Volume IV Number 27 May 2009 Singapore to open world’s biggest CNG station Heavy-Duty NG HDVs made in Asian OEMs Business Alerts New countries to adopt NGVs 2 May 2009 Summary 04 Asian NGV Communications is a publication of NGV Communications Group, publishing house and fairs-conferences organizer: www.ngvgroup.com In Europe, we print The Gas Vehicles Report, GVR, and www.ngvguide.com, the International NGV Guide. In Argentina, the Group publishes Prensa Vehicular, Argentine CNG Guide, maps, books and brochures while in Brazil, Folha do GNV, Brazilian NGV Guide, maps and posters, among others. In Peru Prensa Vehicular Peru. More info: www.ngvgroup.com The signed articles are exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as advertising companies and agencies are responsible for the published ads. is member of the ANGVA (Asia Pacific NGV Association) KOREA 300-5, Changchon-Ri ■ Namsan-Myun Chuncheon-Si ■ Kangwon-Do ■ 200-911 Tel. and fax.: +82 33 260 3419 +31 20 420 1076 [email protected] ■ www.asiangv.com PERU Av. Brasil 3222 oficina 403 - A Magdalena del Mar - RUC: 20513085576 CP: Lima 17- [email protected] Oil price increased, confidence in NGV business is yet to grow Oil and Gas.The price difference between gasoline/diesel and CNG is expected to increase soon. In early April, US crude oil benchmark price ... 16 Procurement of a major CNG station and additional taxi fleet for Singapore The previously reported biggest CNG station to be built in Old Toh Tuck Road off Bukit Timah in Singapore, is now planned to be the world’s largest ... 20 Experiences from Heavy-Duty NGV fleets Experience from a well-known dual-fuel LNG/CNG HD trucks operator for long–distance haulage showed that the only extra maintenance costs in ... 20 Pune’s CNG pipeline to start in July 29 From other region: Business Alert from Tanzania 22 Fuel demand and sales of CNG kits in Pakistan 30 Australian fuel tax adjustments 24 Bangladesh to procure thousands of CNG kits and cylinders 32 Heavy-Duty NGVs made in Asia 26 Business Alert from Macau, Syria, and Vietnam 34 Busines Centre LNG as alternative fuel ITALY Vicolo Gonzaga 13 ■ 46045 Marmirolo (Mn) Tel.: +39 0376 294055 [email protected] ■ www.thegvr.com ARGENTINA Uspallata 711 ■ CP 1268 ■ Capital Federal Tel./Fax: +54 11 43074559 /5201/ 43006137 [email protected] www.prensavehicular.com BRASIL Av. Rio Branco, 131 Sala 1.701 CEP: 20040-006 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Tel: + (55 21) 2244-7537 [email protected] ■ www.folhadognv.com Printed: Rigraph S.R.L. • Constitución 4, 28.511 Madrid - España • Tilcara 3.146, Buenos Aires Copies Distribution We print and mail to 24 countries about 4.000 copies addressed to governmental related offices, OEM and Oil & Gas companies, associations, related NGV industries, refuelling stations, workshops and suppliers, according the following list (some figures rounded): Armenia: 0.3% Australia: 4.1% Azerbaijan: 0.2% Bangladesh: 5.0% China: 10.9% Egypt: 1.9% India: 9.5% Indonesia: 1.6% Iran: 7.0% Israel: 0.1% Japan: 10.2% Korea: 5.1% Malaysia: 6.6% Myanmar: 0.5% New Zealand: 1.0% Pakistan: 11.4% Philippines: 3.6% Russia:4.3% Singapore: 3.1% Taiwan: 0.2% Thailand: 5.8% Turkey: 5.5% United Arab Emirates: 2.1% Vietnam: 0.1% In addition, the magazine is sent to over 19.300 readers in 94 countries by e-mail (.pdf) and is also online in www.ngvgroup.com If your NGV business is in Asia, advertise with us. Asian NGV Communications 300-14, Changchon-Ri, Namsan-Myun, Chuncheon-Si, Kangwon-Do, 200-911 KOREA Tel : +31 20 420 1076 Tel : +82 33 260 3419 e-mail: [email protected] 4 May 2009 Oil price increased, confidence in NGV business is yet to grow Oil and Gas The price difference between gasoline/diesel and CNG is expected to increase soon. In early April, US crude oil benchmark price on the New York Mercantile Exchange for the May contract increased to 52.64 USD/blue barrel (bbl) and to 54.52 USD/bbl for the June contract. The recent prices were higher than the acceptable 2009 level expected by the OPEC at 50 USD/bbl. These happened after the countries of the G20 summit-- of the world's largest economies plus representatives from the European Union-decided to offer 1 trillion USD fund via the International Monetary Fund and other institutions to ease the global economic crisis. However, lower oil stock level and a flat time structure is needed to ensure a sustained oil price recovery above 55 USD/bbl, said Olivier Jakob from Petromatrix in Switzerland. In the gas sector, Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) has announced its plan to develop the emirate into a trading hub for LNG and to build a storage centre. As presently high volume LNG trading from the Gulf –Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Oman—to Asia is not covered by any trading centre, Dubai decided to offer its service. Actually, Dubai obtains the gas from Qatar, the world’s biggest supplier of LNG. The imports are due to start in the next two years. The three supplying countries are prepared to more than double their annual exports to 77 million tonnes by the end of 2010. John Roper, the vice president of German-based E.ON Ruhrgas, said that LNG is now the vehicle driving growth in international gas trading. With the opening of the future LNG trading hub in Dubai, NGV industry in the emirate could benefit from it and might grow more rapidly. Bangladesh Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) aims to enhance its state-run transport service and plans to obtain 400 CNG buses. The Nordic Development Fund and the Economic Development Cooperation Fund will offer funding and credit for the procurement of those buses. India NGVs’ owners in Gurgaon city are happy to discover that more CNG refueling stations with direct gas supply from the pipelines with high gas pressure and quick filling system are opened in Sectors 53 and 29. Buses and large commercial vehicles can also refuel in these stations. Since the opening, gas sales doubled to 6,000 kg within the first five days. Additionally, CNG price was trimmed down by Rs 3.50/kg to Rs 24/kg by the Haryana Gas Distribution Company Ltd (HGDCL). The price cut was made possible as gas transport cost—which was previously done via mobile cascade and now by pipelines— was decreased. M S Khatkar, senior vicepresident of HGDCL, said that the firm expects further price reduction if the state government exempts CNG from sales tax. Eight more plots have been allocated for the installation of more CNG stations in the city. According to Gurgaon Master Plan 2021, 25 stations will be available to serve NGVs in the area. across the 50,000km route in Delhi and Faridabad. The initial trials to run commercial vehicles on 5%-30% Hydrogen-CNG mix have been done on vehicles made by Ashok Leyland, Mahindra and Bajaj. From April next year, all buses in India will have to meet Bharat Stage III and IV emission norms. To meet the future demand, Bosch, a European company, introduced Common Rail injection system for high-end vehicles and advanced CNG technology solutions for the Special Vehicle industry—for commercial vehicles, which can also be applied to vehicles in India. The CNG injection system is precise and micro-processor controlled. Pakistan Meanwhile Gas Authority India Limited (GAIL) will invest Rs 10 billion to establish 2,000 CNG stations to create CNG Quadrilateral in major national highways across the country. About 14 million standard cubic metre NG per day (mmscmd) would be available through these stations, more than three times the current 3.7 mmscmd gas supplied by the 400 CNG stations in India. Further, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) informed that the number of Indian cities that have CNG refueling facilities will increase from the current 30 to 250 by 2018. By 2011, 84 cities would have city natural gas operators, in which 64 cities would have CNG refueling stations while the rest would be under construction. During the past year, NGV population was reported to increase from almost 200,000 to 650,000 although some industry stakeholders believe that the number is close to 750,000 units (including those vehicles yet to be registered). In the vehicle sector, General Motors India (GMI) planned to launch CNG and LPG variants of its existing models apart from the Chevrolet Optra CNG introduced in 2006. Mahindra-Renault recently introduced CNG version of its leading model -Logan- in the domestic market. The car is equipped with 1.6 litre engine and 12 kg CNG cylinder with maximum power 84.5 Bhp at 5500 rpm and maximum torque 128 Nm at 3100 rpm. Meanwhile the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers Association (SIAM) was scheduled to conduct a pilot “test” project of HCNG vehicles this May. During the trial test, the H2-CNG fuel mix will be used to power commercial vehicles of Tata Motors, Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Bajaj, and Eicher Although the transfer of CNG bus fund to operator of the proposed 500 buses (Karachi Mass Transit Cell) is included in the next budget, the Rs 500 millions project is likely to come to a stop if the ministry delays the payment till June 2009, as reported by Pakistan News Watch. The fund, however, has been transferred into the accounts of ministry of environment although the release of the fund to the KMTC was delayed. The Philippines The government is increasing its promotion of investments in renewable energy to lower oil import dependency. Since February 2009, the mandatory 5% ethanol blends for vehicles are available in 273 gasoline stations nationwide. Meanwhile 165 LPG refueling stations serve 13,886 converted vehicles powered by LPG. So far, 19 CNG buses have operated in Batangas, Laguna to Manila routes, facilitated by a CNG mother station in Tabangao, Batangas and a daughter station in Binan, Laguna since April 2008. Thailand Air Vice Marshal Vittaya Kaewwattana, the Royal Thai Air Force, has purchased 6 Higer CNG City Buses from Italthai Industrial Co.,Ltd., this first semester of 2009. On the other hand, Thales (Thailand), supplier of electric ticketing for mass transportation systems, is interested in providing its contactless smart-card technology to 4,000 CNG buses in Bangkok. The card technology was designed to connect the existing electric train system to other possible lines provided by various railway suppliers or to other modes such as city buses. 6 May 2009 油价上涨,天然气汽车市场信心或将提振 油与气 不久,汽油/柴油与天然气之间的价格差就将增大。在四月初期,美国纽约商品交易所的原油5月份合同的基准价格增至52.64 美元/桶,而6月份的合同价格为54.52美元/桶。近来的原油价格已经超过了欧佩克组织预测的2009年可接受的水平。这些恰 恰发生在20国峰会——世界最大经济体以及欧盟成员代表国—— 决定通过世界货币基金等机构拨付1万亿美元, 用于缓解世界经济危机。然而,瑞士Petromatrix公司的Olivier Jakob说, 若要保证原油价格持续保持在55美元/桶以上, 还需要较低的原油库存和一段过渡时期。 再看看天然气的情况。迪拜商品中心最近宣布了一个计划,要将阿拉伯联合酋长国发展成为液化天然气的交易中心并建立一 个储备中心。由于目前海湾国家——卡塔尔, 阿布扎比和阿曼——与亚洲其他国家的液化天然气交易量很大, 迪拜才决定发展此项服务。实际上,迪拜是从卡塔尔获得天然气,而后者是世界上最大的液化天然气供应国。两年之后,迪 拜就开始进口液化天然气。到2010年末,这三个液化天然气的出口国计划每年出口7,700万吨液化天然气,是现在的两倍多。 总部在德国的E.ON Ruhrgas的副总裁John Roper说, 液化天然气是驱动当今天然气国际贸易增长的主要因素。 随着迪拜液化天然气贸易中心的成立,阿联酋的天然气汽车产业会受益其中并快速发展。 孟加拉 孟加拉道路运输公司计划增加国营运输服务,打算引进400辆压缩天然气汽车。北欧发展基金和经济发展合作基金将提供资金 和贷款以补贴这些车辆的购买。 印度 印度Gurgaon城的天然气汽车车主将高兴地发现该城的53区和29区建设了更多的配有快冲系统且天然气直接来自管道的加气站。 公交车和大型商用车也可以从这些站加气。自从开始营业后,燃气的销量在前5天增长了一倍,达6,000公斤。Haryana燃气销 售公司把天然气的价格从每公斤27.5卢比降为24卢比。由于从以前的使用移动设备运输天然气改为使用管道运输,天然气的 运输成本得以减少。Haryana燃气销售公司的高级副总裁Khatkar说,公司预期如果州政府免除CNG的销售税,天然气的价格将 还会降低。该市还将在8个场所建设更多的加气站。Gurgaon市2021年的发展规划显示,届时25座加气站将建成运营。 在此期间,GAIL公司将投入100亿卢比用于建设2000座CNG加气站,使该国主要国道上形成CNG加气网络。这些加气站每天将供 应140万立方米天然气,是现在印度全国400座加气站供应量的3倍多。此外,石油天然气管理委员会公布,到2018年,建有加 气站的印度城市数将从现在的30个增加到250个。到2011年,全国84座城市将有天然气运营商,其中,64座城市将建成加气站 ,而其他城市将开始建设加气站。据报道,在过去一年中,印度天然气汽车保有量以从25万辆增加到65万辆,然而也有一些 业内人士认为75万辆更为准确(包括还没有注册的车辆)。 对于汽车产业,通用印度公司计划除2006年导入的雪弗兰Optra压缩天然气汽车,将对其现有车型推出CNG和LPG版。Mahindra -Renault公司最近引入了国内畅销的Logan的天然气版。 该车配有1.6升发动机和12公斤的气瓶,在每分钟5500转速下,最大功率可达84.5 Bhp,每分钟3100转下,最大扭矩可达128 Nm。 印度汽车工业协会(SIAM)还计划在5月份进行HCNG车辆的测试运行。其间,将有Tata, Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Bajaj, 以及 Eicher等印度本土汽车公司的商用车使用氢气与压缩天然气的混合燃料, 穿越Delhi和Faridabad 长达50,000 公里的路线。 初步测试已经完成,使用的是 从明年4月起, 所有印度的客车必须满足当地第三和第四阶段排放标准。 为了满足未来的市场需求,博世公司已将用于高端车的共轨喷射技术和用于专用车的先进CNG技术引入印度,这些技术对于印 度的其他车型也适用。CNG喷射系统由微处理器控制,因此精度高。 巴基斯坦 由于对卡拉奇公交公司500辆CNG公交车的补贴已转入下一次预算,如果到今年6月补贴还没有下来的话,这个5亿卢比的项目 将被暂时搁置。尽管这笔款项的拨付已经延迟,据说已经转入环境部的帐户。 菲律宾 菲律宾政府正在加快向可再生能源领域投入更多资金以降低石油进口量。从2009年2月开始,全国273座加油站必须提供含5%乙醇 的汽油。而165座LPG站服务于13,866辆LPG车。至今,已有19座CNG公交车运行于Batangas市,以及Laguna 到Manila 的线路上,在Batangas市的Tabangao设有一座加气母站,在Laguna市的Binan设有一座子站,l两座站都是2008年4月建成运营的。 泰国 2009年第一季度,泰国皇家空军从Italthai工业有限公司购买了6辆海格牌CNG城市客车。 此外,Thales (Thailand)——公交电子车票供应商——打算向曼谷的4000 辆CNG公交车提供其智能卡技术。 此项技术制作的车票既可用于现有轨道交通,也可以兼容以后出现的各种轨道交通,还可以用于其他交通模式,如城市客车等。 8 May 2009 유가 상승, 이미 NGV 사업 성장의 확신을 의미한다. 석유와 가스 휘발유/디젤과 CNG 가격폭이 더 커질 것으로 예상된다. 4월 초, 미국 원유 기준가를 결정하는 뉴욕 상업 거래소에서는 5월의 원유 기준가를 52.64 USD/bbl, 6월 기준가를54.52 USD/bbl로 상승된 가격으로 체결하였다. 최근의 유가만 봐도 OPEC(석유 수출국 기구)에서 예상했던 2009년 허용치 수준인 50 USD/bbl 보다 높게 나타나고 있다. 이러한 배경에는 유럽 대표 연합과 세계 최대 경제 기구로 구성된G20정상 국가들이 세계적으로 몰아 닥친 경제위기를 벗어나기 위해 국제 통화기금(IMF)및 관련 단체에 1조를 신청하기로 결정하면서 발생한 것이다. 가스 분야에 있어서 DMCC(두바이 종합 상품 거래소) 는 에미레이트를LNG의 무역의 중심으로 개발한다는 계획을 발표하였다. 현재 카타르, 아부다비, 오만 - 아시아 사이에는 세계적으로 가장 많은 양의 LNG가 거래되고 있긴 하나 정식 무역 거래소를 거치지 않고 거래가 이루어지고 있어 두바이가 이러한 서비스를 제공하기로 결정한 것이다. 사실상 두바이도 가스는 세계 최대의 LNG 공급 국가인 카타르로부터 공급받아 서비스를 제공하게 될 것이다. 2년 후면 본격적인 무역이 이루어 질 것으로 보인다. LNG를 공급하게 될 3개국(카타르, 아부다비, 오만)은 이를 위해 2010년 말까지 연간 수출 물량의 2배가 넘는 77 M 톤의 LNG를 준비해 놓고 있다. 두바이가 미래 LNG 무역의 중심으로 열리게 되면 에미레이트도 그 흐름의 영향을 받아 NGV산업이 더 빠르게 성장할 것으로 기대해 본다. 방글라데시 방글라데시의 도로 교통공단(BRTC)은 국가간의 운송 서비스를 강화하고 400대의CNG버스를 늘릴 계획하고 있다. 노르딕 개발 기금과 경제 개발 협력 기금은 400대의 원활한 버스 조달을 위한 자금정책을 제공할 것이다. 인도 Gurgaon시에 살고있는 NGV 소유의 사람들은 이 도시의 53, 29 구역에 가스 파이프라인을 통해 고압력과 급속 충전이 가능한 시스템을 갖춘 CNG충전소가 생긴다는 소식을 듣고 기뻐하고 있다. 물론 버스, 대형, 상업용 트럭도 이곳에서 충전 할 수 있다. 충전소가 오픈하게 되면 첫 5일만에 되면 가스 매출량이 6,000kg로 평소의 배가 될 것이다. 게다가 HGDCL(하리아나 가스 공급 회사)는 CNG 가격을 Rs 3.50/kg to Rs 24/kg로 내렸다. 이는 예전에는 트럭을 이용해 가스를 운반했던 것과는 달리 이제는 파이프라인을 통해 직접 공급받으면서 가스 운송비가 줄어 들었기 때문이다. HGDCL의 수석 부회장 M S Khatkar 은 만약 정부가 CNG 판매세 면제 혜택을 시행한다면 가격은 더 내려갈 것으로 기대된다고 말했다. 또한 Gurgaon시에 CNG 충전소를 증설하기 위한 8개의 계획이 추가로 배정되었다. Gurgaon주요 계획에 따르면 2021년에는 이 지역에 25개의 충전소가 운영될 것이라고 한다. 한편 GAIL(인도 가스 공사) 은 주요 국가 고속도로를 잇는 사변형 CNG 요새지 만들기 위한 2,000개의 충전소 건립에100억 루피를 투자할 계획이다. 이들 충전소를 통해 하루에 약1,400만 mmscmd의 천연가스 공급이 가능해 질 것이며 인도의 400개의 충전소에서는 현재 3.7mmscmd의 3배가 넘는 가스가 공급될 것이다. 게다가 PNGRB(석유 및 천연가스 관리 기관)은 인도의 CNG충전소 보유 도시가 현재 30개 시에서 250개 시로 증가할 것이라고 보고하였다. 2011년까지 84개의 도시들이 도시가스 공급을 받게 될 것이며 이 중64개의 도시는 충전소를 보유하고 나머지 도시들도 충전소 공사를 하게 될 것이다. 그 동안 인도의 NGV인구는 거의 200,000에서 650,000으로 증가하였다. 자동차 분야에 있어 GMI(인도GM)은 2006년에 소개되었던 CNG 쉐비 옵트라와는 별도로 기존 모델을 이용해 CNGLPG겸용 차량을 소개할 계획이다. 마힌드라-르노 자동차는 최근 인기 있는 모델 CNG 버전의 로간을 인도 국내 시장에 내놓았다. 이 차는 1,6리터 엔진에 12KG의 실린더를 장착했으며 최대 파워는 5500 rpm에서 84.5Bhp, 최대토크 3100rpm에서 128Nm을 자랑한다. 한편 SIAM(인도 자동차 제조업 협회)는 이번 5월에 HCNG (수소-CNG) 자동차의 시험 프로젝트 실행을 계획하고 있다. 시험 기간 동안 수소-CNG 혼합 연료를 사용하는Tata Motors, Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Bajaj, Eicher 등의 상업용 차량들은 델리와 파리다바드를 가로지르며 50,000km를 질주를 하게 될 것이다. 처음으로 시도되는 5%-30% 비율의 수소-CNG 혼합 연료 자동차는 Ashok Leyland, Mahindra 와 Bajaj에 의해 제작되었다. 내년 4월부터 인도의 모든 버스는 Bharat Stage III 와 V 배출 기준을 만족 시켜야 한다. 보쉬, 유럽 제품, 특수 차량을 위한 커먼 레일 인젝션 시스템 및 앞선 CNG기술 솔루션이 갖춘 배출 기준이 인도 차량에도 적용되는 것이다. CNG 인젝션 시스템은 정교하고 미세한 컴퓨터 처리장치로 제어된다. 파키스탄 내각이 KMTC(가라치 대중 교통 지부)의 500대 CNG버스에 제공하기로 했던 자금을 2009년 6월까지 지급하지 않는다면 5억 루피 프로젝트는 종결될 것으로 보이며 이와 관련된 자금을 이미 내년 예산으로 포함시켰다고 파키스탄 뉴스 와치는 전했다. 필리핀 필리핀 정부는 석유 수입 의존도를 줄이기 위한 신 재생 에너지에 대한 투자를 아끼지 않고 있다. 2009년 2월부터 필리핀은 전국 237개의 주유소에 자동차용 휘발유에 에탄올 5%를 함유시키도록 의무화 시켰다. 한편165개의 LPG충전소에서는 13,886대의 LPG개조 차량을 수용하고 있다. 지금까지 바탕가스시에서는 19대의 CNG버스가 라구나-마닐라 노선으로 운행되고 있으며 타반가오, 바탕가스, 비난, 라구나시에 있는 CNG 충전소에서 가스 공급을 받고 있다. 태국 로얄 타이 공군 학교인 Air Vice Marshal Vittaya Kaewwattana은 2009년 1학기에 Italthai Industrial Co.,Ltd 로부터 6대의 CNG 도시형 버스를 구입했다. 한편 태국의 대중 교통 전자티켓 공급업체인 탈레스는 방콕에 있는 4,000대의 CNG버스에 자동 스마트 카드공급에 대한 관심을 표명하고 있다. 현재 전기 기차 시스템에 사용되는 이 카드는 같은 기능이 연계된 다른 철도 노선이나 도시형 버스를 연결시키기 위해 디자인되었다. 10 May 2009 原油価格が上昇し、NGVビジネスの信頼 がこれから成長する 原油と天然ガス ガソリンや軽油価格とCNG価格の差はまもなく広がると予想されている。4月初旬にニューヨーク商業取引所における米国原油基準 価格は5月契約分で1バレル52.64米ドル、6月契約分で54.52米ドルに値上がりした。最近の価格はOPECの1バレル50米ドルと する許容できる2009年レベルより高値であった。世界の主要経済国とEUが集まったG20サミット会議が世界同時不況を克服するた めにIMF(国際通貨基金)や他の機関に10億米ドルの財政出動を決定した後に原油価格上昇が起きた。しかしながら、「原油価格の 低価格と安定化が1バレル55米ドルに復帰するためには必要である。」とスイスの貿易コンサルティング会社ペトロマトリックス社のオリ ビア・ジャコブ氏は語った。 天然ガスでは、Dubai Multi Commodities Centre(DMCC) がアラブ首長国連邦をLNG貿易のハブにし、 LNG貯蔵センター を建設することを計画していると発表した。カタール、アブダビ、オマーンといった湾岸諸国からアジアへの大量のLNGは現在、貿易 センターによるものではないので、ドバイは貿易センターの役割を受けることを決定した。実際、ドバイは世界最大のLNG供給国であ るカタールからガスを受入れている。輸入は今後2年以内に開始される。LNGを輸出する3ヶ国は現在の2倍以上の7千7百万トンま で2010年末に輸出する用意がある。ドイツのルアーガス社副社長のジョン・ローパー氏は、「LNGがガスの国際貿易の中で急成長を 遂げている。」と語った。ドバイに将来、LNG貿易センターが開設されることでアラブ首長国連邦のNGV産業はそこから利益を得て、 急成長するかもしれない。 バングラディッシュ Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation(BRTC)は、 州間の路線拡充を目的にし、400台のCNGバスを導入することを計画している。 北欧開発基金と経済開発協力基金が資金を提供し、CNGバス導入を実施する。 インド グルガオン市のNGVユーザーは、高い圧力のパイプラインから直接ガスの供給を受け、急速充填システムを持つCNGスタンドが市 内の53セクターと29セクターにオープンするので幸運である。バスや大型商用車もこれらのスタンドでCNGを充填する。オープン以 来、最初の5日間でガス売上げは2倍の6,000kgまでになった。それに加え、CNG価格がハリーヤーナガス(HGDCL)によると3.50 ルピー/kg下がり、24ルピー/kgになった。CNG価格の値下げは従来のトレーラーによるボンベ輸送からパイプラインからの直接 供給によるコスト削減により可能になった。HGDCLのカッカー上級副社長は、「州政府がCNGから売上げ税を免除するのであれば 更なる値下げが期待できる。」と語った。市内にはさらに8ヶ所のCNGスタンドが計画されている。グルガオン市2021年マスタープラ ンによると、CNGスタンドは市内に25ヶ所になる計画である。 一方、Gas Authority India Limited (GAIL)社は、 国内の主要高速道路網にCNGネットワークを構成するために2,000ヶ所のCNG スタンド建設のため100億ルピーを投資する計画がある。 インドでは現在、400ヶ所のCNGスタンドで370万立方フィートのCNGを供給しているが、これが現在の3倍以上の1日あたり約1,40 0万立方フィートのCNG供給を可能にするだろう。それ以上にPetroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) は、CNGスタンドがある都市が2018年までの現在の30から250になるだろうとしている。2011年までに84の都市に天然ガスが供給 され、そのうちの64の都市がCNGスタンドを持つであろう。また、残りは建設中になる。過去において、NGV普及台数は、あるNGV 関係者が非登録台数を含めて75万台近くであるとしているが、20万台から65万台に増加したと報告されている。 自動車関係では、GMインド(GMI)が2006年に発売したシボレー・オプトラCNGとは異なるモデルのCNG車とLPG車を発売する 計画であった。マヒンドラ・ルノーは国内市場向けに普及モデルのローガンのCNG車を最近発売した。1.6リットルエンジン、12kgの CNGボンベを搭載し、最大出力84.5馬力(5,500rpm)、最大トルク128Nm(3,100rpm)である。 一方、インド自動車工業会(SIAM)は今年の5月にHCNGのパイロットテストプロジェクトを立ち上げることを予定していた。テストでは 、デリーからフェアダバッドまでの5万kmでH2-CNG混合燃料がタタ、マインドラ、アショカ・レイランド、バジャそしてエイカー各社の 商用車に使用される予定である。最初のテストでは、5%-30%のH2-CNG混合燃料がアショカ・レイランド、マインドラ、バジャ製 の車両に供給される。 来年4月からインドのすべてのバスは、Bharat Stage IIIおよび IVに排ガスを適合させなければならない。 将来の需要に対して、欧州のボシュ社は高級車にコモンレールインジェクションシステム、そして商用車に最新のCNG技術を導入し た。それらはインドのNGVにも適用することはできる。CNGインジェクションシステムは正確で、コンピューター制御である。 パキスタン 500台のバスを運行するカラチ交通局に提示されているCNGバスへの転換予算が次期予算に含まれているように5億ルピーのプロ ジェクトが、パキスタン・ニュース・ウォッチ紙が伝えているように政府が2009年までに支払いを遅らせるならば、止まってしまう可能性 がある。しかしながら、KMCTへの予算支払いが遅れてもその予算は環境省の予算委組み込まれた。 フィリピン フィリピン政府は輸入原油の依存を下げるために再生可能エネルギーへの投資を奨励している。 2009年2月から輸送用燃料に5%エタノールを配合した燃料が国内273ヶ所のガソリンスタンドで供給されている。一方、165ヶ所の LPGスタンドで13,886台のLPG車にLPGを供給している。現在まで19台のCNGバスがバタンガス、ラグナからマニラへの路線で運 行されている。2008年4月からタバンガオ、バタンガスのマザーステーション、ビナン、ラグナにドーターステーションがあり、バスにC NGを充填している。 タイ ビッタヤ・カエワッタン空軍副司令官によると、タイ空軍は2009年前期にItalthai Industrial社から6台のHigerというブランド名のCNGバスを購入した。 一方、公共交通機関に電子切符システムを供給するThales社は、バンコクの4千台のCNGバスに非接触式スマートカードシステムを 導入することに興味を示している。このバスカードはさまざまな鉄道会社や他のバス会社で導入されている既存の電子システムと接続 できるよう設計されている。 12 May 2009 14 May 2009 NGVA Euro Conferencep&eS ho w Hacia una limpia y sosmteonvilidad ible Towards a clea sustainable mo n and bility 17-19 JUNIOJUNE 2009 Patrocinio Hosted by Main Sponsor Feria de Madri d Madrid Fair Pabellón 1 Pavi lion 1 info@gnv2009m adrid.com www.gnv2009m adrid.com Un evento de An event of Organizado por Organized by 16 May 2009 Procurement of a major CNG station and additional taxi fleet for Singapore The previously reported biggest CNG station to be built in Old Toh Tuck Road off Bukit Timah in Singapore, is now planned to be the world’s largest CNG refuelling station. According to an earlier plan, this station was designed to have 38 nozzles. Recently, it was reported that the USD 16 million investment by gas distributor and taxi operator Union Energy would be used to build 46 nozzles in the new station, in which 44 units would serve CNG cars while the rest would be used to refuel heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) such as buses and trucks. The new CNG station will be named C-Nergy. To date, the two biggest CNG refuelling stations in the world are located in Bangkok City in Thailand with 44 nozzles (12 for HDVs) in October 2008, and in Lima City in Peru with 32 nozzles (5 for HDVs) opened in April 2008. Built on 7,066sqm land, the Old Toh Tuck Road station is currently under construction and scheduled to be opened to the public this coming August. It will also be the first full-service CNG station in Singapore. It will have several additional facilities such as a convenience store, a motor workshop and a car wash. The investor, Union Energy owns a fleet of 2,600 Trans-Cab taxis, of which 500 units are powered by CNG. Managing director Teo Kiang Ang aims to have 2,000 CNG taxis in total within one or two years from now, of which 500 additional vehicles—most are likely to be added this year. The other taxis operator, Smart Taxis, also has a CNG taxi fleet. Smart is targeting about 4,000 to 5,000 CNG vehicles to refuel at four of its CNG stations by the end of 2009. There are currently around 3,600 NGVs, mainly taxi cabs, operating in the country, with 3 refuelling stations facilitating this “clean” fuel fleet in Jurong Island, at Jalan Buroh and at Mandai Link in the north. The fourth one in Serangoon North owned by Smart Energy - an affiliate of Smart Taxis - was supposed to open in February, but has been delayed because of technical issues. Apart from government incentives such as favourable fuel tax and a rebate on the purchase of vehicles, NGV users in Singapore consider that CNG refuelling network coverage is very important to ensure the success of the NGV programme. Fuelling stations are expected to be available in all districts across the nation. As for the construction of this Old Toh Road big station, Teo said it is important to have a large station when serving taxi drivers as they tend to change shift around the same time, and so will arrive in large numbers. May 2009 17 18 May 2009 Melchers supplies Equipment to build the largest CNG Station in the World On the occasion of the groundbreaking by Singaporean company Union Gas Pte Ltd (part of Union Energy Corporation Pte Ltd), it was also announced that C. Melchers is the supplier of the CNG compression and dispensing equipment. Union is also the company behind taxi operator TransCab, who has already some 300 CNG Taxis in operation. Developed The CNG - Gas Station equipment supplied by the Melchers Group is manufactured by market leader GNC GALILEO. GALILEO is represented by the Melchers Group. After having built the SembGas / SPC Station at Jalan Buroh, which has been in operation since February 2008, this is the second station by the Melchers Group. Melchers is also one of the leading CNG Conversion companies, under their well established franchise www.cng.com.sg. At the Groundbreaking Ceremony, Mr. Melchers, General Manager of C. Melchers, Singapore, who is also the Chairman of the CNG Committee @ SEAS, emphasized that this is both a mile stone for the development of the CNG infrastructure in Singapore but also for the improvement of the air quality: “CNG Cars meet Euro IV standard. Versus petrol cars, they will contribute to a 25% reduction of CO2, but more importantly versus Diesel Cars they contribute to an elimination of Particle Matter emissions.” Mr. Melchers also said that CNG will continue to be much cheaper than petrol and thereby CNG offers an answer to many Singaporean car owners, who in times of economic downturn ask themselves how and where to save money. stations and industries which currently have no access to natural gas pipelines. Located in the heart of Singapore and in close proximity to Exit 28 (Bukit Batok, Toh Tuck) of the Pan Island Express Way (PIE), this station dramatically improves the CNG infrastructure in Singapore. With this station, it will now be even more convenient for Singaporeans to make use of CNG and thus to be able to reduce their daily cost of driving a vehicle. About C. Melchers GmbH & Co. Facts C. Melchers GmbH & Co. is a 203 year old German Trading and Engineering company. Their diversified portfolio includes the Oil & Gas Division which primarily deals in Natural Gas related products and solutions. Covering a total area of 7,065m², the station will have 44 pump hoses for cars and 2 pump hoses for buses and trucks. The station will be powered by 4 Galileo Microbox Compressors each with a capacity of 1500 Nm3/hr. The station will also incorporate Galileo’s patented Virtual Pipeline™ system which will allow CNG to be transported to upcoming CNG daughter C. Melchers is involved in the design, consultation and engineering of CNG stations up to full CNG turn key solutions. Additionally they also supply CNG equipment, CNG trailers and dedicated CNG vehicles. C. Melchers also operated the largest CNG conversion franchise in Singapore under their cng.com.sg trademark. The Philippines to build two more stations The Department of Energy (DOE) in the Philippines plans to authorise more bus operators to operate more CNG buses in the country. Four operators are already certified to run CNG buses, while 3 others are yet to be certified. The DOE is keen to see 185 CNG buses running on public highways this year. To date, there are about 19 CNG buses operating on the Cubao-Batangas/Laguna-Cubao provincial route, serviced by 2 refuelling stations. The DOE expects two more stations to be built in Bi an City near Laguna this year. May 2009 19 20 May 2009 Experiences from Heavy-Duty NGV fleets From the International Gas Union’s ongoing survey made by Working Committee 5 -Utilisation, Study Group 5.3 (WOC S.G. 5.3), which amongst other things regards Heavy-Duty NGVs, the Union has so far collected information and input from various HDV (buses and trucks) fleets around the world. Among the results, it was noted that fleets which use OEM CNG buses gain about 50% reduction on fuel costs (depending on the case) compared to when diesel is used to power buses. Although results from maintenance cost could vary greatly depending on the generation of NG buses used, a modest increase in maintenance time is reported in almost all cases. Among various inputs from survey participants regarding the use of NG buses, several expectations were addressed, such as the reduction in the price of NGV buses and the weight of fuel tank, the remedy for the start-up (torque) issue; and the need to evaluate actual requirements for filling stations. Thoroughly planned bus duty, driver roistering, bus fuel storage and refuelling system were are also considered. Experience from a well-known dual-fuel LNG/CNG HD trucks operator for long–distance haulage showed that the only extra maintenance costs in servicing or maintaining dual-fuel engines comes from purchasing NG filters, catalysts for methane reduction and a small additional time for preventive maintenance inspections. Time for daily checking of methane trucks compared to diesel trucks remained the same. Regular maintenance intervals are slightly increased due to extra time required to carry out leak checks and filter changes. The International Gas Union’s 24th World Gas Conference (WGC) will be held in next autumn in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the conference (and exhibition), NGV related issues will also be covered. As part of the preparations for the presentation from the NGV industry, a survey was conducted to learn from the experience of NGV fleet operators around the world. The survey was supported by NGV associations and fleet owners. The paper will be presented during the 2009 WGC. Pune’s CNG pipeline to start in July The supply of CNG via pipeline in Pune in India is anticipated to begin in some parts of the city in July. The construction of the CNG pipeline and a mega-mother station at Chikhli near Chinchwad and the PMPML depot at Sant Tukaramnagar depot in Pimpri has been finalised. Meanwhile the pipeline construction from Pimpri to Shivajinagar is on the way. At the same time, CNG supplier in Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited (MNGL), has commenced pipeline installations from the PMPML bus depot at Narveer Tanaji Wadi in Shivajinagar to Fergusson College road and along Paud road. Sham Sundar, managing director of MNGL, said that the company plans to begin providing gas to a CNG station at the PMPML's Kothrud depot soon. At first, CNG will be offered through several gasoline stations on Fergusson College road and Paud road. MNGL informed the residents in the area surroundings about the advantages of CNG. The 1st phase of MNGL's project will be completed when the firm starts supplying CNG at the PMPML depot at Narveer Tanaji Wadi in Shivajinagar. In the 2nd phase, CNG will be distributed to various areas of Pune City with the three proposed main refuelling stations to be provided at the PMPML depots in Kothrud, Hadapsar and Katraj. Gas from this pipline project will be used to supply CNG stations for vehicles and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) for households. May 2009 21 22 Fuel demand and sales of CNG kits in Pakistan May 2009 The decrease in the oil price compared to last year has resulted in a downturn in the demand for CNG kits. Apart from that, the NGV industry in Pakistan is facing several challenges such as a temporary low gas pressure during the cold winter that has had an effect on fuel supplies to CNG stations; the CNG retail price versus higher refuelling station operating costs that have to be paid by station owners and so influence the owners’ profit margin; reduced support to the industry from financial institutions and the government. But it was the decreased price differential between CNG and oil caused by the downward trend of the oil price that was recognised as the cause of declining demand in NGVs. Gasoline consumption continued to grow in the period December 2008-March 2009 following a cut in retail prices in December 2008, from Rs 89.60 to Rs 57.70 per litre . Meanwhile CNG prices increased by Rs 3.50/ kg to Rs 48-50/kg in various cities. Since March, many refuelling stations—especially those in Karachi City, the biggest NGV city of the country--offer discounts to buyers of CNG. Because of the decrease in the gasoline price followed by lower demand for NGVs, imports of CNG kits have temporarily gone down by 25%. In addition, CNG kit prices in Pakistan have decreased by around 28%, although this is not necessarily considered a loss. Leading CNG kit importers in Pakistan said that the price of CNG kits had hiked three times during the last eight months of 2008, generating about 60% increase. After the price cut, for example, Landirenzo CNG kits for manual cars are now sold at Rs 14,500 instead of Rs 17,500 per unit. CNG cylinders with 50-55 litre water capacity are sold at Rs 10,000 and Rs 12,000, whereas earlier these cost Rs 17,000 and Rs 19,000, respectively. Meanwhile, CNG kits for automatic cars which used to cost around Rs 20,000 now cos Rs 16,000. CNG cylinders for cars with 50-55 litre capacity are Rs 10,000 and Rs 9,000 cheaper respectively and are now sold for Rs 15,000 and Rs 21,000. In addition, the government has imposed high taxes on domestically manufactured and imported vehicles. May 2009 23 Pakistan continues to work on fuel prices Commercial banks have also practically stopped vehicle financing, which is holding people back from buying new vehicles. Optimist outlook Although the CNG kits sector is facing challenges, it has not yet reached the extent where the industry would completely shut down said retailers. Some retailers even indicated that importers were using delaying tactics in providing kits, aimed at increasing the demand. The decreased import kits also do not automatically reflect the same level of downturn in kits demand. As, for example, Landirenzo the leading of CNG conversion kits in the country which represent the major share of the market has reduced its components’ import by 30% since the firm has a CNG kits assembling unit in Pakistan to cater the market demand. Although demand is reported to have slowed down in the biggest NGV country in the world – as in other countries across the globe — huge numbers of substandard CNG kits are still being openly produced at Gujranwala, underlining the considerably real demand in NGVs. The NGV stakeholders, especially licensed CNG kits suppliers, urged the government to take firm disciplinary action against CNG kit counterfeiters. Although CNG sales in various Pakistani cities have declined by 13 – 15% according to Malik Khuda Buksh, president of the CNG Station Owners Association, he believes that CNG sales would increase if the oil prices rebound in the global market. Since the end of March and early April 2009, the oil price has increased and recorded its highest point of 2009 at over 50 USD/blue barrel, compared to the level of November 2008 -mid March 2009. The Supreme Court in Pakistan delivered a set of questions to the Commission on Petroleum Prices for consideration and answers on issues related to inflated oil prices. The Court sought opportunities to allow consumers to benefit from the recent oil price changes in the international market. The current prices and taxes for petroleum products adopted by the Oil Companies Advisory Committee are fixed to the prices between June 29, 2001, and April 1, 2006, in pursuance of Section 8 of the Petroleum Products (Petroleum Development Levy) Ordinance, 1961, as amended on June 29, 2001. The court requested the committee’s recommendations on fixing the prices of oil, gas, CNG and LPG in a transparent manner in line with trends in the international market. If prices of petroleum are reduced, power costs at CNG refuelling stations should go down as well. Consequently, either the CNG retail price might go down or the fuelling owner’s profit margin could go up. 24 May 2009 Bangladesh to procure thousands of CNG kits and cylinders Petrobangla, the national gas distributor, announced that Bangladesh saves about USD 8000 million a year by replacing oil with CNG in the transport sector. As per government request, Petrobangla has formed an organisation, Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited (RPGCL), to promote and manage the use of CNG in vehicles and their refuelling. CNG consumption in this sector reaches up to 58.14 million cubic metres (cbm) per month. This is equivalent to 69.77 million litres of imported gasoline and octane worth USD 67.77 million per month or USD 813.29 million a year. The country has around 290 CNG refuelling stations and 130 conversion workshops serving around 180,000 converted vehicles. Most of the vehicles—around 150,000 units-- were already registered. An additional 14 CNG refuelling stations are under construction. 26 more stations will also be installed as part of the Dhaka Clean Fuel Project (DCFP) funded by the Asian Development Bank. The 26 stations will be constructed on six highways -Dhaka-Chittagong, Dhaka-Sylhet, Dhaka-Mymensingh, Dhaka-Aricha, Dhaka-Sirajganj-Bogra and Dhaka-Mawa. In addition to the refuelling expansion programme through the DPFC project, RPGCL will import and deliver 5,000 CNG kits and 6,000 cylinders to private entrepreneurs running 100 CNG buses on commercial basis. In Bangladesh, CNG for vehicles was actively introduced in 2003 through DCFP although activities had already begun in 2000 when the United Nations Devel¬op¬ment Program (UNDP) created a USD 1.2 million training scheme with RPGCL for alternative-fuel programme. In addition, the USD 5 million Air Quality Management Project financed by the World Bank was implemented to lower vehicle emissions and introduce air-quality monitoring. In 2002, the Asian Development Bank May 2009 allotted USD 113 million funding while the UNDP offered additional financing of USD 1.5 million in 2004. The funding was used to expand the natural gas pipelines network and to improve CNG technology and know-how in the country, including the training of engineers and mechanics to carry out CNG conversions and refuelling station installations. A conversion costs around USD 800 per vehicle (depending on the vehicle size and type), while the average salary is USD 600. Conversions to NGV systems are popular, however, because of the fuel savings; and the payback period could be less than a year. In 2003, two-stroke engines were banned completely and the government mandated the use of four-stroke CNG engines. Consequently, the level of Particulate Matter (PM) in Dhaka, the city where the programme was first introduced and where NGVs are mostly used, went down by 30-40%. Annual health cost were also reduced by around USD 25 million due to the cleaner air. Nowadays CNG is used to power various types of vehicle from three-wheelers to other Light-Duty Vehicles and Heavy-Duty Vehicles such as passenger cars, jeeps, minibuses, city and inter-city buses, trucks, etc. Rapid expansion of the CNG network in the past few years has significantly contributed to the instability of gas pressure in various areas and affected gas-related activities in power generation and vehicle refuelling sectors. To encourage the use of CNG, the government offers a highly subsidised Tk 7 per cubic metre gas to NGVs users. As the programme started to show a significant success, the gas rate was adjusted last year to Tk 16.75 per cubic metres. The number of consumers using CNG continued to rise after the price increase as CNG only costs 20% of the price of gasoline and 36% of the price of diesel. However, by the second week of April, CNG Filling Station Owners Association in Bangladesh met the energy adviser of the prime minister proposing a reduced CNG tariff. Along with the proposal, the association also noted that in certain areas such as the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway, the number of CNG stations are excessive. 25 The impact is reflected in the income of the station owners. Fuel pressure is also an important issue to those owners: for example, due to the low pressure, a CNG cylinder can only accommodate 10 m3 instead of 12 m3 gas if the pressure is lower than 200 psi. As a result of the meeting, a committee will be formed under the ministry with representatives from the association to study the tariff and recommend its adjustment. Additionally, the committee will also study the possibility of issuing an additional regulation to allow stations to be installed in different zones with certain limits. 26 May 2009 Business Alert Macau City to enter NGV business The Macau vehicle equipment company, Senen Natural Gas Vehicle Equipment Company Ltd, is planning to introduce vehicle conversion technology from Italy to convert gasoline vehicles to NGVs in Macau. Sanny Ho Weng-fat, director of Senen, who wished to introduce Italian technology and equipment—from M.T.M. - BRC Gas Equipment-- in Macau said that he is confident that Macau’s air quality would be improved if NGVs are adopted in this city. He said that using NGVs can help drivers to save up to 70% of their fuel expenses compared to other kinds of traditional fuels and LPG. He believes that vehicle conversion costs can be recovered in a short period. For a taxi, the conversion payback period could be covered within a year. Ho went on to remark that Senen could build one CNG dispensing facility in an existing gasoline station. Among the fuelling station options, mobile station or mother-daughter systems can be implemented in the city. He noted that government incentives could encourage vehicle owners to switch their vehicles into NGVs, helping the industry to ensure the success of NGV adoption and business. Nevertheless, the official launch of the technology in Macau would depend on when the government is going to announce the gas distributor and how long the distributor will take to develop the supply network and scheme of the new energy, he continued. 24 al 26 de Septiembre, 2009 September 24-26, 2009 Jockey Plaza Convention Center Lima, Perú / Peru I Cumbre Latinoamericana de GNV y Combustibles Alternativos I Latin American Summit of NGV and Alternative Fuels Sponsors Silver Convoca Hosted by: Sponsors Bronze Auspicia Supported by www.expognvperu.com [email protected] Organiza Organized by: May 2009 27 Business Alert Syria to join Western Asian NGV countries The Syrian government recently addressed the importance of the country to learn from Iranian knowledge and experience regarding vehicle conversion to the NGV system. Last March, the Syrian Oil and Mineral Resources Minister Sofyan al-Alaw met the Iranian Oil Minister Gholam-Hossein Nouzari in Damascus, the capital of Syria. Al-Alaw stated that the visit would further strengthen the friendship of the two countries and lead to broader cooperation between Iran and Syria, including the launching of joint projects in oil and gas fields. Two years ago, Syria signed an agreement with Iran for the importation of Iranian gas. Al-Alaw underlined the need to implement the import-export as soon as possible so that the gas could be used by Syrian industries and for pursing joint projects. This 185,180 km2 country of 19.7 million inhabitants is located near the already well-known NGV countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Armenia and Georgia, Iran and the UAE. 28 May 2009 Business Alert Vietnam to open a CNG bus assembly plant and install Government officials in Vietnam expressed their favourable opinion about the strong possibility of the country becoming a big user of CNG in the transport sector in the future. The first two targeted cities are Ho Chi Minh (HCM) and Hanoi. These two major cities were targeted to operate public CNG buses this year. Apart from the environmental benefit that Vietnam could gain by using “clean” CNG stated by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Thanh Bien, and the economic savings that vehicle users would make, as noted by Bui Van Quyen, head of the southern office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, there is a more important reason why the country could gain from using natural gas in the transport sector. Vietnam has abundant natural gas reserves. It has several natural gas sources of over 2,000 billion cubic metre: the Dinh Co plant in Phu My Industrial Zone, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province; gas from oil and gas fields of Vietnam, which will be processed at the Go Dau Industrial Zone in Dong Nai Province in 2010 at a yearly capacity of 50-70 million cubic metres (cbm); and the Southwestern frozen warehouse in the Hiep Phuoc Industrial Zone in Ho Chi Minh (HCM) City, which will open in 2012. However, at the moment only one facility produces CNG. Since last year, the gas production facility in southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province offers an initial capacity of 30 million tonnes/year of gas. As reported in the February 2009 edition of Asian NGV Communications, the HCM Department of Transport’s Director Duong Hong Thanh aims to have 800 CNG buses in the city by 2011. By 31 January this year, the Thanh Cong Automobile Corporation had delivered 500 CNG buses to the Sonadezi Company in Dong Nai Province on the south of Vietnam, 30 km from HCM. Thanh Cong Corporation will install the Auto Assembling Factory No. 2 in Ninh Binh Province by the end of 2009. When the plant is complete, CNG buses can be assembled locally. Refuelling facilities will be available around HCM. PetroVietnam aims to invest USD 252 million to build 360 CNG stations at 360 bus stops across HCM city. Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group has promised to supply 50 million cbm of CNG in 2009 and 100 million cbm in 2010. Being powered by cleaner fuel, vehicles running on dedicated CNG offer significant pollution reductions: 10-25% less Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 60-70% less Carbon Oxide (CO), 87% less NOx, and 87% less Non-methane organic gas (NMOG). As NGVs emit less CO2, these create 20% less greenhouse emissions compared to gasoline vehicles and 15% less compared to diesel automobiles. More importantly, NGVs emit virtually 0% particulate matter (PM), the harmful microscopic component of air pollution that penetrates deep into the lungs. The country and owners of NGV fleets could benefit from using CNG; buses could save up to 8,308 USD /year on fuel costs. The operating cost of CNG buses is about 50% less than those powered by diesel. Due to the environmentally-friendly characteristics of CNG and the fact that CNG is cheaper than diesel and gasoline, Quyen stated that CNG consumption in Vietnam would develop strongly in the future. Air pollution in big cities is caused by over 1 million vehicles, including buses. Following expectations to make Vietnam an industrialized economy by 2020, the number of vehicles are expected to increase rapidly. Thus, the market for CNG for buses and taxi cabs are expected to be considerable in big cities, concluded Quyen. May 2009 29 Business Alert Africa, a new potential market Natural Gas processing capacity on Songo Songo gas field in the Lindi region of Tanzania will be doubled to meet the growing demand for gas for electricity generation, industrial and domestic use and vehicles. When the production expansion plan has been full implemented, gas processing capacity will reach up to 140 millions of standard cubic feet per day (mmscf/day). Additional NG supply is expected to be delivered to Dar es Salaam. Presently, five out of eleven NG wells in Songo Songo provide 70 million mmscf/day although processing capacity is insufficient. To double gas production, more wells must be drilled to the north and west of the island according to the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation. Currently, the country has four gas fields at Songo Songo, Mnazi Bay, Mkuranga, and Nyuni. As the government has signed gas production agreement with more than 20 Oil & Gas exploration companies, there is more likelihood of additional gas fields being discovered. LNG stations and HDVs for Tasmania LNG Refuellers Pty Ltd (LNGR), an Australiabased consortium comprising seven Tasmanian transport operators, has made a deal with industrial gas company BOC / CRYOSTAR for the supply of LNG fuel for more than 120 LNGpowered heavy-duty vehicles. Tasmania is an Australian state -and island located 240 kilometers (150 miles) south of the eastern side of the continent, being separated from it by the Bass Strait. BOC, with the support of CRYOSTAR, will design and construct the entire supply chain infrastructure for LNG Refuellers including LNG road tankers and six refuelling stations. This project includes CRYOSTAR equipment such as the new submerged SUBTRAN pump and its dedicated skid, the station PLC control system, and the brand new LNG dispenser. By: Cryostar SAS, France 30 May 2009 Australian fuel tax adjustments On 7 April this year, the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs, Chris Bowen MP, revealed exposure draft legislation and explanatory materials for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) - Fuel Tax Adjustment Arrangements. fishing and heavy goods transportation industries through a new 'CPRS fuel credit' scheme. LPG, LNG and CNG are substitutes for gasoline and diesel but lie outside the fuel tax system, so to maintain neutrality between these fuels and “traditional” fuels, the exposure draft legislation also provides a CPRS fuel credit to LPG, CNG and LNG. Copies of the draft legislation, commentaries, etc can be found at: www.treasury.gov.au. Australia and South Korea to strengthen cooperation Building on the White Paper, Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Australia's Low Pollution Future, released on 15 December 2008, the draft legislation outlines the 'cent-for-cent' excise reduction that will offset the impact of emission pricing on all fuels currently subject to the general rate of AUD 38.143 cents/litre. The exposure draft legislation also sets out how the government will provide transitional assistance to agriculture, 12a Conferenza ed Esposizione fieristica dell’Associazione Internazionale dei Veicoli a Gas Naturale - IANGV 12th Conference and Exhibition of the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles - IANGV Dal 8 al 10 giugno 2010 June 8-10, 2010 Nuova Fiera di Roma New Rome Fair Padiglioni 9, 10 e area esterna Pavilions 9, 10 and outdoor area Roma, Italia Rome, Italy La soluzione attuale per un trasporto migliore Today's solution for sustainable transportation Un evento di An event of www.ngv2010roma.com [email protected] Ospitato da Hosted by Organizzato da Organized by Among the various issues addressed during South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak’s meeting with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in March this year, two important issues were seen as priorities: the completion of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries and the establishment of a stronger relationship between the two countries in the LNG sector. Australian Ambassador Sam Gerovich for South Korea expressed Australia’s intention to strengthen their relationship by, amongst other things, contributing to Korea’s energy and resources security in terms of LNG. Gerovich also noted that Australia is a reliable supplier in the region and that their LNG is very competitively priced. May 2009 31 Jakarta to open more CNG stations Following news in the April 2009 edition of Asian NGV Communications regarding three newly constructed CNG stations which have yet to be opened, there is a strong possibility that the three stations owned by PT Aksara Andalan Prima (Aksara) will soon be in service. The opening of the stations had to be put back due to PT Perusahaan Gas Negara’s (PT PGN) delays in integrating their pipeline with Aksara’s compressors, although Pertamina, the gas supplier had already requested to supply gas to the stations several months ago. The reason for the delay was actually caused by an outstanding debt between parties other than Aksara. The dispute between PT Petross (the station owner) and the Jakarta city administration has caused a delay in the gas supply from PT PGN. However, the Jakarta city administration recently agreed to settle its debt to PT Petross Gas. The city administration will pay Rp 9.5 billion to Petross, the gas supplier for Transjakarta CNG buses, for the services provided by the company from May 26, 2006 to March 2008. The city administration has allocated Rp 50 billion of reserve funds for unexpected projects. City secretary Muhayat expects that it would allow Petross to pay its debt owed to PT PGN. With the settlement of this debt, it is expected that the three Aksara’s CNG stations will be in service soon. Based on the agreement for CNG station procurement, Petross must build gas refuelling stations to serve Transjakarta CNG buses, while the administration must ensure the procurement of the gas from PGN. Petross's director Andika Anindyaguna Hermanto said that according to the agreement, the city administration should make the transactions with PGN to provide the gas. In reality, it was Petross who was currently dealing with PGN. Muhayat stated that the administration would review the agreement between the two parties. In 2006, the city administration and PT PGN set a target to build 77 CNG refuelling stations in Jakarta although no deadline was identified. 32 May 2009 Heavy-Duty NGVs made in Asia Natural Gas HDVs availability in China Brand China Anhui Hualing Automobile(Group) Co., Ltd Beijing Bus General Plant NGV models Hualing Star HN4180PT23C4M CNG Tractor Jinghua BK6141CNG Hinge Jointed City Bus Changjiang CJ6110G3Y7H Bus Changjiang CJ6110SG2Y7H Double Decker Bus Changzhou Iveco Bus Co., Ltd Changjiang CJ6110SG2YH Double Decker Bus Changjiang CJ6120G2Y7H Bus Chongqing CNG Technologies Co., Ltd CNG bus Chongqing Jiangchuan Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd Chuanjiang CJQ6790KCS Bus Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd Dongfeng EQ6830RACN Bus Chassis(Class 3)* Dongfeng EQ6111RCDN Bus Chassis(Class 3) Dongfeng EQ6122KS Bus Chassis(Class 3) Dongfeng EQ1165F Truck Dongfeng EQ1165K2 Truck Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd Dongfeng EQ1140GL1 Truck Dongfeng EQ1140GL Truck Dongfeng EQ1250GL2 Truck Dongfeng EQ1250GL3 Truck Dongfeng EQ6590PC1 Bus Dongfeng Nanchong Automobile Co., Ltd Dongfeng EQ6590PC Bus Jiefang CA1127L5A CNG Truck Jiefang CA1150P1L1A80 CNG Truck First Auto Works (FAW) Jiefang CA6101D92-9 Bus Chassis(Class 3) JiefangCA6110D118-1T Bus Chassis(Class 3) JinlngJLY6101SA CNG Double Decker Bus Nanjing Jinling Double- decker Bus Plant JinlngJLY6101SB CNG Double Decker Bus Mudan CNG 3-Ton Light Truck Shanqi SX4254BK294T Tractor Shaanxi Automobile (Group) Co., Ltd Shanqi SX6112F Luxury City Bus Shanqi SX6112C City Bus Shanghai Huizhong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd SHAC SH4251A4B31K Tractor Yaxing-Benz Motor Coach Co.,Ltd Yaxing YBL6110GNH Bus Chassis(Class 3) Yantia Shuchi Vehicle Co NG buses Yuchai Diesel Engine Co.,Ltd Yuejin Automobile(Group)Co., Ltd Yuejin NJ67001M5EG Bus Chassis(Class 3) Zhongda Industrial Group Co. JLY6101SA Japan Dutro Hino Ranger Middle-size low-floor bus Elf AFG-NKR82AN Forward PB-FRR35J3S Forward PB-FRR35K3S Isuzu Wagon R (CBA-MH21S) Big-size low-floor bus Middle-size low-floor bus Mazda Titan AFG-LKR82AN Fighter NX Mitsubishi-Fuso Big-size low-floor bus Canter KK-FE73CEV Atlas KR-AKR81EP Condor AFG-BKR82EP Condor PB-MK36A Condor PB-PK37A Nissan-Diesel Big Thumb KL-CD48L Big-size low-floor bus Middle-size low-floor bus Civilian KK-BHW41 Toyota Dyna Toyoace Toyota Dyna Toyoace 7 tonnes truck Kanto Machine Centre Komatsu Forklift Mitsubishi Motors Nissan-Diesel Fighter Subaru Sumitomo Yale Forklift CNG 11-FG25PV1 TCM TCM Toyota Remarks Dedicated CNG tractor Dedicated CNG buses Dedicated CNG buses Dedicated CNG trucks Dual fuel buses Dedicated CNG trucks Dedicated CNG buses Dedicated CNG truck Dedicated CNG tractor Dedicated CNG bus Dual fuel bus Dedicated CNG tractor Dedicated CNG bus 120 models NGVs exported to Europe, Japan, Bangladesh and Pakistan For export purposes Dedicated CNG bus CNG bus and double deck buses Delivery & garbage trucks Truck Bus 2 tonnes delivery & garbage trucks 4 tonnes delivery & garbage trucks 4 tonnes delivery & garbage trucks Truck Bus Bus Truck Delivery & garbage trucks Bus Truck 2 tonnes truck 2 tonnes truck 4 tonnes truck 7 tonnes truck 10 tonnes truck Bus Bus Small-size low-floor bus Delivery truck Truck Working vehicle Forklift Forklift Working vehicle Working vehicle Forklift Forklift Forklift May 2009 33 Natural Gas HDVs availability in China Brand NGV models Remarks BS090 BS106 BH115 BC211M BV120MA (12 m) BS120CN (12 m) LNG bus Garbagetruck (Roll Pack) Garbage truck (Arm Roll) 11 litre-LNG tractor Aero City Aero Inter City Aero Inter City Aero City Bus de GNV Sweeper 9 m city bus: 24+1 seats 10.6 m city bus: 26+29+1 seats 11.5 m Inter city bus: 45+1 11 m Low floor bus: 29+28+1 12 m Low floor bus : 25-45 seats 12 m Ultra low floor bus: 25-44 seats In development (for demonstration project) 19.3 11 Ton (Payload) In development (for demonstration project) City bus: 21+1 seats City bus: 38+1 seats City bus: 45+1 seats Low-floor bus: 27+1 seats To be launched Long distance LPO 1510 CNG Starbus Ultra Low Floor-LPO 1623 CNG CNG bus Commercial vehicles & three-wheelers CNG Ape Chassis of Intra-city bus (mini bus) Fully built bus, itra city bus In plan In plan Truck S60G CNG S36CNG City Minibus Garbage collector CNG Renault Medium CNG Tipper Renault Medium Garbage Collector CNG Budsun CNG Rigid Budsun CNG city Bus MAN Midibus Minibus Truck Truck Truck Truck Bus Korea Daewoo Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co., Ltd Hyundai Shinjeon India Tata Motors Mahindra & Mahindra Piaggio Iran Saipa Diesel Thailand Chevrolet Hino Isuzu Summitr Motors Yantia Shuchi Vehicle Co Indonesia Komodo Daewoo Malaysia Kosmo Motor Company Sdn Bhd Colorado dual fuel FM-CNG version FG-CNG version Low-duty to Heavy-duty trucks Assembly of CNG buses and trucks In plan: pick-up truck to run on 80% CNG and 20% diesel. Can be switched to 100% diesel. Tractor truck, will be launched in April 2009 In plan NGV bus(es) In plan: opening an NG bus plant and investment in fuelling facility Komodo CNG city bus Bus Bus Kosmo Bus NGV models Remarks GE08TI 8,1 litre Dedicated CNG Engine (240ps, 260ps), GE12TI 12 litre Dedicated CNG Engine (290ps, 310ps, 340ps) Natural gas engines for HDVs Brand Korea Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd To send and/or request more information, please contact [email protected] 34 May 2009 BusinessCentre LNG as alternative fuel Natural gas is a fossil based source of energy which represents more than one fifth of total energy consumption in the world. It is more and more attractive since it has many ecological and economical advantages. LNG, as a fuel, is already a proven technology which gives significant results in terms of efficiency and emissions. As LNG represents an important part of the natural gas vehicles market, especially for high duty vehicles, the main goal for our industry is to communicate and educate on the advantages and specific aspects of the cryogenic state of the gas. Indeed, there is still confusion about CNG, LNG and LCNG. Port of Long Beach example: POLA & POLB have adopted the “San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan” to improve air quality in the South Coast Air Basin more quickly and aggressively than has ever been attempted by any seaport, anywhere in the world. Since beginning October 1st, 2008, 1988 and older trucks are banned. The program will progressively ban all trucks that don't meet 2007 emission standards within 4 years and encourages truck fleets of alternatively-fuelled vehicles, for example LNG. Hence the installation of the largest LNG Vehicle Refuelling Station in the world in the Port of Long Beach: equipped with 8 Cryostar new submerged centrifugal pumps SUBTRAN, 2 Offload pumps GBS, 1 reciprocating pump MRP and the Cryostar LNG station control panel and software. 1. CNG refuelling stations (Gaseous source → refuelling vehicles with gas) The CNG fuelling station is directly supplied by a natural gas pipeline (or biogas) and fills vehicles at pressures up to 200 bars. This solution is not proposed by Cryostar since no cryogenic equipment is needed. 3. LCNG refuelling stations ADVANTAGES (Liquid source → refuelling vehicles in gas) The LCNG station is a mix between CNG and LNG refuelling technologies. Indeed, the LNG fuelling system which is directly supplied by a liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tank allows refuelling of vehicles with CNG at pressures up to 200 bars and more. ® Direct gas supply from the pipeline ® No storage capacity required ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES ® High operational costs of the compressor solution ® Need to be connected to an existing grid. 2. LNG refuelling stations (Liquid source → refuelling vehicles in liquid) The LNG refuelling system, using a liquid natural gas (or liquid biogas) storage tank, allows refuelling of liquefied gas at pressures up to 15 bars. ®Higher density ®Completely independent from the grid, allowing using different gas suppliers ®Increases natural gas stations cost efficiencies ®Investment and maintenance costs of an LCNG station are in some cases (especially for high flow stations) by far lower than investing in a CNG station equipped with large compressors ®Operational costs, in terms of power consumption, of an LCNG fuelling station are approximately four times lower than those of a compressor equipped CNG refuelling station. ADVANTAGES ® Reduction of the vehicles tank size ® Increase of the vehicles autonomy ® LNG as a fuel is an excellent solution for high duty vehicles ® Longer autonomy, reduced emissions, better efficiency and power ® Management of the gas losses ® No CH4 is vented to the atmosphere during normal refuelling operation. Cryostar, founded in 1966 is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of cryogenic equipment. First producing pumps for industrial gas applications, then turbines used in air separation units. Progressively, Cryostar entered other business markets providing compressors and heat exchangers for use on LNG ships, turbines for hydrocarbon applications, L/CNG filling and fuelling stations, and turbo expander-generators for clean energy projects. From an equipment manufacturer, Cryostar has also developed their expertise for processes in the field of industrial gases, LNG and clean energy. www.cryostar.com May 2009 35 BusinessCentre Omnitek Engineering signs exclusive distribution agreements for Bulgaria and Turkey Omnitek Engineering Corporation (OTCQX: OMTK) today announced the appointment of Metan Market, Ltd. as the company’s exclusive agent in Bulgaria and an initial order valued at approximately USD 600,000 for its diesel-to-natural gas conversion systems. The company also said it has signed a similar exclusive agent agreement with Ruston Endüstrieyel, based in Ankara, Turkey. The conversion order in Bulgaria is for public buses operated by Sofia Public Transport Company. The conversion project, which commenced recently, is expected to be completed over a two-year period. “Bulgaria and Turkey represent regions with tremendous growth potential, supported by an expanding infrastructure of compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling stations, and a corresponding government and private-sector commitment to utilizing gaseous fuels. There are approximately 25,000 CNG vehicles operating in Bulgaria today, a figure that has doubled since 2006, and approximately 74 CNG refueling stations in operation to support the growing demand,” said Werner Funk, president and chief executive officer of Omnitek Engineering Corporation. He noted Metan Market, Ltd. is aggressively engaged in multiple sectors of the CNG supply chain, including compression of natural gas; delivery of CNG for mobile compressor stations, serving private and commercial customers; production of trailers for the transport of CNG; CNG bus and truck sales, in addition to managing the conversion of diesel buses and trucks to operate on CNG. Funk also noted that Ruston Endüstrieyel has been a pioneer in the conversion of vehicles to operate on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and CNG since 1964. “Our partnership with Ruston Endüstrieyel will enable this highly respected organization to offer diesel-to-natural gas conversions, which is more cost-effective than replacing high-polluting diesel powered engines with new natural gas vehicles,” Funk said. “Still in its infant stage, there are currently approximately 500 CNG buses and more than 1.2 million LPG vehicles in operation in Turkey,” he said. Omnitek’s new CNG engine for Apart from that, also in Heavy-Duty Vehicles March 2009, Omnitek Engineering Corporation announced the appointment of G&W Group, S.A. as the company’s exclusive agent in Peru and an initial order valued at approximately USD 4.5 million for its diesel-to-natural gas conversion systems. About Omnitek Engineering Corporation Omnitek Engineering, Corp. develops and sells new natural gas engines, as well as proprietary diesel-to-natural gas conversion systems -- providing global customers with innovative alternative energy and emissions control solutions that are sustainable, affordable and designed to combat global warming. Contact: Omnitek Engineering, Corp. 1945 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069, Tel. +1 760 591 0089 [email protected]; www.omnitekcorp.com "Supplying alternative energy and emissions control solutions that are sustainable and affordable." Compac’s 100th dispenser for Iran and the 1st for Thailand Compac Industries Ltd, A New Zealand-based dispenser manufacturer has sold 100 laser dispensers to Iran, one of Asia’s and the world’s strongest and biggest NGV countries. Compac local distributor in Iran, Zogico, made the recent sale to a new customer Tam Iran Khodro, the Middle East’s largest auto parts supplier. Tam has also placed an additional order of 33 dispensers via Zogico. In Thailand, the first Compac dispenser for this country was installed at the Hino truck factory in Bangkok. Hino’s CNG station is the first privately owned CNG station in this country. Other stations, over 300 units, are public stations owned by PTT Plc. Compac has also added 160m³/hour of compressor capacity to its CNG dispenser testing facility, which is now able to test up to 12 dual nozzle dispensers within an 8 hour period. For more information, visit http://www.compacngv.com/home_ngv/ 36 May 2009 Asian NGV statistics NGV statistics Natural Gas Vehicles Country Cars/LDVs MD/HD buses Total Pakistan Iran India* China* Bangladesh* Thailand Russia* Armenia Egypt Uzbekistan Malaysia Japan Myanmar* Korea Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan* Singapore Turkey Georgia Indonesia Australia Vietnam United Arab Emirates New Zealand Philippines Taiwan TOTAL ASIA WORLD Share Asia/World 2.000.000 1.215.593 700.000 400.000 180.000 140.038 103.000 101.352 101.078 47.000 40.248 35.720 22.821 19.745 10.600 6.000 3.609 3.056 3.000 2.550 2.453 500 305 283 36 4 5.138.991 9.936.444 52% 1.949.960 1.209.381 315.200 231.685 117.229 114.758 18.000 69.971 97.523 47.000 40.067 13.778 2.902 238 10.600 Refuelling stations MD/HD trucks Others 40 6.200 12.000 112.755 3.233 9.066 8.000 9.831 1.201 12 715 1.100 8.355 14.541 35.000 19.626 1.794 170 1.417 18.290 19.078 11 19.312 4 429 Total 50.000 372.085 54.460 51.183 1.673 42.000 1.924 560 1.213 1.625 6.000 3.570 2.564 3.000 1.755 130 305 180 11 4.249.807 8.791.609 48% 30 492 9 335 1.263 500 0 66 25 4 203.996 269.184 76% 210 1.060 250 0 37 102.178 148.154 69% 583.010 715.357 81% VRA Under construction Private 2.718 2.718 764 703 500 181 1.336 920 296 6 305 280 226 201 214 9 118 114 43 43 101 99 327 294 37 37 130 130 53 53 6 6 3 3 9 5 4 4 9 9 146 127 1 2 1 14 3 1 1 1 7.366 5.945 15.198 13.365 48% 44% Fuel Prices 61 319 416 290 25 25 205 4 Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3) Last update 1.003 52,00 230 9 13 21,36 72 12 26,79 23,80 33,50 4,25 16 2 33 10 678 2 13 43,94 4,13 0,60 4 35 0,40 19 1 1 14 2 130 1.421 1.816 78% 1.323 901 1.368 9.220 97% 10% 1 April 2009 February 2009 March 2009 February 2009 November 2008 February 2009 December 2008 March 2008 December 2008 December 2007 January 2009 September 2008 October 2008 April 2009 December 2007 December 2007 April 2009 July 2008 December 2007 December 2008 March 2007 January 2009 March 2007 March 2007 February 2006 April 2005 210,77 865,63 24% April 2009 Cities with stations Premium Regular Country Gasoline Gasoline Diesel (Euro/litre) (Euro/litre) Bangladesh China Egypt India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea Kyrgyzstan Malaysia Pakistan Philippines Singapore Tajikistan Thailand Uzbekistan Armenia Russia Turkey Public 0,52 0,59 0,24 0,83 0,55 0,110 1,39 1,07 0,51 1,75 0,89 1,03 0,49 0,49 0,79 0,80 1,70 (Euro/litre) 0,49 0,56 0,12 0,76 0,44 0,075 1,31 0,60 0,49 0,92 0,55 0,47 0,34 0,73 0,69 1,60 0,34 0,50 0,15 0,53 0,61 0,012 1,19 1,06 0,70 0,49 0,62 0,87 0,86 0,45 0,44 0,34 0,71 0,70 1,26 CNG (Euro/ Nm3) 0,18 0,34 0,06 0,27 0,23 0,015 0,68 0,43 0,26 0,19 0,45 0,22 0,52 0,21 0,17 0,11 0,27 0,22 0,78 CNG price CNG price equivalent per equivalent per litre gasoline litre diesel 0,16 0,30 0,05 0,24 0,21 0,014 0,52 0,39 0,23 0,17 0,40 0,20 0,46 0,19 0,15 0,10 0,24 0,20 0,68 0,18 0,35 0,06 0,28 0,24 0,015 0,58 0,44 0,27 0,19 0,46 0,23 0,53 0,22 0,17 0,11 0,28 0,23 0,76 2.386 667 Asia Worldwide World review Region Asia Eurasia Africa Europe South&CA. North America WORLD Total NGVs Cars /LDVs 4.928.583 4.156.272 MD/HD Buses MD/HD Trucks fuelling stations 47.552 539.086 6.913 54.626 43.924 453 210.408 93.535 18.323 226 220 6 885.810 757.131 40.362 33.816 3.799.277 3.697.951 13.820 9.660 112.140 Others 185.673 7 2.617 77.846 4.291 96.000 11.240 2.500 2.400 917 9.936.444 8.791.609 269.184 148.154 715.357 15.198
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