176 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909212* ★ 日本とドイツの地域的役割 Sakaki, Alexandra Japan and Germany as Regional Actors: Evaluating Change and Continuity after the Cold War 2015:4. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857452* 正義と世界の秩序 Andreopoulos, George/Carey, Henry F. (eds.) Justice and World Order: Reassessing Richard Falk’s Scholarship and Advocacy 2015:5. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138838444* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 131 政治学 》国際関係論 ★ 政治と国際関係における重点 第2版 Heywood, Andrew Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Key Concepts) 2015:6. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137489616* Bachmann, Veit (ed.) Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Looking in from the Outside (Europe in a Global Context) 2015:6. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137405463* ★ 21世紀国際思想における過激派と反動主義 Hall, Ian (ed.) Radicals and Reactionaries in Twentieth Century International Thought (The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought) 2015:5. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ポスト・クライシスの国際秩序におけるロシアと中国の 関係 Kaczmarski, Marcin Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) 2015:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137447258* *9781138796591* 安全保障とトルコへのEU 加盟過程 Martin, Natalie Security and the Turkey-EU Accession Process: Norms, Reforms and the Cyprus Issue (New Security Challenges) 2015:4. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137450029* Gibson, Bryan R. Sold Out?: US Foreign Policy, Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War (Middle East Today) 2015:5. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137487117* ★ グローバルガバナンスとグローバル倫理 アメリカの外交政策 1893-2014 Gaskarth, Jamie (ed.) Rising Powers, Global Governance and Global Ethics (Global Institutions) 2015:1. 238 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Herring, George C. The American Century and Beyond: U.S. Foreign Relations, 1893-2014 (Oxford History of the United States) 2015:5. 736 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138826861* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138826878* Routledge 版 外交政策と国政術ハンドブック McKercher, B.J.C. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft 2015:3. 524 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 132 *9780190212476* コモンウェルスと国際事情 May, Alex (ed.) 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Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century: Cross-Regional Perspectives (Cass Military Studies) 2015:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415743686* *9781138832657* Green, Jonathon The A-Z of Nuclear Jargon (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 210 p., Originally Published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415732703* Brauer, Jurgen/Hartley, Keith The Economics of Regional Security: NATO, the Mediterranean and Southern Africa (Routledge Studies in Defence and Peace Economics) 2015:2. 348 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138012257* 冷戦の終結 Routledge 版 軍事倫理ハンドブック *9781138905290* Nunes, Joao Security, Emancipation and the Politics of Health: A New Theoretical Perspective (PRIO New Security Studies) 2015:2. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Armstrong, David/Goldstein, Erik (eds.) The End of the Cold War 2015:4. 220 p., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881921* 核兵器拡散の倫理 Doyle II, Thomas E. The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons Dissemination: Moral Dilemmas of Aspiration, Avoidance and # "^? Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 2015:1. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415629232* 国際武器貿易ハンドブック Tan, Andrew T. H. (ed.) The Global Arms Trade: A Handbook (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437973* Rowe, Peter (ed.) The Gulf War 1990-91 in International and English Law 2015:4. 480 p., First Published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869752* 安全保障の国際政治社会学 Berling, Trine The International Political Sociology of Security: Rethinking Theory and Practice (New International Relations) 2015:2. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415598248* 軍事ビジネス Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby The Military’s Business: Designing Military Power for the Future 2015:3. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107094772* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107477353* Croser, Caroline M. The New Spatiality of Security: Operational Uncertainty and the US Military in Iraq 2015:4. 184 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881976* ★印はお薦めタイトル 人道主義の政治と新たな技術 Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov The Politics of Humanitarianism and New Technology: Good Intentions (Routledge Studies in "^ ?}~}] (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022072* See also Bradford, James C., International Encyclopedia of Military History, Routledge .................... p50 , 0370 Goldman, Emily O., Information and Revolutions in Military Affairs, Routledge ...............p133 , 1034 国際政治経済 金融危機、耐乏と選挙政治 Magalhães, Pedro (ed.) Financial Crisis, Austerity, and Electoral Politics: European Voter Responses to the Global Economic Collapse 2009-2013 2015:4. 154 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138856783* グローバル市民社会と横断するヘゲモニー Buckley, Karen M. Global Civil Society and Transversal Hegemony: The Globalization-Contestation Nexus (Rethinking Globalizations) 2015:3. 178 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909403* Werner, Marion Global Displacements: The Making of Uneven Development in the Dominican Republic and Haiti (Antipode Book Series) 2015:9. 240 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118941997* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118941980* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 137 政治学 》国際関係論 グローバルガバナンスと規制の失敗 ポストコロニアル資本主義 Goldbach, Roman Global Governance and Regulatory Failure: The Political Economy of Banking (International Political Economy Series) 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Ferreira da Silva, Denise/Limke, Rashne (eds.) Postcolonial Capitalism: Justice, Global Labour and Racial Violence (Law and the Postcolonial) 2015:3. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137500021* *9781138789807* 国連の意思決定手続の改革 グローバリゼーションとトランスナショナル資本主義: アジア・オセアニア Sprague, Jeb (ed.) Globalization and Transnational Capitalism in Asia and Oceania 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138016224* Daniel Niemetz, Martin Reforming UN Decision-Making Procedures: Promoting a Deliberative System for Global Peace and Security (Routledge Research on the United Nations (UN)) 2015:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138823327* 国際ガバナンスとレジーム:中国の視点 サミットと地域ガバナンス Yu, Peter Kien Hong International Governance and Regimes: A Chinese Perspective 2015:4. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Mace, Gordon/Therien, Jean-Philippe/Tussie, Diana/Dabène, Olivier (eds.) Summits & Regional Governance: The Americas in Comparative Perspective (Global Institutions) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858220* Sampford, Charles Ransome, William (ed.) Just Ethical Business (Challenges of Globalisation) 2015:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138859029* Panikkar, K. M. The Afro-Asian States and their Problems 2015:4. 128 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880849* 19 世紀の世界 Hanley, Keith/Kucich, Greg (eds.) Nineteenth-Century Worlds: Global Formations Past and Present 2015:4. 304 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138831940* *9781138878228* BRICSと変容する国際システム Herz, Mônica/Pontes Nogueira, João The BRICS in a Changing International System: Emerging Structures of Global Governance (Global Institutions) 2015:6. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797840* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 138 *9781138797857* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 ★ Kiely, Ray The BRICs, US Decline’ and Global Transformations (International Political Economy) 2015:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137499967* Vreeland, James Raymond The International Monetary Fund: Politics of Conditional Lending, 2nd ed. (Global Institutions) 2015:10. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415782333* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415782340* Buonanno, Laurie/Henderson, Keith M./Cuglesan, Natalia (eds.) The New Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy, Vol. 19) 2015:3. 362 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415539098* ★ 政治経済の腐敗 Jain, Arvind K. (ed.) The Political Economy of Corruption 2015:4. 240 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880962* Bradshaw, M. J. %' < ; Potential 2015:4. 294 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879010* 国際関係の諸問題 武力紛争調査 The International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) (ed.) <\ " 2015:4. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781857437799* ★★ 紛争と開発 第2版 MacGinty, Roger/Williams, Andrew _&\, 2nd ed. (Routledge Perspectives on Development) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887503* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887527* Robins, Simon Families of the Missing: A Test for Contemporary Approaches to Transitional Justice 2015:3. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415831024* ジェンダー、平和と安全保障 Dannreuther, Charles/Perren, Lew The Political Economy of the Small Firm (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2015:4. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 極東ロシアとアジア太平洋 ★ 国際通貨基金 第2版 *9781138904644* ★印はお薦めタイトル Olsson, Louise/Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene (eds.) Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (Routledge Stud"^}~}] (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800021* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 139 政治学 》国際関係論 ジェノサイド、エスノナショナリズムと国連 Travis, Hannibal Genocide, Ethnonationalism, and the United Nations: Exploring the Causes of Mass Killing Since 1945 (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2015:5. 378 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138914698* Boesak, Allan Aubrey Kairos, Crisis, and Global Apartheid: The Challenge to Prophetic Resistance (Black Religion/ Womanist Thought/Social Justice) 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137503084* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137503091* インド洋海域の海上テロリズムと海賊行為 Weldemichael, Awet T./Schneider, Patricia/Winner, Andrew C. (eds.) Maritime Terrorism and Piracy in the Indian Ocean Region 2015:2. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850644* *9781137501820* Larsen, Peter Bille Post-Frontier Resource Governance: Indigenous Rights, Extraction and Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon (International Relations and Development Series) 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137381842* Brincat, Shannon (ed.) = '\ Ethical Community 2015:4. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415738521* 紛争後の除隊兵士の社会復帰:シエラレオネとリベリア の事例 Kilroy, Walt %Z\ : Participatory Approaches in Sierra Leone and Libe ?"^}~ 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137428981* ★ アフリカにおけるテロリズムと対テロ作戦 Maddison, Sarah ` Z \ : Can We Reconcile Divided Societies? (Routledge Studies in "^}~}~]ledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415711593* Solomon, Hussein Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: Fighting Insurgency from Al Shabab, Ansar Dine and Boko Haram (New Security Challenges) 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137489883* ★ 南スーダンの平和維持 アラブの反乱 第2版 Munson, Robert B. Peacekeeping in South Sudan: One Year of Lessons from Under the Blue Beret 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Gelvin, James The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know, 2nd ed. (What Everyone Needs to Know) 2015:2. 224 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) 140 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190222741* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190222758* 現代の紛争解決:リーダー Miall, Hugh/Woodhouse, Tom/Ramsbotham, Oliver/ Mitchell, Christopher \&" 2015:1. 408 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745686769* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745686776* Sims, Nicholas A. The Future of Biological Disarmament: Strengthening the Treaty Ban on Weapons 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881907* 国際慣行における新たな人道主義 Sezgin, Zeynep/Dijkzeul, Dennis (eds.) The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging Actors and Contested Principles (Routledge Humanitarian Studies) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138829718* 移住の政治問題化 Van der Brug, Wouter/D'Amato, Gianni/Ruedin, Didier/Berkhout, Joost (eds.) The Politicisation of Migration (Extremism and Democracy) 2015:3. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852778* ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852792* ★★ Sage 版 世界の貧困百科事典 全5巻 Odekon, Mehmet A. (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of World Poverty 2015:9. 5 Vols., 2488 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483345703* ★ 国家、アイデンティティと暴力 Ferguson, R. Brian (ed.) The State, Identity and Violence: Political Disintegration in the Post-Cold War World 2015:2. 336 p., Originally Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874428* 比較政治 金融危機の政治学:比較研究 Panizza, Francisco/Philip, George (eds.) Moments of Truth: The Politics of Financial Crises in Comparative Perspective (Conceptualising Comparative Politics) 2015:5. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138912137* Catt, Helen/Murphy, Michael Sub-State Nationalism: A Comparative Analysis of Institutional Design 2015:5. 224 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874398* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 141 政治学 》アジア太平洋 アジア太平洋 ★ アジアの誤解 Rozman, Gilbert (ed.) Misunderstanding Asia (International Relations and Comparisons in Northeast Asia) 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137512918* Small, Andrew The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics 2015:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780190210755* ★ 船橋洋一他編 日本の失われた20年の 検証 Funabashi, Yoichi/Kushner, Barak (eds.) Examining Japan’s Lost Decades (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 2015:5. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138885752* Nakasone, Yasuhiro Japan : A State Strategy for the Twenty-First Century 2015:5. 248 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862838* ★ 日本と東南アジアの関係:福田ドクトリンとその後 Lam, Peng Er (ed.) Japan’s Relations with Southeast Asia: The Fukuda Doctrine and Beyond (Politics in Asia) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857483* *9781138823532* *9781138823891* ★ 新しい日本の形成 Connors, Leslie The Making of the New Japan: Reclaiming the Political Mainstream 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 142 ★ ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857360* Hook, Glenn/Mason, Ra/O'Shea, Paul Regional Risk and Security in Japan: Wither the # ?;" ; ] Routledge Series) 2015:6. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 日 本 日本における地域のリスクと安全 中国とパキスタンの枢軸 Sasaki, Fumiko Nationalism, Political Realism and Democracy in Japan: The thought of Masao Maruyama (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ 佐々木文子著 丸山眞男の思想にみる 日本のナショナリズム、政治現実主義と 民主主義:強い国家の建設 *9781138863224* 東アジア 中国都市部のガバナンス、社会組織と改革 He, Hongguang Governance, Social Organisation and Reform in Rural China: Case Studies from Anhui Province (Politics and Development of Contemporary China) 2015:7. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137484680* 中国のガバナンスと国内政治ハンドブック Ogden, Chris (ed.) Handbook of China’s Governance and Domestic Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 Politics (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 352 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857438031* 1920 年代の中国革命 中国の国際関係ハンドブック Breslin, Shaun (ed.) Handbook of China’s International Relations (Routledge International Handbooks) 2015:3. 288 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857438017* *9781138780798* 中国の人口移動、都市計画と管理 Wong, Tai-Chee/Han, Sun Sheng/Zhang, Hongmei (eds.) Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China 2015:5. 364 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319152561* Pempel, T. J. (ed.) The Economy-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia (Politics in Asia) 2015:2. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Kim, Hyuk-Rae State-centric to Contested Social Governance in Korea: Shifting Power (Routledge Studies on Modern Korea) 2015:3. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851788* 中国の法人国家 Hsu, Jennifer Y. J./Hasmath, Reza (eds.) The Chinese Corporatist State: Adaption, Survival and Resistance (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:4. 176 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138851849* ネオリベラルの中国における中産階級 Ren, Hai The Middle Class in Neoliberal China: Governing Risk, Life-Building, and Themed Spaces (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:3. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851733* See also *9781138863446* 北東アジアの経済と安全保障の連鎖 ★ Hayes, Anna/Clarke, Michael E. (eds.) Inside Xinjiang: Space, Place and Power in China’s Muslim Far Northwest (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Felber, Roland/Grigoriev, A. M. (eds.) The Chinese Revolution in the 1920s: Between Triumph and Disaster 2015:4. 344 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 新疆ウイグル自治区の内政 *9781138851870* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Hong, Fan, The Politicisation of Sport in Modern China, Routledge......................................p186 , 1491 東南アジア マレーシアとインドネシア:民族のアイデンティティと 選挙 Prasad, Karolina Ethnic Identity and Elections in Malaysia and Indonesia (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854734* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 143 政治学 》アジア太平洋 現代のベトナム:国家、社会と市場 Ho Tai, Hue-Tam/Sidel, Mark (eds.) State, Society and the Market in Contemporary Vietnam: Property, Power and Values (Asia’s Transformations ) 2015:2. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851818* 南アジア Chima, Jugdep S. (ed.) Ethnic Subnationalist Insurgencies in South Asia: Identities, Interests and Challenges to State Authority (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138839922* インドのグローバリゼーションとガバナンス Bhattacharyya, Harihar/Koenig, Lion (eds.) Globalisation and Governance in India: New Challenges to Society and Institutions (Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies) 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853232* インドの国際関係ハンドブック Scott, David (ed.) Handbook of India’s International Relations 2015:5. 376 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781857438000* インドにおける人間の安全保障と国際安全保障 Bates, Crispin/Tanabe, Akio/Mio, Minoru (eds.) Human and International Security in India (Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 144 *9781138908666* Roy, Anjali Gera (ed.) Imagining Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiat in the Transnational Era 2015:5. 112 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886759* 現代のインドとバングラディシュにおけるイスラム協会 Islam, Maidul Limits of Islamism: Jamaat-e-Islami in Contemporary India and Bangladesh 2015:2. 340 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107080263* ★ Oxford 版 インドの外交政策ハンドブック Malone, David M./Mohan, C. Raja/Raghavan, Srinath (eds.) Oxford Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy 2015:7. 700 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198743538* インドの政治経済の発展 Kjosavik, Darley Jose/Shanmugaratnam, Nadarajah Political Economy of Development in India: Indigeneity in Transition in the State of Kerala (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138844568* Das, Runa (ed.) Revisiting Nuclear India: Strategic Culture and (In) Security Imaginary 2015:2. 392 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9789351501220* インドにおける統治権と社会改革 Major, Andrea Sovereignty and Social Reform in India: British Colonialism and the Campaign against Sati, 18301860 (Routledge/Edinburgh South Asian Studies Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 Series) 2015:4. 152 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888357* Jaffrelot, Christropher The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience 2015:4. 384 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780190235185* 中 東 ★ 無意味な外交:1913年から1956 年の間のアラブ・ イスラエル協議の歴史 全4巻 Caplan, Neil Futile Diplomacy : a History of Arab (Futile Diplomacy) 2015:5. 1530 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905214* ★ 無意味な外交 第 1 巻:初期のアラブ・イスラエル 協議(1913年より1931年まで) Caplan, Neil Futile Diplomacy, Volume 1: Early Arab-Zionist Negotiation Attempts, 1913-1931 (Futile Diplomacy) 2015:5. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905221* ★ 無意味な外交 第2巻:アラブ・イスラエル協議と 委任統治の終わり Caplan, Neil Futile Diplomacy, Volume 2: Arab-Zionist Negotiations and the End of the Mandate (Futile Diplomacy) 2015:5. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Futile Diplomacy, Volume 3: The United Nations, the Great Powers and Middle East Peacemaking, 1948-1954 (Futile Diplomacy) 2015:5. 418 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905238* ★ 無意味な外交 第3巻:国連、列強と仲裁(1948年 より1954 年まで) Caplan, Neil ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138905245* ★ 無意味な外交 第4巻:イギリスとアメリカによる紛争 解決の失敗(1954 年より1956年まで) Caplan, Neil Futile Diplomacy, Volume 4: Operation Alpha and the Failure of Anglo-American Coercive Diplomacy ?{ | "^ Diplomacy) 2015:5. 438 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905252* ★ 現代中東における政府と政治 第2版 Ismael, Jacqueline S./Ismael, Tareq Y./Perry, Glenn Government and Politics of the Contemporary Middle East: Continuity and Change, 2nd ed. 2015:8. 488 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786509* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786523* パレスチナのジハード Bartal, Shaul Jihad in Palestine: Political Islam and the Israeli"^ ! Society) 2015:8. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854956* Ranta, Ronald Political Decision Making and Non-Decisions: The Case of Israel and the Occupied Territories 2015:4. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137447982* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 145 政治学 》中 東 中東の政治とガバナンス Durac, Vincent/Cavatorta, Francesco Politics and Governance in the Middle East 2015:7. 352 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230361324* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780230361331* イラン・マザンダラン州 1848年 ∼ 1914 年:社会・ 政治・経済 Kazembeyki, Mohammad Ali Society, Politics and Economics in Mazandaran, Iran 1848-1914 2015:4. 336 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862616* シリアとイラン Ehteshami, Anoushiravan/Hinnebusch, Raymond A. Syria and Iran: Middle Powers in a Penetrated Regional System 2014:12. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883994* トルコにおけるクルド人の民族主義運動 Gunes, Cengiz The Kurdish National Movement in Turkey: From Protest to Resistance (Exeter Studies in Ethno Politics) 2015:2. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138898417* ★ クルド人:歴史と政治問題 Kreyenbroek, Philip G./Sperl, Stefan (eds.) The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview 2015:4. 272 p., First Published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 146 Ayoob, Mohammed (ed.) The Middle East in World Politics (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 222 p., Originally Published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739405* ★ 世界政治における中東諸国 Gilbar, Gad G. The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond 2015:4. 144 p., First Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883956* ムスリム同胞団 Milton-Edwards, Beverley The Muslim Brotherhood: The Arab Spring and its Future Face 2015:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415660006* イスラエルの軍事力:比較的視点 Cohen, Stuart A. (ed.) The New Citizen Armies: Israel’s Armed Forces in Comparative Perspective 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873674* Magno, Cathryn The New Pythian Voices: Women Building Capital in NGO’s in the Middle East 2015:5. 176 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880122* *9781138869745* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ロシア・東欧 ロシア・東欧 ロシア経済の政治化と課題 ウクライナ侵攻:領土、責任と国際法 Grant, Thomas D. Aggression Against Ukraine: Territory, Responsbility, and International Law (American Foreign Policy in the 21st Century) 2015:6. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138839878* 極東ロシアとシベリアの発展における国際協力 Korolev, Alexander (ed.) International Cooperation in the Development of Russia’s Far East and Siberia (International Political Economy Series) 2015:5. 264 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137489586* 中央・東ヨーロッパの極右政党 Pytlas, Bartek Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe: Mainstream Party Competition and Electoral Fortune (Extremism and Democracy) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138889668* コソボ紛争後の民族自決 Peen Rodt, Annemarie/Wolff, Stefan (eds.) Self-Determination after Kosovo (Routledge Europe-Asia Studies) 2015:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138796621* ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Pirro, Andrea Ideology, Dimensionality, and Electoral Performance of Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe: Context and Text, Demand and Supply (Extremism and Democracy) 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137514639* Oxenstierna, Susanne (ed.) The Challenges for Russia’s Politicized Economic System (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2015:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Goldthau, Andreas/Sitter, Nick A Liberal Actor in a Realist World: The European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy 2015:8. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198719595* EU における欧州の市民権と社会統合 Gerhards, Jürgen/Lengfeld, Holger European Citizenship and Social Integration in the European Union (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138833609* 欧州の文化闘争とイタリアの事例 Ozzano, Luca/Giorgi, Alberta European Culture Wars and the Italian Case: Which Side are You on? (Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics) 2015:10. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138840324* 欧州統合、変化のプロセスと国の経験 Borner, Stefanie/Eigmuller, Monika (eds.) European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology) 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137411242* *9781138851276* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 147 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) EUと超国家的規制 バルト諸国における欧州地域政策の影響 Zeitlin, Jonathan (ed.) Extending Experimentalist Governance?: The European Union and Transnational Regulation 2015:8. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Raagmaa, Garri/Stead, Dominic (eds.) Impacts of European Territorial Policies in the Baltic States 2015:6. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198724506* Caton, Valerie France and the Politics of European Economic and Monetary Union (St Antony’s Series) 2015:5. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137409164* Gaffney, John France in the Hollande Presidency: The Unhappy Republic (French Politics, Society and Culture) 2015:5. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137453907* *9780415817523* Toczek, Nick Haters, Baiters and Would-Be Dictators: AntiSemitism and the UK Far-Right 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853485* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 148 Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg/Vollaard, Hans (eds.) Implementing Social Europe in Times of Crises: Re-established Boundaries of Welfare? (West European Politics) 2015:3. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138859388* Lemmings, David Law and Government in England During the Long Eighteenth Century: From Consent to Command (Studies in Modern History) 2015:2. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137506955* Giorgi, Elisabetta De/Moury, Catherine (eds.) Government-Opposition in Southern European Countries during the Financial Crisis: Great Recession, Great Cooperation? 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915619* 18 世紀イングランドの司法と政府 フランスのオランド政権 *9781138853508* Bernaciak, Magdalena (ed.) Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2015:6. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138787148* Nicholls, Kate Mediating Policy: Greece, Ireland, and Portugal Before the Eurozone Crisis (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2015:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138794047* 新しいヨーロッパと古き価値観 Sander, Gerald G./Rodin, Siniša/Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Nada (eds.) New Europe - Old Values?: Reform and Perseverance (Europeanization and Globalization, Vol. 1) 2015:10. 360 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319022123* 北欧協力 Strang, Johan (ed.) Nordic Cooperation: A European Region in Transition (Global Order Studies) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800649* ギリシャの首相 Featherstone, Kevin/Papadimitriou, Dimitris Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power 2015:7. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198717171* 宗教と欧州議会 Foret, François (ed.) Religion at the European Parliament (Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138841901* Behr, Hartmut/Stivachtis, Ioannis A. (eds.) Revisiting the European Union as an Empire (Critical European Studies, Vol. 4) 2015:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138818194* *9781138874589* 内戦下のバルカン半島の政治:1929年∼ 1939年 Kissoudi, Penelope The Balkan Games and Balkan Politics in the Interwar Years 1929 - 1939: Politicians in Pursuit of Peace 2015:4., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880450* 北アイルランドの英国人と平和 Spencer, Graham (ed.) The British and Peace in Northern Ireland: The Process and Practice of Reaching Agreement 2015:2. 374 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107042872* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107617506* イギリス労働党とアイルランド自由国:1918 年∼ 1924 年 Gibbons, Ivan The British Labour Party and the Establishment of the Irish Free State, 1918-1924 2015:4. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137444066* イギリス保守党・自由党の連立政権 da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia/Meunier, Sophie (eds.) Speaking with a Single Voice: The EU as an Effective Actor in Global Governance? (Journal of European Public Policy Special Issues as Books) 2015:1. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 National Identity 2015:4. 272 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138859470* Herzig, Edmund/Kurkchiyan, Marina The Armenians: Past and Present in the Making of ★印はお薦めタイトル Lee, Simon/Beech, Matt The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government 2015:4. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137461360* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137509895* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 149 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ★ Bulmer, Simon The Domestic Structure of European Community Policy-Making in West Germany (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 408 p., First Published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138890589* EU 外交政策分析 Nitoiu, Cristian The EU Foreign Policy Analysis (The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication) 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137491978* Radice, Hugo (ed.) The European Union after the Crisis 2015:5. 112 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138889736* EU Piattoni, Simona (ed.) The European Union: Democratic Principles and Institutional Architectures in Times of Crisis 2015:6. 316 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198716273* EU 第4版 Kenealy, Daniel/Corbett, Richard/Peterson, John (eds.) The European Union: How Does it Work?, 4th ed. (The New European Union Series) 2015:5. 310 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199685370* EU 外交政策:比較的視点 Peters, Ingo (ed.) The European Union’s Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Evaluating and Generating 150 Hypotheses on ‘Actorness and Power’ (Routledge/ UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2015:8. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138776708* EU の 非加盟国 Eriksen, Erik Oddvar/Fossum, John Erik (eds.) The European Union’s Non-Members: Independence under Hegemony? (Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe) 2015:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138807518* 北・南アイルランドにおける政党政治の欧州化 Hayward, Katy/Murphy, Mary (eds.) The Europeanization of Party Politics in Ireland, North and South 2015:4. 224 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882355* Williams, Ben The Evolution of Conservative Party Social Policy 2015:6. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137445803* クロアチア独立国:1941年∼ 1945 年 Ramet, Sabrina P. (ed.) The Independent State of Croatia 1941-45 2015:4. 120 p., First Published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138868113* 1861年以降のロンドンの産業 Hall, P. G. The Industries of London Since 1861 2015:4. 200 p., Originally Published in 1962 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138873933* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) アフリカ 野党としての労働党:1970年 ∼1974 年 Bell, Patrick The Labour Party in Opposition 1970-1974 2015:5. 304 p., First Published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867765* シーパワーとEU Germond, Basil The Maritime Dimension of European Security: Seapower and the European Union (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics) 2015:5. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137017802* 新たな政府間主義 Bickerton, Christopher J./Hodson, Dermot/Puetter, Uwe (eds.) The New Intergovernmentalism: States and Supranational Actors in the Post-Maastricht Era 2015:7. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780198703617* 欧州市民社会の新たな政治 Liebert, Ulrike/Trenz, Hans-Jörg (eds.) The New Politics of European Civil Society 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138882157* Routledge 版 現代イタリアハンドブック Mammone, Andrea/Parini, Ercole Giap/Veltri, Giuseppe A. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Italy: History, Politics, Society 2015:5. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415604178* See also アフリカ政治入門 第4版 Thomson, Alex An Introduction to African Politics, 4th ed. 2015:8. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138782846* ムバラク政権のエジプト Owen, Roger/Tripp, Charles (eds.) Egypt Under Mubarak 2015:4. 208 p., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138869738* アルジェリアにおけるイスラム教と民主主義 Bonner, Michael/Reif, Megan (eds.) Islam, Democracy and the State in Algeria: Lessons for the Western Mediterranean and Beyond 2015:2. 240 p., First Published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863682* Pearce, Justin ' " <= 1975-2002 (African Studies) 2015:5. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107079649* 東アフリカの政治と暴力 Anderson, David M./Rolandsen, Øystein H. (eds.) Politics and Violence in Eastern Africa: The Struggles of Emerging States 2015:3. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846661* Peace, Timothy, European Social Movements and Muslim Activism, Palgrave Macmillan.... p126 , 0958 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 151 政治学 》アフリカ 南北アメリカ Bassett, Carolyn/Clarke, Marlea (eds.) Post-colonial Struggles for a Democratic Southern Africa: Legacies of Liberation 2015:7. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138913448* De Herdt, Tom/Oliver de Sardan, Jean-Pierre (eds.) Real Governance and Practical Norms in SubSaharan Africa: The Game of the Rules (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations) 2015:5. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852587* アフリカにおける地域主義、地域化とグローバル統合 Bach, Daniel C. Regionalism, Regionalisation and Global Integration in Africa (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations) 2015:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138839885* Hadenius, Axel American Exceptionalism Revisited: US Political Development in Comparative Perspective 2015:6. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Abou-El-Fadl, Reem (ed.) Revolutionary Egypt: Connecting Domestic and International Struggles (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government) 2015:6. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857865* See also 第二次世界大戦以降のアメリカの外交政策 第12 版 Hook, Steven W./Spanier, John American Foreign Policy Since WWII, 12th ed. 2015:5. 384 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483368535* アメリカの政治史 Critchlow, Donald American Political History: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions, Vol. 420) 2015:2. 168 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780199340057* アメリカの公共政策の論争と問題点 第 16 版 CQ Researcher (ed.) Issues for Debate in American Public Policy, 16th ed. 2015:7. 430 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483383965* Solomon, Hussein, Terrorism and CounterTerrorism in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p140 , 1088 政治コンサルタントとアメリカの選挙戦 第3版 Johnson, Dennis W. Political Consultants and American Elections: Hired to Fight, Hired to Win, 3rd ed. 2015:7. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 152 *9781137520685* 革命のエジプト 北 米 *9781138786356* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》南北アメリカ ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786363* ★ 大統領のリーダーシップとアフリカ系アメ リカ人 Goethals, George R. Presidential Leadership and African Americans: An American Dilemma from Slavery to the White House (LEADERSHIP: Research and Practice) 2015:4. 252 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814240* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814257* 人種とアメリカのネオリベラリズムの起源 Hohle, Randolph Race and the Origins of American Neoliberalism (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity) 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832558* 富裕層の運動 Martin, Isaac Rich People’s Movements: Grassroots Campaigns to Untax the One Percent (Studies in Postwar American Political Development) 2015:2. 304 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199389995* アメリカ合衆国大統領:批判的論集 Urofsky, Melvin I. (ed.) The American Presidents: Critical Essays 2015:2. 544 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763783* アメリカの政治文化とアラブ・イスラエル紛争 Rynhold, Jonathan ★印はお薦めタイトル <Z <\ ' Culture 2015:1. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107094420* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107476400* アメリカの軍事介入の是非 Snow, Donald The Case Against Military Intervention: Why We Do It and Why It Fails 2015:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780765647559* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780765647566* アメリカの大統領制の発展 第2版 Ellis, Richard J. The Development of the American Presidency, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786264* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138786271* Waite, C. The Digital Evolution of an American Identity (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society) 2015:5. 144 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138914681* Rottinghaus, Brandon The Institutional Effects of Executive Scandals 2015:4. 210 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107102972* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 153 政治学 》南北アメリカ ラテンアメリカ アメリカ政治とラテンアメリカ人のジェンダー格差 Bejarano, Christina E. The Latino Gender Gap in U.S. Politics (Routledge Research in American Politics and Governance) 2015:2. 194 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903104* ベネズエラのポピュリズム Brading, Ryan Populism in Venezuela (Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics) 2015:2. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 アメリカ政治のロジック 第7版 Kernell, Samuel/Jacobson, Gary C./Kousser, Thad The Logic of American Politics, 7th ed. (Logic of American Politics) 2015:7. 776 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483319841* *9781138886513* メキシコの国家と安全保障 Bow, Brian/Santa-Cruz, Arturo (eds.) The State and Security in Mexico: Transformation and Crisis in Regional Perspective (Routledge Studies in North American Politics) 2015:2. 212 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886605* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 南アフリカの貧困と社会保障 Davie, Grace Poverty Knowledge in South Africa: A Social History of Human Science, 1855-2005 2015:2. 341 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Dean, Hartley Social Rights and Human Welfare, 2nd ed. 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 海外移住と老後:女性の視点 Ahmed, Anya Retiring to Spain: Women’s Narratives of Nostalgia, Belonging and Community 2015:7. 208 p. (Policy Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447313304* Degirmencioglu, Serdar M./Walker, Carl (eds.) Social and Psychological Dimensions of Personal Debt and the Debt Industry 2015:6. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) 154 ★ 社会的権利と人間福祉 第2版 *9780521198752* *9781137407788* *9781138013124* 社会福祉 生活の質 (QOL) 向上のための新しい研究課題 Maggino, Filomena (ed.) A New Research Agenda for Improvements in Quality of Life (Social Indicators Research Series, Vol. 57) 2015:5. 200 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319159034* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 ライフコースにおける精神保健ハンドブック Steen, Mary/Thomas, Michael (eds.) Mental Health Across the Lifecourse: A Handbook 2015:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021686* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021709* Gilleard, Chris/Higgs, Paul Rethinking Old Age: Theorising the Fourth Age 2015:5. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137383990* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137383983* 医療・社会的ケアにおけるセルフ・リーダーシップと 向上 Brown, Keith/Holroyd, Jane Self-Leadership and Personal Resilience in Health and Social Care (Post-Qualifying Social Work Practice) 2015:3. 176 p. (Learning Matters Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781473916234* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781473916241* Devine, Lauren State Powers and Private Rights in Child Protection and Safeguarding Assessments: Policing Parents 2015:3. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138782266* 高齢者のための地域長期介護サービスの成功例 Killeffer, Eloise H/Bennett, Ruth Successful Models of Community Long Term Care Services for the Elderly 2015:5. 174 p., ★印はお薦めタイトル First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881846* Kuramoto, Ford H./Yuen, Francis K. O. (eds.) The Affordable Care Act and Integrated Behavioural Health Care: Meeting the Health and Behavioral Health Needs of a Diverse Society 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138848764* Schimmer, Mat Raymond/Finkelstein, Nadia Ehrlich The New Board: Changing Issues, Roles and Relationships 2015:5. 114 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138012295* ; !| $#[ DeMatteo, David/Schubert, Carol (eds.) The Sequential Intercept Model and Criminal Justice: Promoting Community Alternatives for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness 2015:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199826759* コミュニティ・ケアの社会的基盤 Bulmer, Martin The Social Basis of Community Care (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 262 p., Originally Published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903357* 介護専門職の社会学 Abbott, Pamela The Sociology of the Caring Professions 2015:4. 288 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867536* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 155 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 See also Liebling, Alison, Suicides in Prison, Routledge .................................................................. p118 , 0881 *9781472444332* 医療における希望 保健・医療 Foster, Victoria Doing Collaborative Arts-based Research for Social Justice: A Guide (Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415656924* 公衆衛生の50 年 Newsholme, Arthur Fifty Years in Public Health : A Personal Narrative with Comments (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 420 p., Originally Published in 1935 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906457* Light, Donald W./Maturo, Antonio F. Good Pharma: The Public-health Model of the Mario Negri Institute 2015:7. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137388339* ★ 内田康雄他編 ヨーロッパとアジアの医療 制度 Aspalter, Christian/Uchida, Yasuo/ Gauld, Robin (eds.) Health Care Systems in Europe and Asia (Routledge Studies in Social Welfare in Asia) 2015:4. 216 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858206* Van Wynsberghe, Aimee Healthcare Robots: Ethics, Design and Implementation (Emerging Technologies, Ethics and International Affairs) 2015:6. 170 p. (Ashgate Pub., GBR) 156 Petersen, Alan Hope in Health: The Socio-Politics of Optimism 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230361935* 病院と医療保障 第6版 York, Tony W./MacAlister, Don Hospital and Healthcare Security, 6th ed. 2015:2. 784 p. (Academic Pr. London, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780124200487* 保健医療経営の改革 Singh, Vijai Kumar/Lillrank, Paul (eds.) Innovations in Healthcare Management: CostEffective and Sustainable Solutions 2015:2. 448 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781482252095* グローバルヘルス・セキュリティ Kamradt-Scott, Adam Managing Global Health Security: The World Health Organization and Disease Outbreak Control 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230369313* Ormond, Meghann Neoliberal Governance and International Medical Travel in Malaysia Geographies) 2015:2. 164 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138910560* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 組織、健康とコミュニケーション 過去 30 年の公衆衛生 Harrison, Tyler/Williams, Elizabeth (eds.) Organizations, Health, and Communication 2015:10. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Newsholme, Arthur The Last Thirty Years in Public Health (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 410 p., Originally Published in 1936 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853089* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853096* 国際市場における人種・階級と代理母出産 第2版 Winddance Twine, France Outsourcing the Womb: Race, Class and Gestational Surrogacy in a Global Market, 2nd ed. (Framing 21st Century Social Issues) 2015:4. 116 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855809* 公衆衛生とアメリカ軍 Wintermute, Bobby A. Public Health and the US Military: A History of the Army Medical Department, 1818-1917 2015:4. 284 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138867567* *9781138905344* 保健省 Newsholme, Arthur The Ministry of Health (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 288 p., Originally Published in 1925 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138905184* See also Taylor, Simon, Medical Accident Liability and Redress in English and French Law, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p120 , 0905 Weller, Penelope, New Law and Ethics in Mental Health Advance Directives, Routledge ..................................................................p120 , 0906 Stauch, Marc, Text, Cases & Materials on Medical Law and Ethics, Routledge .................... p120 , 0907 Fovargue, Sara, The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment, Routledge .............................p120 , 0908 Newsholme, Arthur The Elements of Vital Statistics (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138906563* Latimer, Joanna The Gene, the Clinic, and the Family: Diagnosing Dysmorphology, Reviving Medical Dominance (Genetics and Society) 2015:2. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858817* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 157 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 社会学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 Zerubavel, Eviatar Hidden in Plain Sight: The Social Structure of Irrelevance 2015:4. 216 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199366606* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199366613* ★ 杉本良夫著 日本人とポストモダニティ Sugimoto, Yoshio Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity (Japanese Studies) 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879287* ★ 市民社会の考察 Kivisto, Peter/Sciortino, Giuseppe (eds.) Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation 2015:5. 200 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780199811908* 社会科学におけるポストモダンの転換 Susen, Simon The “Postmodern Turn” in the Social Sciences 2015:5. 416 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780230579293* 社会生活におけるカリスマの原理 Bruni, Luigino/Sena, Barbara (eds.) The Charismatic Principle in Social Life (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2015:4. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 158 *9781138907539* Dixon, Keith The Sociology of Belief : Fallacy and Foundation (Routledge Revivals) 2015:4. 136 p., Originally Published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415737456* See also Jacobson, Jessica, Islam in Transition, Routledge .................................................................... p15 , 0104 社会学研究法・社会調査法 Blair, Johnny E./Blair, Edward A. Applied Survey Sampling 2015:2. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483334332* 定性的研究法入門 第4版 Taylor, Steven J./Bogdan, Robert/DeVault, Marjorie Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods: A Guidebook and Resource, 4th ed. 2015:9. 350 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118767214* 定性的研究の再概念化 Koro-Ljungberg, Mirka Reconceptualizing Qualitative Research: Methodologies Without Methodology 2015:6. 304 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483351711* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会構造・社会変動 社会構造・社会変動 人種差別への抗議運動と進展 See Garcia, Beatriz Carrillo, Small Town China, Routledge.................................................. p161 , 1280 階級・社会階層・社会移動 See 社会問題・社会運動 Márquez, John D. Genocidal Democracy: Neoliberalism, Mass Incarceration, and the Politics of Urban Gun Violence (Law and the Postcolonial) 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804364* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804388* Kurtz, Lester R. Gods in the Global Village: The World’s Religions in Sociological Perspective 2015:6. 368 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781483374123* ★ Castells, Manuel Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, 2nd ed. 2015:6. 328 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745695754* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 路上生活をする少女たち Pfeffer, Rachel Surviving the Streets: Girls Living on Their Own 2015:5., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880160* Stevenson, Brenda The Contested Murder of Latasha Harlins: Justice, Gender, and the Origins of the LA Riots 2015:7. 448 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190231019* インターネット時代と社会運動 第2版 *9780133974584* 正義、ジェンダーとロス暴動の発端 世界の宗教:社会学的視点 Julian, Joseph Social Problems, 15th ed. 2015:10. 576 p. (Pearson Education, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 社会問題 第 15 版 ジェノサイド民主主義 *9781138873414* Ren, Hai, The Middle Class in Neoliberal China, Routledge................................................... p143 , 1115 Hewitt, John Protest and Progress: New York’s First Black Episcopal Church Fights Racism 2015:4. 174 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 過激化のダイナミクス Alimi, Eitan Y./Demetriou, Chares/Bosi, Lorenzo The Dynamics of Radicalization: A Relational and Comparative Perspective 2015:4. 352 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780199937707* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780199937721* *9780745695761* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 159 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 都市・地域・農村 人種差別待遇廃止:リトルロック高校事件の記憶 Perry, Ravi K./Perry, D. LaRouth The Little Rock Crisis: What Desegregation Politics Says About Us 2015:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137410993* See also 家族・世代 複婚の論争 Den Otter, Ronald C. In Defense of Plural Marriage 2015:4. 376 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107087712* 高齢者とテレビのニュース Hilt, Michael L. Television News and the Elderly: Broadcast Managers’ Attitudes Toward Older Adults 2015:5. 144 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879584* Brady, Anne-Marie/Brown, Douglas (eds.) Foreigners and Foreign Institutions in Republican China (Chinese Worlds) 2015:3. 289 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 アメリカの家族 " The American Family: A Compendium of Data and Sources 2015:5. 560 p., First Published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883468* See also Chavkin, Wendy, The Globalization of Motherhood, Routledge .......................... p167 , 1340 ラテンアメリカにおける都市の歴史 Irazábal, Clara Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy and Public Space in Latin America (Planning, History and Environment Series) 2015:2. 254 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909458* アジアの都市:貿易、植民地主義とナショナリズムを 経て Wongsurawat, Wasana (ed.) Sites of Modernity: Asian Cities in the Transitory Moments of Trade, Colonialism, and Nationalism (The Humanities in Asia, Vol. 1) 2015:9. 250 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783662457252* Liu, Ran Spatial Mobility of Migrant Workers in Beijing, China 2015:4. 303 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319147376* Halasz, Judith R. The Bohemian Ethos: Questioning Work and Making a Scene on the Lower East Side (Routledge Advances in Sociology, Vol. 143) 2015:1. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 160 *9781138851764* 大都市・北京と出稼ぎ労働者 中国における外国人と外国機関 Winddance Twine, France, Outsourcing the Womb, Routledge...................................................p157 , 1247 *9780415854399* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》都市・地域・農村 See also Dürrschmidt, Jörg, Everyday Lives in the Global City, Routledge .......................................... p51 , 0380 Bunnell, Tim, From World City to the World in One City, Wiley ......................................... p51 , 0381 Caro, Francis G., International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities, Routledge ............... p52 , 0384 Dutt, Ashok, Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban Development, SpringerVerlag GmbH ............................................. p52 , 0385 産業・労働 鉱業と社会変容 Bulmer, Martin (ed.) Mining and Social Change: Durham County in the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 322 p., Originally Published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903302* 中国の農民工と社会的包摂 Garcia, Beatriz Carrillo Small Town China: Rural Labour and Social Inclusion 2015:4. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138858152* Voss, Georgina Stigma and the Shaping of the Pornography Industry (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415821179* メディア・情報 メディア史とアーカイブ Robertson, Craig (ed.) Media History and the Archive 2015:4. 136 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864658* Gitner, Seth Multimedia Storytelling for Digital Communicators in a Multiplatform World 2015:7. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780765641328* 新しいメディアと古いメディア 第2版 Kyong Chun, Wendy Hui/Fisher, Anna Watkins/ Keenan, Thomas (eds.) New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader, 2nd ed. 2015:5. 564 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021099* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138021105* 発展途上の社会における新たなテクノロジー Obijiofor, Levi New Technologies in Developing Societies: From Theory to Practice (Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change) 2015:5. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137389329* 社会におけるベトナム戦争の記憶 中国のメディア Sun, Wanning/Chio, Jenny (eds.) Mapping Media in China: Region, Province, Locality (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2015:4. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857469* ★印はお薦めタイトル Weber, Christina D. Social Memory and War Narratives: Transmitted Trauma Among Children of Vietnam War Veterans #" ! "^ 2015:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137501516* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 161 社会学 》メディア・情報 Rossiter, Ned Software, Infrastructure, Labor: A Media Theory of Logistical Nightmares 2015:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415843041* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415843058* ★ Tay, Jinna/Turner, Graeme (eds.) Television Histories in Asia: Issues and Contexts (Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series) 2015:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415855365* Routledge 版 雑誌研究ハンドブック Abrahamson, David/Prior-Miller, Marcia R. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine Form 2015:5. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854161* ★ Routledge 版 青少年とメディア:国際 ハンドブック Lemish, Dafna (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media 2015:1. 526 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138849136* メディア・ジャーナリズム アジアのライフスタイル・メディア Martin, Fran/Lewis, Tania (eds.) Lifestyle Media in Asia: Consumption, Aspiration and Identity 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) 162 *9781138831452* Gunaratne, Shelton A./Pearson, Mark/Senarath, Sugath (eds.) Mindful Journalism and News Ethics in the Digital Era: A Buddhist Approach (Routledge Research in Journalism) 2015:2. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852723* アジアのテレビ史 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Sage 版 マスメディア倫理と法の諸問題ガイド 全2巻 Freivogel, William H./Babcock, William A. (eds.) The Sage Guide to Key Issues in Mass Media Ethics and Law 2015:6. 2 Vols., 968 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452274355* See also Hadland, Adrian, Media-State Relations in Emerging Democracies, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p127 , 0969 Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Political Marketing Game, Palgrave Macmillan .................... p127 , 0975 Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Routledge Handbook of Political Marketing, Routledge ............. p128 , 0982 Wilkinson, Nicholas John, Secrecy and the Media, Routledge.................................................. p128 , 0985 Stevens, David, The Devil's Long Tail, Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................. p129 , 0995 Decherney, Peter, The Future of Internet Policy, Routledge.................................................. p129 , 0996 Bull, Peter, The Microanalysis of Political Communication, Routledge ................... p129 , 0998 Hassler-Forest, Dan, The Politics of Adaptation, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p130 , 1003 Hilt, Michael L., Television News and the Elderly, Routledge...................................................p160 , 1272 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 インターネット・情報社会学 カルチュラル・スタディーズ メディア経済学 新世紀のハリウッド文化 Cunningham, Stuart/Flew, Terry/Swift, Adam Media Economics (Key Concerns in Media Studies) 2015:5. 176 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Kaklamanidou, Betty Genre, Gender and the Effects of Neoliberalism: The New Millennium Hollywood Rom Com (Popular Culture and World Politics) 2015:3. 188 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780230293229* Hurrle, Daniel/Postatny, Julia ` : How to Attract Young Academics by Using Social Media as a Marketing Tool (BestMasters) 2015:2. 136 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658088217* Elund, Jude Subversion, Sexuality and the Virtual Self 2015:5. 184 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137468338* 科学社会学 科学、哲学と持続可能性 Pereira, Angela Guimaraes/Funtowicz, Silvio (eds.) Science, Philosophy and Sustainability: The End of the Cartesian dream 2015:2. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138796416* 科学、技術と社会変容 Yearley, Steven Science, Technology, and Social Change (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 210 p., Originally Published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138799318* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 徳雅美編 少女と少女漫画の国際的視点 Toku, Masami (ed.) International Perspectives on Shojo and Shojo Manga?^; " Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138809482* イランの知識人:1997年∼ 2007 年 Ridgeon, Lloyd (ed.) Iranian Intellectuals: 1997-2007 2015:5. 168 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138909328* *9780415761956* ★ 日本のSF Matthew, Robert Japanese Science Fiction: A View of a Changing Society (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2015:2. 268 p., First Published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415755023* Nally, Claire Steampunk: Gender, Subculture and the Neo-Victorian (International Library of Cultural Studies, Vol. 33) 2015:10. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780766430* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 163 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ サブカルチャーの境界線 ギャンブル、仕事とレジャー Dhoest, Alexander/Malliet, Steven/Haers, Jacques/ Segaert, Barbara (eds.) The Borders of Subculture: Resistance and the Mainstream (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Downes, David/Davies, D. M./David, M. E./Stone, P. Gambling, Work and Leisure : A Study Across Three Areas (Routledge Revivals) 2015:1. 262 p., Originally Published in 1976 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853546* Mortensen, Torill Elvira/Linderoth, Jonas/Brown, Ashley ML (eds.) The Dark Side of Game Play: Controversial Issues in Playful Environments (Routledge Advances in Game Studies) 2015:7. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138827288* 音楽の社会学 Shepherd, John/Devine, Kyle (eds.) The Routledge Reader on the Sociology of Music 2015:3. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415855464* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138856363* Redmond, Sean (ed.) The Star and Celebrity Confessional 2015:4. 176 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138879638* 消費・レジャー アメリカン・ドリームの神話とギャンブル Duncan, Aaron M. Gambling with the Myth of the American Dream (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society, Vol. 44) 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 164 *9781138857995* *9780415720878* Frost, Warwick/Laing, Jennifer Imagining the American West through Film and Tourism (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2015:6. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138785236* Derrett, Rosalyn M. The Complete Guide to Creating Enduring Festivals (The Wiley Event Management Series) 2015:4. 448 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118299319* See also Darby, Paul, Emigrant Players, Routledge ...................................................................p184 , 1476 Martinez, Dolores, Football, Routledge ...................................................................p185 , 1478 Skirstad, Berit, New Perspectives on Sport Volunteerism, Routledge ........................ p185 , 1480 Dichter, Heather, Olympic Reform Ten Years Later, Routledge .......................................p185 , 1481 McFee, Graham, On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport, Routledge.......................................p185 , 1482 Llopis-Goig, Ramon, Spanish Football and Social Change, Palgrave Macmillan ................. p185 , 1484 Nauright, John, Sport and Revolutionaries, Routledge...................................................p185 , 1485 Terret, Thierry, Sport and Urban Space in Europe, Routledge.................................................. p185 , 1486 Fernandez L'Hoeste, Hector D., Sports and Nationalism in Latin/o America, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p186 , 1487 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》消費・レジャー Llewellyn, Matthew, The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Routledge ................... p186 , 1488 Malcolm, Dominic, The Changing Face of Cricket, Routledge.................................................. p186 , 1489 Hallinan, Christopher, The Containment of Soccer in Australia, Routledge .......................... p186 , 1490 国際社会学 Goldberg, David Theo Are We All Postracial Yet? 2015:7. 168 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745689715* ナショナル・アイデンティティのダイナミクス Bringel, Breno M./Domingues, Jose Mauricio (eds.) Global Modernity and Social Contestation (Sage Studies in International Sociology) 2015:1. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446295748* *9781138816428* グローバリゼーション時代のイスラム Meuleman, Johan (ed.) Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes towards Modernity and Identity 2015:4. 432 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Schmidt, Peter/Seethaler, Josef/Grimm, Jürgen/ Huddy, Leonie (eds.) Dynamics of National Identity: Media and Societal Factors of What We Are (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2015:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862692* Kuhl, Stefan For the Betterment of the Race: The Rise and Fall of the International Movement for Eugenics and Racial Hygiene 2015:3. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137497000* グローバル・スタディーズの社会的・文化的基盤 自由民主主義における移民と世論 Stoddard, Eve/Collins, John (eds.) Social and Cultural Foundations of Global Studies (Foundations in Global Studies) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Freeman, Gary P./Hansen, Randall/Leal, David L. (eds.) Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics) 2015:3. 402 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780765641250* 人種・エスニシティ *9781138914728* 先進民主主義国におけるインド系移民 Garner, Steve A Moral Economy of Whiteness: Four Frames of Racializing Discourse (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity) 2015:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851726* ★印はお薦めタイトル Kulkarni, Veena S. Indian Immigrants in Developed Democracies: A Cross-National Study (Routledge Studies of Diasporic Peoples) 2015:9. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415659345* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 165 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ 国際組織と移住の政治 Geiger, Martin/Pécoud, Antoine (eds.) International Organisations and the Politics of Migration (Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies) 2015:2. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138860100* *9781137410436* Franco, Franklin J. Negroes, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation (Classic Knowledge in Dominican Studies) 2015:5. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138784994* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138785007* Neal, Mark Anthony New Black Man: Tenth Anniversary Edition 2015:2. 224 p., Originally Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792562* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792586* George, Carol V. R. One Mississippi, Two Mississippi: Methodists, Murder, and the Struggle for Racial Justice in Neshoba County 2015:4. 328 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 166 Bulmer, Martin/Solomos, John (eds.) Race, Migration and Identity: Shifting Boundaries in the USA (Ethnic and Racial Studies) 2015:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854864* 西洋美術における黒人女性 Nelson, Charmaine A. Representing the Black Female Subject in Western Art 2015:4. 246 p., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780190231088* *9781138864610* Zhao, Jianli Strangers in the City: The Atlanta Chinese, Their Community and Stories of Their Lives 2015:5., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880252* アブハズ人研究:ハンドブック Hewitt, George The Abkhazians: A Handbook 2015:4. 256 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ネショバ群と人種間の平等 ★ *9781138864283* 人種、移住とアイデンティティ ★ Shinozaki, Kyoko Migrant Citizenship from Below: Family, Domestic Work, and Social Activism in Irregular Migration 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 篠崎香子著 移住家事労働者とシチズンシップ Scott-Childress, Reynolds J. (ed.) Race and the Production of Modern American Nationalism 2015:4. 424 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874596* ★ 移民の倫理 Carens, Joseph H. The Ethics of Immigration (Oxford Political Theory) 2015:6. 384 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190246792* 北東トルコのヘムシン人 Simonian, Hovann The Hemshin: History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey 2015:4. 472 p., First Published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874619* Pierre, Ulwyn L. The Myth of Black Corporate Mobility 2015:5. 377 p., Originally Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863866* See also Herman, Matthew, Politics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Native American Literature, Routledge....................................................p63 , 0484 ★ 戦前イギリスにおける日本人コミュニティ Itoh, Keiko The Japanese Community in Pre-War Britain: From Integration to Disintegration 2015:4. 230 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138862814* ジェンダー ジェンダー一般 Koggel, Christine/Bisman, Cynthia (eds.) Gender Justice and Development: Local and Global: Volume I 2015:3. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852556* Palmer, Eric (ed.) Gender Justice and Development: Vulnerability and Empowerment: Volume II 2015:3. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852594* ジェンダー、人種と政治局:南アジアの女性 Takhar, Shaminder Gender, Ethnicity and Political Agency: South Asian Women Organizing (Routledge Research in ★印はお薦めタイトル Gender and Society) 2015:2. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904026* MacComb, Debra Ann Tales of Liberation, Strategies of Containment: Divorce of the Representation of Womanhood in American Fiction, 1880-1920 2015:5. 252 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883444* 母性のグローバリゼーション Chavkin, Wendy/Maher, JaneMaree (eds.) The Globalization of Motherhood: Deconstructions and Reconstructions of Biology and Care 2015:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138874282* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 167 ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 See also フェミニズム Stearns, Peter N., Gender in World History, Routledge.................................................... p22 , 0137 McLeod, Laura, Gender Politics and Security Discourse, Routledge ...............................p133 , 1032 Bejarano, Christina E., The Latino Gender Gap in U.S. Politics, Routledge ...........................p154 , 1217 Ahmed, Anya, Retiring to Spain, Policy Press ...................................................................p154 , 1222 Den Otter, Ronald C., In Defense of Plural Marriage, Cambridge U.P.......................p160 , 1271 Burkinshaw, Paula, Higher Education, Leadership and Women Vice Chancellors, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p172 , 1368 女性の権利の神話 Cherif, Feryal M. Myths about Women’s Rights: How, Where, and Why Rights Advance 2015:7. 272 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190211172* Gunnarsson, Lena The Contradictions of Love: Towards a Feministrealist Ontology of Sociosexuality (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2015:2. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 䝆䜵䞁䝎䞊䛸⎔ቃ㻌 䠐ᕳ D^ ZKQ Y 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ%%䛇 %( ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ % ศྍ !"#$%&&&& '($ ) ㏻ᖖ౯䢠$) ≉౯䢠$$""&䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ *9780415530446* ㏆ᖺࠊࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࢧ࢘ࢫ࠾ࡅࡿࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢫࢺᢈホᐙࡣࠊࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮⎔ቃࡘ ࠸࡚ከࡃࡢ㆟ㄽࢆᒎ㛤ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⎔ቃኚࡼࡿᙳ㡪ࡀࡢࡼ࠺╔ᐇࡘᵓ㐀 ⓗዪᛶࡸᑡዪࡀ⤒㦂ࡍࡿᖹ➼ࢆࠊ≉ୡ⏺ࡢ㈋ࡋ࠸ᆅᇦ࡛ࠊᝏࡉࡏࡿࡘ ࠸࡚㆟ㄽࡉࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ⎔ቃ㛤Ⓨࠊࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮ࡢ㛵ಀᛶࢆᒎ㛤ࡍࡿᩥ ⊩ࡣࠊึᮇ࠾ࡅࡿすὒ࢚ࢥࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢࢹࢫࢥ࣮ࢫ◊✲ࡢᖜࢆᗈࡆࠊᅜ㝿ᶵ 㛵 㸦 ୡ ⏺ 㖟 ⾜ ࡸ ࢪ 㛤 Ⓨ 㖟 ⾜ ࠊ ࡑ ࡢ ᵝ ࠎ ࡞ ᅜ 㐃 ᶵ 㛵 㸧 ࡸ % 㸦 ࠼ ࡤ *㸧ࡼࡿᵝࠎ࡞㛤Ⓨᡓ␎ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪ♫ !" !' ( ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᪂ห࡛ࠊ」 㞧ࡍࡿࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮⎔ቃ㛵ࡍࡿㄽᩥࢆ⌮ゎࡋࠊቑ࠼⥆ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿ◊✲ᡂᯝᑐᛂ ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿ㈨ᩱ㞟ࡋ࡚ࡢᙺࢆᯝࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ ⴭ⪅ࡣᖜᗈ࠸ฟࢆ⏝ࡋࠊᶒጾࡢ࠶ࡿ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡲ ࡵࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᚲせྍḞ࡞ࠕᑠࡉ࡞ᅗ᭩㤋ࠖࢆసࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ࡞⣴ ᘬࡶ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓࠊᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗᩥ⬦࡛ゎㄝࡍ ࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ᑟධᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ◊✲⪅ࡸ Ꮫ⏕ࡶᨻ⟇❧⪅ࡸᐇົᐙࡶ㠀ᖖ㔜せ࡞ࡇࢀ୍ࡘ࡛⏝ࡢ㊊ࡾࡿ◊✲࣭ᩍ ⫱㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 168 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》フェミニズム ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138904620* See also Buechler, Stephanie, A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change, Routledge .................................. p108 , 0821 Magno, Cathryn, The New Pythian Voices, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1146 セクシュアリティ ★ レズビアンの歴史と文化百科事典 Zimmerman, Bonnie (ed.) Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures (Encyclopedias of Contemporary Culture) 2015:2. 862 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415763738* セクシャル・マイノリティのコミュニティ形成 Buring, Daneel Lesbian and Gay Memphis: Building Communities Behind the Magnolia Curtain 2015:5. 288 p., First Published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880177* Haritaworn, Jin/Kuntsman, Adi/Posocco, Silvia (eds.) Queer Necropolitics 2015:2. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138915084* Reay, Barry/Attwood, Nina/Gooder, Claire Sex Addiction: A Short History 2015:6. 200 p. (Polity Pr., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745670355* 䝉䜽䝅䝳䜰䝸䝔䜱䛾Ṕྐ㻌 䠐ᕳ * , 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䛇 Anna ClarkElizabeth Williams ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ ศྍ !"#$%&&&&'() ㏻ᖖ౯㻃) ≉౯㻃 &&ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9781138805644* ࢭࢡࢩࣗࣜࢸࡢṔྐࡣ௨๓ࡢᮏὶࡽእࢀࡓᆅࡽṔྐᏛࡢ୰ᚰⓗ࡞ᆅ࡞ ࡿࡲ࡛Ⓨᒎࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ◊✲ศ㔝ࡣయࡋ࡚ࠊ≉࣑ࢩ࢙࣭ࣝࣇ࣮ࢥ࣮ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ㏻ ࡋ࡚ࠊ㔜せ࡞⌮ㄽⓗⓎᒎࡀ࡞ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᕳᵓᡂࡢࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪ♫ࡢࢥࣞ ࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࢭࢡࢩࣗࣜࢸࢆࢭࢡࢩ࣭ࣗࣝࢹࣥࢸࢸࡼࡾᗈ࠸ព࡛ᐃ⩏ࡋ ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᛶⓗឤࡸḧồࠊᛶⓗ⾜ືࠊᛶ⾲⌧ࠊᛶⓗ㛵ಀࡀྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࢭࢡࢩࣗ ࣜࢸࡢṔྐࡀ࣓ࣜ࢝ࡸ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃᅪ࡛ጞࡲࡗࡓ୍᪉࡛ࠊᮏ᭩࡛ࡣࢪࡸࣇࣜ ࢝ࠊࡑࡢࡢᛶ㢼ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྠᵝࠊྂ௦ࢠࣜࢩࡸ࣮࣐ࣟࠊ୰ ୡ࠸ࡗࡓ㐣ཤࡢ◊✲⌧௦ࡢࢭࢡࢩࣗࣜࢸ◊✲ࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 169 ジェンダー 》セクシュアリティ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780745670362* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138864344* ★ セクシャル・アイデンティティとメディア:入門 セクシュアリティ国際百科事典 全3巻 Battles, Kathleen/Hilton-Morrow, Wendy Sexual Identities and the Media: An Introduction 2015:3. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 Whelehan, Patricia/Bolin, Anne The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality 2015:5. 3 Vols., 1,632 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780415532969* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781405190060* *9780415532976* See also Voss, Georgina, Stigma and the Shaping of the Pornography Industry, Routledge .........p161 , 1281 イギリス・ルネッサンスにおけるセクシュアリティと ジェンダー Davis, Lloyd Sexuality and Gender in the English Renaissance: An Annotated Edition of Contemporary Documents 2015:4. 440 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) Carmody, Moira, Sex, Ethics, and Young People, Palgrave Macmillan ................................. p177 , 1411 教育学 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 ★ 教育のアイディアと実践 アメリカにおける高等教育の歴史 Hutcheson, Philo A People’s History of American Higher Education (Core Concepts in Higher Education) 2015:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415894692* アントニオ・グラムシ Dikerdem, Mehmet Ali/Pizzolato, Nicola Antonio Gramsci: A Pedagogy to Change the World (SpringerBriefs in Education/SpringerBriefs on Key Thinkers in Education, Vol. 9) 2015:10. 100 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 170 *9781138857544* 教育研究における革新的モデリング技法 Entwistle, Noel (ed.) Handbook of Educational Ideas and Practices (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 1174 p., First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9783319014449* Kelly, Anthony/Muijs, Daniel Innovative Modelling Techniques in Educational Research 2015:9. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138783744* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781138783751* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 幼少期の学習理論 オルダス・ハクスリーの教育論 Macblain, Sean/Gray, Colette Learning Theories in Childhood 2015:9. 215 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 Zigler, Ronald The Educational Prophecies of Aldous Huxley: The Visionary Legacy of Brave New World, Ape and Essence and Island (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education, Vol. 37) 2015:3. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781473906464* Pollnitz, Aysha Princely Education in Early Modern Britain (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) 2015:4. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781107039520* ?;^ Reason and Teaching (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 218 p., Originally Published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739665* Roberts, Peter (ed.) Shifting Focus: Strangers and Strangeness in Literature and Education (Educational Philosophy and Theory) 2015:2. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138852822* ルネッサンス期における教育の見解と歴史研究 Laurie, Simon S. Studies in the History of Education Opinion from the Renaissance 2015:4. 261 p., First Published in 1969 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881112* ラディカル・デモクラシーの教育 Amsler, Sarah S. The Education of Radical Democracy (Routledge Research in Education) 2015:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415702638* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138832497* 教育心理学 Corno, Lyn/Cronbach, Lee J. Remaking the Concept of Aptitude: Extending the Legacy of Richard E. Snow 2015:4. 320 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881174* デジタル時代の学習の再考察 Savin-Baden, Maggi Rethinking Learning in an Age of Digital Fluency: Is Being Digitally Tethered a New Learning Nexus? (Current Debates in Educational Psychology) 2015:3. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415738170* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415738187* 男性の脳:子どもの学習指導 第2版 {|_ ^ Teaching the Male Brain: How Boys Think, Feel, and Learn in School, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 432 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483371405* 児童・青少年の発達の新たな方向性:国際的な観点 Grigorenko, Elena L. The Global Context for New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 147 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 171 教育学 》教育心理学 (J-B CAD Single Issue Child & Adolescent Development) 2015:3. 112 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119058311* 人間学習の哲学 Winch, Christopher The Philosophy of Human Learning (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education) 2015:2. 232 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415757119* ★ Routledge 版 「考える力」の育成研究:国際ハンド ブック Wegerif, Rupert/Kaufman, James/Li, Li The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking (Routledge International Handbooks of Education) 2015:5. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415747493* 教育社会学 インドの高等教育における差別 Ovichegan, Samson K. Faces of Discrimination in Higher Education in India: Quota Policy, Social Justice and the Dalits (Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity) 2015:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138793798* 高等教育、リーダーシップと女性の大学副総長 Burkinshaw, Paula Higher Education, Leadership and Women Vice Chancellors (Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education) 2015:5. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 172 不平等、権力と学校の成功 Conchas, Gilberto/Gottfried, Michael (eds.) Inequality, Power and School Success: Case Studies on Racial Disparity and Opportunity in Education (Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity) 2015:4. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138837881* イスラムとシチズンシップ教育 Aslan, Ednan/Hermansen, Marcia (eds.) Islam and Citizenship Education (Wiener Beitrage zur Islamforschung) 2015:3. 342 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783658086022* Maton, Karl Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a Realist Sociology of Education 2015:2. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138903050* 教育の権利と民主主義教育 Vitale, Philippe/Exley, Beryl (eds.) Pedagogic Rights and Democratic Education: Bernsteinian Explorations of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138898097* 小学校における宗教 Hemming, Peter Religion in the Primary School: Ethos, Diversity, Citizenship (Foundations and Futures of Education) 2015:3. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415714877* *9781137444035* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育社会学 国際教育・多文化教育 児童・青少年に向けた学校のホームレス体験学習 " School-based Practice with Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (SSWAA Workshop Series) 2015:5. 144 p. (Oxford U.P. NY, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780190213053* ダイバーシティと教育 Siegel, David J. The Call for Diversity: Pressure, Expectation, and Organizational Response in the Postsecondary Setting 2015:5. 240 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880139* Pace, Judith L. The Charged Classroom: Predicaments and Possibilities for Democratic Teaching 2015:2. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415736640* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415736657* Bhopal, Kalwant The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics: A Comparative Study of the Unequal Academy (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2015:6. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415736695* 文化的応答性のあるリーダーシップ:高等教育 =` ={ Culturally Responsive Leadership in Higher Education: Promoting Access, Equity, and Improvement 2015:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854796* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854802* 多文化・国際教育におけるグローバル・アイデンティティ Bagnall, Nigel Global Identity in Multicultural and International Educational Contexts: Student Identity Formation in International Schools (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 2015:4. 166 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138797499* ヒスパニック受け入れ機関 Núñez, Anne-Marie/Hurtado, Sylvia/Galdeano, Emily Calderón (eds.) Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Advancing Research and Transformative Practice 2015:3. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814301* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138814318* 国境を越えた教育における知識層 教育の調査 Gordon, Peter (ed.) The Study of Education: Inaugural Lectures: Volume Three: The Changing Scene 2015:4. 344 p., First Published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866447* ★印はお薦めタイトル Qi, Jing Knowledge Hierarchies in Transnational Education: Staging Dissensus (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 2015:5. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138826830* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 173 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 グローバル文化における国家建設と歴史教育 グローバル教育 Zajda, Joseph (ed.) Nation-Building and History Education in a Global Culture (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, Vol. 13) 2015:4. 180 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 Maguth, Brad/Hilburn, Jeremy (eds.) The State of Global Education: Learning with the World and its People (Citizenship, Character and Values Education, Vol. 1) 2015:4. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9789401797283* *9780415721677* Saran, Rupam Navigating Model Minority Stereotypes: South Asian and Indian Youth (Routledge Research in Education) 2015:8. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138023468* イスラム教育の哲学 Zaman, Mujadad/Memon, Nadeem (eds.) Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses (Routledge Research in Religion and Education) 2015:10. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138788541* 多言語教育 See also Plonsky, Luke, Advancing Quantitative Methods in Second Language Research, Routledge .................................................................... p70 , 0519 Schwieter, John W., The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p70 , 0520 Fulcher, Glenn, Re-examining Language Testing, Routledge.................................................... p70 , 0521 Kato, Satoko, _ =Routledge .................................................................... p70 , 0522 Gray, John, The Construction of English, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p70 , 0523 比較教育・各国教育事情 発展途上国と教育の価値 Ilon, Lynn The Cost of not Educating the World’s Poor: The New Economics of Learning 2015:5. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138887497* アボリジニおよびトレス諸島民教育 第2版 Price, Kaye Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education: An Introduction for the Teaching Profession, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 216 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 教育と開発 Malassis, Louis The Rural World: Education and Development 2015:4. 136 p., Originally Published in 1976 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138865655* ヨーロッパ教育:ボローニャ・プロセスの比較研究 Kooij, Yasemin European Higher Education Policy and the Social Dimension: A Comparative Study of the Bologna Process 2015:5. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 174 *9781107463844* *9781137473134* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》比較教育・各国教育事情 ドイツの教育事情 Phillips, David Investigating Education in Germany: Studies from a British Perspective (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 2015:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854215* イギリスの教育:20 世紀のシックスフォーム Edwards, A. D. The Changing Sixth Form in the Twentieth Century 2015:4., Originally Published in 1970 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138881129* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138791985* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138792005* 教育プロジェクト O'Brien, Stephen The Education Project: Exploring the Art of Good Learning 2015:8. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415529198* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415529204* 教育制度・教育行政 Hallinger, Philip/Wang, Wen Chung Assessing Instructional Leadership with the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2015:5. 125 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319155326* 高等教育におけるリーダーシップ:国際的視点 Clift, Renee Tipton/Loughran, John/Mills, Geoff/ Craig, Cheryl J. (eds.) Inside the Role of Dean: International Perspectives on Leading in Higher Education 2015:3. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138828612* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138828629* Au, Wayne/Ferrare, Joseph J. (eds.) Mapping Corporate Education Reform: Power and Policy Networks in the Neoliberal State (Critical Social Thought) 2015:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Sage 版 教育的リーダーシップとマネジメントガイド English, Fenwick W. (ed.) The Sage Guide to Educational Leadership and Management 2015:4. 552 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781452281926* 国家、家族と教育 David, Miriam The State, the Family and Education (Routledge Revivals) 2015:2. 290 p., Originally Published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138857858* 教科教育学 la Bastide-van Gemert, Sacha All Positive Action Starts with Criticism: Hans Freudenthal and the Didactics of Mathematics 2015:1. 340 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9789401793339* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 175 教育学 》教科教育学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 英語学習者の評価:理論と実践 Solano Flores, Guillermo Assessing English Language Learners: Theory and Practice 2015:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415819282* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415819299* 絵本学習 第2版 Arizpe, Evelyn/Styles, Morag Children Reading Picturebooks: Interpreting Visual Texts, 2nd ed. 2015:7. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) *9781138014077* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138014084* STEAM 教育のためのテクノロジー Ge, Xun/Ifenthaler, Dirk/Spector, J. Michael (eds.) Emerging Technologies for STEAM Education (Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations, Vol. 2) 2015:10. 210 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319025728* ᩍ⫱ဴᏛ㻌 ➨䠎㞟 䠑ᕳ K '' X] 'ZYK 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ$䛇 %& ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ % ศྍ !"#$%&&&$& '( ) ㏻ᖖ౯䢠) ≉౯䢠&& "䛊ᮏయ䛋㻗 ⛯ *9780415830096* ᮏ᭩ࡣࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪ♫ <+ =# ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ࡞ࡢ ) *( ࡢ᭱᪂ ห࡛ࡍࠋ࣏࣮࣭ࣝࣁ࣮ࢫࢺࣃࢺࣜࢩ࣭࣍࣡ࢺࡼࡾ⦅㞟ࡉࢀ J``Q ᖺⓎหࡉࢀࡓ +" ' 㸦`qQ>>J~>J`>㸧ࡢᚋ⥅᭩ࡋ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ࡞ࡗ࡚ ࠾ࡾࠊ * " ;>@ $ ࡽࠕᅗ᭩㤋ᚲせྍḞ࡞ᩥ⊩ࠖࡋ࡚ ホ౯ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ +" ' 㸦J``Q㸧ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ᭱ึࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞ࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥ࠶ࡾࠊࡇࡢ ศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ᶒጾࡀ࠶ࡾࠊ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ๓ⴭࡢⓏሙ௨㝆 ࡢከࡃࡢ㔜せ࡞Ⓨᒎࡘ࠸࡚ヲࡋࡃㄝ᫂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊ๓ⴭࡢ⠊ᅖእࡔࡗࡓከࡃࡢ ᪂ࡋ࠸㡿ᇦࡸ㢟┠ࢆྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࡞⣴ᘬࡶࠊᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗᩥ ⬦࡛ゎㄝࡋࡓໟᣓⓗ࡞ᑟධᩥࡶ㘓ࡋࡓᮏ᭩ࡣࡁࢃࡵ࡚㔜せ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᏛ ⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࠊ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ 176 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 数学カリキュラム研究ガイド Common Core, Eureka Math Curriculum Study Guide: A Story of Units, Grade K (Common Core Mathematics) 2015:6. 144 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118466506* English, Lyn D./Kirshner, David (eds.) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education, 3rd ed. 2015:8. 944 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832038* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415832045* Beach, Richard/Johnston, Anthony/Thein, Amanda Haertling Identity-Focused ELA Teaching: A Curriculum Framework for Diverse Secondary Classrooms 2015:3. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812024* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138812031* Whyte, Shona Implementing and Researching Technological Innovation in Language Teaching: The Case of Interactive Whiteboards for EFL in French Schools 2015:4. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137470331* 高等教育における社会正義教育 Berila, Beth Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education 2015:10. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138854550* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138854567* 歴史教育評価の新たな方向性 ★ 数学教育の国際研究ハンドブック 第3版 Ercikan, Kadriye/Seixas, Peter (eds.) New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking 2015:3. 294 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138018266* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138018273* 紙芝居の学習 McGowan, Tara Performing Kamishibai: An Emerging New Literacy for a Global Audience (Routledge Research in Education, Vol. 138) 2015:5. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138851511* Berry, Amanda/Friedrichsen, Patricia/Loughran, John (eds.) Re-Examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science Education (Teaching and Learning in Science Series) 2015:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832992* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138833005* 青少年と性教育 Carmody, Moira Sex, Ethics, and Young People (Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture) 2015:5. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137429117* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 177 教育学 》教科教育学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 今日の社会科教育 第2版 Parker, Walter C. (ed.) Social Studies Today: Research and Practice, 2nd ed. 2015:4. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138846814* Tobutt, Kristina/Hood, Philip Teaching Languages in the Primary School, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 232 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804234* Newell, George/Bloome, David/Hirvela, Alan Teaching and Learning Argumentative Writing in High School English Language Arts Classrooms 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138017429* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138017436* Boyd-Batstone, Paul Teaching ELLs to Read: Strategies to Meet the Common Core, K-5 2015:4. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138017689* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138017696* クリエイティブな英語教育方法 第2版 Cremin, Teresa Teaching English Creatively, 2nd ed. (Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series) 2015:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) 178 *9781446295120* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781446295137* クリエイティブな数学教育方法 第2版 Pound, Linda/Lee, Trisha Teaching Mathematics Creatively, 2nd ed. (Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series) 2015:4. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800540* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ 小学校の言語教育 第2版 *9781138846043* Johnson, Carla C./Peters-Burton, Erin E./Moore, Tamara J. (eds.) STEM Road Map: A Framework for Integrated STEM Education 2015:6. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138787025* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138787018* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138800557* 中等理科教育 第4版 Ross, Keith/Lakin, Liz/McKechnie, Janet/Baker, Jim Teaching Secondary Science: Constructing Meaning and Developing Understanding, 4th ed. 2015:6. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138833418* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138833425* ホロコーストの教育 Gray, Michael Teaching the Holocaust: Practical Approaches for Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 Ages 11-18 2015:5. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138790995* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138791008* 中等社会科教育におけるテクノロジー Scheuerell, Scott K. Technology in the Middle and Secondary Social Studies Classroom 2015:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749800* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415749817* Carver, Ronald P. The Causes of High and Low Reading Achievement 2015:5. 456 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138866799* 教育方法・教育評価 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022652* 読解の学習指導 Perkins, Margaret Becoming a Teacher of Reading 2015:3. 264 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446273135* リテラシー・ゲームの学習:7 歳 ∼ 13 歳対象 Butler, Heather Classroom Literacy Games: Fun-packed Activities for Ages 7-13 2015:3. 122 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781138834811* カリキュラム研究 Miller, Janet L. Curriculum Studies: Communities without Consensus (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) 2015:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415833837* モチベーションと文化的応答性のある学習指導 カリキュラム改革における主観性と文化:中国の事例 Hua, Zhang/Pinar, William F. (eds.) Autobiography and Teacher Development in China: Subjectivity and Culture in Curriculum Reform (Curriculum Studies Worldwide) 2015:7. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137382399* 数学教育と教師:考察と自己評価 第3版 Artzt, Alice F./Armour-Thomas, Eleanor/Curcio, Frances R./Gurl, Theresa J. {\ `\ : A Guide for Observations and Self-Assessment, 3rd ed. (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Ginsberg, Margery Excited to Learn: Motivation and Culturally Responsive Teaching 2015:1. 224 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452259536* 家族・学校・地域の連帯とパートナーシップ Quezada, Reyes L./Alexandrowicz, Viviana/Molina, Sarina (eds.) Family, School, Community Engagement and Partnerships: Theory and Best Practices 2015:4. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138888104* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 179 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 家庭・学校・地域の連携 第3版 Ray, Julie A./Grant, Kathy B. Home, School, and Community Collaboration: Culturally Responsive Family Engagement, 3rd ed. 2015:8. 536 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483347547* Hunt, Albert Hopes for Great Happenings : Alternatives in Education and Theatre (Routledge Revivals) 2015:5. 208 p., Originally Published in 1976 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415739542* Saunders, Ruth P. Implementation Monitoring and Process Evaluation 2015:6. 304 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483308098* 観察とフィードバックを通した教育方法の改善 Lavigne, Alyson L./Good, Thomas L Improving Teaching through Observation and Feedback: Beyond State and Federal Mandates 2015:3. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138022515* Sulla, Nancy It’s Not What You Teach But How: 7 Insights to Making the CCSS Work for You 2015:6. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415734776* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415838603* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415838610* Educational Measurement and Assessment) 2015:9. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415733403* 授業の評価と計画 Bartlett, Jayne Outstanding Assessment for Learning in the Classroom 2015:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824508* 教育の質とケイパビリティ・アプローチ Buckler, Alison Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach: Evaluating the Work and Governance of Women Teachers in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa (Routledge Research in Education) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138799684* Lemov, Doug Teach Like a Champion 2.0: 62 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College, 2nd ed. 2015:1. 504 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118901854* Howell Major, Claire/Zakrajsek, Todd Teaching for Learning: 101 Intentionally-designed Educational Activities to Put Students on the Path to Success 2015:8. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138824492* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415699358* Braun, Henry (ed.) Meeting the Challenges to Measurement in an Era of Accountability (NCME Applications of 180 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415699365* Sage 版 教室運営百科事典 全2巻 Scarlett, W. George (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Classroom Management 2015:5. 2 Vols., 1192 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452241395* Sage 版 学習と評価のハンドブック Scott, David/Hargreaves, Eleanore (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Learning 2015:8. 425 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781446287569* 教育工学 ビッグデータとラーニング・アナリティクス:高等教育 Kei Daniel, Ben/Butson, Russell (eds.) Big Data and Learning Analytics in Higher Education: Current Theory and Practice 2015:10. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319065199* 教育工学の基盤 第2版 Spector, J. Michael Foundations of Educational Technology: Integrative Approaches and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd ed. (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Educational Technology) 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138790278* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 学校におけるテクノロジー導入ハンドブック Arney, Liz Go Blended!: A Handbook for Blending Technology in Schools 2015:1. 336 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781138790285* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781118974209* デジタル時代の教育とIC T Fraillon, Julian/Ainley, John/Schulz, Wolfram/ Friedman, Tim/Gebhardt, Eveline Preparing for Life in a Digital Age: The IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study International Report 2015:1. 291 p. (SpringerVerlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319142210* Evans, Alan/Martin, Kendall/Poatsy, Mary Anne Technology in Action Complete, 12th ed. 2015:1. 632 p. (Pearson Education (PH USA), USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9780133949568* Hunter, Jane Technology Integration and High Possibility Classrooms: Building from TPACK 2015:3. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138781320* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138781337* Lynch, Tom Liam The Hidden Role of Software in Educational Research: Policy to Practice (Routledge Research in Education, Vol. 143) 2015:6. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138807297* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 181 教育学 》教育工学 Sage 版 教育工学百科事典 全2巻 Spector, J. Michael (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Technology 2015:4. 952 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452258225* 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 ケンブリッジ大学の拡大:1996 年∼ 2006 年 Adamson, David M. An Era of Expansion: Construction at Cambridge University 1996–2006 2015:6. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850637* フォーマル教育とノンフォーマル教育:グローバルな視点 Singh, Madhu Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 29) 2015:5. 205 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319152776* Schultheis Moore, Alexandra/Simon, Sunka (eds.) Globally Networked Teaching in the Humanities: Theories and Practices (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2015:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138801523* 人文科学、高等教育とアカデミック・フリーダム Ruth, Jennifer/Bérubé, Michael Humanities, Higher Education, and Academic Freedom: Three Necessary Arguments 2015:5. 136 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 182 *9781137506115* Innovative Learning for Leadership Development: New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 145 (Jossey-Bass Launches New Directions for Student Leadership) 2015:3. 120 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 *9781119067290* ★ 児童の観察 第2版 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781137506108* Smidt, Sandra Observing Young Children: The Role of Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Settings, 2nd ed. (Essential Guides for Early Years Practitioners) 2015:5. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138823556* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138823563* Fromberg, Doris Pronin/Bergen, Doris (eds.) Play from Birth to Twelve: Contexts, Perspectives, and Meanings, 3rd ed. 2015:3. 482 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804128* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138804135* ラテンアメリカの私立大学 Gregorutti, Gustavo/Delgado, Jorge Enrique (eds.) Private Universities in Latin America: Research and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy (International and Development Education) 2015:5. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137479372* プロフェッショナル・ラーニングにおける高水準の達成 Patricia, A. Roy Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Resources 2015:4. 120 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781452292076* Thoresen, Victoria W./Doyle, Declan/Klein, Jorgen/ Didham, Robert J. (eds.) Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives 2015:3. 283 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319153049* イベロ・アメリカ地域の大学の経営戦略 Cifuentes-Madrid, Jairo H./Landoni Couture, Pablo/ Llinàs Audet, Xavier (eds.) Strategic Management of Universities in the Ibero-America Region: A Comparative Perspective 2015:4. 125 p. (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価特価 税 *9783319146836* Price, Deborah/Ota, Cathy The Assertive Practitioner: How to Improve Early Years Practice through Effective Communication 2015:9. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138832312* 起業的な大学 Foss, Lene/Gibson, David V. (eds.) The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change 2015:5. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138830776* Ephgrave, Anna The Nursery Year in Action: Following Children’s Interests through the Year 2015:4. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138885226* ★印はお薦めタイトル Sage 版 サービス・ラーニングと市民的社会参画: ソースブック Penick-Parks, Marguerite W./Fondrie, Suzanne/ Delano-Oriaran, Omobolade (eds.) The Sage Sourcebook of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2015:6. 504 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781452281919* 特別支援教育 幼児期における問題行動と精神衛生上の問題 Bayat, Mojdeh Addressing Challenging Behaviors and Mental Health Issues in Early Childhood 2015:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138012905* 学習障害児の評価:教員実践ガイド Reid, Gavin/Elbeheri, Gad/Everatt, John < | & * _ : A Teacher’s Practical Guide (David Fulton / Nasen) 2015:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415597593* Aguinaga, Nancy J./Spencer, Sally A. Making the Common Core Writing Standards Accessible Through Universal Design for Learning 2015:5. 240 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781483369471* Rix, Jonathan Must Inclusion be Special?: Rethinking Educational Support within a Community of Provision (Current Debates in Educational Psychology) 2015:7. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415710992* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 183 教育学 》特別支援教育 Ravet, Jackie Supporting Change in Autism Services: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice 2015:2. 154 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415508278* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9780415508285* 小学校における自閉症スペクトラムの児童支援 Canavan, Carolyn Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum in Primary Schools: A Practical Guide for Teaching Assistants 2015:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138838895* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 ★ 特別ニーズ教育コーディネーター:ハンドブック 第6版 Cowne, Elizabeth/Frankl, Carol/Gerschel, Liz The SENCo Handbook: Leading and Managing a Whole School Approach, 6th ed. 2015:6. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138808942* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138808959* 学習障害の社会的側面 Wong, Bernice Y. L./Donahue, Mavis L. (eds.) The Social Dimensions of Learning Disabilities: Essays in Honor of Tanis Bryan 2015:5. 256 p., Originally Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138838888* *9781138866669* スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ一般 スポーツ・テクノロジーと工学 野球と統計学 第3版 Thorn, John/Palmer, Pete/Reuther, David The Hidden Game of Baseball: A Revolutionary Approach to Baseball and Its Statistics, 3rd ed. 2015:3. 440 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 Luo, Qi (ed.) Sports Technology and Engineering (Advances in Sports Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3) 2015:4. 300 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780226242484* スポーツ・健康科学 *9781138026988* スポーツと社会 スポーツとアイルランドのディアスポラ Marshall, Francis Football: The Rugby Union Game (Cambridge Library Collection - British and Irish History, 19th Century) 2015:2. 532 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価特価 税 184 Darby, Paul/Hassan, David (eds.) Emigrant Players: Sport and the Irish Diaspora 2015:4., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880436* *9781108083942* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 サッカー、地域と社会的包摂 Parnell, Daniel/Richardson, David (eds.) Football, Community and Social Inclusion (Sport in the Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives) 2015:6. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138855915* サッカー:イングランドから世界へ Martinez, Dolores/Mukharji, Projit B. (eds.) Football: From England to the World 2015:5., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138883536* ★ エリート・スポーツシステムの管理 *9781138803275* Skirstad, Berit/Doherty, Alison/Girginov, Vassil (eds.) New Perspectives on Sport Volunteerism 2015:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138856424* Dichter, Heather/Kidd, Bruce (eds.) Olympic Reform Ten Years Later (Sport in the Global Society – Contemporary Perspectives) 2015:5. 128 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138853683* スポーツ哲学:ウィトゲンシュタイン・アプローチ McFee, Graham ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138830547* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138830554* スペインサッカーと社会変動 Llopis-Goig, Ramon Spanish Football and Social Change: Sociological Investigations (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe) 2015:4. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137467942* スポーツと革命家 Nauright, John/Wiggins, David K (eds.) Sport and Revolutionaries: Reclaiming the Historical Role of Sport in Social and Political Activism (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2015:3. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 オリンピックの改善 Harper, Shaun R./Donnor, Jamel K. (eds.) Scandals in College Sports: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Case Studies 2015:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 スポーツのボランティア活動 *9781138907867* Andersen, Svein S./Ronglan, Lars Tore/Houlihan, Barrie (eds.) Managing Elite Sport Systems: Research and Practice (Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management) 2015:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 大学スポーツのスキャンダル On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport: A Wittgensteinian Approach (Ethics and Sport) 2015:6. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 ★ *9781138854932* ヨーロッパのスポーツと都市空間 Terret, Thierry/Heck, Sandra (eds.) Sport and Urban Space in Europe: Facilities, Industries, Identities (Sport in the Global Society Historical Perspectives) 2015:6. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138910775* MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 185 スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 ラテンアメリカのスポーツとナショナリズム Fernandez L'Hoeste, Hector D./Irwin, Robert McKee/Poblete, Juan (eds.) Sports and Nationalism in Latin/o America (New Directions in Latino American Cultures) 2015:5. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781137487186* 1984 年ロサンゼルス五輪 Llewellyn, Matthew/Gleaves, John/Wilson, Wayne (eds.) The 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games: Assessing the 30-Year Legacy (Sport in the Global Society Historical Perspectives) 2015:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9781138886322* Malcolm, Dominic/Gemmell, Jon (eds.) The Changing Face of Cricket: From Imperial to Global Game 2015:4., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 186 Hallinan, Christopher/Hughson, John (eds.) The Containment of Soccer in Australia: Fencing Off the World Game 2015:4., First Published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138880580* 現代中国におけるスポーツの政治化 Hong, Fan/Zhouxiang, Lu The Politicisation of Sport in Modern China: Communists and Champions (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2015:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138850583* See also Stone, Duncan, New Directions in Sport History, Routledge.................................................... p50 , 0373 Poynter, Gavin, The London Olympics and Urban Development, Routledge ......................... p129 , 0997 *9781138880542* Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 生活科学 》食生活 生活科学 食生活 中華料理のグローバル化 Sanchez, Jose Molecular Gastronomy"<}~]{ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9781118073865* Von Bargen, Hinnerk Street Foods 2015:3. 408 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 *9780470928646* Traitler, Helmut The Food Industry Innovation School: How to Drive Innovation through Complex Organizations 2015:6. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価特価 税 Cheung, Sidney/Wu, David Y. H. (eds.) The Globalisation of Chinese Food 2015:4. 216 p., First Published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価特価 税 *9781138863316* Routledge 版 持続的可能な食品、飲料と美食学 ハンドブック Sloan, Philip/Legrand, Willy (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Food, Beverages and Gastronomy 2015:5. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価特価 税 *9780415702553* *9781118947685* ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 187 アジア Dana, Leo Paul, Asian Entrepreneurship, Sage Pub................................................................p6 , 0044 Bradshaw, M. J., %' Asia, Routledge.........................................p139 , 1075 Bhugra, Dinesh, Routledge Handbook of Psychiatry in Asia, Routledge ...................p9 , 0064 Rozman, Gilbert, Misunderstanding Asia, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p142 , 1098 Zhao, Zhongwei, Routledge Handbook of Asian Demography, Routledge .............................p9 , 0067 Small, Andrew, The China-Pakistan Axis, Oxford U.P. NY ..................................................... p142 , 1099 Spolsky, Bernard, Secondary School English Education in Asia, Routledge .................. p10 , 0070 Aspalter, Christian, Health Care Systems in Europe and Asia, Routledge ...................p156 , 1239 Rinehart, Robert E., %& '' Research, Routledge ..................................p19 , 0125 Tay, Jinna, Television Histories in Asia, Routledge .................................................................. p162 , 1289 Frazer, James G., Myths of the Origin of Fire, Routledge.................................................... p21 , 0129 Martin, Fran, Lifestyle Media in Asia, Routledge ...................................................................p162 , 1292 Frachetti, Michael David, Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and America, Springer-Verlag GmbH ......................................................... p26 , 0159 東アジア Totani, Yuma, ; < ' Region, 1945-1952, Cambridge U.P. ....... p44 , 0322 Wignaraja, Ganeshan, Production Networks and Enterprises in East Asia, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................... p85 , 0623 Duka, Theodore, Life and Works of Alexander Csoma De Koros, Routledge .................... p44 , 0323 Shin, Jang-Sup, The Economics of the Latecomers, Routledge....................................................p86 , 0625 Van Klaveren, Maarten, Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p81 , 0589 Berg, Maxine, Goods from the East, 1600-1800, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p89 , 0653 Carroll, Toby, Financialisation and Development in Asia, Routledge ..................................... p84 , 0617 Heshmati, Almas, Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia, Springer-Verlag GmbH ......................................................... p84 , 0618 Witt, Michael A., The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business Systems, Oxford U.P. .............. p100 , 0750 Antons, Christoph, Routledge Handbook of Asian Law, Routledge .........................................p112 , 0852 Samokhvalov, Vsevolod, Eurasian Project and Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ................. p130 , 1008 Bekkevold, Jo Inge, Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century, Routledge .................................................................. p136 , 1046 Sprague, Jeb, Globalization and Transnational Capitalism in Asia and Oceania, Routledge .................................................................. p138 , 1061 188 Yoshida, Fumikazu, Green Growth and Low Carbon Development in East Asia, Routledge .................................................................. p105 , 0792 Pempel, T. J., The Economy-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia, Routledge ...................... p143 , 1114 日 本 Phipps, Catherine L., Empires on the Waterfront, Harvard U.P.................................................p2 , 0008 Takagi, Shinji, Conquering the Fear of Freedom, Oxford U.P. .................................................. p5 , 0035 Ohno, Kenichi, Japanese Views on Economic Development, Routledge .............................p5 , 0038 Wakatabe, Masazumi, Japan's Great Stagnation and Abenomics, Palgrave Macmillan........p6 , 0039 Bebenroth, Ralf, International Business Mergers and Acquisitions in Japan, Springer Tokyo ......................................................................p7 , 0045 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東アジア Peng-Er, Lam, Green Politics in Japan, Routledge ......................................................................p7 , 0049 Connors, Leslie, The Making of the New Japan, Routledge...................................................p142 , 1105 Visser t'Hooft, Willem, Japanese Contract and Anti-Trust Law, Routledge ........................p7 , 0050 Sugimoto, Yoshio, Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity, Routledge .......................p158 , 1254 Vanoverbeke, Dimitri, Juries in the Japanese Legal System, Routledge ....................................... p7 , 0051 Matthew, Robert, Japanese Science Fiction, Routledge.................................................. p163 , 1303 Higo, Masa, Retirement in Japan and South Korea, Routledge.........................................p9 , 0063 Itoh, Keiko, The Japanese Community in Pre-War Britain, Routledge ....................................p167 , 1334 Wataru, Matsuda, Japan and China, Routledge ......................................................................p9 , 0065 中華人民共和国 Curzon, George Nathaniel, Problems of the Far East, Cambridge U.P................................. p44 , 0324 Wataru, Matsuda, Japan and China, Routledge ......................................................................p9 , 0065 Checkland, Olive, Japan and Britain after 1859, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0325 Curzon, George Nathaniel, Problems of the Far East, Cambridge U.P................................. p44 , 0324 Goodman, Grant K., Japan and the Dutch 16001853, Routledge ......................................... p45 , 0326 Brady, Anne-Marie, Friend of China , Routledge .................................................................... p45 , 0333 Humbert, Aime, Japan and the Japanese, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p45 , 0327 Demare, Brian, Mao's Cultural Army, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p45 , 0335 Scherer, James A. B., Japan To-day , Routledge .................................................................... p45 , 0328 Fitzgerald, C. P., Son of Heaven, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p46 , 0336 Tipton, Elise K., Modern Japan, Routledge .................................................................... p39 , 0330 Faulds, Henry, Nine Years in Nipon, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p45 , 0330 Hearn, Lafcadio, Out of the East , Routledge .................................................................... p45 , 0331 Mutsu, Hirokichi, The British Press and the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910, Routledge .................................................................... p45 , 0332 Gayle, Curtis Anderson, Marxist History and Postwar Japanese Nationalism, Routledge .................................................................. p125 , 0949 Sakaki, Alexandra, Japan and Germany as Regional Actors, Routledge ....................p131 , 1018 Funabashi, Yoichi, Examining Japan's Lost Decades, Routledge ..................................p142 , 1100 Nakasone, Yasuhiro, Japan , Routledge ...................................................................p142 , 1101 Lam, Peng Er, Japan's Relations with Southeast Asia, Routledge.........................................p142 , 1102 Giles, Lionel, Sun Tzu on the Art of War, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0337 Brown, Miranda, The Art of Medicine in Early China, Cambridge U.P.............................. p46 , 0338 Meadows, Thomas Taylor, The Chinese and their Rebellions, Cambridge U.P. ..................... p46 , 0339 Lim, Louisa, The People's Republic of Amnesia, Oxford U.P. NY ..........................................p46 , 0340 Jaschok, Maria, The History of Women's Mosques in Chinese Islam, Routledge .....................p51 , 0375 Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Industralization of China and India, Routledge ................................ p82 , 0594 Sharkey, Nolan, Taxation in ASEAN and China, Routledge.................................................... p84 , 0619 O'Connor, Justin, Culture and Economy in the New Shanghai, Routledge ........................p84 , 0620 Ng, Michael H. K., Foreign Direct Investment in China, Routledge....................................... p85 , 0621 Sasaki, Fumiko, Nationalism, Political Realism and Democracy in Japan, Routledge .....p142 , 1103 Wen, Kui, Report on Development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province (2013), SpringerVerlag GmbH .............................................p86 , 0624 Hook, Glenn, Regional Risk and Security in Japan, Routledge ......................................p142 , 1104 Sato, Hiroshi, The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China, Routledge ....p86 , 0626 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 189 アジア 》東アジア Zheng, Li, Manufacturing Productivity in China, CRC Press ................................................ p100 , 0743 Chang, Sea-Jin, Multinational Firms in China, Oxford U.P. .............................................. p100 , 0745 Hawes, Colin, The Chinese Transformation of Corporate Culture, Routledge............... p100 , 0746 De Jonge, Alice, The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms, Chandos Publishing (Oxford) .................................................................. p100 , 0747 Ikenberry, G. John, America, China, and the Struggle for World Order, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p130 , 1006 Bedeski, Robert, Eurasia's Ascent in Energy and Geopolitics, Routledge............................ p130 , 1009 Kaczmarski, Marcin, Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order, Routledge ...................................................................p132 , 1025 Yu, Peter Kien Hong, International Governance and Regimes, Routledge ......................... p138 , 1062 He, Hongguang, Governance, Social Organisation and Reform in Rural China, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p142 , 1106 Ogden, Chris, Handbook of China's Governance and Domestic Politics, Routledge ...........p142 , 1107 Breslin, Shaun, Handbook of China's International Relations, Routledge ................................p143 , 1108 Hayes, Anna, Inside Xinjiang, Routledge ...................................................................p143 , 1109 Wong, Tai-Chee, Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China, SpringerVerlag GmbH ............................................ p143 , 1110 Hsu, Jennifer Y. J., The Chinese Corporatist State, Routledge................................................... p143 , 1112 Felber, Roland, The Chinese Revolution in the 1920s, Routledge....................................... p143 , 1113 Ren, Hai, The Middle Class in Neoliberal China, Routledge................................................... p143 , 1115 Hua, Zhang, Autobiography and Teacher Development in China, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p179 , 1423 Hong, Fan, The Politicisation of Sport in Modern China, Routledge......................................p186 , 1491 大韓民国 Higo, Masa, Retirement in Japan and South Korea, Routledge.........................................p9 , 0063 Curzon, George Nathaniel, Problems of the Far East, Cambridge U.P................................. p44 , 0324 Miller, Owen, Korean History in Maps, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p45 , 0334 Cho, Dongchul, Growth, Crisis and the Korean Economy, Routledge ................................. p85 , 0622 Kim, Hyuk-Rae, State-centric to Contested Social Governance in Korea, Routledge ........... p143 , 1111 東南アジア Sharkey, Nolan, Taxation in ASEAN and China, Routledge.................................................... p84 , 0619 Stagars, Manuel, Impact Investment Funds for Frontier Markets in Southeast Asia, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p93 , 0693 Lam, Peng Er, Japan's Relations with Southeast Asia, Routledge.........................................p142 , 1102 Meuleman, Johan, Islam in the Era of Globalization, Routledge ........................p165 , 1314 ベトナム Salemink, Oscar, The Ethnography of Vietnam’s Central Highlanders, Routledge ..............p21 , 0134 Lessard, Micheline, \/ Colonial Vietnam, Routledge................... p46 , 0341 Ho Tai, Hue-Tam, State, Society and the Market in Contemporary Vietnam, Routledge....... p144 , 1117 Brady, Anne-Marie, Foreigners and Foreign Institutions in Republican China, Routledge ...................................................................p160 , 1274 タ イ Garcia, Beatriz Carrillo, Small Town China, Routledge.................................................. p161 , 1280 Phillips, Matthew, Thailand in the Cold War, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0342 Sun, Wanning, Mapping Media in China, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1282 マレーシア Meuleman, Johan, Islam in the Era of Globalization, Routledge ........................p165 , 1314 Bunnell, Tim, From World City to the World in One City, Wiley ......................................... p51 , 0381 190 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東南アジア Prasad, Karolina, Ethnic Identity and Elections in Malaysia and Indonesia, Routledge ....... p143 , 1116 Oppert, Gustav, On the Weapons, Army Organisation, and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus, Cambridge U.P. ............ p27 , 0164 Ormond, Meghann, Neoliberal Governance and International Medical Travel in Malaysia, Routledge...................................................p156 , 1245 Sinha Roy, Mallarika, Gender and Radical Politics in India, Routledge.................................... p46 , 0343 シンガポール Mukherjee, Janam, Hungry Bengal, Oxford U.P. NY ...............................................................p46 , 0344 Bunnell, Tim, From World City to the World in One City, Wiley ......................................... p51 , 0381 フィリピン Kelly, Philip F., Landscapes of Globalization, Routledge.................................................... p51 , 0377 インドネシア Chou, Cynthia, Indonesian Sea Nomads, Routledge .................................................................... p21 , 0128 Jaffe, James, Ironies of Colonial Governance, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p48 , 0346 Mallampalli, Chandra, Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India, Cambridge U.P. ..............p48 , 0349 O'Hanlon, Rosalind, Scholar Intellectuals in Early Modern India, Routledge ......................... p48 , 0350 Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Industralization of China and India, Routledge ................................ p82 , 0594 Rao, M. Govinda, The Making of Miracles in Indian States, Oxford U.P. NY .................p86 , 0628 Prasad, Karolina, Ethnic Identity and Elections in Malaysia and Indonesia, Routledge ....... p143 , 1116 De Jonge, Alice, The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms, Chandos Publishing (Oxford) .................................................................. p100 , 0747 東ティモール Parmar, Pooja, Indigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India, Cambridge U.P. ........................p111 , 0847 Robins, Simon, Families of the Missing, Routledge .................................................................. p139 , 1078 Ranjan, Sudhanshu, Justice, Judocracy and Democracy in India, Routledge ..............p111 , 0850 南アジア Bhattacharyya, Harihar, Globalisation and Governance in India, Routledge.............p144 , 1119 Moir, Zawahir, Ismaili Hymns from South Asia, Routledge.................................................... p15 , 0105 Scott, David, Handbook of India's International Relations, Routledge ................................p144 , 1120 Claus, Peter, South Asian Folklore, Routledge .....................................................................p19 , 0121 Islam, Maidul, Limits of Islamism, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p144 , 1123 Bordia, Devika, Regimes of Legalities, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p114 , 0864 Chima, Jugdep S., Ethnic Subnationalist Insurgencies in South Asia, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1118 Bates, Crispin, Human and International Security in India, Routledge...................................p144 , 1121 Malone, David M., Oxford Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy, Oxford U.P. ....................p144 , 1124 Kjosavik, Darley Jose, Political Economy of Development in India, Routledge ...........p144 , 1125 Das, Runa, Revisiting Nuclear India, Sage Pub. ...................................................................p144 , 1126 Major, Andrea, Sovereignty and Social Reform in India, Routledge .......................................p144 , 1127 Roy, Anjali Gera, Imagining Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiat in the Transnational Era, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1122 Ovichegan, Samson K., Faces of Discrimination in Higher Education in India, Routledge ...................................................................p172 , 1367 インド パキスタン Nayak, Pulin B., Economic Development of India, Routledge...................................................... p5 , 0037 Beattie, Hugh, Imperial Frontier, Routledge .................................................................... p48 , 0345 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 191 アジア 》南アジア Jaffrelot, Christropher, The Pakistan Paradox, Oxford U.P. NY .........................................p145 , 1128 スリランカ ネパール Biyanwila, S. Janaka, The Labour Movement in the Global South, Taylor & Francis ...... p100 , 0748 Robins, Simon, Families of the Missing, Routledge .................................................................. p139 , 1078 中央アジア バングラデシュ Meuleman, Johan, Islam in the Era of Globalization, Routledge ........................p165 , 1314 Uddin, Mohammad Jasim, The Micro-politics of Microcredit, Routledge ............................p86 , 0627 Hewitt, George, The Abkhazians, Routledge ...................................................................p166 , 1331 Islam, Maidul, Limits of Islamism, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p144 , 1123 ロシア Henderson, W. O., Industrial Revolution on the Continent, Routledge ................................ p30 , 0195 Rupprecht, Tobias, Soviet Internationalism after Stalin, Cambridge U.P. ............................. p42 , 0301 Stahel, David, The Battle for Moscow, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p39 , 0274 Brown, Kate, Plutopia, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................... p43 , 0310 Tuna, Mustafa, Imperial Russia's Muslims, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p41 , 0291 Scott Leonard, Carol, Privatization and Transition in Russia in the Early 1990s, Routledge .................................................................... p86 , 0631 Yilmaz, Harun, National Identities in Soviet Historiography, Routledge ....................... p41 , 0292 Bertaux, Daniel, On Living Through Soviet Russia, Routledge ...................................... p41 , 0293 Yasnitsky, Anton, Revisionist Revolution in Vygotsky Studies, Routledge ................... p41 , 0294 Nansen, Fridtjof, Russia and Peace , Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0295 Frary, Lucien J., Russia and the Making of Modern Greek Identity, 1821-1844, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0296 Lovell, Stephen, Russia in the Microphone Age, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p42 , 0297 Engel, Barbara Alpern, Russia in World History, Oxford U.P. NY ..........................................p42 , 0298 Samokhvalov, Vsevolod, Eurasian Project and Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ................. p130 , 1008 Bedeski, Robert, Eurasia's Ascent in Energy and Geopolitics, Routledge............................ p130 , 1009 Kaczmarski, Marcin, Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order, Routledge ...................................................................p132 , 1025 Bradshaw, M. J., %' Asia, Routledge.........................................p139 , 1075 Grant, Thomas D., Aggression Against Ukraine, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p147 , 1147 Korolev, Alexander, International Cooperation in the Development of Russia's Far East and Siberia, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p147 , 1149 Orenstein, Harold S., Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience, Routledge .................p42 , 0299 Oxenstierna, Susanne, The Challenges for Russia's Politicized Economic System, Routledge ................................................................... p147 , 1152 Orenstein, Harold S., Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience, Routledge .................p42 , 0300 Hewitt, George, The Abkhazians, Routledge ...................................................................p166 , 1331 192 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 中 東 中 東 Smith, George, F., History of Sennacherib, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p25 , 0146 Stephens, John Lloyd, Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p26 , 0150 Ainsworth, William F., Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldaea, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p27 , 0170 Wien, Peter, Arab Nationalism, Routledge .................................................................... p48 , 0353 Haim, Sylvia G., Essays on the Economic History of the Middle East, Routledge ................. p49 , 0354 Rynhold, Jonathan, <Z American Political Culture, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p153 , 1212 トルコ Falkener, Edward, Ephesus, and the Temple of Diana, Cambridge U.P. ............................. p22 , 0140 de Waal, Thomas, Great Catastrophe, Oxford U.P. NY ...............................................................p40 , 0286 Riedler, Florian, Opposition and Legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire, Routledge ............. p49 , 0356 Bajalan, Djene Rhys, Studies in Kurdish History, Routledge.................................................... p49 , 0358 Martin, Natalie, Security and the Turkey-EU Accession Process, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p132 , 1026 Taghdisi-Rad, Sahar, The Political Economy of Aid in Palestine, Routledge ......................p86 , 0630 Gunes, Cengiz, The Kurdish National Movement in Turkey, Routledge ................................p146 , 1140 Stephenson, Marcus, International Tourism and the Gulf Cooperation Council States, Routledge .................................................................. p103 , 0777 Simonian, Hovann, The Hemshin, Routledge ...................................................................p167 , 1333 Bhojani, Ali Reza, Moral Rationalism and Shari'a, Routledge...................................................p112 , 0851 イラン Looney, Robert E., Handbook of US-Middle East Relations, Routledge ................................p131 , 1013 Cohen, Ronen A., Revolution Under Attack, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p49 , 0357 Lutmar, Carmela, Regional Peacemaking and =Routledge .............. p136 , 1042 Kazembeyki, Mohammad Ali, Society, Politics and Economics in Mazandaran, Iran 1848-1914, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1138 Ismael, Jacqueline S., Government and Politics of the Contemporary Middle East, Routledge ...................................................................p145 , 1134 Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, Syria and Iran, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1139 Bartal, Shaul, Jihad in Palestine, Routledge ...................................................................p145 , 1135 Durac, Vincent, Politics and Governance in the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan ..........p146 , 1137 Kreyenbroek, Philip G., The Kurds, Routledge ...................................................................p146 , 1141 Ayoob, Mohammed, The Middle East in World Politics , Routledge...................................p146 , 1142 Ridgeon, Lloyd, Iranian Intellectuals, Routledge .................................................................. p163 , 1302 イラク Gibson, Bryan R., Sold Out?, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p132 , 1027 シリア Gilbar, Gad G., The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond, Routledge ...................................p146 , 1143 Silander, Daniel, International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect, Routledge....................................p133 , 1035 Milton-Edwards, Beverley, The Muslim Brotherhood, Routledge ..........................p146 , 1144 Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, Syria and Iran, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1139 Magno, Cathryn, The New Pythian Voices, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1146 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 193 中 東 イスラエル パレスチナ Warren, Charles, The Recovery of Jerusalem, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p29 , 0190 El-Eini, Roza, Mandated Landscape, Routledge .................................................................... p49 , 0355 Aharoni, Yair, The Israeli Economy , Routledge ....................................................................p86 , 0629 Caplan, Neil, Futile Diplomacy , Routledge ...................................................................p145 , 1129 Caplan, Neil, Futile Diplomacy , Routledge ...................................................................p145 , 1129 キプロス Ranta, Ronald, Political Decision Making and Non-Decisions, Palgrave Macmillan ......p145 , 1136 di Cesnola, Alessandro Palma, Salaminia (Cyprus), Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p28 , 0178 Cohen, Stuart A., The New Citizen Armies, Routledge...................................................p146 , 1145 ヨーロッパ Malinowski, Bronislaw, Freedom and Civilization , Routledge.................................................... p30 , 0193 Pollard, Sidney, The Integration of the European Economy Since 1815, Routledge ..............p87 , 0639 Elbe, Stefan, Europe, Routledge............... p30 , 0199 Birck, L. V., The Scourge of Europe , Routledge ....................................................................p87 , 0642 Kaijser, Arne, Europe's Infrastructure Transition, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p30 , 0200 Berg, Maxine, Markets and Manufacture in Early Industrial Europe , Routledge .................p30 , 0202 Lawrence, C.H., Medieval Monasticism, Routledge .................................................................... p31 , 0203 !"#Minor Knowledge and Microhistory, Routledge .......................... p31 , 0204 Berg, Maxine, Goods from the East, 1600-1800, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p89 , 0653 Macleod, Donald, Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe, Routledge................................... p104 , 0783 Morales Pedraza, Jorge, Electrical Energy Generation in Europe, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p104 , 0789 Williams, John F., Modernity, the Media and the Military, Routledge ................................... p31 , 0205 Van Erp, Judith, The Routledge Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe, Routledge...................................................p114 , 0870 Fusaro, Maria, Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p31 , 0207 Honderich, Ted, Social Ends and Political Means, Routledge...................................................p125 , 0951 Simões, Ana, Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................. p31 , 0210 Beloff, Max, The Age of Absolutism 1660-1815 , Routledge.....................................................p31 , 0211 Pagden, Anthony, The Burdens of Empire, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p32 , 0213 Van Klaveren, Maarten, Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p81 , 0589 Marques, Helena, Territory, specialization and globalization in European Manufacturing, Routledge....................................................p87 , 0634 194 Samokhvalov, Vsevolod, Eurasian Project and Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ................. p130 , 1008 Bachmann, Veit, Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p132 , 1021 Lutmar, Carmela, Regional Peacemaking and =Routledge .............. p136 , 1042 Bekkevold, Jo Inge, Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century, Routledge .................................................................. p136 , 1046 Magalhães, Pedro, Financial Crisis, Austerity, and Electoral Politics, Routledge ...........p137 , 1057 Ozzano, Luca, European Culture Wars and the Italian Case, Routledge ........................... p147 , 1155 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Borner, Stefanie, European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p147 , 1156 Caton, Valerie, France and the Politics of European Economic and Monetary Union, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p148 , 1158 Della Fina, Valentina, Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment, Springer-Verlag GmbH .................................................................. p113 , 0862 Alexander QC, Daniel, Supplementary Protection /=Oxford U.P...... p119 , 0901 Bernaciak, Magdalena, Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1165 Craig, Paul, EU Law, Oxford U.P. ......... p122 , 0926 Nicholls, Kate, Mediating Policy, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1166 Hervey, Tamara K., European Union Health Law, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p122 , 0928 Sander, Gerald G., New Europe - Old Values?, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................p148 , 1167 Turner, Jonathan D. C., Intellectual Property and EU Competition Law, Oxford U.P. ....... p122 , 0929 Foret, François, Religion at the European Parliament, Routledge .............................p149 , 1170 Anderman, Steven, Technology Transfer and the EU Competition Rules, Oxford U.P. ..... p122 , 0930 Kissoudi, Penelope, The Balkan Games and Balkan Politics in the Interwar Years 1929 - 1939, Routledge................................................... p149 , 1174 Fahey, Elaine, The Actors of Postnational RuleMaking, Routledge .................................. p122 , 0931 Hayward, Katy, The Europeanization of Party Politics in Ireland, North and South, Routledge ...................................................................p150 , 1185 Aspalter, Christian, Health Care Systems in Europe and Asia, Routledge ...................p156 , 1239 Freeman, Gary P., Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies, Routledge ...................................................................p165 , 1320 Aslan, Ednan, Islam and Citizenship Education, Springer-Verlag GmbH.............................p172 , 1370 Kooij, Yasemin, European Higher Education Policy and the Social Dimension, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p174 , 1390 Terret, Thierry, Sport and Urban Space in Europe, Routledge.................................................. p185 , 1486 E U Selin, Henrik, European Union and Environmental Governance, Routledge ..............................p7 , 0048 Mosconi, Franco, The New European Industrial Policy, Routledge .......................................p87 , 0640 $%Good Governance, Scale and Power, Routledge.................................................. p105 , 0791 Atkinson, Rob, Sustainability in European Environmental Policy, Routledge.......... p107 , 0814 ★印はお薦めタイトル Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen, European Sustainable Carriage of Goods, Routledge ............... p122 , 0927 Caro de Sousa, Pedro, The European Fundamental Freedoms, Oxford U.P. ........................... p122 , 0932 *+/:*The European Private International Law of Employment, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p122 , 0933 Twigg-Flesner, Christian, The Europeanisation of Contract Law, Routledge ....................... p122 , 0934 De Londras, Fiona, The Impact, Legitimacy and Effectiveness of EU Counter-Terrorism, Routledge .................................................................. p122 , 0935 Martin, Natalie, Security and the Turkey-EU Accession Process, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p132 , 1026 Goldthau, Andreas, A Liberal Actor in a Realist World, Oxford U.P. .................................. p147 , 1153 Gerhards, Jürgen, European Citizenship and Social Integration in the European Union, Routledge...................................................p147 , 1154 Zeitlin, Jonathan, Extending Experimentalist Governance?, Oxford U.P. ......................p148 , 1157 Giorgi, Elisabetta De, Government-Opposition in Southern European Countries during the Financial Crisis, Routledge.....................p148 , 1160 Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg, Implementing Social Europe in Times of Crises, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1163 Behr, Hartmut, Revisiting the European Union as an Empire, Routledge .............................. p149 , 1171 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 195 ヨーロッパ da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia, Speaking with a Single Voice, Routledge ...........................p149 , 1172 Wacher, John, The Coming of Rome , Routledge .................................................................... p29 , 0187 Nitoiu, Cristian, The EU Foreign Policy Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p150 , 1179 Fusaro, Maria, Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p31 , 0207 Radice, Hugo, The European Union after the Crisis, Routledge ......................................p150 , 1180 Piattoni, Simona, The European Union, Oxford U.P. ............................................................p150 , 1181 Kenealy, Daniel, The European Union, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p150 , 1182 Peters, Ingo, The European Union's Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective, Routledge ...................................................................p150 , 1183 Eriksen, Erik Oddvar, The European Union's NonMembers, Routledge ................................p150 , 1184 Germond, Basil, The Maritime Dimension of European Security, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p151 , 1190 Bickerton, Christopher J., The New Intergovernmentalism, Oxford U.P. ...... p151 , 1191 Liebert, Ulrike, The New Politics of European Civil Society, Routledge .......................... p151 , 1192 西ヨーロッパ Barker, T.C., A History of London Transport, Routledge.................................................... p32 , 0215 Fletcher, Christopher, Government and Political Life in England and France, c.1300-c.1500, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p32 , 0218 Grummitt, David, Henry VI, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0219 Wooding, Lucy, Henry VIII, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0220 Baines, Edward, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p34 , 0221 Pike, E. Royston, Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0222 Beeler, John, Imperial Defence, 1868-1887, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0223 Sutherland, Gillian, In Search of the New Woman, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p34 , 0224 イギリス Mortimer, J. R., Forty Years’ Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p22 , 0142 Smith, Charles Roach, Illustrations of Roman London, Cambridge U.P. ...........................p25 , 0147 Faussett, Bryan, Inventorium Sepulchrale, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p26 , 0152 Johnson, Stephen, Later Roman Britain , Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0155 Fox, David Scott, Mediterranean Heritage , Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0158 James, M. R., On the Abbey of S. Edmund at Bury, Cambridge U.P................................ p27 , 0163 Smith, Charles Roach, Retrospections, Social and Archaeological, Cambridge University Press .....................................................................p27 , 0171 Bateman, Thomas, Ten Years' Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p29 , 0185 196 Innes, Joanna, Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions, Oxford U.P. ............. p31 , 0209 Boehmer, Elleke, Indian Arrivals, 1870-1915, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p34 , 0225 Henderson, W. O., Industrial Britain Under the Regency, Routledge ................................... p34 , 0226 Adams, Matthew S., Kropotkin, Read and the Intellectual History of British Anarchism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p34 , 0229 Bremer, Francis J., Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p34 , 0230 Gairdner, James, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p35 , 0231 Knott, Cargill Gilston, * +/ Peter Guthrie Tait, Cambridge U.P. ....... p35 , 0232 Gittos, Helen, Liturgy, Architecture, and Sacred Places in Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p35 , 0233 London Life in the Eighteenth Century, Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0234 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Stuart Sutherland, Lucy, London Merchant 16951774, Routledge .......................................... p35 , 0235 El-Eini, Roza, Mandated Landscape, Routledge .................................................................... p49 , 0355 Kyle, Chris R., Managing Tudor and Stuart Parliaments, Wiley.................................... p35 , 0236 Salih, Sara, Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present, Routledge .................................... p50 , 0366 Galton, Francis, Memories of My Life , Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0237 Beasley, Edward, Mid-Victorian Imperialists, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0238 Mangan, J. A., Militarism, Hunting, Imperialism, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0239 Doran, Susan, Monarchy and Matrimony, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0240 Marshall, P. J., Remaking the British Atlantic, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p36 , 0241 Abram, Annie, Social England in the Fifteenth Century , Routledge .................................. p36 , 0243 Thompson, Noel, Social Opulence and Private Restraint, Oxford U.P............................... p36 , 0244 Hunt Yungblut, Laura, Strangers Settled Here Amongst Us, Routledge ............................ p36 , 0245 Bunnell, Tim, From World City to the World in One City, Wiley ......................................... p51 , 0381 Perry, P J., British Agriculture, Routledge ....................................................................p83 , 0604 Wadsworth, J.E., The Banks and the Monetary System in the UK, 1959-1971, Routledge ....................................................................p87 , 0635 Macinnes, C.M, The Early English Tobacco Trade, Routledge....................................................p87 , 0637 Thomas, W.A., The Finance of British Industry, 1918-1976, Routledge ................................p87 , 0638 Gaskin, Maxwell, The Scottish Banks, Routledge ....................................................................p87 , 0641 Ault, Warren, Open-Field Farming in Medieval Europe, Routledge.....................................p89 , 0655 Power, Eileen, Studies in English Trade in the 15th Century, Routledge .......................... p36 , 0246 Broadbridge, Seymour, Studies in Railway Expansion and the Capital Market in England, Routledge....................................................p89 , 0656 The Grey Friars Research Team, The Bones of a King, Wiley ................................................ p36 , 0247 Payne, Peter L., Studies in Scottish Business History, Routledge ....................................p89 , 0657 Jeffries, Charles, The Colonial Empire and its Civil Service, Cambridge U.P. ................. p36 , 0248 McGuire, E.B., The British Tariff System, Routledge....................................................p89 , 0658 Kirby, M. W., The Decline of British Economic Power Since 1870, Routledge ................... p36 , 0249 Dobbs, S.P, The Clothing Workers of Great Britain, Routledge .....................................p89 , 0659 Howe, Anthony, The Letters of Richard Cobden, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p36 , 0250 Sheppard, D.K., The Growth and Role of UK Financial Institutions, 1880-1966, Routledge ....................................................................p90 , 0664 Marshall, William, The Rural Economy of Glocestershire, Cambridge University Press .................................................................... p37 , 0251 Zacek, Natalie A., Settler Society in the English Leeward Islands, 1670-1776, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p43 , 0316 Knowles, L.C.A, The Industrial & Commercial Revolutions in Great Britain During the Nineteenth Century, Routledge ...............p90 , 0667 Moosa, Imad A., Good Regulation, Bad Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan .............p92 , 0692 Leonard, Adrian, The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .... p44 , 0319 Ball, Michael, Rebuilding Construction, Routledge .................................................................. p102 , 0770 Checkland, Olive, Japan and Britain after 1859, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0325 Nielsen, Beverley, Redesigning Manufacturing, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p102 , 0771 Mutsu, Hirokichi, The British Press and the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910, Routledge .................................................................... p45 , 0332 Jurasinski, Stefan, Old English Penitentials and Anglo-Saxon Law, Cambridge U.P. .......p111 , 0843 Beattie, Hugh, Imperial Frontier, Routledge .................................................................... p48 , 0345 ★印はお薦めタイトル Channing, Iain, The Police and the Expansion of Public Order Law in Britain, 1829-2014, Routledge.................................................. p111 , 0846 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 197 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Partington, Martin, Introduction to the English Legal System 2015-2016, Oxford U.P. .. p111 , 0848 Bell, Patrick, The Labour Party in Opposition 1970-1974, Routledge ...............................p151 , 1189 Gillespie, Alisdair, The English Legal System, Oxford U.P. .............................................. p112 , 0854 Devine, Lauren, State Powers and Private Rights in Child Protection and Safeguarding Assessments, Routledge ...........................p155 , 1229 Jowell, Jeffrey, The Changing Constitution, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p112 , 0856 Shore, Heather, London's Criminal Underworlds, C. 1720 - C. 1930, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p115 , 0874 Garner, Steve, A Moral Economy of Whiteness, Routledge...................................................p165 , 1316 Davis, Lloyd, Sexuality and Gender in the English Renaissance, Routledge ...........................p170 , 1348 Taylor, Simon, Medical Accident Liability and Redress in English and French Law, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p120 , 0905 Pollnitz, Aysha, Princely Education in Early Modern Britain, Cambridge U.P............p171 , 1355 Laybourn, Keith, Marxism in Britain, Routledge .................................................................. p125 , 0948 Burkinshaw, Paula, Higher Education, Leadership and Women Vice Chancellors, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p172 , 1368 Honderich, Ted, Social Ends and Political Means, Routledge...................................................p125 , 0951 Edwards, A. D., The Changing Sixth Form in the Twentieth Century, Routledge ................p175 , 1392 Peace, Timothy, European Social Movements and Muslim Activism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p126 , 0958 O'Brien, Stephen, The Education Project, Routledge...................................................p175 , 1396 Rogers, Robert, How Parliament Works, Routledge .................................................................. p126 , 0961 Booth, Philip, Planning by Consent, Routledge .................................................................. p127 , 0973 Wilkinson, Nicholas John, Secrecy and the Media, Routledge.................................................. p128 , 0985 Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri, In Spies We Trust, Oxford U.P. ............................................................p131 , 1014 Major, Andrea, Sovereignty and Social Reform in India, Routledge .......................................p144 , 1127 Marshall, Francis, Football, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p184 , 1474 Parnell, Daniel, Football, Community and Social Inclusion, Routledge ................................p185 , 1477 アイルランド Innes, Joanna, Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions, Oxford U.P. ............. p31 , 0209 Woodward, Guy, Culture, Northern Ireland, and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....... p32 , 0216 Toczek, Nick, Haters, Baiters and Would-Be Dictators, Routledge ................................p148 , 1161 Collison Black, R. D., Economic Thought and the Irish Question 1817-1870, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p32 , 0217 Lemmings, David, Law and Government in England During the Long Eighteenth Century, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p148 , 1164 McCarthy, Angela, Ireland in the World, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0227 Spencer, Graham, The British and Peace in Northern Ireland, Cambridge U.P. ........ p149 , 1175 Swift, Roger, Irish Identities in Victorian Britain, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0228 Gibbons, Ivan, The British Labour Party and the Establishment of the Irish Free State, 1918-1924, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p149 , 1176 Flanagan, Frances, Remembering the Irish Revolution, Oxford U.P. ........................... p36 , 0242 Lee, Simon, The Conservative-Liberal Coalition, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p149 , 1177 Williams, Ben, The Evolution of Conservative Party Social Policy, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p150 , 1186 Hall, P. G., The Industries of London Since 1861, Routledge...................................................p150 , 1188 198 Fetter, Frank W., The Irish Pound, 1797-1826, Routledge....................................................p90 , 0672 Gibbons, Ivan, The British Labour Party and the Establishment of the Irish Free State, 1918-1924, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p149 , 1176 Hayward, Katy, The Europeanization of Party Politics in Ireland, North and South, Routledge ...................................................................p150 , 1185 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ O'Brien, Stephen, The Education Project, Routledge...................................................p175 , 1396 Leonard, Adrian, The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .... p44 , 0319 Darby, Paul, Emigrant Players, Routledge ...................................................................p184 , 1476 Goodman, Grant K., Japan and the Dutch 16001853, Routledge ......................................... p45 , 0326 フランス Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City, Routledge .................................................................... p52 , 0383 Patton, Mark, Statements in Stone, Routledge .................................................................... p29 , 0183 Henderson, W. O., Industrial Revolution on the Continent, Routledge ................................ p30 , 0195 Innes, Joanna, Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions, Oxford U.P. ............. p31 , 0209 Fletcher, Christopher, Government and Political Life in England and France, c.1300-c.1500, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p32 , 0218 Kennedy, Emmet, Abbe Sicard's Deaf Education, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p39 , 0275 Van Zanden, Jan L., The Economic History of The Netherlands 1914-1995, Routledge ..........p89 , 0662 中央ヨーロッパ Pirro, Andrea, Ideology, Dimensionality, and Electoral Performance of Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p147 , 1148 Pytlas, Bartek, Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge .............p147 , 1150 Todd, David, Free Trade and its Enemies in France, 1814-1851, Cambridge U.P. ........ p39 , 0276 Raagmaa, Garri, Impacts of European Territorial Policies in the Baltic States, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1162 Leggiere, Michael V., Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany, Cambridge University Press .................................................................... p40 , 0278 ドイツ O'Meara, Barry E., Napoleon in Exile, Cambridge University Press ......................................... p40 , 0279 Smith, Charles Roach, Notes on the Antiquities of Treves, Mayence, Wiesbaden, Niederbieder, Bonn, and Cologne, Cambridge U.P. ...... p27 , 0162 Woolf, Stuart, Napoleon's Integration of Europe, Routledge....................................................p40 , 0280 Campbell, Peter, Power and Politics in Old Regime France, 1720-1745, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0281 Leonard, Adrian, The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .... p44 , 0319 Taylor, Simon, Medical Accident Liability and Redress in English and French Law, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p120 , 0905 Jenkins, Brian, France and Fascism, Routledge .................................................................. p124 , 0944 Peace, Timothy, European Social Movements and Muslim Activism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p126 , 0958 Henderson, W. O., Industrial Revolution on the Continent, Routledge ................................ p30 , 0195 Hansen, Jason D., Mapping the Germans, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p30 , 0201 Zimmerer, Jürgen, From Windhoek to Auschwitz, Routledge.................................................... p37 , 0252 Grove, Eric, German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II, Routledge ..................... p37 , 0253 Grove, Eric, German Capital Ships and Raiders in World War II, Routledge ..................... p37 , 0254 Perraudin, Michael, German Colonialism and National Identity, Routledge .................... p37 , 0255 Deist, Wilhelm, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p37 , 0256 Gaffney, John, France in the Hollande Presidency, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p148 , 1159 Maier, Klaus A., Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p37 , 0257 オランダ Schrieber, Gerhard, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ........................... p37 , 0258 von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, Geraldien, Hitler’s Brudervolk, Routledge ............................. p41 , 0287 Boog, Horst, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p38 , 0259 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 199 ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ Kroener, Bernhard R., Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ...........................p38 , 0260 Phillips, David, Investigating Education in Germany, Routledge ................................p175 , 1391 Kroener, Bernhard R., Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ........................... p38 , 0261 スイス Boog, Horst, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p38 , 0262 Braillard, Philippe, Switzerland & The Nazi Gold, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0273 Boog, Horst, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ....................................... p38 , 0263 チェコ Blank, Ralf, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford U.P. ................................................p38 , 0264 Balfour, Michael, Germany , Routledge .................................................................... p38 , 0265 Urbach, Karina, Go-Betweens for Hitler, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p38 , 0266 Woodward, William R., Hermann Lotze, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p38 , 0267 Housden, Martyn, Hitler, Routledge ........ p39 , 0268 Velleman, J. David, Konrad Morgen, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p39 , 0269 Stahel, David, Operation Typhoon, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p39 , 0270 Fitzpatrick, Matthew P., Purging the Empire, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p39 , 0271 Henderson, W. O., Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great, Routledge .......... p39 , 0272 Braillard, Philippe, Switzerland & The Nazi Gold, Routledge.................................................... p39 , 0273 Stahel, David, The Battle for Moscow, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p39 , 0274 Leggiere, Michael V., Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany, Cambridge University Press .................................................................... p40 , 0278 Greene, Roberta R., Studies of the Holocaust, Routledge.................................................... p50 , 0367 Vasudevan, Alexander, Metropolitan Preoccupations, Wiley .............................. p52 , 0387 Roberts, Geoffrey K., Superwahljahr, Routledge .................................................................. p129 , 0989 Sakaki, Alexandra, Japan and Germany as Regional Actors, Routledge ....................p131 , 1018 Bulmer, Simon, The Domestic Structure of European Community Policy-Making in West Germany , Routledge ...............................p150 , 1178 200 Akkerman, Nadine, The Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0289 南ヨーロッパ イタリア Garzetti, Albino, From Tiberius to the Antonines , Routledge.................................................... p22 , 0143 Parke, H. W., Greek Oracles , Routledge .................................................................... p22 , 0144 Squire, Michael, Image and Text in GraecoRoman Antiquity, Cambridge U.P. ......... p25 , 0148 Rutledge, Steven H., Imperial Inquisitions, Routledge.................................................... p25 , 0149 Gastaldi, Bartolomeo, Lake Habitations and PreHistoric Remains in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of Northern and Central Italy, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p26 , 0153 Clackson, James, Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p26 , 0154 Johnson, Stephen, Later Roman Britain , Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0155 Haimson Lushkov, Ayelet, Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p26 , 0156 Hoyos, Dexter, Mastering the West, Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................... p26 , 0157 Fox, David Scott, Mediterranean Heritage , Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0158 Alfoldy, Geza, Noricum , Routledge ......... p27 , 0161 Erdkamp, Paul, Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World, Oxford U.P. ................................... p27 , 0166 Mócsy, András, Pannonia and Upper Moesia , Routledge.................................................... p27 , 0167 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》南ヨーロッパ de Ligt, Luuk, Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p27 , 0168 スペイン Leach, John, Pompey the Great, Routledge .................................................................... p27 , 0169 Curchin, Leonard A., Roman Spain , Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0173 Drinkwater, John, Roman Gaul , Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0172 Ferran, Ofelia, Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain, Routledge.............p40 , 0283 Curchin, Leonard A., Roman Spain , Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0173 Gerli, E. Michael, Medieval Iberia, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0284 Johnson, Stephen, Rome and Its Empire, Routledge .....................................................................p28 , 0174 Leonard, Adrian, The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .... p44 , 0319 Braund, David, Rome and the Firendly King, Routledge.....................................................p28 , 0175 lieberman, Sima, The Contemporary Spanish Economy, Routledge .................................p87 , 0636 Alston, Richard, Rome's Revolution, Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................... p28 , 0176 Llopis-Goig, Ramon, Spanish Football and Social Change, Palgrave Macmillan ................. p185 , 1484 Gerstel, Sharon E. J., Rural Lives and Landscapes in Late Byzantium, Cambridge U.P. ....... p28 , 0177 ギリシャ Wacher, John, The Coming of Rome , Routledge .................................................................... p29 , 0187 Parke, H. W., Greek Oracles , Routledge .................................................................... p22 , 0144 Mouritsen, Henrik, The Freedman in the Roman World, Cambridge U.P. ............................ p29 , 0188 Waters, K. H., Herodotos the Historian , Routledge .....................................................................p22 , 0145 Várhelyi, Zsuzsanna, The Religion of Senators in the Roman Empire, Cambridge U.P. ...... p29 , 0191 Squire, Michael, Image and Text in GraecoRoman Antiquity, Cambridge U.P. ......... p25 , 0148 D'Avray, David, Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860 1600, Cambridge U.P. ........................ p31 , 0206 Bremmer, Jan N., Interpretations of Greek Mythology , Routledge...............................p26 , 0151 Fusaro, Maria, Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p31 , 0207 Clackson, James, Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p26 , 0154 Caponetto, Rosetta Giuliani, Fascist Hybridities, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p40 , 0282 Fox, David Scott, Mediterranean Heritage , Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0158 Johnston, David, The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law, Cambridge U.P. .................p111 , 0845 Hooker, John T., Mycenaean Greece , Routledge .................................................................... p26 , 0160 Siclari, Domenico, Italian Banking and Financial Law, Palgrave Macmillan ....................... p119 , 0900 Mckechnie, Paul, Outsiders in the Greek Cities in the Fourth Century BC, Routledge......... p27 , 0165 Vasaly, Ann, Livy's Political Philosophy, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p124 , 0946 Grainger, John D., Seleukos Nikator , Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0180 Mammone, Andrea, The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Italy, Routledge.............. p151 , 1193 Purvis, Andrea, Singular Dedications, Routledge .................................................................... p28 , 0182 ポルトガル Ma, John, Statues and Cities, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p29 , 0184 Bandeira Jerónimo, Miguel, The ‘Civilising Mission’ of Portuguese Colonialism, 1870-1930, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p40 , 0285 Frary, Lucien J., Russia and the Making of Modern Greek Identity, 1821-1844, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0296 Knight, Daniel M., History, Time, and Economic Crisis in Central Greece, Palgrave Macmillan ....................................................................p86 , 0632 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 201 ヨーロッパ 》南ヨーロッパ French, A., The Growth of the Athenian Economy, Routledge....................................................p90 , 0665 Garner, Richard, Law and Society in Classical Athens , Routledge ...................................p111 , 0842 Featherstone, Kevin, Prime Ministers in Greece, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p149 , 1169 北ヨーロッパ Strang, Johan, Nordic Cooperation, Routledge ...................................................................p149 , 1168 スウェーデン Henrekson, Magnus, Swedish Taxation, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p87 , 0633 東ヨーロッパ von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, Geraldien, Hitler’s Brudervolk, Routledge ............................. p41 , 0287 Grant, Thomas D., Aggression Against Ukraine, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p147 , 1147 Pirro, Andrea, Ideology, Dimensionality, and Electoral Performance of Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p147 , 1148 Pytlas, Bartek, Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge .............p147 , 1150 Raagmaa, Garri, Impacts of European Territorial Policies in the Baltic States, Routledge ...................................................................p148 , 1162 セルビア McLeod, Laura, Gender Politics and Security Discourse, Routledge ...............................p133 , 1032 Peen Rodt, Annemarie, Self-Determination after Kosovo, Routledge .................................... p147 , 1151 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Blaustein, Jarrett, Speaking Truths to Power, Oxford U.P. .............................................. p117 , 0880 クロアチア Ramet, Sabrina P., The Independent State of Croatia 1941-45, Routledge ....................p150 , 1187 アルメニア de Waal, Thomas, Great Catastrophe, Oxford U.P. NY ...............................................................p40 , 0286 Ghazarian, Jacob, The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia During the Crusades, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0288 Herzig, Edmund, The Armenians, Routledge ...................................................................p149 , 1173 アフリカ Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi, Land Reforms and ~ < =Routledge ....................................................................p82 , 0596 Bach, Daniel C., Regionalism, Regionalisation and Global Integration in Africa, Routledge ...................................................................p152 , 1201 Monga, Célestin, The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics, Oxford U.P. ....................p88 , 0644 北アフリカ Monga, Célestin, The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics, Oxford U.P. ....................p88 , 0645 エジプト Coysh, Joanne, In Pursuit of Human Rights, Routledge.................................................. p113 , 0860 Stephens, John Lloyd, Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p26 , 0150 Vik, Cathinka, Moral Responsibility, Statecraft and Humanitarian Intervention, Routledge ...................................................................p133 , 1038 Zakrzewski, Sonia, Science in the Study of Ancient Egypt, Routledge ....................................... p28 , 0179 Solomon, Hussein, Terrorism and CounterTerrorism in Africa, Palgrave Macmillanp140 , 1088 Owen, Roger, Egypt Under Mubarak, Routledge ................................................................... p151 , 1195 Thomson, Alex, An Introduction to African Politics, Routledge....................................p151 , 1194 Abou-El-Fadl, Reem, Revolutionary Egypt, Routledge...................................................p152 , 1202 202 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》北アフリカ チュニジア ガーナ Hoyos, Dexter, Mastering the West, Oxford U.P. NY ............................................................... p26 , 0157 Venkatachalam, Meera, Slavery, Memory and Religion in Southeastern Ghana, c.1850-Present, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p50 , 0364 アルジェリア リベリア Bennison, Amira K., Jihad and its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco, Routledge ...... p49 , 0361 Bonner, Michael, Islam, Democracy and the State in Algeria, Routledge ...............................p151 , 1196 モロッコ Bennison, Amira K., Jihad and its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco, Routledge ...... p49 , 0361 サハラ以南アフリカ Pétré-Grenouilleau, Olivier, From Slave Trade to Empire, Routledge ....................................p49 , 0360 Scholvin, Sören, A New Scramble for Africa?, Ashgate Pub. ..............................................p87 , 0643 Bachmann, Veit, Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p132 , 1021 Munson, Robert B., Peacekeeping in South Sudan, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p140 , 1084 Kilroy, Walt, Reintegration of Ex-Combatants =Palgrave Macmillan ....... p140 , 1087 シエラレオネ Kilroy, Walt, Reintegration of Ex-Combatants =Palgrave Macmillan ....... p140 , 1087 タンザニア Stockreiter, Elke, Islamic Law, Gender and Social Change in Post-Abolition Zanzibar, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p111 , 0849 モザンビーク Dinerman, Alice, Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Revisionism in Postcolonial Africa, Routledge .................................................................... p49 , 0363 アンゴラ Anderson, David M., Politics and Violence in Eastern Africa, Routledge ......................p151 , 1198 Pearce, Justin, ' " Central Angola, 1975-2002, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p151 , 1197 Bassett, Carolyn, Post-colonial Struggles for a Democratic Southern Africa, Routledge ...................................................................p152 , 1199 南アフリカ De Herdt, Tom, Real Governance and Practical Norms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Routledge .................................................................. p152 , 1200 Davie, Grace, Poverty Knowledge in South Africa, Cambridge U.P. ...........................p154 , 1221 Buckler, Alison, Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach, Routledge............p180 , 1437 ニジェール Temple, Charles Lindsay, Native Races and Their Rulers, Routledge ...................................... p49 , 0362 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 203 南北アメリカ 南北アメリカ Frachetti, Michael David, Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and America, Springer-Verlag GmbH ......................................................... p26 , 0159 Argersinger, Peter H., Representation and Inequality in Late Nineteenth-Century America, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p43 , 0312 Vivares, Ernesto, Financing Regional Growth and the Inter-American Development Bank, Routledge .................................................................... p81 , 0592 Pfannestiel, Todd J., Rethinking the Red Scare, Routledge.................................................... p43 , 0313 Mace, Gordon, Summits & Regional Governance, Routledge.................................................. p138 , 1067 Nichter, Luke A., Richard Nixon and Europe, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p43 , 0314 北 米 Whiteaker, Larry, Seduction, Prostitution, and Moral Reform in New York, 1830-1860, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0315 Freeman, Gary P., Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies, Routledge ...................................................................p165 , 1320 Zacek, Natalie A., Settler Society in the English Leeward Islands, 1670-1776, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p43 , 0316 アメリカ合衆国 Bankole, Katherine, Slavery and Medicine, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0317 Spencer, Mark G., The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment, Bloomsbury Academic ......................................................p2 , 0009 Shally-Jensen, Michael, American Political Culture, ABC-Clio Inc. ...............................p8 , 0054 Innes, Joanna, Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions, Oxford U.P. ............. p31 , 0209 Marshall, P. J., Remaking the British Atlantic, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p36 , 0241 Franklin, Benjamin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p42 , 0302 Walker, George E., The Afro-American in New York City, 1827-1860, Routledge ............. p44 , 0318 Lindner, Christoph, Imagining New York City, Oxford U.P. NY ..........................................p60 , 0456 Carrier, David J., Industrial Restructuring, Financial Instability and the Dynamics of the Postwar US Economy, Routledge ............p88 , 0646 Youngson Brown, A.J., The American Economy 1860-1940, Routledge ................................p88 , 0647 Cossu-Beaumont, Laurence, The Crisis and Renewal of U.S. Capitalism, Routledge ....................................................................p88 , 0648 Stancliff, Michael, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0303 Lee, T.A., The Development of the American Public Accounting Profession, Routledge ....................................................................p89 , 0661 Ling, Peter J., Gender in the Civil Rights Movement, Routledge ...............................p42 , 0304 Wurster, Charles F., DDT Wars, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................. p104 , 0786 McMillen, Sally G., Lucy Stone, Oxford U.P. NY ....................................................................p42 , 0305 Fisher, Franklin M., Supply and Costs in the U.S. Petroleum Industry , Routledge ............ p105 , 0797 Carrigan, William D., Lynching Reconsidered, Routledge....................................................p42 , 0306 Schiller, Reuel E., Forging Rivals, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p111 , 0841 Seraile, William, New York's Black Regiments During the Civil War, Routledge ............p43 , 0308 Grant, Susan-Mary, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Routledge.................................................. p111 , 0844 Lukes, Igor, On the Edge of the Cold War, Oxford U.P. NY .......................................................p43 , 0309 Brown, Kate, Plutopia, Oxford U.P. NY .................................................................... p43 , 0310 204 Cogan, Neil H., The Complete Bill of Rights, Oxford U.P. NY .........................................p112 , 0853 Graber, Mark A., The Complete American Constitutionalism, Volume One, Oxford U.P. NY ...................................................................p112 , 0857 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》北 米 McThomas, Mary, The Dual System of Privacy Rights in the United States, Routledge... p114 , 0863 Urofsky, Melvin I., The American Presidents, Routledge................................................... p153 , 1211 Atwell, Mary Welek, An American Dilemma, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p120 , 0913 Rynhold, Jonathan, <Z American Political Culture, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p153 , 1212 Honderich, Ted, Social Ends and Political Means, Routledge...................................................p125 , 0951 Cigler, Allan J., Interest Group Politics, CQ Press .................................................................. p126 , 0965 Kritzer, Herbert M., Justices on the Ballot, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p126 , 0966 Johnson, David A., Planning the Great Metropolis, Routledge.................................................. p127 , 0974 Ikenberry, G. John, America, China, and the Struggle for World Order, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p130 , 1006 Snow, Donald, The Case Against Military Intervention, Routledge........................... p153 , 1213 Ellis, Richard J., The Development of the American Presidency, Routledge ........... p153 , 1214 Waite, C., The Digital Evolution of an American Identity, Routledge ................................... p153 , 1215 Rottinghaus, Brandon, The Institutional Effects of Executive Scandals, Cambridge U.P. .....p153 , 1216 Bejarano, Christina E., The Latino Gender Gap in U.S. Politics, Routledge ...........................p154 , 1217 Looney, Robert E., Handbook of US-Middle East Relations, Routledge ................................p131 , 1013 Kernell, Samuel, The Logic of American Politics, CQ Press ...................................................p154 , 1218 Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri, In Spies We Trust, Oxford U.P. ............................................................p131 , 1014 Bow, Brian, The State and Security in Mexico, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1220 Gibson, Bryan R., Sold Out?, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p132 , 1027 Wintermute, Bobby A., Public Health and the US Military, Routledge ..................................p157 , 1248 Vik, Cathinka, Moral Responsibility, Statecraft and Humanitarian Intervention, Routledge ...................................................................p133 , 1038 Márquez, John D., Genocidal Democracy, Routledge...................................................p159 , 1262 Bekkevold, Jo Inge, Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century, Routledge .................................................................. p136 , 1046 Catt, Helen, Sub-State Nationalism, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1097 Hadenius, Axel, American Exceptionalism Revisited, Palgrave Macmillan ...............p152 , 1203 Hook, Steven W., American Foreign Policy Since WWII, CQ Press......................................p152 , 1204 Critchlow, Donald, American Political History, Oxford U.P. NY .........................................p152 , 1205 CQ Researcher, Issues for Debate in American Public Policy, CQ Press.......................... p152 , 1206 Johnson, Dennis W., Political Consultants and American Elections, Routledge ..............p152 , 1207 Hewitt, John, Protest and Progress, Routledge ...................................................................p159 , 1265 Stevenson, Brenda, The Contested Murder of Latasha Harlins, Oxford U.P. NY .......... p159 , 1268 Perry, Ravi K., The Little Rock Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p160 , 1270 ;<The American Family, Routledge ...................................................................p160 , 1273 Halasz, Judith R., The Bohemian Ethos, Routledge .................................................................. p160 , 1278 Frost, Warwick, Imagining the American West through Film and Tourism, Routledge ...................................................................p164 , 1311 George, Carol V. R., One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Oxford U.P. NY....................p166 , 1326 Goethals, George R., Presidential Leadership and African Americans, Routledge .............. p153 , 1208 Scott-Childress, Reynolds J., Race and the Production of Modern American Nationalism, Routledge...................................................p166 , 1327 Hohle, Randolph, Race and the Origins of American Neoliberalism, Routledge..... p153 , 1209 Bulmer, Martin, Race, Migration and Identity, Routledge...................................................p166 , 1328 Martin, Isaac, Rich People's Movements, Oxford U.P. NY ......................................................p153 , 1210 Zhao, Jianli, Strangers in the City, Routledge ...................................................................p166 , 1330 ★印はお薦めタイトル MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 205 南北アメリカ 》北 米 MacComb, Debra Ann, Tales of Liberation, Strategies of Containment, Routledge...p167 , 1339 メキシコ Hutcheson, Philo, A People's History of American Higher Education, Routledge .................p170 , 1350 Bow, Brian, The State and Security in Mexico, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1220 Conchas, Gilberto, Inequality, Power and School Success, Routledge ...................................p172 , 1369 キューバ O'Brien, Stephen, The Education Project, Routledge...................................................p175 , 1396 Smorkaloff, Pamela Maria, Readers and Writers in Cuba, Routledge.................................... p44 , 0321 Miller, Janet L., Curriculum Studies, Routledge ...................................................................p179 , 1427 ハイチ Fernandez L'Hoeste, Hector D., Sports and Nationalism in Latin/o America, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p186 , 1487 Lundahl, Mats, The Political Economy of Disaster, Routledge.................................................... p88 , 0651 ジャマイカ カナダ McLoughlin, Moira, Museums and the Representation of Native Canadians, Routledge ....................................................................p43 , 0307 Pomfret, Richard, The Economic Development of Canada, Routledge ....................................p88 , 0649 Catt, Helen, Sub-State Nationalism, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1097 Salih, Sara, Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present, Routledge .................................... p50 , 0366 ドミニカ共和国 Franco, Franklin J., Negroes, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation, Routledge ................p166 , 1324 バルバドス 中南米 Rinehart, Robert E., %& '' Research, Routledge ..................................p19 , 0125 Osborne, Harold, Indians of the Andes, Routledge .....................................................................p21 , 0127 Schomburg, Robert, History of Barbados, Routledge....................................................p44 , 0320 コロンビア Rupprecht, Tobias, Soviet Internationalism after Stalin, Cambridge U.P. ............................. p42 , 0301 Sanz Galindo, Gloria Ana María Mónica, Micro and Small Enterprises, Water and Developing Countries, CRC Press............................. p100 , 0744 Melton, James Van Horn, Religion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p43 , 0311 Biswas-Tortajada, Andrea, Sustainability in Coffee Production, Routledge ............................p106 , 0804 Saldias, Osvaldo, The Judicial Politics of Economic Integration, Routledge ......... p110 , 0840 ベネズエラ Kacowicz, Arie M., Globalization and the Distribution of Wealth, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p131 , 1011 Irazábal, Clara, Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events, Routledge .....................................p160 , 1275 Gregorutti, Gustavo, Private Universities in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan ................p182 , 1457 Fernandez L'Hoeste, Hector D., Sports and Nationalism in Latin/o America, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p186 , 1487 206 Brading, Ryan, Populism in Venezuela, Routledge ...................................................................p154 , 1219 ブラジル Musacchio, Aldo, Experiments in Financial Democracy, Cambridge U.P. ....................p88 , 0650 O'Brien, Stephen, The Education Project, Routledge...................................................p175 , 1396 Knowledge Worker 丸善の学術資料インターネット購買サービス オセアニア オセアニア Rinehart, Robert E., %& '' Research, Routledge ..................................p19 , 0125 Bozzi, Claudio, Australian Commercial Law, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p118 , 0892 Clarke, Anne, The Archaeology of Difference, Routledge.................................................... p29 , 0186 Catt, Helen, Sub-State Nationalism, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1097 Sprague, Jeb, Globalization and Transnational Capitalism in Asia and Oceania, Routledge .................................................................. p138 , 1061 Freeman, Gary P., Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies, Routledge ...................................................................p165 , 1320 オーストラリア Price, Kaye, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education, Cambridge U.P. .....p174 , 1389 Willard, Myra, History of the White Australian Policy to 1920, Routledge ......................... p48 , 0351 Hallinan, Christopher, The Containment of Soccer in Australia, Routledge .......................... p186 , 1490 Wray, Christopher, Pozières, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p48 , 0352 ニュージーランド Aroney, Nicholas, The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p112 , 0858 ★印はお薦めタイトル Catt, Helen, Sub-State Nationalism, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1097 MARUZEN Announcement of New Books ◇ April, 2015 207 㻌 ዲホ䜢༤䛧䛯䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇䛜⣙ 㻝㻡 ᖺ䜆䜚䛻ᨵ∧䟿㻌 ♫⛉Ꮫ䞉⾜ື⛉Ꮫᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠎∧㻌 & ᕳ ' ,j^, &J Edited by " (1University of Central Florida, USA ᖺ ᭶ห⾜ ศྍ !"#$%&&&$%&+,) ≉౯㻃.....ࠝᮏయࠞ*⛯ *9780080970868* 䛄ᅜ㝿♫⛉Ꮫ⾜ື⛉Ꮫⓒ⛉䠄International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences䠅䛅䛿䚸♫⛉Ꮫ⣔䛻䛚䛡䜛ᮏ᱁ⓗⓒ ⛉䛸䛧䛶䚸2001 ᖺ䛻ห⾜䛥䜜䜎䛧䛯䚹➨ 1 ∧䛿♫⛉Ꮫ䛸⾜ື⛉ Ꮫ䜢䜹䝞䞊䛩䜛⥙⨶ᛶ䛾㧗䛔㈨ᩱ䛸䛧䛶䚸ᅜෆ 200 ᶵ㛵௨ୖ䛷ᡤⶶ䛥 䜜䛶䛔䜛䚸♫⛉Ꮫ䛾ᚲ㡲䝺䝣䜯䝺䞁䝇䛷䛩䚹 ➨ 2 ∧䛿䚸ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䚸⚄⤒Ꮫ䚸㐍Ꮫ䚸ேᕤ▱⬟䚸ே㢮䛸䝁䞁䝢䝳䞊䝍 䞊䛾┦స⏝䛸䛔䛳䛯䚸ᛴ㏿䛻Ⓨᒎ䛧䛶䛔䜛ศ㔝䛻㛵䛩䜛ㄽᩥ䜢✚ᴟ ⓗ䛻㘓䚹4,000 ௳䛾ㄽᩥ䛜㘓䛥䜜䚸71 ྡ䛾䝉䜽䝅䝵䞁䞉䜶䝕䜱䝍䞊 䛻䜘䛳䛶⦅㞟䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹 ➨㸯∧ࡽࡢኚ᭦Ⅼ ➨㸰∧㘓ࡉࢀࡓ 53 ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊึ∧ࡢ 39 ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥຍ࠼ࠊⓎᒎࢆࡳࡏ࡚࠸ࡿ 㔜せ࡞◊✲㸦ࢤࠊࣞࢬࣅࣥࠊࣂࢭࢡࢩࣗࣝࠊࢺࣛࣥࢫࢭࢡࢩࣗࣝ◊✲࡞㸧 㛵ࡍࡿࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡸࠊึ∧࡛ࡣ࠶ࡲࡾ῝ࡃᢅࢃࢀ࡞ࡗࡓศ㔝㸦ᛂ⏝♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫࠊ♫ ⚟♴࡞㸧ࡢࡼࡾᐇࡋࡓࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊึ∧ࡢ࠸ࡃࡘࡢࢭࢡ ࢩࣙࣥࡣ๐㝖ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ≉ࠊ࠶ࡲࡾᏛ㝿ⓗ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࡾࠊศ㢮ࡀ㞴ࡋࡗࡓࡾࡋࡓ ࡶࡢ࡞ࡢ㞟ᡂⓗ࡞ᴫᛕࡸၥ㢟ࠊࡲࡓࠊࡸ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫ◊✲㛵ࢃࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ ࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮◊✲ࢆ༢⊂࡛ᢅ࠺ࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ࡞ࡀ๐㝖ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣᨵ ゞ࣭ᣑࡀ࡞ࡉࢀࠊ࠼ࡤࠊ⤌⧊࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ◊✲ࡣࠊ࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺࠊ⤌⧊ࠊࣅࢪࢿ ࢫࠊ࣐࣮ࢣࢸࣥࢢࠊࣇࢼࣥࢫࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ࡞ࡾࠊ⾲⌧ᙧᘧࡣᩥⱁ⾡ࡢࢭࢡࢩ ࣙࣥࠊゝㄒᏛࡣ㸱ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊึ∧࡛ࡣ࠶ࡿࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࡢ୍㒊ࡔࡗࡓୗ㡿ᇦࡢ࠸ࡃࡘ㸦ࣛࣇࢥ࣮ࢫ◊✲ࠊࢭࢡࢩࣗࣜࢸ࣮ࠊ≢⨥Ꮫࠊປ ാ◊✲ࠊᡓதࠊᖹࠊࣂ࢜ࣞࣥࢫ࡞㸧ࡣࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡀタࡅࡽ ࢀࠊ㐺ษ࡞ࣂࣛࣥࢫ࡛ྲྀࡾୖࡆࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨㸰∧࠾ࡅࡿ᭱ࡢኚ᭦Ⅼࡣࠊ♫࣭⾜ື⛉Ꮫࡢ୰࡛ࡶ㔜せ࡞ᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢᢅ࠸᪉࡛ ࡍࠋึ∧࡛ࡣࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࡣ㸲ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥ㸦ձ ⮫ᗋ࣭ᛂ⏝ᚰ⌮ᏛࠊղⓎ㐩ࠊ♫ࠊࣃ ࣮ࢯࢼࣜࢸࠊືᶵ࡙ࡅࡢᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊճㄆ▱ᚰ⌮Ꮫㄆ▱⛉Ꮫࠊմ⾜ື࣭ㄆ▱⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ㸧 ศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊㄆ▱⛉Ꮫ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫࡣࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲ࡢ୰࡛ࡶᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡿศ㔝࡛࠶ࡿࡇࡽࡶࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣࡁࡃྲྀࡾୖࡆࠊ㸵ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥศࡅ࡚ᢅ ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㸦ࡑࡢ࠺ࡕ㸱ࡘࡣゝㄒᏛࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㸧ࡼࡾࢯࣇࢺ࡞ᚰ⌮⛉Ꮫࡣࠊ ⢭⚄་Ꮫ♫⚟♴ࢆྵࡴ㸶ࡘࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙࣥࡽᵓᡂࡉࢀࡓูࡢ㒊㛛ศࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࡇ࠺ࡋࡓኚ᭦ࡼࡾࠊ➨㸰∧࡛ࡣึ∧ࡼࡾࡶᚰ⌮Ꮫ◊✲యࢆࣂࣛࣥࢫࡼࡃ࢝ࣂ࣮ ࡋࡓෆᐜ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Elsevier Science, USA / ᪥ᮏ⥲௦⌮ᗑ㸸ၿ) ',j^, &J 䛆Editorial Board䛇 Editor-in-Chief㸸 Dr. James D. Wright, University of Central Florida, USA Area Editors㸸 Dr. John W. Berry, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia Dr. Guillermina Jasso, New York University, USA Dr. Kenneth C. Land, Duke University, USA Dr. Harry Whitaker, Northern Michigan University, USA Dr. Richard Whatmore, University of Sussex, UK Dr. Henry Wai-Chung Yeung, National University of Singapore, Singapore Dr. Barbara Prainsack, King’s College London, UK Dr. Peter Schmidt, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany Dr. Stefan Ecks, University of Edinburgh, UK Section Editors㸸 ࣭Alex Mesoudi, Durham University, UK (Evolutionary Sciences) ࣭Andreas Hess, University College Dublin, Ireland (Biographies, Classical and Contemporary) ࣭Andrew D. Foster, Brown University, USA (Demography) ࣭Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance, Germany (Public Policy) ࣭Barbara Miller, George Washington University, USA (Modern Cultural Concerns (Essays)) ࣭Bryan Kolb, University of Lethbridge, Canada (Behavioral Neuroscience (Medical)) ࣭Catherine McBride-Chang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (Education) ࣭Christian Fleck, University of Graz, Austria (History of the Social and Behavioral Sciences) ࣭Chrysostomos Mantzavinos, University of Athens, Greece (Philosophy) ࣭Claus Vögele, Universite du Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Health) ࣭Daina Crafa, McGill University, Canada (Developmental Psychology) ࣭Dafna Feinholz, UNESCO, France (Ethics of Research and Applications) ࣭Daniel Muijs, University of Southampton, UK (Education) ࣭Darren E. Sherkat, Southern Illinois University, USA (Religious Studies) ࣭Dominic Boyer, Rice University, USA (Anthropology) ࣭Debra J. Rog, Westat, USA (Applied Social and Behavioral Sciences) ࣭Dinesh Bhugra, Kings College London, Institute of Psychiatry, UK (Psychiatry) ࣭Don Barrett, California State University, USA (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans-sexual Studies) ࣭Douglas Massey, Princeton University, USA (Sociology) ࣭Fulong Wu, University College London, UK (Urban Studies and Planning) ࣭Graciela Cabana, University of Tennessee, USA (Genetics, Behavior and Society) ࣭Gustavo Mesch, University of Haifa, Israel (Media Studies and Mass Communications) ࣭Gonia Jarema, University of Montreal, Canada (Linguistics B: syntax, semantics, discourse, lexicon) ࣭Harold Clarke, University of Texas at Dallas, USA (Political Science) ࣭Harry Whitaker, Northern Michigan University, USA (Neuroscience of language) ࣭Helmut Anheier, Hertie School of Governance, Germany (Institutions and Infrastructure of Social and Behavioral Studies) ࣭Henri Cohen, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada (Cognitive Psychology (excluding language, memory & develop-ment)) ࣭Henrike Rau, National University of Ireland, Ireland (Environmental and Ecological Sciences) ࣭Ingrid Callies, LEEM, France (Ethics of Research and Applications) ࣭Irma Elo, University of Pennsylvania, USA (Demography) ࣭Jacquelynne Eccles, University of Michigan, USA (Motivational Psychology) ࣭James D. Sidaway, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Geography) ࣭Jean-Christophe Marcel, Universite Paris IV ̽ Sorbonne, France (Biographies, Classical and Contemporary) ࣭Jeffrey Hass, University of Richmond, USA (Development and International Studies) ࣭Johannes Siegrist, University of Duesseldorf, Germany (Health) ࣭John A. Mathews, MGSM Macquarie University, Australia (Management and Organizational Studies) ࣭Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware, USA (Criminology) ࣭Karl Zimmerer, Pennsylvania State University, USA (Environmental and Ecological Sciences) ࣭Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (Motivational Psychology) ࣭Kay L. Levine, Emory University School of Law, USA (Law) ࣭Kees van Rees, Erasmus University, The Netherlands (Culture and the Arts) ࣭Klaus Zimmermann, Bonn University, Germany (Labor Studies) ࣭Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK (Social Work) ࣭Linda J. Waite, University of Chicago, USA (Heterosexuality) ࣭Marianne Stewart, University of Texas at Dallas, USA (Political Science) ࣭Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Alpen-Adria University, Austria (Environmental and Ecological Sciences) ࣭Melinda Mills, University of Oxford, UK (Studies of the Life Course) ࣭Michael Lynch, Cornell University, USA (Science & Technology Studies) ࣭Neal M. Ashkanasy, UQ Business School at University of Queensland, Australia (Applied, Industrial and Organizational Psychology) ࣭Peter Bryant, IE Business School, Spain (Organizational and Management Studies, Business, Marketing and Finance) ࣭Phillip Bonacich, University of California, Los Angeles, USA (Mathematics and Computer Sciences Applications) ࣭Qiang Fu, Duke University, USA (Statistics) ࣭Rachel Hammersley, Newcastle University, UK (History) ࣭Richard D. Roberts, Center for Innovative Assessments, Professional Examination Service, USA (Personality Psychology) ࣭Rosann Greenspan, UC Berkeley School of Law, USA (Law) ࣭Sergio Della Sala, University of Edinburgh, UK (Memory: Cognitive and Neuroscientific Aspects) ࣭Sinisa Malesevic, University College Dublin, Ireland (War, Peace, Violence and Conflict) ࣭Stacy Barber, University of Central Florida, USA (Archaeology) ࣭Stefano Cappa, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy (Cognitive Neuroscience) ࣭Stephen L. Morgan, Cornell University, USA (Logic of Inquiry, Data Bases, and Research Design) ࣭Susan Hanson, Clark University, USA (Geography) ࣭Tosha Dupras, University of Central Florida, USA (Archaeology) ࣭Thomas Nechyba, Duke University, USA (Economics) ࣭Ulf Hannerz, Stockholm University, Sweden (Anthropology) ࣭William Shi Yuan Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (Linguistics A: Phonology, Phonetics, Sign, Animal Communication) ࣭Wolfgang H. R. Miltner, Friedrich Schiller University, Germany (Clinical and Applied Psychology) ࣭Xenia Chryssochoou, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece (Social Psychology) ࣭Xin Guo, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (Statistics) ࣭Yoshimichi Sato, Tohoku University, Japan (Sociology)
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