UNIT 7 Today’s Gonna Be a Holiday Words & Phrases Read the following words/phrases and fill in each blank with the correct one. care for make out occasion pick up 1. What’s the ( 2. Today is a special ( 3. Would you ( et me ( 4. L birthday. 5. We have to ( 42 Unit 7 matter )? You look so scared. )—it’s our fifth anniversary. ) some dessert? The cheesecake here is delicious. ) the bill. I want to treat you because today is your ) a schedule for our summer trip. Comprehension 1 Chapters 43–49 Watch the movie clip. Choose the best sentence for each picture from the box below, and put the pictures in the right order from 1 to 6. 1 ( ) ( B ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A) B) C) D) E) F) 2 Irving fell backwards because Joe kicked his chair. Joe and Ann ran into each other when she was eating a gelato. Joe gave the waiter their order. Irving lent Joe some money. Joe introduced Irving to Ann. Irving took a picture of Ann with his lighter. Decide if the statements below are T (True) or F (False). 1. Joe ordered champagne for himself because it was a special occasion. ( ) 2. Something was the matter with Irving’s camera. It didn’t work. ( ) 3. Ann didn’t care for a cigarette. ( ) 4. Joe picked up the bill at the café. ( ) 5. Ann suggested that Joe make out a schedule for her. ( ) Today’s Gonna Be a Holiday 43 Listening Focus Guess what each person is saying. Fill in the blanks and check your answers with the DVD. 1 Chapter 44 ええ,昨夜,寄宿学校から逃げてきたの。 es, I ( Y ( )( ) school. ) last night, 何があったの? 先生とトラブルでも? h, ( O ( )( ) was the ( )? ) the teacher? いいえ,そんなことじゃないわ。 o, ( N ( 2 ). )( ) Chapter 45 素晴らしいさ。教えてあげるよ。それを二人で一緒に全 部やらないか? I t’s great. ( )( ) ( ). ( )( ) ( ) do all those things, together? でも,お仕事があるんじゃ? ut don’t you ( B ( )? )( ) 仕事? いや,今日は休みにする。 ork? No! ( W ( ). 3 ) gonna be a Chapter 46 寄宿学校ではなかなかの暮らしぶりのようだね,昼食に シャンパンとは。 ust be ( M )( ) ( ) you have in that school, champagne for lunch. 特別なときだけよ。 Only ( 例えば? For ( 44 Unit 7 )( )( )? ). 4 Chapter 47 では,彼の健康を祝して。 ell, ( W ( )( ) then. ) his 実は,みんなそう言うのよ。 ou know, that’s ( Y ( )( おいしい? It’s ( ). )( ) )? ええ,おかげさまで。あなたのお仕事は何? es, thank you. ( Y ( )? 5 ) is your Chapter 48 あなたの耳よ。 ( )( ). 耳? ああ,ジョーが治してくれた。タバコはいかが? y ear? Oh, yeah, Joe ( M it. Would you ( cigarette? ) )a )( ええ,いただくわ。信じられないでしょうけど,これが 初めてなの。 es, please. You ( Y ( )( ( )( 6 Chapter 49 アービング,ここの勘定は僕が。 I ’ll ( ( ) ), but it’s my ). ), Irving. ああ,そりゃそうだ。 Yeah, you ( )( )( )( ) it. ) さて,次は何をする? 一応スケジュールを決めようか? ell, ( W )( ( ) next? Should we ( ( ) a little schedule? )( ) ) Today’s Gonna Be a Holiday 45 Interaction 好みを尋ねる表現 アンをカフェに誘ったジョーは,“What would you like to drink?”(何を飲む?)と飲み 物の好みを聞きます。この would like to . . . は「…したいと思います」という意味で,want to . . . の丁寧表現です。これに対して答える場合は,I would [I’d] like a glass of wine.(ワイ ンを一杯飲みたいです)などと表します。What would you like to . . . ? を使って相手に尋ね る場合は,丁寧に相手の希望や好みを聞く表現となります。Unit 5 には,ジョーのアパートで自 分のことをアーニャと自己紹介したアンに, ジョーが “Would you like a cup of coffee?” (コーヒー はいかが?)とコーヒーをすすめる場面もありました。 Model Conversation A: What would you like to drink? B: I’d like ( coffee ). A: OK. I’ll have ( tea ). Anything to eat? B: I’d like ( a hamburger ). Exercise Look at the menu below and talk with your partner using the Model Conversation above. Hennessy’s Café 46 Unit 7 Appetizers Seafood Salad・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Caesar Salad・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Assorted Cheese・・・・・・・・・・・・ Soup of the Day・・・・・・・・・・・・ € 8.00 € 7.50 € 7.00 € 6.50 Desserts Gelato (vanilla / strawberry )・・・ Apple Pie・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Chocolate Cake・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Tiramisu・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ € 4.00 € 4.25 € 4.25 € 4.00 Main Dishes BLT Sandwich・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Roast Beef Sandwich・・・・・・・・・ Ham & Egg Sandwich・・・・・・・・ Hamburger・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Cheeseburger・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Double Cheeseburger・・・・・・・・ Pizza Margherita・ ・・・・・・・・・・・ Seafood Pizza・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ € 7.50 € 8.00 € 7.50 € 6.50 € 6.70 € 7.00 € 9.00 € 9.50 Drinks Coffee・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Tea・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Cappuccino・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Soda・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Coke・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Orange Juice・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Apple Juice・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Lemonade・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ € 2.00 € 2.50 € 3.00 € 3.00 € 3.00 € 3.00 € 3.00 € 2.50 Scanning Read the restaurant guide and answer the questions below. Great Rome Restaurants Verona La Melanzana Le Onde La Raccolta 123 Via Giulietta Roma 00111 Tel. 06 3345XXX 12 Via Tiziano Roma 00211 Tel. 06 5487XXX 3 Via Atlantica Roma 00234 Tel. 06 7943XXX 85 Via Autunno Roma 00655 Tel. 06 7247XXX Cuisine: Traditional Italian Cuisine: Italian (specialty— Roman pizza) Cuisine: Italian (specialty— seafood) Cuisine: Traditional Italian Hours: Mon.–Fri. 12:30–14:30 & 19:30–23:30 Sat. 12:30–23:30 Sun. 12:30–15:00 Closed in August Hours: Mon.–Fri. 12:00–15:30 & 19:30–23:00 Sat. 19:30–23:30 Closed Sun. Hours: Mon.–Sat. 11:30–15:30 & 19:30–23:00 Sun. 12:00–15:00 & 19:00–22:00 Payment: All major credit cards accepted Average cost: 40–50 euros/person 1. 2. 3. 4. Payment: Visa and American Express accepted Average cost: 25–35 euros/person Hours: Mon.–Sat. 12:30–15:00 & 19:30–22:30 Closed Sun. Payment: All major credit cards accepted Average cost: 55–70 euros/person Payment: All major credit cards accepted Average cost: 45–60 euros/person Which restaurant specializes in seafood? Which restaurant is not open in August? Which restaurant is the least expensive? If you want to have lunch on Sunday, which restaurants can you choose? Culture in Motion イタリアのカフェ ジョーとアンが入ったカフェ「G. ロッカ」は,以前はパンテオン近くのロトンダ通りにありましたが, 現在はもうありません。映画の中でジョーはアイスコーヒーをオーダーしましたが,イタリアで caffè といえば通常,エスプレッソを指します。エスプレッソは風味が濃い,コクのあるコーヒーで,これに 牛乳を加えたものが日本でもすっかり定着したカフェ・ラッテです。 Today’s Gonna Be a Holiday 47
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